THE SECOND PART OF VOX POPVLI▪ or Gondomar appearing in the likenes of Matchiauell in a Spanish Parliament, wherein are discouered his treacherous & subtile Practises To the ruine as well of England, as the Netherlandes Faithfully Transtated out of the Spanish Coppie by a well-willer to England and Holland.

The second Edition.

Simul Complectar omni [...]

Gentis Hispanae decus

Printed at Goricom by Ashuerus Janss. 1624. Stilo nouo

TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCES, FREDERICK and ELIZABETH, by the Grace of God, King and Queene of Bohemia, Princes Pa­latines of the Rhine, &c.
AS ALSO To the most Illustrious and victo­rious, Maurice, Prince of Orenge, Count of Nassau, &c.

Most High Most Illustrious Princes,

THAT I haue adventured in these vnfaithfull times, so full of suspition and danger, to passe (without leaue) your guardes, and to presse into your Presence, I most humbly craue pardon, having I confesse no other excuse [Page] then that common one of the Countrie, it was out of my loue, out of my loyalty, for such (most gracious Q: Elizabeth) hath heeretofore your respect beene towards mee (farre vnworthy God knowes of a­ny of the least favours from so Magnifi­cent a Princesse) that ever since, I haue contended with my selfe, to adventure and Act something, that might haue pow­er still to preserue me in your Royall Me­morie, but albeit I had the will, I find my selfe wanting in my Abilitie. And most Illustrious, Prince Maurice, since I haue had sometime dependance on your Excel­lence, I hold it my Dutie gratefully to repay, some part of what (I cannot say iniustly) I haue gained vnder you that is Observation, especially of the double dea­ling, and cunning Iuggling of the Spaniard with all Nations. And since a little Treatise of a Spanish Consultation (whether really acted, or poetically faigned I know not) came to my hands, first written in Spanish, now by my selfe translated into English, onely for the behoofe and loue I beare as­well to England my natiue Countrie, as [Page] to the Netherlands. I haue sent it abroad, good it may doe, hurt it cannot. Abundans. cautela non nocet: heerein you shall perceiue the Curtaine (though not fully) drawne, from before the Spaniard, that the world may for certaine see, that hee is not so beautifull, as many of our English (who so long haue doated on him) would make him to be, nor on the other side so terri­ble, that your Dutch neede to feare him, how grimme & terrible soeuer he lookes vpō them. But your Excellence knoweth him (as we say) Intus & in cute; & can limne to the life better, then any penne in the world can decipher him, wherefore I vrge him no farther. I onely leaue it to the world to thinke of (since hee aymeth at the Monarchy of the West, euery thing els being to little for his Ambitiō (whose great Grand-sire the Earle of Halspurge was within these ninescore yeares, of as mean estate and revenue, as an ordinary knight of England,) how much I say, concernes it England, and your vnited Provinces, to hold fast each by either, which now by all meanes he laboureth to part and divide, [Page] not vnmindfull of a Matchivillian and old Maxime; Divide, et Impera. But I trust Almighty God (as hee hath already begun) will open the eyes of all Christian Kinges and Prin­ces, in time not onely to prie into, but ef­fectually to oppose, these his immense and ambitious designes, which else in time may fall heauie vpon our children and posteritie, I end; humbly beseeching the King of Kings and Kingdomes, the Almighty Lord of Hoastes: Most High, Most Illustrious Princes, to protect the persons of your selues and children, with his grace to multiplie your Honors and Dignities, foure-fold to restore your e­states, and after many yeares to crowne you in Heaven, with the Diademes of Glorie and endles happines.

Who is most devoted vnto your Highnesses, in all Loyall affection T. S. of Ʋ.

Ingentibus exidit ausis.

AFter the shouts and acclamati­ons of all true hearted English, for the safe and single returne of the Prince of Great Brittaine, had made the roofe of Heauen to resound, and with the noyse hād shooke such a terror into the ill affected body of Spaine, that a cold, and benumming feare, ran through her [Page 2] ioynts, her friends began to bethinke themselues, of a timely recomfort, to finde the meanes a fresh to rouse vp her spirits, (by this time halfe repenting her selfe of parting with so pretious a pawne, (the possession whereof she imagined, might haue tied vs to haue precisely kept day, (though it were likely to haue had prooued more fatall vnto her, then euer was the gold of Thousouse to Cepio's Souldiers) and as it falleth out among sicke persons, some of soun­der iudgement then the rest, about her inparticular and euery one in generall giuing their best opinions, vndertooke (so she would be ruled) to rid her off that sit and distempered perplexity.

And for this purpose appointing for a further consultation to be at Seuill in Audaluzia, whether al­ready the King with most of the Nobility had reti­red themselues in regard (they sayd) the English who were in number about seauen-score, had not long before eaten vp all the prouision in Madrid, and within thirty miles about, there came as truest and old-friends to her estate, the Arch-bishop of Toledo, the Dukes of Medina Coeli, of Braganza, of Ville Hermosa, of Hijaz, D. of Infantado, D. of Cea, D. of Sesa, D. of Veragua, Marques of Malagon; Count de Penna-fiore, Count de Monterry, Count de Sanstephano, &c. Escalona, the Marques of Castello, Rodrigo the Admirant and Constable of Castile, Count Olivares, Count Gondomar, Pedro de Toledo, Gonzales de Cordua, Lewes de Velasco, with sundry o­thers of remarke and note, of the chiefest Nobility, whither being come, and hauing made choyse of a goodly and faire Pallace, anciently belonging vn­to [Page 3] to the D. of Beiar principall of the family of the Zanigas, in a faire great Chamber hung with rich Arras, ouer the leather guilded. Guara Mazilla's, after many an enterchange of complement, each as his precedence required tooke his place, like a col­ledge of wise Phisitians to consult of the state of that body and Kingdome, how with medicines (as Physitians call them) to preuent her future danger, withall for the present to repayre the ruine of her reputation and credit with the world, (since now her plots and practises are smoaked, their gordian knots vntwisted euen by children: Lastly, how to gaine by strong hand, what all this while shee could not compasse by artes and policie.

Being all set and silent, the Duke of Medina Coeli, stoode vp and spake as followeth.

My Lords, it hath pleased his Catholique Maiesty the King our Mr. to giue way to this our meeting and Parlamentary assembly, to consult and aduise among our selues, what course is most fittest to be holden of vs, in in these tempestuous times, for the weather being changed, and the bright beames of our hopes ouer-cast, we are from euery side to ex­pect rage▪ and stormes. You are not ignorant how there is now a Parliament holden in England, that bode vs no good, in Holland a dayly consultation with present preparation, In France a Councell to­gether with an vnaminity of Kings and Peeres, for some great vndertaking: How nerely then concernes it vs of Spaine, to be vigilant, and to looke about vs: first, for the maintenance and aduancement of [Page 4] the Catholique Religion, and holy Church: Se­condly, for the defence of his Maiesties Kingdomes and Territories: Thirdly, to heare the grieuances of the people groaning vnder the heauy burthen of ex­action and oppression, though the couetuousnesse of publique offices. Fourthly, for the supply of the Treasury which a late hath beene much exhausted, partly by preparation by Sea against our Common enemies, Turkes, and Hollanders, and partly by the extraordinary entertainment of Charles Prince of Wales, the charge wherof amounted to 49. thousand Ducates. Fift, and lastly, for giuing the world sa­tisfaction, and the taking away of those vile scan­dales and imputations, which euen within these few dayes haue beene, and are hourely cast vpon vs, es­pecially, (as they giue it out) in dealing doubly and dishonorably with England, concerning the Treaty of the Match.

He hauing ended, the D. of Braganza the next began thus.

I am sorry that I liue to see the day, that the Ho­nor of Spaine which was wont to dazle the eye of Europe with the vnsufferable splendor of its bright­nesse, should now be ouer cast with the blacke cloud of disgrace, and the name of a Spaniarde so re­doubted ouer the world, become branded with the infamous attributes and epithites of false, ambitious, proud, and cruell, and those Nations who were wont to adore vs for our faith, contemne, and scorne vs now for treachery and falshood. Certes loyalty and the Religious obseruance of our promi­ses [Page 5] and faith, was anciently held our prime vertue, insomuch that Fey de Spagna grew into a Prouerbe, like the gold of Ophir out valewing any other, that I speake no new thing, or vntruth, you may plainely perceiue it by the multitude of discourses, pamphlets and pasquills that are dayly vented against vs from all parts of the World, wherein wee art iested at, derided, disgraced, by verses and vnseemely Pictures, especially of late dayes, from Holland, France, and England: yea as I vnderstand in songs and Ballades, sung vp and downe the Streetes in many places: whence this imputation, vpon so iust and braue a Nation, so potent a Monarch (at the brandishing of whose sword Europe trembles) should proceede, I cannot ghesse, yet desire to be satisfied herein, in the King my Mr. and kinsmans behalfe, my kinsman, for you all know my neere alliance vnto his Maiesty, and my Poesie may intimate no lesse vnto the world which is Pues vos, nos, after you, we, being next in blood if the issue Royall should faile.

But I am a fraide the ill carriage of some priuate men at home, (perhaps our Embassadors in For. raine parts,) haue throwne this aspersion vpon vs, hauing eyther giuen abroad to many ouertures of our designes, or attempted their ends with ouer­much hast and violence, which in time and by gen­tle hand might haue beene easier won, as a bough whose fruite we meane to gather, is brought downe by degrees, which else might breake and we loose our longing.

Surely, in the first, me thinke our Nation should not easily offend, we being esteemed the most close [Page 6] and reserued to our selues in the world, as the euent of our greatest and most important actions haue sufficiently shewne. Did we not in 88. carry our bu­sinesse for England so cunningly and secretly as well, in that well dissembled treaty with the English neere Ostend, whereto for vs were deputed, Aremberge, Champigny, Richardot and other, as in bringing our Nauy to their shores, while their Commanders and Captaines were at bowles vpon the hoe of Plimouth, and had my Lord Alonso Guzman, the Duke of Me­dina Sidonia had but the resolution (but in truth his Commission was otherwise) he might haue suprized them as they lay at Anker, and the like. In Ireland when Don Ivan d' Aquila had gotten footing in the Irish ground ere any of the mist. How were our plots and correspondence with Biron carryed, with infi­nite the like examples.

Touching the latter, the Spanish Nation hath of all other in the world beene held for the most sober, stayd, and wise, and were wont neuer to attempt any thing but vpon great and long aduice, accounting it with Quintus Fabius more honorable to bee ac­counted droanes or cowards, then to hazard our af­faires, or Armies, French like, onely in a vaine-glo­rious hastinesse to gaine the Honor of charging the first. So that it seemeth strange to me that we haue I know not vpon what grounds incurred the hate and scorne of other Nations, and that we especially of the Nobility should be thought ill of since of No­bility ours of Spaine, hath beene euer held the most illustrious and eminent of the world.

The Duke hauing made an end, Gondomar easily [Page 7] raysing himselfe from his chayre wherein he sat vp­on two downe pillowes, and resting himselfe vpon a little Brasill staffe, spake as followeth.

My Lords, I can deriue this slaunder of our Country, and hate of our selues from no other fountaine then the Fanaticall humors and distracted spirits of some of the English, who find themselues not a little gall'd and vexed with our politique de­layes heretofore, and now our finall reiection, and (I hope) shaking hands with that Hereticall Nation for euer, for if your Alteses and Honors will but consider what aduenture and boote we haue made by them, I thinke you will say we might well endure these British Northen and cold blasts: meane time in so suffering for our Catholique King, and in the Catholique cause we ought to take such approbry rather as an Honor vnto vs then otherwise.

Moreouer, if we shall consider who are the Au­thors of these lying Plamphlets, wee shall finde to proceede from the pennes of light and vnstayed wits, with intent eyther to winne the opinion of good intelligencers and statistes together with the aiery applause of the Vulgar, or to rayse to their des­perate Fortunes, when the tempest is ouer, (as it oft hath happened) and now likely we being fallen off from England, and the Treaty at an end.

Yea, but quoth the Duke of Medina Caeli, what should be the reason of that inbred and Naturall hate the common people of England should beare to vs, and our Country aboue any Nation in the world, the Hollanders, Turkes, and Indians excepted.

[Page 8] Arch. B. Toledo.Quoth the Arch-bishop of Toledo, herein we are much deceiued, for his Catholique Maiesty and our selues all haue very many faithfull and fast friends in England, who would not sticke to hazard their liues and fortunes in the Seruice of his Maiesty, might time and occasion be offered, yea, and some none of the meanest.

The Marquesse of Castello Rodrig, then arising vp with a graue countenance, and a deliberate vt­terance said, is it possible that any place in the world should bring forth such a monster, as a traytor to his Country, or allow bread to any owne so vnnatu­rally base, as to draw his sword, and side with an e­nemy against her, I will say that for our Spaine, I do not remember or euer had read, that shee afforded a Traytor, or so much as one that serued a sworne e­nemy against her Prince.

By your fauour, quoth Lewes de Velasco, what Country-man was he of Count Iohn of Nassau's re­giment, that tooke the Admirant of Arragon priso­ner at the battaile of Neuport.

It is true quoth Gonzales de Cordua, he was a Spaniard, but examples hereof are very rare.

Quoth Gondomar, so they are, and though Eng­land be the colder Country, yet it hath bred more venemous Creatures of this Nature, then euer Spaine, yea euen vnder the Sunne-shine of their mildest and most moderate gouerments.

Whence quoth the Duke of Escalona should this proceede.

I will tell you (quoth Gondomar) my opinion, [Page 9] the English naturally are desirous of nouelties, and innouations, and as it were sicke in the soft beds of their long liberty, peace, and plenty, (which they enioy vnder as wise and as good a King as euer li­ued) they suppose nothing wanteth to their full hap­pinesse but change and variety: I must liken them to Giotto of Florence his Asse, who when he went a­long with a rich saddle of beaten gold on his backe with a Crowne and Scepter lying thereon, yet he could not choose but smell vpon a Carriers packe-saddle as it lay at an Inne doore.

Hence are strangers the most admired and en­tertayned amongst them, and if of quality preferred many times to place and preferment before the Eng­lish, though perhaps their are many who deserue better. I haue seene their a torne and tatter'd French Lacquay, but as this day arriued out of France, and the next, he hath ietted in the Court in his Tissue or Scarlet at the least: what preferment came that arch-hypocrite Spalato vnto. Ascanio the Frier, who left his wife in St. Martins lane, and ranne againe to his Order. And a poore and ignorant Italian Mountebanke, sought after for his skill as if Aesculapius or Machaon were againe raised from the dead, yea, when but a Spanish gowne (happily of the Embassadors Lady, or of her gen­tlewoman) how was it sought after by Ladies, and Taylors for the fashion, happy was she that could first get her into the Spanish fashion, to their no small charge, the Spanish garments exceeding all other in fulnesse, compasse, and length, which by this time it may be they haue conuerted into Cu­shions. [Page 10] My Lords, you would hardly haue for­borne laughter, to haue heard how I haue beene en­quired after for Maisters for the Spanish tongue, (that I may say nothing of so many bills set vp in euery corner of the City by Professors) nay I could haue no seruice almost done me of my Mullettors and Groomes, for being employed in teaching the Spanish among Ladyes and their maydes, though I knew, I tell you, English must be that they were to trust too when all was done.

Touching my selfe being Embassadour there from his Catholique Maiesty, and the sole instru­ment in the Treaty for the match, which the Ca­tholiques there so long thirsted after, if I should relate vnto you the particulars of mine owne en­tertainment, you would (I suppose) imagine I told you wonders beyond beleefe, for beside the great and gracious respect I found, and fauors I receiued from his Maiesty of Great Brittaine, and sundry of the Nobility, who seemed wholy to be compounded of curtesie and Noblenesse, there passed not a day wherein I was not visited, by some of the best ranke, or receiued some present or other, from Catholique Gentlemen, or their Ladyes, (so welcome was the very thought of the Spanish match vnto them) I returning them a­gaine, with thankes, large promises, and appa­rant hopes of preferment, when the time should come.

And be it spoken among our selues, since wee are falling off from England, I made better vse of their kindnesse then so, for there were few Catho­liques [Page 11] in England of note, from whom in this re­gard, I wrested not out a good round summe of mo­ney: Sir Robert Cotton a great Antiquary, I heare, much complaineth of me, that from his friends and aquaintance onely I got into my purse the summe at the least of ten thousand pounds, I deny it not; and true it is, I borrowed of the good old Lady W. of the Parish in St. Martins in the Feilds 300 pounds, or thereabouts, promising her repayment (where­of I will not faile) so soone as Donna Maria, the In­fanta should arriue in England, and for the vse here­of, I promised to make her mother of her maydes, perswading her, it was not fit that so graue and good a Lady as her selfe should lye obscured in pri­uate, but rather attend vpon my young Mistresse, the brauest and most hopefull Princesse of the World, vpon these hopes she turned Catholique, and since I neuer saw her. I sold moreouer, the place of Groo­messe, of her highnesse Stoole, to six seuerall Eng­lish Ladyes, who were eager of it, only cause be they might take place before their fellowes: I lost nothing neither by a Noble Gentleman, whom I caused to be knowne for a kinsman of the King my Mr. for that he was descended from the noble and ancient fami­ly of Aiala in Spaine, these are but mites and crums in regard of those great presents, and many pentions I had sent me vnder-hand, from the Catholiques from all parts of England during my aboade there, had my finger but aked, or beene ill disposed (as I of­ten was in body) I had sent me iewels, sweet-meates, perfumes, linnen, Rosewater, and a thousand of such trifles, only I returned them thenkes, and promised them or their friends preferment, when time serued.

[Page 12]If you were my Lord, so nobly entertained in Eng­land, quoth Braganza, whence is it, or vpon what occasion haue wee gotten to our selues the ill will and distast of that Nation.

I must confesse, quoth Gondamer, the common people of England beare generally an inbred spleene toward vs, as it seemeth by many rude affronts, we were offered there by the baser sort, contrary to the will and pleasure of his Maiesty of great Brittany, who published many Edicts and Proclamations in our behalfes, punishing many times the offenders seuerely as they could be taken, but why the name of a Spaniard should be so become odious vnto them, is a question I cannot easily resolue.

Some thinke that there is a naturall antipathy or contrariety of affection betweene our disposition and theirs, they liuing in the North, and we in the South; which being (as Charron a French Author obserueth) neerer to the Sunne, the inhabitants are more crafty, politique, and religious, (though he his in that) euen to superstition and Idolatry, where as on the contrary, those of the North (howsoeuer goodlier in person, better faced, and more beauti­full then our selues by reason of the coldnesse of the climate, preseruing inwardly the naturall heate, and radicall moysture,) are plaine simple, nothing so re­ligious contemners withall, of the glorious cere­monies of our Church, wherewith we haue drawne more Heathen in eyther India to Christianity, in one yeare, then they can with their Lutheran and Caluinisticall Sermons in all their liues.

This very selfe same thing (quoth Gonzales) I [Page 13] once vrged by way of argument to an Earle of Ger­many who was a professed Lutheran Heritique, and his reply herein was, so are fooles and children taken with bells, gilt pouches, and colours, and our Ladies and faire Gentlewomen, (we see) oftentimes woed and wonne, onely with a braue out-side on the back of a base knaue, when an honest man, and of deser­uing parts is reiected, in a plaine and ordinary suite of cloathes, and not held worthy the looking after.

They talke as they are (quoth Gondomar) I am sure these drew more to my little priuate Chappell in Holborne, then their best Preachers of Sermons could doe to any Church they had.

But quoth the Duke of Hijaz, it may be they hate vs for the same cause, that France, Germany, Ita­ly, and the rest of the Countryes of Europe, for that many of vs are discended of the Moorish race: wherefore we are termed of them in Italy, Marani, and of other Moros Blancos, and Nue Vos Christia­nos: For indeede it was but in the yeare 1492. when Granado was recouered from the Moores, Mahomet sirnamed the Little, and sonne of Muley Albohaceu being King thereof, though Toledo and Cordona long before, and it may be they hold vs still infected with Moorish mindes, and a spice of their manners, though they are assured wee are Christians, yea and the most Catholique too.

I heare (quoth Signior Gondomar) it is obiected in their now present Parliament, that in all treatises for the space of these two hundred yeares, Spaine hath dealt with the English, fide punica, neuer kept [Page 14] touch with them in any serious capitulation, but e­uer ayming at her owne ends, vsed theyr aliance and freindshippe but as a stale or stalking-horse ouer their backes to shoote at others, or serue her owne necessities for the present, and hereof their Anti­quaries (they say) haue found many presidents. A­mong others they affirme and proue, to the preiu­dice of our Treaty, that Charles the fift was first him­selfe bethrothed to Queene Mary and I know vpon what tricke and policie he vntied himselfe againe, and vsed the meanes to conferre her vpon Prince Philip his Sonne.

But the very truth is, they carry a vindictiue re­solution against vs euer since our intended conquest of them in 88. and peraduenture the powder-plot in 1605. which yet seemeth Manere alta mente repo­stum. Indeed Henrie the 4. of France, sirnamed the GREAT, laboured at one time a reconsiliation be­tweene vs, but he found the rootes of eithers discon­tent so deepe, and the sore so vnsaluable, that hee gaue it ouer in the end. Touching mine owne per­son, I was generally hated, I confesse, of the common people: for no other cause, I imagine, then for the great grace and fauour I was in with his Maiestie, vn­to whom I had free accesse at all times, and his gra­cious eare to any reasonable suite or request I could demaund, the particulars of the Seruice I did to the King my Master (whom God long preserue) I thinke are not knowne vnto you, I omitting no one houre or minute of time wherein I did not benefit either him by my seruice, my selfe by experience, or a freind by a good turne.

[Page 15]For during the time of my abode in England, and whilest I lay in London, I got partly by the meanes of well affected freinds, and partly by mine owne ex­perience (for in sommertime, vnder the colour of taking the ayre, I would take vew of the countrie) I had perfect knowledge of the estate of the whole Land: for there was no Fortification, Hauen, Creeke, or Landing place about the Coast of Eng­land, but I got a platforme and draught thereof, I learned the depth of all their Channels, I was ac­quainted with all Sands, Shelues, Rocks, Riuers that might impeach or make for inuasion, I had perpe­tually in a Role the names of all the Ships of King Iames his Nauy Royall, I knewe to a haire of what burthen euery ship was, what Ordinance she carried, what numbers of Saylors, who were the Captaines, for what places they were bound, which were in re­paire and fit for seruice, and which not, I knewe the strength of the Tower of London, what Armour, Ordinance, small shot and powder it might afford. You knowe moreouer my Lords, I acquainted the King my maister with Sir Walter Raleighs inten­ded voyge to Guiana, and euery particular thereof, when it was but in embroyne, and when he himselfe vowed onely three were acquainted with his pur­pose and resolution, but the fourth should neuer know what he intended vntill he had set footing in America: yet I say, I knew what he aimed at, what courses he ment to hold, where to land, what places he meant to surprise, what forces he carried, and by what way he resolued to returne: with all which particulars, as I haue already said) I acquainted you [Page 16] long ere he went, and he was no sooner gone but I was assured I had his head at my deuotion, to take it when I listed (hauing sufficient matter to alledge a­gainst him) and at last, though his treason for which he stood condemned many yeares before) was the hatchet, yet the hand was mine that gaue him the blow: for it concerned vs aboue all the rest in case we should fall off from England, and burst out into our old enmitie, to make away with him, who would haue proued the onely Boutifeu and Cendiarie of the world, in stirring vp the hatred of the English and other Nations against vs, he being a darling of our late deadliest enimie Queene Elizabeth, and one of the last men to be borne of those great spirits, and experienced Captaines the time of her raigne pro­duced. His Majesty (I humbly thanke him) tooke e­speciall notice of this seruice of mine (and as it was told me) gaue me great thankes for it aboue the rest.

I was no lesse diligent for the discouerie of the Inland, then for the Shores and Sea-coasts: For there was neuer a Sheire in England, but I better know the estate, power and qualitie thereof then the Inhabitants, euen the best of them themselues did. I could in particular relate the nature of the soyle, what power of men and horse they were able to raise, who were the cheife and of most abilitie and credit in the countrey, who the most antient Gen­tlemen, what they were worth in their reuenues and estates, how they stood affected in Religion, who were Puritanes, and who Catholiques, and among Catholiques who stood for vs, and who (for such [Page 17] there were) were indifferent or against vs. And which moreouer is of equall consequence, there was not a Sermon preached at Paules Crosse, or indeed in any other Church of the City or place in the Kingdome, that did but touch the hemme of my maisters gar­ment, or was any way preiudiciall vnto vs or the match (which we seemingly intended) but I had my Leame-hounds ready in euery corner to draw after them dry foote, and fetch the Authors coram nobis, to their cost, as one Dr. Euerard of St. Martins, was for his bold and malapert inueighing and continu­ally preaching against vs and the match, silenced by my onely meanes, for (I sayd) and often told my best freinds, till the mouthes of such Rabshecahs were stopped, no vnitie or sincere reconsiliation of either Nation: (for the effecting of which now was the time could possibly be expected)▪ One whiting, be­sides a Dr. of deuinitie, Mr. Clayton for his Spanish Ewe, in a Sermon at St. Paules crosse was layed vp for his lauish tongue, and had like before to haue smar­ted for a Sermon he made before his Majestie at Wansted in Essex in August some two yeares since, taking for his Text, remember Lots Wife, Luk. 17.32. And I thinke Ward of Ipswich escaped not safely for his lewd and profane picture of 88. and their pow­der Treason, one whereof, my L. Arch-bishop I sent you in a letter, that you might see the malice of these detestable Heretiques, against his Holinesse and the Catholique Church.

Neither was there any publique speech made o­penly in any Court of Iustice, were it in either house of Parliament; Starre-Chamber, Countrey Assize [Page 18] yea, nany times vttered priuatly in the Court, but I got an inkling, and made good vse thereof: yea, I was partaker of Gossips newes in the Citty▪ brought to mine owne bed chamber by my well knowne and priuate freind, &c. Mrs. M. of Fleet-street.

Indeede Signior Gondomar, quoth one, herein consisteth the pythe and marrow of your seruice, but if you please proceed.

I againe entertained, to my no small charge, Intelligencers in euery Countrey (indeed Catholique Priests) whose liberty out of prison I obtained for that very purpose: for being abroad they did vs a threefold seruice: First, they gained soules to God, freinds to the King my maister, and money good store in our purses: for I got out of English Ca­tholiques to mine owne vse threescore thousand pounds at the least.

For the first, it hath bene certified me for a cer­taine, & by report from many of their own mouthes, that the numbers of soules which they haue gained into the bosome of the Church since the remission of the penall Lawes against them, and their freedome by my meanes obtained, amounteth to the number of eight and thirty thousand and odde.

Secondly, they haue confirmed the Catholiques, and made them so fast for the King our Maister, that they haue auowed vnto me diuerse times, that rather then misse of the Match, they would make vp the best part of the Infanta's portion out of their owne purses, yea, though it were with the selling or paw­ning of all their plate and Iewels.

Within the Cittie for a small matter, I feede [Page 19] certaine discontented and necessitous Catholikes of the English ▪ to walke the common and most fre­quented places of the Citty of London as St. Paules Church, the exchange, now and then among the Or­dinaries, to learne the Common newes, out of which many times I picked good matter.

Neither could the States of Holland, or the Em­bassadours of any other Forraine Prince carry their businesse so close, but with my Maisters golden Key, I could finde a meanes to diue into their Cabbinets, reseale and seale againe their packets, without the helpe eyther of Arthor Gregory, or his old acquain­tance Phillips.

It was not one of my worst peeces, to hold the English in suspence, with an apparant ouerture of the Match, and dilatory promise of Golden Moun­taines, with the age of old Saturne againe, when e­uery oake on Greenewich parke, Sudaret roscida mella, till the pallatinate was lost beyond recouery, a matter of maine consequence: for hereby Bohemia with the rest of the Emperours Territories being secured a­boue, our maister may at pleasure call to his ayde the Emperours forces (who it seemeth for this pur­pose hath made a League with the Turke for these twentie yeares) together with the strength of Tilley, Die caese [...] mer. and the D. of Bauaria ioyned, & with his owne forces suddainly (for now is the time) giue Holland such a Camisado, as the best wits of the So the Spa­niard scornfully cals the Hage where the States vsually reside Cheife Chamber, will be to seeke of their old-ward, and wonted pollicie.

Yea (quoth Don Pedro) but imagin this plot were resolued vpon, shall we thinke the Princes of [Page 20] Germany, King of France, and England, and other their old freinds and allyes, will stand still as idle Spectators, and not runne in with their swords drawne to their rescue? Or that the Hollender who hath beene so long weather beaten at sea, is not able to discerne this storme a farre off, and take in his Sayles ere it shall hazard his shippe, yes without doubt; and howsoeuer wee may flatter our selues with the easinesse of the Conquest, wee shall assu­redly finde it as hard a taske as euer Spaine vnder­tooke.

It is true, you say (quoth the Admirant of Castille) what haue we gained of them for these fiftie yeares space and vpward, euer since Don Iohn of Austria, the Duke of Alua, Lewes Requesens, were Gouernors, and vndertooke the Low-Countrey Warres, but sound knocks, with the fruitlesse ex­pence of many a million.

Quoth (Lewes de Velasco) a shorter cut for the Conquest of those Rebells, had beene long since ta­ken, The error of the Duke of Alva. had the Duke of Alva beene so wise as to haue secured himselfe of Brill, Flushing, and the rest of the Frontier, and Sea-Townes, he then might haue beene Maister of all the rest within at his pleasure, for so long as they were open and free, they were to the others, as the mouth to the stomake or body, which could not possibly famish, so long as it was supplyed continually from England, and other places, but this by the way.

All what (quoth Gondomar) I haue already said is but a praeludium or small Preface, to those pro­iects I had in my braine, if (as vnluckily it hapned) [Page 21] the Treaty had not suddainly broken off, but beene spunne out a yeare or two longer, which indeede was the maine plot, and had beene effected, The Prince in Spaine before he was looked for. had not the comming ouer of prince CHARLES in Person into Sraine, with the Duke of Buckinghaus spoyled all, for howsoiner we made a seeming shew of re­ioycing at his comming, and did him all honnor beseeming so great and worthy a Prince, yet to speake the truth my Lords, you all know we wished him a thousand miles off; and I beleeue some of the English themselues were here sorry that he had en­gaged himselfe in so long and teadious a Iourney.

But quoth the Duke of Hijaz standing vp and turning himselfe to the Duke of Medina Coeli, and the Archbishop of Toledo.

How may it be conceiued that the Prince of Eng­land his arriuall in Spaine, should eithet praeiudice vs, or the Treaty of the Match a whit, since he found here the greatest content he could deuise, he had a sight of the Lady Maria la Infanta his Mistris, whose selfe knowne and seene exceeded her fame, he was entertained and attended vpon by the most compleate and generous Nobles of Europe, and had that entertainment, no Nation could afford the like. Lastly Maiorem habemus fidem ijs quae oc­culis vsurpamus, quam quae auribus haurimus.

Quoth the Duke of Escalonia, the effect hath fallen out quite contrary, for the English report since their comming home, they neuer came into a baser Countrey in their liues, where they could get meat neither for themselues nor their horses, Great want of victuall & prouision in Spaine. nor saw so much as one handfull of grasse in two hun­dred [Page 22] miles riding, and if they dined at one place, they were faine to goe 30. or 40. miles ere they could get any thing to their supper, He that sur­fers are a Spa­niards Table, trust me I will pay for his physicke. and then perhaps a peece of leane Kid, or Cabrito, a Tripe, Tone's or such like, indeede I remember when the Prince lay at Madrid, wee were faine to send seauenteene miles off for a Calfe, for his Highnesse dyet, as for Mut­ton we may kill none without especiall Licence from the King, for fish our Riuers affoord none, and wee being most temporate our selues, how should our dyet agree with their stomackes, who are accounted the greatest feeders of the World.

I verily beleeue indeede (quoth Gondomar) that those places they call in England, East-cheape, and Smith-field Barres, kills, and vtters more Beefe and Mutton in a month, then all Spaine cats in seauen yeares, which plenty our men meeting withall, at our first comming ouer into England, and since some who attended Don Iniosa (as I lately heard) did ouer eat themselues, and died shortly after.

The poore and miserable surface of our Coun­try, The Princes going ouer in person, was happy for England. (quoth Escalona) the scarcitie of victuall and hardnesse of lodging was not all, the Prince of Wales by comming in Person discouered our plot, and found how faire soeuer wee pretended, wee meant nothing lesse, when he thinking (as also did the King of Great Brittaine his Father) nothing had beene wanting to the absolute consummation of the marriage, but the Rites of the Church, he found all as Raw and as backward, as he had beene all this while in a dreame, and no such matter euer thought of: so that he found the Honnor of our glorious [Page 23] entertainment to be but as a delicate sawce to help digestion.

The Marques of Castello Rodrigo then stepping vp, said, I will adde one thing more, and whereof if he liues, he vowes not to be vnmindfull of; and that is as I am inform'd, Adde more­ouer the dig­ging vp of tho bodies of our buried dead, casting them into the Sea. some affronts done him by the Clergie, as that rude and barbarous putting him out of a Church which his Highnesse came in to view: the arresting and taking, away of a young youth a Page, who attended (I think) on Maister Mounteague in a manner from his heeles, which young Gentleman (they say) cannot be heard of to this day; with that (insolent and affrican pride) of re­straining him from that liberal accesse and conuerse, (not denied elsewhere to a meane person) with the Lady Maria Infanta his Mistris (which Princes by their his owne right may Challenge, he being equi­valent in birth, and the rarest endowments of body and minde, to any Prince whatsoeuer in the world) with whom in all his time of his being here, he had not aboue twice talked, and then before either the Queene, or your selfe Signior Olivares, or some other, if he had any thing to say afterward, it was by vs to be penned to his hand, and to be spoken before witnesse, we must assuredly think and expect that so great and eminent a Prince, and the darling of that Nation, howsoeuer he could wisely smoother his discontent among vs in Spaine, we may one day perhaps finde the fruites of our double dealing, and the effects of his haught and incensed courage, well knowing how, like a young Lion, though yet in his Denne, and scarce acquainted with ranging, his [Page 24] teeth and nayles are growne to that length, that he is past iesting or playing withall.

Indeede my L. Olivares, you are much blamed for that discouery and light you gaue to Bucking­ham of our designe, The Infanta by her Fa­herts will, be­queathed to the Emperors Sonne. and the secret and tenor of the last Kings will, wherein he charged vs not to match with England, But rather to hold a faire Treaty with them, hauing as you all know bequeathed Maria the Infanta to the Emperours Sonne, so that now the English suppose themselues manifestly deluded.

Quoth the Duke of Sesa, they know it well e­nough, and I beleeue wee shall finde them so sensi­ble of it, that wee had beene better to haue playd faire, then to hazard the loosing of our rest by such an encounter.

Now I pray you let vs take into our considera­tions, the mischeifes which are like to follow.

First, it is thought herevpon they haue called a Parliament which consisteth of the King, Prince, all the Lords Spirituall, and Temporall, or the Gentry, and Commons of the ablest iudgments, and vnderstanding in the Land, vnto this Parliament: the King (they say) hath wholy referred himselfe, not onely for the examination and redresse of all a­buses and misdemeanors at home, but for the dis­cussing and searching into all plots and practices of others abroad, The Vnity & sweet consent of the King & his people in this pre­sent Parlia­meent ob­serued that may seeme any way to preiudice the quiet and well gouerned estate of his King­domes, without interposition or mediation, so that the King and people goe all on and together, with that alacrity and constancy, in prouiding for the [Page 25] good estate of the Kingdome, as the like hath no beene seene these nany yeeares, Prince CHARLES himselfe being there early and late, assiduus & ac­cubuus, amongst them, whom (I am informed) with the Duke of Buckingham, wee haue our prime and principall opposers. A diffiernce betweene the Duke of Buc­kingham, and Count Olivars which the Pa­pist giue out (though fals­ly) to be the first occasion of the breach of the match.

I must confesse (quoth Count Olivares) there fell a difference betweene the Duke of Buckingham, and my selfe, which some haue rashly and inconside­rately giuen out, to be the onely cause of this breach, for they say before that time all things went forward in as faire a way as might be.

Indeede quoth Toledo, the Catholikes of Eng­land haue so giuen it out, laying all the fault vpon the Duke of Buckingham, who is not guiltie of any such thing, I will excuse him, that peece was ham­mered vpon our owne Anuile: Buckingham is a No­ble, Wise, and Generous Prince, vpon whom the King his Maister hath deseruedly conferred his grace, and those transcendent Honnors, yea though for no other former merit else then the resolute and wise carriage of himselfe, in the businesse of this Treaty amongst vs, whereby he hath not onely assu­red himselfe of the affection and heart of the King and Prince, but infinitely for his faithfull seruice (another Fidus Achates) vnto him gained the gene­rall loue of the Common people, as it not long since appeared, when he was ill after his tedious Voyage by Sea, (the Prince himselfe all the time healthy and sound) for whose returne the people had beene excessiue, and beyond measure, had it not beene somewhat allayed, and tempored with the report [Page 26] of Buckinghams sicknesse, The Duke of Buckingham for his true seruice to the King and Prince, and State, hearti­ly beloued of the people. they praying as heartily for his recouery, as if he had beene some good land-Lord, or great House-keeper amongst them, whose losse had beene halfe their vndoing.

It were to be wished, quoth Don Mendosa, that the Prince of Wales, and himselfe with the rest of the Parliament, were not vpon iust cause I confesse, so bent against vs. I remember, quoth the Arch-bi­shop, when I was a young Student, a saying of Se­neca, Ingenuitas non recipit contemptum, Ingenuitie or a generous spirit, can in no wise brooke contempt, shall we imagine then a Prince, yea such a Prince as CHARLES of Wales, and onely Sonne to the King of Great Brittaine, vpon whom and whose action's as a bright blazing Comet Europe begins to fixe her eye, affraid and doubtfull, where the fatall effect of his discontent will light, will carry coales, and not cry quittance with his enemies, yet doubt­lesse, his mettle is of another temper, and not so flexible as some take it; for mine owne part I would not haue him our enemy, if his friendship could be had, though with the expence of many millions of Ducates.

Cuius contrari­ [...] [...] est.As if Spaine, quoth Rodrigo, needed to feare that angle of the world England, haue not we euermore giuen them their hands full? haue they not more fea­red our Fleets and Armies, then we theirs? do we not equal them in men, and expert Commanders, as­well by land as by sea? do we not exceede them in Treasure, and money from our Indian mines? that like euer-running Fountaines, are neuer drawne dry, that I may say nothing of the courage of our peo­ple, [Page 27] our wisedome and policy whereby wee haue made our selues maisters of so many goodly Terri­tories, and gained so many braue victories both at Sea and Land.

Had we an enemy, quoth the D. of Cea, of farre lesse abillity and power then England is, we ought not so sleightly to contemne him, A quarrell a­bout a load of Calues-skins cost the D. of Burgundy the losse of his life & whole estate. the wofull experi­ence whereof our Nation naturaly haughty and opi­nionate of their valour, as well as others, haue pro­ued, the Duke of Burgundy out of an insolent pride so comtemned the Swisses, the quarrell arising betwixt them, but for the tole of a load of Calues skinnes; that at the last by them, he was depriued both of his estate and life, at that vnfortunate encounter at Nancy.

Who could with-hold the Arch-duke Albertus, The Spani­ards pride & contempt of vs, how deare it cost them at Neuport. and our grand Captaines from bidding Prince Mau­rice battle at Neuport: But scorning the enemy in regard of his small number, in respect of theirs, to­gether being puffed vp with that petty victorie a­gainst the Scots the same morning, they had the re­ward of pride and contempt of a weake aduersary, for the Arch-duke was forced to flye, sauing him­selfe very hardly, leauing dead behind him, the oldest and best Souldiers Spaine had. Let vs beleeue the weakest may doe vs a mischeife, as is wittily showne by Aesop, in that fable or apoligy of his, between the Eagle and the Conies. But by your fauour my Lord, you are much mistaken in the estate and strength of England; and quallitie of the people, and so you will tell me, if we shall haue to doe with them, as we haue found, and had in former times, let vs [Page 28] thinke two of the accession of Scotland vnto that Kingdome, The strength of Ireland, at this present, and how Ireland standeth in good termes, and is at this time so well peopled with English and Scottish, that there is not so much as a starting hole left for Rebellion, or so much ground to spare in that Countrey, that might affoord any freinds horse of ours a bottle of Hay, much lesse suffice for an Armie to martch ouer, and to be main­tained vpon.

I might hereto adde the valour and sufficient fidellity of that Noble Gentleman, Sir Henry Carie Lotd Viscount Falkland, the now present Lord De­buty thereof, with many other braue Spirits, that are imployed in his Maiesties seruice in that good Countrey.

But to returne to the Parliament of England, what effects heare you is it likely to produce, or wherein is it thought to prooue praeiudicious to the King our Maister, or to the Catholique Re­ligion.

First replied Gondomar, it is likely to goe worse with the Catholiques then euer, as who must ex­pect no fauor, but must prepare themselues to vn­dergoe the sharpest censure, and animaduersion of the Law against them, yea whosoeuer shall be found abettors, maintainors, concealors of their plots, or harberours of their persons, shall suffer for the same in like manner; and I heare say, that there is a Pro­clamation either comming forth, or published al­ready to that effect, and now they are to depart the Realme by a prefixed day.

But what (quoth Count de Monterey) will then [Page 23] become of them, or by whome shall they be enter­tained? will they returne to their Coledges againe at Doway, Rhemes, Roome, Villadolid, The Semina­ry Colledges beyond the Seas, almost empty at this time. and other pla­ces, some whereof I haue lately seene, and obserue to stand emty.

Nothing lesse (quoth Gondomar) for I am per­swaded though many wil colourably depart though returne againe shortly by new ports and new names moe will remaine behinde, (and since neuer likely a­gaine to haue such an opportunitie of professing themselues openly, and execising their functions, which they could doe in a freinds Chamber, and many times in the common Innes) for the better a­voyding suspition, and concealing themselues; some will turne School-maisters in priuate mens houses, as there are many in England, some Gentlemen Vs­hers vnto Collapsed Ladies are, some such there are in Drury lane: the L. T. in Yorkeshire hath one fol­lowes her in that Nature, the L. S. not farre from my old house in Holborne in London, the L. M. neere vnto Stratford-bow: Some Falconers whereof I know two, the one in Sussex, the other in high Suffolke, on­ly one I was acquainted withall, who was the keeper of a Parke, and a good Huntsman, and of whom I haue had many a good peece of Venison, if he be liuing, I know another Priest who hauing liued with an antient Lady of great estate, and of good credit, by reason he was enuironed with a pestilent crew of puritans on euery side, and the better to colour his absence from the Church, learned the art of Cookery, and is growne so expert therein, with­in a short space, that hee is able to dresse a Dinner [Page 30] with such arte, and good meat after the English fashion, that neuer a Cooke in all Spaine, is able to set the like by it, and his manner is, when he hath layed his meate to the fire, to goe and say Masse, which finished by that time, or soone after his meate is boyled and rosted, which with a cleane Apron, and white sleeues with some small helpe of a kitchin boy, he serueth vp to his old mistris.

Erasmus.Quoth the Arch-bishop, this was the condition of the old Christians, The number Preists & Io­suits in Lon­don only is [...]55 in a man­ner for euery parish two if Masse were vp againe. vnder the persecuting Empe­rours, of which times it is said; Ingeniosares fuit illis temporibus esse Christianum.

Without doubt quoth Gondomar, they will bee seuerely proceeded against in this present Parlia­ment, and that for many respects.

First, by reason of their number, and dayly increase, whereby they became formidable to the State.

God be than­ked the house is well rid of them.Secondly, because of the correspondence they held with vs, for by their meanes wee vnderstood the secrets of their State, knew what they did, or spake in their Parliaments; in a word they were our onely instruments for any imployment, were it neuer so desperate.

Thirdly, (wherein I must needes say, they were to blame) they abused the Kings grace, and Lenity towards them, The Kings le­nity abused. with their insolency and affronts oft times brauing their Aduersaries in the streetes to their faces, Preachers in their Pulpits, Iudges and Iustices on the Bench, that had they so done with vs in Spaine, they should haue soundly smarted for it, of what Religion soeuer they had been.

[Page 31]For example, vpon Easter munday last, in the af­ter noone, Aske Maistes Primrose of the truth hereof▪ came a Iesuit formally attired in blacke to the Court, then at White Hall (the day follow­ing, being the day of the Kings healing of that di­sease, they call there, the Kings euill, what time a great throng of people of all sorts being gathered together, at the doore of Serieant Primrose, who was to take the names, and to search such as had need of helpe) thrust into the Chamber, and be­ing demaunded what businesse he had there, faining himselfe to be in drinke, made answer, he had none, neither knew he how he came there; they seeing him in such a case, would haue carried him into another roome, and haue layd him vpon a bed, but he refused it, and hearing by chance Mr. Primrose, and one Mr. White conferre in Latine to­gether, he suddainly brake out, and said, know you not such a one who attendeth vpon such a Lord, he is my brother and a Catholique, whereat Mr. White replyed I pray get you gone, I care for no such com­pany, where vpon he would haue drawne his Dag­ger, and had not companie been nigh, he had doubt­lesse slaine him; and no sooner was hee out of the Chamber, but he returned with three or foure more of his freinds and acquaintance, daring him to come forth, and deeply vowing to be reuenged vpon him and the rest within, &c.

Fourthly, No treason commonly without a Preist or Iesuit at one end of it. because (say the English) they are the only engines and complots of all Treasons, authors of Tumults, and seditions within the land, they in­stance long since the reb [...]ellion in the North, of late the Gun-powder Treason, Watsons plot with that [Page 23] of St. Walter Raleighes, and many more the like.

Fift and lastly, because their carriage not answe­ring the reuerend and high dignity of their professi­on, they are growne odious (say they) to those euen of their owne side, for indeede they are the on­ly boone Companions about the Towne, loosing hereby much of their valew, which I like not of. St. Francis was reputed so holy a man, After the na­ming of St. Francis, you are to licke your lippes. that the Popes Holinesse ordained, that whosoeuer did but name St. Francis, he should licke his lippes after, so sweete and Saint-like was his life and conuersation: Yet now I remember at my departure out of England, I gaue it some of them in charge, to get what they could, of whom, or by what meanes soeuer, because I foresaw their haruest would be short, and the money would stand vs all in stead, for indeede the greatest part was at my deuotion, and to be employ­ed as I saw cause.

And this stirred vp one Gee an Apostate Calvi­nist to publish a pestilent and malicious against the Priests and Iesuites, residing in and about London, wherein after hee hath discouered their practises, he setteth downe in a Catalogue at the end all their names, with the places of their lodging, what bookes they haue at any time published, with the names of Catholique Doctors of Physicke, and Apo­thecaries, to their no small disgrace, and praeiudice.

The things my L. quoth Sesa, at your beeing in England, were by your meanes wont to be seuerely looked into, and punished.

It is true, quoth Gondomar, either hanging or losse of the Authors cares had ensued, or else I had [Page 33] missed of my ayme; but the case is now altered, I was then powerfull, and in grace, and by my pollicy ef­fected those things, which were they now to be wrought againe, would require the labour and all the strength of Hercules.

But my L. quoth the D. of Braganza, what newes lately from England, in what state stands things there, and how doth D. Iniosa carry himselfe among the English, at this turbulent season, and amidst the deepest of their discontent, & displeasure against vs?

Well enough (quoth Gondomar) and the better if he be carefull to obserue some directions I gaue him, at my last departure, but for nouelty sake, I will produce a Letter I receiued from him, written with his owne hand, within these few dayes.

My L. all health and happinesse euer attend our Soueraigne, his Catholique Maiesty, The Procla­mation a­gainst Priests and Iesuites. next your selfe and yours: You are much desirous to know to heare what the English Parliament hath already effected, or what they entend touching our selues, and the Catholiques, and the rather by your wisedome, that you might preuent further dangers, which if fore­seene, are euer the better encountered withall, and withstood: Either house of Parliament with great vehemency against the Catholiques, hauing publi­shed a Proclamation for their finall banishment▪ and our selues euery day grow more odious & in cōtempt with that Nation then other, which I cannot remedy, I did what lay in my power, and according to my direction, to breake off this Parliament, So all the World sup­poseth. by laying an aspersion vpon the Prince, and D. of Buckingham, to breed a iealousie in the Kings Maiesty, which is hey­nously taken of all the land, whereupon I hoped that [Page 34] the Parliament would haue soone beene dissolued but my art failed me; and I haue gained nothing but disgrace, the enmity of the Prince and Duke, together with the hate of the whole Land, inso­much that your selfe S. Gondomar were wont to passe free and vnmolested, The better sort neuer gaue you ill vse. (except at once, or the se­cond time, when the Offendors were imprisoned and punished, we cannot passe (though no violence I confesse is offered) but wee haue the bans and reui­lings of the multitude, I meane the baser sort, wish­ing we had neuer come here.

The Diuell driue vs home againe, withall I had three or foure of the Proclamations for the bani­shing of the Preists and Iesuits, pasted on my wall, hard by my doore: a Coachfull of my Gentlemen were by chance, hard by the Savoy ouerthrowne, but Lord what a shout was there among the multitude for ioy; some interpreting the same to be mal [...]m [...] ­men to our Nation, but Deo gratias there was no harme done.

But are not these affrontes and vnseemely dea­ling of the Common people with Embassadours, soundly punished.

Yes indeed (quoth Gondomar) it is much a­gainst his Majesty, and the will of the State, who by publique proclamation, haue vpon a seuere pe­nalty forbidden any whatsoeuer, eyther by word or deede, to doe them any affront or iniury, but it seems our dealing hath deserued it, how happeneth it then that these are not restrayned, replyed the M. of Mandesario.

Is it impossible (quoth Gondomar) to charme the tongues of a multitude, beside they are people of [Page 35] the worser condition, No Nation more benigne and curteous to strangers, then English. for of the better sort we are respected with all obseruance: but let vs proceede with the contents of my Lords Letter.

Heere came foorth about February likewise, a Proclamation for the banishment of all Preists▪ &c. out of the Kingdome of Ireland, but it is to be ho­ped, that there be so many of the cheife Magistrates and Gentlemen in Ireland, so well affected to the Catholique cause, that it will doe vs no great hurt in those parts, though the cracke be terrible.

Count Mans field arriued not long since in Eng­land, and had great intertainment, but what his er­rand or bussnesse was, I could neuer learne, A notorious practice of the Spaniards to discouer the businesse of a Turkish Embassador with the e­states, at the Hage in Holland. though I tryed all the meanes I could to know, I am wanting in nothing insomuch as in some ingenious and good intelligencer. That (quoth Gondomar) is a fault which must be remedied, I remember of late yeares, there came a great personage, a messenger (call him Em­bassadour I may not) from a Vis [...]er in Constantinople to the Estates of Holland, to the Hage, and there was sent from Antwerpe to insinuat into his acquaintance, afterward into his seruice, a natu­rall borne Spaniard, who had beene formerly a slaue in CONSTANTINOPLE; and spake the Turkish tongue, as naturally as if he had beene borne there, withall he knew the freinds and kindred of the said Turkish Gentleman, and could call them by their names, and told him he was such a mans sonne of the Citty, who being taken Prisoner when he was young by the Spaniards, Of the truth hereof en­quire of Cap. I. B. he was detayned as a Galley-slaue amongst them many yeares, and hauing now made an escape, fled to him for succour, and desired to serue him as an Interpreter, he belee­uing [Page 26] all true that he sayd, entertayned him to attend on him in his Chamber, it fortuned that on a time when the Estates of North-Holland were inuited by the Prince of Orange to a Supper or Banquet at his Court in the Hage, and with them this Turkish Em­bassador, one of the Company a Dutch man, of North-Holland, obseruing his carriage and counte­nance▪ and remembring that his garbe and condi­tion was Spanish, and moreouer avowing he had seene him in Spaine, caused him in despight of his new maister to be searched, and at the instant found about him directions how to carry himselfe, and which was the maine plot, to discouer what was the Turkes errand to the Estates, hereupon it being the time of Peace, he was banished, and at Delft put into a Boate and sent away, vpon paine of his head neuer to returne into Holland againe: but these di­uises are like Stratagems in warre, once eluded ne­uer to be put in practise againe.

Well to proceede, Prouision for making [...]kady the Nauy. he writes vnto vs moreouer how and with what alacrity the Parliāment with one consent haue granted Subsidies for furnishing and rigging vp the Nauy, and preparation for war.

But writes he nothing, quoth Velasco, where it is thought they will appoint Sedem Belli, the home of that warre.

That quoth Gondomar is a secret among them, but I thinke his Maiesty will reserue that to himselfe.

Why quoth Lewes de Velasco, there should be no­thing so secretly carried amongst them, but we should know it.

The times (replyed Gondomar) are not now as heretofore, and when I was in England, our best in­telligencers, [Page 37] and the Catholiques are not in that grace as they haue beene: we haue had in times past many friends, euen in the Parliament House, but they haue now so sifted and cull'd them out, yea if but suspected, that we haue little hope of diuing into their Actions.

The Prince of Orange with the Estates of the Low-Countries, haue taken the same course, for whereas their intendments and resolutions, where and when to make a warre, was knowne in common to them all of the Councell, (so that what they de­termined or concluded of, wee knew it the same night, or the next morning, witnesse the surprise of Breda with a turfe Boate, and their enterprise vpon Antwerpe) the Prince of Orange reserues that within his owne brest, whereby things are now carried with farre more secrecy, The enterprise vpon Bred [...] in Brabant. and good successe then before. But how happened it quoth C. Monterey that Breda (as I haue heard) was surprized notwithstanding.

By meere accidents (quoth Gonzales de Cordua) for Antonio Lancavechia the Gouernour, which hap­pened not in seauen yeares before, lay that night from home (I meane the Castle) at Geertrudenberge sixe miles off, when the same night came letters vnto him from a friend, on the other side, The friend was suspected to be Mounsier Bar­neuelt. which reuealed the plot, but leauing his sonne Deputie Gouernour he durst not open them (for vpon the opening once of a loue letter that came to his Father from a Lady, his Father charged him neuer to meddle with loo­king into any letter that was directed to him againe) but laying them vp till his father came home, the Castle and Towne wherein were 5000. men horse and foot, with threescore and ten hidden close vnder [Page 38] curses miraculously taken, the griefe whereof as some thinke, cost the Prince of Parma his life.

But quoth Castello Rodrigo, Signior Gondomar, if there remaine any more newes from England, im­part it freely, we are I hope of one minde.

Quoth the Arch-bishop of Toledo, I haue heard that since this little time of respite and freedome, wherein the Catholique Religion hath taken breath a little, there haue beene many miracles done in England.

Yes assuredly very many (quoth Gondomar) I heard it credibly reported for a truth, that St. Patricke visi­bly appeared to many Religious Priests and Friers at his Purgatory, This is as true as St. Francis cate a Spider, and scratched her againe out of his thigh. confirming and preaching vnto them dayly, prophesing moreouer, a great time of per­cution ere long to befall vpon them. Moreouer our Blessed Lady appeared to an English mayd, arraied as bright as the Sunne, with the Moone vnder her feete, whereupon she became wholy to be conuer­ted Catholique.

No doubt quoth the Duke of Medina Coeli, ma­ny of this Nature are meere impostures, what thinke you my L. Arch-bishop.

No question, quoth Gonzales de Cordua, I can­not be perswaded that, that which they call the holy Blood of Boxall, which the Bradanders and all the Netherlands visit in Pilgrimage, and euery yeare lookes as red and fresh, as if it had beene taken from the body but yesterday, can be the very blood of Christ.

Nor that a young married wife shall haue a child the same yeare if she can stride ouer at once Saint [Page 39] Rombauts breeches at Mechlin.

Nor that as many of the Hollanders hold that Mary was buried at Hueclom, for which cause it hath beene in times past a place by Pilgrimes much fre­quented since we hold her Assumption into heauen, for quoth the Arch-bishop, Signior Gonzales these are Contraria in eodem obiecto, you are a Souldier, and you know for the most part they are none of the deuoutest men, I wish you rather modestly and pi­ously with the Church, that all these things are true. Abuses may creepe in by accident, but neuer to be publickly allowed by the Sacred Authority of the Church.

No, how chanced it (replied Gonzales) that a Painter of Shertogenbosch (my Lord of Gorbhendonck gouernour of the Towne, I my selfe haue often seen the picture, though neuer worship­ped it. told me the tale) beeing deadly in loue with a faire and beautifull Lady neere to Pirroy Huesden, and being to drawe our Ladies Image for a Chappell, either in St. Iohns, or some o­ther Church in the Bosch, The Church of Rome like one of her Images take off the golden coate of ceremony, vnderneath it is rubbish, or a rotten block. to insinuate himselfe the farther into this Ladies fauour, drewe her picture with her young sonne in her armes, which he hung vp for our blessed Ladies picture, and is at this day worshipped with great deuotion, as if her selfe were discended from heauen, and were there in per­son.

I cannot beleeue (quoth the Arch-bishop) there was any such thing, if there were) so long as it brings in good store of mony to the poore Priests of the Church, it may easily be endured: besides, if these things should be ouer narrowly looked into, it would hazard the credit of the Catholicke Church, be­traying [Page 40] to the vulgar and ignorant her greatest my­steries, and as it were, pulling off her fairest plumes, expose her naked to vulgar scorne and contempt.

But the D. of Escalono, who had sitten silent this good while, now stepping vp sayd, the end of our present assembly, is not to trouble our selues about these by▪ discourses and triuiall matters, now it stands vs in hand to looke to our selues, to prouide money, men, and all necessaries for the warre with all speed, holding it fit to call home our Embassadour, who I beleeue hereafter is like to get no better answere concerning our affaires with England, then Mendo­za did of Henry Cary, Baron of Hunsdon, and Lord Chamberlaine, in the dayes of Queene Elizabeth, who beeing commanded by the Q. to giue him his an­swere, she denying him accesse, by reason (say the English) his demaunds were insolent and vnreason­able, told him the Queene hath commanded me to answere you, my answere is, Setting your Oranges and Limmons aside, a figge for your Embassage, his mea­ning was, sauing for sause for their Hennes and Ca­pons, they could liue, neither caring for vs, nor our Country.

A Banquet sent out of Spaine to Prince Charles, not long since.It seemeth (quoth Villa Hermosa) they care not much for that neither, for when as a various and a delicate Banquet, such as Spaine afforded, was sent ouer, whether by your selfe my L. Olivares, your La­dy, or some other, to the Prince of Wales, I heard that the Prince touched not any whit of it, but the figges and other iunkettings were giuen some to one, some to another, and at last refused, euen of Boyes and Pages, for feare there should be dropped [Page 41] in a figge, or two worse rellished then their fel­lowes.

Then Castello Rodrigo stood vp and sayd, Spice the English are so bufie at home to prouide for themselues, and happily to offend some body else (whom yet we know not) let vs also timely prouide least we be to seeke, paries cum proximus ardet, and like true hearted Patriots and loyall Subiects to our Catholique King and Country, euery one sincere­ly and freely deliuer his opinion, and reasons how our Religion, our selues, friends, and allyes might be best secured, in case the storme should fall on our heads, for this was the maine end of our meeting.

Then quoth the Duke of Medina: Signior Gondomar, since you are best acquainted with the state and affaires of England, giue your aduise what is best to be done, whither to haue open warre with them, to wind them vp still with new pretences and ouertures of the Match, or to entertaine a (see­ming) league of amity and vnity, and the Infan­ta to take her Fortune else where.

For the first, (quoth Gondomar) I vtterly dis­allow it, that we vpon no apparant ground, Spaine vnwil­ling to be at oddes with England. and probable reason should prouoake so potent and irreconcilable a Nation, who are content to let vs alone, so that they may enioy their peace and quiet, you know the danger of awaking a sleepie Lyon, but hereof by the way, I will tell you a pretty and a pleasant accident of a sleepie dogge, that happened at my beeing in England, [Page 42] one D. W. well knowne about Paules and Feete-streete in London, (a place whereto I many times resorted) for some priuate occasion) finding his Dogge a great huge Mastiue lying fast a sleepe by his Kitchin fire, A tale of D. W. Dogge. sayd to a friend that stood by, my Dogge is fast a sleepe, I will (to wake him) go hallow in his eare, hee no sooner began to hallow, but the Dogge (vsed to no such alarmes) leaped vp, and laying his forefeete on his Maisters shoulders, tare him downe on eyther cheeke from the eyes, almost to the mouth: Let vs by no meanes hallow in the eares of the English, For first, we are not so well furnished with men, munition, or money, as the World imagineth, or Arse­nalls Magazines and Store-houses in Sevill, Ca­diz, Lisbone, being almost dis [...]urnished of all man­ner of munition and necessaries, though they seeme otherwise.

How haue our Fleetes miscarried of late yeares, Spaine greatly endamaged of late yeares. some by distresse and foulenesse of wea­ther, others by depredation and piracy of the Hollanders taken or sunke, Moreouer, consider how our eyther Indies (euen at this present) do Laborare in extremis, We neuer (since the first Conquest of the West by Columbus) in more ap­parant daunger of loosing them, then at this time, by the great and vnexpected successe of the Hollanders in those parts, yea within these few moneths.

For the Fleete of Holland arriuing at Lima in Perru, eyther tooke or sunke the very best [Page 43] Shippes of our Nauy, or beaten the rest, so that they are vnfit for any seruice whatsoeuer, heere­by they haue now gotten footing (neuer knowne before) within that goodly and golden King­dome, and by the assistance and courage of the Nauy Indians, (to whom the name of a Spaniard is more hatefull and odious then Hell) haue ta­ken many strong holds and places of retract and defence, The Hollanders go [...] in footing in Peru this last yeare. from whence they are not easily to be vndermined, or remooued, their number and strength dayly encreasing, and they finding the commodity so great. For of all his Maiesties King­doms in Europe, Asia, or America, Peru is the prime and Soueraigne, being aboue any other in the World, most abounding in gold, siluer, and pearle, where gold, and siluer is not as in other places, only with great labour, digged and sought for, in deepe and rockey mines, but here Nature hath disperst and throwne it about in such plenty, that it is or­dinarily found in sands by the sea side, and vpon the common wayes, in wells, lakes, marishes, among stones in the earth, cleauing to the ground vnder the rootes of plants, and trees, plucked or digged vp, neither in scruples, or little and small graines, but in lumpes, and solid mashes, weighing two or three pound weight a peece.

The like successe (we are certainly informed) they had but this other day (replyed the D. of Cea,) in going to the East-Indies vnder their Admirall Ere­mits, by surprizing the strong Castle of Delreio, which they yet hold and maintaine (hauing sent backe againe vnto Holland for a second Fleete to [Page 44] their supply, which consisteth of 4000. marriners, whereof one ship (vnknowne to her fellowes) is fraught with handsome young wenches and boyes for plantation) these with the former making the number of fifty good ships, and for certaine it is re­ported that they are preparing for a third Nauie to follow the other two out of hand.

I thinke (quoth L. De Velasco) the Diuell intends to giues them all the kingdomes of the earth.

Great prepa­ration of the Spaniards a­gainst the Hol­lander, but all in vaine.But replied the D. of Braganza, If I am not decei­ued, they were met withall by the way, and fell farre short of their reckoning, to what end else should his Maiestie this last yeare prepare so mighty a Fleete, both in Spaine and Portugall, sending for the ship­ping of Dunkerke, Winoxbergen and Oostend: besides many merchant Ships arrested and stayed of Eng­land, France, Lubeck, Hamborow and other places, to be ioyned with his Nauie. Or what effect wrought the consultation at Madrid, and the dayly posting with letters from thence to Bruxells.

All came to iust nothing, quoth the D. of Sesa: for euen in the heate and threate of this great prepa­tion, the Hollanders were so bold as to set vpon a goodly Ship of ours, whose lading was siluer, which they tooke and brought safely home to Horne: So that weighing all occurrences rightly, we shall finde it no time to thinke of an offensiue warre with Eng­land, for which we are not in case, yet it is not a­misse for vs to pretend like Lyons, and seeme terrible to the world, but necessitie doth admonish, notwith­standing we must eeke and lengthen out our hides with Foxes tayle.

[Page 45]Therefore in my opinion, it is best to make faire weather with England, in any case so long at the lest, till wee haue tried the vttermost of our strength a­gainst Holland which I hope his Catholicke Maiesty our Maister will doe this Summer, and as I am infor­med, all those musters and taking vp of Men which we heare are in Naples, Sicilie, the Dutchy of Millan, Spaine, Artois, Henalt, Luxenburge, and other places, are to that end. For the dore being but halfe shutte we had yet roome to enter, if we prolong the time we shall be so bard and bolted, that there will be no hope of entrance at all, except (quoth Don Lewes of Velasco) as my Lord Duke of Sesa saith in this inter­stitium or twi-light of Treatie, or suspence betweene Warre and Peace, wee take to our selues some no­table aduantage, and followe opportunity close at the heels, we are like howsoeuer we flatter our selues with getting the game, to goe away the greatest loo­sers: For we see whatsoeuer we entend, the Hollan­ders are still in action, dayly getting ground of vs. Did they not in August last recouer Mogodor in Ae­thiopio from vs? did not shortly after Graue Earnest take Embden (which Tilly supposed to be at his de­uotion) bringing in to the defence of the same [...]8. peeces of Count Mansfields great Ordinance? hath not the Prince of Orenge with his great industry and care as Spinola on our parts (presently after the death of Obham the chiefe Admirall of Holland, who dyed this last yeare at the Hage) taken view of all the Forts and Towers standing along the Mase Waell and the Rheine, put in stronger Garrisons into Rauenstein and Gennop, and after this, made vp full the Armie of [Page 46] Brunswick. Moreouer hath he not strengthened and enabled to endure the longest siege Zutphen, De­uenter, Swoll, with the rest of the Frontier Townes towards Frizeland, the passage we held euer to be our easiest and rediest for the subduing of the Ne­therlands? did not those of the Garrisons of Emme­ricke surprise and take Holden, a wel fortified Towne hard by Dinxlaken, tooke all our Spaniards that lay there in Garrison, and brought away the keyes of the Towne gate with them. On the other side, if we at­tempt any thing, it is either discouered (so vigilant are the States) ere it be acted, or faileth in the man­ner and meanes of the action. As the enterprise of ours vpon Isendeke (notwithstanding wee kept the gates of Antwerp shut for two dayes together, and no man suffered to go out) which we intended vpon the suddaine to surprise with our scaling-ladders, yet doe what wee could, they had notice of our intent, that when wee came before it we might (as they say) throw our caps at it, for euer winning or comming within it.

And the like attempts (to no purpose) wee made this last winter vpon Bortagna by Groening, and vpon St. Andrewes Scorne, had not the Prince of Orenge, thinke we, knowledge of Count Henry Vanden Berges Iourney this last winter into Frizland? yes doubtlesse, as the euent shewed. For hee vpon (my knowledge) was secretly informed that the Spanish Horsemen had caused in Antwerpe and other places all their horse-shoes to be altered, and as many new to be made as would suffice for sixe or eight thou­sand horse, all calked sharpe and frost-nayled of pur­pose [Page 47] for trauaile ouer the Ice, whereby hee knewe (as hee is most circumspect and prouident) that some enterprise was to be attempted vpon either Holland or Frizland: in that time of the great frost, The expedi­tiō of Count Henry Vanden-Berge, into Freezeland. all Fennes, Riuers, and Marishes, being passible by reason of the thicknesse of the Ice (for it froze con­tinually) therefore he doubled the Garrisons with­in the Frontier Towne, sent certaine Troopes of horse, to obserue and watch the most suspected pla­ces for passage, and had shippes abroad to bring him tydings vpon the least motion or occasion. Lastly, he sent in waggons six thousand Skippers, and Water men, to breake Ice in the most com­mon and likely places of passage, in the Riuer of Rhine, Isell, the Wael, and about the ditches of Townes, Marishes, and other places, neither did his prognostication saile him. For Count Henry Vandenberg presently after our Consultation at Ma­drill, had his Commission at Brussells for eighteene thousand horse and foote: with which, and eleuen peeces of Ordinance, and a great multitude of Waggons, he passed by Emmerick, in exceeding bitter and could weather towards Frizland, but turning another way between Duisburgh and Bronk­horst (a Castle belonging vnto the Graue of Stiru­men which hee tooke and spoyled) hee came to the Isell with 4. peeces of Ordinance, whereof one (the Ice breaking) sunke, the rest hee lest at Bronkhorst, hauing passed the Riuer, hee fortified his foote at Diterbusch, with trees he filled vp the Riuer. The Estates beleeuing hee went directly for Arnhem, they sent Marquet with troopes of horse and cer­taine [Page 48] foote Companies, but Vandenberge saluting the Towne with a volley of small shot, and beside, making a shot or two into the Towne with his great Ordinance departed, I heard great (quoth Pennatiore) outrages were by him committed in that Iournie, wherein he spared neither Age nor Sexe.

Crueltie (replied Gonzales) is naturall and in­haerent to our Nation, for except our victories be drowned in blood we cannot tast them. It is most true that he gaue way to his Souldiers in the depth and greatest bitternesse of the frost and snow this last winter, to turne men and women starke naked out of their houses, to shift for themselues in the o­pen fields, to rauish young Girles not aboue eight or ten yeares of age, wilfully to beate out the heads of their Wine and Beare Vessels, that they might drinke onely water in that extremitie of could wea­ther, that many Infants (their parents flying away for feare) at their returne, were found either starued for foode, or frozen to death with the could, hauing neither fire, nor cloathing.

What (quoth Don Pedro) slept the Prince of Oreng all this while? or was no manner of reueng taken by the Dutch?

Yes, it seemed so (quoth Velasco,) for the most part of our Spanish Souldiers were cut off, in their marching away and retreat, by the Garrisons of Duisburgh, Arnhem, Dauentrie, Campen, and Zut­phen, beside great numbers who perished with ex­tremitie of cold, some hauing their noses, some their hands frozen and rotted off, beside those that [Page 49] were starued for want of bread, so that wee cannot boast of this voyage, wee staying in the Velue but seauen dayes, which a Spaniard had not seene in aboue thirtie yeares before.

All this discourse (quoth Count Gondomar) had on all sides, I see tenderh to no other end, then to intimate our disabillity and disproportion of strength, if wee should vndertake a present Warre against the Netherlands, without either making our selues maisters of great Brittaine a thing which his Maiesties Predecessors for this hundred yeares haue aimed at (and we may truely say and beleeue is a matter impossible) or by faire meanes intreate them, from the Cliffes of Douer, to be but onely Spectators, while wee wrestle for the remnant of our right in the Low Countries, wherefore at the last, to end and shut vp this our Consultation, I haue (with Aduise) drawne together certaine Heades and Conclusions, as Maximes of State, for the present and future securing of our Countries and selues, which I humbly submit to all your gra­tious and honorable censures.

Herewith Gondomar kissing the paper, deliue­red the same to the D. of Braganca, which the D. againe deliuered to a Secretary of Estate, commaun­ding him to reade them openly and distinctly be­fore the whole house: the contents whereof were as followeth.

1 First aboue all thinges to maintaine and vphold the Catholique Religion, against Pagans, and He­retiques, and to doe our best to plant and propagate the same in all places of the world.

[Page 50]2 To hold fast, with both hands (if wee can) the friendship of his Maiesty of great Britraine, which setting and declining from vs, let vs labour to reassure and gaine by all meanes possible, vpon what pretence or condition soeuer, for hereupon depends the fortunate or ill successe of all our af­faires, either now for the present or hereafter, imi­tating herein good Enginers or Workmen, when they would build a Bridge, to keepe off, or turne the maine Channell another way.

3 That being effected, otherwise let vs thinke neuer to take Weapons in hand. Let (St. Gonzales) Spinola, with your selfe, breake at an instant into Bra [...]ant, and trie your strength vpon Breda, or Bergen op Zoome, giuing them an alarum in those parts, while Count Henrie Vanden-Berge ioyned with Tillies Forces shall by Wezell or Rees, passing the Rhine, come like an inundation vpon them in Freezeland.

4 That our Garrisons be doubled in Dunkerke, Ostend, and other Townes of Flanders, and the ha­uens well guarded and defended.

5 That the Emperour take a truce for sixe yeares with his deadly enemie Bethlem Gabor, and that we hold good correspondence with the D. of Savoy, and the Venetians.

6 That all shipping be slayed, whether English, French, Scottish, Hamburgers, or of what Nation soeuer till our pleasure be further knowne.

7 That all our Magazins and store-houses be ex­amined and furnished, with all manner of prouision, lead, powder, match, bullets, and cordage.

[Page 51]8 That a certaine number of Ships be newly built and sent into the West Indies, as well to secure and guard our Nauy home, as to supplant those Hollan­ders who haue gotten sooting in our Kingdome of Peru.

9 That all strangers, of what Nation or Country soever, be banished the Land.

10 That wee take an order for the reliefe of such Priests and Iesuites as shall be banished England and Ireland, and to encrease the number of our Intelli­gencers.

11 That we barre the English, French, Dutch, Scot­tish, and other Nations whatsoeuer, from all accesse to the Indies, either to traffique or plant.

12 That we set vp and maintaine the Inquisition in all our Dominions, and to enhaunse our Cu­stomes.

13 That we make our selues able to encounter whosoeuer shall oppose, or stop our passage on the narrowe Seas, and that we giue it out, (what ever our intent is) that our Fleets passe that way onely but for the chastising of the Hollander.

14 That hereafter wee entertaine no English nor Scots, into our pay, but the Irish onely, to the intent after they haue gotten experience, and are able to commaund, they may stand vs in stead, in case we should hereafter make any attempt vpon Ireland.

15 That we call in as much of our gold and siluer as is possible.

16 That you speedily write to our Ambassadour in England, to giue notice to all our trustie well be­loued the Iesuites, and secular Priests, with some of [Page 52] the best minded Catholikes towards vs, that they la­bour as much as in them lyeth to take away all as­persion, & whatsoeuer may tend to our dishonuor, & for this cause to giue vs notice of all scandolous Bookes, Pictures, Inuectiues, Pasquills, &c. that shall be printed against vs in Holland, England, and other places.

That they curiously search into the proceedings of the Parliament, and send vs an abbreviate of all the passages thereof, with what forces, and how soone they resolue to succour the Low-Countries.

Lastly, that in the Name of their obedience to his Holinesse, and obseruation to his Catholique Ma­jestie, they labour where euer they liue, to educate and instruct their freinds Children in the Catholike Religion, and timely to enable either their sonnes for our Seminaries, or their Daughters for our Nunneries, so the houses shall bee supplied still with novices, our Treasuries with money, and wee with freinds and instruments at all occations.

Concerning these two last propositions, for a conclusion I will produce a Letter vnto me subscri­bed with the handes of many of the chiefe among them, (whose pourtraitures with their names yee haue here inserted) of the manner of their procee­dings, and that you may know they spend not their time in vaine in England, For I must my LL. tell you I hold intelligence with the wisest and best learned among them, and where euer they are tran­seo per medium illorum. Therefore I thought it not amisse by a draught to let you see them in their Consultation, as they were wont to sit at the house [Page 53] of one L. a Goldsmith in Fetter lane by Holborne in London this L. L. a Gold­smith; and one that fur­thereth the-Printing of Popish Book [...], hath for many yeares closely kept a Printing house, to the great furtherance and in­crease of the Catholique Religion in that Land, for by his meanes thousands & thousands of good Bookes hath beene dispersed over the Land, which, albeit they are sold at an excessiue rate, and he hath beene a great gainer by them, yet are they printed and reprinted againe, and much money gotten by them though vttered at a third hand; but I will reade the Letter, it is not long: your Honors there­fore daigne it the hearing.

Illustrious and excellent Lords, it is now (wee all thinke) a long time since wee heard from your Ho­nor, or recieued any instruction from you concer­ning the businesse you wot of, we in England here are like shortly to groane vnder the heauie and vn­supportable burthen of persecution, but wee shall (I hope) the better indure it, so long as our cause is warranted, and our constancy assisted and increa­sed by the prayers and suplications of the Church, we labour dayly in the Catholique Haruest, and re­cover, (with wonderfull successe) thousands of soules from the Abysse of Perdition into the bo­some of the Church, the onely difficulty is in con, cealing our selues and intendments, from that ma­ny headed Monster Herisie. Wee walke openly and haue our time alotted vs till the 14 day of Iune next, which is the vtmost period of our stay, in the meane time wee desire to be advised by your Lord­ship, what afterward were fittest to be done of vs, for your Honours depth of Iudgement and all ad­mired [Page 54] pollicy, is the compasse by which we all Steere to escape present danger. Our Lord protect your Honour to all our Comforts; and our blessing be vpon you. From London this 3. of May.

[...] haue here se [...] the true portrature of the Iesuits and prist [...] as they vse to sitt at Counsell in England to further y e Catholicke Cause.
  • [Page 55]D. Wright.
  • D. Bristow.
  • F. Barlow.
  • D. Bishop.
  • F. Fisher.
  • F. Pattison.
  • F. Porter.
  • D. Smith.
  • F. Sweete.
  • F. Ployden.
  • F. Louett.
  • F. Wothington.
  • F. Heyham.
  • F. Palmer.
  • F. Townsend, &c.

To this Letter I gaue them this answer as fol­loweth.

Holy Fathers, I receiued your Letters to my great comfort, but I confesse I am neerely touched with the so suddaine approach of your common calami­tie, but as the greatest sore findeth his salue, so the greatest affliction some consolation or other in the middest of extremitie; For mine owne part know, that I will not be wanting to your comforts in any thing that lyeth in me, or that I can procure in your behalfes, either from his Holinesse at Rome, or my Master his Catholique Maiestie here. The times are dangerous, carrie your selues therefore wisely with that peruerse Nation, which scornes you, and hourely consulteth, how to sweepe you from the face of the earth, and even now haue they the broome in their hands, I meane the present Parlia­ment, who will leaue no dust, or Sluts corners be­hind them, favour you are to expect none, there­fore with the Foxe (when hunted out of breath) you must relie vpon your Arts, and subtle sleights. Of which nature may be these following. If your credits be so good with any great or eminent per­sonage, make him your Instrument to sow dissen­tion [Page 56] betwixt the Prince & people, imitating herein Souldiers, when they would get an aduantage of flying or running away, they vse to set fire on villa­ges and their baggage, that they might escape vn­seene by the benifit of the smoake. Learne or de­vise new and the most difficult Characters for wri­ting Letters, with all the sleights and devises of pri­vy conveyance; you may practice Physicke as Doc­tors of Padua, or set vp bills as Mountebankes, ven­ting collor'd Oyles, Balsames, counterfeit Bezar, perfumed Lozenges, Receipts for the tooth-ach, with a thousand the like: get the perfect and true receipt for any one disease or ach, it is enough to gaine credit to your practice, and make you passe for currant. If you send any youths over to our Seminaries let them be the Sonnes of the richest and ablest men, so shall you not want a place for re­traict, and meanes to relieue you at an extremitie. Young Gentlewomen, you may convey over to Bruxells, or whether you please, by putting them in boyes apparell, theyr hayre being handsomely tyed vp with a Fillet, and a wrought cap worne over it with a great broad-brimmd Hat. If you would at any time convey over any Silver or Gold, the Sear­cher commonly may be couzened, if you send it o­ver in Pasties baked, provided that you haue some of flesh onely to eate or giue away, as a cullor for the rest. For the venting of hallowed Oyle, Beades, Agnus-Deies, Maddalles, Pardons, Crucifixes, &c. You may doe it by some one poore yet trustie Ca­tholique or two, to goe vp and downe the Coun­trie in the habit and nature of Pedlers: this also is a [Page 57] good way to hold intelligence with friends in ma­ny places. I haue knowne some vnder the cullour of selling Tobacco, haue carried Letters handsomely preuily in the balles or roules.

Also wee advise you, if persecutions come vpon you to flye into Scotland for a season, and when you see your best time returne againe; for it seemeth by this Proclamation you sent, that you are not banni­shed Scotland, therefore that may be a good shelter vnto you.

Be sure to haue going in the North or west part of England, two Printers presses at worke, which let be well stocked; also a small rouling presse for litle pictures of Saints, Veronica's heads, Crucifixes; and the like, much money may be gained hereby.

Haue a care whensoeuer any Booke or Picture comes out to our preiudice, set some freinds to buy them all vp, though you burne them forthwith, except some few, which faile not still but to send vs of every sort three at the least, for they will bee vnto vs of great vse.

Many moe directions (Holy Fathers) there are which are alike necessary to be thought vpon, but I referre them to your owne graue and pious con­siderations. So committing you to the tuition of our blessed Lady, and my selfe to your holy and deuout prayers, I rest. From Siuill this 6. of May.

Count Gondomar hauing made an end, they all with one voyce applauded and highly commen­ded his directions and Counsell, not onely for his particular Letter, but for the wise carriage of him­selfe [Page 58] heretofore in many and weightie affayres that concerned the Catholique Religion, the honour of his Maiestie, and the generall good of the Estate, Esteeming him worthily honored with the Title of a Grande at home in Spaine, and of his Maisters Am­bassadour abroad, hauing effected more by his wit and pollicy, then could haue beene wrought by the strength of many Armies.

And now when they were almost come to a pe­riod, and full conclusion of their Consultation for that time, there came a Messenger in post, who brought Letters from the King, to Count Olivares his favorite, to call him to the Court vpon some speciall imployment, what it was, could not bee certainly knowne, but as I heard, some complaint was lately come out of England, against the Am­bassadours resident there, & moreouer that a great fight had beene lately betweene nine great Spanish ships, & 5. men (or ships) of warre of Horne and En­chuisen in Holland, wherein, the report went, the Hollanders had taken two, and sunke one, where­upon, they all arose vp together in a great confusi­on, euery one hasting to his horse which stood rea­dy in a faire base Court without, they tooke their way, some with Olivares to the Court, others to their owne houses, where I leaue them, till wee heare further of their proceedings.

TO THE ILLVSTRIOVS. MAGNIFIQVE AND GRAVE Assembly of the High Court of Parliament in England.

HEre as in a little glasse, may you (Most Ho­norable, Great, and Graue Senate) viewe the epitome, or rather the effect of a seauen yeares Treaty with Spaine, yee may plainly see the holde and assurance wee were euer like to haue had of that Nation, yea, euen when wee thought our selues surest of them. Here wee may (to our warning of taking heede whom wee trust) behold to the life the Haughty-Pride, Thirsty-Couetousnes, and kind dissimulation of the same Fox populi, Count Gondo­mar the For they say he is a Grande in Spaine. GREAT. Here may the Netherlands perceiue, the imminent danger that hung-ouer their heades, shortly without doubt to haue fallen vpon them, had not the Spanish ambushes beene timously discouered. Heere may that Illustrious King, and the most renowned and second Queene Elizabeth (for her constancy and spirit) of Bohe­mia, and princes Pallatines of the Rhine, consider how assuredly faithfully the surrendring of their Pallatinate should haue beene performed. In a word, heere may wee all see the great Mercies of [Page 60] God towards vs, whose providence it hath beene, that we should cleare our selues from these Spanish Rockes, that all this while lay vnder water, and vn­seene, doubtlesse to our ruine, had wee not I say by immediate helpe from heauen beene relieued. Let vs then, as wee are one people of the same Lan­guage, Religion, Lawes, Gouerned by the same Gracious and good King, embrace with that wise Lord, and graue Councellor (as in his Poesie) Vuam cor, vnam viam, then neede not our Brittaine so famous of ould, for her triumphes and many victories over other Nations, nor care a strawe for the vaine and windy threats of proude Spaine, nor the menaces of the most daring Aduersarie whosoeuer.

Your Humblest servant, who is, and euer shall be T. S.

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