THE DISCOVERY OF THE Knights of the Poste.
AS I traveiled towardes Plimmoth, this last voyage, vpon my well approued hacney, (ould Bayard of tentors) it was my goodlucke a little on this side Hounslowe, (iust vpon the heath, where that villaine was hanged in chaines, that murdered the maiden in the wood) to overtake a wel trust fellow mounted vpon as proper an nagge as my own, but not altogether so well paced: At what time I bad him good morrow, good morrow (quoth he:) God graunt it prove so, but as I spe [...]de, so will I praise the day: why sir (said I) then well overtaken, I trust my greeting deserves noe grudge. In deeds (quoth he) well ouertaken but ill found. I musing at the man what he meant by these quibs, [...] him how so? Because (said he) my purse is as empty as my belly, and yet my stomacke as good as yours. I tolde him that matter would be soone amended, if he wanted pence, to leaue a pawne for his breakfast: The man hearing me say so: answered, my counsaile was better then my charity, and yet (quoth he) your charity may be better then my pawne: for I assure you, [...] suppose you have more to giue, then I have to gage: and yet yesterday, I had as much money as would fill a quart potte, if my wisedome had boene so good to keepe it: Certainly (said I) he that would spend so prodigally, and so much in one day, without any regard, in my opinion is worthy so fast the next day without pitty: So sir, [Page] I have your iudgement already (quoth he:) it is pitty you should be made a Iustice of peace, that can examine a cause no better: If you had asked me how I had spent so much money in so short a time, and how much the sum had béene, you had shewen some wit: but to pronounce me prodigall at the first dash, for so trifling a cause, argues in deede a man of smnall discretion. Why qd. he, is not he to be blamde, & counted a thristlesse waster, that spends the quantity of a quart of money at one day: if you had gamde it away, it had béene another matter, because I know it a thing soone done, and you not so much to be blamed: for that a man cannot commaund the dice as he may his dogge, to say, sira fetch me the same againe? Alasse qd. he, how simple of understanding are you, iust as wise as Winefred my wife, that when I wisht her to arme her selfe against her vnquiet neighbours, presently clapt a co [...]slet on her backe, and so ran among them: You come in with a quart full of money, and I toulde you of as much money as filde a quart, which God wot was but one penny for the which I had a quart of ale at Colbrooke.
O was it so, I crie you mercy qd. I, and because I haue made you this offence, I will paye for your breakefast at Staines, which now is not farre off: and I pray you let me request to knowe how farre you trauell this way: Mary sir qd he, euen as farre as I would wish your company, finding you alwaies thus kinde : but indeede my iourney is to Plimmoth, if I knew how to get thither, with that we went into our Inne at the signe of the Ale-stake, where I calde in for bread and cheese, & y e best béere they had in the house: This is well done (qd. he) call you in for that which is good, and I will haue a care it shall not be lost: and with that he claps a penny loafe in his pocket, and anone after he thrust another into his bosome: I demaunding why he did so: he answered, because (saith he) I would trie whether [...] bread at the next towne be as good as this or no: For me thinkes it hath a very good relish, [...] I assure you it is good for a man to be experienced in such thinges, and still he fed upon bread [Page] and cheese as nimbly as a squerell on a nutte. I seeing him feede so hartely, said if his legs were as good as his stomacke he needed not to feare his journey to Plimmoth: so at length being well refresht, I tould him that according to my promise I would pay for his breakfast, but he should pay for the two penny loaues in his pocket: By the masse (quoth he) I am perswaded your purse is better linde then mine, not w t standing if my credit be better than yours, w t this my welfaire hoastice, I am content to passe my word for it rather. wife you are like to pay all for me.
The woman hearing him flout at her face, was straight inflamed as if she had béene made of tuchwood, and wholy compact of a lump of gunpowder: Why thou paultry knau? (qd she) what ailes my face▪ what canst y • say to my face? or what doest thou sée in my face? For soule my face, I hope my face is a christian bodies face, thou scuruy iacke, I te [...]l thoe I am not ashamed to shew my face. I thinke so (qd he) for it is of as good scarlet vie, as euer I saw any in my daies: but say, will you take my word for two pence? Take thy word? He soe thoe hangd first (qd she) pay me my money, or by Gods body Ile have you set by the heeles: and with that she tooke by her distasse and beate him out of dores: [...] I seeing was glad to content her, and so we parted from y • place. I would (quoth he) euery hoastice would giue me such a pasport as my hoastice of Staines: then would I not doubt but to come to my iourneies end, with virtuals inoughe in my paunche, and no hurt to my person.
Thus we went on our way, hauing worke sufficient to coment on this controuersie, even till we came to Basingstoke, where with the suns setting we tooke vp our lodging, and with the beginning of the euening ended our daies [...]. Now (qd my mery companion) to requite your curtesie for my dinner, find you meate and drinke, and I will find bread to supper. And so if I finde to morrow as happy as this day hath beene to me, I shalbe well pleased to heare you againe to salute me with good morrow; otherwise the day shal haue [Page] my fauour to my fortune. And with that as mery as a man with two penny loaues in his pocket, he steps into a tipling house and askt for lodging, he was no sooner come into the house, but there was one clad like a Caualier of Spaine, that tooke acquaintance of him, saying: What Goodcoll my old friend, my companion and familiar acquaintance, wel met, I am glad to see thoe in health: ho Lapster fill vs a dosen of beere, for weele be mery yfaith: with that my companion was wonderous iocond, and gratifying him with all the reuerence he could deuise, with Italian and French im [...] bracements, sometimes about the middle, sometimes below the knees: he required his greeting in this sort: Iacke Freeman, A plague on thée, who would haue thought to haue found th [...]e here▪ trust me by the faith of an honest man, I am glad of this chance: And in respect of this happy meeting, I blesse my fortunate starres that it was my lucke to sée thée before I die: And as thou louest me, bid this my friend welcome and let us suppe together: but Iacke Freeman except your purse be better then mine, our chéere will but mocke our stomackes, which at this time I should take in as ill part, as my hoastice of Staines did my words this morning. Tush feare not (qd. Freeman) if thou hast no money, I haue enough both for me and thée, and yfaith thou shalt not lacke as long as forty pounds last: why man I thank [...] God I haue in this simple doublet (as I may say to thée [...] an hundred angels and upward, and hang dogs. Goodco [...]l they shall be all at thy command. Godamercy my swéete Iacke Freeman (qd. he:) And with that we all sate downe to supper: At what time they fell into great communication y • one with the other. Freeman declared how he was newely come out of Ireland, and what hurt the rebels had don there, by setting diuers townes on fire, and now (qd he) I am come from visiting my friends in Hampshire, with purpose to go directly to London. Therfore I pray th [...]e tell me how doth all our good friends there, and what is the best newes. In troth (qd. G [...]odcoll) no newes but what is common: The [Page] good Earle of Essex is prepared to sea, and in sooth thither am I going to: for what with my debts, and my wiucs tongue (before god) I am constrained to leaue all, for who would liue in bread of those creepe corners, that gets their liuing by playing boe [...]péepe, who like the cookcow have neuer but one song, and that sounds so [...] fauouredly, saying: I arest you: that I promise you it makes many a mans heart ake that heares it. And whither I pray you trauels this honest man your friend (qd. he:) Truly (said I) my iourney is toward y • sea too, though not for the like cause as my friend goes. For as for my wife, her tongue did neuer displease me, because she could neuer speake being borne dumb, and as for Sergeants, I neuer neede to teare them, for no man would euer credite me to make me run in debt. Then hast thou (qd. Freeman) two good commodities. But hearest thou Goodcoll, I pray thee say: how doe all our ancient acquaintance, y • good oath-takers, or common baylers: Alias the knightes of the Poste, the Lords of sobs pound, and heires apparant to the pillory: who are as ready to baile men out of prison, being then well pleased for their paines, as Tiron is in playing the traitour without causes. Tush (qnoth Goodcoll) that fraternity of falsehood, and fellowship of fraud, both neuer lightly passe out of the old byas, they are all in health, though voide of honesty: some are at liberty to séeke a dinner where they can get it: and some to spare shoe-leather lies in prison. L. that old lad is foorth comming, though not cōming foorth, hauing the priuiledge to walke his stations in one of y • counters in London, [...] so are diuers other of the same profession. But tell me I pray you (qd. Freeman) what is become of B. is he as sound mettle as he was: And how doth the harber of new corne, olde Father C to-towne, L. the Courier, and he whom men call worse then Craft, are they all liuing stil? Liuing (qd. Goodcoll) trust me I, and like enough to liue till shame either prefers them to the pillory, or misery ende their daies. B. hath soūded false larums in Westminster hall a long time, and hath been a graund [...]night of antiquity: as [Page] well knowne for his profession, as mother Bunches ale to nipitaty. But for the store houses of corne, he hath betaken himselfe to his beades: for in matters of bailing, he is like an old horse, whose marke is neere worne out of his mouth: but notwithstanding though he be f [...]eble in body, yet his minde is as good as euer it was, [...] that which he cannot performe himselfe, he procures others to doe: like that aun [...]iente raine beaten harlot M, Ro, that after thee had quite consumed her young yerea in lechery, and was no more set by, yet for the loue she bore to the whorish art, procured and inticed younger ones to doe it, and so became a notable baude. And in like sort playeth he, for where he bayleth one himselfe, he procureth others to baile throe.
But as concerning olde father C: why man hee is oulde suresby, as trustie as steele, and one that alwaies helpes at a deadlift: for after he hath smugd vppe himselfe in his borrowed apparell, with his great seale ring on his finger of pure copper and guilt, when he comes to baile a man before a Iudge, being demaunded if hee be a subsidie man or no, straight answeres, and it shall please your good Lordshippe, I have beene a subsidy man this xx. Winters and vpward: And then he sweares, that he was seized at v. pounds in the Queenes bookes the last sessment of the subsidie: and furder affirmes it on his credit, which is as good in r [...]eapside, as it is at the pudding [...]y house, where they will not trust him for two pence: but he hath one bad quality, which I doubt will make him at length loose his customers, and that is this. He will neuer be pleased when he hath bailed one, except he give him more then his promise and beside stop his mouth with a pint of old sack. Now [...] he whom men call worse then craft and L. I think they will giue ouer their trade of bailing, [...] turne truemen, for they doe not so much vse it as they haue done heretofore. Trust me (qd. Freeman) that would be as great a miracle, as to see Bankes his curtaile dance a h [...]rntpipe. But what say you to little W, and to him that is called more then a whole bare ow, and the man whose name hath but fine letters, first thrée vowels, then two consonants? [Page] But (qd Goodcol) they be in these matters like. Manering at a buriall, of no reckoning, except to iest at: being rather procurers of others then doers themselves. If you make no account of them (qd Freeman) what say you then of him that bore the name of the olde player with the beluct cap: of the aged Crane turnde backewarde, K. with the tun, & F. w t the [...]rie face, C. the true cook olde y e sold away his wife for money, & afterwardes receiued her home againe: mary qd. G. as Larleton saide of the Linker, that they haue more craft in their budgets, then crownes in their purses: notwith [...]ā ding of no reputation: for they be but procurers of others to baile, & not baylers themselues: And above all the rest: the [...]n. of the post, do [...]tterly deny to go bef [...]e a I. with F. for feare least the fire in his face should set the I. chamber in a flame: and so they might get more displeasure, then all the rich rubies in his nose are worth. C. I must nades say is a good fellow: but he vleth this trade nothing so much now as he hath done: and as for K. he doth so tye himselfe to y e two penny ale, that he can spare no time to do any thing. Then tell me, how fares L.P.C. & [...]l-col. are they of no reputa [...]iō now? they were wont to be iolly doers in this geare: and so are they [...]ill saith Goodcole, for L. and P. doe many matters cōtinually & get much mony by it, but it prospers as badly w t them as the coine that Iosephs braethren tooke when they sould him into Egipt, for what is gotten all day they spend franckly at night in on tauern, aihouse or other, soe that for [...] ght that I see, they are as bare as y e spanish friers that were late taken at sea, which lie now in S. maratins but wheras you speake of C. I haue not séene him a long time either I thinke he is dead, or else gon to Reding againe from whence he came, but why doo you call him C. his name is Cookoo, though he keepe not all waies on tune, truly that is more then euer I heard quoth Freeman, doe they then alter their names when they goe about to baile men? as though that you were ignorant therof qd. G. If they shoulde not change their names, & like Protheus turne their shapes somtimes, they woulde often be had by y e barke for their lewd knauery. [Page] But then I pray you tell me what is become of the broker, the bird with the blacke foote and goulden taile, and the son of R. doe they continue their oulde courses still? What néede you moue such a question (qd. Goodcoll) how should they liue if they should leaue that sweete profitable trade: bayling and swearing▪ I tell you sir it is an occupation that foules not their hands, though it corrupt their conscience, which some of them haue vsed these dozen or fourt [...]ne yeres at the least. I muse (qd. F [...]eeman) hold these fellowes scape vntaken or vnpunisht all this while, for it is on oulde prouerbe, that the pitcher goes so long to the water, that at length it comes broken home. Tush they are as h [...]eful in this matter as may be, for as I tould you, they will seldome tell their right names, nor giue true notice of their dwelling: And beside that they will be sure to know before hand, what Iudge it is that must take the baile: for if their be any iudge that he knowes doth suspect him, he will kéepe one leg back from that place, and go before some other to doe the feat.
Call you these feates (qd Freeman) for wretches to periure themselues in this sort? truely god may well spare them for a time, but their iudgement wil be the greater: and surely goods gotten in this sort must néedes be cursed: And no maruell if none of them doe thriue. Why doe you say so (qd. Goodcole) is not the broker rich [...] I, but he got it by brokery and not by bailing qd the other. I graunt he is a broker (qd. Freeman) but he was first a bailer and a swearer, which preferd him to his brokery: for it was a small matter instéed of hearing morning praier to goe fasting before a I. and forsweare himselfe, wherby he hath gotten many a crowne, which hee accompteth cléere gaines and the stocke remaining whole at the yéeres ende: so that nowe hee hath lefte brokery and is become a Draper. A Draper (quoth. Freeman) what Draper, of woollin or linnen▪ No (qd he) an Ale Draper, wherein he hath more skil then in the other: neuerthelesse there are more brokers that are bailers beside him. Why is their owne trade of brokery so much decayed (quoth Freeman) that they cannot liue by that, as well as they haue [Page] done I (qd Goodcoll) there is so many of them, that one canot liue by another: And beside that, there is another inconuenience besa [...]e them: they must nowe neither buy any thing, nor take pawne, except first they come and register it in a place prouided by the Daiestrats: so that whereas before they were wont to buy much stolne goods, whereby their greatest profit grew: now they cannot doe so, because each party that brings goods to the brokers, must haue their names & dwelling place set downe by the Register, or else they that doe otherwise, are accounted a [...]cessary to the fello [...]y, if they meddle with any frolne goods.
This is an excellent good order qd. Freeman. But what is that sonne of R. you spoke of▪ I haue heard much speeche of him that he hath béene an notable fellow for bailing. No Goodcoll and so he is still: but in speaking of him, I must say to you, as once a king of England said to his Nueene y • was desirous to know a certaine matter of him: soft (qd he) thereby hanges a tale: and so likewise of R. remaines another, but that I will referre till tomorrow, for what with this good supper, and my weary iourney, I find my selfe well preparde for my bed, and therefore let us know what we hane to pay, that we may rise from the table, for I assure you my legs are wart as stiffe as an ould paire of bootes after a nights drying. Then said Freeman, Do tapster whats to pay: fiue willings two pence (qd he) and you are welcome: with that I began to draw my purse, and Goodcoll went to his pocket: Pay soft my masters (said Freeman) heres not a penny for any of you to pay: nor will I offer a penny (quoth Goodcoll) but these, & with that he set the two loaues which he pluckt out of his pocket on the board: this is an odde iest (quoth I) to set bread on the board after the meate is eaten, much like vnto her, that went not for the Phisition before she saw her husband dead vnder the table If you like not my offer (qd Goodcoll) I will keepe them till to morrow. Why [...]ir qd. Freeman, it is written you should not [...]are for the morrow; tis true qd he, and because I will not care for tomorrow, [Page] I prouide these loaves tonight. Then said I to Freeman, I beseech you fir accept of my money, otherwise you will charge your selfe too much: You shall not spend a farthing (quoth he) nor should not if we were toegther this monesh: And trust me my hearts, were it not for one thing I would walke along with you: but at Bristowe I did disburse an hundred angels, to the good man of the fryingpan on the Bridge, to haue it paide me at London, the fifteenth of I: nexte, or within seuen daies after the sight of his bill: But (said Goodcoll) who must pate it to you there▪ Mary Phillipp Curtoise, a man sure enough quoth Freeman.
I would to Christ said Goodcoll, we might haue had your company to Plimmoth, for I may say to you as to my friend, I haue not one penny in my purse, whatsoeuer come: quoth Freeman, thou shalt not lacke for money: And with that he drew his purse and gaue him ten shillings, saying: Would thee my ould friend, vi- take this to helpe thee, and if I had more store of white money, I promise thee thou shouldest haue more, mary I thanke God I haue some charge about me, more then I meane to make any man priuy to: And to say the truth, I am loath to breake my gould, I haue left myselfe fiue shillings yet in [...]luer, and that shall serue till I come to London: And with that he calde the goodman of y • house, saying: Good my hoast prouide me a good bed, and a chamber with locke and key, for I haue charge about me.
Sir saith the hoast feare not, you shall lie safe I warrant you, if you had a thousand pound. Deare ye my hoast (quoth Freeman) I pray you vse my friends well, I may say to you they are honest men, and of good credit in London, though as you see they trudge thus a foote, as my selfe both. I tel you they haue reason for it my hoast, and so haue I too: & harke re me, I pray you let them haue what they will call for, if they will not pay you, I will. I thanke you sir (quoth we) and so we departed to bed.
In the morning they rose early, and calling at Freemans chamber do [...]e, thought to take their farewell of him: What [Page] my boi [...]s (quoth he) are you such good cockes to be rising as soone as the sunne▪ Pay soft, we must not partly so, I meane to breake my fast with you, with that he started out of his bed, and wiled the tapster to couer the board, so to breakfast we went. Then said Freeman: now Goodcoll I pray you let me heare the tale of Rob: for I could doe nothing but dreame all night what it should be: Mary (qu [...] he) this R. being his crafts Master, where he was hicred to come before any Iudge to baile a man, it was his accustomed vse to call himselfe by a wrong name: and if he dwelt in long lane perhaps he would say he dwelt in white Chappell, and so neither certifie them of his true name, nor of his true dwelling place: so that if any enquiery bee made of him in such place, where he affirmed himselfe to dwell, there is no such man to be found: and by this means he scapes manie a scouring.
But pardon me I beseech you, good master Freeman, the day weares, and I haue farre to go, therefore I cannot stand to tell out the rest: but at our next meeting in troth you shall knowe all: therfore let us paye our shotte and be walking.
A sigge (quoth Freeman) here is nothing to pay, and were our reckoning twentie pound, you should not pay one penny: but because your hast is such towards your iourney, and my desire great to heare out your tale, Ile take my sworde and walke a mile or two with you: And thus hauing discharge the house we went foorth together. Well now to my tale quoth Goodcoll.
I heard it tolde for a truth, that a certaine Gt. now dwelling on Saint Andrewes [...]ill, in the direct way toward Tyborne, being a good knight of the Post, and hauing learned of Ro. and such other of that hatefull society, to deny their own names: vpon a time when he came before a iudge to baile a man: most knawishly named himselfe to be a certaine Upholster in London: a man that for his wealth and wisedome was of good account among his neighbours.
[Page]The creditor making inquiery of his baile, and finding him by report to be very sufficient, was well content, so the matter rested till the terme: At what time the action being ca [...]de vpon, there came neither one nor other to make aunswere.
At last by course of law an execution was like to be serued vpon the surety. The honest Cittizen hearing of this matter, was not a little amazed: saith he to the Creditor, Sir you greatly mistake, I am not the man you meane, for I know no such man you speake off, nor was I euer baile in this court in my life. Why is not your name thus: qd, the Attourney your trade Upholstery, and dwell you not in such a place▪ Yes indeede quoth the Cittizen: well then, except there be more of this name dwelling there, you are like to answere [...]s (saide the Attourney. Tush said the Cittizen, as well he might haue put in my childs name as mine, for any knowledge I had of this matter.
Thus was this honest man put to no small trouble before he could cleare himselfe: while in the meane space the Glouer sate smiling in his sleeue, and caried away twenty or thirthy shillings for his paines.
Undoubtedly said I, he is a fellow of a filthy conscience: Conscience (qd Goodcoll:) I tell you their consciences are like chiuerell shin [...], that will stretch euery way. But for all the Glouer is so [...]unning, if he vse many of these feates, at length he will come to peepe through the pillory, and carry as many eares on his head as old Harry of P. gardine. But where is P. now a daies, that goulden feathered bird, he hath beene an ancient professor of bayling, & many great aduentures hath he past, like a most hardy knight of the Post.
I saith Freeman, but he was like to haue catcht a foule soile of late: for if he had beene gotten, he had beene clapt vy in the kings bench for his knauery: And how scapt he I pray▪ Cuen by his wittes said Goodcoll, the which he hath beaten thri [...] bare.
[Page]Also you know P. Alias. A oulde R. not the for, thoug [...] much of his nature, B. aud H.▪ yes mary, what of them, doe they proceede still in bayling, some doe, and some doe not, for as I heard, good P. Alias A. ryding out of Towne, broke his necke at Tyborne. And as he went to hanging, R. stood by and would not bid him once farewell, whereby [...]on P. broke out into this passion, saying: Ah thou ingratefull wretch, haste thou beene copartner of so many of my profites, and dost thou now participat with my crosses, thou haste sung with me, and dancst with me, [...]ate and drunke with me, and can [...]t thou not finde in thy heart to hang with me. Well, if thou hadst not that good nature in thee, yet thou mighst haue toke the paines as to goe to the Gallowes with me, or bid me farewell.
An Officer ryding hard by him with a Iaueline in his hand, bearing him thus inuaye against his vnkinde friend, wisht him to [...]ontent himselfe with patience, for (quoth he) though he will not take the paines to goe with thee now, yet he meanes parhaps to follow thee, shortly.
It was well answerd to the discontented man (qd. Freeman) for the quyet of his minde, but how fares B. C. and N. mary sometimes with bread and cheese (quoth Goodcoll, sometimes with bread and butter, and eate rostmeat when they haue mony: Nay I inquire not after their chier, but their good estate (saith Freeman.) In troth they liue so so, and it were well, if they knew where a good commodetie of names were to be sould, and yet I thinke all the mony in their pursses could not buy it.
But to let these bace fellowes passe, I can tell you of a great many others that you neuer knewe men lately come into the trade, but I doubt we haue brought you too farre out of your way already: Lut, I respect it not (quoth Free.) and seeing I am come thus farre, I will walke along to Andouer with you, because in trueth I would heare somewhat of those men you speake of, for hang it by, it is but the cōming backe of fifteene or sixteene myles, & there I will bestowe [Page] your d [...]inner on you, and so returne, why then we shall be too much beholding to your curtesie (qd. Goodcoll) but seeing you haue so good a minde to heare of these matters, I will proceede in my first purpose.
There is a most braue fellow but very newly crept into this crewe, and his name is N. well knowne, one that lookes very high, and at euery word casteth his eye aboue Powles steeple, as if he would quarrell with the Doone, or had some controuersie against the seauen starres. In his attire, he is neat and fine, and in his speech stately, with a long piccadeuant after the French cut, and of a scornefull countenance, and when he comes into Westm. hall, he bends his browes, as if he would beare downe the Kinges Bench barre with his lookes. My acquaintance with the man is but small, for I was neuer in his company but once, and that was at the kings head in Fleetstreete, at what time being (as it was supposed) in his holly day apparell, which was after the maner of a Barchaunt, hee seemed to scorne that a poore man should speake to him.
Also at the same time as I wel remember P. the golden fethered bird was with him, very braue, with a faire cloake of somewhat a gray colour on his backe, the which (as it was folde me) N. had sent him for that d [...]y, hauing bin as it seemed about their common profits that morning: and these two as I haue heard, haue ioyned thēselues together in many actions. There is also another new come fellow, whose name is S. he dwelt sometime about London bridge, & nowe is gotten into Houndsditch to dwell, who seeming to be a very surly proud companion, & falling at strife with his trade, gaue his occupation a pasport, to get a new master, and betooke himselfe to follow this honest fellowship, and both also take vpon him to doe many matters, making both of his abilitie and of the effectiug of many matters huge bragges, howsoeuer he deales in the performance thereof. Nowe sir, there is another of this newcome crewe, that by reporte is [Page] as worthy to be noted as the rest, whose name and nature may well agree.
Dee is called W. and you knowe beas [...]es of his name are great bloudsuckers, and it is to be feared, he will be as great a pursse-sucker, as the wolfe is a blood-sucker, if in time [...] be not preuented.
And it came to passe that this W. not long since, & S. & N. being before sworne brethren, and great companions together, on a time they with some other of the same sect, after their businesse at the hall in the morning was ended, finding their guts chyme twelue a clocke in their bellies, went all together to dinner in Westminster: where they fedde so heartily, and druncke so hard, that S. after dinner (while the others were busie in talking) fell asleepe, which when the rest perceiued, like most honest men of their profession, consulted among themselues, to steale away, and leaue him to pay the shot, whereupon one of them after another crept out of the roome, and came to the good man, saying, Sir we haue gathered our reckoning, and lefte our money with our friend aboue, who because hee was by this morning somewhat early, breaking his ordinarie house, is purposed to take a nappe before he goes and as soone as he wakes he will pay you: for our owne partes we haue earnest busines that calleth vs hence, or else we woulde be loath to leaue him behind vs, and therefore we pray you take care of him, that no man doe offer him any wrong.
The good man deeming their abillitie to be answerable to their apparell, and noting them by their countenance to be ciuill Cittizens, with his cappe in his hande very mannerly, made this replie.
Uery well Gentlemen, I doubt not my payment, and doubt you not but I will haue good regard to the gentleman aboue: let him take his rest on Gods blessing: well, God be with you, [...]r qd. they: you are heartily welcome saide the Wintner: nowe sir within some quarter of an houre after, S. awaking out of sleepe, and seeing his companions to bee gone, maru [...]iled much thereat, wherefort hee calling the [Page] Drawer, presently answered with a shrill voyce, anon. anon sir, when the Drawer came to him, he demaunded if all his companie were gone out of the house, yes marry sir, said he, a quarter of an houre agoe, and more, what churles were they (quoth he) to goe and leaue me here, but séeing it is so, take vp thy plate good Drawer, and with that he stept out of the rome, [...]ay soft sir (quoth the Drawer) I hope you will pay the reconing ere you parte, haue not they payd (quoth S. not ane penny, sir said the Drawer, then said S. with a pale countenance, why tell me what is to pay, vnder ten shillings somewhat sir answered the drawer, with that S. bent his browes and fetcht his stations vp and downe the rome, with such furious Iesture as if he had béene playing [...]amberlane on a stage: Drawer (quoth he) thou must not thinke to make a younger brother of me, I knowe my friendes would not serue me thus for twenty pound, I pray thée goe call thy maister, the fellow runne [...] downe and tells his maister how the case stood, the goodman incontinent goes to S. who asketh him presently if he were not payd the shot: no verely. said the goodman, your friendes tolde me at their parting that they had gathered the reconing and giuen you the mony to pay: and haue they s [...]rued me so (quoth S.) wel, héere is your mony, but I will take héede how I sléepe after dinner againe: A small matter sir (quoth the goodman for one friend to [...]est with another. And so they departed, but this bred no litle brable betwixt S. and R. when they met. Certainely I could not blame S. to be offended (quoth Freeman) to be so vnconscionably vsed by his companions, in a strange place, but no doubt they payd him againe, that is hard to say (qd, G. for some of them deale in paying their debtes. like the Plannet Saturne, that finishes his course but once in 3. yéeres, and they possible once in thrée liues.
Nowe sir there is thrée or 4. more, that are newly come in, whose names I haue heard, but I know not the men, the one of them is called by the name of the highest weapon that it caried too, another of them after a word of the third [...]. but [Page] the fourth mans name I cannot remember, and alasse, they are no persons of any great reconing, but such as shift it out with others, who like Robin Pypers spaniell, runnes away when they are calde, if they spie but one of the Marshales men in sight. Twentie more of such fellowes could I name, if that leasure would serue me. and as I haue rehearst their names, so could I shewe you manie of their actions, what wylie and cunning prankes they play, which would make you wonder to heare it, and me wearie to tell it, but now I perceiue we are come to Andouer, & therefore leauing these matters, we will bethinke vs where we may prouide for our dinners, sir I shall tell you quicklie (quoth I:) the signe of the Pie is a verie good house for footemen, or at the signe of the three Marryners, at an [...]e of those two houses we shall be verie well vsed, where we may haue any thing that wee will call for, and verie resonable: At the signe of the Pye then let it be (quoth Free.) and there my maisters we will be, merrie, where I will spend an English Crowne vpon you, and although I am loath, yet then I will leaue you Maister Free. I thanke you (quoth Good.) and if it please God I liue, I will requite this kindenes, and with y • we tooke in the house ouer our heades, and so calling for meat, t [...] dinner we went, where when we had wel vi [...]tual [...]d our selues, M. Free. would needes haue a pottle of wine sent for, & to make it relish the better, the goodman of the house being a notable good companion, gaue vs a péece of suger, and so sat downe w t vs, and by that time we had drunke our wine, beeing well whitled with strong Ale before, of the goodwiues owne brewing, we began all of vs to be verie pleasant, & my [...]oast of Andouer séeing vs grow in a good humour, a [...]kt vs how [...]ar we would goe that night, marie by the helpe of God to Salsberie (said I) & we are sorry that this our friend must leaue vs héere. Nay (quoth Free.) I will heare the tale out first, for all the best is behinde, in trueth that cannot bee (qd. G.) for the circomstance is too long to be tolde in a short time, & as good neuer a whit begunne as not ended: for if it please [Page] God at Salisburie we will lie this night. That is a place I. was neuer in quoth From [...] with that the ea [...] man of the house began to commend the holesome & pleasant situacion of that Cittie: shewing also that out of the head of one spring the water ran through euery strate in the same cittie, and I wil tell you what Gentlemen (qd. he) you say y • you were neuer there: but if you please to goe thither, there you shall see the fairest Cathedrall Church (for the bignes) that is in Englande, the first stone whereof, King Iohn w t his owne hand did lay, and there i [...] about the same church as many chappels as there is moneths in the yere, as many dores as there are workes in y e year [...], and as many windowes as there are days, and as many pillers as there are howers in the yeare, I haue bene in many cuntreys quoth Freeman but of such a church did I neuer [...]are, well it is true qd. our host, and it is but fifteene miles hence, and therefore seeing you neuer sawe it, if I were as you, I would sée it, wel Goodcoll quoth Freeman, were it but to heare out thy tale, I will goe to Salsburie, for if the worst come to the worst, it is but the hi [...]ring of a hackney to ryde to lōdon and to come time Inonghe to the receiuing of my moneye, well my masters qd. he, there is according to my promise, a crown towardes the shot, & if it come to more, you shall pay it betwen you for me, well sir quoth I, howsoeuer it goes, you come still to your coste: and so our shott being payd, we set towardes Saliberie, hiding our good hoast farwell: now frind Goodcoll you maye thinke that I loue tales well, that go so many miles out of my waye to here one, but it is no mater, my mind to me is a monerkey, therefore nowe seeing wee are onwarde of our waie, let vs begile the time with talke, and driue ont wearinesse with the residue of the discourse, nowe quoth Goodcol, you shall here me discouer y • vilde practices of these bad people, wherby they daylie abuse the graue Iudges of the land, her maiesties high commissioners, and the Iustices of the peace, especially th [...]se for Lond. [...]idls. [...]. and Sur. with y • shires next adoyning, Stewardes of Courtes, and many [Page] other, both Honorable & worshipful: deceiuing likewise many poore men, by their most vilde & lewde practices: for now they (as some of them can brag of) haue by y • continuall practise thereof, made their trade of baileing, better by fiue C. poundes a yeere, then heretofore it hath bene. Wherevpon Freem. demanded how that coulde be: I will tell you sir qd. Goodcole: They are growen now as I say, to baile men before her M. high Commissioners for causes Ecclesiasticall: But if their vila [...]ie be once found out in y • place, they will be made to curse the day of their Natiuitie: that euer they first began to take these lewd courses in hand. It seemeth then (qd. Frée.) that they haue prettye fine wits, that they can escape away so cleanly in their matters, & neuer be taken tardie: Albeit (qd. he) that their long practise in these thinges, haue made them as subtile as Serpents: yet now and then they are taken in their villanie, but that is verie seldome: perhaps once in seauen yeeres.
And now sir, I will shew you how that not long since, [...] man that you know verie well, was clapt by the heeles in y • Clinke, for bail [...]ing (as I supose) a Papist before the high Commissioners▪ who as soone as he had goten his libertie, got himselfe away, & (as I haue heard) could not be founde as yet. what do they presume so audaciously to baile papists too quoth Freeman▪ yes verily: They wil not sticke to [...]ter eyther Bond or baile for any man y • will giue them money.
And what will not they do: if they may be well requi [...]ed for their paines? But say they, there we shall neuer be put to our othes which is a good helpe vnto us. And thus haue they all the shiftes & deuises that may be deuised to help thē selues: But now they are growen more circumspect in their dealinges, then they were woonte to be. In what sort qd. [...]re They haue now taken this order amongst them, that they will be sure to come before one I. but once in a terme, because they will not be noted in y • Maiestrats eies, so that the graue Maiestrates are not any way able to preuent it, by reason of the multitudes of people y • come before them: so that when any Kn [...]ef y • post coms before any Ma. againe, [Page] he hath as cleane forgot his countenance, as the man he neuer sawe before: if it be so, quoth Freeman, that they come before a I. but once in a terme, their gettings must needes be small, and I maruell how they can liue of it, whereunto Goodcoll answered, that as they liue badde inough, so [...]ey liue poore inough, fortune féeding thē, as Mosse did his mare, through a hurdle, which made him take her so soone napping. And through wante of meate many times they walke out their dinner in Duke Humfrey his Allie, or else fetch a sléepe vnder a pillar in Powles, onely to beguile hunger. And although they make many other shiftes to get money by, yet none of them dies rich men. And now I will shew you how by a newe deuise which they haue gotten, they get many a crowne. I pray you let me heare that (qd. Freeman) for nouelties bréedes most delight. It is so, qd. Goodcole as you know, that Newgate being a prison for all kind of fellons, and other mallefactors, it is cōmonly replenished with more store, then any other prison in England, by reason ef the populacie and great number of lewde persons, that lurke about the citie of London: which these good knights looking into, and smelling out what great profite might be gotten by them, sought meanes to come acquainted with certaine cutpursses and other pilfering companions, such indéede, as can not forbeare once in a quarter at the least, to weare a paire of shackels in Newgate: and sée their good fortune, it was their chaunce to be in company vpon a time, where one of cutpursse hall made great mone for a friende of his that was clapt vp vpon suspition, a proper youth qd. hee and of good parentage, & falling in badde company, was apprehended with the rest as a partner of their practises: and yet I may say to you, the youth is well knowne to diuers worthie Captaines, for a proper fellow, and an excellent Drummer, and such an one as hath serued her Maiestie both in France and Flanders, yet to sée his hard destinie, he is now become after all his credite gotten in the fielde, to suffer shame in his owne Countrie: and I promise you I feare he will [Page] hardly escape death. Alas poore fellow, qd. the knight of the poste, hath he no friendes in the Citie that will doe somewhat for him, and bayle him forth till the Sessions come: he hath many friendes qd the other, but he is ashamed to make the matter knowne to them, fearing it shoulde come to his parentes eares: which he would not for an hundred pounds, What qd. the K. hath he any thing to helpe himselfe withal? In troth qd. the other, he hath small store of money, but he hath good thinges to make money of. Why what would he giue qd. they, to such as would procure his libertie and set him out of danger, mary qd. the other he would giue foure Angels withal his heart, in troth qd. they for sixe Angels, we will for your sake finde meanes to fetch him forth: and put in good sufficient men to be sureties for his apparāce at the next assises, but wée will haue our money readie to bee paid: but wil not receiue one penny before we haue done it, you speak like honest men qd. the other: I will thus much presume, though without my friendes knowledge, that you shall haue sixe Angels or thrée poundes in white money, so soone as it is done: therefore I would wish you goe about it straight: and because I know, you cannot trot about without expences, there is for a pottle of wine, and with that he throweth them downe a shilling: desiring them to tell him where hée should méete them at euening or in the morning: the place being appointed, & themselues with all circumstances prepared, dressing themselues very handsomly, to a I. they go, if he chaunce not to be within, then they trudge to another, and doe not rest till they speake with one or other. And thus with a very graue looke, and duetifull obedience they begin to speake in this sort. We are come to intreat your good Worship for a poore young man that is in prison, one that is come of very honest parents though he be farre from them, who by méere chaunce, lighting in company of some lewde persons, was with them committed to Newgate, where the poore young man, hauing béene tenderly brought vp. through the weakenesse of his owne nature, and the noysome smell [Page] of the place where he now is, findeth himselfe verie ill, & we assure your Worship, that we feare if he remaine their any longer, that it will be his death, wherefore we most humbly intreat pour Worship, that he may be bayled foorth, you shall haue sufficient Citizens and good Subsedie men to bee bound for his apparance at the next sisses, to answere what soener can be laid against him. The good Iustice noting their speech, and therewithall their persons, makes this answere, if his fact be n [...] worse then you speake of, and you séeme honest men that would not report an vntrueth, I am contented to take baile, so you bring me good suffieiēt sureties: & if it shall please your good Worship (quoth they) wée will be the men our selves, I assure your sir, we are subsedie men both of vs, and our dwelling is in such a place, & with that they protest that they were sessed at fiue poundes in Quéenes bookes, the last subsedie, whereupon the Iustice bids his Clarke to take their bondes: And by the meanes of the notable Cutpursse comming out of Newegate, the mony is straight paide, and then to the Tauarne they goe as pleasant as Popingaies, where they drinke and carous merilie, giuing them much thankes for this their great courtesie and euer after, when they or any other of their society, doe chance to meete with these ould shauers, they care not what they spend vpon them, spreading their fame amonge all their familiars, whereby it is come to passe, that they are as well knowne among these companions, as those tittle boyes are with the bathes. who will cast themseues downe a great heigh, naked into the water and fetch a penny in the bottome. So that now there is great familiaritie growne betwixt them, that if any Cutpusse▪ be clapt vp, for vsing his knife and his horne, they straight send worde to these their assured friendes, who whether t [...]ey haue mony or no, will procure their deliuerie being contented that the next bung the Cutpursse nyppes, shall serue for his recompence. For these honest men doe consider that their staying in prison is no profite to them, but by their libertie, [Page] they are asured that they will get mony Inough both [...] defraye charges and to recompence them for their paines. why then quoth Freeman it séemes by your speches, y • the knights of the post and the cutpursses w t al such other leawd companions are confederated together for I perceiue the cutpursse is so kinde, that if he haue it, the knights shall not want it? no I assure you (qd. G.) for both those Scas are growne into one leage of friendship, hauing sworne as néed requireth, one good fellowe to helpe another, and in his aduersitie, no more to forsake him, then in his prosperitie: doe all the knights of the post vse this practice (qd. Free.?) G. answered, no not all, but some of them, especially those of the midling or latest sorte, what is there such diuersitie of them, yea too many (said G.) who goe about as fishwiues carrie Oysters, new and stale: But I pray you tell mee (qd. F.) what shift doe they make, when these persons for whom they are bound doe not appiere, at the next Sessions or Gail deliuerie? You shall vnderstand (qd. G. that the K. do know and are ver [...]lie perswaded, as a thing wherein they are well experienced, that there is no doubt of that matter, for those fellowes falling to their oulde trade againe (because they are so grownded in filching, cannot otherwise betake themselues to any vertuous labour it is vnpossible, but they will be aprehended, for one vilde fact or other, before the Sessions, so that he will be [...]oerth comming sure ynough, wherby their bondes are saued. And it is to be noted that so long as they stand bound for any of them, they wil not baile them out againe, but suffer the law either to set them at libertie, or sēd thē to the gallowes, for they are as careful in this case, as y • hangmā is, to tye the halter fast, so that there can come no danger to them in the world. Then I perceiue (qd. F.) y • if a mā, or a womā, cōmit neuer so hainous offēce, except in cases of treason, murder, & such like, he may be bayled out of prison at any time if he haue acquaintance with any of these fellowes, and haue store of moneye to helpe himselfe withall, yea verelie (said Good.) & they doe not onely baile [Page] men out of Newgate, but out of the Marshalsea, the White Lyon, the Gatehouse at Westminster, Finsherie, Wentworth prison, and out of the counter in Southwark for debt. Some they doe (said G.) but not many, for in these Courtes they dare not aduenture in cases of debt, so bouldlie as in the higher courtes, because the courses of law there, comes a great deale sooner for trialls, then in the rest. whereby an execution comes vpon their backes, before they looke for it. Then I perceiue (quoth F.) for all their haste they are ouertaken sometimes. Why you must thinke, it is vnpossible (said G. they doing so many matters continually) but that they should be taken and clapt by the héeles for some of them. Now I pray you G. tell me where doe all these knightes of the post dwell and inhabit, are they all Londoners? no not the tenth man (qd. G.) for some of them dwell at Redding, some at Ware, some at Colebroke, some at Staines, some at S. Albones, some at Hartford, some further of, and some néerer hand: Then (said F.) it is great maruill that they are not refused when they come before the Maiestrate. séeing their dwellings are so farre of, why I tould you (quoth G,) that they neuer giue true notice either of their names or dwelling place, and that they will knowe before hand, before what Iudge they must goe, and also what danger there is in the cause, before such time, as they will enter into the matter, being as feare [...]ull to be taken tardie, as the whelp is to lapp hote porage.
But is it possible (quoth F.) that these men, that are so redy to forsweare themselues, wil be trustie in their dealings to them that put them in trust: nay (quoth G.) I may tell you, some of them vse these shiftes, when they haue little other buisenes to goe from prison to prison, and promise poore men to worke wonders for them, but they will not stur their foote without some mony in hand, and when they haue once fingerd it, they neither doe the parties good, nor paraduenture neuer come to him againe, whereby he loses thrée thinges at one time, his good hope, his mony, and his name. This was [Page] no sooner spoken, but a foot-poste of Plimmouth ouertooke th [...], cladde in a flannell wastcoat, and a linnen paire of breeches, with a Spaniardes hat on his head, that sate vpon his pate like the bottome of a pipkin. God speede my masters qd. he: how farre trauell you tonight: euen to Salisburie said they. Trust me said the foot-poste, I guest as much by your softe going, and there likewise will I take vp my lodging. Came you from London qd. they: Yes marry said the Poste, I broke my faste there yesterday morning What is the best newes there? Uery good newes said the Poste: Carriage is become so cheape, that a man may ride for nothing. That indéed is good newes quoth Goodcoll for wearied men, is it not? Yes marry said Freeman, for such as dwel there, but it profiteth vs nothing. It may in good time quoth the Poste: Why? what dost thou meane by that saith Goodcoll? That may be answered soone at supper, answered the other, if you like to lodg at my hoasts house: where is that quoth they? In Salisburie at the signe of the Griffin saith he: where you shall bée well vsed for your money.: & it is the first Inne that we shall come to in the Citie. Goodcoll answered: We desire but good vsage for our money and good lodging. Then meane not I to suppe with you quoth the poste: No: why so saide they? because you request but good vsage for our money and good lodging: but I must haue meate for my stomacke. There you were euen with me indeed saith Freeman: the poste replied: not so: for I am lower then you by the head: then you reckon not the height of your hornes quoth Goodcoll. The poste seeing himselfe matcht: turnd his spéech to other purpose and so they poste on their way to Salisburie: and to the signe of the Griffin they goe: where the foot-poste as one best acquainted: entered in first and called the good man of the house: wishing they might haue somewhat to supper. Looke what they cald for they had: and the goodman sate downe with them for company and bad them all heartily welcome: so with many pleasant spéeches they past their supper time. At length qd. the goodman: What newes (Gentlemen) at London.
[Page]Certainely said Freeman for our owne partes we knowe none: but I remember this light-footed ladde tolde vs by the way that he would shewe vs some: and referred the whole storie till the time of our supper: which now being ended he may proceede to the matter when he pleaseth.
I haue nothing to say but this quoth the poste: that in London béefe is indifferent good cheape but mutton is deare: for the market is forestald greatly by the two takers of London who fetch all the fairest muttons out of common pastures and pennes them vp to other purposes: by the masse thou art a knaue qd. the goodman: O my heast saith the other, there is such a lamentation made in Venus court, as the like hath not béene heard of long time: pretty wenches goe so fast to Bridewell as it passeth: some in their taffaty gownes: some in their wast-coates all ouerw [...]ought with blacke worke. And poore soules they wéepe not so sore, but the beadles of Bridewell laughe as fast: for now their gaines cō meth in out of all crie. Tush qd. Goodcoll they haue gone a great while on the score and now possible they are cald to a reckoning: and great reason they shoulde make paiment: Nay by the masse they are paid qd. the poste: Y woulde not be so paid for an hundred pound But you tolde. vs of another matter said Freeman as we came ouer the Playne: and [...]s as plaine a matter as the Plaine of Salisburie saide the poste. Then said his hoast: What was it? Marry qd. he one there was of so kinde a nature, that hee woulde suffer any good fellow to lie with his wife that lackt a wife: In requitall whereof my Lord Maior of L. lent him a Cart to ride in for nothing: and because the Cuck [...]ld was rich: no hornes would serue his turne but golden hornes: and bearing himselfe some what bragge of my Lords preferment: the proud foole got on his hollyday cappe vpon a working day: whereby euery boy perceiued his asses eares: and in this sort he rode vp and downe the Citie till the people droue him away by [...]inging of dyrt at him.
And as he went one way I came another with purpose [Page] to bring you certaine newes of this matter, for such goulden hornes as he wore, did I neuer sée in my life. And now my hoast, tell vs what we haue to pay, then said Freeman to G. doo you lay downe mony for me, and I will giue it you againe, I loue not to shewe my gould in an In, for Tapsters and Ostlers (they say) are not alwayes the honestest men. But come my hoast (saith Fr.) I was neuer in this Cittie before, and I would desire you, to take the paines to goe with these my friends, & my selfe, to viewe the stréetes, & to see the minster, for I haue heard great commendation of it, sir (quoth the goodman) I am content to walke with you, and to shewe you the minster, or to doe you any other fauour, that I may: so when Free, and his two friendes, with their hoast, had taken their pleasure in walking vp and downe the Cittie, he would néeds to requite his hoastes courtesie, giue him a quart of wine at the Grayhounde, which beeing as willingly accepted, as it was kindelie offerd, into the Tauarne they went, where they made their quart a pottle: Now the foote-post vnderstanding where they were, thought he would goe to catch a cup of wine among them, and comming merely in, euen as the [...] were paying the shot, askt if they lackt companie, no but we lacke wine (quoth F.) the worse lucke for me, said the post, I would I had béene more forward in comming hither, or you lesse hastie in drinking the wine, wilt thou not giue vs a pint, saith his hoast, yes marrie will I, answered the other, and with that he calles the Drawer, saying: bring vs hither a pint: what shall it be sir, faire water (qd. the post) with that they all laught, saying: he would be at coste well answered Freeman I will giue this mery fellowe a quarte of wine of wine, for his good companye today, I thanke you, sir saith the foote poste, and with that sat downe among them, where what with one merrie Iest or another, wine was called for in lustelie, At what time in the middest of their Cuppes, M. Freeman swore hee [Page] would goe to Plimmouth with them foote by foote', so when. the reckoning came to be paid, he requested by Goodcoll again, according to his accustomed order, to lay downe money for him: by the mass qd. Goodcoll, what with our supper and this shotte, I haue but one gr [...]at left of my tenne shillings, for it is no reason my hoast should pay any thing at all, or this my friend either, and as for the foot-poste, you promised him to giue him a quart of wine: That is very true quoth Freeman, pay all Goodcoll at this time, and in faith for that odde groat which remaines, we will haue a freshe pinte of sacke. Now when that was druncke, they went all to their lodging.
In the morning the foot-post was soonest vp: who calling to the rest of his company: askt if they were almost ready to walke: but Free [...]an had drunke so hard ouer night that he had no liste to rise so timely in the morning: & as for Goodcol his money was all gone and spent: therefore he woulde not goe before his good friend Freeman: for my owne part I woulde faine haue gone along with the foot-poste: but that Goodcoll did earnestly intreat me to the contrary: whereupon I stayd: & at length Freeman rising he called straight for something to breakefast which was soone prepared (for he was still the Gentleman) so having something refresht our selves we rose from the boord: pay Goodcoll qd. Freeman lay out for me: I [...]can lay out no more quoth Goodcoll but all: then Freeman willed mée to lay downe for them both, which I did: and so taking our leaue of our hoast, wée set forward on our iourney toward Shaftesbury.
Whereupon trauailing by the way, we fell into our olde accustumed talke: and amongst many other things': Goodcoll there told us that the Kn. of the poste were marueilous good companions when they had store of money: and howe commonly they would be sure alwayes to haue money before hand of him that should vse thē though they did nothing.
Then said [...]reeman to Goodcoll I had forgot to aske you one question yesterday: & Indeede the foot-post did breake off [Page] our talke, or else I had done it.
I pray you tell me, where are any of these Kn. of the post at any time to be founde; if y • a man shoulde happen to haue néede of them▪ Truly, I assure you (quoth Goodcole) if it be in the tearme time, you may haue them most commonly in Fléetstréete, about S. In, or else about Ch. lane: or else in some of the pudding-pie houses at Westminster, or else at the thrée legges there, and at one of these places (I say) you shall be sure neuer to misse of some of them themselues, or else of some of their parte-takers that are the procurers of them. But if it be out of tearme time: you shall haue them commonly, once or twice a day, walking in D. Humfreys Alley in Powles, or at the Lion on the backe-side of S Nichollas Shambles, or at the Rose in Pannier alley, or at y • Dolphin in the end of Carter lane: and sometimes at the Wooll-sacke in the same lane: and there lye crushing of y • two-penny Ale-pot halfe a day together: but if you do misse (as doubtles you cannot) to finde any of thē in▪some of those places: yet there is a Bell (but in what place it may hang I know not) that if it be toulled, or at least-wise Rong out, it will with the sounde thereof, cause an hundred of them to méete together, w tin thrée houres, to serue any mans turne that hath néede. And I dare warrant you y • Mephostophilus neuer haunted D. Faustus more, then these fellowes doe those places: where they consume their time, & spend away all their thrifte. But what doe they take ordinarilie qd. Fr. for baileing of a man? All after as y • matter is (qd. Goodc.) sometimes more, and sometimes lesse, as they can make their bargaine.
But as I haue heard (quoth Fr.) that there are another sort of Kn. of the poste, that will beare false witnes in any mans behalfe that will hire them, such as came to sweare against Christ, whose Glorie is their shame: And albeit some of them do make a shew of Christianitie: yet are they voide of all feare of God, and of no religion at all: but let vs saide [...]. leaue of speaking any furder of them at this time: and at my comming backe from Sea I will make a great number [Page] of them be manifestly knowne to the world. With that I that all this while lent earnest care to their talke, caste forth my verdicte thus: it séemeth (qd I) M Goodco. that you & M. Fr. haue bine much conuersant w t these fellowes because you know their names so well, & can open all these matters so perfectly: I was conuersant with them so long saide Good. that it grudged my conscience sore to sée their dealinges: and grieued my heart to be any longer in their company: so did it mine saide Fr. and with that, there was other footemen that ouertooke vs, which caused vs to breake of our talke, but Goodcole vowed déeply, y • if euer it were his good fortune to come from the sea againe: not only to double what he hath spoken, but also to be a scourge for euer to all such disceitfull persons: and so kéeping company with the rest y • ouer tooke vs, we droue out our time till we came to Shaftsburie, where M. Fréeman caused me to lay out mony againe for them both, saying he woulde change two or thrée peeces of golde at Exceter & pay me all againe: but when we came there, & that I had laide out all my money at his request: not one penny or peece of gold, had he in the worlde: but was faine to sell his cloake for very néede: wherevppon I was a little moued, to see my selfe thus ser [...]d in a strange place, & asked him if he were not ashamed to come so far to heare a tale, & to spend all his money too: and Goodc. on y • other side, was as blanke as my selfe: in troth M. Fr. qd he, you had neede now to go & receiue your money at Londō, if there be any for you, is your great store of gold come to this reckning? no maruell but you should haue your chāber doze lockt for feare of robbing. My masters qd. he, I haue deceiued you as you suppose, but none is deceiued so much as my selfe: and if w t patience you will heare me, I will shew you: At the same time y • I landed at Brist. there was one w t me, that came out of Ireland also: a man y • séemed to be of good credite, who had an Irish boy to waite upon him, & hauing bine as he said long out of England, bent his iourney to visit his friends in Lancashire: we comming ouer both in one ship, made accout also to lie in one lodging: & he hauing as [Page] well as my selfe good store of money, bought him selfe a new sute of Apparell at Brist, the which in my eie seeming faire & good, I woulde néedes straight way buye me y e like, which when I had done, I to haue the residue of my gold sure, fe [...] ring eyther to be robed, or deceiued thereof, ript y t lineing of my doublet in diuers places, & therein basted my gold most secretly, now y t gentlmā & I, lying together that night, the next morning he rose before me, and as it séemed, he put on my doublet & left me his: which I thinke on my conscience he did it simplie & unknowne to him selfe, be cause he made himselfe ready in my sight, and at his departure away, he brought me vp into my chamber a pinte of metheglin, and drinkeing to me he bad me farewell: now I supposing all this while y t I had my own doublet on, made indéede no other reckning: had therein great store of golde, but when y t this morning I searched & found it not so, you may thinke that I was not a liltle grieued: therefore my masters here is the one halfe of that I had for my cloake, to bring you to Plimmouth, & with the rest, I will trauell into Lancashire to my gentleman, for my own doublet, and therefore till I sée you againe, adiew, and thinke hereafter no worse of me then you haue founde, and so we parted: he towardes Lā cashire, and we towards Plimmouth. Thus much (gentle reader) haue you heard of the cunning shiftes & wicked deuises of those lewde and e [...]l-minded persons: Wishing all honest men to be ware of them: and at Goodcoles returne from Sea, you shall be sure to sée a second parte hereof, and if any of them do spurne hereat: let him be well assured y t the next will touch him to y t quicke, and in the meane space I doe with this to be published to y t view of y t worlde, and soe farewell.