To the faythfull Christians.
VVHen the Gentiles
heard the Law, they gaue this testimonie of the Iewes,
in that behalfe,
aDeut. 46. Onely this people is wise, and prudent.
No maruell: for,
bPsal. 19. 7. The Law giueth wisedome to the simple.
cPsal. 19. 7. It is perfect: For
dDeut. 6. 25. it is our righteousnesse before the Lord.
ePro. 3. 8, 9. It is
also plaine to him that will vnderstande.
Then seeing these Lawes are
fDeut. 10. 4. Tenne, and
gDeut. 5. 22. God added no more:
hDeu. 12. 32. Neither must we put any thing to them.
iPsal. 119. 96. Commandement must
of force be exceeding broade.
The meanes to vnderstand their breadth, Moses
hath set downe, when he sayd:
kExod. 20. 1. Then GOD SPAKE all these wordes.
The word,
SPEAKE, is to proclaime with maiestie: when then hee spake All; there is like maiestie in All. Then, what maiestie is in any one Commandement, is to be translated into euery one of the rest.
Remember to keepe the Saboth: yea we must remember to keepe euery Law.
Haue no other Gods before his face: yea, do all that is right, and no euill in his sight.
Honour thy Father and Mother, that thy dayes may be longs yea, keepe all the Laws, that thy dayes may be prolōged. Once in deed, in the Law, for breuitie is set one maiestie, where soonest it would be missed: not for once; but to be trāslated into euery one, as
Moses doth, where he expoundeth the ten Commandements. For the ease of those that hunger after righteousnes, I haue digested the Commanmentes in this Table. Meditat, & so may you profite, that you may (in a maner) reduce the whole morall scriptures to these ten Commandements; not without a singular delight to him that loueth knowledge. Enioy this, and studie it a while; and shortly (God willing) I will further helpe you herein, by a most familiar explanation.
Christes vnworthie minister, that desireth your edification. W. S.