THE PERIOD OF Mourning. Disposed into sixe VISIONS. In Memorie of the late Prince. TOGETHER With Nuptiall Hymnes, in Honour of this Happy Marriage betweene the Great PRINCES, FREDERICK Count Palatine of the RHENE, AND The Most Excellent, and Aboundant President of all VIRTVE and GOODNES ELIZABETH onely Daughter to our Soueraigne, his MAIESTIE. Also the manner of the Solemnization of the Marriage at White-Hall, on the 14. of February, being Sunday, and S t. Valentines day. By Henry Peacham, M r. of Arts.

LONDON: Printed by T. S. for Iohn Helme, and are to be sould in Saint Dunstanes Churchyard in Fleetstreet. 1613.

TO THE RIGHT Honorable and truely Noble-mind­ed, Sir Iohn Swinnerton Knight, Lord Maior of the Citie of London, Sir Thomas Middleton, and Sir Iohn Iolles, ALDERMEN, his Brethren.

RIght Honourable, and worthy Senators.

IT was an auncient custome, no whit discommendable, among the Ethiopian Princes, amid their Feasts and Royall Ban­quets, to haue the head of a dead man laid in Earth, pre­sented the first to the Table; in abundance of Mirth to put them in minde of Mortalitie. Though I haue euer beene a sworne enimie to Superstition, I seeme to imitate them thus farre, who vnseasonably at the solemnitie of this Royall Marriage, offer againe to view the Image of our dead deere and neuer to be forgotten Prince, Henrie. Affection is liable to none account, and this Sorrow, to sound harts can [Page] neuer come out of season, yet thus much for my selfe; My loue to his excellent vertues, and person, to whom I was so many wayes engaged, drew, some while since these teares to their head, which encoun­tring with a contrary passion of Ioy, for the happy Marriage of his Most-like Sister the Princesse my most gracious Lady; like fire and water (stri­uing for praedominancie) I was enforced to make both way euen to mine owne preiudice. What I haue done, my Honourable Lord, in regard of the fidelity the Citie hath euer borne to the State, the true har­tie loue you carry in your owne particulars to his Maiestie, and the Progenie Royall, and lastly that you are knowne out of your Noble and owne Natu­turall inclination to goodnes, to fauour all Learning and Excellencie, whereby beyond your praedecessors you gaine a double Honour, I humbly offer vp to your Honourable protection: expecting onely Time and Occasion wherein I may really manifest how fast I am tyed in Zeale and dutifull Affection to so worthy a Maior, and so Honourable a Citie.

Your Honours and Worships, truely deuoted Henry Peacham.

AD AVTHOREM, in Periodum eius, foelices (que), Frederici Comitis PALATINI Rhenensis, et ELIZABETHae Serenissimae Principis Hymenaos.

FLebilibus mirâ quod misces arte triumphos
Carminibus, miror iure Poëma tuum:
In tanto dolor an lusus quis vate requirat?
Tam bene qui iungis gaudia cum lachrymis.
Mortuus HENRICVS vitam, plangente CAMOENA,
Viua canente soror, ne moriatur habet.
Obstupui fateor fieri haec contraria somno
Credo equidem Musam sed vigilâsse tuam
Vel tu bicipiti haec cepisti insomnia Monte,
Fonte caballino, vel benè mersus eras.
A. S.

To the Muse.

GOe Muse, that like Endimion did'st but dreame
of Golden dayes in thy Dispairefull Night;
And stood'st like Tantale in a Siluer-streame,
That sed thy longing with a false delight:
Ope thy dull eyes, and while that others weepe,
Say, what thou saw'st, since thou hast beene asleepe.
And yet had'st beene, had not (Oh Brightest Faire)
Chast Cynthia with her fauours wakened me,
And His deere Loue, whose losse I shaddow here,
Enforc'd a taske of latest Pietie:
Else better farre, we had beene silent still;
And slept vnseene vpon a peacefull Hill.

THE PERIOD of Mourning.

I. Vision.

I Saw (me thought) from Cambers hilly shore,
A goodly Arke, as euer eye beheld;
Whose Sayles were Silke, and Tackle twined Oare,
That seem'd reflected, gloriously to guild
The waue around, while thousand colours faire,
Kept time aloft with euery little ayre.
She Archôn hight, for that she had no Peere,
And could command the Ocean with her might:
In whom the Hopes of many thousands were,
But chiefly of the Muse, and Martiall sprite [...]
Braue Man of warre she was, from Britaine bound,
For new discoueries all that might be found.
And going out, shee did beguile the way,
With sound of Trumpet, Shawmes and Cornet shrill,
That fil'd the shore, and seem'd to charme the Sea;
(For windes were ceas'd, and waues were calme and stil.)
Such peales of Thunder, then anone were sent,
As if she would haue torne the Firmament.
But sodainely the Day was ouercast,
A tempest hurles the billow to the Skye,
That Cables brake, and hauing spent her Mast
Shee fell on Rocks; herewith I heard a cry
Of dying men; who perish'd on the shelues,
Saue some, that knew to swim, and saue themselues.
VVhich when I saw, a streame of Teares I shed,
And said (O GOD) who did commit the sinne,
That such a Treasure should be buried
In lowest Graue, as it had neuer bin?
A fraught wherein we shared euery one,
And by whose losse three Kingdomes are vndone.


I Saw a Palme, of body tall and straight,
Vpon whose braunches Crownets did depend;
But for the top, were kept a cumbrous waight
Of three more great: inough to force it bend,
(For little wot we managing of Realmes,
The howerly cares and charge of Diadems.)
And euery bough did bloome with fruitfull store,
Wherein all kindes of singing Birds did build,
Melodiously reioycing euermore
In his deere aide, by whom they were vpheld:
And hither oft, the shepheard would repaire,
If heate did scortch, or cloude accloie the Aire.
But at the roote, a fearefull Serpent lay,
(Whose many mischiefes Time forbids me tell,)
That vndermin'd the Body night and day,
That last, it downe with hideous fragor fell,
To griefe of all; mine eye did neuer see,
More hopefull Blossomes, or a fairer Tree.


A Wood there was, along the Stygian Lake,
Where Night, and euerlasting Horror dwell,
Herein a Caue, two hollow Rockes did make,
From whence a Brooke as blacke as Lethe fell:
A common roade led thither, with descent
So steepe, that none return'd that euer went.
It was an vncouth Dungeon, darke and wide,
Where liuing man nere was, or light had shone,
Saue that a little glimmering I espi'de
From rotten stickes, that all about were throwne:
The Bexe and banefull Eugh-tree grew without,
All which a stinking ditch did moate about.
Within, there hung vpon the ragged wals
Sculs, shirtes of maile, whose owners had beene slaine
Escotcheons, Epitaphes of Funerals;
In bottles teares of friends, and Louers vaine:
Spades, Mottockes, models, boltes and barres for strength,
With bones of Giants of a wondrous length.
Beneath, all formes of Monuments were seene,
Whose superscriptions were through age defac'd,
And owners long agoe consumed cleane
But now as coffers were in order plac'd,
Wherein inditements lay, charmes, Dead-mens wills
Popes pardons, pleas, and Pothecaries bills.
In mid'st there sat a meagre wretch alone,
That had in sorrow both his ei'n outwept,
And was with pine become a Sceleton:
I ask'd him why that loathsome Caue he kept,
And what he was: my name (quoth he) is Death
Perplexed here, for Henries losse of breath.
HENRIE the good, the great, vnware I hit
VVith deadly dart before the timely day,
For at one neere him while I leuel'd it,
That sent more soules then I my selfe away,
Or feare, or fate the arrow did misguide
That he escap'd, and Noblest Henry di'd.
With that, he bad me to retire in hast,
For neuer any came so neere his dore,
And liu'd: here-with mine eye a side I cast,
Where stood a glue-pot, Canes and quiuers store,
And on a shelfe, lay many stinking weedes,
Wherewith, I ghesse, he poison'd arrow heads.
By doubtfull tracks away through Brake and Breere,
I left the VVood, and light at l [...]st did view,
When Death I heard accused euery where,
As Theife and Traytor, of the vulgar crew,
For this misdeed, hee sware against his will;
For who knew Henry could not meane him ill.


I Saw erewhile, conducted forth by Fame
A Carre Triumphall, all of massie Gold,
Three of En­gland and that one of Scot­land.
foure fierce Lyons yoaked in the same,
The which a Virgin, louely to behold,
With gentle raine did guide and show the way,
Vna hight, none else they would obay.
A warlick Impe within was set on high,
Who Phoebus, in his glorious armes out-shone,
Ydrad of all for awfull Maiestie,
Yet louing, and more loued liued none;
Hight Philocles, whom Fame did thus addresse
To high designes, which few or none could ghesse.
But oh vncertaine state of all below,
And feeble stay whereon our hopes doe rest!
While that I gazed rauish'd with the show
And heart did leape for ioy within my breast,
From Heauen I saw discend a fiery wand
And all to blacke was turned out of hand.
Carricks white Lions in a field of Red,
His golden Garbes as Chesters Palatine,
The Cornish Beasaunts seldome quartered,
Rothsay with that braue Coate of Leoline,
VVhich one-day might in field of Mars haue flowne,
Before his Herse were mournfull streamers showne.
The gallant Steede that did disdaine the bit,
And shooke with angry hoofe the hollow ground,
His Riders losse lamented ouer it:
The Souldiour with his Drumme and Trumpets sound
That beate the March, and blew the furious charge,
VVere turn'd to Singers timing of his Dirge.
The fiery spirit whose aspiring flame
Brake out enkindled at his glorious light
Grew dimme and damp'd, as dying with the same;
The gentle Heart in mourning melted quite,
His Friends and louers (We) did weare his blacke
VVithin the Breast, while others on the Backe.
But in the while we haue related this,
The Corps was gone and euery thing was past,
That there remained nothing but his Misse,
VVhich when I saw mine eyes to Heauen I cast,
And said, Oh let me neuer liue I pray,
To feele the griefe of such another day.


I Lay to rest by those two Sister-streames,
That striue with each as seemeth by their hast,
VVho to her spouse should take the stately Thames,
(For both into his bosome fall at last;)
VVhere, one I heard as Thracian Orpheus sing,
VVith Beast and Bird about him listening.
Come VVoods (quoth he) and VVaters lend your sound,
And help vs to bemone our Dions death,
Come euery Plant that growes vpon the ground,
Your fruit or sauours to his Herse bequeath,
Come purple Roses, purest Lillies turne
Your Beauties blacke, and help a while to mourne.
Come Albion Muses, come sweet Philomel,
Report this newes among thy mournefull straines,
To greenie Groues the Death of Dion tell,
Ye Shepheards fill here-with the fruitfull plaines,
At Morne and Euen, and say, with Dion dead,
All Musicke and our Merry daies are fled.
Come Albion Muses, come ye siluer Swannes
Sing dying and die singing on the bankes
Of Isis flood, come wood Musitians
Surround him sleeping in your painted ranckes,
Leaue wanton Naiads treading of your rings
And teach your eyes to ouerflow the springs.
Come Albion Muses bid Menalcas sit
With broken reede beside his aged Oke,
And solitary there some dittie fit
That mought to teares infernall Dis prouoke:
Eternall silence dwell on Dale and hill,
And Heards vnkept goe wander where you will.
Come Albion Muses, come with Eccho mourne
In hollow Rockes and vales, for Dion gone,
Who (like his lips) shall neuer more returne,
A gratious answere call'd by you vpon:
Die flowers, and fall ye fruit vnripe from Trees
And cease your toile (the sweetest gone) ye Bees.
Come Albion Muses, neuer Dolphin wept
More kindly, cast by Neptune on the shore,
Or Memnons Bird with greater sorrow kept
Auroras sonne, whom still she weepeth ore,
Or groue with plaints of Philomela rung
VVhen Plough-man had bereft her of her young.
Calliope more woefull did not seeke,
Her Loued Homer all about the Sea,
Or Venus on her deere Adonis checke,
More kisses heaped as he dying lay,
As Albion now who (mother-like) in vaine,
VVould, spight of Nature, weepe him backe againe.
If in a graden but the Mallow die,
The Daisie, Dill, or Rose, it liues agen,
And shooteth yeerely from his bed on high,
But we endu'de with Reason who are men,
Much fairer, stronger, if we once doe fall,
No more on Earth our being haue at all.
Much more he would haue said but that with griefe,
His voyce did faile and hand began to slacke,
VVherewith approached first of Beasts the chiefe,
VVho in their kindes bewailed Dions lacke:
The Birds aboue, in Trees were set aloft,
Each chattering in his note as Nature taught.
None for precedence stroue, that they forgat,
As ill befitting pensiuenesse of heart,
But as they came in Louing league they sat,
And each to each his sorrow did impart:
For griefes doe grow by many bearers weake,
That else the backes of one or two would breake
Three Lyons white full bitterly did groane,
And waile his absence whom they loued deere,
Aloofe the
Noble perso­nages of the land whose Crests these are.
Heliconian Horse did moane,
For as the rest he could not come so neere.
The Lynx, the Bufle, and the Talbot true,
Did (as they could) their vtmost sorrow shew.
The Greyhound, Griffon, Tiger, and the Goate,
Two gallant Dragons greene, and one of Red,
The Vnicorne in his faire Ermine-coate,
The Roebucke, Bore, and Bull, for combat bred:
The Leopard, Wiuerne, Munkey, and the Beare,
The Tiger, Cat, and Porcespine were there.
Of Birds, I saw the Eagle sharpe of sight,
Th' Arabian Phoenix, and the Peacocke gay,
The towring Falcon for the Kings delight,
The Chough, the Rauen, and dainty Popingaie,
The Swanne with Pheasaunt fetch'd from Phasis flood,
And Pellican soare wounded with her brood.
With others numberlesse both wilde and tame,
By flockes that hither in a Moment flew,
But as I neere to this assembly came,
Their order, kindes, and cullors for to view,
The Man, the Musicke, Bird, and Beast were gone,
I left to mourne disconsolate alone.


I Was conducted by a louely childe,
Whose haire outshone the brightest burning gold,
Of sweet aspect as Maid, and modest milde,
Vnto that place where certainely is told,
The soules of such as here had liued well,
Disroab'd of Earth in happinesse doe dwell.
It was Elisium, a delightfull plaine,
Where Zephyre makes an euerlasting Spring,
And Fruits, and Flowers, doe all the yeere retaine
Their tast and beauties, sweetest Birds doe sing
In Laurell shades, where coolest siluer brookes
Diuorce their courses by a thousand crookes.
Within there was a Theater of gold,
Rais'd on a mount in semi-circle wise,
Which stately columnes strongly did vphold,
That by ascent did ouer other rise,
And railde betweene with Christall lights that shone
Against the Sunne like Rockes of Diamond.
Not Scaurus Scaene might with this same compare,
That eightie thousand could at one time hold,
Nor that of Pompey, nor that wounder rare
Marti. Epi [...]r. Lib. 1. Epist. 1. Barbara pyra­midum, &c.
Vespasian reard, nor that with pouldred gold
Which Nero (as with sand I read bestrew)
And seel'd with silke all starry gilt in blew.
Three rowes it had where Princes onely sat,
To view their worldly miseries foregone,
Their Kingdomes changes and to contemplate
Their happinesse in full fruition:
These liued well, or for the Faith were slaine,
Or younglings were who neuer saw their raigne.
Each were in order rancked as they dy'd,
The formost, Heire apparants of our land,
VVhose deaths were by Impresas specifide,
So sweetly limn'd as by an Angels hand.
Hee was drowned at 17 yeeres of age, comming into England out of Normandie, and with him his brother Richard, and Richard Earle of Chester, and his brother O [...]w [...]le the Princes Tutor, the Countesse of Perch, the Kings daughter named Mary, and his Neece the Countesse of Chester, with many young Noble-men and Knights, to the number of an 60. persons.
William first Henries sonne did giue a sea
Enrag'd, aboue was written, Cast away.
The sonne of Stephen Prince
Eustace being angry with his Father Stephen for making peace with Henry Duke of Normandie departed from him, at Bury sittin [...] downe to dinner feil mad vpon the receiuing of the first mor [...]ell.
Eustace next did sit,
Who gaue a braunch of bitter Hellebore,
Dispayre's not holpe was scored ouer it.
Henry, the sonne of second Henry bore
A Phaeton, with this, Too soone I clime,
A King and Rebell in my Fathers time.
Appeared then, in Armes, a goodly Prince
Of swarthy
Edward the blacke Prince, first sonne to Edward the 3. some make his name rather from the black dayes Fraunce endured by him then from his Counte­nance.
hew, by whom there hung a Launce
Of wondrous length, preserued euer since
Hee ouerthrew at Poiteirs Iohn of Fraunce:
A Dial his deuice, the stile at One,
And this, No night and yet my day is done.
By him I saw in white a comely youth,
Vpon whose breast appear'd a gaping wound
(That would haue mou'd a heart of Flint to ruth)
Wherewith the place was smeared all around.
A withered crimson Rose by him was fixt,
His word, The last, as sonne of Henry sixt.
A little lower sat two
King Edward the fift, and Richard his Brother, taken out of Sa [...]ctua­ry: Murdered in the Tower: The l [...]ly pourtracture of these Princes came to my hands limned in a Manuscript which was written by Anti [...] [...]y Earle Riuers their Vncle, and giuen to King Edward the fourth; and this was the first bo [...]ke that eu [...]r was Printed in England (as Master Cambden told me) this being the [...]ame that the Earle gaue the King, bound in greene Veluet, &c.
beauteous Impes
Of smyling cheere, as fresh as flower in May:
Not Tyndaris faire twinnes, Plerian Nimphes,
Or Myrrba's Boy so louely faire as they:
These were the Brother-Princes that in bed
The Tyrant slew and left vnburied.
One had a Pillow with his crowne thereon,
His Mot, The Price of my eternall rest:
The other gaue a Vulture ceasing on
The heart of Titius, with, The Tyrants breast.
Prince Arthur,
Prince Arthur maried Catha­rine, Daughter of Ferdinando king of Spaine. By this deuice the Author seemes couert­ly to shew a distast of our Princes match­ing with Spaine.
this, aboue an Orange flower
Though seemes the fayrest yet the fruit is sower.
The last sat our late HENRY on a Throne
By one degree rais'd higher then the rest;
About whose brow an heauenly glory shone,
And certaine beames appeared from his breast,
Which who so did with neerer eye admire
Were striken blinde, or had their hearts on fire.
Where when I saw that Brow, that Cheeke, that Eye,
Hee left imprinted in Eliza's face,
That louely cheere and gracefull Maiestie
In hopefull CHARLES that take their second place.
With Ioy surprized to my home before
I bad returne, wee cared for no more.

A The diffe­rence between an Epecide and Epitaph is (as Seru [...]us teach­eth) that the Epicidium is propper to the body while it is vnburied the Epitaph o­therwis [...]; yet our Poets stick not to take one for the other: it hath the Ety­mon from [...], which is curar [...] inferias, saith Sca [...]ger: in Poet: EPICEDIVM of the Author.

STay Royall Body ere thou go'st
To sleepe in Mothers armes, the dust:
And let our Teares distilling fast,
Embalmne thy Louely Limmes the last,
Whom Heauen so deere while here did hold,
It tooke both Modell and the mold
From Nature, least there might remaine,
A hope to haue his like againe:
HENRIE too to forward Rose,
HENRIE terror to his foes,
HENRIE Friendes and Fathers stay,
HENRIE Sunne-rise of our Day,
HENRIE Loadstar of the Arts,
HENRIE Loadstone of all harts.
But now our bud hath bid the frost,
And Britaine, warlike Arthur lost:
Friendes and fathers want their stay,
And ouer-clouded is our day,
This starre is fallen from our sight,
And lost with all our compasse quite.
Oh losse of losses, griefe of griefe,
Beyond compassion or reliefe!
[Page]But was our young Iosias shot
From Babell,
Kings 2. cap. 23. vers. 29.
Aegypt ward or not?
His Iourney scarsly yet begunne,
Or was this deede by Heauen done?
The cause were Earths all Horrid crimes,
Hatch'd in these faithlesse fruitlesse times:
'Tis sinne hath drawne the deluge downe
Of all these teares, wherein we drowne,
Wherein not onely we are d [...]ent,
But all the Christian continent;
Yea vtmost climes and coastes vnknowne,
Whereto his winged Fleere is flowne,
Whose Pilot while the Maister sleepes,
Is sounding of the Northerne deepes,
Encountring Icie Mountaines, Coasts,
Rak'd vp in Snowes, or bound with frosts:
Who saue the Deitie diuine,
Could say the depth of his designe?
As when a Comet doth amaze,
The world with it's prodigious blaze,
While in some pitchie night, from North,
Sword brandisht flames it shooteth forth,
All ghessing what it might portend,
Or where th'effect would fall it'h end,
So when this youth in Armor shone,
He was with terror look'd vpon,
Which way mought turne his sword or launce,
To Turke, to Spaine, to Roome, or Fraunce:
But this a Meteor was, no Starre
Imperfect mixt as glories are;
[Page]Though Belus terme himselfe a God,
And Commodus beare Hermes rod:
Marcellus call in thunder downe,
From Heauen, an artificiall crowne,
Clearchus in his charge beare fire,
Augustus clepe the Sunne his Sire,
Domitian his owne Mother scorne,
To say of Pallas he was borne,
Yet all are Adams earthy weake,
Adord like Idols till they breake;
Become the scorne of Time and Fate,
And obiects of the meanest Hate.
By Bodkins greatest Caesar's dead,
A Shepherdesse take Cyrus head,
A Weasils bite kils Aristide,
And Lice did punish Herods pride:
Blinde Times ascribing these to be
Th'effects of Fate or Destinie
Ineuitable; mocking vs
With th'Ato'mes of Democritus.
The Soule of this which VVorld we call,
Or Influence Coelestiall,
'Tis no Aegyptian Iron Line,
But prouidence of Power Diuine;
VVhose high Idaeas are beeings,
And all Essentiall formes of things,
Disposing of all here below,
Whose ends himselfe doth onely know:
Who made a cord of seuerall sinne,
To whip vs out, or hold vs in.
[Page]That what Rome of her Titus said
May to late Henry be applyed;
That he for his owne good is gone,
But for our full affliction:
For whose deare losse, oh let the Towers
Of each heauen-daring crime of ours
Be cast to ground, as Carthage were,
When she her Princes death did heare:
And to expresse her sorrow more,
Her wals with blacke quite couer'd o'er.
Or with th'Aegyptians let vs mourne
Tenne times seauen dayes about his Vrne:
Or strow his Herse with bud and bloome,
As Thetis her Achilles Tombe:
Or crowne his Ashes left to vs,
As they did of Demetrius:
Or hang, with Athens, Laurell by,
In signall of his Victory,
Triumphing ouer Sinne and Death,
Wherewith wee struggle still beneath;
That happy thus, why (fooles) doe wee
With vainest vowes sollicite thee?
Teares after teares to Heauen send,
That should vpon our selues descend?
But rather let thee quiet rest,
Where thou perpetually art blest:
Then farewell Henry heauenly Iemme,
Adorning new Hierusalem;
Farewell thy Britaines broken Shield;
Farewell the Honor of the Field;
[Page]Farewell the Ioy of King and Mother;
Farewell Eliza's dearest Brother;
Farewell the Church and Learnings prop;
Farewell the arme that held me vp;
Farewell the golden dayes of mirth;
Farewell the best-best Prince of earth;
Farewell. Perforce I cease to mourne,
For teares mine Inke to water turne.

To the buried Prince.

Hee alludeth to that famous vvorke of Henry the seauenths Chappell, so contriued, that from euery win­dovv in the same, in the Foundation, a line vvas laid to the Kings Graue, and in the same to his heart, as hee ordai­dained it in his life.
As from each angle of the Vault
Wherein thou lyest, a line is brought
Vnto the Kingly founders heart;
So vnto thee, from euery part,
See how our loues doe runne by line,
And dead, concenter in thy Shrine.

An Elegiacke EPITAPH vpon the vntimely death of the hopefull Prince HENRIE, &c. VVritten by the Author, at the time of his DEATH.

VVHo ere thou art that passest by,
And canst not read for weeping eye
Our interrupted Lines, or speake
For sighes, that swollen hart would breake;
Imagine Heauens and Earth reply,
Our Hopes are fal'n, and here they Iye:
For Griefe her selfe is stricken dumbe,
To see this worthiest worthies toombe,
And Earth to hide from mortall sight
The worlds sole wonder and delight,
The richest Iemme ere Nature wrought
For prizeles forme, of purest thought,
For chast desire, for Churches zeale,
For care and loue of common weale;
For manly shape, for actiue might,
For Courage and Heroique sprit,
For Loue of Armes and Heauenly Arts,
For Bounty toward all best deserts:
That euen by Teares of yet vnborne,
[Page]His Marble wilbe wash'd and worne:
For liuing we, though deadly shot,
Stand at the gaze but feele it not.
Oh neuer land had such a losse
But certaine soule thou art but gone;
To thy new coronation,
Thy presence Heauen, thy state a Throne
Thy Carpet Starres, to tread vpon,
Full glory for a Crowne of gold,
Out shining this accursed mold.
For awfull Scepter, or thy Rod
A palme; thy friends, the Saints of God:
VVhen Parasite, nor Spangled groome,
VVith Courtiers vaine accloy thy roome,
VVhere Sisters, friends, thy comming greete,
VVith Himnes and Hallelu iahs sweet.
That from the height of blisse aloft
Thou view'st me thinkes our Mansion oft:
Braue Hampton checking Heauen with state;
Or Richmond, thy belou'd of late,
And bid [...]st Adiew these heapes of clay,
Cares restles roomes, Innes for a day.
Oh that the Heauens deny it me,
Here loathing life, to follow thee!
But till my death I weare my dayes
In Zealous teares, and in thy praise,
Since I may neuer line to see
A Prince, or Henrie, like to thee.

SEQVENTIA Doctissimi Amici Carmina, La­chrumarum coronidem, ob elegantiam, & Autoris singularem in Principis defuncti Pietatem, & Amorem, meritò adposuimus.
POST NENIAS [...] ad Funus diù diù Britannis Lugendum! HENRIC. BRIT. PR. & Deliciarum.

[Page] [...]
I. S. è Soc. Int. Templi.

EPITAPHIVM, Eodem Auctore.

HIc quis iacet libentiùs proh! dixeram,
Nisi rettulissent Neniae tot vndi (que),
Tot vndi (que) & Lessi; malum! Vos Futiles
Exeste sultis. Metus adest [...] Posteris,
Seris Nepotibus, ne Diris malè ferant
Liras vouentes, perquàm iniquas Principi
Liras! Quis, ast Viator, Illius memor
Esse potis est satis? Sed impares Clar I
Fuêre Vates. Quicquid Humanum magìs
Impar; quod olím sentient Britannides
Olîm nimìs, cum grauiùs eheu! dixerit
Fatum hoc stupendum Gnata temporis. Sed

HAVE, Henrice Princeps, Magne, Semonum Decus, AEETERNVM HAVE.

Corona Principis.

AVreus huic vitae spatium benè circulus actae,
Vitauè quae Regni sorte beata fuit.
Luncta cruci alterno stant ordine Lilia miscet
An quia diuersus, gaudia nostra dolor?
Gemma animi fuerat Virtus (Henrice) relucens
Quaelibet, antevenis qua probitate tuis.
Vnio (ait) primùm sum facta Britannia, in isto
Principe, candidius quo nihil or be fuit.
Indomitas mentis vires Adamantina corda
Ipse Adamas dederas, et didicisse pati.
Quantus eum aether [...]i cepisset Numinis ardor,
Cerule, nec falsus testis Iaspis eras.
Tempora Smaragdum retulisse virentia Veris,
Rebar, et in multos spem superesse dies:
Deflua flore nouo, fit spes haec Bruma dolôrum,
Praeproperam vt necuit dira pruina Rosam.
Sanguine foedatam palmam, spolia ampla, triumphos,
Principis innuerit Martius ille Rubor.
Huc (que) Amethyste venis de Perside, pallor Iacchi,
Et quam mens illi, sobria, sana fuit.
Nec Chrysolithus abest, ceu quo radiantibus vndis
Splendet opum cumulus, splendet auîtus Honos.
Est tuae de coelis
Coronā au­ream multis [...] gemmis insig­nitā caetitus S. Ladis [...]a [...] Hun­gariae Regi de­latam legimus in Annal. Hun. quod ab illis a­deo constanter creditur vt pe­nes quemcun (que) ea sit pro legiti­mo Rege habe­ri debeat. Vide Hist. Hung. Angl.
Vngaria lata corona,
In coelos rapitur dignior ista Polo.

Pluma triplex principis insigne.

QVam bene conuênit sorti tua Symbola Pluma:
Gloria cum fuerat, parua, caduca, leuis.
QVod Pius et prudens armis (que) animosior esses,
Est tibi Pluma triplex, qua super astra volas.
ICH DIEN. I. Seruio.
SErvijt HENRICVS bis denos circiter annos,
Liber abinde fuit, Ciuis et aethereus.
H. P.
LIterulae nostri communes Nominis, H P.
Quam fero moeroris vos monumenta mei.

Rosa Britannica.

HEnrici Henricus Regis de sanguine Princeps,
Enatus (que) Rosis, Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Nascitur ex Veneris Rosa vulnere, vulnera Regni
Reddunt hunc nobis. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Infacie roseus (que) pudor, candore remistus
Casto flore placens. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Virtute, ingenio, pollebat viribus, Hostis
Senserit has spinas. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Poscebant (Veneres Europae) Tusca, Sabauda,
Rure decus thalamis. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Intulit Ambrosios quàcun (que) incessit odores
Numinis afflatus. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Coelica mellificos ditabat dona labores
Elargitus opes. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.
Praeproperè emicuit, coeli (que) emarcuit ictu,
Solus Honos Hortis. Hinc Rosa vera fuit.

Carduus Scoticus.

TError eram Hostilis viuus, modo, mortuus, Hosti
Vt Ziscae, inijciant nomina sola metum.
Deciàuus fuerat mihi flos, folia at (que) caduca,
Nulla (que) quae noceat, spina relict a mihi;
Attamen abstineas hostis, radice supersles
Idem vnus (que) tibi moeror, amâror, inest.
Dum mihi flos teneris loetus rideret agellis,
Illucens (que) dies aureus omnis adest.
Vndi (que) sollicitat volitan [...]ûm turba prccorum,
Et me fucus iners, sedula quoerit apes,
Musca dapem captans, crabro, tu (que) inuida vespa,
Et fame pressa calex, picta (que) papilio.
Deseror emoriens, si quid mihi caule relictum
Aulicus, aut Patris fiscus, Acanthis erit.

Ad Principem defunctum.

SI quot corda tibi firmo iungantur amore,
Principe, cum Domino contumulata forent
Pyramidum moles reticeret Barbara Memphis,
Et Mausolaeo nullus adesset Honos.
Vltima quod moestas fundat mea Musa querelas,
Et minùs in cineres officiosus eram:
Obstupui, coelo ( Niobes ceu marmora) laesus,
Dum leuis in luctu garrit vbi (que) dolor.

Epigramata alia.

QVos Henrice tui coepisti vinus amore,
Occîdis nimium funere saeue tuo.
Vulnera quanta dedit tua Mors, Henrice Britannis,
Hei mihi vidisses, non fera bella putes.

Ad Lectorem.

MEnse sapit carmen tibi nostrum vt Scombrus Iulo
Lector ais, sletum plus et vbi (que) satis:
Subsi [...]unt (fateor) Lachrymarum flumina, regno
Intempestiuus non dolor iste venit.
Conscia mens Veri Famae mendacia ridet;
Fama loquens Verum, vertitur in lachrymas.
Imminet Henrico morienti nubibus Iris,
Nuntia Iunonis, non fuit illa Dei.
Quod nullo pro [...]iere tibi mea carmina cultu,
Nil mirum luctu squalleo et ipse meo.

Nuptiall Hymnes: IN HONOR OF the Marriage.


ALL Feares are fled, and from our Sphaere
The late Eclipse is vanish'd quite:
And now we entertaine the yeare
With Hymenaeus chaste delight:
Heauen, the first, hath throwne away
Her weary weede of mourning hew,
And waites Eliza's Wedding-day
In Starry-spangled Gowne of blew.
The Huntresse in her siluer Carre,
The Woods againe suruaieth now:
And that same bright Idalian Starre
Appeares on Vespers vailed brow:
Let Earth put on her best aray,
Late bath'd in eye-distilled showers;
And melt yee bitter Frosts away,
That kill'd the forward Hope of ours.
Yee highest Hils that harbour Snowes,
And arme your heads with Helmes of Ice,
Be Gardens for the Paphian Rose,
The Lilly, Violet, or De-lis:
Low Vallies let your Plaines be spread
With painted Carpets of the Spring,
(Whereon Eliza's foote must tread)
And euery where your odours fling.
And tallest Trees, with tender'st Twigs,
Whom Winters-Storme hath stripped bare,
Leaue off those rimy Periwigs,
And on with your more seemely haire.
Forget yee siluer-paued Flouds,
Your wonted rage, and with your sound
Reuiue the Shores and shady Woods,
That lay in deepest sorrow drown'd.
Tell Amphitrite, when you meete,
Eliza, Princesse, is a Bride:
And bid her with the Newes goe greete
The farthest Shoares at euery Tyde;
And as yee wash high towred wals,
With gentle murmure in each eare,
Command these Royall Nuptials
Be solemnized euery where.
Let Thracian Boreas keepe within,
With Easterne Blasts that crops doe kill,
And Auster wetting to the skinne;
Be onely Zephyre breathing still,
Warme Zephyre to perfume the Ayre,
And scatter downe in siluer Showers
A thousand Girlonds for her haire
Of Blossome, Branch, and sweetest flowers.
With Rosemarine, and verdant Bay,
Be wall and window clad in greene:
And sorrow on him who this day
In Court a Mourner shall be seene.
Let Musicke shew her best of skill,
Disports beguile the irkesome night.
But take my Muse thy ruder Quill,
To paint a while this royall sight:
Proclaiming first from Thames to Rhine
ELIZA Princesse Palatine.


NYmphes of Sea and Land away,
This, ELIZA'S Wedding day,
Helpe to dresse our gallant Bride
With the treasures that yee hide:
Some bring flowry Coronets,
Roses white, and Violets:
Doris gather from thy Shore
Corall, Chrystall, [...]mber, store,
Which thy Queene in Bracelets twist
For her Alabaster wrist,
While yee Siluer-footed Girles
Plat her Tresses with your Pearles.
Others from Pactolus streame,
Greete her with a Diademe:
Search in euery Rockie Mount
For the Iemmes of most account:
Bring yee Rubies for her Eare,
Diamonds to fill her Hayre,
Emrald greene and Chrisolite
Binde her Necke more white then white.
On her Breast depending be
The Onyx, friend to Chastitie;
Take the rest without their place,
In borders, Sleeues, her Shooes, or Lace.
Nymphes of Niger offer Plumes:
Some your Odors and Perfumes.
Dians Maids more white then milke,
Fit a Roabe of finest Silke:
Dians maids who wont to be
The Honor of Virginitie.
Heauens haue bestow'd their grace,
Her chaste desires, and Angels face.


VRANIAS Sonne, who dwell'st vpon
The fertile top of Helicon,
Chaste Marriage Soueraigne, and dost leade
The Virgin to her Bridall Bed.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
With Marioram begirt they brow,
And take the
Called in La­tine Flammeum, it was of a yea­lovvish colour, & vvorne of the Romane Vir­gins going to be marryed, to conceale & hide their b [...]ushing and bashfulnes.
Veile of yealow: now
Plutarch saith these Torches vvere of vvaxe, like ours, Plau­tus onely once mentioneth one of these vvaxen Lights, but for the most part, they vvere of Pine or thorne tree.
Pinie Torches with your light,
To golden day conuert the night.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
See how like the Cyprian Queene,
ELIZA comes, as when (I weene)
On Ida hill the prize she had
Allotted by the Phrygian Lad.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
As Asian Myrtle fresh and faire,
Which Hamadryads with their care,
And duely tending by the flouds,
Haue taught to ouer-looke the Woods.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
Behold how Vesper from the skie
Consenteth by his twinckling eye;
And Cynthia slayes her Swans to see
The state of this Solemnitie.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
Wedlocke, were it not for thee,
VVee could nor Childe nor Parent see,
Armies Countries to defend,
Or Shepheards hilly Heards to tend.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
But Hymen call the Nymph away,
With Torches light the Children stay,
Whose sparkes (see how) ascend on hye,
As if there wanted Starres in Skye.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
As virgin Vine her Elme doth wed,
His Oake the Iuie ouer-spread:
So chaste desires thou ioynst in one,
That disvnited were vndone.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
But see her golden foote hath past
The doubted
The Bride ne­uer vsed to touch the thre­shold (vvhich custome is yet obserued in some places of Italy) but very warily pasted ouer the same, least charmes or some other kinde of Witch-craft might be laid vnder the same, eyther to cause debate, or to the hinderance of procreation. By the Threshold, at her comming home, vvas set fire and vvater, vvhich shee touched vvith eyther hand.
Threshold, and at last
Shee doth approach her Bridall-bed,
Of none saue Tyber enuyed.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
Chast Mariage-bed, he sooner tels
The Starres, the Ocean Sand, or shels,
That thinkes to number those delights
Wherewith thou shortnest longest nights.
Io, &c.
With richest Tyrian Purple spred,
Where her deare Spouse is laid on bed,
Like yong Ascanius, or the Lad
Her Loue the Queene of Cyprus had:
Io, &c.
Young Frederick of Royall Ligne,
Of Cassimiers, who on the Rhine
To none are second said to be,
Vienna vali­antly defended by Phi [...]p, Ear [...] Palatine, a­gainst Soliman, vvho besieged it vvith 300000. men. An. 1529.
Valour, Bounty, Pietie.
Io, &c.
Come Bride-maide Venus and vndoe
Th' Herculean knot with fingers two,
And take the
This girdle vvas dedicated to Diana, vvhom the Grecians called [...], and the La­tines Cinxia; it vvas vvouen vvith vvool, and knit with a kinde of knot vvhich they cal­led Herculean, in signe of fruitfulnes, vvhich Virgins vvare, and neuer vvas taken avvay vn­till the first night of their Marriage, vvhich then the b [...]de maid vn­knit but with two fingers onely.
girdle from her wast,
That Virgins must for goe at last,
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
Nuts at their going to bed vvere vvoont to be throvvne a­mong children & those with­out that do [...]; in token (as Scaliger saith) of renouncing the deli [...]hts of youth and childhood, and vndertaking the vveighty charge of houshold affaires. Diuers other opinions the auncient vvriters haue had hereof.
Nuts without the Dore,
The Married is a Childe no more,
For whosoere a wife hath wed,
Hath other businesse in his head.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
Where passe ye many an happy night,
Vntill Lucina brings to light,
An hopefull Prince who may restore,
In part, the losse we had before,
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.
That one day we may liue to see,
A Frederick Henry on her knee,
Who mought to Europe giue her law,
And keepe encroaching Hell in awe.
Io, &c.
Vpon whose Brow may Enuie read,
The reconcile of Loue and Dread,
And in whose Rosie cheeke we see,
His Mothers gracefull Modestie,
Io, &c.
But Muse of mine we but molest
I doubt, with ruder song their rest,
The Dores are shut, and lights about
Extinct, then time thy flame were out.
Io Hymen Hymenaeus.


TH' Idalian Boy no sooner with his Fire,
Had warm'd the brest of Honour'd Casimire:
(That now he leaues the Nimphes along his Rheine,
T' espouse Eliza, with Saint Valentine.)
But smiling at the Newes, away he hi [...]de
To Cyprus, where his Mother did abide.
There is a Mount within this sacred Ile,
Right opposite against seauen-headed Nile,
Another way affronting Pharos bright,
That many a mile, the Sea-man lends her light:
Here on a plaine, to mortall wight vnknowne,
Where neuer storme, or bitter blast had blowne;
Or candi [...]d hoare-Frost show'd the crusty earth;
But euer May of meriment and mirth.
An hedge the same enuirons all of Gold,
Which Mulciber, for sweet embracements sold
And wanton dalliance, to the Cipryan Dame;
(Tis said) and since she hath possest the same.
VVhere still the fields with veluet-greene are spred,
And blossomes paint the woods all white and red,
No Bird may perch her on the tender bow
But such for voyce as Venus shall allow.
The trees themselues doe fall in loue with eith [...]
As seemes by kissing of their tops together:
And softly whispring; when some gentle gale
Chides from the Mountaine, through the shady Vale.
Now from a Rocke within, two fountaines fall,
One sweet, the other, bitter as the gall,
Herein doth Cupid often steepe his darts,
VVhen his dispos'd to seuer louing harts.
[Page]A thousand Amorets about doe play
(Borne of the Nymphes) these onely wound, they say,
The common people, Venus darling hee,
A [...]mes at the Gods, and awfull Maiestie:
And many a Power else in this place is found,
As Licence, euer hating to be bound,
Wrath, easie to be reconcil'd and Teares,
Slie Theft, and Pleasure, pale, and [...]ocund Feares:
And ouer-head doe flutter in the bowes
VVith painted wings, Lyes, Pe [...]iuries and V [...]wes.
Hence Age is banish'd. Here is seene besides
The Goddesse Court, where alway she resides,
This Lemnius built of Gold and rarest [...]emmes,
That like a Mount quite hid with Diadems
It seemes; where Art and Cost with each contend,
For which the Eye, the Frame should most commend.
Here Cupid downe with weary wing did light,
And iocu [...]d comes into his Mothers sight,
VVith statefull gate: who from a burnish'd Throne,
Embraces, with Ambrosian Armes, her Sonne;
And thus begins; the newes my louely Boy,
And cause of thy arriue, and this new ioy?
Hast thou againe turn'd Ioue into a Cow?
Or w [...]nton Daphne to a Lawrell-bough?
VVhat Man, or Power immortall, by thy Dart,
Is falne to ground, that thus reuiu'd thou art?
VVith many a Nectar kisse, milde Loue replies,
Our Bowne'er bare away a greater prize:
Knowes not the Goddesse by the fertile Rheine,
Young Fredericke, borne of Imperiall Ligne,
[Page]Descended from that braue
A most va­liant Souldier, and Nephevv to Charlemaine, vvho with his companion O [...]i­uer, vvas slaine vpon the Pyra­naean Hils, in Ro [...] valley, or Ro [...]landi valley, vvarring against the Infidels. His Horne wherevvith he called his Souldiers together, and his Svvord are yet to be seene at a Village in Xanto [...]gue: of vvhom, as of the Emperour Charlemaigne the Pals­graue is lineally desce [...]ded.
Rolando slaine,
And worlds great VVorthy, valiant 2 Charle-Maigne.
This hopefull Impe is stricken with our Bowe,
VVee haue his Armes, and three-fold Shield to show;
3 Franconias Lyon, and this of 4 Baueir,
A potent Heyre deriu'd from Cassimeir.
Another 5 Argent onely, long they bore,
Till charg'd by Charles the last, late Emperour,
[Page]That as
Howsoeuer it pleaseth Bo­ [...]in li [...] de Rep. cap. 9 to [...] at [...] Princes, in re­gard of these their dignities at the Empe­rours Corona­tion where he saith; Les E­lecteurs por­tent le quali­t [...] de var­lets domesti­ques, comme b [...]utelliers escuters, es­chansous de' [...] Empereur: The beginning & vse hereof is most honoura­ble and auncient. Nicephorus saith, that in the time of Constantine the great, that the office of Arch- Sewer was assigned to Rossicus a great Prince, his vvordes be; [...]. And whosoeuer list to see the large priuiledges which haue beene graunted Archidapi [...]er [...] S. I. let him reade the Golden Bull of Charles the fourth Emperour.
Arch- Sewer, and 7 Elector, this
Hee beares, saue honor, adding nought of his.
What Coast or Country haue not heard their Fame?
Or who not lou'd their euer honour'd Name?
Yet trembled at from farthest 8 Caspian Sea,
And Scythian Tanais, to the Danubie.
ELIZA' s Name, I know, is not vnknowne
Vnto my Queene, the second vnto none,
For beauty, shape of Body, euery grace,
That may in earthly Maiestie take places;
That were not Venus daily seene of mee,
I would haue sworne this Princesse had beene shee.
Hast Cytherea, Leaue thy natiue Land,
And ioyne them quickly by the Marriage band.
The Queene her Sonne remouing from her lap,
Her haire of wiery gold shee tresseth vp.
[Page]Throwes on her Veile, and takes the Girdle chaste,
Wherewith she quiets stormes, and euery blast,
Allaies the swelling flouds, and furious sea;
Whereto full speedily she takes her way:
And here arriu'd, sends forth a Cupid faire,
Drest like a Sea-Nymph, with a siluer hayre:
To search the deepe, and bring vnto the shore
Some Triton, able to conuay her o'er;
Which if hee did performe with nimble speede,
A golden Bowe and Shafts should be his meede.
No sooner Loue had diu'd into the Maine,
But on the su [...]ge appear'd a wondrous traine
Of Sea-gods, Tritons, Nymphes, who equall stroue
The formost who should aide the Queene of Loue;
First, Neptune, mounted on a
A Fish almost as bigge as the Whale.
Grampas crown'd
With Roses, calm'd the Ocean all around:
Palaemon on a Seale with hoary lockes,
Begirt with Samphire from the neighbour rockes:
An vgly VVhirlepoole Ner [...]us bestrides,
VVith Trident galling oft his lazie sides.
Among the Maids she Glaucus hindmost lagges
Vpon a Porpose brideled with flagges.
Next Venus comes, with all her beauteous crew,
VVhom Dolphins in a shelly Chariot drew.
No Nymph was there but did some gift bestow,
That did in Amphi [...]rites bosome grow:
Cymothoe brought a girdle passing faire
Of siluer, twisted with her Christall haire.
Young Spathale, apearely Carcanet,
And Clotho Corrall, good as she could get.
[Page]Faire Galatea from the Persian Shore,
Strange Iemmes and Flowers, some vnknowne before,
Which to ELIZA, as their loues they sent,
(Herewith adorning Venus as she went)
Whom when they had conducted to our Thame,
And view'd the spatious channell of the same,
Admir'd our Chalkie Cliffes, suruai'd each pierre,
Out fertile Shores, our Ships, and Harbours here,
They backe vnto their boundlesse home doe hye;
But in a cloud the Queene ascends the skie,
And takes her way vnto the Royall Hall,
Where downe, she did no sooner softly fall,
But Clouds were fled that ouer-cast the ayre,
And Phoebus threw about his golden hayre:
Eke Snow-tress'd Ianuary (seldome seene)
Vpon his brow had got a wreath of greene.
Ioy was in Court, and iocund mirth possest
The hearts of all, from greatest to the least,
(Yet knew they not the cause) the windowes lay
Bestrow'd with Primrose, Violets, and Bay.
Now children looke (quoth shee) you banish hence
Affaires of State, ambitious difference,
Complaints, and Faction, melancholy Feares,
All Parsimonie, sighes, and former Teares.
Let Nights in royall banquetting be spent,
Sweet Musicke, Masques, and ioyous merriment.
Now pleasure take her fill; bring Graces Flowers;
With Torches Hymen plant the lofty Towers;
Twine, Concord double Girlonds, Cupids you
Some gather branches from the Myrtle bough.
[Page]And guild the roofe with waxen lights on high;
Tacke (others) vp rich Arras busily;
Some cast about sweet waters; others clense
With Myrrhe, and best Sabaean Frankinsence,
The Curtaines; others fit about her Bed,
Or for her foote the floore with Veluet spred.
VVhich said, into the Chamber of the Bride,
VVho lay to rest, she passed vnespide
And secretly instructs her how to loue,
Recounting euery pleasure shee should proue:
And vrgeth that each Creature's borne to be
The Propagator of Posteritie.
And now and then, shee casteth in betweene,
Their Legends that haue faithfull Louers beene:
Shee tels of Dido, and Lucretia chaste,
Camilla, Hero, Thisbe, and the rest,
And many a Booke shee had at fingers end,
VVhich for her purpose oft shee can commend.
Now as the Aire gan more and more to cleare,
The Goddesse plainly did at last appeare.
VVhose burnish'd haire the goodly roome did guild,
And with a sweet Ambrosian odor fill'd,
That seeing now ELIZA's goodly grace,
Her daintie fingers, and her fairest face:
Shee stood amazed, and with a Nectar kisse,
Shee bow'd her selfe, and boldly vtter'd this.
All happinesse vnto the Princesse be,
The Pearle and Mirrour of great Brittannie,
For whose deere sake, I this aduenture tooke,
And Paphos with my Cyprus sweet forsooke:
[Page]Drawne by the Rumor of thy Princely Name,
And pitty of the hopefull Frederickes flame,
Though thou wert not a Princesse by thy birth,
This face deserues the greatest King on Earth,
What hand so fits a Scepter, and what Eye,
Did euer sparke with sweeter Maiestie,
Thy lips the Roses, whitest necke excells
The mountaine snow, and what is whiter els.
VVith equall temper how the white and red,
(Our callors,) are vpon thy cheeke dispred,
The fingers of the Morning doe not shine,
More pleasing then those beauteous ones of thine,
If Bacchus crown'd his Loue with many a starre,
VVhy art thou yet vncrowned, fairer farre?
Oh Virgin, worthy onely not of Rhine,
And that sweet soile, thy
Riuers that fall into the Rhene in the Palatinate.
They vvere called, Co­mi [...]es, or Earles among the Ro­mans who al­wai [...]s follovved the Emperour in his Court, out of these number vvere elected the choisest, and sent to gouerne sundry Prouin­ces, as Co [...]es Afri [...], Tingita­ [...], [...] Saxonici, &c. Besides there vvere others called Co­mites, Palat [...]ij qui tr [...]rant Palati [...], as it vvere viceroys in the Court of these, Clo [...]harius, Sigebert, and other Kings of France had, vvhom they sent viceroys into Austrasia, Burgu [...]die, &c.
(Where c Mose, the Moene, the Nah, and Nicer clear,
With Nectar runne against thy comming there)
But of a world, due to those guiftes of thine,
Whic [...] [...] thee more then all thy Iewels shine,
This said; about her Iuory necke she hung,
The Nereids tokens which she brought along,
And with a needle curl'd her louely haire,
[Page]Then Gallant Pearles bestow'd at either eare,
And ore her head she threw her Sindon vaile,
That farre adowne (vpborne by Nimphes) did traile,
By this, without a thousand Virgins stai'd,
To lead along to Church the Princely maid,
With heauenly sounds, (in fall of plenteous showers,
Among the crew, of all the sweetest flowers.)
That Cytharea leaues the Virgin now,
And takes her leaue with this, or other vow.
Liue Roiall Paire in peace and sweetest Loue,
With all aboundance blest by heauen aboue,
A thousand kisses binde your harts together,
Your Armes be weary with embracing either,
And let me liue to see betweene you twaine,
A Caesar borne as great as Charlemaine.

Monumenti, Anno superiori In acta Diuûm publica relati Formula De Destinatis Superillustriss. Prr. Frederici V. Com. Palat. ad Rhenum Pr. Elect. S. R. I. Archidapi [...]. & Vic. Et Sereniss. D. D. ELIZABETH ae vnicae Potentiss. D. N. Iacobi Regis, & Chariss. Filiae, Nuptijs.

COnsentes, Socij, Lares, quibús (que)
Fas est indugredi Iouis Senatum,
Adsint vt numerò, monet
Mercury; to euery schoole boy he is com­mon for Ioues messenger. But also his office vvas to sum­mon the Gods o [...] euery ranke to Parliament, as you may see in Lucians [...]
Sic iussit Cronius. Frequens Olympo
Consessus Superûm. Tonantis ora
Intenti adspiciunt; Relationem
Exspectant. BONA b scaeua FAVSTA (que) (orsus
[Page]Adfatur.) Tenerae in suis
For our Wo­men (scarce e­quall'd, no vvhere better'd) Venus may well call our Nation hirs. The To­pique starre al­so of London (Beauties con­fluence) is the Harp, being of hir nature in Astrologie, And her image and name hath been ghes'd to be in some Bri­tish siluer comes. Camd. ad N [...]mismat. pag 71.
(Concham quae meruit tenere eandem,
Quae Germen Charitum,
Beside the common rea­sons of Sacrum attributed to great subiects, our Soueraigns ancestors spe­cially deserue it, for their solemne an [...]ointings at their Coronation, vvhich is familiarly knovvne v [...]uall to them and some other Princes. But in ours so ancient, that CI [...] yeeres since and more it vvas common to them, if [...] deceiue not, V. cum. in Episi dee [...]c [...]d. Brit.
Sacró (que) Patrum
Regnat Stemmate) Virgini iugalem
Cypri Diua Potens torum rogauit,
Id Tritonia, Iuno idem rogauit.
Quid censetis? Erant Opinione
Pleri quàm vario, tamen volebant
Consulti simúl Ordines e Bis octo,
Magnus ter Superis f quatér (que) g Amatae
Terrestri (que) Deae vt Deus h Daretur:
Parcarum in Tabulas refertur. Vrget
(Quis dignus?) Iupiter. Statìm rogantur
Terrarum Genij. Suis petendo
Ambit quis (que) Deam: excipít (que) i Praeses
Germanûm; Modò Quintus Ille k Diues
[Page]Nostris Pace viret, Quirine,
The people by Rhine in Steph. [...]
Quoi te Magnanimum dedisle Semen,
That Apples vvere as inter­c [...]stion, oft, for Loue, if you haue read any thing in old Poets you [...] know, & that fi [...]ting to this purpose, euery aequ [...]uocation of it may be. That they are proper for Venus to giue, [...]audian's [...] denum Veneris, is testi­monie, and an old allusion in [...] 2 vvith many o­ther. But the verse here al­ludes also to that golden Apple, Globe, or Ball, vvhich the Palsgraeues of Rhine beare vvith an infixt crosse in a Scutcheon pendant to their ovvne coate and that of [...]auiere as token of vvhat they carry at the Emperours Coronation. Following the vulgar, I thinke of it by name of an Apple, but certainely it seemes it vvas purposed for a Symbole of the Earth, by the first inuentor, (vvhich vvas Iustinian 1.) and the Crosse vpon it interpreted, Our Sauiours passion on the earth, shewing, [...], as expresly Codin in Orig Constant and S [...]d. in Iustinian [...]. 1. that through belief, in the Crosse hee became Ruler of the earth. Frederique II first bare it in the Scutcheon by grant of Charles V. O [...] it see more in Marqu [...]ard. Freh. Orig. Palat. 1. Cap. 15.
Malum, Cytherea, te venustum,
Quoi dotes Animi liquet Mineruam:
Hau [...]t est, tam meritò Parem Britannam,
Alter, qui cupiat. Pares Amorum
Pulli! quin Generis Pares honore!
Fit discessio. Quotquot id Deorum
Censent vnanimi, nimis Minorum
Antistant numero, qui alid proteruus.
Ceris Fata duint, iubet Senatus.
Perscribunt. Paphie, Cupidinés (que)
Aethon n et Pyrois parate Flammas.
o Pattae [...]i, Gemini, Thetis (que) Conse
Vestras Nodo operas. Propago Tamae,
[Page]Rheni vt fulgeat amplitèr
And also as proper to the Marriage, Cro [...]es vvere vsed to the cou­ple in the Ori­ent [...] Empire, as you may see i [...] Theophilact. Sim [...]at. Hist. 1. cap. 10. & ibid. Tentanum. Finanz lib. 11. cap. 17. vvhich I transferre not hither, but with allusion.
Taedam praeferat aut q Amica IVNO,
Aut CAIAE r Genetrix. Sient s LYCAEA
PANOS postridie, vt Satu fruantur [...]
Adclamant Superi, PARESHAVETE.
Quis vidit Venerem auspicatiorem?
I. S. è Soc. lnt. Templi.

THE MANNER Of the Solemnization of this Royall Marriage.

THE proceeding was from the Priuie-Chamber through the Presence, and Guard-Chamber, ouer the Tarras, through the new-built Roome, downe into the vtter Court: where, from the Gate all along, vp againe to the great Chamber-dore, was a foote-pace made about sixe foote high, and rai­led in on eyther side, vp againe to the great Chamber-dore, and so by the way leading to the Closet, they went downe into the Chappell, where the Marriage was solemnized.

The order of the proceeding was thus: First, came the Palsgraue, attended by diuers Noble-men, Knights, and Gentlemen, as well English as Strangers; himselfe apparrelled all in white, being Cloath of siluer.

Then came the Bride, apparrelled also in white, (Cloath of Siluer also) with a Coronet on her head of Pearle, and her haire disheueled, and hanging [Page] downe ouer her shoulders, lead to the Chappell (as I remember) by the Prince, and the Earle of Northamp­ton, being Batchelors: (for in comming backe she was lead by my Lord Admirall, and the Duke of Lennox.) And her Traine borne by eight or nine Ladyes of Ho­nor: after whom followed the Queenes Maiestie, with a great number of Ladies and Gentlewomen.

Then came the Kings Maiestie, attended by most of the Nobilitie of the Land, and followed by the band of Pensioners, bearing their Axes, and proceeded as be­fore, into the Chappell.

In the middest whereof was erected a Stage of fiue degrees, high railed on each side, and open at either end; the Railes couered with Cloath of Gold: vpon which was solemnized the afore-said Marriage, which being consummate by my L. Grace of Canterbury; and a Sermon made by the B. of Bath and Welles, M r. Garter Principall King of Armes, published the stile of the Prince and Princesse, to this effect:

All Health, Happinesse, and Honour be to the High and Mightie Princes, FREDERICK, by the Grace of God Count Palatine of the Rhine, Arch-Sewer, and Prince Elector of the holy Empire, Duke of Bauier, The order of the Garter, vvhereof the Palgraue is Knight, vvas here omitted. and ELIZABETH his Wife, onely Daughter to the High, Mighty, and right Ex­cellent, IAMES, by the Grace of God, King of great Bri­taine, &c.

Which finished: the marryed Princes returned backe the same way they came; but the Kings Maiestie priuately, by another way.


IN the fourth Hymne for, from Casimire, reade, to Casimire: in the Marginall Notes, for Charolus, reade, Carolus. And what else (Reader) thou shalt finde of the like nature, let mee entreate thee to correct out of thine owne iudgement, since mine owne leasure serued mee not to ouer-looke the Proofes so often as I desired.

Thine assuredly H. P.

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