THE RATES AND Valuation of Merchandizes and goods imported within the Kingdome of Scotland.
- AIres,
- of small sort the hundreth conteining vj xx— Custome. xl. l.
- of great sort the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. lx. l.
- Allabaster the load Custome. xxiiij l.
- Allum
- rough the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xij l.
- Plume the pound Custome. viij s.
- Amber
- the pound weight thereof Custome. xxx. s.
- beads the pound thereof Custome. iiij l.
- Anchoves the barrell Custome. iij l.
- Anneill of Barbarie for litsters the pound weght therof Custome. xviij s.
- Apples called
- Pippins or Rannets the barrell Custome. iij l.
- Flanders apples the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Aquavitie the barrell conteining ten gallons Custome. lxxx l.
- Arrowes
- for tronkes the grosse conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiij l.
- called shooting arrowes the grosse Custome. xxiiij l.
- Ashes called
- Pot ashes the barrell conteining two hundreth pound weght Custome. xxx l.
- Wood or soap ashes the barrell Custome. x l.
- Axes the dozen Custome. vj l.
- BAbies or puppets for children the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iij l.
- Bagges
- with locks the dozen Custome. x l.
- with steel rings without locks the doz. Custome. vi l.xiii s.iiii d
- Baieberries the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Ballances called
- gold ballances the groce cont. 12 doz. pair Custome. xxiiij l
- ounce ballances the groce cont. 12 doz. pair Custome. xii l.
- pile weghts the pound Custome. viij s.
- Balles called
- Catchpule balls the thousand Custome. viii l.
- Golf balls the dozen Custome. xxxij s.
- washing balls the dozen Custome. xx s.
- Bands called Flanders bands the dozen Custome. viij l.
- Bankers of verdure the dozen peeces Custome. xl s.
- Barbers aprons the peece conteining not aboue ten els Custome. iiij l.
- Barilia or saphora to make glas, the barrel cont. ij c. weght Custome. xii l.
- Barlings or fire poles the hundreth conteing vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
- Barke the boll thereof Custome. xl s.
- Baskets called
- hand-baskets the peece Custome. x s.
- round baskets the peece Custome. xx s.
- Basons
- of Latten the pound Custome. viii s.
- of tin the pound Custome. viii s.
- Beades
- of Amber the pound Custome. iiii l.
- of bone the groce Custome. xx s
- of box the groce Custome. xx s.
- of Cristell the thousand Custome. xxiiii l.
- of glasse and wood the groce Custome. x s.
- of Jasper the hundreth stones Custome. xvi l.
- Beanes the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- Beer the boll Custome. ii l. vi s. viii d.
- [Page]Beif the punscheon Custome. xv l
- Beere called
- English beere, the tun Custome. xl l.
- Dutch beere the last Custome. xl l.
- Belles
- called Hawkes belles, the dozen pair Custome. xxx s.
- called Dog belles the groce Custome. x s.
- called Moreis belles, the groce Custome. xxx s.
- called Horse belles, the groce Custome. iii l.
- called clapper belles the pound Custome. vi s.
- Bell mettell the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
- Belts
- called buffill belts, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- called lether belts the groce conteining 12 doz Custome. x l.
- of worset the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
- of silke or velvet gilt the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- of silke or velvet vngilt the dozen Custome. xii l.
- of counterfute gould and silver the dozen Custome. iii l.
- called hingers of buffil the dozen Custome. xl l.
- caled hingers of lether plane the dozen Custome. xxx l.
- called hingers of lether broudered, the dozen Custome. l. l.
- called hingers of satine or velvet plane the doz. Custome. lx. l.
- called hingers of satine or velvet broudered with silke, the dozen Custome. xcvi l.
- called hingers of satine or velvet broudered with gould and silver the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
- called hingers imbroudred with pearle the pece Custome. c l
- called sword belts of lether of all collours, the dozen Custome. iiij l.
- called wemens belts imbroudered with jeat, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- called wemens belts embrodered with gold and silver, the dozen Custome. xviij l.
- called wemens belts embroudered with pearle, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- of Oake or Walnut tree French making the peece Custome. xl. l.
- of English making the peece Custome. xxx l.
- Bird lyme the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xviij l.
- Bitts for brydles the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Blacking or Lamp-black the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xxiiij l.
- Blankets called
- Paries Mantles cullored the peece Custome. viii l.
- Paries Mantles vncullored, the peece Custome. vi l,
- Boords called
- Norroway dailles the hundreth cont. 120 Custome. xxx l.
- Spruce dailles the hundreth Custome. xc l.
- Boorden-doore dailles the hundreth Custome. lx l.
- Knapald of Norroway the hundreth Custome. iii l.
- Knappald of Queens-bridg or double Knappald the hundreth Custome. xii l.
- single Knappald or Trail-sound K. the hundreth Custome. v l.
- Pipe staues the hundreth Custome. vi l.
- Barrel staues the hundreth Custome. xl s.
- Swaden boordes the hundreth Custome. xl l.
- for boats the hundreth Custome. xvi l.
- Table boords of Wainscot or Walnut tree long, the peece Custome. xxx l.
- Table boords of Wanscot or Walnut tree short, the peece Custome. xv l.
- Wanscot of Danskene the hundreth Custome. ij. c l.
- Wanscot of Swaden the hundreth Custome. jc. xxx l.
- Boats
- of sex oares the peece Custome. xx l.
- of foure oares the peece Custome. xiij l. vj s. viij d.
- Bodkins the groce conteining twelue dozen Custome. xl s.
- Bomspares the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
- Bombasies or borrets
- narrow the single peece cont. 15 elnes Custome. xx l.
- broad the single peece cont. 15 elnes Custome. xxx l.
- of silke the elne Custome. l s.
- [Page]Bonnets called Mantua bonnets and English bonnets, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- Bōnets called
- for children, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- night bonnets of satine and velvet steiked, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- night bonnets laid with gould or silver lace, the peece Custome. vi l.
- night bonnets of silke knit, the peece Custome. xl s.
- night bonnets of wooll the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Mariners bonnets the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Borrels for wrights the groce conteing 12 dozen Custome. iii l.
- Bosses for brydles, the groce Custome. vi l.
- Botanos or peeces of linning litted blew, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- Bottels of earth the dozen Custome. xl s.
- Boultel raines the peece Custome. l s.
- Bowes called
- hand-bowes the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- pellet or cros-bowes the peece Custome. iii l.
- Bowstaues the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. lx l.
- Bowstrings the dozen Custome. x s.
- Boult-cloth the eln Custome. x s.
- Box-peeces for making of combes the 1000 peeces Custome. xx l.
- Boxes called
- fire or tunder boxes the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
- nest boxes, the groce Custome. xviii l.
- round buistes for Marmalad, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- sand buistes, the groce Custome. iiii l.
- Soape boxes, the dozen Custome. liii s. iiii d.
- touch boxes covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xvi s.
- touch boxes covered with velvet, the dozen Custome. v l.
- touch boxes of yron or other mettels gilt, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Bracelets
- of glasse, the groce conteining 12 bundels Custome. xx s.
- of corrall, the groce Custome. x l.
- [Page]Brasell, Ʋid. Wood. Custome.
- Brasse, the hundreth weght thereof Custome. xl l.
- Brasen worke, sic as Landiers, Chandellers, Basons, cocks of barrels, weghts, and all other made worke the pound weght thereof Custome. viii s.
- Brick called
- brickstones, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
- paviment tyles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
- Brimstone the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
- Bristles
- rough or vndrest the 12 pound weght Custome. iii l.
- drest the 12 pound Custome. vi l.
- Brotches of Latin or Copper the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Brushes or sponges
- of hather course, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- of hather fyne, the dozen Custome. xii l,
- of hair called head brushes the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of heath called head brushes, the dozen Custome. x l.
- of hair called rubing brushes, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
- of hather called rubing brushes, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- of hair called combe brushes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- of hair called weavers brushes the dozen Custome. xl s.
- for spounging of cloaths, the dozen Custome. x l.
- called water sponges for Chirurgians, the poūd Custome. xxx s.
- Buckasie the haill peece conteining two halfe peeces Custome. x l.
- Buckrams
- of Germane or fyne buckrame the peece Custome. iiii l.
- of the East countrie the roul or halfe peece Custome. xl s
- of French making the dozen peeces Custome. xx l.
- Carrick buckrame the short peece Custome. xx s.
- Buffill hydes the peece Custome. xii l.
- Bugle
- great, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- small or seed bougle the pound Custome. xl s.
- lace the pound Custome. l s
- Bullions for purses the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iii l.
- Burn-wood. Vid. wood. Custome.
- [Page]Buskeins of lether, the dozen pair Custome. xl.l.
- Bustiams or woven tweill stuff, the single peece not aboue fiftene elnes Custome. xvi l.
- Butter of England or Holand the barrel cont. 12 stones Custome. xxiiii l.
- Buttons
- of brasse, copper, steele or latin, the groce Custome. xvi s.
- of cristel the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- of glasse, the groce Custome. viii s.
- of threed, the groce Custome. vi s.
- of hair, the groce Custome. vi s.
- of silke, the groce Custome. xl s.
- of gould and silver threed the groce Custome. iiii l.
- of fyne damask warke, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- CAbinets or counters
- small the peece Custome. vi l.
- large the peece Custome. xii l.
- Cables the stone weght Custome. xl s.
- Cable yarne and small towes, the stone Custome. xx s.
- Caddes
- the pound thereof in wooll Custome. xv s
- spun in yarne, the pound Custome. xxii s. vi d.
- Chalke, the hundrerh weght thereof Custome. v s.
- Camels hair the pound Custome. xl s.
- Calico cop-boord-cloaths, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Candle-sheares, the dozen pair Custome. xxx s,
- Candle-weiks the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Candles of walx, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
- Canes or Reeds the thousand Custome. xx l.
- Canarie seed, the hundreth weght Custome. x l.
- Cant-spars or fire poles, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
- Canves. Vid. linning
- Capers. Vid. grocerie ware.
- [Page]Capravens, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xx l.
- Cardes called
- wollen cardes new, the dozen Custome. x l.
- wollen cardes olde, the dozen Custome. v l.
- stock cardes, the dozen Custome. xv p.
- Carts the groce conteining twelue dozen pair Custome. xviii l.
- Carpets called
- Brunsweik carpets stript or vnstript, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- China carpets of cotton course, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- Gentish carpets the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- Turkie or Venice carpets short, the peece Custome. xii l.
- Turkie or Venice carpets long cont. foure elnes and vpwards, the peece Custome. l. l.
- Carrawa seeds the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
- Carrels the peece conteniing 15 elnes Custome. viii l.
- Casses or buistes
- with wooden combes garnished, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- with small Ivorie combes garnished the doz Custome. viii l.
- with midle sort Ivorie cōbs garnished the doz Custome. xii l.
- with large Ivorie combs garnished the doz Custome. xxiiii l.
- for combes single the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
- for combes double, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
- for spectacles gilt, the groce Custome. viii l.
- for spectacles vngilt, the groce cont. 12 doz Custome. iiii l.
- called needels cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Caskets
- of yron small the dozen Custome. ix l.
- of yron middle sort the dozen Custome. xv l.
- of yron large the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- of steele the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
- Caviare the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Cesterns of Lattin or Tin, the pound weght thereof Custome. viii s.
- Chaffing dishes
- of brasse or lattin, the pound Custome. viii s.
- of yron, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of earth, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- for keyes or purses fine the dozen Custome. xl s.
- for dogs, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
- Chaires
- of walnut tree, the peece Custome. l s.
- of leather gilt of the great sort, the peece Custome. vi l.
- of leather gilt of small sort, the peece Custome. iii l.
- of carsies embroudered with silk or velvet, the peece Custome. viii l.
- of velvet, the peece Custome. xii l.
- Chamlets
- vnwatered the elne Custome. xxiiii s.
- watered, the elne Custome. iii l.
- of silke, see silke.
- Chandillers
- of tin, the pound Custome. viii s.
- of wyre, the dozen Custome. xl s.
- Cheese the hundreth weght conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
- Chesboards, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Ches-men
- of wood, the groce Custome. xii l.
- of bone, the groce conteining 12 stand Custome. xlviii l.
- Chimney backs
- small, the peece Custome. iii l.
- great, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Chissels for wrights, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- Citternes, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Claricords, the pair Custome. iiii l.
- Clasps, the wospe Custome. xx s.
- Cleeks to hing hats on, the groce Custome. vi l.
- Cloaks of felt, the peece Custome. xx l.
- Cloth of wooll
- called French cloth the elne Custome. viii l.
- called Searge of florence, the elne Custome. viii l.
- the single peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. c.xx l.
- counterfute Searge, the elne Custome. vi l.
- broad English cloth, the elne Custome. viii l.
- scarlet cloth, the elne Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
- [Page]York-shyre cloth, the dozen elnes Custome. xl l.
- Denshyre cairsais the peece Custome. xxx l.
- Perpetuana, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
- Frisadoes, the elne Custome. v l.
- Pennistone freese, the elne Custome. l s
- cotton freese, the eln Custome. xxv s.
- bayes, the elne Custome. xx s.
- kelt or kendall freese, the elne Custome. xx s.
- Cloth of linning of all sortes. see. linning.
- Cloth of gould and silver. see silkes
- Cochaneill the pound Custome. xx l.
- Coffers
- great of Flanders making covered with gilt lether and barred with yron, the peece Custome. xx l.
- great of Flanders making painted and barred with yron barres, the peece Custome. x l.
- covered with black leather of the greatest sort of English making, the peece Custome. viii l.
- covered with black lether of the smaller sort of English making, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- called balhuves, the peece Custome. xii l.
- of French or Flanders making covered with black leather and barred with yron, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Cokes for barrels of wood, the groce Custome. xxx s.
- Comashes out of Turkie, the peece Custome. xxx l.
- Commyn seed the hundreth weght cont. sex score pound Custome. xx l.
- Compasses
- of yron for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
- of brasse, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- for ships, the peece Custome. xx s.
- Collers for dogs, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- Copper wroght in made wark, the pound weght thereof Custome. x s.
- [Page]Copper in plaits vnwroght, round or square, the hundreth weght conteining sex score pound Custome. xl l.
- Copper brotches, the groce Custome. iiii l.
- Copperas
- greene, the hundereth weght thereof cont. sex score pound Custome. vi l.
- white, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
- Corbels of oake, the peece thereof Custome. xl s.
- Cordage, the stane weght thereof Custome. xx s.
- Coriander seed the hundreth weght thereof conteining sex score pound Custome. xii l.
- Cork
- the hundreth weght conteining sex score pound Custome. x l.
- for cordwyners, the dozen of peeces Custome. xl s.
- Cork takets
- of yron, the thousand Custome. xl s.
- of steele, the thousand Custome. x l.
- Corall white or red, the pound Custome. xl l.
- Corslets compleit, the peece Custome. x l.
- Counters of latin the pound weght thereof Custome. xx s.
- Crosbow
- lathes the pound thereof Custome. viii s.
- threed, the pound thereof Custome. iiii s.
- racks, the peece thereof Custome. iii l.
- Craip
- of silke or broad craip, the dozen elnes Custome. xxx l.
- skum craip, the dozen elnes Custome. xii l.
- narrow craip, the elne Custome. xx s.
- curll craip, the single peece cont. 10 elnes Custome. xv l.
- Cruell or Mocado ends the dozen pound weght therof Custome. xx l.
- Curten rings, the pound thereof Custome. viii s.
- Cushens
- clothes course, the dozen Custome. xv l.
- of tapestrie, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- of needle wark, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- Cuttle-bone for gould-smiths, the thousand Custome. x l.
- Daggers
- blades, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- for children, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- black with velvet sheathes the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- gilt with velvet sheathes, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- Damask. see linning cloth.
- Dates. see grocerie.
- Deskes or letterns
- of wood painted, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- for wemen to work on covered with cairsais the peece Custome. xxx s.
- for wemen to work on covered with velvet the peece Custome. vi l.
- Diacles
- of wood, the dozen Custome. xl s.
- of bone, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- Dornix
- with caddes or wooll, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xv l.
- with threed, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. x. l.
- with silke, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xx l.
- of french making, the elne Custome. xii s.
- Doubles called
- harnes plates or yron doubles, the plate Custome. xxiiii s.
- harnes plates, the bundle conteining ten plates Custome. xii l.
- Dudgeon the hundreth peces conteining sex score Custome. vii l. iiii s.
- Durances, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xx l.
- Druggs called
- A Casia, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Acorus, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Adiantum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Agaricus or agarick, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Agnus castus, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Alcanet, the pound Custome. xii s.
- [Page]Aloes cicotrina, the pound Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Aloes epatica, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Allum roch the hundreth weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
- Allum plume, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Amber greece black or gray, the ounce Custome. xxxvi l.
- Ameos seed, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Amomi semen, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Anacardium, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Angelica the pound Custome. xii s.
- Antimoniū crudum the C weght cont. vj xx poūd Custome. xii l.
- Argentum sublime, the pound Custome. xxxvi s.
- Aristolochia longa & rotunda, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Arsnik or Rosalger, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Asarum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Aspalathus, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Assa-foetida, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Druggs called
- BAlaustium, the pound Custome. xxviii s.
- Balsamum artificiale, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Balsamum naturale, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Bayberries the C. weght cont. vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Barlie hurld or French Barlie the C. weght Custome. viii l.
- Bdellium the pound Custome. xx s.
- Ben album & rubrum, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Beniamin, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Bezar stone of east India, the ounce troy Custome. xxiiii l.
- Bezar stone of west India, the ounce troy Custome. iiii l.
- Black lead the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
- Blatta bizantiae the pound Custome. xii s.
- Bolus communis or Armoniak the C weght Custome. xii l.
- Bolus verus, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Borax in past the pound Custome. xl s.
- Borax refined, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Druggs called
- Callamus, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Camphire refined, the pound Custome. vii l. iiii s.
- Camphire vnrefined, the pound Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Cantarides, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Carraway seeds, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
- Cardomomes, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Carpo balsami, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Carrabe, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Carthamus seeds, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Cassia fistula, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Cassia lignea, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Castorium, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Cerussa, the hundreth weght Custome. xix l. iiii s.
- China rootes. the pound Custome. xl s.
- Ciceres, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Ciperus nutes, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Civet, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
- Coculus Indiae, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Coloquintida, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Corall reed and white, the pound Custome. xl. l.
- Coriander seed, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
- Cortex-gnaci, the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
- Cortex caperum, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Cortex tamarisci, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Cortex mandragorae, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Costus, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Cubebs, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Cummin seed, the hundreth weght Custome. xx p.
- Cuscuta, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Ciclamen, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Cytrago, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Druggs called
- DAucus, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Diagredium, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Diptamus, the pound Custome. x s.
- Dornicum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Druggs called
- ELeborus albus and niger, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Epithimum, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Aes Ustum, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Euphorbium, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Druggs called
- FEnell seed, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Fenugreek, the hundreth weght Custome. ix l.
- Flory, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Folium Indiae, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Druggs called
- GAlbanum, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Galanga, the pound Custome. xviii s.
- Generall, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Gentiana, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Ginny pepper, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Grana pinae, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Greene ginger, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Gum animi, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Gum armoniak, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Gum caramiae, the pound Custome. xxviii.
- Gum tragagant, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Gum elemni, the pound Custome. x s.
- [Page]Gum hederae, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Gum lack, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Gum opopanax, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Gum sarcocoll, the pound Custome. xv s.
- Gum Serapinum the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Gum taccamahaccae, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Druggs called
- HErmodactilus, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Hypocistis, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Druggs called
- INcense the hundreth weght Custome. xii l.
- Ireos the hundreth weght Custome. xxxii l.
- Isonglasse, the hundreth weght Custome. xx l.
- Jujubes, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Druggs called
- LAbdanum or lapadanum, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Lapis calaminaris, the hundreth weght Custome. viii l.
- Lapis hematitis, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Lapis Judaicus, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Lapis lazuli, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Lapis touciae, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Lignum aloes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Lignum Rhodium the hundreth weght Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Lignum vitae, the hundreth weght Custome. vi l.
- Litharge of gould, the hundreth weght Custome. vi l.
- Litharge of silver, the hundreth weght Custome. xlviii s.
- Lupines, the hundreth weght Custome. xlviii s.
- Druggs called
- MAnna, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Marmelad, the pound Custome. xii s.
- [Page]Mastickwhite, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Mastick reed, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Mechoacan, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Mercurie sublimat, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Methridat venetiae, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Millium solis, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Mirabolanes, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Mirabolanes condited, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Mirtill berries, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Mummia, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Musk, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
- Musk codes, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- Myrrha, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Druggs called
- NIgella, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Nitrum, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Nutmegs condited, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Nux cupressi, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Nux Indica, the peece Custome. iiii s.
- Nux vomica, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Druggs called
- OLibanum, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Opium, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Origanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Ossa de corde cerui, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Oyle the bay, the hundreth weght Custome. xix l.
- Oyle of mace, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Oyle de ben, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Oyle de mace, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Oyle of almonds, the pound Custome. xii s.
- [Page]Oyle of Scorpions, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Oleum petroleum, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Oleum terebinthiniae, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Druggs called
- PEarle seed, the ounce Custome. xxx s.
- Pellitorie, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Pepper long, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Perrosen, the hundreth waight Custome. viii l.
- Pionie seed, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Pistacias, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Pix Burgundiae, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Polium Montanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Polipodium, the pound Custome. iii s.
- Pippie seed, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Precepitat, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Psyllium, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Druggs called
- REed-lead the hundreth weght Custome. viii l.
- Rhabarbarum or Rubarb, the pound Custome. xviii l.
- Rhaponticum, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Rosalger, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Roset, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Druggs called
- SAl alkali, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Sal Armoniacum, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Sal Gem, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Sal Niter, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Sandaracha, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Sandiver, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- [Page]Sanguis draconis, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Sarsaparilla, the pound Custome. xxxii s.
- Sassafras roots, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Sassafras wood, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Saunders white, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Saunders yellow, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Saunders reed, aliâs, stock, the G. waight Custome. xlviii l.
- Scammonie, the pound Custome. xvi l.
- Scincus Marinus, the peece Custome. iiii s.
- Scordium, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Sebesteus, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Seeds for gardens of all sorts, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Seler montanus, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Semen cucumeris, cucurb, citrul, melō, the pund Custome. iiii s
- Sena, the pound Custome. xxvii s.
- Soldonella, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Sperma caeti fine, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Sperma caeti course oyle, the C. waight Custome. xxiiii l.
- Spica celtica, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Spica Romana, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Spicknard, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Spodium, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Spunges, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Squilla the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
- Squinanthum, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Staechados, the pound Custome. x s.
- Staues-aker, the hundreth waight Custome. xxi l. xii s.
- Stibium, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Storax callida, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Storax liquida, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Succus liquiritiae, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Sulphur vivum, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Druggs called
- TAmarindes, the pound Custome. x s.
- Terra lemnia, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Terra Sigillata, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Thlaspij semen, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Tornsal, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Treacle common, the C. waight Custome. xii l.
- Treacle of Venice, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Turbith, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Turbith Thapsiae, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Turmerick, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Turpentine of Venice, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Turpentine common, the C. waight Custome. vi l.
- Druggs called
- VErdigreece, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Vernish the C. waight Custome. xxiiii l.
- Vermilion, the pound Custome. xxviii s.
- Vitriolum Romanum, the pound Custome. vi s.
- Umber, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
- White leade the C. waight Custome. ix l.
- Zeodaria, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Dressars
- of Walnute tree and Aik French making the peece Custome. xxx l.
- of English making, the peece Custome. xii l.
- EBonie wood the hundreth waight conteining sex score pound Custome. xii l.
- [Page]Eitches for Cowpers, the dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
- Elephants teeth, the hundreth waight Custome. lx l.
- Elsone hefts, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xv l.
- Elsone blaides, the thousand Custome. x l.
- Emery stones for Cutlers, the hundreth waight Custome. l s.
- FAns for gentle-wemen, the pound waight of Ostritch feathers Custome. viii l.
- Fans of counterfute Ostritch feathers, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Feathers
- for beds the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xxx l.
- called Ostretch feathers the pound waight Custome. viii l.
- Feather beds new, the peece filled Custome. xl l.
- Feather bed tyks the peece Custome. xv l.
- Figgs, see grocerie ware.
- Fyles, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. vi l.
- Fire shooles, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Fire schoole plaits, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
- Fishes called
- Eeles called
- Lamper Elees the peece Custome. xii s.
- Pimper Eeles the barrell Custome. xii l.
- Schaft-kine or Dole Eeles the barrel Custome. xviii l.
- Spruce Eeles, the barrell Custome. xxiiii l.
- Stub Eeles, the barrell Custome. xxviii l.
- Gull fishe the barrell Custome. iiii l.
- Haddocks, the barrel Custome. iiii l.
- Hearings
- white the barrel Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
- reed the thousand Custome. x l.
- reed the Cade conteining v c. Custome. v l.
- the barrell Custome. viii l.
- the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xxviii l.
- Ling the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xl l.
- Newland fishe
- small the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. vi l.
- midle sort the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. xii l.
- great the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
- Salmon
- the barrell Custome. xx l.
- Grilses, the barrell Custome. ix l.
- Seale fishe, the fishe Custome. viii l.
- Stock fishe
- Titling the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. iiii l.
- Cropling the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. viii l.
- Lubfishe, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xvi l.
- Whitings, the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Eeles called
- Flagons
- of earth covered with wicker, the dozen Custome. xl s.
- of glasse covered with wicker, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of glas with vices covered with lether the doz. Custome. xviii l.
- of glas vncovered, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- of tin, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
- Flannell, the elne Custome. viii s.
- Flaskes
- covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- covered with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
- of horne, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- Flocks the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Frank-incense the C. waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvi l.
- Furres called
- Armins, the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. xii l.
- Badger skins, the peece Custome. xii s.
- Beare skins
- black or reed, the peece Custome. ix l. xii s.
- white, the peece Custome. xviii l.
- Beaver
- skins, the peece Custome. vi l.
- bellies or wombes, the peece Custome. xvi s.
- white tawed the C. cont. vjxx Custome. xiii. l. viii s.
- black tawed, the dozen skins Custome. viii l.
- blak vntawed the C. cont. vjxx Custome. xxxvi l.
- Powles the fur conteining foure panes Custome. x l.
- Navern the C. legs cont. vjxx. Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Romney, the C. legs cont. vjxx Custome. iii l. xii s.
- Calaber
- vntawed, the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iii l.
- tawed, the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
- seasond, the pane Custome. x l.
- stage, the pane Custome. vi l.
- Cattes
- skins the C. cont, vj xx. Custome. xix l. vi s. viii d.
- Powlts, the C. cont. vjxx. Custome. ix l. xii s.
- Powlts, the mantle Custome. iii l.
- wombes the pane or mantle Custome. iii l.
- Dockers, the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
- Fitches
- the timber conteining 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
- the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
- Foxes
- the skin Custome. viii s.
- the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
- wōbs, powles or peeces, the pane Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Foynes
- backs, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- tailes the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
- Powts the C. conteining vj xx. Custome. xii l.
- wombs seasoned the pane or mantle Custome. x l.
- wombs stag the pane or mantle Custome. vi l.
- Grayes
- vntawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. iiii l.
- tawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. vi l.
- Jennets
- black, raw the skin Custome. vi l.
- black seasoned, the skin Custome. viii l.
- gray raw, the skin Custome. xxx s.
- gray seasoned, the skin Custome. xl s.
[Page]Lamb skins
- white or black vntawed, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. xii l.
- white or black tawed with the wool the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
- called Morkins vntawed, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. vi l.
- called Morkins tawed with the wool the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. x l.
- Letwis
- tawed, the timber cont. 40. skins Custome. iiii l.
- vntawed, the timber conteining 40. skins Custome. iii l.
- Leopards
- skins the peece Custome. xii l.
- wombes the pane Custome. xlviii l.
- Lewzernes skins the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
- Mertriks
- the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. lxxx l.
- the pane or mantle Custome. lxxii l.
- Powtes the pane or mantle Custome. iiii l.
- gylls the timber Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- tailes the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. xix l. vi s. viii d.
- Myniver the mantle Custome. iiii l.
- Mynkes
- vntawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. xxiiii l.
- tawed the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. xxxii l.
- Moule skins the dozen Custome. vi s.
- Otter skins the peece Custome. xxiiii s.
- Ounce skins, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Sables of all sorts the timber cont. 40 skins Custome. ij c. xl l.
- Weazell skins, the dozen Custome. iiii s.
- Wolfskins
- tawed the peece Custome. xii l.
- vntawed, the peece Custome. xi l.
- [Page]Wolverings, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Fustians called
- Amsterdam, Holland or Dutch fustians, the peece conteining two half peces of 15 elns the half pece Custome. xxiiii l.
- Baremillians, Cullen, Milan and Weazel fustians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. xxiiii l.
- Holmes and Bevernex fustians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. x l. xvi s.
- Janes fustians, the peece cont. two half peeces Custome. ix l.
- Naples fustians Tripe or Velure plane, the half peece cont. 7 elns and an half Custome. xii l.
- Naples fustians Tripe or Velure plane, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxiiii l.
- Naples fustians wroght, called Sparta velvet the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- English fustians, the peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- Ousbrow or Augusta fustians, the peece conteining two halfe peeces Custome. xii l.
- Weazell fustians, the peece conteining two half peeces Custome. xxiiii l.
- GAdza of all sorts without gould or silver the elne Custome. xvi s.
- Gadza stript with gould and silver, the elne Custome. xxx s.
- Gally
- potts, the hundreth conteining vj xx Custome. xiiii l. viii s.
- Tiles for foot-paces, the foote Custome. iiii s.
- Galles the hundreth waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
- Garlick the hundreth bunshes Custome. xx l.
- Garrons
- single, the hundreth cont. vj xx Custome. xx l.
- double, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
- of silke French making, the dozen pair Custome. xii l.
- of silke English making of broad sort the dozen pair Custome. xl l.
- of silke English making the middle sort the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
- of silke English making the narrow sort the dozen pair Custome. xii l.
- of silke embroudered at the ends and with freinyes, the pair Custome. vi l.
- Gauntlets, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Gimlets for Vintners, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
- Girdstings the hundreth conteining sex score Custome. xl s,
- Girds of yron for Puncheons or Pypes, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. viii l.
- Gitterns for Musick, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Glasses for Windoes of
- Burgundie white the kest Custome. xxiiii l.
- Burgundie colored, the kist Custome. xxx l.
- Normandie white, the case Custome. xii l.
- Normandie colored, the case Custome. xxiiii l.
- Renish the web conteining LX. bunshes Custome. xxx l.
- Danskene, the kist Custome. xii l.
- England, the kist Custome. xxiiii l.
- the cradle of glasse Custome. xxiiii l.
- Glasses called burning glasses, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- Glasses called looking glasses
- half-pennie ware, the groce cont. 12 doz. Custome. xlviii s.
- pennie ware, the groce Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- of steele small, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of steele large, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- of Cristall small, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- of Cristall middle sort, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- of Cristall large, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
[Page]Glasses called houre glasses
- of Flanders making course the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
- of Flanders making fine, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of Venice making, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Glasses called
- Balme glasses▪ the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xl s.
- Vials or Urinals, the C. conteining vj xx. Custome. xviii l.
- water glasses, the dozen Custome. xviii s.
- Vantoses, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
- Glasses called dinking glasses
- Venice glasses, the dozen Custome. x l.
- for drinking of wyne the dozen of common sort Custome. xl s.
- Cowp glasses for drinking of wyne the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Glew, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Globs
- the pair small Custome. xviii l.
- the pair large Custome. xxxvi l.
- Gloues
- of Bridges or French making, the groce conteining 12 dozen pair Custome. xv l.
- of Canarie, English, Millane or Venice making vnwroght, the dozen pair Custome. iiii l. xvi s
- of Canarie, French, English, Millaine or Venice making, vnwroght with gould or silver the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
- of Spanish making plane the dozen pair Custome. xlviii s.
- of Vandon, the dozen pair Custome. iii l.
- of silke knit, the dozen pair Custome. xxiiii l.
- of shambo lether the dozen pair Custome. iiii l.
- of stags lether, the dozen pair Custome. xxx l.
- Gold & silver threed counterfute called
- Bridges gold and silver the pound conteining 16 ounces Custome. iiii l.
[Page]Gould and silver threed counterfute called
- Cap gould and silver, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Copper, gould and silver vpon pens and rowls, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Cullane gould and silver, the mast conteining 30 ounces Custome. viii l.
- French copper gould and silver, the mark waight cont. 8. ounces Custome. xl s.
- Lyons copper, gold and silver, the mark weght double gilt, cont. 8 ounces Custome. viii l.
- Gould and silver threed vpright called
- Venice, Florence or Millaine gold and silver the pound cont. 16 ounces Custome. xlviii l.
- French or Pareis gould and silver, the mark waight cont. 8 ounces Custome. xx l.
- Gould foile, the groce Custome. xl s.
- Gould papers, the groce Custome. iiii l.
- Graines French or Ginie the pound Custome. viii s.
- Graine
- powder the pound Custome. iiii l.
- of Civell in Berries and graine of Portugall or Rotta, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Grindstones for Cutlers, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. lx l.
- Crocerie ware called
- Abricoes dry, the pound waight Custome. viii l.
- Almonds rough the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. lx l.
- Annetseeds the C. waight Custome. lx l.
- Cannell the pound Custome. vi l.
- Clowes, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Fusses of Clowes, the pound Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
- Dates the C. waight Custome. j c. l.
- Figgs the topnet cont. 30 pound waight Custome. iii l.
- Figs the peece conteining 60 pound waight Custome. vi l.
- Ginger the pound Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
- Hams
- of Boyen the peece Custome. iii l.
- Dutch hams, the peece Custome. xl s.
- the barrell Custome. xviii l.
- the tunn Custome. j c. l.
- Licorus the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Mases the pound Custome. v l.
- Nut-megs, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Oyle caled
- Civil province Portugal, Minorca or Majorca oyle, the tunn Custome. ij c. xl. l.
- sellet oyle, the gallon Custome. iiii l.
- Linseed the barrell Custome. xxx l.
- trayne oyle, the tun Custome. lxxii l.
- Olives
- the jar Custome. xl s.
- the hogishead Custome. lx l.
- Oranges, the hundreth Custome. xx s.
- Pepper the pound Custome. xx s.
- Ploume dames
- of Deep the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
- of Burdeaux, the hundreth waight Custome. vii l.
- of Brunolia the pound Custome. xii s.
- Pomgranets, the hundreth Custome. v l.
- Raisins
- called great Raisins the peece Custome. xii l.
- great raisins, the C. waight Custome. xv l.
- of the sunne, the C. waight Custome. xx l.
- of Corinth, the hundreth waight Custome. xx l.
- Ryce, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
- Saiffron the pound Custome. xxv l.
- Sidrons, the hundreth Custome. xl s.
- Suggar called
- white and hard, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
- Candie broun, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
- Candie white, the C. waight Custome. j c. xx. l.
- Casnet suggar, the C. waight Custome. j c. l.
- Candeit, Cannel, Sidron, Clow, Nut-meg and Orange, and pound Custome. viii l.
- [Page]Carraway confeit, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Cannell Romane, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Coriander liskie, the pound Custome. liii s. iiii d.
- Cannell, Clow, Ginger, Oringer and Sidron confeit, the pound Custome. xxxii s.
- Corsdecitron candeit, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Amber grece musk confeit, the pound Custome. x l.
- Dragemuskies, the pound Custome. liii s. iiii d.
- Violet and Rose confeit, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
- Rosmarie confeit, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
- White and reed Musk tablets the pound Custome. x l.
- Maspynes, the pound Custome. vii l.
- Scrotchets, confeits and almonds the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Dry Orenges, Lemonds and Barbasset candeit, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Plumdescheny, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Peshe Geneva, the pound candeit Custome. viii l.
- Venice dry peshes, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Garbelows, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Wet confections
- preserved Barbaries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- preserved Chirries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- conserved Barbaries, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- preserved Lettus, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- past of Jeane, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Pomdecoynes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- preserved Abricoes, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Venice Peares, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- preserved greene Figgs, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Peare de Plum, the pound Custome. v l.
- preserved Plumes, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- [Page]floure de Orange, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Lemons and Orenges, the pound Custome. v l.
- Ploum de Chinney, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Damassens, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Marmalad, the pound Custome. xii s.
- preserved Maces and Nut-megs, the pound Custome. x l.
- Grograins called
- Lylles grograins and Mocadoes, the narrow single peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxiiii l.
- Lylles grograins and Mocadoes, the broad single peece cont. 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- of English making narrow, the single peece of 15 elns Custome. viii l.
- of English making broad, the single peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xii l.
- Reissels grograins the peece of 15 elns Custome. xxx l.
- Turkie grograins, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- Flanders grograins narrow of all sorts and colours, the single peece conteining 15 elns Custome. x l.
- Gum Arabick the hundreth waight contuining vj xx. pound Custome. xviii l.
- Gunnes called
- Hagbuts, the peece Custome. iii l.
- Muskets, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Pistolls, the pair Custome. vi l.
- Gun powder called
- Serpenten the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Cornpowder the C waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xl. l.
- HAdder for spounges the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
- Hair called
- Cammels hair, the pound Custome. xlviii s.
- Elkes hair for Saidlers, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Halks called
- Falcons, the halk Custome. xx l.
- Goshalks, the halk Custome. xv l.
- Jerfalcons, the halk Custome. xxiiii l.
- Laneres, the halk Custome. xx l.
- Lanarets, the halk Custome. x l.
- Spar halks, the halk Custome. iiii l.
- Merlions, the halk Custome. iii l.
- Tassellis of all sorts, the halk Custome. x l.
- Halk-hoods, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. viii l.
- Halberts
- gilt, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- vngilt, the peece Custome. xx s.
- Hammers
- with wooden hands great, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- with wooden hands small, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- called hors-mens hammers, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Hards, the stane waight Custome. xvi s. viii d.
- Harnes called
- Corslets compleit, the peece Custome. x l.
- Curaces, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Morrians or head-peeces graven, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- Gould or silver, the peece Custome. vi l.
- Morrians plane, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Harp-strings, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xvi s.
- of Bever, wooll or hair, the hat Custome. xxiiii l.
- French felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
- French felts lyned with tafferie the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
- Flanders felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. xlviii l.
- Flanders felts lyned with taffetie, the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
- English felts lyned with velvet, the dozen Custome. lx l.
- English felts lyned with taffetie, the dozen Custome. xl l.
- felts vnlyned, the dozen Custome. xx l.
- for children, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- of straw, the dozen Custome. xx l.
- of silk steiked, the dozen Custome. lx l.
- thrumb hats, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- Hatbands
- of craip vnthraween, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- of craip thrawen, the dozen Custome. ix l.
- of satine round & wroght with lace, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- embroudered and wroght with silk and lace, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- embroudered with gold or silver, the dozen Custome. xl l.
- embroudered with Pearle, the dozen Custome. lx l.
- Hemp called
- Spruce or Muscovia, and all other rough hemp, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
- Cullane, Picardie, Roan, and all other sorts of drest hemp, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
- Hydes called
- Busfill hydes, the hyde Custome. xii l.
- Kow hydes of Barbarie or Muscovia, the hyde Custome. xxx s.
- India hydes, the hyde Custome. v l.
- Oxe or Kow hyds of England, the hyde Custome. vi l.
- dry hydes of Ireland, the hyde Custome. vi l.
- Reed hydes or Muscovia hydes, tanned, cullored
- [Page]or vncullored, the hyde Custome. vi l.
- Hart hydes, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- Hilts for swords or daggers, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Hose
- of wollen, the pair Custome. xxiiii s.
- of Cruell, called Mantua hose, the pair Custome. xlviii s.
- of worset English making, the pair Custome. iii l.
- of silke. see silke.
- Hookes, the dozen Custome. xl s.
- Hoopes, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xv l.
- Hornes called
- blawing hornes great, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- blawing hornes, small, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- shoone hornes, the dozen Custome. vi s.
- Oxe hornes, the thousand Custome. xxx l.
- for lanterns, the thousand leaues Custome. xii l.
- Horses or Meares, the peece Custome. jc. xx l.
- Husses skins for Fletchers, the skin Custome. vi s.
- IAveling heades, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Jeasts
- of aik, the peece Custome. xl s.
- of fir, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- Ieat, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Iewes trumpes, the groce conteining xii dozen Custome. iii l.
- Indicoe of Turkie and of the west Indies, or ritch Indicoe, the pound Custome. iiii l.
- Ink for Printers, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xii l.
- Inkhornes and penners, the dozen Custome. xl s.
[Page]Instruments for Barbers and Chirurgians
- Bullet scrues, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- Incision sheares, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- Turcasses, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- Trepans, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- Iron called
- Spanish, Spruce & Swadens iron the stane therof Custome. xx s.
- the ship pound Custome. xvii l.
- the tun of iron Custome. jc.l. l.
- Osmonds, the stane Custome. xx s.
- Iron
- backs for chimneys small, the peece Custome. xl s.
- backs for chimneys large, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- bands for kettels, the C. waight Custome. viii l.
- girds for pypes or puncheons the C. waight Custome. viii l.
- Landiers or creepers, the pair Custome. iiii l.
- Potts, the dozen Custome. xv l.
- Stoves, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
- All other made worke of iron, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Ivorie, the pound Custome. iii l.
- KEames called
- of bone, the pound waight Custome. xxiiii s.
- of box-tree, the groce cont. xii dozen Custome. vi l.
- light wood keames, the groce Custome. iiii l.
- of horne for Barbers, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- of Ivorie, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Horse keames, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- cases with woden keams garnished the doz Custome. vi l.
- with small Ivorie keames garnished, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- [Page]cases with middle sort Ivorie keames garnished, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- cases with large Ivorie keames garnished, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- cases with keames double, the groce Custome. xii l.
- cases with keames single, the groce Custome. ix l.
- Kelles
- of linnin for wemen, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
- of silk, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- of gould or silver, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- Kettels the C. waight containing vj xx. pound Custome. lx l.
- Key knops, the groce conteining xii dozen Custome. vi l.
- Kids, the peece Custome. xx s.
- Kists
- of iron small or middle sort, the peece Custome. xxx l.
- of iron large, the peece Custome. xl l.
- of Ciprus wood, the peece Custome. xvi l.
- of Spruce or Danskene, the kist Custome. liii s. iiii d.
- painted, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- Knappald, see boards.
- Knyues called
- Almane, Bohemia, and other course knyues, the dicker conteining ten knyues Custome. xviii s.
- Fletchers knyues, the dicker conteining ten knyues Custome. xx s.
- Carving knyues, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Cullane knyues, the groce conteining xii dozen pair Custome. xl l.
- French knyues, the groce Custome. xviii l.
- Glovers knyues, the groce Custome. xii l.
- Penknyues, the groce Custome. xii l.
- Stock knyues vngilt, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- Stock knyues gilt, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
- [Page]Knittings, the pound waight Custome. xx s.
- Kyne, the peece Custome. x l.
- LAdilles of latten or iron, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. viii l.
- Lambes, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Lamblack or blacking, the hundreth waight Custome. xxiiii l.
- Landiers
- of latten, the pound waight Custome. viii s.
- of iron, the pair Custome. iiii l.
- Lanterns
- of common sort, the dozen Custome. xxxvi s.
- of English making fine, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- Latten
- shaven, the hundreth waight Custome. xlviii l.
- black, the C. waight Custome. xxxii l.
- Lead
- black, the C. waight Custome. xii l.
- reed, the C. waight Custome. viii l.
- white, the C. waight Custome. ix l.
- Lether called
- Bazell lether, the dozen Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- barked lether, the dozen hydes Custome. lxxii l.
- Muscovia lether or reed hydes barked, the hyde Custome. vi l.
- Perfumed lether, the skin Custome. xx l.
- Spanish lether, the dozen skins Custome. xxxvi l.
- Spruce or Danskene lether, the dozen skins Custome. xvi l.
- Lyme for Litsters, the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Linget seed, the peck Custome. xiii s. iiii d.
- Lint
- of Spruce, Muscouia, and all other vnwroght lint, the C. waight Custome. x l.
- drest or wroght, the C. waight Custome. xxx l.
[Page]Linnin in peeces litted
- Botanos, litted blew, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Imperlings blew, the peece Custome. xv s.
- Linnes blew or reed, the peece Custome. xv s.
- Linnin Cloth or
- Canves called
- French canves and linnin broad for board-cloths, being an eln an halfe broad, the C. elns Custome. jc. xx. l.
- French Canves and Line narow, broun or white the C. elns Custome. xl l.
- Dutch and Barras Canves, the C elns conteining vj xx. Custome. xxx l.
- Packing canves and Spruce canves the hundreth elns Custome. xviii l.
- Poldavies, the bolt cont. xxviii elns Custome. xii l.
- Spruce, Elbing or Queens-brow canves, the bolt conteining xxviii elns Custome. viii l.
- Stript or tufted canves with threed the peece cont. xv elns Custome. x l.
- Stript, tufted or quilted canves with silk, the peece cont. xv elns Custome. xii. l. x. s.
- Stript canves with copper, the peece cont. xv elns Custome. xv l.
- Vandalose or Vitterie canves, the C. elns cont. vj xx. Custome. lx l.
- Working canves for cushens narow the C. elns Custome. xxx l.
- Working canves broad, the C. elns cont. vj xx Custome. l l.
- Working canves of the broadest sort the C. elns cont. vj xx Custome. lx l.
- Canves called
- Callicoes
- course, the peece Custome. vi l.
- fine, the peece Custome. ix l.
[Page]Linnin cloth called
- Cambrick
- the half peece cont. sex elns and a half Custome. xv l.
- the peece conteining xiii elns Custome. xxx l.
- Lawnes
- the half peece cont. sex elns & a half Custome. xii l.
- the peece cont. xiii elns Custome. xxiiii l.
- called Callico lawnes, the peece Custome. viii l.
- Sletia lawne, the peece betwix foure and eight elns Custome. viii l.
- Damask
- Board-clothing of Holland making the eln Custome. vi l.
- Towelling and serveting of Holland making, the eln Custome. xl s.
- Towelling and serveting of Sletia making, the eln Custome. xvi s.
- Dornick
- Board-clothing of Hollād making the eln Custome. iiii. l.
- Towelling and serveting of Holland making, the eln Custome. xxvi s. viii d
- Board-clothing of Sletia making, the eln Custome. xxxvi s.
- Towelling and serveting Sletia makin, the eln Custome. xii s.
- Brabant cloth the eln Custome. xl s.
- Embden cloth the eln Custome. xl s.
- Gentish cloth. the eln Custome. xl s.
- Flemish cloth. the eln Custome. xl s.
- Freaze cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- Holland cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- Broun holland And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- Isingam cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- Overisels cloth And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- Rowse cloth. And so the peece longer or shorter after that rate.
- [Page]Cowsfields cloth or plats, the eln Custome. xvi s.
- British cloth, the hundreth elns conteining sex score Custome. lx l.
- Drilling and Pack-duck, the hundreth elns conteining vj xx. Custome. xx l.
- Elbing or Danskene cloth in double ploy, the eln Custome. xii s.
- Hambrow and Sletia cloth broad, the C. elns white or broun Custome. lx l.
- Hambrow cloth narow, the C. elns Custome. l. l.
- Hinderlands, Middle-good and Head-lack the hundreth elns Custome. xx l.
- Irish cloth, the C. elns Custome. xx l.
- Lockram called
- Treager, the peece conteining j c. elns. Custome. xxx l.
- Grest cloth, the peece conteining j c. elns Custome. xl. l.
- Dowlas, the peece conteining j c. elns Custome. xl l.
- Minsters, the roule conteining fiftene hundreth elns at vj xx to the hundreth Custome. v c. l.
- Ozenbrigs, the roule conteining fiftene C. elns Custome. vi c, l.
- Soultwitch, the C. elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- Polonia, Vlsters, Hanovers, Lubek, narow Sletia, narow west-Phalia, narow Harfords, plain serviting, and all other narow cloth of heigh Datchland, not otherwise rated, the C. elns. Custome. xxxvi l.
- Cambrick
- Lit called Orchard lit, the barrell Custome. xx l.
- Lockets or chapes for daggers, the groce conteining twelue dozen Custome. iiii l.
[Page]Locks called
- budget or hanging locks small, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. ix l.
- hanging locks large, the groce Custome. xviii l.
- Lures for Halkes, the peece Custome. viii s.
- Lutes
- of Cullon making with cases, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- of Venice making with cases, the peece Custome. xii l.
- Lut-strings called
- Catlings, the groce conteining 12 dozen knots Custome. xvi s.
- Minikins, the groce cont. 12 dozen knots Custome. viii l.
- Litmus for Litsters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. vi l.
- Lynes called fishing lynes, the peece Custome. viii s.
- MAces, see grocerie ware.
- Madder called
- croppe Madder, and all other bale Madder the hundreth waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xx l.
- Fat Madder, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Malt, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- Mallies, the pound waight Custome. vi s.
- Masts
- for ships, small the Mast Custome. xl s.
- for ships middle, the Mast Custome. vi l.
- for ships great, the Mast Custome. xii l.
- for boats, the Mast Custome. iiii l.
- Match for gunnes, the pound waight Custome. ii s.
- Meall, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- [Page]Meall, the last conteining twelue barrels Custome. xl. l.
- Meden or stiffing the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
- Mellasses or Rameales, the tun Custome. j c. xx. l.
- Milstones, see stones.
- Missellanes, the peece conteining 30 elns Custome. lx l.
- Michridat, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Mocado ends, or Cruell yarne, the dozen pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Morters and Pestels of brasse, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Musk, the ounce Custome. xvi l.
- Musk-cods, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- Mustard
- seed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. iii l.
- of Burdeaux, the barrell Custome. xx s.
- Mutches called
- night mutches of linning plane, the dozen Custome. l s.
- night mutches embroudered with silke the peece Custome. iii l.
- night mutches embroudered with silke and gould, the peece Custome. vi l.
- night mutches embroudered with gould and silver, the peece Custome. xii l.
- NAiles called
- Chaire nailes, the thousand Custome. iii l.
- Cork-tackets of Iron, the thousand Custome. xl s.
- Cork-tackets of steele, the thousand Custome. x l.
- Copper-nailes, Rose-nailes, and Saidlers [Page] nailes, the thousand Custome. xx s.
- Head nailes, the barrell Custome. xlviii l.
- Harnes nailes, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
- small nailes, the halfe barrell Custome. xlviii l.
- Sprig nailes, the thousand Custome. x s.
- Tenter hooks, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
- Needels
- the thousand Custome. xx s.
- called Pac-needels, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
- Needle cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Nuts called
- small Nuts, the barrell Custome. iii l.
- Walnuts, the barrell Custome. iiii l.
- OCker, the barrell Custome. viii l.
- Okehame for calking of Ships, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. iii l.
- Onions
- the barrell Custome. iii l.
- the hundreth bunshes Custome. v l.
- Onion seed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvliii l.
- Orchall for Painters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Oringes, the thousand Custome. x l.
- Orpement, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound for Painters Custome. xii l.
- Orsedew, the dozen of pound Custome. viii l.
- Oxen, the peece Custome. xx l.
- PAck-threed
- in skaines, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
- called bottome threed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
- Pans
- called dropping and frying pans, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. viii l.
- called warming pans, the dozen Custome. xx l.
- Paper called
- Broun paper, the bundle Custome. xxiiii s.
- Cap-paper, the reame Custome. iii l.
- Demi-paper, the reame Custome. iiii l.
- Ordinarie printing paper, the reame Custome. xl s.
- Royall paper the Reame Custome. viii l.
- Painted paper, the reame Custome. iiii l.
- Pressing paper, the hundreth leaues Custome. iiii l.
- Past of Jeane, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Parchment, the hundreth skins conteining sex score Custome. xx l.
- Pasments
- of gould and silver, the pound Custome. lxiiii l.
- of silke, the pound Custome. xx l.
- of velvet, the narow sort the bolt Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
- of middle sort, the bolt Custome. x l.
- of the broadest sort, the bolt Custome. xiii l. vi s. viii d.
- of worset, the groce cont. 12 dozen elns Custome. xxxvi l.
- Pearling called sewing pearling
- of the narow sort, the elne Custome. xxx s.
- of the middle sort, the elne Custome. xlv s.
- of the broad sort, the elne Custome. iii l.
- Pearles called seed pearles, the ounce troy Custome. xxx s.
- Peares, the barrell Custome. v l.
- Pease, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- [Page]Penners, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
- Pepper, see grocerie ware,
- Petticots of silke, the peece Custome. xii l.
- Pewder, the hundreth waight thereof Custome. xlviii l.
- Picks
- without heads, the peece Custome. xl s.
- with heads, the peece Custome. l. s.
- Pillies
- of iron, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xxx l.
- of brasse, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- of wood, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. v l.
- Pile waights, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Pintadoes or Callico cop-boord-cloths, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Pistollets, the pair Custome. vi l.
- Pitch
- of small bind, the last conteining 12 barrels Custome. xxxvi l.
- of great bind, the last Custome. xl l.
- Plain irons for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- Plaister, the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Plate
- of silver white and vngilt, the ounce Custome. iii l.
- of silver parcell gilt, the ounce Custome. iii l. x s.
- of silver gilt, the ounce Custome. iiii l.
- Plates
- single, white or black, the hundreth plates Custome. xvi l.
- double, white or black, the hundreth plates Custome. xxxii l.
- single, white or blak, the barrel conteining iij c. plaits Custome. xlviii l.
- double, white or blak, the barel cont. iij c. plaits Custome. xcvi l.
- called harnes plaits or iron doubles, the plate Custome. xxiiii s.
- called white iron platers, the dozen Custome. iii l.
- Points
- of threed, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. x s.
- of silke, the groce Custome. xii l.
- of Capiton, the groce Custome. xx s.
- Pomgranets, the thousand Custome. l l.
- of earth or stone covered, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. viii l.
- of earth or stone vncovered, the hundreth cast, conteining a gallon to every cast whether in one pot or in mo Custome. xv l.
- called Gally-pots, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xii l.
- melting-pots for Gould-smiths, the hundreth Custome. xii s.
- of Iron French making, the dozen Custome. xv l.
- of Brase, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Powder
- Serpentene, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- Corn-powder, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xl l.
- Prenis, the dozen of thousands Custome. xii l.
- Punsons and gravers for gold-smiths, the pound waight Custome. vi s.
- QVaifes
- of gould double, the dozen Custome. l. l.
- of gould single, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- of silke, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- of linnin, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
- of jeat, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Quick-silver, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- Quilts
- of French making, the dozen Custome. xxx l.
- of Callico, the peece Custome. xii l.
- of satine or other silke, the peece Custome. xl l.
- RAcks for Cros-bows, the peece Custome. iii l.
- Rackets, the peece Custome. viii s.
- Rattels for children, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. vi l.
- Razers for Barbers, the dicker conteining ten Custome. xxiiii s.
- Reeds or Canes, the thousand Custome. xx l.
- Ribbens of silk of all sorts, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Ribbens of worset of al sorts, the groce cont, 12 doz. elns Custome. iiii l.
- Ropes tarred or vntarred, the C. waight cont. vj xx pound Custome. xv l.
- Roset the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xvi l.
- Rings for Courteins, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Ruggs
- called Irish ruggs, the peece Custome. xviii l.
- called Polish ruggs, the peece Custome. x l.
- Rungs, the hundreth Custome. x s.
- Ry, the booll Custome. iii l. vi viii d.
- Red-earth for painters, the hundreth waight Custome. xl s.
- SAck-cloth, the roule or peece, conteining 15 elns Custome. v l.
- Saddels
- of steele, the peece Custome. xii l.
- covered with black lether,, the peece Custome. ix l.
- covered with Cairsays, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- covered with velvet, the peece Custome. xxx l.
- Saffora, to make glasse, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- [Page]Saiffron, the pound Custome. xxv l.
- Saip
- of the law Countries, the barrell Custome. xx l.
- of Castile or Venice the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
- Salmon, the last Custome. ij c. xl. l.
- Sal-peter, the hundreth waight Custome. xviii l.
- Salt called
- white or Spanish salt, the boll Custome. xxx s.
- Bay or French salt, the boll Custome. xxx s.
- Sawes called
- Hand-sawes, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Tenent-sawes, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- Whip-sawes, the peece Custome. xxx s.
- Leg-sawes, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Sayes
- of Flanders making colored, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xxxvi l.
- called Hairsays, the peece conteining 15 elns Custome. lxxx l.
- Scisers, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. x. l.
- Scupes, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- Scheares
- for Walkers, the pair Custome. vi l.
- for Skinners, the pair Custome. vi s.
- for Seamsters, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- for Tailers, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- called wooll sheares, the pair Custome. iiii s.
- Schooles
- vngarnished, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
- garnished with iron, the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
- Searges
- of English making, the single peece Custome. xviii l.
- called Searge dascot or lyning searge, the peece conteining 15 elnes Custome. xv l.
- Schumak or blacking, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Silk called
- Bridges silk, the pound conteining 16 ounces Custome. xviii l.
- Feret or Floret silk, the pound Custome. x l.
- [Page]Filosell or Paries silk, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Granado silk black, the pound Custome. xx l.
- Granado silk in culours, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Naples silk black, the pound Custome. xx l.
- Naples silk in colours, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Pole, Spanish satine silk and Organsine silk the pound Custome. xx l.
- Throwen silk, the pound Custome. xviii l.
- Raw long silk, the pound Custome. x l.
- Raw short silk or Capitone, the pound Custome. v l.
- Raw Morea silk, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Sleaue silk fine or Naples sleaue, the pound Custome. xxiiii l.
- Sleaue silke course, the pound Custome. viii l.
- Silk Nubbs or Huskes of silk, the pound Custome. xvi s.
- Borrats of silk, the elne Custome. iiii l.
- Silks wroght called
- Caffa or Damask
- the elne Custome. vi l.
- Crimosin or Purple, the eln Custome. viii l.
- Counterfute half silk half threed the eln Custome. xl s.
- Calimanco the eln Custome. vi l.
- Cacalopha, the eln Custome. iiii l.
- Chamlets
- of silk, the eln Custome. v l.
- of silk tinseld with gold or silver the eln Custome. viii l.
- Cloth
- of gould and silver plane, the eln Custome. xxx l.
- of gould and silver wroght, the eln Custome. xl l.
- of Tissew, the eln Custome. lxx l.
- Silk-Curles, the eln Custome. iiii l.
- of silke narow, the elne Custome. v l.
- of silke broad, the elne Custome. vii l.
- called Tabie Grograins, the eln Custome. iiii l.
- Silk-say, the elne Custome. vi l. xiii s. iiii d.
- Plush of all colours, the elne Custome. xii l.
- Sattine
- Bridges satine, the elne Custome. iii l.
- Bridges satine tinseld, the elne Custome. viii l.
- China or Turkie satine, the elne Custome. v l.
- of Bolonia, Lukes, Jeane, and al other Satine of the lyk making out of grain, figoured or plain the eln Custome. vi l.
- in graine or right Crimosin, the eln Custome. ix l.
- tinseld with gold and silver, the elne Custome. xvi l.
- Silk-stockings or hose of Millane, or Paries short, the pair Custome. xii l.
- Silk-stockings
- of Millane or France long, the pair Custome. xv l.
- of England or Naples short the pair Custome. xv l.
- of England or Naples long the pair Custome. xxiiii l.
- Tabins
- of silke, the elne Custome. v l.
- tinselled, the elne Custome. x l.
- Taffeties
- Levant taffeties, the eln Custome. xxvi s. viii d.
- Towres taffetie, the elne Custome. vii l.
- Naples taffetie, the elne Custome. v l.
- Jeanes taffetie, the elne Custome. vi l.
- Spanish taffetie, the elne Custome. vii l.
- Sarcenet of Bolonia or Florence the elne Custome. iii l.
- [Page]China sarcenet, the elne Custome. xl s.
- Sarcenet with gould and silver, the elne Custome. viii l.
- Stript taffetie narow, the elne Custome. v l.
- narow stript with gould or silver the elne Custome. xii l.
- tuf-taffetie narow, the elne Custome. vi l.
- tuf-taffetie broad, the elne Custome. x l.
- tuf-taffetie stript with silver, the elne Custome. xvi l.
- Velvets
- of all colours out of graine, the eln Custome. xii l.
- right Crimosin or purple in grain the elne Custome. xvi l.
- figoured of al colours out of grain the elne Custome. xii l.
- figoured right Crimosin or Purple, the elne Custome. xvi l.
- Scipers or craip called
- of silke or broad Sipers, the dozen elns Custome. xxx l.
- Scumme Sipers, the dozen elns Custome. xii l.
- narow Sipers, the elne Custome. xx s.
- Curll Sipers, the single peece conteining ten elnes Custome. xv l.
- Caffa or Damask
- Skins called
- Dog-fish skins for fletchers, the skin. Custome. .v s.
- Gold-skins, the skin Custome. vi s.
- Goat-skins of Barbarie in the hair, or out of the hair vntanned, the dozen Custome. ix l.
- Goat-skins tanned, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- Husse-skins for fletchers, the skin Custome. vi s.
- Kid-skins in the hair, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. xii l.
- [Page]Kid skins drest, the hundreth cont. vj xx. Custome. xvi l.
- Seale-skins, the skin Custome. xx s.
- Portugall skins, the dozen Custome. xxiiii l.
- Shamway skins, the dozen Custome. xvi l.
- Spanish, Civile or Cordowan skins the dozen Custome. xxxvi l.
- Spruce skins tawed, the dozen Custome. xvi l
- Lamb skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
- Cunning skins, the hundreth Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- Sheep skins, called shorlings the hundreth Custome. xxx l.
- Tod skins, the hundreth Custome. lxxx l.
- Mertrik skins, the dozen Custome. xl l.
- Otter skins, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- Selch skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xl s.
- Fowmert skins, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
- Goat skins, the hundreth Custome. xv l.
- Hart and Hynd skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xl l.
- Dae and Rae skins, the dicker conteining ten skins Custome. xx l.
- English wooll skins, the hundreth Custome. lx l.
- Slip, the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Smalts or blew-stiffing, the pound Custome. x s.
- Spangles of copper, the thousand Custome. iiii l.
- Sparres called
- double roofe Sparres, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. lxxx l.
- single roofe sparres, the hundreth Custome. xl l.
- wicker sparres, the hundreth Custome. iii l.
- Aiken roofe sparres, the peece Custome. xl s.
- Spectacles without cases, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xii l.
[Page]Spounges or brushes
- called water spounges for Chirurgians the pound waight Custome. xxx s.
- of hadder, the dozen course Custome. vi l.
- of hadder fine, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- of hair called head-brushes, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- of heath called head-brushes, the dozen Custome. x l.
- of hair called rubbing brushes, the dozen Custome. xxx s.
- of hadder called rubbing brushes, the dozen Custome. xx s.
- of hair called keame brushes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- of hair called wobsters brushes, the dozen Custome. xl s.
- of hair for dichting of cloths, the dozen Custome. x l.
- Standishes
- of wood, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- of brasse, the dozen. Custome. iiii l.
- covered with lether gilt, the peece Custome. xl s.
- of tin, the dozen Custome. iiii l.
- Steele
- called long steele, wisp-steele, and such like, the C. waight cont. vj xx. pound Custome. xii l.
- called gad-steele, the half barrell Custome. j c. l.
- Stones
- Sklait-stanes, the thousand Custome. vi l.
- Sleik-stanes, the hundreth conteining vj xx. Custome. v l.
- Cane stanes, the tun Custome. iiii l.
- Dog-stanes, the last Custome. lxxii l.
- Mil-stanes, the peece Custome. xl. l.
- Quern-stanes small, the last Custome. xii l.
- Quern-stanes large, the last Custome. xxiiii l.
- Syth-stanes, the hundreth Custome. xii l.
- Stirop-irons, the hundreth pair thereof Custome. xl l.
- Stooles
- covered with lether, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- of aik vncovered, the dozen Custome. vi l.
- Strings called Harp, Lutt or Gittern strings, the groce Custome. xvi s
- blades of Venice, Spaine, Turkie, or fine blades, the dozen Custome. xviii l.
- blades course of Flanders making, the dozen Custome. xii l.
- mounted vngilt, the peece Custome. vi l.
- mounted and gilt with gold or silver, the peece Custome. xxiiii l.
- Symon, the barrell Custome. xxx s.
- Sythes, the peece Custome. xx s.
- Smiths studies, the hundreth waight Custome. x l.
- TAbles called playing Tables
- of Ivorie bone, the pair Custome. x l.
- of Brasile, the pair Custome. iiii l.
- of common sort, the pair Custome. xxx s.
- Table books
- course, the dozen Custome. xlviii s.
- fine, the dozen Custome. iiii l. xvi s.
- Takle, the stane waight thereof Custome. xl s.
- Tallow, the barrell thereof conteining C. waight Custome. x l.
- Tapestrie
- with hair, the elne Custome. xxiiii s.
- with wooll, the elne Custome. xxxvi s.
- with caddes, the elne Custome. iii l. xii s.
- with silke, the elne Custome. v l. vi s. viii d.
- with gold or silver, the elne Custome. lx l.
- of gilt lether, the elne Custome. iii l. xii s.
- Tarras, the barrell Custome. xl s.
- Tar
- the barrell of small bind Custome. iii l.
- the barrell of great bind Custome. vi l.
- Tazels, the thousand Custome. xxx s.
- Thimbles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
[Page]Threed called
- Birges threed, the dozen pound Custome. ix l.
- Crosbow-threed, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
- Lyons or Paries threed, the ball conteining an hundreth bolts Custome. j c. xx l.
- Owtnall threed, the dozen pound Custome. xii l.
- Peecing threed, the dozen pound Custome. xvi l.
- Sisters threed, the pound Custome. vi l.
- Tyking of the East countrie, the elne Custome. x s.
- Tyles called
- pavement tyles, the thousand Custome. xii l.
- Chimney tyles, the thousand Custome. vi l.
- Tin
- vnwroght, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxxvi l.
- wroght, called Pewder, the hundreth waight Custome. xlviii l.
- Tincall or Borax vnrefined, the pound Custome. xl s.
- Tin-foile, the groce conteining 12 dozen Custome. xl s.
- Tin-glasse, the C. waight conteining vj xx pound Custome. xxx l.
- Tinsell of
- Copper, the elne Custome. xl s.
- right gold or silver, the elne Custome. iiii l.
- Tobacco called
- Leafe Tobacco, the pound Custome. xvi l.
- Cane, Pudding or Ball Tobacco, the pound Custome. xx l.
- Tooles called carving tooles, the groce Custome. vi l.
- Tow, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Towes
- great, the stane Custome. xl s.
- small, the stane Custome. xx s.
- Trayes or croches of wood, the peece Custome. vi s.
- Treacle
- called Flanders Treacle, the barrell Custome. xxiiii l.
- of Jeane, the pound Custome. viii s.
- of Venice, the pound Custome. viii s.
[Page]Trenchers of wood
- white of common sort, the groce Custome. iii l. iiii s.
- reed or painted, the groce Custome. x l.
- white of the finest sort, the groc Custome. x l.
- VElvet, see silks.
- Veales, the peece Custome. v l.
- Velures,, see Naples fustians.
- Verditor for Painters, the hundreth waight Custome. viii l.
- Vergus, the pound Custome. iii s. iiii d.
- Vernice, the gallon Custome. xxiiii s.
- Vice haspes, the dozen Custome. xii s.
- Vice tongs, or hand vices, the dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
- Vineger, the tun Custome. xl l.
- Viols, the peece Custome. iiii l.
- Virginals, the pair Custome. xxx l.
- Vizards, the dozen Custome. viii l.
- WAdmoll, the eln Custome. viii s.
- Waights of brasse or pyle waights, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Wainscot, see boards.
- Warming pans, the dozen Custome. xx l.
- Walx called
- soft walx, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
- called hard walx, the pound Custome. iii l.
- [Page]Walkers earth, the hundreth waight Custome. xl s.
- Whale fin, the sinne— xii s.—the pound Custome. xl s.
- Whale-shot, the pound Custome. xx s.
- Weld for litsters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. vi l.
- Wheate, the boll Custome. iii l. vi s. viii d.
- Whet-stanes, the hundreth stanes Custome. v l.
- Whip-cord, the pound Custome. iiii s.
- Whissels for Taberners, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- Whissels for children, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. iii l. xii s.
- Wynes of all sorts, see after the Rates Inwards.
- Woad called
- Iland or greene woad, the tun conteining twentie hundreth waight Custome. j c. lxxx. l.
- Tholouse woad, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. x l.
- Woad-nets for Litsters, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. vi l.
- Wood called Fustick wood for Litsters, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Worsets called sewing worsets, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Wood called
- Box wood for keames, the thousand peeces Custome. xx l.
- Braseil or Fernando buck-wood, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxx l.
- Ebonie wood, the hundreth waight Custome. xii l.
- Fustick, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Lignum vitae, the hundreth waight Custome. vi l.
- Burnwood, the fathome Custome. xl s.
- Wooll called
- Beaver-wooll, the pound Custome. iii l.
- Cotton wooll, the pound Custome. viii s.
- Estridg wooll the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xx l.
- [Page]French wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
- Lambes wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
- Polonia wooll, the hundreth waight Custome. xxx l.
- Spanish wooll for clothing or felts, the hundreth waight Custome. xxxvi l.
- Womils for wrights, the dozen Custome. xxiiii s.
- Worm-seed, the pound Custome. xxiiii s.
- Wrests for Virginals, the groce cont. 12 dozen Custome. vii l. iiii s.
- Wyre called
- Iryon wyre, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. xxxvi l.
- Latten wyre, the hundreth waight conteining vj xx. pound Custome. lx l.
- Steele wyre, the pound Custome. xviii s.
- Virginall wyre, the pound Custome. xxx s.
- YArne called
- Cable yarne, the stane Custome. xx s.
- Cotton yarne, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Raw linnin yarne Dutch or French, the pound Custome. xii s.
- Spruce or Muscovia yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xx l.
- Wollen or Bay yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xl l.
- Irish yarne, the hundreth waight Custome. xv l.
JMPOST TO BE PAYED FOR VVYNES broght in Scotland by Scottes-men or strangers.
- Wynes called
- GAscone and French Wynes, and all other wynes of the French Kings dominions, in Impost for every tunne thereof xxxvi l.
- Renish wyne, the Awme in Impost vi. l.
- MUscadels, Malueasies, and all other Wynes of the grouth of the Levant seas in Impost for every tunne thereof xxxvi l.
- SAcks, Canaries, Malagaes, Maderaes, Romneys, Hulloks, Bastards, Teynts and Allacants, for every tunne or two Butts or Pypes thereof in Impost xxxvi l.