¶Questions worthy to be consulted on / for the weale publyque.
FIrst whether hipocrisie / fayned relygion called / and wicked lawes called Cacanomia, myght be put out of this Realme without counsell of Auaricia.
¶Whether euell order long abused myght be redressed by good lawes well obserued.
¶Whether the lawes of the kynges of Englande made before the conquest, be the common lawes of this Realme, and myght be reuiued agayne.
¶Whether the proces at the common lawe is grounded on anye lawe positiue.
¶Whether the sayde proces is daylye abused as wel in courte, as at the Shriffe his handes by manyfest collusion or not.
¶Whether manyfest calumnye to sue false plees be suffred at the common lawe.
¶Whether by Iustice a man maye let fall his action and not aunswer costes.
¶Whether proces of outlawrye, made vpon fayned contumacie doeth geue the partie plaintife better remedye vp on a decree, than season on his goodes vnto the partie will appere in courte.
¶Whether good and equitie called, Stet, may be pleaded in euerye the Kynges Maiesties courtes as wel as in the Chauncerye, the Starre Chamber and the whyte Hale, in case not ruled.
¶Whether Sergiantes and men at lawe ought rather to pleede vpon bene et equo, then vpō similitudes of iudgementes in euerye the Kynges Maiesties courtes where there is no lawe certayne for the case.
¶Whether the Iudgement geuen vpon the verdite of .xii. men, is rather in opinion, than in veritie.
¶Whether anye corruption maye ensue vpon euydence geuen by wytnesse to the iurie openlye when as the seconde wytnesse hath herde the first witnesse deposition.
¶Whether the Iuries doeth vnderstande more of the pleadyng in Nisi prius and suche like, then the Iudges.
¶Whether a .M. pounde gotten yerelye by one man at lawe, was truelie deserued at all mennes handes.
¶Whether the Salarie of men at lawe mighte be taxed to anye certayne sum for euerye terme and for euerye plee.
¶Whether the number of retaynyng learned counsel myght so be a brydged that but onely one man in one cause should be admitted to plede.
¶Whether there be mo Studientes and men at law, in this Realme of Englande then be lawes positiue.
¶Whether that it were necessarie that the Salarie for men at lawes Clarkes should be taxed by the lyne for wrytyng or not.
¶Whether certayne lawes woulde better be practysed in this realme by sum inducement to honestye and worshyp than by lawes penall.
¶Whether Actions Populer and Statutes Penall maye be sued to forfetture without breache of christen charitie.
¶Whether Iurisdiction ecclesiastical and temporal may concurre in the kynges maiesties Courtes onely to be determinable.
¶Whether the probates of testamentes and causes testamentarie be ecclesiastical or temporall and whan it was chaunged with iure patronatus.
¶Whether the lacke of good lawes hathe bene more the decaye of this realme then the negligence of prynces.
¶Whether it be more for a common welth iustice to be ministred in euery citie and shere Towne in all matters then in one place onely.
¶Whether Appeles vpon wrong iudgementes and errors in plees may be determined in place certain.
¶Whether any Archedeacon hauinge Iurisdiction for probates of testamētes whose Seale is not allowable at the common lawe deceaueth the people and is aunswerable of extorcion for the money he taketh therfore.
¶Whether the Ecclesiasticall causes vnited to his maiesties Courtes in euerye shere wyll bere the kynges charges for the exercyse of his imperiall Iurysdictions towardes the Iudges fees.
¶Whether it be for the publyque wealth to haue many Cities Townes and portes well maynteined repaired and inhabited then for the maynteynyng of one to decaye the hole realme.
¶Whether pryncelye buyldynges of goodlye houses doeth more bewtyfye a realme than repairinge decayed Townes dothe beawtifye the same.
¶Whether yf euery shepe master shoulde sell his woll in yearne, not other to passe the sees might a voyde the great occasyon of the ydelnes and pouertie of this Realme and all suche charge of common pasture.
¶Whether euery encloser compelled to haue in tillage the thirde Acre so enclosed were more profytable for the common wealth then to pull downe encloses.
¶Whether the lande water and the See hathe wasted more good grounded in Englande then hath bene gotten in forein Realmes.
¶Whether the degrees of all States and personages to be knowen & dyseuered by apparell or otherwyse doth kepe good order in the realme.
¶Whether Marchauntes leuing their course of Marchaundyse and folowyng the ydell trade of vsurie is worthye to be put oute of anye citie.
¶Whether Magistrates reformers of the manners of men is as mete to be had in euery bodye politique as the ciuile Iudges.
¶Whether those Magistrates mighte haue by coheccion, power to repayre hyghe wayes, walles of Townes decayed, Hauensstopped, or noyed, tyllage layde downe, enclosers reryd.
¶Whether good lawes, can be ordeyned and made where euil men of lawe shall be chiefe of counsell.
¶Whether any profyte hath ensued of the last Statute made for beggars and vacabondes.
¶Whether Iustice and equitie and bonum publicum should be the grounde of euerye lawe positiue.
¶Whether the bodye politique of this Realme woulde be directed in lyke ordre without confusion of Magistrates and degrees as the body materiall the king and this counsell super intendant the Iudges and magistrates their lawes exequete, nobilite, & mē of landes to be the Realme defendāte, marchaūtes, & negociators, the wealthe publique practisant, husbandmen and craftes men laborant, the other membres to be obedyent.
¶Whether y e Spiritualte, the Bishoppes, and the Clergye, be within the same body politique or they be a body of them selues.
¶Whether Iustices of Sewers in places surūdered keping the quarter Sessions .iiii. tymes by yere in circuite myght saue the lower partes of Northfolke, Southfolke, Cambrydge shere, Huntingdon shere, Northāpton shere, Linconshere from drowning conteming in circuit .Clxxx. myles by estimacion.
¶Whether it were better for the husbandman, noble men and gentilmen to ride post on other mennes Sadils, on their owne horses then to ryde post on other mennes horses in their owne sadilles.
¶Whether temporal possessions and godly Religion maye consist in anye spirituall person.
¶Whether euery byshoppe and priest not called of god as Aaron nor elected of the people hath the spirituall charter of priesthode.
¶Whether the priestes that sue for pluralities of benefices doeth more offende before God then the powers whiche dyspence for lucre.
¶Whether any man by dispensacion may haue as wel sunderye wyfes as priestes may haue sunderie benefices.
¶Whether the diuines and learned in goddes lawes settinge forthe goddes worde after their owne fantasies ought all to be beleued.