GODS Generall Summons to his last Parliament.

By George Phillips,

Reuel. 20. verse 12.

And I saw the dead, both great and smal stande be­fore God: and the bookes were opened, and another book was opened which is the book of life, and the dead were iudged of those thinges, which were written in the book [...], according to their workes.


Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Crane: 1595.

Gods general Summons to his last parliament.

The text read in the 2. Epistle of S. Paule to the Corin. 5. Chap. 10 verse. ‘Wee must all appeare before the Iudge­ment seate of Christ. That euery man may receiue the thinges which are done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or euill.’

THis Text is the generall Summons of God, whose dominion reacheth from Sea to Sea, Psal, 72, 8 Apoc, 4, 10 and from the floud vnto the worldes ende, in signe whereof the Elders threwe downe their Crownes before him saying: Thou O Lord art worthy to receiue all glory, honour, and power. In this ge­nerall [Page] conuocation wee meete with these matters: The first, that our as­sembly shal be general, for Wee shall all appeare, &c. Secondly, before the iudgement seate of Christ, and laste of al, why we must appeare: That euery man may receiue the things which hee hath done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it bee good or e­uill. In remembrance of this day of appearance, the saints do incourage themselues in the middest of al their miseries. Psal. 119 52 As Dauid said, I haue re­membred thine euerlasting iudgments (O Lord) and haue receiued comfort. Whereas if there were no iudgment day, 1 King, 21, 2 as Ahab sold himselfe to work wickednes, so euery one would giue himselfe to follow vanity, like those epicures which said: Wisdo, 2, 6 Iob, 1, 19. Come let vs en­ioy the pleasures that are present, and take our fil of the creatures in our youth feasting securely til iudgement cōmeth vpon them, as the house fell vppon Iobs children.

There is no shifting off from this [Page] day, for we must al appeare, Genes, 3, 8 2 Reg, 21, 20 Exod, 14, 28 Num, 2 [...], 24 If wee woulde seeke to hide vs (like Adam) we cannot: for Gods summoner wil either find vs out as Elias found Ahab, or ouertake vs as the waters did Pha­rao, or meet vs, as y e angel did Balaam. If Sion were sure that their captiuitie should not faile, but bee turned into libertie, Psal. 137, 2 then it is like that they would not sit downe and weepe riuers of teares by Babilons riuers of water, nor so much as hange vp their harps in sign of sorrow, as heretofore they haue done. Therefore the day of our appearance is sette before vs as the time of Syons captiuitie: Genes, 3 24 Gene, 19 26 or as the cherubins with the shaken blade of a sword, or as the Piller of salt that was Lots wife. Rom. 13, 3 Therefore as Paule saide of the temporal magistrate, If ye will not feare him doe wel, : so if yee wil stand before the spirituall Iudge Ie­sus Christ without trembling, liue wel: If yee pray, 2 king, 20, 2 pray zelouslie lyke Hezekias: if you heare the worde of God hearken vnto it attentiuely, like [Page] the people that pressed vpon Christ to heare the worde, Mark. 4, 1 and when you practise, doe it fruitfully like Iob. That you may say like Ionadabs sons, Iob, 31, Iere. 35, 8 Thus haue we obeied the voice of our father. As we are al summoned, so we must al appeare, Luke, 21.35 for as a snare shall that day come vpon al them that are on the whole earth. So that looke howe helpelesse the birdes are, when they are ouerwhelmed with the net, so al mans resistance shal be without a re­medy at that day. Paule speaketh of a general appearance here, that eue­ry one may lay his plat before hand, like the vnfaithful Steward that said, Luke 16, 4 I know what to do, Luke 12, 18 and 19 and men must be at a point what to say, least they bee taken tardie, like him that was neuer so careful to prouide for the worlde, as in the daye before his soule must leaue his body, and his body & soule packe out of the world, when Rebec­ca aduised Iacob to steale Esawes bles­sing, he fel into this consideration, If my father in handling mee shal finde [Page] that I am not Esaw his elder sonne, Gen, 27, 12 I may haue a curse in stead of a bles­sing: and so if we presume to present our selues in Gods presence, without care of beeing either the very same, or at least, as like the men we should be as may be: It is out of controuer­sie, that we shal carry awaie a curse, rather then a blessing. Because God wil feele man, as Isaac felt Iacob. Gene, 27, 22 Therfore as Iacob put on his elder bro­thers garment, Gene, 27, 15 so we must put vpon vs Christ Iesus his righteousnesse. Isaac felt the outwarde garment and it was Esawes, and our mother the church biddeth vs put on Christ his garment, therin to come before him, that we may bee sure to haue a bles­sing. Genes, 47, 2 God turned the selling of Io­seph into a kind of sauing his brethrē, whilest they must either haue foode from him, or be famished. It hadde beene worth the seeing to haue be­held what passions heauen afforded to those brethren, as howe forwarde weeping is to quench rough words, how [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] careful Ioseph was to keep his pledg of their returne with their father and friendes in that hee lockt vp his bro­ther. Gene, 42, 24 And when he hath them howe loath he is to let them go againe, for he planteth them neer himselfe. Gene, 47, 11 Such ioy shal our appearance bring to vs, to see our elder brother Iesus Christ to be our iudge: what desire hee will haue to plant vs by him, if wee haue care how wee shoulde come before him, he feedeth vs with his sustenāce or else our soules woulde sterue, hee holdeth our fleshe in Heauen for a pledge, that the whole generation of the faithful may be blessed. 1 King. 14 2 Vp I pray thee (said Ieroboam to his wife) & dis­guise thy selfe, that thou be not knowne to be the wife of Ieroboam. Fain would Ieroboam haue help for his sicke son, but loth was hee to haue the woman knowne to bee his wife, least his euil demeane should make hir misse of a good answere. And so would al men willingly appeare, if they might in­dent with the iudge that they should [Page] come only for their good and heare of no hurt. Where the scripture saith that Obediah feared God greatly: it gi­ueth a reason to proue it. For when Iezabel destroyed the Prophetes of the Lord, 1 kin, 18, 3 and 4. Obadia tooke an hundreth Prophets & hid them by fiftie in a caue, and he fed them with bread and water. For whosoeuer doth hear God doth good for Gods people like Obadiah: and God dooth good to him, Exod, 9, 10 for so many of Pharaos seruantes as feared God, were preserued from the daun­gerous haile. Our sauior Christ she­weth the cause why the godly are so desirous to appeare, and why the vn­godly are so lothe to come before Christ: Of the first sort he saith: Iohn 3, 21 He that doth truth commeth to y e light, that his deeds might be made mani­fest, that they are wrought acording to God. Hee is like the poore true meaning man molested wrongfully, that neuer ceaseth soliciting y e iudge that he may haue a daye of hearing, like the widdow that cryed, Luke 18, 3 Auenge [Page] me, [...], 20 &c. of the other he saith. Euerie one that doth euil hateth the light, and commeth not to the light, least his deedes should be reproued. Hee is like y e guiltie defendant calling for respite of iudgement, like the diuels y t cried, let vs not bee tormented before the time. Matth, 8, 29 But Paule speaketh not of the certeinty of any definite time, but ra­ther of the general appearance, and so of the impossibility of any mans exemtion, from being accomptable in his Stewardship.

Luke, 16, 13The scripture mentioneth one ac­count of a bad Steward, but least any man should thinke that that parable should only warrant the account of bad men, Paule putteth the question out of controuersie that our account shal be generall, for he saith flatly, we shal al appear. Actes 25, 9 Acts, 25, 10 Wilt thou go vp to Ieru­salem and there be iudged of these mat­ters before me, sayde Festus to Paule. Paule might appeare to Ceasars iudgement seate, because hee was a Romaine borne.

[Page]Therefore Festus saide, Wilt thou, Acts 22, 28 &c. but wil we, or nil we, euerie mo­thers childe of vs shal appeare where Christ hath summoned vs. Then let not the badde stand stil at the weake state they are in, Gene, 41.20 like Pharaos leane kine, nor the good cease to goe on in their pilgrimage like strangers on the earth, but like Iosua going towarde Canaan say: I and my housholde will serue the Lord. Iosua, 14, 15 When Salomon had seene all the inconueniences of the sluggardes Vineyarde, Prou. 24, 32 he tooke it for a warning: And wee are verie hap­py menne, if wee haue the grace to take heede of that which is foretolde vs.

When Felix heard Paule dispute of his appearance to come, Actes, 24, 26 he trem­bled, and so do the diuels with all the wicked, but few examine themselues with Ieremie, who saide, What haue I done. Ierem. 8, 6 Gene, 42, 21 Except it be when it is too late like Iosephes brethren in the famine, which said one to another we haue vtterly sinned against our brother in y t we [Page] sawe the anguish of his soule when he be sought vs and wee woulde not heare him, Gen, 42, 21 Gene, 3, 1 therefore is this trouble come vp­on vs. The serpent was iustlie called the subtellest beast in the fielde, and sinne the sonne is like the diuell his father, loth is it to come in his owne likenesse, but as the diuell came to Saule in the shape of Samuel, Sam. 1, 28 Eccle, 10, 11 so commeth sinn, not like a serpent, but like the subtil serpent, that stingeth with­out hissing. Serpents come closely, that men may not perceiue them, so shal they first feele their sin, and then see that they haue sinned, when they cannot amend y e matter. But se how Pauls epistle coms running like the messenger to Iob, Iob, 1, 14 & saith he is dead, & I am escaped to tel thee: See here a message is come from the dead Paule to admonish vs to bee carefull to liue wel while we are heere, that wee may meet with him in his ioye elsewhere. Eccles, 10.7 The hart of a wise man is at his right hand saith Salomon (vz) he is ready to follow al good admo­nitions.

[Page]When men are vppon the Sea (in danger) they wil cast al away to keep their life, Acts, 27, 38 Apoc, 13, 1 Iames 1, 8 Luke 11, 8 & we should leaue al things willingly for the life to come. What is the world, but as an incōstant sea? what are the troubles heere, but as tempests there? what is the Church afflicted, but as a ship tossed? & what are christian men, but carefull marri­ners striuing against storm & stream, to ariue safe in the hauen of Heauen? Actes 27, 9 Acts 14, 22 Sailing was very dangerous in Pauls long voyage by Sea, but yet he waf­ted on, And we must trauel through many troubles to the kingdome of Christ. Actes, 14, 21 As Paules fellowe sailers wi­shed for y e day, so al christians desire the true light. Psal, 42, 2 Therefore saieth Da­uid, When shal I come and appeare bee­fore God: as though he thought eue­ry minute to bee a moneth vntill the iudgement day were come. This ma­keth the spouse so inquisitiue after him, Cant, 3, 3 that she is questioning with as many as meet her, Saw ye him whom my soule loueth? The church woulde [Page] not see Christ, Luke 19, 3 Heb, 12, 1 as Philip & Andrewe saw him, nor as Zacheus saw him, nor as y e cloud of witnesses saw him but so in his kingdome, Math, 17, 2 as Moses and Elias, sawe him in his glorie vppon Mount Thabor. Take heed, watch & pray, for ye know not when the time shall be, Math, 13, 33 (saith our Sauiour Christ to the dys­ciples, because we know not the daie of appearance) therefore wee are of­ten warned to watch, that we may be ready: like the mariner that waiteth on the winde and tide, like the smith that smiteth whiles the yron is hot: and as birdes breed while summer la­steth. The speech of Abraham to the rich man in hel, concerneth vs now while we are out of hel Sonne remem­ber that thou in thy life time haddest pleasure. Luke 16, 25 Psal, 95, 8 The Psalmist saith, we must heare God while it is to day (vz) while we may, and in another Psalme, I will pay my vowes now saith the pro­phet teaching men to take their pre­sent opportunitie, Psal, 116, 12 to giue God his [Page] dutie other waies they may soothe vppe themselues, Psal. 116.14 with Beholde O Lorde how that I am thy seruaunt, but cannot saye, and the sonne of thy hand­maide, while they are not at hande to doe his beheastes.

Christ saide watch, Math, 25, 13 for ye know not when the houre wil come, because we know not at what houre Christ will come: therfore it is reason to be rea­dy euery houre, and the last houre is vnknowne to vs, that wee might ac­count euery houre to be the last ho­wer: yet as before the Wall falleth downe, some stones drop out of it, and cliftes appeare: as before the flame mounteth, some smoake is seene. And as before the mightye thunderbolt, a flashe of lightning fli­eth out, so wee haue very manie to­kens that we might take heede of the iudgement daye to make vs more carefull how wee shall come before the iudgement seate of our Sauiour Christ, seeing his comming is as a theefe in the night (That is) when as [Page] al are secure and asleepe in their sins, Apo, 16, 15, for danger commeth most when it is least looked for. Irrecouerable as a stronger net thē y t which christ made a hole in, when al the birds brake out after him singing, Psal, 124, 6 Luke, 21, 35 The snare is broken and we are deliuered. As a snare shall it come on al them that dwell on the earth. As Christ asked the Iewes for which of his good works they sought his death: so it would bee knowne, which of Gods blessinges haue bani­shed vs from him▪ for as the fuller the buckette is with water, the more hardlie it is haled vp out of the well, so the more men abound in God his blessinges, the farther they are from him. Iohn 6, 44 Therfore said Christ, No man commeth vnto me, except my father draweth him. And seeing (like mice in Gods barne) wee are content to feed on his corne, and enioy his bles­sings here, but loth to see the Lorde of the haruest. Paule telleth vs, That we must all appeare. Euery mothers child of vs. And they needes must, [Page] that needes shall.

The second obseruation is, That we shall appeare before a Iudgement seate. Whereby is vnderstood that Iudiciall power that is giuen to Ie­sus Christ in heauen and in earth, Matth. 28.18. but most specially that generall Iudge­ment, which was reuealed to S. Iohn, whereof he saith, Apoc. 20.11. I saw a great white throne, & one that sate on it. 12. And I sawe the dead both great and small standing before God, and the bookes were opened, &c. Luke 17.1. As it cannot be but offences must come, so it cannot bee but Iudgement will followe. Paule could not acquite the best of vs with death: but so soone as hee had sayd, It is appointed for al men once to die: Heb. 9.27. addeth, and then commeth the iudge­ment. Balaam rode on till the Angel met him, where he could not turne: and so long as men haue to deale but with men, they dare say, declare, and [Page] we wil declare. They wil pleade their own case, but when the matter com­meth in question, before Christ who will be their dayes man, or take vpon him to answere one thing of a thou­sand? We are put in mind of a Iudg­ment seate, that all may iudge them­selues, that they be not iudged, that is to say, condemned of the Lord. In this world Iezabel can get two that will say, 1. Reg 21.10. that Naboth blasphemed God & Ahab. The Iewes will bring forth false witnesse that Christ sayd, Mat, 26.60.61 Destroy this materiall temple of Ie­rusalem, and I will build it vp againe in three daies. And because the lawe sayth, That in the mouth of two, or three witnesses, euery cause in con­trouersie must bee proued, therefore iniquitie hath prouided, Knights of the post, that are readie to sweare al­most to any matter for a little money. But as whē the Elders left Susannaes Susan. 50. [Page] cause in wrong sentēce, Daniel took in hand to right it: so whē the migh­tie haue wronged the meaner sorte, Christ will determine of the matter. Therefore Dauid made choice of his iudgement before any other: first, for that God goeth wisely to work, in waying the waight of euery mans matter, Ponder my cause, O Lord. Psalm. 5.1. And then for speedie dispatching with­out respite of iudgement from terme to terme: Psalm. 119.52 For I haue remēbred thine euerlasting iudgements (O Lord) and haue receiued comfort, vz. The time will come when Gods iudgements shall stande, not onely in stead of all plea, but also inreuocable for euer. It is a terrible matter to fall into the hands of the Lord: because that if he beginneth with a man, 1. Sam. 4. he will make an ende with him, as he did with E­li. 1. Sam. 21.13. Dauid escaped the hands of Achish King of Gath, by faining himselfe to [Page] be mad: but bee ye sure God is not mocked. Dan. 5.27. Nabuchadnezzar was wayed, & found too light in the bal­lance, and his kingdome diuided to the Medes and Persians. And how can any man sooth vp himselfe, ima­gining God to bee like to men, who receiuing light golde, are contented to take that in tale, which is wanting in waight? Luk. 19.24. He that abused one talent had it taken from him: much lesse may we prophane many blessings, & yet possesse them still. If we haue all receiued talents, then must we al giue accounts. If we all haue treasure, we must all haue care that it canker not: Matth. 6.19. we did not receiue them to lay them vp idely: for it was sayd, Occupie till I come. Luke 19.13. Neither helpeth it, that wee do render as much as we haue recei­ued: Luke 19.23. but God will haue spirituall in­terest of all his spiritual blessings, be­cause he is God, Matth. 22.21. as Caesar had tribute [Page] because he was King. The remem­brance of the iudgement seate of Christ should make men as loth to consent to sin, as Ioseph was to hear­ken to Putifers wife: for as he sayd, How can I doe this great wickednes and sinne against God? So should all men scan the matter, and say, If I sin, I sinne against God: Gen. 39.9. if I sinne against GOD, I must answere it before his iudgement seate another day. Ioseph was prouident, and yet ouerseene in sinning: for though hee would not cōsent to Madam Putifer, yet would hee sweare by the life of his Lorde Pharao. Gen. 42.16. See how sinne pleadeth cu­stome with Ioseph, as Laban did with Iacob, when he sayd, That it was not the manner to marrie the yonger be­fore the elder. Gen. 20.25. Because it was vsuall in Pharaoes Court to sweare by the life of Pharao, vpon euery light occa­sion, therefore Ioseph neuer suspec­teth [Page] it to bee a sinne: so that where sinne is not suspected, it is quite neg­lected: and where it is not had in lo­thing, there in time it seemeth no­thing.

Gen. 4 7. Eze. 18.2. Adams Apple was like Ezekiels sower grape, whereof the fathers ta­sting, the childrens teeth are set on edge: for the sonnes are many times tainted with their fathers sinnes, as Gehazies posteritie were with his leprosie. 2. Reg. 5.27. Therefore as all are guiltie in respect of nature, so all are sum­moned to the seate of iudgement. The diuels did acknowledge against themselues a time of torment, Matth. 8.29. & the guest at the wedding was speechles on a sodaine: Matth. 22.12. so shall the wicked ei­ther in speech cōdemne themselues, like him that was iudged of his own mouth: Luk. 19.22. or by mute silēce argue their owne guiltines, Iob. 9.2. that GOD may not stand to pleade with them that can­not [Page] answere to one matter of a thou­sand. The guests that were called to the supper of that King which made a marriage for his sonne, requited his kindnes, with I pray ye hold me excused, for I haue bought oxen, and I goe to trie them. The second, with I haue bought a farme, and I must go and see it. And the third, with I haue married a wife, and I cannot come. If they were so loth to come when hee called them of his mercie, how vnwilling will they be (thinke you) to appeare when hee calleth them of his iustice, when they cannot beare him in hande, that men are so simple to buy oxen before they trye oxen, or to lay out money for the pigge in the poke, that the money shall be told before the farme be bought and sold, that they will first pay for it, & then suruey it? no, but he sayd trueth that confessed, and sayd, I haue married a [Page] wife, and I cannot come: for they that are married to the world, as a man to his wife, they send God an­swer that they cānot leaue the world their wife, till their dying day.

And then neither I pray thee ex­cuse mee may serue the turne, nor I cannot come, bee taken for an aun­swere: but corpus cum causa must be returned to the iudgement seate of Christ. They do wel then who walk worthie of their calling, by walking according to the same: like the A­postles who sayd, Acts. 6 4. VVee will giue our selues to prayer, & to the ministratiō of the word continually. Godlinesse must be as carefully kept, as it is pain­fully gotten, 1. Timo. 6 20. least like ebbing waters (at full tide) wee hasten to our fall. Paul telleth vs of a Iudgement, be­cause thereby a difference shall bee made betwixt the better and the worse sorte of people: for as there [Page] was no time when, nor companie whom the diuell chose before the sonnes of God, Iob. 1. when they were as­sembled before the Lorde: so it is with the wicked, who resemble the brasen faced strumpets, who couet the companie of honest women, placing their grace in such, because themselues are graceles. For as God blessed Laban for the loue he had to Iacob, Gen. 30 27. so they knowe that the worse fareth well for the betters sake. Mark. 13.26. Matth. 13.48. This made the tares creepe vp anon after the good corne. The frie to slip into the net with the good fish, & the vn­godly to sit in the sunne-shine with godly, that they might haue a being for a time: for when iudgement cō ­meth, they shall appeare but as Satan amongst the sonnes of God (that is) in the company, Iob. 2.1. but not of the com­pany of Gods elect: and as the theefe at the barre, not for his good that he [Page] hath done, but for the euill hee hath committed: Matth. 17.3. but the rest like Moses and Elias familiar with Christ. The reason of this is, that Christ being the true light, might shew himselfe to be so indeed, by leauing nothing that is a deed of darknes, vndetected to the children of light, that he may be iu­stified in his sayings, and cleere whē he is iudged. The wicked must bee detected of what they haue been, and the vngodly must be noted for what they are, and all this must be brought to light by the light: for as mens sins haue been smothered in the world, so haue they bin buried in the graue. You see thē that the iustice of Christ and the vnrighteousnes of man doth bring a iudgement. Luk. 23.19. As Barrabas his insurrection, and the lawes equitie caused his imprisonment.

The vse of this is as fit for our age, as Iethroes counsell was for his son [Page] in lawe Moses, in aduising him not only to make Iudges in Israel, but al­so prescribed such principall quali­ties, as should be predomināt in their calling: As a good courage, Exod. 18 21. the feare of GOD, true dealing, and cleerenes from the corruption of bribe taking: so that if a man in the spirit of Dauid should demand of thē this question: Are your mindes set vpon righteous­nes, O yee congregation, Psalm. 58 1. and doe yee iudge the thing that is right, O yee sonnes of men? They durst appeale to God like Dauid, that said, Psalm. 26.1. Be thou my Iudge, O Lorde, whether I haue walked innocently or not. For thus should men learne to iudge as they would be iudged.

Iustice hath both her handes full continually, in signe whereof, her right hand gripeth a sword, and her left hād lifteth vp a paire of ballance. [Page] Teaching Magistrates to way euery matter in the ballance of a good con­science, that they may know which cause is the lighter. So Dauid intrea­teth God, Psalm. 5.1. Ponder my cause, O Lord. And then deuide to each man his owne as Salomons sword ceased the strife betwixt the womē that stroue for the liuing child. 2. King 3.25. But if the sword bee swayed before the waytes haue wayed, then may you see Annanias who should iudge according to law, commanding to strike Paul against law. Ioh. 18.10. Then may you see Peter step in with the sword, and strike off Mal­cus eare. Then doe you see the Ma­gistrate deale more hastely thē wise­ly. Thē receiueth the very law it selfe a maime at the hande of the Magi­strate. Dauid commending the flou­rishing state of Ierusalem, said: There is the seate of iudgement, euen the seate of the house of Dauid. This seate [Page] Dauid calleth the seate for iustice, to shew the right vse of the iudgement seate, & the house of Dauid, noting what men should sit there: euen iust men like the seede of Dauid: Luk. 23.22.24 or els as Pilate iudged Christ faultles, Acts 24.28. and yet put him to death. And as Felix to please the Iewes, left Paul in prison: so they will set their consciences on the tainter hookes, Susan. 52. and be as olde in euill, as in age, like the vniust Iudge reproued by Daniel. But the good Magistrate is like the munition that ouerpeereth the cities walles in time of warre, threatning the enemies that are without, and comforting the inhabitās which are within: or such a preseruatiue as the pitch was to Noas Arke, sticking fast vnto the sides without, and within: or like a hedge to the vine to keep it from the destroyer: Exod. 6.14. or like the tree that Na­bucadnezzar sawe refreshing such as [Page] came vnder his shadow: or like Mo­ses, Exod. 2.13. seeking to set them at one that striue: or like Iob, helping them that lye at the gate, Iob. 31.21. and are not able to helpe themselues: or like Dorcas, making clothes at his owne cost for the poore, Acts 9.39. that such may lament the losse of him when he is gone, as re­ioyced by him when hee was here. But if he bee not such a one as hath a godly care of those that are commit­ted to his charge, there is such a fault in the chosers as was in the trees of the wood, who annoynted a brāble in stead of a better tree. Iudg. 9.14. But this hath been an olde ouersight in the most assemblies, that they forget that ma­xime or speciall principle giuen by almightie God, Whom the Lord shall choose, him thou shalt make gouernor. None are ignorant, that the iudge­ment seate was Moses seate, who haue read or heard that saying of our [Page] Sauiour Christ, Matth. The Scribes and the Pharisies sit in Moses seate, &c. Mo­ses was a man that would both say, and doe well, and therefore was cal­led faithfull in all Gods house. But as the Scribes (that would say what they must, but do what they list) suc­ceeded Moses in the seate of Magi­stracie: Matth. 24.15. so wicked men like that abo­mination of desolation, do sit where they ought not: and this is that vn­seemly sight that Salomon saw some times, Eccle. 10.7. VVhen seruants were set on horsebacke, and Magistrates made to goe on foote. When Christ was gloriously vpon Mount Thabor, it is witnessed that his very rayment was as white as the light, Matth. 17.2. which sheweth that there is an intent in causing your Magistrates to differ from other men in the excellencie of his very gar­ment: for as hee offendeth in life by his euill example, so he spotteth his [Page] garment, that is scarlet or purple: and then Esay telleth him, Esay. 1.18. Sir your sinnes are as red as scarlet. And Ezra his messengers spake plainly: The hande of the Ruler is chiefe in this trespasse. Ezra. 9.2. These men are more vnmeet to rule then Zedechias, 2. King. 25.7. that had his eyes put out, for they will not see: and A­dony Bezecke, 1. Iud. 6. that had his fingers cut off, for they may, but will not gird thē with their sword vpon the thigh. Psal. 45.4. And therefore Salomon complaineth grieuously: Eccle. 3.16. I haue seene wickednes in the place of iudgement, and iniquitie in the place of equitie.

That euery one may receiue the things that are done in his bo­die, &c.

BY euery one is ment, that none can escape, Matth 22 11. no more thē that guest at the Wedding could bee vnspied [Page] when the house was full, so that no man may sooth vp himselfe to passe: for as the King came in to see the guests, so he came to iudge them to. And as Peter sayd, Acts 10.35. All that worke righteousnes are accepted with God: so all that worke vnrighteousnesse, are reiected from God: and because euery one shall bee iudged, therefore Paul maketh priuate application of his exhortation, and saith, 1. Cor. 11.28. Let a man examine himselfe. Like as in the rid­dle that Christ propounded, Matth. 29.21. I tell you, that one of you shall betray me: euery man fell into examination of himselfe, Master is it I? 22. Eleuen of them could not expound it, and the twelfth would not. So they that will not reprooue themselues now, must looke to be reproued another day to their shame. Would not a man bee ashamed to haue his faults written in his forehead? Saint Iohn saw a book [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] open, and that was the consciences of all men, Apoc. 20.22. wherein our selues shall as plaine remember our faults, as if they were layd down in writing be­fore vs. Then that prophesie is ful­filled, Psal 50.24. I will reproue thee, and set be­fore thee the things which thou hast done. These words (euery one) doe include the shortnes of the iudge­ment day: for as the little clowde that Elias his seruaunt sawe vpon Mount Carmell (though it were but of the bignes of a hande) contained much raine in it: 1. King. 18.44. as the little penny contained the Princes picture. Matth. 22.19. And as Dauids little stone that carried great Goliaths present death in it. 1. Sam. 17.50. And as the lightning comming from the East, Matth. 24.27. is immediatly in the West, so shall a short time, and a few words comprehend a great and swift iudg­ment. Rom. 9.28. Therefore sayd Paul, A short word shall the Lord make vpon earth: [Page] For why should GOD dispute with men, Iob. 9.2. that cannot answere one thing of a thousand? sayth Iob.

May receiue the things that are done in his bodie. Seeing our bodie must receiue the things that it hath done, that is, Matth. 22.13. This bodie that we now carrie. That was but a seducing do­ctrine of the Sadduces, who affir­med that there is no resurrection of the dead: for as Paul sayth, 2. Cor. 15.19. If our hope endeth with our life, wee were most miserable of all men. This was the opinion of such, as grounding vpon reason, were outreached by faith: for where reason endeth, there faith beginneth. Therefore (sayth Paul) By faith wee vnderstand that the world was made by the worde of God, and that the things which are, Heb. 11.3. were not made of things which did appeare.

Now if we turne faith into reason, [Page] or rather if wee doe reason in faith, we shall finde the trueth of this doc­trine confirmed by reason and com­mon sence: for if wee beleeue that God created man of nothing (which the Scripture calleth creation) then must we much more beleeue that he can raise man vp againe when hee is some thing that created him of no­thing. Gen. 1.1. But if any Saduce will say that he denieth not a resurrection of Gods people, in respect of any want of Gods power, but thinking it neede­les, because the badde goe imediatlie in soule to hell, and good soules to God that gaue them. I answer, that it is as requisit that there be a resurrec­tion as that there should bee a God, o­therwise the bodie and soule should neuer meete and bee ioyned to the head Christ Iesus: for as Paul saide, Beholde I shew you a mysterie, 1. Cor. 15.51. so I say, and he ment that our coniuncti­on [Page] with our head Christ must bee done mistically by the working of the Godhead, or else we shall still bee like the kerchief that was by it selfe, Ioh. 20.7. (that is) as it was wrapped vp in a place by it selfe, seuered from the rest of the linnen clothes that were about his body: so we the members should bee parted from Christ our head in heauen, and should remayne on earth by our selues. And Christ himselfe saith, that if he should not raise vp all at the last day, then he should not doe the worke of a Sauiour. Ioh. 6.39. This is the Fathers will that hath sent mee, that of all which he hath giuen me, I should loose nothing, but should raise it vp at the last daye: for it is all one as if hee had said, if there were no resurrecti­on, then were I no Sauiour, for if I raise them not, then I saue them not. Therfore first he threatneth death, 1. Cor. 15.55. & then conquireth death: Paul conclu­deth [Page] this as a necessarie poynt in di­uinitie to say: Christ is risen: ergo, wee shall rise too, for you see he thin­keth no argument better, then to say, If it be preached that Christ is risen, 1. Cor. 15.12. how say some among you, that there is no resurrection of the dead. It is the best argument that euer was made, to proue a resurrection, not only in par­ticular, that for so much as Christ is risen, it must bee confessed that there is a resurrection, if no more shoulde rise but hee: but seeing Christ is ri­sen as the head, how shall the mem­bers sticke by him, no, but the mem­bers must follow the head, for as when a man taketh a fall the head ri­seth first, and then all the bodie com­meth after it. Mark. 16.6. So Christ hauing risen from the graue where he lay, is lifted vp into heauen, as our spiritual head, and telleth vs in his worde, that hee will not send any other, sauing the [Page] comforter to cherrish vs, but to fetch vs, he will come himselfe, that where hee is, there may wee bee also. Iohn 14.3. The Iewes that buried Christ, laid a hea­uie stone vppon the graue, Matth. 27.66. to haue kept him there, if it had been possi­ble. And now he is risen: all the chri­stians they lay hold vpō him by faith. And as Iacob said to the Angell: Gen. 32.26. I will not part from thee till thou hast blessed me. So the Church saith, 1. Cant. 3. draw mee vnto thee, 2. King. 2.6. for wee will run after thee: they meane as Elisha saide to Elias, I will not leaue thee, that is, Matth. 11.12. I will goe to heauen, and therefore let mee goe, and then the kingdome of God suffereth violence among them. Herein lyeth the whole burthen of a christian: 1. Thess. 4.14. if yee beleeue that Iesus dyed, & is risen againe, euen so them that sleepe with Iesus, shall GOD bring with him. 1. Cor. 15.20. All must bee assu­red of this, Christ is risen from the [Page] dead, and is become the fruite of them that sleep, that is, as by the offe­ring of the fruites, all the rest had a blessing, so in christ his resurrection ours is confirmed. This made Paul so carefullie to aduertise Timothie of this poynte of doctrine, remember that Iesus Christ made of the seede of Dauid was raised againe the third daye, 2. Tim. 2.8. according to my Gospell, re­member it, that is, forget it not while thou liuest, but remember it euen when thou diest, and then as he is of that power, that in very death he ray­sed the dead, and sent them out of their hollow sepulchers into the holy citie to bee seene of such as were a­liue. Matth. 27.52. And as while hee liued, hee cal­led things that were not, Rom. 4.17. as though they were, Ioh. 11.34. as hee did Lazarus car­kesse by the name of Lazarus, and the bodie of the widdowes sonne, Luk 7.14. by name of young man. So the houre [Page] shall come, Luk. 7.14. Ioh. 5.28. that the dead shall heare the voyce of the sonne of man, and then wee shall all stand vp like the bones that Ezechiel sawe. Ezec. 37.10. Accor­ding to that he hath done, whether it be good or euill. 2. King. 20.1. Therefore abe at v­nusquisque in domum suam: Let eue­rie one goe into his owne house, vz. looke into himselfe, that he may re­forme what is amisse, as Esay sayd to Ezechia, Set thine house in an order. If ye doe possesse your soules in pa­tience, haue care to keepe them still. Luk. 21, 19. As Rahab had a red thread tyed in her windowe: so giue the Lorde a signe to remember you when the de­stroyer commeth, Iosua. 2.18. that GOD may haue mercie on you, as you haue she­wed mercie to other. Looke how you will bee rewarded, so doe your worke: for you waite for the day of the Lord, Iob. 14.6. as the hireling for the eue­ning, to receiue his reward. He that [Page] knoweth of what spirit ye are better then your selues, [...]. 14.6. must needes know you well. Luk. 9 55. He that hath made the eye seeth you when ye see not him. He that made the heart, fore knoweth your conceit; be where ye will, hee findeth you when you thinke least vpon him, 1. Sam. 24.5. as Dauid founde Saul a sleepe in a caue. Say what you will, he knoweth what you speake. As Elisha could tell what the King of Asseria spake in his priuie chamber. 2. King. 6.12. As no vertue shall bee vnrewarded with God, Iob. 14.17. so no sinne shall be vnpu­nished with him. For he sealeth vp your sinnes in a bagge, Psalm. 56.8. as duely as he putteth your teares in his bottle: that is, as hee regardeth the sorrowe of them that repent like Ezekia, so hee retaineth the sinne of such as sorowe truely, Matth. 13.30. like as Pharao did not. That the scripture may be true: the cockle must continue among the corne vn­till [Page] haruest, and no longer. Ecclesiastes. There­fore sayd Salomon, There is a time for all things, &c. As the vngodly haue had a time to bee like the rich man on earth, Luk. 16.25. so they shall haue a time to bee like the rich man in hell. As they haue been like the bush that was burning, Exod. 3.3. so in time they shall be like the Sunne shining. Matth. 13.43. The Church is like Iohn Baptist, Iohn. 5.35. and Iohn Baptist was like a candle burning, Iohn. 3.20. and shi­ning: consuming himselfe to giue light to other. Exodus 14.20 But for so much as there are some that loue not the light, the Iudge must deale with thē according to their darknes, making a separation betwixt them, as the pil­lar of a clowde did betwixt the Israelites and Egyptians in the wildernesse.


AT LONDON Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Crane. 1595.

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