IVDAS in despaire.

The seuen Words of our Sauior on the Crosse. WITH Other Poems on the Passion.


LONDON. Printed by Adam Istip. 1598.


TO THE RIGHT WOR­shipfull, Sir Nicholas Walsh Knight, cheefe Iustice of her Maiesties court of common pleas in Ireland, and of her Highnesse counsaile there.

ALbeit (right Worshipfull) that the art of Poesie is in sort dealt withall, as Cacus once vsed Hercules oxen, when he drew them backewards vp the hill: being customarily in these daies wrested and turned to the fooleries of Loue, and such like base subiect of fancies abortiue births, conuer­ting Poetries imploiment to follies vse, and wit ill spent runnes violent that way, with the current of errour. Yet hath it a natiue diuine off-spring and issue, wherof partaking kindly, floates with a calme tempered gale from all [Page] miscarying wracke, to the harbour of a quiet applause. The vpright and best approoued censure I presume gains your Worships ver­tuous allowance, to whose wisdome and gra­uitie associate with an heroicall sprite, I dedi­cate affections testimony by these vnpolished lines, crauing your fauourable fault-shadow­ing view, if in the manner any thing appeare defectiue, trusting that as a fruitfull tree the more it is fruitladen, the more it declineth, so your plenteous accōplished vertues wil hum­ble them in daining to accept the loue I reue­rence you withall: wishing your Wor­ship Worlds prosperitie, and Hea­uens happinesse.

Yours in the best endeuours of affection. S. R.

The betraying of Jesus

EVen vvhen no beauties of the garnisht skie
Had left the view of Heauen-makers vvonder,
And Phebus steeds were gallop'd posting by
Their hasty speed had got the vvorlds half vn­der,
Yea eu'ry creature that had life or sprite,
Mourn'd at the darke approch of vgly night:
An host of swartest sable foggie clouds,
Wrapt in faire Cinthia from her siluer shine,
Mantling her brightnesse vvith their obscure shrouds
As though heav'ns lampe vvere come to latest fine,
Her cannapie of starres vvas eke vnseene,
Where on she vvonted mount, imperious Queene.
The airy vvinged people gone to rest,
Had clear'd vvith day, not left a note vnpaid,
All other creatures that might be exprest,
In caues and holes for nights repose vvere laid,
Of vvild, or tame, none raung'd or ran astray,
But rauenous, by darke that hunt for pray.
Thicke mistie vapours vvere dispersed foule,
Prohibiting day-followers to be seene,
Dispensing only vvith the shriking Owle,
And eies that Nature put lights hate betweene,
Such as vvere banisht from the face of day,
To lurke the couert shamelesse night away.
Then child of vtter darknesse, lights offence,
Intituled: The lost sonne of perdition,
Hired against his Lord for thirty pence
To be a traitor vnder hels commission,
In this nights time, did rebell troupes increase
To manage armes against the Prince of peace.
Toward Cedron brooke th'accursed leader goes,
With horse and foot, vveapon'd vvith launce and speare,
His blessed maister vs'd that vvalke he knowes,
Vnworthy vvretch had oft ben vvith him there,
Oft as a friend the place he did frequent,
But now foe-harted, trecherous of intent.
As in a garden Adam disobayed,
And there became a captiue to the diuell,
So in a garden Iesus vvas betrayed,
To suffer death for Adams former euill:
Within a garden Adams crime offended,
For vvhich Christ vvas in garden apprehended.
And as in pleasures garden at the fall,
For Adams clothing, dead beasts skins God gaue,
In euidence that death vvent ouer all,
And that his garment might presage his graue:
So Christ in garden tombe and dead mans shrowd,
Defray'd our debts, vvith paiment best alowd.
Ouer the brooke, to garden they repaire,
(Swift vvere their feet about the sheading blood)
Euen to the place that Iesus vs'd for praier,
Where he intreated grace for sinners good,
Where he consulted to redeeme and saue:
Thither they came, resolu'd his life to haue.
With easie search the guiltlesse may be found,
Whose quiet thoughts and peace vnite in one,
A voice, Whom seeke you? threw them all to ground,
A power diuine, to make true godhead knowne.
Iesus came forth, encountred them vvith breath,
And they at once fell backward all to th'earth.
Had then his vvill consented to his power,
If Iustice had appear'd, and mercy hid,
They had descended hell that sinfull hower,
Like Corah, Dathan, and Abiram did,
Where th'one vvas seandale to the seruant done,
The other vvas rebellion gainst the sonne.
While Ieroboam stretcht his threatning hand
(Right insolent and full of daring pride)
To stay the Prophet, giuing strict command,
Iudgement laid hold on him, his hand vvas dryde:
But these in armes, and violent enterprise,
Though throwne to ground, doe vnrepentant rise.
Deaths harbenger vnto Damasco towne,
Then bloody-mind Saint-persecuting Saul
Was with like powreful voice from heauen thrown down,
But to conuersion grace imploy'd his fall:
With greater fauour, blisse can none acquaint,
Then crowne a greeuous sinner, glorious Saint.
But these vvhose hearts vvere hardned, sight extinct,
Haters of knowledge, children of the night,
Atvvar vvith God, in league vvith Sathan linckt
Grosse darknesse followers, shunners of the light,
Stiffe necked, stubborne, and rebellious Iewes,
Contemne saluation; offered grace refuse.
Wisdomes beloued, Israels vvisest king,
Doth say the vvicked cannot sleeping rest,
Till they are pleased vvith some ill done thing;
The vvorser deed, the doer likes for best:
A minute spent in good, seems long loth'd day,
A night of sinne, but moment stolne avvay.
How toilesome tedious had that vvatching bin,
If vertue had persuaded thereunto,
But Owle-eied they became to compasse sin,
Fit vvas the time so foule a fact to do:
That vvork of darknesse, ioin'd vvith darknesse power
Might meet together all in darknesse hower.
When they should rest, their malice not indur'd it,
For malice neuer closeth sleeping eies,
And vvhen they should not vvake, reuenge procur'd it,
Reuenge, doth hourely, some reuenge deuise,
Who rides the deuill hath no curbe they say,
For malice drawes, and fury spurs away.
Th'vnseemely vprore, to the night vnkind,
Happening as frightfull as in fires danger,
Caus'd him make hast that left his clothes behind,
Hardly entreated, like vnwelcome stranger,
For in retire, his case like Iosephs stands,
Who left his garment in his mistresse hands.
T'was no offence springing from his intent,
That did demerite violent force resist him,
Yet pawn'd he shirt for skin before he vvent,
Gladdest vvhen naked gone that rage had mist him,
What furies guided this misguided swarme?
To bend their force against vnthoughted harme.
When traitor meets, these quaint deceits he had,
In gesture, kind imbracements vvith a kisse;
In vvords, All haile, God saue thee, or be glad;
Yet murder, blood, and death, lies hid in this,
This cup of gold did poisons draught begin,
This greene had serpents lurking hid vvithin.
The vvord All haile, seru'd Ioab to salute,
(Good vvords do often make for ill pretence,)
But Abner found a mortall stab the fruit,
While falshood spake, twas murder did insence:
Like that, vvas this of Iudas false intent,
By vvord, God saue, the deed Destroy vvas ment.
All haile, the Angell reuerently did vse,
With heau'nly tongue, to holy virgins eare,
All haile, in Pilats hall they did abuse,
That scorning Christ, presented Aue there,
Highest in fauour of all vvomen gain'd it,
And chiefest sinner of all men, profan'd it.
First vvord it vvas, Gods gracious loue tv'nfold
Beginning at our sauiours incarnation,
First vvord vvherewith false Iudas bought and sold,
Whose trafficke turn'd Christs death, his own damnation.
What profite his that all the vvorld should vvinne?
With soule in deaths eternall debt by sinne.
Why com'st thou friend? vvhat mean'st thou, Iesus said,
At th'instant houre my praiers and teares commend thee,
To giue a kisse vvhereby I am betraide,
And vvith, All haile, brings troupes to apprehend mee?
I tearme thee friend, vngratefull as thou art,
That show'st nor friend nor yet disciples part.
To call thee friend, it doth thus much betoken,
No cause in me hath canseld loues desire,
But they reuolting hath our friendship broken,
Vnaltred I remaine the same entire:
If thou vvith Dauid, I haue sinned, couldst say,
His answere thine, Thy sinne is done away.
Returne thee vvith repentant hearts imbrace,
And mercy shall vvith iustice dome suspend,
I left not thee, vvhy doest thou run from grace,
Though thou hast sold me, still I call thee friend,
But if thou vvilt not be reclaimed backe,
Be thou thy selfe thine owne soules vvilfull vvracke.
When murder had saluted, treason kist,
And bribery imbrac'd vvith signe of gladnesse,
In vvhich the traitors seruice did consist,
Then press'd the Iewes on Christ vvith furious madnesse,
Like hunger-paunched vvolues prone to deuour
The lambe subiected to their rauening power.
Right manly valiant Peter did him beare,
When no disciple durst attempt the like,
T'vnsheath his sword, and cut off Malcus eare,
Against an armed multitude to strike,
Danger and feare are cowards turnd aside
When manhood is by resolution tride.
But Iesus did no humane forces need,
That legions had of Angels at command,
And Peter had no charge to fight, but feed
The flocke of sheepe committed to his hand,
It vvas Gods vvill to suffer, not resist,
His power gaue power, and sinne did vvhat it list.
He vvas content, their violent force should bind him
And lead him thence vnto the torturing place,
To teare his flesh vvith vvhips to mocke and blind him,
To buffet and to spit vpon his face.
T'accuse him false by slanders lying breath,
To dome him sentence shames most odious death.

Judas in despaire.

TErrors torment my tortur'd soule perplexed,
Fell furies fright, and hale me on away,
To Cayphas and the rest vvith horrour vexed
Goes Simons sonne, Gods son did false bettay,
Such is my sinne against that guiltlesse blood,
No baulme in Israel left to doe me good.
They answer'd, carelesse of my vvretched state,
What's that to vs? Looke thou thy selfe vnto it,
Then vengeance I expect, grace comes too late,
Resolue no lesse, for that you brib'd me do it,
Sathan seduc'd, I acted the offence,
Despaire is come, there lies your thirty pence▪
I am perditions child, outcast forlorne,
All haile in vvord, but in the heart all hatefull,
It had ben good, so bad had nere ben borne,
That of all creatures am the most ingratefull:
Oh had I neuer liu'd, suruiuing shame
Had vnreported hid my odious name.
Base couetousnesse no more Gehezies sinne,
My intrest in that crime doth thine controule,
Thou vvast but leaper of polluted skinne,
My leprosie is a defiled soule:
Thou took'st a bribe against thy maisters vvill,
But I vvas brib'd to kisse, and kist to kill.
Maries good vvorke Christ promis'd to commend
Perpetually in euer-liuing praise,
But my vile act beyond all stinted end,
Shall euidence I trod the left hand vvaies,
My title thus the Scriptures shall record:
Judas Iscarioth, that betrayd the Lord.
Three euils in one I did commit, in this
That gainst the King of glory I haue done:
Deceit betray'd vvith shew of kind-ment kisse,
Couetousnesse incenst, that sinne begun,
Impudent boldnesse did intrude the deed,
Ere any mou'd or vvisht me to proceed.
I knew the choise, and gainefull happie vvay,
That heauens gate, vvas straightest dore to enter,
I taught the vvorld, take heed broad paths doe stray,
And yet my selfe the vvide-gate vvilfull venter,
Like Noahs vvorkemen, such my state is found
They built an arke for him, themselues vvere drownd.
I haue excluded faiths resolued trust
In him by vvhom the true repentant liue,
Cain-like affirming nought but vengeance must
Reward my sinnes, mercy no such forgiue:
My heart's indurate, hardned, vnrelenting,
Past is the deed, the doer past repenting.
Though ' Dauid found remorse to vvaile his sinne,'
And Nathans comfort, eas'd his mournfull taske,
Distrust and horrour haue so hemd me in,
That might I haue, I hopelesse vvill not aske:
Feare, shame, and guilt do haunt me at the heeles,
Of iudgement, men, and vvhat my conscience feeles.
My dying soule, refusing liuing meane,
Denies vvith heav'nly Manna to be fed
A sea of teares can neuer rince it cleane,
Yet could one drop, that drop should ne're be shed.
What teares, vvhat praiers can his atonement make,
Whose portion is in vengeance fearefull lake?
Mine inward conscience doth soules ruine tell,
Authenticke witnesse, and seuere accuser,
Where I abide, I feeling find a hell
Tormenting me, that am selfe torment chuser:
Sound conscience well is said like vvall of brasse;
Corrupted, fit compar'd to broken glasse.
More blind then those vvhose sight sight giuer gaue,
More deaffe and dumbe then any that he cured,
More dead then Lazarus in his stincking graue,
When he deaths vaut till fift daies baile indured.
Not eies, eares, limmes, tongue, body, haue defect,
It is my soule, that saluing heauens reiect.
If first borne man, the first of desp'rate mind,
By vvhom the first of guiltlesse blood vvas shed,
Did say, There vvas no grace for him to find,
But vengeance must be heaped on his head:
Let me (sinnes monster, masse of cursed euill)
Bid Sathan vvelcome, and imbrace the deuill.
When Christ shall come in clouds, and sinnes be scand,
All Adams sonnes expecting rightfull dome,
Ivvretch amongst the goats shall trembling stand,
The right-hand sheepe, affoord no traitor roome,
To crie Lord, Lord, this answere shall be got,
Depart you cursed, hence I know you not.
The casting out of deuils then obiected,
Will cease no vvrath, extenuate no dangers:
Not vvords vvith God, vvell doing is respected,
His Citizens deeds difference from the strangers,
Me thinkes I heare the iudge, sterne, full of ire:
Pronounce my sentence to eternall fire.
Was I not cald to heav'ns roiall feast?
I vvas: but came as one that little cared,
How came I? brutish like vnreuerent beast,
Wanting a vvedding garment, vnprepared:
Bold daring vvretch in such a sacred place,
To presse in sinnes cast suite, rent, torne, and base.
But fearefull guerdon for so foule attempt,
All-seeing eies beheld my rags bevvray'd,
And most seuerely thence he did exempt,
Bind him both hand and foot (his iustice said)
And cast him out, no such may here partake,
The Lambe vvith Sion, Sathan and the Lake.
Would I had neuer knowne Apostles place,
Would I had ne're ben messenger of truth,
Would I had neuer preacht the vvay to grace,
Would I had ne're ben borne, or died in youth:
Who knowes his maisters vvill and doth neglect it,
Sore stripes and many shall seuere correct it.
I must salute Ashur and Elams traines,
To drinke vvith Tuball of the vvrathfull cup,
Edom inuites me to th'infernall paines
No time of grace, vvith Christ againe to sup,
Now feast vvhere teeeth are gnasht & hands are wrong,
Where Diues begs for drops to coole his tong.
Downe by the vvay that Corah vvent to hell,
Like Dathan and Abiram to descend
Where furies, fiends and damned ghosts do dwell,
And euer torments, neuer know an end,
Let earth deuide and opening swallow then,
The most accurs'd of all the sonnes of men.
The man that from Ierusalem descended,
And hapned in the hands of bloody theeues,
A pittifull Samaritane befriended
With mercy, and his hard distresse releeues:
Such holy loue, true charity suppli'd him,
Pitty vvas present and no grace deni'd-him.
But I from new Ierusalem retyr'd
The restfull Canaan, happinesse vnbounded,
For thirty pence hels iourny being hyr'd,
In Sathans snares I fell, that theefe hath vvounded:
And priest is past, Samaritane gone by,
Seeing me curelesse, carelesse let me lie.
Ah Magdalen sower sorrowes turn'd thy sweet,
Well didst thou vveepe to vvash, and vvashing gaine,
With hairie towell vviping Iesus feet,
Thy true repentant teares did grace obtaine:
While I thy vertues sought to haue disgrast,
Tearming that holy vvorke, A needlesse vvast,
But happy vvoman, guiltlesse vvast' controld,
How falsely did I vvish thy ointment spared?
How couetous said I, Better this been sold
And giu'n the poore, vvast for the poore I cared?
Ah no, my guilty conscience doth deny it.
I bare the purse, and would haue gained by it.
Sampson, till Sathan fierce Philistine caught me,
And in his rage put out my sprituall eies,
Then blind in sinne, to Cayphas house he brought me,
Against the piller vvhere all mercy lies,
I bent my force to mooue the corner stone,
Destruction fell, my selfe destroy'd alone.
Like Iezabels, so my corrupted thought,
When she complotted for good Naboths ground,
Cleare purchase tvvas, her vvile his vineyard bought;
Such seem'd my bribe, I held it money found:
But see how soone sweet sinnes conuert to sower,
I loath for euer, that I lou'd an hower.
These three deuide my soule, Fear, Thought, & Anguish▪
Their intrest is the forfaits of my fall,
But vvhile in claime they striuing let me languish,
The roaring Lion comes and seazeth all:
Insatiable serpent pleas'd vvith nought but this,
Both soule and body must be graunted his.
If gracelesse outcasts in this vvorld begin
To tast of second death's tormenting power,
If soules surpriz'd by selfe-wrought murdring sinne,
Turne vengeance glasse to run a staylesse hower,
Then here in earnest of perpetuall care,
I vveare damnations liuery, blacke despaire.
Deuore'd from mercy, alienate from grace,
Reft of repentance, vvedded vnto euill,
From highest calling, downe to lowest place,
From chosen Twelue, a singled outcast deuill;
From th'holy city lou'd of God so vvell,
Within vvhose streets may no vncleanesse dwell.
When Christ foretold intended treason nie,
By one of vs his guests to be betray'd
Each straight inquir'd, Lord is it I, or I?
But my demand had answer, Thou hast said.
I that was fed that night with loues regard,
Return'd the giuer treason for reward.
Darke night, black deed, blind soule, and Sathans slaues
Did fit, defile, destroy it selfe, did further,
With shade, vvith sinne, vvith death, vvith clubs & staues,
Tintrap, betray, condemne, assist to murder,
The Lambe of God, the rocke, the dore, the vine,
The Angels brightnesse, heav'ns eternall shine.
Much vvorse, though Ioab-like I gaue a kisse,
I pris'd my birth-right base, at Esawes gaine,
I putchas'd hell vvith losse of heauens blisse,
And in effect, exchanged ioy for paine.
Oh foolish sot, vile earthly drosse esteemer,
To sell true life, dead Adams sonnes redeemer.
Thou partiall hand swai'd sword of Peters drawne,
I should ben mangled, and not Malcus eare,
Like currish dog, it vvas my flattering fawne,
Did bite my maister vvorse then any there,
Mistaken champion in thy valour swaruing,
To giue his eare my trecherous hearts deseruing.
I vvas cheefe actor in the Iewish spight,
I vvas a captaine to that rascall rout,
I vvrought the tumult of that guilty night,
I vvas blind guide, to that they vvent about,
They all expected notice come from me,
Till craft had kist, they knew not vvhich vvas he.
False tongue, pronounc'd All haile to hurtfull end,
When hollow heart sequestred loues true zeale,
Heav'ns mildnesse asked, Why art thou come friend?
Straight violent hands, not vvords, our thoughts reueale.
Call him not friend, that sauors most offoe,
Tearme me thy hangman, for I merite so.
In death's pursute, insatiate thirsting blood,
We posted thence to Priests, vvith rudest throng,
Where purest lambe before his shearer stood,
Pleading not guilty, by truths silent tong,
Ther's craft accusing, hate helps to deuise,
And falshood forgeth, in a mint of lies.
My impious eies beheld vvithout remorse,
The gracelesse vsage of heau'ns gracious king,
Scornd, spit at, mocked, yet repentance force,
Sought not for shelter vnder mercies vving,
In all these euils I pitttied not his paine,
Til being condemn'd, then greeu'd my greeues in vain,
No true contrition had my faults defence,
Though I confess'd I sinn'd in his betraying,
Twas desp'rate satisfaction came from thence,
For faith vvas liuelesse, should ben vengeance staying,
Wrath is gone forth, vvas Moses admonition,
But lights on me, that am for vvraths perdition.
VVhat vvondrous obiects haue mine eies beheld,
Deaffe, dumbe and lame, the blind and curelesse, cured;
The stubborne vvinds vvith checking calmely stild,
The dead reuiu'd, death's sleepe foure daies indured,
Fiue loaues, two fish, fiue thousands satisfied,
Yet more then much, spare crums vvere multiplied.
My tast did vvitnesse vvater turn'd to wine,
One cur'd that toucht my maisters vesture hemme,
Commanded deuils forth men, to enter swine,
And in the sea destruction plunging them,
Mine eares haue heard, and eies haue seene the sight
That Kings haue vvisht, and Prophets neuer might.
Yet he that's cal'd manslaier from beginning,
Deceiuer, dragon, serpent, father of lies,
God of this vvorld, author of humane sinning,
Hardner of hearts, blinder of spirituall eies,
Prince of the aire, malicious euill sprite,
Made me hels guest, vvhom heav'ns did kind inuite.
Like as the brauing greene, but barren tree
(That flourisht faire vvhen not a figge vvas found)
Christ curs'd vvith, Neuer fruit grow more on thee,
Because it did no good, but comber ground:
So fares the false deluding show of mine,
Greene leav'd beginning, vvithered fruitlesse fine.
Could sinnes-besotted, hell-path vvrandrers, see
The horrours on an outcast vvretch imposed,
Or sence the inward vvorme that gnaweth me,
(Bondslaue to bondage neuer to be losed)
They vvould retire the flesh most fearefull race,
To auoid hels gaole, obtain'd vvith losse of grace.
Me thinkes my conscience turnes a blacke leav'd booke,
Titl'd Distrust, dedicate to Despaire,
Where couetous eie and traitrous heart do looke
On vengeance lines, pointed this period, Care;
The argument is shame, the subiect sinne,
The index thus explaines the euils therein:
A postle once, increasing Christs eleuen,
B agbearer, to the charge of purse assign'd,
C alled to preach saluations path to heauen,
D estructions heire, the vvorst of vvicked mind:
E nuying at good vvorke by others done,
F aithlesse to God, false hearted to his sonne.
G reedy to gaine on earth. vvith heauens losse,
H opelesse of mercy, in sin's most distresse,
I udas vvhose kisse presag'd Christs dying crosse,
K nowledge contemner, errors foule successe.
L oitrer in holy haruest, place abuser,
M urdrer of life, mine owne damnation chuser.
N aked of grace, the foulest ere defiled,
O ffences actor in the highest degree,
P rouoking vvrath, from mercies throne exiled,
Q uenching the sprite, that erst gaue light in me,
R enouncing glories race to gain the crowne,
S eruant to sinne, vvhose hire pale death laies downe▪
T raitor to God, that breathing earth deluded,
U nholy-thoughted, full of bitter gall,
W oes querrister, from Angels quires excluded,
X pian the outward, inward, not at all,
Y oaked by sinne perpetuall, Sathans slaue,
Z eale in his seruice lost, that none can saue.
This register records the race I run,
By caracters spelling my future vvoe,
A tragedy by me must be begun,
On hels blacke stage, for there to act I goe,
Since eies of God, and all in heauen abhorre me,
I vvill descend, the pit hath consorts for me.
Curs'd be the parents that ingendred me,
Curs'd be the wombe that bare, and paps that fed,
Curs'd be the day vvhen I vvorlds light did see,
Curs'd be the houre my soule from grace vvas led,
Curs'd be the time vvhen I did entertaine
Cursed affection, to accursed gaine.
Retire for euer from the sweet society
Of Peter, Iames, and Iohn, true heires of grace;
Conuerse remaine of Time, vvith all impiety,
No eie henceforth shall view Christs traitors face,
End loathed daies, my fact abhorres your light,
Wrap me from eies cole-fac'd eternall night.
Sauls frightfull guest, that sence depriuing sprite,
Outragious rauing fury vvhispers, Hang thee,
What Syon tunes, or Dauids harpe delight,
Can cease or ease the horrours that do pang me?
Then be my instrument one iarring string,
And treble vvoe, the houling note I sing.
Bush-creeping Caine, beholding for thy end
More to an arrow, then the marke-mans aime▪
I doe disdaine blind Lamech should befriend,
None in my tragedy shall action claime:
But I and Sathan vve haue both agreed,
To leaue the vvorld a desp'rate damned deed.
Not to dismount a check-cloud earthy heape,
Or make soule passage by a poinard point,
Nor to bequeath the sea a drowning leape;
But fatall cord shall cracke my breathing ioint,
Absolons tree, prowd Hamans halter-knell,
And I the hangman, like Achitophell.
Lead on despaire, confounder of my sprite,
Direct vnto some nooke of hellish shade,
For shames sake, be it gloomier then that night
In vvhich by me heav'ns brightnesse was betraide:
Blacker then death, more sable hew'd then hell,
Where sulpher flames, vvith vtter darknesse dwell.
Harder then Pharoahs tenne times hardned heart,
Bloudier then Abels butcher, far inclin'd:
End traitors life, begin a hangmans part,
Let hangmans part performe thy desp'rate mind,
Thy desp'rate mind be vvitnesse th'art accurst,
Rent heart, drop blood, gush bowels, belly burst.

❧ Peters teares at the Cockes crowing.

COme sharpest greefs imploy repentant eies,
Taske them as bitter drops as ere vvere shed,
Send teares to earth, and sighs vp to the skies,
This instant houre a Soule and Sorrows wed,
Sweet teares and sighs, at dolours deere requests,
Come you & yours my harts right welcom gests.
Let eies become the fountaines of my teares,
And let my teares be flouds to moist my heart,
And let my heartfull of repentant feares,
By teares and sorrowes, turne a true conuert;
At base obiections of as base a maid,
With oths and curses I haue Christ denai'd.
The vvatchfull bird that centinels the morne,
Shrill herald to Auroraes early rising,
That oft proclaimes the day ere day be borne,
Distinguisher from pitch-fac'd nights disguising,
Surceas'd to heed, vvhy nature taught him crow,
And did exclaime on me for sinning so.
O haughty vaunts resembling skie-bred thunder,
How far remote your actions stand aloofe,
A coward heart keptvvords and deeds asunder,
Stout champion brags are quailed in the proofe.
Weake vvomans breath hath ouerthrowne a rocke,
And humane pride is daunted by a Cocke.
Harken this birds rebuke; and harkning, feare:
False periur'd tongue, now are thy boastings tri'de,
Christ hardest fortunes part thou vowd'st to beare,
But loe a cocke doth crow it, thou hast li'de:
Thy deedlesse vvords, vvords vnconfirmd by truth,
Haue turnd mine eies to teares, my heart to ruth.
The daies approch that vvhilome nature taskes,
He chaunted not, nor ment blacke nights descending,
But foule fac'd sinne, from scarffing vvords vnmaskes;
Plie bitter teares your suite, for vvraths suspending,
Eies that vvhen Christ sweat blood, secure did slūber,
Now shed more tears then truthles tong can number.
Lament my soule thy state, a state distrest,
Thou art reuolt from true felicity,
Sigh sorrowes forth, let greefes vveepe out the rest,
Weepe vvretched man repleat vvith misery,
Let neuer eies giue cheekes a space to drie,
Till teares regaine lost grace in mercies eie.
Weepe saltest brinish teares, the more the sweeter,
Weepe satisfaction, sinnes repentant soule,
Weepe fraile disciple, vvoman-daunted Peter,
Weepe vveakling, subiect to a Cockes controule,
Weepe Christs deniall, vvorst of all thy crimes,
And ouervveepe each teare tenne thousand times.
O God from vvhom all graces doe abound,
For thy assisting aid I humbly call,
Lend mercies hand to raise from sinfull ground,
And being on foot, protect against like fall,
Thy fauours Lord I truly do implore,
Rising to stand, standing to fall no more.
Th'Egiptians greeuing of the Iewes,
And the Philistians vexing Saul,
The mockes the children once did vse
T'offend Gods Prophet therewithall,
And Michols scoffing Israels king,
Were common wrongs, a daily thing.
Such vvrongs, of vvrongs vsurpe the name,
To those extreames to Iesus done,
The vvorld hath neuer knowne like shame,
Of that sinne laid vpon Gods sonne,
It had been iust, on man accurst,
If sorrowes had perform'd their vvorst▪
But vvhen a pure and holy life,
With spot or blemish neuer stayn'd,
Twixt God and man shall vmpire strife,
To be himselfe for guilty payn'd:
What vvrongs so great, vvhat paines vvere such?
Who but a God vvould doe so much?

The seuen words of Christ vpon the Crosse.

Pater ignosce illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt.

FAther (our Sauiors loue to sinners, cries)
Forgiue them this their sin to me hath donne,
For they by vvhom my tortur'd body dies,
Know not they murder thy life-giuing sonne:
What I indure, in flesh and sprite deuiding,
They do it through blind ignorance misguiding.
Oh Charity of vvondrous Admiration,
And patience farre extending humane sence,
Sunshine of grace, to deed of darke damnation,
True pardoner, to pardonlesse offence,
Not crauing ease for selfe sustaining vvoes,
But fauour for his persecuting foes.
Pleading for those vvhose tongues did most defame him,
Soliciting for them that did accuse him,
Excusing such as vvickedly did blame him,
Tendring of loue vvhere hatred did refuse him,
Their ordur'd soules seeking so to refine,
Grace might reduce them to celestiall shine.
His sute imports, his holy thoughts did say,
Inflict not iustice on these sinne-defiled,
Vpon my flesh thine angers burden lay,
Graunt nothing be to thee vnreconsiled,
Least my redemption should vnperfect seeme,
Or any sinne I did not full redeeme.
He vvould not haue our sinnes ascend vp so,
That they should come vnto his fathers sight,
Nor yet his fathers vengeance fall so low,
That on vs sinne committers it should light,
But plac'd himselfe betwixt both vvrath and sinne,
True reconcilement, by true loue to vvinne.
For Murderers that gainst his life transgressed,
With meekest loue he humbly craued grace
For such, as their vile sinne left vnconfessed,
And still spit venome in their makers face,
That peirc'd his heart, from which his blood abounds,
To them he giues acquittance for his vvounds.
They to the Citty vvould not backe repaire,
Ere cruelty haue left him life-depriued,
He vvould not die, before his feruent praier,
Intreats to haue their dying soules reuiued,
His sprite from forth his body past no rather,
But forth his mouth went with it, Pardon father.

Amen dico tibi, hodie mecum eris in Paradiso.

TRuly I say, that am heau'ns glory giuer,
To thee true penitent repentant theefe,
This day, from a defild and sinfull liuer
Shalt thou be Sainted in exiling greefe,
With me this day thou passest to the blest,
In Paradise, vvhere glorious Angels rest.
Euen at the vvane of life, the dying hower,
This happy theefe did offer God his heart,
His daies vvere dedicate to Sathans power,
Only remain'd one moment to conuert
Wherein he gaue his heart to him that ought it,
Preuenting him that long in hope had sought it.
The hellish foe stood bold vpon his claime,
Because to theeues he is misguiding guider,
But heau'nly friend did countermaund the same
Being sinners father, Mercies firme prouider
No sooner did his true contrition say,
Lord thinke on me, but Sathan lost his pray.
Caines offering vvas a sacrifice of corne,
Abels the Lambes, (the meekest vnto slaughter)
Annaes the sonne that of her vvombe vvas borne,
Iepthaes his sole and deere affected daughter,
Noe weathers, Abraham doues, and Dauid gold,
Melchisidech of vvine did offrings hold.
All these did offer things of great esteeme,
Yet none so rich as this poore theefe presented,
An offered heart to God doth greater seeme,
Then vvhat by heauen and earth can be inuented,
Nothing more gratefull vnto Mercies throne,
Then gift of heart, due debt to heauen alone.
That debt of all the thefts vvhich he had donne,
His satisfaction rightly did restore,
Repaying in one hower to the Sonne,
What all his life rob'd father of before,
Obtaining grace, for all deserts of strife,
To be recorded in the booke of life.
His vvandring courses are retyr'd from danger,
Vnto the harbour of a Christian rest,
He liu'd to new Ierusalem a stranger,
But vvas at death free Cittizen profest,
With Christ on crosse, gaining in three houres more
Then Iudas did in yeares for howers before.

Mulier ecce Filius tuus.

WOman true map of greefes, obiect of vvoes,
Behold thy sonne, sinnes heauy burden beares,
Thy vveeping eies, Sorrows right methode shows,
Sonne bath'd in blood, and Mother vvashd in teares,
A dying Sonne, repleat vvith fathers hate,
A pensiue Mother most disconsolate.
Of all affections that the soule admits,
On vvhich loues fauours doe most firmly build,
That loue in place of supreme soundnesse sits,
Which is deriu'd from parent to the child,
Then losse of that must needs proue heartiest greefe,
That from the heart takes place and offspring cheefe.
If Dauid lou'd his Absolon so vvell,
That he vvith vveeping vvishd t'haue died for him,
Who false and disobedient did rebell,
Yet did his loue no vvhit the more abhorre him,
Or reuerent Iacob, teares aboundant shed,
To heare his sonnes but faine their brother dead▪
If holy Iob himselfe so patient bore,
To giue meeke eare to many a greeuous crosse,
Destruction of his cattell, flockes, and store,
Vntill he heard his deerest childrens losse,
And then his greefes extreamest did abound,
Renting his garments, falling on the ground.
Needs must (in mournfull sorrow's dire complaints)
The blessed Virgin farre excell all other,
What soule (vvith dolours euer so acquaints)
As this most carefull comfort wanting Mother,
To see her God, life, father, loue and sonne,
By bitt'rest torments vnto death be donne.
No earthly loue on such perfection grounded,
But that the same may be defectiue proued,
Loue of the sonne to mother vvas vnbounded,
Sonne of the mother, vvas the like beloued.
All power of Angels, powrelesse only proues,
To vveigh or measure those vnmeasur'd loues.
Of loue, vvith vvoes by crosse shevveping stood,
There sending sighs to heav'n, and teares to ground,
Of loue, vvith paines on crosse he streamed blood,
There death he conquer'd, hell he did confound.
Such vvas his loue that lou'd vvhen vve vvere hatefull,
To die for loue, vvhen sinne vvas most vngratefull.

Deus meus, deus meus, vt quid me dereliquisti?

MY God (said Christ) vvhen God to God cōplained,
My God, vvho am true God and perfect man,
Why hast thou my distres'd estate refrained,
Thou doest seuere sinnes imputation scan,
Forsaken in this strait, thy selfe bereauing,
Me to afflictions cruel'st torments leauing.
Vntaught (till now) vvas Iesus to complaine,
Though infinite the vvrongs he vnder-went,
He vvelcom'd euery torment, greefe, and paine,
Afflictions could not mooue his discontent,
All gaue offence, vvhich he imputes to none,
Only his father now accus'd alone.
When violence did vvith outrage apprehend him,
His patient yeelding did most meekely beare it,
When blasphemies vvith taunts of spight offend him,
He silent seem'd as though he did not heare it,
In all the furie they did execute,
He stood like lambe before the shearer mute.
He not complain'd of Peter that denide him,
Nor yet of Iudas that most false betrayde him,
Nor those in Pilats hall, that did deride him,
Nor gracelesse Iewes (his owne) that disobay'd him:
But his complaint vvas of his father made,
Not meant to those denide, condemn'd, betray'de.
Gods angry vvrath seuerely set gainst sinne,
(The vvares that Sathan sold, man dearely bought)
With losse of grace the trafficke did beginne,
Heau'ns losse, soules death, hels dome eternall vvrought,
That vvrath on Christs humanity abounded,
Who only cur'd, vvhat sinne had mortall vvounded.
As man threw sinne at God, as in despight,
And God cast plagues, on man reuenge to fall,
The sinne vvhere with man gainst his God did fight,
And punishments God chastned man vvithall,
On Christ (that stood twixt wrath and sinne) was laid,
He could not sinne, yet sinners sinne vvas made.
He laid our sorrowes burden on his sprite,
When he indur'd his bitter agonie,
He tooke our death on him, vvounding deaths might,
When he on crosse, Deaths conquerour did die.
He vnderwent afflictions heauiest loade,
Reducing soules from hell, to heau'ns aboade.


I Thirst, fift word on Crosse our Sauiour spake,
Concluding last of greefes he suffered,
His last complaint, thirst did for vvater make,
His last request for that he vttered,
His last torment vvas drinke of bitter gall,
That cruelty offends his tast vvithall.
By trauell once leauing Iudea land,
With vvearie iourney through Samaria,
He crau'd in Sichar at a vvomans hand,
Her gift of vvater, his great thirst t'alay,
While she on tearmes, delaies and hinderance finds,
Delaies begotten by vnwilling minds.
Yet after publicke in Ierusalem,
He did proclaime to all vvith thirst at strife,
That plenteously he had to succour them,
With flowing vvaters to eternall life,
Inuiting come, true comming, free attaine,
That vvhich vvho drinkes, shall neuer thirst againe.
Such thirst-staunch riuers he to thirsty gaue,
That streames of grace, heau'ns dew in soules did shower:
Yet for his owne thirst, vvater he did craue
At Iacobs vvell, and at his dying hower,
To come and drinke, he free inuites all first,
And at his last, himselfe complaines of thirst.
As to our thirsty soules he tendereth
His grace, against all deadly thirst defence,
So to his thirst, soules duty rendereth,
The purest vvater of obedience,
There is in him, for vvhich our vvants do call,
There is in vs, he vvill be seru'd vvithall.
To corporall thirst strong Sampson once did yeeld,
Vntill the chaw-bone of an Asse supplide him:
And Sisara (that vanquish'd lost the field)
Complain'd of thirst, to her vvhose tent did hide him:
And holy Dauid thirstie, vvater needing,
Did long for Bethlem cesternes most exceeding.
But different farre soules thirst, from bodies is,
Vnsatisfied vvith springs of vvorldly tast,
Grace gain'd by Christ, doth only answere this,
A spirituall substance, craues the like repast,
Those foodlesse soules, famisht eternall pine,
Which are vnfed by th'essence pure diuine.

Consummatum est.

EVen vvhen the gaule of odious bitternesse
Was offered to our Sauiour on a reed,
The bitter drinke of bitter vvickednesse,
The Iewish present to Christs thirsty need,
To comfort soules his gracious vvords extended,
And sounding mercy, vttered All is ended.
What tongue till then durst such a speech deliuer?
That all tooke end, vvhich holy vvrit foretold,
Only the tongue of sinnes true ransome giuer,
Was powerfull his owne mercies power t'vnfold,
Holy of holies most vprightly spake,
All's ended, ending life, sinnes end to make.
Not Dauid, Esay, Ieremy, Elias,
Could in their times affirme sinne tooke conclusion,
They prophecied alluding to Messias,
That he should vvorke the viper sinnes confusion,
And end his life, to end foule sinne, lifes killer,
Of all predictions to be full fulfiller.
By vvhose owne mouth (truths soundest euidence)
We heare sinnes end, the old law satisfied,
How Mercy doth vvith Iustice dome dispence,
And how the Iudges sonne hath qualified
His fathers rigor, no vvay to be donne,
But by th'obedience of Gods dying sonne.
The vvord All's ended, notice giues to all,
By death of Christ, the Law was in exemption,
The Church began, the Synagogue did fall,
And man obtained perfect full redemption,
His reconcilement vvas vvith God effected
To glories throne, by graces hand protected.
High Mysterie, and deepe profound diuine,
That God by man, for man should death sustaine,
As strange a speech, if humane vvit define,
He being man, should die and rise againe.
Yet God and man, vvith God to end mans strife,
From life to death, from death did rise to life.
Our vlcers curing, captiue state inlarging,
From Sinnes infectious venome, Sathans gaile,
Bonds of damnation canseld, soules discharging,
Descending heau▪n, to be on yearth our baile
At price of life, vvith blood bought and befriended,
Sealing saluations trust, vvith All is ended.

Pater in manus tuas commendo Spiritum meum.

WIth blood-spent vvounds, euen at the point to die,
The last bequest of heauens high testator,
Was all eternities rich Legacie,
His soule, the soule of mans true mediator,
Vnto his Fathers hands he did commit,
Yeelding to Death, by Death to vanquish it.
The Princely Phrophet on his dying bed,
Gaue charge vnto his heire apparant sonne,
To vvorke reuenge on martiall Ioabs head,
For murdring deed by his offence fore done,
T'abridge vvhat nature for his date intended,
And cut him off before his period ended.
Including vvith reuenge of Abners death,
The vvrongs that Simei to his person did,
When Absolon pursued his fathers breath,
Whose asse became his hangman as he rid,
And vvretched Simei cursing full of spight,
Cast stones at Dauid, vvith most vvrath he might.
That testament Reuenge set hand vnto,
Imposing vvisdomes tutored prince the taske,
To execute vvhat he vvas vvilled do
For shedding blood, blood-shedders blood doth aske,
To Salomon this charge his father gaue,
Let them not passe in peace vnto their graue.
How different Dauids from our Sauiours seemes?
Whose vvill contain'd reuenge for others act:
Christ at his death forgiues, sinners redeemes,
Solicites pardon for a murdring fact:
As Dauid dies vvith, Sonne let them not liue,
So Christs yeelds breath vvith, Father them forgiue.
First guiltlesse blood to God most high displeasing,
Was that iust mans, vvhich dide by th'hand of Caine,
First guiltlesse blood, Gods iustice cheefe appeasing,
Was that most righteous, vvhom the Iewes haue staine,
And as the ones blood vvas a soules damnation,
So vvas the others many soules saluation.
The blood of Abel from earths bosome cride,
And sounded Iustice, Iustice, through the skies,
The blood of Iesus, at the hower he di'de,
Vnto his father, Mercy, Mercy, cries,
Whereby Gods title of reuenge till then,
Turn'd gracious father to repentant men.

The death of Death, sinnes Par­don, and soules Ransome.

O Sinfull soule, the cause of Iesus passion,
Put sorrowes on, and sighing view thy guilt,
Bring all thy thoughts, fix thē on meditation,
weep drops of tears, for streams of blood christ split:
Summon thy fostred sins, selfe-hatched euils,
And cast them low as hell, they are the deuils.
Seat vertue riuall, vvhere vsurping vice
Had seaz'd for Sathan to possesse thy heart,
And though the traitor flesh from grace intice,
Yet yeeld thy sauiour his deere purchast part,
The greatest loue that heav'n or earth dooth know,
Did heav'ns free-loue on hels bond-slaues bestow.
He left his fathers glorious right-hand seat,
To liue euen vvhere his earthly footstoole stands,
Vnmou'd thereto by our submisse intreat,
No suite of clay obtain'd it at his hands,
No power in vs, no humane vvill that sought it,
It vvas his loue, grace freely giuen vvrought it.
O loue of soules, deaths victor, true life-giuer,
What charitie did ouercome thee so,
To die, that man might be eternall liuer,
Being thine aduerse disobedient foe?
For friends if one should die, vvere rarely much,
But die for foes, the vvorld affoords none such?
An ignominious death, in shames account,
Of odious censure, and contempts disgrace,
On Caluarie, a stincking dunghill Mount,
For murderers the common fatall place.
There di'de the Angels brightnesse, God and man,
There death vvas vanquisht, and true life began.
Yet there began not Iesus suffering,
Nor in the garden vvith his soules vexation:
There he performd victorious conquering,
His life vvas nothing els but stintlesse passion.
From cratch to crosse, hee trod a painefull path,
Betwixt our guilt, and Gods reuengefull vvrath.
What paines, their paines to Iesus not impart?
What moment tortures vvant did he indure?
What anguish addes not to his greeued heart?
What minute vvas he sorrowlesse, secure?
What age, vvherein his troubles were neglected?
What people, but his death cheefly affected?
In eies he suffred monefull showres of teares,
His face had spittings and dispightfull blowes,
Blasphemous speech vpbraid his sacred eares,
Most loathsome carrion stinckes entred his nose,
Gaule in his mouth, the holiest hands were bound,
Hands, feet, heart, head, were nailed, pierc'd & crownd.
From his birth-hower, vntill his life-lost blood,
What moment past vvhere in hee did not merite?
What minute scap'd imploiment vnto good,
Who did implore his grace, and he deferre it?
How painfully his preaching spent the day,
How watchfully his nights vvere houres to pray.
Whom taught this Truth, that him for truth beleeued?
Though truth vvithout his presence ne're vvas knowne?
With whom did he conuerse and vvas vngreeued?
How ill intreated euen amongst his owne?
Though foxe and bird could find both hole and nest,
Where found his head, reposed place for rest?
Pouertie hee indured in the manger,
Warre vvith the tempter in the vvildernesse,
Exile in Aegypt, forc'd by tirants danger,
And on the vvay o're-painfull vvearinesse,
In all his speech and actions, contradictions
Laden vvith vvrongs, burdned vvith dire afflictions.
VVith hungers sword food-giuer vvas acquainted,
And that the stone-presenting deuill saw,
At Iacobs vvell vvith thirst he vvel-nie fainted,
VVhile pinching vvoman stood on tearmes to draw:
All vvants and vvoes impos'd vpon him still,
And his obedience suffered euery ill.
Traitor-led troopes by night did apprehend him,
Haling him cruell to the iudgement hall,
VVhere all inflicted torments did offend him,
And mockeries to greeue his soule vvithall,
There Iudge vvas iudg'd, king scorned, priest abus'd,
And of all Iust, the Iust vniustly vs'd.
Thence to his death, vvith clamours, shouts, and cries,
Theeues at his side, the torturing hangman by him,
His crosse (his burden) borne before his eies,
Hart-launcing Longius, the Centurion nie him,
His friends aloofe inuiron'd round vvith foes,
Thus vnto death, soules loue, sweet Iesus goes.
Victoriously vpon the dunghill field,
He manag'd combate vvith the roaring Lion,
Old serpent, death and hell at once did yeeld,
All vanquisht by triumphant lambe of Sion,
Performing in that glorious bloodie fight,
The euer conquest of infernall might.

The wonders at Christs death.

THat instant hower the vvorlds Redeemer di'de,
And breathed out his soule vpon the crosse,
Heav'ns glorious lampe, abating all his pride,
Bewail'd in blacke his murdred makers losse,
Turning his splendant beames of gold, to drosse;
The Moone like suted in a sable vveed,
Mourned for sinnes outragious bloody deed.
VVhen Iosua (Israels valiant captaine) praid,
And in his praier coniuring did command
The firmaments bright eie stand still, it staid▪
Till he vvas victor of the vvickeds band,
Waighting vpon Gods battaile then in hand,
Yeelding the richest treasure of his light,
Lengthning the vvant of day vvith day-made night.
But here, reflecting light to darkesome change,
Shaming to see vvhat shamelesse sinne had done,
VVas more admir'd to alter kind so strange,
Then vvhen he ceas'd his posting course to run,
[Page]Loue to Gods forces, his bright staying vvonne,
But now beholding Sathans power preuailing,
He turn'd the day to night, in darknesse vvailing.
At death of Christ, appear'd foure signes of vvonder,
To euidence diuine and God-like might,
The first: The temples vaile did rent in sunder,
Next, Sunne and Moone extinguisht both their light,
Affoording darknesse to blind Iewish sight:
Then flintie stones deuiding, part in twaine:
And Saints from graues reuiv'd to life againe.
What faithlesse Iew or gracelesse Atheist can
With impious tongue, sound out blasphemous breath,
Affirming Christ to be but only Man,
VVhose dietie, vvrought vvonders after death,
VVonders in heauen, strange miracles on earth?
Of each beholders heart, feare tooke possession,
And taught the Pagan captain Truths confession.
Thou canst not say those vvorkes vvere Magickes art,
From slaunders charge, Christs power diuine is free,
His soule vvas fled, and did before depart,
His liuelesse bodie euery eie did see,
No charming vvords by dead tongues vttred be,
Thou must of force confesse true God-head by it,
Or say that Mallice vvilfull doth denie it.

The Funerals of Iesus.

WHen Iosephs suite had got the Iudges leaue,
To take sweet Iesus from the bloodie crosse,
VVhose blessed life Iewes blindnesse did bereaue,
To our eternall gaine, their endlesse losse:
Christs night-disciple aidfull did agree,
To take his bodie from that guiltie tree.
The Virgine mother cheefe in mournefull teares,
VVith holy Maries twaine that stintlesse wept,
To Caluarie both sheet and odours beares,
There must the sacred funerall be kept,
VVhō hearts did loue, him vvith their feet they sought,
Teares in their eies, hands myrrhe and aloes brought.
Their greefes and labours they deuide in parts,
Partaking each t'affoord some needfull thing,
True faith and loue, vvas seated in their hearts,
On shoulders ladders, armes the shroud doe bring,
Their hands haue ointments, eies with teares abounds,
Teares well imploi'd to wash his bloodie wounds.
With tired steps they ouertooke the place,
Where store of vveeping dew moistned the ground,
The Sunne vvas hid, nights darke approcht apace,
Greefes did surprise, dolours increase abound,
Whom infidels nail'd vp, did pierce and crowne,
Faithfull, from Crosse, act holy taking downe.
Before the same (to signe a perfect zeale)
They cast themselues so low as earth gaue leaue,
In reuerence of those vvounds that only heale
All feauer'd soules, blood-salue from thence receaue:
Which vvorship vvell perform'd, they sighing rise,
And towards the crosse all guide plaint-pouring eies.
The honourable two old aged men,
Aduis'd the rest respect vvhat scanting time
Remain'd to annoint, and shroud, and burie, then
Their ladders raising, vp the crosse they clime;
Teares, sighs, and sobs, descend ech step they goe,
While eies (wet Orators) repli'de below.
On Iacobs ladder ioifull Angels sing,
No iarre their heav'nly musicke did restraine,
On Iosephs ladder teares to top they bring,
And mournefull sobs send sorrowes downe againe,
Those heav'nly quires partake no tunes like this,
Christs bitter death, vvas faultie mans amisse.
When hands and feet they carefull did vn-naile,
Letting the body downe conieal'd in gore,
This vvas the obiect, Visage wan and pale▪
Eies turn'd in head, his flesh all rent and tore,
Scull boared through, thornes spurting out his braines,
Bones out of ioint, and full of broken vaines.
Vpon the ground the holy corpes being laid,
Most reuer'nt vvhere the shrouding sheet was spred,
His blessed Mother full of vvoes dismaid,
Renew'd her plaints vvith showers of teares she shed:
Whom Iudas sold for thirty pence aliue,
To buy him dead, her pearled drops did striue.
The taske of Sorrowes equall to deuide,
At Iesus head laments his pensiue mother,
Ioseph with Nichodemus at one side.
And both the Maries place them at the other,
Thus bout the mangled corpes these mourners stands
With teares in eies, with ointments in their hands.
Wken kneeling round, the bodie they inclose,
Prepar'd with baulme, and readie to annoint it,
Viewing blew wales, that came of Iewish blowes,
Rupture of nailes, wan flesh, how they disioint it:
Compassion, pittie, loue, with true remorse,
Inuited all their eies to wash the corse.
Their knees vvith humble seruice lowly bowing,
Their hands embaulme him, vvounded, rent and tore,
Their eies no mangled part vnwasht allowing,
Their hearts vvith vvorship, God and man adore,
Both knees and hands, vvith hearts and vvatry eies,
All sorrow laden, tir'd vvith sighs and cries.
For deepe-made vvounds, and torturing cruell blowes,
No small expence of ointments could suffise:
But bountie on that holy worke bestowes
Plentie of odours in such liberall vvise,
Their baulme to couer him inough had bin,
And teares might serue to haue baptis'd him in.
His glorious bodie shrouded in the sheet
On vvhich to be embaulmed they did lay him,
With binding clothes, vvrapt vvhole from head to feet,
To be inter'd, his seruant Saints conuay him
Only in armes good Iesus dead they haue,
Within their hearts he liues being borne to graue.
O mournefull trod, where comforts paths are failing,
Deaths bed must haue eternall life in keeping,
Joseph goes sighing, Magdalen bewailing,
Ther's Iohn laments, and Nichodemus weeping,
The blessed virgins eies like fountaines run,
Left vvofull vviddow to her murdred son.
What pens report can tell her sorrowing heart
That saw her sonne, the only of her vvombe,
Before her eies pay death, mans foule desert,
And vvith her armes assist him to the tombe?
What sorrowes mappe like sorrow ere exprest?
What eies like teares, what teares like greefes profest.
Her liquid eies stroue each t'exceed the other,
By sighs her mone, by teares her vvoe appeares,
She vveepes, yet is the mirth of heav'ns mother,
Virgine in office, young in tender yeares,
Filled vvith grace, eternities Princesse,
Excelling in perfections holinesse.
O Sunne vvhose shine is heav'ns eternall bright,
Of funerall pompe why art thou destitute,
Borne to thy graue, vvithout one candles light,
Or Clergie, night precedent institute:
Thy birth was simple, void of worldly pride;
And in thy buriall, cost vvas laid aside.
Oh heav'ns riches, mercies fountaine head,
When thou vvast borne, no house thy parents haue,
Thy life vvas poore, thy death vvithout a bed,
Thy buriall vvas in Iosephs borrowed graue,
Thou didst indure our paines, sinnes purchase, hell;
Thou louedst soules, lost soules, so vvondrous vvell.
Though Salomon vvas Israels crowne successour,
And gain'd his kingly fathers state and throne;
Of Dauids mercy seemes he no possessour,
Funerall cost, or teares vve read of none:
But Scriptures recommend the honour done
In Iacobs buriall, by his gratefull sonne.
The great Priest Simon caused to bee made,
A monument of curious carued stones,
Wherein his bodie after life vvas laid,
And eke his brethren Machabes their bones:
But tombe for Christ vvas in his life vnknowne,
And for him dead his mother knew of none.
No earthly care, soules loue to him vvas sweeter,
When vnto Iohn the virgine was commended,
His enemies to Mercie, church to Peter,
His soule to Father, saying All is ended:
No speech he vs'd, nor any order gaue
For costly funerals or a sumptuous graue.
With greefes, attaining to the garden place,
From which oft staies to weepe and vvipe did let,
Pensiue distrest, in most perplexed case,
The shrouding sheet all moistned, slacke and wet
(Not vvith the dew descending from the skies)
With teares that rained from their shouring eies.
Oh glorious hearbes this garden plot did beare,
Oh holy ground trod in this iournies paines,
Not for the oile of Oliues growing there,
But sanctified by blood from Iesus vaines,
O earth vvhereon true loue and greefes combine,
Blood from the sonne, teares from the mothers eyen.
The tombe prepar'd vvherein hee should bee laid,
From which although great paine the stone remooued,
Yet farre exceed the suites intreatie made
Before his mother yeelds her deere beloued,
Still they solicite, still her loues denie him,
Vntill on knees with price of teares, they buy him.
The brothers sonne intreats his holie aunt,
Persuasiue reasoning humbly dooth beseech,
Times breuitie, good Ladie, mooues your graunt,
Let eies doe more with teares then tongues vvith speech:
Vpon detaining, now no longer stand,
Darke sable night leads dangers by the hand.
If foes should vvrong vs, bootlesse vve to striue,
How can poore three our Lords dead corse defend,
Twelue could not guard him when he vvas aliue,
Giue license this last seruice take an end,
Much troubles cease, vvhen by free vvill is done,
That vvhich constraint vvell nere dispence to shunne.
Thou friend of God incline to vs at length,
Let our vveake vvords o'recome thy loues the stronger,
Our hearts vvant comforts, all our members strength,
Our teares are spent, eies dri'de can vveepe no longer,
Sorrow that holds vs for her lawfull prize,
Hath left not one poore teare to taske our eies.
Wearie vvith importunitie and vveeping,
A most vnwilling leaue the Virgine gaue,
Yeelding her sonne to the sepulchres keeping,
Her sweetest loue to deaths most bitter graue,
Like as from Golgotha, they brought him thether,
All helpe, all sigh, all put him in together.
Thus being laid into his bed of stone,
By liquid eies, and hearts of sorrowing flesh,
Instead of earth their teares vvere poured on,
A last farewell greefes cesternes yeeld afresh:
There left they Iesus that sinnes burden beares,
Wept, vvrapt, annointed, bath'd in streames of teares.

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