A CATECHISME briefly opening the misterie of our redemption by Christ, hauing the [...]ro [...]es of euery point so annexed, and ioined vnder euery answer, that the ruder sort of people, may be much furthered thereby, if they vvould vse a little diligence and endeuour to commit it to memory, or be much con­uersant in reading thereof, or if they cannot read in hearing it read by others, vnto knovvledge, and godlinesse.

Philipp. 1.9.10. And this I pray, that your Loue may yet more and more abound in knovvledge and all Iudgement, that ye may knovv things vvhich differ, that ye may be syncere, and go forvvard in a blamelesse course vntill the day of Christ.
Prouerb. Blessed is the man that findeth vvisdome, and the man that getteth vnderstanding. For the merchandise therof is better then the merchandise of siluer, and the gaine therof is better then gold, it is more pre­tious then pearles, and all that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her.

Seene and allowed by authoritie.

Printed by W. How, for Henry Car, and are to be sold at the Blasing starre in Paules Churchyard.

To the Right worshipful maister Henry Warner Es­quier, & the vertuous Gentlewoman his wife, T.S. wisheth grace, and mercie from God, thorough Christ Iesus, and daily supplie of all godlinesse, and vertue, the right directors to, and augmentors of all true worship.

THe Lord (Right worshipfull) the most wise disposer of all actions, hauing giuen vnto me his least able minister, an entrance into the Towne of Mildenhall, to publish there in the cares of that great people, according to his grace b [...]stowed vpon me, his glorious Gospell: I was streightway, after I had some knowledge of their state, moued with com­passion towards them, and framed my selfe so neere as I could, to vse such a familiar, and plaine kind of teaching, as I thought to serue most for their vnderstanding and capacitie. And although I had not granted vnto mee, (which was neuer yet granted to any faith­full minister) to please, & approue my doings to all: yet a fewe skorners set apart, which seem as the Prophet speaketh, E [...] [...] To haue made [Page]a couenant with death, and to bee at an agreement with hell, being more deuout to serue Bacchus, then the true God: and ther­fore can like of no Prophet, except such, as saith an other Scripture, Can walke in a li­ing spirit, Mich. 2.11. and prophesie vnto them of wine, and strong drinke: And a few other which being altogether worldly minded, be frosen in their dregges; which seeme to haue made their large Fen their God; it pleased God to make the rest, likers & allowers of the holy doctrine, wishing to haue the same con­tinued amongst them, and willing to impart something of their substance vnto the dispo­ser, towards his maintenance and liuing. In the behalfe of these, (Sir) I doo vnfainedly thanke & blesse God the Father, Lord of hea­uen and earth, by his Sonne Christ, conceiuing no small hope, through his blessing, of their more increasing and growing in faith and godlines, which God grant vnto them for his Christ his sake Amen In the behalfe of those, I do earnestly pray, inforcing my selfe in all my doctrine, Iude. 23. as the Apostle Iude saith, to saue them with feare, and to pull them out of the fire, wishing that at any time God would giue them repentance, that they may come to a­mendment, out of the snare of the Diuell. But [Page]if they will not heare this, My soule shall weepe in secrete for their pride, Ierem. 13.17 (as the Prophet speaketh) & mine eie shall weepe & drop downe teares to see Gods iudge­mentes vpon them. And now if I might speake of your worship without suspition of flatterie, & coorying of fauour, by your dili­gent attending vpon the hearing, accompa­ned alwaies with your vertuous wife, most godlily likewise disposed to heare the holy word of God, and so much as might be your whole familie And by your good countenāce most cheerefully shewed vnto me, a poore mi­nister of God, that I may not speake of other your beneficence towardes mee, you most eui­dētly declared, not only what loue your selfe had vnto the truth of God, that is his word, & his pure and holy worship, but also your care by your godly exāple to draw others to like and allow of the same, that so Christ Iesus might be enterteined & his kingdome erected at Mildenhall. And I cannot forget how (which did declare your desire and care to haue the word of Gods grace, that is the Go­spel continued at Mildenhall, for the salua­tion of the people) you spake to the Right ho­norable the Lord North, comming ouer to his house at Mildenhall, not only to shew me his [Page]fauourable countenance, for my continuance at Mildenhal, but also to procure me a more ample, and large salery and stipend: which thing his Honour, of his godly disposition vn­to Religion, was willing to doo. In conside­ration of these things, as they concerne Gods glorie, first I giue God hartie thanks: Second­ly as they concerne the helpe of me his Mini­ster, not otherwise knowing how to requite a­ny way your Worships good will, as a testi­monie of a gratefull minde, I bestowe vpon your Worship, & the vertuous Gentlewoman your wife, a litle Catechisme, which I haue lately made, in my small iudgement, not alto­gether vnfit (for indeed I laboured to make it fit) for the state of the inhabitants of Mil­denhall, not for any great vse of your selues (for I verily perswade my selfe, that you haue not now neede to learne the first prin­ciples of the word of God, but are able to dis­iest much stronger meat,) but for the vse of your babes, your two sonnes, and daughter, and others which afterwards it may please God to giue, and blesse you withall, whome I doo not doubt, to be instructed in the princi­ples of Religion, so soone as they haue laid away their stammering tongues, according to Gods commaundement giuen to all parents, Deut. 6.7. [Page]without exception of degree, Psal. 78. ℣s [...] 5, 6, 7. Ephes. 6.4. and condition in the world it will be vnto you both, no lit­tle care and studie: which that it may be so, I shall daily pray. Accept (good Sir) of this mine enterprise, as I trust you will; And thus I take my leaue, beseeching God that yee doo none euill, that his good graces may be multi­plied vpon you, and that your whole spirit, soule, and bodie, may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ.

Your worships in all godly dutifulnes most readie Thomas Settle.

To the Christian Reader, and especiallie to the inhabitantes of Mil­denhall in the Countie of Suffolke, for whose cause chiefly this little Ca­techisme was written, grace, mercie, and peace.

AFter so many Catechismes of so many good and god­ly men had beene already published in our Church, if thou demaundest why nowe I doe aduenture the publishing of this of mine, as though I would seem to accuse them of some neg­ligence, or want in that behalfe, or to ad vnto them: I aunswere, that my mind was free from any such purpose. But as they, in studie and care I do not doubt, to fur­ther religion and godlinesse, did take li­bertie vnto themselues, in forme as they be extant, to frame and set foorth theirs, so haue I done. They haue written some largely, some briefly, and some haue kept a meane betweene long and short, and I haue laboured, if not to bee the briefest, yet to come as neere it as I might. They some haue quoted for confirmation in their margent, some haue omitted quota­tions, [Page]and some haue prooues set forth at large by directions alphabeticall; as eue­ry one of them thought best, so haue they proceeded. I haue made proofe of euerie answere immediately vpon the answere, and almost made the wordes of the text the answere, hoping thereby the more to allure the reader and hearer. God make me partaker of my hope, and my godlie brethren of theirs. And thou (good Rea­der) remember, in the bowels of Christ I beseech thee, that the more paines I & my brethren bestow for thine instructi­on by preaching & writing, the more and greeuous shal be thy condem­nation if thou profit not by it, which thing would be our griefe. Consider what I say, & the Lord giue thee vnderstan­ding.

Thine in Christ, Th. Settle.

A CATECHISME, briefly vnfoulding the mysterie of our redemption by Christ, with other necessary points of Diuini­tie thereunto annexed.


WHO made you, and to what end were you made?


God, & for his glory (as saith the Prophet Esay) chapiter 43. I created him for my glorie, Esay. 43. ℣se 7.21. formed him and made him.

Quest. What is God?

Ans. Euen as (proclaiming his owne name in Exodus 34.) be describeth him­selfe, Exod. 34. ℣s. 5.6. saying: The Lord, the Lord, strong mer­cifull, and gratious, slowe to anger, and abun­dant in goodnes and truth, reseruing mercie for thousands, forgiuing iniquitie, transgres­sion, and sinne and not making the wicked in­nocent. In the fourth of the gospell after Iohn▪ he is said to be a spirit. Iohn. 4.24. Exod. 6.3. Iehoua what it doth sig­nifie. In Exodus the sixt, he calleth his owne name Ieho­uah, which is as much to say, as one that hath his béeing of himselfe: which name importeth his euerlastingnes.

Qu. What can you say further concer­ning God?

An. Verily that he is thrée distinct per­sons, that is, Father, Sonne, and holie ghost, and yet in substance one God one­lie. As Iohn the Apostle euidently tea­cheth in the fift chap. of his first Epistle, saying: 1. Iohn. 5. v. 7. For there are three which beare re­cord in heauen, the Father, the worde, and the holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Qu. How doe you proue that the holy Ghost is God?

An. In 28. of Mathew, Math. 8.19. Christ cōman­deth to baptize in the name of the holie Ghost. Now this is certaine, y e baptisme is to be ministred in no name, 1. Cor. 1. vers. 14.15. but in the name of God. But it béeing cōmanded to bee ministred in the name of the holy ghost, doth manifestly proue that y e holy Ghost is God. In the 5. of the Actes, Pe­ter saith vnto Ananias: Act. 5. vers. 3.4.5. Why hath Sathan filled thine hart that thou shouldest lye to the Holy Ghost? &c. How is it thou hast conceiued this thing in thine hart? Thou hast not lyed vnto men, but vnto God. This place also proueth in plaine words that the Holie ghost is God.

Qu. You said euen now that God made [Page]you, and you shewed to what end: shew now in what state he made you?

An. According to his owne image, that is to say, in righteousnes and true holi­nes, as Paule expoundeth it in the 4. to the Ephesians, Ephes. 4.24. calling it béeing repaired in Gods electe by the spirite, in other words the new man.

Qu. Doe you continue in that state of righteousnes and true holinesse wherein you were at the first by God created?

An. No verily: For Paule witnesseth in the 3. to the Romaines, Rom. 3.25. that all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God. And in the second to the Ephesians y e same Apostle saith, Ephes. 2, 3. y t they as wel as o­thers were by nature y e childrē of wrath. And as Dauid in the 51. psalme confes­seth, so may all others, [...]sal. 51, 5. that they were conceiued and borne in sinne.

Qu. You said euen nowe that you were made after the Image of God righteous and holy, and nowe yee confesse that ye were borne a sinner: how can this be?

Ans. Adam the first man was created after the Image of God righteous & ho­lie, and so I, and al other in him our first parent, were created righteous and ho­lie: [Page]But when he by his sinne, in eating the forbidden fruite, made himselfe vn­righteous and vnholy, then I, and all the world béeing then in his loines, (for who saith Iob in the 14. chapiter of his booke, can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse) were made vnrighteous and vnholy. Iob. 14.4. And to proue that man was made righ­teous at the beginning, the Preacher saith in the 7. of his booke: Onely loe, this haue I found, Eccles. 7.27. that God hath made man righ­teous; But they haue sought many inuentions:

Qu. Do you then affirme that the sinne which Adam committed is also your sin?

An. Yea verily: for so affirmeth holie Scripture in the 5. to the Romaines: By one mans disobedience many (that is all) be­came sinners. Rom. 5.19. And againe in the same cha­piter. By the offence of one the fault came on all men. Rom. 5.18. Yea, & a little before in the same chapter the apostle saith; that Death raig­ned from Adam to Moses, euen ouer them also that sinned not, Rom. 5.14. after the like manner of the transgression of Adam: he meaneth e­uen the very babes and young sucking children, to bee by Adams sinne subiecte vnto death and damnation.

Qu. Doe you thinke, that if your sinne [Page]in Adam in eating the forbidden fruite, were not laid vnto your charge, that you should bee righteous and holie, and free from sinne?

An. No verily: for the scripture crieth out euerie where to the contrarie. Our nature was so poisoned thorow Adams sinne, that we can do nothing but sinne. As it is written in Genesis the sixt: The Lorde sawe that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth, Genes. 6.5. and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onely euill continually. And Paule confesseth saying in the 7. to the Romaines: Rom. 7.12. I knowe that in mee (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with mee, but I find no meanes to performe that is good. And againe in the 8. to the Romaines, it is saide, Rom. 8.3. that The Lawe is weake thorowe the flesh, that is to say, that the flesh by rea­son of the corruption thereof, No free will in man since Adams fal, or abilitie to do good. and weak­nesse, is not of abilitie to performe the Lawe, which Law was ingrauen in A­dams hart. Finally, we may all that are descended of Adams race, cry out as it is in the 130. psalme: Psal. 130.3. If thou (O Lorde) strait­lye markest iniquities, O Lorde, who shall stand?

Qu. What then is the state and con­dition of you, and all other, through your sinne in Adam, and your owne daily sins, by reason of your corruption of nature drawne from Adam?

An. Most woofull truly & miserable is mine, and the state of all men else in themselues because of sin: for it is writ­ten in the 5. to the Romaines: Rom. 5.18. By the of­fence of one the fault came on all men to con­demnatiō. And againe in the 2. to the Ro­maines: Tribulation & anguish shalbe vp­on the soule of euery man that doth euill. Rom. 2.9.

Qu. Set forth yet more fully the pu­nishment of sinne, and the state of con­demnation.

Qu. In the 30. chapter of Esai it is said, Tophet (which by a borowed speach is Hell) is prepared of old, Esai. 30.33. it is euen prepa­red for the king, he hath made it deepe and large, the burning thereof is fire and much wood, the breath of the Lord like a riuer of brimstone dooth kindle it. In the 66. of the same Prophet, Esai. 66.24. it is also said: And they (that is the godly) shall go forth, and looke vpō the carcasses of the men that haue trans­gressed against me, for their worme shall not die, neyther shall their fire be quenched, and [Page]they shal be an abhorring to all flesh. In the 8. of Mathew it is saide, Math, 8, 12. The children of the kingdome (that is the Iewes) shalbe cast out into vtter darkenesse, where shalbe wee­ping and gnashing of teeth. In the 21. of the Reuelation it is written, that The fearefull, vnbeleeuing, Reuel, 21, 8. and abhominable shal haue their portion in the lake which bur­neth with fire and brimstone, which is the se­cond death. In consideration of which ex­treme punishment, the wicked at y e comming of Christ shal say, as it is in the 6. of the Reuelation, to the mountains & to the rockes, Fall vpon vs, Reuel, 6, ℣se 16, 17. & hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who canne stand?

Qu. O most wofull depth of miserie, and cruell calamitie because of sinne, but is there no meane to auoyde this woe?

Ans. One onely meanes to escape is prouided by God. Acts, 4, 12.

Qu. Shew what it is?

Ans. God straightway after Adams fall, raised him and all other his elect vp againe vnto hope by the promise of a sa­uiour [Page]to vanquish the power of Sa­than, & to set the enthralled frée: as ap­peareth in Genesis 3. where it is denoū ­ced against Sathan, Gen, 3, 15. that The seede of the woman should bruse his head.

Qu. Did any deserte of Adam mooue God hereunto?

An. None at all. It was onely Gods loue, pitie, and compassion that procured this saluation: As it is written in the 3 of Iohns gospel; Iohn 3, 16. God so loued the world, that he gaue his onely begotten sonne, that euery one that beleeueth in him might not perishe but haue eternall life. And againe in Ro­mans 5. Rom, 5. ver, 8 But God setteth out his loue towards vs, seeing that while we were yet sinners (yea and a little after Enemies) Christ dyed for vs.

Qu. What natures were in Christ?

An. Two. The nature of man, and the nature of God in one person: As it is proued by these words in Romanes 9. Rom. 9, 4. 1, Iohn, 5, 20. Of whome (that is of the Isralites) con­cerning the flesh Christ came, who is God ouer all, blessed for euer.

Qu. Why was it needfull that our Re­deemer should be man?

An. That God might satisfie his Iu­stice [Page]in punishing man (as he threatned if his commandement should be broken when he gaue it first to Adam) for that which man had offended. Which thing the Apostle séemeth to say in Hebrews 2. where he saith: Heb, 2, verse 14, 15, 16, 17 Forasmuch as the children were partakers of flesh and bloud, he also him selfe tooke part with them, that he might de­stroy through death him that had the power of death (that is the diuell) and that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their l [...]fe time subiect vnto bon­dage. And Peter sayth in the third cha­piter of his first Epistle: 1. Pet. 3, 18. Christ hath once suffered for sinnes, the iust for the vniust to bring vs to good,

Qu. Why was it necessary that our re­deemer should be God?

An. To the intent that the infirmi­tie of his manhood might be sustained by his Godhead, that so he might ouercome death, & the sorrows of death. And there­fore it is saide in Romans [...]. that He was declared mightily to be the sonne of God, Rom, 1, 4. tou­ching the spirit of sanctification, by his re­surrection from the dead. And againe the same Apostle saith in 2. 1, Cor, 13, 4. Corinthians cha­piter 13. For although hee was crucified ac­cording [Page]to his infirmitie (that is his Man­hoode) yet doth he lyue by the power of God. If hee had béene but onely man, he could not haue ouercome death, and therefore Peter in the third chapiter of his first e­pistle, ascribeth the quickning of Christ (that is the raising of his body frō death) to the spirit, 1. Pet. 3.18. that is to the diuine power.

Q. Was Christ himselfe who was borne of a sinfull woman, free from the contagion and infection of sinne? You al­leadged out of Iob the 14. chapiter, That none could bryng that is pure out of filthy­nesse.

An. If Christ had not béene frée from the infection of sin, be had béene vnméete to haue ransomed and deliuered other there from; And therefore it is saide in the 7. to the Hebrewes, that Such an high Priest it becomes vs to haue, Heb. 7.26. as is holy, harm­lesse, vndefiled, seperate from sinners, & made higher then the heauens. And in the fift of the 2. to the Corinthians Paule saith; He was made sinne for vs which knew no sinne. 2. Cor, 5, 21. And therefore to the intent he might bée frée from sinne, he was conceiued in the wombe of the virgine, Luke, 1, 35. as appeareth in the first of Luke, by the holy ghost.

Q. Doe you thinke that the bodilye death which Christ did suffer, was suffi­cient to deliuer all mankinde from the punishment due both to their bodies and soules?

A. Notwithstanding that the Scrip­ture oftentimes ascribeth for giuenes of sinnes, & our redemption to the shedding of his bloud, as in the first to the Ephesi­ans; By whom we haue redemption through his bloud, euen the forgiuenes of sins. Ephes. 1.7. And in the first chap. of the first epistle of Peter: Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as siluer and gold, 1. Pet. 1. ℣se 18, 19. frō your vaine conuersation, receiued by the traditi­ons of the Fathers: but with the pretious bloud of Christ, as of a lambe vndefiled, and without spot, and many suche like places. Yet we are alwaies to vnderstand, that a speciall part of our redemption consi­steth in the sufferings of his soule. For therin he bickered, & had combat with al the powers of hell & damnation, which was due for our sins, the stings, horrors & sorrows (as Peter Acts 2. calleth them) whereof, caused him to sweat drops like water & bloud, trickling downe from his body: so great was his agony, Luke 22, [...] as Luke [Page]in the 22. chapter recordeth, whē the an­gels came to comfort him. Againe, vpon the crosse the wrath of God did so presse his soule for our sinnes, that for extreme anguish this pitifull exclamation was wrested from his mouth; Mat, 27, 49. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Who can think that these strong cryings & teares, as in Hebrews 5. they are tearmed, Heb, 5, 7. were euer in the Son of God, for & because of a bo­dily death, which we do sée many weake men (yea, which suffer for no good cause amongst vs) most constantly to endure. In these his sufferinges he hath spoyled death & hell, as it is written in threate­ning wise; O Death, I will be thy death, O graue, Hosea 13, 14 I will be thy destruction. And againe in Collossians 2. Collos. 2, 15. And hee hath spoyled the principalities and powers, and hath made a shew of them openly, and tryumphed ouer them in the same crosse.

Qu. But nowe sith none can enioy the ioies of heauen and eternal life, but those that fulfill the will of God, and perfecte obedience vnto his Lawe. Howe shall wee poore sinners doe in this be­halfe?

An. The goodnes of our God hath in [Page]this behalfe also prouided for vs, raising vp for vs a mightie saluation. The Apo­stle saith in the 4. to the Galathians, that Christ was made vnder the law, that he might redeeme them which were vnder the lawe, Gal, 4, v. 4▪ 5. that they might receiue the adoption of sons. And againe he saith in the second to the Collossians, And you which were deade in sinnes, Collos. 2. ver. 13, 14, 15. and in the vncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickned together with him, (that is Christ) forgiuing all your trespasses, and putting out the hande writing of ordinances that was against vs, which was contrarie to vs, he euen tooke it out of the way, and faste­ned it vnto his crosse. Againe, 1 Rom, 10, 4 in Romans the 10. Christ is the end of the law for righ­teousnes vnto euerie one that beleeueth. 1, Cor, 1, 30. Last­ly in 1. Corinthians 1. it is said, that Christ is made of God our wisedome, righteousnesse, sanctification, & redemption (that is to say) that whatsoeuer we haue néede of to the obteining of eternal life & saluation, we haue it in him as in a full fraught and plentifull storehouse.

Qu. Doth this saluatiō pertaine to all, and shall all be partakers of the same?

An. The saluation is offered to all, but none shal haue it but those y t beléeue. [Page]As it is written in the 16. of the gospell after Marke: Mark. 16▪ 15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospell to euery creature; He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued, and he that wil not beleeue shalbe damned.

Qu. What is it to beleeue?

An. To beléeue, is to bee fully per­swaded that God the father, which hath made me the promise of saluation in his Sonne, wil faithfully performe his pro­mise vnto me. For as Abraham hauing Gods promise made vnto him, as the A­postle affirmeth in the 4. to the Romans did not doubt of the promise through vn­beliefe, Rom. 4. ℣se [...]0.21. but was strengthened in y e faith, and gaue glory to God, béeing fully assu­red, that he which had promised was al­so able to do it: euen so also wee hauing Gods promise: (for saith the apostle in y e same place, it is not written for him on­lie, Rom. 4.23. but also for vs) must not doubt of the promise through vnbeliefe, but bee fully assured to obteine it, God béeing both a­ble and faithfull.

Q. How is faith wrought in men?

An. Thrée thinges especially for the woorking of faith are to bee noted from the Scripture. First the preaching of [Page]Gods word: For saith the Apostle Ro­mans the 10. How shall they heare without a preacher, Rom. 10, 15. and how shall they preach except they be sent, &c. Then faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God. 1. Cor. 1.21. And a­gaine in the 1. Corinthians. 1. It pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue. Iohn. 11.20. Also Iohn the 11. I pray not (saith Christ) for these (my disciples) alone, but for them also which shall beleeue in me through their word, that is their prea­ching.

Qu. What is the second thing that you note from the scriptures to be necessary to the begetting of faith?

An. The second is, that hée whiche preacheth be sent & authorised of God. For how (saith the Apostle in the 10. to the Romans) shall they preach except they be sent? Rom. 10.15. Againe the Prophet Ieremie in his 23. chapter saith: Iere. 23, 32. I sent them not nor commanded them, therfore they being no pro­fit to this people. Our sauiour Christ saith in the 10. of Iohn: Iohn. 10. ℣s. 1, 2. That he that entreth not in by the doore into the sheepefold, but climeth vp some otherway he is a theefe and a robber. And in the 10. verse he saith, That a theefe commeth not but for to steale, [Page]to kill and to destroy, so farre is it of that they shall beget men to the faith. Iob calleth such a messenger a mā of a thou­sand in his 33. chapter. Iob. 33, 23.

Qu What is the third thing?

An. The working of the Holy ghost in the ministration of the word with power in the hearers harts, as by these places of Scripture is, and by many o­ther may be proued. Paule in the fourth chapter of his former Epistle to the Co­rinthians threatning to come to Co­rinth, to make triall of the doctrine of the false Apostles, which were so high­ly extolled, and of the effectualnesse thereof affirmeth, 1. Cor. 4. ℣s. 19, 20. that the kingdome of God (that is the ministrie of the Gos­pell) stands not in word but in the power of the Spirite. In the second chapter of the same Epistle he saith: [...]. Cor. 2, 4. Neither stood my word and my preaching in the intising speach of mans wisedome, but in plaine eui­dence of the spirite and power, that your faith might not bee in the wisedome of men but in the power of God. Againe in the former Epistle to the Thessalonians the first chapter: 1. Thess. 1, 5. For our gospell was not vn­to you in word onely, but also in power [Page]and in the Holy ghost. In all these thrée places Paule setteth foorth the power of the Holy ghost in begetting of faith by the outward ministrie of his preach­ing. In the fift chapter to the Galathi­ans Paule saith: Galat. 5.22. The fruit of the spirite is loue, ioy, peace, long suffering, gentle­tlenesse, goodnesse, faith, meekenesse, tempe­rancie.

Qu. What men are meet for the plan­ting of faith?

An. Those onely that haue a féeling of their owne miserie and woe, due from Gods instice for their sinnes. For those onely dooth Christ call in the eleuenth of Mathew, saying: Math. 11, 28 Come vnto me all yee that are weary and laden and I will ease you. In the second of the Acts we read that those that were pricked in their harts, and said vnto Peter and the other Apostles, Acts. 2. ℣se 37, 38, 39. Men and brethren what shall we do, immediatly after beléeued.

Qu. To what head or point of reli­gion do you refer this sorrow and trem­bling conceiued of the sight of Gods dis­pleasure for sinne.

An. To the point of Repentance, Acts. 2 [...]7. as a foregoer thereof in the elect.

Qu. What is Repentance?

An. Repentance is a turning frō sin vnto God, What Re­pentance is. that is to say, a framing of our whole life to obey him. And y e word that the Scripture vseth most common­ly to expresse it by, doth signifie a change or alteration of the minde. That new birth which our sauiour Christ speaketh of in the 3. of Iohn vnto Nicodemus is nothing but Repētance. Iohn. 3, 3. It is called Re­generation. Regeneration or Repen­tance hath two parts represented in ba­ptisme, that is, Dying vnto sinne, called mortification, termed in the Scripture circumcision of the hart: And newnesse at life. Both these partes of repentance are in sundrie places of the Scriptures expressed. As in the 2. chapter vnto Ti­tus in these words: Titus. 2. ℣se 11, 12. For that grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared, and teacheth vs, to deny vngodli­nes, and worldly lusts, (this is Mortificati­on) and to liue sobe [...]ly, righteously, and god­ly in this present world (this is Newnesse of life.) In the 2. to the Collossians these two parts are also expressed, where the Apostle saith: Coloss. 2. ℣s. 11, 12. In whom also ye are circum­cised with circumcisiō made without hands, [Page]by putting off the sinfull body of the flesh through the circumcision of Christ, in that ye are buried with him thorough baptisme, Ephes. 4. ℣se 22, 23.24. in whom ye are also raised vp together through the faith of the operation of God. In the 6. of the epistle to the Romans, Rom. 6.4. and in the 4. of the first epistle of Peter, both these parts are manifestly expressed: 1. Pet. 4. ℣se 1, 2. the one procéedeth of the force of Christs death, the other of his n="*" Phil. 3, 10. resurrection.

Qu. How is repentance wrought in mans hart?

An. By the holy ghost in preaching of the lawes and the gospell. John 3, 5. Except a man (saith Christ) be borne of water and the Holy ghost, he cānot enter into the kingdome of God. Againe Paule saith in the 6. of his first epistle to the Corinthians: 1. Cor. 6.11. And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, & by the spirit of our God. And againe in the 3. chapter of the secōd epistle to the Corinthians: 2. Cor. 1, 12. But we all be­hold as in a mirrour the glory of the Lord with open face, and are chaunged into the same image from glory to glory as by the spi­rit of the Lord.

Qu. You haue proued that Repentance [Page]is the worke of the Holy ghost. Now proue that it is in the ministry of the law and the gospell.

An. In the 1. chapter of Titus it is commaunded Titus that he should sharp­ly rebuke the Cretians, Titus. 1. ℣se 12, 13. because one of their own prophets witnesseth that they were alwaies liers, euill beasts, slow bellies, that they may bée sound in the saith. Rom. 3.20. The whole Scripture (both the law & the gospell) saith the same Apostle in the 3. of his 2. Epistle to Timothie, 2. Timoth. 3. ℣se 16, 17. is giuen by inspiration from God, and is profitable to conuince, to correct, and to instruct, &c. thus much for the ministry of the lawe. For the gospell: Our Sauiour Christ saith in the fiftenth of Iohn: Nowe are yee cleane through the word that I haue spoken vnto you. Iohn. 15, 3. Also Peter saith in the 1. chap­ter of his first epistle: Being borne againe, not of mortall seede but of immortall, 1. Pet. 1.23. by the word of God. Lastly in the twenty and six of the Acts, it is witnessed, that Paule was sent by Iesus Christ by preaching the gospell vnto the Gentiles, To open their eies, Acts. 26, 18. that they might turne from dark­nes to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they might receiue forgiuenes of [Page]sinnes, & inheritance among them that were Sanctified by faith in him. Thus it is plaine that Repentance is the worke of the Holy ghost, by the ministry of the law and the gospell.

Qu. Whether is faith before Repen­tance, or Repentance before faith?

An. The question is busie: there is no doubt but faith & repentance are very nigh adioined, as touching their begin­ning, as is the cause and the effect. Let it suffice vs to know, that when a sinner thorow the preaching of the lawe is throwne downe to the sight of his deser­ued damnation, by the auenging iustice of God, that thē (if he be Gods elect) faith in Gods promise of saluation in Christ is wrought in him by the preaching of the gospell: whervpon followeth an ha­tred of sinne and care to auoid it, a loue of righteousnes and care to doo it, which are especiall effects of repentance in to­ken of thankefulnesse for saluation by Christ. The Scripture in sundry places doth ascribe sanctification and purging of the hart vnto faith. As in the twentie and six of the Acts: Acts. 26, 18▪ That they may receiue forgiuenes of sinnes, and inheritance among [Page]them which are sanctified by faith in mee. Againe in the 15. He put no difference be­tweene vs and them after that by faith he had purified their harts Now Sanctifica­tion, regeneration, & repentance being all one, it followeth that they are effects of faith. Further because without faith (as the Apostle saith in the 11. to the He­brewes) it is impossible to please God: Hebr. 11, 6. & in another place, Rom. 14.23 What soeuer is not of faith is sinne. We haue most warrant to think that faith is before repentance. Not­withstanding some writers are of mind that some part of repentance goeth be­fore faith, and some part followeth as an effect therof.

Qu. When ceaseth repentance in men?

An. When men cease altogether to sin: But sin doth not cease to be in the most holy man so long as he liueth, ther­fore men must continue repentance so long as they liue. It is written in Genesis the 8. For the imagination of mans hart is euill euen from his youth. Gen. 8, 21. And in Iames the 3. Iames. 3, 2. In many things wee sinne all. And in the 5. to the Galathians: The flesh lusteth against the spirit, Galat. 5, 17. & the spirit against the flesh; and these are contrarye one to the [Page]other, so that ye cannot do the same things ye would. Wée are commaunded to pray continually by Christ: Matth. 6. Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that tres­passe &c.

Qu. Do you hold it for a certaine truth that men are iustified onely by Christ, and that the works of sanctification and newnesse of life begun in vs, doo merit nothing concerning the worke of our saluation?

An. I hold it for an vndoubted truth, that the whole worke of our saluation is wrought in the person of Christ with­out vs, and without all respect of our works, either before or after repētance, whatsoeuer the Papists prate. But yet there are many places of Scripture which doo séeme to giue something to works to the obteining of saluation: As the 15. Psalme; Psal. 15. ℣se 1, 2, 3. Lord who shall rest vpon thy holy mountaine: He that walketh vprightly, and worketh righteousnesse and speaketh the truth in his hart. Againe the 24. Psalme: Who shall ascend into the mountaine of the Lord, and who shall stand in his holy place, Psal. 24. ℣se 3, 4. Euen hee that hath innocent handes and a pure hart &c. Againe Esay the 33. Who [Page]among vs shal dwell with the deuouring fier, Esay. 33. ℣se 14, 15. who amōg vs shal dwell with the euerlasting burnings, he that walketh in iustice, & spea­keth righteous things, refusing gaine of op­pressiō, &c. Psalm. 50, 23 Againe Psalme 50. And to him that disposeth his way aright will I shew the saluation of God. Math. 7. ℣se 21, 22. Again Math. 7. Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdome of heauen, but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen. A­gaine Iohn 5. Iohn 5. ℣se 28, 29. For the howre shal come in the which al that are in the graues shal heare his voice & they shall come forth, they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life, but they that haue done euil vnto the resurrectiō of condemnation. Mat. 25. ℣se 34, 35. Againe Math. 25. Come ye blessed of my father inherite ye the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world, for I was an hungred and ye gaue me meat, I thirsted & ye gaue me drinke, I was a stranger and ye lodged me, I was naked & ye clothed me, I was sicke & ye visited me, I was in prison & ye came vnto me. And there be many such like. I answer vnto these pla­ces, & al such like in the scripture (which answer if it be marked of y e simple, may be a keie vnto them to open much of the Scripture, and may inable them to stop [Page]the Papists mouths,) that these places doo not set downe & expresse the causes of saluation, and of eternall life: but de­scribe & point out who they be that shal­be saued, by the effects that follow faith, & repentance. The Apostle termeth good works the fruits, not the causes of righ­teousnes in the 1. to the Philippiās, Philip. 1, 11. wher be praieth that they may be filled with y e fruits of righteousnes, The end of good workes the glory of God. which are by Ie­sus Christ to the glory of God. But whē the Scripture setteth downe the causes of saluation, & why men are saued, & ob­teine eternall life, it giueth all to Christ Iesus. As by these places following, and many such like, & none to the contrary appeareth. Acts 4. Acts. 4. ℣se 11, 12. This is the stone cast aside of you builders which is the head of the cor­ner, neither is the saluation in any other, for among men there is giuē none other name vn­der heauen wherby we must be saued. Hebr. the 7. Hebr. 7, 25. But this man (meaning Christ) be­cause he endureth euer, hath an euerlasting priesthood. Wherefore he is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him, seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. Hebrews the 10. Hebr. 10, 14. For with one offring hath he cōsecrated for euer thē that are sanctified. [Page] Hebrews the 9. Hebr. 9.28. So Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many, and vnto them that looke for him shall he appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation. Romans 3: Rom. 3. To him that worketh the wages is not imputed of fauour, but of debt, but to him that worketh not, but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly, his faith is coun­ted for righteousnes. Ephes. 2. ℣se 8, 9. Ephesians the 2. For by grace are ye saued through faith & that not of your selues, it is the gift of God, not of works that mē may boast. Philippiās 3. Paul saith, Philipp. 3. Touching the righteousnesse that is in the lawes I was vnrebukeable: ℣se 6, But the things that were vantage vnto me, ℣se 7, ℣se 8, the same I coun­ted losse for Christs sake: ℣se 9, yea doubtles, I think all things but losse, ℣se 10 for the excellent know­ledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lord, for whom I haue counted all things losse, and do iudge them to be but dunge, that I might win Christ and might be found in him, that is, not hauing mine owne righteousnes which is by the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ euē the righteousnes which is of God through faith, &c. And the Scriptures are almost infinit that make to this purpose.

Qu. What meaneth this phrase of speach so much vsed in Scripture we are [Page]iustified by faith?

An. It meaneth nothing else, but that God accompteth and acknowledgeth vs for righteous and holy in Christ (in whome, as the Apostle saith in the first of the second Epistle to the Corinthi­ans, all the promises of God are yea, and Amen,) whom we lay hold on by faith, and applie vnto our soules against all terrors of sinne, death, and damnation, Roman. 5. and so haue peace with God, ℣se 1, 2. who hath said from heauen that in him he is well pleased. Matth. 3.17.

Qu. Now seing there is such aboun­dance of saluation in Christ, why do not all lay hold of it?

An. No man (saith Christ) commeth vn­to mee except my father draw him. Iohn. 6, 44. Iohn. 6, 37. And againe he saith in the tenth of Iohn: But yee beleeue not: Iohn. 10, 26: for yee are not of my sheepe.

Qu. Now seing none can be saued but those that haue repētance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ, tell me how a man may know certainely that he hath faith and Repentance?

An. If he can say in true féeling, The good that I would doo that I doo not, Rom. 7, 19. and [Page]the euill that I would not doo, that I doo, with Paule in the 7. to the Romans, Math. 5. and mourne vnder the burden of his sinne.

If he delite in the lawe of God in the inner man. Rom. 8, 16.

If he be led by the spirit of God. Rom. 8, 14.

If he haue crucified the flesh with the affections of the flesh. Galat. 5, 24.

If he walke according to y e rule of a new creature, Galat. 6, 15. & be a new creature, peace shal­be vpō him, & mercie, as saith y e Apostle.

If he can say with the Apostle, 2. Cor. 1, 12. This is my reioycing the testimonie of my cōsciēce, that in simplicitie, & godly purenes, and not in fleshly wisedome, but by the grace of God, I haue had my conuersation in the world.

If hée haue true loue towardes the brethren, euen to be gréeued in their griefes, and ioyfull in their good: and carefull to helpe them in christian com­passion, by easing their gréeues, and fur­thering their good; it is a true marke of the child of God. And thereby (saith Iohn) we know that we are of the truth, 1. Iohn. 3.19 and shall before him (that is God) assure our harts. And in 1. Iohn. 4. he saith: Herby we know that he dwelleth in vs, and we in him, because he hath giuen vs of his spirit, that is [Page]the fruits of his spirit. Roman. 8. And if any haue not the fruits of the spirit the same is none of his. The fruits of the spirit are, as appeareth in Galathians 5. loue, ioy peace, Galat. 5, 22. long suffering, gentlenes, goodnes, faith meek­nes, &c. If a mā by these notes examine himselfe he may iudge of his repentāce. If any man haue not repented he is di­ligently to attend vpon the holy mini­stry of the law & the gospel that he may be called in Gods good time.

Qu. How may Gods people know a faithfull man?

An. By 3. marks specially. First by his professing & frequenting of the publike worship of God, when it may be had. As in Romans 10. Rom. 10, 9. For if thou shalt cōfesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, & beleeue with thy hart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saued. And in 1. Peter. 3. 1. Pet. 3.15. Be redie al­waies to giue an answer to euery mā that as­keth you a reason of that hope that is in you. Our sauiour Christ saith in Iohn. 8. He that is of God heareth Gods word. Iohn. 8, 47. Second­ly by his honest & godly conuersation a­mōg men: for Paule saith, 2. Tim. 2. The Lord know­eth who are his, ℣se 15 & let euery one that nameth the name of Chrst departe from iniquitie. [Page]Shew me (saith Iames in the second of his Epistle) thy faith by thy works, Iames. 2, 18. and I will shewe thee my faith by my workes. Where he plainely sheweth, that if good works be away, Matth. 7. there is no faith. Yee shall know them (saith Christ) by their fruit, verse, 16, 20. for a good tree bringeth foorth good fruit, &c. Thirdly by true Christian loue: Iohn. 13, 35. Hereby (saith Christ in the 13. of Iohn) shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye haue loue one to an other. These are thrée sure markes to know a faithfull man by so farre as man may iudge. Hypocrites God will either display in this world in time, by bringing their sinnes abroad to the view of all men, as he did Symon Magus his sinnes, Iudas, Saules, and ma­ny others, or else when the secrets of all mens harts shalbe disclosed, he will throwe those tares into vnquenchable fier with others prepared to condemna­tion.

Qu How may a mā know an vnfaith­full man and an infidell?

An. By his life vnreformed, & conti­nuance in his wickednes after he is re­buked, & heareth how he ought to walke. Luke. 6. verse 43, 44. It is not a good tree (saith Christ in the [Page]sixt of Luke) which bringeth foorth euill fruit, neither an euil tree that bringeth forth good fruite. Againe, Iohn saith in his first epistle and third chapiter: 1, Iohn, 3, 10. In this are the children of God knowne, and the children of the deuill, whosoeuer doth not righteousnesse is not of God. And againe, He that commit­teth sinne is of the deuill. Prouerbes 29. Hee that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked, Prou. 29, 1. shall sodainly be destroied, and cannot bee cu­red. Psalme 68. Surely God will wound the head of his enemies, Psal. 68, 21. and the hairy pate of him that walketh in his sinne.

Qu. Now shew what ioyes are prepa­for true Christians?

An. Such as (saith the Apostle in the second chapiter of the former Epistle to the Corinthians) The eye hath not seene, 1, Cor, 2, 9. nei­ther the eare heard, neyther the heart of man conceiued, prepared by God for them that loue him. Peter in the fift of his first Epistle, tearmeth those ioyes the incorruptible crowne of glory. In the 21. of the Reuela­tion, 1, Peter 5, 4. Reuel, 21, ℣, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24, 25. this ioy is described in the descrip­tion of newe Ierusalem, buylded of gold pretious stones, and pearles, &c. where, by most excellent earthly things is sette foorth the excellencie of those thinges, [Page]which passe and excéede mans capacitie. Wherfore let none of vs be a prophane person as was Esau, Hebr. 12, 16. to sell our birth­right for a messe of pottage, and for the pleasures of the doonghill of this world, which endure but for a season, to loose the ioyes and dainties of heauen, which are eternall. Which thing God graunt vnto vs for his Christ his sake, to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, thrée persons & one onely God, King of kinges, and Lorde of lordes, who onelie hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in the light that no man can attaine vnto, whom neuer man sawe, ney­ther can sée, be honour and power euerla­stingly, Amen.

The ende of the Catechisme.

To the Christian Reader.

BEcause this Catechisme is verye short, I thought it needfull to adde and adioyne vnto the ende thereof (good Reader) certeine duties requy­red by God at the handes of his peo­ple, to be performed vnder payne of damnation, and the testimonies of Scripture which proue the same. For surely this naughtye age in perfor­mance of dutie is verie remisse & vn­toward, perswaded, as it seemeth, that a meere profession of Religion with the lippe is Christianity inough. And what is the speeches of the most part of men in these dayes when they are blamed for their vngodly life, but these & such like? VVhy, God is mer­ciful, men cannot be saints and angels, you are ouer precise & pure. Luke 1, ℣se 74, 75. As if it were not written that we are therfore deliuered by Christ from our ene­mies, Hell, Death, and Damnation, that wee shoulde serue God without feare all the daies of our life in holines [Page]and righteousnes before him, and in another place that wee should liue so­berly, Tim. 2, ℣se 12. righteously, and godlye in this presente worlde. And in another place: That if anye bee in Christ, hee must be a new creature. 2, Cor, 5. And againe: Follow peace with all men, Heb, 12. and holy­nesse, without the which no man shal see the Lorde. And to the same effecte there are infinite testimonies of holie Scripture. But I would suche mocke-gods were once mindfull of their wofull state, which maye rather bee tearmed incarnate Diuels then Chri­stian mē, or members of the holy bo­dy of Christ, so long as they continue so desperately nought. I would (good reader) either thine or mine admoni­tion might doe some of them good. Farewell in Christ, and let vs pray in the spirit, for the peace and prosperity of Zion, & our gratious Souereigne.

Thine in Christ, Th. Settle.

A fardle of Christian du­ties, needful to be taken vp and borne of all such as trauaile towards eternall life according as euery of their callings require.

1. That all Christian men and women are bound to go to Church, or the place appointed for Gods worship, namely where Gods word is prea­ched, praiers and Sacraments mini­stred: & to ioyne themselues in fel­lowship in those holy exercises of religion, that so they may growe vp in true Christianitie.

BVt yee shall séeke the place which the Lorde your God shall choose out of all your tribes, Deut, 12, verse 5. to put his name there and there to dwel, & thither thou shalt come. This place was vnder the lawe Ierusa­lem, or where Gods Arke and taberna­cle was pitched. And now since Christes birth, is all places of the worlde where Gods word and sacramentes are truely preached and ministred.

It shall be in the last dayes, Esay 2, ver, 2. that the mountains of the house of the Lord shal be prepared in the top of the mountains, [Page]and shall bée exalted aboue the hilles, and all nations shall flowe vnto it. And And many people shall go & say: Micha, 4, 1. Come, and lette vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lorde to the house of the God of Ia­cob, and hee will teach vs his wayes, and we will walke in his pathes.

And they that dwell in one Citie shall goe vnto an other, Zachar. 8, ℣. 21, 22. saying: Vp, let vs goe and pray before the Lorde, One must prouoke, an­other to go to the assem­bli [...]s. and seeke the Lord of hostes: I will go also. Yea, great people and mightie nations shall come to séeke the Lord of hostes in Ierusalem, and to pray before the Lord.

Blessed is the man whose strength is in thée, Psal, 84, ℣se 5, 6, 7. & whose heart are in thy wayes. They going through the vale of Baca make welles therein, &c. They go from strength to strength, till euerie one ap­peare before God in Zion. Then a shower of rayne ought not to bee an ex­cuse for any to absent himselfe from the holie assemblies, as many a one of our daintie Christians doe in these dayes make it.

2. Examples of the meetings of Chri­stians [Page]for the hearing of the word, prayer, and administration of Sa­craments.

ANd they continued in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, Acts, 2, 42. and fellowship, & breaking of bread, and praiers.

And they continued daily with one accorde in the temple, Acts 2, 46. and breaking of bread at home.

And daily in the temple, Acts 5, 46. & from house to house they ceased not to teach and preach Iesus Christ.

And the next Saboth day came almost the whole Cittie together to heare the word of God. Acts 13, 44.

And the first day of the wéeke the Dis­ciples beeing come together to breake bread, Acts 20, 7. Paule preached vnto them readie to depart on the morow, & continued the preaching vntill midnight.

When yée come togeather therefore into one place, 1, Cor, 11, 20 this is not to eate the Lords Supper.

3. Examples of the seruantes of God, reioicing to go to the assemblies of God, and to see others goe. And of [Page]the seruants of God complaining & sorrowing for the want of the holie assemblies, when as by persecution they were hindered, and of their desires to be there.

I Reioised when they said to me, Psal, 122, ℣se 1, 2. we wil go into the house of the Lord. Our féet shall stand in thy gates, O Ierusalem.

O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy tabernacles. Psal, 84, verse 1, 2, 3. My soule longeth, yea and fainteth for the courtes of the Lorde, for my heart and my flesh reioice in the li­uing God. Yea, the sparrow hath founde her an house, and the swallow a nest for her where she may lay her young, euen by thy altars O Lord of hostes, my king and my God. Blessed are they that may dwell in thine house, they will euer praise thée.

As the Hart brayeth for the riuers of water, Psal, 42, verse 1, 2, 3, 4. so panteth my soule after thée, O God. My soule lusteth for God, euen for the liuing God, when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God. My teares haue béene my meat day & night, while they daily say vnto me, where is thy God. Whē I remēbred these things, [Page]I poured out my verie heart, because I had gone with the multitude, and ledde them into the house of God, &c.

And he said (that is Dauid vnto Saule) Wherefore doth my Lorde thus perse­cute his seruant, 1, Sam, 26, 18, 19. for what haue I done, or what euill is in my hande. Nowe therefore I beseech thée, lette my Lorde heare the wordes of his seruant. If the Lorde haue stirred thée vp against mee, lette him smell the sauour of a Sacri­fice: But if the children of men haue done it, cursed be they before the Lorde. For they haue cast mee out this day from abyding in the inheritaunce of the Lord God, saying: goe serue other Gods.

Hezekia hearing the message of death from the Lorde, Esay 38. ℣se 1, 2, 3, 18, 19. praied and wept not for feare of death, but as the whole chapiter doth euidently declare, because he should no longer liue to praise God in his sanc­tuarie, and to growe vp among the peo­ple of God in more graces to promote Gods glorie. For sayth hee (after hee had promise of life) The graue cannot confesse thée, death cannot praise thée, they that goe downe into the pitte can­not [Page]hope for thy truth. But the liuing, the liuing hée shall confesse thée, as I doe this day: the father to the children shall declare thy truth.

One thing haue I desired of the Lorde that I will require, Psal, 27, 4. euen that I maye dwel in the house of the Lord all y e daies of my life, to behold the beauty of y e Lord & to visite his temple. Dauid by the beau­tie of the Lorde in this place, meaneth neth nothing else but y e hearing of Gods holy word, praiers, praises, thanksgiuing & the vse of other Gods ceremonies for that ministration appointed.

For a day in thy courts is better then a thousand other where: Psal. 84, 10. I had rather be a doore kéeper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tabernacle of wic­kednes.

4 That al must heare & receiue Gods worde.

REceiue with méekenes the word that is grafted in you, Iames 1, 21. which is able to saue your soules.

As newe borne babes desire the sincere milke of the worde, 1, Pet 1, 2. that you may growe thereby.

He that is of God heareth Gods word: Iohn 8, 47. ye therefore heare them not, because yee are not of God.

Hee that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe, Prou. 28, 9. euen his praier shalbe abhominable.

Despise not prophesiyng. 1, Thes. 5, 20 Prou. 13, 13. He that despiseth the word shall be de­stroyed.

5 That Gods worde is effectuall, and full of power to conuert men, and to alter their mindes, and cleanse their hartes.

THe lawe of the Lorde is perfect, Psal. 19, 7. con­uerting the soule.

Now are ye cleane through the worde which I haue spoken vnto you. Iohn 15, 3.

Sanctifie them with thy truth. Iohn 17, 17. Thy word is truth.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, Rom. 1, 16. for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beléeueth.

For the word of God is liuely, Heb. 4, 12. & migh­tie in operation, & sharper then anie two edged sword, & entreth through, euen vn­to y e diuiding a sunder of the soule & the spirite, & of the ioints and the marrowe, [Page]and is a discerner of the thoughtes and the intents of the hart.

Neuerthelesse though wee walke in the flesh, 2, Cor. 10. ℣. 5, 6, 7. yet we war not after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall, but mightie through God to cast downe holdes, casting downe the imagi­nations, and euerie high thing that is exalted aboue the glorie of God, & brin­ging into captiuitie euery thought, to the obedience of Christ. And hauing rea­die y e vengeance against al disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Is not my worde euen like a fier, saith the Lord, Ierem, 23, 29 and like an hammer that brea­keth the stone?

Surely as the raine commeth downe, and the snowe from the heauen, Esay 55. ℣ 10, 11. and re­turneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it to bring foorth and bud, that it may giue séede to the sower, and bread vnto him that eateth. So shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth, it shal not returne vnto me voide, but it shall accomplish that which I will, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 1, Cor. 14. vers. 24, 25.

But if all prophesie, and there come in [Page]one that beléeueth not or one vnlearned, he is rebuked of all, and is iudged of all: and so are the secretes of his heart made manifest, and so he wil fal downe on his face, and worship God, and say plainely that God is in you indéede.

These places then considered, it will appeare that they which neglect and de­spise the hearing of the worde preached, cannot be saued, though they trust neuer so much to secret reuelations, they shall shall assoone come to heauen, as hee to Fraunce that will passe the sea without a shippe.

6 That for euerie thing that a Chri­stian man doth, hee ought to aske councell at the worde of God, and make that the rule of al his doings.

TAke héede therefore that yée doo as the Lord your God hath commanded you: Deut, 5, 32. turne not aside to the right hande, nor to the left.

Whatsoeuer is not of faith (that is of knowledge from the word) is sinne. Rom. 14, verse 23.

And when they shall say vnto you, en­quire at them that haue a spirit of diui­nation, Esay 8. verse 19, 20. & at the southsayers which whis­per [Page]and murmur. Should not a people enquire at their God? From the liuing to the deade, to the lawe and to the testi­mony, if they speake not according to this word: it is because there is no light in them.

Wo to the rebellious children (saith y e Lord) that take councell but not of mée, Esay 30, ℣se 1, 2 & couer with a couering, but not by my spirit, y e they may lay sin vpon sin, which walke foorth to goe downe into Egypt (& haue not asked at my mouth.)

Examples of Dauid.

Thy word is a lanterne vnto my féet, Psa. 119, 105 and a light vnto my path.

Also thy testimonies are my delight, Psal. 119, 24 & my councellers.

7 That the worde of God conteineth all things necessary vnto saluation.

THe Law of the Lorde is perfect, Psal. 19, 7. con­uerting the soule.

And that thou hast knowne the holie scriptures of a child, 2. Tim 3. ℣. 15, 16, 17. which are able to make thée wise vnto saluatiō, through y e faith which is in Christ Iesus. For the whole scripture is giuen by inspiratiō of God, & is profitable to teach, to improue, [Page]to correct, & to instruct in righteousnesse. That the man of God may bee absolute, being made perfect vnto all good woorks.

Receiue with méekenes the word that is grafted in you, Iames 1, 21. which is able to saue your soules.

Search the scriptures, Iohn 5, 39. for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life.

Then if eternal life & saluation of our soules bee obteined by the scripures, and doctrine of the worde conteined therein, much good doe the Papistes with the rest which they get more by the meanes of traditions and vnwritten verities.

8 Of Magistrates, and first what men are to be chosen.

MOreouer, prouide thou among al the people men of courage, Exod. 18.21. fearing God, men dealing truly, men hating couetous­nes, & appoint such ouer thē to be rulers ouer thousāds, rulers ouer hundreds, &c.

9 That Magistrates are to execute Iu­stice vprightly towards all.

ANd I charged your iudges that same time, saying: Deut. 1, 16. Heare the causes of brethren, and iudge righteously betwene [Page]euery man and his brother, & the stran­ger that is with him, ye shal haue no re­spect of persons, but shall heare the small aswell as the great: ye shal not feare the face of man, for the iudgment is Gods.

Ye shal not do vniustly in iudgement, Deuitie. 19. verse 15 thou shalt not fanour the person of the poore, nor honour y e person of the mighty, but thou shalt iudge thy neighbor iustly.

Thou shalt not estéeme a poore man in his cause. Exod, 23.3.

Iudges & officers shalt thou make thée &c. and they shall iudge the people with righteous iudgement. Deut. 17, 18.

10. That Iudges and magistrates must take no rewardes nor bribes, nor wrest the Lawe.

ANd he set iudges in the land through out all the strong Cities of Iuda, 2. Chron. 19 verse 5, 6, 7. ci­tie by citie: And said to the Iudges take héed what ye doe. For ye execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lord, & he wil be with you in the cause and iudge­ment. Wherefore nowe let the feare of the Lord be vpon you, take héed and doe it: for there is no iniquitie with the Lord, neither respecte of persons, nor re­ceiuing of reward.

Heare this I pray you ye heads of the house of Iacob & princes of the house of Israell, Mich. 3. verse 10, 11. they abhor iudgement and per­uert al equitie, they build vp Zion with bloud and Ierusalem with iniquitie, the heads therof iudge for rewards, &c: ther­fore shal Zion for your sakes be plowed as a field.

To make good for the euill of their hands the prince asked, Mich. 7. vers. 3, 4. & the iudge iud­geth for a reward. Therefore the great man speaketh out of the corruption of his hart, and so they wrap it vp, the best of them is like a brier, & the most righte­ous is sharper then a thorne hedge.

Thou shalt take no gift, Exod. 23, 8. for the gift blindeth the wise, and peruerteth the words of the righteous.

Wrest not thou the lawe, Deut. 16, 19. neither re­spect any person, neither take reward, for the reward blindeth the eies of the wise, & peruerteth the words of the iust.

Their rulers loue to say with shame bring yée. Osea, 4, 18.

Woe vnto them whiche iustifieth the wicked for a reward, Esay, 5, 23. and taketh away the righteousnesse of the righteous from him. Read the 82. Psalme.

[Page] 11. That magistrates must punish the wicked, or else they shall prouoke Gods wrath against themselues, and be a cause to increase sinne.

A Wise king scattereth the wicked, Prou. 20, 26 & causeth y e whéele to turne ouer them. For Princes are not to be feared for good workes, Rom 13. ℣se 3, 4. but for euill, wilt thou bée without feare of the power? doo well, so shalt thou haue praise of the same, for he is the minister of God for thy welth: but if thou do euill, feare; for he beareth not the sword for nought, for he is the mini­nister of God to take vengeance on him that dooth euill.

Because sentence against an euill worke is not executed spéedily, Eccles. 8, 10. therefore the hart of the children of men is fully set in them to do euill.

Neither will I be with you any more except ye destroy the excōmunicate from among you. Iosu [...]. 7, 12.


I put on iustice, Iob 29. verse 14, 15. and it couered me, my iudgement was as a robe & a crowne. I was the eies of the blind, and I was the féet to the lame: I was a father vnto the poore, and when I knew not the cause I [Page]sought it out diligently, I brake also the iawes of the vnrighteous, and plucked the pray out of his téeth.

Betimes will I destroy al the wicked of y e land, Psal. 101, [...]. that I may cut of al y e workers of iniquitie from the citie of the Lord.

Thus saith the Lord, 1. Kings. 20. ℣se 42. because thou A­hab hast let go out of thine hands a man (that is Benhadad king of Aram) whom I appointed to die, thy life shall go for his life, and thy people for his people. A worthie example to be noted of all ma­gistrates, that they may not spare & foo­lishly pittie Idolaters and vile sinners, whom God in his law commaundeth to be slaine.

12. That princes, magistrates, and men in authoritie ought to be religious, & mainteiners and nursers of reli­gion, and take especiall delight in those that feare God.

BE wise now therefore yée kings, Psal. 10. ℣se 11, 12. be learned ye iudges of the earth, serue the Lord in feare, and reioyce in trem­bling. Kisse the sonne least he be angrie & ye perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burne.

And when he (that is the king) shal sit vpon the throne of his kingdome, Deut. 17. ℣se 18, 19. then shall he write him this law, repeated in a booke by the priests of the Leuits, and it shalbe with him, and he shall read ther­in all the daies of his life, that he may learne to feare the Lord his God, and to kéepe all the wordes of this law, & these ordinances for to do them. That his hart be not lifted vp aboue his brethren, and that he turne not from the commaunde­ment to the right hand or to the left, but that he may prolong his daies in his kingdome, he, & his sonnes in the midst of Israell.

Let not this booke (the Lords words to Iosua & in his person to all magistrates) of this law depart out of thy mouth but meditate therin day and night, Iosua. 1, 8. that thou maist obserue & do according to all that is written therein. For then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, & then shalt thou haue good successe.

Thou (that is the Church) shall sucke the milke of the Gentiles, Esay. 60, 16. & shalt sucke the brests of Kings, & thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy sauiour.

Kings shalbe, Esay. 49, ℣se 23, 24. thy (that is y e churches) [Page]nursing fathers and quéenes thy nurses, they shall worship thée with their faces towards the earth, and licke vp the dust of thy féet, and thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord.

In the Reuelation it is written: Reue. 21, 24 That the kings of the earth shall bring their glorie & honour vnto the new Ierusalē.

Example of Dauid.

O my soule, Psalm. 16.2. thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my Lord, my well doing extendeth not to thée: but to the Saints that are in the earth, & to the excellent: all my delight is in them.

I am a cōpanion of al them that feare thée and kéepe thy precepts. Psal. 119, 63,

Mine eies shalbe vnto the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with me, Psal. 101, 6. he that walketh in a perfect way he shal serue me.

When I remembred these things I powred out my very hart, Psal. 42, 4. because I had gone with the multitude & led them into the house of God.

13. That all subiects are to obey their princes, and those that are appoin­ted vnder them, that is inferior ma­gistrats in all things, not contrarie [Page]to the commandements of God, & to pay them tributes.

LEt euery soule be subiect vnto the higher powers: Rom. 13. ℣se 1, 2, 3. for there is no power but of God: whosoeuer therfore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receiue to themselues iudgement. For princes are not to be feared for good workes, but for euill, wilt thou then be without feare of the power? do well, so shalt thou haue praise of the same, &c. wherefore ye must be subiect, not because of wrath only, but also for cōscience sake. For this cause ye pay also tribute, for they are Gods mi­nisters, applying themselues for y e same thing. Giue to all men therfore their du­tie, tribute to whom ye owe tribute: cu­stome to whom custome, feare to whom feare, honour to whom ye owe honour.

Put them in remembrance that they be subiect to y e principalities & powers, Titus. 3, 1. and that they be obedient and readie to euery good worke.

Submit your selues vnto all maner ordinance of man for y e Lords sake, 1. Peter. 2. ℣se 13, 14. whe­ther it be to the king as vnto the superi­our, or vnto gouernours as vnto them [Page]that are sent of him, for the punishment of euill doers, and for the praise of them that do well.

Honour al men, 1. Pet. 3.17. loue brotherly fellow­ship: feare God honour the king.

Giue vnto Cesar, Math. 22, 21 the things whiche are Cesars, and giue vnto GOD those things which are Gods.

And when they were come to Caper­naum they y e receiued polle money came to Peter & said, Math. 17. ℣s. 24, 25, 26, 27. doth not your master pay tribute, He said yes. And when he was come into the house Jesus preuented him, saying: what thinkest thou Simon? of whom doo the kings of the earth take tribute or polle money? of their children or of strangers? Peter said vnto him of strangers: thē said Iesus vnto him, then are the children frée. Neuerthelesse least we should offend them, go to the sea and cast in an angle, and take the first fishe that commeth vp, and when thou hast o­pened his mouth thou shalt find a péece of twentie pence, that take, and giue it to them for thée and mée.

And the king said to his sergeāts that stood about him, 1. Sam. 22, 1 [...] turne & slay the priests of the Lord, because their hand also [Page]is with Dauid, and because they knew when he fled and shewed it not to mée. But the seruants of the king would not moue their hand to fall vpon the priests of the Lord.

And when they had brought them they set them before the Councel, Acts. 4. verse 27, 28, 29. & the chiefe priest asked them, saying: did not wée straightly cōmaund you that you should not teach in this manner &c? Then Pe­ter & the Apostles answered & said, wée ought rather to obey God then men.

14. That none ought to curse or vse railing or euill speaches of magi­strates.

CVrse not the king, Eccles. 10, 20 no not in thy thought, neither cursse the rich in thy bed chamber, for the foule of heauen shal carrie the voice, and that whiche hath wings shall declare the matter.

Thou shalt not raile vpon the iudges, Exod. 22, 28. neither speake euill of the ruler of the people.

Likewise notwithstanding the drea­mers also defile the flesh, Iud. 8. and dispise go­uernment, and speake euil of them that are in authoritie. Yet Michaell the ar­changell, &c.

Example of Paule.

I am not mad ô noble Festus, Acts. 26, 29. but I speake the words of truth and sobernes. Yet none of these things do let why the ministers of Gods word shuld not after the example of Iohn Baptist to Herod, Mark. 6. 1. Kings. 21. ℣se 20. & Elias to Ahab, & others of Gods seruants to other magistrats, if néed require, sharp­ly reproue them when they swarue frō godlinesse and become wicked.

15. That good princes and magistrats are taken away, and an alteration of states often made because of the sinne and wickednes of the people.

FOr the transgression of a land there are many princes thereof, Prou. 28. [...] but by a man of vnderstanding and knowledge a realme likewise endureth long.

For lo, Esay 3 ℣se [...] ▪ 2, 3, 4. the Lord God of hosts will take away from Ierusalem and from Iudah the stay and the strength: euen all the stay of bread, and all the stay of water. The strong man and the man of warre, the iudge and the prophet, the prudent and the aged, the capteine of sif­tie and the honorable, and the counceller and the cunning artificer, and I will ap­point [Page]children to be their princes, and babes shall rule ouer them.

16. That the ministers and pastors of the Church ought diligently to seede their flockes and teach their people, vnder paine of damnation, and that faithfully without chop­ping and changing.

ANd of Leui he said, Deut. 33, 10. let thy Thummin & thy Vrin be with thy holy one, &c. They shall teach Iacob thy iudgements and Israell thy law: they shall put in­cense before thy face.

And they (that is the Leuites) read in the booke of the law of GOD distinct­ly, Nehem. 8.8. and gaue the sense, and caused them (that is the people) is vnderstand the reading.

O Sonne of man I haue made thée a watchman vnto the house of Israell, Ezech. 33. ℣s,, 9. therefore thou shalt heare the word at my mouth, and admonish them from me. When I shall say vnto the wicked man, O wicked man thou shalt die the death: if thou doest not speake and ad­monish the wicked of his way, the wic­ked man shall die for his iniquitie, but [Page]his bloud will I require at thy hands. Neuerthelosse if thou warne the wic­ked of his way to turne from it, if he do not turne from his way he shall die for his iniquitie, but thou hast deliuered thy soule.

Take héed vnto your selues and to all the flocke, Acts, 20, 28. whereof the Holy ghost hath made you the ouerseers, to féede the church of God, which he hath purchased with his owne bloud.

I charge thée therfore before God, 2. Timoth. 4 verse 1, 2. and before the Lord Iesus Christ which shal iudge the quicke and the dead, at his ap­pearing and in his kingdome, Preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, improue, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and doctrine.

The Elders which are amongst you, 1. Pet. 5. verse 1.2. I beséech which am also an Elder, &c. Féed the flocke of GOD that dependeth vpon you, caring for it not by cōstraint, but willingly; not for filthie lucre, but of a readie mind, &c.

Let a man so thinke of vs as of the mi­nisters of Christ, 1. Cor. 4. ℣. 1, 2. and disposers of the se­crets of God, and as for the rest, it is re­quired of the disposers that euery man [Page]be found faithfull.

The Prophet that hath a dreame let him tell a dreame, Iere. 23, 28. and he that hath my word let him speake my word faithful­ly, for what is the chaffe to the wheat saith the Lord?

Therefore séeing wée haue receiued this ministration, 2. Corint. 4. ℣se 1, 2. as wée haue receiued mercie, we saint not, but haue east of the clokes of shame, and walke not in craf­tinesse, neither handle wée the word of God deceitfully: but in declaration of the truth we approue our selues to eue­ry mans conscience in the sight of God.

For we are not as many which make marchandize of the word of God, 2. Cor. 2.17. but as of sinceritie, but as of God in y e sight of God speake we in Christ. O I would to God that all our ministers could thus in truth speake.

17. That ministers and pastours ought to be examples to their flockes in holy conuersation and godly life, otherwise they are a slander to the ministrie.

BE vnto them that beléeue an example in word, 1. Tim. 4.12 in conuersation, in loue, in­spirit, [Page]in faith, and in patience.

In all things shew thy selfe an exam­ple of good workes, Titus 2, 7. with vnedrrupt doc­trine, with grauitie and integritie, and with the, wholesome word which cannot be condemned, that he which withstan­deth may be ashamed, hauing nothing conrerning you to speake euill of.

Féed the flocke of God, 1. Pet. 5, 3. &c. That ye may be examples to the flocke.

Ye are witnesses and God also (saith Paule) how holily, iustly, 1. Thess. 2. ℣se 10. and vnblame­ablely, wée behaued our selues among you that beléeue.

We giue none occasion of offence in any thing that our ministrie should not be reprehended. 2. Cor. 4.6.

Brethren, be ye followers of me, Philip. 3. ℣se 17, 18. and looke on them whiche walke so, as you haue vs for an example. For many walke of whom I haue told you often, & now tell you wéeping, that they are the enimies of the crosse of Christ, whose end is damnation, whose God is their belly, & whose glorie is to their shame which mind earthly things.

18. That the pastors and ministers of Gods word are to bee esteemed [Page]greatly of, to be reuerenced, and to be obeyed in their message, other­wise reproch is offered to God.

LEt a man so thinke of vs, 1. Cor. 4 1. as of the ministers of Christ, and disposers of the secretes of God.

How bewtifull are the féete of them that bring glad tidings of peace, Rom. 10, 15 [...] bring glad tidings of good things.

Now we beséech you brethren that ye acknowledge them, 1. Thes. 5. verse 12, 13. which labour amōg you, and are ouer you in the Lord, and admonish you, that ye haue them in sin­gular loue, for their workes sake.

Obey them that haue the ouersight of you, Hebr. 13, 17▪ and submit your selues, for they watch for your soules: as they that must giue accompts, that they may do it with ioy and not with griefe, for that is vn­profitable for you.

Verely, Iohn. 13, 20. verely I say vnto you, if I sēd any, he that receiueth him receiueth me: and he that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me.

He that heareth you heareth me, Luke. 10, 16. and he that dispiseth you dispiseth me: and he that dispiseth me dispiseth him that sent me.


And the trial of one which was in my flesh, ye dispised not neither abhored, Gal. 4.14. but ye receiued me as an angell of God, yea as Christ Iesus.

Receiue him therefore (that is Epi­phroditus) in the Lord with all gladnes, Philip, 2, 29. and make much of such.

19. That the people or parishes which haue Gods word preached, diligētly & faithfully vnto thē, are bound in conscience, liberally to susteine and nourish those that preach vnto thē.

BEware that y u forsake not the Leuite, Deut. 12, 19. as long as thou liuest vpon the earth. The Leuits were appointed to teach the people, which came of Leui Iacobs son. Deut. 33, 10.

And into whatsoeuer house ye enter first, Luke 10, ver. 5, 6, 7. say peace be to this house, &c. & in y e house tarrie still eating & drinking such things as shalbe set before you by them: for the laborer is worthie of his wages.

My defēce to thē y e examine me is this: 1. Cor. 9. ver. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14. haue we not power to lead about a wife being a sister, as wel as y e rest of the Apostles, & as brethren of the Lord and [Page] Cephas? or I onely & Barnabas haue not we power not to worke? who goeth a warfare any time at his owne cost? &c. If we haue sowne vnto you spirituall things, is it a great thing if we reape your carnal things? Do ye not know that they which minister about y e holy things eat of the things of the temples? & they which the altar? so also hath the Lord or­deined that they which preach the gos­pell should liue of the gospell.

The elders that rule wel are worthy double honour, 1. Timoth. 5. ℣se 17, 18. (that is double reward) specially they which labour in the word & doctrine. For the Scripture saith, thou shalt not mosel the mouth of the are that treadeth out the corne, the labourer is worthie of his wages.

Let him that is taught in the word, Galath. 6.7. make him that teacheth him partaker of all his goods, be not deceiued God is not mocked.

20. That the not hauing or to bee de­priued of faithful Pastors & Mini­sters is a signe of Gods wrath and displeasure against a people, and to haue them is a signe of mercie.

SVrely I will no more spare those that dwell in the lande, Zachar. 11▪ ℣, 6, 15, 16. saith the Lorde, &c. And the Lord said vnto mee, take to thée yet the instrumentes of a foolish shep­heard, for loe, I will raise vp a shephard in the land, which shall not looke for the thing that is lost, nor séeke the tender lambs, nor heale that which is hurt, nor féede that which standeth, but he shal eat the flesh of the fat, and teare their paws in pieces.

The daies of visitation are come: Osei 9, v. 7. the daies of recompence are come: Israell shall knowe it: the prophet is a foole, the spirituall man is mad for the multitude of thine iniquities: therefore the hatred is great.

We sée not our signs, Psal. 74, 9. there is not one Prophet more, nor any with vs that knoweth how long.

Behold the daies come saith the Lord God, Amos 8, 11. that I will sende a famine in the lande, not a famine of bread, and a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord.

For loe, Esay 3, v. 1, 2 the Lorde God of hostes will take away frō Ierusalem, &c. The iudge & the prophet, the prudent and the aged.

Beholde, Esay 24, ℣s. 1, 2. the Lorde maketh the earth emptie, and hée maketh it waste, hée tur­neth it vpside downe, and scatteresh a­broad the inhabitants thereof, and there shall be like people like Priest, like ser­uant like maister.

Turne againe, Ierem. 3. ℣se 34 15. O ye disobedient chil­dren, (saith the Lorde) for I am your Lorde, and I wil take you one of a Citie and two of a tribe, and will bring you to Zion. And I will giue you Pastors ac­cording to mine heart, which shall féede you with knowledge & vnderstanding.

21 That parents ought to instruct their children, and bring them vp in the feare of the Lord, & not to prouoke them with bitternes.

AND when your children aske you what seruice is this you kéepe, Exod. 12, ℣s. 25, 27. then ye shal say it is the sacrifice of the Lords passeouer, &c.

And the Lord said, Gen. 18, ℣se 17, 19. shal I hide from A­braham that thing which I doe? For I knowe him, that he will commaund his sonnes and houshold after him, that they kéepe the way of the Lord, and do righte­ousnes and iudgement.

And these wordes which I commaund thée this day shalbe in thine heart, Deut. 6, ℣se 7.8. & thou shalt rehearse them cōtinually vnto thy child, and shalt talke of them when thou tarriest in thine house, & as thou walkest by the way, and when thou lyest downe, and when thou risest vp.

Howe hee established a testimonie in Iacob, & ordained a law in Israel, Psal. 78, ℣se 5, 6, 7, 8. which he commanded our fathers y t they should teache their children, that the posteritie might knowe it, and the children which should be borne should stand vp & declare it to their children, that they might sette their hope on God, & not forget y e works of God, but kéepe his commandements, & not to bee as their Fathers, a disobedient and rebellious generation.

Ye fathers, Ephes. 6.1. prouoke not your children to wrath, but bring them vp in instructi­on, and information of the Lord.

Fathers, Collos. 3, 2. prouoke not your children to anger, least they be discouraged.

Teach a child in the trade of his way, Prou. 22, 6 and when he is olde he shall not departe from it.


And hee (that is Elisha the Prophet) 2 Kin. 2, ve. 23, 24. [Page]went vp from thence vnto Bethel, & as he was going vp the way little children came out of the Citie and mocked him, & said to him: come vp thou bald head, come vp thou bald heade. And he turned backe and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lorde, and two beares came out of the forrest, and tore in pie­ces two and fortie children of them. A iust iudgement of God both vpon the pa­rents and children: vpon the parents be­cause they taught them no better: vppon the children for mocking the holie Pro­phet of God. But it is made but a small fault in our dayes t [...] floute Gods holie ministers, and deride them by these and such like tearmes: Lo our Sir Iohn; our pelting priest, yea and knaue priest. And thus they hate them, [...]os▪ 5, 10. as saith the Pro­phet, that reprooue in the gate, and not children, but those that béeing of suffici­ent yeares should haue more knowledge and feare of God.

22. That parents ought to giue correc­tion to their children if neede re­quire, also beside instruction.

HE that spareth his rodde hateth his [...]ou. 13, 24 [Page]sonne, but he that loueth him chasteneth betime.

Withhold not correction from y e child, Prou. 23.13. if thou smite him with the rodde he shal not die, thou shalt smite him with the rod, and deliuer his soule from hell.

Chasten thy son while there is hope, Prou. 19, 18. and lette not thy soule spare for his mur­muring.

Foolishnesse is bound in the hart of a childe, Prou. 22, 15. but the rod of correction shal driue it away.

The rod & correction giue wisedome, Prou. 29, 15. but a child set at liberty maketh his mo­ther ashamed.

Correct thy sonne, Prou. 29, 17 and he wil giue thée rest, and wil giue pleasures to thy soule.

Example of Gods iudgements.

Then the Lord said to Samuel, 1, Sam. 3. ver. 11, 12, 13. behold I will doe a thing in Israell, whereof whosoeuer shal heare, his two eares shal tingle. In that day I will raise vp a­gainst Eli all things that I haue spoken concerning his house, whē I begin I wil also make an end. And I haue tolde him that I will iudge his house for euer, for the iniquitie which he knoweth, because his sonnes ranne into a slaunder, and he [Page]staied them not.

And Adonias the sonne of Haggith, 1. Kin 1, vers. 5, 6. ex­alted himselfe, saying: I wil be king, and he got him chariots & horsemen, and [...]fty men to run before him. And his Father would not displease him from his child­hoode to say why hast thou done so, and he was a verie goodly man. Beholde what fruite commeth of cockering children, euen to be driuē by them out of our hou­ses by Gods iust iudgement.

To let our children when they sinne in our sight escape vnpunished, 1, Sam. 2, 29 is to honor them more then God.

23 That children are to obey their pa­rentes in their lawfull commaunde­ments.

CHildren, Collos. 3, 20 obey your parentes in all things: for that is well pleasing vnto the Lord.

Children, Ephes. 6, 1. obey your parents in y e Lord for this is right.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Exod. 20. Prou. 1, verse 10, 11.

My son, heare thy fathers instructiō, & forsake not thy mothers teachinges. For they shalbe a comely ornamēt vnto thine head, & as chaines for thy necke.

24 What lawe God appointed for the [Page]punishment of a disobedient sonne in Israel.

IF any man haue a sonne that is stub­borne and disobedient, Deut. 21, ver 18.19. which will not harken vnto the voice of his father, & the voice of his mother, and they haue cha­stened him, & hee would not obey them: then shal his father and his mother take him, & bring him out to the elders of his Citie, & vnto the gate of the place where he dwelleth, & shal say to the elders of his Citie, this our son is stubborne & disobe­dient, & he will not obey our admonitiō, he is a riatour and a drunkard. Then all the men of the Citie shal stone him with stones vnto death: so thou shalt take a­way euil from among you, that all Isra­ell may heare it and feare.

25 That all seruantes are to obey their maisters, and to serue them fayth­fully, and to beare paciently their rebukes without murmuring, and also to honour them.

LEt as many seruants as are vnder y e yoke count their maisters woorthy of all honour, 1, Tim. 6, ℣. 1.2. that the name of God and his doctrine bee not euill spoken of, and [Page]they which haue beléeuing maisters, let them not despise them because they are brethren, but rather doe seruice because they are faithfull, and beloued, and par­takers of the benefite.

Let seruantes be subiect to their may­sters, Titus 2, vers. 9, 10. and please them in all thinges, not answering againe, neither pickers, but that they shew all good faithfulnes, that they may adorne the doctrine of God our sauiour in all things.

Seruants, Ephes. 6, ver. 5, 6, 7. be obedient vnto them that are your maisters according to the flesh, with feare & trembling in singlenesse of your harts, as vnto Christ: not w t seruice to the eye as men pleasers, but as the seruants of Christ, doing the wil of God from the hart with goodwill, seruing the Lord and not men: and knowe yee that whatsoeuer good thing any man doth, y e same hée shall receiue of the Lord, whe­ther he be bond or frée.

Seruants, Collos. 3. ℣se 22, 23, 24, 25. be obedient vnto them that are your maisters according to the flesh, in all thinges: not with eye seruice as men pleasers, but in singlenes of heart fearing God, and whatsoeuer ye doe, doe it hartily, as to the Lorde and not vnto [Page]men knowing that of the Lorde yée shall receiue the rewarde of the inheritance, for ye serue the Lord Christ, but hée that doth wrong, shall receiue for the wrong that he hath done, and there is no respect of persons.

Seruants, 1, Pet. 2. ℣se 18, 19, 20. 21. be subiect to your maisters with all feare, not only to the good & cur­teous, but also to the froward. For this is thank worthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure griefe, suffering wrongfully. For what praise is it if whē ye be buffeted for your faults, ye take it patiently; but and if when ye do wel, ye suffer wrong and take it patiently, this is acceptable to God. For hereunto yee are called, for Christ also suffered for vs, leauing for vs an example that ye should follow his steppes.

Iacob an example of a faithfull seruant to Laban.

This twentie yeare haue I béen with thée, Gen. 21, verse 38, 39, 40. thine ewes and thy goates haue not cast their young, and the Rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten. Whatsoeuer was torne of beasts I brought it not vn­to thée, but made it good my selfe: of mine hande diddest thou require it, were yt [Page]stollen by day, or stollen by night, I was in the day consumed with heat, and frost in the night, and my sléepe departed from mine eies.

26 That Maisters and Mistresses owe duties to their seruantes, and what those duties are.

ANd ye Maisters, Ephes. 6, 9. doe the same thing vnto them (that is your seruants) put­ting away threatning, & know that euen your maister also is in heauen, neither is there respect of person with God.

Ye maisters, Collos. 4, 1. do you vnto your seruāts that which is iust and equall, knowing that ye also haue a maister in heauen.

A seruant will not bee chastened with words, Prou. 29, 19 though he vnderstand, yet wil he not answere. Such a seruant then when he is knowne must haue the scourge.

He that delicately bringeth vp his ser­uant from his youth, Prou. 29, 21 at length he wil bée euen as his sonne: which is by maisters to be considered of.

Example of Iobs good dealing with his seruants farre from rigour.

IF I did condemn the iudgement of my seruant, Iob 31, verse 13, 14, 15. and of my mayde whē they did contend with mee, what then shall I doe when God standeth vp, and when he shal visite me, what shall I answere? hée that hath made me in the wombe, hath he not made him? hath not hee alone fashioned vs in the wombe? Hereby may those ma­sters sée their wickednes, which wil not heare their seruants speake, but vppon a simple surmise and brainsicknes, do euil intreat them by cruell stripes, when in­déede there is no iust cause.

Thou shalt not oppresse an hyred ser­uant, Deut. 24, 14 that is néedie & poore, neither of thy brethren, nor straunger, thou shalt giue him his hyre for his day.

27 What the duties of husbands are vn­to their wiues.

LIkewise yee husbandes, 1, Pet 3, 7. dwell with them (that are your wiues) as men of knowledge, giuing honour vnto the woman, as vnto the weaker vessell, euen as they which are heires together of the grace of life, that your praiers be not in­terrupted.

Let the husband giue vnto the wife due 1, Cor. 7, [...] [Page]beneuolence, and likewise also the wife vnto the husband.

Husbands, Collos. 3, 19 loue your wiues, and be not bitter vnto them.

Husbandes, Ephes. 5. ℣se 25, 26, 28. loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church, and gaue him­selfe for it, that hee might sanctifie it, &c. so ought men to loue their wiues, as their owne bodies. Hee that loueth his wife, loueth himselfe.

28 What the duties of wiues bee vnto their husbands.

WIues, Ephes. 5.22. submit your selues vnto your husbands, as vnto the Lord: for the husband is y e wiues head, euen as Christ is the head of the Church, & the same is y e sauiour of his body: therefore as y e church is in subiection to Christ, euen so let the wiues be to their husbāds in all things.

The man is the womans head. 1, Cor. 11, 3. 1, Cor. 7, 3.

Let the wife giue vnto her husband due beneuolence.

Wiues, Collos. 3, 18. submit your selues vnto your husbands, as it is comely in the Lord.

Likewise also the women, 1. Tim. 2, 9.10, 11, 12, 13 that they array themselues in comely apparell, with shamefastnes and modestie, not [Page]with broidered haire, or gold, or pearles, or costly apparel, but as becommeth wo­men that professe the feare of God with good workes. Let the women learne in silence with all subiection, I permit not a woman to teach, neither to vsurpe au­thoritie ouer the man, but to be in silēce: for Adam was first formed, then Eue, & Adam was not deceiued, but the woman was deceiued, and was in the transgres­sion: notwithstanding through bearing of children she shall be saued, if they con­tinue in faith and loue, and holines with modestie.

Let the wife sée that she feare her hus­band. Ephes. 5, 33.

Vnto the woman hee saide (that is the Lord) I wil greatly increase thy sorow, Gen. 3, 16. & thy conceptiōs, in sorow shalt thou bring forth children, & thy desire shalbe subiect to thy husband, & he shal rule ouer thée.

Let your women kéepe silence in the Churches, 1, Cor. 14, ℣ 34, 35. for it is not permitted vnto them to speake: but they ought to be sub­iect as also the lawe saith, & if they will learn any thing, let them aske their hus­bands at home, for it is a shame for wo­men to speake in the Church.

Likewise let the wiues bee subiect to their husbandes, 1, Pet. 3, verse 1, 2, 3, 4.5, 16. that euen they which o­bey not the word, may without the word be woon by the conuersatiō of the wiues. While they behelde your pure conuer­sation, which is with feare: whose appa­relling let it not be outwarde, as with broidered haire, and golde put about, or in putting on of apparell. But let the hid man of the heart bee vncorrupt with a méeke and quiet spirite, which is be­fore God a thing much sette by. For e­uen after this manner in times past, did the holie women which trusted in God, attire themselues, and were subiecte to their husbandes. As Sara obeyed A­braham, and called him Sir, whose daughters yee are whilest yée doe well, not béeing afrayd of any terrour.

Dutie of husband and wife.

The wife hath not the power of her owne bodie, 1, Cor. 7, 4.5 but the husband: and lyke­wise also the husband hath not power of his owne bodie, but the wife. Defraude not one another, (that is, leaue not one anothers bed) except it be with consente for a time, that ye may giue your selues to fasting and praier, and againe come [Page]together, that Sathan tempt you not for your incontinencie.

29 That one Christiā ought to instruct edifie, and exhort another.

WHerefore exhorte one another, s, Thes, 5, 11 and edifie one another euen as ye do.

Take héede brethren, Heb. 3, ver. 13, 14. least at any time there bée in any of you an euill hart, and vnfaithfull to departe away from the ly­uing God: but exhort one another daily while it is called to day, least any of you bée hardned through the deceitfulnesse of sinne.

And let vs consider one another to pro­uoke vnto loue, Heb. 10, 2. & to good woorkes, not for­saking the fellowship that wee haue a­mong our selues, as the manner of some is, but let vs exhort one another, & that so much the more, bicause you sée that the day draweth néere.

Then spake they that feared the Lord, Mal [...] .3, 16 euerie one to his neighbour, & the Lorde harkened and heard it, and a booke of re­membrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord.

The righteous teacheth the house of the wicked. Prou. 21, 1

The lippes of the righteous féede ma­nie. Prou. 10, 21

Let euerie man as hee hath receiued y e gift, 1, Pet, 4, 10. minister the same one to another, as good disposers of the manifolde grace of God.

30 That euerie Christian is bounde in conscience, when his brother sin­neth, to rebuke him for his sinne.

THou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart, Leuit. 19, 17 but thou shalt plainly rebuke thy neighbour, and suffer him not to sinne.

Let the righteous smite me, Psal. 141, 5. for that it is a benefite, and let him reprooue me, & it shall bee a pretious oyle that shall not break my head, for within a while I shal euen pray in their miseries.

We desire you brethren, admonish thē that are vnruly, 1, Thes, 5, 14 comfort the féeble min­ded, beare with the weake, be patient to­wards all men.

31 That priuate offences are to bee re­buked priuately or secretly.

IF thy brother trespasse against thée, Math. 18, 15 go and tell him his fault betwéene thée [Page]and him alone, if he heare thée, thou hast wonne thy brother.

32. That open sinne must haue open rebuke.

THem that sinne rebuke openly, 1. Tim. 5.20 that the rest also may feare.

And whē Peter was come to Antioch I withstood him openly, Galat. 2, 11. for he was wor­thie to be rebuked.

He that rebuketh a mā shall find more fauour at the length, Prou. 28, 23. then he that flatte­reth him with his lips, why then should any man cast any of these doubts? why then I shall loose his good will, and I am afraid he will not take it well, hauing his promise of God.

A reproofe entreth more into him that hath vnderstanding, Prou. 17. then an hundreth stripes into a foole.

A scorner loueth not him that rebu­keth him, Prou. 15, 12. neither will he go vnto the wise.

A wise sonne will obey the instruction of his father, Prou. 13, 1. but a scorner will heare no rebuke.

Better is it to heare the rebuke of wise men, Prou. 7, 7. then the song of fooles.

He that hardneth his necke when he is rebuked, Prou. 29, 1. shall suddenly be destroyed and cannot be cured.

33. That no Christian ought to haue a­ny felowship with any wicked mā, who professing christianitie, lea­deth his life lewdly to the slander of the profession, but to auoid such a one as filthines and dirt.

IF any that is called a brother (that us to say a Christian man) be a fornica­tour, 1. Cor. 5. or couetous, or an idolater, or a rai­ler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such one eat not.

Haue no fellowship with the vnfruit­full workes of darkenesse, Ephes. 5.11. but euen re­prooue them rather.

If any man obeye not our sayings, 1. Thes. 3. verse 14. note him by letter, and haue no compa­nie with him that he may be ashamed.

He that walketh with the wise shal­be wise, Prou. 13, 20. but a companion of fooles shalbe afflicted.

For, Epes. 5. verse 6.7. for such things cōmeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedi­ence, be not therefore companions with them.

They that forsake the law praise the wicked, Prou. 28, 4. but they that kéepe the law set themselues against them.

Lord who shall dwell in thy taberna­cle, Psal. 15.1, 4. &c. He in whose eies a vile person is contemned: but he honoureth them that feare the Lord.


℣se 2 And Iehu the son of Hannani y e Seer went to méet him (that is Iehoshaphat who went to the war with Ahab king of Israell) and said to king Iehoshaphat, 2. Chron. 19. wouldest thou helpe the wicked, and loue them that hate the Lord? therefore for this thing the wrath of the Lord is vpon thée.

Yet after this did Iehoshaphat king of Iudah ioyne himselfe with Ahaziah king of Israell who was giuen to do e­uill, 2. Chron. 20 ℣s. 35, 36, 37 and he ioyned with him to make ships to go to Tarshish, & they made the ships in Ezion Gaber, then Eliezer the son of Dodauah of Meresha prophesied against Iehoshaphat, saying: because thou hast ioyned thy selfe with Ahaziah the Lord hath broken thy workes, & the ships were broken that they were not able to go to Tarshish.

[Page]34. That all Christians ought to be full of good workes, and to what end.

FOr wée are his workemanship crea­ted in Christ Iesus vnto good works, Ephes. 2, 10. which God hath ordeined, that we should walke in them.

This is a true saying, Titus 3, 8. & these things I will thou shouldest affirme, that they which haue beléeued God might be care­full to shew forth good works, these are good and profitable to men.

Who gaue himselfe for vs, Titus 2, 14. to redéeme vs from all iniquitie, and to purge vs a peculiar people vnto himselfe, zealous of good workes.

Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded, 1. Tim. 6, 17 & that they trust not in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God, which giueth vs aboundantly all things to enioy, that they do good and be rich in good workes, and ready to distribute and communi­cate.

End of good workes.

Let your light so shine before men, Math. 5.16. that they may sée your good workes, and [Page]glorifie your father which is in heauen.

And haue your conuersation honest a­mong y e Gentils, 1. Pet. 2, 12. that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers, may by your good works which they shal sée, glo­rifie God in the day of their visitation.

And this I pray that your loue may abound, Philip. 1. ℣se 9, 10, 11. yet more and more in know­ledge and in all iudgement, that ye may discerne things that differ one from an­other, that ye may be pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ, filled with the fruits of righteousnesse, which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God.

Ioine moreouer vertue with your faith, 2, Pet. 1. ℣se 5, 6, 7. and with vertue knowledge, and with knowledge temperance, and with temperance patience, and with pati­ence godlinesse, and with godlinesse bro­therly kindnesse, and with brotherly kindnesse loue. For if these things vs among you and abound, they will make you that ye neither shalbe idle, nor vn­fruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ, for he that hath not thess things, is blind, and cannot sée farre of, and hath forgotten that he was purged [Page]from his old sinnes.

And let ours learne to shewe foorth good works for necessarie vses, Titus 3.14. that they be not vnfruitfull.

Now good Reader this being ended, there remaineth nothing but thy di­ligēce, carefully to practise that which thou shalt here find, as thy calling shal require, and bind thee, which that thou maist do, I shal not cease to pray. And thus in Christ I bid thee farewell.


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