¶ THE POST For diuers partes of the world: to trauaile from one notable Citie vnto an other, with a descripcion of the antiquitie of diuers famous Cities in Europe. The contents doe farther apeare in the next leafe folowing.
¶ Very necessary & profitable for Gentlemen, Marchants, Factors, or any other persons disposed to trauaile. The like not heretofore in English.
Published by Richard Rowlands.
Jmprinted at London by Thomas Cast▪ 1576.
- A Briefe description of the antiquitie of diuers famous cities in Europe.
- The vvayes and most vsed passages, from one notable citie to another, in Germany, Bohemia, Hungaria, Polonia, Lyttaw, and the low countries, vvith Italy Fraunce, England, Spayne, and Portingale.
- The value of the coyne vsed in sundry Regions.
- Also the principall Fayres and Marketts. VVith the varietie of Myles.
TO THE RIGHT worshipfull, Syr Thomas Greasham Knight. R. Rowlands wisheth continual encrease of renoumed worship and Vertue.
AFTER that I (Right vvorshipfull) had perused thys small Pamflet, conteyninge a briefe collection of the most vseall and accustomable wayes, leadinge from the one notable Citie in Europe, to an other: being vvritten vvith no smal labour and industry, and not vvithout great cause very necessarily published in the high Almaine tongue, and the like also to be seene in the French, and Italian. I thought it a thing very vncurteous, and vvorthy of reproofe, to vvithhould so needefull a cōmoditie any longer from our voulgare spech, vvhereby I vvas the more imboldened to the finishing [Page] therof, at such times as I might best attēd vpon the same. I haue moreouer, set downe the antiquitie of many cities vvorthy of memory, & the founders of their auncient monuments, the vvhich I haue diligently collected out of sundry approued aucthors. It resteth now that I therein most humbly craue your good vvorships furtheraunce, (as of one most vvorthy, for your great experience and trauailes, into forreyne Realmes, in the Princes vvaighty affaires, as it is not vnknowne,) so that therby it might the better, vnder your protection, passe forth into the handes of many. And although (right vvorshipfull) this briefe collection, doth contain no pleasant history, nor delightful new deuised matter, yet doubtlesse a thinge of necessitie to be desired, especially of all suche Gentlemen as are adicted to trauaile, vvhich hetherto haue vvanted the same: beside Marchants, or Factors, in forreyne countries, dispersed as their trafique requireth. But to be briefe, I cease further to reherse perticulerly the commodities thereof. Desiring your [Page] vvorship to take in good part, the first fruites of my labours, trusting hereafter (if God lend me good successe) to impart vnto your vvorship, some further matter of more delight or pleasure in the reading thereof. And thus I desire almightie God to preserue you, vvith your verteous Lady, in health and prosperous felicitie.
¶ A godly prayer, very needefull to be vsed and sayde, before any Iorney be taken in hand.
O Lorde Iesus Christe, with thy almightie euerlasting & heauenly Father, in vnitie with the holy Ghost, very trwe and euerliuinge God, as thou diddest leade the children of Israell out of the lande of Egipt, into the lande of Promise, through the vnfrequented Wildernesse, in great safetie, in the daye tyme by a Cloude, and in the darke night by a Firy Piller: Euen thou O Lorde, which dyddest guyde the Wyse men from the rysing of the Sunne vnto Bethlem, and home againe into their owne countrie by a Starre, preseruinge them from all hurtes and daungers. So likewise, O heauenly Father, I most humbly desire thee, that in this my Iourney, thou wilt be my guide and protectour, that I may accomplish and bring this my way to an ende, in health, and gladnesse: Preserue and kéepe me from all [Page] perills of Soule and body, so that by thy fatherly protection, I may ouercome all perills and daungers, through Iesus Christ thyne onely welbeloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
¶ Here foloweth the varietie of myles.
GEntle Reader, whē thou shalt finde in this Booke Italian Myles, then maist thou know, that. 5. Italian Myles containe one Germaine Myle.
When thou fyndest French Myles, then thrée French Myles doe contayne one Germayne Myle.
If thou fyndest Spanish Myles, they are equall in lengthe vnto Germayne Myles.
If thou fyndest English Myles, then doe. 5. English Myles make two Germayne Myles.
If thou shalt sée Hungarian Myles, then accompt two Hungarian Myles for thrée Germayne Myles.
If thou fyndest Switzers Myles, then accompt two Switzers Myles for thrée Germayne Myles.
[Page] GENTLE Reader, I thought it good, to aduertise thée, y e I haue orderly marked in the margent, by certaine letters, whereby thou shalt know which are Cities, Villages, or houses of Religion, lying in the way. (as thus) The letter C for a Citie: the letter M for a Market Town: K for a Kloyster: and the letter V for a Village, & so foorth. And on the other side the Myles from one place to an other: and for the halfe Myle, this letter. d.
¶ Here foloweth the most vsed wayes and passages from one notable Citie in Germany, vnto another. With certain brief descriptions of the antiquities of diuers Cities.
And first of Augspurge.
THe Citie of Augspurge, is of great antiquitie, taking the name after the Emperour Augustus, & after many conflictes, had of the Romans, began to florish, but of late yeares it is so encreased, in all aboundaunce of riches, and gorgious buildinges, that the like Citie is not found in all Germany. Beside that, for marchandise it may compare with any citie in Europe, forasmuch as their trafique stretcheth through all places, aswell in Africa, as in Europe.
- V Gerschho [...]en. 1
- V Langkwaide 1
- V Westendorf. 1
- V Merding 2
- C Thonawerd 1
- K Kaiserszhaim d.
- V Buchdorf, d.
- C Monhaim 1
- V Dietfurt am hanen kamm. 2
- C Weysenburg 1
- V Ellingen d.
- M Pleinfeld d.
- V Gmynd 1
- V Ritters bach 1
- C Schwabach 2
- C Nurnberg. 2
- The summe of Myles, is. 18.
The Citie of Nurnberge, is replenyshed with cunning Artificers, in all kinde of Sciences, by which the Marchaunts [Page 2] thereof, and the whole citie, is chefly maintained: conueying the said worke into all landes. The Region or countrie there about, is very barron, & vnfrutefull, insomuch that with great labour and trauaile, it can scarcely yeld any commoditie.
- V Buch 1
- V Erlang 2
- V Bayrszdrof. 1
- C Forchhaim 1
- V Hirschhaid. 2
- C Bamberg 2
- V Ratoldesdorf. 2
- V Kaltenbrune 2
- C Koburg 2
- C Newstattlm 2
- V Iudenbach, on the thuringer forest. 1
- C Grafenthal, at the ende of the Forest. 3
- C Salfeld 2
- C Rutelstat 1
- C Rhall 2
- C Ihena 1
- V Dornweck 2
- C Naunburg 1
- C Weysenfelz 2
- C Litzen 2
- C Leiptzig 2
- The summe of Myles. 36.
- V Schnatten 4
- M Thumbach 5
- C Rewitz 4
- C Eger 5
- C Falckennaw 5
- C Elenbogen 1
- C Karlestat, in the which there is a Bath of hot water. 1
- C Ioachims thall 4
- C Annaberg 4
- C Khemnitz 4
- C Benickh 2
- M Kroburg 2
- C Leyptzig 4
- The summe of myles. 45
- [Page 3] K Weyfsenaw 4
- C Begnitz 2
- C Barreitz 4
- C Bereneckh 1
- C Zum gfresz 1
- C Munchberg 1
- V Zum hof 2
- C Plawen 3
- M Newenmarckt 2
- C Zwickaw 2
- V Langenlumpen d.
- C Altenburg 3. d.
- C Borne 3
- C Leyptzig 5
- The summe of myles. 32
- V Heroldtsberg 2
- K Weysenaw 2
- C Bodenstaine 3
- C Barreith 3
- C Bereneckh 2
- C Gfresz 1
- C Siben wurst 1
- C Munchberg 1
- C Hof in voitland 2
- V Zibern 1. d
- C Plawen 1. d.
- V Mila 2
- C Zwickaw 2
- V Gesznitz 3
- C Altenburg 1
- C Born 3
- C Leyptzig 2
- The summe of myles, is 33
- V Hedern 1. d
- C Winschendorf, or sainct Veytsberg. 1. d
- C Gera 1
- C Zeyts 2
- C Pega 2
- V Zwencka 2
- C Leyptzig 2
- The summe of myles, is 33
- [Page 4] V Erlang 3
- V Bayrsdorff 1
- C Forchhaim 1
- C Bamberg 4
- V Ratoldsdroff 2
- C Koburg 4
- V Esfeld 3
- C Trettenhutten in the Schonaw. 2
- The Summe of myles 20
- V Eylenburg 3
- V Belgram 4
- C Hamnitz 8
- C Bautzen 3
- C Gerlitz 3
- C Newstatlin 1
- C Buntzell 2
- V Tenbsall 2
- C Zum haned 3
- C Lignitz 2
- C Newemnarckt 4
- C Preszlaw 4
- The Summe of myles 75.
- V Biber 1
- V Hoegen 1
- M Zuszmerhamsen 1
- V Gletwing 1
- M Burgaw
- V Knoringen 1
- C Guntzburg 1
- C Leyphaym d.
- V Ober [...]ala
- V Vnder [...]ala 1
- C Vlm 1. d.
- C Geyslingen [...]
- C Goppingen there [...]s the sowre well 2
- C Eszlingen 4
- C Candtstatt 1
- C Fayhingen 2
- C Pretta 3
- C Brussell in Swaben 3
- V Reynhausen, where as men passe ouer the Riuer Ryne 2. d.
- C Speyr d.
- V Oberszhaim 3
- [Page 5] C Wormbs 2
- C Oppenhaim 3
- C Mantz 2
- C Franckfort 4
- The summe of myles is 44
The Ci [...]ie of Mentz, was of auncient tyme callid Mogountia, and lay not at the first so nigh the Riuer of Rhein, as it now doth, as plainely appeareth by a wall & foundation of the citie, yet to be sene, which standith on the side beyond the same citie: But where the citie now standith, there was at the first a Boolwerke or hold, in defence of the citie, against the Germaines, who foū did this citie, at the first it is not perfecttly knowne, but doubtlesse it is a citie of great Antiquitie, and lieth very pleasantly, whereas the Riuer of Mayn doth flow down from Franckforde, and the Riuer Rehyn, also desending from the highe countrie, there is no citie on the Rehin, whereas more aunciēt Monuments are found, Claudius Drusus about the tyme of the Emperour Augustus, erectid in this citie, for an euerlasting memory, a huge Rocke like vnto a Towre of stone, the which there is yet to be seene, the Emperour Iulianus when hee warred with the Germans, made at this citie a bridg ouer the Rehin, and after him the Emperour Charles the great, by great labour and cost, foundid an other bridg on the Rehin, the which was [...]. hundrith paces long, for so broad the Rehin runnith in that place, but this bridg cōtinued not long, for it was after consumed with fire, in the space of three hovvres, and nothing of the said bridg remayned, but the foundation being vnder the vvater. It is said about the yeare. 425 that Saint Albaine, for the faith of Christ vvas martered in this citie.
- D Pingen 4
- V Drechshausen 1
- C Sanit Gwer 2
- V Wesel [...] 1
- M Probhart 2
- V Renus 1
- [Page 6] V Canelius
- 2
- V Andernach 3
- V Sennsich 1
- V Ehendorff 2
- M Vitrich 2
- M Duren 3
- C Ach 4
- V Gulppen 3
- C Masterichte 2
- C Hasell 4
- V Diest 3
- C Harsell 2
- V Stingen 2
- C Lier 2
- C Antwcrp 2
- The summe of myles 48
- V Winckell
- 3
- C Koblentz
- 10
- C Colen
- 13
- The summe of myles
- 26
THe people enhabiting about the citie of Colen, before the byrth of Christ, vvere called the Vbi, and this vvas the principall and chiefe citie (although not called by this name) but after the enhabitants there about, the Romans kept themselues of auncient tyme in this citie, vvhen as they hild continuall vvares vvith the Germans, the Emperor Iulius Ceaser, in short tyme built a bridge of vvood ouer rhe riuer of Rheyn, vvhich runneth alongst this citie, by meanes vvhereof, he might alvvaies geue assault on the Germans. Aftervvardes in tract of tyme, vvhen the citie vvas repayred vvith curious and costly buildings, then vvas the bridge made vvith stone, for the surer passing ouer: but vvho founded the same it is not knovvn. And after the Bishop Bruno by commaū dement of the Emperour Otto the first, brake dovvn the saide bridge to the ground, bicause that many robberies & murthers vvere cōmitted on the sayd bridge by night. The citie of Colen, after that the people called the Vbi, had the possession thereof, it vvas named Agrippina, of Marcus Agrippa, & so it continued long after vnder the [Page 7] Romans, vnto the tyme of Marcomyrus king of France, vvho draue the Romans from thence, about the yeare of our Lord. 400. and called the citie Colonia. After that, vvas the citie taken againe from the French kinge, by a Duke of Saxony, vvho vvas then created Emperor. In the yeare 1388. vvas the Vniuersitie of Colen erected, & the priuileges thereof confirmed.
- V Wida 1
- V Stainstrasz 4
- C Gylch 2
- V Peckendorff 2
- C Herell 2
- C Masterichte 3
- V Bilsa 2
- V Hasell 2
- V Diest 3
- C Yetigkomb 2
- C Lier, a fair citie 2
- C Antwerp 2
- The summe of myles 27
- M Zuszmerhansen 3
- C Gyntzberg 3
- C Leyphaim d.
- C Albeck 1
- V Wetterstetten 2
- V Launsen 1
- C Geisleingen 3
- C Goppingen 2
- C Eszinligen 4
- C Randtstatt 1
- V Stam. d.
- C Grieningen 1
- C Biettingken 1
- C Beingken 1
- C Brackena, ouer a hill 1
- V Stetten 1
- V Riechen 1
- V Angeloch 1
- V Wiseloch 1
- M Leyman 1
- C Haydelberge 2
- The summe of myles [...]
The citie of Heydelberg, as some affirme, taketh the [Page 8] name of certayne berries, grovving on the mountaines, nigh the same citie, vvhich are called Heydelberies. But as some saye, the name is taken of the heathen people, vvhich of olde tyme inhabited in the mountaines theraboutes. The citie standeth very pleasantly, for the fayre ryuer Necker, runneth forth along from the high hills, fo cōmodious for the people, that it is to be thought, both the citie & countrie thereabouts hath of auncient tyme bene replenished vvith inhabitants. In the yeare 1346. vvas the vniuersitie of heydelberg erected, in the vvhich hath from tyme to tyme bene trayned vp, many learned men.
- C Weinam 2
- C Hepsica 1
- C Beinsa 2
- C Zwingenberg 1
- C Darmstatt 3
- M All Hailgen 1
- M Springlingen 1
- C Franckford 1
- The summe of myles 12
- V Ridelen 1
- V Schwalbach d
- C Kinighstain d.
- The summe of myles 2 [...]
- V Westendorff 3
- V Merding 2
- C Thonawerd 1
- C Horburge 2
- C Nordlingen 2
- C Dinckelspyhell 5
- V Berenbrunen 1
- C Krelszhaim 1
- V Statteldorff d.
- V walhausen d.
- V Rot, thereby runneth a small Ryuer d.
- [Page 9] M Plawfelden d.
- V Kelberbach d.
- V Richbach d.
- V Herbsthausen 1
- M Wach bch 1
- M Mergethaim 1
- C Kynigshofen 1
- V Distelhaim d.
- C Bischofhaim d.
- C Myltenburge 4
- C Oschenburge 6
- C Franckforde 5
- The summe of myles 37
- V Westendorff 3
- C Thonawerd 3
- C Horburge 1
- C Nordlingen 2
- C Inckespihell
- 3
- V Iesta 3
- C Rotēburg on y e tauber 1
- C Ochsenford 4
- C Wyrtzburge 3
- The summe of myles 23
The citie Franckford, being of auncient tyme called Helenopolis, and lying on the Riuer of Mayn, vvas after the name of one Francke the sonne of Marcomyrus, som tyme King of Fraunce, called Franckford, In this citie was ordayned, by sondry Princes, that after the departure of the Romayne Kinges, or Emperours, the princes electors of Germany should assemble to gether, and out of the cheife christian Princes, chuse one to possesse the place of the Emperour deceased, to defend the vvhole Empire, this citie in tyme obtained a great and accustō able Marte, for the repaire thether of all marchants in Europe, tvvise in the yeare, namely in mydlent, and in September.
- V Bibert 1
- C Seligstatt 2
- V Stockstat 1
- C Oschenburg 1
- [Page 10] V Bossenbach 1
- Ouer y • Spesser forest 4
- V Eselbach d.
- C Langēfeild am main 1
- M Kemiing 1. d.
- C Wirtzburge 2
- C Kitzingen 3
- M Marckt Biberach 3
- V Lamach d.
- M Langenfeld d.
- C Newstattlin d.
- V Emskirchen d.
- V Bernbach 1
- V Fyrth 2
- C Nernberge 1
- The summe of myles 28
- M Bettmoss 3
- C Newburge 4
- C Eystett 3
- V Bechthall 2
- C Haydeckh 2
- C Roth 2
- C Nurnberge 4
- The summe of myles 20
- V Biber 1
- Newherberge d.
- V Adlatsried d.
- V Lindaw d.
- V Stainikirch d.
- V Kreyt d.
- V Freyhalden d.
- M Yettengen d.
- K Wettenhousen d.
- M Ichenhausen d.
- V Autharieda 1
- V Wallenhausen
- V Oberhausen d.
- G Weissenhorne 1
- The summe of myles 8
From Wessenhorne vnto the citie of Vlm, (vvhereas are made the Fustians called the Homes,) is 2. myles.
- V Aurbach 2
- V Scheppach 2
- C Gintzburge 2
- K Eechingen 2
- [Page 11] V Wetterstetten 3
- V Altenstatt 3
- V Eberszbach 3
- V Teutsaw 2
- C Kandtstatt 2
- V Entzwayingen 3
- V Tittelshaim 3
- C Brussell in Schwabē 3
- V Reynhausen 3
- V Mandach 2
- V Rebenmund 3
- M Haubenweiszhaim 3
- M Welstain grosser mill. 3
- V Eckers weiler 3
- V Lebers weiler 3
- V Lyser 3
- V Bynszfeld 3
- V Nattem 3
- V Arszfeld grosser myll 3
- C Asselbrunne 2
- V Bursiell 2
- V Flames [...]soll 4
- V Leiszhier 3
- V Honginen 2
- V Embting grosser myl 4
- V Namur 3
- V Sausy 3
- C Wacher 3
- C Brussell 4
- C Mechelin 4
- C Antwerp 4
- The summe of myles 100
- V Otmaringen 1
- V Bachern 1
- V Vobach 1
- V Maysach 2
- C Esting d.
- V Mentzing 1. d.
- C Mynchen 1
- V Zorneting 3
- K Ebersberg 1
- C Wasserburg 3
- V Obingen 2
- M Altenmarckt 2
- M Waging [...]
- V Poting 1
- V Schonrom d.
- V Schiden d.
- V Prothawsen 1
- C Tatzburge 1
- K Sant Gilgen 2
- V Strobell am See 2
- V Aulauffen 2
- V Aussee 2
- V Mytterdorff 2
- C Ensypr [...]ggen 2
- C Rottenman 2
- V Gayssern 1
- [Page 12] In the Forest or wald so called 1
- V Kalwang 1
- V Mautern 1
- V Khamer 1
- K Sant Peter 2
- V Leobin 4
- V Prouck on the Mor 2
- V Fronleyten 3
- C Gratz 3
- The summe of myles 58
- V Fronleyten
- 3
- C Pruck
- 3
- Kynigberg
- 3
- Kriegell
- 1
- M Merznschlag
- 3
- M Spittall
- 1
- C Schadwien
- 2
- Glognitz
- 1
- M Newkirch
- 3
- C Newstatt
- 2
- C Baden
- 4
- C Wien
- 4
- The summe of myles
- 30
From the citie of Prage, in Bohemya, vnto Wien in Austrige.
The citie of Prage is the principal & chief citie in the kingedome of Bohemia, for it is deuided in three partes, one part stretcheth vnto the Hill vvhere the king kepeth his court, the other part is called ould Prage, for antiquitie thereof, and is furuished vvith very faire buildinges, out of this part there leadeth a bridge of stone to the other side, hauing. 24. Arches. The citie is vvell traded both vvith Marchants and Artificers.
- C Bohmischen Brot 4
- V Planeysz 3
- C Kolen 1
- Zaszlaw 3
- Habern ain ainddin 2
- C Tenischen Brot 2
- Bolen 2
- Kamnitze 2
- C Trobnitz 5
- C Tznam 2
- V Gunderszdorff 2
- V Holobrunn 3
- [Page 13] C Leytterszdrof 3
- V Gellerdorse 1
- C Kornnewburge 2
- C Wein 2
- The summe of myles 39
- Brandisz 3
- Weiszwasser 5
- Nymis 3
- Gabell 2
- Syda 2
- Hirschfeld 1
- Gerlitz 3
- C Naumburge 3
- Brutzell 2
- Wolfersdorff 5
- C Glogaw 3
- Frawstat 3
- C Dantzge 2
- The summe of myles 37
The citie of VVien, is the principall citie of Austerich▪ of auncient tyme called Flauiantum, as some say, of one Flauio, vvho nevvly reedified the same. The citie is double vvalled about vvith stronge bulvvorckes & tovvres, the Emperour keepeth his court in the same citie. It cannot be expressed, hovv this citie is encreasid in vvealth, riches, sumpteous buildinges, and learned men, since the Emperours had first their abode.
- M Vlrichs Kirchen 3
- M Mystelbach 3
- Wisterintz 4
- Austerintz 4
- Wotsch 2
- C Olmitz 4
- C Sernberg 2
- Ouer the forest 2
- Genhausen 1
- Braunseffen 1
- Wildgruben 1
- Engelberg 1
- Hermēstat Ubers Gesenck 2
- Zuekenmantell 1
- Gen der Nys 3
- Grotgen 3
- C Zu. der All 4
- [Page 14] C Preszlaw 4
- The summe of myles 45
Preszlaw, is the chiefe citie, lying in the Schlesya, this citie vvas first founded and so called by Vratislao, the second king of Bohemia.
- Brausznitze 4
- Trackenberg 2
- Bouitze 4
- Kitziwin 4
- Mosch 4
- C Bosen 3
- Mobaditzky 4
- Guysen 3
- Schmarmeysell 4
- Leszla 3
- Guippa 3
- C Dorn 2
- Kolmasee 3
- Grautnitz 5
- C Naumburge 2
- Gugell 3
- C Danske 9
- The summe of myles, 62
The citie Dantzig, called in latine Gedanum, a great citie of marchandise in Prussia, especially of Rosin, Pitch, Tatre, and Flax, and is vnder the king of Polonia.
- Schenburschfer 3
- Kementenfer 5
- Elwing vber fin 1
- Frawenburg 4
- Hailigen Byhell 3
- C Brandenburge 4
- C Kyngsperge 3
- Haydencklug 4. d.
- Taplag 3. d.
- Salaw 2
- Teutsch Georgēburg 2
- Tropiscgie 5
- Rangnith 5
- Zum Swaben 3
- Litischē Georgēburg 4
- Kirchmymell 1
- Fylon 3
- Wildenhefen 4
- Fauen 3
- Romossiseck 3
- Schisma 2
- Schultigartschen 2
- [Page 15]Wiewa or 5 Kriegen 2
- Ringant 1. d.
- The Wilde 1. d.
- The summe of myles, 78
- Hnudts Feld 2
- Gen der Els 2
- Wartenberg 4
- Kobelgrundt 2
- Schildtberg 6
- Olabock 4
- Kolis 2
- Estaffelschin 3
- Kamyn 5
- Rotschawa 5
- Graby 4
- C Dorn 3
- The summ of myles 42
- C Luneburge
- Schmecha
- Stolp 7
- Schsag 3
- Zona 4
- Keszlin 1
- Kerlin 3
- Plat 6
- C Golnam 5
- Naugart 3
- Tham 4
- C Stettin 1
- The summ of myles 37
Stattin, is a citie situate in Pomerland, vvhereas the Duke of that countrie kepeth his court, and it is the principall in all that countrie.
- Griefenhagen 3
- C Kyngsperg 4
- Berwald 2
- Fyrstenfeld 1
- Khustain 2
- C Frāckford on y e Ader 3
- The summe of myles. 15
- [Page 16]Melross 2
- Boschko 2
- Trefer 1
- Sand in windischlād d.
- C Bibers dorff 2
- C Lowen 1
- C Luca 2
- Walters dorf. d.
- Groszmarckte 2
- Hertzberg in meyssē 2. d.
- C Torgen 3
- Eylenberg 3
- C Leyptzig 3
- The summe of myles. 24 d.
- C Zu. der All 4
- Zum Preg 2. d.
- V Karewitz 4
- C Oppeln 2. d.
- C Strelitz 5
- Weschababad 4
- C Penigne 4
- V Schafgaff 3
- Schedlitz 4
- C Crackaw 3
- The summe of myles. 36.
Crackaw, is the head citie in the kingdome of Polonia, and lyeth on the Riuer VVixell, a riche citie of great marchaundise. It vvas founded by one Craco, the firste Duke of that prouince. Ther is at this Day a great Schole, or Vniuersitie chiefely enclynde vnto the studie of Astronomye
- V Kartzowitz 7
- Setzonima 5
- Komitzke [...] 5
- Stabnitzce 4
- C Petriga [...] 4
- The summe of myles. 25
- [Page 17] C Enns 3
- Strenburg 2
- C Ips 3
- K Molck 3
- C Saint Poltin 4
- C Dulln 4
- K Maurbach in Wald 1
- C Wien 3
- The summe of myles 23
- V Welsis 4
- K Lambach 2
- Volckenbruck 2
- Camer on vnder See 1
- Vndra aufdem See 3
- Menseeh 1
- C Sallzburg 3
- The summe of myles. 16
From Saltzburg, vnto Inszpruck.
When the citie of Saltzburge at the first vvas called Iunania, and vvas founded about the birth of Christ, or before the Emperour Iulius Ceaser built in this citie, or vvonderfull strange Castell.
- C Reichenhall 2
- Lossa 3
- Sant Iohanns 3
- Ellma 1
- Kundteln 1
- V Schwartz 3
- C Hall in Inthall 2
- C Inszpruck 3
- The summe of myles. 18
- V Newest 3
- C Limberg an der Ader 4
- V Kwisch [...]a 3
- C Kyniggratz called of the Bohemians, Cralobiradetz, 4
- M Nahat, or Nahadopole 4
- Prauna, whereas it begineth to be Germany 5
- C Schweinitz 5
- V Schlackowitz 3. d.
- C Pres law 2. [...] ▪
- [Page 18]The summe of myles. 35
- C Schlen 4
- C Satz 6
- C Cada 3
- Schlackenwald 3
- C Falckenaw 3
- M Eger 3
- C Weiszstatt 4
- Kulmbach 4
- C Liechtenfelsz 4
- C Bamberg 4
- C Haszfurt 4
- Derelbach 5
- C Oirtzburge 4
- C Bischofs Haim 4
- C Miltenburg 4
- C Aschenburg 4
- C Franckford 5
- The summe of myles. 6 [...]
- C Mantz 5
- C Oppehaim 3
- C Wurmbs 4
- V Ogersee 3
- C Speir 3
- The summe of miles 17
- C Then to Landaw 4
- C Wissenburg 3
- C Hagenaw 4
- C Straszburg 4
- The summe of myles. 32
Straszburg is a citie of great antiquitie, & hath beene called of the Romans Argentoratum, the citie was firste vnder those of Trier, and afterward subdued by the Romans, & thirdly vnder the possessiō of the French kings. Clodoneus the first christened king of Fraunce, founded therein the great Minster of our Lady, and established there also a Bishops see, and after by meanes of the sayd Bishop, is the citie wonne again to be the habitation of the Germains. In this citie is founde such a maruelous worcke, that the like is neither found in Germany, Italic, nor yet in any country, it is a [...]ry faire and high steeple, very curiously and cunningly garnished from the foundation to the top, very strange and wonderful to the beholders. It might vvell be added vnto the seuen vvonders of the vvorld, and make vp the eight.
- [Page 19] C Benfeld 4
- C Schletstatt 2
- C Kolmar 3
- C Preysach 2
- C Freyburg [...]
- The summe of myles. 13
- V Wolffenweyler 1
- C Newenburge 3
- C Basell 3
- C Rheinfelded 2
- C Lauffenberg 2
- C Waltzhut 1
- C Schfhausen 4
- C Zell am Vndersee 2
- C Costantz 2
- The summe of myles. 20
The citie Constance, (voulgarly called Costentz) vvas of aunciēt time called Gannodurum, & fithens of Constantine, the father of Constantinus the great, hath it bene named Constancia, about the yeare. 307. In this citie of Constance, vvas holden a great and generall counsell, in the yeare of our Lord. 1414.
- C Vberlingen 1
- C Machdorff 2
- C Rauenspurge 2
- C Wangen 2
- C Eyszna 2
- C Kempten 3
- C Fussen 4
- V Nasareit ober y e ferrn 4
- C Inszpruck 6
- The summe of myles, 25
- C Schletstatt 6
- C Kolmar 3
- C Ennsen 3
- M Hapsen 1
- V Basell 2
- C Rheynfelden [...]
- [Page 20] C Lauffenberg 3
- C Walsthut 2
- C Neinkirchen 2
- C schafhausen 2
- C Diessenhofen 1
- C Stain 1
- C Steckborn 1
- C Costantz 1
- The summe of myles 30
The famous citie of Basell, stoode in the yeare. 382. in the tyme of the Emperours Gratian and Valentinian, & vvas founded long before. The name of this citie diuers say, (though doubtfully) came of a Basiliscus, the aunci [...]nt Romans haue accompted this citie for the chiefe & principall of all those other lying thereaboutes. In this citie are many Printers of Bookes, for it standith chiefely on that Art. In the yeare. 1460. vvas there an vniuersitie at Basell erected.
- C Rheynfelden 2
- C Seckingen 2
- C Lauffenberg 2
- C Baden in Switz 3
- C Zurich 3
- C Rappers Weill 3
- M Wallenstat 6
- C Khur 5
- The summe of Switszers miles 20.
- But of Germaine myles 26.
- C Fredberge 1
- V Parr d.
- V Zeydelbach 2
- M Inners Dorff d.
- M Kamers berg d.
- V Krambs berg 1
- C Freysing 1
- C Mospurg 3
- C Landtshut 3
- V Erbelspach 3
- V Newfarr d.
- V Schierling 3
- C Regenspurge 3. d.
- [...]he summe of myles. 22. d.
- [Page 21] V Feicht 2
- V Virrieden 1. d.
- C Newen Marckt 1. d.
- V Deyningen 1
- V Hemaw 4
- V Deirting 1
- C Regenspurge 2
- The summe of myles 13
- V Rottenbach 2
- V Allers burg 2
- C Freystatlyn 1
- V Bergin 2
- V Berngnes 1
- V Altenstain 2
- C Newstatt 2
- M Pfesters Hausen 3
- V Weichmichell 2
- C Landts Hut 1
- The summe of myles. 18
- V Kornburge 2
- V Schwandt 1
- V Stain 2
- V Daimesing 2
- V Greding 2
- V K [...]eding 1
- C Ingolstat 3
- C Plaffenhofen 4
- M Pruck 4
- C Mijnchen 3
- The summe of Myles. 24
- C Schwabach 2
- V Wasserman 2
- V Erlbach 1
- C Guntzenhausen 1
- C Knotza 1
- C Ottingen 2
- C Norlingen 2
- V Kessingen
- V Dietingen 1
- C Gienga 2
- V Langenaw 2
- C Vlm 2
- The summe of myles. 13
- [Page 22] K Weyssenaw 3
- C Bottenstain 1
- C Barreith 2
- C Sangerhausen 3
- C Gotta 7
- Wolfenbitell a Castle 6
- C Braunschweyck 4
- The Summe of myles 26
The citie of Braunsckwick was founded in the yeare. 878. and toke the name of a prince called Bruno, and at the first vvas but a small village, but at this present is a great citie multiplyed vvith people, and adourned vvith very faire buildinges.
- C Halberstatt 3
- C Maydenburg 8
- C Stendell 4
- C Werba 3
- C Sanaw 3
- C Hagelburge 4
- C Blawen 4
- C Mayenen 1
- Zu. Roten Mor, a Castell. 2
- C Schwerein 2
- The summe of myles. 34
- V Firth 1
- V Langen Zcen 2
- M Marckt Derlabach 2
- Wimpffen, vnder those of Nurnberge. 2
- V Ergersen 1
- V Sonderszhof [...] 2
- V Ab 1
- V Wittich hausen 3
- V Grienszfeld vnder the subiection of the Earles of Leychtenberg. 1
- C Bischofs ham 1
- M Kilsen 1
- C Miltenburg 2
- C Oschenburg vnder the Bishope of Mantz. 3
- [Page 23] C Hana vnder their owne Earle. 4
- C Fridberg a rich stat 3
- M Watzler 3
- C Dillenberg 3
- The summe of miles. 34
- M Bruck 5
- C Mynchen 4
- V Peysz 3
- C Feldkerch 2
- C Aybling 1
- C Rosenhaim 1
- V Vischbach 2
- C Kopffstain 2
- The summe of miles 20
The citie Regenspurge, vvas long called Ratispona, the vvhich name it yet retaineth in the Latine. It is foūd to be either built or nevvly reedified by Tiberius the Emperour, and at that tyme called Tiberina. In the yeare 1114. vvas built the stone bridge hauing. 24. arches ouer the riuer Thonaw or Danubie, vvhich passeth alōgst the citie. The learned and famous Philosopher Albertus Magnus, vvas Bishop of this citie in Anno. 1262. but aftervvard for his great desire of natural Science, he gaue ouer the Bishopricke and departed to Colen, vvhereas he studied many yeares, dyed and vvas there buried.
- V Stauff. 1
- V Schrenckhofen 1
- V Zum Gfatter 1
- C Straubing 3
- M Bunga 1
- C Deckendorff 3
- K Nydern Alta 1
- M Tauf kirchen 2
- M Filtzhofen 1
- V Sambach 1
- C Passaw 3
- M Hafuerzell 2
- V Engerzell 1
- V Rana 1
- Schlegellē then a great hye hil & a Forrest 1
- M Ascha 2
- V Freyenstain 1
- [Page 24] M Ottensauim 3
- C Lyntz 1
- Spylawerk a Castell 2
- C Mathausen 3
- M Vndern Woltza 3
- M Zum Gtrudell 3
- V Serwingstain beim 2
- Strudell, 1
- C Ips 2
- M Bechling 2
- C Melck, a citie and Kloister 1
- Schonbihell a Castel d.
- Ackstain a Castell d.
- V Spitz 1
- M Weissen Kirchen 1
- C Dietenstain 1
- C Stam
- C Krembs
- K Ketwin ouer 1
- Againstit
- V Mautern
- M Holenberg 1
- V Saint Iohnnes in der Aw 1
- C Dullen 2
- V Offlein 3
- C Kloister Newberge 1
- M Nuntzers Drof. 1
- C Wien 1
- The Summe of myles 60
- C Kar Nuwburg 2
- M Stockeraw 2
- V Hauszleyten 1
- V Absdorf. 1
- C Grauenwerd 2
- C Krembs
- C Stain 2
- V Durnsrayn 1
- M Weissen Kirchen 1
- V Spitz hauing a grene Church
- Steple 1
- V Agspach 1
- V Emersdorf 1
- V Marbach 2
- M Bossenburg 1
- C Greyn 3
- Here men pas ouer the wood called Sperea,
- C Berg 3
- C Mathausen 1
- C Lynts 3
- M Alckhosen 2
- K Deferdingen 1
- V Wald Kirchin 2
- M Beyrbach 1
- K Saint Wilboldt 1
- V Sigartingen 1
- V Tanfkirchin 1
- M Scharding 1
- V Rothof 1
- V karch hain 1
- V Biren bach 1
- C Pfarkirchen 1
- [Page 25] M Eckenfeld 2
- M Gangkhofen 2
- M Vilszbiburg 2
- M Geiselhauson 1
- C Landts hut 1
- C Moszburg 2
- C Freysing 2
- V Crantsperg 1
- V Camerberg 1
- M Inners dorf 1
- V Zeydelbach 1
- V Heritzhausen 1
- V Parr 1. d.
- C Fridberg d
- C Augspurg [...]
- The summe of miles. [...]
- C Hall in Inthall 1
- V Schwatz 2
- C Rottenburg 4
- C Kopffstam 4
- C Rossenhaim 7
- C Wasserburg 10
- C Braunaw 3
- V Obernberg 3
- M Scharding 4
- V Freistetten 3
- C Passaw 4
- M Hafnerzell 3
- C Mathausen 3
- Bossenburg a Cast [...] [...]
- M Marggrein [...]
- V Kirchdorf [...]
- V Emerszdorf [...]
- V Spits [...]
- C Krembs 2
- C Grauenwerd 2
- M Stockeraw [...]
- V Entzers Dorf [...]
- C Wien [...]
- The summe of myles 73
- V Kalenberg 1
- C Kloster newberg 1
- M Traszmaurn 4
- C Hertzoburg 2
- K Saint Boltin 1
- M Linden Marckt 2
- V Strenberg 4
- M Lendin an der enns 2
- M Obern berg 2
- V Walts 4
- V Lambach 2
- M Schwantsz [...]
- C Francken Marckt 2
- V StrauszWalch [...]
- V Vogelbruch 2
- C Newenmarckt 2
- C Saltzburg 2
- C Reichenhall 1
- [Page 26] V Loffers thall 4
- V Werglen 4
- V Schwatz 4
- C Hall in Inthall 2
- V Inszpruck 1
- The summe of myles 53
- Schirechits 2
- Vischermintz 2
- Holbrunnen 2
- Simerein 4
- C Gomorra 8
- Todes 2
- C Gran 4
- C Blindenburg 4
- Kaltbach 4
- C Alt Ofen 2
- C Ofen 2
- The summe of Hungarishe miles. 36
- Germain miles. 54
- Bruck on the Leiben 4
- C Preszburg 6
- Scheytta 3
- Bosing 3
- Gutinarckt 3
- Gret hongrish marckt 10
- Schwarts Wasser 3
- C Erla 10
- Leberits ander theusa 3
- Turkish dorf 3
- Faul Wasser 4
- Verbrunnen dorf 4
- Thoberissen 2
- Vngerish burg 4
- C Eger 9
- Masz 9
- C Klausenburg [...]
- Thormbvrg 2
- Bewdorf 2
- Mer, sztoch 2
- Engiten 1
- C Stultzenburg 7
- C Hermenstatt 6
- The summe of Hungarish wyles, 103. of Germain myles. 154.
- [Page 27] M K [...]lman 3
- C Klausen 1
- C Brixen 2
- V Mulbach 2
- C Braunecken 2
- Thoblach 3
- Inchingen 2
- C Lientz 4
- Stainfelden 4
- Sachsenburg [...]
- Spithal 4
- C Villach 2
- C Klagenfurd 4
- Fleckenmartckt 6
- Mernberg 4
- C Botta 6
- The summe of myles. 51
- C Kronburg 6
- C Laubach 6
- The summe of myles 12
- C Fridberg 1
- V Desing 1
- C Aycha 1
- C Schrobeuhausen 2
- V Byrenbach 2
- C Geysenfeld 2
- V Schwayg 2
- C Newstatlin 1
- C Abensperg 2
- C Regenspurg 4
- M Nyttenaw 4
- C Bruck 1
- V Newkirchen 2
- C Rotz 2
- C Wald Mynchen, on the Forest 2
- M Deyntz 3. d.
- C Pilsen 5
- V Rockenzaw 2
- V Zerwitz 1
- M Scheberach 1
- C Weron 2
- C Prage 3
- The summe of myles. 45. d.
- C Lauff 2
- M Herspruck 2
- M Saltsbach 3
- V Hirshaw 2
- [Page 28] V Weythausen 5
- V frawenberg 2
- C Pilsen 6
- C Scheberach 5
- C Weron 2
- C Prag 3
- Myles. 32
- C Schlen 4
- Lanua 3
- Comettaw 4
- C Maria berg 4
- C Khemnitz 3
- C Benick 2
- C Froburg 1
- C Born 2
- V Hemrichen d.
- C Leyptzig 2. d.
- The summe of myles 26
- M Hana 2
- C Ge [...]hausen 3
- V Salmynster 2
- C Staynach an der Strasz 1. d.
- C Schlichters 1 d.
- C Voll 2
- C Kobell 2
- C Fach 3
- V Schonsee 1
- C Eysenach 2
- C Gotta 3
- C Erdfurt 3
- C Bittelstatt 2. d.
- C N [...]kers berg 2. d.
- C Naumburg 2
- C Weyszenfelsz 2
- C Lytzen 2
- C Leyptzig 2
- The summe of myles. 39
The citiie of Leiptzig, is the chefe of all the cities in the countrie of Meiszen in the yeare. 1408. vvas a vniuersitie erected in this citie. Ther is also great trafique of marchandise dayly vsed.
- C Altenburg 5
- C Zwickaw 4
- M Aurbach 3
- C Neynkirchin 3
- [Page 29] C Eger 3
- K Waldsachsen 1
- V Tirschenry [...] 2
- C Newstatim 3
- M Weyda 3
- V Schnithittē ther by lieth a Castle called Wernberg. 1. d.
- M Pfraimbdt 1. d.
- M Naburg d.
- V Schwartzenfeld 1
- V Schwandorf 4
- V Deybitz 3
- C Regenspurg 4
- The summe of myles, 40
- Morschenburg 3
- Schafstatt 1
- Altstatt 3
- C Stolburg 5
- The summe of myles 12
- C Butschbach 4
- C Giessen 2
- C Zigenhan 3
- C Dresen 3
- C Hamburg 4
- V Farr 3
- M Eschpa 2
- C Milhausen 3
- C Northausen 4
- M Heringen 2
- C Stolburg 2
- The summe of myles 32
- V Buch 1
- V Thenneloe 1
- V Erlang 1
- V Bayrs dorf 1
- C Forchaym 1
- C Bamberg 4
- V Bannach 1. d
- V Eberach 1. d
- V Drobstall 4
- V Rumolt [...]
- V Mayningen 3
- V Wossen 1
- V Herren Braytingen 1
- V Maresuoll 2
- C Berckha 1
- M Setze 1
- C Retenburg 3
- M Mels [...]gen 3
- C Castle 2
- The summe of myles 34
- [Page 30] V Heroldtsberg 2
- M Gschenaw 1
- C Grauenwerd 1
- V Bernfelsz 1
- C Boenstayn 2
- C Barreyt 3
- C Bereneck 2
- C Minchberg 2
- C Hof in voyt lande 2
- C Plawen 4
- C Zwickaw 4
- C Khemnitz 4
- C Freyburg 4
- C Dresen 4
- The summe of myles 36
- C Forchhaim 5
- C Bamberg 4
- C Koburg 5
- C Limenaw 2
- C Arnstatt 4
- C Erdfurtt 4
- M Grosz Symern 4
- C Sangerhausen 2
- C Manszfeld 4
- M Stoszturt 2
- C Magdenburg 4
- The summe of myles 40
Madenburg is a citie of great antiquitie and toke the name of the Image of a mayden Godesse, which the Citizens were wont to worship, before they were cōuerted to the faith of Christ, this citie liethe on the Riuer Elb.
- C Wittenberg 10
- C Thorgaw 5
- C Rochli [...]z 4
- C Leyptzig 5
- C Kohemnitz 8
- C Anna berg 4
- The summe of myles. 36
- [Page 31] C Ioachims Thal 4
- C Schlackenwald 4
- C Eger 2
- K Wald Sachsen 2
- V Weyden 1
- C Newstatlin 1
- M Pfraimbdt 4
- M Hemaw 4
- C Newstatlin on the Riuer Danube 2
- M Gissenfeld 2
- C Pfaffenhofen 2
- C Mynchen 7
- The summ of myles 35
- V Fyrth 1
- V Varnbach 1
- V Langeren 1
- V Marckt Erlbach 2
- C Windtshaim 2
- V Waldmerspach 2
- V Aurnhofen 1
- M Bibera 1
- V Schefftersin 1
- K Mergethaim 2
- M Schwaygern 1
- C Berlen 2
- C Rosenburg 1
- M Allaza 1
- M Scheflentz 1
- C Moszbach 1
- C Eckermund 2
- C Haydeiberg 1
- C Wormbs 4
- The summe of myles 28
- C Schwabach 2
- C Eschabach 3
- C Dinckelspyhell 4
- C Elwang 2
- C Gmind 4
- C Shorndorf 2
- C Kandtstat 4
- V Ditzingen 1
- V Weyssach 1
- V Wormberg 1
- Tieffenbrun a flight
- C Shot to Pfortza 1
- V Langen staynbach 1. d.
- C Ettlingen d.
- V Malch 1
- M Raltat 1
- V Higelsa 1
- C Stolhofen d
- C Liechtenaw 1
- V Bischingen zum hohen Steg 1
- C Straszburg 2
- [Page 32]The summe of myles, 35
- V Biber 1
- V Horgen 1
- M Zuszmerhausen 1
- V Gletwing 1
- M Burgaw
- V Knoringē 1
- C Gintzburg 1
- C Leyphaim d.
- V Langenaw 1. d.
- V Weydenstetten 1, d.
- C Geyslingen 1. d.
- V Siessa 1
- C Goppingen 1
- M Ebers bach 1
- V Blochingen 1
- C Eszlingen 1
- C Kandstat 1
- V Ditzingen 1
- V Weyssach 1
- V Wormberg 1
- Tieffenbrun a shot
- C vnto Pfortza 1
- V Langen Stainbach 1. d.
- C Ettlingen d.
- C Malsch 1
- M Rastatt 1
- C Higelsa 1
- C Stolhofen 1
- C Liechtenaw 1
- V Bischingen zum hohen Stege 1
- C Straszburg 2
- The summe of myles 31
- M Iuszmerhausen 3
- C Gintzburg 3
- C Vlm 3
- C Blawbeiren 2
- V Ihenenbeiren 1
- C Minsingen 1
- V Gechingen 1
- C Reitlingen 1
- V Derdingen▪ 1
- C Rottenburg am Necker. 1
- C Horb 2
- C Dornstetten 2
- C Knyebisz 2
- C Noppenaw 1
- C Oberkirch 2
- V Bischingen zum hohen Stege 2
- C Strasburg 2
- The summe of myles. 30
- [Page 33]Welberg 3
- Wudin 2
- Leitmeritz 2
- Aussig 3
- Gotleben 4
- C Dresen 3
- C Meychsen 3
- Stral 3
- C Thorga 3
- C Wittenberg & Hall 6
- The summe of myles. 32
- V Aichstetten 1
- V Arleszried d.
- V Reittern 1
- V Newherberg
- V Altminster d.
- K Soltenbach d.
- V Holtza 1
- C Laugyngen 1. d.
- V Stauffen d.
- C Gienga 1▪ d.
- C Haidenhaim 1 d.
- V Stanaich d.
- V Saint Bartleme 1
- V Borge 1
- C Gmind 1
- C Schorndorf 2
- C Wynnata 2
- C Bo [...]mar 2
- C Hailbrun 2
- Mhe summe of myles. 21
Here foloweth the wayes orderly lying betwene each notable citie, saue onely the myles are not set in the margent, yet at the end of each, is the whole summe of myles set downe.
The citie of Antwerp, vvas at the first but a castell, vvhich as some say, vvas kept of a Giant enhabiting therin, it toke the name by a hande, vvhich smitten of, vvas cast into the riuer Schelt. The place or countrie thereaboutes being very vvell situate, began to be enlarged frō tyme to tyme vvith faire buildinges, but of late vvithin this. 60. yeare, it hath so florished in all aboundaunce of [Page 34] vvealth by meanes of their great merchandize vvith all nations, & also vvas so sumpteously adorned vvith gorgeous buildings, that it passed in that respect, eache citie in Europe.
- Lychten
- Hochstratten
- Dilburg
- Hertzogbush
- Dester on the Bridge
- Genff a ferry place
- Gach
- Stanten
- The ferry ouer y • Rheyn
- Wisel
- Dilman
- C Munster
- Lengering
- C Osenbruck
- The summe of miles 40
- C Lengering
- C Munster
- M Duckenwitz
- M Drotman
- C Warmszkirchen
- M Lempe
- Gibels berg a Castle
- V To the cold Herborowe
- V To the fatt Henn for fetten Hennen
- C Colen
- The summe of myles. 45
- Zur forden
- Zur focht
- Wilde hausen Lager
- C Bremen 12
- Zur Mylen
- Premerfurt
- Staden
- The ferry ouer y e Elb 10
- C Hamborow 5
- Oldeszla
- C Lubek 10
- The summe of myles 37
- [Page 35] C Munster
- Packhaim
- Anright
- Rynn
- In Grund Zum Taschen hausen
- Wayterberg
- Halms berg
- Wetter
- C Marburg
- Zum Gissen
- Butzbach
- Fridtsperg
- Franckford
- Myles.
- C Thoawerd 6
- C Monhaim 2
- C Weyssenburg 2
- C Roth 4
- C Nurnberg 4
- V Buch 1
- V Erlang 2
- V Bayrsdorf 1
- C Furch haim 1
- V Hirsh haid 1
- C Bamberg 2
- V Ratolsdorf 2
- C Koburg 4
- M Eyszfeld 2
- M Engenstayn 3
- M Zur Frawen 2
- C Illmenaw 2
- C Arnstatt 2
- C Erdfurd 2
- The summe of miles. 44
The citie Erdfurd, vvas firste founded by a kinge of Franckenland in Germany called Clodouco, about the tyme of the Emperour▪ Theodosius, the citie then began to florish, till about the yeare of our Lord. 1472. there vvas a great fire in the citie, vvhich consumed the third part thereof, this vvas done by a trayterous conspiracie, but the doers vvere taken and executed, in the yeare. 1392 vvas the great Schole founded in this citie.
- [Page 36] M Weisensee 2
- V Kindelbruck 3
- C Saxenburg 2
- C Sangerhausen 3
- C Manszfeld 4
- V Ermeszleben 2
- C Halberstatt 1
- C Hessen 2
- C Brownswick 4
- The summe of myles. 23
- Genfhorn
- Zall
- Reberlaw
- Lynenburg
- The ferry ouer the Elb and Metz
- C Zur Mulen
- C Lubicke
- The smme of Myles. 22
The citie of Lubick is of great trafique, & many artificers are therein. It vvas first founded by an Earle of Holsatz, in Anno. 1140. it hath bene vnder the kinge of Denmarck heretofore in subiection.
- Oldszla
- C Hamburg
- Zuwell ouer the Elb
- Staden
- Premer furt
- Mollen
- C Bruck
- C Bremen
- V Dilmenharst
- Wildhausen
- Focht
- Drechsforden
- C Osenburg
- Lengering
- C Mynster
- Beckhaim
- Anricht
- Rynn
- Wintersperg
- Halmsperg
- C Wet [...]er
- C Marpurg
- Zu Giessen
- Butzbach
- Fridberg
- C Franckford
- Myles.
- [Page 37]Morsperg
- C
- Hal in Saxen
- Alszleb vber die Sa [...]
- Aschkerszliebe
- C Halberstat
- C Hessan
- C Braunsweick
- C Hildeszhaim
- Kalenberg
- Springen
- Statthagen
- Vbirkirchen
- Minden
- Paum
- C Osenbruck
- Lengering
- C Mynster
- Warndorf
- Yburg
- Hundtsburg
- Lembruch
- Dieffeld
- C Bremen
- Zurburg
- Mylen
- Zum Forden
- Staden
- Ferry ouer the Elb
- C Hamburg
- Oldeszla
- C Lubeck
- The summe of myles 93
- Zur Hell
- Roszhaupten
- Reuerkall
- Bernhall
- Haissen See
- Dasserorth
- Rossstat
- C Wiszmar
- C Dantzig
- The summe of myles. 80
Here followeth the wayes and passages in Italie Fraunce England and Spaine.
- [Page 38] V Menchingen 3
- C Myndelhaim 4
- C Memmingen 3
- C Lewkirchen 3
- C Wangen 2
- C Lindaw 2
- Zum Baurn 2
- C Feld Kirch 2
- Mayenfeld 3
- C Khur 2
- Lentz 3
- Zuder Myll 2
- Kascha 3
- Klauen 3
- Gera am See 4
- Come 14
- The summe of Germaine myles 50
- Barlasima 15
- C Milano 15
- C Pauia 20
- Voghera 18
- Tortona 10
- Sarauale 14
- Arquata 2
- Butzala 15
- C Genua 14
- Italian miles 123
The Emperour Charles the great, gaue this citie Vlm, contributorie vnto a Kloyster of Friers, but the citizens aftervvard by a great summe redemed themselues. In the yeare. 1377. the faire Minster in the citie Vlm, vvas begonne to be builded, and vvith the Steple vvas fully finished, in Anno. 1488. this building cost from the beginning to the ful ending therof. 900000. guildines. In this citie are very great store of Fustians made, vvhich are conueyed ouer the Sea into Turkey, and diuers other kingedomes.
- C Memmingen 6
- C Kempten 4
- C Nesselwang 2
- M Reitte 3
- Echen berger Claus 1
- V Nauders 1
- M Mals 2
- V Tersch 3
- C Meron 3
- V Terla 2
- V Epan 1
- M Traminn 3
- V Salurn 1
- K Saint Michel 1
- C Trient 2
- C Rofereit 3
- C Ayterwang 2
- M Nasareit ouer y • Fern 3
- V Imbst 2
- Landeck ain Schlosz 2
- V Pfundtz 4
- Turbetto 2
- Ouer the Garlsee to Salaw 5
- Tyserzan 2
- Bresso 4
- Pentoia 4
- Martienga 1
- C Cassan 3
- C Mayland 3
- The summe of Germain miles. 75
Genua or [...]anua hath of auncient tyme bene a citie of great povver, vnder vvhome hath bene subiect both coū vries and people, vvith the Iles lying neere Grecia, the aū cient citie Peragegen, vvas at the first subiect to this citie, with the Ile Chius, & other cities with Famagosta, cheife citie in the Ile of ciprus & the Ile of Metilene: but of late yeares hath the citie lost all the power by the Sea. The cities of Genua hath suctayned many broyles and sharp vvarres both of Sarrazens and other enemies.
- Bogliasco 8
- Rapallo 1
- Chiauari 5
- Sestrie di Leuate 5
- All Bracco 6
- Mattarana 7
- All Borgherti 7
- Saint Remedio 7
- Sarzana 10
- Alla Frigida 10
- Petro Santa 6
- Masta Rossa 8
- C Luca 8
- The summe of Italian myles. 97
- Contayning of Germayn myles 19
The citie Luca is replenished with much people which for the most parte vse the trade of marchandize, chiefely vvith silkes, the citie is beautified vvith goodly houses & gorgeous buildinges.
- [Page 40]Verseggi 27
- Alla Scala 3
- Castell Florentyno 8
- Pogi Ponsy 10
- Siena 13
- Bonconuetio 12
- Ioll vero 5
- Sant Chirigo 3
- Secorso 9
- La Paglia 4
- Pon Santino 8
- Saint Lorentzo 9
- Monte Flescon 10
- C Vitterby 8
- Rosigliono 10
- Baccana 14
- La Strotta 8
- C Roma 7
- The summe of Italian myles. 1 [...]8
The auncient citie of Rome after the opinion of diuers aucthors taketh hir name of Romulus, vvho first erected the vvalles thereof, and after from tyme to tyme vvas so augmented, that vvithin the vvalles of the citie vvere fully contayned. 634. Tovvers and Steples, and. 37. Gates, the circuit or compasse of the citie vvas. 20. thousand paces, but of late by occasion of great battries & spoile of the citie vvhich heretofore haue happened, the buildinges vvere so broken and consumed, that there is no more but. 365. tovvers to be seene, and. 20. gates. In the citie of Rome at the beginning vvas a Temple built to the Goddesse Vesta, vvherein vvas kept a continuall fire, vvith other ceremonies vsed of the olde Romaines. The vvorks of many learned aucthors doe largely shew the state of this citie, hovv in tract of tyme it hath beene altered and changed.
- Mantana 21
- Nerla 10
- Cantalicie 16
- Ciuita ducata 6
- Alla Rocca di Corno 11
- [Page 41]Laquila or Eagle 9
- The summe of Italian miles. 64
- of Germaine miles 13
- C Ciuita Relenga 14
- Popolay 8
- Salmona 8
- Rocca di valde Scuro 8
- Castell di sango 10
- All Fornello 15
- All Sesto 12
- Caluy 17
- Cappoa 10
- Verza 8
- C Neapolis 10
- The summe of Italian miles 120
- of Germaine miles 24
The cittie Neapolis is of great antiquitie and was called of olde tyme, Parthenope, as Titus Liuius saith, the whole kingdome, taketh the name of the cittie Neapolis.
- Alla Rocca 30
- Molla 18
- Funny 17
- Maruty 16
- Salmonety 20
- Bollutrie 15
- C Rome 20
- The summe of Italian miles 129
- of Germaine miles 26
- Alla Isola 8
- Bachan 6
- Monte roch 6
- Ronsiglion 8
- Vitterbo 8
- Monte Fiastan 10
- Bulstena [...]
- Sant Lorentz 3
- Pome cenym [...]
- Impaia [...]
- [Page 42]Secorso 4
- Alla Scala 5
- Th [...]rmir 8
- Lusignan 8
- Senis 8
- Saggia 9
- Pogi Pontz 3
- Castell Fiorintin 10
- Ponto seco Mulinaso 7
- Galeno 4
- Luca 11
- Pietra Santa 16
- Mossa 6
- C Sarsana 10
- All Porgadro 16
- Mattarana 7
- All Boacha 7
- Saint Estri 8
- Chianey 8
- Ropola [...]
- Retho 6
- C Genua 15
- Italian miles 257
- Germain miles 53. d.
- Baccano 12
- Montorosso 8
- Ronsigliono 12
- Vitterby 86
- Saint Lawrentzo 1
- Alla Paglia 16
- Iholiuero 17
- Siena 17
- All Tauernello 17
- Fiorentza 15
- Scarparia 14
- Fiorentzola 10
- Discaregalaze 10
- Bollogna 20
- A. Modena 20
- Rotz 15
- Borgo de s. Anthony 15
- Piasentza 20
- Castel Postelengo 10
- Lodena 12
- Mariano 10
- C Millano 10
- C Pauia 20
- Voghera 12
- Iortona 10
- Arquata 14
- Butzala 12
- C Genua 14
- Italian myles. 392
- Germaine myles. 78. d.
- All Borgeto 15
- Darony 15
- Spoletti 10
- Verzina 15
- Sarauell 7
- Poluerina 8
- Dorentina 10
- Passa de Mazarata 10
- Ciuita ducata 5
- Recanata 10
- Loretta 3
- C A [...]cona 15
- Italian myles. 123
- Germaine myles. 24. d.
[Page 43] The citie Anthona lieth on the sea Adriatum hauing a famous hauen for shippes, such as the like is not in all Italie, there is great trafique of Marchandize and plentie of VVine and corne vvith other necessaries.
- Sinagaglia 20
- Fang 15
- Pessera 5
- La Catholica 01
- Rymina 15
- Cesznadiga 15
- All Safsio 10
- Raueno 10
- Premar 18
- Mangiauaca 10
- Bolloni 18
- Gora 18
- Fornazi 18
- Chioea 18
- C Venice 25
- Italian miles. 225
- Germain miles. 45
- Zum Stadell ain Ainodin 4
- C Landtsperg 2
- V Romenkessell 1
- V Soya 1
- C Schongaw 2
- K Rottenbuch 1
- V Amberg 3
- K Ethall d.
- M Partakirch 1. d.
- M Mittewalo 3
- S [...]efeld ain Weyi [...]r 3
- M Zierell 1
- C Insp [...]uck 2
- M Matrach 3
- V Staynach d.
- [Page 44]Lyg ain Klausen 1
- Ouer the Prenner forrest to Gossensafz. 2
- V
- C Stertzing d.
- Beysser ain aidodin 3
- C Brixen 1
- C Klausen 2
- V Colman 1
- V Blumaw 2
- M Botzen 1
- M Newmarckt 3
- M Sant Michell 2
- V Neu [...]s 1
- C Triend. 1
- The summe of myles. 49
- V Persen 5
- M Leue 5
- M Wurgen 10
- M Grin 15
- C Felters 1
- Vener ain ainodin 7
- V Carnudo 8
- C Treuiso, or Derfis 15
- C Maiesters 10
- C Venice 5
- The summe of Italian miles. 95
- of Germain myles 19
- So that the whole summe is from the citie of Augspurg in Germany vnto the citie of Venice in Italie is 6 8 Germayn miles.
- M Mulbach 1
- C Braunecken 3
- V Niderdorff. 3
- Gasthausz 3
- V Hayden 1
- The summe of Germain myles. 11
- V Monat 8
- C Maiesters 10
- C Venice 5
- V Saint Martin 9
- V Barauell 3
- V Spithalie 5
- V Lungeron 5
- V Plaszburg 10
- V Teutscen Eck 01
- C Speroual 7
- C Kyniglon 7
- V Lobotina 8
- C Derfis 7
- The summe of Italian myles. 94
- of Germayne myles. 18
The citie of Venice is a rich citie of great povver both by lande and by vvater, the citie is alvvaies gouerned by the Ducke thereof, & hath in subiection diuers prouinces. The Italian prouerbe speaking of Venice and other cities, agreeth therevnto, vvhich is, Venice the richest, Milane the greatest, Genua the proudest, Florents the fynest, Bononi [...] the fruitfullist, Rauenna the oldest, Neapolis the noblist, and Rome the head of cristendome.
- C Padua 15
- Rouigo 25
- C Ferrara 20
- Saint Piero Castle 16
- Saint Gortzo 5
- C Bolognia 10
- Pionora 8
- Coian 8
- Saint Cargolasino 4
- Predo Mala 5
- Fiorenzola 5
- All Ioff 5
- Saint Carparin 5
- Voglia 6
- C Fiorenza 8
- Saint Cassan 9
- Thauernelo 8
- Pogi pontz 5
- Stagia 3
- Senis 9
- Lusignan [...]
- Thormere 8
- Alla Scala 8
- Rerasco 5
- Impaia 4
- Pome Cenim 8
- Sant Lawrentzo 8
- Bulsiena 3
- Montofiascon 6
- Ronziglione 10
- Monto Roscho 8
- Bachan 6
- Isola 6
- Rome 8
- The summe of Italian myles. 265
- of Germain myles. 53
- [Page 46]The way from Augspurg to Inspruck and Triend is already before prescribed. Then further from Triend to Ferraria.
- Stekho
- Allwurget
- Allzerin
- Vrsulango
- Isol [...]a de la gschalla
- Ostia Soll
- C Ferraria
- myles.
Ferraria a very auncient citie, lyeth very faire and pleasauntly on the vvater Pado, garnished vvith sumpteous pallases, bauing very broade and vvyde streetes, the trafique of marchandise there is great.
- Figeroll
- Ostia
- Isola de la gschalla
- Schona Compena
- Pisgiera
- Lunado
- Pressa
- Isra Schullago
- Loffer
- Abro
- Edell
- Inn Abrigo di Zappo
- Zu Adiram ouer y e hill a post gschiaffo
- Schull monte Perlina
- All ponto Rosina
- La Alba
- Burgunde
- Lenntz
- C Khur
- The summe of Italian myles. 51
- V Zittsers 1
- C Mayenfeld 1
- On the staig d.
- V Baltzers d.
- V Zum Baurin d.
- V Fussen am See 1. d.
- C Lindaw 1
- V Trysen d.
- [Page 47] V Schon d.
- C Feldtkirch 1
- V Klauzen 1
- myles. [...]
- C Wangen [...]
- C Lewkirchen 3
- C Menmgen 3
- C Mindelhayn 3
- V Menchingen 3
- C Augspurge 3
- myles. 18
- Volpilera 5
- Iorna 4
- Ponto Pionesin 3
- Khiambri 5
- Momekana 2
- Gabella 4
- Saint Michell 4
- Occesa 4
- Linneberg 3
- Noua lesa Pasar la monte 4
- Susa 1
- Vigliana 4
- Iurino 3
- The summe of French myles. 46
- Zean 13
- Verzell 16
- Nouara 10
- Biffalora 10
- C Mayland 18
- The summe of Italian miles. 67
- The whole accoumpt from Lions to Millain is 28 Germain miles.
- C Padua 25
- C Vizenza 18
- Alla torre de Confini 13
- C Verona 17
- Peschara 10
- Disenzano 8
- Pressa 18
- [Page 48]Pontoia 20
- Martinenga 5
- Cassan 13
- C Mayland 18
- The summe of Italian myles. 165
- Germain myles. 33
- Portici 4
- Tore dell Greco 4
- Tore dell Nuciata 6
- Scaffada 4
- Nocera de Pagy 6
- Cana 6
- Selerno 4
- Anquillara 4
- Saint Leonaro 2
- Tauerna Pinta 4
- Gieuolle 8
- Alla Scaffa 4
- A. Duchessa 6
- Scorsso 2
- A. Saynt Martino de Cessignano 1
- A. Goletto 7
- A. Intagliado 2
- A. Pollo 2
- A. Tauera Ateonia 4
- A. Sala 4
- A. Alto Monsso 8
- A. Cassainoue 4
- A. Laco Nigro 8
- A. La oria 8
- A. Castell dechio 8
- A. Rottando 4
- A. Val. Sant Vito 2
- A. Marano 6
- A. Castrouilero 4
- A. De Sare 12
- A. Cauicell 8
- A. Tauera noua 1
- A. Taua de Regina 6
- A. Taua de Castigo 1
- ¶ A. Cossenza 3
- Italian myles. 168
- Germain myles. 33. d.
- Alla Donice 3
- A Astiglia 9
- A. Martarano 4
- A. Saint Bla [...]io 12
- A. Aqua della fica 12
- A. Scala de Pizo 4
- A. Passi Solani Ala Ostaria di Sant Gregorio 12
- A. F [...]umara de mure 4
- A. Carima 4
- [Page 49]A. Monte Leone 8
- A. Sant Pietro 8
- A. Rosarin 12
- A. Drossy 6
- A. Rysicans 1
- A. Seminara 6
- A. Messina per Mare [...]
- The summe of Italian miles. 111
- Containing of Germaine miles. 22
- C Mantz 4
- C Oppenhaim 3
- C Wurmbs 4
- C Obers haim 3
- C Speyr 3
- V Graben 3
- C Rastat 4
- C Leichtenaw 3
- C Straszburg 3
- C Benfeld 3
- C Scheltstatt 3
- C Kolmar 3
- M Otmars hausen 4
- M Hapsa 3
- C Basell 2
- C Liechstatt 2
- C Zosingen 3
- C Saursee 1
- C Lucern 2
- V Fle le vber den See 4
- V Vrsuram 4
- V Fryg ouer den hill 2
- The summe of Germain myles. 66
- Pellisono 34
- Lugano 16
- Como 16
- C Mayland 24
- The summe of Italian myles. 90
The great citie of Milane, lyeth in Lumbardie, and is the principall citie in that country, a citie very rich, replenished vvith artificers and all kinde of vvares and marchandise.
- Lody 20
- Pitzigiton 1 [...]
- [Page 50]Cremona 12
- Casel Maior 24
- Barsell 7
- Retzo 15
- Modona 15
- Bologno 10
- Castell de Saynt
- Piero 12
- Imola 8
- Castle Bolognese 5
- Fauentz 5
- Iorly 10
- Cessana 10
- Rymina 20
- Curcana 6
- Monte fior 6
- La foglia 6
- Orbin 6
- Aquila Secha 9
- Cauiciana 10
- Sigil [...]
- Gualda 7
- Vozera 6
- All ponte Santo
- Desino 6
- Santo Achazio 7
- Proto 9
- Zioletti 3
- All Stettu [...]a 6
- Ciuita ducata 22
- C Aquila or the Adler 20
- Italian myles. 338
- The summe of Germain myles. 67. d.
- Biffelora 18
- Nouara 10
- Verzell 10
- Saint Iam 11
- Hebraya 12
- Wolbion 12
- C Thurin 7
- Italian myles. 80
- Germain miles. 16
- Stratzkirchen 4
- C Newstatt 4
- Newkirchen 2
- Glognitz 3
- Schadwien [...]
- Merzuchlag ouer y e hil Semering wher as the Steyrmarck beginneth. 4
- C Bruck on the Mur 7
- [Page 51]Lonry 3
- Mychael [...]
- Ruckelfeld 3
- Iudenburg 2
- Hundtz marckt 2
- Sayfling 1
- Newmarckt 2
- Friesach [...]
- Sant Veyt 3
- Feldtkirche [...] 3
- C Villach [...]
- The summe of Germain myles. 50
- Klain Theruis 3
- Pantouia 3
- Venzan 4
- Saint Danyell 2
- Porta a Cronata 5
- C Venice 1 [...]
- The summe of Italian myles. [...]
- C Brug or Briges 15
- Newport 7
- Dunkirck 4
- C Calis 6
- Braband miles 32
- Canterbury 12
- Grauesend 24
- C London 20
- The summe of English myles▪ from London to Cal [...]s 86
The auncient & famous citie of London, vvas founded by Brute, vvho vvith his men, ariued in Englande about the age of the vvorld. 2855. and the yeare before Christes natiuitie. 1108. He named this citie Troynouant, in memory of the great citie Troy in Asia, from vvhence all his linage vvas discended. About the year before the birth of Christ. 400. vvas the Tovver of London built by king Belius, which some say Iulius Ceaser afterwardes built (or rather reedified) the citie new Troy [Page 52] vvas after in the yeare before the birth of Christ. 69. by king Lud repaired and called by him Ludstone, and in proces of tyme by corruption of speche called London. On the riuer Thames runninge alongest the citie vvas a bridge of tymber built in the yeare of our Lord. 1154. the vvhich bridge begunne to be built of stone, in the tyme of kinge Iohn, about the yeare. 1209. This citie of London beinge the head and principall citie in England, began from tyme to tyme to florish, beinge gouerned vvith great ciuilitie, the fame therof is dispersed ouer the vvhole vvorld. The citie is replenished vvith people, many artificers and great trades of marchandize therin vsed. There be in the citie of London and the liberties thereof. 108. parish churches, and in the subberbs. 11. beside the Cathedral church of Sainct Paule. In the yeare of our Lord. 1566. the sumpteous monument in the citie of London called the Royall exchange, vvas begun and aftervvardes fully finished at the costes & charges of the right vvorshipfull Sir Thomas Greasham knight, to his euerlasting fame & commendation. The discription of this citie of London and the state thereof, in continuance from time to tyme is more at large to be seene in the Cronicle of England, diligently collected by the trauaile and labour of Iohn Stowe.
Certaine vsed wayes and passages in England.
- Darteforte 12
- M Grauesend 6
- Rochester 5
- Sittingborn 8
- C Caunterbury 12
- Douer 12
- The summe of myles. 56
- [Page 53]Chepstow 15
- Tonbridge 7
- Plimwell 11
- M Ric 15
- The summe of myles 48
In the yeare of our Lorde. 872. the first colledge in the citie of Oxford, vvas founded by Alurid king of the English Saxons, the other colledges vvere after edified by meanes vvherof the great gaine of learning hath remained in England, vvheras there are tvvo notable Vniuersities, the one at Oxford and the other at Cambridge.
- Whetly Bridge 5
- Te [...]seworth 5
- S [...]oken church 5
- Wickam 5
- B [...]consfield 5
- M Vxbridge 7
- C London 15
- The somme of myles. 47
Bristow being a citie of great trafique & marchandise from diuers countries is of great antiquitie, and standith very commodious and pleasantly. In the yeare of our Lord. 1110. vvas the castell of Bristow builded by one Robert, Earle of Glocester, and bastard sonne to kinge Henry [...]he first, he also founded the Priorie of S. Iames in the same citie, vvheras aftervvard his body was buried.
- Maxfield 10
- Chipnam 10
- Marleborough 15
- Hongerford 8
- Newbery 7
- Reading 15
- Maydenhead 10
- Colbrocke 7
- C London 15
- The summe of myles. 85
The auncient citie Eborake, now called Yorcke, vvas first founded by Ebrancke the sonne of Mempricus king of Britaine, about the yere before Christes natiuitie. 930 the said king builded in this citie a Temple to Diana, & vvas there buried. In the yeare of our Lord. 1085. kinge William Conquerour builded at this citie two castelles, (beside diuers other he founded in England.)
- Tadcaster [...]
- Wentbridge 12
- Doncaster 7
- Tuxford 18
- Newmarke 10
- Grantham 10
- Staunford 16
- Stilton 12
- Huntington 9
- Royston 15
- Ware 13
- Waltham 8
- C London 12
- The summe of myles. 130
The citie of Barwicke lying on the other side of the riuer Tvvede or Tweda, vvhich deuideth (in that place) England and Scotland, vvas of auncient tyme called Ordolucarum, and is now in possession of the Englishmen and is very strongly vvalled and kept vvith Garrisons of Souldiers, as a stronge tovvne of vvarre.
- Belford 12
- Anwike 12
- Morpit 12
- Newcastl [...] 12
- Durham 12
- Daringto [...] 14
- Northalerton 10
- Topclif 7
- C Yorcke 16
- The summe of myles 10 [...]
The citie of Sainct Dauids in Wales, being a Bishops See, and of great antiquitie, vvas of auncient tyme called Meneue of Meneua, this citie is situated in the sea coast, and boundeth Westvvard tovvard Ireland.
- V Axford 12
- C Carmarden 24
- Newton 12
- Lanbury 10
- Bre [...]kurcke 16
- Hay 10
- Harford 14
- Roso 9
- C Glocester 12
- Cicester 15
- Farington 12
- Abington 10
- Dorchester 5
- Henly 12
- Maydenhead 7
- Colbrooke 7
- Hounslowe 5
- C London 10
- The summe of myles. 197
Paris is the head citie in the Realme of Fraunce, in vvhich citie of olde tyme vvas ordeyned alvvaies the Parliament should be kept, vvherevnto all men vvere assembled to ordaine and skan vppon all causes, the Emperor Charles the great, founded the vniuersitie of Paris, at the instant motion of foure learned men, namely, Claudius, Aluinus, Iohannes, and Rabanus, vvho before that tyme had bene skollers to the learned Bede, & came out of Skotland into Fraunce.
Certaine vsed vvayes and passages in Fraunce.
- Pres Controbart 6
- Nangen [...]
- Proueytzen [...]
- Naga [...] 4
- Iroea 12
- Arliezliers 1 [...]
- [Page 56]Sant Sirs 6
- C Sortzen 11
- The summe French myles. 64
- Iull 3
- Nantzen 4
- Sant Nicola 2
- Longa villa 2
- Rouan 4
- Schirmeck 4
- C Moltzhaim 3
- C Straszburg 3
- C Hagenaw 4
- C Weysenburg 4
- Gerszham 5
- Spiesz 2
- C Haydelberg 3
- V Darmstatt 6
- C Franckford 4
- The summe of Germaine miles. 53 so that the whole summe of Germaine miles from Parts to Franck ford [...] 74.
- Alla Prelaga 3
- Alla Capella 4▪ d.
- Roanna 4. d.
- Paccutera 4
- Palissa 4
- Varenes 3
- Molin 6
- Sant Piero Malir 7
- Niuers 5
- Cerite 5
- Coma 6
- Priara 6
- Noiana 5
- Pontogason 7
- Maturin 4
- Magli 4
- Isona 5
- C Paris 6
- Louers 3
- Seglilius 4
- Caruoy 7
- C Roy 6
- C [...]erona 7
- Chiambri 8
- Apre 4
- Valensiana 3
- Monns 7
- Preue 4
- C Brussell 6
- C Machlyna 4
- C Antwerp 4
- The summe of Frenche miles. 158
- Germaine miles 5 2. d.
- [Page 57]Alla prella 3
- Capella 4. d.
- Roanna 4. d.
- Pacutera 4
- Pallisa 4
- Varenes 3
- Molin 6
- Colobry 8
- Don de roy 8
- C Burges 8
- Neuy 6
- Sant Picrouit 5
- Menestrien 5
- C Orliens 5
- Iurni 10
- Iampes 10
- Cartres 5
- C Paris 9
- The summe of French myles. 10 [...]
- Germain myles. 35
- V Schwabach 2
- C Gunzen hausen 4
- C Ottingen 4
- C Nordlingen 2
- C Gienga 4
- C Vlni 4
- C Bibrach 4
- C Waldsee 2
- C Rauenspurg 2
- C Buchorn 2
- C Morspurg ouer the ferry 1. d
- C The Bodensee to Constantz. 1
- C Steckborne 1
- C Stayn 1
- C Diesscnhofen 2
- C Schafhausen 1
- Kayserst [...]ll 2
- C Baden in Switz 1
- Mellingen 1
- Lentzburg 1
- Araw 2
- Arburg 1
- Burtolff 3
- C Bern 2
- C Freyburg in yechland 3
- The summe of Switzers. myles. 50, d.
- [Page 58] C Remonte 3
- C Losanna 4
- C Roll 4
- C Morsee 2
- C Geneura 3
- M Coloncha 3
- C Sangerman 3
- V Nantoa 2
- V Charton 3
- K Saint Moris 3
- V Molue 3
- C Lions [...]
- The summe of French miles. 36
- The whole summe of Germaine miles from Nurnberg to Lions as is aforesaid contayneth 87.
- C Matzenen 3
- C Schletstatt 3
- C Kolmar 3
- V Bartenaw 3
- C Basel 3
- C Liechstatt 2
- M Bastall 2
- C Salothurn 2
- A [...]berga Castell 2
- C Morta 2
- C Peter lingen 3
- M Wilden 3
- The summe of myles. 31
- C Losanna 3
- C Roll 4
- C Morsee 2
- C Geneura 3
- M Colonca 3
- C Sangerman 3
- M Mantua 2
- C Charton 3
- K Saint Morris 3
- Molue 3
- C Lyon 3
- The summe of French myles. 32
- of Germain myles 10. d.
- So that the whole summe of Germain myles, From Straszburg to Lyons, coutaineth 41. myles. d.
- [Page 59] V Bobingen 2
- V Simnach 2
- V Angleberg 2
- C Mindelhaim 1
- C Memmingen 3
- C Murtzen 2
- C Rauenspurg 3
- C Buchhorn 2
- C Morspurg ouer the ferry 1. d
- C To Costants 1
- C Stayn 2
- C Schafhausen 2
- C Bden in schweytz 3
- Accon 3
- V Morgenthall 3
- V Reitweyl 2
- C Bern 3
- C Mortta 3
- C Peterlingen 3
- M To wilden in French called Nodan 3
- C Lorsāna on ge [...]ffer see 3
- C Roll 3
- C Genff 3
- V Colognia
- V German 3
- C Nantua 3
- C Scharden 3
- V Samaris ouer the kosten Forest 3
- C Molue 3
- C Lyon 3
- The summe of myles 76. d.
- Lauseron 4
- Saint Garmier 5
- Saint Buenetto 6
- Saint Badel 5
- Alla Motta 5
- Saint Flor 6
- Condon 5
- Entres Eiges 6
- Samament 6
- Lachabella 3
- Cormolier 3
- Armurat 4
- Lerin 5
- Al [...]bos 4
- Nilanaw de genes 5
- Gr [...]an 6
- Libon 4
- Sainct Iustene 4
- Muude Martzan 4
- Darda 4
- Adas 4
- Sainct Vicentz 4
- The summe of French myles. 10 [...]
Here ye passe the French borders and enter into Spayne.
- Balona 3
- Saint Iohn de lux 3
- Hirum 4
- Armania 4
- Alegria 4
- Segura 3
- Galaretha 2
- Erigano 3
- Victoria 5
- Miranda 5
- Sunida 5
- El Monasterio de Rodilla 5
- Burges 2
- Ceresi [...] 5
- Lerma 5
- Gumell Susan 5
- Vnriubio 4
- Bosigilos 4
- Samassiera 3
- Hutrago 4
- Ganauillos 3
- Sainct Augustyne 3
- Anco venda 3
- Madrid 3
- The summe of Spanish myles. 90
- The whole general accompt of myles From Augspurg to Madrid in Spaine are of Germain myles. 200
From Antwerp in Brabant to Bilbao a porte in Spayn is passed commonly by Sea.
- Rigoriaga 1
- Miraualles 2
- Lodio 1
- Luxando 2
- Hordunna 2
- Beruerana 2
- La venta 1
- Espeio 1
- B [...]rguenda 1
- C Burgos 2
- Santa Gadea 3
- Pancoruo 2
- Siueda 1
- Grisalenna 1
- Biruiesca 1
- Venta de Predanos d.
- Castillio de Peones d.
- Monasterio de rodilla 3
- La venta horones 2
- [Page 61]The summe of myles. 30
- [...]tillo Serasin 2
- [...]gellos 1
- L [...]rm [...] 3
- Bahad [...]n 3
- [...] desan 2
- [...] de duero 2
- El Aldea 2
- [...]ardilla 1
- Fr [...]illo 2
- Boc [...]gnillas 1
- El Aldea 2
- [...] 1
- Somo [...]ierra 2
- Robre gordo d.
- Buytrago 2. d.
- El Aldea 3
- Pardilla 1
- Sainct Augustyne 2
- Lauenta 1. d.
- Alcobendas 1. d.
- Madrid 3
- Xetafe 2
- Huncan [...]ios 1. d.
- Illeschas 2
- Iunquillos 1
- La venta 1
- Caua [...]nas 1
- Olias 1
- La venta dell promuto 1
- C Toledo 1
- The summe of myles. 51
- Quintannilleia 2
- Celada 1
- Villa nueua de [...]as carre 2
- La vēta de villa māco 2
- La venta del mortal 1
- Quintana la puente 2
- Torquemada 2
- Magaz [...]
- La venta dell rebollar 1
- Duennas 2
- Lasz ventas 2
- Cabeson 2
- C Valladolid [...]
- The summe of myles. 22
- [Page 62]La vēta del promuto 1
- Olias 1
- Cabannas 1
- La venta 1
- Iunquillos 1
- Illescas 1
- La Mangaustia 2. d.
- Getasc 1. d.
- C Madrid 2
- The summe of myles. 12
The citie of Ciuillia in Spaine, vvas of olde tyme called Ispalis, the vvales of the citie vvere built of Earth, as they saye heretofore, by the Moores that vvere vvont to enhabite the countrie thereaboute, there is in this citie great trafique and many artificers.
- Castilleia de la Cuesta 1
- Las ventas de Gines d.
- Aspartines 1
- S. Lucar delpechin 2
- La venta de Huuar 1
- El Castilleio 1
- Mansanillea 1
- Villalua 1
- Villa Rosa 1
- La Palma 1
- Niebla 1
- Trigueros 3
- Aucas 2
- Portaiguillo 2
- Alquerio 3
- Paymogo 3
- Cerpa 6
- Cuba 5
- Hotaran 5
- El Cazardozall 4
- Palma 3
- Marteca 2
- Galua 1
- Palmella 3
- Cuba 2
- Almaba 3
- C Lisabona 1
- The summe of miles 63. d
- [Page 63]La venta de biueros 3. d.
- Torreioncillos d.
- Alcala de henares 2
- C Guadalaiar [...] 4
- The summe of miles 10
- Valuerde 1. d.
- Saint vincente d.
- Ataquines 1
- Areualo 3
- Paiares 3
- La venta 1
- Saint Domingo 1
- Saint Vincente 2
- Mediana 1
- La venta dell Marques 2
- La venta de saint Bartol d.
- La venta de la palomera 1
- Zebreros 2. d.
- La vēta de la tablada 1. d
- Venta de los toros de guise d.
- Cadahalso 1
- Pare des [...]
- Escalona 1
- Gismonde [...]
- Sainct Siluester d.
- Noues d.
- Huecas 1
- Villa miell 1
- La puente de guadarrama d.
- Lazaro buey 2
- C Toledo d.
- myles. 34
- Colindes d.
- Ampuero d.
- Razines 1
- Ramales 2
- Las vessosa 2
- El prado 2
- Gunera 2
- Villa Cat [...] d.
- Baruco [...].
- Nacenillas 3
- Valeuiesso 1. d.
- La hotz 1. d.
- Pesadas 1. d.
- El Cueruo 1. d.
- Cernega 1. d.
- Hontinil 1. d.
- La penna horadada 1. d.
- Nilla verde 1. d.
- [Page 64]Au [...]nar 1
- Villa toro 1
- Burgos d.
- Arcos 2
- Villa Gomez 2
- Caell 1. d.
- Tordoma 1. d.
- La venta 2
- Villa siguella 1
- Torre sandino 2
- Roa 2
- La Cueua 1
- Nauaderroa 1
- Sagramenna 2
- Fuente duenna 1
- Fuente el Ozmo 1
- Cantaleio 2
- Rebollo 2
- Pedraza 1
- Naua fria 1
- Locoya 2
- C Ell Paular 1. d.
- myles. 60. d.
The citie Saragosse, vvas of auncient tyme called Cesaraugusta, a famous citie, of great power and strength, and lyeth in Castillia.
- Villa mayor 2
- La per diguera 3
- Las sinnena 1
- El Couierre 2
- Pollenio 2
- Vallarias 2
- Peralta 1
- Berbeiall 1
- Moriella 1
- Segla d.
- C Monzo 1
- miles 16. d.
- Miraualles 2
- Reta 1
- Horozco 4
- Acuia 2
- Huteto 1
- Nanclares 1
- La Puebl [...] 1
- La venta 2
- Calah [...]rra 2
- La venta 2
- Alfaro 4
- Tudela [...]
- Cortes 2
- Treuinno 2
- Aluania 3
- Villa fria 2
- Viasteri 3
- Logronno 2
- Goncillo 3
- Montagudo 1
- Mallen 4
- Nucernich 2
- Dalagon 5
- C Saragoza. 1
- The summe of myles. 54
The citie of Barce [...]onia, is cituated in the kingdome of Aragone.
- El Espitall 1
- Cemboy 1
- Castillo de [...]els 1
- Guaraf 1
- Sirges 1
- Villa nueua 1
- Conit 2
- Bara 2
- La torre dembara 1
- Tarragona 1
- Cambiles 2
- Miramar 1
- El Espitalete 1
- El Perello 4
- Tortosa 3
- La Galera 2
- Los Mesoncillos 2
- Trayguera 2
- Saint Matheo 2
- La salsa della 1
- Las cheuas 2
- Cabanes 2
- La Puebla 2
- Burrioll 1
- V [...]ll [...] [...]eail 2
- Milles 2
- [...]ara 1
- Moruedre 1
- Ma [...]egrel [...]
- Albal [...]t 1
- Vallencia 1
- Cat [...]eya 1
- Cilla 1
- Al [...]usases 1
- Alge [...]si [...]
- C [...]ra 1
- La Puebla 1
- [...] 2
- Mo [...]ute 4
- La venta dell puerto [...]
- Almansa 2
- La venta 2
- Taponet 2
- El v [...]llar 3
- Gingila 3
- Las [...]ntas de sant Pedr [...] 2
- Satana 3
- [Page 66]Balazote 2
- La venta de segouia 3
- Las suent Zillas 2
- Viueros 3
- Villa nueua de alcaraz 2
- La puebla 3
- La venta dell barranco 2
- La venta de los santos 3
- Santisteuan del puerto 5
- La venta de los arquillos 4
- Limares 3
- La venta de tolladillo 3
- Auduiar 3
- La venta de sant Iu [...]ian 2
- Al dea del rio 2
- Carpoyo 3
- La puente dalcolea 3
- La venta del monton de la tierra 1
- Cordoua 1
- La venta Romanos 2
- La venta de Sanct Andres 1
- Las Posadas 3
- La venta 2
- Penna [...]or 2
- Lora 2
- Villa n [...]eua 2
- Tosina 2
- Bodegon 2
- C Ciuilla 3
- The summe of myles. 153
- Molinderech 2
- Martorell 2
- Masquefa 2
- Piera 2
- La puebla 1
- Golada 1
- Porcarises 2
- Mon maneu 1
- Los Mesoncillos 1
- Ceruera 2
- Taraga 1
- Belpuch 1
- Molarusa 2
- Beloch 1
- Lerida 1
- Alcaraz 1
- Candasnos 2
- Burzalaglos 3
- Ventade S. Lucia 3
- Ossera 3
- Alfazari 3
- La Puebla 1
- C Saragoza 2
- myles. 40
- [Page 76]Carbadell 2
- Yueas 1
- Saint Dueldo 2
- Valde huentes 1
- Villa franca 2
- Todos santos 1
- Bellorado 1
- Villa miesta 1
- Redecilla d.
- Granon 1
- Saint Domingo de la calza 1
- Naiara 4
- Hermita de saint Anton 1
- Nauariete 1
- Logrono 2
- Goncillo 2
- Montagudo 3
- La venta 1
- Colahorra 2
- El Aldea 2
- Alfaro 2
- Tudela de Nauarra 4
- Cordes [...]
- Mallen 2
- Vrcenique 4
- Dalagon 2
- Saragoza 5
- The summe of myles. 52. d.
- Villa vannei 2
- Oliuares 3
- Pesquera 2
- Saint Martin de ruuiales 4
- Oiales 2
- Aranda de duero 3
- Valdequendes 2
- El monesterio de la vid 2
- Oradero 2
- Santistenam 2
- Alburgo dosina 2
- Ahueco 4
- Almazan 4
- Alentisque 3
- Montagudo 2
- Bariza 2
- Contamyna 1. d.
- Alama d.
- Vbierca 1
- Atequa 1
- Terrer 1
- Calatayud 1
- Fresno 2
- El Almunia 3
- La muela 5
- C Saragoza 4
- The summe of myles. 6 [...]
- [Page 68]Boezillo [...]
- Moiados 2
- La venta de coca 2 d.
- Coca 2 d.
- La naua 1
- Saint Maria de Nieua 2
- Marzoleia 2
- La venta dell alcalde 2
- La venta dell agunilla 1
- La venta nueua 1
- La venta auiencio 1
- La venta dell Molinillo 1
- La venta reall 1
- La tablada 1
- Guadarrama 1
- La venta 1
- Torre de l [...]dones 4
- Mania vacas 2
- C Madrid 3
- The summe of myles. 33
- La puente de duero 2
- Valde astillas 2
- La ventosa 2
- Rodillana 1
- C Medina dell campo 1
- The summe of myles. 8
- Albalat 1
- Masamegrel 1
- Moruedre 2
- Torres torres 2
- Sogorbe 3
- Xerica 2
- Viuell 1
- Las Barracas 3
- La iaquesa 1
- La ventosa 1
- La puebla 3
- Teruell 4
- Alcaudete 2
- Villar quemado 2
- Torre la carcel 2
- Villa franca 2
- Camin reall 3
- Callamocha 3
- Lechago 1
- Lechon 3
- [Page 69]Romanos 2
- Villa Reall 2
- Carinena [...]
- Longares 2
- Muel 2. d
- Maria 2
- Sainct Fe 2
- C Saragoza 2
- The summe of myles. 59. d.
- Quart 1
- Chiua 4
- La venta dell Bunoll 2
- Sietaguas 2
- Requena 3
- Hutiell 2
- La fuente de Alcaudete 1
- La venta nueua 2
- Paiaso 1
- La pesquera 2
- El Campillo 3
- Agua baldon 2
- Barchi 2
- Buenach 1
- La venta Talayuelas 1
- Villar de Canas 5
- El Hito 2
- La venta 1
- Saheltizes 1
- Villa Ruuia 1
- Tarancon 2
- Vilinchon 1
- Fuente Duemia 2
- El Vilareio 2
- Preales 1
- Arganda 2
- Vazia madrit 1
- Vallecas 2
- Madrid 1
- myles. 53
- Quart 1
- Chiua [...]
- Sietaguas 4
- Requena 3
- Vtiell 2
- Alcaudate 1
- La venta nueua 2
- Paiazo 1
- Pexquera 3
- El campillo 2
- Almodouar 2
- El Villar desaz 6
- Arquas 2
- Cuenca d.
- Noales d.
- Chillaron 1
- [Page 70]Nieua 1
- La venta de Salcedō d.
- El villar de Domingo gra. 1
- Toralua 2
- Pliego 3
- Vindell 3
- La puēt Carrascosa 2. d
- Sotoqua 1
- Cifuentes 2
- Las yuiernes 2
- Mandayona 2
- Vaydes 1
- Guermedes 2
- Atienza 4
- El Pedroso 1
- Myedes 1
- Retortillo 1
- Fresno 3
- Aylles 1
- Santisteuan 2
- La huerta del Rey 6
- Santo Domyngo 3
- Cauarimas 3
- La venta de los olmos 4
- C Burgos 3
- The summe of myles. 90
- Quart 1
- Chiua 4
- Sietaguas 4
- Requena 3
- Vtiell 2
- Aicaudete 1
- La venta nueua 2
- Paiazo 1
- La Pexquera 2
- Campillo 3
- La Motilla 2
- Alarcon 3
- Canauate 3
- El Alberca 3
- Pedernoso 4
- Saint Maria de los Clanos 1
- La mota el cuoruo 1
- El Touoso 2
- Miquell esteuan 1
- Villa cannas 4
- Tenbleque 3
- Bogas 2
- Almonacid 3
- Nanbroca 2
- Toledo 2
- La venta estinell 2
- Buruion 2
- La mata 2
- Cebolla 2
- La venta dalbech 3
- Talauera 1
- Oropesa 7
- La calzada 2
- Valparayso 3
- Nauall Morall 1
- [Page 71]Almaraz 2
- Las varcas darballa 1
- Las casas dell puerto 2
- Carizeio 2
- La venta de la Vadera 2
- Caceres 7
- Malpartida 2
- La Liceda 2
- La venda Barachina 3
- Alburquerque 2
- Ronches 4
- Moniorte 2
- Veros 2
- Estremoz 2
- La venta del duque 3
- Royollos 3
- Montea Mor 3
- La venta la Lacha 2
- La venta la Ciluera 1
- La venta la Regina 1
- La venta la Vica 3
- Las ventas de Alandera 1
- Rio Frio 2
- Aldea gallega 2. d.
- C Lisabona 3
- The summe of myles. 143
- La Muela 4
- El almunia 5
- El Fresno 3
- Calatayud 2
- Terrer 1
- Tequa 1
- Vbierca 1
- La Ona 1
- Luna 1
- Hariza 1
- Montagudo 2
- Lentisque 3
- Almazon 2
- Centenera 2
- Andaluz 1
- Tagueco 1
- Vaynas 1
- Valdenebro 1
- Santysteuan 2
- Castillo 2
- Oradero 1
- Dauid 2
- Fresnillo 1
- La Torre aun que
- Ospese 1
- Oiales 2
- Naua Derroa 2
- La Parilla 2
- Hoiales 3
- Alcazaren 2
- Pozall de Gallinas 2
- Medina dell Campo 1
- La Golosa d.
- Las vētas del campo 1
- El Carpio 2. d.
- El Burgo 2
- [Page 72]Fresno de los aios d.
- Mollorido 2. d.
- Pedroso 3
- Pitiegue 1
- Las ventas de velasco [...]
- Morisco d.
- C Salamanca 1. d.
- The summe of myles. 73
- Las vētas de diegma 2. d
- Orgaz 2. d
- Yeuenes 1
- La vēta guadalherze 2
- La venta darazutan 2
- La venta de la Sarzuella 2
- Malagon 2
- Peraluillo 2
- Ciudad real 2
- Caracuel 3
- Almodouar dell Campo 3
- La venta del molinillo 2
- La venta del alcayde d.
- La venta taiada 1
- La venta dell herrero 2
- La venta guadalmez 1
- Las porcarizas d.
- Las ventas nueuas 2. d
- La venta albama 1
- Ma venta de la 1
- La venta de los locos 1
- La venta daran d.
- La venta de Fenedilla d.
- La venta de dos hermanas 1
- La venta del fresno 1
- La venta nauagunte 1
- La venta del agua dulce 1
- Damaz 1
- La venta malabrigo 2
- La venta dalcolea 1
- La venta de monton de la tierra 1
- C Cordoua 1
- The summe of myles 49 d.
Lis bone the chiefe citie in Po [...]tingale, vvas called of auncient time Vlixbona, this citie hath neither wales nor gates therevnto. VVithin the citie there lyeth many hills vvhereon are built castells and churches. The kinge of Portingale hathe great trafique of marchandise in this citie, vvhich exc [...]deth all Europe, beside for their great voiages in to India. First passing out of Portingale, they sayle tovvarde the Southe pole, and passe the equinoctial [Page 73] line, and so to the Cape of Bona Sperancie, and coasting round about all Affrica, sayle againe to the North pole, and passe the equinoctial line again, & so to Calicutte in India, bringing from thence Iewells, precious Stones, & costly Spyces, vvhich afterwardes is conueyed in all other Regions in Europe.
- El espital 1
- Molin derech 1
- Martorel 2
- Masquefa 2
- Piera 2
- La puebla 1
- Golada 1
- Porcarises 2
- Mon maneu 1
- Los mesoncillos 1
- Ceruera 2
- Tarraga 1
- El puyg 1
- Molarusa 2
- Heloch 1
- Lerida 1
- Alcaraz 1
- Fraga 2
- Candasnos 3
- Burialal [...]s 3
- La venta de Santa Lucia [...]
- Rossera 3
- Falari 3
- La puella 1
- Saragoza 2
- La muela 4
- El Almunia [...]
- El fresno [...]
- Calatayud [...]
- Terrer [...]
- Tequa [...]
- Hierqua [...]
- Alama [...]
- Luna [...]
- Hariza [...]
- Monreale 1
- Huerta 1
- Arcos 2
- Medina celi 2
- Fuen calient 1
- Singuensa 3
- Vaydes 2
- Los molinos 1
- Burialaro 2
- Miral rio 1
- La [...]asa 1
- [...]adilla 1
- Hita 1
- Tortola 2. d.
- Guadalaiara 2
- Alcala de houares 4
- Alneges 2
- [Page 74]Saint Martin de la vega 4
- Cien Pozuelos 1
- Sesenna 1
- Borox 1
- Vula seca 3
- Moceion d.
- Tol [...]o 2. d.
- La venta es linel 2
- Buruion 2
- La mata 2
- Cebolla 2
- La venta Albergne 3
- Talauera 1
- Oropesa 6
- La calsada 2
- Valparayso 3
- Nauall Morall 1
- Almaraz 2
- Las varcas de arballa 1
- Las casas dell puerto 2
- Tarizeio 2
- La venta de la vadra [...]
- Cacere [...] 7
- Malpa [...]ida 2
- La liseda 2
- La venta varagena 3
- Albu [...] querque 2
- Ronches 4
- Monforte 2
- Estrem [...]z 4
- La venta del duque 3
- Royelos 3
- Monte a mor 3
- La venta la alaia 2
- La venta la cuuera 1
- La venta la regina 1
- La venta la vico 3
- La venta la lesdera 1
- Rio frio 2
- Aldea galega 2. d.
- C Listbona. 3
- The summe of myles. 189
- Ventas de la torre Blanca 1
- Las ventas de las taleras 1
- La venta de lorsa d.
- La venta per Omingo d.
- La venta ronquera 1
- Carmona 2
- La venta del Alua [...] 4
- Fuentes 1
- La venta del palmar 1. d.
- Ecia 2. d.
- La venta valcargado 2
- La vēta de las vinnas 1
- Aleazar 1
- Cordoua 4
- Venta del monton de la tierra 1
- La puente dalcolea 1
- La venta mal abrigo 1
- Adamuz 2
- [Page 75]La vēta del agua dulce 1
- La venta nauagunt 1
- La venta del fresno 1
- La venta dos hermanas 1
- La venta fresnedilla 1
- La venta Daran d.
- La venta de los locas d.
- La venta de la cruce 1
- La venta el Halama 1
- Las ventas nueuas 1
- Las porquerizas 2. d.
- La venta guadalmes d.
- La venta dell herrero 1
- La venta taiada 2
- La venta del alcalde 1
- La vēta del molinillo d.
- Tartanedo 2
- Almodouar del cāpo 2
- Caraquell 3
- Ciudad real 3
- Peraluillo 2
- Malagon 2
- La vēta de la zarzuela 2
- La venta darazutan 2
- La venta Guadal erza 2
- Yeuenas 2
- Orgaz 1
- Las ventas de Diezma 2. d.
- Toledo 2. d.
- Lazara Buey d,
- La puent guadarrama 2
- Villa miel d.
- Huccas 1
- Noues 1
- San Siluestere d.
- Gismonde d.
- Escalona 2
- Paredes [...]
- Cadahalso 2
- La venta de los toros de guisando 1
- La venta la tablada d.
- Zebreros 1. d.
- La vēta la palomera 2. d
- La vēta de san Bartolme 1
- La venta del marques 1
- Mediana 2
- San Vincente 1
- Santo Domingo 2
- Paiares 2
- Areualo 3
- Ataquines 3
- San Vincent 1
- Valuerde d.
- Medina del campo 1. d.
- Rueda 2
- Tordesillas 2
- Torre lobaton 3
- Castromonte [...]
- Valuerde 1
- Medina de rio seco [...]
- Moral de la reyna 2
- Cuenca 1. d.
- Vi [...]lon d.
- Monesterio de vega 3
- Mansilla [...]
- Leon. 3
- The summe of myles 133
¶ Here followeth the ready way to vnderstand the valuation of the coine or minte in the principall Regions, Landes, and Cities.
GEntle reader, although the varietie of the Mintes in diuers countries is great, by reason of the goodnes and delay of the mettals, and also the diuersitie of places and prouinces, and the alteration of the successours of them, whereby it is ofte times changed, augmented, or debated: I will therefore note down the chiefe coyne which passeth furthest thorowe the handes of the marchaunts, wherby any in buying or sellinge maye the easiest make vp hys accoumpte and reconing.
- [Page 78] 7 Haller is a Creitzer
- 8 Pence is a Bemish
- 3 Creitzer is a Plappart
- 20 Plappart is a Guldin.
- 26 Bemish and 2 pence is also a Guldin.
- Guldins with pressed with whéeles which haue their waight are worth the péece 26 Alb.
- 30 Alb is one pound peny
- 15 Alb is a pound Haller
- 7. d Alb is a d. pound Haller
- 17 Shiling peny is a pound Peny
- 10 Shilling is a pound Haller
- 34 Shilling and 6 Haller is one Guldin
- 20 Shilling Haller is a Pound Haller
- 208 Pence is a Guldin
- 8 Pence is one Albus
- 242 Linger Haller, is one Guldin
- [Page 79] 12 Finger Haller is one Alb,
- 9 Binger Haller is one Shilling Haller
- 27 Alb a Franckford Haller is one Guldine
- 24 Shilling franckford Haller is also a Guldin
- 216 Franckford hallers is also a Guldin
- 20 Franckford Hallers is an old Tornes
- 18 Franckford Hallers is a Tornes A new Tornes is two Francford Shilling
- 7 Franckford Haller make [...] a Lyon English
- 8 Franckford Hallers is one Alb
- 9 Franckford Hallers is a Shilling
- 1 Marcke Colen Pence make 3 Guldins and a half.
- 1 Marcke of mony makes 2 Guldens and a half
- 1 Shilling Colinish pence is 12. pence [Page 80] containes 3 Silling
- 4 Colenish Pence make 9 Haller and is one Shilling
- 1 Shilling light pence make thirtéene Hallars and a half
- 2 Shilling light pence make one Shilling Colenish
- 8 Shilling Colenish make a Guldin
- 1 Vierding Peny makes 9 Shilling
- 6 Leight Pence make 7 old Hallers and a half
- 10 Young Hallers maketh seuen old Hallers
- 1 Pound of old Hallers make a Guldine and 4 Englishes
- 1 Pound young Hallars make 20 Shilling.
- 2 Haller is one Peny
- 5 Pence is a finffer
- 50 Fynffer and two Pence is a Guldin
- 30 Pence is a pound
- 8 Pound and 12 Pence is also a Guldin
- [Page 81] 252 Pence make also a guldin
- 7 Pence is a Grosch
- 36 Groshes make also a guldin
- 1 G [...]lden is 8 Shill [...]ng
- 1 Shilling is 30 pence
- [...] Peny is 2 Hallers
- 4 Pence is 1 Creyt [...]er
- [...] Guldin hath 100 pence
- 1 Peny hath 2 Haller
- 24 Groshen make one guldin
- 1 Grosh hath 6 lion pence
- 1 Gulden makes 144 Lion Pence
- 1 Grocsh is 12 pence
- 2 [...]2 Pence is one Guldin
- 60 Groschen is one shock
- 20 Groschen is an old shock
- 21 schneberger is also a guldin
- 2 Sword groschen is one Schneberger
- [Page 82] 6 Pence is one Plappart
- 8 Pence is a Batz
- 4 Pence is a Vierer
- 2 Pence is a zwayre or a Creitzer
- 2 Helbling is a peny
- 2 Ortlins is a helbling
- 12 Pence is two plappartes or one shilling groschen
- 21 Plappart is one guldin
- 126 Pence is also a Guldin
- 6 Pence is one shilling
- 11 Pence is one Batz
- 8 Pence is a Bemish
- 11 Hallers is 2 Creitzer
- 20 Shilling is a pound
- 28 Shilling is a Guldin
- 168 Pence is also a Guldin
- [...] Bayrish pence is a grosch
- [Page 83] 30 Bayrish pence is a shilling
- 8 Shilling is a pound
- 7 Shilling is a Guldin
- 6 Pence or 12 Haller is a Grosch
- 60 Groschen is a schock
- 40 Groschen is a marcke and after that rate a man may buy all kinde of wares.
- 6 Pence is a shilling
- 21 Haller is a beohmish
- 7 Haller is a creitzer
- 20 Shilling is a pound
- 32 Groschin is a Guldine
- [Page 84] 42 Groschen is a Guldin
- 16 Shilling is a Marck
- 4 Pence is a with
- 3 Marck is a Gulden
- 12 Pence is a shilling
- [...] Vierding is 9 shilling
- 3 [...] Shilling is a Marcke
- 68 Silling is a Guldin
- 6 Pence is a shilling
- 15 Shilling is a vierding
- 80 Shilling is a Guldin
- 480 Pence is also a Guldin
- 60 Sh [...]lling is a Marcke
- 1 [...] Pence is a Stott
- 6 Stott is a vierding
- 2 [...] Stot is a Marcke
- 3 [...] Stot is a guldin
- [Page 85] 6 Morchen is a Shilling
- 2 Shilling is a white peny
- 24 White pence are a Gulden
- 4 Augster is a Creitzer
- 12 Augster is a Boehmish
- 60 Creitzers or 260 Augster is a rheynish Guldin
- 6 Rappen is a Plappart
- 25 Plappart is a Guldin
- 144 Rapen is also a Guldin
- 1 Creitzer is fiue Hallers
- 1 Katrine is like a vierer of which fiue make a Creitzer
- 3 Katrin, is a Market
- 300 Katrin is a Guldin
- 10 Marcket is a Marzel
- 9 Marzel, is a Guldin
- 12 Marzel is a Ducat
- [Page 86] 12 Berner is a Shillin
- 8 Shilling is a whole Groschen
- 114 Shilling is a ducate
- 32 Berner is a Grosch in Gold
- 24 Groschen is a Ducate
- 12 Groschen is a Shilling
- 20 Shilling is a Pound Groschen
- 1 Pound is 10 Ducates
- 1 Pound is twenty Shilling
- 1 Shilling i [...] 12 Groshen
- 2 Groshen is a Stiuer
- 1 Shilling is 6 Stiners
- 1 Stiuer is about two Creitzers
- 36 Stiuers is a Crowne in Gold
- 28 Stiuers is a Guldin in Minte
- 240 Pence is a Pound
- 7 Pound flemish is aboute 30 Guldins
- 8 Englishe is a Stiuer
- [...] Tornes is a blancke,
- [Page 87] 3 Blanckes is a shilling
- 20 Shilling is a pounde
- 24 Blanckes is a Francke
- 30 Blancks is a reyhnish Guldin
- 40 Blanckes is a Crowne
- 3 Farthinges
- 1 Peny
- 3 Halfe Pence
- 2 Pence
- 3 Pence
- A Groat
- 6 Pence
- 12 Pence
- 2 s. 6. pence of one peece
- 5 Shillings of one peece Of Golde.
- The half English Crowne is 2. s. 6. d.
- The whole English Crowne is 5. s.
- The quarter of the Aungel. 2. s. 6 d.
- The Halfe Aungell 5. s.
- The Sufferain 10. s.
- The Angell 10 s.
The principall and most accostomed yearly fayers or markets, in the chiefest cities and villages of name: vsed of marchauntes and other occupiers.
The citie of Antwerpe kepeth Marte, one on Candelmas, another at Whitsontide, and the third after Egidy.
The citie of Augspurg keepeth Marte one vpon Sainct Vlriches day, and the other at Michelmas.
Amberg kepeth Marte one at Whitsontide, and the other on the Sonday next after Sainct Mathew in haruest.
Aimeberg keepeth Marte on Sainct Iames day.
Baden in Switzerland kepeth Marte, one on Seinct George his day, the other on Othmary. The Faire [...]f Basill begin [...]eth on the Eue of Simon & Iude, and endeth on y e eue of Sainct Martin.
[Page 89] Bern in Switzerland hath one Marte one on saint Martins day, & the other on saynt Luices
Bischoffzel in Thurgow, kepeth mart on Pelagu.
Botzen kéepeth one Mart at Midlente, & the other at Egidy.
Bruck in Argow, kéepeth Marte on the day of the finding of the holy Crosse, and another on saint Nicholas day.
Bruck on the Mor kepeth mart 8 daies
Costentz keepeth one Marte y e nienth day of September, and another on S. Condrads day.
Chur, hath Marte on the conuersion of Paule, and another at S. Martins tide.
Dinckelspihell hath Mart, one on saynt Georges day, & another on S. Vrsulas.
Durlach houldeth Marte on S. Iames and another at Galli.
[Page 90] Erdfurt holdeth Mart on the Sundaye after Whitsontide, and another at Hollantide.
Eger holdeth Marte, one Cand [...]lmas day and another one Sonday before S. Mathews day.
Eszlingen holdeth Marte on the day of Sainct Katherin.
Franckforde on the Mayne kéepeth Marte twice in the yeare, the one in midlent, and the other on the 7 daye of September, at which Martes there is greate trafique and resorte from all places of the world, and all nations are there at that presente with costely and riche wares, as Iewels precious stones and plate aboundaunce.
Feldkirch holdeth Marte, one on the day of S. Iohn the Baptist, another on the day of Verene, and the third at Michelmas.
Freyburg in yechtland, holdeth Marte on Twelfe day.
[Page 91] Freystatt holdeth Marte on the day of the conuersion of Paule.
Fult holdeth Marte on the day of saynt Boniface.
Frawenfeld holdeth Mart on S. Nicholas day.
Genff holdeth mart on the day of saint Kathirine.
Genff holdeth Marte in Midlent, and another on the day of Saint Egidi.
Hall in Inthall holdeth Marte on the 3. Sonday after Saint Georg, and the other on the 3. Sonday after Galli
Hall on Kocher, holdeth Mart at Christmas.
Hoff, holdeth Marte on the conuersion of Paule, and another on Saint Lawrance day.
Ioachims dale, holdeth Marte on the day of Saint Marget, and the other the Sonday after Candelmas.
Ingolstat hath Mart on the inuension [Page 92] of the Crosse, and the other on saint Mathewes day.
Iudenburg holdeth Mart on saint Vrsulas day
Krembs holdeth Mart on S. Iames tide, and the other on S. Simon and Iudes day.
Kempten hath Marte on the daye of Gordiany.
Laygingen hath Marte on the daye of Saynt Bartlmew.
Landtshut kéepeth Marte on Saynte Bartlemewes day.
Leyptzig holdeth marte the Saterdaye after newyeares daye, another on the third saterday after Easter, and the third on the saterday after Michelmas.
Lints hath Marte 8 daies after Easter and 2 after saint Bartelmew.
Leo [...] holddeth Mart 8 dayes after Easter, [Page 93] and another the 14 of August, and the third on Alholland day.
Lindaw kéepeth Mart after Simons day and Iude.
Lucern holdeth Mart after shrouetide, and another after Leodegary.
Minchen kéepeth marte on S. Iames his day.
Newmingen holdeth Marte on sainte Vlriches day.
Nurnberg hath mess on the Friday after Easter.
Nordlinger mess, is 14 dayes after Whitsontide, and another 14 dayes after new yeares day.
Naumberg in Thuring [...]n, holdeth marte on the day of Peter and Paule.
Paris holdteh marte, on Twelfedaye.
[Page 94] Prag holdeth Marte in the old citie, on Wencesla [...], and at Candelmas in the new citie on Vitie, and on the lesser side in midlent.
Kittenberg holdeth Marte on Candelmas day, and on Saint Martins daye and also the first Sonday in Lent.
Pilsen holdeth marte on the first Sonday in Lent, and another at Bartlemewtide.
Rauenspurg holdeth marte on Saynt Veytes day.
Rottenburg on the Tauber hath mart on saint Iames day, and another on the monday after saint Nicholas day.
Straszburg holdeth mess, on S. Iohn Baptistes day.
Saltzburg holdeth marte 8. dayes béefore Michelmas.
Schweytz holdeth 4. fayres or martes the first on the monday before Candelmas, [Page 95] y e other on Saint Gertrudes day, the third on y e day Galli, and the forth at Saint martines day.
Schweynfurd hath mart on saynt Elizabethes day.
Soluthurn hath Mart at shrouetide, & another the last day of Septembre.
Vberlingen holdeth three martes the first on Saint Vlriches daye, the other on saynt Vrsulas day, and the third on Saint Nicholas day.
Wangen hath mart on saint maurice day.
Waldshut holdeth 4 martes the firste on may day, the other on saint Iames day, the third on the day of Gally, and the fourth on saynt Nicholas day.
Wyell in Thurgaw, holdeth two martes, the first after Saint George, and the other after Othomary.
Winterthur holdeth foure martes the [Page 96] Thursday before Candelmas, before Gally, before saynt martine, and saynt Thomas.
Wirtenburg houldeth foure martes, the first in midlent, she second Kiliany, the third at michelmas, and the fouo [...]h at Alholantide.
Wien holdeth marte on the feaste of Saint Katherin.
Zurich holdeth marte the firste, at 14 dayes after whitsonday, the other the 11 day of September.
Zurzach houldeth mart on Aufardaye, the other at Egidy.
Zug holdeth marte vpon Galli.
Zwickaw holdeth marte on the Sonday after Whitsontyde, and another on the day of Saint Ratherin.
¶ Principall fayres of England, and VVales, orderly set forth, with the moneth, day, and place where they be kept.
¶ Fayres in Ianuary.
THe sixt day, being the Twelfe day, At Salisbury. The xxv. day, being the Conuersiō of S. Paule. At Gra [...] ende. At Bristowe. At Churchingford. At Northalerton in Yorkeshire, and likewise euery Wednesday frō Christmas vntil Iune following.
Fayres in Februarie.
The first day, being S. Brigits day, and Candelmas euen At. Bromley. The second day, being Candelmas day. At Maidstone. At Bathe. At Linne. At Bickelsworth. At Budworth.
The xiii. day, being Saint Valantines day. At Feuersham. On Ashwednesday. At Lichfield. At Tamworth. At Roist▪ At Dunstable. At Exeter. At Abington. At Ciceter.
The xxv. daye, being S. Mathi [...]s day. [Page 98] At Henly vpon Thames. At Tewkesbery. At Baldock.
¶ Fayres in March.
THe xij. day, being S. Gregories day, At Stamford. At Sudbury.
The xiij. day, being S. Theodores day At Wie. At the Mount. At Bodmin in Cornewayle.
The v. Sunday in Lent. At Grantham. At Salisbury. At Hertforde.
The Monday before the Annunciaciō of Mary. At Wisbich. At Kendale. At Denbigh in Wales.
On Midlente Sunday. At Saffron Walden in Essex. At Odiham.
On Palme Sonday euen. At Pumfret On Palme Sonday, at Worcester.
The xx. day being S. Cuthberts day, at Durham.
The xxv. day, being the Annunciacion of our Lady, at Northampton, at Malden, at great Charte, at Newcastle.
Generally all the Lady dayes, fayres at Huntington.
¶ Fayres in Apryll.
[Page 99] THe v. day, being S. Martinianus day. at Wallingforde.
The vii. day, being S. E [...]phenius day at Darbie.
The ix. day, being S. Perpetuus day, at Bickelsworth, at Billingworth.
The Monday next after, at Eusham in Worcester shire
Teusday in Easter wéeke, at Northfleete, at Rocheford, at Hitchin.
The third S [...]nday after Easter, at Louth.
The xxii. day, at Stabfort.
The xxiii. day, being S. Georges daye, at Charing, at I [...]switch, at Tāworth at Amptill, at Hinningham, at Gilforde, at Saynt Pombes in Cornewall
The xxv. day, being S. Marke the Euāgelist day. at Darbie. at Dunmowe.
The xxvi. day, being S Eletes day, at Tenterden in Kent.
¶ Fayres in May.
THe First day being Phillip and Iacobs day, at Rippon in Yorkeshire at Perin in Cornewayle, at Osestrie [Page 100] in wales, at Lexfield in suffolk, at Leycester, at Stowe the old, at Reading, at Maidestone in Kent, at Chensforde in Essex, at Blackborn in Lankishire, at Cogilton in Cheshire, at Brickil.
The thirde daye, being the Inuention of the Crosse, at Elstow, at Bramyard, at Hinningham.
The vij day being S. Iohn of Beuerley, at Beuerley, at Nowton in Lancashire, at Oxford.
On Ascencion day, at Newcastle, at Yerne, at Brimecham, at S. Edes, at Bishop Stratfort, at Wickam in Lā cashire, at midle Wich, at Stopforte in Cheshire, at Chappel Frith in Darbishire.
On Whitson euen, at Skipton on Crauen in Yorkshire.
On Whitsonday, at Rye hill, at Cribbie, at Ratresdale in Lancashire, at Kirbie Stephen in Westmerland, eue ry Wedne [...]day fortnight at Kingstone vpon Thames.
Mōday in Whitson wéeke, at Daring ton, at Exceter, at Bradford, at Riegate, at Burton in Randsdale, at Salforth in Lancashire, at Whitchurch in [Page 101] Shropshire, at Kockermouth, at Aplebe at Bickelsworth.
Tuesday in Whitson weke, at Lewis at Rochforth, at Canterbury, at Orinskirke in Lancashire, at high Knettesford in Cheshire, at Perith in Westemerland.
Wensday in Whitson wéeke, at Sand barre.
On Trinitie Sunday, at Kindale in Westmerlande, at Rowell.
On Trmitie Monday, at Watforde.
On Thursday nexte after Trinitie, called Corpus Christi, At Prescote in Lancashire, at Stapfort in Cheshire, at S Annes, at Newbery, at Couentrie, at S. Edes, at Bishop Statforde, at Rosse.
The xix. day, being Saint Dunstanes day, at Rochester, at Dunstable.
The xxvi. day, being Bede the Priests day, at Lenham.
The xxix. day, at Crambrooke.
¶ Fayres in Iune.
THe ix. day, being Getule Martires day, at Maidstone in Kent.
[Page 102] The xi. day, being S. Barnibies day, at Okingham, at Newborough in Lancashire, at Maxefield in Cheshire, at Holt in Wales.
The xxiii. day, being Midsommer euen at Shrewes burie. At Saint Alctons.
The xxiiii. day, being Midsommer day at Harisham, at Bedell, at Stracstocke, at S. Annes, at Wakefielde, at Colchester, at Bedforde, at Reading, at Barnwell beside Cambridge, at Wollerhampton, at Crambroke in Kent, at Lyncolne, at Gloceter, at Peter borowe at Winsore, at Harstone in Suffolke, at Lancaster, at Westchester, at Halifax, at Ashburne, in Darbishire.
The xxvij. day being S. Crescens day, at Folkstone.
The xxviij day, being Leos day, Hetcorne, at S. Pombes in Cornewall.
The xxix. day, being S Peters day, at Woodhurst, at Marleborowe, at Holles worth, at Wollerhampton, at Peterféeld, at Lemster, at Sudbery in Suffolk, at Gargrange, at Bromly in Lancashire, at lower Knottesforde in Cheshire
¶ Fayres in Iuly.
THe second day, being the vis [...]tation of Marie, at Congreton in Cheshire, at Ashton vnder line in Lancashire.
The xi. day, being S. Benets day, at Partney, an horse fayre, at Lidde.
The xv. day, being S. Swithines day, at Pinchbacke.
The xvii. day, being Kenelme y e Kings day, at Winchcombe.
The xx. day, being S. Margerets day, at Vxbridge, at Catsbie, at Bolton, in Lancashire.
The xxij. day, being Mary Magdalens day, at Marleborowe, at Winchester, at Colchester, at Tetbury, at Bridgenorth, at Clitherall in Lancashire, at Northwich in Cheshire, at Cheswick in Cumberlād, at Batfield by Shrewsbury, at Bicklesworth.
The xxv. day, being S. Iames the Apostles day, at S. Iames nigh London at Douer, at Bristowe, at Chilham, at Ipswitch, at Darby, at Northamton, at Dudley in Staffordshire, at Reading, at Louth, at Malmesbury, at Bromley [Page 104] at Chichester, at Liuerpoole in Lancashire, at Aldergam in Cheshire, at Rauen glasse in the North.
The xxvii. day, being Seauen sléepers day, at Canterburie, at Horsham, at Richmond in the North, at Warington in Lancashire, at Chappell Frithin Drabie shire.
¶ Fayres in August.
THe first day being Lammas daye, at Feuersham, at Exceter, at Dunstable, at saynt Edes, at Bedforde, at Norham Church, at Wisbitche, at Yorke, at Rumney, at Newton in Lancashire, at Yelland in Yorkeshire.
The x. day deing S. Lawrence day, at Waltham, at Blackeamoore, at Hungerford, at Bedford, at Stroides, at Farnam, at S. Laurence by Bodnim, at Walton at Croyly in Lancashire, at Seddell in Yorkeshire, at Frodesham in Cheshire, at new Brainforde,
The xv. day, being the Assumption of Mary, at Dunmowe in Essex, at Carlile, [...]t Prestō in Lancashire, at Wakeféelde the two Lady dayes.
[Page 105] The xxiiij. day, being Bartholomewe day, at Tewkesbery, at Beggers bushe besides Rie, at Sudbery, at Norwiche, at Northalerton, at Douer, at Rie, at Croyly in Lancashire, at Nantwych in Cheshire, at Pagets in Bromly.
The Sonday after Bartholomew day, at Sandbitch in Cheshire.
The xxvii. day, being Ruffine Martirs day, at Ashford.
The xxix. day, which is the Beheading of Iohn, at Watford.
¶ Fayres in September.
THe firste daye, at S. Giles in the Bush.
The viij. day, being the Natiuitie of Mary, at Wakefeeld, at Sturbridge, at Southwark nigh London, at Snide, at Reccluer, at Gisborowe both Lady dayes, at Partney the thrée Lady dayes at Blackborn in Lācashire, at Gisborn in Yorkeshire, at Chaulton in Cheshire at Vtcester in Darbishire.
The xiiij. day, being holy Roode day, at Richmond in Yorkeshire, at Rippon, an Horse fayre, at Penhad, at Ber [...]eley [Page 106] at Waltam abby, at Wolton vnder hedge, at Chesterfeeld in Darbishire, at Smalding, at Denhigh in Wales.
The xxi. day, being S Mathewes day, at Marleborow, at Bedford, at Croydō at Hulden in Holdernesse, at S. Edmondes bury, at Malton, at Baldocke, at S. Iues, at Shrewesbery, at Lenhā, at Sittingborn, at Wilthall, at Bra [...]ntrée, at Kattern hill beside Gilforde, at new Braynford, at Douer, at Wendouer, at Estrie.
The xxix day, being saynt Michael Archangels day, at Westchester, at Blackburn in Lancashire, at Lancaster, at Ashburn in darbishire, at Cokermouth in the North, at Hadley, at Malden, a Horse fayre, at Way hill, at Canterbury, at Leycester, at Newbery at Basingstoke.
¶ Fayres in October.
THe fourth day, being S. Francis day, at Michell.
The vi. day being S. Faythes day, at S. Faythes beside Norwiche, and at Maydstone.
[Page 107] The viij. day, which is Pelagius day, at Hereforde, at Harborow, at Bishoppe Stotford.
The xiij. day, being S. Edwardes day, at Geauesend at Wynsor, at Croyston in Lancashire, at Marshféeld, at Colchester, at Stopforth, at Charing, at Stanton.
The xviij day, being S. Lukes day, at Ely, at wrickle, at Vpan, at Thirst, at Bridgnorth, at Stanton, at Charing, at Burton vppon Trent, at Charleton, at wigan in Lancashire, at Friswides in Oxforde, at Tisdale in Darbishire, at Middlewich in Cheshire [...], at H [...]lte in wales.
The xxi. being xi. M. virgins daye, at Saffron walden at Newmarket, at Hartforde at Ciceter, at Stokesley.
The xxiij day, being Roman bis. day, at Preston, at Richdale in Lancashire at Bicklsworth, at lower Knottessorth in Cheshire, at whitchurch in Shropshire.
The xxxi. day, being all Saintes euen, at wakefeeld in Yorkeshire, at Rithin in wales.
¶ Fayres in Nouember.
THe second day at Blechingly, at Kingstone, at Maxfield in Cheshire.
The vi. day, being S. Leonardes daye, at Standley at Newport pond, at Trig ney in Cornewale, at Salforth, at Lesforde in Lancashire.
The tenth day, being Benets daye, at Lenton.
The xi. being S Martines daye, at Marleborow, at Douer.
The thirteene day, being Patterne day at Saint Edmondsbury at Gilford.
The xvij being S. Hughes daye, and the beginning of y e Queenes Maiesties reigne that now is, whome God long preserue, at Harlow, at Hyde.
The xix. day, being S. Elizabeths day, at Horsham.
The xx. being S. Edmondes day, at Hide, at Ingerstone.
The xxiij. day being S. Clements day, at Sandwich.
The xxx. day being S. Andrew the Apostles day, at Colingborow, at Rochester, at Peterfeeld at Maydenheade, at warington in Lancashire, at Bewdeley, [Page 109] at Barefoord in Yorkshire, at Osestrie in wales.
¶ Fayres in December.
THe fift day, which is S. Nicholas euen, at Pluckley.
The vi. day which is S. Nicholas day [...] at Spalding at Sinock, at Exceter, at Arndale, at Northwitch in Cheshire.
The vii day, being Octa. of S Andrew at Sandhurst.
The viii. day, being the Concept. of Mary at Clitherall in Lancashire, at Malpas in Cheshire.
The xxix. day, at Canterbury at Salisbury.
Hereafter foloweth the Reygnes of the Kinges of England, since King VVilliam the Conquerour.
KIng VVilliam Conquerour, began his reygne the 13 of October in the yeare 1067. and died the 9 of September, the yeare. 1087. and was buried at Cane in Normandy.
[Page 110] K. VViliam Rufus, begā his Reign the 9 daye of September, in the yeare 1087 and died the first of August, in the yeare 1100 & was buried at winchester.
K. Henry the first began his Reygn the first day of August, in the yeare 1100 and died the second of December in the yeare 1135 and was buried at Reading.
K. Stephen, began his reign the second day of December, in the yeare 1135 and died the a [...] day of October, in the yeare 1154 & was buried at Feuersham
K. Henry the second, began his reign the 25 day of October, in the yeare 1154 and dyed the 6 day of Iuly, in the yeare 1189 and was buried at Font Euerard.
K. Richard the first, began his reign the 6 day of Iuly in the yeare 1189 and died the 6 day of April, in the yeare 1199 and was buried at Font Euerard.
K. Iohn begā his reign the 6 of April 1199 and died the 19 of October 1216 and was buried at worcester.
K. Henry the third began his reigne y • [...]9 of Octob. 1216, died the 16 of Nouē ber 1272 buried at westminster.
K. Edward the first began his reign the 16 of Nruem. 1272 died the 8 of Iuly [Page 111] 1307 Buried at westminster.
K. Edward the 2 began his reign the 7 of Iuly 1307 died the 25 of Ianuary 1326. Buried at Gloucester.
K. Edward the 3 began his reign the 25 of Ianuary 326 Died the xxi of Iune, 1377. Buried at westminster
K. Richarde the 2 began his reign y e 2 [...] of Iune 1377 died the 29 of September 1399 buried at westminster
K. Henry the 4 began his reign y e 29 of Septem. 1399 died the 20 of Marche 14 [...]2 buried at Canterbery.
K. Hendry the fift began his reign y e 20 of March 1412 died the 31 of Auguste 1422 buried at windesor.
K. Henry the vi began his reigne the 31 of August 1422 died the 4 of Marche 1460 buried at windsor.
K. Edward the 4 began his reigne the 4 of March 1460 died the 9 of April 1483 buried at windsor.
K. Edward the fift began his reigne the 9 of april 1483 died y e 22 of Iune 1483
K. Richard the iii began his reign y e 22 of Iune 1483 died the 22. of August 1485 buried at Leycesier.
K. Henry the 7 began his reigne the [Page 112] 22 of August 1485 died the 22 of Aprill, 1509 buried at westminster.
K Henry the 8 began his reygne the 22 of Aprill 1509 died the 28 of Ianuary 1546 buried at windsor.
K. Edward the sixt began his reigne the 28 of Ianuary, in the yeare 1546 and died the 6 of Iuly in the yeare 1553 and was buried at westminster
Quéene Mary began her reigne the 6 day of Iuly 1553 died the 17 of Nouember 1558 buried at westminster.
Quéene Elizabeth began her reigne the 17 day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lord God 1558 to whom GOD graunt long to reygne. Amen.
Imprinted at London by Thomas East.