SYMMACHIA Or A true-loues knot.
AS there is nothing of more moment (in humane considerations) for the advancement of religion, then the supportance, fauoure, and protection of potent Princes and States, who are or ought to be nurseing Fathers and nurseing Mothers to this end: soe there is nothing of more moment to inable the Kingdome of greate Brittanie and the Vnited Provinces to be such (since the cheefe butthen and honor of this worke lies vpon their shoulders) then to vnite themselues in perfect amitie togither. The enemye both to our Religion and State seemes to obserue this better then our selues; since they haue vsed all endeauors to make breaches betwixt vs, and to keepe vs off from each other at an vnprofitable distance, where the force of our cold amitie could haue no powrefull effect to assist each other, or oppose them. They haue preuailed very farre to thir end, especially vpon that part where they had least hope, and where they imployde the least [Page 2] force of their witt, I meane vpon the Netherlandish side where jelousie (to see vs treate with the enemye) hath caused many people in the Vnited Provinces to behaue themselues towards vs, as Coy Dames vse to doe, who thinke to winne their louers to more longing, by rude tricks of vnkindenes.
I intend not to repeate the particulars, least I should be thought, rather to reuiue old quarrells by renueing there memorie, then to stop farther breaches by burying all fomer iniuries in obliuion. Yet I must say, that if they should thinke, wee put vp those affronts offered to our Nation in Groenlant and the east Indyes, eyther out of feare of their strength, or our owne weakenes, they should iniurie vs no lesse in the conceit, then they haue done in the act. Religion only hath bownd our hands, and wee are satisfied that the State doth disclame it, and cast it vpon priuate persons; otherwise wee were as well able to scourge them, as to defend them from scourging. It were an ingratefull part in them, whilst wee indanger our selues by houlding vp theire chinnes, to keepe them from sincking, that they s'hould with their heeles kick vs vnder water. But because wee beleeve and know, that these wronges proceede not from the State, but from such persons (for the most part on both sides) as loue Mammon better then Christ, and count gaine the only godlyness, therefore wee are not apt to heare or beleeue all that is suggested, nor to see all that is true, but to hope and promise our selues better vse for the future; since they knowe and must confess, that neyther themselues, not the proudest or potentest Nation vpon earth, can vpon equall terms (without politick surprisall) assure themselues to beate vs and be our Masters; nor dare [Page 3] (without manifest advantage) prouoke vs to the triall.
But since humor hath beene soe stird vpon both sides, that Prudence and moderation hath had enough to doe to keepe vs from breaking out into blowes, it was a timely worke of wisedome in their State to seeke to stop the gap, and a gratious worke of our prudent prince to giue them audience (notwithstanding the contrarie noise which buz'd about his eares) and to renue that ancient league betwixt vs, which was like to breake into enmitie. The foole hardy can charge hotly and ingage a State in warre, it must be the wise and aduised who only know how to make an honorable retreite. It is fit vpon both sides, that now this league is renued, wee should be more carefull hereafter to preserue it, then heeretofore wee haue beene. And to indeere the merrit of our State in this respect, it is fit to touch vpon some particulars whereby our Kindenes to them may be discerned, therby to beget reciprocall kindenes in them toward vs.
1. Obserue first wee were the parties wronged, and they the wrongers: yet they stood stifly out and sought no reconcilement, till wee vnderhand, seeing their necessitie, both inticed them to seeke, and assured them to finde what they sought. Heerein, being their superiors in force, wee shewed our selues not to be their inferiors in wisedome, which the wisest amongst them will acknowledge, though the weake will not see it, but attri, bute all to our duty; as if they ouer-reached vs in wit, when it is only wee that ouer-reach them in Kindenes.
2. Observe the motion of the whole body of the State in Parliament, the concurrance of Nobles, Clergie, and Commons in this case of theirs; their humble earnest and vnanimous sutite to his Majestie for this end, their speedy [Page 4] and carefull (that I may not say curious) penning of the Lawe for their assistance, equally as for our owne Kingdomes, in these wordes. ‘Most gratious souvereigne, wee your Majesties most humble, faithfull, and loueing subjectes, by your Royal authoritie now assembled in your high Court of Parliament, haueing entred into serious and due consideration of the weightie and most important causes, which at this tyme more then at any other tyme heeretofore, doe presse your Majestie, to a much greater expence and charge then your owne treasure alone can at this present support and manietaine; and likewise of the iniuries and indignities which haue beene lately offered to your Maiestie and your children, vnder coloure and du [...]eing the tyme of the Treatyes for the Marriage with Spaine, and the restitution of the Palatinate, which in this Parliament haue beene cleerely discouverd and layed open vnto vs, and withalll, what humble aduice, with one consent and voyce, wee haue giuen vnto your Maiestie, to dissolue those Treatyes which your Maiestie hath beene gratiously pleased, to our exceeding joy and comfort, fully to yeeld vnto, and accordingly haue made your publique declaration for the reall and vtter dissolution of them, by meanes where of your Maiestie may be happilie ingaged in a sudden warre: wee in all humblenesse most ready and willing to giue vnto your Maiestie, and the whole world, an ample, testimonie of our dutifull affectons, and sincere intentions to assist yow therein, For the maintenance of that warre that may heere vpon ensue, and more particularly for the defence of this your Realme of England, the secureing of your Kingdome of Ireland, the assistance of your Neighbours, the States of the vnited Provinces, and other your Majesties [Page 5] friends and allies, And for the setting foorth of your Royal Nauie, wee haue resolued to giue for the present the greatest ayde which euer was granted in Parliament, to be leiued in so short-à tyme: And therefore wee doe humbly beseech your Maiestie, &c.’
Thus yow see in the body of our Lawe the State of the vnited Provinces is specially nominated, and ranged in vnion with his Maiesties Kingdomes of England and Ireland, and the gift limited for the defence especially of those three. Which, though selfconceited eyes ouersee, yet is argues much respect and loue; neyther doe I beleeue they haue giuen or receiued the like acknowledgement before to or from any other State; nor can wee redely finde in Historie the like interchange of loue betwixt forteigne people, recorded.
2. Obserue the most excellent Prince of Wales his forwardnes and extraordinarie diligence to accomplish this worke; I dare not say, whatsoeuer I thinke, that the whole frame was first of his composure, but I am sure he was a principall Agent in the happy conclusion.
3. Obserue his Maiestie how readely and gladly he grā ted when it cam to the vpshot: soe that he seemed to hold off before for politique respectes;
First, to beget a feeleing in our friends of their owne estate, who did not, in his Maiesties judgement, seeme sensible enough, for a long tyme, eyther of their owne danger, or of this his royall fauoure and benefite.
Secondly, to make his owne subiectes the more eager and earnest by the delay, and so giue them tyme to debate the businesse, to vnderstand the charitie and vtilitie of the worke, and to open their purses the wider.
Thirdly to secure the Enemye by this meanes, till all [Page 6] were ready, that so wee might reflect vpon them, by a thinne and slight shadow the open and grosse iniuryes they had done vs before, vnder the couerture of treatyes and trust. Now for the better vnderstanding of his Maiesties minde, in all pointes proportionable to this description, I haue inserted his privy Counsels letter to the Lords Lifetenants of Sheeres in England, for the assistinge of the Earls and Commanders in rayseing men within their seuerall Countyes, and that by his Majesties speciall direction, for the ayde of the Vnited Provinces.
AFter our harty commendations to your good Lordshippes, whereas the States Generall of the united Provinces haue by theyr Ambassadors humbly solicited his Maiestie as wel to renewe the anciant defensiue league betweene his Kingdomes and their Provinces, as also to permit them for the better confirmation thereof, to rayse some good number of voluntary souldiers within his Dominions, to be imployed in theyr service in these hazardous times, when the Emperour, and the Romish Catholique league are preparing, and drawinge downe towards theyr Countreyes, divers great and threatniug Troopes to joyne with those Armies, that allreadie lye vpon theyr frontiers, ready to take the first opportunitie of advantage against them. And that his Majestie in a constant pursuite of the good amitie and correspondentie with those Provinces, hath treated, and concluded a league vvith theyr Ambassadors, and giuen way and permission for the raysinge of six thousand voluntary souldiers for theyr service and assistance, for theyr better strength, and defence against those forces of the Emperour, and Romishe Catholique [Page 7] league: Which his Maiestie hath the rather assented to, in regard of his owne interest, both for the security of his owne Dominions, and the great part his sonne in Law, his onely daughter, and his grand children haue in the preservation of the Vnited Provinces where they now remaine as refugers. And because the time of the yeare is so farre spent, as it will be requisite to vse all possible expedition in the raysing and transportation of these men, We haue thought it requisite to giue your Lordshippes this intimation of his Maiesties good pleasure, and assent for the levyinge of the sayde voluntaryes, to the end you may not onely permit, and further our very good Lords, the Earles of Oxford, Southampton, and Essex, and the Lord Willoughby (appointed Collonels) and for that purpose deputed by the States Ambassadors, and such other Captaines, and officiers vnder them as they shall substitute, to leavy and take vp such voluntary souldiers, as sball be vvilling to goe ouer in theyr company; but that withall you affoord them your best direction, assistance, and furtherance therein, and giue notice of this his Maiesties pleasure to the deputie Lieutenantes, Iustices of peace, and other his Maiesties Ministers within the precinct of your Lieutenancy To which we doubt not, but you will all readily and effectually apply your selues both in respect of the generall cause, and for the ease and benefit the Countrey will finde in being disburthened of many vnnecessary persons that now want imployment, and liue lewdly, or vnprofitably in the Countrey. And if any of those voluntaries shall after they haue accepted impresse money and so ingaged themselues into the service, withdrawe themselues, or runne away from theyr Captaines, or Conductor, his Maiesties pleasure is, that vpon any such complainte, [Page 8] you yeeld your best assistance for the apprehendinge and recoueringe of those fugitives, and them to comit to prison vntill they submit themselues, or otherwise punish them, as is vsuall in such cases. And so we bid your Lordshippes hartly farewell. 20 of Iune. 1624.
4. Obserue the Peoples willingnes generally to offer themselues to this seruice, and the expression of extraordinarye ioy assoone as they heard the Drummes beate, and that the intent of their intertaniement was published, to serue the States of the Vnited Provinces against the King of Spaine and the Arch-Duchesse; soe that these wordes were forced to be altered by command, for present respects of State.
5. Obserue the Nobles, and those none of the meanest, striueing for imployment in this warre, not for the gaines of these poore and (in comparison of them) petty places, but to honor their Nation, to shew the world amongst what people they were nobles, to defend religion and that State which ioynes with our owne to defend it, to countenance the cause, to deter the enemye, to hold the Common man vpon the right side, to assure the adverse part what ayde he is to expect from vs, and to stop the mouth of the clamorous Marchant, who, though he had iust cause to crye, yet cryes now in an vnseasonable tyme, and will therefore learne to giue ouer vaine clamoures whilst he beholds the Peeres are ingaged in the worke which he would hinder.
And heere I cannot but present this glasse to the v [...]w of many young Nobles and Gentiles in these parts of the Vnited Provinces, who whilst their Countrie is assaulted [Page 9] by malitious Enemyes, and defended by honorable strangers, both of our and other Nations, sit still themselues and lend no hand to helpe it, but hold it rather a greate indignitie to be a souldiar. These must needes be ignorant of their owne honorable rootes, which first sprung from Armes and must be by that most honorable profession mainetained whereof those swordes are witnesses, which none but Gentlemen weare amongst them. And I am perswaded therefore, this grosse and effeminate conceite, is bred amongst them, eyther by their too tender Mothers, who had rather see their Country perish, then to behold their children hazard themselues for the safeguard of it; or from their Anabaptisticall neighbours who suppose (erroniously) all armes to be Antichristian; or from the Malignant papist, who though he hath the libertie of his conscience amongst them, yet because he may not haue the free and publique exercise of his superstition, wisheth the Spanish iron yoke ouer the neck of the Belgick lyon, and deters his owne, and others, from their Countryes seruice, and hates such to death, as serue to secure his libertie and life.
But to returne to our matter, and to manifest our generall willingnes and allacritie for the vndertaking of there defence; I would neither haue the Common people ignorant, nor yet think vs so stupid not to vnderstand the benefite of this defensiue ayde sent ouer to them at this present, which is greater then at first sight itappeareth to all eyes. For besides that wee helpe to defend there frontires at our owne charge, which all see, wee also spend the meanes, which wee receiue out of England, amongst them also, so they haue the vse both of our men and monye, which makes tradeing something quicker [Page 10] setting many trades on worke, and filling the publique purse something fuller by excise and other dutyes, which all obserue not. What ready mony hath beene disbursed in their Countrie for Hats, Armes, and other necessaries to furnish these troopes is apparant to all, and the laborious Tradesman tastes of the dooble benefite, and will blesse God for it, howesoeuer the ignorant and insoleut will not acknowledge to haue receiued heereby so much as a single curtesie. For I heare them obiect, in scorne, that all this is not giuen but lent, they must repay it. True, as they did the money for the Cantionarie townes of Flushing in Zeland, and the Briell, in Holland, with the Castle of Ramekins in the Iseland of Waltheren which came to 818000 lb, which first vpon suite to his Maiestie they instald for 40000 by the yeere, and continued the paymēt thereof for fiue yeeres, but after, finding it heauy, they againe sought ease of his Maiestie, and gratiously obtayned a generall release and possession of their townes and Castle for the summe of 200000 payde to his highnesse, and of 25000, assigned by his Maiesties bownty towards the reward of the Officers. Which abatement proceeded neither from our want (for then it had beene a most vnthankefull part in them, not equally to respect our want in the repayment, as wee did their in the lending) nor out of the excesse of their witt (as some would arrogantly haue it) but out of there humble suite, and his Maiesties grations and ready graunt: Who considering what became his honor would giue rather then receiue, and would not defraude that trust which was reposed in his predecessor, and so successiuely in him, but redeliuered the Keyes of their Country into their owne possession againe. And this may teach them to see [Page 11] that it is not in the power of one Stanly or one Yorke, to staine the honor of a Nation; but they may as safely trust vs, as themselues; prouided they be sure of their religion whome they trust. If they be careles in admitting Captaynes and officers, they may well suspect such so admittted: but if they know them faithfull to God, they neede not doubt their fidelity to them. And it is not only ours, but all other Nations, yea their owne most of all, who are to be suspected and so kept from Command, if eyther they bee of no religion or popishly affected: If of none, then they are for any Deuill that will tempt them (and Mammon especially is then the God they worship) if popish, then they are for Antichrist, and so for the Catholique King, who is his best beloued sonne, and like to be the heyre of all that he can giue him. For he vseth his ecclesiasticall Keyes to no other end, but to open and shut the heart, and all other houlds, for the intertainement of the Spanish pompe and pride, and for the inlargement of that quintessentiall Monarchie, though the spirit of God by the Mouth of Daniell say the contrary neuer so peremtorily and plainely.
But some obiect the Kinges bownty in this respect proceeded from the consideration of his owne charge, which he should haue beene at in keepeing those places, meerely for the proffit of the vnited Provinces. Perhaps indeede this was the cause which made him the more willing to part with them, vpon their suite, and his Counsells aduice: but this doth not lessen his bownty, not their obligation. For to keepe a chargeable gage, for an other mans benefit, so long as the owner pleaseth, to restore it safely and better in euery refpect then it was at the first ingagement, and that when the owner desires it, and [Page 12] vpon no termes of aduantage but vpon such as he himselfe prescribes, witnesseth extraordinary honestie in the lender and deserues extraordinary thankfulnes from the borrower. Indeede the first motion for reddidition of these places proceeded, perhaps, from some who wished well to the Spaniard, and did not like the continuance of this their dependancie vpon England, who was by these cautions really and perpetually in point of honor, and proffit, and interest, ingaged for the defense of their State and title equally with themselues: And this was seconded by a windie humor bred in a few others by prosperitie and peace, which looked not so farre as the first mouersayme, but supposeing themselues able to stand vpon their owne feete, thought scorne to hold any longer of others, and began to meditate how to forget the hand that helped them vp, and to requite that curtesie with quarrells: which they could not doe safely (they saw) whilst wee had those pawnes in our custody. But for the carriage of our Queene of blessed memoire deceased, of our present souuereigne, of our Counsell and State in generall, there was no passage eyther in the first taking of them on, in the holding, or restroreing of them, but sauours of religion and honor in all apprehensions, and will do so to all generations heereafter.
Againe they obiect that our present ayde lent them is for our owne sake; since our Parliament generally apprehended these Countryes to be as the bulwarks or at least as the Counterscarfe and outworks of our owne land: and it was wisely sayde of a greate Commander in his speech made to the Parliament, Anno 1621. that if wee loose the Counterscarfe though it be beyond the ditch, the whole fortification is accounted lost. For the Rampie [...] [Page 13] serues but for a defence to make composition, so that if wee wilbe content to loose the counterscarfe, then wee must presently thinke of nothing but making a faire composition, or such, at least, as the besieger will afford vs. And wee willingly ackowledg this to be a truth, wishing them to do vs good for their owne sake, as they see vs do them good as they say for our owne sake. If wee count them our out-workes (as wee doe) they ought to count vs as the marketplace, or Sanctwary or heart of the Citty which those outworkes are appointed to guard. They count themselues and the world generally and worthely counts them, to be a wise, politique, and prouident people; let them therefore shew it in this particular, loueing vs and doeing vs all the good they can piouslie for religion sake, curteouslie and readely for neibourhoods sake, faithfull for friendships sake, or at least politiquely for their owne sakes.
Againe they obiect our people are imployde by this meanes, and so our State pruned, drayned, and disburthened of many vnruly and vnnecessarie members. This is very true also; for our nation (as ranke soyles yeeld many weedes, and ranke witts many extrauagancies) bringes forth many people, and withall spirits of extraordinary temper for the warre; which might be attributed to our diet (since wee eate more solid flesh then any other Nation in Europe) but that wee likewise finde all that is bred in our Climate (as appears by our Mastiues and Cocks of the game) are of a more noble and generous straine (as I may say) then many others. These fiery Spirits are often most vnruly, so that their parents are weary of them, and seeing they will take no course to liue otherwise, cloth them furnish them with mony, and expose [Page 14] them to the warres. Many of these haue the wit and grace to come ouer well pronided, as their parents send them ont: others will not leaue England till their Mony be spent, their clothes worne out, and then ashamed, with the prodigall, to returne home for new supplyes, they come ouer into these parts ragged (as wee see) a shame to their parents and Nation. Others leaue their trades, and runne from their Masters; and this is the true canse of these ragged and naked regiments, where you may see good bodyes of Men, very ill apparrelled. And by these ofscoureings, men Gess at the pouerty of our State, forgetting they come, though naked, from the land of Broad-cloth, and that this raggednes of theirs, in so rich a Countrie, is one euident note that they are made and marked out, for the warres. Indeede therefore wee confesse these men finde imployment heere by this meanes and withall this State findes defence. Besides the stock is our owne, wherewithall they are set to worke: for wee, with our owne monye!, clothe them, furnish and arme them in all points compleat for the feild, with this charge, that they should fight for these Prouinces as they would fight for Brittanie. And were it not in regard of Religion (which wee alwayes prize and preferre before all other respects) and in regard of the safety of both States, which equally concernes vs, wee could haue the same imployment against them which wee haue now for them, and that vpon fatre better termes. Where then were they (but that these respects do tye vs to them) if our King (which God forbid) should send so much monye and so many men against them to the Enemye? The most purplind and partiall person may see the issue, and so behold this benefite, in the contrary danger.
[Page 15] To tempt vs with iniuryes therefore, and not to see their owne instant necessitie, because the necessity which we politiquely feare & would preuent stands in their light, is an intollerable ouersight vnworthie of their wisedomes.
To presume they may do vs hurt without danger, because wee will doe them none, but indanger our selues to keepe them from hurt (as being most carefull of their wellfare with respect to our owne assurance and theirs in common) is a madness beyond all measure. As if I should rob my neighboure and vndoe him, because I know him busied in watching my house, to saue me and himselfe from robbing and vndoeing.
Since now wee haue sufficiently declared our owne kindeness, in wooing the vnited Provinces to reciprocall curtesies, and the necessitie of our standing together, except both of vs intend to fall; I proceede breefely to perswade both Nations to take better notice of the Enemyes traines and deuises inuented to deuide vs, that so wee may vnite our selues to each other more closely by vndissoluable knots of loue and amitie. And because these troopes of English newly raised may some of them out of ignorance giue or take offences which might easely be auoyded; I (whose care and study it is to do good offices betwixt them, and to preuent what is possible all shadow of vnkindnes which may arise) euen in the least circumstance haue vsed that liber [...]y of speech in the discourse hitherto vnto which I am accustomed and naturally inclined: Which, though some may mis [...]ke who neither know me nor the matter, yet I knowe such honest and downeright freedome to be most fit and profitable for the continueing of friendship and cleereing of the case, which [Page 16] liberty I desire leaue to vse in that which followes also; for besides that the strocks of a friend are pleasant, in being profitable, I vnderstand this busines hath need of plaine dealeing, vnder whose seuere conduct all affayres prosper, better then in the perpetuall Cockering of foolemakeing and foole-fauoring flatterie.
And first for my owne Nation, I desire they would not bee too iealous, captious, and curious in takeing vnkindnes where none is offerd. Some persons haue the trick to pinne their interests and particular spleenes vpon the publique sleeue: and so what they haue felt or do feele in priuate, must needes bee a generall greeuance: but wee must be wise and wary, not to suffer quarrells which may fall betwixt particulars, to troble or disturbe the generall peace; whilst wee see those iniuryes are not backt by authoritie, and made vniversall and nationall.
And if wee must not suffer real actions to disturbe our affections, much lesse should wee permit wordes to do it, especially euill words from such persons as haue not yet learned to speake well.
It is true that Ladyes and gentlewoemen passing the streets iu strange habits, do often penance amongst the ruder sort, (as appeared by that most vnciuill and barbarous demeanoure vsed lately towards an English Lady in Amsterdam who desired to see the Cittie, and supposed all gouvernements to be as ciuill as Londen) but we must consider the same set of people would wonder asmuch at a Parrat or Poppiniay. It is true also that men of all rankes meete often amongst boyes words of reproch; but, besides that wee cannot altogither cleere our owne in some rude places from that barbarisme, what should such words of scorne spued from such mouthes moue vs? [Page 17] Since indeede it is our glory to be those English Dogs, that haue holpen the Shepheards to chase from hence the Spanish Wolues, who else would haue worryed, not only these silly Lambes, but the harmeles and innocent Sheepe, their Fathers. Let not this stirre the courage of a Man to fury, but pitty and scorne; as Lyons vse to walke with contempt amongst barkeing whelpes, whose shrill notes are musick, whilst the Puppies bite not. Assuredly these boyes would, and doe too often, vse their Parents thus; they know no better; they neuer learned a lesson of obedience, much lesse of gratefullnes, to honor those in duty who defend them in loue, and often fauours them as the Pellicane doth her younge, whome in extremetie, she fosters and cherisheth with her owne blood.
It wilbe imputed a folly to me to touch this, but I haue seene some touched with it. It often falls out that men who affect honor, as it is the souldiars ayme, are more offended with reproches and scornes then actual iniuryes. And if it were not so, these spirits would not sell their flesh and blood so cheape, farre vnder the rate of beefe, or mutton, veale, or porke, nor would they indure heate and cold, and hunger and thirst, when seruants (haueing more wages) will not, but that there is an ayer of praise and hope which they (Camelion like) feede vpon, and it kills their hearts to heare this blowne away by a stinkeing breath with disgracefull language. It were easie for them by any honest trade or course of life to liue well in their owne Countryes, for meere necessitie doth not bring them ouer hither, as if wee wanted meate and drinke in England, France or Scotland, but eyther they are brought hither to be punished for their idlenes, & because they would not at home doe a little easie worke for [Page 18] great wages, are forced heere, as in a house of correction, to do great worke, yea the hardest of all (to ouercome manie wants, and difficulties, themselues, and others) for little wages: Or else, being men made and marked out for the warres, they seeke and desire this kinde of life, and would chose it amongst all others as the most honorable, though they had nothing for their laboure, but the oportunity and lawfull authority, to erchange knocks freely. For they deale for honor, as marchants for proffit; and they stampe in flesh and blood, as the other mint in gold and siluer. Now then the first sort meeteing disgracefull words meets but his desert, it is part of his punishment to be reproched and reuiled: but this latter, who is only couetous of honor, takes it ill, to haue this counterfeit coine of disgrace, put vpon him in stead of currant money. But I would not haue any of these latter sort looke so lowe to stoope to such pettie praise, nor contrarilie once cast their eye aside to these sonnes of Belial, children of Bethell, who would mock Elizeus if he came amonge them with a bald head or a strange habit, Nay rather I would haue them doe all good they can for the generall State of these Countries, with respect of those good people who are mixed amonge the wicked, and mourne for the abhominations which are done in the Land. Deare Countrimen, you that be at home in peace, pay your monyes freely for the supportance and defence of these, pray for them with vnfained faith; and you, worthyes, that are heere, fight for them with vndaunted resolution, and, if neede bee, dye for them with comfort and cheerefulnes euen as for your owne Countrye; since, as I haue manifested, the warre is the same though a little farther remoued, and besides that it is also a religious [Page 19] warre, being for religion, if the warriours themselues haue any religion in them.
Againe I am to exhort my Countrimen, who are comprehended vnder the name of greate Brittaines, to shew themselues as strong being now vnited, as they haue shewne the mselues heeretofore being diuided. Let both the English and Scottish Nations declare by action that they haue not lost their old hearts by takeing vpon them a new name; but that they are the sonnes of those Fathers whose braue blood, spilt in the warres, hath inriched and manured these feilds, with France, Spaine, and Palestine, and are ready to do it againe for the propagation of Christian Religion, and for gaineing free and assured passage to the glorious Gospell of our Lord lesus Christ.
Lastly I desire & exhort with all earnestnes that they would be carefull to serue the vnited Provinces faithfully, and not to deceaue them in the least respect: whilst therein they serue or deceiue their owne Prince and Country, with whose monyes they are payde, and shall reape praise and honor or shame and obloqui of their friends at their returne home according as they behaue themselues in these imployments abroade.
And now haueing done with our owne, I am in most humble manner, to present these petitions following which I haue learned from the obseruation of my Countrimen to the considerations of my superiors in these parts, in whose power it is to redresse the enormities thereby to declare, that they prize vs, as wee doe them.
First that they would be gratiously pleased, to heare the Old soldi [...]rs sueing for better pay, and desireing to be discharged oftheir most chargeable and vnconscionable [Page 20] Sollicitours, who eate them vp by lewish vsurie in an vnreasonable manner, Soe as I haue heard diuers conscionable Commanders say, it is almost impossible for an Officer to liue (though neuer so meanely and modestly) vpon his meanes, except he deceiued the State or Soldiar; Since most of his owne meanes is swallowed vp by the sollicitor. O that it would enter into the heart of those prudent Lordes, to take a course for better payment, that the Captaines might not haue iust occasion to complaine, nor Coloure to seeke shifts by cursed attestations, there by to deceaue the Country of bodyes, and themselues of soules. Then your Companyes would be fuller, and the officer would serue with better courage, because with better conscience. Yea then, if deceite should be vsed or offered, none would pitty the guilty delinquent, though he were made an publique example and spectacle of fraude, vnworthy his profession. I say vnworthie his profession, for I know, whatsoeuer othermen vainely thinke, that a reall lye is more dishonorable (though custome and companie cloudes it) then a verball, which is so haynous to the eare and reputation of a souldier.
But I heare an obiection against this suite, which I dare not mention without craueing pardon aforehand, and this it is, as they say, God knowes the truth of it; That if Sollicitors were discharged and better payment made, then diuers of the Natiues should loose excellent offices, the Generall State let goe a faire improuement, and diverse great persons could not put their monyes out to vsurie vpon such vnreasonable conditious. I cannot beleeue this profitable sinne, can barre the doore against iust reformatiō, though the insolencie of the Solicitors would perswade me to beleeue it; who presumeing, as it seemes [Page 21] and as the successe shewes, vpon supportance, dare affront the greatest Commanders and vse them as seruants not like Masters by whome they liue. Sometyme Solicitors haue beene put vpon Captaynes by force, and they authorized to take from the Captaynes ordinance the best part of his meanes though the solicitor neuer advanced him a penie of mony aforehand, but because he contracted with his Predecessor; Soe that if a cunning Companion who hath a little spare monie can insinuate himselfe into the bosome of a needy or negligent Commander, and supplyeing his preseut wants, fasten a peece of mony vpon him, and procure from him an inconsiderate contract, for his life only, let it be neuer so vnreasonable, yet his successor must continue it, and make it good, nay, perhaps increase it out of his meanes; and so successiiuely from generation to generation, if the wars should continue it would continue like a rentcharge vpon the Captaine or campanie; whereby it cometh to passe, that though a Captayne, who venters life and all for the State, hath but a terme of life in his Captaineship; Yet the sollicitor, for layeing out a hundred or two hundred pownd, hath halfe the Captaynes meanes, and a perpetuitie in that halfe, though he doe nothing for the State but helpe to vndoe it. Besides though these persons be taken on, that the souldiar may haue sound pay, for which the Captayne payes soundly, as I haue partly shewed, yet their payment is soe bad, that there are few Captaynes (I might say safely, none) put haue iust cause to complaine, if their iust complaints might be heard and redressed.
But such is the vnequall condition of the persons and the odd and disrespectiue carriage of the tyme towards them, that the Captaine contracting with the solicitor, [Page 22] is bownd for his part, and the solicitor is his owne iudge, and carues himselfe what amendes he list [...]eth out of the Captaynes meanes: but the solicitor, contracting with the Captaine, is notwithstanding loose for his part, or as good as loose, since he cares notfor keepeing his day, but often puts the Captaine to borrow, and pawne his credit and clothes vpon interest for payment of his companie, when notwithstanding he payes vse to the sollicitor for aduanceing it aforehand; Nay say the Captaine forbeares it a moneth or two (as sometyme it falls out) yet he payes vse for it, and the sollicitor will not abate a stiuer, though the one looseth and the other gaines by this meanes, a dooble vse.
There is also a gaines made to the solicitor by payment of light money, which he knowes the Captayne must be forced to put away, cannot keepe to change; with many other grosse and intollerable abuses of which I haue heard Captaynes complaine, and which crye out (for the with-houlding of the labourors due is a cryeing Iam. 5. 4.sinne) eyther to the State for redresse or to God for judgement. I see what account David made of his worthies and souldiars, and how pretious their blood was in his fight, when refuseing to drinke of the water they fetched for him with perill of their lines, Hee powred it out to the Lord and sayde My God forbid it me that I shonld doe 1. Chro. this thing; Shall I drinke the blood of these men that haue 11. 18. put their liues in ieopardie? for with the ieopardie of their liues they brought it, therefore he would not drinke. I wish that all solicitors and vsurers would consider this storie well, and then they wonld not (except they were right Nabals) make it their dayly trade to drinke vp, nay to be drunke with the blood of such men, and that whilst [Page 23] they are watching that these may drinke the safer, and fighting for safeguard of that mony, whose vse eates them vp to the bare bones. But if these lewes and bloodsuckers will not consider it, yet it concernes Dauid and the worthies of this State to looke to it better, and to their care and conscience I commend it. For if this be not reformed, as it shewes inward corruption and putrifaction, ripe for dissolution, so it may, at one tyme or other, by one meanes or other, put the State to straights and difficultyes, did not the auxiliarie Bandes take care for it, to defend it, and respect it, as their owne Countrie. Which care of theirs appeared the last yeere, at the comming out of that Placat, which gaue them, generally so much discontent, and that in the instant when they expected the Enemy. Which had beene a fit tyme and occasion to tempt them to mutinee, but that faith, h onor, and religion restrayned them; yea such a tyme; as would haue occasioned some Nations then to crye for gelt and reformation, or also to lay downe their armes. Whereas then, all these troopes, both British, and French, did nobly and loyally resolue, not to dispute the point before the fight, but first to fight, and so to dispute the point against the Enemye with the edge of their anger and points of their swords, that they might by their deserts moue the States to repeale their act, and to shew they meritted augmentation by way of largesse, rather then abatement or abridgement, by way of defalcation; which they would intimate by humble petition, without disputation, after the seruice was done and the Enemye gone off, and not before. And this resolution they generally followed, whereby they deserued dne consideration, and I doubt not in tyme but they shall finde it. They are Tyrants and not Fathers of the [Page 24] Commonwealth, who take occasion to be euill, from the goodnes of their people; so that the better the subiect or inferior is, the worse the superior shews himselfe to bee; and the more he is content for peace, and quiet, and conscience, to suffer, the more the other puts vpon him and forceth him beyond his strength to beare and suffer. It shall not be soe amongst you, (saith our sauiour to his Disciples) I hope the illustrious Lords are our sauiours Disciples also, and I am sure then, It shall not be soe amongst them.
Secondly I beseech the State to consider whether or no it be fit to vindicate the honor of our king, State and Nation, together with the King and Queene of Bohemia, from the base aspersions cast vpon them, by rumor and lyeing multitude, in the point of their present maintenance. For I know the Common people beleeue, and giue it out, for a manifest truth, as men that will beleeue no better, how that royall Payer with their Princely children, lye heere at the charge of this State, and that exactions are layde vpon the people to mainetayne them in that humble condition wherein they liue, which (notwithstanding it be farre too meane for the dignitie of such persons,) yet in the vulgar eye it seemes therefore to be to haughtie, because they think it comes out of their purse, and to proceed from their beggarly beneuolence.
This falsehood is bred and nourished by the Spanish faction, who would do worse then slander them if they could, and doe this to make the Countrie hate them, and thereby to prouoke the people for their sake, to mutinee and rise against the present gouernement of the illustrious Lords, as if they were the occasion of this causeles and needles cha [...]ge, by harboring these distressed Princes [Page 25] in their Dominions.
The knowledge of this was one of the principal motiues which caused me first to put penn to paper in this subiect; because I saw the honor of my King, Countrie, and of these Princes traduced and tost vp and downe by lewde lyeing, and ignorant tongues. For, in stead of charging this State with their aboade heere (as these fellowes faine and giue out) they are euery way helpefull to it, spending therein many thowsand pownds starling by the yeere, and causeing much to be spent, all which comes out of England into these parts. And I present it to the consideration of my superiors, whether it were fit, for all their honors, and safetyes, to crye this off, or to make the truth of it some way publiquely knowne, that the malitious mouthes of men may in this respect be closed, and that the people may know they beare no burthen but their owne, yea that wee also doe helpe them, out of loue, to carry part of that, which belongs to them wholly to beare, out of duty to God and their Country.
Thirdly I humbly present this motion to the consideration of my superiors, whether they thinke it fit or no, for the consolidation of this league, and for the preseruation of perpetual amitie betwixt both Nations, to equall vs, if not with their owne, at least with the cheefe of other Nations, who serue them as wee doe; since wee haue beene, are, and are like to bee, as good studds and props to this State, as they or any of them haue beene, are, or can bee. Let not the aduantage of language make a stricter band, then that of hearts and hands. If their tongues goe before ours, our hearts and hands goe in front with them, and haue euer done so, to do this State seruice. Neither speake I this to disparage them or any of [Page 26] them; It is no disparagement for the best of them, to march with vs; Neither speake I this to detract from their deseruings, but by comparison of theirs to set off our owne (which hath beene nothing inferior to theirs) and so to beget equall respect for equall merrit in all ranckes and degrees.
Fourthly I present to the wise consideration of my superiors, whether they thinke it fit or no, that in both the Indyes and all other places of trade or fishing, their people be straightly commanded carefully to mainetaine peace; that they sell not our loue for a little lucre, nor inuade our simple trust and innocent securitie, with fraude or violence, vpon base aduantages of tyme, and odds of number, or the like circumstances of trecherie and iniurie; which, as they may be shadowed with the cloake of Iustice, so they may serue our Enemyes, (who seeke to deuide vs,) as shaddowes to accuse the vnited Provinces of iniustice, and thereby to incense our State to sodaine rage and sharpe reuenge against them as against perfidious Enemies. And I could therefore wish that if any should dare to disobay the Edicts of the State published for pacification, they may be persued as publique Enemyes, who by their practise testifie the treason of their hearts, whilst they endeauoure to giue distaste to our State, thereby to breake the loue and league betwixt Great Brittanie and the vnited Provinces, that so their Troian Horse or Spanish Iennet may come in at the breach.
Fiftly I would heere speake of honors and rewards to be propounded for the souldiar of all sorts and degrees, but that I am afraide to be laught at for my labor, or if not so, yet to be answered with that Common Error which goes currant for an axiome of State, That Commonweales [Page 27] are incapable of this power to conferre honors. I see amongst the Romans, seuerall rewards and honors of all sorts, distributed freely and constantly to the best deseruers. Thereby to incourage all of euery ranck, high and low, the witty and valiant, in their seuerall kindes, to do their best, and to aduenture for the publique good. Titles, honors, lands, immunities, wreathes, chaines, ornaments, places in the theater, with diuers other previledges, and lastly statues and triumphes were appointed for the well deseruing souldiar. And it is to be obserued, that whereas the Legionarie bands (which were natiues) had siluer chaines, the Auxiliarie (which were strangers) had gould chaines to encourage them, and to binde them to the State by benefits, as the others were bownd by naturall loue and duty. But it may be obiected that these honors conferd by the Romane Commonwealth were acknowledged by reason of the Monarchie, and did extend as vniuersally, as the Romane command and power it selfe, which tutched almost the worlds circumference: but it is not so with petty Commonweales, whose acts seeme therefore to be priuate, and to be contained in narrow listes. And this is true, nor would I therefore desire for the wel deserueing souldiar any honor or preuiledge but a publique acknowledgment and respect within the Vnited Prouinces or wheresoeuer they haue power or command: this they haue power to confer, as wee see the State of Ireland gaue the title of King to H. 8. by act of parliament, who before was written Lord of Ireland only; and what the States could giue would sufficiently content the souldiar, desirons of honor, and binde them the rather to the place and seruice, whilst they should there haue that due reuerence and acknowledgement, [Page 28] which in other places they should not finde but vpon remouall loose. And for ought I see the Honors conferd by absolute Princes, are of force no farther then their owne forces carry them and giue them life and anthority; as wee see in the Emperiall Courts, who will not be acknowledged for such in greate Brittaine, and surely Sir Robert Dudly, what State or stile so euer he walkes vnder in Florence, must in England, if euer he returne, vaile bonnet, and teturne to his English titles.
I say therefore, had a worthy Commander, after long and good seruice, some publique acknowledgement of his merrit; some title, or note of honor, some preuiledge or extraordinarye respect and allowance (thought it went no farther then within the limits and command of the vnited Prouinces) yet it would animate and stirre vp noble spirits to excellent actions and entreprizes through emulation. And had a priuate souldiar, after long and good seruice, the least acknowledgement of his worth, were it but immunitie from the excise, increase of meanes, or any other preuiledge it would incourage a poore man to serue brauely. But to sell his flesh and blood, for bread and cheese, to spend his lustie youth euen till he ariue at a maymed and sickly old age, for so much meanes as will only keepe soule and body togither; in a miserable manner and (which is worst of all) if he liues in the wars 20 or 30 yeeres, neuer to haue hope of due and orderly preferment, but to see euery youth daunce frog-leape ouer his back, this is that which quencheth the courage of all honorable vndertakeing, and is the only cause soe little is performed vpon the politique and powerfull Enemy.
Lastly I humbly desire all Readers of both nations high and Low, to pardon me and to accept of my good will [Page 29] which aymed heerein to do good. Especially I seeke pardon of the illustrious Lords and Gouernors of this State who may thinke me too peremptorie, plaine, and punctuall, in some pasages of discourse, and in the propositions I haue made. But when they shall vnderstand I haue suffered for their sake from mine owne Nation, and haue beene taken and chalenged as a Man too much their owne and partiall vpon their side for what I haue done, spoken, and written; they will, perhaps the sooner intertaine my excuse, and the better beare my plainenes and bouldnes. And for those of myne owne Nation who haue thought me to vilifie our owne and to honor this people too much, I let them know that I haue done nothing but what the truth and the necessitie of the case required. For when I meete a discontented Countriman of mine owne, who seekes to ease his priuare spleene, and to reuenge his particular quarrell, by inuectiues against the publique State of these Prouinces, then as one that vnderstands how much it concernes all our welfares (especially for point of Religion) to be well conceited of each other, and to stand togither in firme friendship, iealous that many fractures should make the ioynt vnconsolidable, and not knowing with what heart and intent those obiections are made, nor how powerfully that scattered breath may worke, (whilst I see thin vapors, gathering and vniteing by degrees, breake out at last into boisterous stormes and blustering windes) I doe what I can to oppose these in the beginning, and that perhaps with a little too much violence, contending for the honor of these parts.
But againe when I meete with an obstinate and malevolent spirit of these Conntryes, arrogateing all to their [Page] owne worth, slighting our King and Kingdome, and seemeing to rely vpon other Princes in their opinion more potent: then indignation lets loose the reynes of my affection, and reason accompaines and seconds them as farre as she is able, to let such blind Braggadochies discerne what they are able to doe for themselues, what wee haue done for them, and how (whatsoeuer they say and would faine make men bleleeue) they cannot rely with that assurance vpon any popish Nation, as they may vpon vs, for all our seemeing ouersenes; Nay that there is no Nation vnder the sunne that can be so profitable and helpefull to them as that of greate Brittanie. Which they may easely see who obserue the situation and shipping of both, and consider that all France, though farre more potent at Land, could not haue afforded vs equall assistance to that which these Countries, (then weake in comparison of what they are) brought vs in 88 by Sea. Nor can all France (though they were our superiors in strength, as yet no triall by battell hath giuen them the assurance) so supply their wants and second their warres offensiue and defensiue by Land and Sea as wee can doe. Thus incountring with English aduersaries, I shew my selfe a plaine dealeing Dutchman; and incountring the Dutch, I shew my selfe what I am, a true hearted English man; But heere where I speake freely I declare impartially what I haue knowne, or heard vpon both parts; what greeuances ought to be remoued, what cautions ought to be obserued, what diligence ought to be vsed on both sides, to settle and make strong this old league renued, in conseruation whereof the liberty of both States, yea of all Christendome, yea of Christianity it selfe in some sort, consisteth. The wrack of Religion is that which is aymed [Page 31] at, is that which I feare; and were it not for Religion I would study, and should soone finde the way, to be a polititian also. Now I haue sayd nothing with a purpose to ouervalue out present ayde (I haue spoken asmuch of theirs) or to vpbraide this State with ingratitude, or as a man that grutched at what wee giue and thought it too much (I wish it much more) or as one that imagined the wisemen of these Lands did not see all this, and more too, without my light; farre be this folly from me: Nay rather my intention is to let the common man see this, who will not vnderstand it, or at least acknowledge it; That when he sees the truth, he may make better account of vsthen he vseth to doe. For I must tell them for conclusion, that our Commons & the State generally, for religions sake principally, is ready to drop their money and their blood freely for this Nation: only the wisedome of our State holds vs back because they see vs too forward, and know well, that what is proffered is contemned, and what is too common, cloyes. Soe all the Remoraes and rubs these men finde in their affaires with vs is from this ground. Whereas on the contrary they are the Commons of the vnited Provinces who slight our people, doe vs all the wronge at home and abroade, where they can take any aduantage against vs, and giue vs and our State all the disgusts they receiue. This I beleeue proceedes principally from that irreligious or superstitious mixture, which is amongst them, who eyther corrupt the rest that are truly religious and true patriots, or at least, by their multitudes, so ouersway the good, that they cannot doe, for vs and themselues, as they would. And for this cause. Their State and Statesmen yea the illustrious Lordes themselues are forced by authoritie and [Page 32] power to restraine them from euill, and on their behalfes, to doe vs all the good they can. Soe you may obserue that with vs the generall currant runns strongly in fauour of these Prouinces, particulars only oppose it for polecie or perhaps some for poperie; but in the vnited Prouinces the generall currant runs strongly against vs, and therefore their State or some particular persons of it, ashamed of the common folly, indeauor to mend it. I make a question if this people were in peace as we are, and wee in warre as they are, whether or no their Common people would as willingly and readely offer themselues and their monyes for vs, and presse the States for permission, as wee offer our selues and our monyes freely for them, and presse our superiors by suites, intreaties, and humble petitions, to giue vs leaue to assist them. I am perswaded, those that grutch and repine, at the excise which is raised for their owne instant and most necessarie defense, would grutch farre more to doe it for others. But it hath not beene long so, their forefathers who with their blood bought their present libettie, were of an other minde. And those Popelings, Libertines, and Sectaries amongst them who are now all sick for change, would, if the Lord should so plague them as to giue them their heartes desire (which I constantly hope, and heartely pray for the sake of the faithfull which are amongst them, that he will not) soone finde the difference of gouernement; when in stead of Fathers, and Brethren, and Sonnes, and Kinsfolke, and a Prince of their owne election, yea such a Prince, such a Generall, as neuer Nation met with a more moderate, affable, prudent, diligent, watchfull, papatient, prouident, and in all respects one more fit for them: in steade of such, I say, they should haue Strangers, [Page 33] and Tyrants set ouer them, who haue shown heretofore, and would shew againe, if they had meanes, that (whatsoeuer we foolishly perswade our selues to the contrarie) they neither respect Law, nor Promise, nor Oath; nor make difference of Religion, or Sexe, or Person; but seeke onely satisfaction of their Libidinous, Ambitious, Cruell, and Couetous desires.
This I thought good briefly to intimate, that, if it be possible, we may receiue reciprocall kindnesse from this Nation generally; and then they need not doubt no more then we our selues doe, but that, where his Maiestie sends this yeere sixe thousand Foot for their ayd, the next yeere (if they should need, as I hope they shall not, pray they may not) a Royall Armie will, in the name of God and our King, command the insulting and incroching Enemie, to stand backe, and giue vp, what he hath vniustly swallowed, and what he shall neuer digest to doe him good, but which may proue as fatall to his entended Monarchy, as that Flesh was to the Eagle, which she snatched from the Altar, to the firing of her owne neast.
And this out of question we with them should effect, without reliance vpon other vncertaine Leagues, if we would seriously vnite our Forces by Land and by Sea, and follow that footing which God hath lately giuen this Nation in the West Indyes. But of this there is little hope whilst those fatall quarrells in the East Indyes lye festering betwixt vs in blood vnappeased, and no such reall satisfaction is giuen, as may witnesse the impartiall Iustice and necessitie of the cause if true (which with the circumstances giues great occasion of suspition) or testifie by execution of the delinquents (if they be found to couer trecherie and murther vnder the apparance of Iustice) that they [Page 34] will not hazard the losle of his Maiesties protection, and our loues, for the liues of a few Libertines; because they loue vs for some thing else besides their owne profit, and will shew the world it is not true which their Enemies slanderously giue out, That they know no God but Gaine, no Religion but Reason of State, no Heauen but this present World, and no Friend but themselues. For our parts we shew our selues to be Subiects of such a Soueraigne, as loues no mans person so well to make vs loue or protect his sinne. If they haue dealt treacherously, we disclaime them for our Countreymen, and can be as well content to see them suffer worthely, as Pyrates and other offendors who are put to death as publique Enemies to all Nations. But if ours be Innocent, and this cryme be raysed by policie to supplant them from those parts as is suggested, then we hope and expect a seuere example shal be made vpon those Diuels, who to the end they may do euill, and satisfie their cruelties (which they exercise euer where they are Masters) doe not forbeare euen to accuse the Innocent, as Satan did Iust Iob. But sparing to censure this on either side, till we see the cause cleared by seuere, strickt, and impartiall examination, which we hope for and expect, we pray God to blesse and prosper this League of Loue begun, and to conuert or confound all that wish the contrarie.