The Ceremonies, so­lemnities, and prayers, vsed at the opening of the holy gates of foure Churches, within the Citie of Rome, in the yere of Iubile:

And also the great Iubile for this yeere of our Lord 1600. graunted by Pope Clement the eight, that now is;

Together with the Bull of the said Pope Clement, made touching the Iubile, for all those that shall visite the great Churches of S. Peter, S. Paul, S. Iohn de Latran, and S. Marie maior, in the Citie of Rome, this pre­sent yeere of our Lord 1600. aforesaid.


Prin [...]d at London for Iohn Wolfe. 1600.

The Bull of our holy Father, (by the grace of God) Clement the eight, made touching the Iubile, for all those that shall visit the great Churches of S. Peter, S. Paul, S. Iohn de Latran, and Saint Mary Maior, in the Citie of Rome, in the yeere of our Lord 1600.

CLement Bishop, and seruant of the seruants of God, to all faithfull Christians, to whome these letters shall come, greeting, and spiritu­all Apostolicall benediction.

Dearely beloued children in Iesus Christ, at this present (by the grace of God) appro­cheth the placable yeere of our Lorde, the yeere of remission and pardon; now commeth the acceptable time, and the daies of eternall saluation beginne to approch for the redemption of mens sinne [...], and saluation of their soules. Behold, not farre hence, the yeere of Iubile, so much pleasing and wished for by all Christians, which is the 1600. yeere, from the most blessed child-bearing of (the holy mother of God) Marie the Virgin, the which wee meane to celebrate, according to the auncient custome, with ioy, and assembly of the faithfull, in this our no­ble City of Rome; and with so much the more ioy, because the [Page 11]sayd yeere formally, and with efficacie, representeth the first originall of the same: for as it is well known by old traditions, and monuments of our auncestors, agreeing and conforma­ble to the most auncient institutions of the Church of Rome, as the yeeres and times passe and come to an ende, that is, that euerie hundreth yeere, from the birth of our Lord and Sauior Iesus Christ, there were most large indulgences, pronounced vnto all such as deuoutly shall visite the most holy and sacred Churches of the most blessed Apostles: & certainly, this most ancient institution, of celebrating the 100. yeere within the ci­tie of Rome, extracted (not from a vaine superstition of the Gentiles, but proceeding from a pure zeale & deuotion, with a great concurrence and assembly of the Christians) hath bene confirmed by Pope Boniface the 8. of happy memory, by his Apostolicall decree, not onely for an assurance to all those of our age, but also a perpetuall memory in time to come. And although other Popes our predecessors, such as succeeded him, restrayned the time of celebrating the Iubile to a shorter number of yeeres, because of the breuity of mans life: yet this custome of the celebration of the 100. yeere, is by good right, of more auctority in regard of the auncient tradition and ordi­nance thereof: And in truth, it seemeth to be wrought by the secrete counsel of GOD, that in the last yeere of euery age, (which commonly in these daies is accounted the longest time of mans life,) all Christians ingenerall should (euen in the ve­ry fortresse, and house of Christian religion) reiterate so great a benefit, which is, that Iesus Christ the brightnesse of the iu­stice of God, by whom all mankind hath receyued saluation, was borne of a virgin; and also, that all Christians should like­wise repaire vnto the seat of the holy Apostle S. Peter, and to the stone and foundation of the faith, as children to their Pa­rents, and sheep to their soueraine pastor: And further, here­in we may euidently behold the persit vnity of a troup of sheep and their pastour, and that the brightnes of one vniuersal faith doth shine and giue light into all places, which faith hath neuer [Page 12]changed, nor bin altered by any ende or alterations of times, but still by an inuiolable confession, hath continued whole and intire among the faithfull, without any corruption; and also that the world might know, that the members are more straightly bounde and vnited vnto their visible head, by the gluing and bandes of faith and charitie, and that in the ende, the same Spirit, by the which the onely Catholike Church and her body, is miraculously conioyned and vnited togither, may be euidently manifested, then when as in the said Church of Rome, the mother of vnitie is celebrated (as if all the Christi­ans were assembled) with all deuotion and solemne ceremo­nies, of a whole yeere vpon certaine dayes appoynted, which by good right is called the holy yeere.

Now this holy yeere, a yeere agreeable to the Lord, and such a yeere, as appeaseth his wrath, a yeere wherein men may doe penance, and be perfectly cōuerted from the bottome of their hearts, vnto the Lord the father of mercie, was first denounced vnto the world by Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD, the true author both of our liues and saluations, whom the Father hath anoynted with the holy Ghost; and hauing powred vpon him all fulnesse of grace, sent him to preach vnto the poore, to ayde the humble, to ease the heauie hearted, to preach indul­gence, and remission vnto those that were captiue, deliue­rance vnto prisoners, and to open the way vnto the blinde. We likewise, who (although abiects and vnworthy) by diuine disposition, doe exercise the place of Vicars to Iesus Christ vp­on earth, sitting in the highest sentinell of the Apostolicall watch-tower, to announce, declare, and preach the same yere of Iubile, of true repentaunce, and spirituall comfort, vnto all you that are faythfull Christians in Iesus Christ.

And for that the charitie of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, for whom wee exercise the charge and embassage vn­to all Nations, doth entice vs, the zeale of the saluation of mens soules touching our hearts, we exhort and desire euery man in generall, by the vertue of the bloud which Christ hath [Page 13]shed, and by his holy comming, as also by the name of the day, wherein he shall sit as a terrible Iudge, that euerie one of you, especially in this time of Iubile, withdrawe himselfe from his euill wayes, and returne vnto the Lorde, with a pure and sincere heart, a good conscience, and an vnfained heart, because our GOD is gentle and mercifull, full of compassi­on, and one that deferreth the punishing of all those that are true repentants.

But in the meane time, that with great ioy, according to our pastorall office, wee call and inuite our wel-beloued son in Iesus Christ, the Emperor, Kings, and Catholike Princes, & all other faithfull Christians throughout all the world, and namely, such as inhabite the prouinces and Regions furthest distant, vnto that most agreeable celebration of this Iubile: wee are in a manner pricked with an extreame dolour and greefe, calling to minde howe many great Nations and num­bers of people are most miserably cutte off and disioyned from the vnitie and communion of the Catholike and Apo­stolicall Church, who in the precedent hundreth yeeres, mar­ching with vs in one Catholike and Apostolike Church, with one will and consent, in this house of our Lord, haue celebra­ted with great ioy and spirituall exaltation, the holy yeere of the sayde Iubile, for whom wee would most willingly lose our liues, and sheade our heart blouds (if neede were) to ob­taine the eternall saluation of their soules. In the meane time, you our obedient children, and true Catholikes, come, mount vp into this place which God hath chosen, come to the Spirituall Sion, and the holy Ierusalem, not by letter, but by Spirite, from whence, from the beginning and Originall of the Church, the law of God, and the truth of the Gospel hath spred it selfe throughout all the Nations and parts of the earth. This is the happie Citie, the fayth whereof, is commended to all the worlde, hauing beene commended by the mouth of the Apostle, wherein the most happie Apostles, Saint Pe­ter and Saint Paul, haue both preached their doctrine, and [Page 14]shed their blood, to the ende that being made the head of all the world by the sacred seat of S. Peter, it should be mo­ther of all beleeuers, and mistresse of all other Churches. Here is the stone of faith, here is the fountaine of sacerdotall vnity, here is the doctrine of pure verity, here are the keyes of the kingdome of heauen, and the soueraigne powre to bind and vnbinde; and to conclude, here is the treasure of the Church, full of sacred Indulgences, neuer able to be diminished, wher­of the Bishop of Rome is Gardian, and dispensator, who di­stributeth them at all times, when he knoweth by the secret will of God, that it is requisite, but specially, in the yeere of the holy Iubile he inlargeth, and bestoweth them, with a most holy and liberall hand, then when the holy gates of the most auncient, and most religious temples, and Churches of this noble Citie, are opened by solemne ceremonies, and the faith­full, purged of the spottes and fowlenesse of their sinnes, en­ter ioyfully before the face of the Lord, no more vnto the end that according to the precepts of the old law, (which onely had the shadowe of goodnesse to come,) nor according to the custome of the Hebrewes, to whome all things were set downe by figure, or els as bondslaues, tied vnder the yoke of humane seruitude, in becomming free, or as prisoners detay­ned in prisons, are released, or as such as are charged with great dettes, are acquited, whereby they may reenter into the lands and possessions of their auncestors; for all these terrestriall things are transitory & not permanent: but the fruites of the holy yeere of our Iubile are most fruitfull and aboundant, that is, that mens soules, redeemed by the blood of Iesus Christ, are deliuered from the insupportable yoke of diabolicall tyranny, and from the obscure prison and chaines of sinne, by the diuine vertue of the Sacraments, and their sinnes and punishments being remitted, they are adopted sonnes of God, and admitted to the heritage of the heauenly kingdome, and possession of Paradise, receyuing other infinite benefites of God.

We therefore, following the paths and footesteps of the so­ueraigne [Page 15]Bishops, our predecessors, & obseruing their deuout, and most holy institution, with the consent of our most reue­rend brethren the Cardinals of the holy Church of Rome, and by the authoritie of the most puissant God, & of the most blessed Apostles, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, as also by our owne, with as much spirituall reioycing as possibly wee may, to the glorie of God, and exaltation of the Catholike Church, do publish and signifie vnto all men, the celebration of the Iu­bile, in this yeere, being the yeere of our Lord 1600. to begin at the euening of the Vigill of the Natiuitie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, of the same yeere of 1600. and to continue for the space of one whole yeere then next ensuing: in the which yeere of Iubile, we in mercy and compassion in our Lord, giue and grant free indulgence, remission and pardon of all sinnes, to all the faithfull in Iesus Christ, without exception of person, who being truely repentant and confessed, shall deuoutly visit the chiefe Churches of the blessed Apostles, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, as also those of Saint Iohn de Latran, & Saint Ma­rie Maior, within the citie of Rome, once in a day, for the space of thirtie dayes following, or otherwise, if they be Romanes or inhabitants of the Citie, or for the space of fifteene dayes, if they be pilgrims, or other strangers, vpon condition that they shall make humble prayers vnto God, for the saluation of all the faithful and al Christian people: and because it may fal out, that among such, as by reason of this Iubile, shall haue enter­prised this iourney, or that are arriued in this Citie of Rome, some being let or hindred by the way, or otherwise within this Citie, by sicknesse, or some other lawfull impeachment, or be­ing p [...]euented by death, cannot effect these things, and visite the Churches and Temples aforesayd, not hauing accompli­shed the dayes limited, or otherwise haue not begunne them; wee, as much as possible wee may, beningly desiring to fauour their deuoutnesse, will, that such people being truely repen­tant and confessed, shall all bee made participants of this our indulgence and remission, as if they had effectually visited the [Page 16]said Churches and Temples of Rome, vpon the daies by vs prescribed.

And you our Reuerend brethren, Patriarches, Primates, Archbishops, & Bishops, which partly at our request are sum­moned and called hereunto, you that are guides, & Pastors of the people, the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, take into your hands the trūpets of siluer, which you must vse in this yeere of Iubile, that is to say; preach the word of God cōtinual­ly, annoūce this ioy vnto the people, that they may be sanctifi­ed, & that by the ayd of Gods diuine grace, they may be prepa­red to receiue the celestiall benefits, which God, the giuer of al good things, by our weake ministery hath prepared for all his deere & wel-beloued children; draw your brethren by words, & the simple & vnlearned by good examples, bringing them vnto the pappes of this their most deere mother, that hath be­gotten them in Iesus Christ: bring the children to their father, the sheep to their soueraigne pastor, the mēbers to their head, the faithful to the stone and foundation of the faith, wherein al the edificy & building of the Christian church is erected: bring the people to the holy Church of Rome, and to the glorious Princes of the earth, S. Peter & S. Paul, which taught the law of God throughout all the world, as also the faith; whose digni­ty and authority is as yet extant and in force in their vnworthy successor. Call therfore the assembly vnto these sacred Indul­gences, that they may receiue the salutary fruits thereof, in this Citie of Rome: assemble the people, sanctifie the Church, in­struct the sheep committed to your charge, because we are but strangers and pilgrims here in this life, hauing no permanent place, but seeke for that which is to come.

And because the dayes of this our troublesome and misera­ble pilgrimage are but short, and for that we know not when the master of the family, & our espouse Iesus Christ will come, warne them, that for this cause they will be watchfull, & beare in their hands burning lampes, filled with the oyle of loue and charity, and that they make hast to enter into this rest: for if [Page 17]euer they had cause, it is now, that for the loue of Iesus Christ, they should abandon and leaue off al wrath, riots, debates, con­tentions, and inueterated enmities: it is now time that the ser­uants ought to haue pity vpon their conseruators, to the end that our most mercifull God may freely forgiue them all their sinnes; it is at this time, that we must specially purge and clense our selues of all the impurities of the flesh, to the end that the Temple of God may be pure and cleane, and that euery man may haue his earthly vessell laden with honour, and sanctifica­tion, & so God may dwell within their bodies. To conclude, we must wholy exterminate and abandon all theftes, robbe­ries, homicides, adulteries, and all other sinnes, to the end that the wrath of God may be appeased, and that those that attri­bute vnto themselues the name of Christians, may by him be accounted and holden for true Christians, imitators of Iesus Christ, and folowers of good workes. Teach them then, how they ought, with a contrite heart, and humble spirit, to prepare themselues by continuall praiers, fastings, and other workes of mercy, to merite and obtaine these salutary indulgences, and that those that are indued with the riches of this world, should open their hearts, and by that meanes relieuing the necessity of their poore brethren, and that before all other things, they extend their mercifull charity vnto such pilgrims, as shall tra­uell to Rome, renewing with spirituall ioy, the holy hospitality agreeable and pleasing vnto God, which by the most aunci­ent Christians in times past (euen in the middle of all stormes, tempests and persecutions) hath with great diligence bene ob­serued & kept: aduertise them also, that they pray for all kings, and Christian princes, that we may liue in peace and tranquil­lity, and that peace may perpetually be kept and obserued.

To cōclude, teach them with what modesty, with what de­uotiō, & with what brotherly loue, they are to make thēselues knowne, when as they shall once haue enterprised the holy viage, to the end that, in all places they may yeeld the sweet sauour of Iesus Christ. Shew your selues also, my reuerēd bre­thren, [Page 18]and all the Clergie, to be the example of all good works, and the formality of the troupe, to the end that all others may be conserued, as it were, by the salt of your vertues, & religion, and abhorre all filthines of sinne, & that in the end, all we with full consent and agreement, in one spirit of Christian charity, with all holines and righteousnes may serue God.

We also exhort and desire, in the name of God, our most deare sonnes in Iesus Christ, the Emperour, kings, & all Ca­tholike Princes, that seeing they haue receiued diuers and most great benefits, of him, by whom all Kings do raigne, with so much the more ardency, as reason requireth, they should be stirred vp with a great and good zeale, to procure the glory of God; and before al things, that they comfort and ayd the care­full vigilancy of our brethren, the Bishops, and other superiour Prelates, charging their Magistrates and Officers to further & assist them, to the end that the vnbridled liberty of the wicked may be restrained, and the intentions of honest men by their royall ayd and fauour relieued & sustained: and specially, that they vse their beneuolence and charity towards pilgrimes, gi­uing order, that they may safely passe along the way, and by no meanes be impeached by the wicked and peruerse genera­tion, that being louingly receiued into the publike hospitals, and by that meanes comforted, and relieued with all things necessary for their viages, they may ioyfully without interrup­tion pursue, and end their iourney taken in hand, & so returne into their owne countreis: for by these offerings, kings and Princes shall please God, to the end they may liue long and in all happines vpon the earth, and that at the last they may be receyued into the eternall tabernacles, by the same poore and miserable people, to whome they shall haue exercised their charities, which are those in whose bodies Iesus Christ is nourished and fedde.

And to the ende that this our present Bull may with more ease fall into the hands of all the faithful, wheresoeuer they be, our pleasure is, that to the copies hereof being imprinted, sig­ned [Page 19]with the hand of a publike notary, and sealed with the seale of some man of Ecclesiasticall authoritie, the like credite shall be giuen, as vnto these, being the originall. Let no man there­fore be so foolish-hardy to infringe or gaine-say this our Bull of Indiction, promulgation, confession, impartition, exhortati­on, prayer, and will: and if any man be so bolde to attempt it, let him knowe that hee shall incurre the indignation of God, and of his most blessed Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul. Giuen at Rome in the Church of Saint Peter, in the yeere of the incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ 1599. the nine­teenth of May, and in the eight yeere of our Pontificate.

Signed B. Dat. Marcellus Vestrius Barbianus.

Registred by Marcellus the Secretarie.

A. de Alexis.

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