¶ The second ORATION OF MAster Theodore de Beze, Minister of the holy Gospel, made and pronounced at Poyssy, in the open assemblye of y e Prelates of Fraunce, in the presēce of the Quene, mother, and Princes of the bloud ryal. The .xxvi. day of Septēber. Anno .1561.
¶Imprynted at London, by Ihon Tysdale, and are to be solde at his shoppe, in the vpper ende of Lombarde strete, in Alhallowes churchyeard, nere vnto grace church.
MAdame, the last tyme that it pleased you too geue vs audience, we made declaration as God gaue vs grace, of the article, whiche was propounde, as touchinge the churche, the markes, tokens and authorities of thesame: wherein we folowed, so the worde of God, that euery man, as we thinke, had occasion too be content with our aūswer. But in stead of approuing, that whiche we spake or reprouing that, which deserued correction, it was asked vs, by what power we did minister the worde of God, and the holy sacraments. And therupon nothinge was spared to make oure cause more odious. We knowe not to what intent that was moued & set forward. For fyrste we haue not presented oure selues heare to minister the woorde of God, nor the holy sacraments, wherfore it neded nothing at al to aske vs bi what power or autority we wold do it. If thei say vnto vs that it is to make vs render, a reason or cause of that whiche we haue done in tyme paste, it behoued [Page] then too consyder that the state of oure companye is of two maner of men: the one serues for minysters oute of this realme, and in place where there vocation is receaued. Of those it canne not be asked whye they are ministers. There are other that preach in this realme, whome you haue not called too geue a reason of that is past, as concerninge theyr vocation, but onely to conferre of theyr doctrin otherwise it shuld be a begynninge of theyr proces, wherupon we are assured, Madame, that you neuer thoughte nor ment. If it be by a maner of cōference, vnder correction it wer to no great purpose and could not serue but to make vs enter so farre into this matter that we shoulde noteasely come out without offendinge my Lords the prelates, whiche thinge we mente not, neyther wyll we geue occasion to anye man to interrupte this holye and Christian worke nowe begon. And to thyntente men maye knowe that we speake not without greate reason at euerye tyme that two parties come together [Page] too enter in to conference if one aske by what power or autority do you this or that, the other wyll aske him the like, and so it shall be a hard thinge if vppon theese questions there rise not some discention.
Nowe leauinge my Lordes the prelates of this realme whom we will not offend: let vs admit that a bishop shuld aske vs, vnder what tytle preache and administer you the holy sacramentes? We woulde aske him whether he were chosen of the auncientes of the churche to whome he is appoynted for a bishop, whether he haue bene required by the people: If their were anye information before, of his lyfe, maners, and doctrine, he wold say, yea, but men know the contrarye: and we remitte it to the conscience of the hart of those that hear vs, whiche knowe how the matter goeth. Nowe if he sayde vnto vs. You are no ministers because ye haue not the imposition of handes we shoulde aunswere them. Ye are not ministers because that in institutinge you, are lefte [Page] out the substantiall poynts commaunded in the canon lawe which can not be dispensed with all. And if the disputation shoulde wax hoter, we would goe further, and mighte vse suche woordes. You haue but one of the three poynts requisite in the institution, whiche is the layinge on of handes. If the lack of that same depriue vs from being ministers: for the lacke of the other two you shal be no more minister than we.
The councyle of Calcedone, whiche is one of the foure generalles, ordayneth that: irrita sit ordinatio: of that priest whiche was not appoynted speciallye for the seruice of some churche, irrita, sayethe it, in iniuriam ordinantis: By a stronger reasonne we maye saye to the byshoppe that thus woulde dyspute wyth vs, whan the twoo essentyall poyntes bee awaye agaynste the ordynaunce of the Apostell .1. Timoth .3. [...] Tit. 1.6. yet here is an other poynt whiche greueth vs sore to speake, & yet we are constrained to it, to thintent to shew vnto all this companye, that if this disputinge [Page] of vocation were ones opened, it shoulde be verye daungerous. If we should of the sayde bishoppe, demaunde who gaue him this laying on of hands, he woulde say the bishoppes by the autority that was geuen them. And if we shoulde aske him, for how muche haue you boughte this authoritye? He woulde saye that he boughte it not, but yet that he gaue so manye thousande crownes, that is to saye I boughte not the bread, but I bought the corne. Now this disputacion, if we would go aboute to decyde it by the concylles, and canons of the churche, woulde make an infinite number of bishops blushe and as many curates. Wherinto, Madame, we wold not enter, because we woulde offende no man. And touchinge the article of the holy supper of y e Lord we wold not speake she laste time anye further, hauinge respecte to manye of this companye, which haue not ben accostomed to hear speake of it so far, that they shuld not easely be offēded whā they hear any thing y t semeth new & straūge vnto thē, [Page] And we had rather that they shuld vnderstand the language of the auncient doctours of the church then ours, seing speciallye that my Lorde Cardynall of Lorrain was bound by open promesse, to instructe and teache vs, namely vpon this article by the words of the doctors which haue written the firste fiue hundreth years: in suche wyse that we prepared oure selues bothe with God and with our selues for to receiue the light, if it were shewed vs, that hetherto it hadde bene hydden frome vs. Nowe for to satisfy our expectation, and of a great part of Christendome they haue proponed vnto vs the article of the holy sacramēt, cut & diminished of the most principall and necessary points and thei haue sayd vnto vs, signe and subscribe vnto this, if not, we wil go no further. If we were presented vnto you as prisoners, for to haue iudgement geuen vpon vs, yet you woulde not saye, signe this, if not we condempe you. Your estate my Lords byndeth you to speake otherwise and commaundeth you to shew vs our [Page] erroures, if their be any in vs and willeth you to be: Potentes exhortari in doctrina sana, those that haue neede of doctrine whiche are readye too geue a reason of theyr fayth by the scripture: and if the maner of condempninge vs be new, the meane whiche men woulde vse, would seme yet more straunge as we wyll declare a none.
Madame▪ We are heare presented vntoo you, for twoo principall endes and purposes: the one is to render a reason, both to God, to you and to the worlde, of oure fayth. The other for to serue God, the kinge and you, by all meanes to vs possible forto appease the troubles that are raysed in the matter of religion. If you sende vs a waye, and not appoyntinge vs with whome we may freendly conferre, ther shall be nothinge done vnto vs but it wyll be published thorowe out all Christendome: and so it should not be a meane to quiet and apease the troubles: and those that woulde it so, knowe it well ynoughe. If you hadde not to do with other than [Page] with vs heare presente, there were no greate daunger too vse the matter accordinge to the worlde, as a man lyste: but it shall please you to consyder that we are heare in the behalfe of a myllion of men whiche are in this realme, in Swysserlande, in Polonia, in Germanye, in Englande, and in Scotland, whiche looke all for some good resolution of this assemblye, and wyll vnderstande that in steade of conference, as it was promised, men geue vs the tenth parte of an article, and say, signe this, if not, we wyl wade no further. And if we did sygne that, what shoulde they wynne: They that haue sente vs hyther will know if we were constrained by force or els vainquished by good or certayne argumentes. Wherfore we humblye beseche you (Madame) not to breake of or interrupt this good worke, but geue vs men, that wyll not make any conscience to confer with vs: other wise youre maiestye mighte iudge of it your self what great occasion of offence this manner of proceadinge, that they [Page] would set foreward, wil bringe with it. And yet because they shall not remaine without an answer to that which hath bene proponed vnto vs, we declare and shewe, that we approue and allow all that hath ben spoken by. M. despense, in the booke, that he hathe geuen vs, without anye other conference.
And as concerning the article that my Lord Cardinall hath geuen vs, it is but an extracte & declaration of the confessiō of Auspurge, wherin there are manye things to consider and way: that is that he should haue geuen vs the whole cōnfessiō. For it is no reason to geue vs one line of an article and leaue oute all the reste. Moreouer, we should haue knowen if my Lord Cardinall did presente it of him selfe (whiche neuerthelesse we do not presume: but desire to knowe it) or if it be by the autoritye of My Lords the prelates that menne laye before vs the confession Auspurge, and to assure vs so thereof that we maye freelye conferre togeyther, for that waye at the leaste (whereof wee thanke God) [Page] my Lord Cardinall of Lorrayn and the others wyll passe and alowe the condemnation of transubstantiation, whiche is reproued and reiected by the comon assent of all the reformed churches as well in Germanye as elles where. And if they wyll that we shall sygne anye thinge, it is reason that my Lorde Cardinall of Lorrayne sygne also that whiche he geueth vs in the name of the companye, to the entent that our churches and congregations whiche haue sente vs hether, maye see and knowe, that we conferre not in vayne. But if my Lorde Cardinall of Lorrayne continue in this mynde to come neere vnto the confession of the Allemayns, I trust that God wil bring vs nere and Ioyne vs together to so good a poynte and effect that you shall therewyth be content and that his name shall thereby be gloryfied throughoute all the worlde. And in the meane whyle Madame, we saye that oure Lorde Iesus Christ, is in the holy supper wherin he presenteth, geueth and exhibiteth vnto vs trulye [Page] his bodye and bloud by the working of his holy spirit. We receaue and eate spirituallye and by faythe, that verye bloude which was shedde for vs, for to make vs bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh, to the end to be quickend therby and to receiue all that which is requisite for oure saluation. And if thys content you not, Madame, but nedeth a greater declaration (as in deede it is daungerouse and harde too speake of so greate a mysterye wyth fewe wordes) if it please my Lorde Cardinall of Lorrayn to performe that he hath promyssed, which is that we serche together the holye scriptures, and the aunciente doctours of the churche, so farre as they be conformable vnto Goddes worde. And also if it please youre maiestye to establishe (as you maye doe) a good forme and manner of conference, and certayne deputies, disputinge in order, hauinge the bookes in presence with Secretaryes to collecte and write all in a good and auctentike forme. We wyll geue you to vnderstand and know [Page] that we are not come hyther for to trouthe worlde: But for to agree vppon a sounde doctrine, for hauinge first clothed agayne this holye sacrament with that of the whiche it was spoyled, and hauinge taken frome it so many things as were added vnto it, we pretende no other thinge, nor desire any more effectuouslye than that it may be established agayne in his owne perfe [...]ion. And to come to this ende, Madame, we geue and offer, in all humilitye to God, and to youre maiesty, and to the rest & quietnes of Christendome, and namely of this realme, our soules and our own liues. Praysed be God.
WE do beleue that in the holye supper oure sauioure Iesus Christ doeth geue, presente, and offer vnto vs the substaunce of his body & bloud by the operation and workinge of the holy ghost, that we eat and receaue, sacramentallye, and spirituallye by fayth, the same bodye which is deadde for vs, for to be a bone of hys bones, and fleshe of hys fleshe, too the ende that we maye be viuified and receyue all that is requisit to our saluation. And because that the word of God, wherupon our fayth is stayed doth present and set foorth vnto vs his true and naturall body by the holy ghost. In this respecte, we do rekognise and acknowledge, that the bodye and bloude of our sauioure Iesu Christ is the supper. By these words (beyng taken in this sense) being in the ende of y e said article we do vnderstād y t we do aprehend this great & excellent mistery by faith, which is of such, vertu & efficacy, that it maketh the things that are absent present vnto vs.