A right Godly and Ch …

A right Godly and Christian A. B. C. shewing the duty of every degree.

To the tune of Rogero.
ARise and wake from wickednesse,
repent and thou shalt live:
Or else with sword and pestilence,
the Lord God will thée grieve.
BEware of Lust and Lecherie,
kéepe thou thy body chast:
Or else frequent the remedy,
that Paul doth say thou mayst.
COnfesse thy sinnes as David did,
and turne unto the Lord:
He will thée heare before thou call,
so Esay doth record.
DEale with thy neighbour mercifully,
decei [...]e no man by guile:
Take héed of all extortion,
it will thy soule defile.
EXamine well thy wicked life,
hide not thy councell déepe:
The Lord God threatneth woe to them,
that secret sinnes doe kéepe.
FLy theft and all unworthinesse,
and labour in the Lord:
The ground of sinne is idlenesse,
with vices it is stor'd.
GIve almes unto thy children deare,
and turne not from the poore:
Lend to the néedy man thy goods,
his pledge to him restore.
HVrt not thy neighbour wittingly,
in body goods or name:
Remit offences willingly,
left God revenge the same.
IF God doe blesse thée with his gifts,
of worldly goode, and store:
Let not thy heart on them be set,
but praise the Lord therefore.
KEepe not thy hyre lings wages backe,
God will his cry regard:
In poore [...] matters be not slacke,
the Lord will thee reward.
LOve every man unfainedly,
hate no man in thy heart:
Despise the way of wicked men,
pray God they may convert.
MInister Iustice Magistrates,
you Masters kindly deale:
You Parents all lest Gods curse fall,
let youth correction feele.
NO guilefull speech, nor lying talke
use thou in any wayes:
Eschew all evill, in goodnesse walke,
if thou wilt see good daies.
OPpresse no man by vsury,
refuse unlawfull gains:
Give plenteously unto the poore,
Christ will thee pay againe.
POssesse your soules with patience,
against the wicked world:
Powre out your prayers with reverence,
before the living Lord
QVarrel with none quench such desire,
to anger be not bent:
Remember God is mercifull,
when stuners doe repent.
REdeemed from the curse we are,
by Christ to live with him:
Our members let us morti [...]e,
which are all bent to sinne.
SAnctifie the Sabbath, serve the Lord,
from labour see thou lest
Then God will have regard on thée,
and make thy labour blest.
TAke héed you love no swearing false,
sweare not by God in vaine:
Let all your talke attend unto
the honour of his Name.
VSe no deceit nor unjust meanes,
to compasse worldly wealth:
Extortion, fraud, and usuri [...],
and all such things are stealth.
VVAlke not in worldly lusts [...]
such worldly darkenesse [...]
But walke as children of the light,
as Christ himselfe begun.
XAmples many are set forth,
against the drunken sort:
What deadly plagues are due to them,
the Scriptures doe report.
YOng folke be sober and chast of [...]
let Gods word be your guide:
Make cleane your hearts before the L [...]
and never from him slide.
ZAche a Publican S. Luke doth t [...]
what zeale to Christ he had:
But to behold our Iewish hearts,
alas it is too bad.
& Plainely Luke doth specifie,
of that mans Godly mind:
How to the poore most liberally,
halfe his goods he assign'd.
EST, in English doth specifie,
in spéech a Latine Verbe:
Into our hearts Lord powre thy Spir [...]
whereby we may be stirr'd
TO sigh and groane unfainedly,
with sorrow for our sinne:
And for to séeke the remedie,
a new life to begin.
A Men, God grant we lose no time,
to walke whilst we have light
That finally we may p [...]ssesse,
the heavenly joyes most bright.
OVr noble King with Nestors [...]
the Lord God long endue,
With Sampsons strength and Salomon [...]
his foes for to aschew.
GOd grant his grace, great joy & [...]
with pleasure [...]r [...] beneath:
To rule and reigne the Royall sent,
so long as he hath breath.

Printed at London for Henry Gosson.

A Chriſtian conferen …

A Christian conference betvveene Christ and a Sinner, wherein is shewed the Love of Christ towards Mankinde, and the paines which he suffered upon the Crosse for our sinnes together with the wickednesse of our corrupt natures toward him for the same

To the tune of Goe to bed sweet heart.
I Am a poore sinner, how should I begin,
to fall from my folly and horrible sin,
I know not to whom I should make my complaint
my sins are so hainous my heart it doth faint.
My conscience accuseth me, no man can comfort me
Succour me sweet Christ I would come to thee.
O thou sinfull creature why dost thou dispaire,
canst thou not settle thy self unto prayer:
By faith and repentance if thou wilt relent.
and fall from the former life thou hast ill spent;
And turn away from thy sin, that's the way to begin
I that redeemed thee bids thee come to me.
The Sinner.
Alas, when to pray to thee I have intended,
My conscience doth tell me I have so offended
That thou wilt deny my request in my prayer,
and this (O Lord) causeth me thus to dispaire.
My conscience accuseth me, &c.
Where dost thou finde in my holy bible,
that nothing with me can be unpossible:
For were thine iniquity never so great,
my mercy surpasseth it, if thou wilt intreat,
And turn away, &c
O how my body doth tremble and shake,
my soul is unquiet my heart it doth ake:
The Devil doth temp and leade me to ill,
enforcing that thou wilt be angry still.
My conscience accuseth me, &c.
Beleeve not the Devill for all his delay,
for his subtill fleight is to work thy decay:
Think how I converted my Apostle S. Paul.
by mercy and favour which I give to you all.
Turn away, &c.
How apt is ill counsell to lead me to vic [...],
how doth the world daily my fancy intice,
Adversity pincheth me every houre,
I dread not thy iudgement, thy iustice and power.
My conscience accuseth me, &c.
O earth and slime learne thou to shun all annoy,
and suffer with patience, so shalt thou have ioy,
Consider what paine I have suffered for thee,
enduring all torments to set thy soule free.
Then turn away, &c.
O my sweet Saviour, I cannot deny,
but that for my filthy offence thou didst die.
And what cruell pangs thou abidst in the Garden,
and daily sweet Iesus thou pleadst for my pardon
Then since thou confessest that I am thy Saviour,
behold which way thou shalt attain to my favour
Examine thy sinnes and be sory therefore,
and never commit such offence any more.
Then turne away, &c.
Alas, I am feeble and have not the face,
take hold of thy promise except thy sweet grace,
My carcasse is filthy and nothing but clay,
send help I beseech thee or else I decay.
My conscience accuseth me, &c.
If once I do see thee be sory in heart,
amending thy life, and in time will convert,
Let nothing dismay thee for I will receive thee,
let all thy familiar and worldly friends leaue thee
Then turn away, &c.
Then Lord in thy mercy is all my whole stay,
permit not foule Satan to cast me away,
From that f [...]hy tyrant sweet Iesus defend me.
he leads my affections, and still doth attend me.
And daily he telleth me, no man, &c.
Say to him thus when he would thee devoure,
a void wicked Satan thou hast no more power,
But that which my God doth permit unto thee,
thou hast not the power to be master ore me.
Beleeve not his treacherie, that's the, &c.
I thanke thee sweet Iesus that of thy good grace.
thou standest to asist me in every place.
Yet I am disloyall uniust and perverse.
no creature more filthy that I can rehearse.
My conscience accuseth me, &c.
Take up thy crosse and follow then me,
with patience continue and look that thou be,
For all thine offences repentant with sorrow,
thinke death is at hand to present thee to morrow,
Then turn away from thy sin, thats the way to begin
I that redeemed thee bids thee come to me.
My filthy unworthynesse here I confesse,
forgive me, O Saviour and send me redresse:
Encrease my faith and patience that I may
attaine to thy presence, and boldly may say,
Depart from me vanity, Christ hath released me,
Succour me sweet Christ, I would come to thee.

Printed by the Assignes of [...]

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