Forsomuch as we and the Estates of our Parliament presently conveened, remembring that at the first institution of the Colledge of Justice, and divers times thereafter in Parliaments ratifying the same; Our royall Ancestors and Estates of our Realme then assembled, found the erection of that honourable consistorie, which is a biding monument of the glorie of their reignes, not onlie to be usefull for royall service, but also necessarie and profitable for the peace of this our Kingdome, and to the seene good and comfort of all our Subjects; And considering that the provision allowed of before to the Lords of Session was no wayes sufficient for defraying of their charges; And that through their continuall attendance, their private affaires are neglected, and great losses thereby sustained by them: Therefore, and to the effect, the said Senators and Lords of our Session, present and to come, may be more encouaged to go on, and to persist as they do, in their zeale, and affections to our service, and in faithfull ministration of Justice, to the generall weale of this our Realme and our Lieges; The said Estates, with our speciall approbation, and gracious good-liking, have most freelie condescended, statute, and enacted, that a taxation be presently imposed upon their lands and means, which with our consent foresaid, they ordaine to be collected and payed to the effect, in maner, and at the termes following: That is to say, The Duke, Marquesses, Earles, Vicounts, Lords, and Commissioners of Shires for the temporall Estate, have granted that there shall be vplifted of everie pound land of old extent within this our Kingdome pertaining to Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Vicounts, Lords, Barons, Freeholders, and Fewers of our proper lands, the summe of ten shillings money at every one of the four tearms following, viz. The summe of ten shillings money at the feast and tearm of Martinmasse next to come in this instant year of God, 1633. The summe of other ten shillings money at the feast and tearm of Martinmasse, in anno 1634. The summe of other ten shillings money at the feast and tearm of Martinmasse, 1635. And the summe of other ten shillings money at the feast and tearme of Martinmasse, 1636. And for the spirituall men and burrowes parts of the same taxation, that there shall be uplifted of all Archbishoprickes, Bishoprickes, Abbacies, Pryories, and other inferiour benefices, and of every free burgh within this our Kingdome, at every one of the foure tearms abouespecified; the just taxation thereof, as they have been accustomed to be taxed in all time by-gone, whensoever the temporall Lands of this our Kingdome were stented to tenne shillings the pound land of old extent. And for inbringing the [...] tearms payment of our burrowes parts of the same taxation, Our other letters are direct, charging the Provest, and Bayliffs of each burgh to make payment of the taxt and stent thereof to [...] Collector generall, appointed for receiving of the same taxation, or to his Deputs & Officers in his name, having his power to receive the same, at the feast & tearm of Martinmas, in the year of God one thousand six hundred thirtie [...] years, under the pain of rebellion & putting of them to our horn: For whose reliefe,
OUR WILL IS, and we charge you straitly and command, that incontinent these our Letters seene, yee passe, and in our name and authoritie command and charge the Councell of that our burgh of [...] to conveene with you the said Provest and Bayliffs, and elect certaine persons to stent their neighbours; And the same election being made, that ye charge the persons elected to accept the charge upon them, in setting of the said stent upon the inhabitants of that our said burgh: And to conveene and set the same, and to make a stent roll thereupon as effeiris, within twentie foure hours next after they be charged by you thereto, under the paine of rebellion, and putting of them to our horn. And if they failye, the said twentie foure hours being by-past, that ye incontinent thereafter denounce the disobeyers our rebels, and put them to our horne, and escheat and inbring all their moveable goods to our use for their contemption. And likewise the said stent roll being made and set downe as said is, That ye in our name and authoritie command and charge the Burgesses, Indwellers, and Inhabitants within that our burgh, to make payment of their said stent to you our said Provest and Bayliffs, Conforme to the taxt roll to be made and given out thereupon, within three dayes next after they be charged by you thereto, under the paine of rebellion, and putting of them to our horne. And if they failye therein, the said three dayes being by-past, that yee incontinent thereafter denounce the disobeyers our rebells, and put them to our horne, and escheat and inbring all their moveable goods to our use, for their contemption. And if need be, that ye Our said Provest and Bayliffs poynd and distrenyie therefore, as ye shall thinke most expedient, according to justice, as ye will answer to us thereupon. The which to doe, Wee commit to you conjunctly and severally, Our full power, by these Our Letters, delivering them by you duely execute and indorsed againe to the Bearer.
Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh the twentie eight day of June, and of Our reigne the ninth year. 1633.Per actum Parliamenti.