HONORIFICATISSIMO, Amplissimo, longe (que) reuerendissimo in Christo patri: Ac do­mino, domino THOME &c. Tituli sanctae Ce­ciliae, sacrosāctae Romanae ecclesiae presbytero Cardinali meritissimo, et Apostolice sedis legato. A latere (que) legato superillustri &c. Skeltonis lau­reatus Ora, reg. Humillimum, dicit obsequium cum omni debita reuerētia, tanto tam (que) magni­fico digna principe sacerdotum, totius (que) iustitiae equabilissimo moderatore. Necnon presentis opusculi fautore excellentissimo &c. Ad cuius auspicatissimam contemplationem, sub memorabili prelo gloriose inmortalitatis presens pa­gella felicitatur &c,

¶ A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers / abiured of late &c.

CRassātes nimiū, Nimiū steriles (que) labruscas
(Vinea quas dn̄i, sabaot non sustinet ultra
Laxius expandi) nostra est resecare uoluntas.

¶ Cum priuilegio a rege in dulto.

PRotestacion alway canonically pre­pēsed / professed / and with good dely / beracion made / that this lytell Pam­philet (called y e Replication of Skelton laureate) Ora. reg. Remordyng dyuers recrayed and moche vnresonable errours / of certayne Sophystycate scolers and rechelesse yonge heretykes / lately abiured &c. Shall euer­more be (with all obsequious redynesse) humbly submytted vnto the ryght discrete reformacyon of the reuerende prelates and moche noble doctours / of our mother holy churche &c.

¶ Ad almam vniuersitatem Canta­brigensem &c.
¶ Eulogium consolationis.

ALma parens. O. Cantabrigensis
Cur lachimaris? Esto / tui sint
Degeneres hi.
Contabrigia / skeltonidi lau reato primatu māmam eru­di [...]ionis p [...]ētis sime ꝓpin [...]uit
Filioli / sed
Non obinertes (O pia mater)
Insciolos uel decolor esto.
Progenies non nobilis omnis
Quam tua forfan / mamma fouebat:
Tu tamen esto / Palladis alme
Glotia pollens plena Minerue
Dum radiabunt astra polorum:
Iam (que) ualeto / me (que) foueto.

Nam (que) tibi quondam / carus alumnus eram.

Zebub musca inflatiua sibulās ab austro / q̄intumescere sacit heresi­archas cōtre fidē ortad [...]ā &c. h. il. Eruditionis exordisi in tencra au­daci (que) iuuents temperate moder [...] ­tionis frenum postulat. Elioquin scientia effrenote inflata (que) spsi [...]la tiō [...] qd dulceo venens [...] est subr [...] ter intoricat interunit (que) [...] can [...]ū possessorsi sufi &c. h il. [...]ou sit ig [...]i [...] ti [...] Philosogia (ratiōe intēperat [...] lo­quacitar [...]. tue [...]ordinate dicacitac [...]. icogitate ꝓcacitotis in singul [...]ū et serupulū cord, tui &c. h. il. Eloquē tiam sine so [...]tet [...]a ꝓdesse [...]si (que) / ob esse plersi (que) sa [...]is cōstat euident .i. veterum rethoue. Rhetoricari incōpostie. Logicari meticulose. Philosophari ꝑfun­c [...]oue. Theologisari frenetice. Arguit inconcionatore (ne dum [...]ucidum interuallum) sed cōtinuam ꝑtinacem (que) mentio altenationem / feculentam / an [...] catam / temulen tam &c. hec il. Vos [...] cliphantice euāgelisātes tan (que) auseres strepē tes inter canoros olores. Relege­mus ad tres grues bacchato bro­mio iniciatos pro foribus Vinito­ris propter fluenta Thamisie. Vbi poti potati es [...] fasciculo [...]nam­busto ambustum futurum fasciculum pensitate &c. hec il.HOwe yong scolers nowe a dayes enbolmed w the Flyblowen blast of the moche vayne glorious pipplyng wynde. Whan they haue delectably lye­ked a lytell of the lycorous electuary of lusty leruyng / in y e moche studious scole hous of scrupulous Philosogy. Coun­tyng thē selfe clerkes exellētly enformed and trāscendigly sped in moche high cō nyng / & whā they haue ones suꝑciliusly caught.

¶ A lytell ragge of Rethorike
A lesse lumpe of Logyke
A pece or a patche of Philosophy
Than forthwith by and by
They tumble so in Theology
Drowned in dregges of Diuinite
That they iuge them selfe able to be
Doctours of the Chayre in the Vyntre
At the thre Crames
To magnifye their names
But madly it frames.
¶ For all that they preche and teche
Is farther than their wytte wyll reche
Thus by demeryttes of their abusyon
Finally they fall to carefull confusyon
To beare a Fagot or to be enflamed
Thus are they vndone & vtily shamed.
Licet nō enclitice. tamē enthyme matice
Notandum inprimis. Vt ne quid nimis.

¶ Tantum pro primo.

OVer this. Stoicam sectā ze­non [...]muo istu [...]it. For a more ample processe to be farther delated & contynued / and of euery true christenman laudably to be enployed iustifyed / and constantly mainteyned. Iuuenes sāguino lenti propter libi­dinē dominandi et gloriam fame / fre­quēter fieri folent sediciosi. hec dias. A touchyng the Tetrycall Theologisacion of these demy diuines and Stoicall studiantes / and frisca ioly yonke rkyns / moche better bayned than bray / ned / basked and baththed in their wylde but blyng and boyling blode / Feruently reboyled with the in fatuate flames of their rechelesse youthe and wyt­lesse wontonnesse / enbrased and enterlased with a moche fantasticall frenesy of their insensate sensua lyte. Perihermōia [...] la tie inc pretatio. &c. Surmysed vnsurely in their Perihermeni­all principles / to prate and to preche proudly and leudly / and loudly to lye. Porphiriꝰ florui [...] Athemo tempore Gordiani impera­toris. CC .rlir. &c. Analitica Ubri priorū ce posteriorū. or [...]. Topica .i. liber to talis de totalibus locis &c. Presumere est nō audēda facere. &c. De Idolatris lege Hieronimū ad Ioueuianum &c. ydolatria bictio cō polita ex ydolo ( qd est simulacrū) et latria ( qd est cultura) apud nos &c. De latria / iperdu­lia / dulta / quid san critas aposto [...]ica / cū Constātino magno Cōstātino poli ordinauit in cōsi [...]o Latriensi manife­ste repe [...]ies / et in­fra. And yet they were but fe­bly enformed in maister Porphiris problemes / & haue waded but weakly in his thre maner of clerkly workes. Analeticall / Topicall / and Logycall. Howbeit they were puffed so full of vaynglorious pompe and surcudant elacyon / that popholy & pe­uysshe presumpcion prouoked them to publysshe & to preche to people im prudent perilously: howe it was Idolatry to offre to ymages of our blessed lady / or to pray and go on pylgrimages / or to make oblacions to any ymages of sayntes in churches / or els where.

¶ Agaynst whiche erronyous errours / odyous / orgulyous / and Flyblo­wen opynions &c.

IN the honour of our blessed Lady
And her most blessed Baby
Cōuenio vos o / publici iniuriatores sācte et apostolice ecclesle. &c.
I purpose for to reply
Agaynst this horryble heresy
Of these yong heretikes y t stynke vnbrēt
Whom I nowe sōmon and content
That leudly haue their tyme spent
O. ꝓdigiosa ꝓgenics qua lē / de filio q̄ri tis habere misericordiā? cuius marrē insiciamini esse matrē mie. canit tamē vni­uersalis ecclesta. Salue re­gina maf [...]ni­ser icordic. &c.
In their study abhomynable
Our glorious Lady to disable
And heynously on her to bable
With langage detestable
With your lyppes polluted
Agaynst her grace disputed
Whiche is the most clere Christall
Of all pure clennesse virgynall
That our Sauyour bare
Whiche vs redemed from care.
¶ I saye thou madde Marche Hare
I wondre howe ye dare
Open your ianglyng iawes
Cōuenio vo [...] o / Ariant / Iu­liano aposta­ta execrabiliores. &c.
To preche in any clawes
Lyke pratynge poppyng dawes
Agaynst her excellence
Agaynst her reuerence
Agaynst her preemynence
Agaynst her magnifycence
That neuer dyde offence.
¶ ye heretykes recrayed
Wotte ye what ye sayed /
Of Mary / mother and mayed
Cōuenio vos o / spurcissimi / o / vilissimi. o / nequissimi ob trectatores matris xp̄i &c.
With baudrie at her ye brayed
With baudy wordes vnmete
your tonges were to flete
your sermon was nat swete
ye were nothyng discrete
ye were in a dronken hete
Lyke haretykes confettred
Cōuenio vos o / insensati li­terarum pro­fessores. &c.
ye count your selfe wele lettred
your lernyng is starke nought
For shamefully ye haue wrought
And to shame your selfe haue brought.
Cōuenio vos o / Iebuseij. o / Iudei. o / Ca­naneij. o / phariseij. &c.
¶ Bycause ye her mysnamed
And wolde haue her defamed
your madnesse she attamed
For ye were worldly shamed
At Poules crosse openly
Non vacat (o. cōtēptores mariani) non vacat (inquā) qd digna fac­tis recepistioī veipare virgi­nis Cōceptio ne. &c. hec [...].
All men can testifye
There lyke a sorte of sottes
ye were fayne to beare Fagottes
At the feest of her Concepcion
ye suffred suche correction.
¶ Siue per Equiuocum
Siue per Vniuocum
Siue sic / siue nat so
ye are brought to. Lo / lo / lo /
Cōuenio vos o / Malesoni / vani / prophani / christiani.
Se where the Heretykes go
Wytlesse wandring to and fro
With. Te / he. Ta / ha. Bo / ho / bo / ho.
And suche wondringes many mo
Helas / ye wreches ye may be wo
ye may syng wele away
And curse bothe nyght and day
Whan ye were bredde and borne
And whan ye were preestes shorne
Cōuenio vos o / Hussi [...]ni &c
Thus to be laughed to skorne
Thus tattred and thus torne
Thoro we your owne foly
To be blowen with the flye
Of horryble heresy
Fayne ye were to reny
And mercy for to crye
Or be brende by and by
Confessyng howe ye dyde lye
In prechyng shamefully.
¶ your selfe thus ye discured
As clerkes vnassured
With ignorance obscured
ye are vnhappely bred
Cōuenio vos o / Lutherian [...]
In your Dialeticall
And principles Silogisticall
If ye to remembrance call
Howe Sillogisari
Non est ex particulari
Nec (que) negatiuis
Recte concludere / si vis:
Nec (que) non ne (que) l [...]g [...].
Et cetera id genus
ye coude nat Cordetenus:
Nor answere Verbotenus
Whan prelacy you opposed
your hertes than were hosed
your relacions reposed
Quoniā ignorantibus sup­pocitiones veritates propositionsi non relucent. &c.
And yet ye supposed
Respondere ad quantum
But ye were Confusetantum
Surrendring your supposycions
For there ye myst you quosshons.
¶ wolde god / for your owne ease
Warpocrates digie [...] labifs ī presso admo­puit silētium fieri in Isidis templo. &c.
That wyse Harpocrates
Had your mouthes stopped
And your tonges cropped
Whan ye Logyke chopped
And in the Pulpete hopped
And folysshly there fopped
And porisshly forthe popped
your sysmaticate sawes
Agaynst goddes lawes
S [...]t preteres nōnulli hutus farme / de quibus hic nō est [...]err [...]d [...] locus
And shewed your selfe dawes
ye argued argumentes
As it were vpon the elenkes
De rebus apparentibus
Et non existentibus
And ye wolde appere wyse
But ye were folysshe nyse
yet be meanes of that byse
ye dyde prouoke and tyse
Oftnar than ones ortwyse
Many a goodman
And many a good woman
By way of their deuocion
To helpe you to promocion
Whose charite wele regarded
Can nat be vnrewarded.
¶ I saye it for no sedicion
Cōuenio vos o. [...]erodi [...]ni.
But vnder pacient tuicyon
It is halfe a supersticyon
To gyue you exhibycion
To mainteyne with your skoles
And to proue your selfe suche foles
Some of you had ten pounde
Therwith for to be founde
At the Vnyuersyte
Obscu [...] ser­c [...]stino [...].
Employed whiche myght haue be
Moche better other wayes
But as the man sayes
The blynde eteth many a flye
What may be ment here by
ye may soone make construction
Erfructibus corū cognos­ce [...]s eo [...]. &c.
With right lytell instruction
For it is an auncyent brute
Suche apple tre [...]suche frute
What shulde I prosecute
Or more of this to clatter
Retourne we to our matter.
Sublimius equo aucupī [...]guni. &c.
¶ ye soored ouer hye
In the Ierarchy
Of Iouenyans heresy
your names to magnifye
Among the scabbed skyes
Cōnenio vos o wichl [...]ftifte.
Of wycliffes fless he flyes
ye strynged so Luthers lute
That ye dawns all in a sute
The heritykes ragged ray
That bringes you out of the way
Of holy churches lay
ye shayle / inter enigmata
And inter paradigmata
Marked in your cradels
To beare fagottes for babyls
And yet some men say
Howe ye are this day
And be nowe as yll
And so ye wyll be styll
As ye were before
What shulde I recken more.
¶ Men haue you in suspicion
Howe ye haue small contrycion
Of that ye haue myswrought
Cōuenio vos o verbosi So­phiste &c.
For if it were well sought
One of you there was
That laughed whan he dyd pas
With his fagot in processyon
He counted it for no correction
But with scornefull affection
Toke it for a sporte
His heresy to supporte
Where at a thousande gased
As people halfe a mased
And thought in hym smale grace
His foly so to face.
¶ Some iuged in this case
your penaunce toke no place
your penaunce was to lyght
Cōuenio vos o diabolic [...] dogma [...]ste &c
And thought / if ye had right
ye shulde take further payne
To resorte agayne
To places where ye haue preched
And your lollardy lernyng teched
And there to make relacion
In open predycacion
And knowlege your offence
Before open audyence
Howe falsely ye had surmysed
And deuyllysshely deuysed
The people to seduce
And chase them thorowe the muse
Of your noughty counsell
To hunt them in to hell
With blowyng out your hornes
Full of mockysshe scornes
With chatyng and rechatyng
And your busy pratyng
Sūt pl [...]tiqui [...] sed [...]on a [...] con­tu [...] [...]euec [...] &c.
Of the gospell and the pystels
ye pyke out many thystels
And bremely with your bristels
ye cobble and ye clout
Holy scripture so about
That people are in great dout
And feare / leest they be out
Of all good Christen order
Thus all thyng ye disorder
Thorowe out euery bordr.
¶ It had ben moche better
ye had neuer lerned letter
Cōuenio vo [...] male docti lo­giste. &c.
For your ignorance is gretter
I make you fast and sure
Than all your lytterature:
ye are but lydder logici
But moche worse Isagogici
For ye haue enduced a secte
With heresy all infecte
Wherfore ye are well checte
And by holy churche correcte
And in maner as abiecte
For euermore suspecte
And banysshed in effect
From all honest company
Bycause ye haue eaten a flye
To your great vyllony
That neuer more may dye.
¶ Come forthe ye pope holy
Full of melancoly
Cōuenio vo [...] o. Ipocrise &c.
your madde Ipocrisy
And your idiosy
And your vayne glorie
Haue made you eate the flye
Pufte full of heresy
To preche it Idolatry
Who so dothe magnifye
That glorious mayde Mary
Maledictio mariana des­cendat sup capita vestra. o / heretici creti­ci frenetici &c.
That glorious mayde and mother
So was there neuer another
But that Princesse alone
To whom we are bounde echone
The ymage of her grace
To reuerence in euery place
¶ I saye ye braynlesse beestes
Why iangle you suche iestes
In your diuynite
Of Luthers affynite
Cōuenio vo [...] o [...] Machomi­tani. &c.
To the people of lay fee
Raysyng in your rages
To worshyppe none ymages
Nor do pylgrymages
I saye ye deuyllysshe pages
Full of suche dottages
Count ye your selfe good clerkes
And snapper in suche werkes.
¶ Saynt Gregorie and saynt Ambrose
ye haue reed them I suppose
Saynt Ierome and saynt Austen
With other many holy men
Cōuenio vo [...] o / demoninet meridiani. &c.
Saynt Thomas de Aqu [...]no
With other doctours many mo
Whiche / de (Latria) do trete
They saye howe (Latria) is an honour grete
Belongyng to the deite
To this ye nedes must agre
But I trowe your selfe ye ouer se
What longeth to Christes humanyte
nota de latria Hiꝑdulia / dulia / quid ꝑ sancte [...]anxitū est Cōstātinopoli ab ecc [...]ia ca­tholica et apostolica ite (rum) in frīgere (quid hoc sibi vult) fasciculū con sul [...]te inflāmatum. &c.
If ye haue reed / de (Hiperdulia)
Than ye knowe what betokeneth (Dulia)
Than shall ye fynde it fyrme and stable
And to our faithe moche agreable
To worshyppe ymages of sayntes
Wherfore make ye no mo restrayntes
But mende your myndes that are mased
Or els doutlesse ye shalbe blased
And be brent at a stake
If further busynesse that ye make
O. medici mediam pertun­dite venam.
Therfore I vyse you to forsake
Of Heresy the deuyllysshe scoles
And crye godmercy lyke frantyke foles.

¶ Tantum pro secundo.
¶ Peroratio ad nuper abiuratos quosdam Hipoteticos hereticos. &c.

AVdite viri Ismaelite (non dico) Israelite
Audite (inquā) viri madionite / ascolonite
Amonite / Gabionite / Audite verba que loquar.
¶ Opus Euangelii est cibus perfectorum.
Sed quia non estis / de genere bonorum
(Qui caterisatis categorias / Cacodemoniorum)
E R G O.
¶ Et reliqual vestra problemata. Scemata.
Dilemata. Sinto anathemata.
Ineluctabile argumentum. Est.

¶ A cōfutacion responsyue / or an ineuytably pre­pensed answere / to all way warde or frowarde al / tercacyons / that can or may be made or obiected agaynst Skelton laureate / deuyser of this Reply­cacyon. &c.

WHy fall ye at debate
With Skelton Laureate
Reputyng hym vnable
To gainsay replycable
Opinyons detestable
Lota crra [...] via s [...] docto [...] poeta [...] ( [...]lli [...] autem non de sunt carisma­ta) argu [...]o de inscitia. h. il.
Of Heresy execrable
ye saye that Poetry
Maye nat flye so hye
In Theology
Nor Analogy
Nor Philology
Nor Philosophy
To answere or reply
Agaynst suche Heresy.
Would ret et propheta ꝑ di usi Hierony­ [...] s [...]a [...]en­l [...] [...] in n [...]bil [...] catalogo poe ta [...]si l [...] o [...]u / vt [...] ifra &c. hec [...]l.
Wherfore by and by
Nowe consequently
I call to this rekenyng
Dauyd that royall kyng
Whom Hieronymus
That doctour glorious
Dothe bothe write and call
Uos igif om­nes irrisores / contēptores (que) poetarū eru­bescite eū ig­nominosa ve­recundia eri­ticiosa (que) cōfuslo operiat facies vestras. hecil.
Poete of poetes all
And Prophete princypall
Thus may nat be remorded
For it is wele recorded
In his pystell ad Paulinum
Presbytarum diuinum
Where worde for worde ye may
Rede / what Ierome there dothe say.

DAuid (inquit) Siphonides nr̄ / Pindarꝰ et Alcheus / Flaccus quo (que) / Catullus / at (que) Serenus / Christū lira personat / et in decachordo psalterio ab inferis excitat resurgētem. Hec Hier̄.

¶ The Englysshe.
¶ Kyng Dauid the ꝓphete / of ꝓphetes pricipall
Of poetes chefe poete / sait Ierome dothe wright
Resembled to Symphonides / that poete lyricall
Among the Grekes / most relucent of lyght
In that faculte: whiche shyned as Phebus bright
Lyke to Pyndarus / in glorious poetry
Lyke vnto Alcheus / he dothe hym magnify.
¶ Flaccus nor Catullus / w t hym may nat cōpare
Nor solempne Serenus / for all his armony
In metricall muses / his harpyng we may spare
For Dauyd our poete / harped so meloudiously
Of our sauy our Christ / in his decacorde psautry
That at his resurrection / he harped out of hell
Olde patriarkꝭ & prophetꝭ / ī heuen whim to dwell

¶ Returne we to our former processe.

THan / if this noble kyng
Thus can harpe and syng
With his harpe of prophecy
And spyrituall poetry
As saynt Ierome saythe
To whom we must gyue faythe
Warblyng with his strynges
Of suche Theologicall thynges
Why haue ye than disdayne
Fama matri­cul [...]ta. i. scri­pta in quad [...] cartula imor­talitatio et see dula g [...]e in­ [...]arcesciblis &c. b. il
At poetes. And complayne
Howe poetes do but fayne.
ye do moche great outrage
For to disparage
And to discorage
The fame matryculate
Of poetes laureate.
For if ye sadly loke
And wesely rede the boke
Of good aduertysement
With me ye must consent
And infallibly agre
Energis gre­ce latine ef [...] ­cax operatio. In [...]no (que) quo dam spiritus impulsu inopt nabiliter ougi nata. &c.
Of necessyte
Howe there is a spyrituall
And amysteriall
And amysticall
Effecte Energiall
As Grekes do it call
Of suche an industry
And suche a pregnacy
Of heuenly inspyracion
In laureate creacyon
Est delis ī no bis agsrāri calestianto illo sedibus ei he rils spsis [...]e venit. h. Qui.
Of poctes cōmendacion
That of diuyne myseracion
God maketh his habytacion
In Poetes whiche excelles
And soiourns with them and dwelles
Dona dei car men nitidū facundia p̄ [...]iās. Wittitur er astris a supe­ris (que) dat. hec Bapt. Wan.
¶ By whose inslammacion
Of spyrituall inslygacion
And diuyne inspyracion
We are kyndled in suche facyon
With hete of the Holygost
Whiche is god of myghtes most
That he our penne dothe lede
Larda nescit molymina spiritus sācti gr̄a hec Dierony.
And maketh in vs suche spede
That forth with we must nede
With penne ano yuke procede
Somtyme for affection
Somtyme for sadde dyrection
Somtyme for correction
Somtyme vnder protection
Lingua mea calamus scri­be velociter scribenti [...]. h. psal.
Of pacient sufferance
With sobre cyrcumstance
Our myndes to auaunce
To no mannes anoyance
Therfore no grenance
I pray you for to take
In this that I do make
Agaynst these frenetykes
Agaynst these lunatykes
Agaynst these Sysmatykes
Agaynst these Heretykes
No we of late abiured
Most vnhappely vred
For be ye wele assured
That Frensy nor Ielousy
Nor Heresy. wyll neuer dye.

D I X I.

¶ Iniquis. Nolite ini (que) agere /
et delinquentibus. Nolite exaltare.
Hee psalmi­sta.

C O R N V.

¶ Tantum pro tertio.

¶ De raritate poetarum / de (que) Gimnosophistarū Philosophorū / Theologorū / ceterorum (que) erudi­torū. Infinita numerositate Skel. L. Epitoma.

SVnt infiniti. Sunt innumeri (que) Sophiste
Sunt infiniti / sunt innumeri (que) Logiste
Innumeri sunt Philosophi / sunt Theologi (que)
Que sunt to too so [...]iabus slcut [...]cha­tes. h. Gag. &c
Sunt infiniti Doctores / sunt (que) Magistri.
Innumeri: sed sunt pauci / Rari (que) Poete.
Hinc omne est rarum carum / Reorergo Poetas.
Ante alios omnes diuino flamine flatos
Sic Plato diuinat. Diuinatsic (que) Socrates.
Lege Valer [...] um Warimū de is [...]gni vene rauone po [...]t [...] rum.
Sic magnus Macedo / sic Cesar maximꝰ Heros
Romanus / celebres semper coluere Poeta.

¶ Thus endeth the Replicacyon of Skel. L. &c. Imprited by Richard Pynson / printer to the kyngꝭ most noble grace.

[printer's or publisher's device]

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