The praise of Sailors, heere set forth, with their hard fortunes which doe befall them on the Seas, when Land-men sleepe safe in their Beds.

To a pleasant new tune.
AS I lay musing in my bed,
full warme and well at ease,
I thought vpon the lodging hard
poore Sailors haue at Seas.
They bide it out with hunger and cold,
and many a bitter blast,
And many a time constrain'd they are
for to cut downe their Past,
Their victuals and their Ordinance,
and ought else that they haue,
They throw it ouer-boord[?] with spéed,
and seeke their liues to saue.
When as the raging Seas doe fome,
and loftie winds doe blow,
The Saylors they goe to the top,
when Land-men stay below.
Our Masters Mate takes Helme in hand,
his Course he stéeres full well,
When as the loftie winds doe blow,
and raging Seas doe swell.
Our Master to his Compasse[?] goes,
so well he plies his charge:
He sends a Youth to the Top amaine,
for to [...]ing the Yeards.
The Boatson hée's vnder the Deck,
a man of courage bold;
To th'top toth'top, my liuely Lads,
hold fast my hearts of gold.
The Pilot he stands on the Claine,
with Line and Lead to sound,
To see how farre and neere they are
from any dangerous ground.
It is a testimoniall good,
we are not farre from land,
There sits a Mermaid on the Rocke,
with Combe and Glasse in hand.
Our Captaine he is on the Poope,
a man of might and power,
And lookes when raging Seas doe gape
our bodies to deuoure.
Our royall Ship is runne to racke,
that was so stout and trim,
And some are put vnto their [...]ifts,
either to sinke or swim.

The Second Part.

To the same tune.
OUr Ship that was before so good,
and eke likewise so trim,
Is now with raging Seas growne leakt,
and water fast comes in.
The Quarter master is a man,
so well his charge plies he,
He calls them to the Pumpe amaine,
to kéepe their leakeship free.
And many dangers likewise they
doe many times endure,
When as they méet their enemies,
that come with might and power▪
And séeke likewise from them to take
their liues and eke their goods:
Thus Saylors they sometimes endure,
vpon the surging floods.
But when as they doe come to Land,
and homewards safe returne,
They are most kinde good fellowes all,
and scorne euer to mourne.
And likewise they will call for Wine,
and score it on the post:
For Sailors they are honest men,
and will pay well their Oast.
For Saylors they be honest men,
and they doe take great paines,
When landed men and rufling[?] lads,
doe rob them of their gaines.
Our Saylors they worke night and day,
their manhood for to try,
When landed men and ruffling Iacks,
doe in their Cabines lye.
Therefore let all good minded men,
giue eare vnto my Song,
And say also as well as I,
Saylors deserue no wrong.
This haue I done for Saylors sakes,
in token of good will:
If euer I can doe them good,
I will be ready still.
God blesse them eke by Sea and land,
and also other men;
And as my Song beginning had,
so must it haue an end.

Printed for I. Wright.

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