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HONORIFICATISSIMO, Amplissimo, longe
(que) reuerendissimo in Christo patri: Ac domino, domino THOME &c. Tituli sanctae Ceciliae, sacrosāctae Romanae ecclesiae presbytero Cardinali meritissimo, et Apostolice sedis legato. A latere
(que) legato superillustri &c. Skeltonis laureatus Ora, reg. Humillimum, dicit obsequium cum omni debita reuerētia, tanto tam
(que) magnifico digna principe sacerdotum, totius
(que) iustitiae equabilissimo moderatore. Necnon presentis opusculi fautore excellentissimo &c. Ad cuius auspicatissimam contemplationem, sub memorabili prelo gloriose inmortalitatis presens pagella felicitatur &c,
¶ A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers / abiured of late &c.
PRotestacion alway canonically prepēsed / professed / and with good dely / beracion made / that this lytell Pamphilet (called y
e Replication of Skelton laureate) Ora. reg. Remordyng dyuers recrayed and moche vnresonable errours / of certayne Sophystycate scolers and rechelesse yonge heretykes / lately abiured &c. Shall euermore be (with all obsequious redynesse) humbly submytted vnto the ryght discrete reformacyon of the reuerende prelates and moche noble doctours / of our mother holy churche &c.
¶ Ad almam vniuersitatem Cantabrigensem &c. ¶ Eulogium consolationis.
ALma parens. O. Cantabrigensis
Cur lachimaris? Esto / tui sint
Degeneres hi.
Contabrigia / skeltonidi lau reato primatu māmam erudi
[...]ionis p
[...]ētis sime ꝓpin
Zebub musca inflatiua sibulās ab austro / q̄intumescere sacit heresiarchas cōtre fidē ortad
[...]ā &c. h. il. Eruditionis exordisi in tencra audaci
(que) iuuents temperate moder
[...] tionis frenum postulat. Elioquin scientia effrenote inflata
(que) spsi
[...]la tiō
[...]qd dulceo venens
[...] est subr
[...] ter intoricat interunit
(que) [...] can
[...]ū possessorsi sufi &c. h il.
[...]ou sit ig
[...] ti
[...] Philosogia (ratiōe intēperat
[...] loquacitar
[...]. tue
[...]ordinate dicacitac
[...]. icogitate ꝓcacitotis in singul
[...]ū et serupulū cord, tui &c. h. il. Eloquē tiam sine so
[...]a ꝓdesse
(que) / ob esse plersi
(que) sa
[...]is cōstat euident .i. veterum rethoue. Rhetoricari incōpostie. Logicari meticulose. Philosophari ꝑfunc
[...]oue. Theologisari frenetice. Arguit inconcionatore (ne dum
[...]ucidum interuallum) sed cōtinuam ꝑtinacem
(que) mentio altenationem / feculentam / an
[...] catam / temulen tam &c. hec il. Vos
[...] cliphantice euāgelisātes tan
(que) auseres strepē tes inter canoros olores. Relegemus ad tres grues bacchato bromio iniciatos pro foribus Vinitoris propter fluenta Thamisie. Vbi poti potati es
[...] fasciculo
[...]nambusto ambustum futurum fasciculum pensitate &c. hec il.HOwe yong scolers nowe a dayes enbolmed w the Flyblowen blast of the moche vayne glorious pipplyng wynde. Whan they haue delectably lyeked a lytell of the lycorous electuary of lusty leruyng / in y
e moche studious scole hous of scrupulous Philosogy. Countyng thē selfe clerkes exellētly enformed and trāscendigly sped in moche high cō nyng / & whā they haue ones suꝑciliusly caught.
OVer this.
Stoicam sectā zenon
[...]muo istu
[...]it. For a more ample processe to be farther delated & contynued / and of euery true christenman laudably to be enployed iustifyed / and constantly mainteyned.
Iuuenes sāguino lenti propter libidinē dominandi et gloriam fame / frequēter fieri folent sediciosi. hec dias. A touchyng the Tetrycall Theologisacion of these demy diuines and Stoicall studiantes / and frisca ioly yonke rkyns / moche better bayned than bray / ned / basked and baththed in their wylde but blyng and boyling blode / Feruently reboyled with the in fatuate flames of their rechelesse youthe and wytlesse wontonnesse / enbrased and enterlased with a moche fantasticall frenesy of their insensate sensua lyte.
[...] la tie
inc pretatio. &c. Surmysed vnsurely in their Perihermeniall principles / to prate and to preche proudly and leudly / and loudly to lye.
Porphiriꝰ florui
[...] Athemo tempore Gordiani imperatoris. CC .rlir. &c. Analitica Ubri priorū ce posteriorū. or
[...]. Topica .i. liber to talis de totalibus locis &c. Presumere est nō audēda facere. &c. De Idolatris lege Hieronimū ad Ioueuianum &c. ydolatria bictio cō polita ex ydolo (
qd est simulacrū) et latria (
qd est cultura) apud nos &c. De latria / iperdulia / dulta / quid san critas aposto
[...]ica / cū Constātino magno Cōstātino poli ordinauit in cōsi
[...]o Latriensi manifeste repe
[...]ies / et infra. And yet they were but febly enformed in maister Porphiris problemes / & haue waded but weakly in his thre maner of clerkly workes. Analeticall / Topicall / and Logycall. Howbeit they were puffed so full of vaynglorious pompe and surcudant elacyon / that popholy & peuysshe presumpcion prouoked them to publysshe & to preche to people im prudent perilously: howe it was Idolatry to offre to ymages of our blessed lady / or to pray and go on pylgrimages / or to make oblacions to any ymages of sayntes in churches / or els where.
Cōuenio vos o / publici iniuriatores sācte et apostolice ecclesle. &c.
I purpose for to reply
Agaynst this horryble heresy
Of these yong heretikes y
t stynke vnbrēt
Whom I nowe sōmon and content
That leudly haue their tyme spent
O. ꝓdigiosa ꝓgenics qua lē / de filio q̄ri tis habere misericordiā? cuius marrē insiciamini esse matrē mie. canit tamē vniuersalis ecclesta. Salue regina maf
[...]niser icordic. &c.
In their study abhomynable
Our glorious Lady to disable
And heynously on her to bable
With langage detestable
With your lyppes polluted
Agaynst her grace disputed
Whiche is the most clere Christall
Of all pure clennesse virgynall
That our Sauyour bare
Whiche vs redemed from care.
¶ I saye thou madde Marche Hare
I wondre howe ye dare
Open your ianglyng iawes
Cōuenio vo
[...] o / Ariant / Iuliano apostata execrabiliores. &c.
nota de latria Hiꝑdulia / dulia / quid ꝑ sancte
[...]anxitū est Cōstātinopoli ab ecc
[...]ia catholica et apostolica ite
(rum) in frīgere (quid hoc sibi vult) fasciculū con sul
[...]te inflāmatum. &c.
If ye haue reed / de (Hiperdulia)
Than ye knowe what betokeneth (Dulia)
Than shall ye fynde it fyrme and stable
And to our faithe moche agreable
To worshyppe ymages of sayntes
Wherfore make ye no mo restrayntes
But mende your myndes that are mased
Or els doutlesse ye shalbe blased
And be brent at a stake
If further busynesse that ye make
O. medici mediam pertundite venam.
Therfore I vyse you to forsake
Of Heresy the deuyllysshe scoles
And crye godmercy lyke frantyke foles.
¶ Tantum pro secundo. ¶ Peroratio ad nuper abiuratos quosdam Hipoteticos hereticos. &c.
¶ A cōfutacion responsyue / or an ineuytably prepensed answere / to all way warde or frowarde al / tercacyons / that can or may be made or obiected agaynst Skelton laureate / deuyser of this Replycacyon. &c.
WHy fall ye at debate
With Skelton Laureate
Reputyng hym vnable
To gainsay replycable
Opinyons detestable
Lota crra
[...] via s
[...] docto
[...] poeta
[...] (
[...] autem non de sunt carismata) argu
[...]o de inscitia. h. il.
Of Heresy execrable
ye saye that Poetry
Maye nat flye so hye
In Theology
Nor Analogy
Nor Philology
Nor Philosophy
To answere or reply
Agaynst suche Heresy.
Would ret et propheta ꝑ di usi Hierony
[...] s
[...] [...] in n
[...] catalogo poe ta
[...]si l
[...] o
[...]u / vt
[...] ifra &c. hec