THE TRVMPET O Fame: Or Sir Fraunces Drakes and Sir Iohn Hawkins F [...] well: with an encouragement to all Saile [...] and Souldiers that are minded to go in this worthie enterprise.
VVith the names of many Ships, and what they h [...] done against our foes.
Written by H. R.
Imprinted at London by Thomas Creede, and a [...] [...] be sold by William Barley, at his shop in Gra [...] ous streete. 1595.
The Trumpet of Fame,
[...] Sir
Fraunces Drakes and Sir
Iohn Hawkins Farew
[...] with an encouragement to all Sailers and Souldiers, that are minded to go in this worthie enterprise: with the names of many famous ships.
YOu Gallants bold, of
Albions fertile soyle,
For Countries fame, on land and seas that toyle,
Searching with paine, the Confines of the earth,
Whose painfull toyle, all Nations admireth:
By whom enriched is your Countries store,
And some made rich, which earst was held but poore:
To you braue minds, whose thoughts doth reach the s
And scorne at home, like sluggards for to lie:
To you that fetch more woorth, then
Iasons fléece,
To you I do my rusticke Pen addresse,
For Countries honor, that spareth not your blood,
But ventures all, for Commons publike good:
You that for wealth doth cut the Ocean,
Honor to haue, and riches store to gaine,
You that in this attempt, like men doth showe,
[Page 2]
[...]r care to Country, and loue to Prince you owe:
[...] men of woorth, that ventures voluntary,
[...] thereby showes what mindes all ought to carry,
[...]resse your selues, to follow those braue Knights,
[...]m God hath blest, in many hardie fights.
[...]se fortunes great and loue vnto their men,
[...]nnot rightly paint, with my rude Pen:
[...]y are the men were neuer foyled yet,
[...]y are the men that honor still doth get:
[...]se péerlesse fame, all
Europe can declare,
[...]erica and
Asia, whose actions rare
[...]y still applaud, and wonder at their déeds,
[...]ing the land, from whence such good men procéeds.
[...]e, conquering
Drake, whose fortunes are not such,
[...] valure more, and kindnesse thrise so much,
[...]end to friends, a scourge vnto the foe,
[...]gue for those that wish swéete Englands woe.
[...] Pylot may compare with him for skill,
[...] man more foreward, his enemies blood to spill?
[...] Captaine hath deserued more then he?
[...] eyes hath séene more happier man to be?
[...] by our God that
Israels people led,
[...]de vnknowne, which he for them puruayd:
Moses well we may him call,
[...] leads you forth, this Noble Generall.
[...]ength of men, he putteth not his trust,
[...]o his God, and cause which still is iust.
[...]arned hath, that God is our Chieftaine,
[...] brings him forth and safely back againe.
[...] then with him, and loue him as you ought,
[Page 3]Let not your minds to mutinie be wrought,
Least Iustice sword do cut off vitall dayes,
whose power is such, for to command at Seas.
Be frée from follies, and serue your God aright,
And honor truly this renowmed Knight.
Learne by his worth, in actions he hath past,
Tis swéet to such, that honors high will taste.
The worlds whole circuit in his trauell great,
He viewed throughout, and many Princes seat.
what honor there he gaind, I do referre,
To stories large, where registred they are:
Then follow him, that cries, come fellowes all,
For he begins, and last retreat doth call.
Be forward then, and ioy in this braue Knight,
That neuer yet receiued foyle in fight.
But still returnd with fame and wealth away,
In spight of those that would the same gainsay.
Hawkins in this action his compere,
Full well is knowne a famous Cauilere.
whose valure showne, and seruice often done,
with good successe, immortall fame hath wonne.
India land, he Englands cullours spread,
where Spanish Powers he brauely vanquished.
The French and other Nations far and neare,
Hath felt the force of this stout Cauilere.
To English Queene an officer long béene,
which place of trust, he did full well beséeme.
For which his seruice, as due deserts and right,
he honored is, with title of a Knight,
The best of worth, which charge hath in this fléete,
[Page 4]
[...]uld recount, to do them honor méet:
[...] for I cannot name them as I would,
[...]ereby their vertues rare should be extold,
[...] greater part of force I must omit,
[...]their returne, their honor gaind to writ:
Crosse, of Captaines not the least, nor last,
[...] seruice done, may not be ouerpast,
[...]osse, that euer crossed hath our foes,
[...] crost them still, with shot and cruell blowes:
Crosses Lord, do little England send,
[...]n raging foes, our Country to defend.
[...] him in place, let
Thomas Dracke be séene,
[...]t for his fortunes, a happie man hath bene:
[...]ose trauailes and his good successe was tride,
[...] many dangers which he did abide.
[...] valiant
Crafton claimes his place as due,
[...]ch often did the Spaniard proud pursue:
[...] riches great which home he often brought,
[...] well declare that honor he hath sought.
Merick speake, not meanest of all the rest,
[...]o venture will, as forward as the best:
[...]e Carackt late was taken, his valure did appeare,
[...]e as resolute, as most men that were there.
Harper now, I change my roming quill▪
[...] of woorth, and worthie for his skill,
[...]e aduanst in place of good regard,
[...]e seruice hath gainst foes so well deseru'd.
[...]ish, borne faithfull to thy vowed friend,
[...] resolution, I cannot halfe commend.
[...] this I say, and many more with me,
[Page 5]The proudest foes did neuer cause thée flée.
Parker, let me tell thy worthinesse,
which neuer quailst, for any great distresse.
But like a man of courage stout and bold,
Hast foyld thy foes, and brought away their gold.
Henry Austen, to many knowne well,
Thy braue attempts, in fights both sharpe and fell,
Hath oft bene séene, where like a man of worth
Thou gainedst wealth, and foe-men forced forth.
Morish, though thou be not great in name,
Yet hath thy déeds deserued worthie fame:
Frenchmens Leagers, so of thée doth say,
whom thou hast met full boldly on the sea.
O famous men of
Plymouths happie Towne,
Yours is the gaine of honor and renowne:
From you these men of worth most part did spring,
whose fames throughout the world doth daily ring.
Good fortune euer wayt vpon them all,
And graunt your foes may neuer sée you fall:
But as to fore God did you still defend,
Such honor now, our hopes is, he will send.
Take courage then, let honor be your aime,
And drag not back, you that will honor gaine.
At your returne, then shall you honor haue,
As your deserts by venturing farre shall craue.
Then feare no cullours, set the chance on Christ,
He is your Load-starre, God of power highest.
Your store of victualls euer he will blesse,
And as it spends, he will the same encrease.
A goodlier Fléete this many a day,
[Page 6]
[...]ere hath not bene prepared to the sea,
London shall you haue these ships of fame,
[...]e braue
Defiance, glorious in her name:
[...]mirall of this gallant company,
[...]ose force ere this, the Spaniards proud did trie.
[...]ere in the seas she drenched hath their bones,
[...] whom their friends makes many gréeuous grones.
[...]e glorious
Garland, well deserueth praise,
[...]her exployts, the foe-men can report,
[...]hom in her fight she plagued in such sort.
Bonauenture, they cannot forget,
[...]ich to their paine with them hath often met.
[...]rtéene Gallies she fought with that one time,
[...] made them wish they all had farther bene.
[...] many bickerings more with them she had,
[...] of their gaines small boast by them is made.
[...]t famous ship which called is the
[...] often gald those Champions of the Pope:
[...]ere euer she encountered any one,
[...] gaue them pasports, which did make them grone.
Foresight, which hath neuer soyle receiued,
[...] plaid her part, and foes haue often gréeued.
[...]e many a broyle with conquest in the fight,
[...] hath returnd, and put them all to flight.
[...] he that neuer yet her force hath showed.
[...] braue
Aduenture, forward doth procéed,
[...]ke her triall in this action,
[...]elier ship from hence hath sildome gone:
[...]e her guide, and all the rest of them,
[...]end them safely to returne againe.
Whose good successe all
London knoweth:
In merchant trade where they did vse to goe,
Their friends they pleasd, and did torment their foe:
What Prizes by the
Amitie was brought,
With Spaniards proud, which their confusion sought.
To all their goods the owners can declare,
But too the last, were Spanish men of warre.
Susan Parnell, not least of all this rout,
She shewed herselfe a tall ship and a stout:
Her fortunes great, I cannot halfe declare,
Trading in peace, or furnished for the warre.
Saccare beares her name full well I wot,
Who makes no spare of pouder nor of shot:
with raging peales of thundering ordinance,
In thickest of foes, saint
George she doth aduance.
Salomon, not last of all the rest,
To foes haue prou'd a forward saucie guest:
In their despight taking what they possest,
And beat them sore, that did her force resist.
The louely
Elizabeth and
Constance cald,
with glittering blades her foes to léeward hald:
And in despight, for honor of that name,
To Countries good, returneth home with fame:
May all that euer fight for
Proue alwaies happie, when they attempt to fight.
The (
Helpe) not helpe of many doth she craue,
when vnder saile her daring foes she braue:
Hale home her sheates, and foe-men do your worst,
who so is last, she will be with the first.
[...]hat neuer fear'd her force would proue too weake:
[...]he for her burthen, euer did her part,
[...]till gaining wealth, and wrought her enemies smart.
[...]esides these past, whose names I haue set downe,
[...]e not omit, our Merchant of renowne:
Londons honor, where he of worship is,
[...]n Alderman of credit great I wis,
Wats, whose forward readinesse,
[...] all attempts was neuer knowne to misse:
Who in this Féete to quaile the enemies pride,
[...]oure gallant ships for warre he doth prouide:
Pexases, who swift as bird doth flie,
[...]utting the waues, and foe-mans force to trie:
What wealth and happie fortune she hath gainde,
[...]nd how in fight, her enemies she painde,
[...]ere néedlesse here at large for to set downe,
[...]et it suffice, she euer gaind renowne.
Iewell, gallant in her sea attire,
[...]th dard her foes, with pouder, shot, and fire:
[...]nd home hath brought, their pearle and eke their gold,
[...]f such great worth, as is not to be told.
Elizabeth next, one of this gallant fléete,
[...]or honor gaind, I may not here omit:
When foes did rage, and swore to worke her ill,
[...]he scapt their force, and wrought on them her will.
The little
Iohn, though last I call to minde,
[...]or good successe, hath not bene much behinde:
[...]ser panche well fild with Spanish Kyalls of Plate,
[...]nd spices store for comfort of mans hart:
[Page 9]She often brought vnto her Owners good,
And brauely in the face of foes hath stood.
Thus valiant hearts which now to seas are bound
To cheare you on, that earst hath bene renownd.
I haue explainde the names of your braue fléete,
That careth not with what foes they shall méete.
What other ships of forraine soyle there go,
I do omit, because I do not know.
Nor what they be, you néed not much to care,
God and your Generalls, doth for you prepare.
Then frolicke hearts, and to your healths one Ca
Let loue vnited, be firme with euery man.
And loue and dutie in each one so abound,
That faithfull subiects you may still be found.
Tis Englands honor that you haue in hand,
Then thinke thereof, if you do loue our land.
The gaine is yours, if millions home you bring,
Then courage take, to gaine so swéete a thing.
The time calls on, which causeth me to end,
Wherefore to God, I do you all commend,
For whom all subiects that do loue our Queene,
Shall truly pray, to send you safe againe.
And for my part, I wish you alwaies health,
with quick returne, and so much store of wealth
Phillips Regions may not be more stord,
with Pearle, Iewels, and the purest gold.