The City Mouse.

The Country Mouse, AND The City Mouse.

OR A merry morrall Fable, enlarged out of Horace. Serm. lib. 2. Sat. 6.

Rusticus urbanum murem, mus paupere fertur,
Accepisse cavo, veterem vetus hospes amicum▪
In former time a Country Mouse
That in a Cave did live:
Vnto a wealthy City Mouse
Did entertainement give.

The second Edition.


LONDON, Printed by Tho, Cote's, for Michael Sparke Iunior, and are to be sold at the blue Bible in Greene Arbour. 1637.

A Caveat to Readers.

LEt the Envious strive to show
His scorne of this Fable below
His fancy which must mounted be,
Above the Readers Charity,
As if he strived to relate
Mysterious Oracles of Fate.
This Fable is no fine device,
But an old Fable of two Mice,
Which desires no commendation
But to be read for Recreation.
For these Mice may talke in season,
Having eaten many a Reason,
Therefore if the Reader likeum,
Mus novum accipit amicum.
Which is to say, the Mice intend,
To count that Reader a new friend.


IN Italy, a Country rich in pleasure,
Which nature had adorn'd with all her treasure,
Both to delight the eye, and feed the sence;
And seeming prodigall in her expence
Had made the ayre sweete with the breath of flowērs
Which were begot by soft and gentle showres.
Here on the bending of a Hill there stood,
Some pleasant trees which made a shady wood,
And here it chanced that a Country Mouse
Did live alone, and kept a Country house.
His house was not so spacious as those are
Whose lofty Pinicles advanc'd with care
May seeme the living grave of some rich man:
Who does usurpe authority, and can
In a faire roomy building, keepe a house
Of such cleane dyet that shall starve a mouse.
[Page 2] But such was not the Cottage, nor the Cave,
Wherein this Country Mouse, did live most brave
And most compleate, for though it were not large
And spacious, yet this Mouse at his owne charge,
Did keep a good warm house, wel stord with plen­ty
The larders, nor the Butteries were not empty,
As in these pinching dayes, no, he had store
Of rich provision, and that is no soare.
And first he had brave yellow Bacon, which
For fatnesse was both glorious and rich,
And some dry chippins that long time had beene
Kept in the mouldy Prison of a Binne:
Yet you must know this Country Mouse by nature
Was but a covetous and hide bound creature,
That stored up provision without end,
Which he did choisely keepe and would not spend
Vntill that hunger did compell, then he
Vnto himselfe would somewhat liberall be.
Yet he would feed alone, and oft did grutch
To thinke his belly should devoure so much,
The thought of a deere yeare kept him in awe,
So that with Acornes he would scoure his mawe,
With Acornes or with some farre courser fare,
And as the Miser doth his God, would spare
His chiefe provision, yet his narrow minde
Did somewhat now enlarge, he grew more kinde:
To counterfeit a vertue he nere had
Liberality, he shewd himselfe right glad,
That the City Mouse would come visite him
In his poore Cottage, whereby it did seeme
[Page 3] He forgot not his poore friends, thus he went
Forward with his dissembling complement.
The City Mouse as cunning, did returne
His Country Complement with a kind of scorne,
Casting a looke on him which seem'd to pitty
His ignorance that never knew the City,
Imagining that Wit must be confin'd
To Cloakes that are with Plush and Velvet lin'd:
And that a Country man (as we doe say,)
Hath not a mother wit as well as they.
The City Mouse it seem'd conceived so,
But now the Country Mouse begins to show
Vnto the other all his roomes, contriv'd
In such a manner, as if he had striv'd
To imitate the Labarinth of Greece;
Where Theseus obtaind the Golden Fleece.
Being so intricate, for it did winde
And turne about, so that no Art could finde
The way out of it, and such was the Cave
Wherein this Mouse did live, and wisely save
His Fathers wealth, his parlour was thicke spred
With rushes, which were dry and withered.
I should at first indeed have nam'd the Hall,
But that his house had no such roome at all,
He kept no Liveries, nor did he feede
A crue of serving Creatures, nor did neede
A Hall wherein they might unto his credit
Entertaine strangers, no he did not neede it,
But scorning such old fashions, he had none,
For entertainement but his dining roome:
[Page 4] On this hand stood his Buttery where he laid
The Meate and Chippins which he had convaid
From rich mens houses, and there went a way,
Which led unto a Seller, where there lay.
Some Crabs, & wildings with whose sharpe soure juce
To quench his thirst he oftentimes did use,
He had no greasie kitching, for his meate
Was alwayes dressed, ready for to eate.
Yet he had Larders where he layd his store,
And a bed-chamber, with divers roomes more:
For you must know, an old and ancient Mole,
Was at the charge of building of this hole;
And you doe know a Mole, can forthwith cast,
A house at his owne proper charge and cost,
Much workemanship, are in his models found,
Although the building be still underground.
And it did seeme, this faire house did belong
Vnto a Mole, but he was dead and gone,
And being defunct, both his goods and lands,
As others doe, came to a strangers hands,
But this is but a needlesse fond digression,
The Country Mouse had gotten now possession,
And warmely liv'd therein full many a day,
And to the Lord of the soyle did not pay
Any rent at all, which made him to grow bolder,
Because he knew that he was a freeholder.
But let this pass, the Country mouse having shown
The Citty Mouse his house and every roome,
As he had given content unto his sight,
He thought to yeeld his stomacke some delight.
[Page 5] For the belly when a mery tale it heares,
Takes no delight because it hath no eares,
The hungry belly loves no tales I wish,
Vnlesse it be a Taile of buttered fish.
It loves a pudding, wherein plumbs doe sticke,
Better than Aristotles Rhetoricke.
But I make haste now to describe the feast,
Wherewith he did receive his dainty guest,
So that Vitellius feasts though Sea, and Field,
The earth, the ayre and all did freely yeeld
Their severall sacrifices to his Table,
Yet to compare with this they were not able.
Yet not for store, but this was more compleate,
Because it did exceede the dull conceit
Of Cookes to make such, unles they turne theeves,
When they doe make a dinner for the Shreeves.
Sure not one bit of meat or bread was here,
But had beene stollen before it came there.
He set before him ground Oates for to fill
His belly, which were stollen from a Mill,
With Pease, and other Pulse, and yellow Bacon,
In pecces, which he cunningly had taken
Out of a Cubboard, for his time he spide,
When the Mayd swallow'd sleepe by the fire side,
When night grew old, and the candle burnt dim,
Then presently to filch he did begin,
Also some huskes of grapes which being prest,
Last vintage had bled forth wine of the best.
Also some fragments of dry Pasty Crust,
Wherein some lushious meates to heighten lust,
[Page 6] Had smoak't sometime, or else some Goose had been,
Within this funerall Coffin closed in,
Which at the private Sessions of a feast,
Had beene carv'd round about to every guest.
And thus the Country Mouse with change of fare
To please the City Mouse, did take great care,
That with variety he might yeeld delight,
To the City Mouse, whose costly appetite,
Expected greater cheare, and was so dainty,
He scarce would taste of any, in such plenty
And store of dishes: but the Country Mouse,
(who may be stil'd the Master of the house,)
At th' others nicenesse inwardly did laugh,
And being laid along in this yeares chaffe,
He onely fed upon dry Beanes and Pease,
And Barley, or such other pulse as these,
Or on hard Petches that might exercise
His teeth, at these he closely nubling lies,
But for the other dishes he did spare
To tast them, since indeed he thought they were
Too costly; for his sparing was too great
To allow his belly any such good meate,
T'was an affliction unto him to waste
His store in such a manner, or to taste
Of those same dishes; with which it did seeme,
His stomacke never had acquainted beene.
And herein he did lively represent
Some Miser, whose minde is so closely bent
Vpon his riches, that he does command
The occasions of his life, to wait and stand
[Page 7] At the will of his purse, he must not dine
If his purse checke him, he must drinke no wine
If his purse checke him, then it is not good:
For he pretends it will enflame his blood.
And thus the Miser basely serves his purse,
Money is not his blessing, but his curse,
Who out of covetousnesse inures his Pallet
With Diogenes, to feede on a poore Sallet,
With musty Vinegar, and no oyle at all,
This is the man whom we a miser call.
He with this Country Mouse doth well agree,
For both of them alike conditioned be.
The Country Mouse did set before his guest
His chiefest fare, to feast him with the best,
But for him selfe he did allow the worst,
And in this manner covetous men are curst:
But at the last the City Mouse to shew,
That from the Citty he his breeding drew,
Where it is held a point of manners great,
To talke and complement, as they doe eate,
The City Mouse to observe due decorum,
And shew he was of the bene moratorum,
Or the well manured, began to stroake
His beard with his foote, and in Print thus spoke,
Kind friend quoth he, know I am of the City,
And therefore I your ignorance doe pitty,
Had you any wisdome or intelligence,
You would not live here with such patience,
On the backside of a darke wood alone,
Without company or conversation.
[Page 8] Having no pleasant objects which may yeeld
Delight unto you, but a hedge or field,
Or store of trees wherein the wind doth make
A hollow noyse, when he their leaves doth shake.
If thou hadst wit or ingenuity,
Thou wouldst not preferre the society
Of beasts and trees before men, therefore leave
This melancholy Cell, which doth bereave
Thee of delight, come therefore follow me
Vnto the Citty, where all pleasures be,
And since that we who are terrestiall creatures,
Have all of us but fraile and mortall natures,
And after life we must returne againe
Vnto the earth, and no part shall remaine
Of us, to tell the world that we have beene,
To live in pleasure, it to me doth seeme
The readiest way to happinesse that's knowne,
Our summum bonum, is a good fat bone.
These Latine words I once by chance did eate,
While I a booke did gnaw, since that I speake
These words by rote, and as some doe, so I
On all occasions bring forth and apply,
Because I have no more; but to the matter
My friend and Country Mouse I would not flatter
Your understanding, for beleeve me death
Will one day stop the pipes of our weake breath,
If we were nere so great, yet you and I
Must yeeld to time, for men and Mice must dye.
Nay there is no exception, none can have,
Nor great nor small a Priviledge from the grave,
[Page 9] Therefore be wise, make use now of thy time,
Before thy dayes runne on, and strength decline.
Cherish thy selfe, and banish heavy sorrow,
Thinke not on cares that shall ensue to morrow.
Because our time will quickly have an end,
Let us be sure our precious houres to spend,
In such delights, that every greedy sence,
May have his object, age doth bring offence,
And takes away the enjoying of all pleasure,
Then let us now enjoy our youthfull leasure:
Let us make time grow young, to see how we
Doe wast our time in mirth and jollity,
And since our time will quickly waste away,
Friend Country Mouse, 'tis wisdome to obey
My counsell, and therefore come goe with me,
Vnto the Citty where all pleasures be.
Come goe with me, and thou shalt quickly finde
That in the Citty, which will please thy mind.
The Country Mouse harkning unto the story,
Which the Citty Mouse, unto the Citties glory,
Did thus set forth, in all her Pagentry
Consented unto him most willingly.
It seemes he had no great intelligence,
And therefore he was drawne on by his sence,
For of his speech he understood none of it,
But that which toucht his pleasure, or his profit:
Like to some men who nothing understand,
Vntill the matter be put into their hand,
Even so this Mouse imagining that he,
Should in the Citty live in Iollity
[Page 10] And height of Pleasure; does consent to goe
With the City Mouse; and so away they two
Doe trudge together, for both lightly skipt
Out of the house, and so away they tript,
And thus together they jog'd on a while,
Till having gone the length of one good mile
They reacht their journey, and at last they came
To the City gates, where a blinckling flame
Of Candle in a lanthorne, seem'd to watch
The sleepy bill men, that stood there to catch
Some wandring drunkard, whose light giddy head
Was reeling home to finde the way to bed.
But happy were those Travellers, or Mice,
Who comming to the gates did in a trice
Slip in betweene them, and in this fashion
They past the watch without examination.
And now it was the mid-time of the night,
And Luna in her chariot shined bright,
While these two Mice did strike up many streetes,
The Country Mouse at every thing he meetes
Did wonder much, for when that he had seene
A Conduite, he imagined it had beene
A bottle wherein Widdowes teares were kept,
Which at their husbands buriall they had wept.
He thought the signes that on the signeposts hung
Were hang'd for some offence that they had done,
And when he saw a Taverne, he was bold
To aske if any ale at all was sold
In that Gentlemans Hall; The Country Mouse
Thought every Taverne had beene an Alehouse,
[Page 11] And that the bush an Ivy bush bad beene
Where the old Owle or Buzzard liv'd within,
Thus every thing appeard most strange and rare,
For strangers with new objects taken are:
So was this Mouse, who in the Country saw
No rarities or sights were worth a straw,
But in the City each thing did invite
His eyes, to gaze with wonder and delight,
And now suppose that they at last arriv'd
At the house of a Cittizen, who thriv'd
So much in getting store of wealth, that he
Exceeded all the rest of his degree,
And he it seemes had made a Misers feast;
Who seldome making any, had exprest
More bounty then he used, for there came
Many dishes from the table, to remaine
In the keeping of the Butler, to be made
A standing sacrifice, and to upbraid
The guests in cold blood for their gluttony,
For their excesse and wanton luxury.
In a large platter here a Goose did lye,
Of whom they had made an Anatomy,
As it had beene dissected at the Hall
By cruell Surgeons, for to the bone all
His flesh was pared off; and then moreover,
There were some pasties that had halfe a cover,
Some quaking Custards that had beene attempted
With many spoones, & so had been halfe empted.
Besides some Tarts that had beene cut with knives
And dealt about unto the talking wives.
[Page 12] To sweeten their conceits, whose froward hearts
Doe make their husbands often sup with Tarts.
Also there was a worshipfull peece of beefe
Which is held to be of all meates the cheife.
Besides the bones of foules that had deserv'd
So ill at their hands to be cut and carv'd,
While the woodcocke, whose name is ill abided,
Amongst the wiser sort had beene divided.
There were wings of Partridges, Ducks, & Quales
The legges of Turkies, Phesants, Snipes, and Railes
As if they had ransackt the Sea and Field,
And got all kind of foule, the Arke did yeeld:
The Country Mouse likt all this good cheere well,
And ayrd his stomacke with the wholesome smell
Of such good fare, for with much readinesse,
These Mice into the Buttery got accesse,
At a small hole, was underneath the doore,
And when they saw of cheare such costly store,
The Country Mouse therewith was well content
And the Citty Mouse without all Complement,
Bid him welcome, and advised him to eate,
For here quoth he you see is store of meate,
Dispence with my blunt phrases for tis night,
And to use many words would but afright
The Servants in the house; if we should squeake
In a loud key, out of their sleepe they'd breake.
Content quoth the Country Mouse, let us fall
About the meate, and make no noise at all.
Withat the Country Mouse straightway did lay
His teeth to a Ducke that was in his way,
[Page 13] And spoyl'd the fashion of his wings then next
The body of a Turky, he straight vext
With gnawing it, and then againe to change
His diet he began againe to range,
And fasten on a Quaile, then on a Snipe,
And all this while his mouth he did not wipe,
Forgetting Ceremonies and all manners,
For these two Mice had never learnt their Gram­mars
Of morrall matters, or of Civillity,
And therefore they scorn'd all formality:
When they had eaten hard seeing such store
The Country Mouse since he could eate no more,
Was very sorry for he did never tast,
Such dishes as had at this feast beene plac't.
Before this time, so that he thus did say,
Happy are such as eate and sport, and play.
We may talke of wonders, but I thinke tis right
That sensuall pleasures yeeld the most delight
Though some tearm'd Clarks are more intelligible
Yet Mice, and Maydens still are sensible,
And this morrall Note I will gather hence
The soule of pleasure lieth in the sense.
Why doe we talke, yet why are we afeard?
A Mouse is a Philosopher by his beard.
But now all thankes unto the Citty Mouse
I tender, for bringing me unto this house.
How poore is the Country, how disconsolate?
For now my belly's full a while to prate
I can intend, I tell you those who live
In Country Ignorance, and doe onely give,
[Page 14] Their time to vulgar drugery; doe spend
Their happy houses unto a servile end,
That understand but how to drive their teame
With whistling while their Horses are in a dream,
Concerning provender, untill they do make them
An exposition when their whip doth wake them.
I tell thee Citty Mouse, the Country can,
Afford no pleasures unto Mouse or Man,
For here I have what my desire can crave,
There I am glad of chippings in a cave.
And yet I thought them good, but now I finde,
He that doth change his aire, doth chang his mind.
If I talke beyond my compasse, I desire,
To be excus'd, this cheare doth me inspire
For when the bellyes full, out of the Platter
Men oftentimes doe speake exquisite matter.
Some say that we should with a stomacke talke
And let our tongues couragiously then walke
But to talke without a stomacke sure is best
When we have fild our stomacke at a feast.
Nay quoth the Citty Mouse since you admire
This store and plenty I doe now desire
You would survey the Roomes, and you shall see
What spacious and faire large roomes here be.
Each place doth seeme a paradise of pleasure,
Wherein the Rich man spends his doting leasure,
You are not cas'd up here within a cave,
For your large minde, as large a roome shall have,
Vnder the guilded seeling of some chamber
Or palace, where you may live free from danger;
[Page 15] The thefts of Mice rich men doe scorne to see
For in such places Mice may live most free,
But a small fault committed by a Mouse
Is soone discerned in a Country house.
Here we may live, but as I said come see
Those other roomes, which I will shew to thee.
Thus usherd by the Citty Mouse they come
At last into a faire neate dining Roome:
With pictures hung about, there was a Frier,
That to a Nunne it seemes had a desire
He hugd her in his armes, and the warme zeale
Which Fryers doe beare Nuns he did reveale.
The Country Mouse, had a dull apprehension
So that he tooke no pleasure in invention,
Or to view that picture, but was more taken
With the picture, of a gamon of Bacon,
What sweete proportions are there quoth he?
In this gamon, it is loves epitomie.
Thus rurall mindes doe oftentimes advance
Vnworthy things through their dull ignorance▪
The tables in this dining roome were spred
With Turkey carpets all embroidered.
The stooles the cushions, and every chaire
Of cloath of Silver and rich Tissue were
Whereon young Gentlewomen, and Ladies might
Sit, while their beauties shined forth more bright,
Then their lesse glorious feate, but at this time
The Country mouse into a chaire did climbe,
But the other mouse upon the Table got,
And presently it was his happy lot,
[Page 16] To smell a dish of sweet conserves and plumbs,
Then straightway he a little farther runnes
And findes a dish of marchpaine, that was fram'd
In the shape of a Castle, and had sustain'd,
A most fierce seige, so that the structure quite
Had beene demolisht for the guests delight.
The Country Mouse thus seated in a chaire
The Citty Mouse exprest much love and care
In waiting on him and before him set
A dish wherein was left some Marmalet,
And then he brought him some sweet Sugar plums
The Country Mouse thought these were pleasant crums.
For he before had use to whet his teeth,
On rusty Bacon, or upon hung Beefe:
So that these sweetmeates seem'd to melt,
Within his mouth before that they were felt.
The Citty Mouse did still attending stand
Waiting upon him ready at's command,
And tasting unto him every dish least he
Should suspect in him some foule treacherie.
Much diligence he showd thereby to expresse
What happinesse his present state did blesse.
So that the plenty seem'd to upbraid
The dinner which the Country Mouse had made.
For the Citty Mouse, when he came to his Cave.
No such varieties, for him could have
In the Country, but his stomacke there was linde
With such fare as the Country Mouse did finde
Into some poore cupboord that stood open empty,
But in the Citty he found store and plenty.
[Page 17] The Country Mouse thus feasted with good cheat
Did in a jocund humour soone appeare,
And his conceits were sweetned so that he
In a fine witty humour began to be
And would needs discourse unto the Citty Mouse,
Telling him that he lik't the rich mans house,
For here quoth he, we shall doe wondrous well,
And no body our knavery can smell,
For if we to a rich mans house belong:
We shall be honest doe we right or wrong.
To walke a nights we neede not be afear'd
For in the great roomes we shall not be heard;
O quoth the Citty Mouse, I see you are wise,
The Citty doth afford most rarities,
And in the Citty rich mens houses be
Places of pleasure, as you painely see,
Besides all this you shall finde more delight
For I will tell you 'twas my chance one night
To heare a wooing match, and as I said
The Butler was wooing the Chambermaide.
I heard it all and when their candle grew
Vnto a snufe, he did much boldnesse shew,
So that he would have done I tell you plaine
An act of darknesse which I will not name,
You must conceive my meaning, but when he
Imagin'd all the house in bed to be,
I having behind the chamber wainscot got,
Began to scrape, which he mistrusted not.
And hindred him of that which he did meane,
And put him quite out of his wooing Scene.
[Page 18] For I was then even gnawing of a bone,
Behind the wainscot, as I oft had done,
But when the Butler, and the Mayd it heard
They presently began to be afeard
And through a little cranny I espy'd
That both the Maids cheeks with a blush were di'd
And so these Lovers, being both faint-hearted
By a poore Mouse were frighted and soone parted
For when I gnawd my bone againe, then they
For feare they should be taken ran away.
O then thought I, I doe observe by this
That such are fearefull as intend amisse,
And though they never thinke upon the devill
A Mouse can fright them when they purpose evil.
The Country Mouse, when he had heard his story
Began to tell another in his glory.
Some Maydens in the Country on a time
Had made one night a Posset of good Wine.
And thereunto their sweet hearts did envite
Intending to be merry all that night;
The Maydens and their Sweethearts merry were,
When I did put them all into a feare.
For I began to scrape behinde a wall,
So that they straightway were affrighted all.
They thought their mistresse had beene comming downe
And so away they slipped every one,
And as you said, thereby it did appeare
That guilty minds of all things stand in feare.
But O friend Citty Mouse what rare content?
Shall we enjoy when we are resident,
[Page 19] Here in the Citty; where each day and night
Shall yeeld us choise varieties of delight.
Here we shall feast our bodies with quaint dishes
And in a word we shall have here our wishes.
But when the Country Mouse these words had spoke
One of the Maids began to turne the locke,
Of the dining roome, because that she did meane
As it did seeme to sweepe it very cleane,
But then the Mice were put unto their Trumps
One from the Tableleapes, and tother jumps
Off from the Chaire, and so both round about
They ran, but yet no hole they cold find out,
So that behinde the hangings they did hide
Themselves, and in a mortall feare did bide.
Vntill the Mayd when she had swept the roome
Went out and lockt the doore when she had done.
But now the Mice being in a sweate for feare
Came forth againe when that the coast was cleare,
But the country mouse did then so quak & tremble
That you might plainely see he did not dissemble.
And now the Servants did begin to rise
And in the streets they heard a hundred cryes
So that the Country Mouse was in a fright
And wisht he had not come from home that night
Thanking the Citty Mouse for his good cheare,
Which he esteem'd he had bought too deare.
He told the Citty Mouse he would repaire
Vnto the Country where without all care
He could live freely, telling him he thought
Pleasure to deare, that with such feare is bought,
[Page 20] Although my Country fare is not so dainty,
Content is better unto me than plenty.
There I can live most quietly under ground
In a poore cave, and never there be found
And when I list can goe unto a mill,
And with ground corne my belly soundly fill
To steale into a cubboard I'me not afraid
For any Mouse may fright a Country Mayd,
Especially if I doe sometimes proffer
To creepe beneath her coates, she feares the offer
And presently aloud the Mayde will screeke
And then into some hole I straightway creepe
And there I laugh to thinke the Mayd Ione can
Thus feare a Mouse that does not feare a man.
Therefore I thanke you for my cheare but I
In the Country resolve to live and dye.
Let me in quietnesse there spend my leasure
For as I said content is my chiefe pleasure.
But now the Crow with hollow voice did creake,
And daylight did begin a pace to breake
The Citty Mouse, a little on his way
Did bring him, and then it did grow broad day,
So that the Country Mouse bid him Farewell.
For I (quoth he) within the woods will dwell.
Where though my fare be course, I will live free
"He is not poore that can contented be.
The Morrall.
Philosophy was vayld of old
Vnder Fables, such as Aesop told.
And Horace, showing men their lives
Through those cleare Perspectives:
So by this Fable this is meant
That happinesse rests in Content,
And that contentednesse may dwell
In a poore Cave or Hermits Cell.

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