Vox Coeli.
The Introduction.
HEauen beeing Gods Throne, and Earth his Footstoole, it is impossible any thing can bee here spoken and acted, but wil there be heard, revealed and detected; for not onely our hearts but our thoughts, not only our tongues but our intents, lye open and are obvious & transparent, to the glorious and relucent eyes of Gods most sacred Maiestie, who being the sole Architector, & preseruer both of Heauen and Earth, rules that by his presence, this by his providence, and both by his power; and that we Men are not by many thousand degrees so great in his eyes, as the smallest Pysmires are in ours; who lookes still on our Designes and Actions, sometimes with approbation, now with pitie, then with contempt, and anon with Choller & Indignation, being himselfe the prime Presydent, the great Moderator, the mightie Councellor, the eternall and euerlasting Jehovah; who can and will giue Lawes to all the Kings and Princes of the earth, as they doe to their subjects, by their subordinate, and yet transcendent power, drawn from his most sacred Majestie of Heaven, as the Starres who actually deriue their light, & borrow their lustre from the refulgent beames, and glorious bodie of the Sun.
And as this great God seated in his Coelestiall throne of Glory, with his all-seeing and sacred eyes beholds in Heaven the thoughts and actions of men heer on earth, so likewise out of his indulgent mercy and prouidence he likewise giues the same authority [Page 2] and power to his Angels, Saincts and Martyrs, to do the like; who clad in white Robes, the Ornaments of sanctitie and puritie, with Palme branches in their hands the Emblems of Peace and Ioy, and Crownes and Coronets on their heads, the rewards and marks of Glory. Follow the Lamb Christ Iesus wheresoever he goe, still singing these joyful Io Peans and Epithalamians of Haleluiah, and Glory be to God on High, Peace on Earth, and good will towards men.
By vertue of which Deuine priuiledges, the maske of Spaines boundlesse Ambition being discouered & pulled off, in supporting the Pope, & seeking the encrease of his spirituall Iurisdiction, whereby his Holinesse in Exchange, may enlarge that of Spaines temporall Monarchy, so as that shall haue feet to goe, and these wings to flie to the height of earthly greatnesse; whereby the Catholike Kings ayme, out of the ruines of Rome and Germany, to erect another Empire in the West, and endeauour by degrees to make most of the Kingdomes and Free Estates of Europe become Provinces unto Spaine; as, some by force, some by policie, some by treachery, and now England by the Match of the Infanta his Daughter, with our most Illustrious and Royall Prince Charles (next to his Royall Father King Iames, our most Dread Soueraigne) the hope of Englands life, and the life of its Ioy and hope.
I say the newes of these projects and resolutions of Spaine, hauing with as much fortunary as celeritie) passed the Clouds, and pierced the vaults and windowes of Heaven, it fast arriued there, to the vnderstanding of that immortall maiden Queen Elizebeth, [Page 3] whose heart ever loued England as her soule did Heaven, and of whose flourishing welfare and prosperity I cannot truly averre, whether she still remayne more jealous or ambitious; Whereat grieuing with as much disdaine, as she disdained with griefe, & knowing that her Nephew and God-sonne Prince Henry, participated and burned in her zeale, that the insatiable and bloud-thirsty Ambition of Spaine, might not erect his Trophees vpon the Tombe of Englands downfall, and the ruines of her subversion, she speedily acquaints him with it; whom although Heaven had purified and devested of his Earthly passions, yet such was this young Prince, his never dying zeale to Englands ever living Glory, that his Highness could not refraine from looking red with anger, and pale with feare, at the report & knowledge thereof. They consult hereon, and hold it both expedient and necessary to acquaint other English Princes herewith, especially those whom they knew stood deeply and sincerely affected to England. So Prince Henry acquaints his Mother Queen Anne herewith, & Queen Elizabeth her Brother King Edward 6. and both they their Father King Henry 8. who so upon advise hereof could not refraine to looke on England with the eyes of affection and pitie, and on Spaine with those of indignation and contempt. So these fiue great Princes and Queens prepare themselues to Consult on this most important busines, when loe they are suddenly met and assayled, with a doubt of no mean consequence and consideration viz. Whether, or no they should admit and receiue Queen Mary into this their Consultation, whom not her Roman merits, but [Page 4] the praiers, of the Protestants had brought to Heauen; When at first they considring that in heart & soule, she alwaies loved, and preferred Rome and Spaine before England; they resolved to exclude her, but at last (upon riper and more mature deliberation) considering that she knew many secrets of Spaine, whereof peradventure they were ignorant; as also that from her innate & inveterate malice to England, she might (either in jest or earnest) bewray somthing that might turne and redound to the good of England, they all consented she should bee advertised hereof, and so admitted; which was instantly performed; and as the rest of these Royall Princes envied Spaines ambition, and pitied Englands dangers; So to speak the truth, and no more, Queen Mary (still resembling herselfe) both in her speeches and lookes testified the contrary; Vowing that as she loued Philip the II. the Father, so shee would still honour Philip the III. his Sonne.
Thus these three Princes and three Queenes, not daring to consult in Heaven on any thing, without permission of the Superiour powers, they all reprayre to the sacred throne of the Lambe, (of that Great Maker and conducter of Heaven and earth) whose Tribunall is environed with more sparkling and bvrning Sunnes, then we see Starres in the Firmament; and who is waited and atended on by many millons and Maryades of Angels; Where in signe of Gods glory and their humilitie, these Royall personages fall on their faces to his blessed feet, and so proffer vp their Petition to his heauenly Majestie to haue authority, and place given them to Consult on this [Page 5] important businesse betwixt England and Spaine.
There petition read and considered, God out of the profunditie of his immense affection and favour, towards the prosperity of England, (Wherein for the space of well neere One hundred yeares, his Sacred Maiestie hath seen himselfe truely served and glorified) ratifies their request, and approues and authoriseth their sitting; When departing from Gods most sacred throne; they were by a full Quire of Angels with Trumpets & Tymbrels in their hands, vshered into the golden Star-chamber of Heaven, which was purposely prepared for them; when taking their severall seates, the doore shut, and guarded by Englands Tutulary Angell, with a naked brandished sword in his hand, all things being hushed vp in silence, and all heavenly duties and ceremonies performed, these sixe Royall personages begin their Consultation in this manner.
The Consultation.
H. 8. BEfore we descend to speak of Spaines ambitiō and Envie towards England, or of the Match now in question betwixt England and Spaine, with the dāgers which threaten, & presage vs wil ensue therof it will not be impertinent, rather necessary; that we mount up the steps of this last century of yeares, and so take a cursory, though not a curious survey, with what Ambition, Crueltie, and Treachery, the Kings of Spaine from time to time, haue knocked at most Kingdoms and Estates of Europe; in the unfolding and dilating whereof, you must not expect much [Page 6] light from me, rather I from your selues, sith as your yeeres so your raignes succeed me.
E. 6. ANd as you all know, my yeares were so few and my raigne so short, that neither these, nor this, made me capable to diue into the affaires of Princes and Kingdomes, and yet I must confesse it was both with griefe and pitie, that I reade, with what vsurpation and treachery, Ferdinand King of Aragon depriued Iohn of Albret, and Katherine his Queene of their flourishing Kingdome of Navarre, who for meere griefe and sorrow dyed immediately after, having no other claime nor title to this Kingdome, but an insatiable desire of Empire and Dominion, which the Aragonois, and Castilians wonne with the points of their Swords.
Q. M. O but Navarre lay fit and commodious for the Provinces of old Castille, Biscay, & Galasia, besides the Kings of Spaine are the Catholique Kings, & therfore it is both proper and naturall for them to bee vniuersall.
Q. E. It is indeed both naturall & proper to them to be ambitious and tyrannicall, for I am confident, that as Catholique as they are, they loue Earths Empire, better then Heauens Glory; and sure I cannot but lament to see Navarre made a Prouince to Spain, which more is the griefe of Christendome, and the shame of the Royall line of Burbon, now the French King, whose patrimonie and inheritance it is, and will not King Lewes recouer it.
[Page 7]P. H. Had Great Henry his Father lived, he would vndoubtedly haue reconquered Navarre with as much glory, as it was lost with shame and pitie; yea the Turrets of Pampelone, and Fonterarby, had long since cast off the ragged Staffe, to beate out the three Flower de Luces.
Q. A. So mought King Lewes his Son too, if the Pope and Iesuites diverted not his thoughts from that honourable and glorious Enterprise.
E. 6. Surely it is against the lawes of Conscience, and the rules of Religion, for the Kings of Spaine thus to vsurpe Navarre, or were they so just, as they pretend they were holy, they would restore and not retayne this Kingdome.
Q. M. O the Catholique Kings are too wise to commit such grosse Errours of State, as to restore; for it is Conquest and Possession, and no way restitution, which affoords them best melody; Besides, sith they are the Catholique Kings, they cannot be irreligious much lesse vncharitable.
H. 8. Why then Davghter, the Kings of Spaine are of Pirrhus and Lysanders mind, whose limits and confines of their Countries they held so farre, as their Swords and Lances could extend them. Which being so, they are onely Catholique in title, not in effect, much lesse in heart or soule, for if Vsurpation be Religion, I know not what is Heresie.
E. 6. The Pope may, but our Sauiour Christ, never authorised or approved Vsurpation.
Q. M. But the Kings of Spaine know the Popes will and pleasure, as they doe Gods, and this beliefe I am sure is both Catholique and Apostolicall.
[Page 8]Q. E. See see with how much ignorance & wilfulnesse, with what blind zeale and poore implicit faith, my Sister is perpetually lincked to Rome and Spaine.
P. H. If so Vsurpation be Romes Doctrine, & Spaines Delight and practise, my soule did well to make me hate the one, and detest the other.
The West Indyes, or New Spaine.
H. 8. BVt leaue we Nauarre weeping and groaning vnder the burthen of the miserable seruitude to Spaine; O how since Columbus de Cortez, and Pizarro, (with as much judgement as fortunacy (discovered to Castille the rich America, and in it the Gold and Siluer mines, which hath giuen winges to his Ambition to flie to the height of this earthly Greatnesse, wherein we see Spaine seated and founded; How it hath both grieued and amazed me to vnderstand, how at Cuba, Hayta, Peru, Panama, and Mexico, and in all these Vast Iles and spacious Continents, that the Spaniards with a more then hellish Crueltie, haue slaine such infinite Millions and Meryades of those poore Indians, wherby in a manner they haue wholly depopulated these populous Countries, and not only made rivers but whole seas of their Bloud; and of whose inhumain and bloudie Crueltie, I may justly say; that as all former ages cannot shew the like President, so our posteritie will difficultly belieue it. And yet behold the horrible Hipocrisie of these insulting and vsurping Castillians; for demaund them the reason of these their bloudie and execrable Massacres, of those poore armlesse and harmlesse Indians, [Page 9] and of the rooting out and exterminating of all their Princes and Nobility, they with as much falshood as impiety will affirme, that sith their King is the Catholike King, so this is to plant the Catholique faith in the remote, and new found Worldes of the World; whereby wee may obserue, that Religion must still bee the pretext, and cloke of their bloody Vsurpation, when Heauen & Earth knowes and sees, that it is first gold, then a greedy desire of Dominion and Empire, which is the true cause, and sole obiect thereof.
E. 6. But if that bloody resolution, against these huge numbers of poore Indians tooke place in the heart and Councell of Charles 5. must it needs follow that the like inhumanity and cruelty should liue in this of Phill. 2. and Phill. 3. his Sonne and Grandchilde: so as this blood-thirstie malice of spleene and gall against there poore Indians, must bee hereditary to the Kings of Spaine, as now by custome and intrusion, (and by the ignoble connivencie of the Princes Electors) the ambition to enioy the Empire of Germany, is to the house of Austria, from whence they are descended.
Q. E. MY royall Father obserued well, that Religion was only the pretext, but welth and Empire the sole obiect of Spaines ambition; for although Charles 5. vsurped those places of America from the Indians, who indeed knew not Christ; yet what Religion or Catholique was that of Phill. 2. his [Page 10] Sonne, vnder hand to precipitate, and throw Sebastian King of Portingall into the vnnecessary and vnfortunate warres of Affrica against the Moores, where hee losed his life with his ambition: and then after his decease, to worke so on the impotency, feare, and ignorance, of olde King Henry his successour, as (contrary to the lawes of Iustice and Nature) to enforce him to illigitimate Don Anthony the Prior of Cra [...]o, who was the first and neerest heire vnto that Crowne and Kingdome, thereby to exclude him as indeed he did, or if he had not an itching and longing desire to swallow and devoure that Kingdome of Portingall ▪ which all Christendome and Rome her selfe knew was still more Catholique then Spaine, yea and then when he had ingaged his royall word to the rest of the Pretendants, as the aforesaid Don Anthony, the Dukes of Savoy and Parma, Katherine of Maedicis) Queene mother of France) and Katherine Dutchesse of Braganca; that he with them would stand to the sentence of the Chamber of Lisbone, to know to whom the right of the Kingdom most properly and lineally descended. That then this King Phill. 2. forgat his conscience to God, and his promise to these Princes (fearing others right, and distrusting his owne) brought an Army to the gates of Lisbone, ere the Pretendants, or Portingals themselues dreamt thereof, or had meanes or leasure to defend themselues, whereby such was insatiable ambition, vsurpation, and couetousnes, that in a plain and setled peace, he devoured this rich & noble Kingdome; making it not only tributary but a Province to Spaine. And was this also Religion, or to plant the Catholique faith? or rather was it not manifest treachery, [Page 11] and apparant vsurpation, sith if Don Anthony had not, all the world knowes, the Dutches of Braganca had more right to this Kingdom then King Phill.
P.H. Yea, that policy King Phil. learnt of the Emperour Charles 5▪ his Father, who when himselfe, and King Francis the first of France, contended for the Empire of Germany, whiles Francis was bribing of the Electors, Charles brought an Army into the field, and so enforced them to elect and chuse him.
Q.M. I must confesse I have ever held the Portingalls, to be zealous and good Romane Catholiques; but as Navarre lay fit for Biscay and Galicia, so Portingall lay exceeding commodious for Andoulosie and so if my husband King Phillip, had not seconded his right of descent by the law of his sword, perhaps hee might have had a bad neighbour in Portingall, which he and his Councell timely fore-seeing, they as wisely prevented. And howsoeuer, although hee hated Don Anthony, yet I know hee loved the Dutchesse of Braganca well; but when we speake of Crownes and Kingdomes, Religion will make this surprise of Portingall a matter of State, though to speake truth, State can never make it a matter of Religion.
Q.A. How well King Phillip loved the Dutchesse of Bragāca, I know not, but this I am sure of, that both Monsieur de Boyses, Monsieur de Bisseaux, and Monsieur de Marais, (Ambassadours with King Iames my Husband; for the two last French Kings, Henry 4. and Lewes 13.) tolde me that Phillips hatred and rage was so great against Don Anthony, that he begged his body which lyes in a Coffin of Lead, in the Cordeliers Church at Paris, to be delivered his Ambassadours, [Page 12] and so sent him into Spaine; but as they said, these two most Christian Kings their Masters answered Phillip, that there was little Religion, lesse charity, to take vp, and remooue the ashes of a dead Prince and King, as was Don Anthony, and so his body still remaines in Paris.
P.H. If Spaine were so malicious to a dead Prince, how ought those that are living to beware and take heed of him?
H. 8. As a guilty conscience can never finde rest, so it may be, that King Philip was afraid of a second Don Anthony, as of a second Sebastian.
P.H. But King Philip 3. his sonne, hath farre more reason to feare Don Anthonie his two Princely Sons, Don Emanuell, and Don Christopher, and of Don Emanuell, his two generous and Illustrious Sonnes, Don Maurice and Don Lewes, all foure living who are famous, and royall reserued Peeces of Shipwrack of that royall Kingdome and blood of Portingall.
Q.M. O but they are poore, and want friends and meanes to advance their iust title to that Crowne if they have any.
E. 6. Their right and title to Portingall is iust, and therefore cannot, and should not dye.
Q. E. If the French forces had met mine, at the Groyne, Penecha, or Lisbone, or had the Portingalls risen, my Norris, Drake, and noble Essex, in despight of Philip and his forces, had pluck'd the Crowne of Portingall from his head, and seated it on King Anthonies.
P.H. No, no. Don Anthonies Sonnes are beloved of the Nobilitie of England, France, and the Netherlands, and Don Emanuels wife, is Sister to that valiant [Page 13] and incomparable Captain Maurice of Nassaw, Prince of Orange. So if fortune smile, and a favourable gale blowe, these disinherited Portingall Princes may one day prove prickes and thornes to the sides of Spaine. For all Portingall knowes, that their veines and hearts streame with pure Portingall blood; yea, with the remainder of the royall blood of that Kingdom; which Philip 3. his last entertainement (together with the Prince his Sonne) at Lisbone, had almost found true: but that his Maiestie departed with as much feare, secresie, and shame, as he came with resolution, popularity, and glory: In the intetrim, these Portingal Princes remaine prodigious and ominous Comments to Spaine.
Q. M. Did Spaine think so, it would quickly make the Princes ride Poast into another world.
Q.E. If Spaine should send these Princes poast into another world, either by the backe doore of poyson, by the wicket of poynard, and not by the great and fore-doore of Nature, it would draw the fists of most Christian Princes about King Philips eares, and make all Portingall solemnize their Funeralls with their swords drawne, and their Cities gates shut.
E. 6. Indeede I have heard that the Commons, and especially the Nobility of Portingall begin extreamly to distaste the imperious pride, and ambitious cariage of the Spaniards, and many of them let not to say boldly and publiquely, that Philip enjoyes the Kingdome by vsurpation and not by right.
Q. M. Not by right, Why Pope Gregory 14. approued his Title, and confirmed his Conquest of the Kingdome of Portingall.
[Page 14] Q.E. So did not our Sauiour Christ, whose Successour and Vicar the Pope pretends himselfe to be.
P. H. In the meane time Spaine domineeres at her Conquest of Portingall, and well she may, for it is one of the fairest flowers of his Garland, and of the richest Diamonds of his crowne.
H. 8. But the other Kings of Chistendome haue iust cause and reason to grieue and storme hereat, for as it was Portingalls mischance then to fall, and vaile Bonnet to Spaine, so it may be theirs to morrow, for to a Prince and people so greedy and ambitious of Empire as is Spaine, all fish is good that comes to his hooke or net.
P.H. Thus Spaine devoures Kingdomes as the Cyclope Polephemus did passengers; for he surprizeth no more then he meetes withall, and yet will not Christendome beware of Spaine.
H. 8. WE have past from Navarre, the West Indies, and Portugall, & now let vs come to Italy to see how Spaine is beloued or feared of the Italians, and how he hath behaved himselfe there.
E. 6. In Italy the King of Spaine is nayled to the Pope, as most of the Colledge of Cardinalls, and all the Iesuites are to him; yea, he hath the greatest and richest territories thereof, as the Kingdome of Naples, the Dutchy of Millane, and the Island of Cicily, and (in a manner, the Marquesse of Monaco, and Finall, the Dukes of Montova, Parma and Vrbin; the Princes of Massa, and Piombino, with the free States [Page 15] Genova and Luca doe all march vnder his banner, and call onely on his name; yea, he hath so incircled the Pope as hee is rather his prisoner, then his spirituall Father, for if his patrimony of St. Peter be the Temple, his Naples and Millane is the Cloyster to impall it; so as hee hath no impeachment or obstacle from making himself sole Lord of Italy, but the great Duke of Tuscany, and the prudent and potent Seignorie of Venice.
Q.M. O but the Pope need not feare the King of Spaine, for Spaine is the Popes hand, so the Pope is Spaines tongue: For the Catholike King is his Holinesse Champion; and his Holinesse the King of Spaines Oracle.
E. 6. I had thought that the Popes alwayes loved the King of France better then those of Spaine.
Q. E. O no, there is reason to the contrary, for Spaine hath receiued Romes hellish and bloody Inquisition, and France is so wise and couragious, as it reiecterh and disdaines it.
P. H. Nay, there is another reason likewise; for although the former Kings of France were brave and victorious, yet king Lewes that now is feares the Pope and loves him not, whereas king Phill. of Spaine loves him, but feares him not.
Q.M. If the Popes had not loved Spain, they would neuer haue given him Naples & Cicilly, nor permitted him to inioy that rich & populous Dutchy of Millan, which is the patrimony of the house of Orleans, and is now fallen to the right of France.
Q.E. Surely there is a great Vnion betweene the Popes and the Kings of Spaine, for Spaine makes [Page 16] the Pope ride on his pontificall Chaire, and the Pope makes Spaine flie in Phaetons Chariot, about the foure corners of Christendome.
P. H. But the Pope loued not Spaine so well, to giue him either the Marquisat of An [...]nitana, or the Dutchy of Ferrara, when he begged it of him by his Ambassadours.
H. 8. But did Spaine seeke Ferrara, and the Marca of Ancona of the Pope?
Q.M. Yea, and vpon good grounds and solid reasons too, for that lay commodious for Millane, and this for Naples, and both would serue as Bridges to passe into that braue and proud State of Venice.
The State of Venice.
Q.E. NOw you speak of the grave and Noble Venetians; as they haue long since pull'd off the Maske of Spaines itching desire to deflowre their beautifull Adriatike Sea Nimph: so they haue resolved no more to trust Spaniards. For of late (notwithstanding their prudent decree to the contrary, grounded vpon some priuate reasons of State) they both thinke in their hearts, and know in their soules and consciences, that it was only the ambition & double Pistols of Spaine, that laid the foundation of the last treacherous and execrable attempt against their Citie; and consequently against their whole State, notwithstanding that some perfidious Frenchmen (degenerating from the honour of their Country and Ancestors) were corrupted and seduced (by the gold and flattering promises of Spaine) to bee the chiefest [Page 17] Agents, and forlorn Hope in that damnable attempt and to make this as cleare and apparent as the Sunne, That Illustrious and wise Senate well knowes, that at that very instant, and nick thereof, the Duke of Ossuna (Vice-roy of Naples) hovered with his Fleet and Land forces to lay hold, and embrace that occasion.
Q.M. Sure Sister you wrong the Duke of Ossuna, and in him king Philip his Maister; for I haue heard that the said Duke did then Arme vpon newes of a great Fleet of Gallyes comming from Constantinople to Rhodes, vpon the irruption of intelligence betwixt the great Turke and the French King, for the eseape of the Polonian Prince Coreski: for the which the Barron of Sancy, the French Ambassadour was at least confined, if not imprisoned at Constantinople, and that therfore for the safety of the kingdom of Naples, it behoved the said Duke to fortifie his Ports of Apulia, Ottranto, and Calabria, as well with Fleets as Regiments.
P.H. The King of Spaines Ministers never want pretexts and evasions for their designes; but if the Duke of Ossuna for affirming hereof, should sweare Botta Dios, and par la Sanctissiam Virgina, till he were damn'd, yet that wise Senate, & especially the Councell of Tenn, will never beleeve him.
Q.E. O but Ossuna and the King of Spaine his Master, shall give me leave to joyne in opinion with the prudent Venetians; and therfore I highly praise their foresight, and applaude their generosity, in keeping a brave Navall Army on their Seas, and strong Garisons in their Castles and Cities, for the security of their State, as also for keeping of their Exchequer rich, and their Arsenall and Magasins aboundantly stored and furnished.
[Page 18] H. 8. But hath Spaine offered the Seignory of Venice, no other wrongs and offronts but this?
Q.E. O yes, for although that prudent State say little, yet they remember, (and will not forget) how busie his Ambassadour and Agents were at Rome, to give fire to the quarrell betweene Pope Paulus Quintus and themselues, about banishing the Iesuites from their State, and for imprisoning the Chanon of Vincensa; as also how readily and earnestly they proffered the Pope, that a great Spanish and Neopolitan Army should instantly enter their State, and put all to fire and sword.
P.H. And they likewise remember, how the King of Spaine (that thereby his Regiments mought fish in troubled waters, & get firme footing in their Country) hath often incens'd this Emperour Ferdinand then Duke of Gratz, to invade their frontier Townes in Friull, and the Trevisan.
Q·E. But Nova Palma Brescia, Pescare, and Verona, are obstacles and stops to the Designes both of the Emperour, and King of Spaine; yea that wise State, is so watchfull and vigilant, that in time of peace they make their greatest preparations for Warre: And it were a blessed happinesse and a safe felicity, for most Kingdomes and Estates of Christendome, if herein they would emulate and imitate the example of these wise and noble Venetians, which is neither to trust, much lesse to feare Spaine.
Q.M. But as wise and as strong as the Venetians are, as their Church and Pallace of St. Marke, was not built in a day, so are not all the Designes and resolutions of the King of Spaine, and therefore a time may come, but I say no more▪
[Page 19] Q. A. O, I gesse at your minde! you would have the State of Venice made a Province to Spaine, that thereby he may finde a way for his Fleets, to convey his Armies into high and lowe Germany. And if Spain thinke so: Contareno the Venetian Ambassadour, resident with the King my Husband; and since him Donato likewise tolde me, that herein Spaine is deceived in the Arithmetick of his ambition and vsurpation▪ and thus to reckon, is to reckon without his Hostesse, and without God.
H. 8. BVt how do the warlike Cantons of Swissers trust the King of Spaine?
Q. A. As they doe the Emperour Ferdinand, his brother Leopaldus, and the rest of the Austrian Princes: for they know his ambition and their malice, and so neither feare him, nor love these.
Q. M. But they love the double Pistols of Spaine, doe they not?
Q.E. Yes, but they say the French Crownes of the Sunne are farre purer and truer gold, and therefore passe currenter with them.
E. 6. The Austrian Princes, and the Swissers, I haue still heard, are from Father to Sonne, hereditary and irreconcilable Enemies.
P. H. Yea, the Swissers draw good vse and benefit hereof; for by this meanes they live not in security as some other States doe; but are still armed and ready to march and follow their Colours.
Q.E. But there is no Warre would be so acceptable and pleasing to them as vp to Millane, or downe [Page 20] to the free County, Brabant, and Heynault; if France, Savoy, and Venice, would command them the first, and England, France, and Holland, ordaine and give way to the second.
Q. A. What is not past is yet to come.
Q.M. Yea, but the Councell of Spaine hath policy enough, to insinuate and temporize with all these Princes and States; and so to divert their Designes, and frustrate their resolutions, if they were bent that way.
P.H. It hath indeede hitherto proved so by Spaine: for their policy and treachery, hath purchased and gotten them more Countries, then either their valour or swords.
Q. M. These easie Conquests are still sweet and pleasing to Spaine.
P. H. Yea, but they are neither honest nor just.
E. 6. But hath not Spaine cavill'd with the Swissers for their confines and limmits?
Q.E. Yes, two wayes, next Germany by Leopaldus, and betwixt Losanna and Gray in the free County by the Archduke Albertus.
Q. M. Yea, yea, the King of Spaine will angle so long till he take.
Q.E. But hath not Spaine attempted by his Ambassadours and Agents, to sowe discention and discord amongst these Helvetian Cantons; to oppose them one against the other, and so to debauch and withdraw them first from the French Kings seruice, and then to his owne.
P. H. Yes many times, but that tricke of Spaine is now growne olde and thrid-bare; so as the Swissers vowe to remedy the first, and the French Kings to [Page 21] prevent the second.
Q.M. But the Catholique King will watch those Swissers a good turne, and if the Ephinaerides of his envie, ambition, and greatnesse faile him not, either his Spinola, or his Pedro de Toledo, shall one of these dayes dine with him at Berne, Eriburg, or Soleurre, ere their table-cloathes be layed.
Q. E. But Sister you are deceived in the Swissers; for their Table cloathes are alwayes nayled to their Tables; yea, they haue so great a quantity of Swords Pikes, and Muskets in a readinesse, to give any enemy of theirs a bloudy banquet, that if Philip King of Spaine dare assault them, they doubt not but to vse him as they haue formerly done Philip Duke of Burgundy, whom they ouerthrew in three severall pitchd battels, at Granson, Morat, and Nancy, where he losed his treasure, his men, and his life.
The Grisons.
H. 8. BVt how stand the Grisons affected to Spaine.
E. 6. Spaine through the vicinity of Millane, doth so often knocke at their doores, that if they keepe them not fast shut, they know, or at least feare that hee will shortly enter by the Voltaline and Chiavena.
Q.M. O though of late they made a shew of resistance, yet the gold of Spaine, the neighbourhood of Millane, the Fort Fuentes, but chiefly their owne credulity and security, hath almost brought them to the King of Spaines ▪ lure.
[Page 22] Q.E. This people were both warlike and wise.
P.H. But Spaine will briefly make them fooles and cowards if they will hearken to him.
Q M. As how Nephew? pray be not bitter against Spaine.
P. H. Why, first Spaine will nussell them vp in peace and security till matters be ripe, or else he will engender factions, and sowe discords among themselues, either for Religion, or ranke, or betwixt them and their dearest friends the Swissers; and so when he sees all things ready, and the Iron hot, then hee will march, and strike, and not faile to vnite and annex the Cantons of the Grisons to Millane, as he hath already done Millane to Spaine.
H. 8. If the Grisons at any time lose the Swissers friendship, or their owne vigilancy and generosity, it will not be long, ere they shake hands with their liberty and lives.
Q.M. So Spaine hopes, for if warre cannot worke and effect it, they make no doubt but peace shall.
Q.E. If the Grisons hearken to the Charmes of Spaine, they are halfe lost.
Q.M. If they hearken not to Spaine, they are wholly vndone, but if they listen to Spaine, all will be well.
H. 8. Yea Daughter, I beleeue for the Spaniards, but not for the Grisons.
Q. E. To trust to Spaine, is to rely on a broken staffe, and to harbour a Serpent in our own bosomes.
P.H. To trust to the promises of Spaine, is to commit our selues to the mercy and protection of a Lyon who will devoure vs.
Q.M. The Grisons will see, and say the contrary
[Page 23] E. 6. So will I say, if I see the contrary; till when I feare the Grisons will buy their peace, as well with teares as blood.
H. 8. BVt how doth Savoy brooke Spaine? for I take it this present Duke Charles Emanuell, married this King Philip 3. his second Sister; the Infanta Katherina Michaela.
P.H. Savoy loves Spaine, as it hath deserved of it; for the noble and generous Duke thereof cries out; God defend mee from such a brother in law as King Philip.
Q.M. I beleeve if the Catholique King offered that Duke any vnkinde office, it was nothing but because hee was so neere a neighbour to Geneva, as hee and the Pope suspected his Highnesse would turne Caluinist.
Q. E. Alas that good Citie of Geneva, why all the world knowes the Dukes loue to it, and its Religion, witnesse the Barron of Attignac and his Consorts, as also Terraill and Bastide; but if there were once a Spanish Garison in this Citie, Savoy would soone know how to distinguish betwixt good and bad neighbours.
E. 6. But it is the laughture of the world, to say that Spaine hates Savoy because he loves the Religion of Geneva.
P. H. Yet this is as true as many other of Spaines colours, pretexts and evasions, when hee hath a purpose and plot to vsurpe.
[Page 24] Q.M. Why wherein hath the King of Spaine abused, or wronged the Duke of Savoy.
P.H. First, in being himselfe the chiefe cause and subiect, and then making him the Instrument and executioner, to cut off the two noble heads of Biron in Paris, and D' Albigny in Turin.
Q.M. Why the Catholique King is the vniversall King, and therefore it is not strange, if in all Countries of the world, hee haue his farre fetch'd policies, Agents, and Instruments to make his stratagems and resolutions take effect, for those who are obstacles to his will and pleasure; his verball friendship shall alwayes prove their reall overthrow and subversion; howsoeuer he and his Ministers pretend, and make shew of the contrary.
Q.A. Nay, let vs leaue Biron and D'Albigny in their Graves, for mee thinkes it is a poore charity to rake vp the ashes of the dead. And for our better information, let vs take a survey of the courtesie, or rather of the cruelty that Spaine hath offered Savoy.
E. 6. None knowes nor can deliuer the particular truth thereof, so well as your Royall Sonne Prince Henry.
Q.M. But I feare my Nephew will be too partiall in the delivery hereof, betweene the King of Spaine, and the Duke of Savoy, because I haue heard that of the two Princesses their daughters; he preferd that of Savoy before this of Spaine.
H. 8. No, no; my Nephew Henry is a iudicious and iust Prince, therefore I know hee will not wrong Spaine to doe right to Savoy.
[Page 25]Q. A He resembles King Iames his Father to well, whoe will still loue the King of Spaine, although therein he hate him selfe, therefore speake on fayre Sonne.
P. H When Great Henry of France (my honoured Vncle) made warres vpon the present Duke of Sauoy for the recouery of his Marquisat of Saluses, then this Phillip King of Spaine, (vnder the pretence and shewe to ayd the Duke his brother in Lawe against the French) sent him many troopes and Regiments of Spanyards for the preseruation of his State; when the peace being made betwixt the King and the Duke, and the exchange for Saluses, with the Countreyes of Bresse and Gex ratified and acomplished; These Spanish Regiments being quartered in Carbonieres, Mountemellion, Savillan, Pignoroll and other places of Sauoy & Piedmont, they vpon no reqvest or assommons made them by the Duke, would depart thence, but being commaunded the Contrary by the Count de Fuentes (Viceroy of Millan) as he was from the King his Master from Spaine, they peremptorily resolued and vowed to keepe firme footing which they along time did, vntill at last that wise & Valiant Duke being thereunto constrained for the securitie of his estate, whose emmynent and vtter subuersion he apparantly sawe before his eyes, he very nobly cutt all their throates.
H. 8. Beleeue me his Highnesse of Sauoy did well, for it was an act most worthy of his iudgement and generositie.
Q M. But the King of Spaine, the Dukes of Lerma Pastrama, Denia, Albecurque, Tolleao, and all the [Page 26] Counsell of warre of Spaine, vowe to haue their reuenge of this affront.
Q. E. Spaine hath done his woorst to Sauoy alreadie, for as long as France loues Sauoy, Sauoy needs not feare Spaine; at least mine Authors tell me soe, who are that famous Captaine, the Duke of Dedis. guieres, his valiant son De Crequy; & noble Du Termes.
Q. A. Though this one wronge, be one too many, yet is these all the wronges that this King of Spaine hath offered this Duke of Sauoy.
P. H. Noe Madame, for although the Duke winke, and seemes (with father Aubigny) to haue the art of forgettfullness; yet he well remembers, how Don Iuan de Taxis Spaines Ambassadour in France) told Lullins, Arconas, and Alimes, his Highnesse Ambassadours at Lyons, that the Kinge his master would Contribute towards the Exchange of the marquisat of Saluces, conditionally it remayned on that side the Alpes from the French; and since how his Catholique Maiestie hath performed nothing. He remembers Spaines Plott vpon his Castle of Nice (the key not only of his Countryes, but of Italy) when his Spanish Galleyes lay at Villa franca to bereaue him of his Children, He remembers how the Spanish Cardynalls oppose his precedency at Rome, with the Duke of Florence, and how the Catholike King, or his Viceroy of Millan for him; was the match and Incendiary to set fire twixt the Duke of Mātoua & him, for the Marquisate of Montferrad.
Q. E. Wee may see what a kind brother in Lawe the King of Spaine is, and what it is to build vpon his affiance, afinity, promises and asistance.
[Page 27]P. H. I am glad the Duke of Savoy, and the Princes his children haue now purchased the length of Spaines foote.
E. 6. They haue reason to haue it, for they were all enforced to take it with their swordes, Pikes, and Lances, at Cassall [...], Verceile and other wheres.
Q. A. As longe as Savoy loues not Spaine, The Marquis of Lullius and Monseur De Gabaleon told me, it needes not feare it.
Q. M. O but as long as Spaine Knockes at the gates of Sauoy and Piedmond he may at last enter.
Q. E. Sauoy hath reason to enter Millan, not Spaine Sauoy.
Q. M. But tyme and the policie and Swords of Spaine cut all donations and rightes in peeces.
P. H. Savoy hath had warninges enough to beware of Spaine and therefore as I euer loued that generous Duke, soe I hope that he and the Illustryous & valliant Princes, his Sonnes, will neuer want armes of steele, and heartes of Diamonds to our braue Spaine who with such ambition and malice seekes to out braue it.
H. 8. But what sayes France of Spaine.
Q. M. My honoured father all the world knowes that Spaine hath euer loued France well.
Q. E. Yea too too well, and so well as France will neuer loue Spaine, much lesse trust it in requitall.
Q M. Why hath not Spaine reason to ballance and counterpoise the power and greatnesse of France.
[Page 28]P. H. Yea, but not to seeke to make that famous & flourishing Kingdome become a Prouince to Spaine.
Q. M. Spayne neuer wish't it, much lesse attempted it.
Q. E. Yeares, more often then France hath Prouinces, or Spayne Cittyes.
P. H. Why? who was the Avthor and Protector of the League, but first Spaine, then the Pope, and next the Devill.
Q. M. O that was onely to preserue Catholiques, and the Catholique Religion, and to exterminate and roote out Heretiques, and was not this well done of the King of Spaine, sith he is the Catholique King.
E. 6. Nay, now the least child in France knowes that Religion was onely the pretext, but Empire and Dominion the obiect of that League. How else dared Mendoza (Spaines Ambassadour in Paris seeke the Crowne of France for the Infanta of Spaine, or how els dared the Iesuites his ministers, in their seditious Sermons, and pernicious Pamphlets aduance her right to the Crowne and Kingdome, when God and the world knowes shee had none to it.
Q. M. Why, it was when God had caused that good Fryer Iames Clement, to kill that bad King Henry the third at Saint Clou, and when indeede that Kingdome was without a head, and then the King of Spaine had reason to aduance his Daughters Title to France, in right of her mother Elizabeth, (that Queene of Peace) notwithstanding the fundamentall power of the Salique Law to the contrary.
[Page 29]H. 8. You are deceiued daughter, for it was a good King, and a bade Fryer (or rather a Diuell in a Fryers weede) to set handes on the Lords anoynted, but this arrow came out of the quiuer of Spaine, and Hell, for that bloudie and execrable murther was no sooner perpetrated, but then Instantly followed the proposition of the Infantaes Title to France, which apparantly makes the murther to be Spaynes.
Q.M. It was the Dukes of Mayene, Mercuaeur who drewe the King of Spayne to assist the League, and in it France.
Q. E. No, No, Contrariewise it was the Kinge of Spayne, that debouchd and drewe these two Dukes, and with them almost all the Nobilitie to forge and contriue this League, and in it to ruine France: for already France was almost Spayne, and the Infanta had vndoubtedly borne the Crowne: If Great Henry his Victorious sword had not pulld off Spaynes maske, and so cutt her Title and its pretences in pieces.
Q. M. But see the equitie and Iustice of King Phillipe, for when Henry that Heretique King came to the Crowne, he restored him Calais, Dourlans, Valencienes, Blauet, and all other townes and Castles which he had formerly wonne and Conquered in France.
P. H. But all this was not worthy thankes, for Phillipe alone restored that which hee could not, nor dared not to Keepe.
Q. M. Nay, obserue farther how religious King Phillip was (in imitation of King Agesilaus) for [Page 30] hee kept his Fayth inuiolable towards Henry IIII although he were an heretique King.
P. H. Nay obserue how irreligiously and treacherous Kinge Phillip was to King Henry 4. (in imitation of Artaxerxes, the son of Xerxes) for hee violated his fayth and Friendship towards him, in debaushing of Biron Mirargues, Loste, whose promises and gold made them Traytors to their King and Country.
E. 6. Surelie I thinke it is incydent, and I feare it will proue hereditary to the Kings of Spayne to conquer more by treachery then by the sword.
Q. E. But had Great Henry liued, he would haue requited, these courses of Spayne, as also that of Guignard and Chastell; who (although the report runne otherwise) had their greatest light and encouragement from beyond the Pyreene mountaines; for to speake truth hee in heart could neuer be drawen to loue Spayne.
P. H. Yea, that Spayne knew full well, for when the French Iesuites his Ministers had vnlocked the mistery they like bloody Schoole-masters, soe diuelishlie instructed and fortified that monster of men Rauilliack (their execrable and damnable desciple) that hee soone sent him hither in a bloody Coffin.
Q.M. But you will not say that the King of Spayne was accessary to Henry 4. his murther.
P. H. No, but I will say that if the truth were knowne, the opening of that veine would make many great Birds, yea and many learned ones too, bleede themselues to death, and peraduenture the [Page 31] wounds and scarres thereof, would bleede an hundred yeares hence.
Q. A. The Marshall of Lauerdin whistered mee a word concerning this, which I shall neuer forget, onely hee requested my secrecie therein: so the King of Spaines Larma, and the Queene Mother of France her D' Anchre, his Mariana, and her Cotton shall giue me leaue to thinke.
Q. M. Questionlesse it were the sinnes of that King, and the finger of Heauen that cut off the threed of his life.
Q. E. Questionlesse you are deceiued Sister, for it were the sinnes of France who made the Knife, and the treasons of Spaine and Rome which made that Parricide Rauilliack performe.
H. 8. Well, in despight of Rome, Spaine and Hell, that victorious and glorious King is wasted hither in triumph, therefore leaue wee him with God, and God with him, and let vs see since his deplorable death, how kinde K. Philip of Spayne hath beene to King Lewes his Sonne.
Q. M. So kinde that hee hath matched King Lewis to his eldest Daughter, the Ifanta Anna; and his eldest Sonne, Prince Phil. to the Eldest Princesse of France, Madame Elizabeth, that now these two mighty Kingdomes and Houses seeme to bee but one.
Q. E. This is faire to the eye of the world, but it will bee excellent if the End of these matches proue fortunate for France.
H. 8. Who were the Match-makers?
P. H. S. P. Q. S. or to bee better vnderstood, [Page 32] Spaine, Pope and Queene Regent.
Q.E. If King Philip of Spaine be Heyre as well to his Fathers Ambition as to his Kingdomes, hee will loue France so well as to push and fish for it.
P. H. What force could never effect, hee hopes those Marriages now will.
E. 6. Indeede the Snake lurkes vnder the fairest greene leaues, and the Aspik vnder the purest and sweetest Roses.
Q. E. No Kings of the world know better how to dissemble then the Catholique Kings.
P. H. You speake Scripture, not tradition.
Q.M. And you Tradition not Scripture.
H. 8. But what intertainment had the Infanta of Spaine in France?
P. H Noble, Royall, Glorious.
E. 6. What traine of Spaniards brought shee with her into France.
P. H. A very great traine, for Monsieur de Marais (the French Embassadour with the King my Father) told mee that Monsieur de Bonelle (Master of the Ceremonies to the French King) reported, that when the first of them were entring Paris at St. Iaques Gate, that the last were but comming downe the Pyrene Mountaines.
Q. A. But what did all this rabble of Spaniards doe in France?
P. H. To speake truth, they fell presently to skrewing and working themselues into the State, by begging and buying of Offices, Places, Pensions, and gouernments, both in Church and Common-weale, and by making Pensioners for Spaine, [Page 33] and consequently a bridge and passage for the King their Master to enter.
H. 8. But how did the Parliaments, the Privie Councell, and the Nobilitie of France brooke and digest this?
Q E. Yea, that is a question of State indeed.
P. H. As for the Parliaments, and Privie Councell, many of them are so Iesuitiz'd, as they are Spaniards in heart, though French in tongue, and therefore they were so farre from preuenting, as they gaue way to it, onely for the Princes and Nobilitie (some few excepted) they (resembling themselues) vowed and swore, that their swords should cut the Pens and Tongues in pieces of any Spaniard whatsoever, that dar'd propose or attempt it, for they spake aloud and affirm'd, the Florentines had taught them wit.
E. 6. A braue resolution of the French Nobilitie; for the greatest of a State haue alwayes the greatest interest in the State; those Princes and Nobles are therefore highly to be applauded and praised: and such of the Privie Councell and Parliament who tacitely are delinquents, and traytors to their Prince and Countrey, deserue to bee found out, arraigned, and sacrificed to the good of the Common-weale, either with a sword, or a halter.
Q. M. But, what said the Clergie of France to this?
Q. E. Sister, it is to be fear'd, as you wish & desire.
P. H. Why they out of passionate zeale, more then of zealous and sollid iudgement, approue of [Page 34] any Match for their King, so it be not with a Protestant, and yet of none so well as of this with Spaine; Demand their reason and they will answer you (with as much vehemency as ignorance) that the King of Spaine is the Catholique King, and if you come further to particularize, they reply, that their Cardinalls (who indeede are onely the Popes Creatures) shall deliver more at the estates Generall: So the Clergie bad the Spaniards well-come into France.
Q. E. But where are the Fire-brands and Incendiaries of the State, the French Iesuites, who indeed are the Fistulaes and Botches of a State, what entertainment gaue they to the young Queene and her Spaniards?
P. H. Surely Aunt, they crouched very low to the Queene; but in Cottons absence Arnoux and Berrulla (their Tongue and Eare) whispered so secretly to her Maiestie, that I could neither gather nor vnderstand what they said, but I guest at it; onely they gaue faire words and actions to all the Spaniards in generall; and to the nobler and wiser sort of them in particular, they ingaged themselues to keepe curious correspondence with the Catholique King, to whom they affirmed and swore by their Semi-God, and sole Patron Ignatius Loyolla, they would beare true observance, as the Marigold doth to the Sunne.
Q. A. Are not these two Iesuites the French Kings ordinary Preachers, and yet dare they doe it?
Q. E. Although Berrulla be the Father of the Oratory, [Page 35] yet he is in heart and soule a Iesuite, and Arnoux is the Arch-Iesuite of France, and the Kings Confessor, and yet they dare, and will doe it.
H. 8. But how did the Queene Regent enterteyne the Spaniards:
P. H. Courteously and Nobly, because shee made the Match; which since shee hath repented tho; yea and the Duke of Mayene too, who concluded & finished it: And so did Villeroy likewise, although it were to late. But Sillery and Du Vair loue Spaine so well, as their courages are so masculine, that though they see their errours in perswading these Matches, yet they rather persist then acknowledge it, for like good cleere-sighted States-men, they haue witte enough to beare vpp with the time, for otherwise they know the times will not beare them vp.
Q. M. But how did the Commons of France entertaine the Spaniards?
Q. E. Truely I thinke they will never be perswaded to like the fashion of the little Hatte, and great set Ruffe.
Q. A. Son Henry, pray answere Queene Mary.
P. H. If we may iudge of Hercules by his foote, so we then may of France, by those of Paris) which is the eye, the heart, the soule thereof (where the Citizens in all streetes, and especially the Lakeyes at the Lovrre gate, and the new bridge, still salute the Spaniards as they passe by, by these courteous Epithites, Boracho, Pantalones, and Bouriques.
H. 8. How long remained all these Spaniards in France?
[Page 36]Q. M. So long I warrant you, vntill they did all their Kings businesse, and their owne too before they departed.
P. H. In truth so long, till all France was weary, and distasted of them and their proceedings, yea, so many yeares, that at last the King and Councell were in a manner constrained to send them away by an Edict, as they themselues, not many yeares since, did the Moores.
Q. M. The banishing of the Moores was a good and wholesome counsell of Spaine.
Q. E. And I assure you Sister the sending home of the Spaniards was an excellent one of France, for vpon the matter, they were but spyes, moaths and drones, and would haue proved so to France if they had continued there longer.
E. 6. But were they all sent home, and none left at the Court of France to giue, and receiue packets to and fro for the Iesuits, the King of Spaines Factors and Agents.
Q. E. O, no assure your selfe, for the Councell of Spaine is too wise to commit so grosse and palpable an errour of State.
P. H. Therefore to cast the thicker mist, and to put the better varnish on the businesse, The Countesse De la Tour was left there with the title of gouernesse to the young Queene, and there is as much correspondencie betwixt her and Don Ferdinand de Geron (the Ambassador of Spaine) as there is betwixt him and the French Iesuites.
Q. A. Thus Spayne leaues alwaies a Sting behind him, and I feare France will in the end find it so.
[Page 37] Q. M. Whereon is your suspition, and feare grounded?
Q. A. Vpon the apparant symptomes of the Lethargie, Feuer, or Consumption of France.
E. 6. You say right Madam, and the Noblest and truest hearted French-men participate of your apprehension; For the Iesuites (beeing the Popes Factors, and the King of Spaynes Oracles and Agents) haue already corrupted the Parliaments and Priuie Councell, who should bee her Illium & Acrocorynth. They haue vndermyned and ruinated the Sorbone, heeretofore her Palladium, once the Queene of Vniuersities: Who now as a mournefull Widdow, sits with her hayre dandling about her eares, and her teares trickling downe her cheekes, liuing onely in her shaddow or Ghost, or rather in her ruines; for her Genius and Soule, hath alreadie made a transmigration to Clermont-House; Yea, and to speake true French, in our English tongue, they by their diuelish Aphorismes and bloodie positions (vnder a false & hypocriticall shew of Learning and Pietie) doe poyson and corrupt the Youth and prime Witts of France, as the Iewes did the Springs and Fountaines in England.
Q. E. Also, the Clergie of France, degenerates from its Pristine candor and zeale to the good of France, and the glory of the French Church, for they receiue Lawes from the Popes Nuncio and the Iesuites, to whome they should giue them. How else at the last generall Estates of Paris, and the assemblie of Notables at Rouen? were they so vnwise, dishonest and cowardly, to referre themselues [Page 38] to the two Cardinalls Perron and Gondye? who like good Cardinalls, but bad French-men (having onely their Bodies in France, but their Hearts at Rome) in thankfulnes to the Pope for their red Hatts, forgat themselues and their allegiance so much, as to prostitute and debase that famous Crowne and flourishing Kingdome of France, to be dependant to Rome in Temporall matters, notwithstanding the Pragmatick Sanction, and the prerogatiues of the Crowne & Church of France, to the contrary; whereat the Popes Nuncio at Paris laught with open mouth: So did the Colledge of Cardinalls, and the Pope himselfe at Rome; and likewise the Catholike King in Spaine, with all that huge rabble of Iesuites, whiles all the Kings, Soveraigne Princes, and Free Estates of Europe (Spaine and Italie excepted) grieued and lamented at it, with as much shame as wonder.
E. 6. Indeed these are two maine points & reasons, that the greatnesse and generosity of France declynes, and that Rome and Spaine will shortly shuffle the Cards so well, as it must needs bee made a Province to Spaine; for they both haue consulted and finde, that what could not be effected during the Reigne of old Henrie, may in these of young King Lewes his Sonne.
P. H. It is not impossible, rather likely, for France abounds in a monstrous height of Pride and Sinne, And the old Cleargie of France admit of so many new orders of Fryers and Nuns, that almost all is out of order; and the seuenteene Millions which the Duke of Suilly left by accompt to [Page 39] the Queene Regent, is all long since spent, and twice seventeene more. So as although the Polleta be still on foote, Monopolyes never so rife, the Finnances, or Exchequer drawne dry, and exhausted; yet the King is extreamely in debt to his Nobilitie and Pensioners; and is not this Musicke for the King of Spaine?
H. 8. Had Great Henry liued, he would haue remedied and preuented these calamities.
Q. A. But his Sonne King Lewes is not so happie to doe it, no nor his Creator, the Duke of Luynes so discreet and honest to aduise and councell him therevnto.
P. H. The neglect thereof may make one, or both of them to repent it, and peradventure the Kingdome too; for alreadie the Commons grieue hereat, and the Nobilitie would, but cannot remedy it.
Q. M. Spaine loues France, therefore France need not feare Spaine.
P. H. The Panthers skin is faire, yet his friendship is fatall, and his breath infectious.
Q. E. Indeed if France loued not Spaine, it need not feare it.
Q. M. King Philip loues King Lewes dearely.
Q. A. Not halfe so well as he loues his Kingdome of France.
Q. E. In truth France hath reason to haue a vigilant eye ore Spaine, for as long as shee sleepes in her bed of pleasure and securitie, perhaps one of these dayes, Spaines Ambition may awake her with Drumme, Trumpet, and Cannon.
[Page 40]P. H. O no, not as yet, for if the King of Spaine were so ill aduised, his Councell is not; for they like old experienced Foxes; will never permit him to discover himselfe, much lesse his Resolutions, and least of all his Ambition and sword, vntill the Sunne hath attaynd the Meridian.
Q. M. I know not what my Nephew meanes by this Mathematicall Riddle.
Q. E. I was never greatly skild in the Mathematickes, and yet consuming my Youth, Yeares, and Cares for England, I haue reason to vnderstand his knowledge. Wherefore Sister, sith he is a Noble and famous Prince, let vs heare him, for he hath some mystery to reveale twixt France and Spaine.
Q. M. He loues France, and hates Spaine, and which is worse, he was an Heretique, therefore his tongue can make no Spherall Melodie.
E. 6. But his Heresie hath brought him hether to Heaven tho, and he is a famous and Noble Prince: therefore Cosen Wales speake on, of France and Spaine, for now we are all resolved to heare you.
Q. E. I gaue him my Fathers name, and he inheriteth my resolution and courage, and the King his Fathers wisedome, therefore he can neither flatter nor dissemble.
Q. A. Speake on Henry.
P. H. Know all men by these Presents, that if Spaine did see the Heart and Bowels of France weltring in its bloud, and flaming in the fire of an intestine Civill-warre, if it did see the Princes [Page 41] banded against the King, or the King against the Protestants, these riffeling of the Lovare, and of Paris, and his Maiestie beseiging of Rochell, Sancerre, Sedan, Nismes, or Saumury, or denouncing Warre to all those of that Religion. If it did see sixteene Parisian Tribunes, carrying away the Court of Parliament prisoners to the Bastille, and Chastellets the rebellious Barycadoes, and a bloudie Massacre in Paris; and generally in all the Cities of the Kingdome, if hee did see some Princes of the bloud (or two great Dukes, as were Du Mayene and Merury) Captivating and Deboshing the obedience and affections of the French Nobilitie, Cleargie and Commons, and covering their pernitious Designes and trecherous attempts, vnder the Cloake of the holy League; If it did see Calais, Dourlaus, Amiens, Montdidier, Valencienes, Blauet, and Croyden, or other strong Cities; or Forts of France, bearing out the redd ragged Crosse in stead of the three yellow Flower Deluces, and a second Mendoza for his Ambassadour, sate as premier President, and Oracle in the Lovare, Towne-house and Parliament, That then Phillip the III. of Spaine loues his Sonne in Law Lewes the thirteene of France so well, that he would vse him as King Phillip the second had an eager desire, and had almost done great Henry his Father.
Q. M. Why how was that?
P. H. Right as my God-mother Queene Elizabeth [Page 42] hath formerly told you, nothing but to depriue him of his Kingdome.
E. 6. It were better that all the Iesuites were hanged, and the young Queene of France sent home to Spaine, with her Portion, to the King her Father.
Q. E. But wee see strange alterations in the Court of France, for some dare, but will not, and others would, but dare not informe the King hereof.
Q. A. France hath reason, yea it it high time for her to looke to her selfe, for the Agents, Iesuits, and double Pistols of Spaine are busie, and their Swords and Pikes are not Idle. For whiles France playes the Theorie, Spaine playes the Practique.
Of the Netherlands.
H. 8. How doth Spaine and the Netherlands agree.
E. 6. Spaine hath so long invred and enforced the Hollanders to bloud and warres, as now at Sea and Land they are become such braue Souldiers and Mariners, as they feare not Spaine, and to loue Spaniards they vow tis impossible, much lesse to obey them.
Q. M. It is pittie that King Philip the second ended not the chastising and Conquest of these Heretique Hollanders, ere King Philip the third beganne [Page 43] it, or that he cannot reduce them to obedience, by ending these warres with more fortunacie, and lesse danger and dammage.
Q. E. Nay Sister, it is pittie that these two Kings of Spaine, and the Archduke Albertus and Isabella, haue from time to time beene so ambitious, inhumane, cruell, and revengefull, to drowne the face of the Netherlands with many deluges of blood, in seeking to preserue their libertie, liues, and Consciences from the cruell Tyranny and Inquisition of Spaine.
P. H. Indeed for this fortie yeares the Netherlands hath beene the Schoole and Theatre of Mars, whereon there hath beene more braue Souldiers and renowned Captaines slaine, then in any Country of the world, or in many precedent Ages; and yet all this blood is not capable to quench Spaines Ambition and Tyranny in seeking to deuoure those Provinces.
Q. A. Hath not Spaine assaulted the Netherlands as well by Trechery as Hostillitie?
Q. E. Yes, witnesse the damnable Villaine Gerrard, who long since murthered William the famous Prince of Orenge, their Lieutenant Generall, and father to Maurice that valiant and incomparable Captaine, who now succeeds him in his Principalitie.
Q. M. O Sister, cast not so base an aspersion on King Philip my Husband, to affirme he was accessary to the murther of William Prince of Orenge, much lesse authorised or commanded it.
[Page 44]P. H. All the Ocean betweene Holland and Spaine, cannot wash off that Murther from your Husband King Philip, for his proscription to murther him beares it, and his Lieutenant the Duke of Parma commanded the Count Assonuille to deale with Gerrard about this murther, who promised him twenty-fiue thousand Crownes to effect it, which, O griefe to speake it, he did.
E. 6. But his valiant Sonne hath long since had revenge for the death of his Father.
Q. A. If he haue not, he resolues to haue it.
H. 8. But hath not Spaine since attempted, or broached any other Treason towardes the Hollanders?
P. H. O yes very lately, for whilst Spaine is Spaine, Holland will never forget how neere hee was to haue extinguished her libertie, and surprized their State, by infecting and corrupting their Secretary Barnevelt, a man of so profound wit, and deepe iudgement and experience in matters of State, as he was not onely the Oracle of the Netherlands, but the Ornament and Wonder of Europe, yea of his time.
Q. E. See, see the fruites of Spaines Gold, and the effects of his boundlesse Ambition, for it is a common custome with him, if not by the mayne, yet surely by the bye, to breake the necke of great Princes, and free Estates, publique Ministers, whether they are great Souldiers or great Statesmen, or both.
Q. A. Yea, the Web of this Treason was so [Page 45] cunningly wouen, and so subtilly and finely spun, as if the Netherlands had not broken Barnevelts necke, he long ere this had assuredly broken the necke both of their libertie and State.
Q. M. Well Barnavelt is gone, and now Spaine needs not feare his pollicie.
P. H. Nay, Barnavelt being dead, and Maurice that famous Prince of Orenge liuing, Holland need not feare either the trechery, or force of Spaine.
H. 8. But Nephew, I heare that the Vnited Provinces of the Low-Countries will this Spring haue Warres with Spaine, for their Peace is neere expired and ended.
P. H. A braue, noble, and wise resolution of theirs.
E. 6. Heretofore England taught the Hollanders wit and valour, and now they resolue to shew England the way to those two Vertues.
Q. M. But the Gold and Silver of Spaine will prevaile against them, and weigh them downe.
P. H. But the Hollanders had Ships enough of their owne, and Gold, Silver, and Men from England, therefore they disdaine to feare Spaine, nay, rather they vow before the next Summer to make Spaine feare them.
H. 8. See, see, a handfull of men dare attempt that against Spaine, which Great Brittaines huge infinitie will not.
Q. E. And yet their cause and reason is Englands, viz. their Consciences, Liues, and Countries.
Q. A. Pray God England and France interpose [Page 46] not to crosse the Warres, and seeke to conclude a Peace betwixt Holland and Spaine.
E. 6. But the Hollanders are resolued to make King Iames a large Offer, to protect them against Spaine.
Q. M. But King Iames loues Spaine too well, and therefore will not hearken to, or regard their proffer, for his Maiestie is resolved not to protect them.
P. H. The more is the pitty.
Q. E. The more my griefe.
Q. M. And without griefe or pitty, the more is my ioy.
Q. E. I protected the Netherlands in despight of Spaine.
E 6. But Spaine went neere by your Leicester, to betray both you and them.
H. 8. If King Iames would now protect the Netherlands, how easily might hee refetch backe Flushing, the Brill, and the Ramekins?
E. 6. Nay, how easily did his Maiestie depart with them to the Netherlands?
P. H. It infinitely reioyceth mee to vnderstand the Hollanders braue resolution and forwardnesse to haue warres with Spaine.
Q. M. But there is a secret tricke to coole their courages which they least thinke of.
H. 8. As how Daughter?
Q. M. Why, to Pistoll this Prince of Orenge, as they did his Father.
Q▪ E. Heaven forbid it.
P. H. God defend it.
[Page 47]Q. M. Why 'tis but one for another; for hee knowing Barnauelt a Traitor to his Countrey because a Pensioner to Spaine, caused the Lords States, to put him to death, why then (in exchange and requitall) should not a Pensioner of Spayne either poyson, or pistoll the Prince of Orenge?
E. 6. These diabolicall resolutions and bloudy Positions come from Hell.
Q. E. And thither they goe that professe and practise them.
Q. M. The King of Spaine is too religious to authorise so execrable a Murther.
Q. E. But the Pope as holy as he is will pardon it, and yet the world, I hope, knowes, that the K. of Spaine cannot be so religious as his Holines.
Q. A. It were good then for Holland to bee carefull of their Prince of Orenge his life; as all the World knowes his Excellencie is of their safetie and preseruations.
P. H. And it will likewise behoue them to obserue withall (as I hope they doe) how subtilly and trecherously Spinola takes their neighbour Townes for the Emperour, and keeps them for the King of Spaine his Master.
E. 6. And if the Warres goe on 'twixt Holland and Spaine; as I hope they will, It will be needefull for Spaine to haue a speciall care of his West-Indies from the Holland Fleets.
H. 8. Wherefore onely Spaines West-Indies, or rather why not all the Worlds West-Indies; sith their red and white earth sets all the World on fire and in Combustion.
[Page 48] Q. A. Surely, ere this Summer passe, and the next appeare, the Hollanders vow to haue a heaue at them.
Q. M. Nay, I hope the contrary, for the West-Indies is the maine & onely prop of Spaine, which if once found out, and taken away from them, will quickly make the greatnesse of his Ambition and Empire to totter.
P. H. Till when, all other Kingdomes and Estates of Christendome may thinke themselues exempt from Spaines feare, but shall never bee from his danger.
Q. E. This Holland perfectly and apparantly knowes, and it were a great happinesse for the rest of Europe, if they would heerein imitate their Generosity, Valour and wisedome, who stand on their Guards with their swords drawne, and their match lighted ready to giue fire; as being constantly and vertuously resolued neither to loue, trust, nor feare Spaine.
H. 8. But now leaue we all other Countries, and come wee to England, from whence being descended, wee by the Lawes of Nature, are eternally obliged to honour and loue it; yea to preferre it and its prosperitie and glory to all other Countries of the world; wherfore let vs see Spaines Ambition and Enuie towards it; and how he hath from time to time borne himselfe to the English.
Q. M. There is no Kingdome in the world, [Page 49] that Spaines loues better then England.
Q. E. Nor no people vnder the Sunne that it hates more then Englishmen.
E. 6. For Peter King of Castille most ingratefully and basely abused our famous and generous Edward the Blacke Prince, (the Ornament of Armes, the Glory of England, and the Honour of the World) and his whole Army in Spaine, after that he had inthronised & seated the said Peter in his Kingdome, and with his Victorious Armes expel'd Henry the Bastard, who Vsurped it.
Q. M. If Spaine had not loued England and Englishmen, King Philip would never haue married me.
Q. E. He loued you well Sister, but your Kingdome farre better, for you were the Obiect of his zeale, but England that of his Ambition.
H. 8. But Elizabeth, he hated you more then ever he loued Mary.
Q. E. And yet I dare truely affirme, that King Philip loued my Kingdome farre more then ever he hated my Person.
H. 8. To speake truth Daughter, he neither loued you, nor Mary his wife and Queene, but onely England.
P. H. And I haue heard that if he had neuer married my Aunt Mary, she had never lost Calais ▪ nor consequently, England, France.
E. 6. Though that Match were vnfortunate to England in the losse of Calais, yet it was fortunate in that Philip and Mary had no Children.
Q. M. If we had had any Males, England had [Page 50] beene long since a Province to Spaine.
Q. E. God knew so much, and therefore preuented it, wherein I blesse his Mercy and Providence, as also your sterrilitie.
P. H. Aunt, and I your resolution in speaking it.
Q. M. The Kings of Spaine are the greatest and most potent Kings of the World.
Q. E. Yea, in Ambition and ostentation, but not in power, for I proued it not so, I found it not so, I left it not so.
P. H. You Madam found Warre with Spaine surer and safer then Peace.
Q. E. Yea, farre more safer, and farre more profitable too for England.
Q. A. Then I wonder that King Iames my Husband so delights and drownes himselfe in his Peace with Spaine.
Q. M. O but Spaine findes both policie and reason enough to lull King Iames a sleepe in the Cradle of Peace and Securitie.
Q. E▪ I neuer feared Spaine lesse th [...]n when I loued it not, nor more then when it made greatest shew to loue me.
P. H. And the King my Father neuer loued it more, then now when he feares it.
E. 6. But is it possible King Iames feares Spaine?
P. H. It seemes so, for els he would neuer loue it so excessiuely.
Q. E. Sir Nicholas Bacon my Chancellor on his Death-bed wrote mee a Letter, that the Glory and Conservation of England consisted in holding Spaine at Rapiers poynt; and will not his Sonne [Page 51] Sir Francys, the now Chancellor tell his Master so much?
P. H. O no, he is otherwise imployed.
H. 8. But tell me Daughter, was Spaine euer trecherous to your Person?
Q. E. Almost euery yeare Spaine hatched me a new Treason, witnesse Pa [...]y, Babbington, Williams, Yeorke, Lopez, and infinite others, who sought to lay violent hands on my Person and Life, but that God in his infinite mercie and prouidence still protected and defended me, to their owne confusion.
P. H. But King Philip II. chiefely discouered his loue to England, in the trecherous attempt of his huge Armado of 88. (tearmed by the Pope, in a bravery) The Invincible Fleete,) at what time his ambition and greedie desire of Vsurpation, so farre oreswayd him and his Councell, as he thought to haue made an absolute Conquest of England; but he was deceived of his hopes; for God looked on England with his indulgent eye of pittie and compassion, and on that great and mightie Navall Army with contempt and detestation.
Q. E. Yea, God was so gracious to England, and so mercifull to me, as not onely my Ships and People, but the Windes and Waues fought for my defence, and that of my Countrey, against the pride and malice of Spaine, who grew mad with anger, and pale with griefe, to see this his great and warrelike Armado beaten, foyled, and confounded, in the midst of their glory and ambition.
E. 6. But Sister, was this all Spaines malice and trechery towardes You and your State?
[Page 52]Q. E. No, no, for I had forgotten how before that, his Maiestie in Spaine and his Lieutenant the Duke of Alua in Flanders embarg'd and confisk'd a world of Goods and Ships that belonged to my Subiects, contrary to all Lawes of Conscience and Nations.
P. H. And no other.
Q. E. Yes, King Philip beg'd my Kingdome of Ireland of the Pope, and so assisted the Rebels, and made a confedracy with them for the Conquest thereof from me, bringing in first Stukley, then Don Iuan of Aquilla, into that Kingdome to the same effect: But Heaven alwayes laught at their ambition, vsurpation, and trechery, which still prooved as vaine, as impious and vniust.
P. H. And yet see the iustice of the cause, and the [...]quitie of your Armes; for Essex landed at Caliz, and in despight of Spaine tooke and rifled it, beating and sinking their best and greatest Ships, in a maner without any shew of defence or resistāce.
Q. M. O but now the Times are altered and changed, for then Spaine was poore and England rich, and now England is poore and Spaine rich: Likewise Spaines Warres, parsimonie, and frugalitie, makes his Men Souldiers; and our Peace, pride, and superfluitie, hath made our Souldiers either Courtiers or Cowards.
H. 8. France knew that I found Souldiers in England when I tooke Tourney and Boloigne.
Q E. And Spaine felt that English were Souldiers, when my Drake beate them on my Seas, and Coast in 88 my Norris at Croyden in 94 my Essex [Page 53] at Calez in 96. and my Montioy at Kingsale in 1600.
Q. M. But then England was delighted in Combats, Warres and Victories, and now in Stage-Playes, Maskes, Reuels and Carousing, so as their courages are become as rustie as their Swords and Muskets, which serue to grace the walles, and not the fieldes, except in poore Musters, and sleyght Traynings, and that but once a yeare, which vpon the whole, is more for ostentation then Seruice: Moreouer, then Englands Navy-Royall could giue a law to the Ocean, and now time and negligence hath almost made all these Ships vnseruiceable, who lye rotting at Chatam and Rochester.
E. 6. Heere Queene Mary hath reason, for now shee is in the truth.
Q. E. What (Sister and Brother) my Royall Navy lye rotting, who are the Bulwarkes and Walles of England, and when I left them were capable to beate the power and pride of Spaine to shivers; O this grieues me! but I beleeue not that my wise and prudent Successour King Iames will suffer or permit it, I pray, God-sonne and Nephew Prince Henry, resolue me hereof.
P. H. Indeede Madam I confesse I haue seene so much my selfe, when God knowes I greeued to see it; neyther did I fayle to put the King my Father often in remembrance thereof; and his Maiestie still promised mee to new builde and repayre that Royall Fleete, to which number I added my Prince-Royall, a Ship, who had shee many fellowes, England needed not feare all the Fleetes of the World; but although the old Lord Admirall hath not beene carefull for the preseruation of the Nauy, [Page 54] yet the new one is.
H. 8. If he be not, I grieue for the Fleete.
Q. E. And I lament it.
E. 6. And I pittie it.
Q. A. And I bewaile it.
Q. M. And not to dissemble, both Gondomar, King Philip his Master, the Pope, my selfe, and all the Romane Catholiques of England reioyce hereat, for the Impotency and destruction of this Royall Nauy, is the Harbinger to prepare the way, and a step for King Philip to mount the Throne of Estate, to plucke off King Iames his Crowne, and to place and settle it on his owne head.
Q. E. O my Ships, my Ships: God knowes they were still deere to me, because still necessary to England. Where is my Drake, where my Cumberland, my Forbisher, my Grinuille, my Cauendish, my Hawkins, my Rauleigh, and the rest; Alas, they want me, and King Iames and England wants them; for when they liued, and I raigned, our Valour could stop the Progression of Spaine; Yea, my Ships domineerd in his Seas and Ports, and their Clouds of smoke and fire, with their Peales of Thunder, strooke such amazement to the hearts, and terrour to the courages of Castille and her faint-hearted Castillians, that every Spanish Bird kept his owne Nest, not powerfull enough to defend themselues, much lesse to offend any, and least of all England, who was then in her Triumphes, in her lustre, in her glory.
P. H. Grieue no more deere Aunt for the Nauy Royall of England; for although Nottingham were remisse and carelesse herein, yet braue Buckingham [Page 55] hath of late yeares set a new face on that Fleet; and makes it not onely his delight, but his glory to re-edifie and reforme them; yea there is not a yeare passes him, but he brings some new forth from their Dockes, and puts in other olde, although Cranfield (resembling himselfe) byte his lippes at the Charge thereof, because he affirmes he hath other occasions to disburse, and pay away the Kings Treasure.
Q. E. Nephew Wales, I am glad to heare that Buckingham is so carefull of Englands Fleet-Royall, and in very deed, his Ambition, Care, and Zeale herein, will infallibly purchase him much loue and honour of the whole Kingdome, especially if he continue it.
H. 8. Me thinkes Scotland annexed and vnited to England, should make it farre the stronger.
Q. E. But how can King Iames say England and Scotland is strong, when he feares the power of Spaine, and will not know or beleeue his owne.
E. 6. Yea, it were much honour to the King, and happinesse to his Kingdome and Subiects, if in any poynt (knowing the weaknesse thereof) he would fortifie and reforme it.
Q. A. And it were a great happinesse for most Kingdomes and free Estates of Europe, if they would follow the Examples of the Venetians and Hollanders, who will neither trust, nor loue, much lesse, feare Spaine.
P. H. And among the rest, if England would follow it, they should draw securitie out of danger, whereas now her apparant danger is drawne and deriued from her apparant securitie.
[Page 56]Q. A. O that the King my Husband would thinke hereof.
P. H. O that the King my Father would make vse hereof.
Q E. O that King Iames my Heyre and Successor would not hearken or beleeue the contrary hereof.
H. 8. But this were the way to haue Warres with Spaine, and King Iames I vnderstand, is resolued to liue and dye in peace with them.
Q. M. Warre cannot be bought at a cheape rate.
Q. E. But it is pittie that peace should be bought at too deare and dishonourable a rate.
P. H. I haue alwayes beene informed that England still gets by her Warres with Spaine.
Q. E. I got by my Warres with Spaine, and Spaine lost by it.
P. H. My Father and his Subiects lose by his Peace with Spaine, and Spaine gets by it.
Q. M. When England hath lost her selfe shee can lose no more.
Q. E. But Sister, your death was the death of the Popes hopes, and of Spaines pretences to England.
P. H. But they both seeme to reviue and bud forth afresh, if the Match betweene my noble Brother P. Charles, and the Infanta of Spaine take effect.
Q. A. May Heauen deny the first, and the King your Father never consent to the second.
Q. E. So shall Spaine euer feare England, but neuer England Spaine.
Q. M. But I hope the contrary; for in these dayes the King of Spaines Gold and his Embassadour Count Gondomar act wonders in England.
[Page 51] H. 8. Hath Gondomar propounded this match to King Iames?
P. H. O long since, and he hath vowed to weare out his red leather Coach, and greene buckeram Litter, but he will see an end of it this Parliament.
Q. A. I thought indeede it was not for nothing, that he makes Aesops Fables his daily pocket guest.
E. 6. How doth King Iames relish this match.
Q. M. His Exchequer is poore, and King Philips Indies riches, and therefore his Maiestie likes it so well, as he will hearken to no other.
H. 8. How doth Prince Charles himselfe like this motion?
P. H. I know not how my Brother likes it, but for my part, I should ever haue preferred a Daughter of France to that of Spaine, and I hope the match will not succeed, because my Noble Brother Prince Charles is wise, valiant, and generous.
E. 6. But how doth the braue and graue Parliament savour this Spanish match?
Q. A. Few loue it, most feare it, But as the match, so the Parliament is not yet ended.
Q. E. This would be Musicke indeede for the Romane Catholikes of England, if it should take effect; for the very first newes thereof, made them flappe their wings, as if they were readie to crowe.
Q. M. Yea, for they hope, and which is more, they know, that if it proue a match, That the Infanta will soone introduce the Masse, and Vsher in the Pope; therefore they haue reason to reioyce at it.
[Page 52]P. H. But if the King of Spaine will not giue the summe which my Father King Iames demands, will not they make it vp?
Q. E. It is probable and credible, That their Holy Father the Pope and themselues will stretch both their purses and credits to knit the match.
H. 8. Why? hath Gondomar such power with King Iames, to hope to see this match effected?
Q. M. O yes; for his Maiestie saith, that his Master is an honest King, and he a wise Servant: The first all the world knowes; and the second, I hope England shall shortly feele, at least, if all hookes take.
P. H. Indeed if Gondomar can effect this match, it is the direct way for him to be a Grande of Spaine, and to procure a red Hat for his Sonne, or Nephew.
Q. A. Was the Duke of Monteleone so rewarded for his French matches.
Q. M. He is alreadie a Grande of Spaine, and hath the promise of a Ha [...].
Q. A. Why then Count Gondomar need not feare, for he hath as much policie as the Duke of Monteleone, though not so much ostentation.
H. 8. Who made and concluded the match with King Philip?
Q. M. My selfe, and the Parliament.
Q. E. Nay Sister, put in Woolsey and Gardyner, and leaue out the Parliament; for you onely proposed it them but for forme, and had secretly concluded it before hand your selfe.
Q. M. Suppose I did, I might doe it of mine owne authoritie, and prerogatiue Royall.
Q. E. But you offred no faire play to the Parliament [Page 53] though, in asking their aduise when the Contracts were ready to be sealed.
Q. M. But I had reason to follow mine owne Iudgement, not their Passions.
H. 8. Nay, nay Daughter, you contrariwise followed your own passion, not their Iudgements, & so God gaue limits to Philips Ambition, and your owne desires, by making you forsake earth, & he England.
E. 6. But wise King Iames is opposite to my Sister Mary, aswel in Religion as sexe; and therfore I hope, nay, I assure my selfe, he will first consult this match with his Parliament, ere he conclude it with Spaine.
P. H. If the voice of the Parliament be free, and not enforced, I make no doubt but the Pope, the King of Spaine, Gondomar, and all our Recusants will come short of their hopes for the match.
H. 8. Daughter, what benefits proposed you to the Parliament, by your match with Spaine?
Q. M. Strength, Profit, Honour, which England, King Iames, and Prince Charles will likewise now find if the match hold.
E. 6. As for strength, if England would know its selfe, it need not expect or hope for any from Spaine: for Spaines assistance hath alwayes proued fatall and ruinous, to those who haue vsed it; And if England would assume the ancient generositie of her Ancestors, and forsake her new fangled pride, and prodigalitie, Wee know it is strong enough to beate Spaine, and all his Kingdomes and Prouinces, & no way so weake, to feare that Spaine should make England a P [...]uince; for it were farre safer for England, [Page 54] and Englishmen, if they wore worse cloathes, and had better hearts and swords, and if they were more martiall and lesse effeminate.
Q. E. For Profit, what Indies are richer then England? For if England want money, her selfe is still more powerfull and capable to inrich it selfe, if it would be lesse vaine, and more frugall and industrious, &c. What is a fewe hundred thousand pounds to England, if England be thereby exposed to the danger of Spaine? or that it be againe fetcht from them by the Bye, as it was brought in by the Mayne? for was profit ever cheape when it was bought with losse and repentance, with teares and bloud? or shall not euery Ducket be weighed and counterpoised downe with a farre greater preiudice and inconueniency: for if the Match hold, will not our Recusants looke a-loofe? will not Spaniards be so ambitiously insolent, to attempt to out-looke English? will not the Pope steale in by degrees, and the King of Spaine breake in either like a Torrent or a Thunderbolt, when his Factors and Agents haue made all things ripe and in a readinesse? will this be Englands profit?
P. H. For Honour, England and Scotland were free, Royall, and ancient Monarchies; when indeed Spaine was not Spaine, but dis-ioynted and dissevered Provinces: yea, for Pompe, State, and Glory, our Princes were Kings, when their Kinges were scarce Princes, nor their Princes Nobles: Therefore GREAT BRITAINE [Page 55] by the Match can conferre and adde honour to Spaine; but not Spaine to GREAT BRITTAINE.
Q. A. I could neuer yet affect the Match of Spaine, for either of the two Princes my Sonnes: for the Spaniard is by nature as trecherous as proud, and although Northampton perswaded me thereto, yet I loued true-hearted Salisbury, who alwayes diuerted me from it; as (in the depth of his Allegiance, and the profunditie of his wisedome & Iudgement) well fore-seeing they would proue fatall and ruinous to England.
E. 6. It is strange to see with what insatiable desire and Ambition, Spaine couets England; for he hath alreadie attempted it by treachery, by force, and now by the Match of his Daughter the Infanta to Prince Charles.
Q. M. You meane King Philip the 2. and not this present King Philip the 3; And as Don Iuan de Taris (the Ambassadour of Spaine) told King Iames at his first comming to the Crowne of England, that the Ambition and malice of Spaine to England, dyed with that Prince, and was interred and buryed with him.
Q. E. But was this King Philip the third and his Councell neuer acquainted with that horrible Gunpowder Treason, whereby it was intended and resolued, that England should haue beene blowne vp, ouerthrowne, and ruined in a moment.
Q. M. O no, he is too Catholike a King to haue hearkened, much lesse to haue approued that Passionate plot.
[Page 56]Q. E. You might haue said, that execrable and damnable plot of treason, but that you will still seeke to diminish and extenuate Rome and Spaines Treasons.
Q. M. You infinitely wrong the Pope, and King of Spaine, to suspect, much lesse to beleeue, that they were acquainted with that Powder-plot.
Q. E. No: went not Faulkes (that hellish Incendary) once to Rome about it, and the younger Winter twice to Vallidolide.
Q. M. Yea, about some other businesse it may be, although I must confesse it was very immediately before that Treason was discouered.
P. H. Gondomar told me, that both the Pope and King of Spaine abhord that Treason.
Q. A. I feare they abhord it, for griefe it tooke not effect.
Q. M. If euer this King Philip hated England, yee may be sure now he loues it; for else he would neuer seeke to match his Daughter to it.
Q. E. What force and trechery cannot effect, now affection in the match shall. Wherein King Philip is of Lysanders minde, who when the Lyons skinne will not serue, he will sowe on a peece of the Foxes tayle.
E. 6. So he come into England, he cares not by which way he ariue.
P. H. So the Daughter come not into England, England neede not feare the comming of the Father.
Q. M. Count Gondomar will beate his head and his horse shoes, but he will bring in the Daughter, [Page 57] and already his hopes & the probabilities are great, for hee is exceeding great and familiar with King Iames.
Q. E. Else he could neuer haue gotten open the Prisons-doores for the Romane Priests and Iesuites.
P. H. Nor haue made Rauleighs head to caper beyond his body.
Q. A. Nor haue kept backe an Armie from my Sonne and Daughter, the King and Queene of Bohemia, when so many hundred thousand valiant English Souldiers desired and longed to haue serued them in their warres.
Q. E. Nor haue shipt away so great a quantitie of Ordnance for Spaine, which one of these dayes will returne Bullets to our hearts.
E. 6. Nor haue procured a gallant Fleete to secure the coast of Spaine, against the Turkish Pyrates, vnder coulour of going to Argier and Barbary.
P. H. That Fleete was fitter to haue gone to Mexico.
Q. A. So indeed it might haue returned with glory and Gold, whereas now I feare it will with losse and repentance, I will not say with shame.
Q. E. I know by Experience, it is an excellent thing for England to fight with Spaniards, but not to ioyne with Spaniards against others.
P. H. Why should not our English Fleetes goe for the West Indies.
Q. M. If this Proposition be broached, then Gondomar will runne madde.
E. 6. What difference is there betwixt the East and West Indies.
[Page 58]P. H. As much as there is betweene Pepper and Siluer, or white Feathers and yellow Gold.
H. 8. O but England, neere this twentie yeares hath lost those golden times of going to the gardens of Hesperides.
P. H. And now Holland after ten yeares tryall, and patience, resolues to finde them.
Q. E. Now we speake of Holland: It againe exceedingly grieues me, that England goes from Holland, in that it will not protect it against Spaine.
Q. M. And truely it is my ioy and comfort to vnderstand it; for the farther England goes from Holland, I am sure the neerer Spaine comes to England.
P. H. Nay, if the match hold, Holland can expect no assistance from England; for the Pope, the King of Spaine, Gondomar, the Iesuits, and English Recusants, will in few yeares so shuffle & deale the Cards, as England shall not be able to assist her selfe, much lesse her Neighbours.
E 6. Why that is the way, in a few more yeares, to make England a Province to Spaine.
Q E. Yea, yea, there is the mysterie; for if the Match with Spaine hold, the Conquest of England will vndoubtedly follow, and then Gondomar can be no lesse then Vice-roy, or great Commander of England, for the King and Councell of Spaine will iudge him worthy of this honour, because he hath deserued it.
P. H. It were better Spaine were hell, and Gondomar Vice-roy to the Diuell, as he is now Ambassadour to the Catholike King.
[Page 59]Q. A. But is it possible that the King of Spaine hath so little Iustice and Charitie, and so much Vanitie and Ambition to desire it?
E. 6. The Kings of Spaine make this the tenth Article of their Creede, that the Rules of the Empire and State ought to giue Lawes, but not to receiue any.
Q. E. But this is contrary to the Lawes of the KING of Kings.
Q. M. But in the Councell of Spaine, the Rules of State are alwayes too sublime and powerfull for those of Religion; yea, the Pope will easily dispence with the King of Spaine, to make a Conquest of England, either by trechery, hostilitie, or the match: for it is against an heretike King and People, who refuse to enter into the bosome of the Church, & therefore lawfull in it selfe; because it tends to the Catholike cause, the displanting and rooting out of Heretikes, and the establishing & preservation of the Romane Catholikes in England.
Q. E. Those giddie and passionate Romane Catholikes of England, who desire to fish in troubled waters, who delight in nothing but in innovation and noueltie, and who make a May-game of Conscience, and an Ape of Religion, may peraduenture flatter themselues with the false sunne-shine of these hopes; but those of them whose hearts are better lodged, and whose eyes and iudgements can see farther and clearer, Those I say, who know by the Lawes of Grace and Nature, what they owe to GOD, to their lawfull Prince, [Page 60] and Countrie; those remember, that the Duke of Medina Sydonia sayd in eightie eight (who was then Generall of the Spanish Fleete) that his Commission was not to distinguish of Religion; but to make a passage with his Sword, ore both Religions without exception, that thereby the King his Master might haue the easier way, and fairer passage to the Crowne and Kingdome of England: Therefore we neede no perspectiue Glasse, or Spectacles to see, that it is not the establishing of the Romane Religion, but of himselfe in England, whereat the King of Spaine still aymes.
Q. M. But Count Gondomar is wise enough to provide a Playster for that sore, for he in netling the Nobler sort of Catholikes with the Match, hath in plaine tearmes given the lye to the Duke of Medina his speech, and therefore he hopes they will beleeue him.
P. H. The nobler and more passionate and factious sort of them may beleeue Gondomar herein, but the wiser, temperate, and conscious will not; and yet the Feminine Gender, are Masculine sticklers and solicitors for him, as he and the Iesuites are for the King his Master.
Q. E. Nay, the Romane Catholikes of England haue reason to beleeue Gondomar; sith King Iames loues him so well, as he esteemes his speeches Oracles and Scripture; and who with the quintessence of his Castillian, or rather Galician braine, hath now brought matters to this passe, that no cinsere advise, honest Letter, Religious Sermon, or true picture can [Page 61] point at the King of Spaine, but they are called in; and their Authors imprisoned (in stead of rewarded) though never so honest and loyall Subiects.
H. 8. But me thinkes that this is no subtill policie of Gondomar; for the more he striues to suppresse the truth, the more it will flourish and prevaile; For (for the good of England) if one penne, or tongue be commanded to silence▪ they will occasion and set tenne at libertie to write and speake; as Grasse or Cammomell, which the more it is depressed, the thicker it will spread and growe.
Q. M. But hath not Gondomar reason to strike whiles he findes the Iron hot, and to take the benefit of the floud, before the ebbe come or the tyde be spent.
Q. A. Indeed they say, he reports that this Summer time, the ayre of London and Islington is not sweete enough, either for his Fistula, or perfumed braine, and that he hath therefore gotten leaue of his Maiestie, to lodge in a part of his Pallace of Greenwich, which standes in so pure an ayre, vpon the pleasant Christall Riuer of Thames.
Q. E. That were a presumptuous part of Gondomar indeed, to aspire to lodge in that pleasant, and Royall Pallace of Greenwich.
Q M. But if it be so, I thinke it is not to lodge there himselfe, but onely to square out the Infanta's Lodgings, her Chamber of Presence, [Page 62] and a Plot to build her Grace a Chappell against shee come, whereof Iones Sir Innigo hath alreadie the Modell in his braines.
P. H. If King IAMES my Father lodge Gondomar this Summer in Greenwich, the next, King Philip himselfe will hope to lye in White-Hall.
E. 6. Nay soft, first let his Daughter the Infanta come, for she must breake the Ice, ere his Catholike Maiestie will dare aduenture to come passe the Seas hither.
Q. M. Aduenture to come? Why wherefore els, saith Count Gondomar, lyes King IAMES his Fleete at Alicant, and Cartagena, but to transport her for England this Summer?
Q. E. Vntill I am inforced to vnderstand, that that Fleete is at Lisbone the Groyne, or Saint Andera, I will not beleeue it, but then I will feare it.
Q. M. So the Heretike Protestants of France, feared their Spanish matches, and yet we see they prosper.
Q. A. It is the end which crownes the beginning, not the beginning the end of a worke.
Q. E. What speake you Sister of the French matches with Spaine, to this of England and Spaine? for all the world knowes, that the Estates of England and France, are Diametrically opposite in point of Religion; for France hath fortie Papists for one Protestant, and England fortie Protestants for one Papist.
[Page 63]Q. M. But those Protesting Heretikes of England, will sing another tune, when they see the King of Spaine hath made their Countrey his Prouince.
P. H. Heauen forbid, that euer England should sing the tune of Spaines Ballad, or Spaine liue so long to make England see that dismall and bloudie day.
Q▪ E. It were farre better, that Prince Charles were married to an English Milke-maid, and the Infanta of Spaine mew'd vp for a Nunne in a Cloyster.
Q. A. Yea, for how can my Sonne Prince Charles thinke the King of Spaine loues him, when he sees that vnder-hand, he is a mortall and professed Enemy to his Brother and Sister, the King and Queene of Bohemia.
Q. M. You mistake Madame; for it is the Emperour Ferdinand, and not King Philip that is their mortall Enemy.
P. H. If Philip had not (vnder-hand) powerfully assisted Ferdinand, His Imperiall Maiestie, had neither had legges to goe, nor wings to flie into Prague, and yet the King my Father will not assist his Sonne in Law, King Fredericke.
Q. A. Yes, to recouer the Palatinate, if that were lost; But Gondomar through his slye Crooches, and sugred insinuations, hath extorted a hope, and some say, wrested a Promise from King IAMES not to assist Bohemia, but I hope the contrary.
[Page 64] Q.E. But will Spinola restore those townes he hath taken in the Pallatinate.
Q.M. Gondomar promiseth that Digby, shall bring that home vnder his hand and seale, onely hee saies, tis fit that Spinola should be satisfied of his charges.
Q. E. Thats an old baffle and tricke of Spaine, which vpon the matter, will proue but a flat denyall. Therefore if King Iames please to hearken to my advise, I would send an Army thither and refetch these Townes of the Pallatinate from Ferdinand, Phillip, Al [...]e [...]tus, and Bavaria, with the point of the sword, in despight of Spinola, Tilly, and Cordova.
P. H. If I were againe living in England, I would so worke with the King my Father, that this resolution of Queene Elizabeth, should never dye, but speedily bee put in execution; for it is the safest, cheapest, shortest, and Honourablest way for England; yea, what would not England doe for my deere and Royall Sister of Bohemia, if the King my Father, would but giue it the word of command?
Q. M. But content your selfe Nephew, Count Gondomar hath promised that his Master King Phillip will giue King Iames content for the Townes of the Pallatinate.
Q. A. So Gondomar promised his Maiestie, that Spinola should never attempt the Pallatinate, and yet wee see the contrary, and being false in this, how, or [Page 65] what reason haue wee to beleeue him to bee true in the match.
Q. M. England must beleeue him, sith their King doth, and wil. And herein, I both triumph and glory
P. H. Thus my Royall Father intreats, where he should command, and loues paine, where he hath farre more reason to hate it.
Q. E. And this is my truest griefe and deepest affliction, that King Iames will [...]ll delight in contemplation, when (if his Maiesty will not) all the world sees, that King Phillip is (vnder-hand) deepe in action
H. 8. It may be King Iames thinkes King Phillip to be of Hannybals minde, who more feared Fabius not fighting, then Marcellus fighting, or of Pompey, or Marcus Crassus their opinion; who were more affraide of Cicero's gowne, then of Caesars sword.
Q. M. No thing lesse; for King Phillip, loues King Iames his Gowne & Pen, yet no way feares his sword.
Q. E. But if King Iames inherited my resolution as he doth my Kingdomes, I would make Spaine feare his sword, and Rome either loue or obey his Pen, and neuer consent to a Peace, much lesse to the match.
Q. M. But why should King Phillip feare King Iames his sword, sith hee never yet knew the way to draw it: or why should his Catholike Maiestie feare the Councell of England, sith it is apparant to all the World, that the element and delight of their King, is bookes, not battailes, the pen [Page 66] not the Pike.
H. 8. Why? Know you not Daughter, that King IAMES hath lately established a Councell of Warre, and wherevnto thinke you tends that.
Q. M. To Peace I hope, or rather, assure my selfe.
Q. E. Then Sister, yee are of neere intelligence with Gondomar; for not long since in one of his dispatches to Spaine, hee wrote the LL. of that Councell, that they should not doubt or feare of the Councell of Warre of England; for it was (said he) but a scarre-Crowe to feare, not to hurt, and would onely serue as a Vane on a house top, rather for ornament then vse. But if King Iames were of my minde, his Councell of Warre should strike rather then threaten; and send a Royall Armie into the bowels and heart of Castille, ere they thought it could be readie to depart from the Ports of England.
Q. M. Not into Castille; for then the Peace were quite broken betwixt ENGLAND and SPAINE.
P. H. Why then into Bohemia, the Palatinate; The Netherlands; or the States of Venice, or wheresoever the Castillian Regiments disturbe the publike Peace of Christendome.
E. 6. I see no reason to the contrary, but England should be as soone in Armes and Action as Spaine.
[Page 67]Q. E. But it is the inchanting melody of the Match, that brings England out of tune.
Q M. But in this Proposition and Parlee of the Match, the King and Councell of Spaine, speake faire termes, and giue reall not verball content to King Iames.
Q. E. So, did Phillip your Husband, and his Father by his Embassadors to mine at Bourbourg, thereby to lull me asleepe when his great Armado was in a manner ready to weigh Anchor, and set Sayle from Lisbone to inuade me and my England.
Q. M. But King Iames knowes Spaines affection and Gondomars sincerity to him, and consequently to England in seeking this Match.
Q. A. But England knowes neither the affection of the Master, or the sinceritie of the Seruant, and therefore hath reason, though not to feare, yet to suspect both.
H. 8. It rather thinkes King Phillip of Pericles his opinion and Ambition, who desired that the Iland in the Port of Piree mought bee removed, sith it was a moate and beame in his eye.
P. H. The Morall is, that Phillip would haue England a Prouince to Spaine; but if the Match hold not: Spaines Ambition, Gondomares pollicie, and both their trechery will proue too weake to performe so strong an execution.
Q. M. Then the King of Spaine will hate Gondomare, as much as he vaunts the King of England loues him. But I trust Count Gondomare hath liued too long to dote, or be made a Child in his old age.
P. H. No, no, Gondomare is too young to dote, [Page 68] and too old to be a child, therefore he is Confident and sure that the Match will hold; but withall, he saith the Parliament must be ended, ere these royall Nuptiall Ceremonies can begin, and so I thinke to.
E. 6. Indeede this Castillian Embassadour now sailes before winde and tyde, vnder fore-sayle, and maine-top-sayle, but very shortly hee hopes to hoyst vp top and top-gallant.
P.H. he may chance to packe on so much sayle, that hee may at last cracke the maine Mast of his Policie, or the maine stay of his hopes, or bee so busie and violent in the solicitation of this Match, as hee himselfe may giue himselfe a Shot, which may sinke either his reputation, or iudgement, or both, betwixt winde and water.
Q. E. Intruth I found his Predicessor Mendoza too busie and dangerous in my State, and therefore I forbad him my presence, and discharged him my Kingdome, whereat I know not whether he, or the King his Master, more grieued, or my Councell and my Countrey reioyced.
Q. A. Gondomare hath had time enough to know my Husband King Iames, but it seemes King Iames hath not yet enough deepely pryed into Gondamare. In a word I know his Maiesty hath heard his tongue, but not seene his heart, much lesse the designes and resolutions of the King and Councell of Spaine, which are inuelloped and hood-winked vnder the Mysterie of this Match.
H. 8. Indeede I haue read that Philip K. of Macedon went neere to haue betraid Arisba, K. of Molosses of his kingdome, vnder treating a Match with him.
[Page 69]Q. M. O but that Philip of Macedon was a Heathen King, and this Philip of Spaine is the Catholike King, therefore King Iames need not feare his sinceritie in the Match.
Q. E. Sith you are so Religious Sister, pray say, how doth the Inquisition of Spaine like to match their Infanta to an Hereticke Prince, for so I know they terme my Noble Nephew Prince Charles?
P. H. Why? Digbye could haue resolved you of that long since, for he knowes that the sacred and reverend Inquisition of Spaine loues England, but not the Match, our Country, but not our Religion and People; and yet in hope to root out Heretickes, and to plant England with Romane Catholiques, they oppose not the Match, but rather giue way to it, and approue it.
Q. E. But can Royall King Iames, and his Illustrious Sonne Prince Charles obserue their Religion and Conscience, in consenting to this Match, or haue the Clergie of England warrant enough Authenticall, out of the Word of God to say Amen to it?
Q A. O no, for King Iames (though not the Prince and Clergie) will now make Religion and Conscience Hand-maides to wait and attend on the State.
E. 6. But his Maiestie should doe farre better to defend the Faith (whereof hee is the Defender) and therein the State, which professeth the true and sincere Religion of Christ and his Apostles, sith Pietie is the preserver of Kingdomes, and all our actions whatsoeuer should tend to the glory of [Page 70] God, which is the banishing of Idolatry and Superstition, with their effects and Causes.
Q. M. Why pray, what Marriage so religious as for Prince Charles to match with the Catholique King his Daughter.
Q E. Sister you haue still Religion in your tongue, but I feare wee shall finde none in your heart, for pray what places haue you of divine Scripture, to authorize and approue this Match of Prince Charles with the Infanta, sith they are of a different Religion and Beliefe.
Q. M. As I confesse I haue none to approue it, so I am sure you all cannot alledge any one to oppose and contradict it.
H. 8. Yes, I produce Gen. Ch. 24. Ch. 26. against it.
E. 6. And I Exod. Ch. 34. Iudg. Ch. 17.
Q. E. And I Iosh. Ch. 23. 2 Chron. Ch. 21.
P. H. And I 1 King. Ch. 11. Ch. 16.
Q. A. And I Ezra. Ch. 9. Nehem. Ch. 13.
Q. M. Well, whatsoever you say, this Match (notwithstanding) tends to Gods glory, and the good of the Catholique and Apostolique Church, and in the end you shall finde, that Gondomars policie and Spaines Ambition will triumph ore your Scripture.
Q. E. This Match tends onely to bring in the Pope into our Churches, and the King of Spaine into our Estate; for that is the ayme of the first, the Ambition of the second, and the obiect and hopes of both, and I feare a few yeares will prooue it so; if in time it be not remedied and prevented: which God of his mercie grant, for 'tis true all [Page 71] the wheeles of Gondomars Art and Invention, are at worke to effect and accomplish it.
Q. M. The Pope I must confesse (as Christs Vicar Generall on earth) desires that England were Catholique, but for the good King of Spaine, he hath Kingdomes enough of his owne, and therefore lookes not after England, onely he desires to see the Match consummated.
P. H. Yes, the King of Spaines tongue hath so long watred, and his mouth gaped for England, that after Spaine, he wisheth England were his aboue all the Countries of the World, and his Catholique Maiestie is very confident, that this Match will giue a mayne stroke to the busines.
Q. E. If he once haue England; he will presently assume the Title of Emperour of the West, as King Philip his Father was resolved to doe a little before his death; yea his Ambition was so violent, as he missing of England, would haue proclaimed himselfe Emperour of Spaine; and had not his Councell diverted and prevented him, he would haue sayled to Mexico, and there invested and intituled himselfe Emperour of America:
P. H. And I haue heard that Gondomar hath given the King of Spaine his Master good hope of England; for 'tis certaine that hee not long since wrote to the Dukes of Lerma and Pastranna, that the report of the strength of England resembled those huge Pageants and Colosses erected at Rome, as the Caesars past from the Melvine bridge to the Capitoll in Triumph, who were outwardly glorious, but within fill'd onely with straw and poore [Page 72] combustible stuffe.
E. 6. Indeed, it is the shame & weaknes of England, that Spaine is no better acquainted with its strength.
Q. A. And tis my griefe that Spaine should see Englands weaknesse, and not feele its strength.
Q. E. O but it is the Spanish Match which will giue fire to England, and make her welter in her miseries, and flame in her calamities and afflictions.
Q. M. No, no, that Match will keepe the Temple of Englands Peace from firing.
H. 8. Yea, as Erostratus did that of Diana of Ephesus, which in one day consumed all the wealth that rich Asia had beene many yeares and ages getting.
Q. A. As Religion is the powerfullest passion of our Soule, so there is no stronger lincke of Friendship then Conscience, and therfore I hope my sonne Charles will not consent to match with the Infanta of Spaine.
Q. M. But one of his chiefest Vertues is his obedience to the King his Father; for although the Prince be his Sonne, yet he knowes he is his Subiect.
Q. A. All the world cannot better teach the Prince my Sonne to obey the King his Father, then already he knowes and doth; but I could wish that King Iames my Husband would not inforce his affection to this Spanish Match.
Q. E. If he marry the Infanta, shee may proue a false and vnsecret Secretary to the Prince her Husband, and a dangerous Princesse to the State: for he giuing her his heart, his Highnesse can hardly reserue any corner thereof for himselfe.
P. H. Yea then every Spanish Traytor and English [Page 73] Rebell will shroud themselues vnder the authority and greatnesse of the Princesse.
E. 6. So if England match with Spaine, Spaine vndoubtedly will in a short time ouer-match England.
Q. A. And infallibly take the Crowne from it.
Q. M. Borrow it peradventure, to see it, not to weare it.
P. H. I feare to weare it, neuer to returne it.
H. 8. Yea for once gone, it is gone for euer.
Q. E. And then shall Englands strong men fall vpon the edge of the Sword; her Virgins bee defloured and murthered, her Wiues defiled and slaine in sight of their dying Husbands; and their Children & young Babes shall haue their braines dashed against the wals in sight of their dead Parents.
P. H. Yea then shall our Nobility and Gentry, dye vpon the swords of those Barbarous Castillians, and those who escape and suruiue their fury, shall bee fettered and led Captiues and slaues to worke in the Mines of Peru and Mexico.
E. 6. Then shall our Priestes who are now cloathed in the white robes of Righteousnesse, bee drowned in those of their owne scarlet blood: No Church, no Temple, no Preaching, no Sacraments, but all couered with the thick fogges of Romes superstitious Idolatries, and Egyptian darknes.
Q.A. Yea, then the King my Husband, the Prince my Sonne, my excellent Daughter the Queene of Bohemia, her Princely Posterity, and if Spaine possibly can, all Great Brittaines blood Royall shall be rooted out and exterminated, as if [Page 74] they neuer had beene, or at least no remembrance left of them, or of the name of Great Brittaine.
Q. M. This were musicke indeed for Rome and Spaine to dance at, and for Gondomar to laugh himselfe to death for ioy.
Q. E. But I hope God of his mercy will confound all those who wish or desire it, whether it be Gondomar, the Iesuits, Englands Recusants, Spaine, the Pope, or the Divell.
The Conclusion of the Consultation.
H. 8. But heere let vs make a stand, and shut vp our Consultation; and sith so many millions of imminent dangers desolations and miseries attend and hang over the head of England by this Match of Spaine; let vs goe to suffrages and Votes, that plurality may giue sentence whether it shall bee a Match yea or no; for what wee conclude, I make no doubt but our great God with his owne voyce will ratifie and confirme.
- H. 8. Q. M. Whereunto we all consent and agree.
- E. 6. Q. E. Whereunto we all consent and agree.
- P. H. Q. A. Whereunto we all consent and agree.
H. 8. I am against the Match.
E. 6. I am against the Match.
P. H. I am against the Match.
Q. M. I am for the Match.
Q. E. I am against the Match.
Q. A. I am against the Match.
H. 8. Daughter Mary, wee are fiue against you one, therefore the Match of England and Spaine, hath end ere beginning, and is absolutely cast without reuocation.
[Page 85]And now let vs bre [...]ke vp our Consultation, and againe repayre to the Throne of the Lambe, (of our sacred God both of Heaven and Earth) to acquaint his Diuine Maiestie with all the particulars thereof, and therein to receiue his Heauenly pleasure and Commaund; When the Angell opening Heauens Starre-chamber, a great concourse and afluence of Saints and Angels (singing most Diuinely) conduct them to the Blessed Tribunall, where the whole newes of their Consultation, being already arriued to the vnderstanding of the Almightie; It pleased his Diuine and Coelestiall Maiestie, to call foorth Queene Mary whom he sharpely reproues & checks, in loving Spaine, to be so vnnaturall to hate her natiue Countrey of England. Then he infinitly Disproues the Match of Prince Charles, with the Infanta of Spaine; as derogating from his Diuine Glory, and Englands safetie and prosperitie; and so to Conclude very joyfully & cheerefully approues of their Consultation; which for the more grace and authoritie he makes and reputes as his owne. When Commanding these three Princes, & two Queenes (for Queene Mary was now put by and excluded) to send vnto England (by its owne Tutulary Angell) foure seueral printed Copies of this their Consultation; The first to be deliuered to King Iames; the second to Prince Charles, his Sonne; the third, to the High Court of Parliament; and the fourth, to the Lords of his Majesties most Honourable Priuy Counsel▪ the which in his Sacred presence was speedily performed and effected; When a great shout of Ioy, and an Vniuersall plauditie being hereunto giuen by all the Angels, [Page 86] and Host of Heaven; These fiue Royall Personages againe followed the Lambe CHRIST IESVS where he went.
This Consultation thus ended, Queene Mary biting the lippe at her checke and Disgrace; and grieuing to see the Match of the Infanta with Prince Charles thus vnexpected dash'd; and consequently the Pope frustrated of his hopes, and the King of Spaine of his Ambitious desires, Shee cals Mercury to her, and withall possible speed sends him away likewise to England, with these two ensuing Letters which shee had written, the one to Count Gondomar the other to all the Romane Catholikes of England.