EXposiciōes tmīo (rum) legū anglo (rum). Et natura
breuiū cū diuersi (bus) casu (bus) regulis et fundamētis legum tam de libris Magistri Litteltoni quā de aliis legum libris collectis & breuit compilatīs ꝓ Iuuini (bus) balde necessariis.
THe exposicions of y e termys of y e law of england &
the nature of the writtꝭ with diuers rulys & principalles of the law / as well out of the bokis of mayster littelton as of other bokis of the law gaderyd and breuely compylyd for yong men very necessarye.
- ¶Abiuracion
- Abatement
- Abbe
- Abbregemēt
- Accessory
- Accompt
- Acciōs realz & ꝑsōels
- Addicion
- Administrator
- Admesuremēt d dower
- Admesuremēt d pasture
- Age prayer
- Ad quod dampnū
- Adiournement
- Amendment
- Ayd
- Ayd de toy
- Ayle
- Arest
- Annuite
- Assetz
- Assise
- Attornement
- Attaynt
- Auncion demesne
- Audita querela
- Auerment
- Auowre
- Alyon
- Appropriacion
- Aduowson
- ¶Barr̄
- Batell
- Basterdy
- Burglary
- ¶Chamꝑtye
- Charge
- Cessauit
- Cerciorare
- Chymmyn
- Cōtynuall clayme
- Conusaūs de ple
- Cōspyracy
- Co [...]cyon
- Comyn
- Conterple
- Consultacion
- Contract
- Contra formam feoffamenti
- Contra formā cola [...]cionis
- Cosyn age
- Couenaūt
- Cui in vita
- Cui āte deuorciū
- ¶Daren p̄sētmēt
- Deuyse
- denizyn
- Decies tantū
- Deꝑter
- Det
- Diem clausit extremum
- Disclaymer
- Disseisor & disseyse
- Discontinuance
- Disceyt
- Demaūdāt & [...]
- Defēdāt & [...]
- Distres [...]
- [...]
- [Page]Dedimꝰ potestatem
- Demurrer
- Dowbleple
- Dower
- Droyt
- Dures
- Dū nō fuit cōpos mē tis
- Dū fuit īfra etatem
- ¶Entre
- Eiectmēt de garde
- Elegit
- Errour
- Esson
- Estray
- Eieccione firme
- Escape
- Eschete
- Estripament
- Executours
- Exchaunge
- Excōmengement
- Execucion
- Extynguysment
- Exigent
- Ex ꝑte talis
- Ex graui querela
- ¶Faux inprisonmēt
- Faux iuggement
- Fee symple
- Fee tayle
- Feffement
- Formedone
- Foirger de faux faitis
- [...]
- [...]
- [...]
- ¶Gard
- Garrantye dez chr̄s
- Garrantye
- Gager de delyueraūce
- Garnyshment
- Graunt cape
- ¶Homage
- Ioynt tenaūtis
- Idemptitate noīs
- ¶Ley
- Lesses
- ¶Maynprise
- Mayntenaūce
- Mesne
- Monstrauerūt
- Mordauncestor
- Mortmayn
- Moderata mīa
- ¶Natiuo habendo
- Non habilite
- Nusauns
- Nuꝑ obiit
- Ne iniuste vexes
- Ne admittas
- ¶Oyer & terminer
- ¶Par queseruicia
- Prescripcion
- Presentment
- Premunire
- Precipe in capite
- Par ābulacōe faciēda
- Petit cape
- Proteccion
- Prohibicyon
- Procedendo
- ¶Quare impedit
- Quare nō admisit
- Quare incūbrauit
- Quale ius
- Quarantyne
- Quare eiecit infra terminum
- Quid iuris clamat
- Quare itrusit matrīo
- Quod ꝑmittat
- Quo iure
- Quod eiyyy deforciat
- Quo waranto
- ¶Relief
- Remitty
- Replicacion
- Repleuyn
- Rescous
- Resceyt
- ¶Scire facias et bre [...] fys iudicyallꝭ.
- ¶Tayle
- Treason
- Tresur troue
- ¶wast
- ¶Vew
- Vt laica remouends
- wythernam
- Vtrum
- Vtlary
- Voucher
¶Prologus Iohīs Rastell.
¶Lyke wyse as the vniuersall worlde can neuer haue his continuans but only by y e order & law of nature whych cōpellyth euery thyng to do his kind so ther is no multytude of pepyll in no realme y t can continue in vnite and pease without they be therto cōpellyd by some good order & law / wherfore a good law obseruyd causith euer good peple and a good resonable cōmyn law makith a gode cōmyn pease & a comyn welth a mong a grete cōmynalte of peple / & one good gouernour whyche causyth one law to be obseruyd among dyuers & myche peple bryngeth dyuerse & myche peple to one good vnyte / but dyuerse rulers and gouernours & diuers orders and laws one contrary to a nother and when that euery gouernour wyl haue the law after hys mynde bryngeth one multytude of peple to varyauns and deuysyon / for as euery man is varyaunt from other in visage so they be varyable in mynde & condicyon / therfore one law and one gouernour for one realme & for one peple is most necessary / And also lake of law causyth many wrōgꝭ to be cōmittyd willyngly And lake of knowlege of y e law causyth dyuers wrongys to be done by neclygēs / therfore sith law is necessary to be had & a verteoꝰ & a good thing / ergo to haue the knolege therof is necessary & a verteous & a gode thīg / & that that is verteoꝰ & good is good for euery mā to vse / ergo it folowyth it is a good thyng for euery man to haue the knolege of y e lawe And syth that it is nescessary for euery realme to haue a lawe resonable & sufficient to gouerne the grete multytude of y e peple / ergo it is necessary▪ y t the gret multitude of the peple haue y e knolege of the same law to the whiche they be bound / ergo it folowyth that y e law in euery realme shuld be so publysshyd declaryd and wrytton in such wyse that y e peple so boūd to the same myght sone and shortely come to the knowlege therof / or ellys such a law so kept secretly in the knowlege of a few persones and from the knowlege of y e great multytude may rather be callyd a trape & a net to brynge the peple to vexacion & trobyll than a good order to bringe them to pease & quietnes / and for as mych as the law of thys realme of englond is ordey nyd and deuysyd for the augmētacion of iustyce & for the quietnes of the peple & for the cōmyn welth of the same / ergo it is conuenient y t euery one withī this realm boūd to the same may haue y e knolege therof and not resonable y t any suche weys shuld be had or vsyd wherby the peple shuld be yngnoraunt of the law / or shulde be exilyd or restraynyd from the knowlege therof. I therfore cōsideringe these forsayd causes haue taken vpon me this lytell labour and study to declare and to expown certeyn obscur [...] [Page] and derke termys cōsernyng the lawis of thys realme and y e nature of certeyne wryttꝭ for the helpe & erudicyon of them that be yong begīners whych intend to be studyētys of the law for as the phylosopher seythe / Ignoratis terminis ignoratur & ars / that is to sey he that is ignorant of the termys of any sciens must nedys be ignorant of y e sciens / but yet I haue not enterprysyd thys for y t that I thynke my selfe sufficient and able to expowne them as substancially as other depe lernyd men can do / but to the entent that som ease and furtheraūce of lernyng may com to yong studyentꝭ by redyng of thys same And also I haue compylyd and indytyd thys lyttyll worke fyrst in the frenche tong as is vsyd in the bokys of our law & after translatyd thys same cōpylacion in to our english tong to the entent that such yong studyentꝭ may the soner atteyne to y e knowlege of the frenche tong / which knowlege so had shalbe a great helpe & furtheraūce vnto them whan they shall study other higher workes of the law of more dyfyculte as be the bokys of yerys and termys & other bokes which be writtyn in the frenche tong / whereby they shall come to y e more knowlege of the law / which knowlege of the law so had and y e trew execuciō of the same law shalbe grealy to the augmentacion of y e cōmyn welthe of thys realme. whych the eternall god incresse & preserue to hys great honour & glory. AMEN
Abiuracōn est lou vne q̄ ad cōmise murdur ou fe lony fue all ascun eglysh ou auter leu priuilege pur la saue gard d savye & la deuaunt le coroner fait tyle cōfession q̄ puit fayre sufficient īditemēt de felony donquis la coron̄ luy ferr̄d abiure la realme & assinera a luy a q̄l port ill alera & luy iurra q̄ il ne [...]a hors dellhaut chymyn & q̄l il ne demurr̄ a le port (sil p t auer bō passage) fors (que) vnflod & vn ebb et sil ne p t auer passage q̄ il alera checū io r durāt .xl. iours ila mer a son genuz / mez si tile fe lon q̄ abiure ala hors d la chymyn et fue a auter leu sill soit prise ill serra amesne deuaunt le Iugge & la auera iugemēt desire pendu mez sil q̄ issynt pria le priuilege ne voil abiure dōquis il auera la priuilege put xl. iours & checun puit luy don̄ viand mez si ascū done luy viand ap̄s .xl. iours mes (que) il so t sa feme tyle don̄ est felony / auxi cesti q̄ abiure serra delyuer̄ ꝑ vn constable a lauter de vn fraunches a lauter tā q̄ il vynt a son port et si le cōstable ne vo t luy reseyuer il serra greuosment amercy Vide inramē tum tractatu d abiuracioue coronatorum
¶ Abatement ī terr̄. ou tenemētis est quant home murrust seisye de ascun terris ou tenementis & vn estraūge q̄ nad droit entra in le [...]err̄ deuaunt leyr cest appell vn abatement mez si heyrent primis et le straunge entra sur la possession [Page] leyr donques il est disseysyn all heyr
¶ Abat. de bref ou pleynt est quāt ascū acciō est port ꝑ brefe ou pleynt et fau [...] sufficient mater ou la mater est non certeyn allege donquis le defēd. pryera q̄ le brefe abatera .s. q̄ te ple. cōmensera sa sewt nouelment et portera vn auter breyf ou pleynt (si il voile) mez si le defen. ascun accion pled. vn matter i barr p [...]r a nuller le acciō a toutis iourz il ne viendra in apris a pleder in abatement de breyfe mez si a pr [...] il appert ī le record q̄ est ascū matt apparant pur q̄ le breys doit et aba [...]uz don (que) le def. ou acun au [...]er ꝑ son vt amicus curie puit ben pled et m [...] ceo in arest de iugemēt Auxi sont diuers chosys q̄ abatera vn bryef .s. misnom del pl. ou def. ou de leu. variance inter la breyf. et le especialte ou record. non certē te in le breyf. ou count. mort del pl. ou def. et plusours auters choyse [...] q̄ serront plus long a cest temps p • escryer
¶ Abbe est la sufferayn de measō de [...]elygyon et tyle sufferayn in▪ ascū tile meason ne ser [...] charge ꝑ act d son p̄decessor silne soit ꝑ cōmenseale ou ꝑ tyle chose q̄ vin [...] all vse. de son meason Auxi abb. ne serra charge p r le dei son comeyn deuaūt son entre in relygion mes (que) le creditor ad de ceo vn especialte sinō q̄ [...] auoi [...] denenu; all vse de measō mez lez executours de comoyn ser [...]oun [...] charge de ceo
[Page]¶ Abregement de pleynt ou demaund est qun̄ ascun assise est port ou vn bryfe de dower et le pl. in lassise fait sō pleynt oule demaū daūt in bryefe d dower fait sa demaund. de diuers ꝑcel [...] de terr̄ & le tenaunt pled. non tenure ou iointe nassi all ꝑcelldel tel in abatemēt de bref. don (que)s la pleyntyf. ou demaundant puit abrege. son playnt on demaund a cell ꝑcell & pryera q̄ le tenaunt respondra all remanēt et le cause est pur ceo q̄ in tils brefz la certente nest cōpryse in le brefe
¶ Accessorie est celuy q̄ eyd asist ou cōfort ascun home q̄ ad fait ascū murdur ou felony dont il ad conisauns don (que)s tyle accessorie serr̄. ponysh et auera iugement de vie & de mēbre auxi ben come le principall q̄ fyst le felony mestile accessorie ne serra iāmas mis a respō dera ceo tan (que) le principall soit cō uict ou attaynt ou soit vtlage d ceo mes vn feme in tile case ne serra accessorie pur le ayder de son barō auxi si vn comaūd lauter de fayr felony et il le fait si le comaunder ne soit present il est accessory mes s [...]l so t p̄sēt il est prīcipal auxi bē co • lanter q̄ sist le fait / mes in treyson auxi ben les comaūders co t les asisters & receyters apres soūt touts foitz principalles
¶ Accompt est vn breyf et gyft lou basyf ou res [...]yū dascū seygnor ou aut home q̄ doit render acōptis ne voit sō accōpt rēder̄ dō (que) celuy a q̄ laccōpt doit cē ted auera cest bref. [Page] Et ꝑ le statute d west .ii. .C. x o si laccōptaunt soit troue in areragis lez auditours▪ q̄ sont a luy assynes ouut power d garder luy al prison la de murrer tan (que) il ad fait gre al ꝑte mes si les auditours ne voylent alower resonabl, expēce & costage ou silz chacgeoūt luy oue plusours reseytis q̄ ne diussent don (que)s son ꝓchyn amy q̄ voit suer p r luy sewera vn brefe d ex ꝑte ta [...]is hors del chaūcery direct all vic. de p̄nder̄ iiii mayntenours de render̄ son corps deuaunt les barons del eschelryr a certeyn io r & de garner le seignor dapperer la a m̄. le iour
¶ Accions reals sont tyles accions ou le demaundaūt clayme title a ascun terls ou tenemētis rent ou comen in fee symple fee tayle ou a termē deuie
¶ Accions ꝑsonels sont tiles accions ou home clayme det ou auts benz & chateus ou damage [...] r eux ou dam̄. pur tort fait a son parson.
¶ Addicion est ceo q̄ est done a vn home ouster son ꝓper nosme & sur nosme .s. a mte de q̄t estate ou degre ou mester q̄il soit & de q̄l vill hamele [...] len & counte & tilz addiciō fuel orden ꝑ le statut a o i o .h.v. ca v to. in acciōs ou ꝓces dutlary gist q̄ vn ne serra greue ꝑ lutlagare lautre a tiels brefis abateroūt silz ne oun [...] tils addicōns si le p [...]. prist excepciō a ceo mes ils ne abatoūt ꝑ of [...]ice de court / auxi dulre m̄lres counle & chiualer̄ ne sont p̄ addicions mes nosmes de dignite quex duisent auer eē done deuaūt lesta t
[Page]¶ Aministrator est celuy a q̄ lordinary cōmit ladministracion des bens le mort pur defaut de executors & accion gift ds luy & p r luy co • p r executo r & serra charge iesq̄s all valew des bens le mort et nient oust sil ne soil ꝑ sō faux ple ou p r ceo q̄ il ad de vast lez bens le mort / mes si administrato r deui / ces execut. ne sount administratours mes couien [...] all ordynary de cōmyt nouell administracion, mes si vn estraunge q̄ nest administratour ne executour prist les bens le mort e [...] mynis [...]. de son tort demesne il se [...]r̄. charge & sewet come execut et ne • come administrato r in ascun acciō q̄ est port vers luy ꝑ ascun creditor mes si lordinary fait vn brefe a [...] coligendū bona defuncti. cesti q̄ ad tile lett nest administratour mes lacciō gy [...]t ds lordynary auxi ben com [...] sil prist les benz ꝑ son mayn demesne ou ꝑ le mayn dascū aut son seruaunt ꝑ ascun aut cōmaūdment
¶ Amisurement de dower est vn bref et gyst lou vn feme est endowe ꝑ vn enfant ou ꝑ vn gardē de plꝰ q̄ ne deuoit auer / leyr in tile case auera cest bref ꝑ q̄l la fe t serra admisure et leyr restore / mez si vn abate s. vn q̄ nad droit entl apres le mort le baron & endowa la feme de plus q̄ ne doit auer / leyr nauera cest bref. mes assise de mordaūcesto r ds la feme & si el pled, q̄el fu t ē d [...]w vt supra leyr mo [...]iera coment e [...] fuit endowe perlabatour [Page] et q̄el ad plus q̄ ne deuoit auer et preyr̄. q̄ il soit restore al surplisage & si soit troue il serra restore
¶ Admisuremētd pasture est vn bref & gyst [...]ou p [...]usors tenaūtis ount comen appendant in aut ter̄ & lun sur charge la comyn oue plusors auers don (que) lauters comeners poient auer cest bref ds luy. et auxi puit eē por [...] ꝑ vn comyner solemēt mez don (que)s co [...]ient estr̄. port vers toutz lauterz comyn̄ [...] & ds [...]esti q̄ sur charge pur ceo q̄ tout les comyne [...]s serrounl admysuris. Et cest bryef. ne gy [...]t vers luy ne pur luy q̄ ad comen appurtenaūt on comē īgross. mesceux q̄ ount comen appendāt ou comen ꝑ cause de vi [...]inage. vide la diuersite de toutz ces comēs a pies. Auxi cest brefe ne gy [...]t pur le seig r. ne ds le seig r mes le seignor puit distreyn les auers le tenaūt q̄ sont surplisage / mez si le seig r surcharge / le comyn̄ nad remedy ꝑ le comē lay mez il auera remedy ꝑ br̄ de [...]ub pena ī le chauncery vt di [...]ct.
¶ Age preyer̄ est quāt acciō est ꝑ [...] ds lenlaūt de [...]er̄. q̄ il ad ꝑ discent la il mr̄a la matter all court & prye ra q̄ laccon̄ dmurratā (que) a sō pleyn a [...]e de .xxi. anz et issiut ꝑ agarde d court lasew [...] sur [...]essera mes ī br̄. de dower & in assise & aux [...] ī [...]i [...]ez accions ou linsant vient ews de sō [...] de mesme il nauera sa age
[Page]¶ Auxi nota q̄ seit plusours diuersitez de ages / Qua [...] le seignor auera eyde de son tenaunt ī socage pur sa file marier quaunt la file le seig r. est dage de vii. anz. Et auxi ayde pur fayre son fitz et heyre chiualer̄ quaunt il est dage de vii. anz Auxi feme q̄ est espouse all age de ix. anz si son baron murrust seysy auera dower e [...] nemi deuaunt ix. anz. Auxi .xiiii. anz est lage de feme q̄lne serra in gard si el fuit de tile age all temps d mort sō aficesto r mez si el fu t deinz lage de .xiiii. anz et ī gard son seignio r don (que) el serra i garde tā (que) all age d xvi anz / & auxi xxi anz est lage de heyre male destre in garde et apres hors d gard. et auxi il est lage de male et female de suer̄ on destr̄. sue dez terr̄. q̄ ilz ount ou clamount ꝑ discent / et de fayr toutz maners cō tractz et bargayns et niēt deuaunt mez si tile infant deinz age de xxl. anz dona cez benz a moy si ieo lez preyn ꝑ forse deldone (il auera vs moy vn brefe de trespas) mez si il dona a moy & eux deliuer a moy au terment est
¶ Ad quod dampi [...]ū est vn bref & vide de ceo apres titulo quale ius
¶ Adiournement est quaunt ascun court est dissolue & determyn et assyne desit garde arere all aut leu ou temps
¶ Amendment est quaūt error est in le ꝓces les iustice poient ceo amender̄ apres iugement / mes si erro r soit [...]iuge t done ilz ne poient [...]eo amēder mez le ꝑte est mys al br̄ de error [Page] et in plusours casis lou le defaut appert in le clerk q̄ escria le record il serra amend.
¶Aid est quaunt tenaunt a terme deui tenāt ī dower t. ꝑ la cortesye out. ī tayle. apres possibilite dissu extinct est impled donquis pur ceo q̄ilz nount q̄ estate pur tme deui ilz preyerount eid de cesti in la reficiō et proces serra fait ꝑ brē vs luy de ven̄ & pleder oue le tenaūt in defence del terr̄ sil voil / mez il couiēt q̄ilz accord ī ple quar si ilz varye le ple le tenant serra prise. et donq̄s leyd prayer est in vayn: mez sil ne vint all secōd brefe le tenaunt rū dra sole / auxi tenaūt a tme danz t a volunte t. ꝑ elegit & t: per statut merchaunt auerount eyd de cesti in la reuercion. et le seruaunt & bayly de lour̄ maist quaunt ilz ount fait ascun chose loialmēt i le droit lour maister
¶ Ayde de roy est in semble case come est dit deuaunt de comyn ꝑson et anxi ī plus ours auters casis lou le roy puit auer ꝑde coment q̄ le tenaunt soit tenaunt in fee simple il auera eyde / come si vn rent soit demaund vers tenant le roy: q̄ tient in chef il auera eyd & issynt nauera de auier persō / auxi lou vn cyte ou borow ad vn fee ferme del roy et ascū chose est demaund vers eux q̄ apꝑteynt all fe ferme ilz aueroūt [...]de pur le perde le roy. [Page] Auxi home auera ayd de roy in leu de voucher. Auxi le baylif le roy collecto rs & purueyours auerōt eyde de Roy / auxi ben co e lez officers de auters persons.
¶ Ayle est vn bref / & vide de ceo apres titulo cosinage.
Arest est quāt vn ē prise & res [...]raie de son liberte / Auxi vn ho e ne sera arest pur det tn̄s detynuew ou auter cause de accion sinon que il soit ꝑ vertu de precept ou cōmandment hors de ascun court / mes pur treasō felonye ou debrus er de peas le roy / chescun home ad auctorite de arest ter sans garāt ou p̄cept / mez quant home sera arest po r felony il couiēt q̄ ascū felōy so [...]t fait & auxi q̄il soit suspect de m̄le felony. & quāt ascun ho e est arest p r felony il serra ames na a le geale la a demurrer tanq̄ al ꝓchein sessyon p r eē indite ou pur eē deliuer per ꝓclamacyon / mez si vn soit arest ꝑ vn aut pur suspeciꝰ de felōy & nul felōy soyt fait don (que) il puit auer vs luy vn bref de faux imprisonemēt.
¶ Annuite est vn certeyn some dargēt q̄ est graūt a vn home in fe sīple fee tayle a tme dei ou a tme danz a pūder del graūto r & ces heyres issint q̄ nul frāktenemēt ē charge de ceo / de q̄ ho e nauera vnq̄s assise ne aut acciō real fors (que) bref de ānuite / et nest ascū assetz al heyre le grannte a q̄ il descender [...].
[Page]¶ Assetz est quaūt t. in le tayle ou home ssi de certeyn terr̄ in droit sa feme alyen la terr̄ oue garr̄ & ad terr̄ in fee symple q̄ descend a son heyre que est auxi heyr in tayle ou heyr all feme & q̄ est taūt in valew q̄ laut terr̄ / in tile case si ascū tylez heyris portount br̄e de forme done ou brefe de sur cui in vita pur la tre issint alyene don (que)s il serr̄ barr̄ ꝑ reason de cell garrātye pur ceo q̄ il ad cest terr̄ issynt a luy descēdꝰ q̄ est taunt in valew & pur ceo cest terr̄ est dit vn assetz / Auxi assetz est quaūt home est oblige in ascun especyalte & murrust seisi de terres in fee simple q̄ discend a son heyre cest terr̄ est appell assetz pur ceo q̄ son heyre ser̄ra charge de payer le dit det si lez executo rs son auncestour nountrienz de payer̄.
¶ Assise est vn bref & gift ou ascun home est mys hors de son terr̄ ou tenemētis ou de ascun profet a [...]nder ī certeyn leu & issynt disseisi de son frank tenemēt. ffrankten̄t. a ascun home est lou il est seisie de terris ou tenemētis ou ꝓfet a pren der in fe simple fee tayle p r terme de sa vye de mesne ou p r tme daut vye mez t. ꝑ elegit t. ꝑ statut marchant & statut staple poyent auer assise coment q̄ ilz nount franctenemēt & test ordeī ꝑ diuers statutis
[Page]¶ Assise de darr̄ p̄sētmēt vide de ceo apres titulo quare impedit.
¶ Assise de mordauncesto r vide de ce [...] apres titulo cosynage
¶ Attornemēt est quāt vn est t p r terme deuie & cesti in la reuercion q̄ ad le fee symple graunta sō droit & estate a vn auter dō (que) il couient q̄ le t pur terme deuie agre a ceo & cest agrement est appell attornement / quar si cest in leuercion graunt son estate & son droyt a vn auter si le tenaūt pur tme de i ne al torna ryenz passa ꝑ le graūt / mez fil soyt graūt ꝑ fyne in court de record il serra compell de attorner / et vide de ceo apre [...] titulo quid iuris clamat.
¶ Attaynt est vn bref & gift [...]ou fals [...]det est don ꝑ xii. homꝭ & iuggemēt done sur ceo donquis le ꝑte vers q̄ ilz auoynt passa auera cest brefe vers lauter ꝑte et vs le xii. homꝭ et quaūt ilz sount a issue il serra trye ꝑ xxiiii. Iourrours & si faux vdet so t troue lez xii. iorrours sont altaynt & don (que)s le iuggemēt serra q̄ loul p̄ees serroūt arres lo r measons debrusis lo r boy [...] suruertis & totz lour terres & tenementis forfaytꝭ all roy mez sil passa in [...]ō tel celuy q̄ port lattaynt il serra imprison & greuousmēt raunsome all volunte le roy.
[Page]¶ Attaīt auxi est quāt iuggemēt est done in treason ou felony aun-
¶ Aunciō demesne soūt certeyn tenurꝭ q̄ sōttenuz d tilz man̄s quex fuer̄ ī lez maynꝭ d seynt Edward la confesso r & lez quex il fyst escri er̄ in vn lyuer apell domys day sb. titulo regis & totz lez terr̄ tenuz del dit maners soūt auncion demesne et lez tenaūtꝭ ne serroūt implede bors deldit man̄ & si [...]z sōt ilz poyet mr̄e la matt & abbat le bref mez si ilz respōd all br̄e & pled & iuggem t done don (que)s les terrez sount deue nuz franc fee. a toutz iours / Auxi toutz tenaūtis ī auncyon demesne sont franlr de toll pur toutz choise cōcernant our viand & husbandry ī aūciō demesne & p r tilz tris ilz ne serront mys ne inpanell sur ascun enquest / vide plus de ceo apres titulo monstrauerūt / Auxi toutz terr̄ in auncion demesne in la mayn le seigntor sont franlr fee & pledable all comen lay.
¶ Audita querela est vn brefe & gift lou vn est oblyge in vn statut m̄chaunt statut staple ou reconi saunz ou iugemēt done vs luy et son corps in execucion sur ceo / dō (que)s sil ad vn relez ou auter sufficient matt deē discharge del execucion mez nad iour de ceo pleder̄ dō (que)s il auera cest brefe vers cesti q̄ ad recouer ou vers sez executo rs
[Page]¶ Auerment est lou vn home pled vn ple in abatement de brefe ou barr̄ dacciō q̄l il dit il est prist de ꝓuer come le court voit agard cest ofter de ꝓuer sō ple est appel vn auerment
¶ Auowre est lou vn prist distress pur rent ou aut chose & lauter sewa repleuyn donq̄ celuy q̄ auoit prise iustifiera in son ple pur quel cause il prist et issynt avowa le prise & ceo est appel [...] son a vowre
¶ Alyon est celuy de q̄ le pier̄ est nee & il m̄ auxi nee hors del legeaunce nr̄ roy. mes si vn alyon vit & demur in engliter q̄ nest del enemyes le roy et icy ad issu cest issu nest alion mez engloys / auxi si vn angloys ala ouster̄ le mere oue lycēce le roy & la ad issu cest issu nest alion
¶ Aꝓpriaciō est lou vn measō d religiō. s. vn abb ou aut souerai & le couent oūt vn aduousō d ascū ꝑsonage & obteyn licence de pape & del ordenary q̄ il serr̄ delors vn vicarage & q̄ le vicar̄ auera vn certeyn porcion del benyfyce & q̄ labbe et la couent serrount ꝑsons & auerount lez auters ꝓfettis cest appell vn apropriaciō & don (que)s labb & la couēt serount ꝑsons in ꝑsonez mez tile aꝓpriaciō ne p t ester fait a cōmens. in la vie la ꝑson saunz sō assent mez si tile a vowson del ꝑsonage soit recouer ꝑ auncyon title don (que)s la propriaciō est adnul
[Page] A vowson est lou ascun home et sez heyris ad droit de presenter̄ sō clerlre all ordinary a ascū ꝑf. benefyte de seynt eglyssh quaunt il est void dō (que)s celuy q̄ ad tile droit est appell patron me [...] null lay home puit auer ad vouson dascun vicarage
¶ Barr est quaūtle defendaunt in ascū acciō pled vn ple q̄ est sufficient respouns & q̄ ad null laccion de pl. a toutz iours
¶ Batell est vntriell ꝑ combat q̄ serra inter deux ꝑsons & cest triet pu t eē i bref de dw [...] dwit & ī appell de murdur ou felony mez si vn soit indyte de felony et pꝰ la ꝑte po [...] appell sur lenditement donques la def [...]. negaga batell
¶ Bastard est celuy q̄ est nee dascun feme nient espouse & q̄ sō pier̄ nest cōmis ꝑ order del lay & pur ceo il est dit filiꝰ populi. mez ꝑ la layd seynt egiyssh si vn engender̄ vn infant sur ascū feme & est nee hors del espousels ei pꝰ il marye m̄ la feme don (que)s tyle infant ferra dit mulier et ne i bastard mez ꝑ la ley denglyter il est bastarde et pur ceo quaūt tile especyall basterdy est alege il serra trye ꝑ pays et ne i ꝑ leues (que) mez generall basterdy serra trie ꝑ certificacion dell eue / (que) [Page] Auxi si vn fe • soit grose de enfant oue son barō et le barō deui & el p̄st auter baron & apres linfant est nee don (que)s linfant ferra dit lenfant le primer barō / mes si el fuit priue mēt infent al temps del mort son prim̄ barron don (que)s il serra dit linfant le second baron / Auxi si vn home p̄ [...]t fe e q̄ soit grosemēt insent oue ascun auter q̄ ne fuit son baron et pꝰ linfant est nee deinz lez espousels don (que)s il serra dit linfant le barō mes (que) il fu t nee fors (que) vn io r apres les espousels solempnez
¶ Burglary est quaūt vn debru sa & enrra ile measō vn auter ile noyent al intent pur inbloyer bens in q̄ [...]case mes (que) il ne importa rienz vnquor il est felony & p r ceo il serr̄ pendu / mez le debruser de meason in le iour pur tyle intent nest poynt felony
¶ Chamꝑty est vn brefe et gyft [...]o [...] ii. homes sont impledaūtꝭ et lun done la moyte ou ꝑie del chose in ple a vn estraunge pur luy maī tener in cōter lauter don (que)s la ꝑte greuie auera cel brefe deuers lestraūge
¶ Charge est lou vn ho • graūta [...] hors del ascun terr̄ et q̄ si le rent soit arere q̄il list a luy et ses heyris ou assygnes a distreyne ta [...] (que) le rēt soit pay / cest appel vn rent charge / mes si vn graūt vn rent charge hors del terr̄ vn aut & [...] purchas m̄ le terr̄ le graūt est void.
[Page]¶ Cessauit est vn brefe & gift lou mon verrey tenaunt q̄ tient demoy certē terr̄ ou tenemētis rēdaūt certē rēt ꝑ an & le rēt est arer̄ nyēt paye ꝑ ii. anz et null sufficient distres puit eē troue sur le terr̄ don (que) leo aue ra cest brefe ꝑ q̄ ieo recouera le terr̄ / mez si le tenauut vint in court deuaunt iugement done et tend lez areragis & les dam̄ et troue suertie q̄ il ne cessera plus de payment dedit rent ieo serra compell de p̄nder̄ mes areragis et lez dam̄ / & don (que)s le tenaunt ne ꝑdera le terr̄ / auxi leyr ne puit maynten̄ cel brefe pur cesser fayt in temps son auncestor auxi cest brefe ne gift mes pur ānu ell seruyse come rent & hmōi et niēt pas po r homage & fealte
¶ Cerciorare est vn brefe & gyft lou vn est in pled in vn base court q̄ est de record & il suppose q̄ il ne p t auer egal iustice la / don (que)s sur vn byll in le chauncery comprisant ascun matter ī consciens il auera cest brefe pur remouer tout le recordi la chauncere & la dee determyn ꝑ consciens / mes sil ne ꝓua sō byll / dō (que) lauter ꝑte auer vn brefe de ꝓcedē do a remaunder la record ī la basse co rt & la deē determyne / auxiil gist ī plusours auters casis p r remouer recordis pur le roy come īditemētis et auters
¶ Chemyn est le haut voy ou chefcū home passa q̄ est appell via regia mes le roy nad auter chose la fors (que) le passage pur luy & pur son people mez le franctenemēt demo rt [Page] in le seignor delsoile & toutles peo fetz cressant la come arbez & auterz chosys.
¶ Contynuall clayme est lou home ad droit denter̄ in certeyn terr̄ dount vn aut est seisi ī fee symple ou fee tayl & il no sat enter̄ p r dout de batimes approch auxi pres co e il osat & fait clayme a ceo deinz lan et iour deuaunt son mort si cesti q̄ ad la terr̄ deui seisi & son heyr einz ꝑ discent vnquor cesti que fait tile clayme puit enter̄ sur leyr / niēt cō tristeant tile discent pur ceo q̄ il ad fait tile cōtynuall clayme▪ mez il couient q̄cest clayme toutz foitz soit fait deins lnnetio r deuaūt le mort le tenānt / quarsi le tenauut murrust seisi deinz lau et iour apres tile claym fait et vnquor il nosoast ent dō (que)s il couiēt a cesti q̄ ad tile droit de fayr auter clayme dems lan et iour apres le primer clayme & apres tile second claym d sayr le tyrce claī deinz lan et iour si il voiteē suer̄ d sauer son entre / mez si vn disseisor deuie seisie deīz lan & io r ap̄s le disseisyn & nul claym fait don (que)s lent le disseisyd est toile / quar lan et le iour ne serra prise de temps de title dentre a luy acru mez tan t solemēt de temps del primer claym ꝑ luy fa t come est auaundit
¶ Conusaūs de ple est vn priuilege q̄ ascū cite ou vil ad de grāt [Page] de tener ple de toutz cōtractis & dez terres deinz le presinct del fraū ches et qualit ascū home est inpled pur ascun tyle chose ī le court d roy que lez mayris ou baylyffis de tile fraunches poyent demaunder conusaūs del ple .s. q̄ le ple & le matt serra pled & determin deuaūt eux / auxi conusauns ne gyft ī p̄scripciō mez ils couient mī letters le roy
¶ Cōspiracy est vn [...] & gift lou ii. ou plusours q̄ sen tayllerēt ꝑ serement couenaunt ou auter maner aliauns q̄ chescun eydera auter pur inditer ou appeller̄ ascun home de felony don (que)s celuy q̄ est ꝑ tile maner indite ou appell auera cest bref mes cest bref ne gist ds lez indito rs
¶ Colucion est lou vn acciō est [...]t vs vn auter ꝑ son agrement demesne si le pleyntyf recouer / tyle recouere est appell ꝑ collucion
¶ Comyn est le droit q̄ home ad de mytt son bestis a pasture on de vser & occupier le terr̄ q̄ nest son ꝓpyr soyle Auxi soūt diuers comyns [...]. comyn in grose / comyn appen [...]aūt & comyn appurtenāt & comyn [Page] ꝑ cause de visinage / comyn appē dant est lou home est seisi d certeyn terr̄ a q̄ il ad comen in auter sole et toutz ceux q̄ serrount seisi deldit terr̄ auerount le dit comen oues (que) toutz bestis q̄ compost▪ sa ter [...] excepte oysouns chyuers & porce aux comyn in grose est lou Ieo ꝑ mon fait graūta a vn auter q̄ il auera comyn in ma terr̄ / comyn appurtenāt est ī m̄ le maner come comē appendaunt mez est oues (que) toutz maners dez auers. comyn ꝑ cause de vysynage est lou lez tenauntis de deux seignours q̄ sount seises de deux villꝭ. doūt loū gift pres lau [...] et chescū de eux ount vse de tēps dount memory ne court de auer comen ī auter vill oues (que) toutz bestꝭ comynable
¶ Conterple est lou vn ꝑt vn accion & le tenaūt ꝑ en son respons et ple vouch ou appell p r ascun ho e p r garraūt son title ou prayer ayde de auter q̄ ad melior estate come d cesti in la reuercion ousi vn esttraunge all accion vryn et prayera deē resceu de sauer son estate si le dd. reply a ceo & m [...] cause q̄ il ne doit tile home voucher ou q̄ il ne doit de tile ho e eyde auer / ou q̄ tile home ne doit eē resceu cest ple est appell vn conterple.
¶ Consultacion vide de ceo apres tilto ꝓhibicion
[Page]¶ Contract est vn bargayn ou couenaunt ꝑ inter deux ꝑtes on ascū chose est done pur auter q̄ est appel [...]d ꝓ quo quarsi vn [...]ome fait ꝓmyse a moy q̄ ieo auera xx.s. & q̄ il voil et detter a moy de ceo & pur ieo demaund le xx.s. & il ne voyll a moy delyuer vnquor ieo nauera iāmis accōn pur reiouer cest xx.s pur ceo q̄ cest ꝓmys ne fuit cōtract mez / nudus partus Et ex nudo par to nō oritur accio measi aseū chose suit done pur le xx.s. mes (que) il ne fuit fors (que) al valew de vn denere dō (que) il fuit bon contract
¶ Cōtra formā feofamēti est vn brefe et gift lou vn home deuaunt lestatute de quia emptol lerrark in feffe auter ꝑ fait de fayre certeyn seruys si le fessor ou ces heyrs distreyn luy de fayr auter seruice q̄ est comprise in le fait / dō (que)s le tenaūt auerarest brefe luy cōmaūdant q̄il ne distryn luy de fayr auter seruys q̄ nest comprise deinz le fait / mes cest brefe ne gift pur le plen tyf que clayme ꝑ purchase mes pur le ple. q̄ claym come heyre all pri [...] feffe
¶ Contra fo [...]am colacionis est vn brefe et gist lou home don terres ī ꝑpetuall almayn a ascū measō de relygiō come a vn abbe & la couent ou aut souerayn et son couēt de trouer certeyn pover homes ou de fayr auter certeyn deuyn seruys sils at [...]en les terrez dō (que)s le dono r ou ces heyrs auctount le du brefe pur recouer le tere [Page] mes cest bref serra tout foitz ꝑt vs labb ou sō successo r. & ne i vs laline coment q̄ il soittenaunt mez i toutz auters accions ou home demaund franct le brefe serra port vers le t. dellterr̄.
¶ Colinage est vn brefet gyst lou mō besael tres ayl ou aut cosyn deuye seisi ī fee sīple & vn estraūge abata s. entre in les terrez don (que) ieo auera vs luy cest bref ou deuers son heyre ou son aliene ou deuers q̄ cō (que) q̄ aueyn ap̄s ales ditz terres / mez si mon ayle deui seisiet vn estraūge abata dō (que) ieo auera vn brefe de ayle mes si mon pyre mere frere sore vncle ou a [...]t deuye seisi et vn estrannge abata don (que) ieo auera vn assise de mordauncestour
¶ Couenaūt est agrement sa t ꝑ enter̄ deux ꝑsōs fou chescū deux est tenuz a lauter d ꝑ forme certeyn couenaūtis pur son ꝑte / Auxi il est vn brefe de couenaūt & gist lou cō uenaunt est fait ꝑ inter deux ꝑ in denturis inseallys & lun deux ne ti ent pas couenaūt mez infrent dō (que) celuy q̄ ceo sent greue auera le dit brefe. Et n [...]ta q̄ null brefe de couenaūt serra mayntenable saūz espe cialte si non in le cite de londers ou in auter iyle leu priuilege ꝑ la custome et vse
[Page]¶ Cui in vita est vn brefe et gift lou home est seisi dez terres in fee simple ou fee tayl ou a terme deui ī droit sa feme et aliene m̄ laterr̄ & deui don (que)s el auera le dit brefe p r recouer le ter̄. Et nota q̄ in cest br̄. el fra title si soit de purhase le fem̄ ou dell heritage le feme
¶ Cui ante deuorciū est vn br̄ & gift in semble man̄ quaūttile alienaciō est fait ꝑ le baron et puis deuorce estew īter eux don (que) la fe e a uera cell brefe et le brefe dirra cui ipsa ante deuorciū cōtradicere non potuit
¶ Darent presentmēt vide ceo apres titulo quare impedit
¶ Deuise est lou vn home in sō testamēt dona ou graūta sez bens ou sez terres a vn auter apres son decesse. messi home soit sole sessie des terres in son demesne come de fee et deuisa les terres ꝑ son testamēt cest deuise est void / sinon q̄ lez terres soūt in vn cite ou borow lou terr̄ sount deuisable per custome / mes si ascun sort fesse all vse d vn home et ses heyris & cesti a q̄ vse il est seisi fait deuise de ces terr̄ cest deuyse est bon mes (que) ilne soit ī vill lou terres soūt deuysable. [Page] Auxi si home deuisaterr̄ in cite vil ou barow deuisable et le deuisor deuye si son heyr ou ascun auter abate in lez terr̄ don (que)s le deuise auera brefde ex graui audita querela / mez cest bref ne serr̄ iāmes pled deuaunt le iustice le roy mez toutz foitz deuaūt le mayre ou lez balyff in le dit vill / Auxi si home deuisa benz a vn auter & fait ces execut rs & deuye & lez executours ne voyle delyuer les benz a le deuise nad remedy ꝑ le comen lay in court le roy mes if couient de auer citacion ds les executo rs le testator dappeter̄ deuaunt lordinary de m̄ pur quoy il ne ꝑforma le volunte le testato r Auxi si home deuise oia terras et tenementis q̄ il ad vn reuersion passa ꝑces ꝑcels tenemētz / Auxi si terres soynt deuise a vn home a auer a luy īꝑpm̄ / ou a auer a luy & assignatis suis ī ceux deux casis le de uise auer a fee symple / mez si soit done ꝑ feffemēt in tile maner il nad fors (que) estate pur terme deuie
¶ Denizyn est lou alyon deuient le subiect le roy & obteyn les lr̄s pa tentz le roy pur inioyer toulz p̄uilegis come vn home englyssh / mes si vn soit fait denysyn il payel customs & diuers auters choses come alions come appert ꝑ diuers estatutis d ceo faitis
[Page]¶ Decies tm̄ est vn brefe & gyft lou vn iurrour in ascun inquest p̄st argent de vn ꝑte ou daut pur dost son verdit dō (que)s il payera .x. foitz a taunt q̄ il ad reseyue. Et chescun q̄ voil sewer auera la accion & aūa lun moyte & le roy laut moyte / mez si le roy in tile case relez ꝑ sō ꝑdon a tile iuro r vnq̄ol il ne serra bar ds [...]esti q̄ port laccion mes q̄ il recouera laut moyte si son acciō soit comen deuaunt le perdon le roy / mes si le ꝑdon soit deuaūt ascun accion / il est barr̄ incōter toutz gentis / & m̄ le lay est de toutz acciōs populero lou vn ꝑt est all roy & lauter all ꝑte q̄ suea / auxi les inbrasers q̄ ꝓcurēt tilz ēquest serroūt puny in m̄ lo maner & ilz auerount prisonmēt de vn an mes nul iustice enquere rout de ceo de office mes solemēt all sewit del ꝑte
¶ Deꝑter est lou vn home pled vn ple in barr̄ & le pleyntyf replia a ceo & il apres ī son reioinder pled ou mr auter mat cōtrary a son primer ple in barr̄ ceo est appel vn de ꝑter de son barr̄.
¶ Det est vn bref & gyft lou ascū some dargēt est & dew a vn ho e ꝑ resō d accōpt bargaī cōtract obligaciō ou aut especialte a payel a ascū certayn iour a q̄l io r il net pay dō (que) il auera cest bre / fmez si ascun some dargent soit dew a ascun seignour ꝑ son tenaūt pur ascun rent seruys [Page] le seignior pur ceo nauera iamꝭ acciō d det mez il couiēt toutz foitz distreyner / meo pur rent charge ou rent selit home auera bon accion de det et auxi pur are ragis de rent reserue sur vn lease pur terme dās et in ceux casis il est a son eleccion dauer acciō de det ou pur destreyn̄ mes si le lesse soyt determyn dō (que) il ne destreynera apres pur cell rēt mes couient dauer vn acciō de det pur les areragis.
¶ Diem clausit extrem̄ est vn brese & gift lou le tenaunt le roy q̄ tient en chief murrust don (que)s cest brefe serra direct all eschetour denquerer̄ d q̄l estate il fuit seisi q̄ est ꝓchyn heyre et de la certaynte dell terl & de q̄l valew le terr̄ est.
¶ Disclam̄ est lou le seignior distreyn̄ son tenaunt a il sewa repleuyn et le seignio r anowa le prise ꝑ reason q̄ il tyent de luy / si le tenaūt del q̄ il disclayma de tenet d luy cest appell vn disclaym̄ et si le seigno r sur ceo ꝑt brefe de droit sur disclam̄ si soit troue inconter le tenaunt il ꝑdera le terr̄
Disseysor est celuy q̄ myst ascun [...]ōe d [...]horssō terr̄ sauns order d luy et disseise ē celuy q̄ est issynt mys d hors.
¶ Discontynuaunce est quāt vn home alyen a vn anter terr̄ ou [...]enemētis & murrust & vn auter ad [...]roit a m̄ lez teres & ne p t ēter ī eux ꝑ cause [Page] de cel alienacid / si coē vn abb aleen les terres de so meason a vn auter in fee ou in tayle ou pur terme de i ou si vu home alien lez terres q̄ il ad in droit son seme / ou si tenaunt in tayle alien lez terres done a luy & a ces heyrz de son corps dō (que)s tilz alyenacions sount appellꝭ discontynuaunce quartilz estatz passoūt toūtz soitz ꝑ liuere & seisyn et in ceux casys le successor labb ne ia feme apres la morl son barō ne lissu in le tayle apres le mort le tenāt in le tayle ne poynt ēter mes chelcū de eux est mys a sa accion / Auxi si tenaūt in le tayle soit disseisi & il ꝑ son fait apres retessa all disseisor & a ces heyrs tout le dro • q̄ il ad / il nest discontynuaunce / pur ceo q̄ le tenāt in le tayle nad droit fors (que) pur tme deui & rienz de droit passa all disseisor fors (que) pur terme deuile t. ī tayle / & m̄ le lay est si abb ou home in droit son feme soyt disseisi et ilz relessout apres al disseysor / ceo nest ascū discontynuaūce causa qua supra
Auxi m̄ le lay est si ascun tile tenaunt in le tayle abb ou home in droit son feme fount lesse pur tme daus & puis relesse all lesse tout son droit [...] tile relesse ne fait ascun discontynuanuce
[Page]¶ Auxi si tenaunt in le tayle dun aduouson ou de comt̄ ī grose graūt lauousō ou la coē a vn auter ī fee ou pur terme deui / ceo nest ascū discōtinuaūce pur ceo q̄ de tyfz chosis q̄ passount ꝑ graunt & ne i ꝑ liuere et seysyn rienz passa fors (que) lestate q̄ le grauntor ad mez de tylz chosis q̄ passoūt ꝑ liuer̄ & seysī tile estate passa q̄ est nosme ꝑ le seysyn don.
¶ Disceyt est vn brefe et est ascū foitz originall et ascun foitz iudiciall mes quaūt il est originall gift lou ascun disceyt est fait a ascū ho e ꝑ vn auter issynt q̄ il nad sufficiētment ꝑforme son bargayn ou niēt ꝑforme son ꝓmyse / don (que)s celuy q̄ est in tyle man̄ disceyue auera cest brefe.
¶ Auxi quaūt cest bref est iudicial it gift ou scire facies est sue hors de ascun record vers vn et le vic. retorne que il est garny ou il ne fuist garny ou lou vn precype quod reddat de ple de terl est sue vers vnet le vic. retorn q̄ il est sommons lou il ne fuist som̄ys ꝑ q̄l disceyt et saux retorne le dd recouer le terre don (que) le ꝑte greue auera cest bref vers cesti q̄ recouera ou vers le somouers ou ds le vicoūt mez sil so t sue ds le vic. don (que)s le bref serra direct all coron̄ de m̄ la counte
[Page]¶ Demaundaūt est celuy q̄ sue ou complayn in accion reall p r title de terr̄ et il est appell playntyf in accion ꝑsonell come in acciō de det trespas disceyt detynew ettilz sē blablez
¶ Defendaunt est celuy q̄ est sue in accion ꝑsonell et il est appell tenauut in accion reall
¶ Distres est la chose q̄ est p̄s & distreyn sur ascū terr̄ pur rentarere ou pur auter tort ou dewtye couitt q̄ le ꝓperte del choise soit ꝑteynaūt al estraunge mez si sont bestis q̄ ꝑtenanta vn estraunge il couient q̄ sount leuant et conchaunt sur m̄ le terr̄ .s. q̄ lez bestis auoynt er̄ sur la terr̄ ꝑ certeyn space q̄ ilz ount eux hen repose sur le terr̄ ou autm t ilz ne soūt distreiable / Auxi si vn distreyn p r rēt ou aut chose saūz cause loiall dō (que)s le ꝑte greue auera vn repleuyn sur suertye troue d ꝑ suer̄ son accion et auera la distres a lay redelyuer / iō vide de repleuyn ap̄s titlo repleuyn / auxi sount dyners chosys q̄ ne soit distraynable .s. le robe dauter home in le meason de vn tayler ou drape in le meason vn sullour sherman ou weyuer [Page] pur [...]ed q̄ ilz soūt comyn artifycers [...] q̄ le comyn p̄sumpcyon est q̄ tielz chosy [...] ne ꝑteynēt all artifycer mez all auter ꝑsons q̄ lez mittout la a oreue.
Auxi vitell nest pas distreynable ne bles in garbez si non q̄ ilz sount in vn chart pur ceo q̄ distresse coui ent et toutz foitz de tyle chose doūt le vicount pu [...]t fayr repleuyn & redelyuer in auxi bon case q̄ il suit al tempo dell prise / Auxi home puit distreyn pur homage d son tenaūt pur fealie et pur escuage et auters seruyces & pur synꝭ et amerciment q̄ sount assess in vn lete mez ne t in court baron / Et auxi pur dam̄ fesaūt .s. quaunt il troue lez bestez ou benz vn auter fesant tort ou incōbrāt sō terr̄ / Auxi home ne puit distreyn pur ascū rēt ou choise dew pur ascū terr̄ mez sur m̄ le terr̄ q̄ est charge oues (que) ceo mez in case lou ieo veyn a distreyn et lauter veyaūt mon ꝓpose chase lez bestis ou port le choise de hors all intēt q̄ ieo ne prendra pur distresse sur le terr̄ don (que) ieo puis ben pursua & si ieo prist mayntenaūt ī la haut chemyn ou in auter sole la prisell est loyall Auxi ben la come sur le ēt charge a q̄ con (que) la ꝓperte dez benz soūt. [Page] Auxi pur synꝭ et amercymentis q̄ sont assess ī vn lete vn puit toutz soitz prender̄ lez benz celuy q̄ est issynt amercy in q̄cō (que) soile q̄ ilz soūt deniz la iurisdicciō del co rt vt dicit Auxi quaūt vn ad prise vn distres il comēt a luy de amesm̄ a le comē pound ou auterment il p t garder in aut soile & don (que) il comēt a luy de don̄ notyce al ꝑte / pur ceo q̄ la ꝑte (si le distres soit vn vyue best) puit don̄ a luy viand / & don (que) si le best murrust pur defaut de viand. celuy q̄ suist distreyn serra a le ꝑd et don (que) lauter puit distreyn aut foitz p r mesme le rēt ou dewte mez sil amesna la distres a vn forsolet ou hors del counte q̄ la vic, ne puit ben fayl delyuecaūce sur repleuyn don (que) la ꝑte sur le retorn de vicoūt auera vn brefe de wythernam direct all vic. q̄ il p̄yn tant des cez bestis ou tātdez benz laut isa gard tan (que) il ad fait delyuerauns de la prim̄ distres / Auxi sitz sount in vn forselet ou chatew le vicount puit prender oue luy le power del coūte et abater le chatell come appert ꝑ le statut westm̄ .i.C.xx o iō vide stalutum
¶ Deodande. est quauut ascnn ho e ꝑ misfortune est tue ꝑ vn sheuall ou ꝑ charett ou ꝑ aut chose q̄ moue [Page] [...]on (que)o cel chose q̄ est la cause de sō mort q̄ alltemps de la misfortune moua serta forfeyt all roy & ceo est appell deodand et ceo ꝑteyn al almener le roy pur disposer in almys et actis de charite
¶ Dedimus potestatem est vn brefe et gift lou vn home sewa in le court le roy ou est sue et ne puit ben traueler don (que) il auera cest br̄. direct a ascun Iustice ou auter discret ꝑson ī le pays de doner a luy power̄ de admyt ascun pur son attourney ou de lyuey fyne ou de prē der son confession ou son respous on auter examinaciō come le matter require
¶ Demurrer est quaūt ascun accion est port et le deff pled vn ple a q̄ le pleyntyf dit q̄ il ne voyll responder pur ceo q̄ il nest suffycient ple in le lay & le deff. dit all contrary q̄ il est sufficient ple cest dout del lay est appeli vn demurrer.
¶ Double ple est vn lou le desendaunt ou tenaunt in astun accion pled vn ple in q̄ ii. matters soūt comprehendus et chescun deux per luy m̄ est vn sufficient barr̄ ou respouns all accion ou mater de barr̄ dō (que)s tile doble ple ne serr̄ admit pur ple [Page] si nō q̄ vn depend sur taut et ī tile case sil ne puit auera la dar [...]yne ple saunz le primer ple don (que)s [...] double ple serra ben suffet
¶ Dower est vn brefe & gift lou home est sole seisi durant le conuertour ꝑ inter luy et sa feme de [...] ou tenementꝭ in fee symple ou fee tayle lou ꝑ possibylite lissu enter [...]ux puissoyt inherit / si til home de i la seme recouera tiera ꝑt de tout les terez dount le baron fuist sole se [...]sie ascun temps durant le couertor ꝑ bref de dower vnde nichil habet mes (que) il ne murrust seisi & mes (que) ad il sait alienacion de ceo ī sa vye / mez si home ad terres in quex auters fuerūt seisi a sou ops tout foitz durant le couertor / & cesti a q̄ op [...] il sount seisi deuye sa feme ne serra indow. Et auxi si ii. homes sont seisi de terr̄ all ops lun de eux et cesti a q̄ ops &c. deuye sa feme ne serra endows Auxi si feme ꝑt bref [...] dower el recouera domage pur la ꝓsit incurrus apres la mort sa barō sil murrust de ceo seisi / mez si ascū alienacion on estate fuit fait durāt le couertor issynt q̄ le barō ne murrust seisi don (que)s mes (que) el recouera la [...] vnquor el ne recouera dam (que) [Page] Auxi il est vn aut brefe de dower appell bref de droit de dower & gift lou fe e ad recouer ꝑte d sa dower̄ en m̄ le vyl et auter ꝑt el est a recouer. auxi in diuers auters causis feme nauera dower si come le baron fait felony ꝑ q̄ il est attaynt dō quis sa feme nauera dower auxi si el elopa de son baron oues (que) vn auter home in auoutrye et si el ne [...]oit reconsyle ꝑson baron de son bone volunte saunz cohercom̄ dell eglyssh el ne serra endon
¶ Droyt est vn brefe appell bref de droit et gist lou home clayme ascun terrez ou tenementis et allege null title mes solement q̄ vn de sez aūcestours fui seisi puis le limitacion & cest brefe co t cē ꝑt en court le seign r et puit eē remoue en court le roy & nad fors (que) ii. triells .s. ꝑ grāt assise ou ꝑ batell all eleccion le tenaunt et pur ceo il couiēt toutz foitz al pleyntyf pur auer son champiō prist ou auter ment il ꝑdra sa acciō Auxi le iugemēt de cest brefe est synall quar il nest pas ple pur le tenaunt a dyra q̄ il recouerast ꝑ acciō trye / Auxi il est vn auter brefe de droyt de racionabile ꝑte et gift tout ditz int priues de sanke / sicoē vn home lesse terres a terme deuye et ad plusours coheyrs & deuye si vn dez coheyrs entra in tout le terr̄ / lez auters auerount cest bref / mez cest vr̄ ne serra trye ꝑ batel ne graūd assise. [Page] Auxi est vn brefe de droit qn̄ dn̄ [...] remisit curiam suā regi et gift ou'le seigno r ne tient court don (que)s il remittera son court all court le roy a ycell foitz sanant a luy auterfoitz le droit de son seigniory
¶ Vide dez brefis de droit in lez titlez de p̄cipe in capite monstrauerūt dower et quare impedit
¶ Dures est lou vn ho • est gard in prison ou restreyn de son liberte cōtrari all order de lay et si tile • ꝑsō issynt eēaūt fa • ī dures ascū especialte ou obligacion ꝑ reason de tiell enprisonmēt tyle fait est void in le lay & in accion ꝑt sur tyle especialte il puit dire q̄il fuit fail ꝑ dures d inp̄sonmēt mez si ho c soit arest sur ascun accion all sewyt vn auter mesque le cause dell accion ne soit bon ne voyr sil fait ascun obligaciō a vn estraūge eēanti prisō ꝑ tile arest vnquor il ne serra dit ꝑ dures mez sil fa t obligaciō a luy a q̄ suist il fuist arest deē discharge de tyle inprisōmēt dō (que)s il serr̄ dit dures vt dicit
¶ Dum nō fuit compos mentis est vn brefe & gift lou ho c q̄ est hors de son bon memory alien lez terres q̄ il ad in fee symple & deuie dō (que)s sō heyre apres sō decesse auera cest brefe mez il m̄ nauera cest bref pur ceo q̄ home ne serra reseu a dis abler luy m̄ / auxi cest bref puit esse fait in le ꝑ cui & post
[Page]¶ Dum fuit infra etatē est vn brefe et gift lou enfant deinz age a lien sa terr̄ q̄ il ad in fee symple ou pur terme deui quaūt il vynt a son pleyn age il auera cest brefe ou yl pnit eutre sil voyt / mes il couiēt q̄ il soit de playn age iour de son br̄. purchase / Auxi si enfant alien sa ter [...] & deuye son issu a sō pleyn age auera cest bref ou p • ent mes lissu nauera cest brefe deinz son age
¶ Entre est lou vn home entra in ascun terr̄ ou tenemētis in / on ꝓper ꝑson ou auter ꝑ son cōmaūdment / Auxi sont diuers brefis de ētre quex sont ī diuers man̄s vne est brefe dentre sur disseisyu & cest brefe gift lou home est disseisi & deuie son heyre auera lauaundit br̄. vero m̄ le disseisor / Brefe dentre in le ꝑ gift lou home est disseysi de fon [...]ranctenement et le disseisour denye seisi et son heyre entra dō (que) la disseysi ou son heyre auera le dit brefe ds leyr le disseysor ou ds lalyne le disseysour mez viuant le dysseysuor yl puyt auer assyse sil voyl & le brefe dentre dyrra ī qd [...] non hēt in gresū nisi ꝑ B qui illud ei dimis [...]t q̄ inde iniuste disseisinit &c. Mez si le disseisor aliene et lalyne alyen oustre a vn auter ou si le disseysor deui & son heyre ētra & celuy heyr de i & sō heyr entre [Page] don (que) le disseise ou sō heyr auera brefe denire sur disseysyn in le ꝑ et cui & le bref dirr̄ ī qd id nō hēt igres sū nisi ꝑ B. cui C. illud ei dimisit q ide īiuste &c. Et nota q̄ nut bref dē tre in le ꝑ & cui serra mayntenable [...] nulli mes lou il q̄ est tenaūt soit tenuz ꝑ purchase ou ꝑ discent mes si lalynacion ou discent soynt deue nuz hors dez degrez sur q̄l nut brefe puit eē fait in le ꝑ ne in le ꝑ et cui don (que) serra fait in le post & le bref dirra in qd a nō hēt ingressū nisi post disseismā quā B. inde iniuste & sine iudicio fecit p̄fat. N. vel m̄ ꝓame N. cuiꝰ heres Ipse est.
¶ Eiectment de gard vide de ceo apres in le title de gard
¶ Elegit est vn brefe Iudiciall et gift lou home ad recouer det ou damagis in le court le roy sil suppose q̄ les bēz laut ne soūt sufficiēt dō (que) il auera cest bref al vit. a delyuer a luy routz cez bienz et chux except lez boffaz & aftres de c. carue et auxi le moyte de sa terr̄ q̄ serra a luy delyuer ꝑ resonable extict q̄l il tiendra tā (que) le some soit leuey dez issuz et ꝓfetis
¶ Errour est vn brefe & gift lou faux iugement est done in le comē banlre ou deuaunt iustice in assyse ou deuaūt iustice d oyer̄ & terminer [Page] ou deuaunt la mayr ou vicount de londers ou in auter court de record pur fayre vener le record et ꝓces deuaunt lez iustice de banlre le roy et la si errour soit troue il serr̄ reuerse mez si faux Iugement soit don in banlre le roy dō (que)o il serra reuerse ꝑ ꝑlyamēt / Auxi si faux iugement soit done in court que nest de record come in counte hundred ou court baron don (que)s la ꝑte auera brefe de faux Iugement pur fayr le record venir̄ deuaūt iustice de comyn bālr Auxi si errour soit troue in leschequer il serra redres ꝑ le chauncello r & tresorer / vt patet ꝑ statutū E. iii. anno xxxi.C.xii.
¶ Esson est lou vn accion est port & le playntyfe ou deffedaūt ne poīt ben apperer all iour ī court pur vn de v. causez de south expresez dō (que) il serra essoyne pur sauer son de faut vnde nota q̄ sont v. maners de esson .s. esson de ouster le mere et ceo est ꝑ xl. iours / Le ii. essō de terr̄ scā & ceo serra pur vn an & vn iour / & cez deuz serront gest all cō mensement de ple vt dicit / le tiers esson est de male vener & ceo serra al coē iours come laccion require et cest appell le comē essou et quaunt & coment cest esson serra vide lez statutz & le lyuer de abregement d estatutz lou il est ben declare / Auxi le iiii. essou est de malo lecti & ceo est solem t en brefe de droyt et sur ceo issera brefe hors del chauncery direct all vic. q̄ il maūd. iiii. chiuelers all tenaūt de voyer le tenaūt et [...] [Page] malad de a doner a luy io r ap̄s vn an & vn iour / Auxi le v. esson est de seruyce le roy et gift in toutz accioos fors (que) in assise de nouell disseysyn brefe de dower / daren presentinent et in appell de mort mez in cest esson il couiēt all iour d mr̄. sō garrāt ou autermēt il toruera ī vn def. sil soit en ple reall ou il ꝑdra xx. spur le iourney ou plus ꝑ discrescion dez iustice sil soit en ple ꝑsonell vt pate [...] ꝑ statut. glocester capitut. decimo
¶ Estray est lou ascun best ou catell est in ascun seygnorye et null conust le owner de ceo dō (que)s il serra seisi all ops le roy ou le seignor q̄ ad tiel estray ꝑ graunt le roy ou ꝑ p̄scripciō / & si le owner vint et fa • claym a ceo deinz vn an & vn iour don (que) il le reauera ou auterment apres lā la ꝓperte de ceo serra all seygniour issin [...] q̄ le seygnio r face ꝓclamaciō d ceo accordaūt a le ley.
¶ Eieccione sirme vide d ceo apres in le tytle quare eiect infra terminum
¶ Escape est lou vn q̄ est arest de nouin a sō liberte deuaunt q̄ il soit delyuer ꝑ agarde de ascū iustice ou ou ꝑ order del lay / Auxi si vn soit arest et puis escapa & est a son lyberte & cesti in q̄ gard il suist / luy reprise apres & luy amesne a le prisō vnquor il est escape in luy [Page] Auxi si vn murdur soit fait in le iour & le murderer ne soit prise dō quz il est estate ꝑ que le vil ou le murder fuit fait serra am̄cy / Auxi si vn felon soit arest ꝑ le constable et amesne a le geale in le counte & le gealer ne voit luy reseyuer et le cōstable luy dimit & le gealar auxi & issint il escape / cest est vn escape in le gealor pur ceo q̄ in tyle inse le gealour est tenuz de luy resceyuer ꝑ le mayne le constable saunz ascū p̄cept de le iusticis de peace / mez auter est si vn coen ꝑsō arest auter pur suspeccoin de felony tale gealour nest tenuz d luy resceyuer saūz p̄cept de ascū dez iustices del peace.
¶ Eschete est vn brefe & gyft lou vn tenaūt tyent dune seigniorsāūz mesne & face felonie pur quel il est pendu ou abiure le realme ou vtlage d felonye murd r ou petyt tresō ou yf le tenaūt murrust saūz heyre general ou specyal dō (que) le seignio r puit ttre ꝑ voyde eschete ou si auter home entl le seigo r auera vers luy cest brefe.
¶ Estripament est vn brefe et gift lou vn est in pled ꝑ vn p̄cipe quod reddat p r certeyn terr̄ si le demaūdāt suppose q̄ le tenaūt voyle fayre wast pendant le ple il auera vers luy cest brefe [Page] que est vn ꝓhibicon luy comaūdāt q̄ il ne face wast pendant le ple. et cest brefe gift ꝓpermiēt lou vn ho e demaūd terr̄ ꝑ formedone ou bref de droit o tielz breffꝭ lou il ne recouer damagis quar ī tilz breffis lou il recouera damagis il auera cez damagis [...]ia [...] regard all wast fait.
¶ Executours est quaunt home fait son testement et darrēy volūte et in ceo nosma le ꝑson q̄ executera son testament d [...]n (que)s cesti q̄ est issynt nosme est son executo r & tile executor auera acciō vers chescun dettor de son testator & si lexecutor ad assetz chescū a q̄ le testat r fu t ī det auera acciō vers lexecutor sil ad obligaciō ou especyalte / mez in chescun case lou le testator puissoit gager son lay null accion gift vers executor / vide plus de ceo deuaūt titlo administrators.
¶ Exchaunge est lou vn home est seisye de certeyn terr̄. Et vn auter home est seisi de auter terr̄ / si ilz ꝑ vn fait indente ou saunz fait si lez terres sount in vn m̄ toūte exchaunge lour terres issint q̄ chescū de eux auera aut terr̄ a luy issynt exchāge eu fee / fee taile ou a tme deuy [...] ceo est appell vn exchaūge et est bon saunz lyuere et seisyn. [Page] Auxi in exchaunge il couient q̄ lez estatis a eux lymyt ꝑ lexchaunge soūt egallꝭ / quar si vn ad estate in se ī sa terr̄ et lauter ad estate in lauter̄ terre fors (que) pur terme deuye ou ī tayle dō (que)s tile exchaūge est voyd mez si lez estatis soūt egallꝭ et lez terres ne soūt de egall valew vn quor lexchaunge est bon / Auxi vn exchaunge de rent pur terr̄ est bon Auxi exchaunge int rent et comyn est bō & ceo co t eē ꝑ fait / Auxi il co t tontis foitz q̄ ceux ꝑolz exchaūge sount in le fait ou auterment riens passa ꝑ le fait si non q̄ il ayet lynere et seisyn.
¶ Excōmengemēt est adyre in laten excoīcacio et est lou vn ho • ꝑ la iugement in court cristyan est excomenge don (que) il est disable de suer ascun accion in le court le roy et si il remayn excomēge xl. iours et ne voyle estr̄ iustyfye ꝑ son ordinary / don (que)s leues (que) mandera sa lett patēt all chaūcelour et sur ceo serra maūd al vic de p̄nder le corps lexcōmenge ꝑ vn brefe appell de excoīcator capiēdo Ies (que) is il ad fait gre all seynt eglyshe pur le cō tempt et tort et quaūt il est iustyfye et ad fait gree / don (que)s leues (que) mā dera sa letter all roy certyfyant ceo et don (que)s serra maund all vicount de luy delyuere ꝑ vn brefe appell de excomunicato deliberando
[Page]¶ Execucion est lou iugemēt est done in ascun accion q̄ le pleyntyfe recouera le terr̄ le det ou damgis come le case / Et quaunt ascun br̄ est agard de luy mil [...] in possession ceo est appell brefe de execucion et quaunt il ad le possession de le terr̄ ou est pay de det ou damagis ou ad le corps le def agard al prisō dō (que)s il ad execuciō et sile ple soit ī coū te ou court baron ou hundred et ills alleynoint le iugement in fauour dell ꝑte ou ꝑ auter incheson dō (que)s le dd. auera brefe de execucione iudicii.
¶ Extynquyshmēt est lou ascun senio r ou ascun auter ad ascun rent issant dascū terr̄ & il purchace m̄ la terre issynt q̄ il ad tile estate in le terre come il auoyt in le rent don (que)s le rent est extynct / pur ceo q̄ vne ne puit auer rent issant hors de son terr̄ ddmesne / Auxi quaunt ascun rent serra extyent il couient q̄ le terr̄ & le rent soint in vn mayn et auxi que lestate q̄ il ad ne soit de fesable / Et auxi q̄ il ad auxi bon estate in le terre co e in le rent quar sill ad estate in le terr̄ forsque pur terme deuye ou dans et ad vn fee symple in le rēt dō (que)s le rent nest extynct mez le rent est in suspens pur cel temps et don (que)s apres le terme le rent est reuyue [Page] Auxi si soit seignior mesne et tenaunt & le seignior purchace la tenauncy don (que)s le menealte est extinct mes le mesne auera la surplysage de rent si ascun soit come rent selre / Auxi si home ad chymyn appendaunt et puis purchace le terr̄ in q̄ le chymyn est dū (que)s le chemyn est extinct / et auxi est de vn come appnd.
¶ Exigent est vn bref & gift lou home sew accion ꝑsonall et le def. ne puit estre trone ne ad riēs deinz le coūte ꝑ q̄ il p t estre atache ne distreyn dō (que)s cest bref issera all vic. defayre ꝓclamacion all v. countes chiscon apres auter q̄ il appere ou autermēt q̄ il serra vtlage et si soit vtlage don (que)s toutz cez benz & cha teux sont forfeytis all roy / Auxi in vn inditement de felony lexigent issera apres le prim̄ capias / et auxi in capias ad cōputandū ou ad satisfaciendum et in chescun capias q̄ issynt apres iugemēt lexigent issera apres le prim̄ capias & auxi in appell de mort mez nemy in appell de robery ou appell de maym.
¶ Exꝑte talis vide de ceo deuāt titulo accompt
¶ Ex graui querela vide de ceo deuaunt titulo deuyse.
[Page]¶ Faux inprisonmēt est vn br̄ et gift lou home est arest et restrayn de son lyberte ꝑ vn auter inconter order de lay don (que)s il auera vers luy cest brefe ꝑ q̄ il recouera damagis / vide plus de ceo deuaūt titulo arest.
¶ Faux Iugemēt vide de ceo denaunt titlo error
¶ Fee symple est quaunt terr̄ on rent ou auter choise in heritable est don a vn ho e et a sez heyrs a toutz iours / & ceux ꝑellis sez heyris foūt lestate diherytaūce quar si terr̄ soit don a home a toutz iours vnquor il nad fors (que) estate pur terme deui / Auxi si tenaunt in fee simple deui son prim̄ fitz serra son heyr mez si il nad fitz don (que)s toutz lez filz q̄ il ad serrount son heyre et chescun auera son ꝑt ꝑ ꝑticion mes sil nad fitz ne fill don (que)s son ꝓchyn cosyn colaterall de lentre sanke serra son heyre / Auxi si soit pyer et fitz et le pyer ad vn frere / et le fitz purchace terr̄ in fee et deui saunz issu dō (que)s son vncle auera la terr̄ et nemi son pier put ceo que terre puit finally descend et nemi ascēd mes si linicle deui saunz issu dō (que)s la pier auera la terre come heyre all vncle q̄ est son frere pur ceo q̄ il vint al terr̄ ꝑ colaterall descēt & ne i ꝑ limial ascencion [Page] Auxi si le fitz purchace terr̄ in see symple et deuie saunz issu ceux de sō sanke de ꝑt son pier auera le t [...] mez sil nad heyre deꝑt le pier dō quez te ter discender all heyrꝭ de ꝑt sa mere mez si terre discend all fitz de ꝑte le pier et il deui saunz issu don (que)s lez heyrs de ꝑte [...]e pier aueroūt le terr̄ mez sil nad heyre de ꝑt le pier lez heyrs d ꝑt le mere nauerāt le terr̄ mez le seygnyor de q le terr est tenuzlez auera ꝑ eschete / & m̄ laley est siterr̄ descend all fitz de ꝑt le mere / Auxi si soi t diuers frers et si ascun de eux purchace terr̄ in fe & deui saunz issu la terr̄ discēdra toutz foitz a le pius eysue frere p r ceo q il est plꝰ digne d sanke / Auxi null home anera terr̄ de fee symple ꝑ disceut cor̄ heyre a ascun home si nō q̄ li soit heyr d lētrē sanke / quar si home ad issu fitz & file ꝑ vn vē tre .s. ꝑ vn feme & fitz ꝑ aut & fe e leysne frere purchase terr̄ in fee et deui saunz issu le puisne frere nauera la ter mez la sore auera la ter re p r ceo q̄ il est d lētr̄ sāke al eysue frere / Auxi in le ras auaundit si le pier derue seysi de terr̄ in fe simple & leysne fitz entra & murrust saūz issu la fyle auera la ter̄ & nemi le puisne frere / mez si leysne fitz ne entra apres la mort sō pier mez de • deuaūt ascū entre ꝑ luy fait dō (que)s le pusine frere auera la terr̄ qr possession fralris in feodo simplici fa cit sororem esse heredem
[Page]¶ Fe tayle est lou terr̄ est done a vn home et a sez heyrs de sō corps ingendera & il est dit tenaunt in la tayl generall / mez si terr soit done all baron et feme et all heyris de loure deux corps ingenders ore le barō et la feme sount tenaūtz in le tayle especiall / mes si ter soit done a vn home et a ses heyris q̄ il ingendur de corps son feme don (que)s le baron est tenaunt in le tayle especiall et la feme nad riens / Auxi si terre soit done al baron & sa feme et a lez heyris de corps le baron ingenders don (que)s le baron ad estate in lespeciall tayle & le feme nad estate for (que) pnr terme deui / mez si t / res soint done al baron et sa feme et a lez heyris quex le baron ingē der̄ de corps celuy feme in cest case ambi deux oūt estate ī le tayle pu r ceo que cest ꝑolz heyrys ne lymyte a lune plus que a lauter / mez si tre soynt done all baron et sa feme et a lez heyris le baron quex il ingender de corps sa feme dō (que)s el nad fors (que) estate pur [...]erme deui Auxi sont dyuers auters estatis in le tayle si come terres sount donez a vn home et a cez heyres malez d son corps ingenders in tile case lissu female ne vnquis inheritera quar si lyssu male ad issue female que ad issu male vnquor [...]ile issu male ne heritera ꝑ force del tayle quar il couient toutfoitz de coueyet son discent tout ꝑ lez males [Page] & m̄ le say est si terres sont dones al issu female in tile maner / lissu male ne iāmys inherita / Auxi si terres sount dones a vn home et a cez heyrs malez ou sez heyrs femalys don (que)s le done ad estate in fee symplee pur ceo q̄ nest lymet de q̄ corps lissue viēdr̄ / Auxi si terrez soūt donez a vne home & vn feme q̄ est le fyle ou le cosyn le donor in franke mariage don (que) le home et la feme sount tenaunt in especyall tayle / quar ꝑ teux ꝑollz franke mariage illz auerount le terr̄ a eux et lez heyrs ꝑ enter eux ingenders / Auxi in chescū done in le tayle si te tenaunt in le tayle deuye saunz issu q̄ est īheritable ꝑ force del tayle & nul ouster menciō fait in le graūt a q̄ le terr̄ alera don (que) le reuercion de fee symple reuertera tout foitz al donor & cez heyrs / Auxi lez donez in le tayle & lo r issues ferrount antyle seruyce all donor & cez heyrz come le donor fait a son seygnyour ꝓchyn a luy ꝑ amount / mez lez donez in franke mariage tiedrout qtment de chescun maner seruyce sinō fealte tan (que) le quart degre soit passe.
¶ Feffement est lou vn done tr̄ a vn aut in fee simple & quaunt il desyuer seisyn possesion del terre ceo est vn feffmēt / Auxi si vn fait done in le tayle ou lesse pur terme deuye ou pur tme dauter vie il couient auxi de doner lyuere & seisin ou autmēt rienz passera ꝑ la graūt
[Page]¶ Formedone est vn brefe et gift lou tenaunt in le tayle infeffa vn estraunge et deui le heyre aue ra brefe de formdone pur recouer la terr̄ mes sont troys brefis deformedones vn est in la discender & ceo est iu la case auaūdit Auxi si vn done terr̄ in le tayle et pur defaut dissu le remayner a vn auter in le tayle et q̄ pur defaut de tyle issu la terr̄ reuertera al donour si le primer tenaunt in le tayle deuye saūz issu cesti in le remaynder auera vn brefe de formedon in la remaynder mez si le tenaunt iu la tayle deuie saunz issu & cesti in le remaynder Auxi deuie saūz issu dō (que) le donour ou sez heyris auera vn forme done in le reuerter.
¶ Forger de faux faitz est vn [...]l. & gyft lou vn forge vn faux fait & le face p [...]ier pur troble la droit possessyō & title dascuu ho e dō (que)s la ꝑte greue auera cest brefe & recouera cez dāmagꝭ & la def. fra fyne all roy.
¶ Fealte serra fait ī tyle maner s. let tyendra sa mayn dexter sur vn lyuer & dyrr̄ a sō seygno r ieo avoꝰ serr̄ folalet loyal & oy voꝰ portera des tenementis q̄ ieo claym de tener de voꝰ & loyall voꝰ ferra lez customys & seruyce q̄ fayr voꝰ doy [Page] as tmes assynes si come moy eyd dew et fez seyntꝭ / basera la liuer mez ill ne genulera come in ferrāt homage et de ceo vide apres in la title homage.
¶ Felonye est quaūt home saūz ascun colour de lay et enbloy priuenient lez benz vn auter al itent q̄ son fait ne serroyt conuz amoūtant all valew de xii. d. ou plus mez si vn approcha a le ꝑson vn auter et luy robba de cez benz mes (que) illa ne sont fors (que) al valew de vn de nel il est felonye & ceo est appel robery et pur ceo il serr pendu / Auxi rape est felony & ceo est quaūt vn rauyshe et defoyle ascun fēme inconter son agrement demesne
¶ Garde est quaūt ascun infaut q̄ auncestre tient de son seignior ꝑ seruyce de chauelar est in la garde sō seigo r / Auxi sont diuors brefes de gard / vn est brē de droit de gard et gyst lou le tenaūt deuie son heyr deinz age et vn estraunge entra in la terr̄ & happe le gard de corps delinfant brefe de eiectment de gard gyst lou / home est ouste de la garde la terre saunz le corps de linfant / Brefe de rauyshment de gard gist lou le corps est prise de luy solemēt et nient le terr̄ / Auxi si vn tenaūt tient de diuers seigniours diuerse terres celuy seignior de q̄ il tyeut ꝑ priorite .s ꝑ plus au [...]cion tenure auera la gard del infant mez si vn [Page] tenure soit auxi auncion q̄ lauter dō (que)s celuy q̄ primes happa la gard del corps auera la gard d ceo mes ī ceo case chescū seig r auera la garde del tr̄ q̄ est tenuz de luy / mez si vn ti ent de roy in cheff don (que)s le roy ꝑ son prerogatyfe auera la gard de corps et de tout le terr̄ q̄ est tenuz de roy & de chescun auter seigniour
¶ Garrante dez charters est vn brefe et gist ou ascun fait q̄ cōp̄hen d clause de garl s. dedi ou concessi cest ꝑol [...] warātiz abo & le tenaūt soit impled ꝑ vn estraunge si soit in assise ou tile accion ou ill ne pu • vouch a garrant don (que)s il auera cest br̄ vers son feffor ou son heyre et si le terre soit recouer vers luy il recouera taunt dell terr̄ in valew vs cesty q̄ fuist le garr̄ mez cest bref couient esse sue pendaunt le prim̄ brefe vs luy ou auterment il ad ꝑ d son auauntage / Auxi sur garr̄ en ley come sur hamage aūcestrel ou rent reserue sur lesse a terme deuie on en le tayle home auera brefe de garr̄, de chle mez ne • sur estraunge
[Page]¶ Garrantye est in ii. maners [...]. garrantye lyneall et garrātye col latall / Garrantye lyneall est vn home seisi in fee fait feffemēt ꝑ sō fait a vn auter et oblige luy et cez heyres a garrante et ad issu fytz et murrust et le garrantye descend. a son fitz / ceo est lyneall garrātye pur ceo q̄ si nul fait auer garran [...]ye vst eē fait dō (que)s le droyt des terres des cenderoyt all fitz et il cōueyeroyt le discent de le pyre a le fitz / mez si tenaunt in le tayle discontinua la tayle & ad issue & deuye & luncle del issue reless all discōtynue oue garr̄ &c. et murrust saunz issue ceo est collaterall garrantye all issu ī le tayle pur ceo q̄ le garr̄. descend sur lyssu le quel ne poit soy cōueyel a le tayl ꝑ le meane de son vncle / Et ī chescun case ou home demaunda terrꝭ in fee tayle ꝑ brefe de formedon si ascun delissue in le tayle q̄ auoyt possessyon ou q̄ nauoyt possessyō fait vn garr̄ & cefty q̄ sua le brefe de formedone puit ꝑ possibylite ꝑ matt q̄ puissoit esse in fait cōueyer a luy title ꝑ force del done ꝑ mye celuy q̄ fuist le garr̄ &c. ceo est dō (que)s vn lyne all garrantye & ꝑ tile lyneall garrantye lyssu ī le tayle ne ser r [...] barr̄ / mez sinon q̄ il ad assetz a luy descenduz in fee symple / si il ne puit r ꝑ nul possibylite q̄ puit ester̄ cōueyer̄ a luy title ꝑ force del done ꝑ my celuy q̄ fuist le garr̄ dō (que)s ceo est vn colateral garrantye / & ꝑ tile colaterall garr̄ lyssue in le tayle serra barr̄ saunz ascun assetz [Page] Et le cause q̄ tile colaterall garr̄ est barr̄ all issue in le tayle est pur ceo q̄ toutz garrantyez deuaunt lestatut de glocestr̄ quex descēdāt a ceux quex soūt heyrys a eux q̄ fe [...]oyent lez garrātyez fuerūt barrꝭ am̄ lez heyres a demaunder̄ ascuns terres fors (que) prise lez garrātiez q̄ cōmēse ꝑ disseysyn & p r ceo q̄ le dit estat ad ordeyn que le ga [...]l le piel ne serra barr̄ a sō fitz pur lez terres q̄ veyn del herytage le mere ne le garr̄ le mere ne serra barr̄ all fitz pur lez terres q̄ veyn del heritage le pyer̄ et lestatut nad fait ne ordeyn remedy inconter le garr̄ q̄ est colaterall all issue ī letayle & pur ceo le garrantye q̄ est colaterall all issue ī le tayle vnquor est in sa forse & serra barr̄ al issue in le tayle come il fuit deu [...]unt lestatut / Auxi il couient q̄ toutz garrantyez ꝑ q̄ ascun heyre serra barr̄ q̄ le garranty [...] descend ꝑ cours del comyn lay a celuy que est heyre a luy q̄ fuist le garr̄ ou auterm • il ne serr̄ barr̄ quar si t ī le taile dez terr̄ in [...]orow englyshe lou le puisne fitz inheritera ꝑ la custome) discontynua le tayle & ad issu deux fitz & luncle relez al discontynue oue garr̄ & deuye & le puisne fitz ꝑt formedone vnquore il ne serr̄ barr̄ ꝑ tile garr̄ causa qua supra / Auxi si ascun home fait ascū fait oue garr̄ ꝑ quellson heyre serroyt barr̄ et pꝰ cesti q̄ fuist le garr̄ soit attaynt de felony [Page] don (que)s sō heyre ne serr̄ barr ꝑ tyle garr̄ pur ceo q̄ tile garr̄ ne puit descender surluy pur ceo q̄ le sanlre est corrupt / Auxi si le fitz purthes terl et puis lessa la terr̄ a son pyer̄ pur terme dans et le pyer̄ ꝑ son fait de ceo infeffa vn estraunge et oblige luy & cez heyrs a garr̄ & le pier de i ꝑ q̄ll le garr̄ descend all fitz vnquor cest garrantye ne barra mye la fitz mez le fitz ben puit entre nient obstant cel garr̄ pur ceo q̄ cest garr̄ cō mensast ꝑ disseysyn qua [...] ̄t le pyer̄ fuyst le feffement q̄ fuit vn disseysyn all fitz / et come est dit de pyer̄ issynt puit este dit de chescun auter auncestour / m̄ le lay est si tenaūt ꝑ elegit ou ꝑ statut m̄chaunt fait ascun feffemēt oue garr̄ tilez garr̄ ne serront barrꝭ pur ceo que ilz cōmē font ꝑ disseysyn.
¶ Gager de lyueraunce est lou vn sewa repleuyn dez benz prise mez il nad delyuere dez biēz & laut auowa & le pl. mr̄e q̄ le deffen. est vnquor seysi &c. et pryea q̄ le deffendaūt gager̄ delyueraūce dō (que)s il mittera einz suertye ou plegge p • le delyueraunce et brefe issera all vicoūt p r redy lyū &c. mez si home clayme properte il ne gagera delyueraunce. [Page] Auxi sil dit que lez auers soyt mort en pounde il ne gagera &c. Auxi si ho • ne gagera iāmys le delyuerās auaunr que ilz sount a issu on demurrer̄ in ley vt dicitur.
¶ Garnyshment est si come vn accion de detynew dez charterz est poyt vers vn et le deff. dit que lez charters suerūt delyuer a luy par le playntyf & ꝑ vn auter sur certeyn condicions et preye que lauter soyt garuye de pleder oue le pl. si lez cō dicions sont ꝑ imples ou nemye / et sur ceo vn brefe de scire facias issera vers luy et ceo est appell vn garnyshment.
¶ Graunt cape vide de ceo apres titule petit cape.
¶ Homage serra sait in tyle maner s. le tenaunt in fee symple ou fee tayle que tient ꝑ homage genulera sur ambydeux genuz & le seignio r [...]eera ettiēdra lez maynz sō tenaūt it sez maynz & le t. dirr̄ ieo [Page] deueygne vle home de cest io r inauaunt de vie et de membre ei de terra ne honor et a voꝰ serr̄ sur foyall et loyall & foyal voꝰ portera dez ti q̄ ieo claym tenure de vous salue le foy q̄ ieo doy a nr̄ seignior le roy et don (que)s la serr̄ issynt feant luy basera mez coment fealte serra fa t vide deuaunt in fealie et la seneshall le seignior puit prēder fealte. mez nemi homage.
¶ Ioyntenaūtys sōt lou deux homis vient a ascun terres ou tenementꝭ ꝑ vn ioynt tytle coē si ho e done terre a deux hōez et lour heir mez tenauntys in comyn sount lou deux homis ount terrꝭ ꝑ seuerall tytle et null deux sauoy de ceo son seueral come serra dit apres et notasi sont ii. or iii. ioyntenaūtys et vn a dissu et deui vnquor cesti ou ceux ioītenaūtꝭ q̄ surues (que) aūalē tierte ꝑ le suruyuor / mez si ii. ioyntenaūtis foūt ꝑtyciō entr̄ eux ꝑ fa t ꝑ agrement don (que) ilz sount seueral tenaūtis mez si vn ioyntenāt graū [...] ceo que a luy affert a vn estraūge don (que) lauter iayntenaūt et lestraunge sount tenaūtis ī comyn et mes (que) ii. tenaūtis in comyn soūt seisi ꝑ my et ꝑ tout & null cōnust sō seueral vnquor si vn deuye lauter nauera lenterte ꝑ suruiuo r / mez sō heyre auera la moyte / & issit si sōt in ioynt tenaūtis & vn de eux fait feffe t de ceo ꝑt a vn auter & le feffe de i don (que)s sō heyre auera le tyerce ꝑt & lez auts ii. soūt ioynt tenaūtis co • ilz fuerūr p r ceo q̄ eux soūt seisi ꝑ vn ioynt tytle. [Page] Auxi si terr̄ soit done all barō & sa feme et le baron alien et deuie le feme recouera lentierte mez si ils fuerit ioitenaūtꝭ deuāt le couerto r don (que)s in tile case el recouera fors (que) le moyte / It si terr̄ soit done all baron et sa feme & all tyerce si le terce graunt ceo q̄ a luy affert / la moyte passa par cel graunt pur ceo q̄ le baron & le feme soūt fors (que) vn ꝑson in le lay & in cest case ilz noūt in droyt fors (que) la moyte / Auxi si ii. ioyntenaūtꝭ [...]ount dez terrꝭ ī vill q̄st borow englishe lou terr̄ est deuysable & lun ꝑ son testement deuis ceo q̄ a luy affert a vn estraūge et deuye cest deuyse est voyd et lauter auera lentyerte ꝑ suruiuo r pur ceo q̄ le deuise ne puit prēder̄ affect tanque apres le mort le deuisour et inmediate apres le mort le deuysor le droit deuyent all auter ioyntenāt ꝑ le suruyuor le q̄l ne clayme rienz ꝑ le deuysor mez in son droyt demesne ꝑ le suruyuour / mez auterment est de ꝑceners seisyes dez terres deuysables causa qua supra.
[Page]¶ Idemptitate noi [...] est vn br̄. [...]t gift lou brefe de det couenaūt accompt ou tile sembtable brefe est ꝑt vs vn home et vn auter q̄ ad m̄ le nosme come le deff ad est prise p r luy / donq̄s il auera cest brefe ꝑ quel le vicount fra inquere deuaūt iustice assinez in m̄ le counte si soyt m̄ le ꝑson ou nemye & sil ne soit troue culpable don (que)s il alera saūz iour in pease.
¶ Ley est quaūt accion est port vs vn saunz especyalte ml ou auter matter de record come accion de det sur vn cōtracte ou detynew / don (que) le deff puit gage sa ley sill voyle s. de iurro r sur vn lyuer & certeyn ꝑsons oues (que) luy q̄ il doit rienz all playntyfe in le maner et forme co • il ad declare / mez in acciō de det sur vne lesse pur terme dans ou sur areragis de accomt deuaūt audito rs assyne home ne gagera sa lay / mez quaūt vn gagera sa lay il amesnera oues (que) luy vi.viii. ou xii. de cez vycenꝭ come le court luy assyuera de iurrer̄ oues (que) luy / et si a [...] io r assyne il faut de sa lay donquis il serra cōdempne.
[Page]¶ Lesses sount in diuers manerz pur terme deuye pur terme dans p r terme daut vye & a volunte / Auxi vn lesse de terr̄ est auxi bon saunz fait come ꝑ fait / mez in lesse pur terme deuie ou dautet vie il couiēt de doner lyuer et seisyn sur le terre ou auterment rienz passera par le graūt pur ceo q̄ illz sount appellz franketenementz / Auxi vn lesse de vn comyn ou rent ne poyent eē bon saunz fait mez dun ꝑsonage il ē bon saunz sait pur ceo q̄ lesg [...] q̄ est principall puit assez ben passer saunz fait & issynt lez dismes et offeryngꝭ q̄ soūt accessorie all esgl mez dismez & offeryngꝭ par soy ne poe t eē lesses saūz fa t vt dicit.
¶ Mainprise est quaunt vn ho e est arestaz ꝑ capias don (que)s lez iugges poyent delyuer son corps a certeyn homꝭ pur garder & d luy amesner deuaūt eux a certeyn iour et ceux sount appell sez maymꝑno rs & si le ꝑte ne appere all io r assyne lez maymꝑno rs serrount amercy.
¶ Mayntenaunce est vn bref & gyft lou ascun home done ou delyuer a vn auter q̄ est pl. ou deff in ascun accion ascun sone dargēt ou auter choyse pur maynten̄ son ple ou fait extreme labor pur luy quāt ill nad rienz a ceo affayre don (que)s lauter ꝑte greue auera vers luy cest brefe.
[Page]¶ Mesne est vn brefe et gist lou sont seignior mesne et tenaunt & le seignior ꝑ amount distr̄ le tenaunt pur lez seruyce le mesne q̄ luy doyt acquiter all seignior ꝑamount do (que)s le t auera cest brefe ds le mesne et si il ne vyent pur acquit le tenaunt don (que)s le mesne ꝑdra lez seruyce le tenaūt et serra foriugge de son seigniory et le t serra tenāt imediate all chefe seignior & fra m̄ lez seruyce & suetis come le measue suist all seignior.
¶ Monstrauerūt est vn brefe & gift pur lez tenauntis in auncion demesne direct al seignior luy commaūdant q̄ il ne distrayn sō tenāt pur fayr auters seruyce que fayr de duissent / et ilz poyent auer cest bref direct all vic. q̄il ne suffer le seignior distr̄ le ditz tenaūtꝭ pur fayr dauter seruyce / Auxi silez tenaūtꝭ ne poyent eē in quiet il poyent auer vn attachemēt ds le seigniour [...]appere [...] deuaūt lez iustice & toutz lez nosmys dez tenauntis serrount mys in le brefe mes (que) vn de eux soit greue solement / Auxi si ascun terre in auncion demesne soit in variaunce inter lez tenaūtis dō (que) le tenaunt issynt greue auera vers lauter brefe de drait close qd vocatur scdm̄ cōsuetudinē manerii & ceo serra tout foitis port in le court le seignior et sur ceo il countera in le nature de quel brefe il voit si co e sō tase gift. [Page] et cest brefe ne serra remoue sinon ꝑ graunt cause ou non power de cou [...]t / Auxi si le seignior ī aut co rr q̄ auncion demesne distreyn son tenaunt de fayre auter seruyce q̄l ne doit il auera brefe de droyt appell ne iniuste vexes et est vn brefe de droit patent q̄ serratrie ꝑ batellou graunt assise.
¶ Mordauncestour vide d ceo deuaunt titulo cosynage.
¶ Mortmayn est lou terrꝭ soūt donz a vn meson de relygion ou a vn auter cōpany q̄ sont corporat [...] le graunt le roy don (que)s cest terre est deuenuz in mortmayn & don (que)s le roy ou le seignior de q̄ le terr̄ est [...]e nuz puit entre come appert ꝑ lestatute de relygiousis iō vide statutū / Auxi si vn fait feffement sur confidens a certeyn ꝑsons all ops de vn meason de relygion ou all ops de ascū gyld ou fraternite corporate dōqs il serr̄ dit mortmai & il īco rge m̄ le payn vt patet ꝑ statutū anno xv. R .ii.
¶ Moderata misericordia est vn bref et gift lou home est am̄cy in court baron ou counte plus q̄ deuer oit eē dō (que)s il auera cest brefe direct all vicount si soit in counte ou all baylyfe si soit in court barō eux cō maūdmēt q̄ il ne luy am̄syoūt mez eientregard [Page] al quātyle de trespas & sils ne foūt pur cell brefe donquis issera vers eux vn sicut alias et causā nobis significes & ap̄s ceo vn attachmēt
¶ Natiuo habendo est vn bref & gift lou le nese dun seigniour est ale de luy don (que)s le seignior auera cest brefe direct al vicount q̄ il face le seignior auera son nefe ouesque toutz cez chateux / Auxi in cest brefe plusours nefz ne purrount esse demaūdes q̄ deux / mez auxi pluso rs nefz que voylēt insemblemēt poient port brefe de libertate ꝓbanda Auxi si vn nefe ꝑt son br̄de libertate ꝓbauda auaūt q̄ le seigniour port cest bref don (que)s le nefe serra in pese ies (que) al venu dez iustice ou autment son brefe ne luy eydera.
¶ Nonabilite est lou vn accōn est ꝑt ds vn & le deff. dit q̄ le pl. est nōabilite de sew as [...] acciō & sont vi. causis de nōabilite s. home vtlage / vn alyen nee hors de lege le roy / vn home cōdempne in p̄munire vn home de religion / vn ho r ex cōmenge et vn villeyn q̄ sue son seignior.
¶ Nusaūs est vn br̄ & gift lou ascū ho r leue ascū mure ou estop ascū ewe ou fa t ascū chose sur sōterr̄ d mesne a nusaūs son ꝓchyn. Auxi si felony q̄ fist la nusaūs alyen la terr̄ a vn aut dō (que)s cest br̄e serr̄ ꝑt deners ambideux co r appert ꝑ lestatut westm̄. ii. ca. xxiii o.
[Page]¶ Nuꝑ obiit est vn brefe & gift lou vn ad plusours heyrꝭ s. plusours filez ou pluso rs fitzes si soyt in gauell kynd in kent et deui seisye & vn heyr entra in tout la tert donq̄ lez auters q̄ sōt tenuz de hors auerount cest brefe ds la coheyre q̄ est deinz mez brefe de racionabile ꝑte gift in tyle case ou launcestour fu t vn foitz seisi & ne murrust seisi
¶ Ne iniuste vexes / vide de ceo deuaunt titlo monstrauerunt.
¶ Ne admittas ꝓpter libertatē est vn bref & gift lou le vicount retorne sur ble a luy direct q̄ il ad maund al balyf de tayle fraunches q̄ auer retorne dez brefiz et il nad serueuye le [...]bref dō (que)s le pl [...]anera cet brefe direct all vicount q̄ il m̄ ē tre ī le franches & execute le br̄e le roy. Auxile vicoūt garnera le baylyff q̄ il sat deuaunt lez Iustice all io r cōtenuz in le br̄e et sil ne vint & luy acquite dō (que)s toutz lez brefez iudiciall q̄ passeroūt hors de court le roy durāt m̄ le ple serroūt brēz d nō omittas &c. & le vicount ferra execuciō de eux pendaūt le ple.
¶ Oyer & tmyn̄ est vn ble appell in latē de audiendo & tminādo et gift quaūt astū graūt ou sodeyn in surreccōo est fait ou ascun aut sodeyn transgressiō q̄ req̄re hasty reformacion / dō (que)s le roy directer̄ vn comyssiō a certeyn gentꝭ & iustices de audiendo et terminando.
[Page]¶ Par que seruicia vide de ceo [...]pres titlo quid iuris clamat.
¶ Prescripcion est quāt vn ad ew ou vse ascun chose de puis le temps dount null memory est / & ascous diount q̄ Cent anz est bon prescripcion / mez vn ne puit prescrib incōt vn statut si nō q̄ il ad auter statut q̄ serue pur luy.
¶ Presentment est quaūt ascū home q̄ ad droyt de done ascū bene sice spirituall & nosme le ꝑson all eues (que) a q̄ il voit le doner & fayt vn leit al eues (que) pur luy ceo est vn p̄sentacōn ou presētmēt mez si dyuers coheyrs ne poyent accorder in p̄sentmēt / le p̄sentmēt leysue serr̄ admyt mez de ioyntenātꝭ & tenātꝭ in comē silz ne accordent / leues (que) p̄sētera ꝑ laps.
¶ Premunire est vn bref & gift ou ascū ho e sew ascun auter ī co rt cris [...]yā p r ascū chose q̄ est detminab [...]e ī le co rt le roy & ceo est ꝑ certeyn statutꝭ & graūt ponyshmē a ceo ordeyn come appert ꝑ m̄ lestatutꝭ .s. q̄ il serra hors de ꝓteccion le roy et q̄ soit mys in prison saūs bayll ou mainprise tā (que) ilz ad fa t fyn al vo lūte le roy & q̄ cez trꝭ & chateux serroūt forfaitꝭ sil ne veyn deinz ii. moys auxi lour ꝓuiso rs ꝓcurato rs attorneys executours notayres et mayntenars serront ponysh ī m̄ le maner / lō vide statut / Auxi ascūs dioū [...] q̄ si vn clarlre sue aut ho • in co rt d rome p rchose spūal lou il p • cuer remedy delz cest realme ī co rt son ordinary q̄ il serr̄ ī case delsta t.
[Page]¶ Precipe in capite est vn bref & gift ou le tenaūt q̄ tyent de roy in chefe come de sa coron & est deforce don (que)s il auera cest brefe & cest br̄e serra close & serra pled in le comē banke Auxi si ascun tenaūt q̄ tient de ascun seigniour soit deforce luy soment suer br̄e de droyt patent q̄ cerra termyn in le court le seignio r inez si le terr̄ soit tenuz de roy le br̄ de droyt patent serra port in court de roy / & cest brefe puit eē remoue d la court le seigniour in la counte ꝑ vn tolt & de la coūte in comyn bāk ꝑ vn pone / vide plus de ceo apres [...]tulo droyt.
¶ Perambulaciōe faciēda est vn brefe & gift lou de ux seigniouryes gisont ben pres lauter & ascun encrochmēt est fait ꝑlong temps don (que)s ꝑ assent de ambideux seig niours le vicount prēdra ouesque luy les ꝑtes & les veysons & ferrūt ꝑ ambulacion & ferroūt lez metz co e ilz fuerūt adeuaūt / mez si vn seigo r incroche sur laut & il ne voil fayre ꝑ ambulacion don (que) le seigniour̄ issint greue auera bref vers lauter q̄ est appell de racōnabili (bus) diuisis.
¶ Petit cape est vn brefe & gift quaūt ascun accion realls. de ple d terre est port & la tenaūt appere et pu [...]s fait defaut don (que)s issera cest br̄e de petit cape deseiser̄ le terres in mayn le roy. [Page] mez sil nappera mez faut defaut all prim̄ somonys dō (que)s issera vn graunt cape et pur tile defaut le te naūt ꝑdra le terr̄ mez sil gage son lay de non somons il sauerasō de fau [...] & don (que)s il puit pled aues (que) le demaundant.
¶ Protecciō est vn brefe & gift lou home voit passer oultle mere in le seruyce le roy don (que) il auera cest bref & ꝑ cest brefe il serra quyt de [...]out maner dez plez enter̄ luy & ascū aut ꝑsō except ples de dower quare impedit assise de nouell dissesyn v [...]tie p̄sentacōns & attayntꝭ & ples deuaunt iustice in ayre / mez sont deux brefes de ꝓteccion vn [...]ū clausula volumꝰ & lauter co r clausula nolumꝰ vt appert in la regist Auxi ꝓteccion ne serra alow in as cun ple cōmence denaunt le date d la ꝓteccion si ne soit ī viagis ou le ioy m̄ passa ou auters viagis royalx ou in message le roy pur boysoyn de realme / Auxi ꝓteccion ne serra alow pur vitells achates p r le viage dount le ꝓteccion fait mē ciō ne in plez de trespas ou de gratis fa t puis le date de m̄ le ꝓtecciō
[Page]¶ Prohibycion est vn berse et gi [...]t lou home est inpled ī court [...]ristyan de chose q̄ ne touch matrimony ne testemēt mez q̄ touch la coron nr̄ seignior le roy & cest brefe serra direct / auxi bene al ꝑtie come all afficiall de eux ꝓhibet q̄ il ne pur sew ouste [...] mez si il appere apres a lez iuggis tē ꝑall q̄ la matt est spiritual & ne i tēꝑa [...] don (que)s la ꝑte aue [...] vn bref de cōsultaciō cōmaūddaūt le iuggis spiritual de ꝓceder̄ in la prim̄ ple.
¶ Procedēdo est vn bref & gift [...]u ascun accion est sew in vn base cour [...] q̄ est remoue a vn haut court come all chauncery banke le roy ou comyn bank ꝑ bref de priuilege ou serciorare & s [...] le deff. sur le mat [...] mr̄ nad cause de priuilege ou si le matt in le byll ne soit ben ꝓue dō (que)s la pl. auera cest brefe de ꝓcedē do pur remaūdelle matt al [...] prim̄ base court / & la deste [...] de [...]myne.
¶ Quare impedit est vn bref. e [...] gift lou ieo ay purchace vn maner a q̄ appent aduowson & le ꝑsō deuie & vn aut present son clerk ou moy disturbe de present don (que)s ieo auera le dit br̄e mez assise de darreyn p̄sentmēt gift lou ieo ou mon auncestours ount present deuaūt / Et lou home p t auer assise de darreyn p̄sentmēt il puit auer vn qua [...] impedit mez ne • cōtrary / Auxi si le ple soit dependaūt inter deux ꝑtes et nesoit discusse deinz vi. moys. [Page] don (que)s leues (que) p̄senta ꝑ laps et cesti q̄ ad droyt de present recouera sadamagis come appert ꝑ statut d westm̄ .ii.c.vii. iō vide statutum / Auxi sicesti q̄ ad droyt de p̄sent apres le mort le ꝑson & ne porta qua re impedit ne darreyn p̄sentment mez suffer̄ vn estraūge de vsurꝑ sur luy / vnquor il auera vn brefe de droyt de aduowson / mez cest br̄e ne gift sil ne clayme daū lauowsō a luy & sez heyrs in fee symple.
¶ Quare nō admisit est vn br̄e & gift lou home ad recouer vn aduowsō & il maund son couenable clerk all eues (que) p r eē admit & leues (que) ne voit mye reseyuer don (que)s i [...] auera le dit brefe ds leues (que) / mez brefe de ne admittas gift lou deux sont in ple si le pleynt suppose q̄ le ues (que) voyle p̄sent la clarke le deff. don (que)s il p l auer cest brefe all eues (que) luy cōmaūdant q̄ il ne luy admit pendant le ple.
¶ Quare incūbrauit est vn br̄ & gift lou deux soūt in ple pur lauowson & leues (que) p̄sent vnde cez clarkꝭ deinz lez vi. moys don (que)s il auera cest br̄e ds leues (que) / mez cest brefe gist touiz foitz pēdaūt le ple.
[Page]¶ Quale ius est vn brefe & gift lou home de religion ad iugemēt de recouer terr̄ don (que)s deuaūt execucion cest bref issera al escheto r p r inquerer q̄l droyl il ad a recouer et si soyt troue q̄ il nad droyt dō (que)s le seignio r puit entel / mez brefe de ad qd dampnū gift lou vn voyle do [...] terr̄ all meason de religion don (que)s cest brefe isser̄ all escheto r p r inquer̄ de valew le terr̄ est & q̄l preiudice il serra all roy.
¶ Queryntyne est lou home deuye seisi dun maner place et auter terrꝭ dont sa feme doit eē indow don (que)s la feme tiendra le maner place ꝑ quarāt iours deinz q̄l tēps son dower̄ serra aluy assyne come appert in magna carta C.vi.
¶ Quare eiecit infra tmlnum est vn brefe & gift lou vn fait lesse a vn aut p r tme danz & le lessor in feffe vn auter & le feffe ousta le tmo r don (que) le tmor auera cest brefe [...]s le feffe mez si vn aut estraūge ousta le tmor don (que)s il auera bref de eieccione firme vers luy & ī ceux deux brefis il recouera le terme et cez damagis·
¶ Quid iuris clamat est vn ble et gift lou ieo graunt la reuercion mont. a tme deuie ꝑ fyne in co rt le roy & le t. ne voyt attorner dō (que) le graunte auera cest brefe pur luy chacer pur attorner [Page] mez br̄e de quē reddit reddit g t lou ieo grāt ꝑ fine rēt charge ou aut rēt q̄ nest rēt seruyce q̄l mō tenāt tiēt d moy & le tenaunt ne voit attorner don (que)s le graūte aue ra cest brefe / d br̄e & ꝑ q̄ seruicia gist ī seble case pur rent seruyce / Auxi si ieo graūt iiii. dyuers rentꝭ a vn home & le tenaūt del terr̄ attorna al graūte ꝑ paymēt de vn denier̄ ou vn mayle in nosme dattorment de toutz ceux rentz cest attnem t luy milta in seisyn de tout cest rent.
¶ Quare intrusit matrimonio nō satisfacto est vn bref & gift lou le seigo r ꝓferr̄ cōuenable mariage a son gard & il refusa & intre in la terr̄ & soy marye a vn aut don (que)s le seignio r auera cest brefe vs luy. [...]
¶ Quod ꝑmittat est vn brefe & gist lou home est dissi. de sō comē de pasture & le diss alyen ou deuie seisyy & son heyr entre don (que)s si le disseyse de i sō heyr auera cest bref.
¶ Quo iure est vn br̄e & gist lou home ad ew coē de pasture ī auter seuerall puis le tēps de nō memorye don (que)s celuy a q̄ aꝑtient la seueral auera cest brefe & il serr̄ chace de rn̄der ꝑ quell title il claym.
Quod ei deforce at est vn brefe & gist lou tenāt in le tayle t. ī dower ou t a terme de i ꝑd ꝑ defaut in ascun accion / don (que)s cesti q̄ ꝑd auera cest brefe vs celuy q̄ recouere ou vs son heyre.
[Page]¶ Quo waranto est vn brefe & gist lou home vsurpe dauer ascun franches pur le roy dou (que)s le roy auera cest brefe de luy fayre venel deuaūt son Iustice pur mr̄ ꝑ quell title il claym tile franches.
¶ Relieffe est quaūt ascun tenāt tient dascun seigniour ꝑ seruyce d chaualer & de i / son heyr de pleyne age don (que)s le heyre a le prim̄ io r de payment dublera la rent all seignior Auxi si home tient de roy in chefe & dez auts seigno rs le roy auera le gard d tout lez terrez et leyr payera relef. a toutz lez seigniours a sō playn age / mez lez seigniours suereunt all roy ꝑ peticion et auerount le rent pur le temps q̄ linfāt fuit in gard.
¶ Remitt est quaunt vn home ad deux titles all ascun terr̄ & il vi ent al [...]r̄ ꝑ le darreyn title vnquore il serra adiuge einz ꝑ fors de son plus eysne title & ceo sera dit a luy vn remitt. Come si t. ī le tayle discontynua le tayle et pꝰ diss. son discontynue & murrustenl seysi & lez terrꝭ descendont a son issue ou cosyn īheyritable ꝑ force del tayle in ceo cas il est in son remiter .s. ssi ꝑ force del tayle et le tytle del discō tynue est oustermēt anient & defete [Page] et le reason & course de tile remitt est pur ceo q̄ tile heyr est tenaūt del terre & nest ascun parson tenaunt vers q̄ il poyent suer son brefe de sormedone pur recouer lestate tayl quarꝭ il ne puit auer accion vs luy [...] / Auxi sit in le tayle infeffa son fitz ou heyre apporant in le tayle q̄ est deinz age & pꝰ de i ceo est vn remitt all heyr mez sil fuit de pleyn age all temps de tile feffe t il nest remitt / pur ceo q̄ il fuit son folye q̄ i? eēant de playn age voyle prend tile feffemēt / Auxi si le baron alyē terr̄ q̄ il ad in le droyt son feme et pꝰ reprist estate a luy & son feme p r tme de lour vies ceo est vn remitt al feme pur ceo q̄ cest alyencōn est lact le barr̄ & ne • le feme quar voyll folye puit eē adiuge in le feme dutant la vie son baron mez si tile atienacion soit ꝑ fyne in court de record tile reprisell apres all baron & feme pur terme de lour vies ne ferra la feme dester̄ in son remitt pur ceo q̄ in tile fyne le feme couert serr̄ examyn ꝑ lez iugge & tilz examinacōos in fynz exclude rount tilz femez a [...]outz iours / Auxi quaūt ē tre dascun home est congeable et il prist estate a luy quaūt il est d playn age si ne soyt ꝑ fait indētre ou matter de record q̄ luy estopera ceo serra a luy bone remitt.
[Page]¶ Replicacion est quaūt le deff. in ascun accion fait respons & le ps. fait respons a ceo cest est aappel la replycacion le pl. et reyoinder̄ est quaūt le deff. fait respons al replicacion.
¶ Repleuyn est vn brefe et gift quaunt ascū home distreyn vn aut pur rent ou auter chose. don (que)s il auera cest brefe all vic. pur delyuer a luy la distres et trouera suerte de pur suer̄ son accion & si il ne p r sua ou soit troue & Iuge in conter luy don (que)q cestī q̄ prist la distres reauera le distres et cest appell retorn dez auers / et auera in tiel case vn br̄ q̄ son appellde retorne habēdo. Auxi si soyt in ascun fraunches ou balewylre le ꝑte auera vn repleuyn del vlc. direct all bayle de m̄ le fraunches pur eux redelyuer & il trouer suerle de pur suer son accion all ꝓchyn counte / et cest repleuyn puit eē remoue hora del counte ī le comyn banlr ꝑ brefe de recordare. vide plꝰ de repleuyn deuaunt titlo distres / Auxi brefe de hoie repligi ando gift lou home est in prison / et nemye ꝑ especyall cōmaundmēt te roy ne de cez iustices ne pur mort de ne p r le forest le roy ne p r tyle cause q̄ nest repleuisably don (que)s il auera cest bref direct all vicount q̄ il luy fare esse replyuyn & cest brefe ē vn Iustyces et nient returnable et si vic. ne le face don (que)s issera auter brefe sicut alias et apres auter bref [Page] sicut p [...]ur [...]s vel causam nobis significes q̄ serra returnable· & si le vi coūt vnquore ne face repleuin dōq̄s issera vn attachmēt vers le vicoūt direct all coroners datacher le vi [...] & d luy amesner deuaūt lez Iustice a vn certeyn iour & oust ceo q̄ils facent execution del primer bref.
¶Rescous est vn bref et gyst qun̄t ascū home p̄rt distres & vn aut reprist la distres a luy & ne luy voyle suffer ames [...] le distres one lui dō (que) il [...]ait a luy rescous & sur ceo il puit auer cel bref & recouera dammage Auxi si vn distrein bestis pour dā mage sesaūt in sa ter & lez īchasa ꝑ le haut chimī pur eux iꝑlrer & in alāt ilz entrēt in le measō celuy a q̄ ilz soūt / & il eux d [...]yēt la & ne voyl suffer laut d eux imꝑlrer dō (que) ceo deteyner est rescous
¶Re [...]eyt est qun̄t ascun acclō est port vers tenaūt pur tme deuie ou t a tme dās & cesty in la re vciō vint einz pur pria dyster reseyue pur deffender la ter̄ & pur pleder oues q̄ le dd. / Auxi qun̄t il vint il couiēt q̄ il soit toutz foitz prist a pleder oue le demaundant
Scire facias est vn br̄ Iudiciall issāt hors de record & gist lou vn ad recov det ou dām̄ in court le roy & il ne sue pas dad execucyō deins lā & le iour dō (que) ap̄s lan & iour il ad le dit breef agarner le parte et si le parte ne veyn ou [Page] sil veyn & ne sa voyt [...]tens dire encoūter execucion dō (que) il ada vn br̄ de fieri facias direct all vicoūt luy cōmaundant q̄ il leue le det ou lez dammagis dez benz celuy que ad pardu / Auxi cest bref de fieri facias gist deinz lan sun̄z ascun scire facias suer. Auxi si le some de m̄ le dt ou dammagis ne puit ester leue dz benis celuy q̄ auoyt ꝑdu dō (que) il puit aū vn bref de elegit direct all vicōt q̄ ilface luy delyū lamoyte de sa ter & ben̄z except sez bobz & affreys d sa [...]aru. Auxi quūt vn ad recov de [...] ou dāmage in accion personel (lou le proces est vn capias) il puit auer vn auter blef de execucion appell capias ad satisfaciendum pur prē der le corps celuy q̄ est issint cōdēpn̄ que serra commit all prison illon (que) a demurrer sauns bayle ou maym pryse tanque ill ad satysfye le parte. Auxi quaut vn ad iugment de recouer ascun terres ou tenementis ill auera vn breef appell habere facias seisinam directt all vicount luy commaundant de delyuer aluy seisyn de m̄ le terr: issynt recouere
¶Tayle vide de ceo deuūt tytlo feetayle
¶Tresour troue est quaunt ascun money ou argent plate ou bullyon est troue [Page] in ascun leu & null conust A que le properte est dō (que) le properte de ceo apperteynt all roy & ceo est ditt tresour troue / mez si ascun myneral d metall soit troue in ascun terr / ceo toutiz foitz perteynt al seyniour dl soyle except q̄ ill soyt mynerall de ore ou de argent quex serront tout foitz all roy in que cōq̄ soyle que ilz foynt trouez.
¶Treason est in deux maners .s. haut treason & petyt come est or deyn per lestatutz et ideo vide statuta
¶Wast est vn bref et gyst lou tenaunt a terme dans t pur terme duie ou tenaūt pur terme dauter vie tenaunt in dower ou tenaunt per la curtesye ou gardeyn in chyualry fait wast ou distruccion sur la terr̄ .s. sill debrusa measoun ou coupa merysme ou suffer le meason volū tary pur eschyer don (que) cesty in le reuercyon auera cest bref. & recouera le leu wast & treble dammagis / mes si home coupa merysme sauns lycens et ouesq̄ ceo repayre lez [...]uncyds measons vnquore ceo nest pas wast mez sill ouesq̄ le merisme edifia vn nouel measō dō (que) le coup de til merysne est wast. [Page] Auxi le couper de su [...]boys ou wil sous q̄ nest pas merisme ne serra dit wast si non que ilz cressont ī le vew ou syte dell meason
¶Vew est quūt ascū accyon reall est port & le tenn̄t ne sauoit bien q̄l terr ill est que le dd. demaunde / don (que) le tenaunt priera [...]a vew .s. que il [...] puit voier le teer que ill clayma m [...]z si le tenaunt ad ewle vew in vn bref et puis le bref est abbatus per misnomber de vil o [...] per iontenure et puis le demaundaunt po [...]t vn tile bref vers le tenaunt donques le tenaunt nauera le vewe in le second bref
¶Vi laica remouenda est vn dt & gift ou debate est per enter deux persōs ou prouisours pur vn es [...] [...]y [...] et lun enter in lesglyshe oue [...]unt power dr lay ho mis & [...]yēt lauter dehors oue forte et armis / don (que) eluy q̄ est tenu [...] dehors ada ledit bref direct al [...] vicou [...]t que il remoue cest poiar que est deinz les [...]y [...]h & serra commaund al vic. q̄ sill troue ascuns homes la cōtrilte aūtz q̄ le vic. p̄ndra ouesq̄ luy la poiar d sō coūte si bosoin so [...]t & fra attach ꝑ lour corps toutz ceux luy [Page] resiste auntz & lez mittera in prisō issint q̄ il eit lour corpz dun̄t le roy a certeyn io r d respoūder del cōtēpt Etcest bref est returnable & ne ferra graūt deun̄t q̄ leues q̄ del lieu ou ttell esglysh est eit certefye in la chaūcery tyle resisteaunce & fors
¶Withernam vide de ceo deuaūt titlo desires
¶Vtrum est vn br̄ & gift qun̄t le dro [...] dascun esglysh est alyene & te nuz in lay fee ou translate in possessiō dauter esglysh & le alieno r d nye dō (que) sō successor ada la dit b [...] Et nota q̄ null q̄ ad couent ou com men seale puit mayntener cest br̄ mez bref dētre sine assēsu capitli. de alyenacion fail ꝑ son p̄decesso r
¶Vt [...]ary est qun̄t exigent issint vers ascun home et proclemacyon fait in .v. countes don (que) a le .v. counte si le deff. na [...]eerle coroner donera Iugemēt q̄il serr̄. hors de ꝓteccyon de roy & hors del eyd dell lay & ꝑ [...]yle vtlagary in accyōs ꝑsonells la parte vtlage forfetera toutz cez bens & chateux all roy. Et ꝑ vtlagary in felony il forfeta auxi bēz toutz sez tres & tenemētz q̄ ill ad in fee simple ou pur terme de sa vie come sez benz & chateux [Page] Auxi mes q̄ vn hom soit vtlage vn quore si ascun dyscontynuauns ou errour soit in la sewt dell proces / le parte de ceo auera la aduan̄tage et pur tyle ca vse lutlagary serra reuerse et adnull. Auxi si la parie deffendaunt soit vtter la mere all [...]ēps dell vtlagary pronounce ceo est bone cavse de reuersall dell vtlary Auxi si vn exigent soit a. garde vers vn home in vn counte lou ill ne demurra pas vnquor vn exigent oue proclemacyon issera al counte lou il demurra ou autermēt sil soit sur ceo vtlage lutlagary puit eē. reuerse: come apperi per le stafait anno .iiii. Henrici octaui
Auxi si vn soit vtlage in accyon ꝑsonel al se vt de vn auter et puis il purchasa son charter de pardon de roy tyle charter ne serra iammis alow tan (que) il ad sew vn bref de scire facias de garner le parte pleiteyf et si il apere don (que) le def [...]. respondera a luy et luy barrer de sa accyon ou auterment de ferra agrement o [...]esq̄luy
¶Voucher est quauut vn pret. quod reddat de ter est port vers vn home / et vn auter do [...]t garrante le terr all tenaunt / don (que) le tenaūt luy vouchera a garrantye et surr ceo il auera vn bref appel summo nias ad warantizandum et quaūt [Page] il vint ill pledera ouesq̄ le demaū dant & fi il ne vint ou sil vint & ne puit bar [...]ar le dd. don (que) le dd. lecouera la ter vers le tenn̄t & le tenaunt recouer̄ tāt de ter̄ in valew vers le vouche & sur ceo il auera vn bref appeli capias ad valenci am vers le vouche / vide plus de voucher deuaunt titlo garrantye
ABiuracyon is where one that hath cōmyttyd murder or felony fleith to ony church or other place priuilegyd for the sauegard of hys lyff / and ther be fore the coroner makyth suche confession which may make a sufficiēt inditement of felony then y e coroner shall make hym to forswere y e realme & shall assyne to hym to what port he shall go & shall swere hym that he go not owt of the hye way / & that he shall not abyde at the port / yf he may haue good passage / but one flod & an ebb / and yf he can not haue passage y t he shall go euery day duryng xl. days in to the see to hys kneys but yf sych a felon that abiuryth go owt of the hey way and fleyth to a nother place / yf he be takyn he shalbe brought before the Iuge / and ther shall haue iugement to be hanged / But yf he whiche so prayeth the priuilege wyl nat abiure than he shall haue the priuilege for xl. dayes. and euery man may geue hym mete & drynke. but yf any geue hym sustenaunce after .xl. dayes all though it be his wyfe: suche geuynge is felony / Also he that doth abiure shalbe delyuerd from one constable to another / & from one fraū ches to another tyll y t he com to his porte / & yf the constable wyll nat receyue him he shalbe greuously amercyd. ¶ Loke in the tretyse De abiuratione coronatorum.
¶Abatement in landes and tenementys is whan a man dyeth seisyd of any landis or tenemētis / & a straūger whiche hath no right entreth into the lande before y e heyre this is called an abatemēt / But yf y e heyre ent first & y e straūger ent̄ vpon y e possessiō [Page] of the heyr thā it is a disseysyn to y e heyre
¶Abatemēt of a wryt or playnt. is whā any accion is brought by wryt or pleynt. and ther lackyth sufficient matter / or els the matter is not c̄teyn allegyd / then the defendaunt shall pray that the wryt shal abate / that is to say that the pleyntyf shal begyn hys sewyt a new and shall bryng another wryt or playnte yf he wyll / but yf the defendaūt in any accion plede a mart in barr̄ ▪ for to adnull the accyon for euer / he shall not come afterwarde to pled in abatemēt of the wryt / but yf after it apere in le record that there is some matt apparāt for the whych the wryt ought to be abatyd then the defendaūt or any ꝑson as a frynd to the court may well pled & shew that in arest of the iugement. also ther be thyngis whiche shall abate a wryt / that is to sey mysnamyng of the pleyntyf or the defendaunt or of the place / variaunce betwen the writ and the specialte or record / vncertēte in the wryt or declaraciō / deth of y e playnty [...]. or de [...]. & many other thīgꝭ whych wold be to lōg at yis tyme to wryt
¶Abbot is the souerayn of a house of religion / & sith a souerayn ī any such house shall not be chargyd by the act. of hys predecessor yf it be not by couent seale or for suche thingis whych comyth to the vse of hys house / also an abbot shal not be chargyd for the det of his monke before hys ē tre in relygion though the creditor haue an especialte therof except that it haue comyn to the vse of hys house but the executours of y e mōke shalbe charchyd therof.
[Page]¶Abbregement of playnt or demaunde is whē any assise is brought or wryt of dower & the playntyf in y e assise makyth hys playnt or the demaundāt in a wryt of dower makyth her demaund of diuerse percellys of land and the tenaunt pledyth nō tenure or ioyntenancy to persell of y e land in abatement of the wryt than the playntyf or demaundāt may abrege his playnt or demaund to that percel and shall pray that the tenaunt shall answer to the remenant y e cause is for that that in syche wryt tys the c̄tente is not comprehendyd in y e wryt
¶Accessory est he that eydyth assystith or comfortith any man that hath done any murdur or felony / wherof he hath knowlege / than suche an accessory walbe ponishyd & shall haue iugement of lyfe & mēbre as well as the princypal whyche did the felony / but such an accessory shall neuer be put to answere to that tyl y e principall be attaynt or conuyct or be outlawed ther apon. but a woman in suche case shall not be accessory for the helpyng of her husbād also yf one cōmaūd a nother to do a felony & he doth it yf the cōmaūder be not present he is an accessory but yf he be presēt he is princypall as well as the other that dyd the dede / but in treason as well the cō maunders as the assysters & reseyters aft be always principallys
¶Accompt is a writ & it lyeth wher a bay lyf. or a reseyuer to any lord or other man whych ought to render accompt wyll not gyfe his accompt / than he to whome y e accōpt ought to be geuin shal haue yis writ [Page] And be the statute of westm̄ .ii.C.x. yf accomptaunt be foūd in arerage the audyto rs whych be asynyd to hym haue power to award hym to prison ther to abyd tyll he haue made grement to the ꝑte / but yf y e auditours wyl not alow resonable expēs & costꝭ or yf they charge hym with mo reyseytꝭ that they ought not / than hys next frend y t wyll sew for hym shall sew a writ of exꝑte talis out of the chauncery dyrect to the shyref. to take iiij. maympuruours to bryng his body be fore the barons of y e eschekyr at a certeyn day & to warne the lorde to appere ther at the same day
¶Accions realꝭ be such accions where y e demaundaūt claymyth title to any landꝭ or tenemētis rent or comen in fee symple fee tayle or for terme of lyue
¶Accions ꝑsonels be such accions wher a mā claymyth det or other goodis or catel or damage for them / or damagis for wrōg don to his ꝑ son
¶Addiciō is y t y e is geuyn to a mā ouer his ꝓper name and surname. y t is to say to shew of what estate degre or craft that he is and of what towne hamelet place or counte and such addiciōs were ordeynyd by the statute the fyrst yere of henry the v. ca .v. in acciōs wher ꝓces of outlary lieth that one shall not be greuyd by vtlary of another / & suche wrytꝭ shal abate yf they haue not such addicions yf the pleyntyf take excepcion therto / but they shall not a bate by the office of the court / Also duke marques yerle & knyght be nō addiciōs but namys of dignite which shold haue ben geuyn be fore the statute
[Page]¶Aminystratour is he to whom the ordynary cōmittyth thadmynystracion of y e goodis of a ded man for defaut of an executor / and accions shall lye agayns hym & for hym as for an executour and he shalbe charchyd to the valew of the goodꝭ of the dede man & no further / yf it be not by hys fals ple / or for that y t he hath wastyd the goodis of the dede / but yf thadmynistratour dye hys executours be not admynistratours but it behouyth to the ordinary to cōmyt a new administracion / but yf a straunger that is not admynistrato r nor executour take the goodis of the ded and mynister of hys owne wrong / he shallbe chargyd and sewyd as an executour and not as admynistrator in any accion that is brought a gaynst hym by any credytor but yf the ordenary make a letter ad coligendū bona defuncti he that hath suche a letter is not admynistrato r but the accion lyeth agaynst the ordynary as wel as if he toke the goodis by his owne hand or by y e hand of any other is seruaunt by any other cōmaundment
¶Admisurement de dower is a writ & it lyeth where a womā is ēdowyd by an infaunt or by a gardeyn of more than she ought to haue / y e heyr ī such case shal haue this wryt by the whych the womā shalbe admysuryd & the heyr restorid / but yf one abate that is to sey enter after the deth of the husband & endow his wy [...]f of more [...]ā she ought to haue / the heyr shall not haue this wryt but assise of mordaūcestour agaynst the woman & yf she pled that she was indowed vt supra. the heyr shal shew how she was indowed by the abatour [Page] and that she had more than she owght to haue and shall pray y t he may be restoryd to the surplysage & yf it befoūd he shal be restoryd
¶Admysurement de pasture is a wryt & it lyethe where many tenauntys haue comyn appendant in an other grownd and one ouer chargeth the comyn with many bestys thā the other comyners may haue thys wryt agayns hym / & also it may be brought by one comyn̄ only / but thā it be hou [...]th to be brought agaynst all y e other comyners and agaynst hym that surchargyd for that y t all the comynars shalbe admysuryd / & thys wryt lyeth not agaynst hym nor for hym y t hath cōmyn appurtenaūt or comyn in grose but them whiche haue comyn appendaūt or comyn ꝑ cause de visinage / See the dyuersite of all thes comyns afterwarde / Also this wryt lyeth not for the lorde nor agayns the lord but the lord may distreyn the bestis of the tenaunt that be surplisage / but yf the lorde ouer charge the comē / the comyner hath no remedy by the comen law but he shall haue remedy by wryt of sub pena in the chauncery / vt dicitur
¶Age preyer is whā an acciō is brought agayns an infaunt of landꝭ that he hath by discent / there he shall shew the matter to the court & shall pray that y e acciō shall abyde tyll hys full age of xxi. yerꝭ & so by award of y e court y e sewit shal surcess. but ī a wryt of dower & in assise & also in suche accions wher the infaunt cōmyth ī of his owne wrong he shall not haue his age.
[Page]¶Also note well that ther be many diuersytes of agis / for the lord shall haue ayde of hys tenaunt in socage for to mary hys doughter when the doughter of the lorde is of y e age of vii. yerys. & also ayde for to make hys son and heyr knyght when he is of y e age of vii. yeris. also a womā which is maryed at y e age of .ix. yerys / yf her husband dye seysyd) shall haue dower & not before ix. yeris / Also xiiii. yeris is the age of a woman that she shall not be in ward yf she were of suche age at the tyme of the deth of her auncesto r but yf she were with in age of xiiii. yeris and ī ward of y e lord than she shalbe in warde tyl y e age of xvi. yeris / and also xxi. yeris is the age of the heyre male to be in ward & after y t out of warde & also it is y e age of male & female to sew or to be sewed of lādis whych they haue or clayme by discēt: & to make al maner contractis & bargayns & not be fore. but yf such an infaunt within the age of xxi. yere geue his goodꝭ to me / yf I take them by force of the gyft he shall haue agaynst me an accion of trespas / but yf he geue them to me and delyuer them to me it is other wyse
¶Ad quod dampnū. is a wryt & loke for that afterward in the tytle quale ius
¶Adiourniamēt is whā any court is dissolued & determyned & assyned to be kept agayne at a nother place or tyme
¶Amendment is whan errour is in the ꝓces / the iustyce may amend it after iugemēt / but yf errour be in iugemēt geuyng they may not amende it but the ꝑte is put to hys wryt of errour [Page] and in many casis where the defaut apperith in the clerke that wryteth the recorde / it shalbe amendyd.
¶Ayd is whan tenaunt for terme of lyfe tenaunt in dower tenaunt by the curtesy or tenaūt in the tayle / after possibylite of issue extinct is impletyd / than for that / y t they haue no estate but for terme of lyfe they shall pray in ayd of hym in the reuercion & ꝓces shalbe made by wryt agaynst hym to com and to plede with the tenaūt in the defence of the land yf he wyll. but it behouyth that they agre in ple for yf they varye the ple of the tenant shalbe takyn & thē y e ayd prayer is voyde / but yf he come not at the second wryt the tenaunt shall answere sole / also tenaunt for terme of yerys tenaunt at wyll tenaunt by elegit & tenaūt be statute marchant shal haue ayd of hym in the reuercōn / & the seruant and bayly of their maister whā they haue don̄ any thynge lawfully in the right of theyr maister.
¶Ayde of the kynge is in lyke case as it is sayd before of a comō parson / and also in many other cases where the kynge may haue losse how be it that the tenaunt be tenant in fee symple he shall haue ayd / as yf a rent be demaunded agaynst the kynges tenaunt which holdyth ī chefe / he shall haue ayd and so he shall not haue of a comī person / Also wher a cyte or borow hath a fee ferme of the kyng & any thyng be demandyd agayns thē which belongyth to the fee ferme they shall haue ayde for the losse of the kynge. [Page] Also a man shall haue ayde of the kyng in the sted of voucher / Also the kyngꝭ baylif the collectour & purueyor shall haue ayde of the kyng as well as y e offycers of other personys
¶Ayle is a wryt and loke therfore after in the tytle of cosynage.
¶Arest is when one is takyn and restraynyd from his lyberte Also a man shall not be arestid for det trespas detinew or other cause of accion but if it be by vertew of p̄ cept or cōmaundment owt of some court but for treason felony or brekyng of the kyngꝭ pease euery man hath autoryte to arest wythout warrant or p̄cept / but whē a mā shalbe arestyd for felony it behouith that some felony be done and also that he be suspect of y e same felony / and when any man shalbe arestyd for felony he shalbe brought to the geale ther to a byde tyll the next cessions for to be indytyd or for to be delyueryd by ꝓclamacion / but yf one be a rest by a nother for suspecyous of felony and no felony be done then he may haue agaynst hym a wryt of faux imp̄sōmēt:
¶Annuite is a certeyne som̄e of money whych is grauntyd to a man in fee simple fee tayle for terme of lyfe or for terme of yerys to take of the grauntour or hys heyrys so that no free holde is chargyd therof wherof a man shall neuer haue assise nor other accion reall / and it is no assetz to the heyre of y e grante to whome it shal descē [...]
[Page]¶Assetz is when tenaūt in the tayle or a man seysyd of certeyne land in y e ryght of his wyf alieneth y e land with warranty & hath land in fee sīple which descendyth to hys heyre which is also heyre in the tayle or heyre to the woman and is as moche in valew as the other land / in such case yf any such heyrꝭ bryng a wryt of forme done or a writ of sur cui ī vita. for y e land so alienyd / thā he shalbe barryd by reasō of this warrantie / for that y t he hath this land so to hym descendyd which is as moche ī valew / and for that thys land is callyd an assetz / also assetz is when a man is boūdyn in any especialte and dyeth seysyd of lādꝭ in fee symple whych descēdyth to hys heyer / thys land is callyd assetz for y t that hys heyre shalbe chargyd for to pay the seyde det yf the executours of hys auncestours haue nothyng to pay.
¶Assise is a wryt and it lyeth where any man is put owt of hys landꝭ or tenemētꝭ or of any ꝓfyte to be takyn in a certeyne place & so disseysid of his frehold. frehold to any mā is where he is seysid of landys & tenemētis or ꝓfet to be takyn ī fee simple fee tayle for terme of his owne lyfe or for terme of an other mānys lyfe / But y e tenaūt by elegit tenaūt by statute m̄chāt & statute staple may haue assise / howbeyt that they haue no frehold and this is or deynyd by dyuers statutis.
[Page]¶Assise of darreyn presentmēt loke ther [...]ore after in the title quare impedit.
¶Assise of mordaūcestor loke therfor after in the title cosynage.
¶Attornement is whan one is tenaunt for terme of lyfe and he in the reuercion that hath y e fee symple graūtith his ryght & estate to an other than it byhouith that the tenaunt for terme of lyfe agre therto & this agrement is callyd an attornemēt for yf he in the reuerciō graūt his estate & his right to an other yf the tenaunt for terme of lyfe atttorne not nothing passyth by the graunt / But yf it be graūtyd by fyne in court of recorde he shall be compellyd to attorne & loke therof after in y e title quid iuris clamat.
¶Attaynt is a wrytt and it lyeth where fals vdet is gyffyn by .xii. men & iuggement gyffyn theron thā the ꝑtye agaynst whome they haue passyd shall haue this wryt agaynst the other ꝑte and agaynst the xii. men / and whan they be at issu yt shalbe tryed by xxiiii. iourrours / and yf y t fals vdet be found y e .xii. men be attaynt & than the iugemēt shalbe that theyr medows shalbe eyryd theyr howsys broke downe theyr wodis turnyd vp & all theyr landis & tenemētꝭ forfeytyd to the kyng But yf it pas agaynst hym that brought the attaynt he shalbe imprisonid and greuously raunsōmyd at the kyngꝭ wyll.
[Page]¶Attaynt also is whan iuggemēt is gyuyn in treason or felony.
¶Auncien demesne be certeyn tenurys whiche be holdyn of suche maners whiche were in the handis of seint Edwarde the confessour and the whiche he made to be writtyn ī a boke callid domꝭ day / s [...] titlo regꝭ & al y e lādis holdyn of y e seyd maners be auncyen demesne & the tenauntꝭ shall not be impledyd out of the sayd maner and yf they be they may shew the matter and abate the wryt / but yf they answere to the wryt and iugemēt geuyn than the lādis be become franke fee for euer / also the tenauntis in auncyen demesne be fre of toll for all thyngꝭ cōcernyng theyr sustinaūce & husbādry ī aūcyen demesne and for such landis they shall not be put nor impanellyd vppon any īquest / loke more therof after in the title monstrauerunt) also all the landꝭ in auncyen demesne in the kyngꝭ handis be frāke fee and pledable at the comyn law
¶Audita querela is a wryt and it lyeth where one is bound in a statute m̄chaūt statute staple or reconisauns or iugemēt geuyn agaynst hym and his body in execucion thervppon / than yf he haue a reles or other matter sufficiēt to be dischargid of execucion but hath no day in court to pled it / thā he shall haue vis wryt agaynst hym that hath recouerid or agaynst hys executours
[Page]¶Aueremēt is where a mā pledyth a ple in abatement of the wryt or barr of the accion whych he seyth he is redy to ꝓue as y e court wyll awarde this offer to proue his ple is callyd an auerment
¶Auowre is where one takyth a distres for rent or other thyng & the other sewith repleuyn than he that hath takyn it shall iustifye in his ple for what cause he toke it and so avowe the takyng & that is callyd his a vowre
¶Alyon is he of whome the fader is born and he hym selfe also borne out of the elegiaunce of our lord the kyng / but yf an alyon come & dwell in englond whyche is not of the kynges enemyes & here ad issu this issu is not alion but ēglysh / also if an englysh mā go ouer the see with y e kyngꝭ lycēce & ther ad issu this issu is not alyon
¶Aꝓpriacion is where a howse of relgion y t is to sey an abbot or other souerayn and the couēt haue the aduowson of any ꝑsonage & obteyn lycēce of the pope & of the ordenary that it shalbe frō thens forth a vicarege and that the vicare shall haue a certeyn porciō of the benefyce and that the abbot and the couent shalbe ꝑsons & shall haue thother ꝓfytꝭ this is callyd an aꝓpriacion & than the abbot & couēt shall be ꝑsons in ꝑsonees. but such a ꝓpriaciō may not be made to begyn in the lyfe of the ꝑson with out hys assent / but yf such a vowson of the ꝑsonage be recouered by auncion title than y e apropriaciō is a nullyd
[Page]¶A vowson is where any man and hys heyrs hath ryght to present hys c [...]arke to y e ordinary to any benifyce of holy church whan it is voyd then he y t hath such right is callyd patron but no lay mē may haue the vowson of a vycar
¶Barr is whan the defendaūt in any accion pledyth a ple whych is a sufficyent answere and that distroyeth the accion of the playntyl. for euer
¶Batell is atriell by feyghtyng whyche shalbe betwene ii. ꝑsons & cest triell may be in a wryt of ryght right and ī appell of treasō or felony / but yf one be indited of felony and after y e ꝑtie bryngith an appel vpon the inditement than the deffendaūt shall not wage batell
¶Basterd is he that is borne of any womā not maried y t his fad is not knowyn by y e order of y e lawe & therfore he ts callyd the chyld of the people / But by the law of holy churche yf one get a chyld vppon a woman and is borne owt of wedlok and after he marye the same womā than such a chyld shalbe sayd mulier and not bastd But by the law of englond it is bastard / and for that whan such specyall bastardy is aleggyd it shall be tried by the contrey and not by the byshop / but generall basterdy alleggyd shalbe tried by the certyficat of the byshop / [Page] Also yf a woman be grat with chyld with her husband and the husband dyeth & she take a nother husband & after the chyld is borne than the chyld shalbe seyd the child of the fyrst husband / But yf she were priuely with chylde at the tyme of the deth of her fyrst husband / then he shalbe sayd y e chyld of the second husband. also yf a mā take a wyfe whyche is great with chylde with another that was not her husband & aft y e chylde is borne within y e espousels thā he shalbe sayd the chyld of the husbād though it were borne but one day after y e spousels solemnysat
¶Burglary is when one breketh and enterith into a nother mannꝭ howse in the nyght to the entēt to stele goodis ī which case though he bere away nothyng yet it is felony and for that he shalbe hangid / but the brekyng of an house in the day for suche entent is no felony
¶Chamꝑtie is a wryt and lyeth wher i [...]. men be impledyng & one geuyth the halfe or ꝑte of the thynge in ple to a straunger for to maynteyn hym agaynst the other then the ꝑte greuyd shall haue this wryt agaynst the straunger
¶Charge is where a man grauntith rent goyng out of any grownd and that if the rent be behynd y t it shalbe lawfull to hym & his heyris and assignes to distreyn tyll the rēt be payd / this is callyd a rēt charge but yf one graūt a rent charge out of the lād of a nother & after purchace the same land the grant is void
[Page]¶Cessauit is a wryt & it lyeth where my verey tenaūt whych holdith of me certen landis and tenementis yeldyng certeyn rent by the yere & the rent is behynd not payd by ij. yeris and no sufficient distres may be found vppon the land / thā I shal haue this wryt by the which I shall recouer the lād but yf y e tenaūt come in court before the iugement geuyn and tend the areragꝭ & y e damagis & fynd suerte y t he shall cesse no more in paymēt of y e seyd rēt I shalbe cōpellyd to take y e areragis and the damagis & than the tenaunt shal not lose the land / also the heyr may not maynteyn this writ for y e cesser made in y e tyme of his auncestour / also this writ lyeth not but for ānuell seruyce as rēt & such other and not for homage and fealte
¶Cerciorare is a writ and it lyeth where one is impledyd in a base court that is of record & he supposith y t he may not haue egall iustice ther / than vppon a byll in the chauncery cōprisyng some matter of consciēs he shal haue this writ for to remoue all the recorde in to the chauncery & there to be determynyd by consciens / but yf he ꝓue not hys byll / than the other ꝑte shall haue a writ of procedēdo to send agayne the record into the base court & ther to be detmynyd also it lyeth ī many other casꝭ for to remoue recordꝭ for the kyng as inditementis and other
¶Chemyn is y e hye way where euery mā goth whych is callyd via regia / but y e kīg hath no other thyng there but the passage for hym & hꝭ people / but y e frehold abidith [Page] in the lord of the soyle & all the profyt growynge there / as trees & other thinges.
¶Contynual clayme is where a mā hath right to enter in certeyn landis wher an other is seisyd in fee symple or fee tayle & he dare not enter for fere of betynge / but approchyth as nigh as he dare & makyth clayme therto within the yere and day before his deth yf he that hath y e lādꝭ dye seisyd & his heyre ī by discent / yet he y t makyth such clayme may enter vppon the heyr. notwihstanding suche dyscent for that y t he hath made such cōtynuall claym But it behouith that such clayme alway be made within the yere and day before y e deth of the tenaunt / for yf such a tenaunt dye seysid within a yere & day after suche clayme made & yet he dar not enter than it be houith to hym that hath such right to make an other clayme within the yere & day after the fyrst claym and after such a second clayme to make the thryd clayme within y e yere and day yf he wyl be sure to saue his ētre / but yf a disseisor dye seisyd within the yere and day after y e disseisyn and no clayme made / than the entre of y e disseisye is takyn a way / for the yere and day shall not be takyn frome the ryme of the title of the entre to hym growyn but only from the tyme of the fyrst clayme by hym made as is be foresayd
Conusauns of ple is a priuilege that any cyte or towne hath of the kyngis graunt [Page] to hold ple of all cōtractꝭ & of landis with in the presynct of the fraunches and whā an many is īpledyd for any such thyng in the court of westm̄. the mayr and baylyfꝭ of such fraunches may aske conusaūs of the ple that is to sey that the ple & y e matt shalbe pledyd & determynyd before them also conusauns lyeth not in prescripcion but it behouith to shew the kyngꝭ letts.
¶Conspiracy is a wryt and it lyeth wher ij. or moo that knyt them selfe to gedyr by oth couenaunt or other maner of alyauns that euery one shall helpe other for to indyte or to appell any man of felony than he that is by suche maner indityd or appellyd shal haue this wryt / but yis writ lyeth not agaynst the inditers
¶Colucion is where an acciō is brought agaynst an other by hys owne agrement yf the pleyntyf recouer thā such recouere is callyd by colucion.
¶Comyn is the ryght that a mā hath to put his bestis to pasture or to vse & to occupy the groūd that is not hys owne / also ther be dyuers comyns y t is to say comyn in grose / comyn appendaunt / comyn appurtenaunt / & comyn by cause of neighburhode [Page] / comen appēdaūt is where a mā is se [...]syd of certeyn land to the whyche he hath comen in a notheris grownd / al they that shalbe seisyd of that land shall haue the seyd comyn with all maner of bestꝭ. whych cōpostith his land except gese gotꝭ & hoggꝭ / comyn ī grose is where I by my dede graunt to an other that he shal haue comyn in my land / comē appurtenaūt is in the same maner as comen appendant but it is with all maner of bestis comyn by cause of neighburhode is where the tenauntꝭ of ij. lordis whych be seisyd of ij. townis whereof one lyeth nygh an other and euery of theym haue vsyd frō y e tyme whereof no mynd rēnyth to haue comyn in the other towne with al maner of bestꝭ comynable
Conterple is where one bryngith an accion & the tenāt ī his āswer & ple vowchith or callyth for any man to warant his title or prayeth in ayde of an other whych hath better estate than he / as of hym y t is ī the reuercion / or yf one that is a straūger to y e accion come and pray to be reseyuyd to saue hys estate / yf the demaūdaunt reply therto & shew cause y t he ought not such one to vouch or that he ought not of such one to haue eyde / or that suche one ought not to be reseyuyd / yis ple is callyd a coū terple
¶Consultacion / loke therfore after in th [...] tytle of prohibicion
[Page]¶Contract is a bargayn or couenaūt betwene ij. ꝑties where one thyng is geuyn for another whych is callyd qd ꝓ quo for yf a man make ꝓmyse to me that I shall haue xx.s· and that he wyll he dett to me therof and after I aske the xxs. & he wyll not delyuer it yet I shall neuer haue no accion for to recouer this xx·s for that y e this ꝓmys was no contract but a bare ꝓ mys / Et ex nudo pacto nō oritur accio but yf any thyng were geuyn for the xx.s though it were not but to the valew of a peny. than it was a good contract
¶Contra formā feofamenti is a writ & it lyeth where a man before the statut of qr emptores terra (rum) infeffyth an other by dede to do certeyn seruise / yf the feffour or his heyrꝭ distreyn hym to do other seruyce than is comprisyd in the dede / than the tenaunt shall haue this writ cōmaū dyng hym y t he distreyn not hym to do other seruyse that is not cōprisyd within y e dede / but this writ lyeth not for y e pleyntyf whych claymyth by purchace / but for the pleyntyf whych claymyth as heyre to the first feffe
¶Contra formā colacionis is a wryt & it lieth where a mā geuyth lādꝭ ī ꝑpetual almꝭ to any howse of religiō as to an abot and the couent or other souerayn and hys couent to fynd certeyn pore men or to do other deuyn seruꝭ / yf they alten the landꝭ then the donour or his heyrꝭ shall haue y e seyd wryt for to recouer the land [Page] But thys wryt shallbe alway brought agaynst the abbot or his successor & not agaynst the alyene although that he be tenaunt / but in all other acciōs where a mā demaūdith fre hold y e writ shalbe brought agaynst the tenaūt of the land
¶Cosynage is a writ & it lyeth where my gret graūd fader / my graūdfads graūdfader or other Cosyn dyeth seisyd in fee symple & a straūger abatith that is to sey enterith ī to the landis than I shall haue agaynste hym thys wryt or agaynste hys heyre or his aliene or agaynst who so euer that cōmyth after to the sayd landis / but if my graūdfader dye seisyd & a straūger abatyth / than I shall haue a writ of ayle / but yf my fader / mod / brother / syster / vncle / or aunte dye seisyd than I shall haue assise of mordauncestour.
¶Couenaunt is a gremēt made betwen ij ꝑsōs where euery of them is bowndyn to an other to ꝑforme certeyn couenaūtis for his ꝑte / also ther is a writ of couenaūt and it lyeth where couenaūt is made betwene two by indenturꝭ vnsealyd & the one of them holdyth not his couenaunt but brekith it than he whych therof felith hym selfe greuyd shall haue this wryt And marke well that no writ of couenaūt shalbe mayntenable with out especyalte / but in the cite of london or in other such place priuilegid by the custome & vse.
[Page]¶Cui in vita is a writ & it lyeth where a man is seysyd of landis in fee simple or fee tayle or for terme of lyfe in the ryght of hys wyfe & alieneh the same land and dyeth / than she shall haue the seyd wryt for to recouer the land / and note wel that in this wryt she shall make tytle yf it be of the purchace of the woman or of the heritage of the woman
¶Cui āte deuorciū is a writ & it lyeth in lyke man̄ when such alienaciō is made by y e husbād & after deuorce is had betwene them than the womā shall haue this writ and y e writ shall sey / to whome she before the deuorce myght not with sey
¶Daren presentment loke therfore after in the title quare impedit
¶Deuise is where a man in his testamēt geuyth or bequeuith his goodꝭ or his lā dis to an other after his decease / but yf a man be sole seisyd of landꝭ ī his demesne as of fee & deuise the landꝭ by testament this deuise is voyde / but yf the landꝭ be ī a cite or borow where landis be deuisable by custome / but yf any man be feffee to y e vse of an other & his heyrꝭ & he to whose vse he is so seisyd make deuise of his lādꝭ this deuise is good though it be not in a towne where landis be deuisable [Page] Also yf any mā deuyse landꝭ ī cite towne or borow deuysable & the deuisor dyeth / yf his heyre or any other abate in the lādꝭ than y e deuyse shall haue a wryt de ex graui querela / but this wryt shall neuer be pledyd before y e kyngꝭ iustice but alweys before the mayre or balyffys in the same town / also yf a man deuise goodis to annother makyth hys executours & dyeth & the executour wyl not delyuer the goodis to the deuise / the deuise hath no remedy by the comyn law in the kyngꝭ court but it behouyth hym to haue a sitaciō agaīst the executours of the testatour to apere before the ordynary to shew why he ꝑformyth not the wyll of the testatour / also yf a man deuyse all hys landis & tenementꝭ that he hath / a reuercion passyth by these wordis tenemētꝭ / also yf landis be deuysyd to a mā to haue to hym for euer more or to haue to hym and his assignes / ī these ii. causis the deuise shal haue a fee symple but yf it be gyuen by feffemēt in such maner / he hath but an estate for tme of lyfe
¶Denizyn is where an alyon becōmyth the kyngꝭ subiect and obteynith y e kyngꝭ letters patētꝭ for to inioy al priuilegis as an ēglysh mā but yf one be made deniz in he shall pay customꝭ & diuers other thīgꝭ as alyōs as it apperith by dyuers statutꝭ therof made
[Page]¶Decies tātū is a wryt & it lyeth where a iurrour in any inquest takyth mony of y e one parte or other for to gyf hys verdyte then he shall pay ten tymys as moche as he hath receyuyd / and euery one that wyll sew may haue the accion & shall haue the one halfe & the kyng the other halfe / But yf the kyng in such case reles by hys ꝑdon to such a iurrour. yet hit shalbe no bar agayns hym that bryngeth the acciō but y t he shall recouer the other halfe yf hys accion be cōmensyd before the ꝑdō of y e kyng but yf y e ꝑdon be before any accyon / it is a barr agayns all men / and the same law is of al other accions populers where one ꝑt is to the kyng & the other to the ꝑte y t sueth Also the inbrasers which ꝓcure suche inquestꝭ shalbe ponished in thesame maner & they shall haue the prysonmēt of a yere / but no iustyce shall inquere therof of office but onely at the sewt of the parte
¶Deꝑter is where a man pledyth a ple in barr. and the playntyf replyeth therto and he after in hys reioynder pledyth or sheweth a nother matter contrary to hys fyrst ple that is callyd a deꝑter from his barr.
¶Det is a wryt & it lyeth wher any some of money is dew to a man by reason of accompt bargayn contract obligacion or other especialte to be payd at a certeyn day at y e whych day he payeth not thā he shall haue this writ / but yf any sōe of money be dew to any lord by hꝭ tena t for any rent seruice [Page] the lord for that shal neuer haue accion of det / but he behouith alway to distreyne / but for rēt charge or rēt seke he may haue a good accion o [...] det and also for the areragis of rent reseruyd vppon a iease for terme of yetis / and in these casis it is at his eleccion to haue an acciō of det or for to distreyn / but yf y e lesse be detmyned / yā he shall not distreyn after for y e rent / but he behouyith to haue an accion of det for the areragis
¶Diem clausit extremū is a wryt and it lieth where the kyngis tenaūt y t holdith in chef dyeth than this writ shalbe dyrect to the eschetour to inquere of what estate he was seisyd & who is next heyr and of y e certeynte of y e lād & of what valew y e lād is.
¶Disclamer is where y e lorde distreynith hys tenaunt & he sewith repleuyn and the lord auo with the takyng by reason that he holdith of hym / yf the tenaunt sey that he disclamyth to hold of hym this is callyd a disclaym and if the lord ther vppon bryng a wryt of ryght sur disclamer yf it be found agaynst the tenaunt / he shal lose the land
¶Disseisour is he whych puttith any mā out of his land without order of the law and disseise is he that is so put out
¶Discontynuaunce is whan a man alyenyth to a nother landis or tenementis & dyeth and an other hath ryght to y e same landis & may not enter in them by cause [Page] of this alienacion / as yf an abbot alyen y e landis of hys howse to an other in fee or in fee tayle or for tme of lyfe / or yf a man alyen the landis that he hath in the ryght of his wyfe / or yf tenaūt in the tayle alien the landꝭ geuyn to hym and to the heyrꝭ of hys body than suche alienacions be callyd discontynuance / for such estatis passe alway by lyuere & seisyn / and ī thes casis the successor of the abbot / nor the woman after the deth of her husband nor the issu in the tayle after the deth of the tenaūt in tayle may not enter but euery of them is put to hys accion / also yf tenaunt in the tayle be disseisyd & he by his ded aftward relessyth to the disseisor and to hys heyrꝭ all the ryght that he hath / it is no discontynuaunce / for that / that the tenaunt in the tayle hath no ryght but for terme of lyfe and nothynge of ryght passyth to the disseisour but for terme of lyfe of the tenaunt in tayle / and the same law is yf an abbot or a man in the ryght of hys wyfe be disseysyd and they relesse after to y e disseisor y t is no discōtynuaūce causa (quam) sup.
Also the same law is yf any such tenaunt in the tayle abbot or man in y e right of his wyfe make a lesse for terme of yeris and after release to the lesse all his ryght such relesse makyth no discontynuaunce
[Page]Also yf tenaunt in the tayl of an aduousō or of a comyn ī grose graūt the aduouson or the comyn to an other in fee or for terme of lyfe that is no discontynuaūce for y t y t of such thyngys whych passeth by graūt & not by lyuere & seysyn no thynge passyth but the estate that the grauntour hath / but of suche thīgꝭ whych passeth by lyuere & seysyn such estate passith whiche is namyd at y e tyme of the seysyn geuyn.
¶Disceyt is a wryt and it is somtyme originall and sometyme iudicial / but whā it is originall it lieth where any disceyt is done to a man by an other so that he hath not sufficiently ꝑformyd his bargayn or not ꝑformyd hys ꝓmys than he that is ī suche maner disseyuyd shall haue thys writ.
¶Also whan this writ is iudicial it lyeth where a scire facias is sewyd owt of any recorde agaynst a man and the shyref retornyth that he is warnyd where he was not warnyd or where a precipe quod reddat of ple of lande is sewyd agaynst one and the shyref retornyth that he is sōmonyd where he was not sommonyd / by the which disceyt and false retorne y e demaū daūt recouerith the lād / thā y e ꝑte greuyd shall haue this wryt agaynst hym that recoueryd or agaynst the sommoners or agaynst y e shyryf / but if it be sewyd agaīst the shyryf than the wryt shalbe directyd to the coroners of the same counte.
[Page]¶Demaundaūt is he that sewith or complaynyth in accion reall for title of land and he is callyd playntyfe in assyse and in accion ꝑsonell as in an accion of der trespas disceyt detynew and such other
¶Defendaunt is he that is sewed in accion ꝑsonel and he is callyd tenaunt in accion reall
¶Distres is the thyng whyche is takyn and distraynyd vppon any land for rent behynd or for other hurt or dewty howbeit that the ꝓperte of the thyng be longyth to a straūger / but yf they he bestis that belong to a straunger it be houith that they be leuant & couchant vppō y e same groūd that is to say that y e bestꝭ haue bene vppō the groūd by certeyn space that they haue them selfe well restyd vppon the ground or elꝭ yey be not distreynable / also yf one distreyn for rent or other thyng without cause lawful / thā y e ꝑte greuyd shal haue a repleuyn vppō suertye foūd to pursew hys accion and shall haue the distres to hym delyueryd agayn / therfore loke of y e repleuyn afterward in the title repleuyn also ther be dyuers thyngꝭ whych be not distraynable that is to sey a nother mānꝭ gowne in the howse of a taylar or a cloth in y e house of a fuller shermā or a weyuer [Page] for that that they be comyn officers and y t y e comyn presumpcon̄ y t is such thingꝭ belong nat to y e artyfycet but to othrr ꝑsons which put them ther to worke
Also vitel is not distraynable nor corne in [...]hefys but yf they be in a cart / for that that a distress ought to be alway of syche thyngꝭ wherto the shyryf may make repleuyn & delyuer a gayne in as good case as it was at y e tyme of y e takyng / Also a man may distreyn for homage realte and escuage and other seruices for tynꝭ and a mercimentꝭ whych be assessyd ī a [...]ete but not ī a court baron / and also for damage fesaunt that is to sey when he fyndyth y e bestꝭ or goodys of a nother doyng hurte or cōberyng hys grownd / also a mā may not distrayne for any rent or thyng dew for any land but vppon the same land y t is chargyd ther wyth / but ī case where I come to distreyn and the other seyng his purpose chasyth the bestys or beryth the thyng out to the intent y t I shall not take it for a distress vppon the grounde / then I may wel pursue and yf I take it incōtinēt in the hye way or in an other grounde y e takyng ys laufull as well ther as vppō the land chargyd to whoso euer the ꝓperte of the goodys be.
[Page]Also for fynys and amercymentys which be assessyd in a lete one may alway take y e goodꝭ of hym y t is so amercied in whose grōūd so euer yey be whithī y e iurisdiccgn of y e court. vt dicitur / Also whē one hath takī a distress it behouith to hym to bring it to the commyn pound or ellys he may kepe it in a nothers ground. and then yt behouith hym to gyf notice to y e parte for that y e the ꝑte / yf y e dystress be aqwyk best may gyf to it fode / and then yf y e best dys for defaut effode / he that was dystreynyd shall be at the losse / and then the other mai distrayne agayne for the same rēt or dewte / but yf he bryng the dystress to a hold or out of the coūte that the shyryffe may not make delyuerauns vppon the replenyn / than the ꝑte vppon y e retourne of the shyryf shal haue a writ of wythernam direct to the shyryf that he take as many of his bestꝭ or as mych goodis of the other ī his kepyng tyl that he hath made delyuerāce of y e fyrst distres / Also yf thei be ī a forslet or castell the shyryf may take with hym y e power of the counte and bete down the castell as it apperyth by y e statute westm̄. I.C.xx. therfore loke the statute
¶Deodande / is whan any man by misfortune is slayne by an hors or by a cartt or by any other thyng that mouyth [Page] than this thynge that is the cause of hys deth & whych at y e tyme of the misfortune mouyth / shalbe forfet to the kyng / & that is callyd a deodād and that ꝑteynith to y e kyngis almener for to dispose in almys and in dedys of charite
¶Dedimus potestatem is a writ and it lyeth where a man [...]ewyth in the kyngis court or is suyd and may not well trauell than he shal haue this writ dyrect to [...]ome Iustyce or other discret ꝑson ī the cōtrey to gyue to hym power t admit some man for hys attournay or to leuey a tyne or to take hys confession or hys answere or other examinacion as the matter reqreth
¶Demurrer is whā any acciō is brought and the defēdaūt pledith a ple to y t which the pleyntyf seith that he wyl not answer for that it is not sufficient ple in the law and the defendaunt sayth to the cōtrary that it is a sufficient ple / this dout of the law is callyd a demurrer
¶Double ple is wher y e defēdāt or tenāt in any accion pledyth a ple in the whyche ij. matters be cōprehendyd and euery one by hym selfe is a sufficient barr or āswer to the acciō / then such a doble ple shal not be admittyd for a ple [Page] except vn depend. vppō a nother and in suche case yf he may not haue the last ple without the fyrst ple then such a doble ple shalbe well sufferyd
¶Dower is a wryt & it lyeth where a man is sole seisyd duryng y e couerto r be twene hym & hys wyfe of landis and tenemētꝭ in fee symple or fee tayle where by possibilite the issu betwen them may inheyryt / yf suche a man dye hys wyfe shall recouer the thyrde ꝑt of all the laddis whereof y e husband was sole seisyd any tyme durīg y e couerto r by a writ of dower vnde nichil habet / though y e he made alyenacion ther of in hys lyfe / but yf a man haue landis in the whyche an other man or other men were seisyd to hys vse always duryng y e couertor / and he to whose vse they be seisyd dyeth / hys wyfe shal not be endowyd And also yf ii. men be seisyd of land to y e vse of one of them / & he to whose vse &c. dyeth hys wyfe shall not be īdowed / Also yf a womā bring a writ of dower she shal recouer damagis for the ꝓfet tune after the deth of her husband yf he dyed therof seisid / but if any alyenaciō or estate were made duryng the couertor so that the barō dyed not seisyd / than though she shall recouer the land yet shall recouer no damagꝭ [Page] also ther an other wryt of dower callyd a wryt of ryght of dower and it lyeth wher a woman hath recoueryd ꝑt of her dower and the other she is to recouer / Also in dyuers casis a woman shal not dower as yf the baron do felony for the whyche he is attaynt than hys wyfe shall haue no dower / also yf she go away from her husband with an other man in auourre and yf she be not recōsylyd by her husband yf of hys owne wyll without coheren̄ of the churche she shold not be indowyd
¶Droyt is a writ callyd a wryt of right and it lyeth where a man claymyth any landis or tenementꝭ and alegeth no title but only that one of his auncesters ī old tyme was seysyd / after the limytacyon / & thys wryt behouyth to be brought in the lordys court and yt may be remouyd in kyngys cowrt and yt hath not but .ij. tryellys that ys to say by graunt assise or by batell at the eleccion of the tenaunt & for that it behouyth alway to y e pleyntif for to haue hys champyon redy or els he shall lose hys accion / also the iugemēt of this writ is fynall for it is no ple for the tenaunt to say that he recoueryd by acciō tried also ther is an other writ of right deracōnabili ꝑte / & it lyeth alwayes betwen pryueys of blod as yf a man let landis for terme of lyfe and hath many coheyrs & dyeth / yf one of the coheyrs enter in all y e land the other shall haue thys wryt / but thys writ shall not be tryed by batell nor graunt assise. [Page] Also ther is an other writ of right qn̄ dn̄s remisit curiam suam regi & it lyeth wher y e lord holdithno court than he shal remyt his court to the kyngis court for y e tyme sauynge to hym an other tyme y e right of hys seignioury.
¶Loke of writ of right in the titles of precipe in capite monstrauerūt dower & [...]uare impedit.
¶Dures is where one is kept in prisō or restreynyd frō hys liberte contrary to the order of the law & yf such a ꝑsō so beynge in dures make any especyalte or obligaciō / such a dede is voyd in the law / and in an accion brought vppō suche an especialte he maysey y t it was made by dures of inprisonment / but yf a man be arested vppon any accion at y e sewyt of an other though the cause of the acciō be not good nor trew yf he make any oblygacion to a straunger beynge in prison by such arest yet it shal not be seyd by dures. but yf he make an obligacion to hym at whose suit he was a restyd to be discharchyd of suche in prisonmēt thā it shalbe seyd dures (vt dicitur.
¶Dum nō fuit cōpos mētꝭ is a writ & it lyeth wher a man that is out of hys good mynd alyenyth the landis that he hath in fee symple and dyeth than hys heyre after hys disssese shal haue vis. writ but he him selfe shal not haue this wryt for that that a man shall not be reseyuyd to dissemble hym selfe / also thys wryt may be made in the ꝑ cui and post
[Page]¶Dum fuit infra etatem is a wryt and it lyeth wher an infant wythin age alienyth hys land that he hath in fee sympull or for terme of lyfe whan he comyth to his full age he shall haue this wryt or he may enter yf he wyll / but it behouith that he be of full age y e day of his writ brought / also yf an infant alien his land & dye his issu at his full age shal haue vis writ but the issu shall not haue this wryt within hys age.
¶Entre is where a man enterith in any landꝭ or tenemētis ī hys ꝓpyr ꝑson or any other by hys cōmaūdmēt / also therbe dyuers writꝭ of entre whych be in diuers maner / one is a writ of entre sur disseisyn and this writ lyeth where a man is disseised & dyeth hys heyre shall haue this writ agaynst the disseysor / A writ of entre ī the ꝑ lyeth where a man is disseysyd of hys frehold and the disseisor dyeth & his heyr enteryth then the disseysie or his his heyre shall haue le dit writ agaynst the heyre of the disseisor or agaynst y e alyene of y e disseysor but lyuyng y e disseisor he may haue assise yf he wyll and the writ of entre shal say in qd. A nō hēt ingres [...]ū nisi ꝑ B. quī illud ei dimisit q̄ ide īiuste disseisiuit &c. But yf the disseisor alien and the alyene alyenyth forther to an other or yf the disseysour dye and hys heyre entre and that heyre dyeth and hys heyr enteryth [Page] than the disseise or his heyre shall haue a writ of entre sur disseisyn in the ꝑ & cui & le writ shall sey in qd id a nō hēt ingressū nisi ꝑ B. cui C. illud ei dimisit q̄ inde iniuste &c. and note well that no wryt of entre ī y e ꝑ & cui shalbe mayntenable agaīst non But where he that is tenaūt be in by purchase or discent / but yf the alyenacion or discent be come out of the degrees vppon whyche no writ may be made ī the ꝑ nor in the ꝑ & cui than it shalbe made in y e post / & the writ shal sey in qd a non habet ingressū nisi post disseismā quā / B. inde iniuste et sine iudicio fecit p̄fat. N. vel m̄ ꝓame N. cuius heres ipse est.
¶Eiectment de gard vide de ceo apres in le title le garde
¶Elegit is a writ iudiciall and it lyeth where a man hath recouerid in the kyngꝭ court det or damagis if he suppose that y e goodis of the other be not sufficient thā he shall haue this writ to the shyrife to delyuer to hym al his goodis & catels except oxen & īplemēt of his cart / & also the halfe of hys lād whyche shalbe to hym delyueryd by resonable extēt that he shall hold it tyll the some be leueyd of y e sayd issuys and ꝓfetꝭ
¶Errour is a writ & it lyeth where a false iugemēt is geuyn in the comyn place or before the iustice in assise or before y e iustice of oyer determiner [Page] or before the mayre and the shyryffꝭ of lō don / or ī other court of record for to make the record and ꝓces to come be fore y e iustyce of y e kyngꝭ bench / and yf ther errour be found it shall be reuersyd / but if a false iugement be geuyn in the kyngꝭ benche than it shalbe reuersyd by ꝑliament / also yf a false iugement be geuyn in court y t is nat of record as in coūte hūdred or court baron then the parte shall haue a wryt of fals iugement for to make the record to come before the iustyce of the comī place Also yf errour befond in the eschequer yt shalbe redressyd by the chamuelo r & tresorer as it apperyght by the statut of Edward the .iii. a o xxxi.c.xii.
Esson is where an acciō is brought and y e playntyf or defendant may not well appere at the day in courte for one of the v. causys vnder expressid then he shalbe essonyd to saue hys defaute / wheruppon note well that ther be v. maner of essonꝭ / that is to sey / Esson de ousterle mere and y t is by xl. days / the secūd esson is de terra saūe ta. & that shalbe by a yere and a day. and these twayne shalbe leyd in the begīning of the ple vt dicitur / the thryd esson is de male vener and that shalbe at cōyn days as the accion requiryth and thys is callyd the comyn esson / & when & how thys esson shalbe loke y e statutꝭ and the boke of bregemētꝭ of statutꝭ wher it is wel declarid also The iiii. esson is de malo lecti & y t is only ī a writ of right and thervppon ther shall a writ go out of the chaūcery dyrect to the sheryfe y t he shall send iiii. knyghtꝭ to the tenaūt to se the tenaūt and yf he be [Page] be seke to gyue hym a day after a yere & a day / also the v. esson is de seruyce le roy & it lyeth in al acciōs except in assise of nouell disseysyn a writ of dower / daren presentment and in appell of morder / But ī this esson it behouyth at the day to shew hys warrant or ellys it shall turne in to a defaut yf it be in ple ryall / or ells he shall lose xx. s. for the iourney or more by the discression of the iustice yf it be in ple ꝑsonell / as it apperyth by y e estatut of glou cester C. decimo
¶Estray is where any best or catell is in any lordshyp & none knowyth the owner therof than it shalbe seysyd to the vse of y e kyng or of the lorde that hath such estray by the kyngis graunt or by prescripsion / and yf the owner come and make claym therto within a yere and a day thā he shal haue it agayn or ells after the yere the ꝓperte therof shalbe to the lorde so that the lord make ꝓclamacion therof accordyng to the law
¶Eieccōne firme / loke therfore after in the tytle quare eiecit infra terminum.
¶Escape is where ōe y t is arestid cōmith to hys liberte before that he be delyueryd by the ward of any iustice or by order of y e law / Also yf one be arestyd and after escape and is at his liberte and he in whose warde he was / take hym afterwarde and bryng hym to y e prison / yet it is an escape in hym [Page] Also yf a murder be made in the day & the murderar be not takyn than it is an escape for the whych the towne where y e murdur was done shalbe amercyd / Also yf a felō be arestyd by y e cōstable and brought to the geale in y e counte and y t gealo r wyl not reseyue hym and the cōstabyll lettith hym go and the gealour also & so he escapyth / thys is an escape in the gealour for that y e in such case the gealour ys boūd to receyue hym by the hond of the cōstable whithout ony precept of the iustice of pease / but other wyse it is yf a comyn ꝑson arest a nother for suspecyous of felony yer y e gealo r is not boūd to receyue hym without a p̄cept of some iustice of peace
¶Eschete is a wryt and it lyeth where a tenaūt holdith of a lord without measne and doth felony for whych he is hāgyd or abiuryd the realme / or be outlawyd of felony murder or pety treason or yf the tenaunt dye without heyre generall or speciall / than the lord may entre by way of eschet or yf an other enter the lorde shall haue agaynst hym thys writ
¶Estripament is a writ & it lyeth where one is impledid by a p̄cipe quod reddat for certeyn land yf the demaundand suppose y t the tenaūt wyll do wast hengyng y e ple he shall haue agaynst hym this wryt [Page] whych is a ꝓhibicon cōmandyng hym y t he do wost hengyng y e ple / and thys wryt lyeth ꝓperly where a man demandth landys by formedōe or wryt of ryght or wryt tys where he shall not recouer damagys / for in such wryttꝭ where he shall recouer damagys he shal haue hys damagys hauyng regard to y e wast done
Exectour is when a man makith hys testament and last wyll & ther in namyth the person that shall execute hys testament / then he that is so namyd is hys executour and such an executour shall haue an accion agaynst euery dettour of his testatour and yf the executorys haue assetz euery one to whome y e testatour was in det shall haue an accion agaynst the executour yf he haue an oblygacion or espcyalte but in euery case where y e testato r myght wage hys law no accion lyeth a gaynst y e executour / loke more therof before in y e tytle adminystratours
¶Exchaunge is waere a man isseisye of certayne lād / and a nother man is seysād of other land / yf they by a dede indentyd or without dede yf the landys be in one self counte exchaunge theyr landys so y t euery of them shall haue others lādys to hym so exchaungyd in fee fee tayle or for terme of lyfe / that is callyd an exchange and it good without lyuere & seysyn [Page] Also in an exchange it behouyth that the estatys to them lymyttyd by thexchaung be egal / for yf one haue an estate in fee in hys land and the other hath estate in the other land but for terme of lyf or intayle / then such eschaung is voyd / but yf the estatys be egall and y e landꝭ be not of egall valew yet y e exchaung is good / Also an exchaung of rent for land is good / Also an exchaūge by twen rent & cōmyn is good and y e ought to be by dede / Also it behouith alway that theyse wordꝭ exchaūg be in the dede or ellys no thyng passyth by y e dede except that he haue lyuere & seysyn
¶Excōmengement is to sey in laten excōmunicacio / and it is where a man by the iugement ī court cristyan is accursyd than he is dysablyd to sew any accion in y e kyngꝭ court / & yf he remayne ex cōmunicate xl. days and wyll not be iustefyed by hys ordynary / thā y e bysshop shall send his letters patent to the chaūceler & threuppō it shalbe cōmaundyd to the shyryf to take the body of hym y t is acursyd by a wryt callyd de excōmunicato capiēdo tyll that he hath made gremēt to the holy churche for the contēpt and wrong / and whan he is Iustifyed and hath made gremēt / thā the byshoppe shall send his letters to the kyng certifyeng the same / and thā it shal be cōmaundyd to the shyryf to delyuer hym by a wryt callyd de excommunicato deliberando.
[Page]¶Execucion is where iugement is geuyn in any accion that y e playntyf shall recouer the land y e det or damagys as y e case is / and when any wryt is awardyd to put hym in execucion that is callyd a wryt of execucion / and when he hath y e possession of the land or is payde of the det or damagys or hath the body of y e def awardyd to pryson / than he hathe execucion & yf y e ple be in the counte or court barō or hundred and they defare the iugement in fauore of the parte or for other cause then the demaundant shall haue a wryt de execucione iudicii.
¶Extinquissimēt is where any lorde or any other hath any rent goyng out of any land and he purchesith the same land so y t he hath such estate in the land as he hath in the rent then the rent is extynct / for y e that one may not haue rēt goyng owt of hys owne land / Also when any rent shalbe extynct it behouyth that the land & the rēt be in one hand / and also that the estate that he hath be nat defesable & also that he haue as good estate in y e land as in the rēt for yf he haue estate in the land but for terme of lyfe or yerys & hath fee symple in y e rent then the rent is not extinct but y e rēt is in suspens for that tyme and than aft the terme the rent is reuyuyd [Page] Also yf ther be lord mesne & tenaunt and the lord purchas the tenauncy than y e meanalte is extynct but the mesne shal haue the surplysage of the rent / yf ther be any as a rent sek / also yf a mā haue a hye way appendaunt and after purchas the lande wherein the hye way is than the way is extinct / and so it is of a cōmyn appendaūt
¶Exigent is wryt and it lyeth where a man sewyth an accyon personell and the deffendaūt may not be fond nor hath no thyng whithin the coūte whereby he may be attachyd nor dystrainyd then thys wryt shall go forthe to y e shyryf to make ꝓclamacoun at v. countes euery one aft a nother that he appere or ells y t he shalbe outlawyd and yf he be outlawyd then all hys goodꝭ & catell be forfet to the kyng / Also in an inditement of felony the exigent shall go forthe after the fyrst capias and also in a capias ad computanduin or ad satisfaciendum and in eueri capias y t goth forth after iugement / y e exigent shal go forthe after the fyrst capias / and also in appell of deth / but not in appell of robbery or appell of maym
¶Exꝑte talys loke therfore before in the tytle accompt
¶Ex graui querela loke therfore before in the tytle deuise
[Page]¶Faux īprisōment is awryt and it lyeth where a mā is a restyd & resteynyd from hys lyberte by an other agaynst the order of the law then he shall haue agaynst him thys wryt whereby he shall recouer damagys loke more therof before in the title arest.
¶Faux iugement loke therfore before in the tytle error
¶Fee symple is whan lādꝭ or rēt or other thyng inheritable is geuin to a man and to hys heyres for euer more & thes wordꝭ hys heyres make the estate of inherytaūs for yf lād be geuin to a mā for euer yet he hath but an estate for terme of lyfe / Also yf tenaunt in fe symple dye hys fyrst son shalbe hys heyre / but yf he haue no sō thē all hys doughters that he hath shalbe hys heyre & euery one shal haue her ꝑt by ꝑtict on but yf he haue no sō nor doughter thē hys next cosyn colaterall of the hole blod shalbe hys heyer / Also yf ther be fad & sō and the fader hath a brother & the son purchesyth landys in fee and dyeth without issu then hys vncle shall haue the land and not the fader / for y t that land may lynyally descend & not ascēd but if the vncle dye without issu than the fader shall haue the lād as heyre to the vncle which is hys broder for that y t he cōmyth to the land by collateral descent & not by lyniall ascencion [Page] Also yf the sone purchas landys in fe simple and dye whithout issu they of his blod on the fadyrs side shall haue the land but yf he haue no heyre on y fadyrs syde thē y e lād shall descend to the heyres on y e moders syde / but yf landys discend to y son on the fadyrs syde and he dy th whithout issu then the heyres on y fadyrs syde shall haue the land but yf he haue no heyer on the fadyrs syde the heyers ō the moders syde shall not haue the land but y e lorde of whome the land is holdyn shall haue thē by eschete / and the same law is yf lād descend to the son on the moders syde / Also yf ther be many bretherne & yf any of thē purchase landys in fee and dye whithout issu the land shall descend alway to the eldyst brother for y t y t ys he most worthy of blod / Also no man shall haue land in fee symple by discēt as heyre to any man except that he be heyre of the hole blod / for yf a man haue issu a sō & a doughter by one venter̄ y t is to say by one wyfe / and a son by an oyer wyfe & y e eldist brod purchesith lādꝭ ī fee & dyeth without issu / the yōger broder shall not haue y e lād but y e dought shall haue the land for that y t she is of the hole blod to the eldyst brother / Also in the case be fore sayd yf y e fader dye seysyd of lādꝭ in fee symple & y e elder son doth ent & dyeth without issu / the doughter shall haue the land and not y e yonger brother but yf the elder sō enter not after the deth of hys fad but dye be fore any ētre made by hym / thā the yonger broder shall haue the land for the possession of the broder in fee symple makyth the suster to be heyre.
[Page]¶Fee tayle is where land is geuyn to a mā and hys heyres of hys body begotyn and he is callyd tenannt in y e tayle geneall / but yf landꝭ be geuyn to the husband and the wyf & the heyres of ther ii. bodies begotyn / now the husband and y e wyf be tenauntys in the tayle especiall / but yf lā dys be geuyn to a mā and to hys heyres that he ingenderyth on the body of hys wyfe / then the husband is tenaunt in the tayle especiall & the wyfe hath no thyng / Also yf landꝭ be geuyn to y e husband & to hys wyfe & to y e heyres of the body of y e husband ingenderyd / then y e husband hathan estate in the especyall tayle & the wyf hath no estate but for terme of lyf / but yf landys be geuyn to the husbād & hys wyf and to the heyres which the husband īgē deryth vppon the body of y e wyfe / in thys case bothe them hath estate in the tayle for that theyse wordys heyers doth not ly met to one more more than to a nother but yf landys be geuyn to the husband & hys wyfe & to the heyres of the husband whych he ingenderyth on the body of hys wyfe than she hath no estate but for tme of lyfe / Also ther be dyuers other estatys in y e tayle / as yf lādys be geuyn to a mā & to hys heyres malys of hys body begotin in such case the issue female shall neuer in heryt / for yf the issu male haue issu female whych hath issu male yet such issu male shall nat inheryte by forse of the tayle for it behouith alway to ꝯuey hys discent all by the malys [Page] and the same law is yf landꝭ be geffyn to the issu female ī such mauer / the issu male shall neuer inheryt / also yf landys be geuyn to a man and to hys heyers malys or his heyris femalis / then the doner hath estate in fe simple for that that it is not lymytyd of whose body the issu shall come Also yf lādys be geuin to a man and to a woman / whych is the doughter or the cosyn of the donor in frank maryage / then the man and the woman be tenauntꝭ in y e tayle especiall / for by these wordꝭ frank maryage they shall haue the land to thē and to the heyrꝭ bytwene them be gotyn Also ī euery gyft in the tayle yf y e tenaūt in the tayle dye without issu whych is īheritable by force of tayle & no forther mencyon made in the graunt to whome y e lā de shall go / then the reuercyon of fee simple shall reuerte alway to the doner and hys heyres / Also the doneez ī the tayle & ther issuys shall do lyke seruyce to the doner & his heyrs as y e doner dothe to y e lord next to hiaboue / but y e doneez ī frāke mariage shall hold quyt from all maner seruice / except fealte tyll y e fort degre be past
¶Feffement is where a man geuyth lā dys to an other ī fee symple and whan he deliuerith lyuere & seisī & possessiō of the land that is a feffemēt / Also yf one make a gyft ī y e tayle or a lesse for tme of lyfe or of a nother mannys lyf itbe houyth also to gyue lyuere and seysyn orels no thing shall pass by the graunt
[Page]¶Formedonne ys a wryt & it lyeth where the tenaunt in the tayle īfeffyth a strāger and dyeth the heyre shall haue a wryt of formedome to recouer the land / but ther be iii. maner of formedones one is in the descēder and that is ī y e cause beforeseyd Also yf one gyflandys ī the tayle and for defaut of issu y e remaīder to a nother in y e tayle and that for defaute of such issu the land shall reuert to the donour yf y e fyrst tenaunt in the tayle dye without issu he ī the remaynder shall haue a formedon in the remaynder but yf the tenaunt in the tayle dye without issu & he in the remaynder also dye without issu then the doner or hys heyers shall haue a formedone in the reuerter
¶Forger of false dedys is a wryt and it lyeth where one forgith a fals dede & makyte it be publysshyd for to troble y e ryght possessiō & tytul of any man then the ꝑte greuyd shall haue thys wryt and shall recouer his damagys and the deffendaunt shal make fyne to the kyng
¶Fealte shalbe done in such maner tha [...] is to sey the tenaunt shall hold his righ [...] hand vppon a boke and shall say to hy [...] lord / I shalbe to you feithfull and trew [...] I shall bere to you feith for the landis [...] tenementis whych I clayme to hold [...] you & trewly shall do to you the cust [...] and seruyces that I ought to do [...] [Page] at the termys assyned / as so helpe me god and all seyntys / and shal kys y e boke / but he shal not knele as in doyng homage / & therof loke after in the tytle homage
¶Felony is when a man without any colour of the law takyth a way preuely the goodys of an other to the intent that hys dede shuld not be knowyn amoūtyng to the valew of xii.d. or more / but yf one come nye to the persō of a nother & robbyth hym of hys godys although they be but to the valew of a peny. it is felony and y t is callyd robery and for that he shall be hangyd / Also rape is felony and that is whē one ranysshyth or defoylyth any woman agayns her owne wyll
¶Gard is when that any infant whose auncestour holdyth of a lord by knyght seruise is ī y e ward of his lord / Also yer be dyuerse wryttꝭ of warde / one is a wryte of ryght of warde & y e lyeth where the tenaūt dyeth hys heyre within age & a strā ger enteryth in to the land and happythe to haue the ward of the body of the īfant A wryt of eiectmēt of ward lyeth where a man is put out of the ward of the land without the body of the infaunt / A wryt of rauishmēt of ward lieth where y e body is takyn fro hym only and nat the land / Also yf a tenaunt hold of dyuers lordis dyuers landys that lord of whome the lā de is holdyn by pryorete that is to sey by more elder tenure shall haue the ward of the infaunt / but yf one [Page] tenure be as old as a nother than he that fyrst happyth to haue the ward of y e body shall haue the ward therof / but in that case euery lord shall haue the warde of the lād that is holdyn of hym / but yf a tenaūt hold of the kyng in chef than the kyng by hys prerogatyf shall haue the warde of y e body and of all the land that is holdyn of the kyng and of euery other lorde.
¶Garrantye of chartres is a wryt and it lyeth where any dede is made y t comp̄ hendyth a clause of warrāty that is to sey dedi or concessi or thys word warātizabo and yf the tenaunt be impledyd by a strā ger yf it be in assise or such acciō where he may not vouch to warrātye / then he shall haue thys wryt agaynst hys feffor or hys heyer / and yf the land be recoueryd agāst hym he shall recouer as much lād ī valew ageynst hym that made the waranty / but thys wryt ought to be sewyd hēgīg y e first wr [...]t aganst hym or ellys he hath lost hys aduantage / Also vppon a warrantye in y e law as vppon homage auncestrell or vppon rent reseruyd vppon a lesse for terme of lyfe or in the tayle a man shall haue a wryt of worrantyf of chartres but not vppon an estranger.
[Page]¶Garrantye is in ii. maners that is to say / Garrantye lyneall & / Garrantye collaterall / Garrantye lyneall is where a mā seisyd in fee maketh a fefemēt by hys ded to a nother and byndyth hym & hys heyre to warrantye and hath issu a son & dyeth and the warrantye descendyth to hys son that is a lyneall warrātye for y t that yf no dede whith-warrantye had be made then the ryght of the landys shuld haue descendyd to the sone / and he shuld conuey y e descent from the fader to the son / but yf y e tenaunt in the tayle dyscontynew the tayle and hath issu & dyeth and the vncle of the issu relessyth to y e discontynue whith warrantye &c. and dyeth whithout issu that is a collaterall warrantye to y e issu in y e taile for that y t the warrantye descendyth vppon the issu the which may not ꝯuey hym to the tayle by mene of hys vncle / and in euery case where a man demaūdyth lādꝭ in fee tayle by wryt of formedon / yf any of the issu in the tayle whych hath possessyon or which hath not possessyon maketh a warrantye and he that sewyth the writ of formedone may be possybyll by matter y t may be in dede conuey to hym title by fors of the gyft by hym that made the warrantye &c. that is than a lyneall warrātie and by such a leneall warrantye the issu in the tayle shall not be barryd / but yf y t he haue assetz to hym descendyd in fee sī ple but yf he may not by no possibylyte y t may be conuayd to hym title by force of the gyfte by hym that made y e warrantye than that is a collaterall warrantye / and by such a collaterall warrantye the issu in the tayle shalbe barrid without any assetz [Page] And the cause that such a collaterall warranttyne is a bar to the issu in the tayle is for that y e all warrātyes before the statute of glocestour which descendyd to them whych be heyres to them that made y t warrantyes were barrꝭ to the same heyrꝭ to demaund any landys axcept the warrantyes that began by dysseysyn / and for y t y t the seyd estattut hath ordeynyd y t y e warranttye of the fader shalbe no barre to his son for the landꝭ whych come of the herytage of the moder / nor the warrantye of y e moder shalbe no barr to the son for y e lā dys which come of the herytage of y e fader and y e statute hath not made nor ordeynid remedy agaynst the warrantye y t is collaterall to the issu in the tayle / and therfore the warrantye y t is collateral to the issu in the tayle is yet ī hys force & shalbe a barre to the issu in the tayle as it was before y e statute / Also it behouith that all warrātis whereby any heyre shalbe barryd that y e warrantye descend by the cours of y e commyn law to hym whych is heyre to hym that made the warrantye or ellꝭ it shalbe no barre for yf the tenaūt ī y e tayle of lādꝭ in borow englysh / where the yongyst son shall inheryte by y e custome discōtynuyth the tayle & hath issu ii. sōnys and the vncle relessyth to the discontinue with warrantye and d [...]eth & the yonger son bryngyth a formedone / yet he shall not be barryd by such warrantye causa qua supra / Also yf any man make any dede with warrantye wherby his heyr shuldbe barryd & aft he y t made the warrantye be attaynt of felony [Page] than hys heyer shall not be barryd by such warrantye for y t y t such warrantye myght not descend vppō hym for that y t y e blod is corrupt / Also yf the son purchas landys & after let the landys to hys fader for terme of yerysand the fader by hys dede therof infeffyth a straunger and byndyth hym & his heyer to warrātye and the fader dyeth where by the warrātye descendyth to the son / yet thys warrantye shall not barr the son but y e son may well enter notwithstō dyng thys warrantye for that y e thys warrantye began by disseysyn when the fader made the feffement which was a dysseisin to the son / and as it seyd of the fader so yt may be seyd of euery other auncestour / & the same law is yf tenaunt by elegit or by statute marchant make any feffemēt with warrātye / such warrantyse shalbe no barrys be cause they begyn by disseysyn
¶Gager de delyuerauns is where one sewyth a replenyn of goodꝭ takyn but he hath not the delyuere of the goodys and the other avowyth & y e playntyf sheuith that the def. is yet seysyd &c. land prayeth that the defendaunt shall gage y e delyueraūce than he shall put in suerte or pleggꝭ for the delyuerauns / and a wryt shall goo forth to the shirif for to redeliuer y e goodꝭ &c. but yf a man clayme ꝓperte he shall not gage the delyuerauns [Page] Also yf he say that the bestꝭ be dyd in the pownde he shall not gage &c. Also a man shall neuer gage the delyueraunce before that they be at yssue or demurrer in the law vt dicitur.
¶Garnyshment is as yf accion of detynew of charters be brought agynst one & the def. seyth that the charters were delyueryd to hym by the pleyntyf and by an other vppon certeyn cōdicions and prayth that the other may be warnyd to plede with the pleyntyf yf the condicions be ꝑformyd or no / & theruppon a wryt of scire facias shall go forth agaynst hym and y t is callyd a garnyshment.
Graunt cape loke therfore after in y e title petit cape
Homage shalbe made in such maner / y t is to sey y e tenaunt in fee symple or fee tayle that holdyth by homage shall knele vppō both hys knees & the lorde shall syt & shall hold the handꝭ of hys tenaūt betwene hys handꝭ and the tenant shall sey [Page] I becum your mā from this day forward of lyfe & mēber and of yerly honour and to you shalbe faytful and trew and shall berre to you fayth for the landꝭ y t I claī [...] to hold of you sauyng the fayth y t I owe to our lord the kyng / and than the lord so syttyng shall kysse hym but how fealte shalbe done loke before in fealte / and the stewerd of the lorde may take fealte bu [...]e not homage.
¶Ioyntenauntꝭ be where ii. men come to any landys & tenementys by one ioynt tytle as yf a man gyf landꝭ to ii. men & to theyr heyres / but tenauntys in comyn be where ii. men haue lādꝭ by seueral tytlis none of them knowith ther of his seueral as it shalbe seyd after / & note well yf ther be ii. or iij. ioyntenaūtꝭ and one hath issu and dyeth yet he or those ioyntenauntys that ouer lyf shall haue the hole by y e suruiuor / but yf [...]i ioyntenauntꝭ make ꝑticiō betwene by dede by agrement than they be seuerall tenauntys but yf one ioyntenaunt graunt that y e belongyth to hym to a straunger than the other ioyntenaunt & straunger be tenauntꝭ ī comyn / & though two tenauntꝭ in comyn be seysyd by pert and by the hole & none knowyth his seuerall yet yf one dye the other shall not haue the hole by y e suruiuo r but hys heyre shall haue the halfe / and so yf ther be iij ioyntenauntys & one of them maketh fefement of hys ꝑt to a nother & the feffe dyeth thā hys heyre shall haue the thyrd ꝑt and the other ij. be ioyntenautys as they were because y t they ij be seysyd by a ioynt tytle. [Page] Also yf any landys be geuyn to the barō and to hys wyfe & the barō alyeneth and dyeth the wyfe shall recouer the hole but yf they were ioyntenaūtꝭ before y e coue [...] tor then in such case she shall recouer but the halfe / Also yf, land be geuyn to y e barō and to hys wyf and to a thyrd ꝑson / yf the thryd graunt that y e belongyth to hym / y e one halfe passyth by thys graunt for that that the baron & hys wyf be but one ꝑson in the law and in thys case they haue nothyng in ryght but y e halfe / Also yf ii. ioī tenauntꝭ be of landꝭ in a towne which is borow englysh where landys is dyuysasable / and one by hys testament deuysith that y e belongyth to hym to astranger and dyeth / thys deuyse is voyd & y e other shall haue y e hole by suruiuour for that y e deuise may not take effect tyl tfter the deth of the deuysour / and inmediate after y e deth of the deuysour the ryght commyth to the other ioyntenaunt suruiuour by whych claymyth no thyng by the deuysour but in hys owne ryght by the souruiuour / but other wyse it is of ꝑceners seysyd of landꝭ dyuysable / causa qua supra
[Page]¶Idemptitate nominis is a wryt and it lyeth where a wryt of det couenaunt or accompt or such other wryt is brought agaynst a man & a nother that hath y e same name as the deff. hath is takyn from him then he shall haue thys wryt by y e whych y e shyryf makeshal īquere before y e iustice assynyd in the same counte yf he be the same ꝑson or not and yf he be not found culpable then he shall go without day in pease.
¶Ley is whan an accyon is brought agaynst one whythout especyalte shewd or other matter of record as an acciō of det vppon a ꝯtract or detynew then the deffend may wage hys law that is to sey to swere vppon a boke and certeyn persons with hym that he owyth nothyng to y e pleī tyf iu maner and forme as he hath declaryd but in an accyon of det vppon a lesse for terme of yerys or vppō the arerage of accompt before audytours assynyd / a mā shall not wage hys law but whē one shall wage hys law he shall brynge with hym vi.viii. or xii. of his neyghbors as y e court shall assyne hym to swere wyth hym / and yf at the day assynyd he fayle of hys lawe then he shalbe condemnyd
[Page]¶Lesses be in dyuers maners that is to sey for terme of lyfe for terme of yerys for terme of a nothers lyfe and at wyll / Also a lese of land is as good without dede as with dede / but in a lesse for terme of lyfe or of a nothers lyfe it behouyth to gyflyuere & seysyn vppon y e lād or ellꝭ no thīg shall passe by the graunt because that they be callyd freholdys / Also a lesse or a comī or rent may not be good without dede / but of a ꝑsonage it is good without dede for that y t the churche which is the pryncipall may passe well ynough without dede and so the dymes and offeryngys whych be accessorye to the churche / but dymys y e offyryngys by them selfe may not be let without dede vt dycitur
¶Maymprise is when a man is arestyd by capyas then the iuggys may delyuer hys body to certeyn men for to kepe and to bring hym before them at a certein day and theyse be calld maymꝑnours-and if the ꝑte appere not at the day assynyd the maymꝑnours shalbe amercyed
¶Mayntenauns is a wryt and it lyeth where any man geuyth or delyueryth to a nother that is playntyf or defendaunt in any accion any some of money or other thyng for to maynteyn hys ple / or ellys makyth extreme labour for hym when he hath no thyng therwith to do than the ꝑte greuyd shall haue agaynst hym thys wryt.
[Page]¶Mesne is a wryt & it lyeth where ther be lord mesne and tenaunt and the lorde aboue dystraynyth the tenaunt for the seruyse of the mesne which ought to acquite hym to the lord aboue then the tenaunte shall haue thys wryt agaynst the mesne and yf he come not for to acquit y e tenant thā the mesne shall lose the seruyse of the tenaunt and shalbe foriuggyd of hys signiory and the tenaunt shalbe tenaunt inmedyate to the chefe lorde and shall do y e same seruyce and sewtys as the mesne dyd to the lorde·
¶Monstrauerunt is a wryt and it lyeth for the tenauntys in auncyon demesne dyrectyd to the lord hym cōmandyng y t he dystrayne not hys tenaunt for to do other seruyse that he ought not to do and they may haue thys wryt dyrectyd to the shyryf that he suffer not the lord to dystrayne the seyd tenauntys for to do other seruise / Also yf the tenauntꝭ may not be inquiet they may haue an attachement agaynst the lorde to appere before the iustyse / and all the namys of the tenauntys shalbe put in y e wryt though one of thē be greuyd only / Also yf any landꝭ in aunciō demesne be in varyauns betwene the tenauntys than y e tenaunt so greuyd shall haue agaynst the other a wryt of ryght close whych is callyd after the custome of y e maner / and that shalbe alway brought in the lordys court and thereuppon he shall declare in y e nature of what wryt he wyll as hys case lyeth. [Page] and thys wryt shall not be remouyd but for a gret cause or no power of the court Also yf the lord in a nother court than aū cyon demesne dystrayne hys tenaunte to do other seruise y t he ouyght not he shall haue a wryt of ryght callyd ne īiuste vexes and it is a wryt of ryght patent which shalbe tryed by batell or graunt assyse
¶Mordauncetour loke therfore before ī the tytle cosynage
¶Mortmayn is where landꝭ be geuyn to a howse of relygyon or to a nother cō pany which be corporate by the kyngys graunt than y t land is cōmyn in to mort mayn / and than the kyng or the lorde of whome the land is holdyn may enter as it apperyth by the statute of religiosis / se therfore the statute / Also yf one make a feffement vppo trust to certayne ꝑsonys to the vse of a howse of relygyon or to y e vse of any gylde or fraternyte corporate thā it shalbe seid mortmaine and he shal rēne in the same payne as it apperyth bi the statute a o .xv. R ii▪
¶Moderata mīa is a wryt and it lyeth where a man is amercyed in court baron or counte more than he ought to be than he shall haue thys wryt dyrectyd to the shyryf yf it be in the counte or to y e balyfe yf it be in court baron cōmaundyng thē y t he amerce hym not but hauyng regard [Page] to the quantyte of the trespas / and yf they do not thys wryt than ther shall go forthe agayns them a sicut alias & causā nobis significes & after that an attachement.
¶Natiuo habendo is a wryt & it lyethe where y e villyn of a lorde is gone fro hym than the lord shall haue thys wryt dyrect to the shyryfe y t he make hys lorde to haue hys villeyn with all hys goodys / Also in thys wryt mo villyns may not be demaū dyd than twayne / but as many villyns as wyl ioītly may bryng a wryt of de libtate ꝓbāda / Also yf a villeyn bryng hys wryt de libertate probanda be fore that y e lorde bryng thys wryt / than the villeyn shalbe in pease til the cōmyng of y e iustice / or ellꝭ hys wryt shall not helpe hym
¶Nōabilite is where an acciō is brought agayns one & the defendaunt seyth y t the pleyntyf is not able to sew any accyon / and therbe vi. causis of nonhabilite y t is to sey a man outlawd / alyon born out of the kyngis lege / a man cōdempnyd in a p̄ munire a man of religion / a mā accursyd and a villeyn that se with his lord.
¶Nusauns is a wryt and it lyeth where any man leuyth any wall or stopyth any water or doth any thyng vppō hys owne grownd to the vnlaufull hurt & nusauns of hys neyghbo r / Also yf he that maketh the nusauns alyen y e land to a nother thā thys wryt shalbe brought ageīs thē bothe as it apperyth by the statut of whstm̄ .ii. ca. xxiii o.
[Page]¶Nuper obiit is a writ and it lieth wher one hath many heyrꝭ that is to sey many doughters or many sonnys yf it be in gauel kynd in kent and dyeth seysyd & one heyer enteryth in to all the land than the other y t beholdyn owt shall haue thys writ agayns the coheyre y t ys in / but a wryte de racōnable ꝑte lyeth in such case where the aūcestour was onys seysyd and dyed not seysyd
¶Ne in iuste vexes loke therfore before ī the tytle monstrauerunt
¶Ne admittas ꝓpter libertate is a writ and it lyeth where y e shyryf retornyth vppon a write to hym dyrectyd that he hath send to y e baylyf of such a fraūches which hath retorum of wrytiꝭ and that he hath not seruyd the wryt than y e playntyf shall haue thys wryt directyd to the shyryf y t he hym self enter into the fraunches & execute y e kyngꝭ wryt / Also y e shyryf shall warne the baylyf that he be before the iustyce at the day conteynyd in the wryt and if he cum not & acquite hym than all y e writtys iudicallꝭ whych shall passe out of y e kyngꝭ court duryng the same ple shall be writtꝭ de non admittas &c. and the shyryf shall make execucion of thē hengyng the ple
¶Oyer & termyner is a wryt callyd in laten de audiendo & terminādo and it lieth when any great or soden in surreccion is made or any other soden trespas whyche requirith hasty reformacion than y e kyng shall dyrect o cōmyssion to certeyn men & iustices to here & to determyne y e same
[Page]¶Par que seruicia / loke therfore afterward in the tytle quid iuris clamat
¶Prescripcyon is whā one hath had or vsyd any thyng sith the tyme whereof no mynd is / and some men sey y t a C. yere is a good p̄scripciō / but one may not p̄scribe agaynste a statute except he haue a nother statute y t seruith for hym
¶Presentment is when any man whych hath ryght to geue any benyfyce spirituall and nameth the person to y e bishop to whome he wyll geue it / and maketh a writyng to y e byshop for hym / y t is a p̄sētaciō or a p̄sētm t / but yf diuers coheyrs may not accord ī presetmēt the p̄sētmēt of y e el dyste shalbe admittyd / but of ioynt tenāt and tenauntꝭ in comyn yf they accorde not within vi. monthys the byshop shall present by lappis.
¶Premunir̄ is a writ & it lyeth wher any mā suyth any other ī y e spiritual court for any thyng y t is determynable in y e kyngꝭ court / and that is ordenyd by certeyn statutys & great ponishment therfore ordenid / as it apperyth by the same statutys / that is to sey y t he shalbe out of the kyngys p̄tecciō / and y t he be put in prison whithout bayll or maympryse / tyll that he haue made fine at the kyngys wyll / and y t hys landys & goodꝭ shalbe forfet yf he cū not within ii. monthys / Also the prouysers ꝓctours attorneys executours notares & mayntenours shalbe ponyshyd ī y e same maner / therfore loke the statutys / Also some men sey that yf a clarke sew a nother mā in y e court of rome for a thyng spirituall where he may haue remedy within y e realme in y e court of his ordinary / y t he shallbe within y e case of y e statute.
[Page]¶Precipe in capite is a writ and it lyeth where the tenaunt holdyth of his lord in chefe as of hys crowne & is deuorsyd that is to say put out of his land than he shall haue this writ & this writ shalbe close & shalbe pledyd in the comyn place / Also if any tenaūt which holdyth of any lord be deuorsyd it behouith hym to sew a wryt of right patēt which shalbe de [...]myned in the lordis court / but yf the land beholdin of the kyng the writ of right patent shal be brought to the kyngꝭ court & this writ may be remouyd from the lordꝭ court vn to the coūte by a tolte & frome the counte into the comyn place by a pone / loke therfore before in the title droyt.
¶Per ambulacione facienda is a writ & it lyeth where ii. lordshyppꝭ lyeth one ny an other / & some incrochmēt is made by long tyme / than by assent of both lordis the shyryf shal take with hym the ꝑtyes & y e neighbours & shall walke a bout it and shal make the boūdis as they were before but yf a lord [...]ncroche vppon an other & he wyll not make ꝑambulacyon than the lord so greuyd shall haue a wryt agaynst the other whych is callyd de racōnabili (bus) diuisis.
¶Petit cape is a writ & it lyeth whā any accion reall that is to say of ple of land is brought & the tenaūt apperyth & aftward makyth defaut / than this writ of petit cape shall go forth to seyse the landys in to the kyngꝭ hand [Page] But yf he appere not but makyth de [...]aut at the fyrst somonꝭ / thā a grant cape shall go forth & for such defaut the tenaūt shal lose y e land / but yf he wage hys law of non somonꝭ he shall saue hys defaut and thā he may pled with the demaūdaunt.
¶Proteccion is a writ and it lyeth where that a mā will pass ouer the see ī y e kyngꝭ seruyce / than he shall haue this writ / and by this writ he shalbe quyte of all maner of plese betwene hym ād any other ꝑson / except ples of dower quare impedit assise of nouel disseisyn / darrē p̄sentment & attayntꝭ & plees before iustice in eyre / But therbe ii. writis of ꝓtecciō one cū clasula volumus & an other cū clasula nolumus as apperith in the register / Also a ꝓtecci / on shall not be alowed in any plee begon before the date of the ꝓtecciō yf it be not in viagis where the kyng hym selfe shall passe or other viagis royals or in messagꝭ of the kyng for nede of the realme / Also a proteccyon shall not be alowed for vitell bought for the viage wherof the ꝓteccyō makyth menciō nor in ples of trespas or of contractis made after the date of the ꝓteccyon.
[Page]¶Prohibicyō is a writ and it lyeth wher a man is inpledid in the spirituall court of y t thyng that touchyth not matrimony nor testemēt but that touchyth the kyngꝭ crown / & this writ shalbe direct as well to the ꝑte as to the offycyall to ꝓhibet them that they pursew no forther / But if it appere afterward to the iuggis tēꝑall that the matter is spirituall & not tēporall thā the ꝑte shall haue a wryt of consultacion conmaundyng the Iuggys spirituall to ꝓcede in the fyrst ple.
¶Procedendo is a writ & it lyeth wher any accion is sewed in a base court which is remouyd to a hye court as to the chaū cery the kyngis bench or comyn place by wryt of priuilege or cerciorare & yf y e def. vppō the matter shewed haue no cause of priuilege or yf the matt in the byll be not well ꝓuyd / than the pleyntyff shall haue thys writ of ꝓcedēdo for to send agayne the matter vnto y e first base co rt & ther to de determynyd.
¶Quare impedit is a writ and it lyeth where I haue p rchesid a maner to y e which there belongyth an aduouson / & the ꝑson dyeth and an other presentith hys clerke or disturbyth me to present than I shall haue the seyd writ. But assyse of darē presentmēt lyeth where I or my auncesters haue presentyd before / and where a man may haue assise of daren presentment he may haue a quare īped t but not cōtrary wyse Also if y e ple be depēdīg betwene ii. ꝑtes & benot discussyd withī vi monithis [Page] than the byshope shal present by laps & he that hath right to present shal recouer his damagis as it apperith by the the statute of westm̄ .ii.c.vii. therfore se the statute / Also yf he that hath right to present after the deth of the ꝑson & bryngyth no quare impedit nor darē p̄sentmēt but sufferith a straūger to vsurp vppō hym yet he shal haue a writ of right of aduowsō but this writ lyeth not but yf he claym to haue y e aduowsō to hym & hys heirs ī fee symple
¶Quare nō admisit is a writ & it lyeth where a mā hath recoueryd an aduowsō & he sendith his couenable clark to the byshope to be admittyd and the byshope will not reseyue hym thā he shall haue y e sayd writ agaynst the byshop / But a writ de ne admittas lyeth where twoo be in ple yf y e pleyntyf suppose that the byshop will present the clark of the deff. thā he shall haue this writ to the byshop cōmaūdyng hym that he admit hym not hengyng the ple.
¶Quare incūbrauit is a writ and it lieth where twoo be in ple for the aduowson & y e byshop p̄sentyth one of hys clerkꝭ with in the vi. monithis than he shall haue this writ against the byshop but this writ lieth alway hengyng the ple.
[Page]¶Quale ius is a wryt & it lyeth where a man of relygion adiugemēt to recouer land / than before execucyon this writ shal go forth to y e eschetor for to inquere what right he hath to recouer / & if it be found y t he hath no right than the lord may entre / But a writ of ad quod dāpnū lyeth where one wyl gyue lādꝭ to an house of religiō than this writ shall go forth to y e eschetor to inquere of what valew the land is and preiudice it shalbe to the kyng.
¶Querentyne is where a man dyeth sei syd of a maner place & other landis where of the wyfe ought to be indowed / than the woman shall hold the maner place by .xl. days withī which tyme her dower shalbe to her assyned as yt apperith ī magna carta c.vi.
¶Quare eiecit infra terminū is a wryt & it lyeth where one makyth a lesse to an other for terme of yeris & the lessor ifeffith an other & y e feff puttith out y e tmor thā y e tmo r shal haue this writ agaīst y e feff but yf an other straūger put out the tmo r thā he shal haue a writ de eieccōe firme ageīst hym and in these ii. writtꝭ he shal recouer the terme and his damagis:
¶Quid iuris clamat is a writ & it lyeth where I graūt the reuercion of my tenāt for tme of lyfe by fyne in the kyngꝭ court and the tenāt wil not attorn thā y e graūt shal haue yis writ for tocōpell hym to attorn [Page] But a writ of quem redditū reddit lyeth where I graūt be fyne a rent charge or a nother rēt which is not rēt seruyse which my tenaūt holdith of me & the tenāt will not attorne / thā the graūt shall haue this writ / and a writ of ꝑ que seruicia lyeth in lyke case for rent seruyce / also yf I graūt iiii. dyuers rentis to one man & the tenāt of the land attornyth to y e graunt by paymēt of a peny or of a halfpeny in y e name of attornement of all the rentꝭ this attornemēt shall put hym ī seisyn of al y e rent.
¶Quare intrusit matrimonio nō satisfacto is a wryt & it lyeth where the lord ꝓferyth couenable mariage to hys ward & he refusyth & enteryth in to the land & marieth hym selfe to a nother / than the lord shall haue this writ agaynst hym.
¶Quod ꝑmittat is a writ & it lyeth wher a man is disseysyd of his comē of pastur̄ & the disseysor alyenyth or dieth seisyd ād his heyre enterith / thā yf the disseyse dye hys heyre shall haue this writ.
¶Quo iure is a wryt & it lyeth where a mā hath had comyn of pasture ī a nother seuerall sith the tyme of no mynd / thā he to whome belōgith y e seueral shalhaue this writ and he shalbe chargyd to shew by what title he claymyth.
¶Quod ei deforciat is a writ and it lyeth where the tenāt in y e tayle tenaūt ī dower or tenaūt for tme of lyfe lesyth by defaut in any accion thā he that lesyth shall haue yis writ agaynst hym y t recouerith or agaynst hys heyre.
[Page]¶Quo waranto is a writ & it lyeth wher a mā vsurpith to haue any frāches vppō the kyng / then the kyng shall haue thys wryt to make hym to cum before his iustise for to shew by what title he claymyth such fraunches
¶Relieffe is when any tenaunt holdith of any lord by knyght seruyse & dyeth / his heyer of full age / then the heyr at the fyrst day of payement shall dobyll the rent to the lord / Also yf a man hold of the kynge in chefe and of other lordꝭ / the kyng shall haue the warde of all the landys / and the heyre shall pay relyefe to all the lordys at hys full age / but the lordꝭ shall sew to the kyng by petycion and shall haue the rent for the tyme that y e infaunt was in ward
¶ Remitt is whan a man hath ii. titles to any land / and he comyth to the land by y e last title / yet he shalbe iuggyd in by forse of his elder title / & that shalbe seyd to him a remitter / as yf the tenaunt in the tayle discontinew y e tayle & after dyssesyth hys discontinew and dyeth ther of seysyd & y e landys descendyth to hys issu or cosyn collaterall by force of the tayle / in that case he is in his remytter .s. seysyd by force of the tayle and the tytle of the discontynue is vtterly adnullyd and defetyd [Page] and the reason & cause of such remitters is for that y t such an heyre is tenaunt of y e land & ther is no person tenaunt agayns whome he may sew his wryt of tormedone for to recouer the estate taylyd / for he moy not haue an accion agayns hym self / Also tenaunt in the tayle infeffe hys son and heyre apparant in the tayle whych is within age & after dyeth that is a remitt to the heyre / but yf he were of full age at the tyme of such feffement it is no remitt for that y t it was his foly that he beyng of of full age wolde take such a feffement / Also yf y e baron alyen landꝭ that he hathe in the right of his wyfe and after take an estate agayn to hym & to his wyfe for tme of theyr lyfys / that is a remitt to y e womā for that y t this alyenaicon is the act of y e baron & not of the woman / for no folye may be adiuggid in the woman duryng the lyfe of her husband / but yf such an alyenacion be by fyne in court of record such a takynge agayn afterward to the baron & wyfe for terme of theyr lyues shall not make the woman to be in her remitt. for that y t in such a fyne the womā shalbe examynyd by the iugge / & such examinaciōs in fynes shal exclude suche womē for euer Also whan y e entre of any man is lawfull and he taketh an estate to hym when he is of ful age yf it be not by dede indentyd or matt of record whych shall estope hym / y t shalbe to hym a good remytter
[Page]¶Replication is when the defendaunt in any accyon maketh an answere and the pleyntyf maketh an answere to y t / that is callyd the replecacion of the playntyf and a reioynder is when y e defendaūt maketh answere to the replecacion.
¶Repleuyn is a wryte and it lyeth whē any man distraynyth a nother for rent or other thyng than he shall haue thys wryt to the shyryf for to delyuer to hym the distres and shall fynde suerte to pursue hys accion / and yf he pursue not or it befonde or iuggyd agayns hym / than he that toke the dystres shall haue the dystres and y t is callyd y e retorun of y e bestꝭ & he shall haue in such case a wryt that is callyd de returno habēdo / Also yf it be in any fraunches or bale wekethe ꝑte shall haue a repleuyn of the shyryf directe to the baylyf of y e same fraunches for to delyuer them agayn and he shall fynd suerte to pursue hys accion at the next counte / and this repleuyn may be remouyd out of the counte vnto y e comyn place by a wryt of recordare / loke more of repleuyn in the tytle distres / Also a writ de hoīe replegiando lyeth where a man is in prison and not by speciall commaundament of the kyng nor of hys iustyse nor for the dethe of a man nor for the kyngꝭ forest nor such cause that is rot repreuysable then he shall haue thys wryt directyd to the shyryf that he cause hym to be repleuyd thys wryt is a iustice & not returnable and if the shyryf do it not then ther shall goo forthe a nother wryt sicut alias and afterwarde a nother wryte [Page] sicut plures vel causam nobis significes. whych shalbe retornable / & yf y e sh [...]ryf yet make not repleuyn thā ther shall go forth an atachement agayns the shiryf directid to the coroners to atache the shiryf and to bringe hym be fore the Iustice at a certen day and ferthermore that they make execucyō of the fyrst wryt
Rescous is a wryt & it lyeth whan any mā takyth a dystres & a nover takyth it agayn from hym & wil not suffer hym to bryng y e dystres wyth hym then he doth to him rescous & vppō that he may haue this wryt & shal recouer dāmagis / Also yf one distreī bestis for dammage fesant in his ground and dryuyth them in the hye way for to ī pound them and in goyng they enter in the howse of hym whose they be / and he wythholdyth them there and will not suffer the other to impound them then that withholdyng is rescous
Resceyt is whan any accyon is brought agaynst the tenaunt for the terme of lyfe or tenaunt for terme of yerys and he in the reuercyon commyth in and prayeth to be reseyuyd for to deffēd the lād & for to pled with the demaundaunt / Also when he comyth it behouith that he be allwey redy to plede wyth the demaundaunt
Scire facias is a writ iudicyall goīg out of the record & it lyeth where on hath recouered dett or dāmagꝭ in y e kyngꝭ court & he suith nor to haue execuciō withī y e yere and the day / than afterr the yere and the day he shall haue the sayed wryt to warn the parte & if the parte come not or [Page] yf he com & can no thyng say agaynst the execucion thē he shall haue a wryt of fieri facias dyrect to the shiryf hym commaundyng that he leuey the dett or dammagis of the goodis of hym that hath lost / Also this writ of fieri facias lyeth wyth in the yere without any scire facias sewid Also yf the some of the same det or dammagis may not be leuied of the godis of hym that hath lost / thē he may haue a writ of elegit dyrect to the shiryf y t he cawse hī to delyuer y e one halfe of his land & goodꝭ excepte hys oxen & īplementis of his cart Also when one hath recouered det or dā magis in an accion personel (where the ꝓces is a capias) he may haue a nother writ of execucion callyd a capias ad satisfaciendum for to take the body of him that is so condemnyd whych shalbe comyttyd to pryson there to abyde with out bayle or maimprise tyll that he hath satysfyed the parte. Also when one hathe iugement to recouer anny landys or tenementis he he shall haue a wryt callyd habere facias seisinam dyrect to the shiryffe hym commaundyng to delyuer to hym seysyn of the same land so recouered
¶Tayle looke therfore before in the tytle fee tayle
¶Tresour troue is when anny money gold or syluer plate or bollyon is founde [Page] in anny place and no man knowyth to whom the properte is / than the properte thereof belongyth to the kyng & that ys callid tresour troue that is to say tresour found. But if anny myne of metal be found in anny ground that alway pertey nyth to the lorde of the soyle except it be a myne of gold or siluer which shal be alwey to the kyng in whose grounde so euer they be found
¶Treason is in two maners that is to say graund treason and petyt treason as it is ordeynyd by the statutz and therfor loke the statutz
¶wast is a wryt & it lyeth where tenaūt for terme of yerys tenaunt for terme of lyfe or tenaunt for terme of a nothers lyfe tenaunt in dower or tenaunt by the curtesye or gardeyn in chyualry dooth wast or dystruccyon vppon the land that is to say pullyth down the howse or cuttyth doun tymber or suffereth the house wyllyngly to fall than he in the reuercyō shall haue this wryt and shall recouer y e place where the wast is doon and treble dammagis / But yf a man cut doun tymber wythout lycence & therwyth repayryth old howsis yet that is no wast / But yf he with that tymber byld a new house than the cuttyng down of such tymber is waste [Page] Also the cutting down of vnderwod or willous which is no tymber shall nor be sayd wast but yf that they growe in y e syght or shadow of the house
¶Vewe is when anny accyon reall is brought & the tenaunt knowith not wel what land it is that the demaundaunt askith / than the tenaunt shall pray the vew that is to saye that he may see the land which he claymyth / But yf the tenaunt hath had the vew in one wryt and after is abatyd by mysnōber of y e town or by ioyntenure & after the demaundaūt bryngyth a nother sych wryt agaīs the tenaunt than the tenaunt shall not haue the vew in the second writ
¶Vilaica remouenda is a wryt and yt lyeth where debate is betwen two persons or prouisors for a church and one of thē entryth in to the church with gret power of lay men and holdith the other out with force and armis then he that is holden owt shall haue thys wryt dyrect to the shyryf that he remoue that power whych is with in the church & the shryfe shalbe comaund dyd that yf he fynde ā ny men there wyth stondyng / that the shryfe shal take with hym the power of of hys shyre yf nede be and shall arest y e bodyes of all the in hym [Page] resystyng and shall put them in pryson so that he haue theyr bodyes before the kyng at a certeyn day to answer to the cōtēpt & this wryt is returnable & it shal not be grauntyd before that y e byshopp of the place where sych a church is hath certefyed in the chaūcery sych resystīg and force
¶wythernā look therfore be fore in the title dystres
¶Vtrum is a wryt and it lyeth when the ryght of anny church is alyenyd & holdyn inlay fee or translatyd in to the possessyō of ā other church and the alyenour dyeth thē his successour shall haue the sayed wryt / and note well that non that hath couent or commen seale may maynteyn this wryt but a wryt of ētre sine ascēsu cap [...]i. of the alyenaciō made by his predecessor
¶Vtlary is when an exigēt goth forth agayens anny man and proclamacyon made in .v. countes than at the v counte yf the defendaunt apere not then the coroner shall gyf iugemēt that he shal be out of the proteccyon of the kyng ād out of the eid of the law and by sych an vtlary in accyons personels the parte vtlawyd shal forfet all hys goodis and catels to the kyng / and by an vtlary in felonye he shall forfet aswel all hys landys and tenementys that he hath in fee sīple or for tme of his lyfe as his goodꝭ & cattells [Page] Also though a man be owtlawyd yet yf anny errour or dyscontynuaunce be in the sewing of the proces the parte therof shall haue aduauntage & for sych cawse the vtlary shalbe reuersyd and adnullyd / Also yf the parte deffendant be ouer the see at the tyme of the vtlary pronoū cyd that is a good cawse of the reuersall of y e vtlary Also yf ā exigent be awardid agayns a mā in one coūte where he dwellyth not yet an exigent with proclemaciō shall go forth to the coūte where he dwellyth orels yf he be therevppon vtlawyd the vtlary may be reuersid as it apperith by the statut made the iiii. yere of kyng henry the .viii.
Also yf a man be owtlawid in an accyō personell at the sewit of a nother and after he purchase hys charter of pardon of the kyng such charter shal neuer be alowyd tyll he hath sewid a wryt of scire facias to warn the parte playntyf / and yf he apere than the deffendaunt shall answer hym and barr̄ of his accyon orels to make agrement wyth hym
¶Voucher is whan a precipe quod reddat of lād is brought agayns a man ād another ought to warrant the land to the tenaunt then the tenaunt shal vouche hī to warantye and thervppō he shal haue a wryt callyd sūmonias ad warantizan dum and when [Page] he commith he shall pled with the demaū daunt & yf he com not or yf he come & can not bar the demaundant than the demaū shall recouer the land agayns the tenaūt & the tenaunt shall recouer as mych land in valew agayns the vouche & ther vppō he shall haue a wryt callyd capias ad valē ciā agayns the vouche / look more of voucher before in the tytle Garrantye /