True and Wonderfull. A Discourse relating a strange and mon­strous Serpent (or Dragon) lately discouered, and yet liuing, to the great annoyance and diuers slaughters both of Men and Cattell, by his strong and violent poyson, In Sussex two miles from Horsam, in a woode called S. Leonards Forrest, and thirtie miles from London, this present month of August. 1614. With the true Generation of Serpents.

[depiction of a fire-breathing dragon facing a crouching cat, next to a man, woman, and dog or cow lying on the ground]

Printed at London by Iohn Trundle.

To the Reader.

THe iust Reward of him that is accusto­med to lie, is, not to be belieu'd when he spea­keth the truth: So iust an occasion may som­time bee impos'd vp­pon the Pamphleting, presse, and therefore if we receiue the same rewards wee cannot much blame our accusers, which often fals out ei­ther by our forward credulity to but seeming true reports, or by false Coppies translated from other Languages, which (though we beget not) wee fo­ster, and our shame little the lesse. But passing by what's past, let not our present truth blush for any former falshood sake: The Countrie is neere vs, Sussex; The Time present, August; The Subiect, a Serpent; strange, yet now a neighbour to vs: and it were more then impudence to forge a lie so [Page] neere home, that euery man might turne in our throates; belieue it, or reade it not, or reade it (doubting) for I belieue e're thou hast read this little All, thou wilt not doubt of one, but belieue there are ma­ny Serpents in England; farewell.

By A. R. He that would send better newes if he had it.

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