The Summe of Christia­nitie, reduced vnto eight pro­positions, briefly and plainly confirmed out of the holy worde of God.

Iohn. 1. 17.
The lawe was giuen by Moses: but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ.

Eight Propositions conteining the summe of this Treatise.

  • 1. All men haue sinned, and haue fasted of the glorie of God. Rom. 3. 23.
  • 2. There is no name vnder Heauen giuen vnto men, whereby we must be saued, but onely by the name of Jesus. Act. 4. 12.
  • 3. Saluation by Christ apperteineth onely vnto them that beleeue in him.
  • 4. Fayth commeth by bearing, and hearing by the worde of God. Rom. 10. 17.
  • 5. Let him depart from iniquitie, whosoeuer na­meth the name of Christ 2. Tim. 19. Who so is in Christ Jesus, is a new creature. 2. Cor. 5. 17.
  • 6. Thy worde is the lanterne vnto my feete, and the light vnto my pathe. Psa. 119. 105. The commandement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light, and reprehensions for instruction are the way of life. Pro. 6. 23.
  • 7. The lawe is spirituall, but wee are carnall, euen solde to bee subiect vnto sinne. Rom. 7. 14 The fleshe lusteth against the spirite, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrarie the one to the other, so that we can not doe the things that we would. Gal. 5. 17.
  • 8. What other helpes there are vnto godlinesse and well doing, commended vnto vs in the worde of God▪

[Page 1]The summe of Christiani­tie, reduced vnto eight propositions, briefly and plainly confirmed out of the holy worde of God.

The first proposition.

‘All men haue sinned, and haue failed of the glorie of God. ’ Rom. 3. 23.

THere is none that is righteous, Rom. 3. 10. no not one. 1. Iohn. 1, 8. 10 If we say we haue no sin, we deceiue our selues, & the truth is not in vs. If we say wee haue not sinned, we make God a lier, and his worde is not in vs. For proofe whereof, there are two witnesses against vs. First the testimony of our owne consciences, Rom. 15. w c euen by the light of nature accuseth vs, both of leauing vndon many good things we ought to haue done: and of commit­ting many euill things, in deede, worde, and thought. Secondly, the Lorde God himselfe, who is greater than our consci­ences, whose wrath from heauen is Rom. 1. 18. manifest against al the vngodlinesse, and vnrighteousnesse of men, as well in that generall curse, Gen. 3. 17. which is come vppon all [Page] creatures: as by particular iudgements executed against sinne, from the begin­ning of the world. But especially, he hath most manifestly penned our inditement in his worde: where first we are charged with the sinne and fall of Adam, Rom. 5. 16. 18. as guil­tie thereof vnto condemnation. Second­ly, that wee are borne in sinne, Psal. 51. 5. and con­ceiued in iniquitie, and therefore by na­ture the children of Gods wrath: Ephesi. 2. 3. being such, Rom. 8. 7. 8. as whose natural disposition is eni­mitie against God, and whose cursed spi­rit lusteth after enuie. Iam. 4. 5. Thirdly, that this corruption of our nature, hath bene most plentifull, Gal. 5. 19. in bringing foorth all maner fruites of disobedience, Rom. 5. causing vs to transgresse all-the commandementes of God, Rom. 3. 20. as shal most plainly appeare, if we examine our selues, and our liues, by the seuerall precepts of his lawe, which tea­cheth vs, both what dueties we owe vnto his Maiestie for his worshippe, and also what vnto our brethren for their profite: so that wee may conclude with the Apo­stle, that all mouthes are stopped, and that all men are come vnder the condem­nation Rom. 3. 19. of God. We must so meditate v­pon [Page 2] these things, as we may also be affec­ted and touched with them. Which we shall the rather performe, if vnto the vn­feigned confession that wee are sinners, we shal in the presence of Gods maiestie consider, first the filthinesse and vnclean­nesse of our sinnes, by comparing them with that holinesse, righteousnesse, and innocencie, which is described vnto vs in the Lawe. Then the greatnesse of our offences as committed against the most glorious excellencie of the Maiestie of God. Further, the multitude of our trans­gressions, which are mo in number than the heares of our head, Psal. 40. 12 and as a mightie water ouerflowing vs vnto destruction. Also y e punishmēt deserued by our sinnes, and set downe in the worde of God. First the curse of God, entring and remaining vpon all his creatures, Rom. 8. 20. subduing them vnder vanitie for our sakes. Secondly, all the aduersities and afflictions of this life, with the diseases of our bodies, and griefes of our mindes. Also death it selfe which is the dissolution of the soule and the bodie. Last of all, Leuit. 27. 26. the curse of God pronounced in his lawe, vnto euerlasting [Page] damnation both of bodie and soule, with Satan and his Angels in hell fire, the flame whereof being kindled from the breath of the wrath of the Lord shall ne­uer Esai. 30. 33. be quenched. The miserie of him that is in such a case, must needs be exceeding great, & offereth him iust occasiō w t feare and trembling, Matth. 3. 7. to inquire what maye be his remedie against so lamentable estate. Act. 2. 37.

The second Proposition.

‘There is no name vnder heauen giuen vn­to men, whereby we must be saued, but onely by the name of Iesus.’ Act. 4. 12.

THe holye Angels of God can not saue vs: yea they are iustly our eni­mies for sinne, and the armed souldiers of the Lord to our destruction. Luke. 1. 47. The saintes haue neede themselues of a Sauiour, and therefore can stand vs in no stead. As for our selues, if we coulde (which is vnpos­sible) doe all the good thinges comman­ded vs in the lawe, it were sufficient, if we were not condemned for them: it were no reason that by them we should be dis­charged [Page 3] of that other bonde of our guilti­nesse, which is against vs, in committing of euill. If wee say we will giue all that we haue vnto the Lorde, Psal. 16. 2. it is nothing vn­to him: 1. Iohn. 1. 7. If vnto the poore, it is no sacrifice for sinne: If we should suffer all torments of bodie and soule during this life, wee cannot so satisfie the iustice of God, for the least of our sinnes, which deserueth infinite punishment. There is no helpe in outwarde and feigned holinesse, Esai. 66. 3. bee it neuer so glorious in the eyes of men, see­ing it is abhomination in the sight of the Lord, how much lesse shal it auaile vs, to rest for saluation vpō any of the foolish su­perstitions Esay. 29. 13. & wicked idolatries inuented by man. Standing therefore before Gods iudgement seate, condemned for our sinnes, Rom. 5. 1. we finde no peace with his Maie­stie, but onely in Jesus Christ, of whome he said from heauen, Matth. 3 17. this is my welbelo­ued sonne, in whome I am well pleased. And who witnesseth of himselfe, saying. So God loued the worlde, Iohn. 3. 16. that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne, to the ende that all that beleeue in him should not pe­rish, but haue euerlasting life, who also [Page] calleth vs vnto himselfe, saying: Come vnto me, Matth. 9. 11. al ye that trauell, and be heauy laden, and I will refresh you. The name Jesus Jesus. signifieth a Sauiour, Matth. 1. 21. and is ex­pounded by the Angel Gabriel: For he shall saue his people from their sinnes. Christ. Christ in Greeke, and Messiah in He­brue, signifieth anointed, giuing vs to vn­derstand, that this is he, whom the father hath chosen, Iohn. 6. 27. sealed, and anointed with his spirit, to be our Prophet, Priest, & King, and is made vnto vs from God, wise­dome, righteousnesse, 1. Cor. 1. 30. sanctification, & re­demptiō, that no flesh might glory before his Maiestie, but y t whosoeuer glorieth, might glorie in the Lord. Christ, Christ our wisedome. the eter­nall wisdome of his Father from the be­ginning, was the onely Pastor and tea­cher of his Church, 1. Pet. 1. 11. reuealing by his spi­rit vnto the holy Fathers and Prophets, the doctrine of saluation: But in the ful­nesse of time, taking vpon him our na­ture, he came into the world, our wisdome from God: in his owne person, out of the bosome of his father, Iohn. 1. 18. 15. 15. declaring vnto vs all the councels of God, concerning our redemptiō, and that in greater measure, [Page 4] and clearenes of vnderstanding, 2. Cor. 3. 18. then euer before from the beginning. Further as he is the chiefe pastour and shephearde of the flocke, so is it he in whom all the pro­mises of God are, 2. Cor. 1. 20. yea and Amen.

Who is also al, Col. 3. 11. and in all, Math. 17. 5. & of whom we haue receiued commaundement from heauen, that we shoulde heare him. He is therefore both the teacher and the thing that is taught. He is made our righteous­nesse, Christ our righteousnes. first in that he hath fully satisfied the iustice of GOD, borne the stripes of our correction, Esay. 53. 5. and the chastisement of our peace: Gal. 3. 10 taking vpon him the curse of the lawe due vnto vs for our sinnes, and by bearing and ouercomming the same, hath deliuered vs from the power of sinne, Sa­tan, Heb. 9. 12. hell, and the wrath of GOD, and made an euerlasting attonement vppon the altar of his Crosse: Ephes. 5. 2. offering vp him­selfe an oblation and sacrifice of moste sweete sauour vnto the Lord. Secondly, in that he hath accomplished all the righ­teousnesse of the law, that we in his obedi­ence, hauing the same imputed vnto vs, & might be iustified before God, Rom. 5. 19. and ob­taine the blessing of the lawe, Gal. 3. 12. which is e­ternall [Page] life.

He is made our holines or sanctifica­tion, because in him is found the lawe of y e spirite of life, which deliuereth vs from the law of sinne and of death. Rom. 8. 3. For it is he onely that hath condemned sinne in the fleshe, that is to say, hath perfectly purged & cleared our nature of sinne in his owne person, by ioyning it vnseparably vnto his deietie: that wee beyng clothed with his most pure and vnspotted humanitie, Ephe. 1. 4. might in all respectes appeare accepta­ble and well pleasing in the sighte of the Lorde.

He is made our redemption not nowe to offer vp anie newe sacrifice for sinne, Heb. 9. 28. which hee hath already done once for al: But that hauing all power geuen to him, both ouer thinges in heauen and thinges in earth, Mat. 28. 19. he mighte rule and gouerne his Churche, by his worde and by his spirit, guyding and defending the same in the Pilgrimage and warfarre of this life, vn­till the day of our adoption shall appeare, Rom. 8. 23. euen the deliuerance of our bodies; what time he shall returne our redeemer from heanen, and shall change our vile bodies, Phil. 3. 21. [Page 5] that they may be made like vnto his glo­rious bodie, according vnto that power, whereby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto himselfe. In the meane time sitting at the right hand of GOD our aduocate and intercessour with the father, Rom. 8. 34. not only to make intercession for vs, but also to presente vnto the Lorde our selues, our soules and bodies and all that wee haue, Rom. 12. 1. and do, Heb. 13. 15. our prayers and obedience, an ho­lie and acceptable Sacrifice vnto his Maiestie.

The thirde proposition.
Saluation by Christ appertaineth on­ly vnto them that beleeue in him.

HE that beleeueth in the sonne is not condemned, Iohn. 3. 18. 36. but hath eternall life: and he that beleueth not the sonne, is alre­dy condemned, neither shall he see life, but the wrath of GOD remayneth vppon him, because hee hath not beleeued in the name the onely begottē sonne of GOD. Faith therfore is the only meanes wher­by [Page] we possesse Jesus Christ, and in him althe mercies of God vnto our saluation: For by faith Christ dwelleth in our harts, Ephes. 3. 17. 18. that beyng rooted and grounded in the loue of God, wee might bee able to com­prehend with all Saintes, what is that breadth, & length, and depth, and height, and to knowe that loue of Christ, which passeth all knowledge, and to bee filled with all that fulnes of God. Faith is that testimonie of our consciences, wherby we are assured from the witnesse of the Spi­rite of God, Rom. 8. 15. 16. that all our sinnes are pardo­ned and forgeuen vnto vs, in the merite of the Sacrifice and death of Christ, and that we stande iustified as righteous be­fore God, in the perfection of his obedi­ence: and through him are nowe the a­dopted childrē of his father, and heires of his euerlasting kingdome, Rom. 8. 17. in that we are made mēbers of his bodie, Ephe. 5. 30. euen bone of his bone, 1. Cor. 6. 17. and flesh of his flesh, Ephe. 2. 22. to become with him one spirit, 1. Pet. 2. 5. and spiritual temple vnto God.

The fourth proposition, of the causes of faith, in the worde preached and sacraments ministred.

‘Faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the worde of God. ’ Rom. 10. 17.

THis faith is not borne with vs, nei­ther groweth it out of our corrupt nature, Ephe. 2. 8. nor is bought with earthly trea­sure, nor attained vnto by the labour and industrie of man: but is the free and gra­cious gifte of GOD vnto his children, whom he loued frō before al beginnings, wrought in their heartes by his spirite, through the preaching of the Gospel. Which spirit is therefore called the spi­rit of adoption, Rom. 8. 15. because it beareth wit­nes vnto our spirits, that we are the chil­dren of God, and heires of his kingdome, teaching vs with boldenes & confidence to crie Abba father: and the Gospel prea­ched, is called the arme of the Lorde, Esai. 53. 1. and the mightie power of God vnto sal­uation. The grounde and foundation of our faith is the worde of God, Rom. 1. 16. especially that part thereof, which contayneth his moste louing promises made vnto vs in Jesus Christe. This woorde was geuen vnto man from heauen, firste by the Lord himselfe, speaking vnto the Fathers in [Page] his owne person, then by the ministery of his holy angels, after by his seruauntes the Prophetes. Hebr. 1. 1. Last of all by his owne Sonne, Col. 2. 3. in whome are all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge hidde. This worlde remaineth vnto vs in the recordes ofthe olde and newe Testament which bookes were written by the holie men 2. Pet. 1. 21. of GOD his Prophetes and Apo­stles, 2. Tim. 3. 16. inspired by the holy Ghost, & is pro­fitable, to teach, to confute, to reprooue, to instructe in all righteousnesse, that the man of God may be perfect, and perfect­ly instructed vnto euerie good woorke: contayning all thinges necessarie for vs to knowe vnto eternall life, Prou. 30. 6. from whiche we may not take any thing, Deut. 4. 2. neither put a­nie thing vnto it. This worde is plaine and easie to bee vnderstood of them that desire to doe the will of God, Iohn. 7. 17. and seeke after wisedome in humilitie, Prou. 6. 23. 8. 9. with cal­ling vppon the name of the Lorde. Ephe. 6. 18. And that the worde might be made yet more profitable vnto vs, it hath pleased y e Lord, vnto that libertie wee haue of reading, hearing read, studying and meditation of his holy scriptures, knowing the weake­nes [Page 7] of our capacitie, dulnes of vnderstan­ding, hardnesse and vntowardenesse of our corruption, in great wisedome and mercie to ordeine, that the same woorde might be applied vnto vs, by the holy mi­nistrie of preaching, wherevnto he sanc­tifieth and annointeth by the giftes of his spirit, such as he hath chosen, and doeth sende foorth into the labour of his haruest. Matt. 9. 28. Of which S. Paule speaketh, when he saith, Ephes. 4. 8. that Christ ascending vp into heauen, and leading captiuitie cap­tiue, gaue giftes vnto men, and filled al things, that there might be in his church some Apostles, some Prophets, some E­uangelistes, some Pastors and teachers, to the knitting together of the Saintes, to the woorke of the ministerie, and buil­ding vp of the bodie of Christ, vntill wee all come vnto the vnitie of faith, and of the knowledge of the sonne of God, vnto a perfit man, euen vnto the perfect grouth of the stature of Christ: & that we might not be tossed and carried with anie blast of doctrine, either by the declining frail­tie of our owne corruption, or by the exer­cised subtiltie of our aduersarie. This mi­nisterie [Page] is called the ministerie, 2. Cor. 18. 19. and am­bassage of peace & reconciliation, which the Lord hath put in y e mouthes of all his ministers, that being Legates and Am­bassadours insteade of Christ, as if God himselfe intreated vs by them, it might be saide vnto vs in the name of Christ, be yee reconciled vnto God. Math. 5. 13. 14. These are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. For the same God, which in the begin­ning, 2. Cor. 4. 6. commaunded light to shyne out of darknes, is he that shineth in the heartes of his seruauntes, that they might giue foorth the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. Who him selfe saieth, that as Moses lift vp the serpent in the deserte, Iohn. 3. 14. so must the Sonne of man be lift vp, that all that beleeue in him should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. And S. Paule saith, that the Gospel preached, Gal. 3. 1. is a most liue­lye painting out of Christe before our eyes, 1. Cor. 2. 23. and a visible crucifying of him in our sight. And though it be coun­ted of the worlde foolishnesse, and estee­med as ouer weake a meanes to so great a woorke, Rom. 1. 16. yet is it the mightie power of GOD vnto saluation, 1. Cor. 1. 21. and the highe [Page 8] wisedome of the Lorde, by the foolishnes whereof, 1. Cor. 1. those shalbe saued that beleeue. It is the Gospel of Christ, and the same preached, wherewith it pleaseth the Fa­ther, to beget vs againe vnto himselfe, Iac. 1. 18. that we might be y e first fruites of his crea­tures: being borne a newe, 1. Pet. 1. 23. 25. not of mortal seede, but of immortall, by the woorde of God, which woorde abideth for euer: and the same is it, saith S. Peter, which is preached. This is that moste excellent forme of Doctrine, wherevnto the Lorde hath committed vs to be taught, Rom. 6. 17. that be­ing obedient thervnto, we might be deli­uered, not onely from the guiltines of sinne, but also from the seruitude and bon­dage of the same. As the Spirit of God, first beginneth to work faith in our hearts by the woord of the Gospell preached, so doeth he continue, nourish, confirme, & en­crease faith in vs, by the self same meanes. Wherfore S. Peter exhorteth vs, that as newe borne babes wee shoulde long after, that sincere milke of the woord, that by it wee may growe vp: and comming vnto Christ, which is the liuely stone, 1. Pet. 2. 2. 5. our selues also, as liuing stones, may be builte vp a [Page] spirituall house vnto God, 1. Pet. 2. 2. 5. and made an holy priesthoode, to offer vp spirituall sa­crifices, acceptable vnto God through Jesus Christ. And when wee are passed the age of our infancie in Christ, the same word preached is our sound & fast meate, wherwith the Lord still feedeth vs in his familie, 1. Cor. 3. 2. vntill that, Heb. 5. 13. 14. hauing finished the course of this life, and ended the daies of our pilgrimage and warrefare in this worlde, hee take vs home into his owne kingdome.

Unto the worde of the Gospell prea­ched, Sacraments. for the more strengthening & con­firming of our faith, in the assurāce of our saluatiō by Christ, it hath pleased God, in like wisedom and goodnesse towards vs, knowing our weakenes, and pittying our infirmitie, to adde the vse of two holy Sa­cramentes, Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lord, The Sacramēt of Baptisme, Babtisme. is an holy signe & seale, Iohn. 1. 33. annexed by God himself, vnto the promises of the Gospel, to witnesse and pledge vnto vs, the for­giuenes and washing away of our sinnes in the sacrifice of the death of Christ: Act. 2. 38. and our iustification before the Maiestie of Gal. 3. 27. [Page 9] God, in the perfection of his obedience: also our ingrafting into that bodie, wher­of Christ is the head, Ephesi. 4. 16. from whom strea­meth the fountaines of life and grace, in­to all his members. Further that being baptized into his death, Rom. 6. 3. wee shall by the power thereof die vnto sinne, and by the power of his rising againe, be our selues raised vp in a newe creature, to walke be­fore him in true holinesse and righteous­nesse all the dayes of our life, Luke. 1. 75. and that we shall be raised vp in the last day out of the dust of earth, 1. Cor. 15. 29. 23. and meete the Lorde in the aire, and dwell with him for euer. In the meane time, that as we are by one Sa­crament of Baptisme, Ephe. 4. 4. coupled vnto one heade: so we should consent together, in v­nitie of spirite, preseruing the same by the bond of peace, endeuouring those things which first appertaine vnto the glorie of God, and then not seeking euery one his owne in priuate, 1. Cor. 10. 24. but as members of one body, mutually the edifying and profite one of another.

The Supper of the Lorde, The Supper of our Lord. being a seale of the same promises, Iohn 6. 51. further wit­nesseth and sealeth vnto our consciences, [Page] that Christ is that breade of life, Iohn. 6. 51. which came downe from Heauen, and fountaine of saluation, of which, who so tasteth shall liue for euer. And that as truely as our bodies by natural meanes, are made par­takers of the creatures of bread & wine, vnto the nourishment of this present life: so our soules, by the hande and mouth of faith, through the power of the spirite of God, are made partakers of the body and blood of Christ, that, he dwelling in our hearts by fayth, Ephesi. 2. wee might become bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, vnto the assured hope of euerlasting saluation. Ephesi. 5. 30.

Also in this Sacrament, is not onely confirmed vnto vs, the misticall vnion be­twene Christ and his Church, but also taught vs, 1. Cor. 10. 17. what vnitie and loue ought to be amongst vs, which being all parta­kers of one bread, and one wine, are first coupled vnto one head Jesus Christ, as members of his bodie, and then mutually made members one of another.

Unto the worthie receiuing of this holy Sacrament, it is required that wee should examine our selues, 1. Cor. 11. 28. first howe wee haue profited vnder the word in the know­ledge [Page 10] of the misteries of our redemption. Secondly, what comfort we haue recei­ued, by applying the same vnto our owne consciences. Thirdly, what griefe wee haue conceiued in heart, for our sinnes past, and what hatred and detestation of all that is contrarie vnto the will of God: what purpose wee haue, the rest of our life to cease from sinne, and to follow af­ter righteousnesse, 2. Th [...]s. 3. 1. that the Gospel maye bee glorified in vs which doe professe it. Last of all, whether as wee assure our selues of peace with God in Jesus christ, Rom. 5. 1. so we be at peace with our brethren, Matth. 5. 23. re­conciling our selues vnto those whom we haue offended: and forgiuing vnto others the offences, they haue cōmitted against vs, Ephe. 4. 32. euen as freely as we would the Lord should forgiue vs.

The fifth proposition, of the effectes of fayth.

‘Let him depart from iniquitie, whosoeuer nameth the name of Christ. ’ 2. Tim. 2. 19. ‘Who so is in Christ Iesus, is a newe crea­ture.’ 2. Cor. 5. 17.

ALbeit the whole worke of our salua­tion stand sound and perfect vnto vs in all respectes, without our selues in Je­sus Christ, so that we may boldly say with Saint Paule, being then iustified by fayth, we haue peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Rom. 5. 1. and doe glorie in hope of the glorie of God: Yet is not Christ the minister of sinne, Gal. 1. 17. nor the Gos­pel a doctrine, Rom. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. that giueth libertie vnto euil: but contrariwise the death of Christ, is of power in those that beleeue in him, to cause them to die vnto sinne, and to be mortified in the olde Adam of this fleshe, with the lustes and concupiscences of the same. And the Gospel teacheth vs, that the true members of Christ, Rom. 8. 1. must and do walke, not after the fleshe, but after the spirit, 1. Cor. 6. 20. offring vp themselues, Rom. 12. their soules and bodies, and all that they haue, an holy and acceptable sacrifice of spiritual wor­ship vnto God: inquiring to knowe, and labouring to performe, that good perfect and acceptable will of God, reuealed in his worde. Also the same spirit, which is called the spirit of adoption, because it teacheth vs to crie, Abba father, and bea­reth [Page 11] witnesse vnto our spirites, that we are the children of God, and heires of his kingdom, being the seale, Ephe. 1. 13. wherewith hee hath sealed vs, and the gage, whereby he hath pledged vnto vs all his promises of mercie in Christ, is also the spirit of mor­tification, whereby is mortified in vs the workes of the flesh, our olde Adam being crucified with Christ in his Crosse: Rom. 6. 6. and the spirit of sanctification, and of our new birth, quickening in vs a newe creature, and fashioning vs againe after image of God, Luke. 1. 70. to walke before him in righteous­nes and true holinesse all the dayes of our life. Also this doctrine is both taught and sealed vnto vs, yea the trueth and ef­fect thereof exhibited and perfourmed, in the vse of the holy Sacraments, Rom. 6. which both of them teache vs to die vnto sinne, and liue vnto righteousnesse, & assure vs, that as the Gospel was preached vnto the fathers, with this effect, that they might be cōdemned according vnto mē, that is, in the flesh, 1. Pet. 4. 6. but liue according vnto God, that is, in the spirit: so the same shal be ac­cōplished, in al the true mēbers of Christ, Rom. 6. 3. the one by y e power of his death, the other [Page] by the power of his resurrection: which thing ought not a little to comfort and incourage vs, in that great and daunge­rous conflict, with the flesh, the worlde, and the diuell: when we knowe that our victorie stādeth not in our owne strength, which is none, but in the inuincible po­wer of him, which came to destroy the works of Satan, and in whose crosse our olde man is so mortified, Rom. 6. 6. as the bodie of sinne is weakned in vs, which do beleeue. Unto whom also he hath giuen that spirit to dwell in vs, whereby he hath promised to quicken our mortal bodies, Rom. 8. 11. which now in part are subdued vnder sinne.

The sixth proposition, of the rule of righteousnes.

‘Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my pathes. ’ Psal. 119. 105. ‘The commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light▪ and reprehensions for instruction are the way of life.’ Prou. 6. 23.

THe rule of holines and obedience, is not our owne will, nor lustes and af­fections [Page 12] of our corrupt and cursed nature, which euermore rebelleth against God: Rom. 7. 7. nor the examples and manners of men, or customes and fashions of the worlde: but onely that most good, perfect and accepable will of God, Rom. 12. 3. commended and commaunded vnto vs in his lawe: which must in all thinges be the light vnto our feete, Psal. 119. 105. and the lanterne vnto our pathes, Heb. 12. to directe vs to walke with him, and before his maiestie, so as we may please him with reuerence and carefulnesse: which is the seconde vse of the lawe of God.

This lawe of GOD requireth at our handes, that we honour, loue, feare, and o­bey him in al thinges, and aboue all, that wee trust in him, The first com­maundement. flee vnto him in all our needes, calling vpon him onely, and ac­knowledging him to be the creatour and gouernour of all things. That wee woor­shippe him, The second cō ­maundement. not with our owne inuenti­ons, or blinde deuotions, nor with the doc­trines of men, or after the example of o­thers: but onely with that worship, which he himselfe hath prescribed vnto vs in his worde, 1. Thes. 4. 4. without adding therevnto or ta­king from it.

[Page] That we haue, The third com­maundement. and vse in most highe reuerence his holie name, woorde and workes, & whatsoeuer else he is knowen vnto vs by, that we know him to be the searcher of all hartes, the rewarder of all sinceritie and truth, and the reuenger of all hypocrisie, blasphemie, false and vaine swearing, with all other prophaninges and abusinges of his most blessed name and religion.

That we sanctifie the Lordes Sab­both, The fourth commaunde­ment. not doing therein our owne wil, nor walking our owne wayes, Esai. 58. 13. nor speaking our own wordes, but ceasing from the ho­nest labours of our lawful callings (much more from vayne and hurtfull pastimes, Stage playes, Dicing, carding, &c.) that with all libertie, and quietnesse, both of mind & bodie, we may with our families attend vpō those publique exercises of re­ligion, which the Lord hath in wisedome and mercie, appointed for his owne wor­shippe, and for our edifying: Assembling our selues together, to heare his holy woorde, learne and lay vp the same in our hearts, for the ordering of our liues, cele­brate his holy sacraments, and with one [Page 13] heart and one voice, call vpon his name, rendring vnto his maiestie, most humble and hartie thankes, for al mercies hither­to bestowed vppon vs, and crauing new benefites and blessinges at his handes ne­cessarie for vs and his whole Churche, 1. Tim. 4. 8 both for this present life, and also for the life to come.

The seconde table of the lawe requi­reth, that wee should loue our neighbours as our selues. The fifth commaunde­ment containeth those dueties, The fifth com­mandement. which ap­perteine vnto our seuerall callings, com­maunding children, that they honor, loue, Children. obey, and relieue their parentes, remem­bring that the Lorde hath made them in­strumentes of great mercies vnto their children. Parentes, Parents. that beside naturall dueties of nourishment, and prouiding for them in earthly things, they bring them vp, not in idlenes, wantonnes, and vani­tie, but in the feare and nurture of the Lord, Ephe. 6. 4. teaching them his wayes in their youth, Prou. 22. 6. that they may not forsake them in their age, & training thē in such honest ex­ercises of labour, or studie, as whereby they may be prepared, to serue the Lorde [Page] in his Church, or in the common weale, for his glorie, and the profite of his peo­ple: Chastising them with the rod of correction, Prou. 22. 15. that both foolishnes may be chased out of their heartes, Pro. 23. 13. 14. and their soules preserued from death: Also in wise­dome when necessitie shall require, pro­uide for them the remedie of their incon­tinencie, commaunded of the Lord, which is Mariage. 1. Cor. 7. 36.

Seruauntes, Seruantes. that they be humbly subiect vnto their bodily maisters in all things, Ephe. 6. 5. in the Lord, Col. 3. 22. seruing them with all quietnesse diligence and faithfulnesse, Ios. 24. 15. as in the sight of God. Maisters, Maisters. y t they with their fami­lies serue the Lord, teaching & instructing them in all the will of God, and know­ledge of their saluation. [...]en. 18. 19. Ministring vn­to them all necessarie and iust thinges, for their honest maintenance, correcting in them, Col. 4. 1. as well the offences committed a­gainst God, as those committed against themselues.

Wiues, Wiues. that they beare themselues reuerently, and obediently, towardes their husbandes, in all things, adorning them­selues, not outwardly in the bodie, with [Page 14] golde and precious attire, but in the in­warde man of the minde, with humilitie, 1. Pet. 3. 4. modestie, quietnes of spirite, sobernes, chastitie, &c. Husbandes, that they loue their wiues, as their owne bodies, Husbandes. dwel­ling with them according vnto know­ledge: geuing honour vnto the woman, Ephe. 5. 28. as vnto the weaker vessell, 1. Pet. 3. 7. seeyng they are heires together of the grace of life, that their prayers bee not hindred. Sub­iectes, that they yeelde all honour, Subiectes. obedi­ence and tribute, vnto their magistrates, not onely for feare, but also for conscience, as vnto the ministers of God, Rom. 13. 4. whom he hath set ouer them, for their greate and singuler benefite. Magistrates, Magistrates. that their songues be continually of mercie and iudgement, Psal. 101. 1. ruling the Lordes people committed vnto their charge in all peace, godlinesse and honestie, punishing the wicked and rewarding the weldoer, 1. Tim. 2. 2. de­fending the innocent, straunger, father­lesse, widowe, and him that hath none to helpe him, Iob. 29. 12. breaking the iawe of the vnrighteous man, Leuit. 17. 19. 15. and taking the pray out of his mouth: fiinally, not respecting any mans person, without all corruption [Page] to administer iustice, 2. Cron. 19. 6. remembring that iudgement is the Lordes. The people, People. that they bee obedient vnto their Pa­stoures and Teachers, Heb. 13. 17. submitting them­selues firste vnto the Lorde, and then also vnto them, which watch for their soules, Ezech. 3. 18. and shall render an accompt for their bloode: that they may labour the woorke of the Lordes Uineyarde, with ioy, and not with mourning, Gal. 6 6. for that is vnprofitable: communicating also with them, all good thinges, sowing by this meanes vnto the spirit, that thence they may reape eternall life. Gal. 6. 8. Ministers, Ministers. that they be faithful disposers of the mysteries of God, 1. Cor. 4. 1. euen the treasures of his king­dome committed vnto their trust; care­full, and painefull in the labour of the Lordes haruest, setting alwayes before their eies, that terrible day of Gods iudg­ment: and thereby, as also by the loue of Christ, 2. Cor. 5. 11. 14. to be constrained, to bring men vnto the faith: not seeking them selues and their owne, but Jesus Christ, and then those that be his, that they may be saued: feeding the Church of Christ, not with the doctrines of men, but w t the pure [Page 15] and sincere milke of the Gospel of God. Not in ostentation of any gift, 1. Pet. 2. nor desi­ring to please men, 1. Cor. but to approoue them selues vnto euerie conscience, 2. Cor. in the sight of God, with all singlenes of heart, and simplicitie of speach, 1. Cor. deliuering the word of life, ioyning spiritual thinges with spi­rituall thinges, as becommeth. Final­ly, all estates and conditions of men, that learning their seuerall dueties out of the woorde of God, they reuerently humble thēselues vnto the obedience of the same.

The sixth commaundement forbid­deth The sixth com­mandement. all murder and shedding of inno­cent bloode, all fighting, quarreling, and prouoking one an other, all hatred, ma­lice, enuie, and desire of reuenge: Also, Rom. 12. 19. it commandeth all the dueties of cōpassion, in sauing, defending, and releeuing the person, life, and health of our neighbour.

The seuenth, forbiddeth all vn­cleannesse, both of bodie and minde, The seuenth commaunde­ment. in deede, woorde, gesture, or behauiour whatsoeuer: that we assault not the cha­stitie of anie, nor be accessarie vnto their filthines: 1. Thes. 4. 4. It commaundeth vs to kepe our vesselles in honour, 1. Cor. 6. 15. 19. as the members of [Page] Christ, and temples of the holy Ghost, that we may sāctifie the Lord, 1. Cor. 6. 15. 19 both in our soules and in our bodies, which are the Lordes: and for the reliefe of our incon­tinencie, to marie, onely in the Lord.

The eight, forbiddeth al robbing & stea­ling, The eight commaundements. al oppression & hard dealing, al iniu­rie and wrong, Ephes. 4. howsoeuer it be colloured with Lawe: all withdrawing and with­holding of that appertaineth to another: all fraude, deceit, and cosinage in woorde, weight, measure, ware, all couetousnes and greedines of earthly thinges, com­maundeth vs to acknowledge and reue­rence the wisedome and goodnes of God, in dispensing and bestowing these out­warde thinges: to be content the Lord di­stribute his blessing as liketh him selfe, to walke faithfully and diligently in our callings, Ephe. 4. 28. laboring with our handes the thing that is good, to be instructed how to want and how to abound, Phil. 4. 11. 12. and in all things to be content with our present estate, wai­ting with patience vpon the good proui­dence of God, in all our necessities. And according vnto the measure wee haue re­ceiued, to beare our selues faithfull stew­ardes [Page 16] and distributers of the seueral gra­ces of God, 1. Pet. 4. 10. for his glorie, & the benefite of our brethren. The nienth forbiddeth all false witnes bearing in iudgement or o­therwise, all sclaundering, The nienth commaunde­ment. backebyting talecarying, discrediting, and dishono­ring of others, all lying, scoffing, iest­ing, vaine, & vnsauorie speaches, flatte­ring, dissembling and feining, all vnco­uering the secreates of our brethren. All bosting, vaunting of our selues or others. It commaundeth vs, to maintaine honour and credit of all, and those especially, to whome the Lorde hath committed anie part of gouernment, either in his church or in the common wealth: In al our spea­ches to be iust, simple, modest, and lo­uing. &c.

The tenth forbiddeth the verie moti­ons of sinne, The tenth commaunde­ment. euen the lustes and concupi­scences of our cursed nature, that they neuer rise vp against the Lorde, but that we subdue them in their first assault, least if we receiue the temptation with delight, we be further seduced, by the subtiltie of sinne, both to consent vnto the euill, and to attempt and accomplish the same.

The seuenth proposition

Rom. 7. 14. ‘The Law is spirituall, but we are carnall, euen solde to bee subiect vnto sinne.’ Gal. 5. 17. ‘The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit, against the flesh. &c.’

TRue it is, that we are not able of our selues, Rom 6. 14. so much as to thinke anie good thought, Iacob. 4. 5 much lesse to perfourme anie part of that righteousnesse, which the Law requireth. But this is our com­fort, that we are not now vnder the Law, but vnder grace, & although the Scrip­ture saith not in vaine, that the Spirit, which is in vs, lusteth after enuie, yet it offereth greater grace, because it saith: God resisteth the proud, but giueth grace vnto the humble. This grace woorketh first, that we knowe the will of God, and discerne that which is contrary thervnto. Secondly, that we haue a will desirous and studious of Gods glorie and profit of our brethren in the accomplishing of his commaundementes: Rom. 2. 18. Thirdly also some power through the spirit, Rom. 7. 18. to hate and for­sake that, Tit. 3. 8. 14. which is euill, and to loue and [Page 17] follow that, which is good, that our faith may become fruitfull, our loue laborious, and our hope pacient, 1. Thes. 1. 3. through that com­munion, which we haue with Christ, in the power of his death, Rom. 7. 4. and of his rising againe. For if we be truely come vnto Christ, and coupled with him, the old hus­band of our corruption by whome wee brought foorth fruit vnto death, is cru­cified with Christ in his crosse, that wee might be espoused vnto an other, euen the newe man, which is raised vp from the dead, to bring foorth fruite vnto God. Neither haue we now onely a commaun­dement vnto righteousnes and holinesse of life: but there is giuen vs a newe spi­rit, by which we are regenerated and re­nued in the spirit of our mindes, to offer vp our selues in soule and bodie, an holy, acceptable, & liuely sacrifice vnto God. And wheras the flesh euermore rebelleth against the spirit, Rom. 12. 1 [...] euen in the children of God, we haue receiued promises of ayde & assistance in this conflict, yea of victorie and triumph ouer all our enemies. And that we might with boldenes come vnto our God for ayde and defence, wee haue entrance by Christ, euen vnto his mercie [Page] seate, and haue receiued that spirit, Rom. 8. 26. which in this part helpeth our infirmitie, and stirreth vp in vs those groninges, which no tongue is able to expresse, teaching vs to crie Abba father, and to call vpon him in all our necessities, and to aske all good thinges at his handes, 1. Tim. 4. 8. who hath made vs promises, both of this life, and of the life to come: knowing this, that he, that hath not spared to giue vnto vs his onely begotten Sonne, Rom. 8. 32. will also with him giue vs all things, which in his wisedome he seeth to be needefull for vs. Our helpe therefore is in the name of the Lorde, Which is as an inuincible towre, Prou. 18. 10. where­vnto the righteous fleeth, & is deliuered. Also we know, who it is, that hath said: aske, and ye shall receiue: seeke, & ye shall finde: Matth. 7. 7. knocke and it shall be opened vnto you: euen he, which sitteth at the right hand of his father, and maketh intercessi­on for vs. When wee pray, Rom. 8. 34. wee must pray onely vnto God, onely in the name of Jesus Christ, onely for good thinges, onely to a good ende, with our heartes, and not onely with lippes: disposing our selues reuerently and religiously, as in the presence of Gods maiestie: touched [Page 18] with the want of that we aske: and grie­ued with the burthen and feare of that we pray against: being assured that the Lord heareth our praiers & wil in his own good appointed time graunt our requestes, as in his wisedome he knoweth to be expe­dient for his owne glorie and for our sal­uation.

There are many notable examples of this manner of praying, in the holy scrip­tures, especially in the booke of the Psalmes, framed according to the diuers estates and affections of the Seruauntes of GOD. Let vs therefore af­ter their example, examining our sel­ues before the Lord, in minde, body, and outwarde conditions of this life, accor­ding to our present feeling & sence there­of, make our humble and vnfeined suppli­cations in his presence, for our selues, and for all men, Gal. 6. 10. especially them that are of the housholde of faith, concluding & sea­ling vp all our prayers with that forme of peticion, which our sauiour Christ him self hath taught. Our father which art in Mat. 6. 9. Heauen, hallowed be thy name: thy king­dome come: thy will be done in earth, as it is in heauen: giue vs this day our dayly [Page] bread, and forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue thē, that trespasse against vs: and leade vs not into temptation, but de­liuer vs from euell: for thine is the king­dome, the power, and the glory, for euer and euer. Amen.

The eight proposition.
What other helpes there are vnto godlines and weldoing com­mended vnto vs in the woorde.

THe Lorde our GOD knowing the frailtie of our corrupt and cursed na­ture, the deceitfulnesse of sinne, the pow­er, rage and subtilties of Satan, hath in wisedome and mercie for their further helpe appointed in his woord two kindes of discipline vnto his seruantes. The one priuate, the other publique, vnto the first appertaineth all the exercises of re­pentance, and godlines commended vn­to vs either in precept or example of the holy scriptures. As our daily consul­ting with the worde and lawes of God, which to be vnto vs, as they were vnto [Page 19] Dauid the men of our counsell the conti­nuall examining of our waies, Psal. 119. 56. 60. & turning our feete vnto the Lordes testimonyes, our carefull and diligent hasting, 2. Cor. 7. 11. and not delaying to keepe his commaundements The grieuing of our selues with our sins past, Heb. 12. 1. the feare of sinne present, which is readie to intrapp vs, the wise & circum­spect preuenting of sinne to come, the sub­duing of the flesh, and bring it in subiecti­on, after the maner of the Apostle w t re­uenge 1. Cor. 9. 27. taken vpon our corruption for the mortifying of the same, by w tdrawing the baites, prouocations, and occasions of euill, sobrietie and the pure and chast vse of all the good blessings of God: ab­stenence, euen from lawful pleasures and profites, when they are either offensiue vnto others, or hurtfull vnto our selues, as otherwise, so by bringing vs vnder the bondage & seruitud of earthly things, which all of them are ordained vnto cor­ruption. 1. Cor. 6. 12. Fasting, which the Scripture calleth the afflicting of the soule, Psal. 39. 2. ioyned with continuall and earnest prayer vnto God. Iob. 31. 1. Making couenant with our mouths, that they shall not speake euil, and with our eyes, that they shall not beholde va­nitie, [Page] imitating the vertues and godli­nes of the faithfull, vsing holie company and conference with them. Hating detesting and abhorring the wayes of the wicked, shunning and eschewing all consulting and conuersation with them. Not ceasing our conflict against sinne, Heb. 12. 4. euen vntill blood, but casting of the olde man, Rom. 8. 13. and mortifying the woorkes of the flesh by the spirit, Ephe. 5. 8. and 11. 9. to put on the newe man with the woorkes and armour of light, to serue the Lord according to his woorde.

They which through want of know­ledge, or weakenes of the minde, are not sufficient vnto the well gouerning and brideiing of them selues, must as the Lord hath commanded be instructed, and strengthened by others: that either by mercifull admonition and exhortation, they may bee recouered from sinne: or else may be saued by terrors and threats of the iudgements of God, beeing there­by as it were by violence, taken out of the fire of destruction. Unto this apper­tayneth that notable exhortation of the Apostle: Iud. 22. Let vs obserue and marke one another (not vnto enuy or occasion of sin) [Page 20] but to stirre vp our selues mutually, Heb. 10. 24. and euen to whet one an other, vnto the duties of charitie, and to all good workes.

The other kinde of discipline is pub­like, consisting of three partes. First of the preaching of the lawe, which is as a two edged sworde in the hande of Gods ministers, to offer vp his people an holie and blameles sacrifice vnto his maiestie, not onely opening our eyes, that we may see and knowe, Psal. 90. what is that good perfect and acceptable will of the Lorde, but al­so through the working of the holy Ghost conuerting our soules and fashioning them after the image & similitude of him that made thē. Secondly, admonitions, exhortations and counsels ministred by such persons, as the Lord hath appointed for the ouersight of their brethren. Third­ly, of conuenting of the offendours before the Churche in open congregation to bee iudicially admonished, or according vnto the qualitie and degree of their offence, forbidden the Supper of the Lord, or cut of from the Churche, vntill by remorse of sinne with smart and shame of punish­ment laide vpon them for the same, they shal with certaine testimonies of true and [Page] vnfeigned repentance, humbly desire to be restored vnto their former estate, a­mongest the people of God.

The weakenes of conscience must of­ten times be holpen by ciuil punishment publikely or priuately, to be executed by magistrates, parentes, maisters, and o­thers, whom the Lorde God hath autho­rized and armed with the swoorde of iu­stice, and rodde of correction, not for the profite onely of suche as offende, but also for the example & terrour of others, that at least by awe of punishment, they may feare to doe euill. For as indulgence and impunitie nourisheth & increaseth wic­kednesse (as Salomon saith) and wic­ked men: Eccle. 8. 11. so godly seuerity of punishment chaseth away sin, and lessoneth the num­ber of offendours. In punishing it must be remembred, that it be not dumme and silent, but ioyned with doctrin, admoniti­on, & exhortation, that the force thereof may work the more in the hart of the of­fenders. It may not be the reuenge of our priuate griefe, but of the dishonour of the name of God, & of the breach of his holy commaundementes. It must be ioyned with calling vpon the name of the Lord, [Page 21] that as it is his good ordinance, so it may be both giuen and receiued according to his wil, and blessed by his spirit, to the re­forming of those, that haue done amisse, and forwarnings of others. Ios. 7. 19. Finally all meanes are to be vsed, that the conscience of the offender may be touched with the horror of his sinne and feare of Gods iu­stice: that we may cleere our selues of all corruption, 2. Cor. 7. 11. by directing the punishment not against the person, but against the sinne: beeing greeued, that we are com­pelled to flye to that extreme remedy, Iosu. 7. 25. and yet to doe it, with á godly courage and zeale, as caryed with most iust hatred and indignation against sinne,

Unto the abating of the rage of our corrupt and degenerate nature, 2. Cor. 4. 16. the Lord yeeldeth vs no small helpe by afflictions and aduersities, which therefore are cal­led chastisementes and corrections, be­cause we are thereby reformed: as the Prophet saith: before I was corrected, I went astray, but now I haue kept thy commaundements. In so much as he pro­fesseth, that it was good for him, that hee had beene afflicted, and acknowledgeth, that of very trueth the Lorde had chaste­ned [Page] him: meaning thereby, that as the Lord hath couenaunted with his people all good things, so is it also a parte of his couenaunt, Heb. 12. 6. to punish and correct his chil­dren, as he knoweth to be expedient for them: 1. Cor. 11. 31. the reason whereof is rendred by the Apostle, For if wee iudged our selues, we should not be punished: but when we are punished, we are nurtured of the Lorde, that we might not be con­demned with the world.

The ende of all is, that the workes of Satan in the corruption of our nature, with the fruites of the same, might vtter­ly be abolished, and▪ that the image of God, not blemished onely, but euen can­celled and defaced by the fall of Adam, might be renued and repaired in vs. The first happeneth vnto vs in the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle, from which time we sinne no more, as appeareth by that vehement and lamentable exclamati­on of Saint Paule: Miserable man that I am, Rom. 7. 24. would God I were deliuered from this bodie of death. The second, though begon & increased in this life, shal not be fully accomplished, vntill our Sauiour Christ returne from heauen, Th [...] 1. 10. be made glo­rious [Page 22] in his Saints. For albeit we are now the childrē of God, 1. Iohn. 3. 2. it hath not yet ap­peared, what we shall bee, but our life is hid with Christ in God, and we knowe, that whē Christ, which is our life, shal be made manifest, we also shal be made ma­nifest with him in glorie. Colos. 3. 3. 4. Then shall we be clothed with that glorious tabernacle, not made with handes, eternall in hea­uen: then shall mortalitie be deuoured of immortalitie: 2. Cor. 5. 1. 4. then shall Christ, who al­readie is crowned with glorie and honor, Heb. 2. 9. returne our redemer from heauen, and chaunge our vile bodies, Phil. 3. 20. 21. that they maye be made like vnto his glorious bodie, ac­cording vnto that power, whereby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto him selfe. Then shall it be accomplished, which is written, 1. Cor. 15. 54. death is swallowed vp in vic­torie, O death, where is thy sting? O graue where is thy victorie? For the strēgth of death is sinne, and the strength of sinne is the lawe. But thankes be vn­to God, who hath giuen vs victorie by Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore let vs be strong and immoueable in the trueth, abounding alwayes in the worke of the Lord, seeing we know, that our labour is [Page] not in vaine in the Lorde: But the day of our redemption shall once appeare, wher­in the trumpets shal blow, and the deade shall rise, those that are found aliue shall be changed, 1. Thes. 4. 16. and wee all which beleeue, shall meete the Lorde in the ayre, and so reigne with him in glorie for euer, which time shoulde long since haue come vpon the worlde, 2. Pet 3. 9. sauing that the Lord is paci­ent to vswarde, and will not that anie of vs should perishe, and not of vs onely, which now liue, but of those also, which shalbe raised vp in posteritie after vs, whom he hath likewise appointed vnto saluation, Heb. 11. 40. and will in his good time call by the ministerie of his Gospell, least we without them shoulde be consecrated in that glorie, wherevnto he hath redeemed vs. The Lord therefore in mercie hasten the fulfiling of the number of his elect, that the daies of sinne may cease, and that our sauiour Christ, as he appeared in the fulnes of time with a sacrifice for sinne, so may now againe, Heb. 9. 28. when al things shall be accomplished, appeare without sacri­fice vnto the saluatiō of al those, that wait for his returne to iudge the quick and the deade. 1. Cor. 15. 24. 18. That rendring vp the kingdome [Page 23] vnto his father God may be all in al. And that we in y e meane time walking as Pil­grimes & strāgers in this world holding foorth the light of the holy woord of God and bearing our selues as heauenly Citi­zens, Phil. 3. 20. may haue a safe and ioyfull passage euer lifting vp our heades with the rest of his creatures, Rom. 8. and with ioy and glad­nes looke for the glorious returne of that great God our Sauiour Christ, Tit. 2. vnto our full and perfect redemption. And in all temptations & trialles whatsoeuer, may finde the present hand of the Lord, 1. Pet. 1. 4. ready for our deliuerance, to preserue vs by his power vnto that inheritance, which can­not perish, nor be defiled, nor fade away reserued for vs in heauen, Actes 3. 21 which al­so waiteth as readie to be re­uealed vpon vs in the last time, when all things shalbe restored.

To the Reader.

If happely this litle treatise shal seeme needlesse, amongest so many of like argument: yt may please thee (gentle reader) to vnderstand, that the purpose of the author in publishing hereof, was especially to helpe the memorie, meditation, and practise of those, to whome the doctrine heerein con­tained, hath bene by the mi­nistery of preaching, in the same order more at large decla­red.

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