CHARLES by the Grace of God, King of great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To [...] Messengers, our Sheriffs, in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitute greeting. Forsomuch as in our Parliament holden at Edinburgh upon the Twentie eighth day of June, 1633. the three Estates of our Kingdome of Scotland being assembled, having taken to their consideration the many blessings which this nation doth enjoy under our most wise, happie, and peaceable govern­ment, whereof each Estate is most sensible, our Royall zeale for propagating the Gospel of Je­sus Christ, our care for providing sufficient maintenance for the Clergie, our extraordinarie pains taken for uniting the dis-jointed members of this common-wealth, and extirping of all roots of discords, relieving the oppressed, and with so even and fatherly a hand curing the wounds of this common-wealth, as the wisest eye can finde no blemish in the temper of all our royall actions; and lastly, the great comfort they have by enjoying of our presence, pains taken, and expences disburst by Us in this our journey, Have made a free and willing offer of one yearly extraordinarie taxa­tion of the sixteenth pennie of all annuall rents which any person or persons within this our said Kingdome have freely due and pay­able to them yearly or termly (their owne annuall rents wherein they are adebted to others being first deduced) The first termes payment whereof is to be and begin at the feast and terme of Martinmasse in the year of God, 1634. and so forth yearly and term­ly at Martinmasse and Whitsunday for the space of six years, untill the said six years and twelve termes payment thereof be full and completely out-run. And whereas We and Our Estates have by act of the said Parliament authorised all and sundrie heretable she­riffs, stewards, bayliffs, and bayliffs of regalities, and their deputes, and the Provests and bayliffs of free burrows within the bounds of their jurisdictions, as likewise the clerks within the jurisdictions where these offices are not heretable (which Clerks have their of­fices ad vitam) To collect the said extraordinarie taxation, and to make payment thereof to the Collector generall to be appoint­ed by Us for receiving of the same. Therefore, and for inbringing of the [...] termes payment of the said extraordinarie taxation, Our other letters are direct, charging all and sundrie heretable sheriffs, stewards, bayliffs, and bayliffs of regalities, their deputes and clerks, and the Provests and bayliffs of free burrows and their clerkes, As likewise the clerkes within the jurisdictions where these offices are not heretable, That they and everie one of them dwelling by North the river of Dee within the space of fifteene daies after the said terme of [...] in the year of God 163 [...] years, And that they and everie one of them dwelling be south the river of Dee within the space of ten daies after the said terme, deliver to [...] Our collector generall appointed by Us for receiving the said extraordinarie taxation, A true and justaccompt and inventar of the whole sowmes of mo­ney due to be payed by any person within the bound of their jurisdictions for his part of the said extraordinarie taxation, and that they give up the same compt and inventar upon their oathes solemnely sworne that the same are just and true, And that they make payment to our said collector generall, or to his deputes in his name, having his power to receive the same of the whole mo­neys due to be payed to Us, conforme to the said accompt and inventar for the said [...] termes payment of the said extraordinarie taxation, within twentie daies after the terme of [...] in the year of God, One thousand six hundred thirtie [...] years, under the pain of rebellion and putting of them to our horne. For whose reliefe [...]

OUR WILL IS, and we charge you straitly and command, That incontinent these our letters seene, ye passe, and in Our name and authoritie command and charge all and sundrie the said annuall-rentars dwelling within that our [...] To make payment to you our said [...] and your deputes of the said sixteenth pennie of all annuall rents freely due and payable to them as for the said [...] termes payment of the said extraordinarie taxation, within twen­tie daies next after they be charged by you thereto, under the paine of rebellion and putting of them to our horne. And if they failyie the said twentie daies being by-past, that ye incontinent thereafter denounce the disobeyers our rebels, and put them to our horne, and escheat and inbring all their moveable goods to our use for their contemption. And if need be, That ye our said [...] poynd and distrenyie therefore, as ye shall thinke most expedient. According to justice, as ye will answer to us thereupon. The which to doe we commit to you conjunctly and severally our full power, By these our letters delivering them by you duely execute and indorsed againe to the Bearer.

Per actum Parliamenti▪

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