THe Apostle here, in the latter end of this Epistle, heape [...] vp many precepts together, and therefore, we shall not need to seeke out the dependance of these words vpon those that go before, or those that follow after. Reioyce evermore ( [...]aith he) Pray [...], in all things gi [...] [Page 2] thankes: for this is the will of God in Christ Iesus to you wards.
Wee are [...] this Text▪ [...] this duty of of prayer [...] co [...] ended to vs, and it is a commend from God himselfe delivered [...] to be with our any great premises▪ and reasons, and indeed, having therefore the more authority in it.
Pray Continually.
IN the handling of which we will do these three things. 3 Things considerable, for opening of the wordes.
First, we will shew you what Prayer is.
Secondly, why the Lord requires this at our hands; for a man might obiect, The Lord knowes my wants well enough, he knowes my mind, and how I am affected▪ I, but yet the Lord will haue vs to pray, and to aske before hee will bestow it upon vs.
And lastly, what it is to pray continually.
For the first. If we should define prayer in generall to you, I would giue you no more but this [...] What prayer is [...] In generall: description of it. It is an expression of the mind to the Lord; Sometimes by words, sometimes without words, but yet there must [...], and some opening of the will to him; I [...] is the generall.
But now to know what a rig [...] [...] is, what such a prayer is, as God accepts; [...] haue another [...] In speciall: [...] which must haue [...] ingredient [...] into [...], and so, Prayer is, nothing else but an [...], [...] [...]ering of th [...]se holy, [...]d good dispositions [Page 3] to God, that [...]rise [...] ▪ [...] spirit; [...] the [...]generate part, in the [...] of [...] Christ▪ Where you are to obserue this; That the prayers, that wee Division of prayers into 2: [...]. make, a [...]e divided into one of these two sorts:
First: Some are such prayers [...] are the expression 1 of our owne spirits, the voice of our owne spirits, and there i [...] nothing but flesh in them; such prayers as any naturall m [...]n may make to the Lord. And these the Lord regards not, hee Note▪ Rom: 8: 27: knowes not the meaning of them, that is he do [...]h not accept them.
Secondly, There are prayers that are the voice 2 of Gods own Spirit, that is, such as arise from the regenerate part which is within vs, which is quickened and inlarged to pray from the immediate helpe of the holy Ghost; These prayers are onely accepted; And of these it is said, he knowes the meaning of the Spirit▪ That is, hee so knowes it, and sees it, that also he accepts it. Therefore you shall see in Hosea 7. 14. when they prayed, and Hosca▪ 7. 14: prayed earnestly, yea they set a day a part for prayer, they called a solemne Assembly. And kept a fast, yet, saith the Lord plainly, yee did not call vpon me when you howled vpon your bedd [...]; for (saith he you assembled your selues for corne, and for mine, which any naturall man may doe; And therefore, (saith he) [...]t is but a [...]wling. It is the voice of beasts to seeke for wine, and oile, and [...], but he saith plainely, you called not vpon [...]e; when, notwithstanding, they spent a whole day in prayer: But the meaning is; that the Lord regard [...] this as no prayer a [...] all.
[Page 4] And therefore [...]o open a little this description The [...] of the descriptio [...] opened. vnto you: for it is one [...] wee haue to doe, in the handling of this Text, to describe to you the meaning of this precept what the nature of prayer is, that you may know what kind of prayer it is, that prevailes with God. I say, it is an expre [...] of holy and good [...]. 1 Why [...]ee vseth the word disposition [...]) rather, then desires I vse that expression, rather of dispositions then desores, because the [...]e is some part of prayer that stands in thanksgiving when you desire nothing at Gods hands, but giue thanks for that you haue receiued; mark, first, that they must be holy, & good the desires & dispositions must be good: for that i [...] [...] rule; all the affections and desire [...] are good, or When the de [...] [...] dis [...] of [...] good evill, according [...] their obiects [...] these that [...] fixed vpon good [...] ▪ [...] good desires.
[...] ▪ what are the good things [...] the desi [...]s, and dispositions of the [...] good: Que [...].
They are temporall things and spiritual both. A man may pray for temporall thing [...] in a spirituall A [...]s. [...] temporal rhings may be desired i [...] a [...], and [...] things i [...] a spi [...] [...] how. manner, and the desire may be good; And [...] he may pray for spirituall things in a carnall manner, and the desire may bee naught. Therefore that must be observed withall, that it is not simply the obiect, but there is a certaine manner of [...]. For example, if a man pray for [...] things, for o [...] [...] comforts, [...] things [...] belong to the present [...] of his body [...]: If he pray for them with these condi tions, that he prayeth for that which is convenient [Page 5] for him, he prays for such a measure a [...] God se [...] to be [...] [...] ▪ [...] with [...] Prov. 31. [...] Tim. 6 9. [...] for me, This prayer is good. Bu [...] (if a [...] 1. Tim. 6. If any [...] will be rich) it is an inordinate desire when men wil haue excesse of these outward things, and more then is [...] for them. And agai [...], if you desire that which is conveient, and spend it vpon your [...]; If you desire health▪ and long life, that you may liue more pleasantly; If you desire wealth, that you may liue more deliciously, and not simply that which the creature may desire, and [...]o the [...]nd that you may hee the more enabled to se [...]e the Lord in these things, your desire is not good. So I say, first it must bee for that which is convenient; secondly, you must not spend [...] vpon your [...], but in Gods service.
And lastly, wee must pray for them in a right method, First the Kingdome of God, and [...] other things, that is, set a price on them, as you ought, not too high a price, but value them aright. We should so pray for outward things as our prayers may be spirituall. On the other side, a man may pray for spirituall things in a carnall manner, as for temporall things in a spirituall manner. A naturall man may pray [...]rnestly for saith and for grace, and repentance, not out of any beautie that he sees in them, not out of any taste and relish▪ that he hath of them, but because hee thinkes them a bridge to leade him to heaven and that hee cannot come thither with out them: when he considers in his heart that hee cannot be [...]ved without these things, I say, then hee may [Page 6] desire th [...]m, and desire t [...]em [...]. It was the [...], who cryed so earnestly for grace, that hee might haue but a d [...]p of it, because he could not be saved without it, bee giues the reason himselfe, he said withall, hee saw no excellencie in it, he desired it not for it selfe; and therefore he thought his prayers should not bee heard. Thus you see that prayer is an expression of holy and good desires, and it is an offering them vp to the Lord. To God.
I will not stand vpon that (you are well enough instructed in it) that whatsoever petition is made to the creature, it is not a prayer, they must [...] be offered vp to the Lord.
Then I adde, they a [...] such as [...] are so from the regenerate part, this is, looke how much there is of the [...] part in a prayer, look how much Arising from the spirit or regenerate part [...] holy Spirit hath to doe in it, looke how much [...] from that which is called the [...] [...]; so [...] as it is sanctified, so farre that prayer is accepted and no further. But, that wee may open this a little more fully, wee will shew you it by some other expressions of prayer, that we finde in the Scriptures.
It is called a l [...]ft [...] of the [...]eart to God, a po [...] ring forth of the soule to the Lord, 1. Sam. 1. 15. A [...] of him i [...] spirit, so Paul calleth it. Now if we open these p [...]rases vnto you a little, you shall 1 Sam: 15: 1: know more fully wherein the nature of right praying to God co [...]s. That phrase the Apostle [...]seth, who [...] [...] i [...] my spirit (it is the same [...] the original that [...] fo [...] fasting and [...]) A [...]t: 13▪ 2: [Page 7] Now what i [...] that to pray to God in the spirit; for a man may say, [...] cannot make a prayer, but there is an act o [...] hi [...] mind goes to it, (and everie man what service soever he performe, his spirit must needes haue a hand in it, so it cannot be performed without the mind.
I take this to be the meaning of it, the Apostle his scope, is to distinguish the true and holy services of God from those that are but shadowes, and counterfeit, that are but the body and carcasse of right service. Therefore, when he saith. I serue the Lord in my spirit, or I pray in the spirit. The meaning is this, when the prayer of a man is not onely that which the vnderstanding dictates to him, but when the whole soule, the will and affection [...] goe together with his petition, and whatsoever the petition is, a mans heart is affected accordingly. As, for example, if a man come to confesse his sinnes, and yet sleights them inwardly in his heart; If a man pray for reconciliation with God, and yet haue no longing and sighing in his heart after it, if hee earnestly aske grace, and the [...]ortification of sinfull lusts, when the heart doth not inwardly seek it, now he praies not in the spirit. To pray in the spirit is as that in Iohn 4. 24. He will be worshipped in spirit and in truth. The m [...]ning is, so to pray, that the heart Iohn 4. 14 goe together with our petition, also, this is the meaning of th [...]t [...] [...]owreth forth his soule before the Lord. So [...] saith of her selfe; I am a woman troubled, &c. And po [...]re [...]t my soule before the Lord. That is when a man deliuers [Page 8] to God that which the vnderstanding and mind ha [...] devised (for prayer is not a worke of [...], or of memory,) but when a man powteth foorth his whole soule (that is) his will, and affections, when they goe together, when there is no reservation in his mind; but when all within him is opened and explicate, and exposed to the view of the Lord, not as [...] saith of himselfe, when hee came to pray for the mortifying of his lusts, saith he, I had a secret inward desire that it should not bee done. Therefore when the soule is po [...]red [...]rth, the meaning is, that all [...]e opened to him; so that when a man wi [...] make an acceptable prayer, hee must make this accompt, hee must then call in all [...] thoughts and affections, and [...]collect them together [...], o [...] [...] the s [...]ne Si [...]le. [...], [...]nd that makes prayer [...]; wheras otherwise, it is but [...] thing that hath no strength [...] it.
Now with all, this you must know, that when wee say the whole soule must goe together with the petition, the meaning [...], that not onely the will, and affections be imployed ( [...] i [...] [...] naturall man, in his desire of health, when hee is sicke, or w [...]th assistance, [...]d guidance in difficult cases, not onely the vnderstanding, but the will and affections are [...] [...]gh, it is likelie) and therefore we adde [...], that [...] which is called the spirit, which is [...] in the whole [...], that [...] be s [...] a work in the performance of this [...], whensoever we seek to him in prayer.
[Page 9] For this you know, that there are two things in a regenerate man (for that you must take for granted by the way that no naturall man is able to make a prayer acceptable to God, seeing there is no spirit in him, but in the regenerate man) there is I say flesh and spirit, now when we come to powre forth our hearts to the Lord, that which lyes vppermost will be ready to be powred forth first; and that which is spirituall, it may be, lyes in the bottome, and that is kept in, and so a man may make a carnall prayer, though he be a holy man; that is, when the flesh hath gotten the vpper hand; as in some fits it may, when the mind is filled with worldly sorrow and wordly reioycing, and worldly desires, and these would bee expressed to the Lord; it is a prayer that the Lord regards not, though the man bee holy, from whence it comes, but right prayer is this, when the regenerate part is acted and stirred vp, and the flesh that hinders, is remooved. For you must know this, that wheresoeuer there is a regenerate part in any man, there is a regenerate aptnesse in that to call vpon God; and it cannot bee disioyned from it, but that is not alwayes in act. As we see a fountaine, it hath alwayes an aptnes Simile. to powre forth water, it is ready to breake into a current, but, if it be stopped with stones & mud, and other impediments, it cannot breake out, so he that is a regenerate man, that hath a holy part in him, there is an aptnesse to prayer. Which is that which our Saviour saith, Math. 26. 41. The spirit is willing, that is, there is alwayes a willing Mat [...] 26. 41. [Page 10] nesse that followes the spirit, or the regenerate part in a holy man, but saith he, The flesh is backeward, that is, it stops this fountaine, and therefore Rom. 8. 27. The spirit is said there to helpe our infirmities, Rom. 8: 27. and to make requests for vs; that is, even as a man remooues stones from a [...]ountaine with his hands, and when he hath done that, it breaks out into a current, so the holy Ghost removes this flesh, that stops vp the current, the spirit takes away those carnal impediments that are in vs. And not onely so, but stirreth vp the regenerate part, and when that is done, we are able to make a spirituall prayer to God in Christ Iesus; So that is the thing, that you are now to obserue, That the spirit must h [...]lpe our infirmities, when we come to call vpon God, and our prayers bee so farre acceptable as they bee the fruits of the regenerate part; now we want but one thing to adde in the definition.
This is a thing that you all know, that those Offered vp in the name of Iesus Christ: prayers that are not offered vp in Christ, are not acceptable, because the person is not regarded. It was the sinne of Vzzi [...] in the 2. Chron. 26. he 2 Chron: 26. would goe to the Temple himselfe being a King on the throne, and hee would offer incense without a Priest. Wee doe the very selfe-same thing, whensoever we goe to offer vp any prayer to God without Christ Iesus▪ In the old [...] men might bring their sacrifices, but still the Priest must off [...] them; so must w [...]e here▪ and the reason is given, [Page 11] Reu. 8. because the prayers that come from Rev. 8: vs [...]auour of the flesh, from which they come, and the Angell of the Couenant mingleth much incense with them, and makes them sweet and acceptable to God, with much incense, that is, as the flesh is more, so there needes more incense, that they may be made acceptable to God the Father. So that we haue indeed a double intercessour: one is, the spirit that helpes our infirmities, that helpes vs to make our petitions, that quickens, and enlargeth our hearts to prayer: The other is the intercessor to make them acceptable to God, that he may receiue them, and not refuse & reiect them. So much shal serue for the first thing, to shew you what the duty is, what a right, true, and acceptable prayer is.
Now for the second, Why we must pray (for 2 Why the Lord▪ will haue vs to pray. that obi [...]ction a man may make) the Lord knowes my minde well enough, and what needes such an expression of it by prayer? The reasons briefly why the Lord will haue vs to pray are taken:
Partly from himselfe.
And partly from vs.
1. From himselfe, though he be willing to bestow 1 In respect of himselfe. mercies vpon vs, yet he will haue vs aske his leaue before he doth it. As, you know▪ fathers doe with their children, though they intend to 1. Simile. bestow such things vpon them, as are needfull, yet they will haue their children to aske it; & as it is a common thing among men, though they be willing a man should passe through their ground 2. Simile. yet they will haue leaue asked, because by that [Page 12] meanes the propertie is acknowledged, otherwise it would be taken as a common high way, so the Lord will haue his servants come and aske, that they may acknowledge the propertie he hath in those gifts he bestowes vpon them: Indeede, otherwise we would forgetin what tenure we hold these blessings wee enioy, and what service wee owe to the Lord, as you know, there is a homage 3. Simile. due to the Lord, that the Lord might bee acknowledged; so the Lord will haue this duty of prayer performed that we may acknowledge him, that we hold a [...]l of him, and that we might remember the service that we ought to doe to him, to rise and goe at his command, that is, to doe his service, which we would be ready to forget, if wee were not accustomed to the duty of calling on him.
Likewise he will haue it done for his honours sake, hee will hauen en call vpon him, that they 2▪ may learne to reuerence him, and likewise that oothers might be s [...]irred vp to reverence him, and to honour him, and to feare him. The servants of a Prince doing honour and reverence to their Simile. Lord, they stirre vp those that are lookers on: And as the Schoolemen say of glory. Glory is Glory what. properly this, not when a man hath an excellencie in him, (fo [...] that hee may ha [...]e and yet bee without glorie) but glory is an ostentation, a shewing out of that excellencie. It is the phrase that is vsed in the Sacrament; you shall celebrate the Sacrament, that you may shew forth the Lords death; so the Lord will haue vs come and call vpon [Page 13] his name to shew forth the duty of prayer, and that we may shew forth his glory. This is for the Lord himselfe.
Now for our selues, we are to doe it, partly, [...] In respect of our selues. that the graces of his spirit may bee increased in vs: for prayer exerciseth our graces; every grace 1 is exercised in prayer, and they being exercised are increased. See an excellent place for this in Iude 20. That you beloved edifie your selues in the Iude 20. holy faith praying in the holy Ghost, as if hee should say, The way to edifie your selues, and build vp your selues is to pray in the holy Ghost; that is, spirituall prayer made through the power, and assistance, and strength of the holy Ghost. Every such prayer it builds vs vp, it increaseth. Every grace in vs, faith, and repentance, and loue, and obedience, and feare, all are increased by prayer.
Partly, because they are exercised and set a 2 worke in prayer: for the very exercise increaseth them.
And partly also, because prayer brings vs to Communion with God. Now, if good company 3 increase grace, how much more will Communion with the Lord himselfe quicken and increase it.
Moreouer, this duty is required, that we may 4 be acquainted with God: for there is a strangene, betweene the Lord and vs, when wee doe not call vpon his name. It is the command which you sh [...]l finde i [...] Iob 22. 21. Acquaint thy selfe with the Iob 22. 2 [...]. Lord [...] th [...] ma [...]st haue peace with him, and th [...]u shalt haue prosperitie. Now, you know how acq [...]intance [Page 14] growes amongst men; it is by conversing together, by speaking one to another. On Simil [...] ▪ the other side; wee say when that is broken off, when they salute not, when they speake not together, a strangenes growe [...]; so it is in this: when wee come to the Lord; and are frequent, and [...]ervent in this du [...]y of calling vpon him, we grow acquainted with him, and without it wee grow strangers, and the Lord dwells a [...]arre off, we are not able to behold him, except we be accustomed to it, and the more wee come into his presence, the more we are acquainted vvith hi [...]. Therefore that is another reason why wee should vse this, that wee may get acquaintance with the Lord.
Likewise, that vve may learne to be thankfull to him for those [...]ercies vve haue received from 5 hi [...]; for, if [...] should bestow mercies vpon vs, vna [...]ked, we vvould forget them, his hand would not be acknowledged in them, and vvee would not see his providence in disposing those blessings that vve doe enioy, but vvhen vve come to aske every thing before him, vve are then readie to see his hand more, and to prize it more, and vve are disposed to more thankefulnesse. So that it is a [...]ure rule commonly▪ vvhat vv [...]e vvinne Note. vvith prayer, that vvee vve [...]re vvith thankefulnesse, and that vvhich vvee get vvithout praier, vvee spend, and vse without any lifting vp of the heart to God, in praising him, and acknowledging [...] hand, in b [...]wing it vpon vs, [...]o you see what [...] duty is. And,
[Page 15] Secondly, why the Lord will haue this duty performed.
Novv, thirdly (in a vvord) vvhat is it to pray 3. What it is to pray contin [...] ally. continually, The word in the originall signifieth, such a performance of this duty, that you doe not cease to doe it, at such times as God requires [...]. it at your hands. Compare this vvith that in 2. Tim. 1. 3. The Apostle saith there, that hee 2 Tim. 1 [...]3. hath him in continuall remembrance, praying for him night and day, vvhence the same vvord is vsed that is here. Novv vve cannot thinke that the Apostle had Timot [...]y in continuall remembrance, that he vvas never out of his thought, but the meaning is, vvhen he did call vpon God, from day to day, he still remembred him. So that to pray continually, is to pray very much, to pray at those times vvhen God requires vs to pray. For it is the definition that Philosophers giue of idlenesse. a Idlenes, what. man is then said to bee idle when hee doth not that which he [...] ought, in the time when it is required of him. Hee is an idle man that workes not, when hee ought to worke; So hee is sayde not to pray continually that prayes not when hee ought to pray. So that I conceive this to bee the meaning of the Apostle, R [...]ioyce [...]rmore (sayth hee) but when hee comes to this exhortation of prayer, hee contents not himselfe to say pray very often, but pray continually, as wee vse [...] expresse ourselues when wee would haue a thing frequently done, wee say, see that you be [Page] alwayes doing of this. So the [...] is to shew that it should be exceeding often, and that it should be very much done. Hence we gather this by the way, that we are bound to keepe Obs. A constant course of prayer, at least twice a day as a duty: our constant course of calling vpon God; at the least twise a day, whatsoever we doe more.
But you will say what ground haue you for that, why doe you instance in that twice a day. Quest
The ground of it is this, when the Apostle bids vs pray continually, doe it exceeding much, Answ. The grounds of it. doe it very often, the least we can doe it is twice a day, we may doe it oftner, but that, I say, is the 1 From the text least. When wee haue such a command [...] this, when we haue such a precept as this, Pray continually, and this rule illustrated by such examples as we t [...]ue in the scriptures, why is it recorded, if it 2 From examples: be not true of euery example in that kind that is said of the generall example, 1 Cor. 10. They are written for our learning? when it is said that David prayed oft, and Daniel expresly in the 6. Dan. 3. He prayed three times a day, that was his constant Dan. 6: 3. course. I say, we may thinke we are bound to doe it at the least twice a day. Consider a little, the reason of it why we are bound to doe it. In the (Temple, you know, the Lord was worshipped twise 3 From reasons a day, there was [...], [...] sacrifice. What was the ground of that commandement [...] there was no reason of it, but that the Lord might be worshipped, and that was the [...] it done [...] a day, morning and evening: but besides that, it vvas not onely [Page 17] that the Lord might be vvorshipped, (wherein we should follow that example of worshipping him morning and evening.) But likewise our occasions are such, that that is the least we can doe to 2 call vpon him constantly morning and evening: for there is no day but we vse many blessings, and vve take many of his creatures. Now vvee may not take any of them without his leaue; so that thou art bound to aske for them before thou take them, and pray for a blessing vpon them; or else thou hast no right to them, thou hast no lawfull vse of them, that place is plaine, 1. Tim. 4. Everie 1 Tim: 4: Creature of God is good, and ought not to bee refused, if it be receiued with thanksgiuing: for it is sanctified by prayer. So that, if you take common blessings euery day, and doe not seeke them at the Lords hands before you take them, they are not sanctified vnto you, you haue not a lawfull vse of them, you haue no right vnto them.
Besides, my beloued, It is that which the Lord commands in every thing, Make your requests 3 knowne in every thing, that is, vvhensoever you need any thing, make your requests knowne; so in every thing giue thankes. And therfore the least we can doe vvhen vve have received, and do need so many mercies, is to give thankes, and to seek to him so often, from day to day.
Moreover, doe not our hearts need it, are they not ready to goe out of order, are they not ready to contract hardnesse, are they not ready to goe from the Lord, and to bee hardned from Gods feare. Therefore this duty is needfull, in that regard, [Page 18] to compose them, and bring them backe againe into order.
More ouer, doe not the sinnes we commit daily, put a necessity vpon vs, of doing this, that they 5 may be forgiuen, and done away, and that wee may be reconciled to God againe? Therefore do not thinke that it is an arbitrary thing to call vpon God twice a day, because there is no particular expresse command; for, if you consider these places that I haue named, and the reasons, wee shall see there is a necessitie lyes vpon vs to doe it. So much shall serue for that, I come novv to make some vse of this that hath beene deliuered.
First, in that such prayers, as the Lord accepts, are an expression of holy desires, such desires as rise Vse 1. from the regenerate part of a man; Hence then we see that all natural men are in a miserable condition, when times of extreamitie come; and when the day of death comes, when there is no helpe in the world, but seeking to the Lord, when all the creatures forsake them, and are not able to helpe them; and there is no way to goe to the Lord but by prayer; if prayer bee an effect, and fruit of the regenerate part of a man, a carnal man is not able to helpe himselfe, hee is in a miserable condition. Therefore let men consider this that put all off to times of extreamitie. Put the case, thou hast warning enough, at such a time. Put the case thou hast the vse of thy vnderstanding, yet thou art not able to doe any good without this: For, if there be not grace in the heart, thou art [Page 19] not able to make a spirituall prayer to the Lord, that the Lord accepts. Therefore take heede of deferring, and putting off. Labour to bee regenerate, to haue your hearts renewed, while you haue time, and if thou bee not able to call vpon God in the time of health, how wilt thou doe it when thy wits, and thy spirit are spent, and lost, and in the times of sicknes and extreamity: therfore let that be considered, which we do but touch by the way briefly.
Secondly, if the Lord command this, if it bee the command of God: Pray continually: Then Vse 2. take heed of neglecting this duty, rather bee exhorted to be frequent and servent in it, to continue therein, and watch there to with all perseuerance. Eph. 6: It is a common fault amongst vs, either wee are ready to omit it, or to come to it vnwillingly, or Motiues to prayer: else we performe it in a carelesse, and negligent manner, not considering, what a command lyeth vpon the sonnes of men to performe it constantly and conscionably. I beseech you consider this, that it is a priviledge purchased by the blood of Iesus Christ, Christ dyed for this end, it cost him the shedding of his blood, That wee through him, Mot. 1. might haue entrance to the throne of grace, and will you let such a priviledge as this lie still? If you doe, so farre as is in you, you cause his blood to be shed in vaine: for, if you neglect the priviledges gotten by that blood, so farre you neglect the blood, that procured them; but to neglect this duty is to neglect that. Besides, if wee aske you Mot. 2. the reason; why you abstaine from other sins, why [Page 20] you steale not, why you commit not adulterie, and murther; The reason that you giue, i [...], because the Lord hath commanded you. Hath not the Lord commanded you to pray constantly, at all times?
If you make conscience of one commandemēt, why doe you not of another? consider Daniel in Dan: 6: this case, Dan. 6. hee would not omit a constant course of prayer, he did it 3. times a dayes, & that was his ordinary custome. If he would not omit it to spare his life, if he would not omit it in such a case of danger as that, why will you omit it for businesse, for a little aduantage, for a little gaine, for a little wealth or pelie, or pompe or pleasure, or whatsoever may draw you from that duty? doe but consider what an vnreasonable, and how vnequall a thing it is, that when the Lord giues vs meate and drinke, and cloathes, from day to day, when he giues vs sleepe, euerie night, when hee prouides for vs such comforts, as wee haue neede of (as there is not the least creature that doth vs any service, but as farre as he sets it a worke to doe that service) for vs to forget him, and not to giue him thankes, and not to ask these things at his hands, not to seeke vnto him, but to liue as without God in the world, as we do, when we neglect this duty. I say, it is a profession Eph: 2: of living without God in the world; wee are strangers to him, it is open rebellion against him. Therefore take heed of omitting it, take heed of neglecting it.
[Page 21] Besides all this, wee should doe it for our 3. Mot. owne sakes, if wee consider what vse we haue of this duty for our selues. Is it not the key that openeth all Gods treasures? when heaven was shut vp, was not this the key that opened? when the wombes were shut vp, was not this it that opened? you know, Eliah prayed for raine, so wee may say for every other blessing. All Gods treasures are lockt vp, to those that doe not call vpon his name, this opens the doore to them all, whatsoever they be that we haue occasion to vse, this is effectuall; it doth it better then any thing besides. If a man be sicke, I will be bold to say it, a faithfull prayer is more able to heale his disease then the best medicine, The prayer of faith shall heale the sicke. Iam 5. you know, the woman that Iames 5: had the bloody issue, when she had spent al vpon Phisitians, and could doe no good; Then shee comes to Christ, and offered faithfull prayer to him, that did it, when so many years phisick could not do it, beloued, if there be a Prince or a great man, whose mindwe would haue turned towards vs, a faithfull prayer will doe it sooner then the best friends. So it was with Nehemiah; you know Nehem:: 12: his request, That the Lord would giue him favor in the fight of the man, if we be in any strait, as it was in Iosephs case, if we haue any difficult matter to bring to passe, this prayer and seeking to the Lord will expedite, and set vs at libertie sooner, it will finde a way to bring it about more then all the wittes in the world; because it set [...] God on work. You haue no power to do any [Page] Certainely a praying Christian that is prevalent and potent with God (that seekes to him) hee is able to doe more then all the riches in the world, they set the diuell a worke; but prayer sets God a worke, it sets him a worke to doe vs good; and to heale vs, and to deliuer vs out of extremities, and therefore, I say for our owne sakes, even out or selfe. loue; and for common comforts, you haue need to vse this. Certainely, if these things were beleeved (but you heare them, you giue vs the hearing for the time; but if they were beleeved,) many would be more frequent in this duty, they would not be so negligent in it, or come in so carelesse a manner to it.
Besides this, I beseech you to consider this, every 4 Mot. man desires ioy, and comfort, & commonly one thing that keepes vs off from this duty, is sports and pleasures, one thing or other, that we take delight in, which dampe and hinder vs in these things, in spirituall performances, Prayer is the best way of al other to fil thy heart with ioy, as we see in Ioh. 16. 24. he saith there, In my name Iohn [...]6: 24: you haue asked nothing hitherto, but now aske that your ioy may be full. This is one motiue that Christ vseth to exhort vs to bee frequent in this duty, that our ioy may be ful: that I take to be the meaning of that of Iames the 5. If any be sad, let him Iames 5, 13: pray; not onely because prayer is [...]eable to such a disposition, but likewise it wil cheere him vp, it is the way to get comfort, if any be sad, let him pray. So it is in the 4th to the [...]. [...] Phil: 4: 6: make your requests known: and the peace of God [...] [Page 23] keepe you in the Communion of Iesus Christ. That is it, that brings peace, and quietnes; and therefore there is much reason, why we should be constant in this duty, it is that which quickens vs, it is that which fills vs with ioy, and comfort, and with peace, which is that that euery one desires.
Moreouer, consider it is thy buckler, prayer is the helmet that keeps thee safe: when a man neglects 5. Mot. it, when he ceaseth to go to God by prayer, when he once shewes himselfe to be a stranger to the Lord by neglecting this duty, then he is out of the pales of his protection, like the conies that goe out of their burrowes: for so is the Lord to those that pray, The Lord is a protection to those that call vpon his name. The very calling vpon his name is a running vnder Gods wings, as it were, that is a putting our selues vnder his shadow, but when thou neglectest that, thou wandrest abroad from him. Now do we not need protection from outward dangers, from day to day? doe wee not need to be kept from the inward danger of sinne and temptation? surely prayer is one part of the spirituall Armor, as we see in the 6. of the Ephes. In the compleat armour of God, prayer is reckoned vp Eph: 6: the last, as that that buckles vp all the rest, saith the Apostle, Continue in prayer, and watch to it with perseuerance. And you haue the more reason to doe it, because it is not only a part of this armor, but it inables you to vse all the rest, To vse the word, and to vse faith: for prayer stirs them vp all. What is it to haue Armour, and not to haue it ready? now prayer makes it ready. Therfore you [Page] see Christ prescribes the same rule in the 26. [...] 4. Pray that ye enter not into tentation, as if that were the way to secure vs, and to shelter vs, and Mat: 26: 4 [...]: to keepe vs safe from falling in to temptation. It is a thing I would advise you to, to pray and to seeke to the Lord continually. Therefore, if wee should vse onely this reason to you, to bee constant in this duty, because it is for your safetie, it were sufficient. You know when a man is as a Citty whose walls are broken downe, when hee lies exposed to temptation, he is in a dangerous case. So I may vse this Dilema, to you if you haue a good disposition, if you thinke thus I hope I am well enough; I hope my heart is in a temper good enough, I am not now exposed to any temptation, I feare nothing, make this argument against thy selfe; why doe I neglect so good a gale, if my heart be so well disposed to pray, why Note this. doe I then omit it? Againe, if there be an indisposition in me, why do I hazard my selfe? what if Sathan should set vpon thee, what if the world should set vpon thee, what if a sutable temptation agreeable to thy lusts be offered, art thou not in danger? and therefore a constant course should be kept in it, we should take heed of being negligent in it. And will a man now professe that hee hopes he is the servant of God, and in a good estate, although he do not pray so much as others, (we speake not of frequency simply, but of such a performance as is required) I say, to professe that thou art a servant of Christ, and that thou louest [...], and that he is thy husband, and that thou [Page 25] art his servant, and yet thou callest not upon him from day to day, this is an idle thing, it is impossible; if thou didst loue him, thou wouldst express thy self in calling vpō his name. Shal a friend that is but an acquaintance to vs, in whom we delight come to vs, and we are willing to spend many houres with him, and shall we professe our selues to be friends of God, and him to be a friend to vs, and that we delight in him, and yet neglect this duty? this is a common thing amongst you, when you see a man that meditates all his matters himselfe, or, if he doe open his mind, and tell them to somebody else, it must be such a one as professeth to be a friend to him, now if this friend should never heare from him, nor hee should never speake to him, or if he doe, it is in such a negligent manner, as it may appeare, hee doth not trust him, he doth not regard what hee can doe for him, and he doth it so shortly, that hee can scarsely tell what the businesse is, I say, in such a case, would you not reckon his profession of friendship to be an idle, and emptie profession? now apply it to thy selfe, those that say they haue communion with God, and they hope their estate is good enough, they stand in good tearms with him, but yet, if they [...]e in any necessitie, for all the matters and occasions that fall out from day to day, either they thinke of them in themselues, or they are apt enough to declare them to man, or if they goe to God, they doe it negligently, they post ouer the matter, so as they [Page 26] haue scarce leisure to expresse themselues and their doings; doe you thinke hee will take such for friends? and do you thinke, that this is a true sound and hearty profession? Therefore (to end this) I beseech you consider it, and take heede of being remisse, and negligent in it, you see it is a command from the Lord, Pray continually.
And so much for this time.
NOt to repeate what hath beene delivered, but to presse this point on vs a little further (for what is more necessarie, then that wee should keepe a constant course in this duty, since the very life of Religion consists in it?) I adde this to all I prest in the morning, 6. Mot. The omission of it doth disadvantage men: that if you doe neglect it, it exposeth you to great disadvantage, both for the outward man, and for the inward man, and there are but these two that you need to care for.
[Page 28] For the outward man, it deprives you of the blessing; put the case, you haue never so good 1 In the outward man. successe in your enterprizes; put the case you haue outward comforts in abundance, yet still the blessing is wanting, and not onely so, but it vncovers the roofe, as it were, and the curse is rayned downe vpon your tables, vpon your meat and drinke, vpon all the endeavours, and all the enterprizes you take in hand. We consider not what we doe, when we neglect this duty, what dangers we expose our selues vnto from day to day: for it is one thing to haue outward comforts, and another thing to haue the blessing with them.
Besides, consider what losse you suffer in the inward man, when you neglect this duty at any 2 In the inward man. time: for that is ready to be distempered; and to goe out of order, it is ready to contract hardnesse, to contract soile, spirituall grace is ready to decay. It falls out with mans heart, as it doth with a garden that is neglected; it will quickly be overcome with weedes, if you looke not diligently Simile. to it, and the way to looke to it is constancy in this duty. That is a notable place: Iob 154. when Eliphaz observed some distēper in Iobs affections (as he apprehended it) he tels him that Iob [...]5 [...] the speech he vsed was not comely, but vaine and sinnefull, and what then? surely Iob (saith he) thou restrainest prayer from the Lord, as if he should say, it is impossible, Iob that thou shouldest fall into these distempers, if thou did de [...] keepe thy course constantly in this duty, therefore [Page 29] surely, saith he, thou restrainest prayer from the Lord; So it is with vs, let vs restraine prayer from God, and distempers will arise quickly in our spirits, worldly mindednesse will bee ready to grow vpon vs, wee shall be apt to be carnall, we shall forget God, and forget our selues, and forget the good purposes, and desires wee had; and therefore, that you may keepe your hearts in order, you must keepe a constant course in this duty: for if you doe (though your peace be interrupted) this will repaire it againe, it will make vp the breaches againe; though there bee some distempered affections, that grow vpon vs, yet prayer will compose all. As sleepe composeth Simile. drunkennesse: so prayer will compose the affections, a man may pray himselfe sober againe, nothing doth it sooner, nothing doth it more effectually; and this you shall finde, that as you, eyther omit it, or slight it over; so you shall finde a proportionable weaknesse growing vpon the inward man, as the body feeles, when it neglecteth either sleepe, or diet, or exercise: therefore, to end this exhortation, let vs bee constant in it.
Onely remember this (when wee exhort you thus to keepe a constant course, for which you heard so many reasons in the morning, I say, remember this caution) that if it be performed in a No [...]. formall, or in a customary, and overly manner, you were as good to omit it altogether: for the Lord takes not our prayers by number, but by waight: when it is an outward picture, a dead [Page 30] carcasse of prayer, when there is no life, no servencie in it, hee regards it not, be not deceiued in this, it is a very vsuall deceipt, it may bee a mans conscience would bee vpon him, if hee should omit it altogether, and therefore when hee doth something, his heart is satisfied, and so hee growes worse and worse, therefore, consider, that the very doing of the dutie, is not that which the Lord heedes, but hee will haue it so performed; that the end may be obtained, and that the thing may bee effected, for which you pray. If a man send his servant to goe to such a place, it is not his going to and fro that Simile. he regards, but hee would haue him to dispatch the businesse; so in all other workes, hee cares not for the formalitie of performance, but would haue the thing so done, that it may bee of vse to him; if you set a servant to make a fire Simile. for you, and he goe, and lay some greene wood together, and perhaps put a few coales vnder, this is not to make a fire for you, but hee must, either get dry wood, or he must blow till it burne, and be fit for vse; so when your hearts are vnfit, when they are like greene wood, when you come to warme them, and to quicken them by prayer to God, it may be, you post over this dutie, and leaue your hearts as cold, and as distempered as they were before: My beloved, this is not to performe this dutie. The dutie is effectuallie performed, when your hearts are wrought vpon by it, & when they are brought to a better tune, and to a better temper then they were before. If you find [Page 31] sinnefull lusts, there your businesse is to worke them out by praier, to reason the matter, to expostulate the thing before the Lord, and not to glue over, till you haue set all the wheeles of your soule right, till you haue made your hearts perfect with God; and if you finde your hearts too much cleaving to the world, you must wean them, and take them off; if you finde a deadnes, and vnaptnes, and indisposition in you, you must lift vp your soules to the Lord, and not give over till you bee quickened, and this is to performe the dutie in such a manner, as the Lord accepts, otherwise it is an hypocriticall performance: for this is hypocrisie, when a man is not willing Hypocrisie what. to let the dutie goe altogether, nor yet is willing to performe it serventlie, and in a quicke, and zealous manner: for hee that omits it altogether is a profane person; and hee that performes it zealoussie, and to purpose is a holy man: but an hypocrite goes betweene both, hee would doe something at it, but hee will not doe it throughlie. And therefore, if thou finde thou hast [...] [...]ubbered over this dutie from day to day, that thou performest it in a negligent manner, and perfunctorilie, know that it is an hypocriticall performance, and therefore when wee spend so much time in exhorting you to a constant course in this dutie, still remember, that you must performe it in such a manner, that it may haue heate, and life in it, that it may be acceptable to God, and do good to your own hearts, to bring them to a more holie frame of [Page 32] grace, and to a better temper, then, it may bee you found them in, when you went about the dutie.
And if you obiect now, I, but it will cost vs 1 Obiect. much time to doe this?
Indeed, one common cause, amongst the rest, that keeps vs off from the through performance Answ. Threefold: of this dutie is this: but (to speake to that in a word) remember this, that the time that is spent in calling vpon God hinders you not in your businesse, 1. Ans. though it seem to hinder you, and though it takes so much from the heape, yet indeed it increaseth the heape, as it is said of tithes and offerings, bring them in, and thinke not, that because you [...]en the heape, that you are poorer men, no, saith the Lord, it will increase your store, I will open the windowes of heauen, and you shall Mal. 3. haue so much the more for it; so it is true in this case. In other things you see it well enough. You know, the ba [...]ting of the horse, hinders not the iourney, and the oyling of the wheele, and the Simile. whetting of the sithe, though there bee a stop in the work for a time, yet, as our [...] saying is, a whet is no let, and the doing of this is no impediment.
Secondly, put the case it were, yet is it not the greater businesse? what is it that you g [...] by all 2. Answ. your labours, and trauailes? if it bee riches, it comes not into any comparison with grace, and holinesse, with that riches wherewith prayer makes you rich. But, say it bee some [...] [...] noble then that, as learning, and knowledge, yet, [Page 33] what is that to the renewing of Gods image in vs? were it not better to spend time to get grace to make vs rich to God; to make vs to get strength in the inward man, to passe through all varieties of afflictions, in getting that which is the chiefest excellencie of all others: for is not that the best excellencie? When Adam was in Paradise, the having of Gods Image, you know, it excelled all other excellencies in the world and so it doth still, and the more you pray, the more you get of this image: for a man of much praier is alwaies a man of much grace, it much increaseth those spirituall gifts, which are better then al the outward things you can get by your imploiment and diligence in them: therefore, I say, though it doe spend you much time; yet know (as Christ said to Mary) he that praies much, though he be a great looser in other things, yet he chooseth the better part.
Last of all consider this, when thou commest 3. Ans. to offer sacrifice to God, wouldest thou offer that which cost thee nothing? if thy continuing in prayer, and spending much time in it should cost thee some disadvantage in thy affairs, and should loose thee that which another gaines, that thou gettest not so much knowledge, as another man doth, thou doest not so much in thy trade, in thy businesse, thou doest not set things in order, as thou mightest haue done; yet know this, that it is great wisedome to make our service to God costlie to vs; you know, Dauids choise: Shall I offer to the Lord that which cost me nothing, and therfore [Page 34] he would needes giue the worth to [...] the lebusue for that which he bought, and therefore since it is to a good master, that sees what you doe, that knowes what it costeth, and what losse you are at, and withall, that is willing and able to recompence it, why should you shorten this businesse, and post it over, because of other occasions, and other businesse that you haue to doe?
Oh, but, a man will say further, I am willing Obiect. 1. to doe it, but I am vnfit for it, and it may be the longer I striue, the more vnfit I grow.
To this I answer, first, in generall, if thou doe it as well as thou canst, though thou do it not so Answ. 1. well as thou wouldest, in this case, God accepts the will for the deed, when a man puts his strength to it, when there is no indiligence in him, when there is no lazinesse (for in that case he will not accept the will for the deed, but) when a man doth his vtmost, as those that would haue giuen more, and could not, their will was accepted for the deed, in 2. Cor. 8. 12. I say, when thou doest what thou canst, when thou sparest no labour to 2 Cor. 8: 12, 13 get thy heart vpon the wing, to raise and quicken it, and to inlarge it in this dutie: there God accepts it. Ans. 2.
But againe, I adde further, there is an vnskilfulnesse in going about this dutie: many times when we are not fit, we thinke to make our selues fitter, by spending time in thoughts, and meditations before, which I denie not but they may be profitable, but yet this I will propound to you [Page 35] that the best way to fit our selues to this duty, How to fit a mans selfe to prayer. when we finde an indisposition vnto it, is, not to stay till we haue prepared our selues by meditation, but to fall presently vpon the dutie, (I will giue you the reason of it) because, though a preparation is required for the performance of eues rie spirituall dutie, yet, the remote preparation is that which is intended, and meant, when we say we must prepare: for, if we speake of that which is immediate, the very doing of the dutie is the first preparation to it. For example, if a man were to runne a race, if he were to doe any bodily Simile. exercise, there must be strength of bodie, hee must be fed well, that he may haue abilitie, but the vse of the very exercise it selfe, the very particular act, that is of the same kind with the exercise, is the best to fit him for it▪ so in this duty of prayer, it is true, to be strong in the inward man, to haue much knowledge, to haue much grace, makes a man able, and fit for the dutie; but, if you speake of the immediate preparation for it, I say, the best way to prepare vs, is the very dutie it selfe; as all actions, of the same kinde, increase the habits, so prayer makes vs fit for prayer; and that is a rule, the way to godlinesse is in the compasse Note. of godlinesse it selfe, that is, the way to grow in any grace is the exercise of that grace.
It is a point that Luther pressed, and hee pressed it out of his owne experience, and this reason Note this expression of Luther. he vseth; in this case, saith he, when a man goes about to fit himselfe, by working on his owne thoughts, now he goes about to overcome [Page 36] himselfe by his owne strength, and to contend with Sathan alone, but when a man feeleth an indisposition, and goes to God by prayer, & rests on God to fit him, he takes Gods strength to oppose the indisposition, and deadnes of his flesh, & the temptations of Sathan, that hinder him, and resists him. Therefore you shall find this to be the best way to fit your selues for prayer, namely, to performe the duty. If you seeke to expedite, and devolue your selues, out of your vnfitnes, by the working of your own thoughts, commonly, you involue your selues farther into those labyrinths, and are caught more and more. But this I speake by the way concerning matters of vnfitnes. The maine answer to this obiection is that, which I gaue you before, that if a man doe what hee can, and do it faithfully, and in sinceritie, that indisposition shall not hinder him, but still remember, it must be done, it is not an excuse to vs, at any time, nor ought to be, that wee should omit the duty wholy, vnder pretence of an vnfitnes.
Thirdly, a man is ready to say againe, but I 3 Obiect. find many difficulties, how shall I doe to remove them?
The best way hereunto, is the very naming of the difficulties to you, that you may know them, Ans. 7 impediments of prayer, that makes it difficult. and make account of them; therefore you must consider this in generall, that, indeede, it is not an easie thing to call vpon God constantly: our misprision of the dutie, our reckoning of it, that it is a more facile, and easie thing, then it is, makes vs more to slight it, and causeth [Page 37] vs not to goe about it with that intention, which otherwise we would, but consider a little what 1 Note that. it is. The dutie is very spirituall, and our hearts are carnall, and it is no easie thing to bring spirituall duties, and carnall hearts together.
Besides, our natures are very backward to come into the Lords presence, partly by reason of his 2 great glory, by reasō of his M ty, who dwels in light [...], and our weake eyes are apt to be dazled with it, and partly out of an accustomednes, we are not vsed to it, and therefore wee are ready to flye from him, as beasts that are wilde, and are not tamed to our hands, are ready to fly Simile. from vs, so backward is our nature to come into his presence.
Again, the variety of occasions hinders vs, euery 3 thing keepes vs back; if a mans heart be cheerfull, it is apt to delight in other things; if a mans heart be sad, on the other side; if it bee a slight sadnes, men are ready to driue it away with company, and with sports, and with doing other things, and if the sadnesse be great, we are swallowed vp with anguish of spirit, and then any thing is easier then to pray, as you may see by Iudas, it was easier for him to dispatch himselfe, then to goe and call vpon God; so it is with men, when they haue excessiue griefe, when their an guish of heart is exceeding great: so that, whether a man hath a cheerefull disposition, or a sad, whether the sadnes bee great or small, still you shall finde a difficultie. If we be idle, & haue [Page 38] nothing to doe, our hearts will be possest with vaine thoughts, and, if we bee full of businesse, that distracts vs also, and indisposeth vs, on the other side: so still there are impediments.
But there is one great impediment, among the rest, and most common, which is worldly cares, 4 and worldly-mindednes; worldly cares hinder spirituall prayer, and spirituall conference, and the holy performance, almost, of euery duty, and therefore, if you finde a difficultie in it, looke narrowly, if that be not the cause.
Againe, another great cause of this difficultie in prayer, of such backwardnesse to it, of such indisposition 5 to it, is, because we doe not well consider the nature of God, we want faith in his power, and in his prouidence we doe not consider, that he hath that disposing hand, which he hath in euery thing, that belongs to vs, in health, in sicknesse, in pouertie, in riches, in good successe, and ill successe: for, if we did see the prouidence of God, and acknowledge it more; we should be ready to call vpon him, but this want of faith in his providence, that the Lord is not seene in his greatnesse, and in his mightie power, this causeth men to be backward to seeke him, but very forward to seeke to the creatures. When we haue any thing to doe, of any consequence, we are ready to post from this man to that man, and from this meanes to that meanes, but very backward, and negligent to goe to God, in prayer, to haue the thing brought to passe, that wee desire, and this ariseth from want of faith, and from ignorance [Page 39] of God, and our not consideration of him.
Besides, Sathan hinders vs exceedingly in this 6 duty: for he knowes of what moment it is, and of what consequence, and therefore he doth as the Aramites did, hee fights not against small nor great, but against the King, he knowes it is this duty 1 King. 22. 31. which quickens euery grace, it is the greatest enemy, which he hath, and if he can keepe vs from prayer, hee hath the vpper hand of vs, hee hath wrested the weapon out of our hands, hee hath disarmed vs, as it were, and then he may do what he will with vs.
Likewise the sins we commit, especially grosse sinnes, they are a great hinderance to this duty, 7 and keepe from the spirituall, and cheerefull performance of it: for sinne wounds the conscience, it disioynteth, and dismembers the soule, and a disioynted member, you know, is vnfit to doe any businesse; yea, when the sinne is healed, and forgiven, yet there is a sorenesse left in the heart, though some assurance of pardon should follow, vpon the commission of a great sin, so that, that is another impediment. I must not stand to reckon vp many, we shall find enough by continuall experience.
Onely this vse we must make of it, that, if the Vse. impediments bee so many, and the difficulties that keepe vs from a constant course in prayer, What course is to be taken against these impediments. and from the performance of it to purpose, so great, then we must put on a resolution to breake through all, and lay it, as an inviolable law vpon [Page 40] our selues, that we will not alter. Let vs thinke with our selues that the thing is difficult, and will cost all the care, and all the intention that may be; yea, when thou hast ouercome the difficulties at one time, it may be, the next day, thou shalt meet with nevv conflicts, new distempers, new affections, new strength of lust [...], & a new dis position of mind will be on them, and therefore he that will bee constant in this duty, must put on a strong resolution; as it was the saying of a holy man, one of the holiest men, that these latter times had, that he never went to pray to God, Note this well. but he found so many impediments, that except he bound himselfe by an vnalterable resolution, that he resolued not to breake vpon any occasion, he could neuer haue kept a constant course in it, or, if he had, hee should neuer haue kept himselfe from a formall, customary performance of it. But I will adde no more, to presse this vpon you, there hath beene enough said, I beseech you consider it.
Now that which I promised in the morning to doe, which is, that, that doth exceedingly strengthen vs to the performance of this duty of calling vpon [...], of praying continually (which we are here commanded to doe) is to remooue certaine obiections, which are in the mindes of men, that secretly weaken the estimation of this truth, and insensible takes vs off, when we marke them not: for, beloved, when we are so negligent in it, surely there is somethin [...] that is the 4 Obiecti [...] against prayer. cause of it, and if wee could finde the cause, [Page 41] and remoove it, wee could not spend an houre better.
The obiections, that are commonly in the hearts of men, are many, I will name to you but these 4 briefly.
First, a man is ready to say, what need I spend 1 Obiect. so much time, and bee so large in the expression of my wants to God, when he knowes them? I cannot make them better knowne to him, hee knowes them well enough already, and therfore what needeth it?
To this I answer (in a word, because it is an obiection Ans. that hath not much weight in it) that it is true; the Lord knowes thy wants, but withall, he will haue thee to know them; because, otherwise, thou wilt not seeke to him, thou wilt not set a price vpon the things, that hee bestowes on thee, thou wilt not be thankefull to him, when he hath granted them, and therefore you shall finde, our Saviour Christ vseth this very argument, as a meanes to quicken vs to prayer, saying, Your heavenly Father knowes what you haue Mat. 6. neede of, what then? shall we not therfore pray? yes, saith he, therefore pray ye the more earnestly, and the more importunately to him: for since he knowes your wants, he will be more ready to heare your requests.
I, but, it will be said againe, that hee doth not only know them, but he also means, & purposeth 2 Obiect. to bestow them: for hee hath made a promise to vs, and his promise i [...] firme, and sure, and God is iust, and [...]ust keepe his promise, and when he [Page 42] hath fully purposed it, what needs so much praying to bring it to passe?
I answer, the promises of God are to bee vnderstood Answ. 1. with this secret condition annexed, I will doe such and such a thing for you, if you pray, though it be not expressed: and therefore, we see when God promised things in particular, yet still they prayed, and prayed earnestly. When he promised Elish that it should raine, yet, wee see, he prayed and contended much in his prayer, 1 Kin 18. 41, 42 when he made a promise to David, that hee would make him a house, yet you know David went 2 Sam. 7. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 18. to the house of the Lord, and sat before him, and made earnest prayer, as is recorded in the 2. of Sam. so Daniel had particular promise, and yet Dan 9. he prayed, and prayed long. The example of our Saviour Christ is without exception, who had all the promises sure to him, yet, you see, he prayed, yea, he spent whole nights in prayer, and therefore you must so vnderstand it, that though you haue a promise made, though the thing be neuer so sure to you; yet it is to be vnderstood with that if you call vpon God.
And why the Lord would haue you doe it. I shewed you many reasons in the morning, wee Ans. 2. will adde this to it. What, if the Lord will haue thee call vpon him, though hee purpose to doe the thing, even for this end, that thou maist worship him▪ for, what is it to worship the Lord? you shall finde this vsuall in the old Testament, The people [...]owed themselues and worshipped, or, they [...] vpon them [...] and worshipped. The meaning To worship God, w [...] [Page 43] is this, to worship God is nothing else, but to acknowledge the worthinesse that is in him. As when you doe worship to a man, you doe vse so much outward demeanor & observance to him, as may acknovvledge a vvorth in him aboue another man: outvvard gesture, that is the outward vvorshipping of God, the invvard vvorship is invvardly to acknovvledge his attributes. Novv, you shall see, prayer giues an acknowledgment of his attributes most of any thing: for hee that prayes to God, he doth, in so doing, acknowledge his omnipresence, and his omniscience; that hee heares that, which the Idols of the Gentils could not doe, that hee knowes the secrets of mens hearts, that neither men, nor Angels can doe:
Againe, it acknowledgeth his Almightie power, that hee is able to doe anie thing; for that is presupposed, when wee come, and seeke to him.
Againe, it acknowledgeth his mercie, and his goodnes; that he is not onely able, but exceeding willing to helpe.
Againe, it acknowledgeth his truth, that as he hath promised, so, I make account, hee will performe it, when I go, and s [...]e to him, in a word, all the attributes of God are acknowledged in prayer. Therefore therein you worship him in a speciall manner, when you goe, and seek to him, and pray to him, in so doing, you acknowledge him, yea you acknowledge him to be a Lord, and a father, as when we see a childe run to a man, and aske him blessing, when we see him ask him [Page 44] foode, and rayment, wee say, surely such a man is his father; so this very praying to God, is a worshipping of him, because it acknowledgeth his attributes, and his relation to vs, and ours to him.
But againe. Thirdlie, it will bee obiected, I 3 Obiect. but, al [...]s, what can the endeavours or the prai e [...]s of a weake man doe? can they change the purpose of Almightie God, if he doe not intend [...]o doe this thing for [...]oe, shall I hope to alter him?
For answere to this, I say this, in bein [...]e, Ans. that when you doe call vpon God, hee is not changed by your prayers, but the change is wrought in you, as wee haue said to you heretofore, Simile. when a Physiti [...] is sought vnto by his patient, the patient desires him earnestl [...]e to giue him such a cordiall, and such [...] Physicke, that is pleasing to him; the Phisition denies him long, yet in the end, he yeelds vnto it. Why? not because there is anie change in the Phisitian, but because there is a change in the patient, he is now fitted for this, before hee was not: so then the Phisition yeelds now, whereas before he refused, and yet the change is in the patient, and not in the phisitian, and therefore, beloved, when [...] about to striue with God in prayer, when you contend, and wrastle with him (for so we ought to doe) when you vse manie reasons to perswade him, you alter not him, but your selues [...] those arguments that you vse, are not so much to perswade him to be [...]e [Page 45] you, as to perswade your hearts to more faith, to more loue, to more obedience, to more humilitie, and thankfulnesse, and that indeed is the reason, why prayer prevailes with God, not that the verie sending vp is that, that prevailes with him, but because a faithfull, and a spirituall prayer puts the heart in a better disposition, so that a man is now made readie to receiue a blessing at Gods hands, that before hee vvas not. So that, when you thinke you draw God to you, with your arguments, in truth, you draw Simile. your selues neerer to him; as when a man in a ship pluckes a rocke, it seemeth as as if he plucked the rocke neerer to the shippe, when as the shippe is plucked neerer the rocke: so, I say, wee draw our selues neerer to the Lord, and when wee draw neerer to the Lord, in prayer, and there is a spirituall disposition wrought in our hearts, by the exercise of this dutie, then indeede the Lord drawes neere to vs, to send vs helpe, and to grant our requests, that wee put vp to him, and therefore that you should marke by the way, that any prayer, as it hath a higher pitch of holinesse in affection, and as it hath stronger arguments in it; so it is a better prayer; not because this prayer shall prevayle with God more, or, that the excellencie of this prayer should moove him, but because this pitch of holie affection, and strength of argument workes vpon your hearts: for the strength of arguments mooues your vnderstanding, and the holinesse of affection puts your will in a [Page 46] frame, and so disposeth your hearts, and fits you as the [...], we spake of before, is [...] when the Physition is willing to giue the thing hee desired.
But the last obiection, which indeed is more then all the rest, is this. Obiect. 4. Twofold.
A man is ready to say, we see there are many men, that doe not call vpon God, and yet enioy 1 many mercies: it may be, a man can say with himselfe, when he did not vse to pray, hee had health, and sleepe, and protection?
Againe, on the other side, he hath prayed for such and such things, and yet they haue not bin granted? so this obiection hath two parts, that a man hath obtained blessings, without prayer, and againe he hath prayed, and yet hath not obtained 2 the blessings he sought for, at the Lords hands.
For answer to the first, that men doe obtaine many blessings that doe not pray (as how many Ans. young men are there, and old men too, that haue health, and wealth, and peace, and libertie, and abundance of all things, and yet, eyther they [...] not to God, or, if they doe, yet not in a holy and spirituall manner) and therefore this obiection had need to be answered, and therfore I answer brieflie.
First, though they haue these blessings, yet they haue them [...], they haue no promise 1 Answ. to the first part of the obiection. of them, they cannot build vpon them, whereas they are sure mercies to the righteous man, he can build vpon these blessings: for hee Answ. 1. [Page 47] hath a father to goe too, whose loue he knowes, and hee hath sure promises to build on; the other, though he hath them, yet he is in a slipperie place, when hee inioyes them; it is an accidentall thing, he hath them from the hand of an enemie, and he knowes not how long he shall enioy them.
But I answer again (which is the chiefe answer Answ. 2. to this obiection) that there is a great deale of difference betweene hauing blessings, through the providence of God, and betweene hauing Difference between hauing of blessings through the prouidence of God, & from the loue of God. them from the mercie of God, and by vertue of his promise, and out of his loue to vs in Christ Iesus. A naturall man may haue many blessings of God, (so God said that he made Ieroboam a King, he gaue him a Kingdome, and many such passages we shall find, when men come vniustly to them, as he did to the Kingdome, yet God, saith he, did it, that is, it was by his providence) and yet he hath them not in mercie: for if thou hast these blessings, health, and sleepe, and successe in the enterprises, from day to day, and yet thy hart tells thee within, that thou hast not sought them at the Lords hands, as thou oughtest, I say to such a man (and marke it) it were better for him that he should want them: for certainely, when hee hath them, in this manner, he hath them without a blessing; yea he hath them with a curse, and so were better be without them; as it had been better for Ab [...]b to haue been without his vineyard, and as it had beene better for [...] to haue gone without his reward, that hee had of N [...] man [Page 48] the [...] (for you know hee had the [...]eprosie with it) it had beene better for the children of Israel to haue gone without their [...]: for you know the curse that followed, death wet along with them; so when a man shal haue peace and prosperiti [...], and abundance of all things, without seeking them at the Lords hand [...], from day to day, I say, he were better to haue wanted them: for there goes death together with them. It is said plainely, that case [...] the [...] (that is to say) this very prosperitie, this [...]riuing (notwithstanding a neglecting of prayer, and of holy duties) I say, it carries death along with it, as the obtaining of the vineyard, brought death to Achab, the getting of the Kingdome was the destruction of I [...]roboam; and therefore men haue little cause to comfort themselues with this, that they enioy many blessings, and neuer pray for them.
But, to answer this point more fully, I say many blessings are bestowed vpon men, not for 3. Ans. their owne sakes, but for the Churches sake. A man may haue strength of bodie, hee may haue great gifts of mind, he may haue great successe i [...] vsing those gifts, he may bring great enterprizes to passe, so that you may truely say, the hand of God is with him, all this may bee done not for his sake, but for the sake of the Church, and glory of God some other way, that hee might doe some service; as you see, it is plaine lie said of Cyrus, Isa. 45. 4. speaking there of Cyrus, saith the Isa. 45. 4. Lord there, For [...] my seruants sake, and for Israel [Page 49] mine elect sake I haue called thee by name, and haue giue [...] thee this great power, and all this great successe although then thy selfe haue not knowne me. (Marke) Cyrus was a most prosperous man, Gods hand was mightie with him, and yet all this was not for his owne sake, but for the Churches sake: so you may thinke it is, when men prosper, many times, it is not for their owne sakes, but to fulfill some other end of Gods providence, and therefore, marke this and keepe it for a rule, if thou Note this. prosper in thy enterprizes, if thou inioy wealth, and peace & aboundance of all things, and know that thou doest not seek to God, from day to day, that thou keepest not thy heart right and strait, and perfect before him, thou doest not call vpon him, in a holie, and spirituall manner, certainely it is for one of those causes, thou hast it without a blessing, and with a curse, thou hast it for other ends, and not for good to thy selfe; and therfore thou hast it very vncertainelie, it may bee tooke from thee, thou knowest not how soone; yea, and this thou shalt be sure of, that it shall bee taken from thee then, when, of all other times, it will be vnfittest for thee: as a theefe comes at a time when men least looke for him; so destruction comes suddenly vpon these men; God cuts them as a man, when he would haue trees to die, hee Simile. lops them in that season, that of all others is the vnfittest, when the sappt is in the tree, when the lopping will cause them to vvither, so the Lord vvill strike them in such a season. It is quite contrary with the Saints, hee cuts them in due [Page 50] season, he lopps them in due time that they may grow the better for it, it is good for them.
But now for the other part of the obiection it Answ: to 2. part of obiect. may be, many among you now are ready to say, I haue prayed for such and such things, and I haue beene earnest, and yet the Lord hath denied me: my Beloved, if we can satisfie this obiection, we shall then take this impediment away, that we propound in this obiection, that hath these two parts. Therefore to this I answere.
First, if thou hast not beene heard in thy prayer, Answ. 1. Our prayers oft times are amisse in one of these three respects. consider, if thou hast not prayed amisse; it is a common fault among vs, when wee haue spent much time in prayer, &, it may be, we haue spent time in fasting, & praying & the thing is not granted; we presently lay it vpon the Lord, that hee hath not heard, when many times, the cause is First, in respect of the principle whence they [...]ovv, vvhen they are but naturall desires. our not praying, as we ought, it may be thou hast been very earnest, and therfore thou hopest thou hast done very well: I tell thee, thou maist be very earnest, and importunate with the Lord, when it may be no more but a naturall desire, when a man hath neede [...]o bee directed in a difficult case, that much concernes him; when hee hath neede to bee extricated, and taken out of such a difficultie, and strait, wherein he is involved, when hee hath neede of successe, in such an enterprise, or any thing of that nature; I say, a man may bee earnest with the Lord in such a case, and yet his prayer may bee amisse, it may not be a spirituall prayer, it may not bee an expression of holie desires to the Lord; for they [Page 51] onely prevaile with him, not that the naturall are excluded (that is not my meaning) for they may adde vvindes to the sayles, though holinesse may guide the rudder, and keepe the course, and make the sterage, yet naturall desires may make vs more importunate, and may adde much to it: therefore, I say, consider thy prayer.
Consider againe, when thou hast sought so earnestly to God, whether it be not to bestow it vpō thy lusts, as the Apostle speakes, Iam. 4. 3. when thou hast a businesse to be performed, it may be, thou Iam: 4. 3. Secondly, in respect of the end, when they are for the satisfaction of our lusts. art earnest vvith God, but hast thou not an eye to thy owne glorie, to thine own praise and credit in it? when thou wast earnest for health, was it not that thou mightest liue more deliciously? when thou desirest vvealth, and successe in thine enterprizes, that tend to mend thy state, is it not out of some ambition? you know, that desire is condemned, if any man will be rich: is it not a desire of greatnesse? would you not bee somebodie in your place, and set vp your house and family; such things indeed God bestowes vpon men, but to haue our desires pitched vpon them; and to pray in that sense for them, is amisse; and my rule for it is in the first to Timothy, the sixt chapter, the ninth verse: If any man will 1 Tim: 6. 9. bee rich, &c. that is, when a man desireth excessiuely, when he desireth more then food, and rayment convenient for him; now the naturall affection is degenerate into a lust: for when [Page 52] anie affection exceedes, it ceaseth to bee an affection, and begins to be a lust, and therfore where it is said, If any man will be rich &c. it is said after, it is a lust.
But, you will say, how shall a man know, when he prayeth to bestow that, which he prayeth for, Quest. vpon his lusts?
I answer, if a man consult with his owne heart, & deale impartially with himselfe, he may know Ans. vvhat his ends are; but, if you cannot find it out, that way, you may know it by the effect, you may know it by the bills you bring in. What is the expenc [...] of the things God hath bestowed on you, when hee hath put a price into your hands; consider, how you bestow it. If a steward haue a Simile. great summe of mony, that his master hath trusted him vvith, and his bills be, that he hath bestowed so much in riot, so much in fine apparrell, &c, but there hath beene but so much bestowed for his masters advantage, it is an argument hee hath spent it ill: so, when we see, there hath been so much health spent, so much time, and so much strength, in following our owne plots, and our owne worldlie businesse, without respect to God, not serving God, and men in our calling, as vvee should doe, and that there hath beene little time bestowed in praier, in reading, in making our hearts perfect with God, in taking paines vvith them, from day to day, I say, if wee looke vpon this bill of expenc [...], and consider how vvee haue bestowed our time, our health, our strength, our wits, from day to day; and our speech (for that is [Page 53] one price, that we haue in our hands, by vvhich we may doe good, it is as a bucket by which wee may draw from others, and likewise it is a spring, and fountaine, wherewith we may feede others, with the waters of life) consider, how wee haue laied out all these things, and by that wee may know, how we are disposed to vse the blessings, we seek for at Gods hands, whether we seek them to bestow them vpon our lusts, or to spend those gifts to our masters advantage; and, if we find we doe it for our owne lusts, in this case, I say to you go and amend your praiers, and God will amend your speeding. Wee must doe in this case, as an angler doth, when he hath throwne the bait into the river, if it stay long, and catch nothing, hee takes vp the baite, and amends it, and when hee Simile. sees it is well, he then continues, and waites: so we must doe in this case, if thou praie, and praie long, and haue not obtained the thing thou praiest for, looke diligentlie to thy praiers; see whether they be right or no, if they bee not, amend thy praiers, and God will amend his readinesse to heare thee; if thou finde, they bee sincere and heartie, mingled with holie desires, and not with carnall, and corrupt affections, then, let the baite lie still, that is, continue to praie, and to vvaite, and the Lord vvill come in due time.
But this is not all, though that bee one thing, 2 In respect of the manner, when they are vttered carelesly: when thou art not heard, consider, if thou hast not praied amisse; it is a common fault amongst vs, when we succeede not in anie thing, we attribute [Page 54] it to many other things, but not to our remisnesse, and carelesnesse in seeking to God: if a man want sleepe, if he finde sicknesse, and weaknesse, and distemper of body, he thinkes that he hath eaten amisse, and considers not whether he hath prayed amisse; if a man haue miscarried in his businesse, he begins to thinke, whether hee haue not beene improvident, whether he hath not dealt foolishly; whether hee hath not omitted such and such meanes, as hee might haue vsed, hee neuer thinkes whether he haue prayed amisse; and that indeede, is the cause of our miscarrying, and not commonly the thing, which we attribute it vnto: for though God be not the immediat cause, you know hee is the great cause; There is no ill, that he hath notdone; and that which moues him is alway grace, and sinne; that which moues him to doe vs good, is our obedience to him, that which moues him on the contrary, is neglect on our part.
But, to answere further, suppose thy prayers bee right, yet, thou must consider this, that, Answ. 2. God grants our prayers oft times, yet, when thou thinkest thou art not heard, thou art oft times deceiued, and therefore, you must rectifie that misconceit. As for example, sometimes, when we would haue the thing in one fashion, God bestowes the same thing vpon vs in First, not in that manner as vve desire another; and therefore thou maist be deceiued in that: it may be a [...] prayes earnestly, that he may haue a strong [...]dy, to do God service withall, it may be, that sicknesse of body makes him doe him better service, because it keepes him in [Page 55] more awe, it weanes him more from the world, and makes him more heauenly minded: you know the case of Paul, hee would faine haue had that lust taken away that is spoken of 2 Cor. 12. 9. and why? surely the thing hee would haue had, 2 Cor: 12. 9. was to haue his heart in a holy, and right frame of grace; now, though Paul had it not that way, that hee looked for it, yet he had it another way, the Lord increased in him the grace of humility by it; hee saw his owne weaknesse, and the power of Christ the more; and when this was discovered vnto him hee was content. It is all one, whether a man bee preserved from the blow of an enemie, or haue a helmet given Simile. him to keepe it off; it may be a man prayes for money, and for estate: if God provide meate and drinke, and cloathes immediately, in stead of this, is it not all one? It may be another would haue a greater degree of conveniencie, for his dwelling house, and many other things: if God giue him a body able to endure that, which is more course, all is one; as if hee were provided for more delicately: it is all one, whether a phisitian quench the thirst of his patient by giving Simile. him beere, and drinke, that is comfortable vnto him, or by giving him barberries, or somewhat else, that will doe the thing as well.
It is all one, whether the Lord keepe an enemie from doing vs hurt, [...] [...]at hee giues vs a strong helmet, a buckler, to keepe off the iniury from wounding of vs [...] I might giue you more [Page 56] instances, though the Lord give thee not the thing in the verie manner that thou vvouldest haue it, yet hee vvill doe it in another manner.
Secondlie, as wee are deceived in the manner, 2. Not by those meanes, which we prop [...]d. so we are deceiued in the meanes oft-times, in seeking to God. When a man praies, he pitcheth vpon such a particular meanes, and thinkes verily that this is the, way, or none; it may bee, the Lord will finde out another way, that thou diddest neuer dreame of; Paul prayed to haue a prosperous iourney to Rome, hee little thought, that when he was bound at Ierusalem, and posted vp and downe from one prison to another, God was now sending him to Rome, yet he sent him, and sent him verie safe with a great companie attending vpon him, he sent him it may bee in a better manner then hee himselfe would haue gone, and yet it was by such a meanes, as hee could neuer dreame of; also you know, [...] the A [...] rian, he had pitched vpon a particular meanes, he thought the Prophet would haue surely, come forth and haue laied his hands vpon him, but to goe and wash in [...], he thought his labour al lost, and the request which hee made to the Prophet to no purpose; for it was a thing that hee never thought of, it was a weake and poore meanes that hee made no account of, yet that was the meanes that God [...]ded: so I say, wee o [...]t deceiue our selues, [...]itch vpon such particular wayes, and when these faile vs, and when wee haue prayed, that these meanes might be vsed, [Page 57] and God doth not vse them, we thinke presently, we are deceived. Ioseph thought verily Pharaohs steward should haue beene the meanes to bring the promise to passe, and after that, Pharaohs butler, he vsed as a meanes, hee desired him to remember him, & yet all this was not the meanes, but another, which he never thought of, which was a dreame of Pharaohs: the like was in the [...]se of Mordecai, deliverance came a strange way, a way that Mordecai never imagined. Abraham thought verily, that Ismael had beene the sonne of the promise, but God tells him he was deceived, Isaac was the sonne, in whom hee would make good the promise. So the Israelites thought that Moses should haue delivered them; that it should haue beene presently true, that the yoake of bondage should haue presently beene taken off from them, but we see, God went another way to worke, he sent Moses away, into a farre Countrey, and the bondage was exceedingly increased vpon them. So that they thought they were further off now then ever they were before; but, in truth, they were nearer: for the increase of the bondage, increased Pharaohs sinne, and made him ripe for destruction: againe, it increased the peoples humility, it made them to pray harder, and to cry more servently to God for deliverance, and so it made them more fit for it; and at the last, Moses was more fitted to be a deliverer, after hee was so long trained vp, and was so much humbled; so that when God seemes to goe a cleane contrary way, yet it is the next [Page 58] way, to bring it to passe. [...], it is a common thing with vs, we pitch vpon a certaine particular meanes, we thing such a man must doe it, or such a course must doe it, when the Lord intends nothing lesse. And the reason often is, because, if we should haue deliverance, many times, by such meanes, by such men, and by such wayes, we would attribute too much to the meanes: therefore, we see, when [...] had a great army, the Lord would not doe it, it was too great for him, and therefore we see to what a small number he brought it: so, oft times, men thinke, oh if I had such a mans helpe▪ or if I had such a meanes, it would doe the thing, it vvould bring the enterprise to passe: when we make too much account of it, the Lord, it may be, casts away that, which seemed most probable, and (even as hee doth most of his workes, as he builds his owne Kingdome by the most foolish, and improbable meanes of all other, so) often hee doth our businesse by such meanes, that we least dreame of: therefore be not discouraged. Suppose we pray, that such a great Prince should raise the Churches, that such a wa [...]e, that such an enterprise, and proiect may doe it; put the case the Lord will not doe it so; are vvee then presently vndone? and is there no helpe, because such a battaile is overthrowne, because such a King did not succeede, because such a Generall had not successe, acc [...]ng to our expectation? It may be, that is not the way, the Lord will helpe [Page 59] the Church after another manner, that vvee dreame not of; and so for a mans selfe, hee hath businesse to bee done, or hee is in distresse, and would haue deliverance, and hee thinkes, this is the vvay or none, and therefore hee is earnest to haue it done: novv it is good, in this case, to leaue it to the Lord, to make our requests knowne to him; and, when wee haue done that, to bee no further carefull, but leaue it to the Lord, to doe it his owne way: he is skilfull. Simile.
If you take a skilfull workeman, and say no more to him but thus: Sir, I pray you, doe mee such a thing, if it were the bringing of water, or the setting vp of a building, it may bee, hee will goe away to worke, that thou knowest not what it meanes, and yet thou wilt trust him: why then wilt thou not trust God, and suffer him to goe his owne way? and, when thou art crossed in that thing, wherein, it may be, of all others, thou wouldest not bee crossed, it may bee, it is the best way of all other to bring the thing to passe, that thou desirest.
Againe, as wee are deceived in the manner, Thirdly, or not in our time. and the meanes, so likewise wee mistake the time: it may bee the Lord is willing to doe the thing, but not in that time, that thou wouldest haue him: when a man prayes to bee delivered from such a trouble, and such a distresse, and affliction, hee thinkes the time very long, [Page 60] and saith, he [...] is not heard, because hee is not delivered presently; wee would all haue the smarting plaister presently tooke off: but the Lord is wiser then wee, (as the phisitian knowes Simile. what belongs to the patient better then himselfe,) though hee doe it not presently, yet hee will doe it: therefore say not, thou art not heard, thou must take heede of taking delayes for denialls; the Lord will deferre to doe the thing, yet hee will doe it, and doe it in the best season: for this is a generall rule, Gods time is the best time. When thou commest to pray for Note. a thing, thou wouldest haue it done presently, and thou thinkest it is the best time, all the controversie betweene God, and thee is, which is the fittest time to haue it done; thou thinkest, it may bee, presently; God, it may bee, will doe it a yeare hence, surely hee is the best chooser, and wee shall finde it so: and therefore bee content to waite his leisure; hee hath many ends, in deferring it, it may bee, to trie thy faith, (as hee did the faith of the Canaanite) and therefore hee would not heare; it may bee to increase thy holinesse, to put thy heart into a Note. better temper, and therefore hee deferres longer: hee meant to doe that for Iacob, that hee did, yet he suffered Iacob to wrastle all night, and yet he would not doe it, till the instant of the morning appeared: so it was with Daniel, the answere went forth when hee began to pray, yet hee would [...] him instant, and continue in [Page 61] prayer; so, I say, the Lord hath many ends why hee deferres, let vs bee content to take his owne time.
Last of all, consider this, when thou seekest to 3. Ans. the Lord, to haue any thing done, it is possible, that it may crosse some other passage of his providence; and in this case thou shouldest be content to bee denied.
But, you will say, why may not both bee accommodated? Obiect.
I answere, so they shall, though thou se [...] not Ans. how; it is not with God, as it is with man: if a man doe a good turne to one, if two become petitioners, hee must needes doe an ill turne to another, but God composeth all for the best. As for example, David desired much to build a Temple, the Lord had another end, hee had resolved in his providence, to make Salomon the builder of it; indeede this was much better for David: for what more had David gotten, if hee had done it? the Lord gaue him as full a reward, as if hee had done it: for hee tells him, that for that purpose of building him a house, hee would build him a house: so [...] David hath his end, to the full, though Salomon built the Temple. So for Israel, the Lord kept the Canaanites among them, but it was for their profit: there are some passages of Gods providence, that if wee knew, wee would yeeld to this, that it were better, that it should bee so, then otherwise, [Page 62] and therefore it is better, in some case, that wee should bee denied. 'And so I conclude for this time.
NOvv vvee proceede to that vvhich remaines, something more vvee might adde, for the ansvvering of this, for the time of Gods granting our petitions, and for the measure, vvee touched it the last day a little.
For the time, wee are deceived; in that vvee thinke, vvhen God deferrs, he denies; for many times God deferrs for speciall reasons, and yet he grants the request, in the fittest time for vs, as the phisitian knovveth the fittest time to giue the Simile. patient phisick of one kinde or another; and in [Page 64] this wee must yeeld to God; as hee doth all his workes in the fittest time, so he grants our petitions in the fittest time; there is an appointed time for any deliverance to be granted, for any blessing, for any comfort, that wee neede, and haue at his hands. Now, if our selues were iudges, wee would haue things done for vs in the most convenient time, we would haue the smarting plaister pulled off, before the wound bee healed, whereas it is i [...] best for vs to haue it kept on: Bel [...]ved, you shall finde, that God divides betweene Sathan, and vs, in this case, as we see Rev. 2. 10. Sathan shall cast some of you into prison, and Rev: 2 10. you shall be there for ten dayes: it was not so long as Sathan would haue had it, it may be, he would haue had it ten and ten too; nor againe, it was not so short, as they would haue had it, but God sets downe the time betweene them both, and therefore we must rest vpon him, and thinke that many times there is great reason, why we should be deferred when wee aske things at his hands, and you shall finde hee deferres for one of these causes, for the most part,
Sometimes, for the tryall of our faith; as, wee see, he deferred to grant to the woman of Canaan, Foure Reasons of Gods deserring to grant our requests. although he did meane to grant her request, yet he deferred long, that hee might put her to the triall; and, you see, shee was no looser by it, but when she held out in her prayers, she had her request granted to the full.
Sometimes, he deferres to grant it, that wee 2 may be more humbled: as you know, Paul prayed [Page 65] earnestly, but God tolde him, that he would deferre him, because he needed more humility: so he deferred to grant the request, that the men of Beniamin put vp to him, when the cause was iust, and God intended to helpe them, yet they fell before their enemies twice, though they fa [...]ed, and prayed, his end was, as we see in the text, that they might be more humbled, that their hearts might be more broken, that they might be more fitted to receiue it.
Againe, sometimes God deferrs, that we might 3 bee more able to vse those blessings that hee meanes to bestow vpon vs: so hee deferred to raise Ioseph to preferment: so he deferred to bring David to the Kingdome, that those afflictions that they indured might the better fit them to enioy so great prosperity, as he had provided for them afterwards.
And lastly, he deferrs that he might set a higher 4 price vpon his blessings, that hee might inhaunce the price of them; as the fisher drawes Simile. away the bait, that the fish might follow it the more; so God withholds blessings, that we might haue a greater edge set vpon our desires, that we might pray harder for them, that we might prize them more, when wee haue obtained them.
Now, as he doth thus for the time, and as we are often deceived in the time, in taking delayes for denialls; so likewise wee are often deceived Concerning the measure, if God giue vs not so much as wee aske. in the measure; many times God grants the things that wee would haue, but, because wee [Page 66] haue not so large a measure as we expect; therefore we thinke we haue not it at all, and that the Lord hath denied vs our prayers, when indeede he hath not: for a lesser measure, many times, may serue as well as a greater; as God saith to Paul, my grace is sufficient for thee; though the temptation doe abide vpon vs, if there be sufficient grace to keepe vs in a continuall conflict, and warre against it, if there be sufficient grace to obtaine pardon, to vphold, and to comfort vs in it, it is sufficient, it may bring vs to heaven, we haue a deliverance from it, even when wee seeme not to be delivered; though we haue not so full a victory, as we would haue, yet that grace may be sufficient.
You shall see this almost in all the things we A lesse measure may serue as well as a greater. Cleared in instances. 1. Wealth. Psal: [...]. 16. haue occasion to request, at Gods hands, that a lesser measure may serue as well as a greater. Take it first in outward things.
A little wealth may serue, as well as great revenues: as in Psal. 38. 16. A little that the righteous hath is as much as great revenues to the wicked; because a little, when God shall fill it with his blessings, it shall serue the turne as well; but, if a man hath great revenues, and God blowes vpon them, and leaues an emptinesse in them; if a man haue great revenues, if he haue great outward comforts, yet, if there be an emptinesse, if there be a vanity in them, if they be as the husk, without the graine, as the shell, without the kernell, as they are often; though there be a great bulke, and they seeme very fit to comfort vs, yet [Page 67] they will doe vs little good; whereas a little, on the other side, will doe much good: for in this case it is as it was with Manna, those that had little, yet they had sufficient, and those that gathered over, yet they had never a whit [...]he more, that is, for their vse and comfort; you know, the little, that Daniel had, it nourished, and strengthened him, as much as the great portion of the Kings meat, that others had; and therefore a little, in this kinde, may serue as well as much.
And so likewise, a little grace may be so vsed, 2. Instance in Grace. and improved, that it may inable you to doe much, it may preserue you from sinning against God, as well as a great measure: for the confirmation of this looke to Rev. 3. 8. which is a notable Reu: 3 8. place for this purpose, it is said there to the Church of Philladelphia, thou hast a little strength, they had but a little strength, and yet you see there what that little strength did: thou hast but a little strength, and yet thou hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name: there were but two things for them to doe, to keepe his word, and to be kept from running out to the denial of his name, and other sinnes: now the little strength they had, was sufficient for these ends: so that, we see, hee findes no fault with that Church; other Churches, that had more strength, it may bee, they fell into greater sinne [...]: but this is a rule which is true, you will finde it true in all observation, Note. through the Scriptures, that, sometimes, those that haue great grace, yet they may fall into great sinnes, that they may be subiect [Page 68] to some strong prevailing lust; as David, you know, had great grace, and yet, we see, hee was subiect to great sinnes together with it.
And againe, a man may haue but a little grace, and yet that little grace may bee so ordered, and husbanded, and improved, that that little grace may keepe him from sinne, more then the other: this must bee warily vnderstood, not but that Note in what sense this is to be taken. great grace enables a man to doe greater workes, then the other; it enables a man, in the ordinary course, to resist greater temptations, more then lesse grace, but yet, (I say for our comfort, that) though a man haue but a little strength, yet, a [...] it is said there in the same place, Rev. 3. in that Rev: 3. little strength, I haue set a doore open to thee, it opened the doore of heaven wide enough, so that no man could shut it.
And as we say for grace, so like wise for gifts, smaller gifts, meaner gifts may serue the turne, 3 Instance in gifts. many times, as well as greater gifts: for, you know, a little finger, a small hand may serue to thread a needle, as well as a greater, and, it may Simile. be, will doe it better; for, in the Church there are varieties of operations, and variety of functions, and meaner gifts may serue for the discharge of some operations, of some services for the Church, as well as greater. And therefore, as there are variety of functions, so there are variety of members, some stronger, some weaker, and the weaker may serue, in some cases, as well as the stronger; a little barke may doe better in a small river, then a greater ship; so a man that Simile. [Page 69] hath but meane gifts may serue meane capacities, as well as greater, and better: and therefore thinke not that things are denied. when the thing is granted, not in such a measure. And lastly, to bee faithfull in a little gift will bring as great a reward, as to be faithfull in greater: thou hast beene faithfull in little, may make a man ruler over much, and may bring a great increase of the talents after. Therefore let not a man be discouraged, if he haue not so great a measure as others haue: so likewise if a man desire patience, and strength to goe through all variety of conditions, 4 Instance, in crosses, and afflictions. through all the troubles hee meetes with: sometimes the Lord layes a great burthen. vpon a mans shoulders, and giues him great strength to beare it; sometimes againe he giues but a little Simile. strength, but then hee proportions the burthen to it; and is it not all one, whether the burthen be great, and the strength answerable, or the burthen be lesse, and the strength little? sometimes he takes away calamity, sometimes he layes it vpon a man, and giues him as much strength as will beare it, and that is as good, as if it were removed; else, what is the meaning of that, you shall haue an hundred fold with persecution, but that you shall haue so much ioy, and strength in persecution, that it shall be all one as if you wanted it? so we see Heb. 5. 7. when Christ Heb: 5. 7. prayed for deliverance, in that great houre of triall, the text saith, he was heard in the things hee feared, and yet, we see, the cup did not passe from him, because hee was strengthened to beare it, [Page 70] and so it is in this case; and so much shall serue for a full answere to that, that we be not mistaken in iudging our prayers not to be heard when they are heard.
And now, Beloved, what remaines, but that we set out selues to the duty, to doe that we are exhorted vnto here, namely, to pray continually, that is, to pray very much, to keepe, at least, a Dangers by omitting, or neglecting prayer. constant course in it; for, if we doe neglect it, we doe but [...]ob God of his mercies, wee take them without his leaue. 1
Againe, we are guilty of the sin of vnthankfulnesse: for we ought to giue thankes in all things: 2 againe, we neglect his worship; for you know prayer is a part of his worship, and the neglect 3 of it from day to day, or at any time, when we omit it, is a neglect of that worship, and seruice we owe vnto him.
Againe, we suffer sin [...]o lie vnforgiven, which is very dangerous, we depriue our selues o [...] blessings, 4 and bring a curse vpon our selues, and we 5 suffer our hearts to grow hard, and to be distempered: 6 for, from our neglect of prayer comes that deadnesse of spirit, that worldly-mindednesse, and vnapt [...]esse to pray, to heare the word, and [...]o keepe the sabboth; what else is the reason of it, why those that haue bee me forward, and zealous professours, in former times, haue lost their light, and are fallen from their place; I say what is the reason of it, when they were sometime servent in spirit serving the Lord? That fire was not kept aliue with the fuell of prayer; and [Page 71] when they declined from that pitch, from that degree of faith, which they had obtained, you shall finde it commonly to arise from remisnesse in this duty: therefore we say to such, repent and amend, and doe your first workes; that is, vse your former diligence, renew that, and that will renew grace, and strength againe: therefore take Benefit of frequency and diligence in prayer. A stock will be laid vp. heede of being negligent, and remisse in this duty. We haue great cause to be incouraged to it, for there is not a faithfull prayer that wee make shalbe lost, but they come vp into remembrance; and therefore you must consider with your selues, not onely what you doe for the present, but what stock of prayers you haue layed vp; you know a man may haue much, in bils, and bonds, as well as in present money; so there is a certaine Simile. stocke of prayer, a certaine treasure layed vp, that shall not be forgotten. The husbandman lookes not onely vpon the graine that hee hath in his Simile. garner, but he lookes vpon that which is sowne, though it be out of his hands, yea he reckons that the better of the two; so those prayers that haue beene sowed, it may be, many yeares agoe, are such as will bring in a sure increase: therefore let vs be exhorted to be constant in this duty, to be frequent therein, to continue in it, watching thereto with perseverance.
And now we haue dispatched this, wee will come to answere some cases of conscience that fall out in the performance of this duty, which are divers.
First, this is one; what shall a man iudge of Case 1 [Page 72] his prayers, when they are accompanied with About wandring thoughts in prayer. wandring thoughts, whether those prayers are such as God wholly refuseth, or what he is to doe in such a case, when he is subiect to wandring thoughts, to vanity of minde, and distemper in the performance of that duty?
To this I answere, that wee must distinguish Ans. of the cause whence these wandring thoughts a rise.
Sometimetimes they arise, not so much from our owne neglect, as from weaknesse, from temptation: 1 The cause of them is weaknesse. and in such a case, God layes them not so much to our charge: as, for example, one that aymes at a marke, and doth his best to hit the Simile. marke, yet, if hee hath a hand, or an arme, that hath the palsey in it, or if one iogg him while he is about it, the fault was not so much in him, it was not want of good will to doe it, nor want of diligence; but, either it is his weaknesse, or it is an impediment cast in by another: so it is in this case, this wandring of minde proceeds from a naturall infirmity, and imbecillity that hangs vpon the nature of man, which is not so able to keepe it selfe close to such a spirituall businesse; and thy God considers: for he is wise, and kno [...]es that we are but flesh. When a weake servant goes Simile. about a businesse, though hee doe it not so well as a stronger, yet a man is wise to consider, that the servant is but weake: the Lord considers the naturall weaknesse that we are subiect vnto; and he deales mercifully with vs, in such a case: for herein a man is as one that hath a bow in his Simile. [Page 73] hand, but he hath a palsey arme, and therefore he cannot keep it steddy, though he haue a min [...] to doe it.
But the other case is, when he is iogged in his 2. Temptation. shooting by another, that is, when Sathan interrupts him, when he is diligent to hinder him in such a dutie; in this case, God chargeth it not vpō him, and doth not cast vs off, nor reiect our pray ers, because of that: but, on the other side, when this wandring of minde shall rise from meere negligence, on our part, from profanesse, from 3. Negligence want of reverence, because we doe not intend holy duties as we ought, we come not to them with that conscionablenesse, with that carefulnesse as we should doe; in this case now, it is a great sinne, this moues the Lord to anger, when we performe the duty in that manner, when we doe not so much as set our selues about it with our strength, but suffer our mindes to wander without any resistance.
Or secondly, when we our selues be the cause 4. Voluntary admitting vaine thoughts of it by admitting of loose thoughts, by suffering our selues to be worldly minded, by suffering an indisposition to grow vpon vs, and not labouring to resist it, and cast it off againe. You know, when an instrument is out of tune, if the lesson Simile. be never so good, that is played vpon it, yet it is vnpleasant because the instrument is out of tune; and whose fault is that? so, when thou commest to God, and sufferest thy heart to be distempered before and doest not looke to keepe it in order; that i [...] thy sinno, as well as thy profanes, [Page 74] and neglect in the very time of the performance: and, by this you may [...], how to iudge of wandring thoughts in the performance of this duty, and likewise you may see how to prevent Hovv to prevent wandring thoughts in p [...]ayer. them: the way to prevent them, is to keepe our hearts in tune before, to haue them ready, as, the wise man hath his heart at his right hand, that is, he hath it ready when he hath it to vse. When a Simile. man is to vse his horse, he doth not suffer him to runne vp and downe in the pastures wildly, but will haue him vnder bridle; so we should keepe our hearts in frame, that they may be ready to doe vs service in such a holy dutie, when wee haue neede of them.
Secondly, we must be diligent, when we come to performe the duty, that, though our mindes doe wander, yet we may be ready to recall them presently, to set our selues to it with all diligence: so much for answering of this first case.
The second case is, what a man is to doe, when hee findes a great indisposition to prayer, Case 2 About indisposednesse, and dulnesse, and vnap [...]nesse to prayer. such a dulnesse, and deadnesse in him, that hee knowes not how to goe about the duty, and hee thinkes, if hee doe it, it were as good bee vndone.
To this I answere briefly, that in all such cases, Answ. 1. a man is bound notwithstanding to performe it, let his heart bee never so much out of temper, let there be never so great a dulnesse, and deadnesse of spirit vpon him, yet hee is bound to doe it.
But you wil say, why, but I am altogether vnfit. Obiect.
[Page 75] I answere, that a man by setting himselfe vpon the worke, shall gather a fitnesse, though he were Answ. vnfit at the first: you know, members, that are Simile. benummed, yet by vsing them, they get life, and heate, and come, in the end, to bee nimble enough; so it is with the heart, in this case, when it is benummed, the very vsing of it makes it fit for the duty: You know, wood, though it bee Simile. greene, yet, if it be long blowed, at the length, it will be dry, and take fire; so it is with the heart, a man may be long about getting it on the wing, yet, with much adoe, he may doe it, and therefore he ought to doe this duty in such a case; yea, so much the rather, because there is never more neede of calling vpon God, then at such a time: for then a man lyes most exposed to temptation, then, if any sinne come, he is ready to bee overtaken with it, he is vnfit for any thing; and therefore, Note. if ever he haue neede to call vpon God it is at that time.
But you will say, it may be, God will not accept it? Obiect.
I answere briefly, if a mans heart be so indisposed, Answ. 2. that, when he hath done all he can, yet hee can get no life, hee can get no heate in the performance of such a duty, yet God may accept that prayer, as well as that which is most servent: And that you may vnderstand this aright, you must take it with this distinction:
This dulnesse, and deadnesse in prayer, it comes from one of these two causes. Causes of dulnesse.
One is, when God withdrawes his owne spirit, 1. Desertion. [Page 76] that is, withdrawes not his spirit altogether; 2. When there is some neglect on our part. (for there may be a helpe, when we perceiue it not), but when hee withdrawes the liuelinesse, and quicknesse of his spirit, and in this case, if wee doe our dutie, if wee doe the best wee can, the Lord doth accept it, though hee hath not vouchsafed such inlargement of our hearts, though hee haue not powred out his spirit vpon vs, in the performance of the dutie, as at other times, but he giues a secret helpe, that perhaps we feele not, nor perhaps is so great as at other times; yet I say, when it ariseth from his owne withdrawing of that fitnesse, & we are not negligent, but we doe our best, in this case, God accepts the will for the [...], as wee haue often said to you: that rule alway holds good, when the impediment is such as we cannot remoue, when the dulnesse of spirit is such as it is not in our power to remoue, when wee haue vsed our vtmost diligence, in that case it is no hindrance: and therefore it is a great comfort vnto vs, that we haue vsed our diligence in this duty, when we haue vsed our best to quicken our hearts, though it be not done, yet God accepts our prayers, as well as if they were performed in a more liuely and fervent manner.
The next case is what a man is to doe after▪ he hath committed some great sinne, after he hath Case. 3. About praying after a man hath committed some gross [...] sinne. wounded his conscience, whether then, not withstanding, he must come, & keep his constāt course in prayer, morning, & evening, whether he shall be so bold, as to come into Gods presence afte [...] he hath so exceedingly offended him.
[Page 77] To this I answere, that a man is bound, (notwithstanding Ans. In this case prayer is not to be neglected. any sinne that he hath committed, be it what it will be) to keepe his course constantly in prayer, and not to omit it, not to keepe off, not to deferre it. And my ground for it is, because this is a duty, it is a charge that God hath layed vpon all, to pray continually; that is, at the least twice a day, as we shewed before, to keepe a constant course in it: now, it is certaine, our failing in one thing, must not excuse vs in another. Note. When the dute lyes on vs, wee haue no dispensation to be negligent in it; and therefore we are bound to doe it.
Againe, consider this, that a particular offence doth not offend so much, as if we grow strangers 2. Reas. to God: as if we grow to a generall rebellion against him. As, put the case, a childe commits a great offence against his father, yet, if hee runne Simile. away from his fathers house, and grow a stranger to him, that is more then the particular offence: for a generall rebellion must needs be more then the particular, and to giue over calling vpon God, to breake off that course, to grow a stranger to him, to runne away from his house, and (as it were) to be ready to giue over all his ordinances, & a constant course of obedience to him, this is a generall rebellion, & is worse then the particular; yea such carriage, after sin committed, moues God to anger more then the sin it selfe; as, many times, the contemptuous, negligent, rebellious carriage, after an offence, moues a mast [...]r, a husband, or a parent more, then the particular failing though it were exceeding great.
[Page 78] Besides, consider, when a man commits a great finne, he makes a great gap in his conscience, he Reas. 3. makes a great breach there, and will you haue that breach lye open? is not that very dangerous? is not that the way to bring in more [...]in, and to suffer those good things that are in the heart to steale out? I will giue you but one instance for this: You see, St. Peter, when he had committed a great sinne, in denying his master, and forswearing of him too, yet, because he came in presently, and repented, and sought pardon, (as you know hee did) you see, hee was preserved from running into further arrerages: for hee made vp the gappe, hee made vp the breach.
We see, on the other side, when David had committed that sinne with Batb [...]eba, and did not come vnto God, as he should haue done, to keepe his constant course in sacrificing vnto him, in repenting, and renewing his repentance, and praying to him, you know, how many sinnes he fell into: and likewise, that was the case of Salomon, you know, to what a height hee grew, by not comming vnto God, at his first failing: and therefore, I say, there is reason, that wee should doe it, though the sinne bee great, wee ought to come in, and to keepe our course constantly.
But may I not stay till I bee more fitted, till my heart bee more softened, and more humbled? Quest.
Beloved, to st [...]y in this case is dangero [...]; for Ans. [Page 79] the heart commonly growes more hard in continuance; the conscience is more tender, immediately after the sinne is committed, then it is afterwards; and when thou stayest for more humility, thou findest lesse; and therefore, while the wound is greene, and when the fire hath taken newly holde, it is then best to quench it, before the wound be festered, before it hath continued long; for the heart will grow worse, and worse, as it is Heb: 3. 12. Take heede that you be not hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne; the Heb: 3 12. meaning is this, when thou committest a sinne, you thinke, if you stay a weeke, or a fortnight, or a moneth, you shall come in as well as at the first; no, saith the Apostle, while it is to day, come in, that is, doe it presently, for sinne will deceiue you, it will harden your heart before you bee aware, it will make a distance betweene God, and you, it will take you off from him, it will leade you further on; and therefore take heede, that your hearts bee not hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne, that sinne doe not deceiue you, and it will doe it before you thinke of it: and therefore in this case you should doe as you Simile. doe with waters, when waters breake out a little, it is best to stop them presently; if you suffer them, they will make the breach greater, till at length, you be vnable to stop them; so in this case, when you have committed a great sin, come in speedily.
But you will say, what shall a man come into Gods presence, who is most holy, after he hath defiled Obiect. [Page 80] himselfe with some great sinne, is not this an vnreuerent thing?
I answer briefly, it is very true, if thou be bolde Answ. to come into Gods presence with the same d [...]sposition, wherewith the sinne was committed, with a minde so fashioned, and so framed, in that case thou doest exceedingly provoke him, this is a very high degree of pro [...]unesse: and therefore, when we say, thou must come in, and keepe a constant course in prayer notwithstanding, the meaning is, you must come in with a disposition turned aside from your sinnes, and brought home to God, with a minde to abhorre that which is evill, and to cleaue to that which is good; there must bee this conversation of the minde to him, thou must not come in with the same disposition, that must be altered. So much shall serue sor the answere to this case.
Another case is whether wee may vse a set Case 4. About a set forme of prayer. forme of prayer? and likewise whether it bee sufficient?
I need not say much to you; for I thinke there is none here that doubt of it, but that a set forme Answ. of prayer may be vsed: you know, Christ prescribed a forme, you know, there were certaine Psalmes that were prayers that were vsed constantly; and therefore there is no doubt but that▪ a set for me may be vsed, wee haue that example for it: And in the Church, at all times, in the primatiue times of the Church, and all along to the beginning of the reformed ti [...]es, to Luther, and Calvins [...], [...]till, in all times, the Church [Page 81] had set formes they vsed, and I know no obiection against it of weight. One maine obiection is this:
That in stinted prayer the spirit is streightned, Obiect. when a man is tyed to a forme, then he shall haue his spirit, as it were, bounden, and limited, that he cannot goe beyond that, which is prescribed; and therefore, say they, it is reason a man should be left to more libertie, (as he is in conceived prayers) and not tyed to a strict forme?
To this I answere, even those men, that are against Answ. 1. this, and that vse this reason, they doe the same thing daily in the congregation: for when another prayes, that is a set forme to him, that heares it, I say, it is a forme to him: for put that case, that he that is a hearer, that heares another pray, suppose that his spirit bee more inlarged, it is a straightning to him, hee hath no libertie to goe out: he is bound to keepe his minde intent vpon it; and therefore, if that were a sufficient reason, that a man might not vse a set forme, because the spirit is streightned, a man should not heare another pray, (though it be a conceived prayer) because, in that case, his spirit is limited, it may be, the hearer hath a larger heart, a great deale, then he that speakes and prayes; so that there is a bounding, and streightning, and a limiting of the spirit. And therefore that reason cannot be good.
Againe, I answere, though the spirit bee limited, at that time, yet he ha [...]h a libertie, at other Answ. 2. [Page 82] times, to pray as freely a [...] hee will in private; and there [...]ore he is not so tied, but, though, at that time, he be, yet it is no generall tie; at another time, or immediately after, he may be as free as he will in secret.
Aga [...]ne, I answere, it is not a tye, and a restraint of the spirit, because there is a tye of Answ. 3. words; for the largenesse of the heart stands not so muc [...] in the multitude and variety of expressions, as in the extent of the affection: now then the heart may be very large, for all that; though he be tyed in words, yet there is not a tye vpon the affection, that may be extended more, in putting vp the same petition, when another mans is more streightened; therefore there i [...] no tye, and limit vpon that. And this is enough to satisfie that, that a set for me of prayer must be vsed.
But now, if you aske; whether that be sufficient? whether a man may thinke, if hee haue Quest. beene present at publique prayer, (which is a commendable thing to vse it constantly) I say, whether that be sufficient?
My Beloved, this is a matter of some moment, to consider what we ought to doe in this case; Answ. Publick prayer not sufficient. for we may be deceived in it, and I answer plainly, it is not sufficient: a man that i [...] diligent in publique prayers, that keeps them morning and evening; if he thinkes now hee hath discharged his duty, he is in a very great error: and this is the reason, because they are not sufficient. Indeed, they are to be vsed; for God is worshipped in them, and it is a more publ [...]que worship; and [Page 83] when God is honoured before many, as a man, Simile. when there are many spectators, more honour is done to him, it is a greater honour; so it is when men ioyne in this worship. And many other reasons there be, but that is not the thing, I am now vpon, to commend it to you; but, I say, it is not sufficient, although it ought to bee done, 1. Reas. because there are many particular sinnes, which cannot be confessed in publique prayer, there are many particular wants, which in publique prayer you cannot vnfold, and open, and expresse vnto the Lord.
Againe, the end of a set forme of prayer is to be a helpe for the private, (for the publique it is 2. Reas. another case) a helpe that one may vse that is yet exceeding weake: a childe, that cannot goe, may haue such a proppe, but we must not alway bee children, we must not alway vse that helpe.
Besides, we must consider this, that there is no man, that hath any worke of grace in his heart, 3. Reas. but he is inabled in some measure to pray, without a set forme of prayer, hee is able to expresse his desires to God in private, one way, or another: there was never any man, in any extreame want, but he knew how to expresse himselfe, where he had libertie to speake: so it is in this case.
Besides, the spirit of a man hath greater libertie in private; there a man may powre forth 4. Reas. his soule to the Lord, as Ha [...]a saith, 1 Sam. 1. which 1 Sam. 1. in publique, he cannot doe freely: there are many particular mercies, which he hath cause to be thankfull to God for.
[Page 84] Besides, there is a particular paines that a man is to take with his heart, from day to day, which, [...]eas. 5. in the publike common petitions, he is not able to doe: for, Beloved, know this, that the prayer, that is required from day to day, is not so much the performance of the dutie, the doing of the taske, but the end is to keepe the heart in order; for, if sinfull lust grow vpon it, and [...], and worldly mindednesse, the end of this duty is to worke them out againe, to renew repentance againe; and, when there is a forgetfulnesse of the covenant, when grace growes weake, when good desires begin to languish, to renew, and recover them, to put fewell to them: and this is not done by the performance of the publ [...]ke onely; and therefore, I say, though you performe it in your families, and meete in the congregation, you must not thinke that this is enough, you are bound to a private performance of this duty.
Againe, this is another case, what a man is to doe in the private performance of this duty, whether Case 5. About vsing the voice, and about the ge [...]ture in secret prayer. he be bound alwayes to vse his voice? whether he be bound alwayes to vse such a kinde of gesture?
I answer this briefly, (for there is no great difficulty in these things, and therefore I p [...]sse them Ans. over) for the gesture in publike, there is more heede to be taken of that; because it is a publike and open worship of God; and therefore in publike the g [...]ture is alway to be reverent. You know how often it is repeated, (in the olde testament [Page 85] especially) that they bowed downe, and worshipped still, Christ looked vp to heaven, Paul kneeled downe, and the rest with him, and prayed; and many such like expressions you haue mentioned in the Scriptures: where you haue prayer mentioned in publike, still you shall finde an expression of some reverend gesture, and when we appeare before the Lord in the publike performance of this dutie, especiall care must bee taken hereunto in the private, the case is different; there variety of gestures may be vsed. I doe not see, but all variety of gestures may be vsed; there are many examples for walking, and lying, and sitting; onely this is to be taken heede to, that, even in private, as farre as may be, the gesture be such, as may both expresse the inward reverence in the heart, and of the outward man; but there i [...] a libertie in that: I thinke this is the best rule in private, that the gesture bee vsed, that doth Note. most quicken, and doth helpe the duty most. Some gesture may bring a dulnesse, and in disposition, when another may quicken the body, and make it more [...]it for prayer: sometimes lying is inconvenient, and sometimes more convenient; and therefore, in this case, the best rule is, to vse that ge [...]ure, which quickens most, which helpes most the duty: some gesture may breede a wearinesse in the body, some may breede a dulnesse, some are painfull to the body, all this is a hindrance to the duty, when the change of it may quicken and helpe.
Now for the voice, I say, for that (as for the [Page 86] sture) it is not simply required: for God is a spirit, and he will be worshipped in spirit: men, that Iohn 4. 24. haue eares, and bodies, they must haue men speak to them, but God, that is a spirit, delights in that, which is like himselfe; and therefore all his eye is vpon the inward behaviour of the spirit. Besides, the spirit may speake to God, when the voice doth not; as, you know, the Angels speake to God, and they speake one to another. The Schoolemen haue great disputes about the speech of Angels, but this they agree in, that one Angel speakes to another after this manner; when any one hath a conceit, in his minde, of any thing, with a will that another should vnderstand it, and that God should vnderstand it, that is enough for the expression of it; so it is with the spirit of a man, when he hath such a petition in his heart, in his minde, and there is a desire in his will, that God should vnderstand that petition; that is an offering it vp to the Lord, it is as true a speaking to the Lord, as when you deliver it by an outward voice: for the spirit agrees with the Angels; as it is a speech, and as they speake one to another, and to the Lord; so doth the spirit of man; though, indeede, the tongue be to be vsed, as it is Iam. 3. 9. there with blesse [...] God; and therewith should we pray among others, and before others; and speake before others: but when there is any cause to vse the voice, in private, it is this, as farre as it may quicken the heart, (as I said of gesture) and as farre as thereby wee may keepe our thoughts from wandring. If the voice [Page 87] were not vsed, perhaps, thoughts would be subiect to more wandring, and we should not be ready to take notice of them; but they would slip before we are aware; & therfore, when the voice is vsed, it must be to keepe in the thoughts. In some cases, to omit the voice, is more convenient when it may draw any other inconvenience, but that is left to every mans particular case; as [...] shall finde the vse of it to [...]inder him, or further him. And so much shall serue for this Case.
ANother case of Conscience (in the businesse of prayer, is) wha [...] a Case 6 About want of leisure to pray by reason of present businesses to bee speedily dispatched. man is to doe, when hee is in streight of time; by reason of som [...] w [...]ighty b [...]nesse, that requires a [...] and sudden dispatch, and giues him not the leisure and liberty, that otherwise he might haue had?
To this I answer, you shall find, that i [...] Scriptures, Answ. the prayers of Saints haue beene sometimes larger, and sometimes shorter. Our Saviour Christ, you know, sometimes spent a whole [Page 89] night in prayer; Surely he did not take so much time alwayes, and, no doubt, wee haue libertie sometimes to be larger, sometimes shorter, according as our occasions will permit. But yet this you must remember, that though the businesse Note. be great, yet that businesse, that concernes the salvation of ou [...] soules, and the worship of God, is greater: And therefore, except it bee a true strait, this is still to be preferred; for it is a businesse of greater moment; and therefore you must giue a iust weight to your businesse, and not to suffer every small businesse that▪ comes in to thrust out this dutie: for here you keepe not the due proportion, but neglect the greater, and take the lesse.
Besides, doe you not say, when you haue great businesse in hand, that a man must haue a dining time, and a sleeping time, &c? Why may wee not say as wel [...]? A man must haue a praying time; is it not as necessary? You know what Iob saith▪ you know the course that [...]e kept in reading the word, (for that is cleerely meant in that place) It was more precious [...]o him then his appointed food: that is, he had rather omit his vsual [...] meale [...], (for that he meanes by his appointed food) then to omit a constant course in performing those holy duties: Therefore, I say, it ought carefully to be tooke heede of, that we omit it not, except it be a very great streight; if it be, we may be short in it, [...]od tyes vs not so exactly: you see therein are not rules set downe in the Scriptures, wherein we are tyed precisely to such an houre, to such [Page 90] a time, but God, in mercie, and in wisedome, hath left it to our liberty: onely, you see, this is the command, Pray continually, doe it exceeding much, at the least, keepe a constant course in it, as wee heard before, but you may bee shorter in it.
Now let these foure Cautions be observed.
First, take heede that this straightning come Cautions about shortnes of prayer in such straits. not from your ill husbandry, that is, from your ill husbanding of time; For, if a man were carefull to redeeme time before, it may be, he neede 1 Caution. not be put to such a strait, as he is at that time, when he is to performe this duty: suppose you haue a iourney to goe, that requires so much time, and you must be gone early, you may so husband the time before, that you may get time for your iourney. And for the performance of this duty, and so for other businesse, as I said in the morning, when you should sequester your selues to performe this duty of prayer, take heed that you be good steward of your time, that you husband it well.
And likewise, this is another part of husbanding your time, that you let not that, which is very pretious, goe for things of small moment, for that is ill husbandry. You should redeeme the time, and buy it with the losse of something. You haue time to bestow in the waighty businesse of your calling, in things that belong to the good of man, much more should you in this that belongs to the worship of God: And therefore, if it may be, redeeme it with some losse; so [Page 91] you ought to husband it, otherwise you redeeme not time as you ought. This is the first Caution that ought to be observed, to husband and redeeme the time well.
The second is, if we bee straitned at any time, 2 Caution. recompence it an another time: for if it be not a feigned excuse and pretence, if you be straitned, when you haue libertie, you will bee carefull to spend mo [...]e time in it; by that you shall know your sinceritie in it, that it is true, and that it is not an excuse, and a putting off.
Moreover, another Caution to be observed is, that you take not too much businesse vpon you: 3 Caution. if you be straitned with businesse, and therefore cannot be so large in the performance of this duty, as otherwise you would, if you take not too much vpon you, your selues are the cause of it: And therefore, he that takes lesse, he that spends more time in the things that belong to salvation, he hath made the better choise; As Mary made a better choise then Martha, though her imployment were good.
Likewise, as you must not pester your selues with too much businesse, so likewise you must 4 Caution. take care, that your mindes be not too much intent vpon them; for too much intention of mind vpon businesse, causeth distraction in prayer, and causeth vs post over over the dutie, as well as too much businesse: when a mans minde shootes it selfe too farre in businesse, when it is too much occupied about it, when it is too much intent, when the soule cleaues too fast vpon the busines, [Page 92] and cannot loose it selfe to the performance of spirituall duties, which require freedome.
The last Caution is, that the strait rise not 5 Caution. from diffidence in God, and confidence in the vse of the meanes; for, it falls out oft times when wee haue businesse of moment in hand, there is a turning, and posting from one creature to another, from the vse of one meanes to another, that we cannot get time in prayer, not so much for want of time simply, but because we minde the meanes too much, we intend them too much, we doe not trust God enough with the businesse, if wee did, wee might spend lesse time in them, and more in seeking to him. So much for that case.
Another case of Conscience in this businesse of calling vpon God is, what a man is to doe Case 7 About vse of the meanes. for the vse of the meanes, for when we are bid to pray and seeke to God, that is the ordinarie question; But may wee not vse the meanes too?
To this I answere, That prayer is so farre from excluding the meanes, that it includes Answ. Reasons why meanes must be vsed. them; for, if the desire be servent, when we desire any things at Gods hands, it will make vs diligent in the vse of the meanes, to vse a convenient 1 diligence; as it will make you earnest in seeking to God, and in putting vp your requests to him: for, if a man shall pray, and bee negligent in the vse of the meanes, I will be bolde to say it, it is but like the desire of the sluggard, that is a languishing, [...]ting desire: He desires, but [Page 93] his soule hath nothing; hee desires, but hee putts his hand into his bosome; The desires, which you expresse, when you pray, they are not servent, they are not earnest, if you bee remisse in the vse of the meanes. Hee that desires grace, desires strength, against sinfull lusts, and temptations, and yet is remisse in the vse of the meanes, by which grace should be increased, and strength gained, to resist those corruptions, and temptations; Certainly those desires are but vaine desires.
Besides, it is an an argument that wee trust 2. Reas. not in God, That wee make not accompt of our prayers, except wee bee diligent in the vse of the meanes; therefore wee are farre from excluding them: for, if you seeke to God, and trust to your prayers, and thinke that they will prevaile with him, it will worke this effect, That you will bee carefull to vse such meanes, as God hath ordeined to bring the thing to passe. Even as, if a man seeke to a Phisitian, to such a Phisitian, that hee trust▪ Simile. to, into whose hands hee would put his life; When this Phisitian prescribes such a course, such a dyet, and such a thing to bee taken at such a time, the more hee rests vpon the Phisitian, the more carefull hee will bee to obserue his prescription, and rules: And so, in this case, the more you rest on God, the more carefull you will be to vse such meanes, as hee hath appointed, when hee hath said, these, and these meanes are to bee vsed. In this [Page 94] case, I say, it is a signe your prayers are more to purpose, when you are diligent in the vse of them, when you dare not sleight nor neglect them.
Againe, you must consider this, that, when we pray, at anie time, wee doe not pray to haue 3. Reas. any thing done without meanes, but we pray to haue a blessing vpon the meanes, but we pray, to haue a blessing vpon the meanes, and, if we pray for a blessing vpon the meanes, our minde is not that they should bee omitted; for, you see, God doth all things by second causes, he saues us not without our selues, that is, he vseth vs as instruments, he doth everie thing by men, and by creatures, and by meanes, and the end of our praiers is, not to haue them done without meanes, but to haue a blessing vpon them. But that that is chieflie to be observed to cleare this point to you is this; That praier is not the onelie meanes, it is but part of the meanes to bring anie things to passe.
There are two things to effect a businesse, that 4. Reas. is, praier and meanes both: we doe not say praier is the onelie meanes; indeed, then the other were excluded, but since it is but a part, and the other makes vp the totall meanes of bringing any thing to passe, it doth not exclude them, but they may bee both ioyned together, praier, and the vse of the meanes. This is enough to shew that we may vse means, we may pray, & lay our hand on the plowe, wee maie seeke to God, and bee diligent, and as diligent [...] bodie [Page 95] else; But now these three Cautions are to bee Cautions about the vse of meanes observed..
The first is, That, if wee doe vse meanes, wee vse those that are right; for, if you trust God, and 1 Caution. depend vpon him, you will not step out to anie inordinate meanes, nor vse lawfull meanes in an inordinate manner: If you doe so, it is an argument your praiers are of no value in your owne esteeme, you doe not rest on God; for, if you did, you would not vse other meanes, then hee hath appointed.
Secondly, though you vse the meanes, and 2 Caution. pray both, yet you must so vse the meanes, that your confidence be in your praiers: for it is one thing to vse the meanes, and it is another thing to haue confidence in them. And therefore wee say to you in this case, that you must doe as hee Simile. that vseth the light of the Sunne; he so vseth the light, that he hath an eye vpon the Sunne from whom that light co [...]nes; for, he knowes, that if the Sunne were set, the light would be gone. Or as he that takes water in a Cesterne, or River, he Simile. so takes it, as that he hath an eye to the fountaine, he knowes if the fountaine were stopped, the River would bee quickly dried vp: So you should thinke with your selues, if I use any meanes, any creature, any instrument to bring things to passe, mine eye must be vpon God: for all the helpe that we haue from the creature, it is but as a beame to the helpe that comes from God himselfe. And therefore you must doe, in this case, as Phisitians are wont to doe, they put many Simile. [Page 96] ingredients into a thing, but it is one principall ingredient, amongst the rest, that hee makes account will cure the disease: So doe, in this case, make vse, both of the prayer, and of the meanes, yet you must know, that prayer is the principall effecter of the thing, and the principall meanes, it is that, wherein your confidence is to bee: for, indeede, it is God that doth bring every thing to passe: There is no good in the Citty, nor no evill, but he doth it; you know he takes all to himselfe. All the meanes, by which Good, and Ill is conveyed to you, they doe not doe the thing, they are but the v [...]ls, they are but the Instruments, as the beere, and the wine, wherein the ph [...]sicke is taken, but it Simile. is the phisicke, the medicine that cures: So all the meanes cannot doe it, it is the helpe, and the power of God, the efficacie, that comes from him, that brings things to passe; therefore, that must bee remembred, vse the meanes, that you vse, with dependance vpon God, with an eye vpon him, that your hearts rest not vpon them: for, if they doe, it is an inordinate vse of them.
Lastly, you must take heede of sticking in any particular meanes; for, if you doe, it is a signe 3 Caution. trust not God, as you ought to doe. It is a fault commonly, we pitch vpon such a particular way, and we thinke that must doe it, or nothing: Now, if God be trusted to, hee hath more wayes to the wood then one, he hath more meanes to bring a thing to passe then one: And therefore we must leaue it to him, who often doth it best by another [Page 97] meanes, then we dreamed of. As for example, David had a promise of the Kingdome; Now, when he had the Kingdome of Iudah, yet you know, the Kingdome of Israel stood out: for Ishbosheth had the Kingdome, and Abner was his chiefe Captaine: besides, in his comming into his Kingdome of Iudah, we see how God wrought the businesse, without device, by a meanes, that he never thought of, in that battaile, when Saul was killed, and so many of his sonnes, there was so much way made for him, when himselfe vsed no meanes to bring it to passe. Afterward when the Kingdome of Israel was kept from him, and he had onely Iudah, we see, God caused a division between Ishbosheth, and Abner his chiefe Captain; vpon that comes Abner, and offers to David the whole Kingdome, but yet he was but a reconciled enemie; and what Abner might haue done, he knew not. Therefore, God by his providence, though Ioab sinned in it, caused Abner to bee taken away by Ioab; when this was done, yet Ishbosheth was aliue still; then were there two men set by the providence of God, (though it were a great sinne in them) to take away his head, and so the Kingdome came wholly to David: for, there were but two sonnes, Mephibosheth, that was lame of his seete, and Ishbosheth, that was lame in his minde, a weake man vnable to mannage so great, and weighty a businesse, to purpose: So God brought the businesse to passe by a way, that David thought not off. Therefore, though wee may vse means, yet, after the vse of them, wee [Page 98] must depend vpon God, and leaue it to God to take one meanes, or other. We must doe, in this case, as we doe when wee goe to a man, that is very Simile. skilfull to doe a worke for vs: If we goe to a Carpenter, and tell him we haue such a thing to bee done; or, if we goe to those that we call [...], that bring water from place to place, we tell him, this is our desire, but how he will worke, and which way he will bring it to passe, we know not, and yet we trust such a one: for, we say, he is an honest man of his word, and if hee haue vndertaken it, it is enough. Why will you not trust God, that goes so much beyond vs, that hath an infinite wisedome, and an infinite power? And therefore we should so vse the meanes, that withall we keep our dependance vpon him, that we leaue it to him to vse this, or that meanes, as it pleaseth him. For sometimes, it may be, he ta [...]s away that which we are about, sometimes he leaues vs partly destitute, and findes [...] way of his owne, that we might trust to him, and consider his power, and his wisdome, what he is able to doe. So much likewise shall serue for this Case.
Another Case is, what it is to pray in faith? You know that is required. Now there is a common Case 8 About praying in faith, when a man wants a particular promise, that the thing which he asketh shall be granted. errour in this point: for a man may say, if I pray for the salvation of another, I [...]ue no promise, how can I pray in faith? when a man prayes to bee guided in such a businesse, to haue▪ such an enterprise to bee brought to p [...]sse, to h [...]ue [...] from suc [...] a tro [...]ble, facts [...] [Page 99] nesse, from such a calamity, that he lyes vnder, he findes no particular promise, and, for ought he knowes, it shall never be granted: How can hee bee said to pray in faith? for to pray in faith, is to beleeue, that the thing shall bee done.
I answere, that to pray in faith is to goe as farre as the promise goes. Now no particular Answ. man hath any particular promise, that hee shall haue such a deliverance, that he shall haue such a particular mercie granted him; and therefore it is not required to belieue that particular thing should be done.
But you will say; what faith is it then that is Obiect. What faith is, required required?
I say, it is enough to beleeue that God is a father, that hee is readie to heare, and not Ans. onely that hee is readie to heare, but that hee is readie to doe that which is best for mee, in such a particular: for both are required, that you beleeue him to bee well affected towards you, as a father, as one that tenders your good, and not onely so, but that hee will doe that, in that particular, that shall bee most for his owne glory, and for your good: and, if you doe so, you pray in faith; though, for the particular, you know not, whether it shall be granted, or no. Indeed, if we had a particular promise, as Elias had that it should not raine, &c. in that case, we were bound to beleeue in particular, but not having that, wee are not tyed vnto it: for the promise is the obiect of faith, and the habit is [Page 100] not to worke beyond the obiect; for the obiect is the rule, and the limit of the habit; therefore you may pray in faith, when yet you haue no ground to belieue, and to thinke, that that particular thing should be granted. For example, if a father pray, that his sonne may haue grace wrought in his heart, that his soule may be saved, it may be the Lord will never doe it; or, if one friend pray for another to the same purpose, though the thing be not done, yet the prayer returnes into his bosome, hee is no looser by it, there is a reward belongs to him, for seeking to God in sinceritie, it is his duty, that he should doe so. The like I may say for every particular case. And this incouragement you may haue, that there is never any particular prayer put vp, wherein you seeke things, that are not granted, but you mistake in it: for, if you believe thus farre, as I said to you, be sure, that your prayers are accepted, God will doe that, which is best for you, and your prayers shall not be lost. So much also for that.
The last case is, how shall a man know whether Case 9. About a man [...] knowledge that his prayer is heard. his prayer be heard, or not.
For answere to this we will giue you this one rule, (and that is as farre as wee can goe) that those prayers that are made by the [...]ssistance of Ans. Gods holy spirit, it is certaine, they are alwayes heard. If you finde, that at any time, you neede make no question, but that God heares it, and will doe the thing, observing the Cautions, that we haue gives you [...]ofore, that is, for the [Page 101] meanes, the manner, the time, and the measure: for it cannot be, but that, when the heart is inlarged by Gods owne spirit, that the prayer is an expression of holy desires, the Lord alwayes heares: that place is cleere for it, Rom. 8. 27. that hee Rom: 8. 27. knowes the meaning of the spirit, that is, hee so knowes it, that he hearkeneth to it, that hee alwayes accepts of it; and therefore, when you come in such a case, at any time, that your hearts are inlarged in a speciall manner: Marke, I say, when your hearts are inlarged in a speciall manner, and that, with holy desires, certainely, then God meanes to grant our requests: he would not send his spirit to be an intercessor in your hearts, if he did not meane to doe it: for, in that case, hee withholds his spirit, hee giues vs not that inlargement of heart: onely this distinction must be carefully remembred; you may be sometime very earnest, (the Parent may bee very earnest Note. for his childe, as David was for his, And Moses, for ought we see, was earnest to haue gone into the land of Canaan, they were things that they desired) and yet that may be an expression of naturall desires.
In that case, a man may bee very earnest, and yet hee cannot build vpon it, to say, my heart is much inlarged in prayer, and therefore I shall be heard; but take in this, when the heart is inlarged with holy desires, and that in a speciall manner, somewhat more then ordinary, as that, you see, it is the worke of the spirit of God, quickning your heart, opening it wide, strengthening, and [Page 102] inlarging it, and sh [...]pening grace, and holinesse in you, in those requests, you put vp to [...], in this case, build vpon it, your prayers are heard from that ground, we haue given you, bee knowes the meaning of the Spirit. So much shall serue for those cases of Conscience in this spirituall duty of calling vpon God.
Now the last thing wee propounded was this. What the qualification is that is required in our Qualifications or conditions required inthat praier that shal be accepted. prayers: for, now we haue said so much of prayer, it is a necessary thing, that wee know, what conditions are required, that it may be acceptable.
And the first (wee will commend to you, that 1 Condition That the person be right which is the ground and first in order before all the rest) is, that the person be right. The prayer of the righteous prevailes much, Iames 5. 16. Iames 5, 16
The ground of it is this, A man must first haue Christ, before he can haue any thing else, be hath given vs all things else with Christ. if [...] haue all things else, if we haue not him, it is nothing. All the promises, you know, are Yea, [...] Amen, but it is in him; so that wee must [...] haue him. And besides, the generall Covenant must goe before the particular: for the ground o [...] all prayer i [...]this, or that particular promise, but you, [...] fir [...] be [...] the Covenant, you [...] haue the generall Covenant belonging to you, before you can haue the particular branches or it; & therfoe a man must be within the Covenant, his person must be first righteous, and be [...], & therefore [...], in this [...], to [Page 103] thinke thus with himselfe, he hopes his heart is sincere, and his prayer is right, and his ends are good: for, though all this were true, yet if his person be not right, God regards it not. You know, Simile. the blood of a sheep, & the blood of a swine, they are both alike, it may be; the blood of the swine is better then the other; yet the blood of the swine was not to be offered, because it was the blood of a swine. So, in this case, the praier of an vnregenerate man may be as wel framed, for the petitions, for every thing that is required immediately to a praier, but the heart, from whence it comes, the person, from whence it proceeds, that is it that makes the difference, and therefore that must be observed. See the person bee right. And therefore you shall finde Psalme 4. 3. David makes that the ground, why his praier should be heard, Psal, 4, 3 saith hee, be yee sure that God hath chosen for himselfe the godly man. And when I call vpon him, I shall be heard: for that is the ground that hee takes to himselfe, that hee shall be heard, that God hath chosen to himselfe, the godly man. As if he should say, I am of the number; and therefore, you that are my enemies, and thinke to prevaile against me, I feare you not: for I pray to a God that will d [...]nd me, I am a godly man, and, vpon that ground I beleeue that my praier is heard: beloved, otherwise, though wee pray, and pray hard, yet out [...]anes c [...]y lowder, then our prayers, they [...]y downe [...] ▪ prayers, they make a greater noise then the [...]: that the noise that our [...] make is like ant noise of a Thunder, [Page 104] when the noise of our prayers is but like the cr [...]ckling of thornes, that it cannot be heard for the noise that sin makes in the eares of the Lord. Thus it is, in this case, when we come before God in our sinnes, when a man comes into his presence, in his vnregeneracie.
But this is not all, bee likewise, a man that is within the Convenant, may haue a particular sin, (as you heard heretofore) that may intercept his prayers, and that may hinder the blessing So that, that sinne must be removed before his prayers can be heard. It is true, the sonne abides in the house for ever, but yet the sonne may commit such [...] offence, that his father may vse him as a servant, hee may deny his requests, and refuse them, when hee comes to seeks any thing at his hands. And therefore, there must be a particular reconciliation, a particular repentance, that sinne must be removed, and done away, that stands in the way. And therefore, this Method the Saints haue kept in calling upon God: See in Denel, and Eare, all of them. for the most part, when they make any compleat prayer, we see, still they begin with humil [...]tion, and confession of sinnes. And the reason of it is, that their persons might be cleare, and innocent, that those [...] might be removed, which would st [...]d in their way, and likewise, that is a ground of that in the [...] Tim. [...], 8. saith the Apostle there, I will, th [...] pr [...]ers b [...] [...] Tim. [...]. 8. made in all places, that you life vp p [...] [...] without [...] and [...]: The meaning i [...] this, not onely, that a man be within the Co [...], b [...] [Page 105] that he be clensed from all particular sinnes, that might cleaue to him, and hang vpon him. As, for example, when thou wouldest be accepted of God, if there be any particular sin hang on thee, that musty be removed by renewing thy repentance, and besides that, see what the Scripture takes notice of, when a man comes to pray, his heart must be cleansed from pride, (for God resists the proud) his heart must be brought to an humble disposition; likewise it must be cleansed from wrath, hee must list vp pure hands without wrath; this is oft required. Matth. 5. Leaue thine offering, Mat: 5. 23. 24 and go and make peace with thy brother. So likewise from vnthankfulnesse; our praiers are not accepted, except we be thankfull for mercies received. The like wee may say of every particular case: we must bee carefull to cleanse our selues from all sinfull lusts, and corrupt affections, that they haue not dominion in our hearts; but that we lift vp pure hearts, and innocent hands, and that is the first thing that is required; that the person bee right, that is, not onelie that hee bee within the Covenant, but likewise that those particular sinnes be removed, that may be an impediment to his prayers.
The second thing required is faith; List vp 2 Requisite or condition is faith Iames 1. 5, 6 pure hands without wrath and doubting. You know that in Iames, Let him aske of God, let him aske in faith and waver not. So that, though praier bee Simile. the key to open Gods treasures, yet faith is the hand, that turnes the key, without which it will doe no good.
[Page 106] Now the Lord requires faith; partly, for his Why the Lord requireth faith in prayer. owne sake, he would not otherwise be acknow ledged, if you did not trust him, when you come to seeke him, if you did not rest vpon him. Besides, 1 he should loose his glorie: for in this wee glorifie him, when we trust him, and wee dishonour him, when we distrust him; when we come, and seeke to him, and doe not rest vpon him, we dishonour him.
Besides in regard of vs hee requires saith, and will not heare vs without it; because, as it is, 2 Iames 1. 6. in the same place, where faith is required, Iames 1: 6. there is good reason why it is required; for, saith the Apostle there, hee that beleeues not, or bee that wavers, he is like the waue of the Sea: that is, sometimes in his prayer, hee is very earnest as a waue that swells high, sometimes againe, he will be nothing at all; yea, saith the Apostle, hee is not onely vneven in the businesse in praier, sometimes earnest and forward, and sometimes giving over againe, off and on, but such a man is vnstable in all his wayes; for he that trusts in God, will be carefull, not onely in prayer, but to keepe all his wayes right, but hee that trusts him not, wavers in every thing; hee is (it may be) diligent in prayer, he will looke to his wayes for a time, but he rests not vpon God, he rests vpon other things; He is like a wave, he is not constant, and therefore faith is required Now, when I say, faith is required, know this, that there is a double faith required in our prayers to God. Atwofold faith required in our prayers.
The one is a faith in the providence of God, the other is a faith in his promise.
[Page 107] First, I say, faith in the providence, which is a thing of much moment, and we are apt to forget it. We see it cleerely, Psal. 146. Blessed is hee that trusts in the God of Iacob, &c. who made heaven, and Psal: 146. 5. 6. earth, and the sea, who keepes Covenant, and mercie for ever; you see faith there required in the providence, he made heaven and earth, and the Sea, is he such a God, who is able to bring any thing to passe; for he made heaven, and earth; and is he not able to doe any thing besides?
Secondly, there must be a faith in the promises, as is expressed in the other words, hee keepeth Covenant for ever. So likewise, to expresse the defect of it: You see when Martha, and Marie came to Christ to raise Lazirus, they believed hee was readie enough to doe it, (there was faith in his willingnesse) but they wanted faith in his providence: for Martha comes to him, & tels him, Lord saith she, he hath beene in the graue foure dayes; as if she had said, surely now it cannot be done, if thou hadst come sooner, it might haue beene brought to passe; so she beleeved him to be willing, but there wanted faith in the providence.
Againe, as here faith in the providence was wanting, so, we see, in the leper, there was faith in the providence, (it may be, the other was wanting, but that is not expressed, it is more probable he had both) Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me whole. Here was an evidence of faith in the providence, he acknowledgeth his power, if thou wilt, thou caust make mee whole; but because Christ did answere him, it is likely hee had [Page 108] faith in the promise too; So, I say, there must be a faith, first, in the providence; secondly, there must be a faith also in the promise of God: you haue ground enough for that, you haue his sure word for it, he hath said, aske and yee shall haue, seeke and you shall finde, knocke, and it shall be opened to you; and whatsoever you aske, if it be according M [...]t: 7. 7 to his will, is shall be done to you So that is the thing we are chiefliy to looke vnto, to consider this faith in Gods promise; for men are ready to say, I doubt not but God is able, but all the question is, whether he be willing or no: And therefore, if wee will haue our prayers strong, and prevalent, we must be carefull to strengthen our faith in his promise: for, as that is strong, so our prayers doe more prevaile with God. It is a matter of much moment, and therefore wee will shew briefly how your faith may be strengthened, and likewise how you may know it.
First, you shall strengthen your faith, if you consider the nature of God. Beloved, this is a How saith may be strengthened in prayer. From Gods Attributes. Which are of two sorts 1 Absolute: great cause why wee beleeve not the promise of God, and his readinesse to helpe vs in difficult cases; because wee are ignorant of the nature of God, of the Attributes of God, or, at least, we doe not consider them. For example, (that I may open it to you a little, and shew you the way of making vse of the Attributes of God, in calling vpon him, and strengthning our faith from them) consider, first, the Iustice of God, (I will giue you examples, how the Saints haue still strengthned their faith from Gods Attributes) David vsed this [Page 109] Argument, Lord, thou art Iust, I am Innocent; when 1 Iustice: he telleth God of his Iustice, and withall expresseth his owne innocencie, it is a strong Argument. David, you see, vseth it oft, (I neede not to name particulars. Lord reward mee according to mine Innocencie, &c.) thou knowest I am righteous, and mine enemies haue done mee thus, and thus much wrong, and thou art Iust: God cannot denie this; for it is a strong argument, that is taken from such an attribute.
So againe, the goodnesse of God; Lord thou art 2 M [...]y full of mercie; on the other side, I am full of miserie: and when these are put together, it is a great meanes to strengthen our faith. And therefore, we see, David often expresseth his owne calamitie, his disease, how he was oppressed by enemies, and slandered, &c. and Gods mercie, that is the ground of it, God is full of compassion; as if he should say, thou art full of goodnesse, and I am in calamitie, and miserie, at this time, and that was an argument whereby he strengthened his faith.
So againe, another Attribute of God is, his 3 Glory glory; when we make the Argument thus, Lord, thou hah an eye to thy glorie, and I aime at thy glory: In such a request, it is a strong prevailing argument with him. You know, Moses prevailed with him, when hee sought the saving of the whole people of Israel, Lord, saith hee, thy name will be polluted, what will the Heathen say? and since I aime at thy glory in it, deny me not. And likewise Ezekias, and David, they vse the same Argu [...]nt [Page 110] to God, shall the [...]st praise thee? shall any glory be given thee in the graue▪ shall we be able to doe any thing for thy honour, when we are dead? So that the Arguments that are taken from Gods glorie, and our aime at his glorie, is another meanes to strengthen our faith.
Moreover, the power of God, that is another Attribute, whereby wee may conceiue the same 4. Power. Argument, as before, when wee goe to God, and expresse our weaknesse, and his power; Lord, we are weake, we are able to doe nothing, Lord, thou art almighty, thou madest heaven and earth, it is [...] strong argument to prevaile with him. So, wee see, Asa prevailed with God, 2 Cron. 14. Oh Lord, 2 Chron: 14. 11 saith he, it is all one with thee to helpe with many or few, and we rest vpon thee: as if hee should say, we are exceeding few, we are exceeding weake, we are able to doe nothing, but thou art able to doe it, with a few, as well as with a great multitude: there he puts them together. And the like we haue of Iehosaph [...]t, Lord, we haue no strength, to 2 Chron. 10. 12 stand before our enemies, but our eyes are to thee. As if he should say, thou hast strength, and power enough, thou art able to doe it, though we are vnable. This is another Argument taken from the power of God.
Againe, the vnchangeable [...]esse of God. When 5. Vnchangeable [...]esse. one comes to the Lord, and shall say to him, Lord, thou hast done thus, and thus in former times for thy servants, Lord, thou hast done thus, and t [...] for me, in another case; and thou art vnchangeable, thou art the same [...]od: this i [...] a gre [...]t [Page 111] meanes to strengthen our faith: as, you know, it is in your Law suits; when you haue a president, it addes strength to the cause, and when we haue presidents for this, it will adde strength to vs, and that strength is taken from Gods vnchangeablenesse: if we put them together, Lord, thou art vnchangeable, Lord, thou hast done it to other men, in the like case, thou hast done it to mee also in the like case, it is a strong argument, and an argument, that David vseth: You see ho [...] he is stayed by it, Psal. 22. 4. Lord, our fathers trusted in thee, an [...] were delivered, they Psal. 22. 4. trust [...]d in thee, and were not confounded. As if hee should say, Lord, thou art vnchangeable, thou heardest them in the same case, when they trusted in thee; now, it is my case, and therefore I beseech thee to helpe me in my distresse.
Againe, the faithfulnesse of God, the fidelitie of 6. Faithfulnesse God, that is another of his attributes: and when we make our argument thus, Lord, thou art faithfull, and I trust in thee, it is a strong argument, you know, it is an argument that prevailes much with men. A man is ready to say, hee trusts me, I must not deceiue him: Now the Lord keeps Covenant, and mercie for ever. When we come, and vse this to him, Lord, thou art faithfull, thou hast said, thou wilt keep Covenant, and mercy for ever, thou canst not doe otherwise, it is thy nature, thou canst not deny thy selfe, and I rest on thee, I depend on thee, in such a case, it cannot be, that the Lord should faile vs; I [...] a man will not faile one that trusts in him, certainly the Lord will [Page 112] not, and that is an argument that is vsed oft, thou never failest them that trust thee.
Then, besides the absolute attributes of God, consider his relatiue attributes: he is a father, and a Master: it is a strong argument, that is taken from these. If we goe to the Lord, and say, Lord, thou art a father, thou art a Master, thou art a husband, whither should the children goe, but to their father? whither should the wife goe, but to their father? whither should the wife goe, but to her husband? whither should the servants goe, but to their Master, to their Lord? Lord, thou hast commanded vs to provide for our owne, and he is worse then an Infidel that provides not for his owne. Lord, wee belong to thee, wee are thine. We see, David vseth this Argument, that God hath made him. You haue it oft in the Psalmes, that God hath made him, not onely his Creature, but had made him againe, hee was his servant, I am thy Servant, he oft vseth this Relatiue, that God was his God, and that hee was Gods servant, one that did belong to him, and that did depend vpon him. And surely (my Beloved) dependance, and seeking to God, is a great meanes to winne him to vs. When wee see an other depend vpon vs, one that is our [...], that is an effectuall motiue with men: the same is as prevalent with God, and therefore may strengthen our faith. Now, when I say these Arguments prevaile with God, the meaning is indeed, that they prevaile with vs, they strengthen our faith, they enable vs to beleeue, that God is readie to [Page 113] helpe vs, and, when wee beleeue it, and trust vpon him, then indeede God is readie to second it; because, then wee are prepared, weo can then put up our desires in the prayer of faith; otherwise, they are put vp with doubting, and that makes them vnacceptable to God, and vneffectuall. And now, as I haue shewed you the way, so likewise, in a word, we will shew you, when wee How we may know that we pray in faith. doe pray in faith, (for, that is a thing that is very vsefull) you shall know it by this (for I adde that, because I see the Scripture requires it, as such a maine condition, without which a man cannot be accepted, bee it done to thee according to thy faith, it is every where inculcated) you shall know it by the quietnesse of your minde, and your securitie. When a man calls vpon God, and his minde is quiet in it, it is a signe that hee beleeues, and trusts in him, it is a prayer of faith. [...], you know, in that case, she looked no more sad, because she trusted in God; she believed the thing should be done: and therefore, if you finde solicitude, and perplexitie in your mindes, it is a signe that your prayers want so much faith; for if you did rest vpon God, you would bee quiet, and secure in him.
Secondly, if you doe beleeue, you will continue 2 in prayer. You know, it was an argument of the faith of the woman of Canaan, that she continued, that she would take no deniall; though the Lord denied her, and put her off, yet she held out: and what was the reason of it? because she beleeved that he was the sonne of David, that hee [Page 114] was mercifull, and that hee would heare in the end. So that continuance in prayer, is an argument we doe beleeue the Lord. As a man that beleeues, that such a man is within the house whom Simile. he desires to speake with, hee is content to waite long. Or one, that hath a suite, and hee knowes that he shall haue an end of it, at this time, hee will never giue over: So it is in this case, if we beleeue, we will be content to waite, [...]e t [...]at beleeues, will [...] make [...]ste; because he trusts in God, and depends vpon him.
Likewise, an argument of faith is a diligent vse of those meanes, that God hath prescribed, and 3 no other. And so, wee haue shewed you, two things, that are required in prayer: That the person must be righteous, and within the Covenant; Secondly, faith is required, and likewise, how this faith is wrought, both in his providence, and in his promises, and likewise how wee shall know, whether our prayers, be the prayers of faith, or no.
THE next condition required in 3. Condition required in prayer is fervencie. Iames 5. 16. praier is feruency; you know the place, the prayer of the righteous prevailes much, if it bee fervent. The Lord requires this qualification in praier; because it puts the heart into a holy, and spirituall disposition: for it is not simply the making of the request, that God lookes for at our hands, but such a working vpon our hearts by prayer, such a bringing of them to a good frame of grace, by that duty, that thereby we are more fitted to receiue the mercy, [Page 116] that before we were not. When a man is servent in prayer, it sets all the wheeles of the soule the right way, it puts the heart into a holy, and spirituall disposition, and temper; so that the Lord sees it now fit to bestow mercie vpon such a man that before was vnfit, by reason of his vntowardnesse, and stubbornesse of heart, by reason of that vncleane and vnholy disposition, that he saw in him. And therefore hee will haue prayer servent, not so much, because the very fervencie of prayer it selfe i [...] [...]espected, but because, by vertue of tha [...] fe [...]vencie, the [...] is made better: when a man comes to God with a request, like the request of the patient to the phisitian; it may be the phisitian denies long, when the patient a [...]es Simile. things that are pleasant, and agreeable to him; not because he is vnwilling to giu [...] them, but because his body must bee brought into another temper; he must take a vomi [...], o [...] a purge, that perhaps is grievous to him, but this must be done before he be fit to receiue such cordialls: so the Lord doth with his servants, though bee be willing to bestow such mercies on them, yet, because they are not fitted, hee [...] continuance in prayer, and fervencie in it. Therefore, we say, in prayer all the graces of Gods spirit are set on work [...], and the more servent the prayer is, the more they are intended, the more they are acted, the more they are increased, and therefore the Lord is moved by this fervencie, to bestow a mercie on vs, that otherwise hee would not doe. [Page 117] But, now, al the question i [...] what thi [...] fervency is? Obiect.
You shall find it vsually expressed in the Scriptures Answ. When a man is said to be ser vent. by such metaphor [...] as these, crying to the Lord, wrestling with the Lord, striving with him, and giving him no rest, wherein these two things are to be marked.
First, a man is said then to bee servent, when 1 he puts all his strength to prayer, when he is very earnest, and importunate with the Lord, when he strives, and contends with him, though hee finde many difficulties, and impediments, yet he breakes through all, this is to be fervent in prayer, to be Importunate with the Lord. For example, when a man comes to pray, and findes many discouragements, and findes himselfe guilty of many sinnes, and findes little holinesse, he hath but feeble faith to his owne sense, hee findes much deadnesse of spirit, yet hee continues instant notwithstanding, and when likewise hee doth, not onely finde these impediments in himselfe, but he findes the Lord exceeding backward to the thing, either giving no answere, turning the deafe eare to him, or, it may be, giving a contrary answer, as to the woman of Canaan.
As for example, when a man comes to pray for Mat: [...]. health, it may be, his sicknes increaseth vpon him more: when he praye [...] to overcome such a lust or temptation, it may bee, it is doubled vpon him; when hee prayes for such a deliverance, it may bee, the oppression growes more, and more, as it was vpon the Israelites, when they sought for deliverance, the oppression grew greater: [Page 118] now to holde out, notwithstanding this, and to continue in prayer, and to [...] God i [...] it, though [...]e see [...]e backward to the request, this is to be fervent in prayer.
Secondly, fervencie is, not onely loud praying, but continuall knocking, when a men is not onely 2 importu [...]e with the Lord, but [...]ee continues long, he will not giue over, till he haue got the ble [...]ing. You know, [...] fervency w [...] seene in that, that he [...] all night, he wrestled [...] the Lord. What was the reason that he wrestled? Gen: [...]. he would not let him goe, till he had got the blessing, till he had obteined the thing he sought for. So, I say, this earnestnesse, and continuance in prayer, the breaking through all difficulties, this is to wrastle with the Lord: for all wrastling, and striving, you know, supposeth some opposition on the other part. Indeed, if there were no opposition, it were a small thing; but, I say, when the Lord is most backward, when the thing is most improbable, when there is much difficultie, that you know not how it should be brought to passe, yet you continue [...], and giue the Lord no rest, you will not giue over, this i [...] fervency in prayer, and this i [...] a condition that the Lord requires. Onely these two [...] must bee remembred, that wee mistake not this fervencie. Cautio [...] about fervency.
First, remember, fervencie, if it bee right, it must be a fruit of faith: for there is a fervencie, 1 That it bee a fruit of faith. that co [...]es not from faith, but from a [...] feare of [...], when a [...] i [...] indeede [...] [...]wine Simile. [Page 119] that is pin [...]ed, which, you know, will cry exceeding loud, not because it lookes for helpe, but because it is pinched: so any creature, or man naturally will vse importunity, when he wants any thing, he will be earnest in his requests; such fervencie the Lord regards not, because there is no more but a meere expression of naturall desires, there is no holinesse in it, there is no fire of the spirit, but, when this is added to it, that there is, not onely a sense of the thing we want, but also a hope of mercie, a ground to beleeue that I shall haue the thing granted, and, out of this ground, I am earnest and importunate; now earnestnesse is a fruit of faith. When Iesus Christ lived vpon earth, when men came and cryed earnestly vnto him, and were exceeding importunate, some to be healed of their diseases, some to haue devils cast out, &c. we see, his answere was still to them, be it to thee, (how?) not according to their importunity, and fervencie, but according to their faith: as if he should say, I heede not, I regard not all this clamor, and earnestnesse, if they bee onely expressions of such wants, if they be onely in the sense of such neede, and no more; but if they proceede from faith, and that faith set you a worke to call vpon me, Bee it vnto th [...] according to that. For indeede, these two things make vp fervencie in prayer, sense of neede, and hope of mercie, when a man hath faith, and hope to increase his fervency; and it ariseth from that ground, as well as out of the other, (not that I exclude the other, for it is a very great helpe, and [Page 120] that which puts sticks on the fire, as it were, to make our fervencie the more) I say from sense of our need, when we consider seriously what want we haue, and then adde this hope, and faith, when these two shall set you a worke, this fervencie is a fruite of faith. This is one caution that must be remembred.
Another caution is this, that your fervencie 2 Caution. That it be mingled with sincerity. be ioyned with sinceritie; for a man may be fervent to obt [...]ine such, and such blessings, as he may begg at [...]ds hand, very earnestly, hee may as [...]e credit, he may aske to haue guidance in such a businesse, hee may aske wisdome to bring such an enterprise to passe, hee may aske health, and continuance of life, but to what end? if it be that he may bestow it vpon his lusts, if it be that he may liue more deliciously, that he may be some body more in the world, that he may haue outward conveniences, such as his flesh desires, if this be all, here this fervencie is [...]ot regarded: not, that these things are excluded, for the Lord giues vs leaue to seeke out owne comforts, and Note. you may be earne [...], and [...], even for the comfort it selfe, but yet all these, if they be not capable of a further vse, if that be not intended, but the abuse of them, and an intent to vse the [...] another way, the Lor [...] [...], it is no tr [...]e fervency: and therefore [...]. 12. 1 [...]. Rom. 12. [...]1. it is the exhortation of the Apo [...]e, be fer [...] i [...] spirit serving the Lord: whe [...] we m [...]ny [...] i [...] may be, are fervent in spirit [...]ving our sel [...] we [...] such a [...]d [...] [Page 121] of ends of our owne, as, when a man desires able gifts, high gifts, to get glory, and to get wealth to himselfe, and not to serue his master, this is to aske the talent, not for the masters vse, but for his owne vse: doe you thinke the Lord will heare such prayers? can you expect it at his hands? You shall see t [...] contrary disposition in the Saints; when they were earnest with the Lord for any thing, sti [...]l they expresse that to him, and say, Lord, we desire not thi [...] for our selues, but for thy glorie, that wee may vse it, for some good purpose, &c. David, when he was earnest for life, when he was in sicknesse, and doubted of his recoverie, what argument doth he vse? Lord, saith he, shalt thou haue glorie from the graue? As if he should say, if thou giue me life, I will giue it thee againe, I will improue it, and husband it, to thy advantage, and not to mine owne. And so Hannah, when she was earnest for a sonne, she makes this promise to the Lord, that he shall be for him, and his advantage; shee would dedicate him to his vse, and consecrate him to his service. So Iacob, when hee was earnest with the Lord to giue him meate, drinke, and clothes, &c. Lord, saith hee, if thou doe, I will giue the tenth part to thee againe. I say, when the heart is thus disposed, in our fervencie, in our importunity, when we aske any thing at the Lords hands, that our conscience tells vs within, that if wee had it, wee would bestow it vpon the Lord, we would not abuse it, we would not spend it on our lusts, it should not be to serue our selves, but to serue the Lord withall; [Page 122] then our [...] is rightly ordered.
The next condition required, is humility, as 4. Condition required in prayer is humilitie. lames 4. 2 Chron: 7. 14. lames 4. The Lord giues grace to the humble: and 2 Chron. 7. 14. If my people humble themselues, and call vpon my name, then will I heare in heaven, and grant their requests. And throughout the Scriptures, you see, that, that is a condition that the Lord puts in every where: hee hath respect to the low estate, Is [...] 66. 2. saith the Lord, all these things Isa 66. 2. haue my hands made, looking vpon all the creatures, the whole frame of them, they are al good, and I haue respect vnto them, but, saith he, I regard not all these in comparison of an humble heart, to him will I looke, that is of an humble, and contritespirit; when the Lord lookes vpon our prayers, if they come not from a broken heart, they want that condition, that he lookes for: for he gives grace to the humble; because such a man is Reasons why humility is required in prayer. little in his owne eyes, and fit to be exalted, fit to receiue a mercie at Gods hands.
You know, it is a rule, that the Lord keepes for those that are humble and low, such hee exalts; 1 those that exalt themselues he puts downe. Now when a man is little in his owne eyes, that parvity, that sense of his owne vnworthinesse is a prevailing argument with him; and therefore Gen. 32. Iacob vseth that argument, when hee comes to put up that petition, to bee delivered Gen. 32. 10. from Esa [...]: Lord, I am lesse then all thy merties▪ that is, take any of thy mercies, and put them in one end of the ballance, and p [...]t me in the other, and I am lesse then it, and [...] then it, take [...] [Page 123] the worth that is in me, it is not heavie enough for the least mercio. Now, when hee was thus humbled, and little, and vile in his owne eyes, the Lord bestowed that mercie on him, hee was now fit to receiue it. For, David, when the Lord sends him word by Natha [...], that he would build him a house for ever, (you see how he expressed 1 Sa [...] 7. himselfe) hee went into the house of the Lord, and sate before him, and said, Lord, what am I, and what is my fathers house? As if he should say, I was taken out of the dust, I was one of the meanest men of Israel, and a man of no account, of no worth, and yet thou hast had respect vnto [...]e, thus far, not onely to make me King over thy people, but to build my Kingdome, and my house, to make me a constant house for ever. I say, this sense of our owne vnworthinesse, it makes vs more fit to receiue the mercy, to bee exalted by receiving such a request, as wee put vp to the Lord, and therefore hee regards the prayer of the humble.
Moreover, God giues grace to the humble, that is, 2 he shewes favour to them, when they come and aske any thing at his hands, because an humble man will be readie to doe whatsoever he will: it is an expression vsed of David, in Acts 2. 22. hee Acts 2. 22. will doe whatsoever I will: that may be said of every humble man, he is exceeding pliable to the Lords will, hee is ready to doe whatsoever hee knowes to be his pleasure, hee resists him in nothing. Now, when a man will doe whatsoever God will, the Lord will be readie to doe whatsoever [Page 124] be will, he will be readie to say to him, as hee did to the [...], Oh woman, bee it to thee as Mat. 22. thou wils. When a man, on the other side, refists the Lord, (as every proud man doth saith the text) the Lord resists him the Lord resists the proud and giues grace to the humble. A refisting spirit causeth the Lord to resist our prayers, and therefore it is, that the Lord is ready to the humble man, because he yeelds to the Lord in all things, and when a man yeelds to the Lord, (take that for a rule) in obeying Goas commandements, God Note. will yeeld to vsin granting our petitions.
Besides, when the heart is humbled, and broken, and contrite, it is an acceptable sacrifice to 3 the Lord, which winnes it at his hands: he smells a sweete savour from such a sacrifice aboue all other; yea it is that which sets a high price vpon every sacrifice, that we offer; the best prayers, the best workes, that proceede not from an humble heart, he regards them not: as Psal. 51. Lord, saith he, if [...] sacrifice, then will not regard it, Psal. 51. but the sacrifices of a contrite, and humble spirit, those thou regardest, and those sactifices that proceede from it; when we come to make a petition to the Lord, (it was the manner in the old law not to come empty handed) a proud person comes empty-handed, but an humble person comes with a sacrifice, and the best sacrifice; because he facrificeth himselfe, and his owne will, that is, he empties himselfe of himselfe, he opens a d [...]re to the Lord [...] come, and dwell in him, when a proud man [...] him out, such a sacrifice [Page 125] the Lord is well pleased with, and such a sacrifice speakes for one, it makes way for his requests, and therefore the Lord hearkens to it.
Lastly, the Lord is ready to heare those that 4. are humble; because, whatsoever they receiue, they take it as of grace, and not as debt: whereas a proud man, a man that hath a good conceit of himselfe, a man that is list vp in his owne opinion, thinkes it to be due, he thinkes there is some correspondence betweene his works, and the wages. You know what is said of the Pharise, that the publican went away instified, rather then he. Why Luke 18. so? Because the Publican thought himselfe worthy of nothing. And therefore Ezek. 36. 31. when Ezck. 36. 31. the Lord promiseth those great mercies to his people, he requires this condition of them, that they should acknowledge themselues worthy to bee destroyed. When a man hath a sense of his owne vnworthinesse, and so comes to the Lord, and askes it as of meere grace and mercy; that is a great motiue to prevaile with him: for he is very carefull of that; you know, in Deut. 8. 11. how Deut. 8. 11. wary the Lord was in giving this rule to them; take beede when thou commest into that good land, thinke not to say with thy selfe, the Lord hath done this for my owne righteousnesse: no, saith hee, I haue not done it for that, but for my Covenant which I made with Abraham, Isaac, and laceh, that is, for my owne names sake, for my mercies sake, for the covenant, that I confirmed with them, that is the covenant in Iesus Christ, therefore I haue done it, & not for your own righteousnes. So you see, that [Page 126] this is a condition the Lord will haue observed in our calling vpon him, that our hearts be humbled, that a man be little, and vile in his owne eyes, that he come with a broken, and contrite heart, pliable to him in all things, ready to obey him; when the heart is so disposed, hee giues grace, that is, he shewes favour, hee is ready to grant our requests.
The next condition, required in prayer, is that wee sanctifie the Lord in our hearts. You know, 5. Condition required in prayer, is, to sanctifie the Lord in our hearts. when Nadab, and Abih [...] drew neere vnto him with a common fire, (when they should haue brought such fire as came from heaven, holy fire) the Lord destroyed them, and he giues this reason; for I will be sanctified [...] that draw [...]eere to me. When we come to call vpon the Lord, we know, then we come neere to him, and in such dra [...]ing neere, [...] must sanctifie him in our [...]earts, that is, we must co [...]ceiue him [...]o be, as he is, most holy: now, if the Lord be mo [...] holy, if he that is vncleane and impure, and vnholy shall come neere him, he sanctif not the Lord God, (that is) hee comes not to him as to a mo [...] holy God, but he lookes vpon him, [...] if he were a common person; and therefore whensoever they came to offer a sacrifice, in the old law, they were first purified; if any man were [...]cleane, and should off [...] a sacrifice, he was to be cut off from his people. Therefore, to sanctifie the Lord in our hear [...], is to come with holy hearts, as in the first of T [...]. 2. 8. i [...] is the charge that the Apo [...] 1 Tim. 2. [...]. giues the [...], [...] p [...]re [...] w [...] [...] [Page 127] or doubting; lift vp pure hearts, and innocent hands, without wrath, or doubting.
You will say vnto me what is this holinesse? Quest.
Beloved, it is nothing but a sequestring, or seperating Answ. Holines what. of any thing from a common vse, and appropriating it to God alone, that is holinesse. You know, whatsoever was holy to the Lord, in the Temple, or otherwise, whether it were holy vessels, or holy men, as the Priests, it was seperated from all other vses, and made particular to him, and to his service. Now, the heart of a man is holy then, when it is withdrawne from all things else, and particular to the Lord alone. As a chast wife is to her husband, whose affections are Simile. bestowed vpon him, and no other person else; so when the heart is to the Lord alone, when all the affections are intent vpon him, and bestowed vpon him, and vpon none else, this is to haue the heart holy to him. So that, now he that will haue an eye vpon credit, vpon vaine glory, vpon wealth, vpon his lusts, vpon any thing besides the Lord, that the heart is wedded to it, that hee bestowes any part of that coniugall affection vpon it, that should be wholly the Lords, this man is an vnholy man, his heart is not holy: [...]or it is not sequestred from other things, and consecrated to him alone: for that is to be holy.
And as the heart must be holy, so must the prayer be holy. When a man prayes to the Lord with respect vnto him, and hath an eye vpon him, and nothing else comes in to take away part of this prayer; if by respect, and worldly, and [Page 128] carnall thoughts come in, and set you on work to pray, now, these haue a portion, and interest in your prayers, they make your prayers pro [...]e, and common, they are not peculiar to the Lord, they are vnholy. So that is the holinesse then, in seeking the Lord, when we are knit, and wedded to him, when one takes this resolution to him selfe, I am the Lords servant, and him will I serue, I am not the servant of man, nor of any creature, I am married to the Lord, and his, will I be alone, I will withdraw my heart from all things else. So likewise when a man prayes, so that his soule is intent vpon the Lord, and vpon nothing besides, when the whole streame of his affections are carried to him, this is to seeke to him i [...] holinesse, this is to sanctifie the Lord in our hearts.
And lastly, if there be any conscience of [...], (that phrase I finde vsed in Heb. 10) that is, if Heb. 10. there be an evill conscience, if a man be conscious to himselfe, of any sinne, that is vnrepented of, such a man cannot pray, that makes him vnholy; if there be any sinfull lust yet living in him, that is, vnmortified in him, which is not washed away, such a man is vnholy: yea, my Beloved, the Saints themselues, when they sin against God, as you heard heretofore, they are suspended from the covenant: though they be within the covenant, yet they are suspended from receiving the benefit by it, that otherwise they might have: till that sinne be washed away, they are not holy. A priest, or one that was holy, if hee touched any uncleane thing, he remained vnholy, [Page 129] till he was washed, though otherwise he were holy habitualy, vvholy dedicated to Gods service; so it may be with those, that are within the covenant, though thou be a holy [...]an, yet, if thou touch pitch, that is, if thy heart be polluted with any sinne, of one kinde or other, as long as that remaines, thou art vnholy. If thou come now, and seeke to the Lord, you know wha [...] the iudgement was in the olde law, such a one was to be cut off from his people. And therefore, you shall finde, this was the constant practise of the Saints; when they sought the Lord for any speciall mercie, they began with taking paines with their owne hearts, with humbling themselues for their owne sinnes, and the sinnes of the people: as, we know, Daniel, and Ezra, and Davia, in their prayers, (I neede not stand to giue you instances) and indeed so should we alwayes, when we come with any request, and petition to the Lord.
First, let a man examine his heart and his life diligently, looke backe to all his former wayes, consider, and goe through all the particulars; see if there be any thing amisse, if there bee any tincture of vncleannesse yet lying vpon him, that is not yet washed away, if there be any pollution, any defilement of flesh, or spirit, and let him know that it is but labour lost, it is but a provoking of the Lord, to come as a man vnprepared, to draw neere to him, except hee be cleansed.
But you will say, how shall we be clensed?
[Page 130] I answere, you are clensed by renewing your Ans. 2. Meanes of clensing a mans selfe. repentance, and sprinkling the blood of Christ: when a man humbles himselfe for his sinne, and entreth into covenant with God, not to returne vnto it, when hee makes his heart perfect, and 1 sincere with the Lord in that particular.
And secondly, when he shall w [...]thall belieue, that it i [...] forgiven through Christ, when hee is 2 sprinkled in his blood to wash [...]t away▪ though thy sinne be great, yet this will make thee pure, now thou art washed, as it is in the 1 Cor. 6. 9. 1 Cor. 6. 9. Now you are washed, now you are sanctified, now you are iustified: therefore let a man not be d [...]scouraged in this case: for, I confesse, there is nothing that giues such a checke to our prayers, that giues so many stabb [...]o them (as it were) that hinders vs in that duty, as the conscience of sinne, when a man remembers such, and such a sinne he hath committed: yet be not discouraged; for the blood of Iesus Christ is able to wash them away. Though a mans face be very fowle, yet, you know, a basen of cleare water will wash it cleane, and all the filth is gone: now the blood of Christ is more effectuall to rench thy conscience, and to purge it from dead workes, to take away, both the guilt of sinne, and likewise the power, and staine of it. And therefore, if thou haue any sinne, labour to be washed from that, that then thou maist come to the Lord, having thy heart sprinkled from an evill conscience, and thy body washed in pure water, as it is Heb. 10. 22. Let vs draw neere, saith the Apostle, Heb. 10. 22. [Page 131] in assurance of faith: but how? having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience: as if he should say, otherwise your drawing neere vvill be to no purpose, you shall but provoke the Lord in dravving neere, except you bee thus sprinkled, and thus washed, and thus purified.
I, but you will say to me, if this be required, Obiect. who shall be heard in his prayers? for who can say his heart is pure, and his hands are innocent? and if this be required, that we must lift vp holy, and pure hearts, or else we shall not be accepted; what comfort shall we haue in calling vpon the Lord, at any time?
To this I answere, that to haue a pure heart, Ans What is i [...] to haue a pure heart. is not to be free from sin, and from da [...]y failings, (for so indeed none should haue a pure heart) but purenesse of heart, holinesse of heart is, to haue our hearts sprinkled from [...]n evill conscience, and to haue our bo [...]tes wash [...]d with pure water, that is, to be purified before the Lord, is nothing else, but to haue such an habituall disposition, which makes a man ready to wash himselfe still, though hee be still spotted with sinne. So that this is, the disposition of a holy man, if a man that drawes neere to the Lord with a pure heart; though hee bee still spotted, and polluted, and defiled, yet hee hath an habituall disposition, hee hath a principle within, hee hath a new nature within, that is still working out that impurity, and washing it away; though still he he [...]e opposed, and assaulted, & tempted, and sometimes foiled, yet still hee resists it, and fights against it; [Page 132] as the Israelites had a charge never to make peace with Amalek; such a disposition is in such a man, he never makes peace with any sinne; though he be led captiue sometimes by it, yet he yeelds not to that captivity. This is to haue a pure heart, though his heart be defiled sometimes, as a vessell will be fowle, yet hee washeth, and renseth his heart, he never suffers it to continue muddy, and vncleane, and in a filthy disposition, but he hath a fountaine, a spring of grace within, that will worke out all impurity, as a spring workes out mudde: he that thus purifies himselfe still, though the fountaine be muddy, though there be many iniections, many temptations, many lusts, and sinnes, yet, if he be purified himselfe, that hee will suffer no sinne to mingle with his heart (as it were) to rest there, and to abide, and dwell there, to lye, and continue there, such a man hath a pure heart. We say that is pure, that is full of it selfe, and will haue no heterogenea, no other thing mingled with it, such a thing is pure, as pure oyle is nothing else but oyle. Now hee that hath a pure heart, is not he that hath simply nothing else, that hath no sinne mingled, that hath no drosse mingled with his wine, but hee that suffers it not to rest there; but as oyle and water, when you iumble them together, (as you Simile. know, when they are shaken together, they mingle) yet the oyle workes out, & puifies it selfe, it will not suffer it selfe to abide with the water: a man, that is regenerate, a man that is borne of God, hath a seed remaining in him, though he doe [Page 133] sin, yet, saith the Apostle, he cannot sin, that is, he doth not agree, hee doth not mingle with that sinne, it hath no rest in his heart, but he workes it out, in a passion; when he is shaken (as it were) when he is transported, when he is not himselfe, there may be a mixture, and the fountaine, & the spring may be made muddy, yet let him come to himselfe, still he workes it out; that is to haue a pure heart. So that a man thus affected may come with boldnesse to the throne of grace, and not be discouraged; what though thy sinnes be many, and very great, and often repeated? yet, if thou finde in thy selfe such a disposition of purenesse, and holinesse, still to clense thy selfe, though thou be still polluted and defiled, I can assure thee, thy heart is pure, thou maist go with confidence to the throne of grace.
But now you will say this to me, (that may be Obiect. obiected) why? but may not any carnall man say as much, hee sinnes against God, and comes and askes mercie, he comes, and cries for forgiuenes, and saith, he will sin no more; and yet he sinnes againe the next day, and addes drunkennesse to thirst; that is, his sinne and his repentance, they runne in a circle, as drunkennes, and thirst? how shall wee distinguish then betweene these two, that purifying disposition in the Saints, and those vanishing purposes, that carnall men may haue, that never had experience of the worke of grace, of that purity of heart, that wee speake of.
To this I answer briefly, you shall know the Answ. [Page 132] difference by this, [...] godly man, when hee falls Difference between the godly and others in falling into sinne. into sinne, and is defiled with it, hee washeth himselfe from day to day; you shall find alwayes this, that he gets ground of the sinne, of the lust, that manifests it selfe in any actuall transgression, still it looseth by it, it gathers not strength, but looseth strength: in a carnall man it is quite contrary, his sinne still increaseth, and intends the habit, and the lust growes stronger and stronger, it gets ground of him, and those good things that he hath, they are more and more worne out, and so they grow worse and worse from day to day, and that is the property of an evill man, of vnregeneracie wheresoever, it is apt to grow worse and worse, and the more fal [...]s they haue, the more sinne gets ground, and the more they lose; but it is not so w [...]th a holy man, the more hee falls, the more strength he gathers, hee is the more holy by it, the more wary and watchfull, and the more hee is emptied of himselfe, and drawes neerer to the Lord, and is the more inflamed with loue to him, hee is strengthened in faith, and repentance, and in every grace: so that here the rule now hold [...] not true, that acts increase habits, but the contrary, acts lessen the habits, which is a paradox i [...] philosophy, but here it is so.
If you aske how it can be? Quest.
I [...], in its owne nature every act intends Answ. [...] habit, as well in [...] [...]odly [...], [...] man, but it comes to passe by accident, as [...] say, because [...]he grace in him [...] stirred vp▪ [...] [Page 133] those foiles, and slipps, and those falls, and infirmities, to which he is subiect: I say, grace is stirred vp in him more and more, and more, and receiues more vigour, and strength. As we say of true valour, it is increased more by opposition; so it comes to passe, that the more the childe of God falls into sinne, the more grace is intended, Sathan gets lesse ground, as Hez [...]kiah, when hee fell into pride, the pride of his heart was lessened more by it, then when he shewed his treasure to the Ambassadour of the King of Babell, he knew not before the pride of his heart, that sinne, that fall did manifest his corruption, which hee did not see before. So that, when the heart is sincere, when it is pure, when there is a right principle within▪ grace is set more on worke to resist sinne. So David, when he had numbred the people, that made him more humble, and therefore the Lord shewed him more mercy afterwards, then ever he did before, hee shewed him where the Temple should bee built, and vsed him in that worke, and never shewed him such mercie, and kindnesse before. (I cannot stand to expresse particulars) so it is with all the Saints; their hearts are never better, nor in more holy temper, nor more fearefull to offend, and in a more gratious disposition, then after their falls; and therefore consider that, that thou bee not deceived, that thou maist distinguish betweene this falling into sinne, and washing your selues, and that relapse to which evill men are subiect; and keepe that for a rule, that wheresoever there is [...] [Page 132] [...] [Page 133] [Page 136] true grace, still it stirres it selfe more and more, as it findes more resistance, even as the winde Note. and the water, and the fire doth, you know, the water, when it findes a stop, it growes more vio Simile. lent, and so the winde: of the same nature is grace, where it findes a stop, and findes resistance, it growes more strong, and intent. The heathen had a little glimpse of this truth, when they said of vertue, that it growes more fresh and vigrous by being wounded; that is, true of grace and holinesse, the true vertue, the more it is opposed, the more it growes: even as you see in opposition in the disputes of schollers, and all Simile. kind of contentions in law, or any thing else; the stronger the ob [...]ection is, where there is ability in the partie, it produceth new notions, and new answers, and puts them more to it; so these assaults, and temptations, when there is truth of heart within, it drawes out more holinesse to God, and more strength, it multiplies the graces of God within: so that the graces receive increase, the more they are exercised, and intended, and sinfull lusts decrease, the minde is more emptied forth; the ch [...]e that is in v [...] and the drosse is more wi [...]nowed out, and the heart is more clensed from it. So much [...] serue for this, that whosoever will come to the Lord in prayer must sanctifie him in his heart, that is, he must come with a holy, and with a pure heart. We haue shewed what this holinesse, and purenesse is, where is it consists, and likewise how the obiection is answered, that might deceiue vs. So much for that property.
[Page 137] I must adde another, you shall find it Phil. 4. 6 6. Condition required in prayer, is Thankfulnesse Phil. 4. 6. whensoever you come to make your requests to the Lord, this is another condition, that he requires, to be thankfull for the mercies you haue received received already: in all things, saith he, let your requests bee made knowne to the Lord, with thanksgiving: as if he should say, take heede of this, that whensoever you come to put vp any petition to the Lord, you forget not the duty of thankfulnesse, but still, when you come to a [...]ke any thing, that you want, remember, that you giue thankes for that you haue. Beloved, this condition must not be omitted: you see the Lord himselfe puts it in very carefully, let your requests be made knowne with prayer, and supplication, and with thanksgiving. There is much reason why our petitions, and requests should bee accompanied with thanksgiving to the Lord: for is it not reason when you come to aske somewhat for your selues, that you should doe that also that is acceptable to God? will a man serue himselfe altogether, to come meerely to aske the thing hee wants? this a man man may doe out of loue to himselfe, out of respect to himselfe; but you must remember to do something that is pl [...]asing and acceptable to the Lord. And therefore you shall finde in the old law, they were commanded still to come with peace offerings, that is, [...]fferings, wherein they expressed thankfulnes, whensoever they had any speciall request to the Lord: you shall find that was the manner in Levit. & other places, that such a mā as came to request any [Page 138] thing at the Lords hands, might not come empty ha [...]ded; and what should he bring with him? a peace offering: what was that? thankfu [...]nesse for that peace he had enioyed, that was a peace offering: for peace is a generall word comprehending all kinde of mercies. For what is our health, but the peace of our humours within? what is our cheerefulnesse, and ioy, but the peace of conscience within? all the comfort wee haue in our name, and [...]ate, it is peace in the particular, &c, so I say, whensoever thou com [...]est with a petition, forget not to come with a peace offering, that is, forget not to come with thanksgiving to the Lord, for that which thou hast received: doe somewhat that is acceptable to him, as well as seeke for that which is vsefull for thy selfe. Beloved, there is much reason for it: because, if a man be poring on his wants still, if it be [...] his mind, when he comes to call vpon God, it wi [...] indispose him, for [...] performance, it will beget murmuring, and low [...]enesse, and discontent, it will imbitte [...] his spirit: when as a man remembers many mercie [...], t [...]at he hath received, when he makes a c [...]talogue of them, and innumerates them, it sweeten [...] [...] spirit, it makes him more gracious, it acts those graces that are in him, it drawes hi [...] nearer to the Lord, it quickens him, it makes him more content [...]d with his condition, that he is in: whereas, o [...] the other side, forgetfulnesse of mercies, when a man is onely intent vpon his petition to haue the thing done, [...]e [...]kes in many times into that [...] of Simile. [Page 139] disposition, that we finde in children, that, when they cannot haue all that they would, they throw away that which they haue; so that is our fault many times, when wee come and seeke to the Lord for any thing that we neede, we are so intent vpon that, that we forget all the mercies we haue received, as if they were nothing: the Lord would not haue it so, but will haue vs remember what we receiue, that wee may be content to want, that our hea [...]ts may be brought to pati ence and contentment, vnder the crosse, and to want what it sh [...]ll please him, for a time, to deny vs, as Iob reasoneth, saith he, I haue received good from the Lords hands, it is his answere to his wife, and shall I not receiue [...]ll; so, if a good man bee thankfull for mercies, it will make him ready to doe so, it will make him content with that present want: for he lookes to that which hee hath had in hand. When a man saith thus with him selfe, thus, and thus much good I haue received, at the Lords hands, what though I want such a thing? what though I be prest with such an affliction, and calamitie? I will be content to beare it, I say, the Lord lookes for this, expostulating with him, and murmuring against him, is not a meeke manner of asking things at his hands, but, when a man so askes that, withall he is content to be denied, if his good pleasure bee so. Now, thankfulnesse for mercie, makes vs ready to be so affected, to be willing to be denied, to be content to resigne our selues to the Lord, and therefore he will haue thankfulnesse to goe with it, [Page 140] whensoever wee come to aske any thing at his hands. And therefore obserue, that whensoever you come to seeke the Lord, you bee thankefull for the mercies you haue had, remember them; for it is a great meanes to prevaile in our requests. Thankfulnesse is, as it were, the insense, that perfumes your petitions, that makes them acceptable, and prevalent with the Lord, so much the sooner. Prayer goes vp without incense, when wee offer vp our petitions without thankfulnesse; because that is a sacrifice, as you know it is called the cal [...]s of our lips, and ever, when you ioyne thankfulnesse with your petitions, it is like a sacrifice mingled with it, that helpes to prevaile for you.
The next condition is, and it must not be forgotten, of all the rest, that we come to the Lord, 7. Condition required in prayer, is, to come in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ. in the name of Iesus Christ. This is a thing commonly knowne, you will say, who knowes not that, except we come in the name of Christ, no petition can be acceptable? Beloved, I say to you in that case, a [...] t [...]e Apostle Iames spea [...], Ia [...]. Iam: 4. 4. where hee giues this rule that wee should say, if the Lord will wee will doe such and such a thing to morrow, &c. and when the answere would bee ready, who knowes not this? saith hee, if you know the will of the Lord, and doe it not, your iudgement shall be greater; so I say, if any doe not practise this, (and it is a thing we are exceeding ready to forget, or wee are ready to doe it in a for [...]ll, and in a [...], but to doe it in good [...], [...] ought to doe it, [Page 141] therein commonly wee come short) you know how great a sinne it was, in the olde law, to offer without a Priest; in the 17 of Leviticus it is Levit: 17. said there, if any man brought his sacrifice, though it were the best sacrifice and the choise, yet, saith the text, [...]f he did not bring it to the priest, and to the Altar, but [...]ay his sacrifice else where, without a Priest, such a man was guilty of blood, and was to be cut off from his people; that is, hee was to be cut off by the Priest, by excommunication, and after, by the civill Magistrate. You know, it was Vzziahs fault to offer incense, when it was proper to the Priest to doe it? the same sinne wee commit when wee come to the Lord, and thinke, because wee haue repented, and prayed fervently, because, wee thinke, our hearts and spirits are in a good disposition, because wee know no sinne, of which wee are conscious, for this cause wee thinke that wee shall bee heard. It is true, the Lord requires these quallifications, in the partie, when hee prayes, but take heede of thinking to bee heard for this, this is to offer without a Priest. You must come thus to the Lord, and say vnto him, Lord, I confesse (notwithstanding all this) I am vnvnworthy, I haue nothing in mee, why thou shouldest regard mee, it cannot bee, that either I, or my prayer should be acceptable, but I beseech thee, take them at the hands of Christ, our High Priest, hee, that is entred into the vaile, he, that takes the prayers of the Saints, and mingles [Page 142] them [...] when a [...] can really doe this, wit [...] dependance vpon Christ, and come boldly in his name, that is to offer a sacrifice to him, and this we must carefully remember; and therefore we see an excellent expression of this in Levit. 5. where this is made cleare to you, that it is not any excellency in the person, Levit 5. 11. not any fervencie in the prayer, not any purenesse, or holinesse that is found in him, nothing that come [...] from man, that causeth his prayer to to be acceptable, but it is th [...] priest, in that place from verse [...]. to the 11. you shall finde there the law was, that he that came to sacrifice, must bring a sheepe, or a she goate, but if he were not so rich as to doe so, he was able enough to bring two [...] tle doues; if yet he were not able to doe that, thē, saith the text, hee shall bring the tenth part of an Epha of fine flowre, (a very small thing) and, saith he, let him giue this to the priest, and he shall make an attonement for him, and his sin shall be forgiven. Whence I obserue this, that it is not the goodnesse of the sacrifice, the price, nor the [...], nor the excellency of that, when they came with a thousand [...]ammes, [...]nd so many sheepe, and bullocks, (as you reade of many great sacrifices, that were offered by the Kings) yet the tenth part of an Epha of fine flower, which was exceeding little, this prevailed fully as much; it shewes evidently, that it is not in the sacrifice, but the poorest, and the [...], and the meanest sacrifice will prev [...] with God, as well as the richest, and the greatest. What is the reason? for, saith [Page 143] he, it is the priest, that must offer it, he makes it acceptable; so in this case, let the sacrifice bee never so meane, yet, if it be Christ, that offers the sacrifice, if it be commended to the priest, and he offers it, the Lord will accept it. You shall finde that rule, Levit. 5. 11. He that brings a sacrifice, (this caution was given) he must put no incense Levit. 5. 11. [...] it, neither oyle. But, should the sacrifice be offered without incense? no, you shall finde in Levit. 16. that, alwayes the priest, when hee entred Levit. 16. 12, 13 into the holie of holies, hee burnt incense, that the cloud of that incense might cover the Mercy seat: the meaning is this, that when any man comes to offer a prayer to the Lord, he can put no incense to it, the priest onely hee must put in incense, that is, Iesus Christ only must offer the sacrifice, wherein the Lord smells a savour of rest: for the Lord expresseth himselfe in this manner, as if he were disquieted for sinne, and can take no rest; now, when Iesus Christ offers a sacrifice, hee smells a savour of rest; because it comes from him, in whom he is well pleased: so, I say, wee must be carefull, t [...]at wee remember wee come in the name of Christ.
But, you will say, every man doth so, and how Obiect. shall we know it?
You shall know it by this, if you haue boldnesse, and confidence▪ that is an argument that Answ. you looke not vpon your selues, but vpon Christ. When a man i [...] so exce [...]ding ti [...]erous, and doubting, and fearefull, that [...] dares not come to the throne of grace, or, if hee doe, yet hee [Page 144] makes a great question, whether he shall be heard or no, this is too much looking to himselfe, here the high priest is forgotten. If thou come in his name, there is enough to carry th [...]t out, it will breede boldnesse in thee, it will breede confidence: if thou come in the name of Christ, and offer vp thy prayers through him, it will cause thee, in every petition thou puttest vp, to thinke thy selfe so much beholding to Christ, that thou wilt be ready to say, in thy heart, whensoever any petition is granted thee, I may thanke Iesus Christ for this. When a man, I say, shall bee so much put vpon his score, it will make him so much indebted to the Lord Iesus for his sinne that is remitted, and this petition that he hath granted, that his heart shall be more inlarged to thankfulnesse, when he is able to consider the benefit of redemption, and is ready to say with himselfe, if Iesus Christ had not died, if I had not had such an high Priest, that hath entred into the very heavens, as the Apostle saith Hebr. 9. 1 [...] make Heb: 9. intercession for mee, I had lost this benefit, I had never come to haue put vp a prayer to the Lord, or, if I had, it should not haue beene heard.
But, you will say to mee, if wee be heard for Christ, then, though a man be sinful, and though Obiect. hee haue none of the precedent conditions, though he haue not that holinesse that is required, if the Priest make him acceptable, why may he not hope as well as the most holy man.
I answer briefly, though the Priest giue all acceptance Ans. to the sacrifice, and our prayers are [Page 145] accepted through him, yet that is not all, there are two things besides required, that the person, that brings the sacrifice, be cleane; no impure person was to bring a sacrifice: secondly, that the sacrifice be without blemish, he that hath a male, and bring [...] a female, is cursed: So this is required, that the person be righteous, and that the prayer be servent, such as is indited by the helpe of Gods spirit, that it may be a sacrifice fit for the Lord. But now, that we haue from Christ, is this, that though the person bee so, and the prayer thus qualified, and haue those forenoted conditions in it, yet it is not acceptable, without the Priest. And therefore this should incourage you, when you consider the glorious God, his holinesse, that great distance betweene him and you, and your selues, on the other side, how vile and sinfull you are, and vnfit to come and put vp your requests to him; now, when you thinke of a Mediator, of an high Priest, who is entred into heaven, who is gone thither, and sits at the right [...]and of Maiesty, making intercession for you, when you consider there is one high Priest, who is able to prevaile, not like the Priests in the law, but one, that i [...] ouer the house of God, one that is the very sonne, that is not entred in through the blood of B [...]lls, and Goates, but with his owne blood; when out of this you shall receiue confide [...], and come [...]eere him with boldnesse, this is to [...]ake vse of Christ, and to offer sacrifice in hi [...]. There is no more rem [...]ining now, but [...], when you haue considered all the conditions [Page 146] mentioned, and [...]tted your prayers according to the [...], that you b [...] confide [...]t, and expect much, that when you haue prayed, you may say thus, Lord, I expect now the granting of them, thou canst not now deny them, Lord, I wi [...]l waite now. And this is our fault, when we haue prayed, and the thing comes not presently, wee are readie to giue over, we are not willing to waite. Beloved, that is one thing specially to bee remembred, w [...] must so farre magnify our prayers, we must set a price vpon them so farre and so esteeme them, and thinke them of that worth, that they will bring the thing to passe. If a man take a [...], or a medicine, or an herbe, and vs [...] i [...] [...] wound, or a disease, once, or twice, or thrice, and, if he see it doth no good, he will [...]ay it aside, and take another medicine: for, saith he, I haue tryed it, and it will doe m [...] no good; so a [...] doth with hi [...] prayers, [...]e sai [...]h, I haue sought to the Lord, I haue prayed for this thing twice, or thrice, and it is not granted [...]e; and therefore he is ready to lay it aside, as if it were not effectuall, and to take another meanes, this neglect of prayer is not to know the force of the medicine. You must know therefore, of what efficacie prayer is, and trust i [...], and not giue over (f [...] it is effectuall [...]o bring the thing to passe) and not make [...], but [...]ay, and [...]; it was [...] [...] when [...] and shee sought to the [...] for a [...], shee made [...]o much [...] to giue [...] to [...], when they should haue stayed till the Lord had do [...] it, his own [...] way▪ [Page 147] So Rebeccah, there was a promise, and no doubt, Iacob, and shee prayed for the fulfilling of that promise, but she made too much hast, she tooke a wrong way to get the blessing by lying, this was not waiting, but a stepping out to another meanes; because they thought prayer, and dependance vpon God would not doe it. So Saul would not waite vpon God, but he would offer sacrifice, this was to make hast. And so it is, when a man is discouraged; David, when the thing was not presently granted, he was ready to giue over, and falls to a desperate complaint, saying, one day I shall fall by the hands of Saul. Take heede of this, and when wee offer our prayers thus, learne to know what they are, learne to trust them, and to depend, and waite vpon God, say certainly, I shall not be denied, the thing shall surely be granted.
So much for this time, and this text▪