❧A Prayer or supplycation made vnto God by a yonge man, that he woulde be mercifull to vs, and not kepe his worde away from vs, but that the truth maie springe.

Psalme, C.xix.
Wherein hath a yonge man O Lorde to reioyce,
But in thy worde: therefore put I forth my voyce.
O Lorde of mercye vs beholde
The whiche are here in great mysery
And in doynge thy wyll lorde we are to colde
Therefore on vs shewe some pytye
For mercy vnto thee now do we crye
That thou in our synnes suffre vs not to dye.
Let vs not be forsaken of thee O lorde
Although we be wretched and synfull
But thy mercies nowe showe abrode
And to vs synners moost wicked be mercyfull
For mercy vnto thee nowe do we crye
That thou in our synnes suffer vs not to dye.
Thou dyddest thy worde plentyfully sowe abrode
Euen vnto vs lorde of tyme very late
But we were to vnthankfull, all with one accorde
Therefore thou dyddest, o lorde, it away take
Wherefore nowe for mercye vnto thee we crye
That thou in oure synnes suffre vs not to dye.
Good lorde be merciful vnto vs we thee praye
Although destruction we haue deserued
Let vs haue thy worde agayne, O lorde, to be our stay
That by stronge fayth in thee, we maye be saued
For onelye vnto thee continually wyll we crye
That thou in our synnes suffer vs not to die.
Take away Idolatry, o lord, let that no more vpspring
In this, O lorde, thy poore and symple lande
Thou dydst plague vs lord, in taking away our Kynge
Wherefore holde ouer vs nowe thy right hande
And forgeue vs lorde, nowe do we crye
That in our synnes thou suffre vs not to dye.
Full godly and ryghteously dyd he begynne
For the tyme thou gauest hym space
To set forth thy glorie, and punishe synne
This was the intente of his grace
Therefore for the like do we now crye
That thou in oure synnes suffer vs not to dye.
Images, o lorde, he plucked cleane downe
And ceremonies that were naughte
And priestes he made leaue Baales crowne
And thy worde he caused to be taught
For by thy worde all thinge did he trie
that we in ignoraunce shoulde not dye.
He was the sower thy seede to sowe
As thy Euangelistes do playnely wryte
But some of thy seede away did goe
Amonge the harde grounde dyd it lighte
therfore for forgeuenes now do we crye
that thou in oure synnes suffre vs not to die.
We are that harde and stonye grounde
Where some of thy sede dyd fall
Of whiche seede small rote is founde
Sathan almooste had dryed vp all
Therefore for mercye now do we crye
that thou in oure synnes suffre vs not to die,
O Lorde, make vs of that fruytfull grounde
the whiche doth kepe thy commaundementes
That great increase of godlynes in vs maye be founde
that we maye serue thee with good intentes
And alwayes for mercye vnto thee to crie
That we in our sinnes do neuer die.
Ful notable and excellent kinges thou hast geuen vs
Kynge Henry the eight of moost famous memorie
Whiche abolyshed the byshop of Rome from vs
And by thi mighty power plucked down much idolatri
We consideringe this, for mercye do now crye
That in our sinnes thou suffre vs not to die.
Also we were made to go and worship a false God
Whiche was a great abhomination and ydolatrye
But thy commaundementes he set forth abrode
In oure owne natiue speache moost truely
Teachinge vs alwayes on the for to crye
that we in oure sinnes lorde, shoulde not dye.
Euen as Esechias was vnto Iudae
So was Kynge Henry vnto Englande
Vnto this Kynge, o lorde, compare we
Edwarde the syxte whom thou hast in thy hande
Which thy word set abrode most manifestlye
That we in our sinnes Lorde, shoulde not dye.
Although that in age he was not so hye
Yet vnto his steppes he went very nere
Vnto the glory of thy blessed Maiestie
And vnto the soule helth of vs his subiectes dere
Therefore vnto thee, o lorde, do we now crye
that thou in our sinnes suffer vs not to dye
His father broke the Pilgrimages going
to this saint and that saint, to and fro
But he, o lorde, at his vp comminge
Brought doune all as thou doest knowe
For by thy worde he dyd all thinge trie
That we in our sinnes shoulde not die.
He was in age like to that vertuous kinge
Iosias, whiche in Hierusalem dyd raigne
One and thirtie yeares had he there his beynge
And executed thy lawe this is very plaine
But for oure vnthankfulnes, o lorde, truely
Thou causedst our worthy kinge shortly for to die.
I hartely beseche thee, o eternall God
To kepe and preserue Elysabeth our Quene
That she may thy worde now set abrode
Nowe in her time as before hath bene
By her godly Father & brother, for which thing we cry
That we may repent, and not in our sinnes die,

Printed at London in Aldersgate strete by William Herforde. The .xxiii. of Marche. M.D.lix.

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