¶Imprynted at Can­t [...]rbury, in saincte Paules parysh by Iohan Michel.



The historie of wy­ates rebellion, with the order and maner of resi­sting the same, wherun­to in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedi­cious rebelles for the serche of the cause of their daily disorder.

Made and compyled by Iohn Proctor.

Mense Decembris. Anno 1554.

¶ In the ende ye shall finde a table, directing to the principal pointes conteyned in this booke.

¶To the most excellent and moste vertuous ladye our moste gracious Soueraigne, Marie by the grace of God Quene of Eng­lande, Fraunce, Naples, Hierusalem and Irelande, Defe [...]dour of the faith, princesse of Spaygne & Sicilie, Arche­duchesse of Austria, Duchesse of Mil­laine, Burgundie and Braband, Coū ­tesse of Haspurge, Flaunders & [...] [...]ole, your Ma [...]esties moste faythfull, louynge, and obedient subiecte Iohn Proctor, wissheth all grace, lo [...]ge peace, quiet raygne, from God the father, the sonne, and the holy Ghost.

IT HATH been alowed, most gra­cious soueraigne, for a necessary po­licie in all ages, as stories do wytnes, that the fla­gicious enterprises of the wic­ [...]ed, [Page] whiche haue at any tyme attēpted with trayterous force to subuert or alter the publike state of their countries, as also the wise and vertuous policies of the good, practised to pre­serue the common weale, and to repell the enemies of the same, shuld by writing be committed to eternal memorye: partly that they of that age in whose tyme such thinges happened, mought by the oft reading conceiue a certaine gladnes in consideryng with them selues, & beholding as it were in a glasse, frō what calamitie and extreme ruine, by what policie & wisedome their natiue coūtries were deliuered, besides the great misery & peril they them selues haue escaped: partly for a doctrine and a mo­nition [Page] seruing bothe for the pre­sent & future tyme: but cheifly and principally that the tray­tours themselues, who through hatred to their prince or coun­trey shall either of their owne malicious disposition be stirred, or els by other peruerse counsel therunto induced, may alwaies haue before their eyes the mise­rable ende that happeneth as iust reward to al suche caytiues as either of ambition not satis­fied with their owne state wyll seke prepostorously to aspire to honoure, or of malice to their prince wyll entre into that hor­rible crime of preuie conspiracie or opē rebelliō. The industrie of writers doth sufficiētly declare in a numbre of stories that con­spiracie & treason hath alwayes [Page] turned to the authours a wret­ched & miserable ende, & if their persones happen at any tyme to escape temporal punishm [...]nt, as rarely they haue done, yet their names, spicially of y e notorious & principal offenders, haue ben al­waies had in suche vile & odible detestation in all ages & among all nations, as for the same thei haue been euer after abhorred of all good men. These general considerations mouing other to indict and penne stories, moued me also to gather together and to regester for memorie the merueilous practise of Wyat his de­testable rebelliō, litle inferior to the most daūgerous reported in any historie, either for desperate courage in the authour, or for the mōstruous end purposed by his rebellion. Yet I thought no­thyng [Page] lesse at the begining, then to publishe the same at this time or at this age, minding onely to gather notes therof where the truth mought be best knowen, (for the which I made earnest and diligent inuestigation) and to leaue them to be published by others hereafter to the behof of our posteritie. But hearing the sundry tales thereof farre disso­naūt in the vtteraunce, & many of them as far wide frō truth, facioned from the speakers to aduaunce or depraue as they fantased the parties: and vnderstādyng besydes what notable infamie spronge of this rebelliō to the whole countre of Kent, & to euery mēbre of y e same, where sundrie & many of them to mine owne knowledge shewed them [Page] selues most faythfull & worthy subiectes, as by y e storie self shal euidently appeare, which either of hast or of purpose were omit­ted in a printed booke late sette furth at Cāterbury: I thought these to be speciall cōsideratiōs, wherby I ought of duetie to my countrey to compyle and digest suche notes as I had gathered cōcerning that rebellion, in some forme and fashion of historie, & to publishe the same in this age and at this present, contrary to my first intent, as well that the very truth of that rebellious enterprise mought be throughly knowen, as that also the sheire where that vile rebellion was practised, might by opening the full truth in some parte be deli­uered frō the infamy whiche as [Page] by report I heare is made so ge­neral in other shyres, as though very fewe of Kent were free frō Wyates conspiracie: most hum­blie beseching your highnes to take this my traueil in so good and gracious parte, as of your graces benigne & gentle nature it hath pleased you to accept my former bookes dedicated vnto your highnes. Wherby I mynde nothinglesse then to excuse or accuse any affectionately, but to set furth eche mannes doynges truely according to their deme­rites, that by the cōtemplation hereof both the good may be in­couraged in the execution of perfite obedience & vnspotted loyal­tie, and the wicked restrained from the hatefull practice of suche detestable purposes.

To the louyng reader.

THe safe & sure recordation of paynes and peryls past, hath present delec­ta [...]ion (sayeth Tullye.) For thinges, were they neuer so bitter and vnpleasaunt in the exe­cution, being after in peace and securitie, renewed by report or chronicle, are bothe plausible and profitable, whether they touched our selues or other.

Beynge thus in this poynte persuaded (louynge reader) I tho [...]ghte it a trauayle neyther vnpleasaunt for thee, nor vn­thankeful for me, to cōtriue the late rebelliō practised by Wyat, [Page] in [...]o [...]me of a chronicle as thou seest. Whereby as I meane not to please the euyl, nor displease the good, so I muche desire to amende the one by settinge before his eye the lamentable Image of hateful rebellion, for the increase of obedience: and to helpe the other by setting furth the vnspotted loyaltie of suche as aduenturouslye and faith­fullye serued in this daunge­rous time, for the increase of knowledge and policie the bet­ter to represse the like dangers, if anye hereafter happen.

And further although hereby I couete not to renewe a feare of a daunger past, yet would I gladly encrease a care and stu­die in euery good mannes hart to auoyde a like daunger that [Page] may happē, and most tymes ha [...]peneth, when a daunger with much difficultie auoided is not sufficient warninge to beware of the next. I haue forborne to touche any man by name, Wy­at onelye excepte, and a fewe o­ther which the story would not permit to be leaft out. Yet take me not that I meane to excuse anye mans faulte thereby. For what shoulde I shewe my selfe [...]o vngrate or vnnaturall vnto my naturall countreimen, as namelye to blase them to the worlde, whome eyther their owne good happe, or the quee­nes surpastinge mercie woulde to be couered at this time.

And although I touch some by name, terming them in certain places traitours and rebelles, [Page] [...]ust ti [...]les of their desertes, yet (God is my witnes) I do it not of malice or enuye to anye of their persons. I neuer hated a­nye of them, no not Wyat him selfe: whome, although he was vtterly vnknowen vnto me, yet for the sundrie and singular giftes, wherwith he was largelye endued, I had him in great ad­miration. And now I rather pitie his vnhappie case, then malice his personne. And doe muche lament that so manye good & commendable qualitie & were abused in the seruice of cursed heresie, whose rewarde was neuer other then shame­full confusion, by one waye or other to all that folowed her wayes. Finallye, if thou sup­pose I haue not fully set furth [Page] the whol case al as it was I shal not again sai it. neither thought I it necessarie so to doe, but ra­ther so muche as for this time might be both plausible & profi­table, & shuld satisfie such poyn­tes as in y e dedicatorie epistle to y e quenes maiestie are expressed. Herafter it may be y t further be sayd touching this matter. In meane tyme y u hast no iust cause I trust to be offēded w t this my present enterprise, either for the maner of handlinge, or for the matter herin handled, the one hauynge sufficient perspicuitie, and plaines, thother ful trueth: for which I haue made such di­ligent inuestigation, as I haue found it, & haue herin expressed the same, especially so much as concerneth Kent.



[...] sette furth within the booke.

THe [...] nature of heresie.
Here [...]e the specia [...] grou [...]e of wyat is [...].
Rebellion the ref [...]ge of he [...]ikes.
W [...]atts repaire to Londo [...].
Wyates returne into Kent.
Wyates first stirre at Maydstone.
fo. [...].
Why wyat made not religion the pre­tence of his rebellion.
The colour of wyates rebellion.
Wyates preparatiue to rebellion,
Wyat vseth vntrue persuasions to further his rebellion.
The people abused by wyates vntrue persuasions.
The nature of an heretike is to say one thing and thinke another.
[...]yates owne wordes proue heresie to be the grounde of his rebellion.
Heresie the rule and guide of wyates life.
Maister Christopher Koper apprehended by the rebelles.
[Page] [...].
[...] Kopers wordes to [...].
[...] Tucke and mai [...]er Dorrel of [...] apprehēded by y e rebels.
fo.v [...]
[...]tes letter to sir Robert South­ [...]ll sh [...]re [...]f of Kent.
[...]yat [...] falsly presumeth of the best of [...]he shire.
fol.vi [...].
[...]at wishyng to the Quene bet [...] [...]ellours, meaneth suche as wou [...] [...] heresie.
[...] loudlye touching the arriual [...].
The [...] answer to the bringer of [...] [...]tter.
[...] [...]nd his complices noted by the [...] traitours.
x [...].
The [...]hir [...]if gathereth power for the [...] [...] traiterous pretēce.
[...] and other mete wyate.
[...] t [...]eth frō al passengers passing [...] their weapon.
[...] writeth to Isley, the Kneue [...]te [...] [...] o [...]er to h [...]t their commyng vnto [...]
[Page] [...]
[Page] [...] [...]hort [...]cion made by the sherif [...] [...], refelling wyates traiterous [...].
Wyat defyed by the people as a tray­t [...].
[...] D [...]e of Northfolke sent against wyat.
[...] [...]h [...]ndreth whiterotes sent from [...] against wyat.
The lor [...] Aburgaueny setteth a wat­c [...] in Malling.
A [...] larum in the night at Mal­ [...].
The [...]b [...]lles int [...]nde to burne maister [...] Clerkes hou [...]e.
[...] rebelles dare not encounter with [...] Aburgauenie vpon Bar [...]ow [...].
[...] rebelles ouertaken by the lord [...] at Blacksoll feilde i [...] the [...].
fol. [...]xx.
T [...]e [...]ebels put to flight at [...].
[...] [...]elles horsemen chase [...] [...]rom Blacksolfe [...]d to Harley wo [...]
fo [...]
[...] Isley his flight into [...].
[Page] [...]
[Page] [...] reuiued.
fol. [...].
[...]yates letter to y e duke of suff.
fo.x [...]
Wyat [...]s letter to [...]e duke of norf.
fo [...]
[...] against the neuters.
Good to slepe in a whol skin.
The consultation of the rebels after the reuolt of the whitecotes.
The rebelles opinion of their owne wisdome.
fol.xlvi [...]
A [...] to appreh [...]d the sh [...]rel.
fo.xiv [...]
The misrekeninge of the rebelles for London.
The [...]ssault of Coulyng castel.
fol.4 [...]
The [...]ing of sir Edward Ha [...]in­ges and sir Thomas Corn [...]walles [...].
[...] proude answere to sir Ed­ [...] Hastinge [...]. &c.
fol.xli [...]
[...] motion of the nobles to the Quene.
The [...]nes ans [...]ere to her noble [...].
fol. [...]
The Q [...]eenes sp [...]che in the Guyld [...] halle.
fol.lii [...].
A ma [...]e part artificer.
fol.liii [...].
[...] marchynge to Detfo [...]e [...].
fol. [...].
[...] [...]eparting of mai [...]ter [...] [Page] [...]
[Page] [...] courage dieth.
fol.lxv [...].
[...] suffred with y e fore part of his [...] through the horsmē [...]
The Lorde Clinton marshal of th [...] [...].
wya [...] forsa [...]eth hys entended way [...] through Holborne.
eode [...]
The Lord Clinton deuideth Wya [...] [...] in two partes.
[...] Barkel [...]y [...]nyght.
[...] yeldeth hym selfe to an Harr [...].
[...]o.l [...].
Rebels at the court gate.
[...] shotte throug [...] [...]he nose.
fo.lxx [...]
The Queenes wordes to them that crie [...] [...]
The Iud [...] syt in armour.
fo [...]lxxiii.
The gar [...]inge and wa [...]inge of the citie.
The pra [...]se of the [...] of Penbroke,
wyat committed to the Tower.
Henry Gray duke of Suff. and his.
brethren cōmitted to the Tower.
The prayse of the Lorde Ha [...]ynges.
[...]yat arrained.
lxxv [...].
[Page] [...]ates wordes at hys arrai [...]ent.
[...]od [...]m.
Of [...] as did p [...]naunce by wearyng [...] before the Quene.
[...]o. [...]xxvii.
The Queenes commission to diuer [...] of the shire to b [...]yle and sett [...] at large t [...]e [...]risoners
The Quee [...]es wonderfull mercye.
Englande [...].
The earle of H [...]ntleys wordes to the duke of Sommerset.

Imprynted at London by Robert Caly within the precincte of the late dissolued house of the graye [...], nowe conuerted to an Hospitall, called Christes Hos­pitall

The .xxii. daye of De­cember. 1554.

Cum priuilegio ad impr [...] [...].

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