TREASON Pretended against THE KING OF SCOTS, by certaine Lordes and Gen­tlemen, whose names here­after followe.

WITH A DECLARATION OF the Kinges Maiesties intention to his last Acts of Parliament: which openeth fully in effect all the saide con­spiracy. Out of Skottish into English.

Imprinted at London for Thomas Nelson, and are to be solde at the West ende of Paules. 1585.

The Coppie of a letter sent from a Gen­tleman in Scotland to a frend of his in Eng­land, touching the conspiracie against the kings maiestie.

MY approued friend T. S.

There hath beene lately secret practising against the kinges Maiestie of Scotland. But time serueth not nowe to set down the maner of their proceeding in the said attempt: I haue here sent to you the Kinges declaration to his last Acts of Parliament, and for breuitie haue set downe the names of the conspi­rators, which are as followeth. And thus in hope you will accept my good will, I commit you to the Almightie:

Yours Christopher Studley.
These wer apprehēded at y e kinges Court.
  • The Lord of Don Whasell.
  • The Lord of Dunkrith.
  • The Lord of Baythkicte.
  • Robert Hamelton of Ynchmachā.
  • M. Iames Sterling.

Iohn Hoppingell of the Mores apprehended at his owne house by the Captaine of the kings Garde.

The Lord Keir & Lord Maius apprehended with other Gentlemen about Sterling.

The Lord Blaketer and Georg Douglasse are sommoned to the Court vpon suspition.

  • The Lord Don Whasell.
  • The Lord Maius


The treason discouered by Robert Hamelton.

THE KINGES MAIE­STIES DECLARATION OF his Acts confirmed in Parliament.

FORASMVCH as there is some euil affected men that goeth about so farre as in them lieth, to inuent lies and tales to slaunder and impaire the kings maiesties fame and honour, and to raise re­portes as if his Maiestie had declined to Papi­strie, and that he had made many Actes to abo­lish the frée passage of the Gospel, good order and discipline in the Church: Which bruites are maintained by rebellious subiectes who would gladly couer their seditious enterprises vnder pretense of Religion (albeit there can be no god­ly religion in such as raiseth rebelliō to disquiet the state of their natiue soueraigne, and periu­redly doeth stand against the othe, band, and ob­ligation of their faith, whereunto they haue sworne and subscribed) therefore that his Ma­iesties faithfull subiects be not abused with such slanderous reportes, and his highnes good affec­tionated friends in other countries may vnder­stand the veritie of his vpright intention, his highnesse hath commaunded this briefe declara­tion of certaine of his maiesties Acts of Parlia­ment holden in May 1584. to be published & imprinted, to the effect, that the indirect practises [Page 2] of such as slaunder his maiestie and his lawes, may be detected and discouered.

IN the first Acte his Maiestie ratifies and ap­proues the true profession of the Gospell, sin­cere preaching of the Worde, and administrati­on of the Sacraments presently by the goodnes of God established within this Realme, and a­loweth of the confession of the Faith set downe by Acte of Parliament, the first yéere of his ma­iesties raigne. Likewise, his highnesse not onely professeth the same in all sinceritie, but praysed be God is come to that ripenesse of iudgement by reading and hearing the worde of God, that his highnesse is able to conuince and ouerthrow by the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles, the most learned of the contrary sect of the ad­uersaries: So that as Plato affirmeth, that com­mon wealth to be most happy wherein a Philo­sopher raigneth, or he that raigneth is a Philo­sopher. We may much more estéeme this coun­trey of Scotland to be fortunate wherein our king is a Diuine, & whose heart is replenished with the knowledge of the heauenly Philoso­phy, for the comfort not onely of his good subiects and friends in other countreys, but of them that professeth the Gospell euery where, he beyng a king of great wisedome, and by his birthright borne to great possessions, but much more his highnesse vertue, godlinesse and learnyng, and daily encrease of all heauenly sciences, doth pro­mise [Page 3] and assure him of the mightie protection of God, and fauour of all them that feare his ho­ly name.

IN the second Acte, his Maiesties royall autho­ritie ouer all estates both spirituall and tem­porall, is confirmed. Which Acte, some of malice and other some of Ignorance, doth traduce, as if his Maiestie pretended to be called the head of the Church: A name which his Maiestie ac­knowledgeth to be proper and peculiar to the sonne of God the Sauiour of the world, who is the head, and bestoweth life spirituall vpon the members of his misticall body, and he hauyng receiued the holy spirite in all aboundance, ma­keth euery one of the faithful, pertakers there­of, according to the measure of faith bestowed vpon them. Of the which number of the faith­ful vnder the head Christ, his Maiestie acknow­ledgeth himselfe to be a member, baptised in his name, pertaker of the mysterie of the crosse and holy communion, and attending with the faith­full for the comming of the Lord, and the finall restitution of Gods elect. And not withstanding, his Maiestie surely vnderstandeth by the scrip­tures, that he is the chiefe and principall mem­ber appointed by the law of God, to sée God glo­rified, vice punished, & vertue maintained with­in his Realme, and the soueraigne iudgement for a godly quietnesse and order in the common wealth, to appertaine to his highnesse care and [Page 4] solicitude. Which power and authoritie of his highnesse, certaine ministers being called before his Maiestie for their seditious and factious ser­mons in stirring vp of the people to rebellion a­gainst their natiue king (by the instigation of sundry vnquiet spirites) would in no wyse ac­knowledge but disclaime his Maiesties autho­ritie as an incompetent iudge: and specially one called M. Andrew Meluile an ambitious man, of a salt and fiery humour, vsurping the pulpit of Sandroyes, without any lawfull callyng, and priuie at that tyme to certaine conspiracies at­tempted against his Maiestie and crowne, went about in a Sermon vpon a Sunday, to inflame the hearts of the people, by odious comparisons of his Maiesties progenitours and counsaile, al­beit the duetie of a faithfull preacher of the Go­spell be rather to exhort the people to the obedi­ence of their natiue King, and not by popular Sermons (which hath béene the euersion and decay of great cities and common wealths, and hath greatly in tymes past bred disquietnesse to the state thereby) to trouble and perturbe the countrey. The sayd M. Andrew beyng called before his highnesse, presumptuously answered that he would not be iudged by the king & coun­saile, because he had spoken the same in pulpit, which pulpit in effect he alleged to be exempted from the iudgement & correction of princes, as if that holy place sanctified to the word of God, and to the breaking of the bread of life, might be a­ny [Page 5] colour to any sedition in worde or déede, against the lawfull authoritie without punish­ment. Alwaies his Maiestie (béeing of himselfe a most gratious Prince) was not willing to haue vsed any rigour against the saide Maister Andrew, if he had humbly submitted himselfe, acknowledged his offence, and craued pardon. Who notwithstanding afraid of his owne guil­tines, being priuie to diuers conspiracies before, fled out of the Realme, whose naughty and pre­sumptuous refusing of his Highnes iudgement was the occasion of the making of this seconde Acte: videlicet, that none should decline from his highnes authoritie, in respect that the common Prouerbe beareth, Ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt: that is, Of euill maners good lawes procéede. And in verie déede it wanteth not any right intollerable arrogancy in any Subiect cal­led before his Prince, professing and ancthori­sing the same truth, to disclaime his authoritie, neither doe the Prophets, Apostles, nor others (conducted by the spirite of God) minister y like example: for it is a great errour to affirme (as many doe) that Princes and Magistrates haue onely power to take order in ciuill affaires, and that Ecclesiasticall matters doth onely belong to the Ministerie. By which meanes the Pope of Rome hath exempt himselfe and all his Cler­gie, from all iudgements of Princes, & he made himself to be Iudge of Iudges, and to be iudged of no man: whereas by the contrarie, not onely [Page 6] by the examples of the godly gouernors, Iudges and Kings of the old Testament, but also by the new Testament, and the whole history of the primitiue Church, in the which the Emperors being Iudges ouer the bishop of Rome, deposed them from their seates, appointed Iudges to de­cide and determine in causes Ecclesiastical, and chalenge innocent men as Athanasius from the determination of the Councell holden at Tyrus, and by infinite good reasons which shall bée set downe by the grace of God in an other seuerall worke shall be sufficiently prooued and verified. But this appeareth at this present to bée an vn­timely and vnprofitable question, which hath no ground vpon their part, but of the preposte­rous imitation of the pretended iurisdiction of the Pope of Rome. For if there were any que­stion in this land of heresie whereby the pro­found mysteries of the Scriptures behooued to be searched foorth, his Maiestie would vse the same remedy (as most expedient) which y e most godly Emperours hath vsed: And his Maiestie following their example, would alow the coun­cell of learned Pastours, that by conference of Scriptures, the veritie might be opened and he­resie repressed. But God be thanked we haue no such controuersies in this land, neither hath any heresie taken any déepe roote in the country, but that certaine of the ministerie ioyning thē ­selues to rebels, hath traueled to disquiet y e state with such questions that the people might em­brace [Page 7] any sinister opinion of his Maiesties vp­right procéedings, and factions might be nouri­shed and entertained in the countrey. Neither is it his maiesties meaning nor intention in a­ny sort to take away the lawfull and ordinarie iudgement in the Church, whereby discipline & good order might decay, but rather to preserue, maintaine, and increase the same. And as there is in the realme Iustices, Constables, Shirifes, Prouosts, Bailifes, and other iudges in tempo­rall matters, so his Maiestie aloweth that all things might be done in order, and a godly qui­etnes may be preserued in the whole estate, the Sinodal assemblies by the Bishops or Commis­sioners where the place was vsed to be conueni­ent twise in the yéere, to haue the ordinary trial of matters belonging to the ministery and their estate. Alwaies reseruing to his highnesse, that if they or any of them doe amisse, neglect their duetie, disquiet the estate, or offend in any such maner and sort, that they in no wayes pretend that immunitie priuiledge and exemptiō, which onely was inuented by the Popes of Rome, to tread vnder foote the scepters of Princes, and to establish an Ecclesiasticall tyranny within this countrey, vnder pretence of new inuented Pres­biters, which neither should answer to the king, nor Bishop vnder his Ma. but should haue such infinite iurisdiction, as neither the lawe of God nor man can tolerate. Which is onely his Ma­iesties intention to represse, and not to take a­way [Page 8] any godly or due order in the Church, as hereafter shall appeare.

THe third Act of his Maiesties foresaid Par­liament, dischargeth all iudgements Eccle­siasticall, and all assemblies which are not allo­wed by his Maiestie in Parliament, which acte specially concerneth the remouing and dischar­ging of that forme inuented in this land, called the presbyterie: wherin a number of Ministers of a certeine precinct and boundes, accounting themselues to be equal, without any difference, and gathering vnto them certeine Gentlemen, and others of his Maiesties subiects, vsurpe all the whole Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, and alte­reth the lawes at their owne pleasure, without the knowledge and approbation of the king or y e estate. A forme of doing without example of any nation. subiect to a Christian Prince The perill whereof did so increase that, in case it had not béene repressed in due season, and forbidden by his Maiesties lawes, the same had troubled the whole countrey. And béeing tried by his highnes to be the ouerthrow of his Maiesties estate, the decay of his Crowne, and a ready introduction to Anababtistrie and popular confusion in all e­states, his maiestie hath giuen commaundemēt against the same. And that the Reader may vn­derstand the daunger thereof by many inconue­niences, which thereby ensueth in this lande, I will not onely set downe one whereby they may [Page 9] vnderstand what peril was in the rest. The em­bassadour of Fraunce returning home vnto his owne countrey, commaunded the Prouost, Ba­liffes and Counsaile of Edingbrough to make him a banket, that he might be receiued honou­rably, according to the amitie of auncient times betwéene the two Nations. This commaund was giuen on the Saturday by his highnes: and the banquet appointed to be on the Monday. A number of the foresaid pretended presbyterie vn derstanding thereof, assembled themselues on Sonday in the morning, and presumptuously determined and agréed, that the Ministers of E­dinbrough should proclaime a fasting vppon the same monday, where thrée seuerall Ministers one after another, made thrée seueral sermons inuectiues against the Prouost, Bayliffes, and Counsaile for the time, and the noble men in the cuntry, who repaired to the banquet at his Ma. commaund. The foresaid presbyterie called and perswaded them, and scarsly by his Maiesties authoritie could bee witholden from excommu­nicating the saide Magistrates and noble men, for obeying onely his highnes lawfull command which the law of all countreys, called Ius genti­um, requires towards Embassadors of forreine countreys. And not onely in this, but innume­rable other things, their commaundement was proclaimed directly, vnder the paine of excōmu­nication, to the kings Ma. and his laws. Which forme of procéeding, ingendred nothing but dis­but [Page 10] disquietnes, sedition, and trouble: as may manifestly appéere, in that, the speciall authors of the inuenting, promoting and assisting of the foresaide pretended Presbyteries, hath ioy­ned themselues with his Maiesties Rebels: and fleing foorth of the realme, in respect of their gil­tines, hath discouered what malitious practises was deuised amongst them, if God had not in time prouided remedie. The other forme of iudg ment which his Maiesty hath discharged, is the generall assembly of the whole Clergie in the Realme: vnder pretence whereof, a number of Ministers from sundry presbyteries did assem­ble, with some Gentlemen of the cuntrey, wher­of some for that time malcontents of the estate, sought that color as fauorers of the Ministerie, by the which thei haue practised many enterpri­ses in the realme: where there was no certeine law in Ecclesiasticall affaires, but all depended vpon the saide generall conuention, where the lawes of the church were alterable after the nū ­ber of voices, which for the most part succéeded vnto the most vnlearned of the multitude. This generall assembly amongst other things did ap­point and agrée with his Maiest. regentes in his highnes minority, y the estate of bishops which is one of the estates of Parliament, should bee mainteined & authorised: As it is registred in y e bookes of counsel, and subscribed by the commis­sioners for the time. Which order was obserued many yéeres, and Bishops by their consentes, [Page 11] appointed to the diocesse, vntill within this late time, in assemblies holden at Dundie and Glas­gow, respecting the foresaid ministers & assemb­lies, tooke vppon them, contrarie to their owne hand writing, to discharge the estate, and to de­clare y e same to be vnlawfull, in their pretended maner. And there commaunded the Bishops of the countrey to demit and leaue their offices & iurisdictions, & that in no wise they should passe to the kings Maiesties counsell, or Parliament without commission obteined from their assem­blie: That they should confirme nothing in par­liament and counsell, but according to their acts and iniunctions. And further, they directed their Commissioners to the kings maiestie, commanding him and the councell, vnder paine of y e cen­sures of the Church (whereby they vnderstoode excōmunication) to appoint no Bishop in time to come, because they had concluded that estate to be vnlawfull.

And notwithstanding, that which they would haue deiected in the bishops, they purposed to e­rect in themselues, desiring that such commissio­ners as they should send to parliament and coū ­sell, might bee authorised in place of the estate, wherby it should haue come to passe, that where as now his Ma. may select the most godly, lear­ned, wise and experimented of the ministerie, to bee on his Ma. estate, his highnesse should haue been by that means compelled to accept such as the multitude, by an odde consent of y e most vn­learned [Page 12] should haue appointed, which could not tend but to the ouerthrow of the realme, where­of that estate hath bene a special stop. After they had discharged bishops, they agréed to haue Su­perintendents, Commissioners, and Uisitours: but in the end, they discerned that there should be no difference amongst the ministers, & ima­gined that new forme of Presbiterie, wherof we haue spoken before. Neither was there any o­ther appearance that they should haue staid frō such daily alterations in the common wealth, which could not but continually be disquieted, where the law of conscience which they main­tained by the sword of cursing, was subiect to such mutations, at the arbitrement of a number whereof the most part had not greatly tasted of learning. At our the foresaid assembly was accu­stomed not only to prescribe the law to the king and estate, but also did at certain times appoint general fastings throughout the realme, special­ly when some factioners in the countrey was to mooue any great enterprise. For at the fast, all y e ministers was commanded by the assemblie to sing one song, and to cry out vpon the abuses, as they termed it, of the court and estate for y e time, whereby it is most certaine great alterations to haue ensued in this land, while at the good plea­sure of God, and his blessing towardes his Ma. the pretence of the last fast was discouered, & his highnes deliuered from such attempts, whereby his Ma. hath bene iustly mooued to discharge [Page 13] such conuentions which might import so preiu­dicially to his estate. But specially his Ma. had no small occasion, whereas the same assemblie being met at Edenbrough, did authorise & auow the fact perpetrate at Ruthuen, in the takyng of his highnes most noble person. The which déed, notwithstanding his Ma. with the aduise of his estates in Parliament accounted to be treason, the said assembly estéeming their iudgement to be the soueraigne iudgement of the realme, hath not onely approoued the same, but ordained all them to be excommunicate that would not sub­scribe and allow the same. So the actes of this assembly, and the lawes of the estate directly weighed in ciuil matter, with the which the as­sembly should not haue medled, it behooued his highnes either to discharge himselfe of y e crown, or the ministerie of y t forme of assembly, which in déede of it selfe, without the kings Maiesties licence & approbation, could not be lawfull. Like as generall councels at no time could assemble without the commaundement of the Emperour for the time: and our king hath no lesse power within his owne realme, then any of them had in the empire. Yea, the Bishop of S. Androis had not in time of Poperie, power to conuent y Bi­shops & clergie out of their owne Diocesse, with out licence giuen before of his highnes most no­ble progenitors of good memorie, and the causes thereof intimated & allowed. Notwithstanding that his Maiesties intention and meaning may [Page 14] fully be vnderstood, It is his highnesse wil, y the Bishop or Commissioners of any Diocesse or Prouince, or part thereof, shall at their Uisitati­on appointed in euery parish, accordyng to the greatnesse thereof, some honest, vertuous and discrete men, to aide and assist the Minister, and to haue the ouersight and censure of the maners and behauiour of the people of that parish. And if there be any notable offence worthy of punish ment, that the Bishop and Commissioners bée aduertised thereof, who shall haue an Officer of armes to be assistant for the punishment of vice, and executions to follow thereupon: that they who contemneth the godly and lawfull or­der of the Church, may finde by experience his maiesties displeasure, and be punished accor­ding to their deseruings.

And further, his Maiestie vpon necessary oc­casions which may fall foorth by diuers maner of wayes among the Clergie, vpon humble sup­plication made vnto his highnesse, will not re­fuse to graunt them licence to assist the bishops, Commissioners, and some of the most vertuous, learned, and godly, of their Diocesse, where such Ecclesiasticall matters as appertaineth to the vniformitie of doctrine, and conseruation of a godly order in the Church, may be intreated and concluded in his maiesties owne presence, or some of his Maiesties honourable counsell, who shall assist for the tyme: Where, if necessitie so require, a publike fast throughout the whole [Page 15] realme may be commaunded, and by his Maie­sties authoritie proclaimed, to auoide the immi­nent displeasure and daunger of the wrath of the Lordes iudgements, which is the right ende of publike humilitie, and not vnder pretence thereof, to couer such enterprises, as hath here­tofore greatly disquieted and troubled the peace of this common wealth.

THe xx. Acte ratifieth and approoueth, and e­stablisheth the estate of the Bishops with­in the realme, to haue the ouersight and iuris­diction, euery one in their owne Dioces. Which forme of gouernment, and rule in Ecclesiastical affaires, hath not onely continued in the church from the dayes of the Apostles, by continuall succession of tyme, and many Martyrs in that calling shed their bloud for the trueth: but also, since this Realme embraced and receiued the Christian religion, the same estate hath béene maintained to the welfare of the Church, and quietnesse of the realme, without any interrup­tion, vntill within this few yéeres, some curi­ous and busie men haue practised to induce in the ministerie, an equalitie in all thinges, as well concernyng the preaching of the word, ad­ministration of the Sacramentes, as likewise in discipline, order and pollicie. The which con­fusion his Maiestie finding by most dangerous experience, to haue bene the mother and Nurse of great factions, seditions and troubles within [Page 16] this Realme, hath with aduise of his highnes e­states, aduisedly concluded the said pretended partie in discipline, orders and pollicie in the Church, to be no longer tollerate in this Coun­try: but the sollicitude and care of all churches in one diocesse, to appertaine to the Bishop and commissioner thereof, who shall be aunswera­ble to God, and his Maiesty, and estates, for the right administration and discharge of the office of particular Ministers, within the boundes of their iurisdiction. For as it becommeth his Ma­iestie, as Eusebius writeth of Constantinus the great, to be a Bishop of Bishops, and vniuersall Bishop within his Realme, in so far as his ma­iestie should appoint euerie one to discharge his duetie: which his highnesse cannot, his country béeing large and great, take him to euerie Mi­nister that shall offend, and transgresse agaynst duetie, or quarrell with the whole number of y e Ministerie: but it behooueth this Maiestie to haue Bishops and ouerséeers vnder him, which may bee aunswerable for such boundes, as the law and order of the countrey hath limited and appointed vnto euerie one of them. And y they hauing accesse to his Maiesties Parliament & counsell, may intercide for the rest of the brethrē of the Ministerie, propone their griefe vnto hys highnesse and estates, and receiue his maiesties fauourable aunswere therin. The which forme doth preserue a godly quietnes, vnitie, concorde, and peace in the estate, and an vniforme order [Page 17] in the Church. As contrariwise, the pretended equalitie deuideth the same, and vnder the pre­tence of equality, maketh some of the most craf­tie and subtill dealers to bee aduaunced and en­riched: and in pretending of partie, to séeke no­thing but their owne ambition, and aduaunce­ment aboue the rest of the simple sort. And not­withstanding that his Maiestie hath restabli­shed the said estate, it is not his highnes will & intent, y t the foresaid Bishop shall haue such full power, as to do within his diocesse what he plea seth. For as his Ma. cannot allow of any popu­lar confusiō, wherin as the prouerbe saith, Nulla tyrannis aequiparanda est tyrannidi multitudinis. That is, No tyrany can be compared to the ty­ranny of a multitude, hauing commandement & power in his hands: so on the other part his M. will is, y t the Bishops authoritie in any graue matter, be limited to the councel of 13. of y most aūcient, wise, & godly pastors of his diocesse, se­lected out of y e whole synodal assembly of y pro­uince: by whose aduise, or at least the most parte therof, y e weightie affaires of the church may be gouerned, to the glory of God, & quietnes of the realme. Further, it is his highnes wil & cōman­dement, y their bishops or commissioners, twise in the yéere, to wit, 10. dayes after Easter, & the 6. of September, hold their synodall assemblies, in euerie diocesse, for y e kéeping of good order therin. And if any be stubborne, or contemne within their bounds the good order of the church, that it [Page 18] may be declared vnto his Ma. & punished to the example of others, according to their deseruings Neither is it his Ma. meaning or intent, y t such bishops or commissioners as shall be appointed, shall receiue their onely & full commission of his Ma without admission ordinary, by such as are appointed to that effect in y e church: but hauing his highnes nomination, presentation, and com­mendation, as lawfull & only patron, they to bée tried and examined, y t their qualities are such as thei are able to discharge their cure & office. And if it shall happen any of the said bishops or com­missioners, to bee negligēt iu their office, or to be slanderous & offensiue in their behauiour, life, & maners, in tyme to come, it is not his highnes wil, y they shalbe exempted frō correction, notw t ­standing any priuilege of his highnes estate, coū sell, or parliament, but their labors, trauels, dili­gence, & behauiour, to be tried in the generall as­sembly, not cōsisting of a confused multitude, as it was before, but of such worshipfull persons, as is heretofore prescribed in his highnes presence, or his deputies to that effect. Lastly, his maiestie giueth commission to the saide Bishops, or com­missioners at their visitatiōs to cōsider in what part of y e cuntrey, the exercise, or interpretation of the scripture, by conference of a certeine num ber of y e Ministerie within those bounds, may be most commodiously once in euerie xv. daies. For as his Ma. inhibits all vnlawfull méetings, that may ingender trouble & contention in the coun­trey: [Page 19] so his Ma. is well affected, to sée the Mini­sterie increase in knowledge & vnderstanding, & by all meanes to fortifie & aduaunce the same. Wherein his highnes commandement is, that a graue, wise, & sage man, shalbe appointed presi­dent, who may haue y e ouersight of these boūds, & be answerable therefore to the bishop, his coū ­sell & synode, & he to be respected reasonably for his paines, at the modification of stipends: y all things may be orderly done in the church, peace & quietnes mainteined in the realme, & we dely­uered from apparant plagues, & the blessing of God continued, to the comfort of our posteritie. And in the mean time his highnes inhibits and expresly forbids, vnder the paines conteined in his Ma. acts of parliament, & al other paines ar­bitral, at his Ma. sight & counsell, y no Minister take in hand to assemble themselues for the fore­said cause, without the appointment & order ta­ken by the said bishops or commissioners: wher­by his highnes may be certeinly enformed, that the foresaid Ministers assemble not, to meddle with any ciuill matters, or affaires of estate, as was accustomed before, but onely to profit in the knowledge of the word, & to be comforted one by another, in the administration of their spirituall office: which his highnes wisheth them fayth­fully to discharge, & then to call to God, that his Maiestie may in a prosperous reigne enioy good and long life, and continue and increase into the feare of the Almightie.


THE KINGS MAIES­ties Intention.

HIs Maiesties intention is, by the grace of God, to mainteine the true and sincere profession of the Gospell, & preaching thereof within this realme.

2 His Maiesties intention is, to correct, and punishe such as seditiously abuse the truth, and factiously apply or rather bewray the text of the scripture, to the disqui­eting of the estate, & disturbing of the common welth, or impayring of his highnes and counsels honour.

3 His Maiesties intention is, if any question of faith and doctrine arise, to conuocate the most learned, godly, wise, and experimented pastors, that by conference of scriptures, the veritie may be tryed, and all heresie, and schisme by that meanes repressed.

4 His Maiesties intention is, that for the keeping of good order in euerie parish, certeine ouersee ers to the good behauiours of the rest, be appointed at the visita­tion of the Bishop, or visitour, who shal haue his Ma­iesties authoritie, and officers of armes concurring for the punishment of vice.

5 His Maiesties intention is, to mainteine the exer­cise of prophesie, for the increase & continuing of know­ledge amongst the Ministerie: In which, a wise and graue man, selected by the bishop or cōmissioner, at the synodall assembly, shall render an account of the admi­nistration of those bounds, where the exercise is holdē: for which cause, some respect of liuing shal be had vnto him, who sustaines that burthen.

6 His Ma. intention is, not to derogate, vnto the or­dinary iudgment of matters of the church, by the ordi­nary Bishops, their councels, and synodes: but if any of them do amisse, and abuse their calling, to take order for correcting, amending, and punishing thereof.

7 His Maiesties intention is, not to hinder or stay a­ny godly or solide order, grounded vppon the worde of God, and order of the primitiue Church: but that the Ministers of the word meddle themselues onely with their owne calling, & iudge not fearfully of the estate.

8 It is his maiesties intention, that the presbyteries [Page 21] consisting of many Ministers and Gentlemen, at land­wart or other waies, be no further tolerate in this his realme: but the excrcise of iurisdiction of all churches, to be in the hands of the Bishop or commissioner, and their councels and synods.

9 It is his Maiesties intention, that the Bishops or commissioners assemble not any generall assembly out of the whole realme, without his maiesties knowledge & licence obteined thereunto: which vpon supplication his highnes wil not denie: that an vniforme order may be obserued in the whole realme, & the Bishops & their diligences there tryed and examined, & the complaints of euery pertituler heard and discussed.

10 It is his Maiesties intention, to assist this assem­bly himself, or by a noble man of his counsaile, his high nes deputie.

11 It is his Maiesties intention, that when any pa­rish findeth necessitie of any fast, they enforme the occa­sion to the Bishop or commissioner their counsaile, that they may vnderstand the cause to be lawfull, as lyke­wise the Bishop of the diocesse findiug lawful occasion way within the same with his counsaile prescribe any publike humiliation.

12 It is his Maiesties intention, that a general fast throughout the whole realme, shall not be proclaimed but by his Ma. commandement, or by a generall coun­saile, wherin his Ma. or his highnes deputy is presēt.

13 It is his highnes intention, that the Bishops in the realme in euery diocesse with their counsaile, pro­ceede into the ecclesiasticall gouernment, but as is sayd with a counsaile, that both tyranny and confusion may be auoided in the church.

14 It is his highnes intention, that commissioners be directed vniuersally throughout the whole Realme to establish a godly order, and that his Maiesties com­missioners take order presently for the transla­tion of such ministers, whose trauels they esteeme may more conueni­ently and profitably serue in another place.


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