❧THE SVPERINTENDENTES, MINISTERS AND COMMISSIoners of Kirkes Reformed within the Realme of Scotland, conuened in the Generall Assemblie at Edinburgh the 25. day of D [...] cember. 1565. To all that trewly profess [...] the Lord Iesus within the same Realme, or els where, wishe grace and mercy from God the Father, and from his onely Sone our Lord Iesus Christ, with the perpetuall con [...]ort of the holie Spirite.
THE Present troubles being somewhat cōsiddered (but greater feared shortly to follow) it wes thoght expedient (dearelie beloued in the Lord Iesus) that the whole [Page] Faithfull Within this Realme, shuld together, and at one time prostrat them selues before their God, crauing of him pardone and mercy for the great abuse of his former benefites, and the assistance of his holy Spirite, by whose mightie operation we may yet so conuert to our God, that we prouoke him not to take from vs the lyght of his Euangle, which he of his mercie hath caused so clearly of laite dayes to shine within this realme. But because that suche publicte Supplicationes requyre alwayes Fasting to be ioyned therewith, And publict Fastynge craueth a certane time and certane exercises of godlynes then to be vsed with greater streatnes then at vther tymes. The whole Assemblie after deliberation hath appointed y • last Sonday of February, and the first Sonday of Marche nixt following the date of the said assemblie, to that moste necessare exercise (as [Page] tyme now standeth) of publict Fasting. And further, did require the same to be signified be all Ministers to their people the Sonday preceading the said last Sonday of Februarie. But lest that the Papistes shall think that now we begine to authorise and praise that which some tymes we haue reproued and dampned in them. Or els that the ignorant who knowe not the commoditie of this moste godlie exercise shall contempne y e same. We haue thoght expedient somewhat to speak to the one and to the vther. And vnto the Papistes first we say, that as in puritie of conscience, we haue refused their whole abhominationes, and amongest the rest, that their supersticious and Pharisaicall maner of Fasting: So euen vnto this day do we continew in the same purpose, boldely affirming that their Fasting is no Fasting that euer God approued, but that it is a deceauing [Page] of the people, and a meare mocking of God, which moste euidentlie will appeare. If in the Scriptures we searche what is the ryght end of Fasting, what Fasting pleased God, and which is it that his soule abhoreth. Of Fasting in the Scriptures we finde two sortes, the one priuate, the vther publicte. The priuate is that which man or woman doeth in secrete, & before their God, for such causes as their owen conscience beareth record vnto them. As Dauid during the time that his Sone which wes begotten in adulterie, wes struken with mortall seicknes, fasted, weap [...], and lay vpon the ground, because that in the seicknes of the Chylde he did considder Godes displeasure agains him self for the remouing, whereof he fasted, murned, & prayed, vnto suche tyme as he saw Godes wil fulfilled by the awaytaking of the Chylde Priuatlie fasted Anna, wyse to Alcana, euen in the verray [Page] Solempne Feastes, during the tyme of hir barrennes. For she weapt and eat nothing, 1. Sam. [...]. but in the bitternes of hir heart she prayed vnto the Lord, nether ceased she from sorow and murning, vnto suche tyme as Eli the hie Preist concurred with her in prayers, by whose mouth after that he had hard her petifull complaint, she receaued conforte. Of this Fasting speaketh oure M [...]ister Iesus Christ in these wordes, when ye Fast, be not sowr as the Hypocretes, for they disfigure their faces, Math. 6. that they may some vnto men to Fast. But thow when thow Fastest, anoynt thy heade, and washe thy face, that thow seame not vnto men to Fast, but vnto thy Father which seeth in secrete, and will rewarde the opinly. Of the same no dout speaketh y • Apostle when that he sayeth, defraude not one another, 1. Cor. 7. except it be with cō sent for a tyme, that ye may giue [Page] your selues to Fasting and prayer. To this priuate Fasting which stā deth chiefly in a temperat, dyet, & in powring furthe of our secrete thoughtes and necessities before God, can be prescriued no certane rule, certane tyme, nor certane ceremonies, but as the causes and occasiones why that exercise is vsed are diuers (yea so diuers that seldome it is that many at ones are moued with one cause) so are diet, tyme, together with all vther circumstances requyred to suche Fasting, put in the libertie of them that vse it. To this Fasting we haue bene faithfully and earnestly exhorted by oure Preachers, as oft as the Scriptures which they entreated offered vnto them occasion. And we dout not but the godlie within this Realme haue vsed the same as necessitie craued, albeit with the Papistes we blew no Trumpetes, to appoynt thereto certane dayes.
[Page] The vther kynde of Fasting is publict so called, because that it is openlie awowed, some tymes of a Realme, some tymes of a multitude, some tymes of a cietie, and some tymes of a meaner company, yea, some tymes of particulare persones, and yet publictlie vsed, and that for the wealth of a multitude. The causes thereof are also diuers, Causes that ought to moue men to publict [...] Fasting. for sometymes the feare of ennimies, sometymes the angrie face of God punishing, sometymes his threatning to distroy, some tymes iniquitie deprehended that ryghtlie before wes not considered, and sometymes the earnest zeale that some beare for preseruation of Godes people, for aduā cing of his glorie, & performing of his worke, according to his promes, moue men to publict Fasting, confession of their sinnes, & solempned prayers, for defence against their ennimies, recouering of Godes fauoures, remouing of [Page] his plagues, preseruatiō of his people, & setting fordwarde of that work [...], which he hath of his merce promised to finishe, as in the subsequent probationes euidētly shall appeare. ¶When Messingers came to Iosaphat saying, there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea, out of Aram (that is Syria) &c. Iosaphat feared, 2. Parali. 20 and set him self to seke the Lord, and proclamed a Faste throughout all Iuda. And Iuda gathered them selues together, to aske counsall of the Lord, they come euen out of all the cieties of Iuda to inquire of the Lord. And Iosaphat stoode in the Congregariō of Iuda, and Ierusalem in the hou; of the Lord, before the new court, And all Iuda stoode before the Lord with their yonge ones, their wyfes and their Chyldrene. And Iosaphat said, ô Lord God of our Fathers, are not thow God in heauen, and reignest not thow in all [Page] Kingdomes of the Heathen? And in thy hand is power and myght, The prayer of Iosaphat and none is able to withstād thee. Haste not thow our God cast out the inhabitantes of this Land, before thy people Israell, and haste giuen it to the s [...]d of Abraham thy freand for euer. &c. But now the Ammorytes, and Moabytes, & the Mont Seir ar come to castvs out of thy possession? O Lord our God shall thow not iudge them? In vs there is no strengh to stand against this great multitude that commeth against vs, nether knowe we what to do, but vnto thee are our eyes bent. &c. Of this Historie we haue the first cause of publict Fasting, and the solempnitie thereof sufficiently prowen. For the feare of ennimies cōpelled Iosaphat to seik the Lord, he knowing him selfe burdened with the care of the people, exhorted them to do the same. They fra all cieties and quarters repared to Ierusalem, [Page] whereupone a statute day the King and the people, yea, wyues and Childrene presented them selues before the Lord in his holy Temple, The ceremo [...]i [...] of publict [...] fasting exponed their necessitie, implored his h [...]lpe against that enraged multitude, that alwayes wes ennimie to Godes people, & gaue open confession of their owē weaknes, leaning onely to the promes and protection of the omnipotent. Which exemple, we & euerie people likewyse assaulted, may and ought to follow in euerie poynt. This onely excepted, that we are not bound to conuen [...] at any one appoynted place, as they did at Ierusalem. For to no one certane and seuerall place is that promes made, that then wes made to the Temple of Ierusalem, The promeis made to the temple of Ierusalē is now to be soght in Christe lesus. which wes that whatsoeuer men in their extremitie shuld ask of God in it, God shuld grant it from his holie habitation in the heauen. Iesus the Messias then looked for, Hebr. 7. whose [Page] presence wes sought in the merci [...] seat, and betuix the Cherubinnes, is now entered within the vale, that is in the heauen, and there abydeth onely Mediator for vs, vnto whome from all the coastes of the earth, we may lift vp pure handes, direct our prayers, [...] Time. [...] supplicationes, and complaintes, and be assured that they shalbe receaued, in whatsoeuer place we conuene. And yet in tyme of suche publict exercyses, we wold wishe that all men and wemen shuld repare to suche places as their conscience may be best instructed, their Faith moste edified, repentance moste liuely sturred vp in them, and they by Godes worde may be moste assured that their iust peticions shall not be repelled. Which thinges cā not be done so liuely in secrete and priuate meditatī, as that they are in publict Assemblie, where Christ Iesus is trewly preached, & this muche shortlie for the firste [Page] head. Of the second, to wit, that the angrie face of God punishing, aught to dryue vs to publicte Fasting, & humiliation of our soules before our God, we haue two notable exemples, the one written in Iosua, who hearing and vnderstanding, that Israell had turned the back before the Cananite▪ and the Elders of Israell rent their clothes, Iosua. 7. fell vpone their faces before the Arke of the Lord vnto the nyght, and caste dust vpone their heades, in signe of their humiliation and deiection. The vther is expressed in the booke of the Iudges, where Israell being commanded by God to fight against Beniamin, Iudi. 20. because that they menteaned wicked men that deserued death, loste the first day twentie two thousand of their armie, and the second day eightene thousand. At the firste lose they were [...]ghtlie touched, and asked counsall if they shulde rene [...], the battell, but at the secōd [Page] ouerthrow, the whole people repared vnto the hous of the Lord, sat there, weapt before the Lord, & Fasted that day vnto the night, for then began they to considder Godes angrie face against them.
In this last historie their appeareth iust cause why the people shulde haue rune to the onely refuge of God, because that there first army of fourtie thousand men wes vtterlie distroyed. But what iust occasion had Iosua so lamentablie to complaine, Let his cō plaint be noted. yea, so boldely as it were to accuse God, that he had deceaued him in that, that against his promeis he had suffered Israell to fall before their ennimies. Wes the lose of thrette men (no mo sel that day in the edge of the sword) so great a mater that he shuld dispare of any better successe, that he shulde accuse God that he had brought them ouer Iordane, and that he shuld feare that the whole army of the Lord shuld be inueroned [Page] aboute, and consumed in the rage of their ennimies, yea, if Israell had onely looked no further then to the lose of the fourty thousand men, they had bene but feable Soldioures, for they had sufficient strenth remaning behinde, for what were fourtie thousand, in respect of all the trybes of Israel? Nay, nay (deare brethren) it wes an vther thing then the present lose that terrified & effrayed their consciences, and made them so effeminatlie (so wold fleshe iudge) to complaine, weap, and owle before God, to wit, they saw his angrie face against them, they saw his hand fortifie their ennimies, and to fight against them, whome both he had commanded to fight, and had promised to giue them victorie. Eue [...]ie commandement of god to do any thing, hes the sccrete promes of his assistance. For euerie commandement of God to do any thing against his ennimies, hath included within it a secrete promes of his godly assistance, which they fand not in the [Page] beginning of their interpryses, and therefore they did considder the fearcenes of his displeasure, & did tremble before his angrie Face, whose myghtie hand they fand to fight against them, and that wes the cause of their dolorous complaintes and fearfull crying before their God. What wes the cause that God delt so framedly with the one, and with the vther? we may perchance somewhat speak, when that we shall entreat of the frutes of Fasting, and of those thinges that may holde back from vs the assistance of God, euen when we prepare vs to put his commandement in execution. The thride cause of publict Fasting, is Godes threatninges pronounced, ether against a multitude, or against a persone in particulare. Of the former the exemple is Niuiue, vnto the which Ionas cryed, yet fourtie dayes, & Niniue shalbe distroyed, which vnpleasing tydinges cū ming [Page] to the eares of the King, he proclamed a Faste, he humbled his owen soule, yea, euē to Sackcloth, and sitting in the duste, he straitlie commanded reformatiō of maners in all estates, yea, and that signes of repentance, of terrours, and feare shuld appeare, not onely in men & wemen, but also in the brute beastes, what shall become of the hardnes of our hear [...] in those dayes. from whome wes all kynde of nurishement commanded to be withdrowen, to witnes that they feared aswell Godes iudgementes to fall vpone the creatures that serued them in their impietie, as vpōe them selues that had prouoked God to that hote displeasure. Of the vther the exemple is moste notable (moste notable we say) because that it fell in a wicked man, to wit, in Achab, who by instigation of his wicked wyfe lesebell, saulde him self to do all iniquitie. And yet when that he hard the fearefull threatninges of God pronounced by the Prophet Elias against him, [...]. R [...]g. 21. against his wyf [...] and [Page] hous, he rent his royall garmentes, put on Sackcloth, sleipt therein, fasted and yead baire footed, what ensewed the one and the vther, of these we shall after heare.
The fourt cause of publict Fasting and murning (for they two muste euer be ioyned) is iniquitio deprehended, that before wes not ryghtly considdered. The testimony whereof we haue in Esdras, after the reduction of the captiuitie, & that the temple & the work of the Lordes hous wes stayed. It wes shawen vnto Esdras that the people of Israell, 1. Esdr. [...]. the Preistes and the Leuites were not seperat from the people of the Nation [...], but that they did according to their abhominations, for they maryed vnto them selues, and vnto their Sonnes, the doughters of the Cananites, the Pherisites, Hithetes, Iebusites, Ammorites, Moabites, and Egiptiens, so that the holy sead wes mixt with Prophane Idolateris, [Page] which thing being vnderstand, & more deaply considdered, then it wes before, for then Esdras sawe iust cause why the worke of the Lord prospered not in their hādes. This considdered, we say Esdras taking vpone him the sinne and offence of the whole people, rent his clothes, and pulled furth the heares of his head and beard, sat as a man desolate of all conforte, till the euening Sacrifice, and then rysing he bowed his kneis, and streached furth his hande, before the Lord, and made a moste semple & humble confession of all the enormities that were committed be the people, as well before the captiuitie as after their returning, and ceased not his lamentable cōplaint, vnto suche tyme as a great multitude o [...] men, wemen and childrene moued by his exemple, O that Scotland wolde follow this obedience. weapt vehementlie, and promised redres of that present disordour and impietie.
Of the last cause of publict Fasting▪ [Page] to wit, the zeale that certane persones beare for preseruation of Godes people, for adu [...]cing of his glorie, and performing of his worke according to his promes.
We haue exemples in Mardochous, Ester. 4. Daniell, Dani [...]. 9. and in the faithfull assembled at Antioche, Actes. 13. for when that Mardocheus hard of that cruell sentence, which by the procurement of Human, wes pronounced against his Nation. To wit, that vpone a day statute and affixed, shuld the Iewes in all the prouinces of the King Artaxarses be destroyed, So intend the Papistes this day. oulde and yong, men and wemen, and that their substance shuld be exp [...]ned in pray. This bloody sentēce we say being hard, Mardoche [...]s rent his clothes, put on Sackcloth and Ashes, past [...]urth in the middest of the cietie, and cryed with a great and bitter crye, & coming to the Kinges gate, gaue knoweledge to Ester what crueltie wes decreed against the Nation [Page] of the I [...]wes, willing her to make intercession to the King, in the cō trare, who efter certane excuses said. Go and gather all the Iewes that are in Susan, Esdr. 4. and faste for me, [...]at not, nor drinke not, thre dayes and thre nyghtes, and I also, and my hādmades shall likewyse faste, & then shall I enter vnto the King, although that I shuld perishe.
In this we may clearely se that the zeale that Mardocheus had to preserue the people of God, moued not onely him self to publict Fasting, but also Ester the Quene, her maides and the whole Iewes that hard of the murther intēded, and moued Ester also to hasart her lyfe in going vnto the King without his commandement.
Of the uther, to wit, that the earnest desyre that Godes seruandes haue that God will performe his promes, & manteane the worke that he hath begune. Exemple we haue in Daniell, [...] and in the Actes [Page] of the Apostles. For Daniell vnderstanding the nomber of the yeares forespoken by the Prophet Ieremie, that Ierusalem shuld ly waist, to haue bene completit in the first yeare of the Reigne of D [...] rius, turned him self vnto God, fasted, hūbled him self in Sackcloth and Ashes, and with vnf [...]aned confession of his owen sinnes, and of the sinnes of the people, he vehementlie prayed. That according to the promises sometymes made be Moyses, and after rehearsed by the Prophet I say & Ieremie, D [...]ut. 10. he wolde suddingly send them deliuerance, Ier [...]m. 11. and that he wolde not delay it for his owen Names sake.
When the Gentiles began to be illuminated, A [...]tes. 11. and that Anteochia had so boldely receaued the Euangle of Iesus Christ, that the Disciples in it first of all tooke vpone them the name of Christianes.
The principall men of the same Church, thrusting no dout that the [Page] Kingdome of Iesus Christ shulde further be enlarged, and that the multitude of the gentiles shuld be instructed in the ryght way of Saluation, Act. 1 [...]. Fasted and prayed, & whill that they wer so exercised, charge wes giuen, that Paule and Barnabas shuld be seperated frome the rest, to the worke whereunto God had called them. &c. Of these former Histories and Scriptures, we may clearly se for what causes publict Fasting, and generall supplicationes haue bene made in the Church of God, and ought to be made when that euer the lyke necessities appeare, or occasions are offered. Now let vs shortly heare what conforte and frute ensewed the same. For the ennimie, yea, the murtherer of all godly exercise is disperation, for with what corage can any man with continuāce call vpone God? If he shall disperatly dout: whether God shall accept his prayer or not? How [Page] shall he humble him self before his Throne? Or to what end shall he confesse his offence? If he be not perswaded, that there is mercy and good will in God to pardone his sinnes, to accept him in fauour, & to grant vnto him more then his owen heart, in the middest of his dolour can requyre or ymagine.
Trew it is, that this vennome of disperation, is neuer throughlie purged from our heartes, so long as we cary this mortall Carcasse.
But yet the constant promises of our God, and the many folde docu mentes of his mercy & help, show en vnto men in their greatest extremitie, ought to animat vs to sollow their exemple, and to hope for the same successe that they haue gotten abufe mannes expectation. Iosaphat after his humiliation and prayer, The [...] of trew Fastiug, and vn feaned inuo catiō of god obtened the victorie, with out the lose of any of his Soldioures, for the Lord reased Ammon & Moab, against the inhabitantes of [Page] Mont Seir, who being vtterly destroyed, [...] so thy [...]nnimies perishe o lord. euerie one of the ennimies of Godes people lift his sworde against another, till that, of that godles mul [...]itude, there wes not one left aliue, Iosua and the Israelites after their deiection, wer co [...] forted againe. Niniue wes preserued, albeit that Ionas had cryed destruction, yea, Achab not withstanding all his vngodlynes, [...] humiliation temporally profiteth the verrary repro [...]. loste not the frute of his humiliation, but wes r [...]compensed with delay of the vttermoste of the plagues, during his lyfetyme. The murnīg of Esdras wes turned in ioy, when that he saw the people willing to obey God, and the worke of the hous of the Lord to go fordwart.
The bitter crying of Mardocheus, and the painefull Fasting of Ester were aboundantly rewarded, whē not onely wes the people of God preserued, but Haman their mortall ennimie, wes hanged vpon the same gallous that he had prepared [Page] For Mardocheus.
Daniell after his Fasting, confession and prayer, gat moste notable reuelationes & assurance, that his people shuld be deliuered, yea, that in all extremities, they shuld be preserued, till that the Messias promysed vnto them shuld come, and manifestly showe him self.
And the godly of Anteochea wer not frustrate of their conforte, whē that they hard how potently God had wrought amōgest the Gentiles by the ministerie, of Barnabas & Paule, so that we may boldely cō clude, that as God hath neuer dispysed the petitions of such as with vnfeaned heartes haue soght his cō fort in their necessities, so will he not sēd vs away emptie & voyd, if with trew repētāce we seak his face
If any wolde aske in what extremitie we finde our selues now to be, that hertosore we haue not sene. And what are the occasiones that shuld moue vs now to [Page] humble our selues before our Go by publict Fasting, more then tha we did in the beginning? When this Euangile wes now last offered vnto vs, for then by all apperance, we and it in our persones stoode in greater danger, then we do yet,.
We answer, that the causes are mo then for greif of haert we can expresse. First, because that in the beginning we had not refused godes graces, but contrariwyse with such feruencie we receaued them, Causes that now moue vs to faste that moued vs not befor that we could beare with no kinde of impietie: but for the suppressing of the same, we nether had respect to frende, possession, land or lyfe, but all we put in hasard, that gode; treuth myght be aduansed, and Idolatrie myght be suppressed.
And therefore did our God by the mouth of his Messingers, in all our aduersities, assure vs that our ennimies shuld not preuale against vs, Let the fath full call to mynde. but that they shuld be subdewed vnder vs, that our God shuld be [Page] glorified in our semple & vpryght dealing. But now sence that carnall wisdome hath perswaded vs to beare with manifest Idolatrie, & to suffer this realme that God had ones purged, to be polluted againe with that abhominatiō, yea, allace, sence y t some of vs that God made sōe tymes instrumētes to suppresse that impietie, haue bene the cheif mē to cōduct & conuoy that Idole throughout all the quarters of this Realme, yea, to the houses of them that sometymes detested the masse as the Deuill & his seruice. Sence that tyme we say, haue we funde the face of our God, angrie against vs, his threatninges haue bene sharpe in the mouthes of his Messingers, which albeit for the tyme, we dispysed & mocked, yet the iust experience conuicteth vs, that we were wicked, & that they in threatning vs, God grant that mē may yet consider did nothing but the dewtie of Godes trew Messingers.
And this is the second cause that [Page] moue vs to this publict humiliatiō, rather now then in the beginning, to wit, that then we followed god, and not carnall wisdome, & therefore made he few in nomber, feare full to many, fooles before the worlde to confound the wyse, and suche as before neuer had experience in armes, made God so bolde and so prosperous in all their interpryses, that the expertest Souldioures feared the poore plowmen, yea, our God faught for vs by sea, and by land, he moued the heartes of strangers to supporte vs, and to spend their liues for our releif.
But now allace we se no signe of his former fauour, for wisdome & māhead, strength and freindes, honour and blood ioyned with godlynes, are fallen before our eyes, to let vs vnderstand what shall be our distruction, if in time we turne not to our God, before that his wrathe be further kindled. But this is not the end. For esperance, [Page] (or at least some opinion) had men before, that God shulde moue th [...] Quenis Maiesties heart, to heare y • blissed euangle of Iesus Christ trewlie preached, and so cōsequentlie that she shuld abandone all Idolatrie and fals Religion. But now she hath giuen answer in plaine wordes, that that Religion in whiche she hath bene nourished (and that is meare abhomination) she will manteane and defend. And in declaration thereof, of laite dayes there is erected a displayed baner against Iesus Christ, for corrupted Hypocrites, & suche as haue bene knowen deceauers of the people, are now authorised, to spew out their vennome against Iesus Christ his eternall trueth, and trew Messingers of the same. That Idole th [...] Masse is now againe in diuers places erected. And what hereof may ensew, yea, or what we may looke, shalbe the end of suche vnhappy beginninges, we desyre the [Page] godly deaply to considder. But let it be granted, that we had not fallen back from our former feruē cie, that we saw not Godes angrie face, threatning vs with more fear full plagues to follow, that the best parte of our nobilitie wer not exiled this Realme, nether yet that our Souerane were ennimie to our Religion, and that she bare no greater fauour to flattering freres, and to corrupted Papistes, thē that she doeth to our poore Preachers.
Supponing we say that none of these foresaid causes we had to moue vs (as that we haue them all, and mo, if that we list to recompt them) yet is there one which if it moue vs not to humiliation, we showe our selues more then insensible. For now is Sathan so enraged against Iesus Christ, The suppressing of christes holy Euangle wes dec [...]ied in the last coūsall of Trent and so odius is the light of his Euangile vnto that Romaine Antichrist, that to suppresse it in one prouince, Realme or Nation, he thinketh it nothing, [Page] vnles that in all Europe the godlie, and suche as abhorre the Papisticall impietie, be therewith also vtterly distroyed, and so rased from the face of the earth, that no memorie of them shal after remaine.
If any think that suche crueltie can not fall in the heartes of men, we send them to be resolued of those Fathers of the last counsall of Trent, who in one of their Sessions haue thus concluded. All Lutheriens, The Counsall of trent. Caluenistes and suche as are of the new Religion, shall vtterlie be exterminate, the beginning shalbe in France, by conducting of the Catholik Kinge, Philip of Spaine, and by some of the Nobilitie of France, which mater (say they) put to some stay the whole force of bothe, together with the Popes Army, and force of the Dukes of Sauoy, & farrar shall assault Geneua, and shall not leaue it, till that they haue put it to sack, sauing [Page] in it no leuing creature. And with the same mercy shal so many of France, [...] as haue t [...]isted of the new Religion be [...]. Fr [...]me thēce expednion shalbe made against the Ge [...]maine, to reduce them to the obedi [...]nce of the [...] seat. And so shal they proce [...]d to vther Realmes & Nationes, neuer ceasing till that all be ext [...]minate, that will not make homag [...] to that Romaine Idole. Ho [...] fearefull a beginning this conclusion and determination had, France [...] remember mo ages then one. For how many abuse a hundreth thousand men, wemen, babes Virgines, Matrones, and aged Fathers suffered, some by s [...] orde some by water, some by fyre, & vther tormentes. The verray ennimies them felues are compelled to acknogeledge. And albeit that God of his mercie in a part; disapoynted there cruell interpryses, yet let vs not thinke that their will is changed, or their [Page] malice asswaged. No let vs be assured that they abyde but oportunitie to sinishe the worke that cr [...] ellie against God, against his treuth, and the trew prosessoures of the same, they haue begune. The whisperinges whereof are not secrete, nether yet the tokenes obscure. For the trafique of that dragone, now with the princes of the earth, his promyses and flattering entysementes tend to none vther end, but to inflambe them against Iesus Christ, and against the trew professoures of his Euangle. For who can think that the Pope, Cardinalles, and horned Bishopes, will offer the greatest portion of their Rentes for susteaning of a warre, whereof no commoditie shuld redound (as they suppose) to them selues. If any think that we accuse them without cause, let them heare their owen wordes, The wor [...]ies of the counsall of trent. for this they wrate neare the end of the same decre.
[Page] And to the end that the holy fathers on their parte, appeare not [...]o be negligent, or vnwilling to giue their ayde and supporte vnto so holy a warre, or to spaire their owen rentes and money, haue added that the Cardinalles shall content them selues of the yearely Rent of 5. or 6. thousand Ducates, These are the s [...]cces soures of the Apostles. and the rychest Bishope of 2. or 3. thousand at the moste. And to giue frāckly y • rest of their Reueneues to the intertenement of the warre, No man nedeth to dout of the [...] of those [...]athers, so that Christ [...] may [...], [...]cified, and his Euā gle exiled. which is made for the extirpation of the Lutheriens and Caluinistes sect. And for reestablishing of the Romaine Churche, till suche tyme as the mater be conducted to a good & happy end. If these be not open declarationes, in what danger all faithfull stand, if they can bring their crueltie to passe, let verray Idiotes iudge, but let vs heare their conclusion. France and Germanie (say they) being by these meanes so chastised, abased & [Page] conducted to the obedience of the holy Romaine Churche, the Fathers dout not, but tyme shall prouide bothe counsal and commoditie, that the rest of the Realmes about may be reduced to one flok, Let Scotlād adu [...]rt. and one Apostolick gouernour & Pastour. &c. By this conclusion we thinke that the verray blinde may see what is purposed against the Saintes of God, in all Realmes and Nationes, to wit, distruction with crueltie, or els to make them to worship that blasphemous beast who being an Idole, vsurpeth to him selfe the Name of vniuersall Pastoure, and being knowen to be the man of sinne and perdition, will be holden for an Apostolick Gouernour. But some shall say they are yet fare from the end of their purpose, and therefore we neid not to be so fearefull, nor so sollist. We answer, the danger may be nerar, then we beleaue, yea, perchance a parte of it hath bene [Page] neirar to our neckes then we haue considdered. But how so euer it be, seing that God of his mercie hath brought furth to lyght their cruell and bloody counsall, in the which we nead not to dout, but still they continew. It becōmeth vs not to be negligent nor sleuthfull, but we ought to follow the exemple of Ezechias, the King of Iuda, who receauing not onely the dispytefull answer, Isa. 36. & 27 but also the blasphemus and threatning letter of Sennaherib, first send vnto the Prophet Isayas, and pietifully com pleaned of the instant troubles, willing him to make intercession vnto God, for the remanent that were left. Vnto whome albei [...] that the Prophet answered, confortablie ass [...]ring the King that the enni [...]ie shuld not cume so neir as to shoote D [...]rte or Arrow within Ierusalem. Yet ce [...]sed not the godlie King to present him self in the Temple of the Lord. And as a mā [Page] dispared of all worldely conforte, sored abrod the letters that proud Sennah [...]rib had sent vnto him and made vnto God his moste fe [...]ent prayer, as in the [...]. Chapter of the Prophet I say as we may read.
The ennimie had turned back, Isay. 37. and God had put a Br [...]die in his nosethirles, and so men m [...]ght haue thought that the King neded not to haue bene so sollicte. But the Spirite of God instructed the heart of his seru [...]nd, to seak helpe where it wes onely to be found, and from the, handes of God, who only wes able to put [...] end to that tyrā nie. The exemple (we say) of this approued seruand of God, we ought to follow now whē the like d [...]truction is intended against vs, yea, not against one Realme only, but against all that professe the Lord Iesus, as before we haue heard. Albei [...] that God of his mercy hath stayed the furie of the Papistes for a tyme, we ought not to think that [Page] their malice is chāged, nether that suche as trewly professe the Lord Iesus, can be in securitie, so long as that Babiloniane hoore hath power to enchant the Princes of the earth. Let vs therefore vnderstā ding that she being dronken with the blood of the Saintes, can neuer repent of crueltie & murther, vse against her the spiritual weapones, to wit, what veapons weshall vse against the crueltie of the papistes. earnest inuocation of Gods Name, by the which we finde the proude tyrannes of the earth, in tymes past, to haue bene ouerthrowen. Abuse all these causes foresaid, we haue yet one that ought not to be omitted, to wit, the body of this Realme hath long enioyed quietnes, whill that vther nations about vs haue bene seueirly plagued. What thousādes dyed in the east cuntreyes, and in England of the pest [...]anno 1563. 1564. Their owen confessions beare record.
What crueltie hath bene executed in France? what townes spoyled, [Page] and murther committed, somewhat before we haue declared, & more we myght if that we had not respect to brSuitie and tyme. And what trouble is presently, and long hath bene betuix Denmarke and Swaden, the posteritie of that euntrie will after vnderstand. And in all this tyme now sex yeares, and more hath God spared vs, so that the publict estate hath alwayes remaned quyet, except within these few monethes. Ought not the deap consideration of this moue vs now to stoupe before our God?
For haue we bene spared because that our Rebellion to God is les, then is the Rebellion of those nations that we haue sene punished? If so we think, we are far deceaued. For in so great lyght of the Euangle, we think that greater inobedience wes neuer showen vnto God, nor greater ingratitude vnto his Messingers, sence the dayes of the Apostles, then of laite yeares [Page] hath bene (and yet is) within this Realme. Idolatrie is obstinatly menteaned, Huredome and adulterie are but pastyme of the flesh, slaugther and murther is esteamed small sinne, if any man haue freind in court, craftie dealing with the semple, disceat and oppression is cōpted gude conques, (yea allace almoste vniuersally) Parcialitie in iudgement, is but interpretation of Lawes▪ yea, del [...]ying of Iustice, what mater is that? what reuerence is had to Go [...]es Messingers, and what r [...]spe [...]t [...] the poore that now so multiplies within this Realme (that the lyke hath seldome b [...]ne sene) thought we will cease, the stones will crye, & condempn [...] vs, and yet what supe [...]luitie? wha [...] vanitie? what [...]easting? Ryotous [...]? hath bene (& yet is) vse [...] in court, cuntrey and townes, alth [...]ought the tounges of men [...] speak, yet we think the p [...]r [...]es [...] [...]ome do feal, and in their man [...] [Page] plaine. If these be not sinnes that craue plagues from God, we humblie desyre men to considder what are the sinnes that were layed to the charge of Sodome and Gomorha, by the Prophet Ezechiell. Ezechi. [...]
Now say we, God before our eyes hath punished vthers, and can he spaire vs? Being more cryminall then they were? Nay he can not. And therfore there restes nothing vnto vs but vtter exterminion, O that we sh [...]ld hear [...] before God plages more if we vnfeanedly turne not vnto our God before that his wraithe be further kindled against vs. Iudgement is begune in his owen hous, for if within Scotland amonges mē of their estate, there w [...]s to be fūd equetie, iustice, temperance, compassion vpone the poore and vpryght conscience, they did moste clearely shyne in them, whome God before oure eyes hath firste deiected. Therefore (yet agane) we say that onely repentance can saue vs from plagues more greuous [Page] then they haue felt, or that we haue sene of many yeares within this Realme.
But now we knowe, that suche as nether lufe God, nor trewly feare his Iudgementes (for mò Atheistes we haue, That is men without god nor consumate Papistes within this Realme) shall grudge and crye, what new ceremone is this that now we here of? Wherefore shall we Faste? and who hath power to command vs so to do? A Feg for their Fasting, we will fill & farse our bellies vpōe the oulde fassion. &c. Let not the godly be offended at the brocardes and lardons of such godles people, but let vs tremble before our God, and considder that suche hath bene the proude contempt of the wicked in all ages before vs, as in the Prophetes we may read. For I say compleaneth, saying, I say. [...]. when the Lord calleth to Sackclothe and ashes, there is nothing heard, but let vs eat & drink [Page] kill the fat, and make Banket, let vs bring wyne in aboundance, I say. 5 [...]. and more, and if we must dye, let vs de parte in ioy, for so they ment, when that they said, let vs eat and drink, the morrow we shall dye.
But let vs considder, what answer they receaue. As I liue sayeth the Lord, I say. 22. this your iniquitie shall not be forgiuen vnto the death, I shall take from yow the myrth of wyne and oyle, I say. 5. 6. 9. your yong men shall fall by the sworde, I say. 20. your aged men shal be led captiues, your delicate Dā mes shall trote vpone their fete ouer the riuer (meaning Euphrates) their buttockes shalbe naked, Ierem. 13. and their shame shall not be hid. &c.
Ieremie the Prophet preached and cryed euen to the King, Ierem. 13. and to the Quene, and commanded them to walk in lowlynes, to do iustice. to represse impietie, and so he promised that they shoulde sit still vpone their Throne in ioy and quyetnes. But if they wolde not, he boldelie [Page] pronounced that their Carcasses shalbe cast to the heit of the Son [...] and to the frost, [...]. 16 & 19. and colde of the nyght. Ezech. 21. Ezechiel in his age vseth the same ordour, and in his owen bodie showeth vnto them signes of humiliation, and of the plagues that shuld apprehend thē for their Rebellion.
All their admonitions were dispysed we conf [...]sse, but thereto we shulde not looke, but vnto that which ensewed suche proude contempt.
Yf we wolde that our Palices shuld be so distroyed, that they shuld remaine desolate, and be dē nes to Dragones.
Yf we wolde that our land shuld be laide waist and be a pray to our ennimies, [...]euit. 26. and if we wolde that the rest of the plagues, threatned by the Prophetes, and which haue apprehended the disobedient before vs, shuld come vpone vs in full perfection. Then we nede nether [Page] to faste nor pray, repent nor turne to God. But and if we desyre ether to finde mercy in this lyfe, or ioy & consort in the lyfe to come, we muste showe our selues [...]nf [...] nedly, sory for the abhominations that now vniuersally Reigne, If we will not perishe with the wor [...]de, we must be vnlike vnto it. we muste be lyke Lothe in Sod [...]me & Noha, in that Catholick def [...]ction from God, which wes into the first age. And by their exemples, and notable deliuerances, Gen. 6. & [...] 9 ought we to be encoraged, to showe our selues sory for this present corruption, & to oppone our selues thereto, to the vttermoste of our powers, vnles that we wolde haue portion [...]ith the wicked. N [...]ther ought w [...] to be discoraged, because that the contemners, godles people, and mockers of all godlyn [...]s, shall preuale vs in multitude. Their nōber (deare brethren) shal not hurt our innocencie, if that we with vnfeaned heartes turne vnto our God, for the promes of his mercy is not [Page] bound vnto the multitude, so that he will not heare but where the greatest parte is godly. The pro [...]es of gods mercy, and deliuerance, is not bounde to the multitude. No deare brethrene, where soeuer two or thre be gathered in his name, there is he in the middest of them, Math. 18. and againe, whosoeuer incalleth the name of the Lord, he shalbe saued, yea, Ioel. 2. euen when in Godes displeasure the whole worlde shalbe plagued. And therefore let vs not follow the multitude in euil doing, Ex [...]d. 23. but let vs declyne from the wayes of their vanitie, and by vnfeaned humiliation of our selues. Let vs purches fauoure before that Gods vengeance brust out lyke a fyre.
THE power that we haue to proclame this Fasting, is not of man, but of God, who by the mouth of his Prophet Ezechiell, pronounceth this sentence. Ezech. [...]. If the watcheman se the sworde, or any vther plague comming vpone the land, if he blowe not the trumpet, [Page] and plainely warne them to turne to God: and if the sword come & take any away, The power that the Church h [...]th to co [...] mand p [...] lict Fast [...] ng. the wicked shal perishe in their iniquitie: but their blood shalbe requyred from the handes of the watcheman. Now so it is, that God of his mercy hath rased vp amonges vs mo wathemē then one or two, of whose mouthes we can not deny, but we haue hard fearefull threatninges of plagues, to follow vpone this proude contempt of all Godes graces.
And therefore we in the feare of our God. willing to avoyd the vttermoste of the Plague [...], h [...]ue with one consent concluded this godly exercise to be vsed amonges vs, in signe of our vnfeane [...] h [...]miliation, which albeit the godles shall mock yet are we assured, th [...]t he who ones pronounced this sentence.
The soule that shall not be asflicted that same day, [...]. 21. to wit, the day appointed to publict humili [...]tion, shall perishe from amonges [Page] his people, yea, euerie soule that shall do any worke that day I shall distroye suche a soule frome the middest of his people. The ceremonie and the certane statute day we knowe to be abolished, at the comming of Christ Iesus, together with the rest of the figurall ceremonies, but the effect thereof shall abyde so long as their abydeth an trew Church vpon the face of the earth, into the which repentance and remission of sinnes are publictly preached. And therefore albeit we haue no corporall punishment, to inflict vpone the contemners of that Godly exercise, yet haue we the spiritual sword, which ones will stricke sorer then any materiall sword can or may.
The Iudgementes and iustice of our God are immutable, Malach. 3. he abydeth the s [...]me and one God that drowned the world by water, Gene. 7. that consumed Sodome and Gomorha, Gene. 19. with syre from heauē, Exod. s. 9. 10. & [...] 14. that plagued [Page] Pharo, distroyed Ierusalem, and hath executed his fearce iudgemē tes in all ages, yea, and euen before our eyes. It is the same God (we say) that this day by his faithfull seruandes calleth vs to repētance, whose voces if we contompne, we declare our selues P. ebellious to our God, mockers of his threatninges, Isay. 2 [...]. and suche as sometymes in dispyte cryed, Iere. 2. 5. 5. we will walk according to the lust of our owen heartes, and let the counsal of the holy one of Israell cum as it list. &c.
And if so we do, then wo, yea, wo and double damnation vnto vs for then euen as assuredly as God liueth, L [...] Scutla [...]l yet be [...] so assuredly shall the plagues that oure eares haue of heard, be poured surth vpone vs, euen in the eyes of this same peruerst g [...]ne [...]itiō, with whome we contempne God, and before whome we are [...]ether feared nor eshamed, stub [...]arnlye to procead from sinne to contempt. Our hope is better [Page] of yow (deare brethrene) that haue professed the Lord Iesus with vs, within this Realme, [...] that this we speake to let yow vnderstand, what Rebellion hath bene in flesh before vs, and how it hath ben [...] punished, that we may learne to stoupe before our God, by vnfeaned repentance, and then we shall be assured, that according to the promes made by the mouth of Iec [...]. Our God shall leaue vnto vs [...] benediction, albeit that the vehement fyre of his [...] shall consume the inobedient.
But now least that we shoulde thinke that the obseruation of the ceremonie is yneugh to please god [...]e must vnderstand what thinges m [...]t be ioyned with fruetfull Fasting, and what thinges they are th [...]t may m [...]ke our Fasting odi [...]us to our God. And first we haue to [...]ndersta [...]d, that Fasting by it sel [...] considdered, i [...] no suche thing [...] the [...] [Page] gined, to wit, that it is a worke me [...] ritorious, The opini [...] of [...] lasting. and a satisfaction for the sinnes before committed, no all they that Faste with that intent, renounceth the merites of Christs death and passion, in so farre as they ascriue to Fasting (whiche is but an exercise vsed by man) that whiche is onely proper to les [...]s Christ, which is, that he by offering vp him self ones for all, hath m [...]de perfyte for euer, Hebr [...] & 10. those that shalbe sancti [...]ied, we m [...]st f [...]rther vnderstand, that as the Kingdome of God is nether [...]eat n [...]r drink, so is nether Fasting by it self s [...] plie considdered. Rom. 14. The cause why that Kingdome is granted to the chosen, nether yet eating (moderat we meane) any ca [...]se why the reprobate are frustr [...]t thereof. But vnto Fasting there must be somewhat ioyned, [...]sting by ie self is but a dead and impro [...]i [...]able ceremonie if that God shall looke vpone it at any tyme in his fauour. The Prophet [...]oel is witnes hereof, who in the persone of [Page] God, said vnto suche as he had seueirly threatned, Turne vnto me in your whole heart, Toel. 2. in Fasting & murning, in which wordes the holie Ghoste first requyreth the conuersion of the heart vnto God, & thereto io [...]eth Fasting & murning [...]s witnesses of the sorow that we haue for our former offences, and feare that we haue of his seueir iudgementes, the releif whereof we publictly professe, we can obteane by no vther meanes, but by Gods fre mercie, from whome we haue before declyned. So that the ver ray exercise of Fasting & the murning, [...] and prayer therewith annexed, do solempnedly protest, that by our Fasting we merite not, for he that still confesseth his offence, and in bitternes of heart cryeth for mercy, doeth not brage of his merites, if the Papistes▪ [...]ply, yet god looketh to the Fasting, and heareth the prayers of suche as ryghtly hū ble them selues before him, we deny [Page] not, Tre [...] humiliation depedeth vpone mercy, & now vpone workes. but thereto we adde, that rightly did nouer man humble him self before God, that trusted or glorified in the merites of his owē works, for without Faith it is vnpos sible to please God, and faith dependeth vpone the promes of gods fre mercy through lesus Christ, & not vpone the merites of any workes. The Pharise in braging wes reiected, but the Publican in denying him self, Luc. 18. and calling for mercie, wes iustified, not by his workes which he had not, but by grace and mercy, for the which he sobbed. Daniel Fasted, confessed his sinnes, and the sinnes of the people, and thereto he added moste earnest and feruent prayers. But doeth he allege any of them as a cause why God shuld ather be mercyfull to him, or to the people, nay we finde no suche thing, but the plaine contrarie, for thus he concludeth. Dani [...]. 8. Now therefore our god [...]eare the supplication and prayer [Page] of thy seruand, & showe thy pleasing visage vnto thy Sanctuary, that lyeth waiste for the Lordes saik. O my God giue thy eare that thow mais [...]e heare, and open thyen eyes, that thow maiste see the waist places of the cietie which beareth thy name, for we alledge not our ryghteousnes in our prayers, that we poure furthe before thee: but thy moste abounding mercy. Lord heare, Lord be mercyfull, Lord take head, & helpe, & delay not for thy owen self my God.
We may plainely se whereupō this excellent seruād of God groū ded him self to purches Godes fauour, to wit, vpone the Lord, that is vpone the Sauiour and Mediator promised, vpone the moste abound [...] mercie of God, and vpone God him selfe, for he vnderstoode what God had promised, aswell by the mouth of Moyses as by the Prophet Isaias saying Beholde [...], yea, euen I am [Page] the Lord, & there is no God but I. I kill and I giue lyfe againe. I giue the wound, and I shall heale. Deut. [...] For my owen names saike will I do it, sayeth the Eternall.
Apone these and the lyke promises we say, did all the Sainctes of God in all there extremities, depend and did looke to receōue c [...] ferte, without all respect to their owen workes, they dampned the best of their owen workes, & called them nothing but [...]ilthynes before God. [...] And therefore yet as of before, we boldely affirme, that the papisticall Fasting wes not onlie vaine (for what Fasting is it? to [...]bsteane from fleshe, and to fill the [...]ellie with [...]ishe, wyne, spyce, and ther delicates) but also it wes odi [...]as vnto God, [...] and blasphemous [...] the death of Iesus Christ, for the causes forewritten. And this [...]uche shortely for those thinges [...]at must be ioyned with fr [...]tefull [...]sting.
[Page] Now we haue to consider, what thinges may make our Fasting odious, besydes this proude opinion of merite, whereof we haue spokē. It is no dout but that infidelitie maketh all the workes of the reprob [...] odious before God, Infideliti [...] [...]uaketh all the workes of the reprobate odious before God. yea, euen when that they do the verray workes that God hath commanded, as we may read in Math. 5. 6. and 7. Isai. [...]. and 66. &c. And diuers vther places, but because that inside liti [...] lurketh oft in the heart, and can not well be espyed, but by the bitter and rotten frutes that spring thereof. The Spirite of God hath painted furthe vnto vs in plaine wordes, what vices may make vs and all our workes odious before our God, so that nether will he heare our prayers, nor regarde our Fasting. Salomon sayeth, he that ditteth his e [...]re from the crye of the poore, [...] his prayer shal be abhominable before God. And Isai in the persone of God sayeth. Albeit [Page] that ye shall str [...]tche out your hā des, and multiplie your prayers, yet will I not heare yow, I say. 1. for your handes are full of blood. But most plainely to our purpose speaketh the same Prophet, saying. The hous of Iacob daylie seaketh me, I say. 58. & they wolde knowe my wayes as a Nation that wrought iustice, and that had not left the iudgement of their God. They ask me iudgementes of iustice (that is they querrell with me) and they desyre that God shall drowe neare. Why haue we fasted (say they) and thou beholdest not? We haue afflicted our soules, and thow [...]n if knowest it. The Prophet answereth in the persone of God, and sayeth. Beholde in the day of your Faste, ye will seak your will, and require [...]ll your d [...]ttes, beholde ye Faste: [...]o strife, and debaite, and to smyte [...]ith the [...]ist of wickednes, Ye shall [...]ot Faste as they do to daye, to [...]ake your voice be heard aboue, [Page] that is to oppresse vthers, so that they are compelled to crye vnto God. Is it suche a Fas [...]e that I haue chosen? That a man shuld afflict his soule for a day, and to bow downe his head, as a bul ra [...]h, and to ly downe in S [...]ckcloth and ashes. Wilt thow [...] call this a Fasting, or an acceptable day vnto the Lord? Is not this the Fasting that I haue chosen, to louse the b [...] des of wickednes, O that S [...]t [...]and shul [...]e vnderstād & follow. to take of the heauie burdinges, and to let the oppressed go fre, and th [...]t ye break [...]ueri [...] Yock? Is it not to deale thy bread vnto the hongrie? And that thow bring the poore that wandreth vnto thy hous? When thow [...]eest the Nacked, th [...]t thow couer him? And hyde not thy self from thy owen [...]leshe. Then shall thy light break furth as the morning, and thy health shall growe spedelie, thy righteousnes shall go before thee, and the glorie of the Lord shall embrase thee. &c.
[Page] In these moste notable sentences, and in suche as follow in the s [...]me place, we haue to marck, what thī ges may make our Fasting to be re [...]i [...]ted of God, what he crau [...]th of s [...]che as Faste frute [...]ullie, and what promes he maketh to such as obey him. This people externallie professed God, they daylie sought his face, by reparing to the Temple, hearing of the Law, and exercising of the Sacrifices, yet did God plague them in mo sortes then one, as in the bookis of the Kinges & Cornickles we may read. In their extremitie they ran (as to them appeared) to the vttermoste ref [...]ge, they Fasted, and vnfeanedly humbled their bodies, for that the Prophet meaneth, when that he sayeth, that they Fasted till that their neckes were weakned and made faint as a bull rashe, for verray lack of corporall [...]oode. They layed of their gorgious garmentes, and put on S [...]ckcloth. &c. And yet wer [Page] their troubles nothing releued.
And that wes the cause why they querrelled with God, and said.
Why haue we Fasted, and tho [...] hast not sene? &c. And in verray dead to the natural man it wes strange, for god had promised that he wolde conforte his people, whē soeuer they shuld humble them selues before him, Deut. 3. 1. Reg. 8. notwithstāding their former iniquitie.
In the externall ceremonies, nor in the corporall exercises, there could no fault be espyed. Why then doeth not God heare them? complaine they. God answereth that their outwarde profession wes but Hipocrisie, their Fasting wes but mocking of God, and their prayers could do nothing but prouoke him to further displeasure. Because that albeit they reteaned the Name of God, and albeit that they appeared in his Temple, yet had they forsaken bothe his iudgementes, statutes, and holie ordinā ces. [Page] Albeit the bodie stouped, & wes afflicted by Fasting, yet remaned the heart proude and rebellious against God, Let euerie man examin his owen cō science. for they followed their owen corrupted wayes, they oppressed suche as were subiect vnto them, their heauie Yo [...]k lay vpone the neckes of suche as could not ridde them selues from their bondage. Amonges them were stryfe, debaite, whisperinges of malice, yea, open contention, and manifest violence, which all were euident declaratiōs of proud heartes, and impenitent Soulles.
And therefore God giueth vnto them open defyance, in the tyme whē they think that they seak his peace moste earnestly. And here to ought we this day that professe the Lord Iesus, & haue renounced abhominations of Papistrie within the Realme of Scotland, giue deligent head. For it is not the semple knoweledge of the trueth onelie, nor yet the externall profession [Page] of the same, that is acceptable before God. Nay nay deare brethrene, 1 salm. 34. he requireth the frutes of repentance, and they are▪ to declyne from euill, 1. Pet. and to do good, as we may read in many places of the Scripture, Thing we it a thing aggreable with the nature of the Eternall our God, that he shal receaue vs in fauour, after that we haue offended? And we will not for his saike remit the iniuries that are done to vs. Can we thinke to be at peace with him? When that we stubburnelie will continew in strife amonges our selues. Shal he releiue our greif, bondage, or Yock? And we will not relei [...]e the burdinges that vniustly we lay vpone our brethrene. Shall [...]e bestowe his vndeserued mercie vpone vs? And we can showe no bowels of mercie, to such as we se in miserie before our eyes. [...] vs not be deceaued, God can not deny him self, murther, malice, [...] [Page] trent, crueltie, oppression, stryfe, thift, The workes that may make oure fasting odiou [...]. deceat, iniust dealing, couetousnes, auaritiousnes, and vnmercifulnes vnto the poore, besydes pryde, horedome, adulterie, v [...]tones, and the rest of the workes of the flesh, are so odious before god, that whill that any of them reigneth in the heart of man, he and his whole workes are detestable before God. And therefore if we desyre that Gods fearefull iudgementes shalbe stayed, let vs (that knowe the trueth and say that we professe the same) vn [...]eanedlie returne vnto our God. Let vs not be inferioures to the King of Ni [...]iue, who commanded euerie [...] to turne from his wicked [...], and from the iniquitie that wes in his handes. Let vs considder what our God craueth of vs, but espec [...] [...] let Earles, Lordes, Barrons, Burgesses, and Artificers considder by what meanes their substances are increassed.
[Page] It is not yneugh to iustisie vs before God, Christiane [...] era [...] more th [...]n [...]iuile [...]. that ciuile [...]awes can not accuse vs. Nay brethrene, the eyes of our God pearseth deaper, then mannes Law can streache.
The Law of man can not conui [...]t the Earle, the Lord, the Barrone, or Gentilman, for oppressing of the poore labourers of the groūd, for his defence is ready.
I may do with my owen as best pleaseth me. The Merchand is iust yneugh in his owen conceat. If before men he can not be conuict of thist and deceat. The Ar [...]ificer and Craftisman, thinketh him self fre before God, albeit that he nether worke sufficient stuffe, nor yet sell for reasonable price.
The worlde is euil (sayeth he) and how can men liue, if they do not as vther do. And thus doeth eueri [...] mā leane vpone the iniquitie of another, and thinketh him self sufficientlie excused, when that he meitteth Craft with Craft, & repul [Page] seth back violence, ether with deceat, or els with open iniurie. Let vs be assured deare brethrene, that these be the sinnes which heretofore haue prouoked God, not onlie to plague, Consult [...] with the 22. Chapter of the Prophet Ezech [...]ell. but also to distroy, and vtterlie ouerthrowe stronge Realmes, and flourishing common wealthes.
Now seing that the iustice, and Iudgementes of our God abyde for euer, and that he hath solempnedlie pronounced▪ that eue [...]ri [...] Realme, Nation or Ci [...]tie, that sinneth as did Iuda and Ierasalem, Iere. 7. shalbe like wise punished. [...]et that fearefull distruction, th [...]t came vpone them, into the whiche aster honger and pest, the sworde deuo red without discretion, 2. Paral. 26. the ryche and poore, [...]. Reg. 25. the Noble, and those, that were of basse degre, the yong, and olde, the Preistes, and Prophetes, yea, the Matrones, & Virgines, eschaped not the day of that sharp visitation. Let their punishment [Page] (we say) prouoke vs to repentāce, and so no dout, we shall finde fauour in the eyes of our God, albeit that he hath begune to showe v [...]to vs [...]uident signes of his displeasure, 2. Paral. 36 iustlie conceaued against vs. But (as God forbide) if we mocke his Messingers, and dispyse his wordes, till that th [...]r be no remeadie as they did. Then can we (whome God hath rased vp to instruct and forewarne yow) do nothing but take witnesse of heauen and earth, yea, and of your owen conscience, that we haue faithfullie instructed yow in the ryght way of God, as well as concerning his trew worshipping, as in doing of your dewties one to another.
And also that we haue fore warned yow of the plague [...] to come, [...]irste by our tounges, and now by our pen, for a perpetuall memoriall to the posteritie th [...]t shall follow.
Who shall glorifie God, ether for your conuersion, or els for your [Page] iust condemnation, and seueire punishementes, if ye continew inobedient.
To prescriue to euerie man his dewtie in particul [...]re, we can not, because we knowe not whereintill euerie man, and euerie [...]state particularlie offendeth, but we must remit euerie estate, and euerie mā in his vocation, to the examinatiō of his owen conscience. And that according as God commandeth in his hole Law, an I as Christ Iesus requireth, that suche as shall possesse the Kingdome, with him shall do.
Which is, whatsoeuer (sayeth he) that ye wolde men shulde do vnto yow, Math. 7. do ye the lyke vnto them. By this reule whiche the Author of all equitie, iustice, and policie h [...]th established. Send we the Earles, Lordes, Barrons, and gentilmen, to trye their owen cō sciences, whether that they wolde be content that they shuld be [...]ntreated (if God had made them [Page] huseband men, and laubowrers of the ground) as they haue entreated, and presentlie [...] entreat, suche as some tymes had a moderate and resonable life vnder their pred [...]cessours.
Whether we say that they wolde be content that their steadinges and malinges should be rased from male to ferme, from one ferme to two, & so going vpward, till that for pouertie, the Ancient [...]aubourers are compelled to leaue the ground in the handes of the Lord. If with this entreatment they wolde be cōtent, we appeale their owen conscience. And if they thinke that they wolde not, then in Godes Name we require them to begin to reforme them selucs, and to remember that it is not we, but that it is Christ Iesus that so [...]raueth of them. And vnto the same reule we send Iudges, Lawers, Merchandes, Artisicers, and [...]nallie, euen the verray laubourers [Page] of the ground them selues That euerie one in his vocation may trye how iustlie, vprightlie, & mercyfullie he dealeth with his Nighboure. And if he [...]inde his conscience accused by the former sentence of our Master, let him cal for grace, that he may not onclic repent for the bypast, but also amend in tymes to cume, and so shall their Fasting, and prayers be acceptable vnto God.
If men think that we require the thing that is vn possible. For what were this els? But to reforme the face of the who [...]e earth? Which neuer wes, nor vet shalbe, till that the righteous King and Iudge appeare, for the restauration of all thinges. We answer, that we speak not to the godles multitude, nether yet to suche as are mockers of Godes Iudgementes, whose portion is in this life, and for whome the fyre of hell (which now they mock) is assuredli [...] prepared. Math. [...]5. But [Page] we speak to such as haue professed the Lord Iesus with vs, who haue communicated with his blissed Sacramentes, haue renounced Idolatrie, and haue awowed them selues to be new creatures in Iesus Christ, in whome they are ingrafted as liuclie brāches, [...]. 15. apt to bringfurth good frute. Now why it shuld be thought vnpossible, that these men (of what vocation that euer they be) shulde begin to expresse in their liues, that which in worde they haue publictlie professed. We se no good reasone, vnles that we wolde say that it is vnpossible that God shall now work in men of this age, as we read that he hath wrought in men before vs, and that were blasphemie.
Seing that the hand of our God is no more shortned towardes vs, I say. 50. th [...]n th [...]t it hath bene towardes those that haue past before vs.
At Godes semple comm [...]ndement Abraham left his Fathers hous & [Page] natiue countrie. C [...]n [...]. 12. Moyses pre [...]erred the condition of the people of Israell, Exod. 2. euen in their greatest afliction, to the ryches and glorie of Pharose Courte. Dauid vpon the vnction of Samuell, 1. Samu. [...] did pacientlie abyde the persecution of Saul many yeares. Zacheus at an dennar with Christ Iesus, Luc. 19. w [...]s not onelie content to restore whatsoeuer he had before defrauded, but also to giue the half of all his substance to the sustentation of the poore. And the faithfull in the dayes of the Apostles, solde their possessions, and ministrat vnto the indigent. Act. [...]. None of these excellent workes craue we of the faithfull in our age, but onely those, without the which the Spirite of Sanctification can not be knowen to be in man, to wit, that euerie man speak the trueth with his brother, Ephes. 4. that none oppresse nor defraude another in any busynes, 1. Thess. 4. that the bowels of mercy may appeare amongs [Page] suche as God hath called to his knoweledge, and finally, that we altogether that professe the Lord Iesus, and do abhorre Idolatrie, abhorre also all kynde of impietie, Colloss. [...]. studying to habound in all good workes, and to shyne as lyghtes in the middest of this wicked generation.
Which if we do not, we declare no dout that Christ Iesus dwelleth not within vs, but that wear they that heare and knowe the will of our Lord but do not the same. And vnto what curse and malidiction suche persones are subiect, the parable of the Fegge tre whiche we [...] thr [...]atned to be cut downe, if it brought not furth [...]rute, Math. 21.& 25. the curse giuen to it, vpon the which Christ Iesus being hongrie fand no frute: and his last sentence against the reprobate, do sufficiently witnes.
In the which we haue to obserue, that the reprobate are adiudged to the fyre, that neuer shalbe quenched, [Page] not onely because they committed iniquitie, [...]erie tre that bringeth [...]ot furth [...]ood frut [...], shalbe cut to downe and cast in the fyre. but also because they were not found frutefull in good workes▪ Let euerie man therefore that will avoyde plagues temporall and perpetuall, vn [...]eanedlie studie to accomplishe in worke, that which in worde, and outwarde profession he doeth awowe, and vpone suche no dout shall the benediction of God rest, when the manifest contempners, and cloked Hypocrites shalbe rased from the face of the earth, and shalbe cast in vttermoste darknes, where there shalbe weaping and g [...]asheing of teith without end, whiche shalbe the rewarde of all their wicked workes.
Mo thinges we wolde haue written, suche as the notes vpone the disconsiture of Iosua at Hay, and of the Israelites [...]ighting against Ben [...]amin, together with the foolishe opinion of the Papistes, who think them selues oblished to fast [Page] fourtie dayes ( [...] whiche they call their Lent) because that Christ Iesus fasted fourtie dayes, immediatlie after his Baptism▪ But these we are compelled for this present to pretermit, be reason that the tyme appoynted to this present exercise of Fasting approcheth so [...]ye.
If God of his mercy shall pleas [...] to continew the light of his Euangle amonges vs, this argument will be enlarged and set furth with gr [...] ter circumstances frome tyme to tyme.
Now to the ordour▪ exercise, & abstinence that is to be kept into this publict Fasting. First it is to be obserued, that the two dayes before expressed, to wit, the last Sonday of Februarie instant, and the first Sonday of Marche immediatly thereafter following, The reason of the tyme. ar not appoynted for any Religion of tyme, nether yet that those precised dayes shalbe obserued euerie yeare following, but because that [Page] shortly thereafter are the Estates of this Realme appoynted to conuene in Parliament. Therefore the whole Assemblie thoght those dayes for the present necessitie moste mei [...], leauing in the libertie of the Churche, what tyme they will appoynt to that exercise in all tymes to cum.
The Sondayes are appoynted not of superstition, The reason of the Sondayes. nether yet to bring in any Schysme wi [...]hin the Church, but because that vpone the Sonday the people (especially that dwell a landwart) may best attend vpone prayer, and the rest of the exercises that ought to be ioyned with publict Fa [...]g.
The abstinence is commanded to be from Setterday at eight houres at nyght, till Sonday after the exercise at after none that is after [...] houres. And then onely bread & drinck to be vsed, [...] and that with great sobrietie, that the body c [...]auing necessary food, the soule may [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] be prouoked earnestly to craue of God that which it moste neadeth, that is mercy for our former vnthanckfulnes, and the assistance of his holy Spirite in tymes to cum.
Men that will obserue this exercise, may not any of the two dayes vse any kynde of gammes, No gammes may be vsed vpone the dayes of abstinence. but exercise them selues after the publict Assemblies in preuie meditation with their God.
Gorgious apparrell wolde be absteaned fra, Gorgious apparel is to be left. during the whole tyme of our humiliation. Which is frō the one Sonday in the morning, till the nixt Sonday at nyght.
Albeit that the straitnes of abstistence is to be kept, but the two dayes onely.
We do not bind the conscience of persones that be vnable to the extremitie of the abstinence, The [...]eicke and weake are not boūd to this exercyse. and yet do we exhorte thē to vse their libe [...]tie (if any they tak) in secret, least that vthers ather follow their euill exemple, or els iudge them to [Page] be dispysers of so necessarie an exercyse.
The tyme that shalbe spent, aswell before none as after, must be left to the wisdome of the discrete Ministers, who best cā iudge bothe what the auditore may beare, and what them selues are able to sustene. But because that this exercise is extraordinary, the tyme thereof wolde be somewhat longer then it vsed to be in the accustomed Assemblies. And yet we wolde not haue it so tedious, what houres before none & what after none. that it shulde be noysome to the people. And therfore we think that thre houres & les, before noune, and two houres at after noune, shalbe sufficient for the whole exercyse publict. The rest to be spent in preuie meditation, euerie familie aparte.
The Sonday preceading the last Sonday of February as before is said, shall euerie minister giue aduertisement to his flocke, of such thinges as are to be done the nixt [Page] Sonday following, and of the causes of the same, with suche exhortation as God shall put into their mouthes, to make the people to embrase the iust commandement of the Churche with more glaide myndes.
In townes we think expedient that the exercise of the doctrine begine vpone the Setterday at af [...]er noune, In townes the do [...]rine shall beg [...]e vpone the Setterday. immediatly p [...]eceading the first Sonday of abstinence, that the people may be the better prepared Religiously to vse the obseruations of the nixt day. But in landwart we think good that the doctrine begine the Sonstay before. The argumēt of the Sermon [...] and exhortation to be taken from some proper place of the Prophetes, Places proper for the [...] sermon of [...]asting. as of Ioel the first, where he sayeth. loel. 1. Sanc [...]ifie a Faste, appoynt the Assemble. &c. Or of Ionas the thride, where Ionas cryed, [...] yet fourtie dayes, Ionas. 3. and Niniue shal be distroyed. &c. Or of Ieremie [Page] the s [...]iu [...]nt. Where that he sayeth, Heare the worde of the Lord all Iuda, and ye that enter in by these gates. &c. Or of the threttene of Lucas, Luc. 13. vpone the declaration of them that shewe to oure Master the crueltie of Pylate, and vpone his answer. Or vpone any vther proper place within y • Scripture, that entreteth of repentance, of publict humiliation, of the causes, and of the frutes of the [...]. This ended, as it were for preparation, the beginning shalbe vpone Sonday, from the Law of God, because that all that offendeth Gods Maiestie▪ proceadeth form the trāsgression thereof, and therefore after a shorte prayer, That God will please to make his holy word to fructifie amonges vs, this confession shalbe made.
¶The Confession that shal go b [...] for [...] the reading of the Law, and before euerie exercyse.
[Page] IT IS of thy mercy ô Lord, and not of our merites, that it hath pleased thee to showe thy sel [...] vnto the worlde, euer from the beginning, & vnto vs now in this last and moste [...], yea, Lord we further con [...]esse, that nether Law, nor Euangle, can profite vs to Saluation, except that thow of thy me [...]r [...] grace worke into vs abu [...]e all power that is in this oure nature. For albeit thow teache, we shall remaine ignorant, alb [...]it thow threaten, Hebe. 8. we shal cōtempne. And albeit thow promes mercy & grace, Psal. 51. yet shall we dispaire and remaine i [...] in [...]id [...]litie: Onles that thow creat in vs new heartes, write thy Law into the same, Iere. 31. and [...]eale into vs remission of our sinnes, and the sense and [...]ealing of thy [...]atherlie mercy, by the power of thy holie Spirite. To the originall [...]orld tho [...] spak by Noha. Gene. [...] To Pharo and his people, by thy [...] Moyses. Exod. 2. 3. 4. To all Israell by the fearfull [Page] Trumpet of thy Law. Exod. 20. To the Cietie of Ierusalem, M [...]t. 20. &c. Ioan. 12. by thy owen wisdome, our Lord Iesus Christ. And to y • multitude, Act. 3. 4. 14 & 16. aswel of Iewes as Gentiles, by the preaching of thy holy Apostles. But who gaue obedience? Who trembled, and constantly feared thy hote displeasure? Who did rightly acknowledge the tyme of their visitatiō? And who did embrase and kepe to the end, thy fatherly promises?
Onely they ô Lord, to whome thy Spirite wes the in warde teacher, whose heartes thow opened▪ & from whome thow remoued Rebellion and in [...]idelitie, Ioan. 6. the rest were externally called, but obeyed not, they heard aswel mercy offered, as threatninges pronounsed, but nether with the one nor with the vther were they aff [...]ctu [...]lly moued. We ackno [...]ledge ô Lord that the same corruption [...]rcketh in vs, that budded [...]urth in them to their distruction, and iust condemnation. [Page] And therefore we moste humbly be [...]eak th [...]e ô Father of [...], for Ch [...]ist Iesus thy s [...]nes [...], that as thow hast caused the lyght of thy worde clearely to shyne amongs vs, and as thow hast plainely instr [...]cted vs by the external ministerie, in the ryght way of Saluation. So it will please thee inwardly to moue our dulle [...]eartes, and by the power of thy holy Spirite, that thow will write and [...] into them that holy fear and [...], which thow crau [...]st of thy chosen child [...]ene, and that faith [...]ull of edi [...]nce to thy holie will, together with the sealing and s [...]nse that our sinnes are fully purged & fr [...]ly r [...]mitted by that only [...] Sacri [...]ice▪ whiche onely by it self is acceptable v [...]to thee, to wit, the [...], death & mediation of [...]hy [...]n [...]ly S [...]ne our Souerane Lord▪ [...] Mediator, and [...], our Lord Iesus Christ.
To whome with thee, and with [Page] the holy Ghoste, be all honour and glore, worlde without end.
¶This Confession ended, the Minister or Re [...]der [...] read the 27. an [...] 28▪ of [...], which e [...]ded▪ the Minister shall wishe [...] m [...]n to discend s [...]cretly into him self, to ex [...]mine his owen co [...]cie [...]ce, whereinto he findeth him selfe giltie before God. The Minister him self with the people sh [...]ll prostrate them selues, & rem [...]i [...]e in priuate medi [...]ation a reason [...] ble space, as the quarter of an houre or more. Thereafter shal the Minister e [...]horte the people to confesse with him their sinnes and offences as [...]olloweth.
IVST and r [...]ghteous [...] thow ô Lord God▪ Father e [...]erlasting, holy is thy Law, and moste iu [...]t are thy iudgementes, yea, euen when thow doest punishe in greatest seueritie, [Page] we do confesse as the treuth is, that we haue transgressed thy whole Law, and haue offended thy godly Maiestie, in breaking and violating euerie precept of the same. And so moste iustly m [...]y thow poure [...]urth vpone vs all plagues that are threatned: and that we [...]inde powred furth vpone the disobedient at any tyme from the beginning. And so muche the rather ô Lord, because that so lōg we haue bene called, by thy holie worde to vn [...]e [...]ned repentance, & ne [...]nes of lyfe: and yet haue we still remaned in our former Rebelli [...]n▪ and therefore if thow wilt enter in iudgement with vs, we cā [...]ther es [...]ape confusion in this l [...]fe, nor iust condempnatiō in the ly [...]e to cum. But Lord thy mercy is [...]ithout meas [...]re, and the tre [...]th of thy promises abydeth for euer. [...] are we that thow shuld [...] looke vpone vs, but Lord thow hast promised that thow wilt show [Page] mercy to the moste grieuous offē d [...]rs, whensoeuer that they repēt, And further, thow by the mouth of thy deare Sone our Lord Iesus Christ, hast promised that thow wilt giue thy holy Spirite to suche as humblie [...] vnto thee. In boldnes of the whiche promes, we moste humbly beseak thee ô Father of mercies▪ that it wold please thy godly Maiestie, to worke into our stubburne hea [...]tes, an vn [...]eane [...] [...] for our former off [...]nces, with some se [...]se [...]nd [...]ealing of thy grace and mercy, together with an earnest desyre of Iustice and righteousnes, in the which we are boun [...] continually to walk.
But because that nether we nor our prayers can stand before thee, be reason of that imperfectione which still rem [...]neth in this oure corrupted nature. We [...] to the o [...]edience and per [...]ite Iustice of Iesus Christ, o [...]r onely Me [...]iator, in whome, and by whome, we call [Page] not onely for remission of our sinnes, and for assistance of thy holy Spirite, but also for all thinges that thy godly wisdome knoweth to be expedient for vs, and for thy Church vniuersall. Praying as he hath taught vs saying.
Our Father that art. &c.
¶This ended, the Minister shall read the Text whereupone he will ground his sermon.
FIRST he shal expone the dignitie and equitie of Gods law. Secondly, The heades of the [...]. the plagues and punishmentes that ensew the contempt thereof, together with the blessinges promised to the obedient obseruers of it. Thridly, he [...]all teache Christ Iesus to be the end and perfection of the Law, Rom. 3. who hath per [...]itely accomplished that whiche w [...]s impossible to the Law to do.
And so shall he exhorte euerie mā to vn [...]eaned repentance, to steadfast [Page] faith in Christ Iesus, and to showe frutes of the same.
The Sermone ended, the commone prayer shalbe vsed that is conteaned in the Psalme booke, the 46. page thereof, beginning thus. God almyghtie and heauēly Father &c. Which ended, the 51. Psalme shalbe soung whole, & so with the benediction, the Assemble is to be demitted for that exercise.
At after noune.
EFTER inuocation of Godes Name publictly by the Minister, and secretly by euery man for a reasonable space. The Minister may take the argument of his Sermone from the beginning of 119. Psalme, where the deligent Reader shall obserue the properties & conditions of suche, as in whose heartes God writeth his Law. Or if that be thought ouer hard, then may ye take the Text of Iohne.
[Page] God is lyght, and into him there is no da [...]cknes, 1. Io [...]n. 1. if we say we haue fellowshipe with him. &c. The prayer is referred vnto the Minister, the 6. Psalme shalbe soung.
The benediction and exhortation, to call to mynde where [...]ore that exercise is vsed, being ended. The publict e [...]ercise shalbe put to end for that day.
A [...]B [...]IT that to [...] wart the pe [...]ple can not well con [...]ene euerie day betuix the two Sonday [...] ▪ yet in B [...]oug [...]es & [...]ownes we think they ought to conuene, an hour before none, and an houre & more at after none. The houre before none, to be the houre accustomed to the commone prayers. The houre at after none to be at 3. houres or after.
¶The exercise of the whole weke.
[Page] THE beginning euer to be with Confession of our sinnes, and imploring of Godes graces. Then certane Psalmes, and certane Histories to be distinctly re [...], exhortation to be conceaued thereupō, and prayers lyke wise, as God shall instruct and inspyre the Minister or Reader.
- Psalm. 2. 3. and 10.
- Historie. 2. of the Iudges.
- Psalm. the 12. 1 [...]. and 17.
- Historie the 16. of the Iudges.
- Psalm. the 25. and 28.
- Historie the 7. of the Iudges.
- Psalm. the 36. and 40.
- Historie the 4. of the Iudges.
- Psalm. the 14. and 55.
- Historie the 19. of the Iudges.
- [Page]Psalm. the 44. and 56.
- Historie the 20. of the Iudges.
- Psalm. the 49. and 57.
- Historie. Ester the 3. and 4.
- Psalm. the 37.
- Historie. Ester the 5. 6. & 7.
- Psalm. the 59. 61. and 64.
- Historie. the 2. of Paralip. 20.
- Psalm. the 69.
- Histo [...]ie. the 36. of Isai.
- Psalm. the 68. and 70.
- Historie. the 37. of Isai.
- Psalm. the 74. and 77.
- Historie. the 9. & 10. of Esd.
¶Sonday the last day of this pub [...]ict exercise for this tyme, before none shalbe vsed in all thinges as the former Sonday, except that the 26. of Leuiticus [Page] may be red for the 28. of Deute ronomie, and for the prayer shal be vsed that which is to be foūd in the Psalme book, the 165. page, beginning. Eternall and euerlasting. &c.
- Psalm. 78.
- Historie. the 9. of Daniel.
THE exhortation and prayers ended, for the conclusion shalbe distinctly red the 80. Psal. and so with exhortation to euery man to considder to what end the whole exercise tendeth. With benediction the Assemblie shalbe demitted.
THE exhortations and prayers of eue [...]i [...] seuerall exe [...]cise, we haue r [...]mitted to be gathe [...]ed by the discrete Ministers, for tyme preassed vs so, that we coulde not [...]ame them in suche ordour as w [...]s [Page] conuenient, nether yet thought we it so expedient to pen, prayers vnto men, as to teache them with what heart, and affection, and for what causes we shulde pray in this great calamitie▪ appearing shortlie to ouerwhelme this whole Rea [...]m, vnles god of his great mercy abuse mannes expect [...]tion finde the reme [...]dy. Before whome it is that we haue (and presently do) prostrate our selues, for obteaning of those thinges, without whiche the lyght of his Euangle, can not long cōtinew with vs. And therfore yet ones againe we e [...]horte, & by the power cōmitte [...] vnto us by God, charge all th [...]t professe the Lord Iesus, and the sincer [...]tie of his Euā gle, within this Re [...]me, that euen as they loue the q [...]yetnes o [...] their common wealth, the continuance of Christ Iesus his holy Euangle within the same, and their owen Saluation, together with the Saluation of their posteritie, that vnfeanedly [Page] they pr [...]strate them selues before the Throne of Godes Maiestie, & in bitternes of heart pray with [...]s.
ARyse ô Lord, and let thyne en [...]imies be confounded. Let them [...] thy presence, that [...] thy godly n [...]me. Let the g [...]ones of thy a [...]icted enter in before thee. And preserue thow by thy owen power s [...]che as be appoynted to death. Let no [...] thy en [...] es thus triumph to the end: but let them vnderstand that against thee they [...]ight. Preserue the wyne which thy ryght hand hath planted. Opp [...]ne thy po [...]r to the power of that Romaine Antichrist, and let the glorie of thyne annoynted [...]esus Christ our Lord shyn [...] before all Nations. So be it.
¶Hasten Lord and [...]ary not.