In the name of Almightie God.
GRatious Lord God and most mercifull father, I humblie beséech thée in Iesus Christ thy deare sonnes name, and for his sake, to strike continually, vnfeigned reuerence, and humble feare of thy Maiestie into my heart, that the praiers which I shall offer vp vnto thée at this time, or at any other time héereafter, may procéed from an earnest minde: To this end I pray thée, not onely to be present with me by thy holy spirit, but also thée onlie to prepare my heart vnto prayer, and to teach me to pray a right. Lord remooue farre from me, all idle discourses, and wandring imaginations: and graunt me grace, O Lord, not onely to shake of the heauinesse and dulnesse which hangeth vpon this my flesh, but giue me in steed thereof all spirituall liuelinesse and readinesse, that both with the heart and mouth I may powre foorth in thy presence, such earnest, hartie, and vnfeigned supplications, as for Iesus Christ thy sonnes sake, may be accepted and regarded before thée. Indéed Lord I confesse, that if I should one the one side consider mine owne sinne, wretchednes, and pouertie: and on the other side respect the fulnesse and excellencie of glorie, power, might, and maiestie, which is in thée, I might iustlie be discouraged from appearing in thy sight, or calling vppon thy name: The comforts and incouragements which thou hast giuen me in thy holy word are these: Thou doest not onlie commaund me to call vppon thée, but hast bound thy selfe vnto me in the truth of thy promises, that thou wilt heare my prayers, and graunt my requests, yea that my faith might be the more confirmed and strengthened in the certaintie thereof, thou hast ratified and sealed the same by the death and bloudshedding of thy sonne Iesus, in whome all thy promises are yea and Amen. In full and assured confidence whereof, I do with all boldness and humilitie present my selfe before thée at this time, praying thée to couer and burie in perpetuall forgetfulnesse, all my iniquities, to supplie all my wants and imperfections: and because thou canst not at any hand abide hypocrisse: so to syft and trie my verie hart and raines, that I may be thy speciall goodnes and assistance, be alwaies found sincere and round harted in thy presence, endeuouring euer through thy strength, to fight against, and to bee frée from cloaking of my sinne with hypocrites, or excusing of my sinne with Adam and Eua my first parents: but that I may vnfeinedlie, and from the bottom of my hart, confesse my sinnes, with thy holy seruants Dauid, Paul, and manie other thy deare children, and wéepe bitterlie for them as did Peter, for if we confesse our sinnes, thou art faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes, and wilt cleanse vs from all iniquitie. O Lord there are an infinite multitude of sinnes, which I poore and miserable wretch haue without ceasing committed against thée: many are hid from my selfe, because I remember them not, but are yet notwithstanding present and naked before thine eyes: touching these, I pray with thy seruant Dauid; Cleanse mee O Lord from secret faults, and kéepe thy seruant from presumptuous sinnes. An innumerable heape of others, many times I feele in my selfe, and my conscience often accuseth me of as great faintnes, coldnes, and vnwillingnes to prayer, wonderfull weakenes in faith, ouer much loue of the world, a gréedy desire to satisfie mine owne vile, and carnall affections, licentiousnes in vaine and foolish spéeches, my heart fraught almost full with hipocrisie, vaine glorie, and I my selfe giuen to inconstancie, carelesnesse, and slacknesse, in turning by repentance to thy maiestie, and very much neglecting my dutie towards my house and familie. I féele also in my selfe, a wonderfull want of earnest zeale and sincere loue towards thy maiestie, which should consumethe diuelish delights, and vile vanities of this present euill world: and in thée and for thée, the lack of bowels and charitable compassion towards my brethren, whose miseries do not liuelie touch me, and whom I cannot easilie forgiue, if they do offend me: yea in one word, to confesse all my whole man, both inward and outward, is a very huge lumpe of horrible corruption, the soule and the body, yea euery part and péece of the same, both inward and outward, haue most vngratiouslie broken thy holie precepts and commandements, so that in respect hereof, condemnation is due vnto me: the comfort I haue is this, that thou hast in the aboundant riches of thy mercies, giuen thy deare sonne to die for all my sinnes, and to rise for my full righteousnesse: for whose sake Lord I beséech thée, to pardon all my sinnes whatsoeuer, and to make his death and resurrection so effectuall in me, that I may daylie die to sinne, and liue to righteousnes: that by the working of thy holy spirit, I may fight against and ouer come all the former euils, and be strengthened and inabled to the contrarie good things, that weakenesse of faith may be turned into stedfastnes and strength of beléefe, that the loue of this life being shaken off, I may earnestlie thirst and breath after eternall glorie, that I may renounce mine owne will as vile and wicked, and be wholie giuen ouer to the obedience of thy most blessed will, that all idle and vnprofitable spéeches may be auoyded, and my wordes so powdred with Salt, as may bring grace and edification to the hearers, that ficklenes of minde being remooued, I may be stayed and stedfast in all goodnes and well dooing, that all backwardnes and slothfulnes in turning to thy Maiestie, and negligence in caring for those whom thou hast committed vnto me, being vtterlie shaken of, I may thankfullie accept, and rightly vse this time of gratious visitation, which thou offerest vnto me, both of repentance to my selfe, and also of knowledge of dutie toward other, carefullie indeuouring to bring vp those, whom thou hast committed vnto me in thy nurture and feare, hauing alwaies a diligent and watchfull eye ouer them, both for the increase of their knowledge, and also for the yeelding and shewing foorth of the fruits of holie conuersation. Worke in me O Lord, with continuance and increase, an earnest zeale towards thy truth and religion, and vnfeigned loue towards thy maiestie, and an vpright affection towards the brethren. Lord let their miseries pearse me as mine owne, make me readie to succour and comfort them with all the meanes that thou hast bestowed vpon me, that I may not onelie with good countenances testifie my good will, and with ioyfull words make their heauie harts glad, but also be liberall handed towards them, according to the great measure of graces that thou hast bestowed vpon me, euen to that end and purpose. And be [...]ause without brotherlie reconciliation, neither I nor any thing which commeth from me, can be agréeable in thy sight: I doe most humblie pray thée, to make me ready and willing vnfeinedlie, and from the very bottom of my hart, to forgiue those that any manner of way haue trespassed against me, as I would gladlie obtaine pardon and forgiuenes of all my sinnes at thy merciful hands. Lastly that it would please thee of thy great goodnesse and mercie, to turne away mine eies from beholding vanitie, my tongue from speaking foolishlie or vnaduisedlie, my heart from imagining mischiefe, my feete from running to doe that which is euill: yea so guide and gouerne (good Lord) euery part and member both of my bodie and of my minde, that as thou hast created both: so I may in both, set foorth thy glorie and praise, in the middest of a froward and crooked generation. And because (O Lord) I know nothing of my selfe, for my ignorant hart is full of darkenesse, I most humbly beséech thee, first to aide me by thy grace, that I be not puffed vp in the heyght of mine owne imagination, to flatter my selfe that I know much, when as indéed I know verie little or nothing at all: Next, so direct me, that I may without wearisomnes, vse all the holie meanes that thou hast sanctified in thy blessed word, for my grouth and continuance in stedfast faith, in spirituall knowledge, and sinceare obedience, that my darkenes may be turned into light, and my ignorance into knowledge, that I may dailie learne in euery respect, trulie to humble and throw downe my selfe before the presence of thy maiestie, in regard of whom, not onelie I, but all the creatures in the world, are but vile dust and ashes. I haue not O Lord anie good thing in my selfe, for I am not sufficient of my selfe, as of my selfe to thinke a good thought, much lesse so do anie good thing which is acceptable in thy godlie sight. Giue me grace good Lord, not to burie this knowledge, but continuallie to remember it, that it may stand me in stead of a strong and necessarie weapon, to beat downe and ouerthrow the height and pride which abideth in this my flesh: yea Lord, I further confesse, that so vile is the filthines of mine owne nature, that these good things which I daylie and hourelie receiue at thy mercifull hands of thy goodnes onelie, without any merit or desert of mine at all, I do manie times, most wickedly prophane and abuse, but I pray thee giue me grace, more heedelie and carefullie to looke to my walking in this and other respects, thou heretofore I haue doone, that these good and gratious gifts which thou in loue doost continuallie powre forth vpon me, may not be testimonies of iudgement against me, but assured pledges of thy loue towards me: & certeine seales of fruitfull obedience in me towards thy maiestie, Graunt me grace (O deare father) to consider of thy vnspeakable blessings, and innumerable benefits bestowed vpon me, thou hast neuer béene wearie in keeping defending, and prouiding for me, from the very time of my conception, vntill this present howre, thou hast bestowed vpon me large gifts which I neuer either laboured for or thought of, yea such a huge heape of benefits haue I receiued from thy mercifull hands, as all the dayes and times of my life, are not sufficient inough to thinke vpon them, much lesse to be thankfull vnto thee for them, in such sort and dutie as I ought, besides infinite bodelie blessings, as health, wealth, libertie, and many other such like. Thou hast freelie bestowed vpon me inward and spirituall graces, for of thine owne mercie thou hast chosen me to life euerlasting, before the foundations of the world were laid: and for a sure pledge of the same in my conscience, thou hast redeemed me by the bloud of thy deare sonne, & hast made mine election sure by an effectuall calling, in that of thine owne good will, then hast begotten me vnto thy selfe by the word of truth, thou hast taken me out of the power of sathan, and translated me into the kingdome of thy deare sonne in light, and made me a partaker of his misticall bodie with the saints, that I may inioy his presence for euer. Touching which, and all other graces of thine so plentifullie powred foorth vpon me, I say with thy seruant Iames, that I am not worthie of the least of all these thy mercies: yea so much the more vnworthy am I of them, or any of them, because that though thou in the riches of thy goodnes neuer ceasest to heape vp continuallie new benefits and blessings vppon me, I am notwithstanding, a most vile wretch and miserable sinner, haue little or no care at all in offending thy maiestie in mine old sinnes, yea many times in multiplying new iniquities against thee: but circumcise my heart good Lord I pray thee, and turne the affections thereof to newnes of life, and holines of conuersation, that that hart which now is so hard and stonie, that it will not be peirced with the considerations and remembrances of thy manifold graces, may by the mightie working of thy blessed spirit, be softened and inlarged, that I may deeplie consider of thy mercies, and that my mouth which is greatlie stopped vp through sinne and iniquitie, may of thy gratious goodnes be now at the length opened, and I both secretlie and openlie speake forth thy praises.
Lord keepe me farre from murmuring, grudging, or repining at any of thy gratious and louing corrections, whether it be that thou withdraw from mee any of these temporall blessings and benefits, which most fauourablie thou hast bestowed vpon mee, or otherwise shall chastise me for the punishment of my sinne, for the triall of my faith, for the manifestation of thy power and goodnes, or for anie other cause best knowne vnto thy heauenlie wisdom. Thou knowest O Lord what is better for me then I my self, and therfore good cause haue I in all willingnes, to subiect my selfe vnder thy mightie hand, that at the length I may be trulie exalted. Graunt me grace therefore O deare father, in all time of afflictions, pacience to possesse my soule, and to refer all calamities to the right end: that is, that by them I might be brought to be more neere vnto thee, and so learne to keepe thy commandements, and according to thy promise made in thy holie word: so I humblie beseech thee, in the middest make a way out for me to escape, as may be most for thine owne glorie, and mine eternall comfort at the last, through Iesus Christ thy sonne, my Lord and onlie Sauiour, in whose name, and for whose sake, I humblie craue at thy mercifull hands, these and all other things necessarie for me, concluding with that prayer that he himselfe hath made, saying: O our Father, &c.