ΘΡΗΝΩΔΙΑ. SIVE PANDIONIVM MELOS, IN PERPETVAM SERENISSIMAE SIMVL AC beatissimae Principis Annae nupet Anglia Reginae Memo­riam.

ELEGIES AND EPITAPHS, BY W. S. LATE SERVANT and Chaplaine to her Maiestie.

LONDON, Imprinted by Iohn Beale, 1619.

Illustrissimo, Eximiaeque spei, CAROLO Principi.

Next great'st, though not chiefe Mourner, for her sexe,
It cannot be, but that your Grace should be;
Me though the meanest, so much her losse affects,
That I thus plaine in mournfull Elegie,
T'whom rather now, than your selfe should I flie?
Dayne then for her sake, that the like long since
Daynde, to protect me and my lines, faire Prince.

❧ To the thrice high and puissant Prince, King IAMES.

With curious eye, view not these Pourtraitures;
I haue (deare Liege) your losse, limm'd, shadowed thus.
Let but my loue, which me of grace assures
Leaue thus farre forth obtaine, that Zoilus
In person of Apelles iudge not this:
AM I a Zeuxis, true colours not to misse?
Some polisht style, some fine and searching wits,
Liuing in Athens subtile temperate ayre,
Affoord diuiner poesies, heauenlier fits.
True, Royall Lord. Rude rythmes with vs are rare:
Your Highnesse though t'accept what Mantua offers,
ARmour of proofe t'will be gainst enuious scoffers.






Anna soror (que), parens, coniux & filia, Regum,
Non locus in titulis cassus honoretuis;
Naenimiùm foelix! te Mors, te vita beatam,
Anna dedit! summum Diua obeundo Diem.
Anna soror Dacûm seu Gnata pijssima Regum,
Nympha Angli & Caroli Principis almaparens;
Non (credo) in terris diuinior altera Nympha,
Anna ferat titulis Quae potioratuis!
Annae equidem annosi Thalami pulcherrima proles,
Nec Dulcis Coniux soluere iusta Queant;
Non tuapro meritis serui; tuaiugiter ergô,
Anna anima, aeternùm molliter ossa cubent.


A friend to all, good Queene, a foe to none,
None therefore that lament not her losse now;
Now shee in Heauen with Christ her Spouse all-one,
Alone on earth leaues her King Iames below.
Alow on earth, whiles shee aloft doth raigne,
Neuer so glorious, neuer so diuine,
Neuer so gracious, great, or Soueraigne,
As now shee doth in starry Olymph shine:
As now shee doth among the heauenly Quire,
Now new attir'd in robes of highest State,
New adorn'd for her Spouse, blest, and rais'd higher,
Aboue all Queenes on Earth, beyond all date.


A Crowne of Bayes and Rosie wreathes, Queene Anne
Noble and vertuous by Discent, Doth claime;
Ne're dying vertue, and desert Hath wanne
Endles name, whence shines her Immortal fame.


A Glorious and Illustrious gate,
Ne're fading grace Adornd this Nymphe,
Not to expire; for Ay! but Late
Endlesse time Leaues her for Olymphe.
A vertuous Queene of Albion, of
Noblestrace both for Sire and Sonne,
Now claimes in heauens high Kings aloft
Eternall shrine a princely throne.
Angels do sing, Saints Heauenly Quires
Not repine, but sweet Sonnets skanne:
Now shee's in heauen as heart desires,
Enthron'd Diuine Albions Queene Anne.




Here lies Entoumbde faire Englands Queene,
Whose peere, Earth now doth here avow, t'haue bin scarce seene.

Acrostique verses on the same.

Here Lies entoumb'd faire Englands Queene, whose peere
Lies Hereperhaps, but liues not on Earth now,
Entoumbd' Her least parts lie! her Dust Doth here,
Faire aboue all faires Angels don A vow,
England's Deere Paragons faire brest t'haue beene,
Queene like all points, a worthier wight Scarce seene.


Queene Anne lies here enshrin'd from mortall sight,
Whose Grace is seene in place, good Queene, of light most bright.

Acrosticke verses on the same.

Queene Anne, a goodly glorious Nymph, whose grace,
Lies here Entoumb'd, nathlesse her soule is seene
Enshrin'd In Olimph towers most high in place,
From whom no good is now withheld. Good Queene,
Mortall Eyes cannot beare those gleames of Light,
Sight Dazels at, where shee's, those beames most bright.

To the Eternall memory of Queene Anne;

Acrostique verses thereon.
To Our Thrise Honored Ere-fam'de Englands queene,
That Een-now Raign'de in Noble Albions Land,
My muse Ere in Memory Ofher Right feine,
Yeeldes, Offers Faith, teares, Quill, heart, Vowes, and hand,
Earthes Ebon bowers Now guidet' Elisian greenes,
Albions late, Now though No more Englands queene.

Other Acrosticke verses on the same.

To blaze in right Phoebean verse,
Our Noble Queenes praise worthy parts,
Thrise learned Sisters be her herse
Honored by your diuiner Arts,
Er'efam'de may her Faire Glory shine,
Englands Queene Once Great, now diuine.
That Glorious, gracious Nymph that sate,
Ee'n-now by siluer Thames, and there
Raignd'e in A Princely portly State,
Noble Ofparts, withouten Peere,
Albions Nymphs mourne, and with her owne
Land Neighbour Princes ioyne in moane.
My muse Indeed too rudet' appeare,
E're in All Gazers open view,
Memori- zing yet some few thoughts here,
OF her deere Mistris, would renew
Right feine t'her fame sweete Maro's Layes,
Yeeldes them all honor, her all praise.
Offers' Not euery one (some Comfort)
Faith, teares and sighes her silly traine,
Quill, heart, and all, sweete Phoebus Consort,
Vowes and hand- fuls of flowers, Nymphes, Swaynes!
Earthes bosome, though it now prouides her,
Ebon bowers, pitchie Night, not hides her.
Now guide t' Olymph, great Hermes, or
Elisian Greenes this Dame, we pray,
Albions late virtuous Paramour,
Now though, Lapt vp in Lead and Clay;
No more We need to moane, for blest
Englands Queene, Anne doth euer Rest.


Here lies entoumb'd faire Englands Queene,
Whose vertues all the world admir'de,
Her presence like an Angells seene,
Which men lou'd, Glorious Saints desir'de:
Whose best parts hence to Heauen Resumde,
Her bodies dust here lies Entoumb'de.

Acrosticke verses on the same.

Here In this Caske of Marble stone
Lyes Albions Princesse, Denmarkes Impe;
Entoumb'de For whom great Kings make moane,
Faire Dames and many a Courtly Nymph,
Englands Fair'st flowers droope to behold,
Queene Anne their Mistris, laid in mould.
Whose Inward beauties of the Soule,
Vertues And Graces that did shine,
All Glorious, like those lampes that rowle
The Zodiacke round, made her diuine
Worlde 's Wonder well we might her call,
Admir'de, Lou'de, honored, Deare to all.
Her State might Iuno's mate or Flora's,
Presence Like Cynthia's, modest milde,
Like Hebe's youth or faire Aurora's,
An Orient Rise, since Danes-Royes childe,
Angells Beene now, the Graces were
Seene Her traine and Companions Deere.
Which Is the Glory of thy Sexe,
Men Praise, the husbands vertuous Crowne,
Lou'de For that which thy person deckes,
Glorious Grace't, Great, and good renowne,
Saints Both in Heauen and those on earth,
Desir'de Thy being, these thy New-birth.
Whose House of Clay laid low in Ground,
Best parts more fit for Azure skie,
Hence Rapt to Olymph, and there Crown'de,
To Reigne in blisse-full sort on hie,
Heauen And the Heauen of heauens aboue,
Resum'de Her soule first sent from Ioue.
Her Children Oliue plants, her late
Bodies Faire forme slowers fading beene,
Dust Vnto Dust returnes, the state
Here Offraile mortall Nature's seene!
Lies, Now her Corpes by faire Thames side,
Entoumb'de; Shee a Coelestiall Bride.
Encomium Annae R.
Rege Creata, soror, Coniux, Regum (que) futura
Almaparens! pulchr â prole beat atuâ:
Scilicet in terris micuisti Nobile Sydus,
Virtutis! Thalamis Gloria casta tuis.
Iacobi quondam praeclara Marita Marito,
Iuno Iovi, sponso Dulcis amica tuo.
Sponsa equidem Christi, te iam Capit aurea Olympi
Aethra, tuo Christo plurimùm amat a places.
Viue Deo, Saturata bonis, Satiata benigno
Aspectu, summi Candida Nympha Dei!
Te (que) tuum (que) quasi Numen venerabor in aevum,
Regina Annatui Gloria Magna soli.
Aeternùm valeas, precor, Aeternúm (que) sedebis,
Conciueis inter Ciuis & ipsa Poli.
to tell
how vnmeet
my Muse to raise
In song so sweete
Trophees to her prayse,
Who late as Englands Queene
Most Goddesse-like did leade
A life on earth as heau'n should deeme
For gracious Merit Glorious meede.
Her sire, her Son, her grandsire, brother, spouse,
Children and Nephues, Kinges and Princes all.
The various wheele of time, the spacious world shews
No of-spring more diuine, none more Maiesticall.
Though more then this of happines scarce mortall heart can skan,
Yet more then this of blessednesse, now Crownes our good Q. Anne.
Queen Anne whose state & glories late my humble Muse did sing,
Wife, Sister, Daughter, and when fate please, Mother to a King.
Ah none of these great Names that can reprieue her now,
Her vertue, beautie, fame, that can her with vs keepe.
The SAINTS aboue may ioy, wee here below,
Mourn that death rocks her in earths armes asleepe.
Yet ioy wee since shee now in Ioy,
In highest heauens Pallace shines,
And freed from all, annoyes,
Frequenteth Olymph shrines:
Whereas Saints doe sing,
And Angels Quires,
What the soules faire spring
GOD Inspires.
Whose great
to shew
how divine
her Royall Graco,
In heauen doth shine.
Where a Cherubs place,
Or a Seraphique height
Exceeds the thoughts of Men,
As far as heauenly towers fraile sight.
And my weake cyes vnneth may ken,
Those starrie battlements of IOVE,
Where she with thousand thousand Saints doth sing,
Sweet Anthems, sacred songs, fitting those quiers aboue,
In most melodious sort, to heauens supernall King,
Where then in happiest heauenly state, my poore heart scarce can skan,
O may I liue, when rapt by Fate, where Glories crowne Queene Anne.
Great Gades Pillars Ne plus vltra, bore;
Defining both Europes, and Affrick shores,
A braue and honourable Trophey
Of great Alcides fame,
As if the son of Ioue, he
Alonely past the same.
Now good Queen sole
thou seem'st likewise
of vertues Goale
to beare the prize.
Sacred Muses
Therefore shall
For Venusles
Golden BALL
bring thee flowers
to Adorno
sweet thy bowers
as somers morne
fresh Garlands
Damaske Roses,
daintie fine and
Fragrant posies,
shall not wither
on thy Toumbe
that thy euer­lasting home; &
those great queens
whose haūt is on
Parnassus Greenes
and Helicons,
Can when they please▪ erect
To thy Eternall Fame
A Tower, of such respect
As enuy shall not shake the same.
And we thy humble Beadsmen gracious Queeene,
Shall Glory in't to haue thy Glories seene.
And sure I am, bright shall thy glories Shine
Beyond those Pillars, that both Shores define:
For not the memorable Storie
Of great ALCIDES fame,
that doth exceede thy glorie,
and due desert, deare Dame.
Though vgly monsters
Snake and Elfe,
yet hee conquers
not Himselfe:
Thou againe
vnder feet [...]
trod'st the vaine
VVorld wee see't,
Hellish pow'rs of
sinne put downe:
Olymph tow'rs af­foord thy Crowne,
Radiant more then
Ophyrs Gold,
which before men
Saints behold.
Gracious then
& glorious Queene,
since in Heauen
thy best parts been,
alas what more
to that great height
can wee thy poore
Seruants endite?
Though men & Muses skill
Should striue to raise thee higher,
Thou needst not care for Homers quil:
UUhom God crownes, we his hests admire.
What can bee said then, that's not said before,
But Ne plus Vltra for to please thee more?
Iuno, Venus, vitrei Moderatrix Cynthia Regni,
Hanc Decorasse Deam, Donatulisse ferunt;
Sceptra Iouis Coniux, vitam dedit aurea Castan
Phoebe, inerant oculis Gratia amorque suis!
Docta Minerua etiam Doteis sat pectore dign as
Ingenuo! in terris heimihi Qualis erat,
Quanta Dea? Harpalicè pharetrata vel alma Dione,
Diuatibi, titulis Cedat & ipsatuis,
Zenobia! Elisios properantein visere Campos,
Et fortunatis arua beata iuges,
Quidaî hilari excipens vultu Plutonia Coniux,
Illius Insolitum regna Docebit iter?
Teque Sybilla tuam sobolem longo ordine Reges
Monstret, Troiano feeit vt ante Duci.
Scilicet in Terris Quantillas, Quamlibet amplas,
Laeticias, Laetum hinc Eia age Carpe Diem!
Siquando pulcha es, Veneres Charitesque Labellis,
I am spiras, vere Regia sceptra tenes!
Dulcis Amor Diuinus, erit tibi sponsus, Amator,
Omnia, Cui Coelum patria sancta, Deus.

Compassus, quem vulgo vocant, siue Circulus Magnetic [...] ad fragilis vitae nauem, varias inter Mundi procellas, polum versus dirigendam, praecipuè adornatus.


Christe Deus Cynosura tuis, Rege Dirige Cymba [...] In portum, fragilem, me tibi Christe Deus

The Soule a Point,
Christ the North Starre,
His Word the Compasse is,
The World the Sea,
And Heauen the Hauen,
Where we seeke endlesse blisse:
Our bodies Ship
On Waues of Woe,
Though tost by Wind and Tide;
True Godly teares
And Sighes sweet Gale,
Thither bring vs God our Guide.
‘Nempe humililicet ANNA solo redis aurea Coelo, Est Lucrum Christi Mors tibi, vita Mori.’
What if a day, or a moneth, or a yeere doe hap highty to crowne vS.
Is this a life to be lou'd? who so feareles he dreads not a downfalL?
Life's but a Liuing death: death's thought more vgly than HydrA.
Longest dayes haue an end: happy he whose Sun hath a faire seT.
If Salomon were aliue, if Sampson, if Absolon, all dY.
Age, wit nor strength, Crownes nor beauty do serue for a safetiE.
Must none then die neuer: Christ saue me in mercie for eueR.


With Zealous loue, and truly loyall zeale,
I tender thus my duty to your Grace,
Long liue your Grace to blesse this Common-weale:
Let vertue guide you to a glorious place,
In heauen aboue, where Saints and Angels sing,
A Most melodious note to high heauens King.
Sweet flowing streames of sugred Eloquence,
Learnings admired labours, all the Muses
Attend vpon your Gracious Excellence,
That so the Lyons, Rose, Harps and Flour-de Luces
In blessed vnion met, grac't all by thee,
ERect a more than foure-fold Monarchie.

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