VIRTVS POST FVNERA VIVIT Or, Honour Tryumphing over Death. Being true EPITOMES of Honorable, Noble, Learned, And Hospitable Personages
Printed by JOHN NORTON. 1636.
A Proeme.
To the right Honorable, and most nobly deserving Lord, WILLIAM Earle
of New-Castle, Barron
Ogle &c.
CAESAR did adventure to write his owne acts, & heroicke deedes by commentary (and very well he might) I, that with Virgils gnat, have nothing to write of my selfe (save misery) have assaied to write the lives, Pious, and vertuous deedes of others (not that by this they are immortalizde) for their owne Worthes, Vertues, Hospitable, and Pious deedes united have eternized themselves. My full scope, & modest aime is to perpetuate them on Earth, that posterities unborne may not let such Honorable, Religious, & vertuous acts, as your nobleprogenito [...]s have done, & daily do performe, [Page] slip into oblivion, but as in a christall mirror we may here behold them (as from the beginning we had our sa cred lawes in the first table writte) your Honour is the Sanctuary to whose high Altar of goodnes, I alwaies flie too for redresse in all extreames [...]one, whom I know with
Anaxeritis had rather receive a cruse of cold water from your Poore Sinetis, then a goblet of rich aromaticke, or cretan wine, from a flattering Gnatho, the God of Heaven, & earth blesse you, my honorable. Lady my Honorable Mecenas, and all your noble, and Honorable families, and posterities, sending you your harts wish Temporall, & Eternall.
To the right Honorable most Religious, and truly noble Lady CARISTIAN DOVVAGER Countesse of Devon: Mother to the right honorable WILLIAM Earle of Devon: and to the right Honorable the Lady, A [...]n: Ri [...]h, her honours sole Daughter.
Fame, and Envy that usd to be sworne enemies of the dead (either in detracting, or saying too much, (in this place subject themselves) Envy submits, and fame continues her resolution, which is to div [...]lge unto the world, deedes of Honor,, Piety, and Truth worthy of Fames Trumpet! To your families, your Honour, and your issue these properly belong! you are the needle by whom these Sun-dialls of Charity hourely, and daily goe, 'tis you that lengthen, and not lessen these Charitable, and most Religious deedes begun by your progenitors of blessed memory! I neede not say with Horace. Tn recte vivis, si curas esse quod audis. For the lives, and actions of this family, all tend to divine honour; Heaven continue it, and with it long daies, and happy ones, and send that noble stem your Honourable Son that lovely branch of Honour, a H [...]lcyon gale, that he may safely arrive at your feete for a blessing and continue an arme of comfort to your Hnnor., and all this most Honorable family.
To the right Honorable CHARLES Lord Vis-count Mansfeild, Son, and heire to the right Honorable my singular good Lord WILLIAM Earle of Now-castle, Barron Ogle, &c. Lord Leiftennant of his Majestics too famous Counties Nottingham, and Derby.
In laudem Authoris.
An Elegie.
ON THE RIGHT HONORAble Elizabeth Countesse of Shrewsbury wife to the right Honorable GEORGE Earle Shrewsbury Mother to the right Honorable William Earle o [...] Devon: Sir Charles Cavendish who married Katherine Barronnesse Ogle, Henry Cavendish who married the Lady Grace Talbot, and Mary Countesse of Shrewsbury wife to the Lord Gilbert which Mary was Sole builder of the second Court of St. Iohns in the famous Vniversity of Cambridge, Frances Lady Peirpoint This Countesse Elizabeth was Erectoresse of the two famous fabricks of Chatts-worth, and Hard-wicke, and sole foundresse of the famous Almeshouse in Derby. Grand-Mother
- To the right Honorable William last Earle of Devon:
- VVilliam Earle of Newcastle
- Robert Earle of Kingstone
- Sir Charles Cavendish.
- Countesse of Pembrooke
- The Countesse of Arundell
- Countesse of Kent
Great Grand-mother to the right Honorable
- VVilliam Earle of Devon-shire
- The Lord Matreve [...]s
- Charles Lord viscount Mansfield
- Henry Viscount New warke
- Charles Cavendish, & Henry Cavendish. Esquires.
On the Right Honorable the Lady Katherin Baronesse Ogle, worker to the right Honorable William Earle of Newcastle and the most noble Gentleman Sr. Charles Cavendish.
On the right Honorable WILLIAM last Earle of Devon-shire who married the most noble Lady CHRISTIAN Sister to the Lord BRVSE and lyes inter [...]d in DERBY.
On the right Honorable JANB Countesse of Shrewsbury Wife to the right Honorable EDVVARD Lord TALBOT of Shrewsbury last of that family dedicated to the right Honorable the Lady JANE CAVENDISH Daughter to the right Honorable WILLIAM Earle of New-Castle:
On the right Honorable ELIZABETH Countesse of Huntington Wife to the right Honorable FERDINAND Earle of Huntington.
On ELIZABETH WILLOVGH BY First Wife to HENRY WILLOVGH BY of RISLEY Baronet who lieth interr'd in the Parish of Wilne in Derby-shire.
On the Right Honorable the Lady CLIFTON second Wife to Sir GERVASE CTIFTON Baronet, daughter to the Earle of Cumber-land.
On the never dying memory of ould Sir JOHN HARPER of Swarkeston Grand-father to the noble Gentleman Sir JOHN HARPER dedicated to him, and his most nob [...]c Lady.
On the renowned gentleman ould Sir JOHN BYRON of Newsteed-Abbey.
On Sir GEORG MANNORS of Haldon, father of the noble Gentleman JOHN MANNORS Esquire.
On the right Honorable WILLIAM CAVENDISH second sonne of that name to the right Honorable WILLIAM Earle of New-Castle. 1633.
Ana gramma
All my will is Heaven.
Epitaph on the same.
On the well learned, and truely noble Gentleman Sir PETER FRETCHVILLE of Stalie.
On the right Honorable HENRY Lord, STANHOT of the North, Knight of the Bath, Son to the right Honorable PHILIP Earle of Chesterfield, and KATHERIN his noble Countesse. Anno. 1634.
On CHARLES STANHOP first brother to the Lord HENERY, and third Son to PHILIP Earle of Chesterfield. KATHERIN his noble Countesse.
On ROBERT POVVTRELL of Westhallam Esquire.
On William Willoughby of Mascam Esquire, who died at Celson.
On HENRY VVORRALL of wysoll Esquire.
On the Worshipfull M rs GREASLEY Mother of the Lady BVRDEAVT of Formarke.
On the Renowned JOHN Lord DARCY of the North.
On Sir GILBERT KNIVETON Knight, and Baronnet.
On the Lady Greffith Wife to Henry Greffith Baronnet, and daughter of Henry Willoughby Baronnet.
On WILLIAM FARRINGTON of Salterstord Esquire March the, 14. 1633.
Farwell I am gon.
Which Anagramizde by conversion even, (Farwell. I am gon) from Earth to Heaven.
On that worthy woman CASSANDRA POVVTRELL of Westhallam.
On Sir HENRY SHERLEY of STAVNTON Baronnet buried at Breedon in Leicester shire.
On that much lamented gentleman Sir HENRY LEIGH of Egginton.
On the right Honorable H [...]N [...]Y P [...]I [...]POINT Father to the right Honorable ROBERT Earle of Kingston.
On the worthy Gentleman Sir HENRY A [...]ARD of Fauston, 1635
On the same.
On the pattern of modesty ELIZA: TEVERY daughter of GERVASE TEVERY of Staplefoord Esquire.
On ould JOHN CVRS'EN of KEDLESTON Esquire.
So I runne on.
Honour is sure.
On the same.
On that renowned, and Hospitable Gentleman JOHN PALMER of Kegworth Esquire.
Imprimatur Exaedib. Londin. Sa. Baker.
Apr. 22. 1636.