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TO ALL SORCERERS, ENCHAVNTERS, CHARmers, Nigromancers, Coniurers, Magitians, Southsayers, Witches, Fortunetellers; And all the rest of the Deuils Iuglers, Whatsoeuer, and Wheresoeuer.
A Leaper is clensed, the Centurions seruant healed, Peters wiues mother cured of a Feauer, diuers dispossed of Deuils, the windes calmed with rebuke, two men possest of Deuils, and beeing cast foorth, they enter into Swine.
Math. 8.
DEscending a most hie cloud-checking hill;
From painefull preaching of his Fathers will:
To saue those soules which hell (for sin) did clayme,
A Leaper met him, and himselfe did frame
In humble manner falling at
Christs feet,
With such due worship as to God was meet,
Oh Lord he cryes, of health the onely meane,
If so thou wilt, tis thou canst make me cleane;
[Page 14]Tis in thy power, and in no power but thine,
Most blessed
Iesus, to my helpe incline.
The Sonne of God no sooner heard the crie
Of this poore wretch, plagued with leprosie,
But in his mercy, of which none doe fayle
That aske by faith, (Faith euer doth preuayle)
Replyed thus, and did his sute fulfill;
Because thou saist I can, I say, I will,
Then toucht him with his holy hand most pure,
And absolute he wrought a perfect cure:
So to the Priest to offer being sent,
Iesus into
Capernaum went,
Came a Centurion, and besought him thus;
O Lord, my seruant lyeth grieuous,
Pain'd with a palsie:
Iesus did reply,
When I doe come, ile cure his maladie:
The Captaine answeres, Lord, that paines forbeare;
And all the rest that swimme with finne and tayle,
Doe keepe their watry common-wealth together,
There in the great extreames of foulest weather,
The frayle Disciples all amazedly
Expected nothing but to drowne and dye:
Those blessed eyes that watch of all things keepe,
Were then (as God was man) closde vp with sleepe,
Helpe master helpe, the poore Disciples call,
Arise, and saue vs, or we perish all:
He that made wind and waue vnto them sayth,
Why are yee fearefull, yee of little faith?
[Page 16]And then arose their frightfull thoughts asswaging,
And did rebuke his creatures for their raging;
Which instantly were calme and quiet sound,
As if the waters were secure like ground,
Causing beholders strangely to admire,
To reason with themselues, and thus enquire;
Why, who is this that beares such powerfull sway?
His very word makes wind and sea obey.
Being arriued on the other side,
Two men with Diuels met him, and they cry'd
Iesus, that sonne of God art known to be,
What haue we (hellish fiends) to doe with thee?
Before the time dost thou intend preuent vs?
Wherefore art thou come hither, to torment vs?
Thy power doth make vs tremble, dread and doubt,
From our possession thou wilt cast vs out:
Which if thou doest, thus much to vs encline;
Graunt we may enter yonder heard of Swine,
That are a feeding, if we part these men,
Of those same hogs giue vs possession then;
Suffer vs, as our fellow diuell sayd;
When he a spoyle of all
Iobs substance made,
Then sayd our
Sauiour to the Deuils, goe,
And they into the Swine departed so,
Carrying them in a fury from the ground,
Into the sea, and there they all were droun'd:
The Heards-men at this fight with terror runne
Reporting in the City what was done,
How from those men (that put them all in feare)
The fiends (by
Iesus) dispossed were:
Then getting leaue of that great power diuine,
[Page 17]Into the Sea they carryed all their swine,
Which when they heard, they all came forth to meete him,
And suing for his absence, thus did greet him;
Iesus of Nazareth, with one mind and heart,
We doe entreate, that hence thou wilt depart.
One cured of the Palsie, lying sicke in his bed, the Rulers Daughter raysed, a woman healed of a bloudie Issue, two blind men receyue sight, a dumbe man possessed, healed. Math. 9.
FRom Brutish
Gergesenes our Sauiour goes,
That were so farre their owne soules mortall foes,
They from their coast did banish the most high'st,
The woman of Canaans daughter healed, foure thousand fed with seauen loaues and a few fishes, the sicke are healed, two blind men receyue their sight, the withered Figge-tree. Math. the Chapters.
FRom conference with
Pharisies and
And others of their wilfull blinded Tribes,
Which of Gods offre'd grace had no desire;
Sauiour goes to
Sidon coast and
And as he went a woman
That had her daughter vexed with a Sprite;
Cry'd after him, saying,
Haue mercy Lord,
Thou sonne of Dauid, doe thy helpe affoord,
My child is by the Diuels power tormented;
[Page 26]By thy farre greater power be he preuented,
Heare me and helpe vs, doe not turne thy face:
Oh take compassion on our grieuous caes,
But notwithstanding all that she could crie,
Our Sauiour silent made her no replie:
Then the Disciples did intreat him thus,
Send her away from crying after vs,
And rid this noyse and clamour that she makes,
Iesus, I am sent but for theyr sakes,
That are the lost sheepe of the chosen race,
Israel I must extend my grace.
But she adoring, downe before him fals,
And constant in her hope, for mercy cals,
Saying, Lord helpe me, and encline thine ayde.
Woman, it is not meet, our
Sauiour said,
To take the bread that Childrens food should bee,
And cast it vnto dogges, true Lord, quoth she,
Yet grace and fauour, may the whelpes affoord,
To eate the crummes fal from their masters boord.
Oh woman,
Iesus sayd, thy faith is great,
Thou shalt obtaine that which thou dost entreat,
And in the instant that our Sauiour spake,
The cursed fiend her daughter did forsake.
Iesus passed nie vnto the sea,
That is denominate of
Where he vp to a mountaine did ascend,
And there sate downe his Graces to extend,
For multitudes of people thither came,
Of blind and dumbe, of maimed and of lame,
And many others that in humble wise,
At Iesus feet presented mournfull cryes,
[Page 72]Which for his helpe in their extreames did call,
And he miraculous did heale them all,
That the great company assembled there
(Being filde with wonder and admiring feare)
To heare dumbe speake, see lame to goe vpright;
The maymed whole, and blinde receiue their sight,
With hearts more ioyfull then their tongus could tell,
Did glorifie the God of
Iesus calling his Disciples, sayd,
My pitty and compassion doth perswade,
(Because this peoples company hath lasted
Three dayes with me, and all that time haue fasted,)
That they haue somewhat to supply their need,
Least in returne, such danger it doe breed,
They faint by hunger on the weary way,
But his Disciples vnto him did say,
How shall we get in this most desert hill.
The bread that may so many thousands fill?
Iesus, what prouision is your store?
They said seauen loaues, a few small fish, no more.
So causing all the people downe to sit,
Iesus tooke bread and fish, gaue thanks for it;
And then he brake it, after hee had blest,
And gaue the twelue, to giue vnto the rest,
All being therewith so well satisfied,
That after their necessities suppli'd,
There was remaining (which they could not eate)
To fill seuen baskets full of broken meate:
Yet was the number of the feeders then,
By computation found foure thousand men,
Besides of others that repast did find,
[Page 28]Which were of children, and of women kind.
Hauing with
Soule and bodies food fed them,
Our Lord departed towards Ierusalem,
And as he iournyed from
(With multitudes that onwards with him goe)
Two blind-men sitting by the high-way side,
That heard of
Iesus passage, to him cry'd;
Oh Lord, thou sonne of
Dauid mercy show,
Mercifull Lord, thy grace on vs bestow;
So vehement and earnest they did call,
And so importunate they were withall;
Still inuocating on his glorious name,
That people did rebuke them for the same:
But they the more do eleuate their voyce,
And make such pittifull complaining noyse.
Iesus stood still, and calling of them two,
Did say, what is it you would haue me doe?
Oh Lord (quoth they) let vs behold the light;
He touching them, gaue present perfect sight;
Of which desired sence, being now possest,
They followed
Christ, most ioyfull with the rest.
Then on a borrowed Asse meeke Christ did ride,
And all the multitudes about him cri'd,
Hosanna to the sonne of
Dauids fame;
Blessed is he, comes in the highest name.
And entring the famous City thus,
The people all admiring wondrous;
Sayd, this is
Iesus, which is knowne to be
Nazareth a Prophet; this is he:
Entring the temple then, which did containe
Buyers and sellers, w
[...]cked and prophane;
[Page 31]He cast them out, and sayde, this house of prayer,
A man possessed with a Deuill healed, diuers healed, and deuils cast out of many, A blinde man healed, that first saw men walk like trees, & after saw them clearly, The possessed healed, Blinde
Bartimeus healed, The draught of fishes, The Widdowes son restored to life at Naim,
Mark. Luk.
5.7. Chap.
TO Capernaum Iesus tooke his way,
Where being entred on the Sabboth day,
He went into the
Synagogue to teach.
And one amongst the rest that heard him preach,
Vext with a Spirit in most fearefull wise,
Deliuered forth outragious hellish cryes;
Let vs alone, remaining where we be,
[Page 31]Wilt thou destroy vs; we know thou art he,
Of Nazareth, Iesus Gods holy one;
In our possession leaue thou vs alone:
Be silent
Sathan, hold thy peace, Christ sayes,
(Deuils are not ordayn'd to giue God prayse)
Come forth, depart, whereat he loude did roare,
And the possessed, felly rent and tore;
So leaues him then, which such amazement wrought,
That all the people were in terrour brought,
Saying, with power, is this of matchlesse wonder?
That with a word, brings
Sathans outrage vnder▪
Come to
Bethsaida, there they bring one blind,
Iesus they might mercy finde,
That he would touch him, so his hand he takes,
And leades him forth (for their beleeuing sakes)
From out the towne, where onely he applyes,
Spittle, as medcine to his closed eyes,
And did demaund what obiect then he sees;
Who looking said, men walking like to trees.
Then Iesus touch'd his eyes, and made them cleare,
That euery thing did perfect true appeare.
That Hill descending, where those blessed three,
Iohn, Peter, Iames, did Iesus glory see.
(When as his rayment, in bright shining show,
Was seen in whitenesse to exceed the snow;
Moses and
Elias did appeare.
Peter said, Lord tis good being here)
One came to
Iesus, and his sonne did bring;
Saying, oh Master, heare a wofull thing:
This sonne of mine, a spirit that is dumbe,
Hath with great torments strangely ouercome,
[Page 32]He teareth him with foming fits most fell,
And gnashing teeth as fiends are said in hell,
To vse with horrour, this poore man I brought
To thy Disciples, and I them besought,
That they in thy all powerfull holy name,
Would cast him out, who could not doe the same;
Then answered he, O faithlesse generation,
How long shall I endure your Prouocation?
Bring him to me, which done, outragiously
The Spirit did torment him instantly,
Euen in vnwonted manner, fearefull, strange,
With cruell fits, and torments interchange,
For inwardly he did him rent and teare.
And falling on the ground, lay foming there,
And wallowing vp and downe, said Iesus than
Vnto the father of this wofull man;
How long hath he bin thus from peace exilde?
Who answer'd, euer since he was a child,
And like as now he casts him on the ground,
He throwes him oft in water to be droun'd,
And otherwhiles into the flaming fire;
But if thou canst, O Lord, I thee desire,
Helpe, helpe, haue mercy, dispossesse this fiend;
That nothing but destruction doth intend:
Iesus said, if thou hast faith in this,
Of my expected helpe thou shalt not misse.
Christs poore petitioner did cry,
With sorrowes voyce, and teares excessiuely;
O Lord that art the great, the good, the chiefe,
I doe beleeue, helpe thou mine vnbeleefe.
Then Iesus sayd, thou Deuill deafe and dumbe,
[Page 33]I doe commaund and charge that forth thou come,
Lazarus raysed from death: The Souldiers at Christes betraying cast to the ground.
Malcus eare cut off by Peter, healed, The temples veile rent, stones diuide, graues open, the dead arise.
Iohn. 11. Iohn. 18. Luk. 22. Mathew. 27.
Two holy sisters had theyr brother lying,
Bethany, euen at the point of dying;
One blessed
Magdalen (that with her teares
Did wash Christs feet, & dri'd them with her haires)