A short suruey of Ireland.
A description of the Countrey, with the maners, customes and dispositions of the people.
IT could not be impertinent in this my suruey of Ireland to make my first entry with the discription of the countrey, the fertilitie of the soile, the nature, disposition and maners of the people. All which if I should expresse according to a trueth, I might write a more admirable history, and speake of greater wonders, then either sir Iohn Mandiuyll in his trauell, or any other that haue passed the most vncouth places of the world are able truely to report.
And here is the matter especially to bee admired, that a countrey scituate and seated vnder so temperate a Climate, that is neither oppressed with extremitie, either of cold in the winter, or with heate in the summer, that is inuironed with England, Scotland, France [Page 2] and Spaine, that hath had continuall entercourse, trade and trafficke, and hath beene daily conuersant with the people of these nations, and the country should yet remaine as it doth▪ more vnciuill, more vncleanly, more barbarous, and more brutish in their customes and demeanures▪ then in any other part of the world that is knowne.
If I should speake what affiance they haue of Saint Patricks purgatorte, of the Holy Crosse, and of many other places of pilgrimage frequented by Irish, I might deliuer ridiculous matter, not onely of the blinde zeale, and sometimes of the vnciuill demeanure of the pilgrimes them selues, but also how they are cheated, cousined, and deceiued by their ghostly fathers, that for their owne lucre and gaine, doth delude themwith voices, with visions, and with strange deuises, more fitter to be laughed at, then to be beleiued.
It were strange to deliuer the maners which they vse in the buriall of their dead: and he that were at Dublyne it selfe, and should see a dead corps brought to the graue, would say, that there could not bee a more heathenish demeanure, no, not amongst a people that had neither knowne nor heard of God.
For the blessing which it hath pleased GOD to vouchsafe to that countrey, in purging it from all sorts of wormes that are venimous or poisonable: this benofite onely they ascribe to saint Patricke, and will in no wise acknowledge it to be the blessing of God.
I might speake here of their Irish customes, strange to be deliuered, and of their Brehon lawe, & their lawes Tamestry, and of their Lord & Captaine called Tamest, [Page 3] chosen for diuerse considerations: and how amongst thē euery great mans will & commandement is a lawe (especially amongst their owne tenants:) for Ireland hath euermore striued to runne into all lawlesse and irregular courses, whereby they are growne into such a habite of sauage tyranny, that nothing is more pleasing to the greatest number of them, then ciuill warres, murthers and massacres, whereunto as they are commonly inclined, so there wants not those amongst thē to pricke them forward, and to stirre them vp to Treason and rebellion against their Prince, that are still cō spiring, still practising, and still indeuouring to draw them into that mortall plague of rebellion, which is not to be cured but by the sword, by common slaughters and spilling of blood.
And although the greatest part of the people of that kingdome hath been from time to time thus drawne and stirred vp by these seducing spirits: yet for a number of others of that Country-birth, to whom it hath pleased God to vouchsafe the grace of his holy spirit, that I know are daily laboured and importuned by this viperous broode, aswell to shake off the loue to their God, as their dutie to their Prince, for their sakes it is that I haue endeuoured these lines, to giue them a Caueat to beware of these fire-brands of Rebellion, the which because I haue deciphered in their proper colours, I will referre them to this sequell, as it hereafter followeth.
The Diuersitie in opinions what Antichrist should be.
THere is no man (I thinke) if he haue but very slenderly indeuoured himselfe in the reading of the holy scriptures, but he hath found it testified both in the old and new testaments, that towards the latter daies and end of the world, Antichrist should come, who with false doctrine and lying mitacles should seduce the kingdomes and nations of the earth.
What, or who this Antichrist should be, there are diuerse suppositions, and as many fabulous coniectures haue beene deuised of the person of Antichrist, which doe rather seduce, then giue any certaine testimonie whereby we may know him.
Some doe say that he should be a Iewe, of the tribe of Dan, and some would haue it that hee should bee borne in Babylon, some that he should bee bred vp in Bethsaida and Corazin, some that he should bee raised in Syria, some that he should be conceiued of the mixture of man and woman in sinne, because Christ was borne of a woman and conceiued by the holy Ghost, some say that he shall be of an ill-fauoured personage, because it is written of Christ, comely and beautifull is he beyond the sonnes of men: some say that he shall preach some certaine yeeres where Christ preached, and that he shall circumcise him selfe, & say that he is Christ, and the Messias that was promised to bee sent for the [Page 5] saluation of the Iewes, some would perswade that Mahomet was Antichrist, some hold the like of Nero, some say that he should build vp the Citie of Hierusalem, some that he should ouerthrow Rome, some doe say that hee should bee borne of a Frire and a Nunne, and that he should worke wonders, & make trees to grow with the rootes vpward, and then should fly vp into heauen and fall downe and breake his necke: and there bee other some haue said, that he shall fight with the two witnesses of Christ, Enoch and Hely, and shall kill them, and he himselfe shall finally be slaine with lightning.
These tales and many others haue beene craftely deuised whereby to beguile vs, that whilst we are thinking of these imaginations, and so occupy our eies in beholding a shadowe or a surmised coniecture what Antichrist should be, he that is Antichrist (indeede) may vnawares deceiue vs.
What it was that deceiued the Iewes in the expectation of Christ.
THis was it that deceiued the Iewes in the knowledge of our sauiour Christ: for when mā had by his owne sinne drawne Gods wrath, & the decay of the whole world vpon his owne head, the almighty yet, of his wonderfull mercie and goodnesse, promised vnto Adam that Christ should come & breake the serpents head. This promise was deliuered ouer from hand to hand, and still conueyed from the father to the sonne, solemnely declared to Abraham Isaach & [Page 6] Iacob, committed as a pawne by Moses to the people of Israell, celebrated by Dauid in his psalmes and songs, renued and continued from time to time by many excellent and worthy Prophets, which pointed out the time, the place, and the maner of his comming, & set downe plainly and expresly his stock, his parents and his birth many hundred yeares aforehand, the scriptures are full and the Prophets doe make often mention of this promise: old men and young men and all the people waited for the fulfilling thereof, euery eie was bent vpon him, and euery heart attended and wished for his comming: but when the fulnes of the time was expired, & that he was come into the world indeede, they to whō this promise was made, euen those that had so longed and wished for him, and made all their common talke of the hope of his comming, when he came they knew Iohn. 1. Ionn. 3 him not: He came into the world, and the world knew him not, he came into his owne, and his owne receiued him not: Mat. 11. Light came into the world and men loued darkenesse better then light: they reuiled him and said, Behold a glutton and a drinker of wine, a friend vnto publicanes and sinners: they called him a false Prophet and a seducer of the people, they persecuted him, betrayed him, scourged him and crucified him.
Such was the receiuing of Christ: but this they did to him through ignorance, for if they had knowne him, they would not haue killed the Lords annointed, nor haue laid violent hands on the onely sonne of GOD. But what was now the mistaking? verily nothing but this, they looked for him after a carnall maner, and not according as the Scriptures had testified of him, for [Page 7] they could not imagine any likelyhoode that Christ (by whom they thought all Israell should haue beene so renowned) should be so base and abiect a person in the sight of the world, but they looked that their Messias should haue come in triumph, to haue contented their ambition and pride: but hee was promised to come in humilitie, and to humble him selfe euen vnto death: they looked to haue had him prince-like, but hee was fore-promised poore: they looked for a great Captaine that should haue performed the conquests of Alexander, when it was told them that he should be both beaten and wounded: they looked for one that should haue come with feasting and banquetting, when it was told them aforehand that his bread should be steeped in vinegre, and his cup should be mingled with gall and bitternesse.
Here was now the mistaking, this was the stumbling blocke▪ and from hence grew the errour, that in stead of beleeuing they fell to crucifying the Lord and sauiour of the world.
What it is that hath deceiued vs in the looking after Antichrist.
NOw as the comming of Christ was, such shall be the comming of Antichrist: the Prophets of the old lawe prophesied that Antichrist should come: the Apostles, Peter, Paul, Iohn, yea Christ himselfe foretold vs of him, the auncient fathers and [Page 8] Doctors do often make mention of him, there is no mā sosimpleeither old or yong, either learned or vnlearned, but he hath heard of Antichrist, they know that he shall be a false Prophet, a seducer, an enemy to Christ, and such a one as shall set himselfe directly both against Christ and his doctrine, they shall therefore hate his name, and detest him before they know him, they shall looke after his comming, & he shall not faile to come, and euery man shall cary hatred against him, and reckon him abominable: but as the Iewes that longed so much for the cōming of Christ, yet when he was come they knew him not, but accounted him amongst theeues and robbers, because they did not looke for him accordingly as the Scriptures had prophesied, but according to their owne imaginations as they had grosly conceiued: euen so shall bee the comming of Antichrist: for he shall couer himselfe with such a cloake of holinesse, That if it were possible the very elect should bee deceiued: for men shall not know him, their eies shall be blinded, they shall hate his name, but imbrace his doctrine, they shall thinke they doe good seruice vnto Christ, but shall in trueth doe seruice vnto Antichrist.
From whence shall this errour spring from that very occasion that deceiued the Ie [...]es in the looking after Christ, they looke for him still, but hee is come many hundred yeares agoe and they are not aware of it: wee also haue looked for Antichrist, and he hath almost raigned as long, and we are not aware of it, and that because either of vs haue looked carnal [...]y for him, and not in those places where we ought to haue sought him: the [...]ewes had found Christ v [...]ily and truely, if they had [Page 9] sought for him in the scriptures, according to the law and the Prophets. Wee also had spyed out Antichrist long agoe, if wee had looked in the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles: for this is to bee noted, that Antichrist is not one man onely that shall sodainly appeare with strange signes and wonders as our ancestors haue talked and dreamed of: but a relation to one State & kingdome, and a continuance of some one power and tyranie in the Church for so Christ him selfe hath prophesied, not speaking of one man singulerly, but saith, Many shall come in my name, and shall say, here is Christ, & Mat [...]h. 2 [...]. there is Christ, and shall deceiue many.
Where Antichrist is to be sought for, and how to be knowen.
WEe are now likewise to thinke that Antichrist shall not apparantly manifest him selfe to be a tyrant, a robber, a spoyler: hee shall not say I am Antichrist, I am that man of sinne, I am that childe of pe [...]dition, I am that aduer [...]asie▪ and am contra [...]ie to Christ: nay he shall not lay him selfe so wide open, for then who would be deceiued by him? and he shall deceiue [...]any. And in like maner if hee should expresl [...] say that him selfe were Christ, what christian could he then seduce? so that he must neither shew himselfe to be an open enemie to Christ, as was Mahomet, and as the Turke is, neither must he take vpon him to bee Christ, for then euery man would be warie enough of him.
It should follow then that Antichrist must come disguised, [Page 10] he must put on him the cloake of simplicitie, of trueth, of holinesse, perhaps of prayer, perhaps of fasting, perhaps of giuing almes, he shall come with fatherly lookes, with holy countenance, he shall alledge the Doctors and Fathers, he shall alledge Peter & Paul the holy Aposties of Christ, he shall alledge Christ and God himselfe.
Thus vnder a pretence of seruing Christ, hee shall performe all his practises against Christ, hee shall de [...]oure the sheepe and people of Christ, he shall deface what Christ hath built, and shall roo [...]e vp that which Christ hath planted, he shall be contrary to Christ in faith, contrary in life, contrary in doctrine, contrary in sacraments, and in effect contrary in all things.
Thus shall he walke craftely, and handle the word of God deceiptfully, hee shall mingle his lies with the trueth of God, he shall mix his poison with the wholesome foode of our soules, so closely and subtilly, that it shall hardly be espied: he shall conuey him selfe into the hearts of the people, and shall so settle him selfe in their consciences, that they shall admire him and haue him in reuerence. They shall say, who is like vnto the beast, who so wise, so learned, so vertuous, so holy, or so like vnto God himselfe? Thus shall they honour Antichrist vnawares, when they shall say we de [...]ie him, and yet they shall fall downe and worship him. And as it was with Christ at his comming, he was in the world, he did the workes of his father, yet the fewest part knew him: euen so must it be with Antichrist, he shall be in the world, he shall doe the workes of his iniquitie, [Page 11] and yet fewe shall know him.
But let vs now more particularly fall to examination who this Antichrist should be: we haue already said he must not be an infidel or heathen, one that shall apparantly set himselfe against Christ, but he shall come in the name of Christ, and perhaps shall preach Christ counterfeitly, for the scriptures haue so prophesied of him, and as S. Hillary saith, He shall be contrary to Christ vnder the colour of preaching the Gospell, so that our Lord Iesus Christ shall then bee denyed, when a man would think he were preached, so couertly, so closely, and so subtilly shall Antichrist behaue himselfe in the sight of the world.
Was there euer man then that came in the name of Christ with the shew of holinesse, with the countenance of the church, and hath shewed himselfe in all his life and doctrine contrarie to Christ? if there haue euer beene any such, without doubt the same is Antichrist.
An antithesis betweene Christ and the Pope.
LEt vs here call the Pope a little into question, let vs examine his proceedings, comparing his doings with our vndoubted sauiour Christ, & we shall finde him so directly contrary in sacraments, in sacrifice, in prayers, in life, in religion, in doctrine, in the whole forme and order of the church, how hee hath shutwhat Christ hath opened, and hath opened [Page 12] what Christ hath shut, he hath cursed where Christ hath blessed, and hath blessed where Christ hath cursed: finding him then to be so repugnant, and to set himselfe so directly opposite, it must needes follow, that if Christ be Christ, the Pope must needes be Antichrist.
But let vs come to some particulars to see what light they will giue vs concerning the premises.
Christ came into the world to seeke the glorie of his Father, the Pope is come into the world, and onely exalteth himselfe.
Christ spared not his owne life, that we might raigne in an other world, the Pope spareth not our lines, that he may raigne in this world.
Christ fulfilled the lawe and the Prophets, the Pope maintaineth his owne lawes and traditions.
Christ forsooke the kingdomes of the world that were offered him by the diuell, the Pope hath receiued them, and thinketh them all too little.
Christ would neither be Iudge nor deuider in the world, the Pope iudgeth and deuideth all the world.
Christ was obedient to the temporall maiestrates, the Pope holdeth Emperours and Kings in subiection.
Christ would wash the feete of his owne disciples, the Pope giueth his feete to Emperours and Kings to be kissed.
Christ had a crowne o [...] thornes thrust vpon his head, the Pope hath three crownes wrought with precious stones [...]et vpon his head.
Christ carried his owne crosse of affliction, in token of his hu [...]ilitie, the Pope carrieth his crosse of [...] and gold in token of his paid.
[Page 13] Christ saith, Peter put vp thy sword, for he that striketh with the sword, shall perish with the s [...]ord, the Pope saith, Kings and Princes dra [...] your swords, and [...]ut them downe before ye that will not obey me.
Christ and his disciples ouerc [...]me by suffering, the Pope and his d [...]sciples doe ouercome by persecuting.
Christ humbleth his dis [...]iples, and bringeth them low, the Pope exalteth hi [...] disciples and lifteth them vp on high.
Christ saith blessed bee the peace-makers, the Pop [...] saith blessed are they that can s [...]t the world together by the [...]ares.
Christ saith blessed be the poore in spirit, for to thē belongeth the kingdome of heauen, the Pope saith, blessed are the proud and high minded, that will resist and rebell against their Prince.
Christ saith it is as easie for a Cammell to passe thorough the eie of a needle, as for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen, the Pope saith, heauen gates shall stand wide open to him that hath money to purchase Masses, Trentales, Dyrges, and to buy pardons.
Christ whipped the buyers and sellers out of the Temple, the Pope maintaineth such as make daily portsale of Masses and Dyrges in the Temple.
Christ sendeth his about the world to preach glad tydings, the Pope sendeth his about the world to [...]ell pardons.
Christ when hee forgiueth, hee remitteth freely of grace, the Pope [...]emitteth nor forgiueth any thing withou [...] money.
Christ faith, come vnto me thou that art laden, and I [Page 14] will ease thee, the Pope saith, come vnto me thou that hast murthered thy father, and I wil giue thee a pardon, if thou wilt giue me money.
Christ commandeth marriage, and onely forbiddeth whoredome, the Pope admitteth whoredome, and only forbiddeth marriage.
Christ faith, that a righteous man maketh righteous workes, the Pope saith, that righteous workes do make a righteous man.
Christ sendeth the Scribes and pharises to search the Scriptures, the Pope forbiddeth that christian menne should so much as looke on them.
Christ hath giuen his the light of the Gospell wherby to guide their steps, euen at midnight, the Pope hath giuen his a candle to light them with, because they are still groping in the darke, euen at midday.
To be short, Christ being God, became man, for the saluation of the world, the Pope being man becommeth God to the destruction of the world.
Infinite might I be in this comparison, if I should prosecute it according to a trueth: and Christ saith, we shall know them by their fruits. Iudge of them now but as they deserue, if Antichrist is to be vnderstood one against Christ, tell me where shall we finde him that is more contrary then the Pope?
Furthermore, and for the better confirmation of this matter, I might here set downe many probable authorities, manifestly expressing the seare of Antichrist to be at Rome, yea and further testified by seuerall antient writers, that he should be aduanced in the Apostolike sea: but left it might bee thought that all such authorities [Page 15] might rather be tearmed partiall opinions (as the Papist careth not what he saith) we will therefore pretermit all priua [...]e obiections, and will onely make search in the holy scriptures, and see what testimonies are there left vnto vs, for those are the markes that cannot deceiue.
The first marke whereby to know Antichrist, taken out of
S. Iohn. 1. Epist.
SAint Iohn in his first▪Epistle and second chapter, giueth vs this Item, Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that I [...]sus is Christ? that same is Antichrist, that denyeth the Father and the sonne.
Let vs now examine these words, & see if we cannot fashion out Antichrist by the substance of the Pope, or frame a Pope by the shadow of Antichrist. Antichrist and Christ are two contraries, and the studie of Antichrist is, to quench the name of [...]esus Christ: why thē Math. 2 [...]. (some will say) the Pope cannot be Antichrist: for he doth both professe and preach Christ, yea and would be Christs high Vicare here on earth, but it is said before that Antichrist must so doe, he shall turne himselfe into an angel [...] of light, and must come in the name of Christ, otherwise he could not deceiue. But he shall deceiue many, and the Pope abusing the name of Christ, by that meanes setteth vp himselfe, and gathereth offerings, tythes and rents, and bestoweth them to his own profit, and not the honour of Christ, but bringeth the consciences of the people vnder him through suspitious [Page 16] feare▪ [...]s though he had such authoritie giuen [...] of Christ: and euery sillable that hath but a sound as though it made for his purpose, that he expoundeth falsely, and therewith he so [...]gleth and bewitch [...]h the eares of the people (but especially of that simple & ignorant sort, that haue yeelded themselues to become slaues to his suggestions) those (I say) he make [...]h them beleeue what himselfe lif [...]eth, for it is [...]nough for thē to beleeue what the church beleeueth, although they know not what the Church beleeueth, nor the greatest part of them, what the tr [...]e catholike church meaneth.
He that beleeueth not to be saued through Christ, the same denyeth christ, but the Pope beleeueth not to be saued through christ, for he teacheth to beleeue in holy workes for the remission of sinnes, and the [...]eby to a [...]aine saluation, as in the workes of penance inioyned in vowes, in chastitie, in pilgrimages, in other mens praiers, in Friers and Friers c [...]es, in Saints merits, in the deeds of ceremonies, and a thousand other such superstitious follies [...]etteth he before vs to beleeue in, and all of them destroying christ, and most iniurious to his precious blood.
He that denyeth Iesus Christ ( [...]ai [...]h the Apostle) the same is Ant [...]christ, can any man deny him more directly then he that seeketh his saluation in his owne merits, & his owne de [...]ruings? The blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne: i [...] the blood of [...]e [...]us christ cleanseth vs, why then out owne workes doe not cleanse vs, for they are not christ.
But let our good workes bee examined after the iudgements of God, and wee ought rather to feare punishment [Page 17] for the faults that be euen in our best deseruing, then to looke for any reward.
The Prophet doth liken our righteousnes to a filthy clout, such as would abhorre any mans eies to behold it; and therefore saith the Prophet Dauid, Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant, O Lord, for no flesh is righteous in thy sight: what maner of merit may this be then, which cannot abide the censure of Gods iudgement, nor be deliuered from condemnation but by mercie onely?
The good workes prescribed to the Pope.
BVt let vs see what good workes these same should be which the Pope hath prescribed, & the papists doe so much talke of.
First they teach vnto the ignorant, to heare Masses euery day deuoutly, to prostrate themselues before dead Images, to mūble vp a number of prayers vnto Saints, to go on pilgrimage, to build vp Chaunteris, to cause Trentales of Masses and Dirges to be said for the dead, to giue large summes to idle Priests, Monkes and Friers, to giue gold and siluer to make crosses, chalyces, cuppes and restiments, to say ouer Ladies Psalter, to pray vppon B [...]ades, to receiue Holy bread, holy water, holy palme, holy ashes, holy fire, holy creame, holy candle, holy oyle, with a number of other holy toyes, and those are the good works allowed and commanded by the Pope: & these are expresly iniurious to the precious blood of Christ, and therefore the workes of si [...]ne, and the very ins [...]itutions [Page 18] of Antichrist.
By the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified in his Rom. 3 [...]am▪ 2▪ sight, whosoeuer shall keepe the Lawe, yet faile in one point, is guilty of all. And who is, or euer was able to keepe the law? (christ onely excepted) but are all vnperfect, and the most righteous man sinneth seuen times a day. But to cleanse those sinnes, the Pope hath deuised a purgatory, still excluding christ, making him of lesse authoritie then he doth attribute to himselfe, for he will in no wise but that christ shall be an vnperfect sauiour, for if the Pope will giue christ leaue to forgiue the sin, yet he will in no wise giue him leaue to forgiue the paine, but we must to purgatorie to be plunged there, and if there bee not good store of money left to the priests, and to pay well for their Dyrges Trentals and [...]oule Masses: but the Pope himselfe, he hath full powre and authority to graunt pardons for all sins, euen a pena, and a culpa, aswell for the offence as for the punishment: and not onely of sinnes that are actually committed, but likewise of sinnes before they are done, as to the holy Frier that kild the king of France, to a second againe that murthered the prince of Oranges, & to sundry others to whom he had in like manner giuen full pardon and free absolution aforehand to haue attempted the like against our late gracious Queene Elizabeth.
Thus we do see the Pope taketh vpon him a greater power to forgiue sinnes then christ: for christ forgiueth no sinne but vpon vnfeigned repentance, and yet the Pope will not then suffer him to forgiue any more then the bare crime, for if we will giue him no money, the [Page 19] paine must not be remitted but in the scorching flames of purgatory: if this be not directly the doctrine of Antichrist, I referre me to their iudgements that are not too partiall, nay, that are not wilfully blinde.
The fraits of the Popes doctrine, and what it draweth after it.
BVt let vs see farther what this doctrine draweth after it. If I may get to my selfe satisfacti [...]n by suffering in pu [...]gatorie for my sinnes, then I haue gotten more by my sins in suffering paine, then I ha [...]e done by christs death, and so consequently paine was more effectuall and strong for me to obtaine heauen, then was christs passion: this is the Popes doctrine.
The reward of sinne is death, and the paine that dependeth of euery sinne (excluding Christ) is eternall damnation: then what shall purgatorie doe, vnlesse for the vngodly, that should first go to purgatorie, and after to hell? There is no remission of sinnes without blood, saith S. Paul. and christ speaking to the theefe on the crosse, said. This day thou shalt be with me in paradise, not in purgatorie, and Marie Magdalen had her sinnes freely forgiuen her by christ without going to purgatorie.
But to say the trueth, there was at that time no such place at all, nor any one word spoken of purgat [...]rie, either in the Old or New Testaments: and it was many yeares after christs death, before the Pope could kindle it, but after it once began to burne, it grew so hot, [Page 20] that it melted more treasure out of ignorant mens purses, then the King of Spaines west Indies did then afford: but the extreame heat is now well allayed, and as men begin to wax wise, so the scorching fire doth daily more and more abate. Thus you may see, the Pope and his sects are content to giue Christ his name, but they rob him of the effect, and take the signification of his name to themselues, and they make of him but an Hypocrite, as they themselues be, as though he forgaue vs our sinnes, but not the paine due to our sinnes, and then who shall be saued? for the paine due to euery sinne, is eternall damnation.
These therefore (as the Apostle saith) are right Antichrists, and deny both the father and the sonne, for they deny the witnes that the father bare vnto his son, and depriue the sonne of the power and glorie that his father hath giuen him.
The second marke whereby to know Antichrist.
S. Iohn. 4. A Second marke giuē vs in the Scriptures, wherby to know Antichrist, is likewise left vs by S. Iohn, as followeth.
Hereby know ye the sp [...]rit of God, ener [...] spirit that confesseth that Iesus is come in the flesh, is of God, and euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the slesh is not of God, and the same is that spirit of Antichrist of whō you haue heard that he should come.
Whatsoeuer opinion any member of Antichrist [Page 21] holdeth, the ground of all his doctrine is to destroy this article of our faith, That Christ is come in the flesh: for though the most part of all heretikes confesse that Christ is come in the flesh, in their maner, yet they deny that he is come as the scriptures testifie, & the Apostles preach him to become: for the whole studie of the diuell and all his members is to destroy the hope, and trust that we should haue in Christs flesh, and of those things that he suffered for vs in his flesh, and of the Testament and promises of mercie which are made vs in his flesh: for the scriptures testifie, that Christ hath taken away the sinnes of the world in his flesh, and that the same houre that he yeelded vp his spirit into the hands of his father, he had fully purged, and made full satisfaction for all the sinnes of the world.
But that Christ hath done this seruice in the flesh, all the members of Antichrist doe deny, and hereby (saith the Apostle) thou shalt know them.
All doctrine that buildeth thee vpon Christ, to put thy trust and confidence in his blood, is of God, & true doctrine: and all doctrine that withdraweth thy hope, and trust from Christ, is of the diuell, and the doctrine of Antichrist.
Let vs now examine the Pope by this rule, and wee shall finde that all that he doth is the destruction of this article, he wresteth all the scriptures, and setteth them cleane against the hai [...]e, to destroy this article, he ministreth the very sacraments, to the destruction of this article, and all his other ceremonies, as his absolution, penance, purgatorie, dispensations, pardons, vowes, with all his other disguisings is to that purpose.
[Page 22] The Pope preacheth that Christ is come to doe away sinnes, yet not in the flesh, but in water, salt, oyle, candles, ashes, Friers coates, and Munkes cowles, and in the vowes of them that forsweare matrimonie to keepe harlots, and sweare beggerie, to possesse as much riches, wealth, ease, and pleasure, as this world may afford them, and haue vowed obedience to disobey, by authoritie, all lawes both of God and man, and these hypocriticall and false sacrifices teacheth he vs to trust vnto for the forgiuenesse of sinnes, and not in Christs flesh.
The third marke whereby to know Antichrist.
S. Paule againe in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, giueth this third marke whereby to know Antichrist: where he saith, that Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God.
By this it may euidently appeare, that Antichrist shall come in the name of Christ, and shall be a counterfeit christian: for otherwise he should haue beene an open and expresse enemy vnto Christ, A Turke, a [...]ewe, an infidell o [...] heathen, whose temples are the temples of Idols, and therefore not to be called the Temple of God, and so S. Augustine doth vnderstand the Apostles words, for saith he, The Temple of an Idoll or a diuell the Apostle would neuer call the Temple of God.
But Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God, hee [Page 23] shall not defy the name of Christ, but he shall call himselfe Christs v [...]car, the most catholike father, the seruant of Gods seruants, by these meanes he shall be exalted in the eie of the world, he shall win the hearts of the people, he shall sit in the consciences of men, he shall make Kings and Princes to become his subiects, he shall deceiue the learned and wise, he shall cast himselfe into a colour of holinesse, he shall fast, he shall pray, he shall giue almes, hee shall walke as if hee were a disciple of Christ, he shall go before, and the world shall follow him, they shall run to him out of all parts of the earth, they shall fall downe before him, they shall say vnto him, thou art the comfort of the Church, thou art the light of the world, thou art most holy, all law and all knowledge is hid in thy breast, we beseech thy holines shew vs thy way, expound thou the scriptures vnto vs, teach vs how wee may bee saued, thou hast the key of knowledge, thy word is the word of truth, thou canst not erre.
Thus shall Antichrist deceiue the world, thus shall he dwell in the consciences of the people, thus shall he sit in the temple of God, but the Apostle saith further, that he shall shew him selfe that he is God.
The Apostle doth not say that he shall call him selfe God, for that were too broad, and euery man would then beware of him, and would say this is but a mortall man, borne as other men be of father and mother, and they likewise both mortall, and againe he shall die and returne to the earth from whēce he came: but God had no beginning neither shall haue ending, Antichrist him selfe knoweth all this, and therefore will not dea [...]e so [Page 24] openly to call himselfe God, but yet will shew himselfe a GOD, and will be contented that other men should so repute him, as Pope Nicolas saith, It is well knowne that the Pope (of the godly Prince Constantine) was called God. Againe in the Extrauagantes, in the same Canon Lawe, it is written, Dominus Deus noster Papa, Our Lord God the Pope. And Christofer Marcellus in the counsaile of Laterane, said to the Pope, Thou art another God vpon earth.
How the Pope doth shew himselfe that he is a God.
BVt he shall shew himselfe that he is a God (saith the Apostle) he shall receiue all reuerence as if he were God. The Pope hath done this you see, he hath compared his lawes with the lawes of God, hee hath said that his word is the word of God, and whatsoeuer he saith, it must be said it is the voice of the spirit of God, and of the same authoritie as is the Gospell of Christ, no man may breake it, no man may touch the credit therof, if any man withstand it, he must be accursed, he must thinke hee doth sacriledge, committeth blasphemy, sinneth against the holy Ghost, and must be counted an heretike: his authoritie reacheth vp into heauen, it stretcheth downe into hell, nay hee hath one kingdome proper to himselfe more then euer God knew of, and that is purgatorie, there he raigne [...]h, there he ruleth, there he rosteth, there he broyleth, and there he commandeth how he [Page 25] list, there is no bodie else to controule him.
Thus doth Antichrist sit on the Temple of God: thus doth the Pope shew himselfe that he is God.
Nay what hath God proper to himselfe, but that the Pope is either a sharer with him, or at the least can command the like?
God hath heauen and hell, the Pope can command them both, and send to either the soules of whome hee list.
God hath his Angels that be his ministers, the Pope may command their seruice, and may imploy them about his busines as often as it pleaseth him, or else hi [...] vpholders haue shamefully mistaken.
God hath his Saints, the Pope maketh saints, both he-saints and she-saints, at his owne will and pleasure.
God hath his scriptures, & the Pope hath his Counsels, his decrees and his canons.
God hath his Church, a poore sillie one, the Pope hath his Church a braue lustie one.
God hath his sacraments, the Pope maketh sacraments two for his one.
God hath his lawes, whereby to rule his Church, the Pope maketh lawes whereby to rule his Church.
God commandeth the sabboth day to be kept holy, the Pope maketh holy daies and halfe holy daies, sometimes two or three in a weeke.
Can a man shew himselfe more like a God then doth the Pope? if any man can name him, l [...]t him bee Antichrist.
Nay yet to shew himselfe more like a God, the Pope will vndertake to make a God, a poore sillie God, that [Page 26] is not able to defend himselfe from the malice of a mouse.
The fourth marke whereby to know Antichrist.
AN other reason to proue that the Pope is Antichrist is this, who [...]oeuer beleeueth in Christ, consenteth that Gods lawe is good: the Pope consenteth not that Gods lawe is good, for he forbiddeth holy wedlock commanded by God: but wedlocke (saith the Pope) defileth holy Priesthoode more then whoredome, he hath notwithstanding made a sacramēt of Matrimony. And is not this a diueli [...]h doctrine to say that sacraments can defile? what can be more contrary to the doctrine of Christ? the Pope forbiddeth wedlock, which God commandeth, and licenseth whoredome which God forbiddeth: but this is an other euident token of Antichrist, and noted by S. Paul to be a [...] Tim▪ [...]. doctrine of diuels, who writing to Timothy saith: Now the spirit speaketh euidently, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, and shall giue heede vnto spirits of errour, and doctrines of diuels, forbidding to marry, and commanding to absteine from meates, which God hath created to be receiued with thanksgiuing, of them which beleeue and know the truth.
The Pope againe, directly opposeth himselfe against Christ, and seeketh to drawe vs from the mercie of God, and telleth vs we haue other friends to whom we are beholding, and haue done many good things for vs: it was that Saint that tooke pittie of our [Page 27] griefes (saith he) at such a time: and our Ladie hath wrought many myracles at such a place: but Saint Patricke is the good Saint, that hath done marueilous things in Ireland, and as euery Saint hath his peculiar property to worke more in one place then they can doe in an other: so euery Saint hath his seuerall office, some better for one thing, and some worse for an other: one is very good for the falling sicknesse, an other is excellent good for the tooth-ache, one is a present remedy for a burn ing, an other is as precious for him that hath the chine▪cough. If a woman be barraine and would faine haue a childe, let her go on pilgrimage to S. Thomas of Canterburie, or in Ireland to the Holy Crosse, or to S. Clen [...]cks well: and she that cannot make her pulline to prosper, or that her chickins bee troubled with the pip, seeke helpe from S. Reuen.
Thus euery Saint hath his seueral charge: euery man hath his seuerall Saint: and euery Saint is full of miracles, and euery myracle full of lies. The Papists doe alledge many vngodly reasons, wherby they would maintaine a necessite in praying to Saints: and to auoide Idolatrie, they would make certaine distinctions betweene the worship of God and the worship of Saints: but let them distinguish how they can, this is certaine, Math. [...] the more hope they haue in saints, the lesse trust they put in Christ, for he saith, Come vnto me all you that be laden and I will ease you: if hee of himselfe hath louingly called vs vnto him▪ why then to seeke to any other, is vpon some distrust we haue of him, and that is as much as to make God alyer, and not to thinke him true in the promise he hath made vs.
[Page 28] Againe, if we will giue credit to S. Paul, there is no other mediator for vs to secke vnto, but onely Christ, [...] Tim. 2. There is one God, and one mediator betweene God and man, which is, the man Iesus Christ: and for that foolish distinction that grose headed Papists will make betweene worshipping and seruing, our sauiour himselfe hath decided, Thou shalt worship thy Lord thy God, and him onely Mat. 4. shalt thou serue.
I will conclude, whosoeuer seeketh any other mediator then our Lord Iesus, is iniurious vnto Christ, and therefore of Antichrist: and whosoeuer kneeleth and prayeth to blocks, stones, Images, or the pictures of Saincts, the same expresly breaketh the commandemēt of God, and deserueth to haue his portion amongst the wicked.
The fifth marke whereby to know Antichrist.
Math. 14 Mark. 13. ONe other marke whereby to know Antichrist, our Sauiour himselfe hath giuen vs: Fals [...] Christs and false Prophets shall arise, and shat shew signes and wonders, to deceiue (if it were possible) the very elect.
This speech thus spoken by our Sauiour is not directed to the heathen or to infidels, but to such as shall professe Christ; and therefore concludeth vndoubtedly, that Antichrist shall be a christian in profession, & that he shall not be one man onely, but a continuance of many; for he speaketh in the plurall number: False [Page 29] Christs, and false Prophets shall come with signes and wonders, &c.
S. Paul giuing vs a light what those signes and wonders should be that Antichrist should come with all, in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, calleth them lying signes, and lying wonder [...].
This is now to be gathered, False Christs shall come, that is, they shall come co [...]nter [...]eitly in the name of Christ, and they shall shew their wonders before the Lord, and bee a [...]ore temptation vnto them, to bring them out of the way: but the Elect shall be kept by the mightie hand of God against all naturall possibili [...]ie, so that the elect and chosen of God shall neuer be without persecution and temptation of their faith (not as those that are vnder the Pope, for they present but suffer not) and those which the Pope calleth heretikes, shew no myracles by their owne confession, neither ought they, in as much as they bring no new learning, nor any other thing, then only the scripture, which is already receiued, and hath beene confi [...]med by Christ & his Apostles, with wonderfull myracles many hundred yeares sithence.
This is then to be noted, that euen as Christ at his comming, altered the state of the Church, from the corruption of the pharises, and confirmed his doctrine with myracles, so Antichrist at his comming, seeketh to alter the Church from that puritie which Christ and his Apostles had left it in, and worketh myracles to o [...]erthrow the Gospell: new doctrine must be confirmed with new mytacles, Antichrist seeke [...]h to deface what Christ hath builded long agoe, Christ hath fortified his [Page 30] building with miracles, Antichrist seeketh to vndermine the whole foundation which Christ hath laid, and to build a new for himselfe by my [...]acles: and this was prophesied of aforehand by Christ, and this was prophesied on a forehand by Paul. Christ saith, Antichrist shall come with signes and wonders to deceiue: S. Paul saith, He shall come with lying signes and lying wonders to deceiue, and what miracles be those that the Pope hath brought to confirme his doctrine withall? looke through their golden legend, and tell me how many true myracles be in the whole booke: what apparitions of Saints, and isions of angels haue beene forged to come from heauen? what yelling of spirits, and crying of soules haue beene faigned to come from purgatorie? these be myracles, signes and wonders wrought by Antichrist & his ministers: but as S. Paul saith, lying miracles, both themselues deceiptfull and pretending to deceiue: deceiptfull in themselues, for that they were but lies and popish practises counterfeitly forged whereby to deceiue the simple and ignorant people, to leade them into errours, and to cosin them of their money, in purchasing of pardons, dyrges and masses.
And were not these miracles to heare it told that Roodes could speake, Belles could ring alone, Images could come downe and light their own candles, Blocks could turne their eies and wag their lips, shake their heads, moue their hands, and some of them could knit sinues, sette bones, heale the sicke, giue sight to the blinde, make the lame to goe, but are not these practises discou [...]red long agoe, and [...]ound out to be no other then slights and meere deceipts?
[Page 31] These are called miracles, and are indeede but lies, and there are none but Papists that would be mocked with them.
What signes and wonders they should be that are brought in by Ant
SAint Paul saith, The comming of Antichrist shall be by the working of Sathan, with all power and [...]. Thes. 2. signes of lying wonders, and all d [...]ceiueablenes of vnrighteousnesse amongst them that perish, because they receiued not the loue of the trueth, that they might bee saued; and therefore God shall send them strong delusions, that they should beleeue lies, that all they might bee damned which beleeued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.
Can any thing be spoken more plainely? these shall be the workes of Antichrist which hee shall bring to passe, that is to say, lying wonders: this shall he worke with all deceiueablenesse, that is, he shall come with all kinde of shifts and deceipt: and with whom shal he preuaile, and who be they that shall bee deceiued? Those that perish because they loued not the truth that they might be saued: and therefore God shall send them strong delusions to beleeue lies.
This text must also pertaine to a multitude gathered together in Christs name, which for lack of loue vnto the trueth, shall be led into all errour, to beleeue in crosses, to beleeue in visions, to beleeue in welles, and [Page 32] to giue credit to all maner of fables, but the truth they shall not beleeue, That they might be damned for not beleeuing, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.
If these things had not beene thus sensibly foretold vs long agoe by the holy ghost, it might haue beene thought a strange matter, that so many should be thus still led away from the pure and vndefiled word of God, and to giue themselues ouer to follow dreames & fantasies, but it is an euident token, that their harts are not marked with the spirit of God, but are led by strong delusions to beleeue lies.
The sixth marke whereby to know Antichrist.
2 P [...]. 2. YEt one other note is giuen vs by Saint Peter whereby to know Antichrist: and (saith hee) There shall bee false teachers amongst you, which shall secretly bring in damnable sects, denying the Lord that bought them, and many shall follow their damnable waies, by w [...]om, the way of truth shall be euill spoken of, & with faigned words they shall make marchandice of you: Rom 3. now saith S. Paul, The lawe speaketh to them that are vnder the lawe: and euen so, this is spoken to them that professe the name of Christ.
There shall be false teachers that shall bring in damnable sects. Histories make mention of one Anthony, who liued in the wildernesse of Thebais in Egypt in maner of a Hermer, Anno 361: he had three disciples, Darmatas, Amat [...]s and M [...]charius, these liued solitarily, and in [Page 33] strictnes of life, but it was in the time of persecution, whereby to shift them from the hands of tyrants, and proceeded at the first of a good zeale to godlinesse: but the diuell the peruerter of all things, did so impoison the hearts of them that followed, that they had more trust to their owne workes then faith in Christs blood, and after that, men began new rules of works to be their owne sauiours.
Benet. he succeeded Anno, 524, and in the time of Iohn the first, and he pre [...]cribed institutions to a certain order of Monkes.
In Anno, 850, and in the time of Sergius the third, sprung vp a new sect of Camaldimenses, a holy company that kept perpetuall silence, they fasted, went barefoote, and vsed to ly on the ground.
In Anno, 1060, vnder Gregorie the sixth, there sprung vp a new sect of Monkes, calling them selues the order of the shadowed valley.
The Monkes of Oliuet sprung vp as a fruit of disorder, ina time o [...] strife betweene three Bishops, in Anno, 1047, vnder Gregorie the twelfth.
The sect of Grandmontensis sprung vp vnder Alexander the second, in Anno, 1076. Innocentius the third, admitted the Humilitates in Anno, 1166▪ and a little before that, in Anno, 1098, vnder Vrbane the second, began the order of the Cistercians.
Celestinus the first, founded the Celestines, in the yeare of our Lord, one thousand, one hundred eighty eight.
Here followeth now such a [...]abblement of others, as Gilbertines, Lustinians, Hieronimians, Augustins, the order [Page 34] of Saint Sauiour, Scopeteines, Frisonaries, brethren [...]f S. George de Alga, Charterhouse Monkes, Curthugian Fryers, Carmelites, Premonstratences, Croched Fryers, White Fryers, Black Fryers, Gray Fryers, Dominick Fryers, Frauncis Fryers, Minorites, Minimes, Obseruants, the order of Trinitte, Bouhomes, & now lately viperous broode of Iesuites.
Then were their women lectaries, as Penitenciers, Brigidians, Magdaline sisters, with other Nunnes of diuerse sortes.
Yet I might speake of graue-keepers, called knights of the Sepulcher, knights of S. Iohns, knights of S. Mary, Temple knights, Iesus knights, and such a rabblement of sundry other sects by me ouer slipped, of which if I should vndertake to set downe, their obseruations, their dissimulations, their abominations, together with their hypocrisie, and filthy liuing, I might write for euery letter a line, for euery line a leafe, and for euery leafe a whole quire of paper, and it would yet be too little to discipher out their abominable practises.
These sects haue beene all of them, instituted, ratified, confirmed and allowed by Antichrist the Pope, & yet not founded all by one Pope, but by sundry Popes: according to the words of the Apostle, There shall bee false teachers, which shall bring in damnable sects: the Apostle speaketh in the plurall number, and wee see it is fulfilled: and these sects as they were infinite, so they were as diuerse in their opinions, yet all of them of one assent in this, they all denyed Christ, and they all preached the Pope, they deny that Christ is sufficient for their saluation, but they must atteine it by working, by [Page 5] fasting, by going on pilgrimage, with a number of other ceremonies, too foolish to be set downe.
Here againe are the words of the Apostle verified, They shall deny the Lord that bought them, and follow their damnable waies, by whom the way of trueth shall be euill spoken of.
Now what trueth in Christ doth not the Pope and his shauelings rebuke? and in setting vp their workes, and following their owne waies, deny altogether the truth of Christs waies?
And with faigned words they shall make marchandice of you, can any thing be more directly spoken? and to proue that they come with faigned words, where find we in any place throughout the whole scriptures that maketh mention of purgatory, of shrift, of the sacraments of confirmation, of penance, of pardons, and such other trash, all of their owne faining, and by this meanes doe they make marchandice of our soules.
These lights and many others whereby to discerne Antichrist, are left vnto vs in the holy scriptures, where the Beast seeing himselfe to be sought for, he roareth, and therefore to hide himselfe the more closely, he persecuteth the word of God, and seeketh with all wilynes to driue the people from it, and with false and sophisticall reasons, would make vs afraid of it: he curseth and excommunicateth those that would reade it: perswading them they are damned, if they doe but looke on it, but let not this dismay vs to seeke our soules: health, for there we shall finde the sweete promises of God, to the great comfort of poo [...]e distressed sinners.
Whatsoeuer is written, is written for our learning, saith [Page 36] saint Paul, but the Pope would perswade they are written to deceiue vs, and hee is contented to sanctifie vs with holy oyle, holy bread, holy salt, holy candles, holy water, holy blessings, holy ceremonies, and what other holynes a man himselfe would wish for, sauing the holinesse of Gods word for that he will in no wise have vs to deale with all, & this is the doctrine of Antichrist, and these be the markes whereby to know him.
Speciall notes whereby to
[...]onfirme the Pope to be Antichrist.
THe scriptures haue hitherto furnished vs with sufficient notes whereby to know Antichrist, and there are diuerse testimonies yet to bee gathered, and all of them confirming the Pope to bee that man of sinne that hath set himselfe against Christ, but let vs here examine some fewe examples.
Christ was humble and meeke, and the Apostle Phil. 2. Matth. 11. saith, He humbled himselfe and became obedient euen vnto the death, euen the death of the crosse: and our sauiour himselfe commanding his disciples to follow his example saith, Learne of me that am meeke and lowly in heart, & ye shall finde rest vnto your soules: but is this humilitie to be found in the Pope? behold his estate, his doctrine, his disciples, his life, you shall see nothing but pompe and glorie, he ruleth ouer nations and kingdomes, he maketh euery knee to bowe downe vnto him, hee maketh Emperours and Kings to bring him water, to carry his traine, to leade his horse, to hold his stirrop, to [Page 37] kisse his [...]eete, he will needes rule ouer all the world, and saith, I am Lord of lords, and King of kings, the whole world is my dyocesse.
If Christ, when the diuell profered him the kingdomes of the world and the glorie thereof, refused them as things impossible to stand with his kingdome, of whom is the Pope that hath receiued them? the diuel said to Christ, Fall downe and worship me, and I wil giue thee all, the Pope saith to the Emperour, fall downe and kisse my feete, and I will giue thee thine Empire, he saith to kings in like maner, sweare to defend me and my prescriptions, and I will vphold thy crowne, & will giue thee this or that kingdome.
And as Christ commanded his to be lowly, so hee commanded them to all obedience: but the Pope will none of that, but as he setteth himselfe at liberty, and will be tyed to no lawe, neither of God nor man, so hee that will obey neither father, mother, neither Lord nor master, neither King nor Prince, let him but take the marke of the Beast, let him but shaue himselfe a Monke, a Fryer, a Priest, or some any one of those sects formerly rehearsed, and the matter is dispatched, he is exempted from all seruice and obedience due vnto man: and the more disobedient he sheweth himselfe vnto the ordinances of God, the more apt and meete he is for the seruice of the Pope: neither is the professing, vowing, and swearing obedience vnto their ordinances, any other thing▪ then the denying, defying, and foreswearing obedience to the ordinances of God.
Doth not the Popes doctrine flatly teach disobedience, rebellion and insurrection, commanding the people [Page 32] to armes, and to send his tradition [...] with sword and fire, and neither to obey father, mother, master, Lord, King nor Emperour, but to inuade whatsoeuer land or nation that will not obey his godhead? how bestirreth he himselfe at this day, that seeing his excommunications and cursings are so little regarded, that men doe eate their meate with neuer the lesse stomacks, hee now falles to blowing vp the coles of rebellion, of sedition, of treason, he raiseth subiects against their Princes, and setteth Princes vpon their subiects, and thus vnder the tytle of Seruus seruorum, hee sheweth himselfe to bee Tirannus, tirannorum.
This is the Popes doctrine, this is his humilitie, this is his obedience, and this is all his pietie that is so cloked vnder that great shew of holinesse.
The Pope taketh vpon him to bee the head of Christs Church.
THe Pope further chalengeth to be the head of Christs church, but what can be more contrary both to Christ and his Church? for the church beeing compact of many members, is made one bodie, whereof Christ is the head: God hath appeinted Christ euer all things to be head of the Church: now if the Pope will chalenge to be the head of this Church, what doth he then but make two heads of one body, deforming altogether, and making a monster of the Church of Christ?
Againe in seuerall places of the Scriptures, the [Page 39] Church is called the spouse of Christ, as S. Iohn in his Reuelation saith, The true Church, the sponse and wife of the Lamb: and an honest wife can haue but one husband & one head at one time▪ the which when she forsaketh, and committeth her selfe to an other, she playeth the Harlot, as that whori [...]h Church of Rome hath already done.
And as Antichrist hath thus sought to disfigure the Church of Christ, so hath he likewise defaced the Sacraments left vnto the church by our sauiour: for where christ and his Apostles haueleft the sacrament o [...] Baptisme, to be ministred with water and with the holy Ghost, Antichrist hath added oyle to grease them, spittle to poison them, and salt to stifle them: for the sacrament of christs body which he hath left vnto vs as a signe of his blood-shedding, and to be kept as a memoriall till his comming againe, Antichrist hath made it a most abominable Idoll, commanding it to be worshiped, and the people thereby to commit Idolatrie.
Thus hath he broken the first institution. And where christ saith, Take ye, and eate ye: hee saith, kneele yee downe and worship. And where christ saith, Drinke ye all of this cup, the Pope saith, it serueth onely for the Priests, and that those words Drinke ye all of thy cup, were onely spoken to the disciples, as though the former words, Take ye and eate ye, were not in like manner spoken to the disciples: but this is still the condition of Antichrist, to secke to ouerthrow what christ hath instituted.
Of the fiue Sacraments instituted by the Pope.
TO those two Sacraments left vs by christ, the Pope hath added fiue others spicke and spanne new of his owne making, and not one word throughout the whole scriptures, making any mention of them, nor neuer heard on; nor receiued in the church, till Antichrist began to preuaile: the first of the fiue is the sacrament of Confirmation, and this consisteth of two parts (as they say) the matter and the forme.
The matter is holy Chrisme, confect and made of oyle-oliue and balme consecrated by a Bishop, an excellent receipt to scoure a rusty corslet.
The forme is, when any one is confirmed, the Bishop saying certaine words, must make a crosse on the forehead of the party, with this inchanted ointment, and then (be it man or woman) they are made as holy, as a paire of old bootes w hen they come new trimmed from the currior: here is now to be noted, what themselues doe attribute to this sacrament, and these bee their owne words, The sacrament of confirmation is said to be greater then the sacrament of baptisme, because it is giuen by worthier persons, & in the more worthier part of the body.
Is not this a sound doctrine that a drop of grease, coniured and inchanted, should be preferred & made [Page 41] of better worth then the Sacrament of Baptisme, left vnto vs by our Sauiour himselfe: if this be not the doctrine of Antichrist, let any man iudge that is not partiall.
The Sacrament of Penance is the second, instituted likewise by the Pope, and consisteth of three parts, Contrition, Confession, and Satisfaction.
Iudas, after he had betraied Christ, had Contrition, and when he knew they had condemned him, he repented: he had Confession, I ha [...]e sinned in betraying the innocent blood▪ he had Satisfaction, he went to the high Priests, & deliuered backe againe the money▪ Now if Iudas be not a saint in heauen, the Pope is Antichrist in the seate of Rome.
They haue a third Sacrament of Extreame vnction, and this is to be minis [...]red to sicke persons, the matter is oyle-oliue, hallowed by a Bishop, wherewith the sicke is anoyled, vpon the eies, eares, mouth, nose, hands and feete.
And if it be a man, he is farther anoyled vpon the reines of his backe, but if a woman, then they doe it vpon her belly, they shew a filthy reason why, because (they s [...]y) concupiscence raigneth most in th [...]se parts, but for offending of godly eares, we will let this passe amongst other of their vncleane stuffe whereof their doctrine is full.
Their fourth Sacrament is the sacrament of Order, and this serueth onely for the consec [...]a ing of Priests: there b [...] diuerse ceremonies pertaining to this sacr [...] ment, and (I thinke) both the institution and the obseruation, at the first drawne from the foure & twentie [Page 42] orders, and therefore this Sacrament is better applyed then any of the rest that were founded by the Pope.
Matrimonie is the fifth and last which the Pope would haue to be a Sacrament, and hauing thus dignified it with so holy a tytle, he then prohibits it from his cleargy for feare of inf [...]cting them. Be not these holy Sacraments, that can defile a man and make him vnclean [...]? or is not he a shamelesse creature, that will teach such doctrine?
VVhat hauocke the Pope keepeth in the Church of God.
SVch hanock keepeth the Pope in the Church of God, he defac [...]th the Sacraments, he peruert [...]th the Scriptures, he corrupteth the w [...]rd of God with his traditions, he raceth out the second commandement out of the law of the liuing God, he burneth the Bible, hee excommunicateth, he cu [...]eth, he persecuteth, yet all this will not serue, but Antichrist must fall, his kingdome is of this world, and here he takes the pleasure thereof, which is the diuels wages, and the earnest-peny of his euerlasting damnation.
Christ sought our profit and not his owne, the Pope se [...]keth his owne profit, and not ours, Christ became bound to make vs free, & le [...]t with his di [...]ciples the lawe of the loue, the Pope keepes all bound, and himselfe onely free, and hath commended to his shauelings, [Page 43] onely the loue of their owne bellies, and let any bodie offer to feede them, and such persons shall be father, mother, sister or brother vnto them, they will say he is a good man, he is a father vnto vs▪ and to our whole fraternitie, we are bound to pray for him, for he doth much for our religion, and such a woman is a good sister of ours, nay, she is a mother to our Couent, for we are more bound to pray for our good benefact ors, then we are for those that doe nothing for vs.
This is the loue of the Popes disciples, the Monks, the Friers, the Ies [...]utes, and the rest of those popish Pri [...]sts, to them that giue them much, them they loue much, & to them that giue little, them they loue a little, but to them that giue them nought, them they loue nought, so that al their loue is b [...]lly loue, al their prayer bellie prayer, al their brotherhood, bellie brotherhood, & for him that will not pamper them, there is no loue, noprayer, no brotherhod, no kindred nor knowledge: and herein are still expressed the markes of Antichrist. O let vs then open our eies, God hath giuen vs eares to heare, eies to see, and hearts to vnderstand, let vs iudge vprightly, it is Gods cause, and we doe see who it is that hath carried himselfe so long time vnder the colour of holinesse, this is he which hath beguiled and blinded the world, this is he that man of sin, that hath set himselfe against Christ, and vnder the pre [...]ence to be the vicare of Christ, hath sought to confound the light of the Gospell which is left vs by Christ.
His holinesse is contented, euen at Rome it selfe, to [...]ollerate with any religion, e [...]cepting this of the Go [...] pell, [Page 44] he is contented to suffer the Turke there to haue a Temple, and the Iewes there to haue their Sinagogues, but hee can in no wise admit so much as a little Chappell, where the word of God may be purely preached, and sincerely taught, no, he knoweth that if the Arke of God be brought into the house of Dagon, the Idol can not stand, but downe he falles presently to the ground.
The Popes doctrine can ioyne in good societie with Turkes, with Iewes, with Infidels, whatsoeuer, onely the doctrine of Christs gospell excepted: such enmity there is still betweene Christ and the Pope.
As there is but one true God, so there is but one truereligion.
ANd as there is but one God almightie, who will haue no other Gods but hims [...]lfe, so there is but one vndoubted trueth (which is holy & giuen by the same God) and will admit of no other religion but it selfe: for wheresoeuer it becommeth, it confoundeth all other doctrines, that is or may be inuented by the subtiltie of Sathan, or any of his ministers, and this is the cause that the Pope is so hatefull vnto it, and seeketh so much as in him lyeth vtterly to suppresse it.
Histories make mention, that in those daies when the Romanes had brought the greatest part of the world vnder their subiection: wheresoeuer they became victors, amongst other spoiles they neuer failed [Page 45] to bring away the Gods of the heathen, which were still conueied to Rome, aswell in token of their conquests: as themselues in those daies being likewise Infidels, carried this opinion, that the more Gods they had amongst them, the greater trust they had to preuaile in all their enterprises whatsoeuer they attempted.
In the honour of those Gods, Marcus Agrippa edified a Temple called Panthion, wherein these Idols were altogether placed.
We do further reade, that after the Romanes had subuerted the Citie of Ierusalem, it was thought good amongst them, that a picture should be made in the representation of Christ, because he had there beene reputed for a God (although a very simple one) and a very fewe there were at that time that did so esteeme of him, yet being very loth that any God, great and small should escape them: but they would haue them all in Rome in this Temple of Panthion. The matter being thus in question, in the end they got vnderstanding, that Christ in his doctrine, would admit of no more Gods but one, whereupon they thought him not a necessari [...] or fit companion to bee brought to their Temple, where they had so many Gods, that could stand altogether, & could agree quietly amongst themselues, which they had thought he would neuer haue done if hee should bee once brought amongst them: they therefore resolued themselues, thinking it not conuenient to meddle with him at all, that would so much disturbe their quiet, and so they left him.
Tell me now, is not our holy father directly of this [Page 46] humour, he can agree quietly with the Turkes and the Iewes, and they likewise with him, and hee can haue his Masse in one Church, and they can vse their Ceremonies in an other fast by, all at one instant, and all within Rome: but let any man come there that should but offer to preach the Gospell of Christ purely, and should speake against Idolatry, and the worshipping of Images made with mens hands, and all Rome would be in an vprore, the Pope himself would be out of his wits, and he would neuer be in quiet, till he had tormented him, and put him to cruell death.
This Temple of Panthion in Rome, is now called by the name of All halous, first builded by Marcus Agrippa, for all the Idols of the heathen, and after consecrated by Bonifacius the fourth, to all the whole company of Saints, whereby it appeareth as well in that as in other matters, that the Pope hath well furnished his Church with many heathenish presidents.
The Citie of Rome is a continnall persecuter of the children of God.
THat Citie of Rome, hath beene from the beginning, the greatest persecuter that euer was amongst the Christians, for as it is trueth, that the Church of Christ hath bin there established, and that very faithfully and truely, so this is as certaine, that before it could be so established, it was many yeares in performing, and cost the liues of [Page 47] an infinite number of Martyrs and Saints, neither had it after any long continuance, but that Antichrist began to creepe in by little, & preuailed so much in the end, that he quite excluding Christ, hath in his place set vp himselfe, and hath fithence beene a greater persecuter of Christians, then all the Tyrants that were there before the first establishment.
Now if God were their father, then would they loue Christ his sonne, and seeke to set forth his glorie: if they were of the sheepesold of God, then would they heare [...]is voice: but they are of their father the Diuell, and the lusts of their father they will doe, they are in name the seruants of Christ, but in their workes they shew themselues to bee the members of Antichrist, they change peace into warre, they tume iudgement into gall, and the fruit of righteousnesse into wor [...]ewood, they resist the trueth of God, to establish the deuises and doctrine of men, they pretend shew of holinesse, through the which they drawe to themselues credit, they haue onely a painted visard, and carrie an emptie name of the Church: what is their wilfull chastitie, but an obedience condemned in the scripture, to giue God that which he hath not giuen vs, and so to make sinne where there was none at all, the fruits whereof, is daily corrupting of other mens wiues, and to liue in open and common whoredome, with other abominations, filthy to be spoken of.
Vnder the pretence of their vowed pouertie, they haue robbed the whole world of their wealth and treasure, not suffering Emperours nor Kings to liue in quiet, that will not be sworne to doe them seruice, & [Page 48] to vphold their pride and ambition.
The fruit of their wilfull obedience, is to exempt themselues both from the lawes of God and man, in so much that if any Prince begin to punish their disobedience, they curse him immediately to the bottomlesse pit of hell, and will proclame him no rightfull King, setting both his owne subiects, and other nations against him.
The Popes practises whereby to deceiue the simple.
THey teach vs to fly from Christ, and worship Saints, who as the Papists themselues suppose, are most cruell and mercilesse tyrants, wreakefull and vengible, if their euins be not fasted, their Images visited, saluted and worshipped with a pater noster, with a candle, with incense or other offerings, in that place which they themselues haue chosen to heare sutors, with their supplications and petitions.
They fray and terrifie vs with their painfull purgatorie: the scorching heate whereof is such, that it hath not onely consumed infinit treasure both of gold and siluer out of ignorant mens purses, but it hath likewise melted Castles, buildings, Lands and tenements innumerable, to the profit of Monkes Friers, Canons, Priests reguler and seculer, and many men haue robbed their heirss, to giue perpetuities to these hypocrites to buy perpetuall prayre (but rather we may say to buy perpetuall paine) for they neuer appoint any [Page 49] time of deliuerance, fearing that the Lands should returne back againe to the right heires.
There be some that haue giuen them large perpetuities to bee prayed for, of whom they haue made saints, receiuing offerings in their names, and teaching other men to pray vnto them that haue giuen great reuenues to be prayed for them selues, & yet the Pope for monie can emptie Purgatorie when he will: but if a man should aske them by what authoritie the Pope giueth such pardon, they answere that it is out of the merits of Christs passion, and so at the last they are driuen to confesse against themselues, that Christ hath not onely deserued for vs the forgiuenes of the crime, but also of the paine: and then if Christ hath deserued all for vs, who giueth the Pope authoritie to reserue a part of his deseruing from me, and to sell me Christs merits for money?
His holynes sends them to heauen with Scala Celi, that is with a ladder to scale the walles of heauen, for by the doore Christ, they will not suffer you to enter, but they haue stopt vp that way, because they would haue you to buy their scaling ladders.
They refuse the precious blood of Christ, making themselues aprons of Pope▪holy workes, as Adam did of fig leaues to hide his sinne: an vniust righteousnes, that will iustifie it selfe before him, where the Angels doe finde no other buckler then grace.
And what are our workes, but a deformitie & filthinesse in the sight of God? our▪sinnes are great, for they are against a great God: they are infinite, because they are committed against him that is infinite, and [Page 50] therefore we may not thinke to couer them with merit, nor to repaire them with satisfaction for our owne.
VVhat our d
[...]sernings are, and what we are able to merit.
BVt let vs looke into our deseruing, or did wee but keepe a reckoning of our life, how small a part thereof doe we bestow vpon God, how few of our steps we doe treade in his trace, how few are the thoughts that we direct to his se [...]uice?
Our reason that should further vs vnto all goodnes, it is in nothing more vnreasonable, then in the knowledge of things belonging vnto God: and the b [...]st vse we make of it, it se [...]ueth to couer our naughtines▪ and wherein consisteth our vertue, but in concealing our vices? so that those that haue most wit, haue commonly least honesty.
Thy sences, to what other vse dost thou put them then to the marring of the sences: thy tongue, how much more ready is it to speake euill, then to speake good: if we doe any good, it is but to the end it might bee seene, whereby to attaine a little popular praise, for in secret we will doe nothing at all: if we forbeare to do euill, it is but feare lest the world should know it, and were that feare away, we would sticke at nothing.
But let vs come to our best perfections, and looke into our prayers and what are they but continuall offences, when in the middest of our greatest vehemencie, our minds are by and by carried away with one vanitie or other so that when we haue prayed, we [Page 51] had then neede to pray againe that God would forgiue vs the imperfections of our praiers.
Is this our righteousnes wherin we haue such trust, an vnrighteous righteousnes, which will not acknowledge his good to come from God, & his euill to come from himselfe.
The Pharisie abased the most highest by lifting vp his owne merit and worthinesse, spoyling God of his dignitie, by aduancing himsslfe, and Christ rebuked nothing so much amongst the Scribes and Pharises, as their fasting, their praying, their washing, and their cleansing, wherein consisted the hope of their holines, for in open sinne, their is hope of repentance, but in holy hypocrisie, there is none at all: and as there is no way better for vs to loue God, then by hateing our selues, so there is no righteousnes in vs to bee accounted greater, then by confessing our vnrighteousnes, for we then exalt God, when we cast downe our selues, when we bowe our necks vnder his yoke, treading our selues vnder our owne feete, by casting our presumption and arrogancie at his feete, euen then may wee best trust in God, when wee most distrust our s [...]lues, and although betweene man and man, i [...] wee confesse a debt, wee must pay it, or acknowledge a wrong we must make amends, yet God requireth no other satisfaction then a true and so [...]rowfull conf [...]ssion▪ then couering our sinnes with mercie, when wee discouer them most tru [...]ly.
A friendly admonition to the Irish, to beware of th
[...]se Ministers of Antichrist, that haue so blinded their vnderstanding, and abused their Zeale.
[...], Thess. 5, LEt vs then be no longer deceiued, but follow the counsell of S. Paul, Try all things, and keep that is good. God hath giuen you the spirit of discretion, be wise therefore, and make triall to know what is good: learne of those of Berea, who hearing Paul preach, made daily search of the scriptures whether those things were so which hee had taught them, and finding them to bee true, many of them beleeued: do you in like case make triall, and receiue nothing without good proofe and testimony, and when you shall finde that they are not contrary to the holsome doctrine of the word of God, Then keepe that which is good, settle your selues then, and be not caried away with euery blast of doctrine.
Beleeue not these Iesuites and Seminaries, that doe so bestirre themselues amongst you in Ireland, to perswade a religion that cannot abide the light of the Scriptures: would not any man that were wise, suspect him that would set a Iewel to sale, and would not suffer the buyer to looke vpon it in the light, but he must buy it in the darke, keepe it in the darke, weare it in the darke, and neuer bring it to any place where it might be perfectly seene and examined?
Now who would not suspect him for a cousening [Page 53] companion, that would offer such a thing? and can there be a greater suspition of cosenage, then for men to offer a kinde of religion, that cannot abide the light of Gods word, and would inforce men to receiue such a doctrine as they might not examine by the scriptures, to see how it would stand with the doctrine of Christ? who but cosening wretches would offer it? but what ignorance in those men that would receiue it?
Beleeue not euery spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God. At what time Achab would not beleeue the answere which the Prophet Micheas made him, there came forth a spirit and stoode before the Lord, and said, I will go out and be a false spirit in the mouths of all his Prophets. Take heede you bee not deceiued by any of these spirits, which shall seeke to abuse you, by pretence of reuelation, by visions, by dreames, by shew of holinesse: such spirits are walking and daily conuersant amongst vs in Ireland. Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites (saith Christ) for you deuoure widowes houses, vnder the colour of longe prayers: but our hypocrites rob not widdowes onely, but they spoile married wiues, & make hauocke of Esquires, Knights and Lords: they spoile all men, women and children, arming them with grudge, with murmure, with contempt, & sometimes setting them in open rebellion against their Prince.
And who are the inducers of these and many other mischiefes, but your Iesuites, your seminaries, & your vngodly massing Priests? these are they that are the common disturbers of the Countries quiet, that haue stirred vp and set on foote many rebellions: these are they that haue blinded your vnderstanding, abused [Page 54] your zeale, and led you into ignorance vnder A counterfeit pretence of holinesse.
They will you to pray, and they teach you to trust in your prayers, they bid you to fast, they say you shall merit by your fasting: but be no longer deceiued, look into the fruits of this prayer and this fasting, that they haue so long taught, and wherewith they haue almost infected the whole realme of Ireland, (but especially in the most remote places) & letting slip persons of greater worth) whose eies I hope God wil open to see their owne faults) in beholding other mens follies, we will take but for our example, the base & barbarous Kearne, the very drosse and scum of the Country, & yet what Iesuite, what Seminarie, what Priest, or what other member of that rascall rabble, that are more precise in their popish obseruations, more abstinent in their prescribed fasting daies, and that are more scrupulous in any point of Poperie then they bee: and yet that very day, houre or minute, when they will nor touch any flesh, butter, cheese egs, milk or such other like, for defiling of themselues, they will make no conscience, to murther, to kill, to rob, to rauish, to spoile, or to commit any other villany whatsoeuer.
You know this to be true: be not then any longer enemies to your owne discretions, let these Balam [...]tes no longer deceiue you, with their lies, with their visions, with their wonders and myracles: Christ hath prophesied that there shall many false Prophets a [...]i [...], & shall shew signes and wonders, and shall deceiue (if it were possible) the very elect.
Many will say v [...]to me n that day, Lo [...]d, ha [...] we not in [Page 55] thy name prophesied, and by thy name cast out Diuels, and by thy name done many good workes, and then will I professe vnto them, I neuer knew you, depart from me you that worke [...]iquitie.
And Paul hath long agoe foretold vs, that which at this day we may behold with our eies.
In the later time, same shall giue heede vnto spirits of errou [...]: take heede ther [...]f [...]re, and when thou hearest tell of visions, or myracles (for by these delusions the poore people of Ireland [...]re most deceiued) bring them to the touchstone, compare them with the word of God, if thou findest they intend nothing but the aduancemet of the Gospell of Christ, and the glorie of God, thou maist receiue them as sent of God: if otherwise they pretend the aduancement of creatures, or of superstitious workes or working, beware of them, for without doubt they are either lies or delusions of the Diuel, or some of his ministers, practising to deceiue thee: for open the Bible, and in the very first lease it is written, In the beginning, God created heauen and earth, and all that is contained therein, immediately excluding all other Gods made or deuised by man, onely to keepe man to the true God, that first created him: open the Booke still further forth at all aduentures, and so peruse from line to line, euen to the latter end of the whole booke, and you shall meete with nothing but the praises of that God, or with fearefull denunciations, thundrings & threatnings against those that follow strange Gods, or giue his glory to creatures, stocks, blocks, or stones.
Let vs take heede then and beware of these deceipts, we haue tasted the word of God a long time, we haue [Page 56] receiued the comfort of the gospell, let vs not despite it, or be wearie of it, but let vs build our selues of that corner stone, which the builders haue cast off: let vs lay our counsels to the square of his truth, let vs measure them with the plummet of his righteousnes. What eie would not behold the brightnes of that sun? what eare would refuse to heare GOD speake? Despise not then the wisedome of the spirit, refuse not his helpe, but seeke the same that we may be strengthened: let vs comfort our selues in the testimonies of our adoption, let vs not quench the light he hath kindled in our hearts: let vs not slenderly account of his mercie, nor abuse the time of our saluation.
God giue vs his holy spirit, that wee may discerne the trueth from falshood, and know the blessed and gratious will of God: that we may feele our darke and clowdie vnderstanding, which shineth not, but as it pleaseth him to inlighten: that we may walke in his waies, and serue him in reuerence and feare, all the daies of our life.