Sur le Miroir de grand Bretaigne, de M. Iehan Norden.

GArdez gentils, regardez cest' ouurage,
Tres-doctes Dames, & tres-sages, Sieurs:
Moult delectant voz yeulx, voz sens, & coeurs,
Cy fait Plaisir, auec Profit mariage.
Chacun Degre, rumine, chachun Aage,
Ce petit liure, plein de grands doulceurs:
Rend luy louange, qui doulces rend odeurs,
Que chacun fait, qui est sçauant ou sage.
Les autres sont autheurs d' Enui', & vice,
Ennemis a vertu, sciens, & Notice,
Vilipendans les oeuures de sçauoir:
Mais nobles, doctes, & gentils esprits,
Qui compte tiennent des elegans escripts,
Hault priseront NORDEN son cler Miroir.
N'ayant espour qu' en Dieu,
Robert Nicolson.


In pag. 11. line 5. for eighteene, read thirteene.

In pag. 21. for Io. Fortescue esquire, read sir Iohn Fortescue knight.

In pag 27. for 5191. read 3911.

In the same pag. for Antonius, read Antoninus.

In pag. 47. for Staple Inne, read Lyons Inne.

Wheresoeuer you see mee, Trust vnto your selfe.


Seria Iocis: OR, The Tickling Torture.

—Dum rideo, veh mihi risu.

By THOMAS POVVEL, London-Cambrian.


LONDON, Printed for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster-row, at the signe of the Talbot. 1623.

TO THE TWO FA­mous Vniuersities, the Semina­ries of so many desperate Debtors, RAM-ALLY and MILFORD-LANE, MILFORD-LANE and RAM-ALLEY.

TWo questions in demurer seeme to stay vs,
Which is the elder? and from whence ye came,
Not all the learning in old [...] Caius,
Was euer able to resolue the same:
Your Bookes and studies are the same and one,
The blessing from your Creditor must come.
Yare both as deepely learned (we doe know it,)
As to the very center of the celler:
For Kitchen Physicke, if ye list to shew it,
Y-haue stomacks that can far out doe Mountpellier,
And for the rest of all the Sciences,
We may send Doway bold defiances.
Y'are both so ancient, worthy, so alike,
It were great pitty that you should contest,
But rather let your wits best powers vnite,
Against your equall enemy profest:
To multiply your Partizans apace,
The Temple Gods vouchsafe and giue yee grace.
D. P.

To the Reader.

YOu see our Author goes not vpon trust,
And if the Title of his Booke beiust:
He bids you trust your selfe, where ere you see him,
So shall ye neuer fall to disagreeing.

The Students of Ram-Ally to the AVTHOR.

IF all be true that men speake a their knowledge,
Your selfe was sometimes fellow of a Colledge
Within Ram-Ally: and you should doe well,
To come and take a place that late befell:
(To tell you true) it is the welsh Professour,
Your pulpit shall be Robin Gibbes his Dresser.
If you stand for the Lecture, feare not speeding,
For then w'are like to haue a merry reeding.

The Authors Inuocation.

THou spirit of old Gybbs, a quondam Cooke,
Thy hungry Poet doth thee now inuoke,
T-infuse in him the iuyce of Rumpe or Kidney,
And he shall sing as sweet as ere did Sidney:
I am not so ambitious as to wish
For black spic'keale, or such a pretious dish,
As Dottrels caught by pretty imitation,
Nor any thing so hot in operation,
As may inflame the Liuer of mine Host,
To sweare I chalke too much vpon the post:
My selfe a damn'd Promethian I should thinke,
If with the Gods Scotch-Ale, or Meth, a drinke,
The vulgar to prophane, Metheglin call,
Or drops which from my Ladies Lembick fall,
In seuerall spirits of a fifth transcendence,
No, no, the hungry belly calls my mind thence:
I wish not for Castalian cups not I,
But with the petty-Canons being dry,
And but inspir'd with one bare Qu: let any
Compare with vs for singing (O Sydany.)
[Page] Thy Pot-herbs prithy Robbin now afford,
Perfume the Altar of thy Dresser-boord,
And couer it with Hecatombes of Mutton,
As fat and faire as euer knife did cut on:
Then will I sing the Lender and the Debter,
The martiall Mace, the Serieant and the Setter,
Ruines and reparations of lost wealth,
Still, Where you see me, Trust vnto your selfe.

WHERESOEVER YOV SEE MEE, Trust to your selfe. OR THE MYSTERIE OF LEN­ding and Borrowing.

SEtting aside the contempla­tion of such Lending and Borrowing, as whereby the soule of Traffique is brea­thed into the bodie of a Common-wealth; I descend lower to that practice of mutuation, whereby we ac­commodate one another for our present necessi­ties in monies and other requisites.

First, for the Borrower.

I Will first shew who be the most notable sort of Borrowers and Booke-men.

Next, what method euery one holds in his [Page 2] seuerall way of Borrowing and Booking.

Then their seuerall cause of failing and insol­uencie.

Next, their sundrie waies and weapons, with which they fence with their Creditors.

Next, their noted places of refuge and retire­ment.

Then their Iubilies and daies of Priuiledge.

Lastly, the certaine markes of a conscious cau­tious Debtor, with the Martiall discipline of the Mace, according to the Moderne practise of these daies.

Next for the Creditor.

I Will first shew the charitable extent of the Cre­ditors curtesie.

Then his Mystery of Multiplication.

Next, how the Oyster caught the Crow. The hand in the booke bred the wind-collicke in the ware-house.

And then how that wind being not able to force a passage thorow the cauernes of his credit, shakt the very foundation of his shop-boord, threatning a most sudden, strange, and stormie eruption.

Next, the signes fore-running the wonderfull cracke.

Then the Reparation of the decayed man.

And lastly, the singular comfort which the Common-wealth receiued by him, when he was sent forth for current out of his Creditors mint, [Page 3] with a new impression and a second edition.

And of these in order.

The chiefe and most notable Borrowers are,

The Courtier, that neither cares for the call of the Counting-house, nor the Checke of the Chamber.

The Innes of Court-man that neuer was Stu­dent.

The country Gentleman no Hospitall house­keeper.

The citie gallant that neuer arriued at his free­dome by seruice.

The Courtiers method followes.

FIrst he invites his Creditor, to a dish of Court-Ling, with Masculine mustard plenty.

Then shewes him the priuie lodgings, and the new banquetting house.

Perhaps the Robes next.

Then the great Magolls tent in the Wardrobe: And so much serues for the first meeting, and to procure an appetite to the second.

To the second meeting our Creditor is summo­ned, and brings behinde him his wife, like to a bro­ken wicker glasse bottle hanging at his taile, and en­ters into the Masking roome.

Whereat the Courtiers skill in deliuering of the Maskers names, vnder their seuerall disguises, did purchase an euerlasting and indissoluble citie-con­sanguinitie with his female charge, ouer whom the more sleepy hir spouse, the more vigilant was my cousen courtier.

[Page 4] And now he hath made his partie strong enough to visit my citizen, and to borrow and take vp of him at his owne home, in the most familiar phrase that can bee deuised for such like vse and purpose.

Then for the quickning, continuing, and enlar­ging of his credit, our Courtier pretends how he has receiued newes that his feign'd kinred is very sicke: and thereupon a takes occasion (in stead of venison) to send her a bottle of that famous and farre fetcht frontineack: He bids himselfe to dinner the same day, and there in a cursorie way of commending the excellent art of man, in matter of Manufacture, he falls by chance vpon the remembrance of an extraordinarie stuffe which hee saw a great perso­nage weare lately in Court, not doubting but that his cousens shop did afford the like: His purpose was to haue a suit of the same very shortly, if they would but lay it by for him till his moneyes came in: Yet with a very little intreaty so cleanly ex­prompted, he was perswaded to take it along with him, but onely for feare lest the whole peece might be sold by the foolish foreman vnawares before his returne.

Giue vs old Ale and booke it,
O giue vs old Ale and booke it:
And when you would haue your money for all,
My cousen may chance to looke it.

The Innes of Court-man, and his Method.

FIrst hee makes himselfe acquainted with the Creditor, by going to him in company with one who is a knowne customer there, and an ap­proued good pay-master.

Then he procures this knowne customer to take the man of credence (as it were) modestly apart, and at his backe while he is walking downe the shop and auersed, to whisper, That this gentleman whom you see here, is sonne and heire to that wor­thy Knight so potent in the Peake, or that most markable Malster of much Marlborne: Or the great Grasier of Grymsborow, or the like. Then he returnes to the vpper end of the shop, and the Master takes an occasion to call to Thomas to giue the Gentleman a stoole, and tels him that he knowes his friends very well: The ancient Mannor house, and the Mill and goodly meadowes a little beneath in the bottome: adding further, that no doubt but if he please the good old Gentleman, hee may in time be owner of them all himselfe.

Be owner? saies mine Innes of court man. Why I tell you, that water-mill came by my mother, with all the medowes of that Leuell: And my Father would hang himselfe he cannot giue them away from me.

And whereas you say I may be owner in time, I thinke the old man has held them long enough: vn­lesse you would make his time endlesse, and him a very wandring Iew. I wis my Grandfather seru'd [Page 6] not him so, he knew what he did when he died. He did it out of true iudgement, in fulnesse of vnder­standing, able to penne his owne will himselfe, when he was no longer seruiceable to his coun­try, he would not liue onely to mend the fire, or preserue it by applying euery circumstant cinder within his reach: but though I pinch for it a while, a time (I hope) may come.

Whereat my Creditor interrupting him, saies, alas you pinch for it? That shall not need (God be thanked) your credit is worthy to bee ranckt in a shop booke, cheeke by iowle with any debitory disposed Gentleman of this towne whatsoeuer. Besides, if you would be loth to haue your name extant in so publike a Repertory, you are able by such estate as is inseparably annexed to your per­son to giue farther assurance (I doe but speake it if need were) by other waies, and otherwise at your pleasure.

Further assurance (replies my Gallant) A pox on't: For assurance they shall haue what they will: And for price of any thing, it is my desire they should gaine by me, yea they shall gaine by mee: For o­therwise how should you be able to liue by it?

Now sir, you speake like an honest Gentleman (saies he againe) I would all our customers were of your minde, there bee too few such as you are; if you haue need of any thing here, either for your wearing, or else for conuersion, wherein I hope you conceiue me sir, it is at your command.

Hereupon the man of the sword sweares that [Page 7] he shall not out-doe him in noblenesse; Had hee robbed the Statuaes of the new Standard of all their royall resolutions. He vowes to returne thi­ther againe, and that speedily: To bring his Tailor with him aduisedly; To take vp for diuers vses with much facility, and to giue assurance according to the direction of his owne Scriuener, a Bow lane most legally.

And so leaue we him like a horse put vp to diet, whereby to be prepared to runne his traine sents on the deepest ground of assurance, that City counsell can finde out or deuise.

Puppy runnes well, but who shall winne the day
Puppy? or Noddy? 'Tis an euen lay.

The Country Gentleman, his Method.

THe country Gentleman, hee is by this time come vp to London; and has brought his Atturney with him, one that professes the taking vp of money by writ of right. His Atturnie brings him to the ship behinde the Exchange, and leaues him there while he goes to fetch the onely Noue­rint in those parts, whom he prepares at his shop with the purpose, aduising him withall in his eate, so to handle the matter in hall, that beards may wag all, which he deliuered with a most familiar wrin­ging of him by the hand, to insinuate his meaning as vnto his share: He then brings the Scriuener vnto the Tauerne, good compliance is in all parties, [Page 8] and the Scriuener according to the true practice of the most of them, at the first meeting, especially while they are with the borrower in a Tauerne, was more easie in promising, then they in pro­posing.

The atturney then softly tels the Gentleman apart, that he should doe well to bespeake sup­per instantly, assuring him that if hee could but fasten that courtesie vpon the Scriuener for the pre­sent, he were their owne for euer after, neither the summe nor the securitie could be matter of any difficulty.

The counsell was held wholsome as vnto the sup­per, the Atturney was forthwith preferd to the barre, where hee spake so learnedly in the cause, that vpon the same hearing, they recouered three full dishes on their side, the boyes drew the procee­ding of the businesse very Clarke-like, the Kitchin­maid supplied with a Tales. The Mistresse call'd earnestly for the Postea, and the master hee rated and allowed the bill of costs.

At the execution whereof, my Scriuener fea­ring left the shot should disperse and scatter it selfe amongst them, while the Gentleman was fee­ling for money to discharge it; he to facilitate that hand, askes him softly in his eare; What is the summe that hee would haue? Then suspecting the long dwelling of his hand in the pocket, he tels him, He shall haue what summe he will: Let mee see, saies the Scriuener, there comes in this night of Sir Sam van Skynkers money, fiue hundred, and to morrow [Page 9] as much more I can supply you from one hundred to ten out of that as your occasions require; how say you?

We will haue no drie reckoning replies the Gen­tleman: Heere's the full summe of the bill and a pottle ouer; Though we be Leicester-shire fed, yet we be not Brackly bred, I assure you.

And for the summe which I should (or at least would haue) for especiall occasions, Let me see: There is a horse-race at Northampton on Munday come seuenight; I must needs haue new furniture for Cropeare, which I will send downe by Leicester Waggon.

I will haue that Hawke which I saw in South­warke this afternoone: clothes would doe well: But thats my least care of a thousand. A poxe a pride I say.

Howsoeuer I must see the party I told you of by the way, before I goe out of towne, by any meanes if shee keepe the same lodging and the same name that she was wont to doe: thats all now. Lets see, A matter of some three hundred will doe't, so farre forth as my present and most vrgent occasions doe presse me at this instant:

As for payment,
And for rayment,
For hedges and mounds,
And stocking of grounds,
For Corne for seed,
Or Cattle to breed,
[Page 10] Or the Wolfe at the doore,
And a thousand things more.

They are nothing so important and concerning as the least of these: I would not misse Munday come seuennight for three such summes, I tell you Sir: Munday come seuennight! That were a iest in­deed.

For that and what you please beside, saies the Scriuener, you shall finde no default on my partie: This honest Gentleman that is with you knowes the course of these kinde of businesses: He and I shall take care of you wheresoeuer you dispose or repose your selfe: And so with thanks for your costs and kindnesse, I shall take my leaue at this time.

The Scriuener departs, and the Gentleman staies behinde, onely to hugge and endeare the endow­ments of him that procured this meeting: He prai­ses the prosperity of their iourney, commends the comely cariage of the Scriuener, and vowes euer­lasting acknowledgement of his Atturneys actiui­ty. And so they betake themselues to their lod­ging likewise for that night.

The next morning my Gentleman sends his At­turny to see that the money which he spake for, be told out and made ready for him against his com­ming, which should be when and where it shall please the honest Scriuener. (For by this time he had attained so much of reputation among them.)

The same day and the next were both spent in continuall quest of the Scriuener. But the Boyes in [Page 11] the Shop according to their masters direction made answer, one while that he was gone to Sir Sam for moneys: Another while that he was at the sealing of writings at such a place: Then that he was at the speeding of a commission of Bankeruptisme at Guild-hall, God blesse the place and euery good man of the Grand Iury: And then shortly after, that he was but euen now gone forth, and that it was impossible but that he should meet him, vn­lesse the dust of Popes-head Alley had put out his eies by the way.

The time weares out, & the horse-race comes on­ward, the apprehension whereof puts our Gentle­man into such a perpassion, that on the next day early in the morning he goes to the Scriueners shop, where sodainly and vnawares he finds him saying his praiers, while he was withall crosse garte­ring of himselfe; and had he not knowne him bet­ter by his crosse-garters than by his praiers, questi­onlesse he had lost his labour.

Godmorrow (saies the Gentleman) perhaps I doe disturb your deuotion?

You Rascall, how chance you doe not hang out the Labells? (saies the Scriuener to his boy.) Then he proceeds with his praiers, and suddenly bespeaks the Gentleman, asking, What is your will with me Sir? Haue you any businesse with me I pray now?

O Lord Sir, (saies he) I hope you remember what past betweene vs at the Ship on wednesday night last, touching the three hundred which I was [Page 12] indeed to haue the next morning, parcell of the thousand which was to come in then.

Hum (saies the Scriuener) I thinke there was some such matter: I remember we talked of it: But what were the names of your security which you did then giue me?

For names (replies he) why I gaue you none, for I conceiued it should not need: Or if it doe, you shall haue lands that for seat, and site, value, and Virgin title, shall beare and ballance your mor­gage downe to the center.

Now you come to me (saies the Scriuener) goe you two to the Antwerp, but only to prepare me a particular of this land, and I will be with you pre­sently.

They goe before the particular is made ready. The wine is burnt, the Scriuener with much paine has past through his praiers, and recouers the Ta­uerne do ore, by that time he was come to (Amen.) He returnes to his old complement, pockets the Particular which they deliuer him, and puts all vn­kindnesse into this cup; He drinks freely, and pro­mises nobly: So that now there was no doubt made but we might be at Northampton most opportune­ly. And so much for that meeting.

After dinner they came both againe to the shop, where they found my Scriuener wrapt warme in his gowne about him, fast asleepe (Good man.) For if euer he were good, he was then good; Or (at least) I am sure he was then and there at the very best of Scriueners good­nesse; [Page 13] the height of their holinesse, and the perfecti­on of their punctuality.

They must by no meanes trouble him before he be fully recouered and enabled for a second meeting at the Mermaid after Exchange time. They attend the while: the clouds of claret shortly spend themselues: he wakens, they salute him.

At length with much adoe hee calls them to re­membrance, and askes them for their particular: they shew the errour in his pocket, and so he pro­mises their dispatch the next morning without any faile, and they are gone to bespeake furniture for Cropeare in the meane time. At the appointed houre my Atturnie comes to know if the writings were ready to seale, and the money proportioned into seuerall hundreds, in so many seuerall bagges or no.

The Scriuener replies, that it should be forth with prepared accordingly, so as they should bring good city security with them, but only to vndertake for the property and transparancie of the title of the Lands so tendred, and that was all should need for the matter, procuration being euer prouided for, and writing taken to estimation according to the repate of the place where it was to bee written, and that was all that was now remaining to be considered of on the Gentlemans behalfe. This new taske re­quired more time in possessing and perswading of some Citizens his Country-men, who knew him and his lands so well, that it was disputable, whe­ther was more deare and desired vnto them.

[Page 14] They ioyne with him in the security, and become immediatly bound with him by bond for the pay­ment of the money at a certaine day to come, and to the great amazement of the Scriuener, thanke him for this counsaile in aduising and directing them to the cautionary causeway of security both laterally and collaterally, by direct & oblique lines which he most mathematically had imagined and contriued in his head, as well for his owne com­modity as for their indempnity, without deman­ding of any other assurance as yet, and so my Gen­tleman is dispatcht without further tie vpon lands or person hitherto, sauing what is mentally reser­ued vpon the growth of this summe, by these his lo­uing friends and countrimen.

Friendship for countries sake I doe commend,
But not to sell my country for a friend.

The Citizen, a Redemptionary Freeman, his Method.

THe last, but not the least of these is our city borrower, a hopefull young man (though I say it:)

A man of wisedome, for he is the best
That euer was of our Ward-mo [...]t inquest:
Of sweet behauiour, for this very yeere,
He hath discharg'd the place of Scauenger.
At an arbitrement he is a cutter,
As ere concluded in a Tauerne supper.
[Page 15] If females for their linnen doe contend,
He takes vp all, and makes a friendly end.
And if our Vestry brethren doe dissent,
He makes the elder head most eminent.
Grow vp thou man of iustice and of hope,
My pen giues thee thy due, giue thou it scope.

This City youth, not altogether free by patri­monie, but partly by matrization, is wonderfull cautious of being a borrower vpon record, or in the eye of the world. He will not haue his name ten­dred to a Scriuener by any meanes, while he is yet but easily declining vpon the streame of ready mo­nies, and not in stocke, like the water which though it fall and sinke by the sides, yet runnes vp in the middest with a manifest current long after.

He now studies how to take vp without expres­sion to bee a principall for himselfe, or to be too promptly drawne into security for others. Hee findes out for property for this purpose a young heire, who for a third share of the summe, was content to beare the onely name and blame of bor­rower, and to yeeld to the ensafing of my Citizen, by such counter-bonds, sales and assignments, as by the Scriuener and himselfe, could be deuised to vphold the reputation of a wonderfull wary man.

Can you now call this man a borrower for doing his friend a courtesie? Or is this man in a declensi­on, when it appeares by the booke, that he is in the way of purchasing? No such matter, this cries vp his credit: And howsoeuer these monies be repaid, [Page 16] yet he is sure of the land, which before any insol­uency shall appeare on his party, he does intend to conuey ouer in trust secretly, to the vses of his liue­lihood for the time of restraint to come, and like one that prepares his tombe while he is yet liuing, hee resolues what lodging to take vp on the ma­sters-side, when his credit shall depart this mortall life.

Besides, he had another way of borrowing, hee findes out an old vsurer of the same parish, father to diuers daughters, who catcht at espousall prefer­ment, onely by their fathers countenance, and their concise carriage.

The one of these he singles out from the heard, and pretends most pure and vnfained loue vnto her: He visits her in his gowne at Midsummer, whereat the old man conceiues great ioy and comfort, glo­ries in his grauity, and delights in his decency. He on the other side peceiues the powle-cat in the Pursenet, makes present vse of it. He shewes him the conueiance which the heire made the other day vnto him of all the houses in Conny-hoope-lane a one side; and desires to be furnisht by him with so much as might bring the other side into his proper­tie likewise: for that it was now offered vnto him vpon reasonable conditions, so should bee reduce all (as it were) into a circle, and his daughter should hold that for her Iointer, and haue the euidence in her owne custody.

The old man lik't this passing well, and for feare left the bargaine should be snatcht out of his hand, [Page 17] he takes him into his closet, tells out the monie, and sends him away instantly.

The old man turnes him about, and (pointing at her sweet heart) bespeakes his daughter thus:

There goes he that labours for you most indu­striously, studies your good right carefully, I pray God make you thankfull for him accordingly: For you shall haue a husband (bee it not vainely spo­ken) that for thrift and husbandrie may be the very browch of all the Citie.

In stead of going forthwith vnto his Chapman, for the housing and candle rents, he is housed pre­sently at a widdowes in the way, where he spends his time till candle-light.

Here he likewise protests and professes loue by whole sale: hee shewes her the monies, and tels her what a bargaine he could now haue, if shee would ioine stocke with him in such a commoditie come lately into the Downes with the last East-Indian ships. It might please God that this might be a hap­py occasion of vniting their persons as well as their parcels together.

The Widdow was hereupon taken with such a Sorpego in her wrists, that her fingers ends itcht to be telling out of her part, and to take issue vpon his promise of the vnion, which she performed with much dexterity.

Then he puts all together, and assures her that he will be gone the next tide to Grauesend.

When hee comes home, hee dispatches letters speedily to the old Vsurer, certifying him of his [Page 18] good progression in Connie-hoope-lane, and de­siring his patience for certaine daies, which the con­triuing of his assurance by good and sufficient counsell would take vp.

The time pretended for the Downes, and to draw downe a good estate for his young Mistresse, is vpon better consideration bestowed at Rumford, where whosoeuer had seene him in the lift of his libe­ralitie, would little thinke him to be so little a thing as might bee contained within the compasse of a counting house, or be confined within the prospecti­on of a false light.

Expect anon the sequell of his story,
Let Rumford now be famous for Iohn Dory.

Their seuerall cause of insoluency followeth.

THe Courtiers cause is in his conscience: For he neither can nor cares to pay.

The innes of court mans cause is in his Coercence, for he would if he could pay.

The countrie Gentlemans cause is in his confi­dence, for he trusts to his countrie men of the citie, and had rather they then he should pay.

But the citizens cause is in hi [...] complacence.

It pleaseth him so to paie, and he sees no reason why he should goe beyond the rule of conformitie.

He findes good graund Iurie Presidents of fiue shillings in the pound, and it is faire too and suffici­ent soder for the first flaw (by my faith.)

[Page 19]
Some would and if they could,
Some can, and yet they care not:
The least pay what they should,
The most spend all and spare not.

The sundry waies and weapons with which they fence with their Creditors, challenge the next place.

THe longest weapons with which my Courtier keepes his Creditor farthest off, are the winters iournies, and the summers progresse.

And when he is neerer hand, he does keepe them at staues length, by challenging of a priuacy for in­disposition of body, conference with great and ho­nourable Personages, or imploiment in the States wonderfull weighty affaires, when (God wot) the indisposition is for want of cleane linnen.

The conference is with his boy, how to pay the Landresse which detaines it.

And his imployment is in and about the taking of a pipe of Tobacco.

The priuie watergate, and the garden outlet doe well.

And when he findes no remedie but that his Cre­ditor will close and come into him within his wea­pons length, then he sweares that he was euen now about to send for him, had he not preuented him.

He tels him in great secresie how he is in possibi­lity to passe a suit of great worth, only hee wants some money to scatter in fees by the way: For it is [Page 20] to bee vnderstood, that with great Officers the chamber-men weare good clothes, and the doore­keeper has a precious facultie: he shall onely sup­ply with so much as will euen the old summe, and pay himselfe, tot, talia, and tanta, at his owne plea­sure, yea he shall bee a Patentee himselfe, for argu­ment of honest purpose and honourable dealing.

What shift so ere we make, he needes must do it.
For profit and preferment pricke him to it.

The Iunes of Courts mans weapons.

HIs first weapon is a well-pend Letter, excu­sing his delay by incompetencie of exhibi­tion.

Or by the necessity of attending the reuolution of their Tenants six moneths day of payment, ac­cording to the custome of the Country.

But especially by occasion of his fathers great and dangerous sicknesse (though there were no such matter) for that hee knew was the onely vis­couse matter to belime his Creditor that could bee deuised or applied.

The next weapon, when the former way is stale of assiduity, is his good sword, a watchfull eye and a ready hand.

The last is the deuiation and auoiding of the most frequented passages and streets, and to hold compasse at the halfe point, through the Let­goes [Page 21] of Allies, Tauernes, with backe doores, or by water, as stands with most accommodation.

His fencing in the night I most commend,
When he may safely drab, and drinke, and spend.

The Country Gentleman his Weapons.

THis youth (alas) hath neither occasion at the first to practise his defence, nor knowes the vse of the weapon, nor will he be brought to it of a long time; when payment is prefixed to be made to him the said Salomon set in siluer street Lon­don, hee in his better wisdome is betting of all his white money at the Cock-fighting in Couentrie.

And when all comes to all, when farther occasi­on hath drawne him into a farther respectualitie with his vndertakers in London; so that he must ei­ther stand vpon his guard, or lose the Bleane, with all Meadowes, Pastures, Feedings, woods, vnder­woods, and other the appurtenances worth tenne times the monie borrowed:

Then, O then, he lookes out his manly munition.

The ancient sleeping entaile.

The old mothers Ioincture.

The endowment of his wife, adostium Ecclesiae.

All these he brings to his Cutler of Chancerie­lane, and bestowes so much vpon the oile of equi­ty, as will scoure them vp cleanly, and make them fit weapons of defence against all the Cossaques of the City.

[Page 22]
Petitions be the Postures of thy guard,
And may thy motions be like Canons heard;
Set field, or skirmish, Chamber, or the Barre,
Tis like to proue a very lingring warre.

The City borrower his fence.

HE handles his weapon with the best grace of them all, his Creditor dares scarce come within his reach, but only aske how he does as he goes by. And if hee doe presume to leaue word with the apprentice boy, that he would haue him tell his Master that he was here to speake with him in the current of his other businesse, it is a bold ad­uenture, and a sawcie presumption taken very cen­soriously by my young. Master at his comming home, especially if hee haue beene at the Renter­wardens feast.

The Cities occasion,

The Companies conuention, and

The parochicall prouision,

These be the things which challenge propriety and prioritie in a comely Citizen, before all other respects whatsoeuer.

He will not discontent the first,

Nor disappoint the second,

Nor disfurnish the last for obseruance of whom­soeuer.

For the monie taken vp of the Scriuener, the interest onely needs to bee paid in as yet: and the Scriuener (to stop his mouth) he shall haue the im­ploiment [Page 23] and benefit to eiect the Tenants of Conie-hoope-lane, and withall he will haue the Scriuener sue the bond both against the heire and himselfe, vpon which he will appeare to suffer iudgements a­gainst both right willingly. (Marry) he shall take execution against the heire only.

For the old Vsurers monie, hee found that the assurance could not be perfected till the next Mi­chalmas terme, for it required the ceremonie of the barre, and before he would debarre his wife of any ceremonie belonging to her, he would be reputed the vnperfectest member that euer ministred in the Cities mysteries.

And for the Widdowes monie bestowed in the Downes, he found the commoditie not so vendi­ble here as beyond the seas, therefore he thought it best to send it into Holland, where it attends the next market, and would not so much as suffer it to touch at our coast.

This cannot cure but lengthen thy disease,
It may deferre the paine, but not release.

Their noted places of refuge and retirement follow.


I Will not so much as looke into the court, or any the standing houses; the house-keepers lod­ging, nor the gardiners receit, neither the Mewes. [Page 24] Nor pry into the meniall precincts of any the Innes of Court, farther then they stand for refuge and reliefe of the neighbouring priuiledges about them.

The first and chiefest of all which, for aduan­tage of the ground, for fortifications, for water­workes, posternes and passages, supplies and pro­uision by land or otherwise, is that so farre fam'd, and so fitly nam'd Ram-Alley, or the Ramy-kins, according to the Dutch translation.

In it is a garrison of old souldiers, euery one of the which is able to lead a whole armie of younger Debtors.

They call their Muster-roll in the round Church.

They drill them in the garden, and

They make their set battailes vnder the trees in the new walkes, which peece of ground was listed in and leuel'd for the purpose.

For the workes within Ram-Alley, there be two most notable: the one is rais'd and contriued in the forme of a Ramme, which Rammes were vsed in the old Iewish Discipline, as appeares by the Histo­ry it selfe more at large.

This worke is of a reasonable strength, hauing a watch-Tower in the similitude of a Coblers shop, adioyning, from whence all the forces about are called together vpon the least approach of the enemie.

But the other is a fort most impregnable, where the enemy dares not so much as come within shot, to take the least view of it.

[Page 25] There is none but this onely one so inuincible, farre and neere, and therefore our latter writers haue stiled it the Phoenix. There be other pretty contriued plot-formes in the fashion of Cookes shops two or three, where if a Setter or Spy doe but peepe in at them, they will make him pay for the roast before he depart (Ile warrant him.)

To the Rammykins doe belong a very great fleet, consisting of many saile well man'd, and these ere onely for the seruice by water.

This place according to the Geographicall map, and the report of our moderne Authors, cannot possibly be so besieged, but that they within may goe in and out at their pleasure without impeach­ment.

At the Middle-temple gate they will issue in spite of the deuill.

At the Inner-temple gate they feare no colours in the Rain-bow.

And at Ram-Ally Posterne, in case they cannot fetch Fetter-lane, but discouer ambushment, they need onely draw their bodies within guard of pike, turne faces about, and retreat through the Miter.

Or admit they stand for Fleet-street, & be so inter­cepted, that they can neither recouer the Miter nor Ram-Ally, it is no more but onely to mend their march, fall downward as if they gaue way, suddenly discharge their right hand file, and fall easily into Serieants Inne, where by an ancient treaty had be­tweene these two houses, it was agreed that the parties in such distresse might, paying the Gentle­man [Page 26] Porters Fee, haue conuoy and conueyance through the Garden into the Temple, without re­hazzard of his person.

Then when they would forrage, they are no soo­ner out of the Middle-temple gate, but there bee three seuerall places of defence to friend them: (viz.)

The Bell.

The Barregate, and

Shire lane.

The passage through the Kings Bench office is a most excellent safe way for close contriuing and re­triuing.

The Gardners wharfage as the tide may serue, will serue the turne too.

But the new doore by the Bochards, though it be none of the sweetest way, yet it is the safest of all the rest, for at the sight of the pompe the setter starts backe, and will by no meanes pursue him any further.

Fulwoods Rents.

THe next place of refuge is commonly called Fulwoods Rents, which lies so in the maine and plaine continent, that it requires the stricter watch and stronger court of guard to be kept about it.

Besides, the Generall of the enemy hath planted very neere it, and lately cast vp a mount in the fa­shion of a Sherifes Office iust in the face of them.

In Fulwoods Fort, otherwise yckleeped Skink-skonce, [Page 27] besides Robbin-hood and his out-lawes, lie a regiment of Tailors, the one halfe whereof with red beards, and the other hauing no beards at all.

Captaine Swanne was a very tall man,
So was not Francis Drake a;
When Snypp does sweare in single beere,
The Bailiffes vse to quake a.

At the vpper end of these Rents, and at the very portall of Purpoole-palace westward, was lately be­gunne a most excellent peece of worke, which had it not beene interrupted by those that plaid vpon them from aboue (questionlesse) it had beene the strongest and surest hold that euer was raisd within the continent for this purpose.

The backe gate into Graies Inne lane, with the be­nefit of the little Alley, ex opposito, is of good vse, but not at all times.

The passages through certaine Innes on the field-side, are attempted with some hazzard by rea­son of the stragling troops of the enemie, who he pardue in euery alehouse thereabouts.

The onely safe way of Sally, is that through the walkes, from whence the Red-Lion in Graies-Inne­lane receiues them with good quartering, and pas­ses them through the backe way into the maine land: And so much for Skink-Skonce.

Milford lane.

THe next is Milford lane, to which certaine Cap­taines and their companies being long since cashiered, betooke themselues, and liking the situa­tion of it, did there erect diuers workes, both to the land-side and the water for their ensafing.

As they came in by conquest, so they hold it by the sword; and howsoeuer their title hath beene much disputed heretofore, yet they haue now commuted the matter, proued plantation, preten­ded the first discouery: and withall haue reduced it to a most absolute Hanse and free towne of it selfe without dependency.

The chiefe benefit they haue for securing of their persons is that of the water, for to the land there is little safety when you are once without their works, and therefore I will abide here no longer, but hold my course onward to the Sauoy.

The Sauoy.

IF the Sauoy should not be sufficiently defended euery way, and in euery respect, it were a great shame to the discipline of the place, and the troupes that are there billeted, the rather for they consist for the most part of Engyniers and Pro­iectors: and in memory of them, haue builded there certaine tenements which shall beare the name of Proiector-Ally for euer.

Duke Humfrey.

FRom hence you must giue me leaue to passe by boat to Duke Humfries, which was a very strong fortresse in former times, when the Megazine of munition, viz. the treasury of Tobacco-pipes was there established.

But the Megazine is remoued, and the place much weakened, their Commanders dispersed about Budge-row, and scattered in Warwicke-lane, where they are the onely vpholders of the three­penny ordinary (a strange alteration.)

The poore remainder of this Garrison, vnlesse they be speedily relieued by them of the Colledge, to re-enforce the daily assaults of the enemy, must of necessity yeeld vp all with much dishonour.

I can stay no longer here with good name & fame, and therefore I returne to my waterman attending all this while, who is to set me ouer to Southwarke, and land me at an excellent hold indeed, common­ly called Mountague-close, sometimes the Scite of the Monastery of Saint Sauiours neere the bridge.

Mountague close.

ANd though the Garrison here consist not of so many old Souldiers, yet there number is no whit inferiour to that of Ram-Ally, and some of them serue on both sides, and are in both rolls euer attending where the seruice most requireth, [Page 30] and the most of them are men of much actiuity.

The eldest company within it, are and haue beene directly diers in graine, descended from the race of the old blew Brittaines.

In Lent when other Garrisons are most thinne and worst victualled, these doe most exceed in both, for then whole troups of Butchers from the Cantons adioyning, offer themselues like so many Switzers vnto them: and conuey by land and wa­ter to that place, such abundance of cattle fetcht from the Kentish Kernes, and the Sorry Yonkry a­bout them, as makes themselues plumpe and pliable for any enterprise all the yeere after, and also drawes very great store of Wascoterians and handsome Basketerians vnto them from all parts of the City and Suburbs, and all for meere carnality.

Ely Rents.

THe last is that euerlasting liberty of Ely Rents in Holborne, which is so aduantagiously mounted, that it commands all the leuell beneath it. It is a worke of small receipt, for it may bee made—good, with three Brokers, two Coblers, a Baker and a Tapster, against all inuasions and Inua­ders whatsoeuer.

I cite not that priuiledge of S. Martins le grand, with many other adioyning, which haue proper officers for returne of writs within themselues; be­cause though they be not vnder command of the city, yet they admit no Sanctuary or refuge to [Page 31] the borrower, vnto whom the Fire and the Frying­pan are both alike.

These forementioned Garrisons, Forts and Fortresses, stand still in such state as is before ex­pressed.

But I cannot forget the present estate of others, vpon which the enemy hath entred, either by con­quest or composition:


Cold Harbor.

THat of Cold Harbor, where was an excellent Blockhouse to correspond with that of the close on the other side. Both which together clee­red the passage of the riuer betweene them, so that no water Bayliffe durst come within their reach at point blanke.

And this (as they write) was taken in by the sword in time of their securitie.

The Fryars.

THe Fryars, Augustine and Cruciate, Blacke, White, and Gray, great and lesse, and those of the Trinitie. The Spittle and Saint Graces, had all their Cooles puld o're their heads, and so were all for the most part led into the city captivitie, where they remaine to this day.

Tis said that they were most lost by this meanes, that they suffered those of the Freedome not only [Page 32] to dwell among them, but likewise to encrease and multiply, to plant and supplant, the Nobility and the Gentry which vpheld their liberties: and in the end when they had got and engrossed all power of office, trust and authority, into their hands; they set open the gates and suffered the military men of the Mace to enter and surprise all.

The Commanders of the city were onely con­tent vpon treaty, to article and agree with those of the Blacke-Friers; that notwithstanding they so entred by conquest, yet the old companies, especi­ally the English Fether-makers, [...]he Dutch Iewel­lers, the Scotch Taylers, and the French Shooma­kers, with some other forreigne forces, should haue and enioy their ancient priuiledges, without mole­station or interruption in any kinde.

Saint Bartholmewes.

BVt the greatest blow that euer was giuen to the Borrower, was the taking in of Saint Barthol­mewes, vpon whose plat-forme A whole Army of Borrowers and Booke-men might haue beene mustered and drawne out in length, or into what forme or figure it had pleased them to cast them­selues.

What workes, yea what variety of art and work­manship was within it?

What an excellent halfe Moone was there cast vp without it for defence, towards Aldersgate­street?

[Page 33] What Sconces in the fashion of Tobaccoshops and Taphouses, in all parts of it.

What art was in the Silkeweauers there, who in twisting of their silke made it serue like so many Op­ticke lines to conuey and receiue intelligence to and fro in an instant, and laugh to scorne asinissimum il­lum Nuntium inanimatum.

But alas, these are all demolisht, the old souldiers discharg'd, and all deliuered and yeelded vp vpon composition and consent of the Commander.

By the last packet we receiue newes, that there are daily assaults made vpon Saint Iohn of Ierusa­lem. It is said likewise that they are in a mutiny within themselues; which if it be so, the band of borrowers there billetted will be shortly disbanded and dismissed vtterly.

The Iubilees and daies of Priviledge follow.

THe vnparaleld Parliament is the first and of all others the best.

The very Tunc temporis wherein Iupiter hath the full effects of his influence, when he is in his mas­culine house, and in a full aspect (hora optima.)

The next is a time of a raging pestilence: for if the serieants doe not then feare the plague of God hanging ouer their heads, I know not what the de­uill will feare them.

The next is the time wherein my Lord Mayor takes his oath: For then the Serieants and their [Page 34] Yeomen are all at Westminster (hora bona.)

The next is that wherein the Sheriffes are sworne: For in the forenoone the Mace-men attend their ma­sters. At noone they haue enough to doe to wait vpon M r. Mayor of Oxfords cups: And in the after­noone it is as much as they can doe to get home.

Other daies of priuiledge are all such wherein they are all generally tied to attend their Sheriffes to Pauls, as that of Christmas day, All-saints day, Candlemas day, the Coronation day, the Pouder-plot, and the fift of August. (hora mediocres) Only take heed how you touch at any Tauerne neere vn­to Pauls after the Sherifes are once set, and vn­till they bee readie to depart, for feare of free­booters.

I cannot say what hope there is in the priuiledge of the Sabboth, but there is great presumption vpon the benefit of those times, wherein the Ser­ieants weare their best Apparell, for I haue obser­ued that they will make bold with their zeale, when they place much matter of conscience in their clothes.

The daies of their Spittle-sermons are especiall good ones: for their Masters and Mistresses being then in coniunction, it requires that they should be double diligent the while.

The daies wherein the great Lords come downe to ociate, or negotiate, eat, or treat with their Ma­sters, are reasonable good.

Whitsonday at the new Church-yard does well, but I am afraid that they will not bee altogether so [Page 35] mad as to be all comprised within the perambula­tion of Bedlam, where I will leaue them at this time: and proceed to

The markes of a Conscious Cautious Debtor, with the discipline of the Mace.

These be the generall Markes.
  • 1 Vncertainty of meeting.
  • 2 Obscurity of walking.
  • 3 Variety of lodging.
  • 4 Inconstancy of abiding.

The particular markes follow.

At the lanes end he euer lookes behinde him.

And after he is once turned out of sight he mends his pace in an extraordinary degree of footmanship, till he haue gained some ground of the followers.

And then he makes another stand to take notice whether any of them haue arriued thither with more than ordinary speed, or precipitate himselfe at the comming about the lanes end, which is the cer­taine signe of a Setter or a Serieant.

He neuer keepes the proponticke passage.

He hath a catalogue of all Tauernes with backe doores, especially to the waters side.

Difference of attire (if he haue it) stands him in great stead.

He enuies the encrease of the Moone more then he pitties the decrease of his owne fortunes.

Hee knowes theres little got by running, and [Page 36] lesse by rising at the Serieants hands.

Therefore when he hath businesse to doe on the next day, he commonly remoues himselfe ore night to the end he may haue a safe mornings flight.

His meetings (when he does say and hold) are in places where he may stand as much vpon his repu­tation as his Tailor may vpon his credit.

With the Italian he does much mislike the ouer­hasty manner of pace vsed by our nation in the city, (a place of ciuility, and that in the following of their ordinary affaires.

He is better at retriuing then at contriuing.

He is a great enemy to idlenesse, for he loues not to see one stand leaning at a stall, or looking about him, where he claimes no propertie, nor owes any seruice.

He learned of his Grandmother to hate whistling after candle-light aboue all things.

He prayes not in common for me, but that the Commons may meet in for me (as aforesaid.)

And no sinne stickes so impressiuely in his con­science, or disperses it selfe through his whole heart, as that he euer paid any thing to his Creditors in part.

The Discipline now offers it selfe, and the Mace is lifted vp, in Terrorem populi.

WIthin London there are two regiments of Mace-men.

[Page 37] The one is incamped in the Poultry.

The other in Woodstreet.

The greater number of them attend their co­lours where they are euer ready to sally vpon the Alarum or signall giuen.

Other of them guard their Collonels person by turnes.

And the rest are appointed and exposed (as fol­loweth.) So many of the best able and most trusty of their Cauallerie, as their seruice requires, espe­cially in terme time, are planted at Chancery lane end, to make good that place, and to cut off such as issue out of the workes on the other side, or come downe from other parts to put themselues vnder the protection of them.

Of these Chancery-lane end men, if the designe doe deserue it, some one or two are drawne out of them, to defeat the passage betweene the middle Temple and the Bell or the Barre-gate, but this is vpon especiall occasion, and therefore seldome at­tempted, but when they haue intelligence of some extraordinary booty, or good pillage comming that way.

Others of them are quartered in Smithfield, where euery Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they stand charg'd with cocke vp, ready to giue fire at euery poore Butcher in the Grasiers quarrell, and these are of their Infantry.

Others are on euery market day commanded for Leaden-hall, where they serue one-day vnder the Tanner, against the shoo-maker, another day vnder [Page 38] the Butcher against the [...]mer, and sometimes for the Scriuener against both.

Others are appointed to other seueralll markets, where rather then they will want entertainment, they will beare armes against the very butter-wiues (enough to make their hearts to melt with the very thought out) the eldest sort of them, such as hold charge, rather for their aduice then their ability, are laid at the Exchange, where though the seruice be daily, and the Nation against whom they serue are all people of great stomacke, meeting euer at din­ner and supper times onely, yet the danger is but small in regard they haue the Country round about to friend.

The only Despervieos among them are seuerally appointed to the seuerall gates, where they scoure and keepe cleere the passage to the Barres, being the vtmost extent of their workes.

They are all right perfect at their Postures: As

Beare your Musket vnder your left arme, id est,

Be sure to touch the prisoner on the sword side.

Pull out your Scowrer, id est,

Draw your Warrant.

Aduance your Pike, id est,

Exalt your Mace.

Cocke your Match, id est,

Enter your Action.

And so for euery posture, Punctually and parti­cularly in his order.

Then for Stratagems of warre, they ride the an­cient discipline, quite dagger out of sheath.

[Page 39] The best that Roman Histories affoord vs, is of that one noble resolution, who to gaine beliefe and credit of the enemy, mangled himselfe, tun­ning out of the gates into their Campe to com­plaine his owne misery and his Countries tyranny, with offer of giuing them vp into the enemies hand, only for actuation of his owne reuenge.

But giue me the plot that conquers at a farre lesse price.

A Porters frocke (a Proiect of excellent car­riage.)

A Lawyers gowne, (Latet quod non patet.)

A Scriueners Pen and Inke-horne (a designe of deeper reach then you are aware on.)

These shall make his passage, sine sanguine & sudore.

This is your only Proiector indeed, whose first ancestor was begot betweene the man i'th Moone, and Tom Lancasters Laundresse, vpon a faire fa­got pile, from whom are descended the only Cho­risters of our counter-quire.

It would doe you good to heare the whole packe of these together, they are so excellent for sent and cry.

But the best mouth'd among them in truth, and for my money, the onely mouth is without Bi­shopsgate.

And the best sented at the vpper end of red­crosse street, iust at the entrance into Golding-lane, into whose sweet bosome I commit them all, and there leaue them.

[Page 40] It may be expected that I should say somewhat of the Discipline of the Bailifes, but especially of those of the Vierge and the Clinkonians.

But some of them haue no Discipline or order at all, and the rest very little.

The poore Pichard cannot out pilfer them in the plaine path-way of their practise, they hold no good quartering with any man, but are more desirous of prey then of lawfull conquest.

The better sort of them goe in bootes without spurres, and they for the most part are bought in Turning-stile lane in Holborne: the Author holds them not worthy his penne, or to be rank't with the men of the mace before mentioned, and there­fore by his good will he will haue nothing to doe with them at any hand.

The Creditors part.

FOr the Debtors part, I am perswaded that our Author hath performed it reasonable well.

But for the other of the Creditor (to say the truth) he hath practised that part very little hither­to, and therefore is very diffident of his abilitie therein.

Yet howsoere, heele stand vpon his credit,
And iustifie his word, because he sed it.

For the charitable extent of the Cre­ditors curtesie.

VErily this man of Credence doth obserue these principles in all his proceeding of this nature.

First, that he may lend or trust vpon such condi­tions as may tend to the benefit of the Borrower or Debtor chiefly.

Then, that his owne gaine may be moderate.

Then, that there may be Record thereof kept for testimony of his sincere intention, in two or three seuerall bookes at the least.

And lastly, he doth not onely lend or trust, but farther giueth it a blessing, that it may yeeld much increase to the borrower and debter.

The reasons hereof are all as pregnant as pious.

1. For it is better for him to build then to pull downe.

2. He will not grinde the forehead of his poore brother.

3 His booke cannot erre, for it admits no traditi­on, but the pure and vncorrupted text it selfe, as it was deliuered in the primitiue register, while Tho­mas his fore-man was yet liuing, and did beare record as a faithfull witnesse of these procee­dings.

And though the blessing be bestowed vpon a dead commodity, yet I hope it argues no superstition in him that giueth it.

And all this is apparantly good till we come to

The mystery of Multiplication.

TRadition, it is not tollerable but an abomi­nation, and yet our Creditor holds that Ad­dition in the secret of shop-booke may bee very al­lowable.

For so long as he doth onely make vp in credits what he hath lost in stocke, or what is decaid in ne­cessary expences, and not riotously or vainly, seeing the wicked are but vsurpers of the riches of this world, it is lawfull for him with an equall hand to bee carried among his Debtors by way of ap­portionment, [Page 43] to rate and assesse them at his dis­cretion.

He will take no interest, nor wrong his consci­ence for any good, his shop-booke hath hitherto held good name and fame. Heresies may creepe into the Church daily, but neuer into his shop­booke in any wise: there is nothing there but what hath beene deliuered, and his seruants (especially one amongst the rest) will as boldly as any Brew­ers desperate Clarke maintaine and iustifie it: shall he not maintaine his masters mystery, when they are both to be saued by the same faith? Why, he shall put the debtor in minde of the deliuery of euery parcell, with all the circumstances to it, for he re­members it as perfectly, as if it had beene done but yesterday. Now the Debtor beginnes to quarrell the Shop-booke, my Creditor is most iustly incen­sed: And therefore now in the next place

The Crow lookes to eat the Oister aliue, but is caught in the attempt, and the hand in the Shop-booke breedes the winde-collique in the warehouse, which shak't the Fabrique and foundation of all his factory as follow­eth:

Suppose the tide is now comming in, and the poore Oister gapes for some refection in the moi­sture of it. The Birds of prey (s [...]ilicet) the shop-kee­per the Crow, and the Vsurer the Cormorant: these houer about it, each of them hoping to pull it out of the little [...] where it dwells, and to [Page 44] deuoure it aliue. Hereupon the Cormorant and the Crow contend for the prize: The Crow claimes it as a Stray lost, and left without the bounds of any watry couerture on the dry land at a low ebbe, The Cormorant challenges it neuerthelesse, as being still within his high water-marke; Then the Crow alledges that its so wasted (wanting water) that it is become no better then Carrion, and therefore it does properly belong vnto him. The Cormorant denies that, and assures him that the Oister is yet aliue, and therefore no carrion. But the Crow had giuen so much credit formerly, that he would now scarce beleeue his owne eies (especially in his wifes case) he would by no meanes beleeue this to bee true, and therefore in hope to cousen the Cormo­rant, he desires that he may only feele with his bill whether it were so or no? Leaue is giuen by the Cormorant, who thought it was enough for the Crow to smell vpon the prey, intending that neuer any more should come to his share: Then the Crow who knew how to tickle a Trout at his pleasure, did without assistance of Constable or aduice of Coun­sell, make a most violent entry vpon the Oister, which presently claps to his doore, shuts the Crow within, and caught him so fast by his bill of entry, that all Colchester and the custome-house can testifie to this day, with what vncustomed and vncourte­ous entertainment he was there receiued.

Well might the Crow cry and call for his compa­nion the Cormorant to redeeme him from captiui­ty, [Page 45] but all was in vaine. The doores were shut vp, he could not so much as belch at the key hole, or let out the wind which troubled the warehouse by any meanes forward or backward, the very foundation of the shop and shopbord, were sha­ken with the violence thereof.

Being in this extremity, and so taken with the wind, that nothing applied inwardly could possibly helpe him, he calls for the shop-booke, and beginnes to coniure the collicque with such terrible charmes and incantations, as the like were neuer deuised nor put into any pentacle: Then he raised the great Prince, In primis, out of his Easterne Emperie, with a legion of Items at­tending him.

These two hee sets to taske, and enioynes them to distinguish his Debtors in Spero, from those in Despero, and to deale more plainly with him herein, then Widdowes vse to doe by their Husbands estates in the Court of Orphans, and else-where: They performe his designe instantly, and the greater number appeared to be perdues directly desperate and debilitate, amongst the which my cousin Courtier and my Innes of Court-man were of the number.

The Courtiers suit did long languish and was palliated and vpheld with letters commen­datory, it complain'd much of the disease called the reference, it was a little lightened by a Cor­diall certificat laterly, yet in the end no meanes [Page 46] nor medicine could serue the turne, but of a stopping and obstruction at the great seale it died.

The Innes of Court m [...]n was neither heire nor aged sufficiently, for the enabling of any such act as hee had vndertaken publikely by deed, or priuatly in the shop-booke. The Scri­uener, the City counsaile, himselfe, and all were fatally infatuated, betraid with a beard, and foold with formalitie.

The wind rises more and more, the storme encreaseth, strange stitches on euery side of the shop, wonderfull weaknesse in the ware-house, and convulsions in the Counter-boord and box, complaine and cry out vpon the Collique, at whose mercy we leaue him, expecting the erup­tion thereof very speedily.

The Signes fore-running the won­derfull Cracke.

THe certaine Signes in a Citizen are these:

He striues to be call'd into such office, especially as whereby he may haue the stocke of the Parish or Company in his custody.

He giues ground in matter of payment, the longer he deales, the more hee leaues in the re­mainder vpon euery payment.

He leaues the plaine path of his profession, and [Page 47] places more faith in a Proiect, then in all the probabilities of his owne Trading: and when a Citizen turnes Proiector, he has the very tokens of the wonderfull Cracke vpon him.

His Country house is too little for him, and it wants a gate-house for his Wife and Coach to come in at, and therefore there must be laid out in building thrice as much as the Fee-simple of all when it is finished will affoord.

Hee takes vp at interest to make good the building: all his good debts hee sets o­uer to the immediate accountant in trust, and with an intention to preuent his Creditors.

All his purchases are either in the name of his sonne, or some trusty Kinsman of his wines.

The neerer the Cracke, the faster he laies about him, to take vp in any kinde, and vpon any conditions, then he conueies all things of value out of his house.

And at last he giues fire with a report of his great losses at or beyond the seas, where he (God wot) had neuer any factory or dea­ling in all his life time.

Then hee sends his Wife to her Mo­thers, where shee must liue awhile, that shee may not be troubled with the noise and cla­mour of the Creditor.

[Page 48] Hee betakes himselfe to his Chamber, keepes the shop windowes shut, and pro­uides a Catalogue of all his desperate cre­dits onely to deliuer to his Creditors, when they shall come to treat vpon the subiect of satisfaction.

The newes reaches to the Exchange by noone, where they that haue giuen credit to him, looke so prettily and pittifully one vpon another, as you might know and challenge them by their faces.

Then they gather together, and conferre their notes, and cast vp the whole summe what all their credits may come vnto, onely some of the more pragmaticall sort, who feare to publish their losses lest their owne estates should come likewise in question, doe dis­semble the matter, and speake with the least. Others that suspect, it may bee their owne case very shortly, pitty the mans misfortune, blame the hardnesse of the times, deadnesse of trade, and scarcity of coine, recounting what he is out for forreigne plantations abroad, and other contributions at home, and with what charge he hath gone through so many offices in so short time, whereat euery man relents and lets slacke his more strict purposes, a­greeing all to go to his house to conferre with him after dinner.

And so dismisse we them till then.

IT may be you looke I should haue spoken som­what of the Cracke of my City gallant, but it is improper to place him amongst Creditors that has beene bred a borrower from his cradle, and that according to the custome of the Citie: let it on­ly suffice, that though he had not his country house, yet he had his country hostesse, and though he dealt not in court Proiection, yet he kept a vile coile for court Protection.

His Hostesse she paid the old Widdowes and his young Mistresse their debts in the same coine that he tendred to them.

And at last when his insoluency appeared vpon euery post, shee prefer'd any Iustice of peace his Clarke thereabouts to her respectuality before him, so that there was neither abiding at Rumford, nor returne to London, but he must of necessity make a voyage, be it but to Britlesey, where hee lies close vnder a borrowed name, which was the last com­modity that euer he tooke vp, till his friends shall haue rectified his credit, and restored him to the estate from which he was so lately collapsed and fallen.


The recouery of the old man, with the common comfort which it did beget, hold the next place.

AFter dinner all the Creditors met againe on the Exchange, where they hold full three houres conference, during which time not any of them did beleeue one word which another spake vnto him, for they were too wise and learned in the vse and exercise of conformity, to speake the simple truth, because they were to deale in a matter mixt and compounded of many ingredient credits commedled and put together.

From hence they goe to the house of their Deb­tor, in number as many as a whole colledge of Phy­sicians to enquire for their Patient: they are forth­with brought vp vnto him into his chamber, where they found him in an old suit onely fit for garbling or eating of greene-fish, with as many night-caps vpon his head as there bee cups in a nest of Court-dishes, and the old gowne which was alwaies wont to lie at the Hall for ordinary daies: in stead of plate there were only two full Vrinalls standing vpon the Court-cubbord, by which they might discerne the great disabilitie and weaknesse, which the wind­chollique had wrought within him.

And in stead of accounts, bonds and bills, and other euidences, there lay only open before him, the [Page 51] foresaid Catalogue consisting of desperate debts and debtors (as aforesaid.)

They salute him as if they did in a manner partly remember him, and then all together, as well the man of ten, as he of two and twenty hundred in credits, without difference, put forward for the first deliuery of his minde vnto him.

This disorder was much blamed by the gra­uer sort, and vpon better aduice, select men were drawne out of them to compound, for so many as would voluntarily conforme themselues, which was to be done according to the Catalogue, and as the ability would beare it.

In the meane time a letter of licence is sealed for his liberty, to call in and recouer what was due vnto himselfe.

This Letter of licence begat a commission of conformity, and then to worke they go full round­ly: some of the chiefe who had taken other and better conditions of satisfaction of him in priuat, then the rest, shewed much forwardnesse in the pub­like way of composition, and in the end did so strengthen their party, that they preuailed against the other.

The whole debt was cryed downe to six and eight pence in the pound, the windowes were o­pened, the seruants in the shop flung vp their caps, the Curse was remoued from their house, their Ma­ster was a recouered man, and none but a banque­rupt would say to the contrary.

[Page 52] Their Mistresse was sent for home with all the speed that might be, and this night all her kindred and their masters friends were to solemnize this happy recouery of the decayed man, where they meant to drinke to the health of six and eight pence, from six in the euening till eight next mor­ning.

The common Comfort only remaines.

NOw the recouered man makes a most strickt scruteny and reuiew into his shop-bookes, as well for debtors soluent as insoluent, he confers his Registers all together, and where he finds a debt vncrost in any one of them, though it be discharged in the other two it makes no matter, this is it by which he must stand charged, and vnlesse hee can discharge himselfe by this also, hee is like to perish and receiue condemnation by the very letter with­out tradition.

He will spare no man whom the Law puts into his hands, lest he become a partaker in his iniquity. Hee calls home all things which hee had formerly conu [...]ighed out of doores. And sets forward his building in the country.

He flourishes as he neuer did before, and will giue 1000 pound with his lame daughter now, more then he offered with her at the last swan-hopping.

Heele out bid all the towne for the great and les­ser sonnes.

[Page 53] Briefly, he vowes:

To redeeme the time past.

To preuent the euill day to come.

To runne the course, and tread in the foot­steps of some of the right worshipfull, and in reuerence of conformity to conuert his old composition gowne into a faire and conformable foot-cloth.

But three rich wiues, and such another Crack,
Will make thee scorne to cry (What doe you lacke?)

By the Counsaile of Ram-Ally.
Non nobis nati sumus.

WHereas in these latter times it concernes vs in ciuill pollicy, to be so much the more industrious as we are become numerous aboue for­merages, and no endeauour can bee so beneficiall and honourable as the enlarging of our territory by discouery and plantation in parts habitable and a­greeable with our debitory disposition, where wee may disperse our Colonies with more conueniency and aduantage then at this present: for which pur­pose wee haue lately imploied and set forth the good ship, called (The least in sight) accompanied with that approued and well appointed Pinace (The pay nought) the charge and command of both which, we conferd vpon Mr Cliuer Owemuch, who man'd, the same with persons best qualified in [Page 54] the Art of Insoluency, the greater part whereof, himselfe had knowne and tried to be men of much trust, being his owne Creditors, and creatures of his owne discreation, whose louing kindnesses he re­quited in manner of imploiment following, viz.

His Mercer he made Master of (The least in sight) and his Baker Boat-swaine.

And because his Vintner had bestowed many a shot vpon him in prosperity, he made him Master Gunner in his aduersity.

His Tobacco-man desired to bee the Gunners mate, because he would make all smoake againe.

A Purser they needed not: for besides that, they had all bad memories in calling of things past to re­membrance, they held it a foolish thing to keepe accounts where there was no purpose of payment.

His Haberdasher came somewhat with the la­test, but his Laundresse by the power of her Let­ters commendatory, preferd her husband to bee Controuller of the Coile, Remembrancer of the Bilbowes, and Yeoman Squabber of (The pay nought.)

And his Taylor last of all, because hee had the best stomacke to the action, he was made Steward, and had charge of the victuall for the voyage.

Being thus prouided on Munday the first of March, the wind blew faire from the East, when they left the Temple-staires: And the same day be­ing Saint Dauids day, the aire grew thicke and very foggy, insomuch that the pinace had lost the Ad­mirall, [Page 55] had it not in stead of a light in her Lan­thorne hung vp a Leeke in the maine top, by the sent whereof it recouered sight of her againe the next morning by breake of day.

On the second, third, and fourth day the weather was very variable and stormy, howsoeuer they still spoond onward for most aduantage.

About eight of the clocke on fryday the fifth of May, their Pylot who had beene a Spectacle-maker and a Prospectuary without Temple-barre, descri­ed a saile making towards them which they suspe­cted by his flag to be the water-bailiffe of London.

Hereupon a Councell was call'd aboord, the Captaine to consider what was to be done in this imminent extremity.

Some aduised that it were fit to make the land, if they knew where to touch without hazzard.

Others of higher resolution aduised to stand the fortune of a Sea-fight, and to draw their number out of sight into the hold, whereby to encourage the enemy to a neerer approach, which opinion was generally receiued and allowed.

Presently, as the occasion required, it was agreed that for the sublimation of euery sparke Spirit a­mongst them, there should be an extraordinary al­lowance made instantly (that was) the full propor­tion of one pipe of Tobacco, and a Temple-pot of six to euery two of them, which when they had cheerefully past about; the Taylor whose conscience was more tender then his stomacke, would needs [...] [Page 58] bee resolued in two points concerning his soules health before the fight should begin. The first was, whether the cause and quarrell which they were to vndertake were iustifiable or no, for that he euer held Ludgate more worthy then Newgate in diuers respects: and the next was in case he should mis­carry in the action, whether Limbus patrum & in­fantum, were not vnder his owne shop-boord or no.

Before my Taylor could haue opinion herein of their Captaines Chaplaine, who had beene a Vini­ger-man formerly, and a fellow of excellent sharpe apprehension: the supposed enemie came within shot, wherevpon euery one of them began to ap­ply him to his charge.

But iust as Matter Gunner was ready to let flie, (not for feare I hope) they perceiued no other assailants but the Church-wardens of new Braine­ford, who were bound for London to buy bells, not for the Church but their morrice dance against the ensuing Whirson-ale. Hereupon for their bet­ter recouery, the allowance was againe doubled to euery one of them. And on they passe brauely till on Saterday the sixth, they discerned firme land, lying vpon the Savoyans Eastward. Here the Cap­taine drew out the one halfe of his forces, and with his long boat put them to land, where they found a most spatious continent fit for plantation at foure degrees beyond the Temple, the climate excee­ding temperate so long as you pay the Tennis-court [Page 59] keeper for your lodging, the accommodati­ons most excellent, either thorow the white Hart into the Couent-Garden, and so into the countrie round about; or from the great house thorow the Swanne into Drury-lane, and so forth free as bird in the aire: The Lacedemonian women supply them with fish and fruit of all sorts, which they bring downe in aboundance from the vpland coun­tries: insomuch as there is neither feare of want of victuals, so long as they haue mony; Nor of security while they doe put themselues vnder the protecti­on of Denmarke-house: Heere they left the Ha­berdasher and certaine other to winter it, and the rest returned aboord the ninth day of May, bea­ring their course still West and by North: On the the twelfth day, Cape Virde, or Greenes wharfe, did shew it selfe vnto them, where they likewise put in, & forraged cleane thorow it on both sides. This place (besides other goodly beasts of all sorts) is most famous for Harts, whose hornes are of the comli­est branch and spreading, as also of dimension and extension that can be; so that in memory of them, the Captaine named the place Harts-horne-Ally: Then the which no place hitherto discouered, is of a more capable continent, or more rich in Minerals, Vegitatiues or Victuals, or more agreeable with the constitution of our countirimen, especially if they be married. The seuerall commodities and merchan­dizes whereof you shall receiue more at large vpon [Page 60] returne of the Least in sight, from thence

In the meane time we exhort you that both with cheerefull contribution, and otherwise with your aduice, you doe not onely vphold the old ones, but also further and aduance the said two new plantations so happily discouered, and so prospe­rously pursued hitherto, by you the Councell and Aduenturers of the said company, and at your only charge and expence.

So ye that see't may wish, but neuer shall ye
Performe the like aduentures as Ram-Ally.

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