¶The Proclamation of the crying doun of the new Plakkis and Hardheidis.
THE REGENTIS GRACE, and Estaitis assemblit at this present Conuē tion, hauand consideration of the great Inconuenientis that now procedis amāgis our souerane Lordis liegis, in default of victuallis and all vther Merchandice and gudis that is put to derth, and raisit and put to exhorbitant prices, and haldin and abstractit fra Mercattis throw occasion of great quantitie of fals counterfait money, Plakkis and Lyonis vtherwise callit Hardheidis, strikin in cuinȝe in the time of the gouernament of the quene drowarier and Regent our souerane Lordis guddam of gude Memorie, as alswa be fals Cuinȝeouris, not allanerlie within this Realme but als outwith the same, sa subtillie and in sic forme of Mettall, that it is verie hard to the Ignorantis to discerne and knaw the trew fra the fals. ¶ THAIRFOIR the Regentis grace with the mature aduise and deliberatioun of the Estaittis presentlie conuenit, for the weill of our souerane Lordis liegis, eschewing of derth and mony vtheris Inconuenientis, hes ordanit and ordanis all the saidis new Plakkis last cuinȝeit to haue course and passage amangis all our souerane Lordis liegis in time cumming efter this present Proclamatioun for twa Penneis the pece. And all the saidis Lyonis vtherwise callit Hardheidis for a Pennie the pece. And that nane of our souerane Lordis liegis sall be haldin to ressaue the saidis Plakkis or Hardheidis efter this present Proclamation of ony derrar auale and price then is before specifeit. Attour, becaus it is weill knawin that the greatest part of the saidis Plakkis & Hardheidis now passing in this Realme ar and hes bene adulterat, fals and counterfait asweill in this Realme as without, quhilkis being the cheif occasion of derth [...], ar be Act of Parliament maid of befoir, ordanit to be clippit.
¶ THAIRFOIR ordanis and commandis all personis hauaris of the saidis new Plakkis and Hardheidis in thair handis, to bring or send the same to our sourane Lordis Cuinȝehous, to Iohne Carmichaell Warden thairof, to be sene and considerit be him, Iames Gray sinkar, Iohne Hart and Nicholl Sym appointit visitouris thairof, or ony ane of thame with the said Io [...]e Carmichaell betuix the dait heirof and the twentie day of Nouember nixttocum, to the effe [...] [...] sic as thay find fals and counterfait, may be instantlie clippit doun and put [...] clois [...] Coffer vpon compt and Inuentar of the quantitie ressauit fra euerie persoun. [...] of th [...] [...] money as beis found of the lauchfull and trew Cuinȝe of this Realme to be th [...] markit
be the said Iames Gray and deliuerit againe to the Awner, quhilkis Plakkis and Hardheidis sa markit, sall haue course and passage thairefter for the auale and prices abone writtin, but ony stop or contradiction. With certificatioun that sic of the new Plakkis and Hardheidis as sall not be visite and in this sort markit betuix and the said day sall na wise haue course or passage thairefter amangis our souerane Lordis liegis. Bot the personis quhatsumeuer with quhome thay sall be fund thairefter vnmarkit, sall be persewit and punischit as wilfull outputtaris and changearis of fals and corruptit Money, according to the Lawis of this Realme.