Herevnto is added a generall Mappe of the whole Campe and Siege, with particular Mappes of all the seuerall Approches in euery Quarter.

Compyled togeather and designed according to the iust measure and rule of Geometrie BY IAMES PREMPART, Ingener to his Majestie of Sweden.

AT AMSTERDAM, For Henrico Hondio. M.DC.XXX.


WHereas I perceaue that as yet none haue taken in hande to set forth any thing for the content of desirous spirits, touching the famous Siege of the BVSSE: and that this Siege vvas so remar­kable and vvorthy as euer vvas knovvne, I haue thought good to im­parte vnto you, that which I haue gotten as vvell by my ovvne expe­rience in the said Siege, as that vvhich J haue from the principall In­geners. And for the better explayning of the particulars, I haue placed in this Historicall Relation first a Mappe of tvvoo greate Leaues, conteyning the vvhole Siege vvith all the circumferences. Secondly a greate Leafe representing the scituation of the Citie, vvith the appro­ches of euery Quarter. Thirdly here follovve Mappes of the seue­rall approches in euery Quarter, and of the Princes Quarter set forth in tvvoo Leaues, by reason the most force, charge and labour passed there, and because the Citie vvas vvonne there by degrees, vvhich is alltogeather compyled and set forth according to the iust measure vvith greate care and industrie, as by the Mappes more at large may appeare, vvhich I hope vvill be acceptable and pleasing to you.

A LIST OF OUR NOBLEMEN, VOLLUNTEIRS, and Gentlemen of our Nation, which bore Armes and trayled Pikes at the Siege of the BUSSE, vnder the foure English Coronells Com­panies, and first of those which were vnder my Lord Generall Vere his first Company, Coronell of Dort.

  • MY Lord Haughton.
  • Sir Walter Erle.
  • Sir Roger Bartu.
  • Sir Henry Hungate.
  • Sariant Maior Groue.
  • Captaine Thelwall.
  • Captaine Wyborowe.
  • Lieutenant Price.
  • Lieutenant Pomroy.
  • Lieutenant Cansor.
  • Lieutenant Deemae.
  • Lieutenant Kettleby.
  • Ensigne Luttrell.
  • Ensigne Hammon.
  • Ensigne Weynd.
  • Ensigne Holman.
  • Ensige Grimes.
  • Ensigne Goldwel.
  • Ensigne Hudson.
  • Mr: Winwood.
  • Mr: Grifford.
  • Mr: Byron.
  • Mr: Thyne.
  • Mr: Brigman.
  • Mr: Fariefax.
  • Mr: Hotham.
  • Mr: Stone.
  • Mr: Pellard.
  • Mr: Bruster.
  • Mr: Knevet.
  • Mr: Langford.
  • Mr: Wayeman.
  • Mr: Absley.
  • Mr: Rolt.
  • Mr: Knasborow.
  • Mr: Caue.
  • Mr: Williams.
  • Mr: Powel.
  • Mr: Horner.
  • Mr: Veyne.
  • Mr: Wright.
  • Mr: Basset.
  • Mr: Berry.
  • Mr. Prat.
  • Mr: Bonnington
  • Mr: Bradshaw.
  • Mr: Greene.
  • Mr: Langdon.
  • Mr: Hooe.
  • Mr: Ansell.
  • Mr: Hangerford.
  • Mr: Crewell.
  • Mr: Wilmore.
  • Mr: Cullum.
  • Mr: Essex.
  • Mr: Mildmay.
  • Mr: Polley.
  • Mr: Maddocks.
  • Mr: Humfreys.
  • Mr: Ellis.
  • Mr: Banberie.
  • Mr: Garling.
Of my Lord Generall Vere his second Company of Schoonhoven.
  • Captaine Francisco de Valrey.
  • Captaine Strasly.
  • Lieutenant Tumour.
  • Ensigne Quarles.
  • Cornet Harbart.
  • Mr: Wrengham.
  • Mr: Bammham.
  • Mr: Weldon.
  • Mr: Norman.
  • Mr: Sprye.
  • Mr: Slippon.
  • Mr: Coope.
  • Mr: Harecourt.
  • Mr: Maycote.
  • Mr: White.
  • Mr: Hearle.
  • Mr: Inglot.
  • Mr: Browne.
  • Mr: Copley.
  • Mr: Brimingham.
  • Mr: Rolt.
  • Mr: Guyn.
  • Mr: Chitwood.
  • Mr: Knightly.
  • Mr: Sanderson.
  • Mr: Harmon.
  • Mr: Sedgwicks.
  • Mr: Wittington.
  • Mr: Lee.
  • M: Throgmotton.
  • Mr: Nancy.
  • Mr: King.
  • Mr: Williams.
  • Mr: Black.
Volunteirs of my Lord Generall Cieils Company, Vicount of Wimbleton.
  • Leames Lord of Doncaster.
  • Boswell Lord Peelding.
  • William Lord Grauen.
  • Sr: Thomas Glemman
  • Captaine Henry Tyllie.
  • Captaine Butler.
  • Captaine Lucan.
  • Sariant Maior Boules.
  • [Page]Lieutenant Froeman.
  • Lieutenant Caswell.
  • Mr: Cicill.
  • Mr: Whitepole.
  • Mr: Clyford.
  • Mr: Tate.
  • Mr: Butler.
  • M: Symon.
  • Mr: Itby.
  • Mr: Cheyncy.
  • Mr: Broadbanke.
  • Mr: Courtney.
  • Mr: Downes.
  • Mr: Footeman.
  • Mr: Flood.
  • Mr: Iohn Tate.
  • Mr: Bois.
  • Mr: Stuckling.
  • Mr: Flemming.
  • Mr: Rice Powell.
  • Mr: Haughton.
  • Mr: Hipsley.
  • Mr: Appleyard.
  • Mr: Ridley.
  • Mr: Vackell.
  • Mr: Solwin.
  • Mr: Danniel.
  • Mr: Colpher.
  • Mr: Smith.
  • Mr: Legg.
  • Mr: Moynes.
Volunteirs & Gentlemen of Generall Morgans Company.
  • Sr: Thomas Bland.
  • Sr: Shefeld Calpham.
  • Sr: Iohn Cosling.
  • Mr: Fowler.
  • Mr: Mumford.
  • Mr: Io: Withers.
  • Mr: William Withers.
  • Mr: Isaack Absley.
  • Mr: Henry Absley.
  • Mr: Morgan.
  • Mr: Tiffin.
  • Mr: Elcott.
  • Mr: Caruis.
  • Mr: Reade.
  • Mr: Andrewes.
  • Mr: Booth.
  • Mr: Merrick.
  • Mr: Martin.
  • Mr: Adam.
  • Mr: Worly.
  • Mr: Iohn Ashley.
  • Mr: Williams.
  • Mr: Turner.
  • Mr: Warret
  • Mr: Garvis Wood
  • Mr: Marshall.
Volunteirs and Gentlemen of Coronell Harwoods Company.
  • Captaine Perkins.
  • Captaine Boules.
  • Captaine Lowe.
  • Lieutenant Smith.
  • Lieutenant Gamish.
  • Ensigne Dolman.
  • Ensigne Marison.
  • Ensigne Hering.
  • Mr: Lucas.
  • Ensigne Byron.
  • Mr: Muschamp.
  • Mr: Snelling.
  • Mr: Browne.
Gentlemen of quality.
  • Mr: Crofts.
  • Mr: Gorges.
  • Mr: Saint Iohn
  • Mr: Bareford.
  • Mr: Digby.
  • Mr: Mosse.
  • Mr: Gilby.
  • Mr: Lehunt,
  • Mr: Waller.
  • Mr: Ieffryes.
  • Mr: Fleetewood.
  • Mr: Killegrey.
  • Mr: Lambart.
  • Mr: Knightly.
  • Lr: Bagshot.
  • Mr: Yonge.
  • Mr: Frith.
  • Mr: Boulton.
  • Mr. Stewtly.
  • Mr. Keckwich.
  • Mr. Bendish.
  • Mr: Roe.
  • Mr: Rassell.
  • Mr: Carter.
Volunteirs and Gentlemen of Sr. Edward Veres Company deceased.
  • Lieu. Harewood. Lieu. Turbot.
  • M: Marshan. M: Mando. M: Gallope.
  • Of Captaine John Cromwels Company.
  • Mr: Harry Cromwell.
  • Mr: Rochester Karre.
  • Officers and Souldiers slayne before the BUSSE. Of French.
  • The Baron of Courtemer, and 8. Cap­taines more. Of the Dutch.
  • Coronell Fama. Monsieur Grenue.
  • Captaine Omkaes, and Capt. Hatton. Of English.
  • Sir Edward Vere Lieut. Colonell.
  • Capt. Roes Lieut. and Capt-Byroues. Of Scotch.
  • Capt. Ramsey, Lieut. Huns, my Lord of Buckcloughs Ensigne. Of all Na­tions according to the lift giuen vp, about 1600.

ARTICLES Granted by his Ex cie. my Lord the Prince of Orengie, to the Gouernour of the Busse, & the Captaines, Officiers and Souldiers therein.


THAT the Gouernour of the Busse, with all the Offi­cers of ware, and for diers of what quality, or condi­tion so euer they be; aswell Horsemen, as foot, none excepted: yea though they haue abandoned the seruice of my Lords the States, and giuen themselues into that of the King of Spaines, shal goe out of the Towne without any disturbance, or molestation with their armes and Baggage; The horse by the sound of the trumpet, their Cornets displayed, armed Compleate, and their Pistolles in their hands: The foote beating their drum­mes, their Coullers flying, their matches lighted at both ends, bullet in mouth, and in rancke and forme, as they vse to march in Battaile, with their goods and the safety of their liues to the towne of Diest.


They shall carry with them sixe pee­ces of Ordinance, and two Morters at the choise of the Gouernour, with all their traine, equipage, and munition of warre, sufficient to discarge euery one a dussen shott.


They shalbe furnished with horse, Waggons, and their Conductours suffi­cent to draw Ordinance and Morters with all their trayne and Munition vnto the towne of Diest.


All munitions of warre & of Victualls appertaining to the King of Spaine, shalbe deliuered by such as his Excell: shall appoint to this effect, sauing those Victualls which were sould before the 12. of this moneth, when wee began to treate, which shall remaine sould, with­out search or making inquiry after any man that made any saile of them.


All Officers and Souldiers, aswell sick as hurt in the Gesthouse or in any other place shall remaine there till they haue recouered their healths, and are able to goe away, giuing them safe Conuoy and commodity to bring them their Armes and Baggage to the towne of Diest or Breda.


A sufficient number of waggons and horse which the Gouernour shall requi­re, aswell for his perticular seruice, as for the Officers & Souldiers to carry their goods and Baggage to Diest is graun­ted them, comprehending therein all their Armes: yea the souldiers of the garrison of the Towne, absent sicke, dead, hurt or fled, and that the said wag­gons shall in noe case be visited.


Those which will desire to carty their Goods and Baggage to Antwerpe, shall haue boates without any charge to them, to bring them thither thorow Hol­land, freed from all manner of taxes, to­les, or impositions permitting them men to looke vnto their goods and Baggage, which shall not be visited nor stayed in any place, vnder any pretence whatsoe­uer, but shall passe to Antwerpe without disbarking themselues.


The Gouernour, Chiefs, Officers mi­litary, Iudges, Souldiers, and all others receiuing paye from the King of Spai­ne, aswel Clergy men as Laye-men none excepted, as also the widdowes and children, which haue in the said Towne any houses, Inheritances, Rents, either vpon the States of Brabant in these quarters, or the Towne, or vpon houses or particular grounds, other goods mo­ueable or immoueable, shall haue the space & time of two yeeres after the signing of this Treatie, to trāsport them, to morgage them at their wills, or other­wise, to dispose of their goods, and du­ring the said time shall enioy their Rents, hyres of houses, fruites and goods got or to be gotten, of what na­ture and condition soeuer they be.


That the Officers an souldiers of what [Page 28] charge or condition soeuer they be, may leaue their wiues & children in the towne & during this terme of two yee­res may dispose of their goods mouea­ble and immouable situated in the said Towne, or els where none excepted, without any confiscation or prize to be made of them.


That the Officiers and souldiers, lea­uing their charg and seruice within the time of two yeeres, may freely returne into the said Towne, and enioy this Treatie as other Burgers and Inhabi­tants doe, prouided that first they giue notice thereof to his Excell: or the Go­uernour of the said Towne.


Noe Officers or Souldiers goods or Baggage shalbe arrested here for any debts whether he goes out with the garrison, or being sick or hurt, or at his going out when he is recouered.


The prisoners aswell on the one side as on the other, of what Condition soe­uer they be, shalbe sett at liberty with­out paying of ransome, but onely for their dyet according to the taxation of the place.


That all the boote made by those of the Towne, aswell before as during the siege, shall not be restord back by them, but shall remaine with them.


After the Articles of this Composition are signed, time shall be giuen to the Gouernour of the Busse to send an ex­presse messenger to the Serenissime In­fanta of Spaine, with safe Conduct and assurance, to giue her aduice of what is past, and it is to be vnderstood that the Gouernour may doe that the same day as the articles are signed.


The Conditions being concluded, two dayes at the least shall he giuen to the Gouernour and souldiers, to prepa­re themselues for their departure.


The time limited being expired the said Gouernour and Officers doe pro­mise to depart the garrison, to wit on Munday next betime in the morning, which wil be the 17. of this present mo­neth of September.


Yet to be vnderstood that during the time of these two dayes noe man in the Towne may come into the Armie, nor those of the Armie goe into the Towne, and that for the avoyding of disorder, but euery one in the meane while to keepe themselues in the trenches and Fortifications, without making of any approach or act hostilitie, in assurance whereof hostages shalbe giuen on both sides.


That before the garrison depart suf­ficient Hostages shalbe giuen on his Excel: behalfe, who shall march with the garrison, Armes and Baggage to Diest, and a counter change for them by the Gouernour, which shall remaine in the Army, til his Excell: hostages and wag­gons be returned, and assoone as they are come back, his Excel: will send their hos­tages with safe conduct and assurance vnto the Towne of Diest.


The Officers, Captaines and Officers, comprised in the first Article of this Treatie, hauing any armes, boates, sloo­pes or other preparations of warre, be­longing particularly to themselues, may sell or transport them, without any en­quiry to be made about those which shall buy or carry them away.


There shalbe noe Restitution made of any horses, marchandises, wares or any other goods sold or held for bootie, nor noe mā called in questiō about that.


Those of the garrison of Breda being in the Towne, aswell Officers as perticu­lar Souldiers, may returne to Breda with the safety of their liues and goods, as likewise shalbe giuen to them a suffi­cient number of horse and waggons, and a hostage to carry them and their goods thether in all assurance, according to the tennor of the first Article as comprehen­ded therein.

and was signed F. Henry de Nassau. A. de Grobindonck.
And beneath written
By his Excell: order I. Iunius,
And sealed with his Excell: seale of Armes.

POINTS Agreed on by his Excellencie the Prince of Orenge, and the Deputies of the High and Mightie Lords the Sta­tes Generall of the Vnited Prouinces, to the Ecclesia­stickes, Magistracy, and Burgeses on the City of the BVSSE.


FIrst that all Offences, In­iuries, and acts of hostil­lity, committed hapned, & effectuated betweene this Towne, and those of the vnited Prouinces, aswell from the beginning of these in­testine troubles, Commotions and War­res, as likewise during this siege, in what manner soeuer, either in generall, or in perticular, aswell within, as without, are, and shall remayne pardoned, and for­got, and held as if they had neuer hap­ned, so that at no time any mention, mo­lestation, pretence, suite or inquisition in law within or without, for the causes aboue said shall be made, prosecuted, or layd to the charge of the liuing or heires of the dead, or also to any goods belon­ging to them.


That the Inhabitants of this towne shall carry themselues conformable to the Edicts of this Land, enioying the li­berty of Conscientie, as they vsually doe ouer all. And that all Ecclesiasticall and Clergie men, shall depart the Towne within the space of two moneths, beha­uing themselues in the meane while ac­cording to the Edicts of the Land, and may take and carry along with them their moueables, Images, Pictures and Church ornaments.


The said Ecclesiastickes shall enioy during their life the reuenues & fruites of their goods, in such places where they pay Contribution, yet is to be vn­derstood, that the Ecclesiasticall & Pas­torall goods shall fall to the High and Mighty Lords the States Generall, who shall haue the disposing of them, aswell for the profit of the Towne as other wise.


That de Nunns and other Ecclesiasti­call woemen, may abide in the Tovvne, and shalbe maintained during their li­ues out of the reuenues of their Cloi­sters, yet remayning in the disposition of the high and mightie Lords de States Generall, vvhether they shalbe accom­modated in their Cloisters, or prouided vvith other dvvellings.


That also all the Inhabitants of this tovvne, asvvell Ecclesiasticks, Nunns, as secular persons fled or othervvise, vvho­soeuer they bee, bearing Office in the oath, Gouernment, and seruice of his Maiestie, as souldiers or others, the Sta­tes of Brabant belonging to this tovvne or not, their liues and goods shalbe pre­serued, asvvell in Generall as particu­lar, if they contrary not the precedent Article.


Also that this tovvne vvith the Inha­bitants and Burgers thereof, asvvell the clergie as laye men shalbe receiued and vsed in all gentlenesse and benignity by the Lords, the States Generall, hencefor­vvard to liue in all friendship and Con­cordance with the other Vnited Prouin­ces and Tovvnes, to trade and traffique one vvith another according to their ancient liberty as is fitting.


That the High and mighty Lords the States Generall & his Excel: the Prince of Orenge, shall vse exercise in the said tovvne, liberty, territories & Iurisdicti­on thereof, for so much as they are an­nexed to the tovvne, the same right and Iurisdiction as the Dukes and Duches­ses of Brabant hitherto haue had, and to treate vvith this tovvne so and in like manner as the capitall Tovvnes of Bra­bant are vsed to doe.


That this Tovvne, Burgesses and In­habitants [Page] thereof, shall retaine vvithin the liberty of the said tovvne, all their rights, Customs freedomes, exemptions, and all other priuiledges, asvvell gene­rall as particular vvhich they haue enio­yed and possessed a long time before the vvarres, asvvell by vvater als by Land vvithin and vvith out the tovvne, as in Brabant, Gelderland, Holland, Zeeland, vpon the Rhyne, and other Prouinces, places and riuers, asvvell taxes, toles of timber, Ingebot, the staple af oxen, and others none excepted, forasmuch as con­cernes their lavvfull possession.


That the ruling and gouernmēt of the tovvne, aswell for the Administration of iustice, as in politique affaires shall con­tinue with the Magistrates, and the three members of the Towne, and that noe other persons shalbe promoted the­revnto, or chosen, but such as are natifs of the said towne, or which haue recei­ued holy baptisme there, or such others as the High & Mighty Lords the States Generall shall thinke good to natural­lize and qualifie therevnto: Sauing that for this time the Gouernment both in iustice and pollicie, aswell in chiefe as subordinate Magistrates shalbe abso­lute appointed and constituted by his Excel: & the Deputyes of the high and Mighty Lords the States Generall.


That the towne shall hold in their owne Gouernment and disposition, all their inhabitantes, right of impositions, Fisheries wayes, corne measure, and mo­nethly monyes, and all their rightes and reuenues in the same manner, and as they haue hitherto enioyed the disposi­tion and ordering of them, prouided that they haue right therevnto, & with­out preiudicing the other membres of the vnited Prouinces.


Those of the tovvne shall keepe still the residue of their victualls, materialls and other their common goods sould for the benefit, and the easing of the towne of charge, and preserued at the disposition of the abouesaid three mem­bers, except the Ordinance, Armes and other munitions kept for the Towne, which may not be sould.


That all Confraternities, Artilleries, gilds and occupations, being at this pre­sent in the towne, shall remaine in esse and keepe their ancient Charters, Ordi­nances, & Priuilidges together with all their goods ready or vnready, and to this end in time to come they may be ordered by the said cōfraternities, occu­patiōs, gilds, or sold or bought by them, and so to be gouerned by the Marshalls headmen, and Rulers thereof for the common good, and to dispose of them according to their pleasures.


That in the County of Holland, and other vnited Prouinces the three Armes of this tovvne shall not be stamped or counterfeited, neither any the markes belonging to the gilds, or occupations of this tovvne, as the Cutlars, the point­makers, and other hand crafts men, but that euery one shall keepe, and vse their owne propper marke, and that of the townes where the worke-manship is made. And that all gilds, and manifactu­res as also the Dyers & the new yeerely fayres procured during these troubles in the maioury of this City shall cease, vn lesse those of the maioury being heard there vpon touching their anuall faires, otherwise shalbe disposed of in all equi­ty, by the High and Mighty Lords the States Generall.


The Inhabitants of the Busse, and those in the country sitting vnder cōtri­bution haue graunted them, and shalbe entreated as the other good Inhabitants of the Vnited Prouinces, aswell within the Towne as Dwellers in the plaine country.


And for that which cōcernes the Rents, and lawfull debts made by the three members of the city or their Deputies, also ordeined by the Magistrate, or ac­cepted to be payed, aswell during this siege as before, vvhether they are en­rovvled or sealed or noe, the Magistrats of the tovvne, shall deliuer ouer a perti­nent state, that the high & mighty Lords aftervvard may in all equity dispose thereof.


And for the payment of them, and all other charges of the Tovvne, the present accises, impositions and other meanes of the Tovvne in future time, shall take [Page 31] their vsuall course, which may be increa­sed or diminished by the three mem­bers: yet so as they doe noe preiudice to the meanes vvhich is raysed for the common vveale.


That all acts, Resolutions, Decrees & Ordinances made by the three members or Magistracie, forasmuch as they doe not contradict the State or good of the United Prouinces, also the sentences gi­uen in power of Iudicature by the Shrie­fes, as likewise all euiction of goods duely solemnized, situated, with in or without this towne, shall remaine in their force & vigour, yet so as that it be no preiudice of the interessed partie, neither vpon the right of appeale, or reformation, if that belongs vnto them.


That those which are at this present in the Magistracis, or haue bin hereto­fore, shall not be molested, not troubled, because of the Acts and Ordinances, graunted by them for the distribution or payment of any mony for the Towne, or other Prouisions made, neither shall also the receiuers be called to an account for any mony that they haue payed and receiued, nor that the Accounts of the abouesaid receiuers, and other Deputies of this Towne, shallbe subiect to any search or rivision. As likewise all the Ac­counts giuen vp by the receiuer of the Demaines, States of Brabandt receiuers of licences, Conuoyes, and Fortificati­ons, shall continue as they are without any inquity made after them.


That the gouernment of the table of the holy ghost, the great hospitall, the fa­brick of Churches, orphane houses, Laso­ries, findlings, madmen, and other foun­dations of Hospitall, for men and women, and the authorisation of the Ouerseers, and directours of them, shal­be conferred and giuen by the three members in conformity and according to the Priuiledges of the City and as they haue bene exercised heretofore.


That also the owners of winde-mills, & oyle-mills within this towne and the freedome thereof during this siege, or which by former warres haue bin brokē off, or shot downe, or otherwise demo­lished, may build them vp againe in the same places, without suing any new warrants for them, or to paye any other rights, then those which they haue vsed to pay heretofore, except the seruice of the Land should otherwise require it.


That euery Layeman of what condi­tion soeuer he be, being in the oath and seruice of his Majest: of Spaine, whether of the towne or noe, he shalbe freely per­mitted, after the surrendring to depart out of it with his family & goods, and to this ende may send for waggons, kar­res, boates or shipping out of Brabant, Holland, and other Newtrall Townes, without any of their persons, goods, or the conductours of them, either going or comming shalbe hindred, molested, or troubled by the Souldiers or Fiscals, or any other, and that without requiring any other pasport or consent but this.


Moreouer the Burgers departed out of the towne, and such as are desirous to dwell in the towne, as likewise those which haue bin in the seruice, oath, mili­tary of his Majest: or not, and the heeyrs belonging to them, shall haue three yee­res liberty ensuing that they may in all places, aswell in the towne, liberty, and maioury thereof, sell, transport, change, barter their goods, as they thinke good and fitting, or to haue them receiued or administrated by such as shall seeme best to them, and comming dye within or without the towne, during the same ti­me, by will or without making of will, in such a case their goods shall fall to their instituted inheritours, or to the next of their kindred.


And those in the meane time, and du­ring the aforesaid three yeeres, which will goe into the Prouinces & townes, belonging to & vnder the obedience of his Majest: about their perticular affaires may freely doe the same foure times a yeere, with the former knowledge of the Gouernour, of whome they shalbe bound to require a pasport, which he shal giue them, vnlesse he hath some iust reasons to the contrary: And at end of these three yeeres may make their abo­de in this towne or in other places, where they pay Contribution, where they shall enioy the same liberty, for to goe, to passe, & to traffique euery where, for the [Page 32] enioying of the effect of this present treaty.


That noe other Gouernour shallbe appointed or made ouer the Towne, nor his Substitute, but one of the House of Nassawe, or some other Nederlandish Lords of Vassalls.


That the garrisons shall not enioy any exemption or freedome of imposition from the meanes of the towne, but shall help to beare the accise, as other inhabi­tants doe.


That all persons absent, their wiues and children, aswell clergy as lay men fled, shalbe included, and comprehen­ded in this treatie.


That all sicke and hurt, at this present in the great Hospitall or other houses, either Souldiers or others may bide the­rein, till they are thoroughly recouered, or afterward to stay or to depart, as it pleaseth them, & to that end shalbe assi­sted with waggōs, or carts to carry away their Baggage without any impeach­ment.


All these Articles are approued, agreed vnto by his Excie & the Deputies of the High & mighty Lords the States Gene­rall, & accepted on by the Ecclesiastic­kes, Magistrates and Burgers of the said Towne, in power of their letters, or Atturney, in witnes whereof wee haue signed herevnto at Vucht in the Campe before the BUSSE the 14. of September 1629.

And was signed
  • F. Henry de Nassaw.
  • Fr. Michael Bishop of the Busse.
  • Fr. Johannes Moore Abbet of Bernes.
  • Johannes Hermanus, Deacon of the Busse.
  • R. van Voorne. R. van Greeneven.
  • Blooff van de Sloote. Henry Summars.
  • Peeter Huberts Herialthuvel.

THE States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces, hauing heard the Re­port of their Deputies, after the sight, lecture, and examination of the points and Articles aboue named, haue with ripe deliberation approued and ratified the same as their Highnes & Mightines doe approue and ratifie them by these, promising to keepe & obserue them, and cause them to be kept and obserued; ac­cording to the tenour and forme of them.

And was signed Hen. Ter Cuylen. Vt supra.
And vnder eath was written
By the order of the High & Mighty Lords the States Generall. Signed Corne. Musch. And sealed with the seale of their High­nesses and Mightigesses.

Printed at AMSTERDAM, By Ian Fredericksz Stam. M.DC.XXX.

Carte, representant les Approches du Quartier du Prince d'Orange jusques aux deux Forteresses Isabelle et S t. Anthoyne Par le S r. Iaques Prempart Ingenieur du Roy de Swede.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • V
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • Aa
  • Bb
  • Cc
  • Dd
  • Ee
  • Ff
  • Gg
  • Hh
  • Ii
  • Kk
  • Ll
  • Mm
Autre Carte, representant la continuation des Aproches du Quartier du Prince d' Orange, depuis la petite forteresse S t. Anthoyne, jusques a la Ville et Boulevard, la ou on a faict saulter la derniere Mine, Par le S r. Iaques Prempart Ingenieur du Roy de Swede.
Les Approches du Comte Erneste Casimir de Nassau, Gouverneur de Frise, Mareschal gen: du Camp devant Bois le Duc.
Les APPROCHES DV BARON DE BREDERODE vers le Fort de Petteler.
LES APPROCHES DV S R. PINSEN Gouverneur de Rees. Amstelodami Henricus Hondius Excudit. Anno 1630.

CARTE contenant le Quartier du Comte de Solms a Engelen, avec les Moulins a eau faict par le commandement du Prince d'Orange, et autres ouvrages d'alentour.

Amsterodami, HENRICVS HONDIVS EXCVDIT. Anno 1630.


Nouvelle Carte representant la Ville de BOLDVC en plan, avec ses Rempars, Fossez, Forteresses d'alentour etc.

Ensemble Les APPROCHES de cha (que) Quartier de ceux de dehors jusques a la dite Ville.

tout Mesuré et Dessigné, Par le S r. Jaques Prempart, Gentilhomme Francois, Ingenieur du Roy de Swede.

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