THE RATES OF MARCHANDIZES as they are set down in the Booke of Rates for payment of the Kings Majesties Customes, and Impost of Wynes within his Kingdome of SCOTLAND:

The samine Booke being signed by his Majestie, and subscryued be the Lords auditours of his Heighnes Exchecker, and sealed with the great Seale of His said Kingdome.

And by special commandement from his Majestie published in Print, for the information and direction of all sic as the samine doth concerne.

[printer's device: crown]


With the Kings Majesties Licence.


IAMES by the Grace of God, King of great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c.
To our Treasurer, Lords, auditours of our Ex­checker, and to all our Customers and Search­ers at any of our Ports, Havens or Creckes, within our Kingdome of Scotland being for the tyme, and to all and sundrie our others leiges and sub­jects whom it effeirs to whose knowledge these presents shall come, or whom the samine doth concerne greeting.

For­sameikle as in ane general convention of our three Estates of our said Kingdom halden in our burgh of Dondie vpon the [Page 2] xiij day of May the yeare of God 1597. yeares, vpon very good considerations, It was thought meet, statute and or­deined, that all claith and others waires and merchandize to be brought within our said Kingdome from foraine Na­tions should in all tyme there-after pay to vs the custome following. That is to say, twelue pennies for every pounds worth thereof: And to that effect, we and our saids Estates gaue full power and commission to a competent nomber of the Lords auditors of our Exchecker and others of our Nobilitie and Councell, to set pryces vpon the saids waires and mer­chandizes, conforme to the whilk our Customers to be ap­poynted to that effect should collect and vp-lift our custome thereof. And as it is well known to al men of judgment and vnderstanding that this speciall prerogatiue (amongst many others) hath by the laws of Nations bene yeelded and acknowledged to be proper and inherent in the persons of Princes, that they may according to their severall occasions raise to them-selues sic competent meanes by taking of custome of wares and merchandizes transported out of their Kingdoms or broght within the samine, as to their wisdomes and dis­cretions shall seeme expedient sufficientlie to supplie and su­stein the great charges and expenses incident vnto them in the menteinance of their Crownes and dignities (so the same be done without prejudice of trade and traffick) Even so it is most certaine that we are a free Prince, of a Soveraigne power, hauing als great liberties and priviledges by the laws of our said Kingdome and priviledge of our Crowne and [Page 3] Diadame, as any other Prince or Potentate whatsomever. And therfore may alter, raise and diminish our customes as the pryces of wares and merchandizes doeth ryse or fall. Jn consideration whereof, and because we are credibille in­formed that diuers wares and merchandizes conteined in the A B C of our customes of our said Kingdome, are there­in valued and rated at lower pryces then they should be, to our great losse and hinderance; and that divers of the saids wares and merchandizes are valued and rated at over heigh and deare a rate, to the great prejudice and hurt of the Merchant; and that divers wares and merchandizes both of those that are brought within our said Kingdome, and of those that are transported out of the samine are not at all valued nor mentioned in the said A B C, whereby the customes therof hath hitherto bene taken only by the eaths of the merchants awners of the saids wares and merchandizes. FOR REFORMATION whereof, and to the intent that all sic wares and merchandizes as at any tyme after the first day of November next to come shall be brought into our said Kingdome or transported forth thereof, may reasonablie and indifferentlie be valued and rated both for the true pay­ment to vs of our custome and for the ease of the merchants, we haue latelie given power and direction to ane competent nomber of the Lords of our Councell and auditors of our Exchecker, to try and examine what reasonable and indiffe­rent values and pryces may and ought to be set vpon ilk sort of the saids wares and merchandize; and there-vpon to [Page 4] make and set downe ane Booke of Rates and valuation, to the effect our Customers may know what to take, and the Merchant know what to pay for the custome thereof. And that it may appeare what care we haue to avoid the least in­convenient or grievance that may aryse to our people, we gaue speciall direction to the saids Lords of our Councell and Exchecker, that in setting downe of the said Booke of Rates and valuation, they should haue a speciall regarde to the set­ting of the samine orderlie, and to forbeare to value at ane heigh rate sic commodities imported within our said King­dome, as our poore people within the samine could not goodly want; or might giue occasion to the Merchants to raise the pryces thereof, sic as Victuall, Pick, Tar, Hemp, Lint, Iron, Soap, Tackle, Cordage, and others of the lyke nature. VVhilks Lords so appoynted by vs haue set down this present Booke of Rates and valuation accordingly, and reported the samin to vs subscryved with their hands, the Originall conteining fourtie leaues written on both the sides. VVhilk Booke we haue for the better authoritie thereof lykwyse signed with our awn hand, and haue ordeined our great Seale of our said Kingdome to be appended and hung there-vnto, and ordeins this samine Booke to remaine amongst our Records and Re­gisters of our said Kingdom. And therfore WE WIL AND DECLARES, and for vs and our successors, decernes and ordeins that there shall be for ever after the said first day of November next to come after the date hereof, taken and re­ceaved by our Customers to our vse twelue pennies of every [Page 5]pounds worth of all wares and merchandizes conteined in the said Booke of Rates, that shall either be transported out of our said Kingdome, or imported within the samine, as for the custome due to vs for the samine wares and merchan­dizes (wynes, gould and silver onely excepted) The impost of which wynes is particularlie set down by it selfe in ane ar­tickle at the end of this present Booke of valuation and rates of merchandizes and goodes imported within our said King­dome; and the custome of the said gould and silver (incase the samine shall be transported out of our said Kingdome vpon licence) is set down by it self in ane artickle at the end of this present Booke of Rates and valuation of wares and mer­chandizes exported out of our said Kingdome. And for this effect, WE do by these presents ordein and command all our Customers, Searchers, and others hauing entresse in re­ceit of our customes at every Port, Haven or Harberie with­in our said Kingdome, that after the said first day of No­vember next to come, they and ilk ane of them demand, vp­lift, and take of all our leiges or strangers that shall happen to transport out of our said Kingdome to foraine Nations or or import within the samine from foraine Nations any of the goods, merchandizes or wares conteined in the said Booke of Rates, twelue pennies for every pounds worth thereof, ac­cording as the samine is valued and rated in the same Booke as for the Custome due to vs, our heires and successours for the samine: And that they demand, vp-lift and take of im­post for every tun of wyne that shall happen to be imported [Page 6] and broght within our said Kingdome after the said first day of November next to come, the summe of money set downe in the said Booke of Rates; and for every pounds worth of coyned gould or silver caried out of our said Kingdome vpon licence, the due custome likwyse set down in the said Booke of Rates. And incase it shall happen any merchandizes, goods or wares either to be transported out of our said Kingdome to foraine Nations, or brought within the same from foraine Nations, whilks ar not conteined and set down in this present Booke of Rates. OVR WILL AND PLEASVRE IS that the same shall be valued by the Merchant awner there­of or his factours, vpon their eaths of fidelitie, solemnedlie giuen in presence of our Customers, and that our custome shal be taken thereof accordinglie. And we ordaine all Mer­chants als well our borne subjects of our said Kingdome as strangers, to obserue, fulfil and obey this our ordinaunce con­cerning the payment of our customes, vnder the paine of in­curring our heigh displeasure, and as they will answere to the contrarie vpon their perrell. As likwise we ordaine the Lords of our Privie Councel and auditors of our Exchecker of our said Kingdom, to direct letters for answering and pay­ment making to our Customers of the custome of merchandi­zes, goods and wares, and impost of wynes set downe in this present Booke of Rates and valuation dew to vs, after the said first day of November next to come in sic ample forme, and vnder the like paines as they haue bene accustomed to di­rect letters for the like cause of before. Provyding alwise, [Page 7] like as OVR WILL AND PLEASVRE IS that if at any time hereafter it shall plainlie appeare to our Thesaurer and Lords of our Councell and auditors of our Exchecker of our said Kingdome being for the time, that the rate, value, kynd, name, lenth or weght of any goods, wares and merchandizes conteined in this present Booke be mistaken or wrong va­lued contrair the treuth and our true meaning in that behalf. In that case, we doe by these presents giue full power and commission to our said Thesaurer, Lords of our Councell, and auditours of our Exchecker, or any elleven of them conjunct­lie (our said Thesaurer being alwise ane) to reforme the same Booke according to our true meaning in every pointe. And we ordein the Clerk of our Register and Rolles of our said Kingdome to deliver to every Customer or collector of our customes at every Port, Haven or Harberie within our said Kingdome, a just extract of this present Booke of Rates and valuation vnder his signe and subscription manuell, for their better warrant, to aske, craue, receaue, intromet­with, and collect our saids customes. And these our let­ters patents, or the just extract therof subscrived by our said Clerk of our Register and Rolles, shall be as well vnto you our said Thesaurer, Lords of our Privie Councell, and audi­tours of our Exchecker, as to all other our Customers, offi­ciers, and others whom it shall or may appertaine, and to e­very ane of you a sufficent warrant and discharge for doing and performing all and sundrie the premisses according to to our true intent and meaning, any law, statute, order or [Page 8] vse heretofore made to the contrair not withstanding. Giuen vnder our Signe Manuell at our Manor of Green-witch the xxix day of Apryle, and of our Raignes the fourtie fiue and eight yeares. 1611.

THE RATES AND Valuation of Merchandizes and goods imported within the Kingdome of Scotland.


  • AIres,
    • of small sort the hundreth conteining vj xxCustome. xl. l.
    • of great sort the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. lx. l.
  • Allabaster the load Custome. xxiiij l.
  • Allum
    • rough the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xij l.
    • Plume the pound Custome. viij s.
  • Amber
    • the pound weight thereof Custome. xxx. s.
    • beads the pound thereof Custome. iiij l.
  • Anchoves the barrell Custome. iij l.
  • Anneill of Barbarie for litsters the pound weght therof Custome. xviij s.
  • Apples called
    • Pippins or Rannets the barrell Custome. iij l.
    • Flanders apples the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Aquavitie the barrell conteining ten gallons Custome. lxxx l.
  • Arro­wes
    • for tronkes the grosse conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiij l.
    • called shooting arrowes the grosse Custome. xxiiij l.
  • Ashes called
    • Pot ashes the barrell conteining two hundreth pound weght Custome. xxx l.
    • Wood or soap ashes the barrell Custome. x l.
  • Axes the dozen Custome. vj l.


  • BAbies or puppets for children the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iij l.
  • Bagges
    • with locks the dozen Custome. x l.
    • with steel rings without locks the doz. Custome. vi l.xiii s.iiii d
  • Baieberries the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
  • Ballances called
    • gold ballances the groce cont. 12 doz. pair Custome. xxiiij l
    • ounce ballances the groce cont. 12 doz. pair Custome. xii l.
    • pile weghts the pound Custome. viij s.
  • Balles called
    • Catchpule balls the thousand Custome. viii l.
    • Golf balls the dozen Custome. xxxij s.
    • washing balls the dozen Custome. xx s.
  • Bands called Flanders bands the dozen Custome. viij l.
  • Bankers of verdure the dozen peeces Custome. xl s.
  • Barbers aprons the peece conteining not aboue ten els Custome. iiij l.
  • Barilia or saphora to make glas, the barrel cont. ij c. weght Custome. xii l.
  • Barlings or fire poles the hundreth conteing vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
  • Barke the boll thereof Custome. xl s.
  • Baskets called
    • hand-baskets the peece Custome. x s.
    • round baskets the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Basons
    • of Latten the pound Custome. viii s.
    • of tin the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Beades
    • of Amber the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • of bone the groce Custome. xx s
    • of box the groce Custome. xx s.
    • of Cristell the thousand Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of glasse and wood the groce Custome. x s.
    • of Jasper the hundreth stones Custome. xvi l.
  • Beanes the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Beer the boll Custome. ii l. vi s. viii d.
  • [Page]Beif the punscheon Custome. xv l
  • Beere called
    • English beere, the tun Custome. xl l.
    • Dutch beere the last Custome. xl l.
  • Belles
    • called Hawkes belles, the dozen pair Custome. xxx s.
    • called Dog belles the groce Custome. x s.
    • called Moreis belles, the groce Custome. xxx s.
    • called Horse belles, the groce Custome. iii l.
    • called clapper belles the pound Custome. vi s.
  • Bell mettell the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
  • Belts
    • called buffill belts, the dozen Custome. iii l.
    • called lether belts the groce conteining 12 doz Custome. x l.
    • of worset the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
    • of silke or velvet gilt the dozen Custome. xvi l.
    • of silke or velvet vngilt the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of counterfute gould and silver the dozen Custome. iii l.
    • called hingers of buffil the dozen Custome. xl l.
    • caled hingers of lether plane the dozen Custome. xxx l.
    • called hingers of lether broudered, the dozen Custome. l. l.
    • called hingers of satine or velvet plane the doz. Custome. lx. l.
    • called hingers of satine or velvet broudered with silke, the dozen Custome. xcvi l.
    • called hingers of satine or velvet broude­red with gould and silver the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
    • called hingers imbroudred with pearle the pece Custome. c l
    • called sword belts of lether of all collours, the dozen Custome. iiij l.
    • called wemens belts imbroudered with jeat, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • called wemens belts embrodered with gold and silver, the dozen Custome. xviij l.
    • called wemens belts embroudered with pearle, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
  • [Page]Beds
    • of Oake or Walnut tree French making the peece Custome. xl. l.
    • of English making the peece Custome. xxx l.
  • Bird lyme the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xviij l.
  • Bitts for brydles the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Blacking or Lamp-black the hundreth weght contei­ning vj xx pound Custome. xxiiij l.
  • Blankets called
    • Paries Mantles cullored the peece Custome. viii l.
    • Paries Mantles vncullored, the peece Custome. vi l,
  • Boords called
    • Norroway dailles the hundreth cont. 120 Custome. xxx l.
    • Spruce dailles the hundreth Custome. xc l.
    • Boorden-doore dailles the hundreth Custome. lx l.
    • Knapald of Norroway the hundreth Custome. iii l.
    • Knappald of Queens-bridg or double Knap­pald the hundreth Custome. xii l.
    • single Knappald or Trail-sound K. the hundreth Custome. v l.
    • Pipe staues the hundreth Custome. vi l.
    • Barrel staues the hundreth Custome. xl s.
    • Swaden boordes the hundreth Custome. xl l.
    • for boats the hundreth Custome. xvi l.
    • Table boords of Wainscot or Walnut tree long, the peece Custome. xxx l.
    • Table boords of Wanscot or Walnut tree short, the peece Custome. xv l.
    • Wanscot of Danskene the hundreth Custome. ij. c l.
    • Wanscot of Swaden the hundreth Custome. jc. xxx l.
  • Boats
    • of sex oares the peece Custome. xx l.
    • of foure oares the peece Custome. xiij l. vj s. viij d.
  • Bodkins the groce conteining twelue dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Bomspares the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
  • Bombasies or borrets
    • narrow the single peece cont. 15 elnes Custome. xx l.
    • broad the single peece cont. 15 elnes Custome. xxx l.
    • of silke the elne Custome. l s.
  • [Page]Bonnets called Mantua bonnets and English bonnets, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
  • Bōnets called
    • for children, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • night bonnets of satine and velvet steiked, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • night bonnets laid with gould or silver lace, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • night bonnets of silke knit, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • night bonnets of wooll the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • Mariners bonnets the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Borrels for wrights the groce conteing 12 dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Bosses for brydles, the groce Custome. vi l.
  • Botanos or peeces of linning litted blew, the peece Custome. iiii l.
  • Bottels of earth the dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Boultel raines the peece Custome. l s.
  • Bowes called
    • hand-bowes the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • pellet or cros-bowes the peece Custome. iii l.
  • Bowstaues the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. lx l.
  • Bowstrings the dozen Custome. x s.
  • Boult-cloth the eln Custome. x s.
  • Box-peeces for making of combes the 1000 peeces Custome. xx l.
  • Boxes called
    • fire or tunder boxes the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • nest boxes, the groce Custome. xviii l.
    • round buistes for Marmalad, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • sand buistes, the groce Custome. iiii l.
    • Soape boxes, the dozen Custome. liii s. iiii d.
    • touch boxes covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xvi s.
    • touch boxes covered with velvet, the dozen Custome. v l.
    • touch boxes of yron or other mettels gilt, the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Bracelets
    • of glasse, the groce conteining 12 bundels Custome. xx s.
    • of corrall, the groce Custome. x l.
  • [Page]Brasell, Ʋid. Wood. Custome.
  • Brasse, the hundreth weght thereof Custome. xl l.
  • Brasen worke, sic as Landiers, Chandellers, Basons, cocks of barrels, weghts, and all other made worke the pound weght thereof Custome. viii s.
  • Brick called
    • brickstones, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
    • paviment tyles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
  • Brimstone the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
  • Bristles
    • rough or vndrest the 12 pound weght Custome. iii l.
    • drest the 12 pound Custome. vi l.
  • Brotches of Latin or Copper the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Brushes or spon­ges
    • of hather course, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • of hather fyne, the dozen Custome. xii l,
    • of hair called head brushes the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of heath called head brushes, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • of hair called rubing brushes, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
    • of hather called rubing brushes, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • of hair called combe brushes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
    • of hair called weavers brushes the dozen Custome. xl s.
    • for spounging of cloaths, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • called water sponges for Chirurgians, the poūd Custome. xxx s.
  • Buckasie the haill peece conteining two halfe peeces Custome. x l.
  • Buckrams
    • of Germane or fyne buckrame the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • of the East countrie the roul or halfe peece Custome. xl s
    • of French making the dozen peeces Custome. xx l.
    • Carrick buckrame the short peece Custome. xx s.
  • Buffill hydes the peece Custome. xii l.
  • Bugle
    • great, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • small or seed bougle the pound Custome. xl s.
    • lace the pound Custome. l s
  • Bullions for purses the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Burn-wood. Vid. wood. Custome.
  • [Page]Buskeins of lether, the dozen pair Custome. xl.l.
  • Bustiams or woven tweill stuff, the single peece not a­boue fiftene elnes Custome. xvi l.
  • Butter of England or Holand the barrel cont. 12 stones Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Buttons
    • of brasse, copper, steele or latin, the groce Custome. xvi s.
    • of cristel the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of glasse, the groce Custome. viii s.
    • of threed, the groce Custome. vi s.
    • of hair, the groce Custome. vi s.
    • of silke, the groce Custome. xl s.
    • of gould and silver threed the groce Custome. iiii l.
    • of fyne damask warke, the dozen Custome. iii l.


  • CAbinets or counters
    • small the peece Custome. vi l.
    • large the peece Custome. xii l.
  • Cables the stone weght Custome. xl s.
  • Cable yarne and small towes, the stone Custome. xx s.
  • Caddes
    • the pound thereof in wooll Custome. xv s
    • spun in yarne, the pound Custome. xxii s. vi d.
  • Chalke, the hundrerh weght thereof Custome. v s.
  • Camels hair the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Calico cop-boord-cloaths, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Candle-sheares, the dozen pair Custome. xxx s,
  • Candle-weiks the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
  • Candles of walx, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
  • Canes or Reeds the thousand Custome. xx l.
  • Canarie seed, the hundreth weght Custome. x l.
  • Cant-spars or fire poles, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
  • Canves. Vid. linning
  • Capers. Vid. grocerie ware.
  • [Page]Capravens, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
  • Cardes called
    • wollen cardes new, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • wollen cardes olde, the dozen Custome. v l.
    • stock cardes, the dozen Custome. xv p.
  • Carts the groce conteining twelue dozen pair Custome. xviii l.
  • Carpets called
    • Brunsweik carpets stript or vnstript, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • China carpets of cotton course, the peece Custome. xxx s.
    • Gentish carpets the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • Turkie or Venice carpets short, the peece Custome. xii l.
    • Turkie or Venice carpets long cont. foure elnes and vpwards, the peece Custome. l. l.
  • Carrawa seeds the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
  • Carrels the peece conteniing 15 elnes Custome. viii l.
  • Casses or buistes
    • with wooden combes garnished, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • with small Ivorie combes garnished the doz Custome. viii l.
    • with midle sort Ivorie cōbs garnished the doz Custome. xii l.
    • with large Ivorie combs garnished the doz Custome. xxiiii l.
    • for combes single the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • for combes double, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
    • for spectacles gilt, the groce Custome. viii l.
    • for spectacles vngilt, the groce cont. 12 doz Custome. iiii l.
    • called needels cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Caskets
    • of yron small the dozen Custome. ix l.
    • of yron middle sort the dozen Custome. xv l.
    • of yron large the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • of steele the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Caviare the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
  • Cesterns of Lattin or Tin, the pound weght thereof Custome. viii s.
  • Chaffing dishes
    • of brasse or lattin, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • of yron, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of earth, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
  • [Page]Chaines
    • for keyes or purses fine the dozen Custome. xl s.
    • for dogs, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
  • Chaires
    • of walnut tree, the peece Custome. l s.
    • of leather gilt of the great sort, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • of leather gilt of small sort, the peece Custome. iii l.
    • of carsies embroudered with silk or velvet, the peece Custome. viii l.
    • of velvet, the peece Custome. xii l.
  • Cham­lets
    • vnwatered the elne Custome. xxiiii s.
    • watered, the elne Custome. iii l.
    • of silke, see silke.
  • Chan­dillers
    • of tin, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • of wyre, the dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Cheese the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
  • Chesboards, the dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Ches-men
    • of wood, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • of bone, the groce conteining 12 stand Custome. xlviii l.
  • Chimney backs
    • small, the peece Custome. iii l.
    • great, the peece Custome. vi l.
  • Chissels for wrights, the dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Citternes, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Claricords, the pair Custome. iiii l.
  • Clasps, the wospe Custome. xx s.
  • Cleeks to hing hats on, the groce Custome. vi l.
  • Cloaks of felt, the peece Custome. xx l.
  • Cloth of wooll
    • called French cloth the elne Custome. viii l.
    • called Searge of florence, the elne Custome. viii l.
    • the single peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. c.xx l.
    • counterfute Searge, the elne Custome. vi l.
    • broad English cloth, the elne Custome. viii l.
    • scarlet cloth, the elne Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
    • [Page]York-shyre cloth, the dozen elnes Custome. xl l.
    • Denshyre cairsais the peece Custome. xxx l.
    • Perpetuana, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Frisadoes, the elne Custome. v l.
    • Pennistone freese, the elne Custome. l s
    • cotton freese, the eln Custome. xxv s.
    • bayes, the elne Custome. xx s.
    • kelt or kendall freese, the elne Custome. xx s.
  • Cloth of linning of all sortes. see. linning.
  • Cloth of gould and silver. see silkes
  • Cochaneill the pound Custome. xx l.
  • Coffers
    • great of Flanders making covered with gilt lether and barred with yron, the peece Custome. xx l.
    • great of Flanders making painted and bar­red with yron barres, the peece Custome. x l.
    • covered with black leather of the greatest sort of English making, the peece Custome. viii l.
    • covered with black lether of the smaller sort of English making, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • called balhuves, the peece Custome. xii l.
    • of French or Flanders making covered with black leather and barred with yron, the peece Custome. vi l.
  • Cokes for barrels of wood, the groce Custome. xxx s.
  • Comashes out of Turkie, the peece Custome. xxx l.
  • Commyn seed the hundreth weght cont. sex score pound Custome. xx l.
  • Compasses
    • of yron for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
    • of brasse, the dozen Custome. iii l.
    • for ships, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Collers for dogs, the dozen Custome. xx s.
  • Copper wroght in made wark, the pound weght thereof Custome. x s.
  • [Page]Copper in plaits vnwroght, round or square, the hun­dreth weght conteining sex score pound Custome. xl l.
  • Copper brotches, the groce Custome. iiii l.
  • Copperas
    • greene, the hundereth weght thereof cont. sex score pound Custome. vi l.
    • white, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
  • Corbels of oake, the peece thereof Custome. xl s.
  • Cordage, the stane weght thereof Custome. xx s.
  • Coriander seed the hundreth weght thereof conteining sex score pound Custome. xii l.
  • Cork
    • the hundreth weght conteining sex score pound Custome. x l.
    • for cordwyners, the dozen of peeces Custome. xl s.
  • Cork takets
    • of yron, the thousand Custome. xl s.
    • of steele, the thousand Custome. x l.
  • Corall white or red, the pound Custome. xl l.
  • Corslets compleit, the peece Custome. x l.
  • Counters of latin the pound weght thereof Custome. xx s.
  • Crosbow
    • lathes the pound thereof Custome. viii s.
    • threed, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
    • racks, the peece thereof Custome. iii l.
  • Craip
    • of silke or broad craip, the dozen elnes Custome. xxx l.
    • skum craip, the dozen elnes Custome. xii l.
    • narrow craip, the elne Custome. xx s.
    • curll craip, the single peece cont. 10 elnes Custome. xv l.
  • Cruell or Mocado ends the dozen pound weght therof Custome. xx l.
  • Curten rings, the pound thereof Custome. viii s.
  • Cushens
    • clothes course, the dozen Custome. xv l.
    • of tapestrie, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of needle wark, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Cuttle-bone for gould-smiths, the thousand Custome. x l.


  • Daggers
    • blades, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • for children, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • black with velvet sheathes the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • gilt with velvet sheathes, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Damask. see linning cloth.
  • Dates. see grocerie.
  • Deskes or letterns
    • of wood painted, the peece Custome. xxx s.
    • for wemen to work on covered with cairsais the peece Custome. xxx s.
    • for wemen to work on covered with velvet the peece Custome. vi l.
  • Diacles
    • of wood, the dozen Custome. xl s.
    • of bone, the dozen Custome. viii l.
  • Dornix
    • with caddes or wooll, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xv l.
    • with threed, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. x. l.
    • with silke, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xx l.
    • of french making, the elne Custome. xii s.
  • Doubles called
    • harnes plates or yron doubles, the plate Custome. xxiiii s.
    • harnes plates, the bundle conteining ten plates Custome. xii l.
  • Dudgeon the hundreth peces conteining sex score Custome. vii l. iiii s.
  • Durances, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xx l.


  • Druggs called
    • A Casia, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Acorus, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Adiantum, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Agaricus or agarick, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Agnus castus, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Alcanet, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • [Page]Aloes cicotrina, the pound Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • Aloes epatica, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Allum roch the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
    • Allum plume, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Amber greece black or gray, the ounce Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Ameos seed, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Amomi semen, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Anacardium, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Angelica the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Antimoniū crudum the C weght cont. vj xx poūd Custome. xii l.
    • Argentum sublime, the pound Custome. xxxvi s.
    • Aristolochia longa & rotunda, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Arsnik or Rosalger, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Asarum, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Aspalathus, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Assa-foetida, the pound Custome. xii s.


  • Druggs called
    • BAlaustium, the pound Custome. xxviii s.
    • Balsamum artificiale, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Balsamum naturale, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Bayberries the C. weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
    • Barlie hurld or French Barlie the C. weght Custome. viii l.
    • Bdellium the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Ben album & rubrum, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Beniamin, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Bezar stone of east India, the ounce troy Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Bezar stone of west India, the ounce troy Custome. iiii l.
    • Black lead the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
    • Blatta bizantiae the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Bolus communis or Armoniak the C weght Custome. xii l.
    • Bolus verus, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Borax in past the pound Custome. xl s.
    • Borax refined, the pound Custome. viii l.


  • Druggs called
    • Callamus, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Camphire refined, the pound Custome. vii l. iiii s.
    • Camphire vnrefined, the pound Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • Cantarides, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Carraway seeds, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
    • Cardomomes, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Carpo balsami, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Carrabe, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Carthamus seeds, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Cassia fistula, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Cassia lignea, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Castorium, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Cerussa, the hundreth weght Custome. xix l. iiii s.
    • China rootes. the pound Custome. xl s.
    • Ciceres, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Ciperus nutes, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Civet, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
    • Coculus Indiae, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Coloquintida, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Corall reed and white, the pound Custome. xl. l.
    • Coriander seed, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
    • Cortex-gnaci, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
    • Cortex caperum, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Cortex tamarisci, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Cortex mandragorae, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Costus, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Cubebs, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Cummin seed, the hundreth weght Custome. xx p.
    • Cuscuta, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Ciclamen, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Cytrago, the pound Custome. iiii s.


  • Druggs called
    • DAucus, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Diagredium, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Diptamus, the pound Custome. x s.
    • Dornicum, the pound Custome. vi s.


  • Druggs called
    • ELeborus albus and niger, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Epithimum, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Aes Ustum, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Euphorbium, the pound Custome. viii s.


  • Druggs called
    • FEnell seed, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Fenugreek, the hundreth weght Custome. ix l.
    • Flory, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Folium Indiae, the pound Custome. xl s.


  • Druggs called
    • GAlbanum, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Galanga, the pound Custome. xviii s.
    • Generall, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Gentiana, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Ginny pepper, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Grana pinae, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Greene ginger, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Gum animi, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Gum armoniak, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Gum caramiae, the pound Custome. xxviii.
    • Gum tragagant, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Gum elemni, the pound Custome. x s.
    • [Page]Gum hederae, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Gum lack, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Gum opopanax, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Gum sarcocoll, the pound Custome. xv s.
    • Gum Serapinum the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Gum taccamahaccae, the pound Custome. xl s.


  • Druggs called
    • HErmodactilus, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Hypocistis, the pound Custome. xii s.


  • Druggs called
    • INcense the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
    • Ireos the hundreth weght Custome. xxxii l.
    • Isonglasse, the hundreth weght Custome. xx l.
    • Jujubes, the pound Custome. viii s.


  • Druggs called
    • LAbdanum or lapadanum, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Lapis calaminaris, the hundreth weght Custome. viii l.
    • Lapis hematitis, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Lapis Judaicus, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Lapis lazuli, the pound Custome. xl s.
    • Lapis touciae, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Lignum aloes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Lignum Rhodium the hundreth weght Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • Lignum vitae, the hundreth weght Custome. vi l.
    • Litharge of gould, the hundreth weght Custome. vi l.
    • Litharge of silver, the hundreth weght Custome. xlviii s.
    • Lupines, the hundreth weght Custome. xlviii s.


  • Druggs called
    • MAnna, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Marmelad, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • [Page]Mastickwhite, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Mastick reed, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Mechoacan, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Mercurie sublimat, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Methridat venetiae, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Millium solis, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Mirabolanes, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Mirabolanes condited, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Mirtill berries, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Mummia, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Musk, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
    • Musk codes, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
    • Myrrha, the pound Custome. xx s.


  • Druggs called
    • NIgella, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Nitrum, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Nutmegs condited, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Nux cupressi, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Nux Indica, the peece Custome. iiii s.
    • Nux vomica, the pound Custome. vi s.


  • Druggs called
    • OLibanum, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Opium, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Origanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Ossa de corde cerui, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Oyle the bay, the hundreth weght Custome. xix l.
    • Oyle of mace, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Oyle de ben, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Oyle de mace, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Oyle of almonds, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • [Page]Oyle of Scorpions, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Oleum petroleum, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Oleum terebinthiniae, the pound Custome. vi s.


  • Druggs called
    • PEarle seed, the ounce Custome. xxx s.
    • Pellitorie, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Pepper long, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Perrosen, the hundreth waight Custome. viii l.
    • Pionie seed, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Pistacias, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Pix Burgundiae, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
    • Polium Montanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Polipodium, the pound Custome. iii s.
    • Pippie seed, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Precepitat, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Psyllium, the pound Custome. iiii s.


  • Druggs called
    • REed-lead the hundreth weght Custome. viii l.
    • Rhabarbarum or Rubarb, the pound Custome. xviii l.
    • Rhaponticum, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Rosalger, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Roset, the pound Custome. vi s.


  • Druggs called
    • SAl alkali, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Sal Armoniacum, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Sal Gem, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Sal Niter, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Sandaracha, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Sandiver, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
    • [Page]Sanguis draconis, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Sarsaparilla, the pound Custome. xxxii s.
    • Sassafras roots, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Sassafras wood, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Saunders white, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Saunders yellow, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Saunders reed, aliâs, stock, the G. waight Custome. xlviii l.
    • Scammonie, the pound Custome. xvi l.
    • Scincus Marinus, the peece Custome. iiii s.
    • Scordium, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Sebesteus, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Seeds for gardens of all sorts, the pound Custome. iiii s.
    • Seler montanus, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Semen cucumeris, cucurb, citrul, melō, the pund Custome. iiii s
    • Sena, the pound Custome. xxvii s.
    • Soldonella, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Sperma caeti fine, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Sperma caeti course oyle, the C. waight Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Spica celtica, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Spica Romana, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Spicknard, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Spodium, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Spunges, the pound Custome. xxx s.
    • Squilla the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
    • Squinanthum, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Staechados, the pound Custome. x s.
    • Staues-aker, the hundreth waight Custome. xxi l. xii s.
    • Stibium, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Storax callida, the pound Custome. xl s.
    • Storax liquida, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Succus liquiritiae, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Sulphur vivum, the pound Custome. viii s.


  • Druggs called
    • TAmarindes, the pound Custome. x s.
    • Terra lemnia, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Terra Sigillata, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Thlaspij semen, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Tornsal, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Treacle common, the C. waight Custome. xii l.
    • Treacle of Venice, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Turbith, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Turbith Thapsiae, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Turmerick, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Turpentine of Venice, the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Turpentine common, the C. waight Custome. vi l.


  • Druggs called
    • VErdigreece, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Vernish the C. waight Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Vermilion, the pound Custome. xxviii s.
    • Vitriolum Romanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
    • Umber, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
    • White leade the C. waight Custome. ix l.
    • Zeodaria, the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Dressars
    • of Walnute tree and Aik French making the peece Custome. xxx l.
    • of English making, the peece Custome. xii l.


  • EBonie wood the hundreth waight conteining sex score pound Custome. xii l.
  • [Page]Eitches for Cowpers, the dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
  • Elephants teeth, the hundreth waight Custome. lx l.
  • Elsone hefts, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xv l.
  • Elsone blaides, the thousand Custome. x l.
  • Emery stones for Cutlers, the hundreth waight Custome. l s.


  • FAns for gentle-wemen, the pound waight of Ostritch feathers Custome. viii l.
  • Fans of counterfute Ostritch feathers, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Feathers
    • for beds the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xxx l.
    • called Ostretch feathers the pound waight Custome. viii l.
  • Feather beds new, the peece filled Custome. xl l.
  • Feather bed tyks the peece Custome. xv l.
  • Figgs, see grocerie ware.
  • Fyles, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Fire shooles, the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Fire schoole plaits, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
  • Fishes called
    • Eeles called
      • Lamper Elees the peece Custome. xii s.
      • Pimper Eeles the barrell Custome. xii l.
      • Schaft-kine or Dole Eeles the barrel Custome. xviii l.
      • Spruce Eeles, the barrell Custome. xxiiii l.
      • Stub Eeles, the barrell Custome. xxviii l.
    • Gull fishe the barrell Custome. iiii l.
    • Haddocks, the barrel Custome. iiii l.
    • Hearings
      • white the barrel Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
      • reed the thousand Custome. x l.
      • reed the Cade conteining v c. Custome. v l.
    • [Page]Killing
      • the barrell Custome. viii l.
      • the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xxviii l.
    • Ling the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xl l.
    • Newland fishe
      • small the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. vi l.
      • midle sort the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. xii l.
      • great the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
    • Salmon
      • the barrell Custome. xx l.
      • Grilses, the barrell Custome. ix l.
    • Seale fishe, the fishe Custome. viii l.
    • Stock fishe
      • Titling the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. iiii l.
      • Cropling the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. viii l.
      • Lubfishe, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xvi l.
    • Whitings, the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Flagons
    • of earth covered with wicker, the dozen Custome. xl s.
    • of glasse covered with wicker, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of glas with vices covered with lether the doz. Custome. xviii l.
    • of glas vncovered, the dozen Custome. iii l.
    • of tin, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
  • Flannell, the elne Custome. viii s.
  • Flaskes
    • covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • covered with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
    • of horne, the dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Flocks the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
  • Frank-incense the C. waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvi l.
  • Furres called
    • Armins, the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. xii l.
    • Badger skins, the peece Custome. xii s.
    • Beare skins
      • black or reed, the peece Custome. ix l. xii s.
      • white, the peece Custome. xviii l.
    • Beaver
      • skins, the peece Custome. vi l.
      • bellies or wombes, the peece Custome. xvi s.
    • [Page]Budg
      • white tawed the C. cont. vjxx Custome. xiii. l. viii s.
      • black tawed, the dozen skins Custome. viii l.
      • blak vntawed the C. cont. vjxx Custome. xxxvi l.
      • Powles the fur conteining foure panes Custome. x l.
      • Navern the C. legs cont. vjxx. Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
      • Romney, the C. legs cont. vjxx Custome. iii l. xii s.
    • Calaber
      • vntawed, the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iii l.
      • tawed, the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
      • seasond, the pane Custome. x l.
      • stage, the pane Custome. vi l.
    • Cattes
      • skins the C. cont, vj xx. Custome. xix l. vi s. viii d.
      • Powlts, the C. cont. vjxx. Custome. ix l. xii s.
      • Powlts, the mantle Custome. iii l.
      • wombes the pane or mantle Custome. iii l.
    • Dockers, the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
    • Fitches
      • the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
      • the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
    • Foxes
      • the skin Custome. viii s.
      • the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
      • wōbs, powles or peeces, the pane Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • Foynes
      • backs, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
      • tailes the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
      • Powts the C. conteining vj xx. Custome. xii l.
      • wombs seasoned the pane or mantle Custome. x l.
      • wombs stag the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
    • Grayes
      • vntawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
      • tawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. vi l.
    • Jennets
      • black, raw the skin Custome. vi l.
      • black seasoned, the skin Custome. viii l.
      • gray raw, the skin Custome. xxx s.
      • gray seasoned, the skin Custome. xl s.
    • [Page]Lamb skins
      • white or black vntawed, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. xii l.
      • white or black tawed with the wool the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
      • called Morkins vntawed, the hun­dreth conteining vj xx. Custome. vi l.
      • called Morkins tawed with the wool the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. x l.
    • Letwis
      • tawed, the timber cont. 40. skins Custome. iiii l.
      • vntawed, the timber conteining 40. skins Custome. iii l.
    • Leopards
      • skins the peece Custome. xii l.
      • wombes the pane Custome. xlviii l.
    • Lewzernes skins the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Mertriks
      • the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. lxxx l.
      • the pane or mantle Custome. lxxii l.
      • Powtes the pane or mantle Custome. iiii l.
      • gylls the timber Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
      • tailes the hundreth con­teining vj xx. Custome. xix l. vi s. viii d.
    • Myniver the mantle Custome. iiii l.
    • Mynkes
      • vntawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. xxiiii l.
      • tawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. xxxii l.
    • Moule skins the dozen Custome. vi s.
    • Otter skins the peece Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Ounce skins, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • Sables of all sorts the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. ij c. xl l.
    • Weazell skins, the dozen Custome. iiii s.
    • Wolfskins
      • tawed the peece Custome. xii l.
      • vntawed, the peece Custome. xi l.
  • [Page]Wolverings, the peece Custome. vi l.
  • Fusti­ans called
    • Amsterdam, Holland or Dutch fustians, the peece con­teining two half peces of 15 elns the half pece Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Baremillians, Cullen, Milan and Weazel fu­stians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Holmes and Bevernex fustians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. x l. xvi s.
    • Janes fustians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. ix l.
    • Naples fustians Tripe or Velure plane, the half peece cont. 7 elns and an half Custome. xii l.
    • Naples fustians Tripe or Velure plane, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Naples fustians wroght, called Sparta vel­vet the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
    • English fustians, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Ousbrow or Augusta fustians, the peece con­teining two halfe peeces Custome. xii l.
    • Weazell fustians, the peece conteining two half peeces Custome. xxiiii l.


  • GAdza of all sorts without gould or silver the elne Custome. xvi s.
  • Gadza stript with gould and silver, the elne Custome. xxx s.
  • Gally
    • potts, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xiiii l. viii s.
    • Tiles for foot-paces, the foote Custome. iiii s.
  • Galles the hundreth waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
  • Garlick the hundreth bunshes Custome. xx l.
  • Garrons
    • single, the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. xx l.
    • double, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
  • [Page]Garters
    • of silke French making, the dozen pair Custome. xii l.
    • of silke English making of broad sort the dozen pair Custome. xl l.
    • of silke English making the middle sort the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of silke English making the narrow sort the dozen pair Custome. xii l.
    • of silke embroudered at the ends and with freinyes, the pair Custome. vi l.
  • Gauntlets, the dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Gimlets for Vintners, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
  • Girdstings the hundreth conteining sex score Custome. xl s,
  • Girds of yron for Puncheons or Pypes, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. viii l.
  • Gitterns for Musick, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Glasses for Windoes of
    • Burgundie white the kest Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Burgundie colored, the kist Custome. xxx l.
    • Normandie white, the case Custome. xii l.
    • Normandie colored, the case Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Renish the web conteining LX. bunshes Custome. xxx l.
    • Danskene, the kist Custome. xii l.
    • England, the kist Custome. xxiiii l.
    • the cradle of glasse Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Glasses called burning glasses, the dozen Custome. xii s.
  • Glasses cal­led looking glasses
    • half-pennie ware, the groce cont. 12 doz. Custome. xlviii s.
    • pennie ware, the groce Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • of steele small, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of steele large, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • of Cristall small, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of Cristall middle sort, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of Cristall large, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
  • [Page]Glasses cal­led houre glasses
    • of Flanders making course the groce con­teining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of Flanders making fine, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of Venice making, the dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Glasses called
    • Balme glasses▪ the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xl s.
    • Vials or Urinals, the C. conteining vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
    • water glasses, the dozen Custome. xviii s.
    • Vantoses, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
  • Glasses cal­led dinking glasses
    • Venice glasses, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • for drinking of wyne the dozen of com­mon sort Custome. xl s.
    • Cowp glasses for drinking of wyne the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Glew, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
  • Globs
    • the pair small Custome. xviii l.
    • the pair large Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Gloues
    • of Bridges or French making, the groce con­teining 12 dozen pair Custome. xv l.
    • of Canarie, English, Millane or Venice making vnwroght, the dozen pair Custome. iiii l. xvi s
    • of Canarie, French, English, Millaine or Venice making, vnwroght with gould or silver the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of Spanish making plane the dozen pair Custome. xlviii s.
    • of Vandon, the dozen pair Custome. iii l.
    • of silke knit, the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of shambo lether the dozen pair Custome. iiii l.
    • of stags lether, the dozen pair Custome. xxx l.
  • Gold & silver threed counterfute called
    • Bridges gold and silver the pound conteining 16 ounces Custome. iiii l.
  • [Page]Gould and silver threed counterfute called
    • Cap gould and silver, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Copper, gould and silver vpon pens and rowls, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Cullane gould and silver, the mast con­teining 30 ounces Custome. viii l.
    • French copper gould and silver, the mark waight cont. 8. ounces Custome. xl s.
    • Lyons copper, gold and silver, the mark weght double gilt, cont. 8 ounces Custome. viii l.
  • Gould and silver threed vpright called
    • Venice, Florence or Millaine gold and silver the pound cont. 16 ounces Custome. xlviii l.
    • French or Pareis gould and silver, the mark waight cont. 8 ounces Custome. xx l.
  • Gould foile, the groce Custome. xl s.
  • Gould papers, the groce Custome. iiii l.
  • Graines French or Ginie the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Graine
    • powder the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • of Civell in Berries and graine of Portugall or Rotta, the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Grindstones for Cutlers, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. lx l.
  • Croce­rie ware called
    • Abricoes dry, the pound waight Custome. viii l.
    • Almonds rough the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. lx l.
    • Annetseeds the C. waight Custome. lx l.
    • Cannell the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Clowes, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Fusses of Clowes, the pound Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
    • Dates the C. waight Custome. j c. l.
    • Figgs the topnet cont. 30 pound waight Custome. iii l.
    • Figs the peece conteining 60 pound waight Custome. vi l.
    • Ginger the pound Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
    • Hams
      • of Boyen the peece Custome. iii l.
      • Dutch hams, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • [Page]Honny
      • the barrell Custome. xviii l.
      • the tunn Custome. j c. l.
    • Licorus the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
    • Mases the pound Custome. v l.
    • Nut-megs, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Oyle caled
      • Civil province Portugal, Minorca or Majorca oyle, the tunn Custome. ij c. xl. l.
      • sellet oyle, the gallon Custome. iiii l.
      • Linseed the barrell Custome. xxx l.
      • trayne oyle, the tun Custome. lxxii l.
    • Olives
      • the jar Custome. xl s.
      • the hogishead Custome. lx l.
    • Oranges, the hundreth Custome. xx s.
    • Pepper the pound Custome. xx s.
    • Ploume dames
      • of Deep the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
      • of Burdeaux, the hundreth waight Custome. vii l.
      • of Brunolia the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Pomgranets, the hundreth Custome. v l.
    • Raisins
      • called great Raisins the peece Custome. xii l.
      • great raisins, the C. waight Custome. xv l.
      • of the sunne, the C. waight Custome. xx l.
      • of Corinth, the hundreth waight Custome. xx l.
    • Ryce, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
    • Saiffron the pound Custome. xxv l.
    • Sidrons, the hundreth Custome. xl s.
    • Suggar called
      • white and hard, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
      • Candie broun, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
      • Candie white, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
      • Casnet suggar, the C. waight Custome. j c. l.
      • Candeit, Cannel, Sidron, Clow, Nut-meg and Orange, and pound Custome. viii l.
    • [Page]Carraway confeit, the pound Custome. xl s.
    • Cannell Romane, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Coriander liskie, the pound Custome. liii s. iiii d.
    • Cannell, Clow, Ginger, Oringer and Sidron confeit, the pound Custome. xxxii s.
    • Corsdecitron candeit, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Amber grece musk confeit, the pound Custome. x l.
    • Dragemuskies, the pound Custome. liii s. iiii d.
    • Violet and Rose confeit, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
    • Rosmarie confeit, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
    • White and reed Musk tablets the pound Custome. x l.
    • Maspynes, the pound Custome. vii l.
    • Scrotchets, confeits and almonds the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Dry Orenges, Lemonds and Bar­basset candeit, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Plumdescheny, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Peshe Geneva, the pound candeit Custome. viii l.
    • Venice dry peshes, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Garbelows, the pound Custome. iiii l.
  • Wet confe­ctions
    • preserved Barbaries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • preserved Chirries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • conserved Barbaries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • preserved Lettus, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • past of Jeane, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Pomdecoynes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • preserved Abricoes, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Venice Peares, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • preserved greene Figgs, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Peare de Plum, the pound Custome. v l.
    • preserved Plumes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • [Page]floure de Orange, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Lemons and Orenges, the pound Custome. v l.
    • Ploum de Chinney, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Damassens, the pound Custome. iiii l.
    • Marmalad, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • preserved Maces and Nut-megs, the pound Custome. x l.
  • Grograins called
    • Lylles grograins and Mocadoes, the narrow single peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Lylles grograins and Mocadoes, the broad single peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
    • of English making narrow, the single peece of 15 elns Custome. viii l.
    • of English making broad, the single peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xii l.
    • Reissels grograins the peece of 15 elns Custome. xxx l.
    • Turkie grograins, the peece contei­ning 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Flanders grograins narrow of all sorts and colours, the single peece con­teining 15 elns Custome. x l.
  • Gum Arabick the hundreth waight contuining vj xx. pound Custome. xviii l.
  • Gunnes called
    • Hagbuts, the peece Custome. iii l.
    • Muskets, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • Pistolls, the pair Custome. vi l.
  • Gun pow­der called
    • Serpenten the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
    • Cornpowder the C waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xl. l.


  • HAdder for spounges the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
  • Hair called
    • Cammels hair, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
    • Elkes hair for Saidlers, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
  • Halks called
    • Falcons, the halk Custome. xx l.
    • Goshalks, the halk Custome. xv l.
    • Jerfalcons, the halk Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Laneres, the halk Custome. xx l.
    • Lanarets, the halk Custome. x l.
    • Spar halks, the halk Custome. iiii l.
    • Merlions, the halk Custome. iii l.
    • Tassellis of all sorts, the halk Custome. x l.
  • Halk-hoods, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
  • Halberts
    • gilt, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • vngilt, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Hammers
    • with wooden hands great, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • with wooden hands small, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • called hors-mens hammers, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Hards, the stane waight Custome. xvi s. viii d.
  • Harnes called
    • Corslets compleit, the peece Custome. x l.
    • Curaces, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • Morrians or head-peeces graven, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • Gould or silver, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • Morrians plane, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Harp-strings, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xvi s.
  • [Page]Hattes
    • of Bever, wooll or hair, the hat Custome. xxiiii l.
    • French felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
    • French felts lyned with tafferie the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Flanders felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
    • Flanders felts lyned with taffetie, the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
    • English felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. lx l.
    • English felts lyned with taffetie, the dozen Custome. xl l.
    • felts vnlyned, the dozen Custome. xx l.
    • for children, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of straw, the dozen Custome. xx l.
    • of silk steiked, the dozen Custome. lx l.
    • thrumb hats, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
  • Hatbands
    • of craip vnthraween, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • of craip thrawen, the dozen Custome. ix l.
    • of satine round & wroght with lace, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • embroudered and wroght with silk and lace, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • embroudered with gold or silver, the dozen Custome. xl l.
    • embroudered with Pearle, the dozen Custome. lx l.
  • Hemp called
    • Spruce or Muscovia, and all other rough hemp, the hundreth waight contei­ning vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
    • Cullane, Picardie, Roan, and all other sorts of drest hemp, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
  • Hydes called
    • Busfill hydes, the hyde Custome. xii l.
    • Kow hydes of Barbarie or Muscovia, the hyde Custome. xxx s.
    • India hydes, the hyde Custome. v l.
    • Oxe or Kow hyds of England, the hyde Custome. vi l.
    • dry hydes of Ireland, the hyde Custome. vi l.
    • Reed hydes or Muscovia hydes, tanned, cullored
    • [Page]or vncullored, the hyde Custome. vi l.
    • Hart hydes, the peece Custome. iiii l.
  • Hilts for swords or daggers, the dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Hose
    • of wollen, the pair Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of Cruell, called Mantua hose, the pair Custome. xlviii s.
    • of worset English making, the pair Custome. iii l.
    • of silke. see silke.
  • Hookes, the dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Hoopes, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xv l.
  • Hornes called
    • blawing hornes great, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • blawing hornes, small, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • shoone hornes, the dozen Custome. vi s.
    • Oxe hornes, the thousand Custome. xxx l.
    • for lanterns, the thousand leaues Custome. xii l.
  • Horses or Meares, the peece Custome. jc. xx l.
  • Husses skins for Fletchers, the skin Custome. vi s.


  • IAveling heades, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Jeasts
    • of aik, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • of fir, the peece Custome. xxx s.
  • Ieat, the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Iewes trumpes, the groce conteining xii dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Indicoe of Turkie and of the west Indies, or ritch Indicoe, the pound Custome. iiii l.
  • Ink for Printers, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
  • Inkhornes and penners, the dozen Custome. xl s.
  • [Page]Instruments for Barbers and Chirur­gians
    • Bullet scrues, the dozen Custome. xii s.
    • Incision sheares, the dozen Custome. xii s.
    • Turcasses, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • Trepans, the peece Custome. xxx s.
  • Iron called
    • Spanish, Spruce & Swadens iron the stane therof Custome. xx s.
    • the ship pound Custome. xvii l.
    • the tun of iron Custome. jc.l. l.
    • Osmonds, the stane Custome. xx s.
  • Iron
    • backs for chimneys small, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • backs for chimneys large, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • bands for kettels, the C. waight Custome. viii l.
    • girds for pypes or puncheons the C. waight Custome. viii l.
    • Landiers or creepers, the pair Custome. iiii l.
    • Potts, the dozen Custome. xv l.
    • Stoves, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
    • All other made worke of iron, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
  • Ivorie, the pound Custome. iii l.


  • KEames called
    • of bone, the pound waight Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of box-tree, the groce cont. xii dozen Custome. vi l.
    • light wood keames, the groce Custome. iiii l.
    • of horne for Barbers, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of Ivorie, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Horse keames, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • cases with woden keams garnished the doz Custome. vi l.
    • with small Ivorie keames garnished, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • [Page]cases with middle sort Ivorie keames garnished, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • cases with large Ivorie keames garni­shed, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • cases with keames double, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • cases with keames single, the groce Custome. ix l.
  • Kelles
    • of linnin for wemen, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
    • of silk, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • of gould or silver, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Kettels the C. waight containing vj xx. pound Custome. lx l.
  • Key knops, the groce conteining xii dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Kids, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Kists
    • of iron small or middle sort, the peece Custome. xxx l.
    • of iron large, the peece Custome. xl l.
    • of Ciprus wood, the peece Custome. xvi l.
    • of Spruce or Danskene, the kist Custome. liii s. iiii d.
    • painted, the peece Custome. xxx s.
  • Knappald, see boards.
  • Knyues called
    • Almane, Bohemia, and other course knyues, the dicker conteining ten knyues Custome. xviii s.
    • Fletchers knyues, the dicker contei­ning ten knyues Custome. xx s.
    • Carving knyues, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • Cullane knyues, the groce conteining xii dozen pair Custome. xl l.
    • French knyues, the groce Custome. xviii l.
    • Glovers knyues, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • Penknyues, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • Stock knyues vngilt, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
    • Stock knyues gilt, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
  • [Page]Knittings, the pound waight Custome. xx s.
  • Kyne, the peece Custome. x l.


  • LAdilles of latten or iron, the C. waight contei­ning vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
  • Lambes, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Lamblack or blacking, the hundreth waight Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Landiers
    • of latten, the pound waight Custome. viii s.
    • of iron, the pair Custome. iiii l.
  • Lanterns
    • of common sort, the dozen Custome. xxxvi s.
    • of English making fine, the dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Latten
    • shaven, the hundreth waight Custome. xlviii l.
    • black, the C. waight Custome. xxxii l.
  • Lead
    • black, the C. waight Custome. xii l.
    • reed, the C. waight Custome. viii l.
    • white, the C. waight Custome. ix l.
  • Lether called
    • Bazell lether, the dozen Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
    • barked lether, the dozen hydes Custome. lxxii l.
    • Muscovia lether or reed hydes barked, the hyde Custome. vi l.
    • Perfumed lether, the skin Custome. xx l.
    • Spanish lether, the dozen skins Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Spruce or Danskene lether, the dozen skins Custome. xvi l.
  • Lyme for Litsters, the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Linget seed, the peck Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
  • Lint
    • of Spruce, Muscouia, and all other vnwroght lint, the C. waight Custome. x l.
    • drest or wroght, the C. waight Custome. xxx l.
  • [Page]Linnin in peeces litted
    • Botanos, litted blew, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • Imperlings blew, the peece Custome. xv s.
    • Linnes blew or reed, the peece Custome. xv s.
  • Linnin Cloth or
    • Can­ves called
      • French canves and linnin broad for board-cloths, being an eln an halfe broad, the C. elns Custome. jc. xx. l.
      • French Canves and Line narow, broun or white the C. elns Custome. xl l.
      • Dutch and Barras Canves, the C elns conteining vj xx. Custome. xxx l.
      • Packing canves and Spruce canves the hundreth elns Custome. xviii l.
      • Poldavies, the bolt cont. xxviii elns Custome. xii l.
      • Spruce, Elbing or Queens-brow can­ves, the bolt conteining xxviii elns Custome. viii l.
      • Stript or tufted canves with threed the peece cont. xv elns Custome. x l.
      • Stript, tufted or quilted canves with silk, the peece cont. xv elns Custome. xii. l. x. s.
      • Stript canves with copper, the peece cont. xv elns Custome. xv l.
      • Vandalose or Vitterie canves, the C. elns cont. vj xx. Custome. lx l.
      • Working canves for cushens narow the C. elns Custome. xxx l.
      • Working canves broad, the C. elns cont. vj xx Custome. l l.
      • Working canves of the broadest sort the C. elns cont. vj xx Custome. lx l.
  • Callicoes
    • course, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • fine, the peece Custome. ix l.
  • [Page]Linnin cloth called
    • Cam­brick
      • the half peece cont. sex elns and a half Custome. xv l.
      • the peece conteining xiii elns Custome. xxx l.
    • Lawnes
      • the half peece cont. sex elns & a half Custome. xii l.
      • the peece cont. xiii elns Custome. xxiiii l.
      • called Callico lawnes, the peece Custome. viii l.
      • Sletia lawne, the peece betwix foure and eight elns Custome. viii l.
    • Damask
      • Board-clothing of Holland making the eln Custome. vi l.
      • Towelling and serveting of Holland making, the eln Custome. xl s.
      • Towelling and serveting of Sletia making, the eln Custome. xvi s.
    • Dor­nick
      • Board-clothing of Hollād making the eln Custome. iiii. l.
      • Towelling and serveting of Hol­land making, the eln Custome. xxvi s. viii d
      • Board-clothing of Sletia making, the eln Custome. xxxvi s.
      • Towelling and serveting Sletia makin, the eln Custome. xii s.
    • Brabant cloth the eln Custome. xl s.
    • Embden cloth the eln Custome. xl s.
    • Gentish cloth. the eln Custome. xl s.
    • Flemish cloth. the eln Custome. xl s.
    • Freaze cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • Holland cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • Broun holland And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • Isingam cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • Overisels cloth And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • Rowse cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
    • [Page]Cowsfields cloth or plats, the eln Custome. xvi s.
    • British cloth, the hundreth elns conteining sex score Custome. lx l.
    • Drilling and Pack-duck, the hundreth elns conteining vj xx. Custome. xx l.
    • Elbing or Danskene cloth in double ploy, the eln Custome. xii s.
    • Hambrow and Sletia cloth broad, the C. elns white or broun Custome. lx l.
    • Hambrow cloth narow, the C. elns Custome. l. l.
    • Hinderlands, Middle-good and Head-lack the hundreth elns Custome. xx l.
    • Irish cloth, the C. elns Custome. xx l.
    • Lockram called
      • Treager, the peece conteining j c. elns. Custome. xxx l.
      • Grest cloth, the peece contei­ning j c. elns Custome. xl. l.
      • Dowlas, the peece conteining j c. elns Custome. xl l.
    • Minsters, the roule conteining fiftene hun­dreth elns at vj xx to the hundreth Custome. v c. l.
    • Ozenbrigs, the roule conteining fiftene C. elns Custome. vi c, l.
    • Soultwitch, the C. elns Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Polonia, Vlsters, Hanovers, Lubek, narow Sletia, narow west-Phalia, narow Har­fords, plain serviting, and all other na­row cloth of heigh Datchland, not otherwise rated, the C. elns. Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Lit called Orchard lit, the barrell Custome. xx l.
  • Lockets or chapes for daggers, the groce conteining twelue dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • [Page]Locks called
    • budget or hanging locks small, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. ix l.
    • hanging locks large, the groce Custome. xviii l.
  • Lures for Halkes, the peece Custome. viii s.
  • Lutes
    • of Cullon making with cases, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • of Venice making with cases, the peece Custome. xii l.
  • Lut-strings called
    • Catlings, the groce conteining 12 dozen knots Custome. xvi s.
    • Minikins, the groce cont. 12 dozen knots Custome. viii l.
  • Litmus for Litsters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
  • Lynes called fishing lynes, the peece Custome. viii s.


  • MAces, see grocerie ware.
  • Madder called
    • croppe Madder, and all other bale Madder the hundreth waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
    • Fat Madder, the hundreth waight contei­ning vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
  • Malt, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Mallies, the pound waight Custome. vi s.
  • Masts
    • for ships, small the Mast Custome. xl s.
    • for ships middle, the Mast Custome. vi l.
    • for ships great, the Mast Custome. xii l.
    • for boats, the Mast Custome. iiii l.
  • Match for gunnes, the pound waight Custome. ii s.
  • Meall, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • [Page]Meall, the last conteining twelue barrels Custome. xl. l.
  • Meden or stiffing the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
  • Mellasses or Rameales, the tun Custome. j c. xx. l.
  • Milstones, see stones.
  • Missellanes, the peece conteining 30 elns Custome. lx l.
  • Michridat, the pound Custome. vi l.
  • Mocado ends, or Cruell yarne, the dozen pound Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Morters and Pestels of brasse, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Musk, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
  • Musk-cods, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
  • Mustard
    • seed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. iii l.
    • of Burdeaux, the barrell Custome. xx s.
  • Mutches called
    • night mutches of linning plane, the dozen Custome. l s.
    • night mutches embroudered with silke the peece Custome. iii l.
    • night mutches embroudered with silke and gould, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • night mutches embroudered with gould and silver, the peece Custome. xii l.


  • NAiles called
    • Chaire nailes, the thousand Custome. iii l.
    • Cork-tackets of Iron, the thousand Custome. xl s.
    • Cork-tackets of steele, the thousand Custome. x l.
    • Copper-nailes, Rose-nailes, and Saidlers [Page] nailes, the thousand Custome. xx s.
    • Head nailes, the barrell Custome. xlviii l.
    • Harnes nailes, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
    • small nailes, the halfe barrell Custome. xlviii l.
    • Sprig nailes, the thousand Custome. x s.
    • Tenter hooks, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
  • Needels
    • the thousand Custome. xx s.
    • called Pac-needels, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
  • Needle cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Nuts called
    • small Nuts, the barrell Custome. iii l.
    • Walnuts, the barrell Custome. iiii l.


  • OCker, the barrell Custome. viii l.
  • Okehame for calking of Ships, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. iii l.
  • Onions
    • the barrell Custome. iii l.
    • the hundreth bunshes Custome. v l.
  • Onion seed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvliii l.
  • Orchall for Painters, the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
  • Oringes, the thousand Custome. x l.
  • Orpement, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound for Painters Custome. xii l.
  • Orsedew, the dozen of pound Custome. viii l.
  • Oxen, the peece Custome. xx l.


  • PAck-threed
    • in skaines, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
    • called bottome threed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
  • Pans
    • called dropping and frying pans, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. viii l.
    • called warming pans, the dozen Custome. xx l.
  • Paper called
    • Broun paper, the bundle Custome. xxiiii s.
    • Cap-paper, the reame Custome. iii l.
    • Demi-paper, the reame Custome. iiii l.
    • Ordinarie printing paper, the reame Custome. xl s.
    • Royall paper the Reame Custome. viii l.
    • Painted paper, the reame Custome. iiii l.
    • Pressing paper, the hundreth leaues Custome. iiii l.
  • Past of Jeane, the pound Custome. iii l.
  • Parchment, the hundreth skins conteining sex score Custome. xx l.
  • Pasments
    • of gould and silver, the pound Custome. lxiiii l.
    • of silke, the pound Custome. xx l.
    • of velvet, the narow sort the bolt Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
    • of middle sort, the bolt Custome. x l.
    • of the broadest sort, the bolt Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
    • of worset, the groce cont. 12 dozen elns Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Pearling cal­led sewing pearling
    • of the narow sort, the elne Custome. xxx s.
    • of the middle sort, the elne Custome. xlv s.
    • of the broad sort, the elne Custome. iii l.
  • Pearles called seed pearles, the ounce troy Custome. xxx s.
  • Peares, the barrell Custome. v l.
  • Pease, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • [Page]Penners, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
  • Pepper, see grocerie ware,
  • Petticots of silke, the peece Custome. xii l.
  • Pewder, the hundreth waight thereof Custome. xlviii l.
  • Picks
    • without heads, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • with heads, the peece Custome. l. s.
  • Pillies
    • of iron, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xxx l.
    • of brasse, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of wood, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. v l.
  • Pile waights, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Pintadoes or Callico cop-boord-cloths, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Pistollets, the pair Custome. vi l.
  • Pitch
    • of small bind, the last conteining 12 barrels Custome. xxxvi l.
    • of great bind, the last Custome. xl l.
  • Plain irons for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Plaister, the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Plate
    • of silver white and vngilt, the ounce Custome. iii l.
    • of silver parcell gilt, the ounce Custome. iii l. x s.
    • of silver gilt, the ounce Custome. iiii l.
  • Plates
    • single, white or black, the hundreth plates Custome. xvi l.
    • double, white or black, the hundreth plates Custome. xxxii l.
    • single, white or blak, the barrel conteining iij c. plaits Custome. xlviii l.
    • double, white or blak, the barel cont. iij c. plaits Custome. xcvi l.
    • called harnes plaits or iron doubles, the plate Custome. xxiiii s.
    • called white iron platers, the dozen Custome. iii l.
  • Points
    • of threed, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. x s.
    • of silke, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • of Capiton, the groce Custome. xx s.
  • Pomgranets, the thousand Custome. l l.
  • [Page]Pots
    • of earth or stone covered, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. viii l.
    • of earth or stone vncovered, the hun­dreth cast, conteining a gallon to e­very cast whether in one pot or in mo Custome. xv l.
    • called Gally-pots, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xii l.
    • melting-pots for Gould-smiths, the hundreth Custome. xii s.
    • of Iron French making, the dozen Custome. xv l.
    • of Brase, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Powder
    • Serpentene, the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
    • Corn-powder, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xl l.
  • Prenis, the dozen of thousands Custome. xii l.
  • Punsons and gravers for gold-smiths, the pound waight Custome. vi s.


  • QVaifes
    • of gould double, the dozen Custome. l. l.
    • of gould single, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of silke, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • of linnin, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
    • of jeat, the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Quick-silver, the pound Custome. xxx s.
  • Quilts
    • of French making, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
    • of Callico, the peece Custome. xii l.
    • of satine or other silke, the peece Custome. xl l.


  • RAcks for Cros-bows, the peece Custome. iii l.
  • Rackets, the peece Custome. viii s.
  • Rattels for children, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Razers for Barbers, the dicker conteining ten Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Reeds or Canes, the thousand Custome. xx l.
  • Ribbens of silk of all sorts, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Ribbens of worset of al sorts, the groce cont, 12 doz. elns Custome. iiii l.
  • Ropes tarred or vntarred, the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xv l.
  • Roset the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvi l.
  • Rings for Courteins, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Ruggs
    • called Irish ruggs, the peece Custome. xviii l.
    • called Polish ruggs, the peece Custome. x l.
  • Rungs, the hundreth Custome. x s.
  • Ry, the booll Custome. iii l. vi viii d.
  • Red-earth for painters, the hundreth waight Custome. xl s.


  • SAck-cloth, the roule or peece, conteining 15 elns Custome. v l.
  • Saddels
    • of steele, the peece Custome. xii l.
    • covered with black lether,, the peece Custome. ix l.
    • covered with Cairsays, the peece Custome. iiii l.
    • covered with velvet, the peece Custome. xxx l.
  • Saffora, to make glasse, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
  • [Page]Saiffron, the pound Custome. xxv l.
  • Saip
    • of the law Countries, the barrell Custome. xx l.
    • of Castile or Venice the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
  • Salmon, the last Custome. ij c. xl. l.
  • Sal-peter, the hundreth waight Custome. xviii l.
  • Salt called
    • white or Spanish salt, the boll Custome. xxx s.
    • Bay or French salt, the boll Custome. xxx s.
  • Sawes called
    • Hand-sawes, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • Tenent-sawes, the dozen Custome. viii l.
    • Whip-sawes, the peece Custome. xxx s.
    • Leg-sawes, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Sayes
    • of Flanders making colored, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xxxvi l.
    • called Hairsays, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. lxxx l.
  • Scisers, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. x. l.
  • Scupes, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Scheares
    • for Walkers, the pair Custome. vi l.
    • for Skinners, the pair Custome. vi s.
    • for Seamsters, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • for Tailers, the dozen Custome. vi l.
    • called wooll sheares, the pair Custome. iiii s.
  • Schooles
    • vngarnished, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • garnished with iron, the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
  • Searges
    • of English making, the single peece Custome. xviii l.
    • called Searge dascot or lyning searge, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xv l.
  • Schumak or blacking, the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx. pound Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Silk called
    • Bridges silk, the pound conteining 16 ounces Custome. xviii l.
    • Feret or Floret silk, the pound Custome. x l.
    • [Page]Filosell or Paries silk, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Granado silk black, the pound Custome. xx l.
    • Granado silk in culours, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Naples silk black, the pound Custome. xx l.
    • Naples silk in colours, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Pole, Spanish satine silk and Organsine silk the pound Custome. xx l.
    • Throwen silk, the pound Custome. xviii l.
    • Raw long silk, the pound Custome. x l.
    • Raw short silk or Capitone, the pound Custome. v l.
    • Raw Morea silk, the pound Custome. vi l.
    • Sleaue silk fine or Naples sleaue, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Sleaue silke course, the pound Custome. viii l.
    • Silk Nubbs or Huskes of silk, the pound Custome. xvi s.
    • Borrats of silk, the elne Custome. iiii l.
  • Silks wroght called
    • Caffa or Damask
      • the elne Custome. vi l.
      • Crimosin or Purple, the eln Custome. viii l.
      • Counterfute half silk half threed the eln Custome. xl s.
    • Calimanco the eln Custome. vi l.
    • Cacalopha, the eln Custome. iiii l.
    • Chamlets
      • of silk, the eln Custome. v l.
      • of silk tinseld with gold or silver the eln Custome. viii l.
    • Cloth
      • of gould and silver plane, the eln Custome. xxx l.
      • of gould and silver wroght, the eln Custome. xl l.
      • of Tissew, the eln Custome. lxx l.
    • Silk-Curles, the eln Custome. iiii l.
    • [Page]Grograins
      • of silke narow, the elne Custome. v l.
      • of silke broad, the elne Custome. vii l.
      • called Tabie Grograins, the eln Custome. iiii l.
    • Silk-say, the elne Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
    • Plush of all colours, the elne Custome. xii l.
    • Sattine
      • Bridges satine, the elne Custome. iii l.
      • Bridges satine tinseld, the elne Custome. viii l.
      • China or Turkie satine, the elne Custome. v l.
      • of Bolonia, Lukes, Jeane, and al o­ther Satine of the lyk making out of grain, figoured or plain the eln Custome. vi l.
      • in graine or right Crimosin, the eln Custome. ix l.
      • tinseld with gold and silver, the elne Custome. xvi l.
    • Silk-stockings or hose of Millane, or Paries short, the pair Custome. xii l.
    • Silk-stockings
      • of Millane or France long, the pair Custome. xv l.
      • of England or Naples short the pair Custome. xv l.
      • of England or Naples long the pair Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Tabins
      • of silke, the elne Custome. v l.
      • tinselled, the elne Custome. x l.
    • Taffeties
      • Levant taffeties, the eln Custome. xxvi s. viii d.
      • Towres taffetie, the elne Custome. vii l.
      • Naples taffetie, the elne Custome. v l.
      • Jeanes taffetie, the elne Custome. vi l.
      • Spanish taffetie, the elne Custome. vii l.
      • Sarcenet of Bolonia or Florence the elne Custome. iii l.
      • [Page]China sarcenet, the elne Custome. xl s.
      • Sarcenet with gould and silver, the elne Custome. viii l.
      • Stript taffetie narow, the elne Custome. v l.
      • narow stript with gould or silver the elne Custome. xii l.
      • tuf-taffetie narow, the elne Custome. vi l.
      • tuf-taffetie broad, the elne Custome. x l.
      • tuf-taffetie stript with silver, the elne Custome. xvi l.
    • Velvets
      • of all colours out of graine, the eln Custome. xii l.
      • right Crimosin or purple in grain the elne Custome. xvi l.
      • figoured of al colours out of grain the elne Custome. xii l.
      • figoured right Crimosin or Pur­ple, the elne Custome. xvi l.
    • Scipers or craip called
      • of silke or broad Sipers, the dozen elns Custome. xxx l.
      • Scumme Sipers, the dozen elns Custome. xii l.
      • narow Sipers, the elne Custome. xx s.
      • Curll Sipers, the single peece conteining ten elnes Custome. xv l.
  • Skins called
    • Dog-fish skins for fletchers, the skin. Custome. .v s.
    • Gold-skins, the skin Custome. vi s.
    • Goat-skins of Barbarie in the hair, or out of the hair vntanned, the dozen Custome. ix l.
    • Goat-skins tanned, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
    • Husse-skins for fletchers, the skin Custome. vi s.
    • Kid-skins in the hair, the hundreth contei­ning vj xx. Custome. xii l.
    • [Page]Kid skins drest, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xvi l.
    • Seale-skins, the skin Custome. xx s.
    • Portugall skins, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Shamway skins, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
    • Spanish, Civile or Cordowan skins the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Spruce skins tawed, the dozen Custome. xvi l
    • Lamb skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Cunning skins, the hundreth Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
    • Sheep skins, called shorlings the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
    • Tod skins, the hundreth Custome. lxxx l.
    • Mertrik skins, the dozen Custome. xl l.
    • Otter skins, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • Selch skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xl s.
    • Fowmert skins, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
    • Goat skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Hart and Hynd skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xl l.
    • Dae and Rae skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xx l.
    • English wooll skins, the hundreth Custome. lx l.
  • Slip, the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Smalts or blew-stiffing, the pound Custome. x s.
  • Spangles of copper, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
  • Sparres called
    • double roofe Sparres, the hundreth con­teining vj xx. Custome. lxxx l.
    • single roofe sparres, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
    • wicker sparres, the hundreth Custome. iii l.
    • Aiken roofe sparres, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Spectacles without cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
  • [Page]Spoun­ges or brushes
    • called water spounges for Chirurgians the pound waight Custome. xxx s.
    • of hadder, the dozen course Custome. vi l.
    • of hadder fine, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of hair called head-brushes, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
    • of heath called head-brushes, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • of hair called rubbing brushes, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
    • of hadder called rubbing brushes, the dozen Custome. xx s.
    • of hair called keame brushes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
    • of hair called wobsters brushes, the dozen Custome. xl s.
    • of hair for dichting of cloths, the dozen Custome. x l.
  • Stan­dishes
    • of wood, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
    • of brasse, the dozen. Custome. iiii l.
    • covered with lether gilt, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • of tin, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Steele
    • called long steele, wisp-steele, and such like, the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
    • called gad-steele, the half barrell Custome. j c. l.
  • Stones
    • Sklait-stanes, the thousand Custome. vi l.
    • Sleik-stanes, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. v l.
    • Cane stanes, the tun Custome. iiii l.
    • Dog-stanes, the last Custome. lxxii l.
    • Mil-stanes, the peece Custome. xl. l.
    • Quern-stanes small, the last Custome. xii l.
    • Quern-stanes large, the last Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Syth-stanes, the hundreth Custome. xii l.
  • Stirop-irons, the hundreth pair thereof Custome. xl l.
  • Stooles
    • covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • of aik vncovered, the dozen Custome. vi l.
  • Strings called Harp, Lutt or Gittern strings, the groce Custome. xvi s
  • [Page]Swords
    • blades of Venice, Spaine, Turkie, or fine blades, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • blades course of Flanders making, the dozen Custome. xii l.
    • mounted vngilt, the peece Custome. vi l.
    • mounted and gilt with gold or silver, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Symon, the barrell Custome. xxx s.
  • Sythes, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Smiths studies, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.


  • TAbles cal­led playing Tables
    • of Ivorie bone, the pair Custome. x l.
    • of Brasile, the pair Custome. iiii l.
    • of common sort, the pair Custome. xxx s.
  • Table books
    • course, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
    • fine, the dozen Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
  • Takle, the stane waight thereof Custome. xl s.
  • Tallow, the barrell thereof conteining C. waight Custome. x l.
  • Tapestrie
    • with hair, the elne Custome. xxiiii s.
    • with wooll, the elne Custome. xxxvi s.
    • with caddes, the elne Custome. iii l. xii s.
    • with silke, the elne Custome. v l. vi s. viii d.
    • with gold or silver, the elne Custome. lx l.
    • of gilt lether, the elne Custome. iii l. xii s.
  • Tarras, the barrell Custome. xl s.
  • Tar
    • the barrell of small bind Custome. iii l.
    • the barrell of great bind Custome. vi l.
  • Tazels, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
  • Thimbles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
  • [Page]Threed called
    • Birges threed, the dozen pound Custome. ix l.
    • Crosbow-threed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
    • Lyons or Paries threed, the ball contei­ning an hundreth bolts Custome. j c. xx l.
    • Owtnall threed, the dozen pound Custome. xii l.
    • Peecing threed, the dozen pound Custome. xvi l.
    • Sisters threed, the pound Custome. vi l.
  • Tyking of the East countrie, the elne Custome. x s.
  • Tyles called
    • pavement tyles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
    • Chimney tyles, the thousand Custome. vi l.
  • Tin
    • vnwroght, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxxvi l.
    • wroght, called Pewder, the hundreth waight Custome. xlviii l.
  • Tincall or Borax vnrefined, the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Tin-foile, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Tin-glasse, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xxx l.
  • Tinsell of
    • Copper, the elne Custome. xl s.
    • right gold or silver, the elne Custome. iiii l.
  • Tobacco called
    • Leafe Tobacco, the pound Custome. xvi l.
    • Cane, Pudding or Ball Tobacco, the pound Custome. xx l.
  • Tooles called carving tooles, the groce Custome. vi l.
  • Tow, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
  • Towes
    • great, the stane Custome. xl s.
    • small, the stane Custome. xx s.
  • Trayes or croches of wood, the peece Custome. vi s.
  • Treacle
    • called Flanders Treacle, the barrell Custome. xxiiii l.
    • of Jeane, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • of Venice, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • [Page]Trenchers of wood
    • white of common sort, the groce Custome. iii l. iiii s.
    • reed or painted, the groce Custome. x l.
    • white of the finest sort, the groc Custome. x l.


  • VElvet, see silks.
  • Veales, the peece Custome. v l.
  • Velures,, see Naples fustians.
  • Verditor for Painters, the hundreth waight Custome. viii l.
  • Vergus, the pound Custome. iii s. iiii d.
  • Vernice, the gallon Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Vice haspes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
  • Vice tongs, or hand vices, the dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
  • Vineger, the tun Custome. xl l.
  • Viols, the peece Custome. iiii l.
  • Virginals, the pair Custome. xxx l.
  • Vizards, the dozen Custome. viii l.


  • WAdmoll, the eln Custome. viii s.
  • Waights of brasse or pyle waights, the pound Custome. viii s.
  • Wainscot, see boards.
  • Warming pans, the dozen Custome. xx l.
  • Walx called
    • soft walx, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
    • called hard walx, the pound Custome. iii l.
  • [Page]Walkers earth, the hundreth waight Custome. xl s.
  • Whale fin, the sinne— xii s.—the pound Custome. xl s.
  • Whale-shot, the pound Custome. xx s.
  • Weld for litsters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. vi l.
  • Wheate, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Whet-stanes, the hundreth stanes Custome. v l.
  • Whip-cord, the pound Custome. iiii s.
  • Whissels for Taberners, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Whissels for children, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
  • Wynes of all sorts, see after the Rates Inwards.
  • Woad called
    • Iland or greene woad, the tun con­teining twentie hundreth waight Custome. j c. lxxx. l.
    • Tholouse woad, the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx. pound Custome. x l.
  • Woad-nets for Litsters, the hundreth waight contei­ning vj xx. pound Custome. vi l.
  • Wood called Fustick wood for Litsters, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
  • Worsets called sewing worsets, the pound Custome. iii l.
  • Wood called
    • Box wood for keames, the thousand peeces Custome. xx l.
    • Braseil or Fernando buck-wood, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
    • Ebonie wood, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
    • Fustick, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
    • Lignum vitae, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
    • Burnwood, the fathome Custome. xl s.
  • Wooll called
    • Beaver-wooll, the pound Custome. iii l.
    • Cotton wooll, the pound Custome. viii s.
    • Estridg wooll the hundreth waight contei­ning vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
    • [Page]French wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
    • Lambes wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
    • Polonia wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
    • Spanish wooll for clothing or felts, the hundreth waight Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Womils for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Worm-seed, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
  • Wrests for Virginals, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. vii l. iiii s.
  • Wyre called
    • Iryon wyre, the hundreth waight contei­ning vj xx. pound Custome. xxxvi l.
    • Latten wyre, the hundreth waight con­teining vj xx. pound Custome. lx l.
    • Steele wyre, the pound Custome. xviii s.
    • Virginall wyre, the pound Custome. xxx s.


  • YArne called
    • Cable yarne, the stane Custome. xx s.
    • Cotton yarne, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Raw linnin yarne Dutch or French, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Spruce or Muscovia yarne, the hun­dreth waight Custome. xx l.
    • Wollen or Bay yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xl l.
    • Irish yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xv l.

JMPOST TO BE PAYED FOR VVYNES broght in Scotland by Scottes-men or strangers.

  • Wynes called
    • GAscone and French Wynes, and all other wynes of the French Kings dominions, in Impost for e­very tunne thereof xxxvi l.
    • Renish wyne, the Awme in Impost vi. l.
    • MUscadels, Malueasies, and all other Wynes of the grouth of the Le­vant seas in Impost for every tunne thereof xxxvi l.
    • SAcks, Canaries, Malagaes, Maderaes, Romneys, Hulloks, Bastards, Teynts and Allacants, for every tunne or two Butts or Pypes thereof in Impost xxxvi l.

THE RATES AND VALV­ation of Merchandizes and wares tran­sported out of the Kingdome of SCOTLAND.


  • AIres
    • of the small sort, the hundreth contei­ning sex score Custome. xl l.
    • of the great sort, the hundreth con­teining sex score Custome. lx l.
  • Ashes called
    • Pot ashes, the barrell conteining two hundreth pound waight Custome. xxx l.
    • wood or soape ashes, the barrell Custome. x l.
  • Aqua-vitae, the barrell conteining ten gallons Custome. lxxx l.
  • Aites, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.


  • BArrell staues, the hundreth Custome. xl s.
  • Beere, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • [Page]Beefe
    • the barrell Custome. x l.
    • the carcage fresh Custome. x l.
  • Beanes, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Beere, the tun Custome. xx l.
  • Bel-mettell, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Billets, the thousand Custome. viii l.
  • Bird-lyme, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xviii l.
  • Brasse, the barrell conteining two hundreth waight Custome. lxxx l.
  • Bridles, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Bridle-bits, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Braseil, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
  • Butter
    • good, the barrell Custome. xx l.
    • corrupt, the barrel Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.


  • CAbles, the stane waight Custome. xl s.
  • Cable yarne, the stane waight Custome. xx s.
  • Cards called
    • New wollen Cards, the dozen Custome. x l.
    • auld wollen Cards, the dozen Custome. v l.
    • Stock Cards, the dozen Custome. xv l.
  • Carts, the groce conteining twelue dozen pair Custome. xviii l.
  • Cheese, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. viii l.
  • Coales called
    • Smiddie coales, the chalder Custome. iiii s.
    • great coales, the chalder, Custome. x s.
  • Cordage tarred or vntarred, the stane waight Custome. xx s.
  • [Page]Corbels of aik, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Copper the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xl l.
  • Cloth called
    • Wollen cloth and pladding of Scottish making, the eln Custome. xx s.
    • broad English cloth, the eln Custome. viii l.
    • Scarlet-cloth, the eln Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
    • York-shyre cloth, the dozen elns Custome. xl l.
    • Den-shyre Cairsays, the peece Custome. xxx l.
    • Perpetuana, the peece Custome. xxiiii l
    • Frisadoes, the eln Custome. v l.
    • Pennistone freese, the elne Custome. l s.
    • Cotton freese, the elne Custome. xxv s.
    • Bays, the eln Custome. xx s.
    • Kelt or Kendall freese, the eln Custome. xx s.


  • DAils called
    • Norroway dails, the C. conteining vj xx Custome. xxx l.
    • Spruce dails, the hundreth Custome. xc l.
    • Burgendorp dails, the hundreth Custome. lx l.


  • FLocks, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
  • Fustians English making, the peece contei­ning 15 elns Custome. xxx l.
  • Feathers for beds, the stane Custome. iiii l.


  • GLew, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. vi l.
  • Gloues plain, the groce conteining 12 dozen pair Custome. xx l.
  • Grograine Scottish making, the steik thereof con­teining 15 elns Custome. xii l.
  • Goates caried in England, the peece Custome. xl s.


  • HAlks called
    • Falcons, the halk Custome. xx l.
    • Goshalkes, the halk Custome. xv l.
    • Jerfalcons, the halk Custome. xxiiii l.
    • Laners, the halk Custome. xx l.
    • Lanerets, the halk Custome. x l.
    • Spar-halks, the halk Custome. iiii l.
    • Merlions, the halk Custome. iii l.
    • Tassels of all sorts, the halk Custome. x l.
  • Hemp seed, the boll Custome. vi l.
  • Hemp of all sorts drest, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
  • Halbers, the dozen vngilt Custome. xii l.
  • Herring
    • the barrell Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
    • the thousand Custome. x l.
    • reed herring, the thousand Custome. x l.
  • Hyds
    • Ilk dicker of salt Oxen or Kyne hydes of Scotland conteining ten hyds Custome. xxx l.
    • Ilk dicker of salt Oxen or Kyne hydes of England, conteining ten hyds Custome. lx l.
  • [Page]Hydes
    • Ilk daiker of dry hydes conteining ten hydes Custome. lx l.
  • Hose
    • the hundreth pair of hose, bonnets and socks made of wooll, and wolven in Custome. xl l.
    • Leith-wynd, or other places Custome. xl. l.
    • the hundreth pair of worset hose Custome. iij c. l.
  • Honney, the barrell Custome. xviii l.
  • Hornes
    • Buck hornes, the hundreth Custome. x l.
    • Hart hornes, the hundreth Custome. xx l.
    • Oxen hornes, the thousand Custome. xxx l.
    • Rams or sheeps horns, the thousand Custome. xii l.
  • Horses or Meares, the peece Custome. xx l.
  • Hors-tailes, the hundreth conteining vj xx. tailes Custome. xviii l.
  • Hookes, the dozen Custome. xl s.


  • IEasts
    • of aik, the peece Custome. xl s.
    • of fir, the peece Custome. xxx s.
  • Jedburgh staues, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. xl l.
  • Iron
    • the stane waight Custome. xx s.
    • the ship pound Custome. xvii l.
    • the tun Custome. j c. l. l.
    • the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. vii l. x s.
    • wroght, the hundreth waight Custome. viii l.
    • wroght and auld, the tun Custome. lxxv l.
    • Pots, the dozen Custome. xv l.
    • ordinance, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.


  • KEttels, the hundreth waight Custome. lx l.
  • Killing
    • the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
    • the barrell Custome. viii l.
  • Knappald
    • Noroway Knappald, the hundreth con­teining vj xx. Custome. iii l.
    • Queens-brig Knappald the hundreth Custome. xii l.
    • single Knappald or Trailsound Knappald the hundreth Custome. v l.
  • Kyne caried in England or Ireland, the peece Custome. x l.


  • LAmbs, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Leade
    • vncast, the fodder conteining two thou­sand waight Custome. j c. lx l.
    • cast, the fodder conteining two thousand waight Custome. j c. lxxx l.
    • Oore, the barrell conteining fiue hun­dreth waight Custome. xl l.
  • Leather called
    • wyld lether, the dicker conteining ten hyds Custome. xvil. xiii s. iiii d.
    • white lether, the hundreth con­teining vj xx Custome. xiii. l. vi s. viii d.
    • lether points, the groce contei­ning 12 dozen Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Linnin called
    • Scottish linnin braid for board-claiths, the eln Custome. xx s.
    • Scottish linnin narow for serveits, the eln Custome. vi s. viii d.
    • [Page]Scottish dornik broad for board-claiths the eln Custome. xxx s
    • Scottish dornik narow for serveits, the eln Custome. x s.
    • Danskene linnin, the hundreth elns Custome. xxx l.
  • Lint-seed, the peck Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
  • Lint
    • vnwroght, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
    • drest or wroght, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
  • Ling
    • the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
    • the barrell Custome. xii l.


  • MAder called
    • Crop Mader, and all other bale Mader the hundreth waight Custome. xx l.
    • Fat Madder, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
  • Malt, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Meall, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Masts
    • for ships small, the Mast Custome. xl s.
    • for ships of the middle sort, the Mast Custome. vi l.
    • for ships great, the Mast Custome. xii l.
    • for boats, the Mast Custome. iiii l.


  • NAilles called
    • Dore nailes, the thousand Custome. xl s.
    • Garron nailles, the thousand Custome. vi l.
    • Plensher nailes, the thousand Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
    • Tackets-the thousand Custome. xx s.
    • Window nailes, the thousand Custome. xxiii s. iiii d.
  • Nutes called small nutes, the barrel cont. three firlots Custome. iiii l.


  • OXen caried in England or Ireland, ilk Oxe Custome. x l.
  • Oyle, the barrell Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.


  • PAns of brasse, the pound waight Custome. viii s.
  • Pans of Iron, called dropping or frying pans the pound waight Custome. i s. iiii d.
  • Pasments
    • of silk, the pound Custome. xx l.
    • of velvet narow, the bolt Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
    • of velvet middle sort, the bolt Custome. x l.
    • of velvet, the braidest sort the bolt Custome. xiii. l. vi. s. viii. d
    • of worset or threed, the groce conteining twelue dozen elns Custome. xxxvi s.
  • Pease, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Penners and inkhornes, the dozen Custome. xl s.
  • Pewder, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xlviii l.
  • Pistolets, the pair Custome. vi l.
  • Pitch
    • of small bind, the barrell Custome. iii l.
    • of great bind, the barrell Custome. v l.
  • Poynts
    • of lether, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
    • of silk, the groce Custome. xii l.
    • of, threed, the groce Custome. x s.
  • Potts
    • of brasse, the pound waight Custome. viii s.
    • of iron, the dozen Custome. xv l.
  • [Page]Powder, the hundreth waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xl l.
  • Pype-staues, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. vi l.
  • Purses of lether, the dozen Custome. xviii s.


  • RIbbens of silke of all sorts, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
  • Ribbens of worset of all sorts, the groce con­teining 12 dozen elns Custome. iiii l.
  • Roset, the hundreth waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xvi l.
  • Ry and Ry meall, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.


  • SAck-cloth, the role or peece conteining 15 elns Custome. v l.
  • Saddels of Scottes making covered, the peece Custome. iii l.
  • Saddle-stocks vncovered, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Soape, the barrell Custome. xx l.
  • Salmon, the last Custome. ij c. xl l.
  • Salt called
    • small salt, the barrel cont. twa bolles Custome. xx s.
    • small salt, the chalder Custome. viii l.
    • great salt, the boll Custome. xxx s.
  • Salt-peter, the hundreth waight Custome. xviii l.
  • Says of Scottes making, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xv l.
  • Says of Flanders making colored and vncolored, the peece coteining 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
  • Searges of Scottes making, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xv l.
  • Sheep caried in England or Ireland, the peece Custome. xl s.
  • Silk of all sorts, the pound waight Custome. xx l.
  • [Page]Skins called
    • Calf skins, the dacker conteining ten skins Custome. xv l.
    • clipped skins, the hundreth conteing vj xx. Custome. xv l.
    • Cunning skins, the hundreth Custome. iii. l vi s. viii d.
    • Fumart skins, called fitchoes, every ten thereof Custome. iii. l. vi. s. viii d.
    • Futsels and scaldings, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Goat skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Lamb skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Lentren-ware, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Marekin skins made in Scotland, the hundreth Custome. j c. xx l.
    • Mertrik skins, the peece Custome. iii l. vi s viii d.
    • Otter skins, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
    • Kid skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
    • Schorlings, the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
    • Selch skins, the daicker Custome. xl s.
    • Tod skins, the hundreth Custome. lxxx l.
    • Veil skins barked, the daicker Custome. xv l.
    • Wooll skins, the hundreth Custome. lx l.
    • Wolf skins, the daicker Custome. xxx l.
  • Sparres called
    • double rufe sparres, the hundreth Custome. lxxx l.
    • single rufe spaarres, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
    • aik rufe sparres, the pecee Custome. xl s.
    • wicker sparres, the hundreth Custome. iii l.
  • Stuling, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Stirop irons, the dozen pair Custome. vi l.
  • Stirop lethers, the dozen pair Custome. xl s.
  • Sword-blaids, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Swords monted, the peece Custome. iii l.
  • Sword belts of lether Scots making, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
  • Swyne, the peece Custome. v l.
  • [Page]Suggar called
    • white and hard, the hundreth waight Custome. j c. xx l.
    • Candie broun, the hundreth waight Custome. j c. xx l.
    • Candie white, the hundreth waight Custome. j c. xx l.
    • Casnet suggar, the hundreth waight Custome. j c. l.
  • Sythes, the peece Custome. xx s.
  • Seathes
    • the hundreth Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
    • the barrell Custome. v l. vi s. viii d.


  • TAkle, the stane waight thereof Custome. xl. s.
  • Tallow, called Narves tallow, the barrell Custome. x l.
  • Tallow called Scottish tallow, transported vpon licence, the barrell Custome. xx l.
  • Tar
    • of small bind, the barrell Custome. iii l.
    • of great bind, the barrell Custome. vi l.
  • Tyking for beds, the eln Custome. xx s.
  • Towes
    • great, the stane waight Custome. xl s.
    • small, the stane waight Custome. xx s.


  • VEales, the peece Custome. v l.
  • Vinager of wyne, the tunne Custome. xxv l.
  • Vinager of beere Custome. xx l.


  • WAdmoll, the elne Custome. viii s.
  • Wainscot
    • of Danskene, the hundreth contei­ning vj xx. Custome. ij c. l.
    • of Swaden, the hundreth Custome. j c. xxx l.
  • [Page]Walx, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
  • Wheat, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
  • Whaleshot, the barrell conteining 40 pound waight Custome. xl l.
  • Worset yarne, called sewing worset, the pound Custome. iii l.
  • Wooll caried out of the Countrie vpon licence, the stane waight thereof Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
  • ☞Wynes of all sorts in regarde that the samine payes a deare impost at the incomming, every tun sal pay of custome at the transporting thereof out of the Countrie Custome. xl s.


  • YArne called
    • Cable yarne, the stane waight thereof Custome. xx s.
    • Cotton yarne, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Raw linnin yarne Dutch or French, the pound Custome. xii s.
    • Spruce or Muscovia yarne, the hun­dreth waight Custome. xx l.
    • Wollen or Bay yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xl l.
    • Irish yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xv l.
    • Scottes yarne transported vpon licence the hundreth waight Custome. j c. xx. l.

THE CVSTOME TO BE VPLIFTED by his Majesties Customers for gold and silver transported out of SCOTLAND.

ALL gold and silver transported out of Scotland vpon licence, shall pay to his Mjaestie in Custome of every pounds worth thereof — iij s. iiij d.


CERTAINE ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, AND ORDI­nances of Secreet Councell, made anent the payment of the Kings Majesties Customes and Impost of Wynes.

129 Act of his Maiesties twelfth Parliament the 5. of Iune. 1592. Anent the Custome of English gudes, and searching of gudes customable.

ITEM, OVR SOVERAINE LORD And Estates of this present Par­liament, ratifies, approues and confirmes the act of secreit Councel, made vpon the penult day of Februar, ane thousand, fiue hundreth, fourescore nine yeares. Anent the bringing of all packs of English claith haill, vn-broken-vp to the Custome-house, and selling thereof, in maner conteined there-intill, in all poynts, articles and clauses, respectiuè specified in the same, with this addition: That na maner of persons tak vpon hand, to house, hyde or con­ceale any maner of English gudes, either comming by sea or land, in any burgh or suburbe of this Realme, vnder the paine of confiscation of all the gudes swa hid and concealed, in de­fraud of the due Custome, where ever the same can be appre­hended. [Page 2] And incase the samine be not apprehended, the awners to make the availl thereof forth-comming to his Ma­jestie as escheat, after tryell tane there-intill as effeirs. And also for the better execution, to ordaine ilk Customer, to search within the boundes of his office, all maner of houses and buithes, alswell to burgh as to land; and to escheat, con­fiske and intromet-with all maner of vncustomed English gudes, and all English claiths vnsealed; and if need beis, to make open durres, and other lock-fast lumes, and to vse his Majesties keyes to that effect. And incase any persons resist be force, to make open and patent durres to the said Custo­mer, for the effect foresaid: The persons resisters to be vnder the lyke danger, as the committers of the deforcements, and to be punished in their persons and gudes, conforme to the act made there-anent. Ordaining also, the Provest, Baillies and Magistrats of ilk burgh, if need beis, to concur and assist with the saids Customers, in execution hereof, swa oft as they fall be requyred there-to.

89 Act of his Maiesties elleuinth Parliament the xxix of Iulie 1587. False Customers and searchers sould be punished.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that all Customers and Searchers committing fraud in their office, be over-sight of the transporting of forbidden gudes forth of the Cuntrie, for gratitude given to them, shall be called therefore at Justice Aires, and particular dyets, and punished in their persons at OVR SOVERAIGNE LORDS will, and all their moveable gudes to be escheated to his Heighnes vse, in-case of their conviction.

251 Act of his Maiesties 15 Parliament xix of December 1597. All Marchandize brought within this Realme sould pay Custome.

OVR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And Estates of this present Parliament, ratifies, approues and confirmes the act made at Dondie, the thirtenth day of Maij, the yeare of God, ane thousand, fiue hundreth, ninetie seaven yeares, anent OVR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Customes, of the whilk the tenour followes. FOR-SA-MEIKLE As it is vnderstand to the Kings Majestie, his Nobilitie, Councell and Estates, presentlie conveined, that the subjects of all Fo­raine Nations, whilks brings and transports any kynde of claith, or others waires or marchandize, from any Foraine Countrie, to their awne natiue Countrie, hes bene in vse, and yet still continues in the payment of certaine custome, or other exaction therefore, cheeflie at the tyme of their arrivall, and in-comming within the famine: And almaist few or nane of the subjects of any Realme exeemed there-fra (the subjects of this Countrie onely excepted) wha be reason of ane alleaged by-past immunitie, claimes the priviledge of exemption: Albeit it can not be denyed bot his Majestie is a free Prince, of a Soveraigne power, hauing als great liberties and prerogatiues be the lawes of this Realme, and priviledge of his Crown and Diadame, ay any other King, Prince or Potentat whatsomever: And therefore aught to haue the like custome and exaction, for intertaining of his Princelie Estate of al claith and others wares and marchandize to be brought within this Realme, by his Heighnes subjects, at all times hereafter. For the whilk purpose his Majestie with advice of his said Nobilitie, Councell and Estates, hes thought meet, concluded and ordeined, that all claith and others Marchandizes what-some-ever to be [Page 4] broght within this Realme from all foraine Nations, sall pay the custome following, at the tyme of their arrivall and entrie therein, in all tyme comming: That is to say, Twelue pennies of every pounds worth of all sorts of the saids wares or mar­chandize. And to this effect, his Heighnes, and his saids No­bilitie, Councell and Estates, giues full power and commission to the Lords, Auditours of his Exchecker, and others of his Nobilitie and Councell, to the number alwayes of elleven per­sons, at the least, to set down the A. B. C. of the custome of all claith, and others wares and marchandize whilks sal be broght and enter within this Realme yearlie hereafter: With power lykwaies to them to set pryce vpon the saids wares: conforme to the whilk the Customers to be appointed by his Majestie to that effect, sall vp-lift custome thereof: And to make all other ordinances necessar for the ease of the Marchants, and suretie his Heighnes custome, in the execution of the premisses. And also of sic others gudes to be transported forth of this Re­alme, as are not as yet expressed in the A.B.C. alreadie made. Provyding this act be not extended to Earles, Lords, Barrons and Free-halders; but it sall be lesome to them, to send their gudes beyond sea, for their awne particular vse. AND ALS it sall be lesome to them to bring within this Realme, Wynes, Claiths, and other furnishings, for their awne particular vse; and na waies to make marchandize thereof, conforme to the lawes and liberties granted to them of before. The whilk act aboue written, OVR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Estates foresaids, decernes and declares, to stand as ane law in all tyme comming.

255 Act of his M. 15 Parliament the xix of December 1597. All Cocquets sould be speciall, and conteine the particular kyndes of Marchandize.

ITEM, It is statute and ordeined, for eschewing of the dam­nage and skaith whilk daily aryses throw generall and infor­mall Cocquets, given and granted within this Realme. That in all tymes comming all Clerks of the Cocquet, sall patticu­larlie expreeme and specifie in the Cocquets given by them, the particular quantities of the gudes and marchandizes, the speciall kindes and sortes thereof, the names of the Marchants and awners of the samine, how meikle of the same gudes per­teines to ilk Marchant: And that the Conservatour in the Law-Cuntries admit nor allow any Cocquet, except it be written and formed in maner foresaid, bot sall confiscat all the saids gudes, not expremed particularlie, as said is: And make compt and reckoning thereof yearlie to the Thesaurer, as he will an­swere vpon his office.

257 Act of his M. 15 Parliament the xix of December 1597. The eath of the Marchants, Skippers and Factours passand to and fra the Law-cuntries, and forth of this Realme.

ITEM, The Conservatour sall not receaue nor admit any Cocquet, albeit the same be lawfullie given, except the Mar­chants, Skippers, Factours, and every ane of them before the lossing of any of their gudes, make faith, and sweare solemnedly be GOD himselfe his Creator, that he hes na forbidden gudes or geare, nor na other vnlawfull merchandizes, by and attour that whilk is conteined in the Cocquet, nor knawes of nane to be in the samine ship perteining to others: And that sa far as [Page 6] he vnderstands, the haill gudes and geare perteins properlie to free men, and na part thereof to vnfree-men. As also at their back returning from the Law-Cuntries towards Scotland, they sall lykwyse giue their solemne eathes, before the laidning of the ship, or inputting of any gudes, that the gudes properlie pertaines to them-selues, and not to strangers. And if they losse any gudes and geare comming from Scotland, before the giving of the said eath, or puts any gudes in ship-burde, to be transported towards Scotland, all the same gudes to be con­fiscate. And if the said eath be refused be them all, and they na wayes will make the same. It sall be lesome to the Con­servatour to arreist the said Shippe, and all the gudes con­teined therein. And if some makes eath, and others refuses, he sall arreist all the gudes perteining to the partie refusand, and make compt thereof, as said is. And what-some-ever gudes are not conteined in the Cocquet, to be confiscat, as said is.

ITEM, It is statute and ordeined, that all Marchants and Skippers, at the receaving of their cocquets in al parts and ports within this Realm, sall giue their solemn eathes, and make faith in form and maner aboue expremed; and that they haue na for­bidden guds nor na other lawful guds or marchandize, except that whilk is conteined in their Cocquet and entres; and that they sall take na other gudes in, all that voyage, vnder the pains foresaids. Whilk eath sall be made to the Customers, where­anent they sall be answerable yearlie in the Exchecker.

260 Act of his Maiesties 15 Parliament the xix of December 1597. Al Marchands should giue ane inventare of their mar­chandize and gudes to the Conservatour.

ITEM, every particular Marchant comming forth of the Law-cuntries to this Realme, sall giue vp to the Conservatour the speciall quantitie of his gudes, and the qualitie thereof, be­fore [Page 7] the in-barking of the samine gudes, vnder the paine of confiscation thereof: And the Conservatour to visie and try the same at his pleasure, to the effect that he may send hame ane Cockquet of the same, particularlie to his Majesties Thesaurer, subscryved be himself or his depute, for eschewing of the fraud whilk may be vsed towards his Majestie in his customes.

Actes of Secreet Councell. APVD EDINBVRGH vigesimo quinto die Mensis Octobris 1611.

FOR-SA-MEIKLE As the Lords of secreit Councell vnderstanding that his Majestie hes bene greatly hurt and prejudged in time bygain in the dew payment of his Heighnes customes, be reason of some Marchands, awners of gudes and geare transported out of this Realme, and in-broght within the samine for their awn advantage and com­moditie, hes bene accustomed to pack and close within packs and trees of grofwares and marchandize, paying smal custome to his Heighnes; geare and marchandize of better value, and paying greater customes, and at the giving vp of the said geare in entrie to his Heighnes Customers, hes given vp the same and payed custome therefore, as for the grofwares conteined in the said pack only. FOR remeed wherof, the saids Lords hes statut and ordeined, that na Marchands take vpon hand at any tyme hereafter to pack or inclose within packs of skins or other packs transported forth of this Realme, or within packs of lint or Hemp, trees of Carts, Cardes or Keames, or other packs or trees broght within this Cuntrie, any other geare or marchan­dize [Page 8] of contrair nature, and conceale the samine vngiven vp in entrie to his Majesties Customers, in defraud of his Heigh­nes dew customes, vnder the paine of escheating of the haill pack swa found, wherein the same geare sall be swa found to be fraudfullie packed. AND TO THE EFFECT, that that nane pretend ignorance hereof, the saids Lords ordeins this present act to be imprinted, and letters to be direct for publication hereof at the market crosses of the head burrowes of this Realme, and other places needfull.

Apud Edinburgh 25 die Mensis Octobris 1611.

THE Lords of secreit Councell, vnderstanding the great hurt that his Majestie hes sustained in tyme bygane, be cer­taine Skippers, Maisters and awners of ships, who in favours of the Marchant, and in defraud of his Majestie of the dew payment of his customes, laidens and losses their ships at vnfree Ports, and at Ports and harbories where his Heighnes he­na Customers. As lykwyse, at their departing out of this Realme, after that they haue made and given vp to his Heighnes Customers the entrie of all gudes being within their ships and veshels, and receaved their Cocquet there-vpon, they vse to receaue within their saids ships other marchandize and gudes and transporteth the same out of this Cuntrie vncustomed, and at their returning hame againe, losses ane part of their laidning before they giue vp their entries to his Heighnes saids Custo­mers. FOR remeed whereof, the saids Lords hes statute and ordeined, that na Maisters, Marchants, Awners nor Skippers of Ships, Crears or others veshels within this Realm, take vpon hand at any tyme here-after, to laiden or losse their ships in haill or in part at any vnfree Port within this Kingdome, or in any open Raids within the same, vnder the paine of escheating of the haill marchandize and gudes swa shipped or lossed, and [Page 9] of the Ships, Crears and veshels wherein the samine sal be ship­ped, and out of the whilk the samine sall be lossed. As lykwyse, It is statute and ordeined, that na Clerk of Cocquet giue or de­lyver any cocquet in time comming to any person, Marchand, skipper or others what-som-ever, vntil sic time as the said Clerk receaue an entrie subscryved be the customer at the port where the gudes are shipped, whilk entrie sall contein every particular marchands name with the quantitie and qualitie of the gudes pertaining to him, and the Customers certificat that he hes re­ceaved the Kings Majesties custome of the same gudes, vnder the paine of deprivation of the said Clerk of Cocquet from his office, and punishing him in his bodie, gudes and geare at the will and pleasure of the saids Lords. As also, that na Cu­stomer receaue an entrie of the gudes and marchandize be­ing in any ship to be transported out of this Kingdome, vn­lesse the presenter thereof delyuer the samine subscryved with his hand, and there-with-all solemnedlie make faith and sweare in presence of the said Customer, Be GOD himselfe his Creator, his part of Paradice, and as he sall answere vpon the salvation and condemnation of his saull, that he hes na forbidden gudes nor geare, nor na other lawfull marchandize nor gudes within his said Ship by and attour that whilk is conteined in the said entrie subscryved with his hand, nor that he knawes of nane to be brought within the said Ship to be caryed away in her at that voyage, nor sall not receaue there-after any gudes or geare to be laidned within his said Shippe, and caryed away in her at that tyme. Whilk eath gif it be refused to be made, as said is, It sall be lesome to the said Customer to arreist the said Ship, and all the gudes and geare being therein. As lykwayes, It is statute and ordai­ned, That na Maisters, Awners nor Skippers of Shippes, passing out of this Realme take vpon hand at any tyme here­after, to receaue within their saids Ships and veshels any mar­chandize [Page 10] gudes or geat to be transported out of the same after that they haue made and given vp their entres to his Heighnes Customers, vnder the paine of escheating of the marchan­dize, gudes and geare sa shipped, and of the Shippes, Crears, and veshels wherein the famine sall be shipped. As also, that na Maisters, Awners nor Skippers of Shippes arryving within this Realme, take vpon hand at any tyme here-after, to losse any of the wynes, marchandize, gudes and geare, being within the same ships, vnder what-som-ever colour or pre­tence, at any Port or part within this Realme, or convoy any of the same away, in defraud of his Majesties Customers, vntill sic tyme as the entrie of their ships be made, and the same with the Cocquets receaved be them at the Port where they re­ceaved their laidning be first delyvered to his Heighnes Custo­mers, and that they leaue no part of the saids wynes, marchan­dize, gudes and geare vngiven vp in the said entrie, nor con­ceale no part thereof from the saids Customers, vnder the paine of escheating of the haill wynes, marchandize, gudes and geare swa to be lossed out of the saids Ships, and of the ships, Crears and veshels out of the whilk the famine sall be lossed. As also, vnder the paine of escheating of the haill marchandize, gudes and geare left out vngiven vp in the said entrie. Whilk entrie sall be given vp be the Skipper or Mai­ster subscryved with his hand, wha sall be obleist solemnedlie to make faith, and sweare be GOD himselfe his Creator, his part of Paradice, and as he sall answere to GOD vpon the sal­vation and condemnation of his saull, that the same is a just and trew entrie of the haill marchandize and gudes shipped within his ship at that voyage, and that he hes lossed na part thereof, nor convoyed nane of the same away, before the giving vp of the said entrie. Whilk eath, if it be refused to be made, as said is, It sall be lesome to the saids Customers to arreist the said ship and haill gudes and marchandize being therein. And [Page 11] to the effect that nane of his Majesties lieges pretend igno­rance hereof, the saids Lords ordains this act and ordinance to be imprinted, and publication hereof to be made at the market crosses of the head burrowes of this Realme, and other places needfull.

Apud Edinburgh 25 die Mensis Octobris 1611.

FOR-SA-MEIKLE, As for reformation of some abuses practized by the Marchants carying gudes from Scotland to England, and from thence to Scotland, to the hurt and preju­dice of his Majesties customes: It hath pleased his Heighnes to set downe these orders after-following to be observed in tyme comming, alswell by the Marchands trafficking betwix the saids two Kingdomes, as by the Fermers and Tacks-men of his Heighnes Customes of both the Realmes, Ʋiz.


That the Farmers anc Tacks-men of the customes of Scot­land doe keepe bookes of all the gudes that are entered and shipped for England, and also of all guds broght from England to Scotland, the ships name, place and Maisters name, and to and from what Port the ship is bound, and to keepe the entresse of every Port severallie.


Also, that they keepe bookes of all gudes caried by land from Scotland to England, and from thence to Scotland, and to make certificat vnder the hand and seale of the Farmers and Tacks-men or their deputes; expressing the Marchands name, the quantitie and qualitie of the gudes, to what place the same is caried, and the day of the Moneth and yeare, when and where the same was customed. The same forme and order to be observed by the Farmers of the custome of England, and [Page 12] reciprocallie the Farmers and Tacks-men of both the Realmes, to send every halfe yeare the coppies of these bookes, the ane to the other, Viz. at Christmas and Midsommer.


That all Cocquets or Certificats be made in the names of the principall awners of the gudes laiden in every Ship, and not in poore mens names, skairslie knawne in Scotland or England.


That na Marchand or Tradis-man take vpon hand at any tyme hereafter, to cary by land any gudes from Scotland into England, or from England into Scotland by the waste grounds or wastes, bot that the same passe by the wayes of Aiton, Ied­burgh, Kelso, Drumfrice and Annand for Scotland; and by the wayes of Berwick and Carlile for England, vnder the paine of confiscation of the gudes otherwayes caryed, or the value thereof to his Majesties vse after true tryell and examination taken therein.


That the Farmers of the customes of both the Realmes, and their deputes, vpon the arryvall of any Ship from Scotland, and lykwyse from England, sall make dew examination of the gudes laiden with the Cocquets or Certificats for the same. And if they sall finde a greater quantitie, or other guds then are specified in the saids warrants, that they apprehend and stay the saids gudes, and take them into their possession, vntill the Marchands awners thereof, or their factors in their names haue given sufficient caution to his Majestie, for answering and pay­ing of the value of the saids gudes, into his Majesties Exchecker of either Realmes, according as the same sall be prysed by twa honest men to be nominated, ane by the Marchand, the other by the Farmers and Tacksmen or their deputes, gif it sall ap­peare vpon examination, that the saids gudes sa stayed are vn­customed. [Page 13] The same order lykwise to be observed by ther Fer­mers and Tacks-men, and their deputes for the land cariage.


And that the Farmers and Tacks-men of the Scots cu­stomes doe every half yeare send to the Fermers of the English customes, all these bands for sic surplusage of gudes gif they be not discharged be certificate. The lyke to be done by the Fermers and Tacks-men of the English customes.


For the better observing of whilk orders and that nane pre­tend ignorance of the same, the Lords of his Heighnes privie Councell ordeins this present act and ordinance to be imprin­ted, and letters to be direct for publication of the same at the market crosses of the head burrowes and Sea-ports of this Realme, and other places needfull. Commanding and char­ging, all and sundrie his Heighnes leiges and subjects whom the samine doth concerne, that they and everie ane of them inviolablie fulfill, obserue and keepe everie Artickle aboue-written. As they will answere to the contrarie, vpon their heighest charge and perrell.

Apud Edinburgh vigesimo quinto die Mensis Octobris Anno Domini 1611.

FOR-SA-MEIKLE As it is vnderstand to the Lords of secreit Councell, that be divers acts of Parliament, lawes and constitutions here-to-fore made and observed within this Realme, all maner of English gudes broght within the same hes bene ever in vse of payment to his Majestie of a certaine custom and duetie properlie apperteining to his Heighnes as a part of the patrimonie of his Crowne. As also, be act of secreet Councell, of the date the penult day of Februar 1589 yeares. [Page 14] Ratified and approven in the Parliament halden at Edinburgh, in the Moneth of June, ane thousand, fiue hundreth, fourscore twelue yeares, It is statute and ordained, that all English cloth broght within this Realme, sould be broght to his Heighnes Custom-house: and there sealed with ane seale appoynted then to be made to that effect. Whilk act tuke full execution vntill sic tyme as his Majestie comming to his Crowne of England, did for a tyme forbid the taking of any custome for marchan­dize and gudes transported from the one Kingdome to the o­ther, being the natiue commodities of the Land. And now since, It hath pleased his Majestie to take these customes in his awne hand againe, and to giue order and direction that the samine sall be collected and vplifted in tyme comming to his Heighnes vse. The Lords of secreet Councell hes found ne­cessare, meet and expedient, and decernes and ordains, that the foresaid act sall be revived againe, and stand in full force and effect in all tyme comming. And therefore ordaines the Tacks-men of his Majesties customes, to cause make and print ane seale and stamp of steele, conteining two halfes, for every Burgh and Sea Port within this Realme, whereas Customers are or sall be established, the ane halfe conteining IACOBƲS REX, with the Kings Majesties Armes and Crowne; and the other half the name of the Burgh where the samine sall remain. Whilk seall and stamp sall be stricken and applyed to lead, and the samine lead being swa strucken and printed with the same stampe sall be hung to every peece or wob of claith, Cairsayes, Freese, Cottons, Baise or Fustians, that hereafter sall be broght within this Realme forth of England be sea or land, before the same be presented to open market, sauld or any waies disponed vpon: And the ane halfe of the said seale to be keeped be the Customer, and the other halfe be the Clerk of Cocquet. The awners of the said claith, and others aboue-written, pay-and the custome thereof, with sic ane duetie for the seale as was [Page 15] accustomed to be payed of auld to the Customer and Clerk of Cocquet equallie betwix them. And to the end, that all English claith and others aboue-written, presentlie remaining within this Realme, may be decerned and knawn from that whilk hereafter sall be broght within the same, It is also de­cerned and ordained, that the Customer of every Burgh and Sea-port within this Realme, sall repair to the dwelling-houses and buithes of every ane of the saids Burrowes and Sea-ports whereof they are particularlie appointed Customers, and there receaue the eathes of the awners of sic peeces and wobs of English claith, and others aboue specified, as are therein, whither if the custome thereof be payed or not, and where the custome thereof is not payed, that they instantlie pay the same: And that the said seall in taken thereof be hung thereto, and to all the other wobs and peeces of English claith, and o­thers aboue-specified, whilks sall be apprehended within the saids buithes and houses, whereof custome hes bene payed of before for payment of the said accustomed duetie for the said seall allanerlie; and that the awners of the same claith and o­thers aboue specified, requyre the Customers of every Burgh and Sea-port particularlie, to repare to their saids buithes and houses to this effect, betwix and the [...] day of November next-to-come; and farther to doe and performe al other things whilk to every ane of them is appoynted to be done in maner foresaid, vnder the paine of confiscation of all the wobes and peeces of English claith, and others aboue-specified, that sall be apprehended thereafter wanting the said seall. As also, to the effect his Heighnes Customes of all marchandize and gudes caryed from Scotland to England, and from thence to Scotland may be the mair trewlie payed, It is decerned, statute and ordained, that na Marchands, their factours nor servants, Maisters, Awners nor Skippers of Shippes, Barkes or others veshels going from Scotland to England, take vpon hand at any [Page 16] tyme after the date hereof, to laiden any marchandize or guds within the same Ships, Barks or other veshels, vntill sic tyme as the same gudes and marchandize be first brought to his Heigh­nes Custom-house, and the custome thereof payed, and cer­tificat giuen be the Customer there-vpon. And that na Mar­chands, their factours nor servants cary any marchandize or gudes by land to England, vntill the same be first brought to his Heighnes Custom-house, and the custome thereof payed, and certificat given be the Customer there-vpon, vnder the paine of confiscation of the haill marchandize and gudes swa shipped and laidned, with the Ships, Barks and other veshels, wherein the same sall happen to be shipped, and of the marchandize and gudes sa caryed by land to his Heighnes vse. And incase the same gudes and marchandize can not be apprehended, the awners thereof to make the just availl thereof forth-comming to his Heighnes vse as escheat, dew tryell being taken there­intill as effeirs. As lykwaies, that na Maisters, Awners nor Skippers of Ships, Barkes or other veshels, comming from England to Scotland, take vpon hand at any tyme after the date hereof, to losse any of the marchandize and gudes being there­in, till sic tyme as they first enter their Ship in his Majesties Custom-house, giue vp ane trew inventar of the haill gudes and marchandize being therein to his Heighnes Customers, and there-with-all delyver vnto them the Cocquet receaved be them at the Port where the said Ship was laidned, and make faith that the said entrie sa given vp be them, is trew, and that they haue not put on land at na Port, Harborie or other part what som-ever, any of the marchandize and gudes laidned within their said Ship, but that the samine are all within her at the giving vp of the said entrie, vnder the paine of confiscation of the same Ships, Barks and other veshels, or the just availl thereof to his Heighnes vse. As also, the saids Lords, decernes and ordaines all and sundrie his Heighnes subjects and stran­gers, [Page 17] that at any tyme after the date hereof sall happen to bring within this Realme, any marchandize or gudes be sea or land from England, that they bring the same directlie to his Heigh­nes Custom-house, and that they nor nane of them take vpon hand, to house, hyde, conceale, dispone or make saill of any part thereof, vntill sic tyme as his Heighnes customes thereof be first payed, and the Claith, Cairsays, Freese, Cottons, Baises and Fustians (incase any be) sealed conforme to the order of auld and here established, vnder the paine of confiscation of the same marchandize and gudes sa concealed and vncustomed, to his Heighnes vse, where ever the same may be apprehended. And incase the samine can not be apprehended, the awners thereof to make the avail thereof forth-command to his Heigh­nes vse as escheat, dew tryell being taken there-intill as effeirs. And because the Marchands, awners of the saids marchandize and gudes caryed from Scotland to England, and from thence to Scotland, and the Maisters, Awners and Skippers of the saids Ships and other veshels, vses sic craft and policie in the quyet convoying away and concealing of the saids marchan­dize and gudes, as som-tymes it is very hard and difficile to get the same apprehended, or sufficient probation led there-into be witnesses: The saids Lords of secreit Councell hes there­fore found, decerned and declared, that the certificat of any of the Fermorers of his Heighnes customes in England, or of his Heighnes Customers or Comptrollers of his Heighnes cu­stomes at any port or place be sea or land within that Kingdom where customes are receaved and payed autentiklie, subscry­ved be any of their hands, bearing the day, moneth and yeare of the bringing of any of the saids marchandize and gudes from the ane Realme to the other; the Marchands name, Awner thereof, the quantitie and qualitie of the samine, the Shippes name, Master and Skipper thereof, wherein the samine is tran­sported, sall be als sufficient probation against the Marchands, [Page 18] and awners of the saids marchandize and gudes, and against the Maisters, Awners and Skippers of the saids Ships, Barkes and other veshels, as gif probation had bene led there in till be witnesses. Whilk probation sall be led before the Lords of his Heighnes privie Councell or Auditours of his Heighnes Ex­checker. And for the better putting of this act and ordinance to execution, the saids Lords ordains and commands the Fer­morers of his Heighnes customes and their deputs, and all o­thers his Heighnes Customers and searchers, to passe, search, seeke and apprehend all and sundrie English cloth, Cairsayes, Freese, Cottons, Baise and Fustians whilk sall be vnsealed, in maner aboue-written, in taken that the samine are customed, where ever the same can be apprehended, in open markets, faires, houses, buithes, or other places what-som-ever within this Kingdome at any tyme after the said [...] day of November next-to-come, and to confiscat the same to his Heighnes vse as vncustomed gudes. And to the effect that nane of his Ma­jesties lieges or strangers pretend ignorance hereof, the Lords of secreit Councell ordains this present act and ordinance to be imprinted, and letters to be direct for publication hereof at the market crosses of the head Burrowes and Sea-ports of this Realme, and other places needfull in forme as offeirs.


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