A TREATISE TENDING TO MITIGATION tovvardes Catholicke-Subiectes in England.
VVHERIN IS DECLARED, That it is not impossible for Subiects of different Religion, (especially Catholickes and Protestantes) to liue togeather in dutifull obedience and subiection, vnder the gouernment of his Maiesty of Great Britany.
AGAINST The seditious wrytings of THOMAS MORTON Minister, & some others to the contrary.
Whose two false and slaunderous groundes, pretended to be dravvne from Catholicke doctrine & practice, concerning REBELLION and EQVIVOCATION, are ouerthrowne, and cast vpon himselfe.
Dedicated to the learned Schoole-Deuines, Cyuill and Canon Lavvyers of the tvvo Vniuersities of England.
By P. R.
Susurrone subtracto, iurgia conquiescunt.
The make-bate being remoued, brawles do cease.
Permissu Superiorum. 1607.
1. IN the Preface and first six Chapters, is discussed all that belongeth to the first imputation about Disobedience or Rebellion, either out of the Catholicke or Protestant doctrine, vse, practice, or consequence therof: with what is obiected, or answered on both partes.
2. IN the other 7. Chapters, is treated the Question of Equiuocation, how it began, what origen, causes, vse, or necessity it hath, or may haue; what circumstances for lawfulnes, what restraintes, or limites: and finally, what practice among all sortes of men in certaine cases, euen with those that most impugne the same.
3. Vpon all which is inferred the principall conclusion; that these two pretended obstacles do not let, but that Catholicke and Protestant English Subiectes may liue togeather in vnion of dutifull obedience vnder his Maiesty, to his, and their both safety and comfortes, if seditious make-bates be remoued.
IT was no part of my purpose (learned Countrey-men) when I tooke this Treatise first in hand, either to wade so farre therin, as now I haue byn compelled; or yet to prefix any other Epistle Dedicatory before the same, then the large common Preface it selfe that doth ensue, which may partly appeare by the argument therof, as namely also and principally, by that which we haue set downe in the third Chapter of this Treatise: for that taking in hand, but to point, as it were, at the exorbitant number of some monstrous, and malitious lyes, and slaunders cast abroad this last yeare in a certayne small contemptible, but wicked and hatefull libell, vnder the tytle of A discouery of Romish doctrine in the case of Conspiracy and Rebellion by T. M. I thought it sufficient to that purpose to shew not only the cankred vntruthes of those most false & virulent calumniations; but the many inōueniences The Authors first intention. also, and publicke hurtes, which do, and must needes ensue to any Common wealth, that suffereth such venemous tongues to sow hatred, dissention, diffidence, [Page] and the seedes of perpetuall emnity and alienation among the Subiects therof.
2. Which point hauing to my iudgment sufficiently performed, I saw a farre greater booke published from the same Author stuffed with Marchandize of like marke, but yet imbracing more matter, to wit, n t only the former argument, or inuectiue of heynous Rebellion; but (to vse the writers wordes) of heathenish, hellish, and execrable Equiuocation, chargin Catholicke people so deeply and desperatly in them both, as t [...]at in these two respects, they are not only in his censure insociable, & intractable, but also insufferable in any Protestant common wealth: whervpon I was enforced as well to reassume againe that which before I had done and layd aside, vpon certayn causes whi [...]h afterwards are vttered; as also to dilate my selfe much further, for defence of equity and truth, and for the repressing somwhat this violent rayling [...] and 4. Reg. 18. for rendering some euident reasons of Catholickes innocency Esay. 36. and integrity in them both. Wherin what I haue performed for their iust and lawfull defence, I leaue it to the Iudgement of yow my learned Countrey-men, after yow shall haue read ouer this our Answere, presuming that your learning and vnderstanding is accōpanyed also with such ingenuity of good nature, and maturity of Iudgement, as yow will not be carryed away with the wynd, and sound of wordes only as others of lesser capacity; nor yet be much moued with the false outcryes of perfidious Make-bates, who inraged with the imaginations of hate and auersion, do like [...] houndes runne-counter vpon euery false sent they apprehend, or frame vnto themselues; but rather will stand firme, and weigh the substance, and proofes of matters with their due circumstances. [...] of hearers. Which if yow performe, yow shall fynd all these odious and clamorous accusations, and exaggerations [Page] of this fyerie Minister to be nothing els, but euaporations of a hoate distempered brayne with aboundance of hatred and want of Christian charit.
3. And to say a word or two of the reasons that moued me to present this worke to yow the learned of our English Vniuersities in the foresayd sciences of Schoole- Deuinity and Lawe, both Canon & Ciuill, wherof the first is, that the question of Equiuocation 1 (wherof our chiefe contention is) being a matter handled in these three facultyes, (though vpon different occasions) yow can far better [...] therof then Reasons of the dedication. others, who apprehending only the name togeather with their owne conceipts therof without true knowledge of the groundes, reasons & circumstances wherby it is made lawfull, doe not so eagerly, as ignorantly, cry out against it, condemning & detesting that which they vnderstand not, as largly is declared in the 7. Chapter of the ensuing Treatise, which is the first concerning that argument. But such as are more conuersant and better studied in the said sciences, and know the true principles wheron the question standeth, are not so rash nor headlong, but goe more reseruedly therin, distinguishing betweene [...] and vnlawfull, Amphybologie or Equiuocation, as signing to [...] one their tymes, cases, causes, reseruations and limitations, according to the obseruation of Aristotle: Prudentis est distinguere; It appertayneth to a wise and discreet man to distinguish; wheras the ignorant and vnlearned doth commonly confound all without distinction.
4. My second reason was, for that forreine Vniuersities, 2 and learned men therof, vnde standing such a booke to haue byn set forth by an English Vniuersity man, and not without direction (as he saith) from his Superiors, wherin all vse of Equiuocation or Amphybology in any case whatsoeuer is condemned as vnlawfull, impious [Page] execrable, hellish, heathenish, the black-art, and other such tearmes, without respect or regard, that in all other Vniuersityes in Catholicke Coūtreyes throughout the world, in all Courtes and Tribunalls, and in all learned Authors & professors of the foresaid three faculties, for many ages, some vse therof hath byn taught and allowed: diuers learned (I say) haue wondred therat and laughed also, especially being aduertised that this doctrine of Equiuocation is ascribed, as a new thing to the Iesuits, wheras many ages before their name was heard of in the world this doctrine was known, taught, and held. Wherfore these strangers are wont to demaund, whether there be any learned men indeed in these three facultyes now in our Vniuersities, and whether any be studyed in SchooleDeuinity and the Lawes, either Ciuill or Canon; for if there be, it seemes impossible to them that such a booke should be suffered to come forth so full of ignorance as this is. For (say they) if they had read or looked ouer but these heads in the said sciences, to wit, of the nature of truth and lyinge of the lawfullnes of dissimulation in certaine cases both in wordes & works, as namely, in stratagemes of war, of the lawfulnes of couering some truth vpon iust occasion in the Canon law out of S. Augustine, of [...] malus and Dolus [...] or Sundry heades vvherin Equiuocation is touched both in Lavv and Deuinity. vtilis in the same law out of S. Hierome, and other Fathers; of the cases wherin a man may sweare, or not sweare lawfully, or not be bound to keep his oath; of the question whether God can deceiue, or any man else by his spirit, of the limitations of an accuser and defendant; of the obligation of a witnes to vtter, deny or dissemble the truth; of the office of a Iudge, Aduocate, or Solicitour in accusation or defence of any body; of the cases wherin secresy is necessarily to be obserued by all lawfull meanes, both in & out of confession, and diuers other such like heades of doctrine, [Page] as occurre daylie in all the foresaid three faculties, and in the common vse of mans life; these learned men affirme, that it is impossible for our Vniuersity-Doctors to haue read and weighed them, but they must confesse the lawfulnes of Equiuocation in diuers cases, and that it may be without lying (which is lawfull in no case, nor for any cause whatsoeuer.) Wherof they inferre that either their sciences are not studyed in our Vniuersites, or that the students profit little in them, or that the worst learned of all are suffered to write bookes: which thing for that it appertayneth to the disgrace of your so famous Schooles; I thought it one sufficiēt cause amongst the rest, to dedicate this Answere vnto yow.
5. My third reason was to moue yow by this occasion, 3 to consider more attentiuely what manner of men they be for the most part, that write in England at this day; how shallow in the matters they take vpō them to make bookes of; but especially to wish yow, that when any booke commeth forth, yow would but examine the truth of the citations which are alleadged by them, for this only would be sufficient to informe and satisfie yow where the truth is. And so I desire no more but your attention in this one point, for the decision of the controuersie betweene me and Thomas Morton: for if yow find him to haue dealt sincerly in alleaging his Authors, I am content he haue the victory, though he haue behaued himself otherwise neuer so weakly. For triall of which point, I remit my self to that, which I haue handled afterward more plentifully and perticularly in the 2. 6. and 12. Chapters of purpose.
6. But yet for that since the writing of the ensuing Preface, I haue read and pervsed two Epistles of his last booke intituled, A full satisfaction, the one to the Kings Maiesty, the other to the seduced brethren, as [Page] scornfully he calleth the Catholickes, which Epistles haue as much gaule in them as the mans dispitefull stomake could vtter, I shall pray yow to haue patience with me, if I runne ouer briefly certaine notes out of the said Epistles, wherby yow may partly take notice of the mans talent in writing, but especially in raylinge, vntill yow come vnto a more full view therof in the sequele of this our Answere that doth ensue.
7. Thus then he beginneth with his Maiesty within some halfe dosen lines after the entrance of his Epistle. T M his app [...]ale to his Maiesty Epist, [...]. initio. Innocency, (saith he) which though naked was neuer ashamed, hath charged me to manifest my self vnto your Highnes, and togeather with my Aduersarye to appeale vnto your incōparable wisdome, which I doe in so constant assurance of an vpright cōscience as that I shal willingly remit that iust aduantage, which the difference of comparison both betweene a legitimate or conformable subiect, and a person suspiciously degenerate, as also betweene a Minister of simple truth, and a professed Equiuocator doth offer vnto me. Heere yow see him vaunt of sundry points; as first of his naked innocency, which we haue afterwards to his greater shame, so cloathed with the foule ragges of his lying and most deceiptfull dealing, as she may no more be called a naked, but rather a clouted innocency, if innocency at all, and not rather malicious nocencie, intending to wound and iniury the iust, and such as are faultles and innocent in deed.
8 Secondly he appealeth to his Maiestyes incōparable 2 wisdome, as yow see, in the constant assurance of an vpright conscience; but we haue shewed throughout this whole worke, that nothing is further of from this fellow, then any conscience at all: for that we haue taken him in so many wilfull falsifications and corruptions (wherin he could not but know that he did lye and falsify;) as besides all other examples layd forth in sundry seuerall partes of this Answere, I haue byn [Page] forced to make a speciall Chapter therof, which is the sixt of this ensuring worke, where as also in the 4. Paragraph of the 2. Chapter and els where, the Reader shall fynd such store of testimonyes against the vprightnes of this mans conscience, as I dare assure my selfe, he will leese, with indifferent men, the constant assurance of honesty, howsoeuer in his owne opinion he may hold the same assurance for other matters.
9. Thirdly he saith to his Maiesty he doth willingly remit that iust aduantage which the difference of a legitimate and 3 conformable subiect, and a person suspiciously degenerate doth offer vnto him: wherin what he would say I do rather ghesse by discourse, then vnderstand by the sense of his wordes. For I imagine that the Minister would The conformity of T. M. say, that he is ready and prest to conforme himselfe to any thing, that the State or Prince shall appoint him, as well in Religion, as in other matters whatsoeuer, and that therin cōsisteth his vprightnes of conscience, to wit, to be conformable. And for that his aduersary shewing himselfe (perhaps) more scrupulous and timerous in certayne pointes concerning his soule or conscience, and not so conformable: therfore he calleth him suspiciously degenerate, and no legitimate, and conformable subiect, which whither it tendeth, and towardes what gate of Atheisme, or Herodianisme, euery man that hath Iudgement and conscience in deed will easily discerne.
10. But of all the rest, the fourth point is the most ridiculous, wherin he intituleth himselfe, A minister 4 of simple truth, and his aduersary A professed Equiuocator, wheras I haue shewed in the 7. and 12. Chapters of this Answere, first, that such as grant the lawfulnes of Equiuocation in some limited cases, are farre more seuere & rigorous against al kynd of lying in the least things that may be (as appeareth by their knowne, and confessed [Page] doctrine by vs set downe,) then are their aduersaryes in the greatest; yea highest kind or degree of that sinne, I meane of lying: and in the second, besides the multiplicy of conuictions, wherby I haue made demonstration of this mans falsity euery where, I haue shewed in the foresaid 12. Chapter, that he ( this Minister to wit of simple truth) as also his fellowes A Minister of simple truth. which professe themselues such enemyes of lawfull Equiuocation that may be vsed without lying, do Equiuocate euery where in the worst & most sinfull sort of flat lying that may be imagined, without any reseruation or veile, or substance of truth at all. For proofe wherof I [...] me to the said 12. Chapter, and shall returne to follow this fellow somwhat further in the said Epistle to his Maiesty.
11. For not many lynes after the former passage, by occasion of certayne wordes of him that first answered him about a march of apes; he taketh vpon him to set forth a certayne march of Soldiers cōming against his Maiesty and other Protestant Princes from the 7. hills of Babilon, to wit Rome, saying thus: ‘May it Epistle to the King. please your sacred Maiesty, to see how exactly they imitate Souldiers in their march? Parsons, teaching persecution against all Kings and States Protestant, doth propound for his imitation the example of Dauid A sayned march against his Maiesty. in his conflict against Goliah: Allen, the example of Eliah in calling, if it were possible, for fyre from heauen to consume the Messengers of Kings: Reynolds the example of Iabel to knock Generaels on the head: Bellarmine the example of Iehoida, and other Priestes for murthering of opposite Queenes: Sanders, the example of Mattathias, who fought against King Antiochus: Simancha the example of Heathenish Scythians, who murthered their naturall King Scyles: Boucher the example of Sampson, to kill, if they can, a thousand of his supposed Philisthians with the iaw bone of an Asse.’
[Page]12. So he. And doth not the man deserue to haue a iawe-bone of an Asse for his dinner, that hath so laboured to lay togeather these impertinent examples, without head or foote, ground or proofe, purpose or coherence, truth or similitude with the matter in hand? For where doth he fynd these marchinges against his Maiesty? why had not he cyted some place or testimony wherby might appeare this to be true that he obiecteth heere to these mē against his Highnes? Nay if his Maiesty will remember marchinges against him indeed, not imaginations in the ayre as these are, he will consider what manner of men they haue byn, either Protestants or Catholickes that haue marched and machinated against him and his, for more then 40. yeares togeather, while he was in Scotland; what royall bloud was shed of his neerest and dearest in kynred; what violence vsed and practised vpon his owne person, and parents; who were the Authors, incensers, fyre-brands, & bellowes of these A [...] march against his Maiesty. enraged flames; Priests or Ministers; those that came from the hills of Rome, or such as had their spirite from the valley of Geneua: and then if we would frame a squadron of all those turbulent & lawlesse Protestant people, that vexed and afflicted his Maiesty in Scotland, and marched against him, and his noble Mother, and grand Mother with banners displayed: and that we should place before these againe, a Vanguard of preaching-Scottish-Ministers, Vāguard as Knox, and all his [...], exhorting, in cyting & sounding out the trumpets of these rebellions; and a Rereward againe of English-Ministers [...] standing behind them, and clapping their handes to their encouragemēt, writing bookes and sending them all ayde both in words and workes that possibly they could procure; whilest in the meane space both Catholicke priests & people in England, Rome, and els where, prayed hartely for the good [Page] successe of his Maiesties said parents, and for his in theirs: this (I say) was a true and reall march in deed, & that other imaginary, which our Minister to make vs odious hath heere deuised.
13. And to speake one word more of this matter, for that it is of much importance, and the truth therof notorious to the world: When vpon the yeare of Christ 1586. fourteene principall and zealous yong CathoIicke Gentlemen suffering for his Maiesties title. gentle-men were most pittifully put to death in London, and diuers others condemned, and their goods confiscated for an imputation, that they would [...] deliuered his Maiestyes mother [...] of prison, and fauoured her succession to the Crowne; did not [...] raging Ministers then, no lesse fyerie [...] MORTON now, raue out of euery pulpit, not so much against them, as againste the cause and obiectes of their calamity, which was the loue they bare both to mother and sonne in that behalfe? Against [...] also they neuer ceased to crye vntill they had gotten the life of the one to be taken away, and the Statute of Association to be made for endangering the other.
14. And when before that againe, vpon the yeare 1581. fourteene learned priests and Iesuites, were arraigned & condemned vpon pretence that their comming into England was for some designement against the State; was not the greatest, and most odious part of their arraignment (and most amplyfied by the Attorney Popham at that time) for that they were deuout to the Queene of Scotland, and her tytle, and prayed for [...] accused for their deuotion to the title of Scotland. her in their Masses, Letanies, and other prayers? Yea when some of them came to dye at Tyborne, and prayed at their death for the Queene of England, did not some principall men demaund them publikly from among the people, what Queene they meant, Elizabeth, or Mary? And was not this an ordinary Equiuocation, which Ministers cryed out that Catholickes then vsed, and [Page] especially priests? And how then doth this fond, and malicious Minister bring in such Marchinges of Catholicke Soldiers against his Maiesty, who euer [...] for him? How doth he talke of such kylling of supposed Philisthines by the iaw-bone of an asse? The asse in deed we haue found, but the iaw-bone as yet we see not.
15. But let vs heare him go forward in vaunting to his Maiesty of his goodly workes. ‘After the reply is finished (saith he) there is presented to your Princely, and most religious iudgement, A confutation of the reasons of two of their more then vnreasonable positiōs; as namely of haynous Rebellions, and execrable Equiuocations: both which are refelled (I hope) sufficiently by the testimonyes of their owne most principall Doctors; A course which I professe in all disputes; knowing that by no better wisdome may this new Babylon be confounded, then wherwith God wrought the destruction of the old, euen Gen. 11. 7. & 9. The diuision of their tongues.’ So he.
16. And yow must know, that this diuision of our tongues is nothing els but that he alleageth some tymes different opinions out of some of our SchooleDoctors (which our men do for him, he hauing nothing heerin of his owne industry) in matters that be disputable, and not determined by the [...]. And is not this a great point, for so great a Rabbyn to bragge of, as of a course which he [...] in all his disputes? How doth foolish vanity discouer it selfe in all these mens wordes & actions? And yet let the Reader note attentiuely that notwithstanding this bragge, he hath no one Catholicke Author in all this controuersy about Equiuocation, that absolutly denyeth the thing, or The vanity [...] T. M in deuidinge our tongues. holdeth it for vnlawfull in all pointes as he doth, albeit some do differ in opinion concerning the cases, causes, tymes, meanes, maners, limitations, and circumstances of the same, as after is largely by vs declared. So as heere he hath no diuision of our tongues, [Page] but which himselfe maketh, to wit, where somtymes to seeme to finde a difference where none is, he belyeth our Authors flatly, and forceth them to speake one against an other, as in many places we do demonstrate and leaue him with the shame.
17. Wherfore to say as he doth that our execrable Equiuocations are sufficiently refelled by him with the testimonyes of our most principall Doctors is as true, as that he is a Minister of simple truth, and naked innocency, and of constant assurance of an vpright conscience: all which are ridiculous A fond vaunt of T. M. refated. antiphrases in deed, for he hath no one Doctor of ours, either most or least principall with him in his opinion, or that calleth Equiuocations, vsed with due circumstances or limitations, execrable, or vnlawfull, or not necassary in some cases; nor hath he any one sentence, or testimony of theirs to the contrary, as after is made euident. And consequently this course of Tho. Morton in all his disputes, is a lying course, a vaunting course, a ridiculous course. And as for his disputes, I do shew him after to be so sylly a disputer, as that he knoweth not how to make a true syllogisme, and therfore am forced to send him backe againe to Cambridge to reforme his Logicke, or to learne more: about which point I remit the Reader to that which is handled in the 11. Chapter and els where of this Treatise.
18. Next after this he layeth before his Maiesty a certayne obseruatiō about Popes names, as ful fraught with malice, and deceiptfulnes, as the former with vanity; and he layeth the obseruation vpon Polydor Virgil, though cyting no place for it. Polydore obserueth (saith he) that the Popes a long tyme in their election had their Epist. ad Regem. names changed by Antiphrasis, videl. the Elected, if [...] were by naturall disposition fearefull, was named Leo, if cruell, Clemēt, if vnciuill, Vrbanus, if wicked, Pius; if couetous, Bonifacius; if in all [...] intollerable, Innocentius: And with this he thinketh to haue layd downe an obseruation [Page] of importance. But why had he not adioyned also, that if he were careles of his flocke, then Gregory must be his name, which importeth a vigilant pastor?
19. But now let the iudicious Reader obserue the malice, and falshood of this obseruation, and therby iudge, whether the Author therof be a Minister of simple A false and malitious obseruation of T. M. against Popes refuted. truth or no. Polydore saith only that sometymes Popes, as other Princes in like manner, haue had names, that haue byn different, or rather contrary to their nature & manners, which is an ordinary case if we examine the signification of men and womens names; but that Popes names were changed of purpose by Antiphrasis, or contrary speach to couer their defectes, as heere is set downe, this is a malicious lye of the Minister, and hath neither simplicyty, nor truth in it, for that all these names heere mentioned of Leo, Clemens, Vrbanus, Pius, Bonifacius, Innocentius, and Gregory, were chosen by the Popes that tooke them for the great reuerence, and estimation they had of certayne excellent men of that name that went before them; as also for the good abodement of their future gouernment, and to be styrred vp the more by the memory of those names to the vertues signified by them; but especially for the honor and imitation of the first Popes that bare those names. As for example of S. Leo the first, who how excellent a man he was, both for learning and sanctity, appeareth by the acknowledgment of the Protestants themselues. M. Iewell making this Apostrophe vnto him in his chalenge, O Leo, O [...], O Paul, O Christ!
20. The like may be said of S. Clement the first and next Pope after S. Peter; and the same of S. Vrbanus Pope and Martyr, in the second age after the Apostles: and the like of Pius the first Pope and Martyr, in the first age after the said Apostles; and no lesse of S. Bonifacius the first that liued in the beginning of the fourth age, and a little before him againe in the same [Page] age S. Innocentius the first, so highly commended by S. Augustine for a great Saint: and after him againe S. Gregory the Great, and first Pope of that name most admirable both to those of his time and all posterity for many excellent vertues, who though lyuing some ages after all the former; yet haue there byn 13. Popes after him, that for reuerence of his vertues haue taken his name, and ten of S. Leo, 7. of S. Clement, 6. of S. Vrbanus, 4. of S. Pius, 7. of S. Bonifacius, and 8. of S. Innocentius, wherof none had that name by [...], but all by choise after they were elected Popes, for the causes now touched. Which being so, it is euident what a wicked lost conscience this Minister hath, to auouch vnto a King, and by him to all others, so manifest, and malitious a calumniation.
21. But he goeth further yet in folly to magnify his owne learning and to compare the same with no lesse then Aristotle. [...] haue so framed this dispute (saith he) that it may seeme, I hope, to be like Aristotles bookes of naturall Philosophy, so published, as not published, &c. And his reason is. For that as he saith, he alwayes putteth downe the clause of ment all reseruation in Latin: which yet is not true, as the Reader wil see by pervsing this booke, he hauing to my remembrance set downe the same in Latyn but once only throughout all his booke, and that in fower words in his second page, the said reseruation being mentioned in English, more perhaps then forty tymes, nor were it of any importance if it were alwayes put downe in Latyn. For that any man lightly whether he vnderstand Latyn, or no, if he see or heare the precedence both of question and answere, will easily ghesse what the reseruation is, if he suspect any to be at all, as if a man doe heare or reade the premisses of a syllogisme in English, he will easely ghesse at the conclusion, though it be in Latin; yea if he be of any meane capacity, he will gather the inference himselfe [Page] by naturall discourse. Wherfore this of Aristotles books was brought in only by the vayne Minister to compare them with his bookes, or, as he calleth them, his disputes, so published (forsooth) as not published, for that he imagineth that the common capacity of men cannot reach vnto the depth therof, he wadeth so profoundly in his owne folly. But yow will see afterwardes that Hovv T. M. his bookes are so published as not published. he is vnderstood, and so decyphered, as he may be vnderstood, and pitted also by others. And I know no sense wherin he may say, that his workes are so published, as not published, but that they are not worthy indeed the publishing and much lesse the readinge, wherin they doe differ much from those of Aristotle.
22. It followeth in his said Epistle to his Maiesty: Epistle to the King against Equiuocation. For that this doctrine of Equiuocation (saith he) acknowledged by your admirable wisdome to be in religion most [...] and detestable, in politike State most pernicious and intollerable, and in euery actor most banefull to the soule of man; it may please your Excellent Maiesty to prouide in this behalse for your faithfull and religious Subiectes, that they neuer be so intoxicated with this Antichristian spirite, as either to deceyue, or be deceyued therby, &c. Would God it might please his Highnes in his admirable wisedome to pervse ouer but two, or three Chapters of this Treatise about Equiuocation, and the reasons of the lawfulnes and necessity therof in some cases, togeather with the grosse, monstrous, sacrilegious, and detestable licence of lying, taken vp, and vied by the impugners of lawfull Equiuocation, and especially Ministers, that most talke, and make profession of simple truth; I do not doubt, but his Excellent Maiesty out of his Christian piety would prouide in this behalfe, for his faithfull and religious Subiectes that they should not be so much deceyued by [...], as they are, nor intoxicated with their Antichristiā lying spirite, to their eternal perditiō. And this is so much as I haue thought good to reply in this place cōcerning his Epistle to his Maiesty.
[Page]23. As for the other which scornfully he directeth T. M. his idle Epistle to the deceaued brethren. to the deceyued brethren, it is so short, fond & ydle a thing, that it deserueth no answere at all, the principall point, whervpon he standeth therin, being this, that Catholicke people are seduced by their priestes, who 1. Tim. 2. will be Doctors (saith he out of S. Paul to Timothy) and yet vnderstand not what they say, nor vvherof they affirme. But whether this description of fond presumptuous Doctors touched by S. Paul do agree rather to ProtestantMinisters, or to Catholicke priestes, will appeare in great part by reading ouer this booke, especially the 5. 8. and 10. Chapters, if by Thomas Mortons errors and ignorances, a scantling may be taken of the rest. But now let vs [...] how he doth go about to proue that our priests are such bad Doctors, as S. Paul speaketh of.
24. His chiefe proofe consisteth in a certayne comparing of them with those Iewish priestes of the old law in Christes tyme, who taught the souldiers that watched at the Sepulcher of our Sauiour, to say, that whilest they were sleeping, his disciples came & stole him away; Common sense (saith he) might haue replyed, how could yow tell, what was done, when yow were all a sleepe? But myndes enthralled in the opinion of a neuer-erring priesthood (which confirmed that [...]) could not possibly but erre with their priestes; such (alas) is the case of all them, &c. Do yow see how substantially he hath proued this matter? Let vs examine the particulers: [...] the story, then the inference.
25. About the story, S. Mathew recounteth in the 28. chapter of his Ghospell, how Christ our Sauiour being raysed miraculously from death to lyse, with a great and dreadfull earthquake, and discent of an Angels, so as the souldiers that kept the sepulcher were astonished, and almost dead for feare, some of them ranne and told the chiefe priests therof, who making a consultation with the Elders, deuised this shift to [Page] giue them store of money and to bid them say, that in the night when they were a sleepe his disciples came and stole him away, and so they did. And S. Mathew addeth, that this false brute ranne currant among the Iewes, euen vntill that tyme, wherin he wrote his Ghospell. This is the narration, what hath now Thom. Morton to say to this against vs, for therunto is all his dryfte. First he saith as yow haue heard that this deuise was improbable, and against common sense it selfe. Common sense (saith he) might haue replyed (to the souldiers) what could yow tell what was done when yow were The diffi culty of [...]. M. hovv men may knovv vvhat is done [...] they are a sleepe resolued. all a sleepe? Se heere the sharpenes of Tho. Mortons wit, aboue that of the Priests, Scribes, and Pharisies. But what if one of the souldiers had replyed to him thus: VVe saw it not, when we were a sleepe, but afterward when we were awakened, we perceyued that he was stolne away. What reioynder would our minister make? As for example if Tho. Morton were walking with a cōmunion-booke vnder his arme through a feild, and wearyed should ly downe to sleepe with his booke by his syde, and at his awaking should see his booke gone, were it against cōmon sense for him to say, that his booke was stolne from him while he was a sleepe? Or is not this an assertion fit for one of those Doctors wherof S. Paul talketh, that vnderstand not what they say, or wherof they affirme. But this will better yet appeare by the second point which is his inference. Wherfore we must a litle also examine that.
26. But [...] (saith he) [...] in the opinion of a neuer-erring priesthood (which confirmed that answere) could not possibly but erre with their priestes, such (alas, is the case of all them, &c. The malitious man would deface Christian priesthood by the Iewish priesthood, and our Priests by theirs: but consider how farre he runneth from the marke in both: Myndes enthralled (saith he) in the opinion of a neuer-erring priesthood, which confirmed this answere: [Page] Did the Priest-hood of Iury confirme this Answere? Who saith so? We read that the Priests with the Elders did deuise this answer, and they knew they did euill, and lye therin, and so did the souldiers also that published the same. But this was a matter of fact, not a determination of faith. Neyther among the Iewes nor Christians was there euer opinion that Priests, or Priesthood could not erre in matters of fact, lyfe, or their maners. How then is this to the purpose? Or doth not this also proue him to be one of those forenamed Doctors, that vnderstand not what they say, or wherof they affirme? How much more modesty and piety had it byn in Thom. Morton to haue followed the example of Christ and his Apostles, who though persecuted by those Priests; yet both thought and spake reuerently of the Priesthood.
27. S. Iohn the Euangelist setting downe the speach of wicked Cayphas the High-Priest about the death of Iohn. 11. Christ, to wit, that it was necessary sor one to dye for the people; addeth presently: that Cayphas spake not this of himselfe, but prophesyed as being High-Priest of that yeare. S. Paul Priesthood of the old Testamēt derided by T. M. greatly honored by Christ and his Apostles. in like manner being apprehended, and brought into a Counsell of the Iewes, and vniustly stroken on the face by the commaundement of wicked Ananias the High-Priest, whome thervpon in his [...] called Paynted-wall, as soone as euer he was [...] that he was the High-Priest, he excused himselfe, that he knew it not. I did not know brethren (saith he) that he was Act. 23. Chiefe-Priest for it is writen, [...] not speake [...] of the Prince of thy [...] And when the said Apostle doth afterwards handle in his Epistle to the Hebrewes this Iewish Priesthood, as a figure of that of Christ our Sauiour, and of the new [...] he speaketh very honorably therof, saying: That [...] Chief-Priest taken out from men, is appointed for men in those things that belong to Heb. 7. to God, to offer giftes, and sacrifices for [...], &c. But Christ [Page] himselfe most honorably of all other gaue to his disciples, and to the people this aduertisement: Vpon the Chayre of Moyses haue sitten Scribes and Pharisies; all things therfore whatsoeuer they shall say vnto yow, obserue, and do them, but do not according to their workes.
28. And if vnto the ancient Aaronicall Priest-hood of the old Testament, so much honour, so much credit, so much obedience was to be performed (which yet was not so sanctifyed by the diuine person of Christ himselfe, nor yet so adorned with the promise of his infallible assistance, as ours of the new Testament is, according to the Order of Melchisedech) what impiety is this in Thomas Morton to go about to discredit the one by the other? yea to ascribe the lying of the Iewish souldyers and their talking against common sense (as he will haue it) vnto their enthralled opinion of a neuer-erring Priest-hood? Is not this sensles? Had these souldyers an opinion perhaps that their Priests could not sinne? Or did they hold this for [...] point of doctrine, determined vnto them out of Moyses chayre? Or if te y did not, how is this their fact attributed by Thomas Morton vnto that [...]?
29. But he goeth [...], and [...] all our errors [...] to the same [...] [...]: for [...] wherof 1. Thes. 2. [...], that God in [...] to [...] lyes and [...], and [...] examples the deliuery of False calumniations. [...] soule out [...] the [...]: The donation of Constantine; the [...] of our Lady; the [...] of a [...] by S. [...]; the [...] of Christians amongst the Indians &c. But heere now Thomas [...], if he would shew [...] a man of [...] and iudgment indeed, & to deale really and not by calumniatio, should proue three thinges. First that all these positions are held by vs as he setteth them downe: Secondly that they are all false indeed as we hold them: and thirdly, that [Page] therfore we erre in them, for that we belieue our Priest-hood cannot erre; so as the causality of these errors must fall vpon the enthralled opinion of our neuer-erring Priest-hood.
30. Of which three pointes he proueth neuer a one, nor goeth about to proue it: and we deny them all in the sense that he obiecteth them: For as for Traians soule, no learned Catholicke man doth hold it, either for true or likly: and it is at large refuted by Baronius a Catholicke writer. Constantines donation is a Baron. tom. 2. anno 100. sub finem & in tom. 8. anno. 604. fusè. matter of story disputed to and fro by learned men of our religion. The assumption of our B. Lady hath more groundes for it, then either Morton or a thousand Mortous will be able to impugne, for that he can not deny, but that for many ages togeather it hath byn receaued through out all Christendome for an ancient tradition, and from the time of the most learned S. Iohn Damascene, (that liued in the East Church, almost mine hundred yeares gone, and expresly recordeth the said The defence of the bodily assumptiō of the B. virgin. tradition to be held for ancient in his time) T. M. must needes graunt the same; and then how many thousandes of more learned, godly, vigilant, and prudent Christian men then Morton is, haue belieued the same in so many worldes throughout all Christendome, as See S. Bernard in his 5. Sermons of the Assumption of our B. Lady & alibi. namely S. Bernard and others, euery man may easily see, as also consider this one reason amongst the rest; that if the sacred body of that Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, had byn left any where vpon earth, as other Saintes bodyes were, ther would haue remayned at least some memory, some testimony therof, or some deuotion to the place.
31. And for so much as by Gods holy prouidence so great concourse hath byn made euer vnto the bodyes of S. Peter, S. Paul, and other of the Apostles, Martyres and Saintes of God, in different places, though neuer so remote, it is more then probable, that some would [Page] haue byn made likewise vnto this sacred body of our Blessed Lady: but the malice of these people is such to the holy memory of this blessed virgin vpon earth, and their precipitation to [...] so hasty and inconsiderate, as whatsoeuer they see not with their eyes, they deny as absolutly false. For what certainty Miracles vvrought by God for the cō uersion of the Indians scoffed at by T. M. can T. M. haue (thinke yow) against the bodily [...] of our Blessed Lady, his assertion being a bare negatiue? What certainty against the miracles wrought by God in the Indies? Is the hand of God shortened? Is not Christ as powerfull now, as he was in the Primitiue Church, when he extended his hand to miracles, Act. 4. as his Disciples with exultation [...]? Are not these Indians new Christians as the other in Iury were? Did not Christ euen then when he gaue power to worke miracles, expressly say, that he would be with Marc. vlt. them (not for this or that age) but vnto the end of the world? How then doth this arrogant-sylly-gras-hopper insult here in fauour of Infidels, and disgrace of Christians, calling them, lying miracles amongst the Indians? Hath he perchance euer byn there? Hath he aduentured his life to gaine those soules vnto Christ, that dyed for them, as others haue donne? Hath he suffered hunger and thirst, could and heates, persecution and affliction with losse of his bloud for gayning of those poore Indian [...], as others haue suffered, and [...] dayly? Noe. He hath done nothing of this, but contrary wise stood a farre of in England, hath attended to good cheare and ease, procured benefices and fauour of the State, and now vpon the suddaine is become an aduocate for the Indian Pagans, to scorne at the Christian miracles wrought by Gods power among them, though testified by neuer so great and graue Authority vnto vs. And is not this a pious man thinke yow.
32. As for S. Francis louse, I neuer heard of that scorne [Page] before, and I meruaile in what part of our Theologicall The contumely of T. M. about S. Francis louse. assertions he [...] place [...], or how he will deduce the [...] of this louse from our enthraled opinion of our neuer-erring Priest-hood. For soe he must, if he talke to the purpose. And when he will or can doe this, euery man seeth. In the meane space, I leaue it to that glorious Saint now in heauen, where no lise be, to answere the contumely, if he thinke good, either vpon earth or else where. Sure I am that I haue reade of strange euentes in some vpon lesse pride and in solency vsed towardes the Seruautes of God then this. The examples most knowne are of Herods lise, that deuoured him; and if we belieue Doctor Bolsacke the Phisitian of Geneua, Iohn Caluin dyed of the like disease. God defend all good men, and T. M. also from like chastisement, and cure [...] rage of his cōtumelious & blasphemous tōgue, whilest he hath time of [...]. 33. And now for that this Epistle groweth ouer longe, and we shall haue large occasions afterwàrdes to [...] open this mans defects in these behalfes, we shall goe no further in examining of matters heere, but passe to the treatise it self designed to procure (if it be possible) some Mitigation of affliction & persecution towards Catholicke Subiects, drawne into publique hatred, exulceration and exceration by such diuellish Sycophancy and odious Calumniations, as this fellow and his like haue cast forth against them, without al groūd, but of malice & hatred, as by his accusations and our answeres, I doubt not, yow wil manifestly perceiue. I beseech Christ Iesus our Sauiour to turne all to his greater glory, & then happy are our suffrings: & so to his holy prouidence & protection I cōmit the whole.
A TABLE Of the particular Contentes, Chapters, and Paragraphes of the ensuing TREATISE.
THE Preface to all true harted Englishmen, that loue the 1 honour; safety, and best good of their Nation, Prince and Countrey; of the present diuision and disagreement about matters of religion in England, and of so many importune exasperations vsed by diuers sortes of men, to encrease the same: and namely by this Minister Th. Morton his iniurious libell. | Pag. 1. |
That the maine Proposition insinuated and vrged by T. M. 2 That Catholickes are not tolerable in a Protestant Common welth in respect of Rebellion and Conspiracies is vntrue, indiscreet, and pernicious; and falleth rather vpon Protestant-subiects then Catholiks. Chap. I. | pag. 31 |
Ten Reasons or rather Calumniations brought by T. M. 3 for maintenance of [...] former Proposition: That Catholike people are intolerable in a Protestant Gouernment, in respect of [...], conspiracies and rebellion, [...], and returned vpon himselfe and his, Chap. II. | p. 52. |
How this Treatise was layed aside by [...] of the Author 4 and some other causes: And why it was taken in hand againe vpon the sight of a Cath. Answere, and a new Reply of T. M. [...] to his Maiefly; with the Authors iudgement of them both. Chap. III. | pag. 89. |
VVhat the [...] Thomas Morton doth in this Reply 5 and full satisfaction answere, concerning the former point of Charge against Protestants for Rebellion, Conspiracies, and disobedience; the effect wherof is drawne to three principall Questions. Chap. IIII. | pag. 103. |
The first Question about Heretickes & heresy, §. 1. 6 | pag. 105. |
The second Question about seditious doctrine, para. 2. 7 | p. 112. |
The third Question cōcerning practice of [...]. §. 3 8 | p. 122. |
A briefe Censure is giuen of a new Treatise set forth by T. M. 9 [...]; A Confutation of the Popes [...] as supreme head of rebellion, &c. annexed to his former iustification of Protestant-Princes for matters of [...]. Chap. V. | pag. 139. |
The second Part of this Chapter conteyning three particular 10 kindes of proofes, alleaged by T. M. against the Popes supremacy to witt: Out of the new and old Testament, & from Reason it selfe. | pag. 159. |
A brief view of certaine notorious; false and fraudulent dealings 11 vsed by T. M. in this his short seuerall Treatise against the Popes Supremacy: As also sundry examples of the like proceeding in the former part of hisdeceytfull Reply. Chap. VI. pag. 189. | |
The second part of this Chapter representing some of the falsifications 12 which are [...] in the former Part of M. Mortons reply; which came to our hands after our Answere made before in our second Chapter against his ten Reasons. | pag. 218. |
The third Part of this Chapter conteyning a Controuersy, 13 VVhether Caluin fauoured Arianisme, or no; with diuers [...] of. T. Morton about the same. | pag. 244. |
Of the second Generall Point of Calumniation set forth against 14 Catholickes by T. Morton concerning Equiuocation, which is reduced to certaine particular Considerations for better discussion therof, Chap. VII. | pag. 273. |
The substance of the Cause is entred into; and it is discussed, 15 What [...], what [...], what falsity, and lying is: and some other pointes [...] this effect, Chap. VIII. pag. 307. | |
The second Part of this Chapter, VVhether a mixt Proposition 16 partly vttered; and partly reserued in mynd, may be a true Logicall Proposition and Enunciation, §. 1. | pag. 321. |
The third Part of this Chapter, VVhether the former mixt 17 [Page] Proposition, partly vttered, and partly reserued, be [...] or noe? §. 2. | pag. 335. |
The truth before set [...] is further debated and proued by 18 the assertions of Schoole-Doctors, Deuines, Lawyers, both Canon and Ciuill, Reasons, Practice of the Aduer saryes, and by the very instinct of nature it [...], Chap. IX. | pag. 348. |
The first Point about Schoole-Deuines, Doctors and Lawyers, 19 §. 1. | pag. 349. |
The second Point touching Scriptures and Fathers; for [...] 20 and reserued Propositions, §. 2. | pag. 358. |
The third Point concerning other Scriptures alleaged, and pretended 21 to be answered by T. Morton; §. 3. | pag. 369, |
The fourth and last Point of this Chapter, about Scriptures 22 and Fathers, that defended Equiuocation from the name and nature of deceipt and [...] with some other [...] out of common Reason. &c. §. 4. | pag. 396. |
Of certaine particular cases, and occasions, wherin it may be 23 lawfull to vse the manner of Equiuocation or Amphibology before set downe, either in speach or [...], with the [...] therof, Chap. X. | pag. 406. |
The first case about the Secret of Confession §. 1. | pag. 407. 24 |
The second case about Secretes of the Cōmōwelth §. 2. | p. [...]. 25 |
The third case about any Party accused or [...] in Question, 26 §. 3. | pag. 414. |
The argumentes and groundes of this Common [...], §. 4. 27 pag. 420. | |
The fourth case about VVitnesses, §. 5. | 425. 28 |
The [...] case about [...] in swearing, §. 6. | pag. 427. 29 |
Diuers other cases in particular, §. 7. | pag. 430. 30 |
The argumentes and Reasons of T. Mortons [...] examined 31 and answered: and his notorious errors, follyes, and falsifications therin discouered, Chap. XI. | pag. 439. |
His first argument [...] definition of aly, §. 1. | pag. 442. 32 |
His second Argument from the [...] of Equiuocation, 33 §. 2. | pag. 444. |
His third Argument frō the description of lying, §. 3. | p. 447. 34 |
His fourth Argument is taken [...] specie, or from a particular 35 kind of lying, which is periury, §. 4. | pag. 449. |
His fifth Argument, Truth God, lying the Diuell, 36 parag. 5. | pag. 453. |
His six Argument intituled, from examples of dissimulation 37 condemned by Scriptures, Fathers, Pagans, &c. §. 6. | pag. 457. |
His example of Pagan wryters out of Cicero. §. 7. 38 | pag. 462. |
His [...] Argument taken from a signe, an Interpreter, a 39 coyne, and Giges-ring, §. 8. | pag. 466. |
Of his second Conclusion and proofes therof, para. 9. 40 | p. 468. |
Of [...] of Equiuocation, the one [...] and lawfull; the 41 other [...] aud sinfull: And that Catholickes only vse the first in [...] cases, and with circumstances and limitations: But T. [...] and his followes [...] the first, do vse [...] the second, which is false and lying [...]. Chap. XII. | pag. 483. |
The [...] of [...] in some Protestant [...] Bishops, 42 §. 1. | pag. 490. |
Six argumentes of M. Iewell Superintendent of [...] 43 his [...] in this case. §. 2. | pag. 493. |
Six examples of M. [...] particular Equiuocation, §. 3. 44 pag. 504. | |
The vse of Equiuocating in English Protestantes-Ministers, 45 §. 4. | pag. 517. |
The vse of Equiuocation in Laymen & Knightes, §. 5. 46 | p. 529. |
The Conclusion of the whole [...], with a briefe exhortation 47 [...] Catholickes not to vse the liberty of Equiuocation, [...] in [...] cases, but where some [...] occasion induceth [...]. | |
A Table of the particular matters [...] in the [...]. |
OF THE PRESENT DIVISION AND DISAGREEMENT About matters of Religion in England, and of many importune exasperations vsed by diuers sortes of men, to encrease the same: and namely by this Minister T. M. his iniurious Libell.
I DOE not see (deare Countreymen) why I may not iustly (our tymes & circumstances therof considered) begin these my first lynes of Preface with those wordes of Complaint and Admiration of the Poet Lucan, wherby in few verses he comprehended and laid forth the rufull state of the [Page 2] rented Common-welth and Romane Empire by ciuill warres, saying:
2. For if heere we change but Thessalian fieldes into English land, and the Poets singing, into our weeping and wailing, all the rest agreeth most aptly, if our diuision be not more rufull and lamentable then that of the Romanes. For first our wars may truly be said to be plus quam ciuilia, more then Plus quàm ciuilia. ciuill, in that they are not only internall, but domesticall also, in such sorte, as no one Prouince, no one towne, no one village, no one howse or family is lightly to be found, where some parte or other of this warre and dissention The pittifull [...] of Englād. vpon difference of Religion taketh not some holde: The Father somewhere accusing or suspecting his children: the children flying or fearing their Father: the Mother entring into [...] with her daughter: the daughter not trusting or confiding in her Mother. the brother impugning his brother, and wife complaining of [...] husband: the friend breaking [Page 3] with his friend: and the neerest of kyn with those whome lawe of nature, & bandof bloud did most straitly combine & knit togeather.
3. Neither is this warre ended only in wordes, or in bare debate of mindes, iudgements, willes and affections, but it breaketh forth also into workes, and hostile actions, to the sight and admiration of all the worlde, no aduersary Camps or armies standing more watchfull and distrustfull one of an other, or vsing more stratagems of discouery, spiery, preuention or impugnation, the one against the other, then we among our selues; wherof our continuall searches, priuy intelligences, bloudy and desperate conspiracies, apprehensions, imprisonments, tortures, arraignementes, condemnations and executions are most loath some and lamentable witnesses.
4 And as for Ius datum sceleri, neuer could Iusque datum sceleri. it be spoken so properly in the Romans misery as in ours, when in deed (though in some different sense) that which was ius before, is now scelus, to uvitt, that which was law, right, and equity under Catholicke Religion, is now offensiue and punishable by the lawes of Protestants, [Page 4] that which was then piety, is now iniquity, that which by them was vsed for deuotion, is now scorned for superstition, that which they reuerenced for highest Religion, is now held in contempt and greatest derision; such as then should haue byn hated and punished for hereticks, are now esteemed for Christian and best reformed Catholicks, and they vvhich in those dayes vvere called Catholicks, as vvell by their enemyes as themselues, and sate in iudgement vpon the rest, are now brought into iudgement vnder them vvhose iudges at that tyme they vvere, in the self same cause, right and lawe being changed vvith the tyme, and equity vvith mens affections, articles of olde faith become crymes of new treason, and finally all so inuerted and turned vpside downe, and the differences so pursued vvith such hostile emnity of exulcerated mindes, as the Poets conclusion falleth vpon vs euidently in Populumque potentem in sua, &c. the eye of all Christendome, that vve being a potent people, and dreadfull otherwise to all our neighbours, haue turned our victorious hands into our owne bowels, by this disunion in Religion, and therby haue iust cause to feare [Page 5] the euent and inference threatned by our Sauiour (except his holy hand protect vs) that; Euery Kingdome deuided in it selfe shall Mat. 12. come to desolation.
5. And that vvhich most encreaseth the feeling of this misery is, that no man endeauoreth to mollify matters, but all to exasperate; no man applieth lenitiues, but all corrosiues; no man powreth in vvyne or oyle into the wound, but all salte and vinegar; no man byndeth Exasperations. vp or fomenteth, but euery one seeketh to crush, bruze, and breake more; all cry and clap their hands to exulceration, saying with the children of Edom, in the day of Hierusalems affliction: Exinanite, exinanite, vsque ad Psal. 136. fundamentum in ea. Pull her downc, pull her downe euen vnto the foundation.
6. And to this effect haue vve heard and seene many speeches and sermons made, sundry Bookes and pamphlets cast abroad or set forth in print, some before the late cruell and hatefull Malitious extension. conspiracy (which might perhaps be some incitation to the designemēt or hastening therof, and some presently therupon, not only to exaggerate that fact (whose atrocity by it self [Page 6] is such, as scarsely it leaueth any place to exaggeration) but also to extend and draw out the hatred and participation therof to others of the same Religion most innocent therin, yea vnto the whole multitude, so far as in them lieth, a matter of exorbitant iniustice and intemperate malice.
7. Of the former sorte of bookes and pamphlets Of bookes and pamphletes. we haue seene one set forth the yeare past by Thomas Hamond, intituled: The late Commotion of certeine Papists in Hereford Shire, about the buriall of one Alice VVellington Recusant, after the Popish manner, in the tovvne of Alens-moore, tvvo miles frō Hereford &c. VVhich thing though it were but the fact of a few poore countrey people Catholickly affected (as most are knowne to be in those partes) to bury the said Commotion of vvales. Alice, and that in a sorte they were forced therunto, least the dead corps should rot aboue ground (the Minister of the place most obstinatly refusing to bury the same) and that some other false companion in like manner is thought to haue byn set a worke to induce them into that trap, as since hath byn vnderstood: yet [Page 7] was the matter so exaggerated euery where, both by bookes, preachings, and publike speeches of Magistrates, as if it had byn a most heinous attempt in deed: and not only these, but by this occasion all Catholicks generally were most odiously traduced, especially in this one point (that touched them neerest) to wit, that they would seeme to conceaue any least hope of his Maiesties clemency and mercy towardes them by way of toleration or conniuency for their Religion, or mitigation of their continuall pressures for the same.
8. To which end were brought into this booke and published in print not only the Bishop of London his sermon at Paules Crosse vpon the fifth of August then past, wherein he auowed his Maiesties protestation against Catholickes In the Epistle of T. H. 22. Iunij 1605. to the contrary, but the speach also and charge of the L. Chancellour in the Star-chamber vnto the Lordes, Iudges, and communalty there present ready to departe into their countryes, was deliuered as from the Kings owne mouth, all tending to the same end of afflicting, and disgracing the said people, and depriuing them of all hope [Page 8] of any tolerance, yea Auant false and lying Varlets (saith one) your vvordes are vaine, and your hopes are more vaine. scoffing most bitterly and contemptuously at their folly, for conceauing any such vaine hopes, and inioyning the most seuere order for descrying, searching, apprehending, imprisoning, and punishing them, which euer lightly was heard of, as though they had [...] the only or most grieuous male factors within the Realme, and this only for their Religion.
9. Soone after vpon the backe of this, came forth S. Edvvard Cooke his Maiestyes Attorneyes Sir Edward Cookes booke against Catholicks. Booke, intituled by him: his Fifth Part of Reportes: which though in the entrance, and fore-front it promised more calme and mild proceeding (and so it performeth in phrase and style of writing) yet was the drift and ending therof no lesse stinging, then the Scorpions tayle it self, against all sortes of Catholicks and their Religion. And to say somewhat of it in this place, his argument or subiect was new and strange, taking vpon him to proue out of the old and ancient common lawes of His argument. England, that the spirituall iurisdiction giuen by Act of Parlament to the late Queene Elizabeth in the first yeare of her raigne, and [Page 9] exercised afterwardes by her in Ecclesiasticall matters, was dew vnto her, not only by vertue of that Statute, but by vigour also of the said ancient common lawes, and so acknowledged and practised by the olde ranke of our foregoing Kinges and Princes: a conclusion no lesse strange and paradoxicall in wise and learned mens eares, then that was of him who diuers ages after the warres of Troy ended, and the true successe therof published by all writers throughout the world, tooke vpon him to teach the contrary, to wit, that not the Grecians, but the Troianes had the victory in that warre, and so to reuerse and contradicte whatsoeuer had byn written, taught, or receaued before.
10. Let the histories of our Christian English Kings euen from the first conuerted Ethelbert, vnto King Henry the eight be examined whether this be so or not, and whether a thousand monuments of theirs (in almost a thousand yeares) doe not testify them all to haue byn of contrary iudgment, practice, sense, and beliefe (in the controuersy proposed) to that which M. Attorney by a few pieces of lawes [Page 10] distractedly alleadged, woulde haue men to thinke. Or if he delight (as I take him to be learned) to haue this argument more discussed (for it is both ample and important) let him M. Attorneyes paradox of English Kings. but procure licence for his Antagonist, to write and print his booke, and I doubt not but that he will quickly be answered by some of his owne profession, among whome I doe imagine that many fingers must needes itch and tickle to be doing in so aduantagious a cause: or if not, yet doe I dare assure him, that some Deuine of our side shall ioine issue with him in that point, for the Novv I heare it is answered. confutation of his whole drifte, and narration in those his Reportes, but principally in the ouerthrowing of his iniurious conclusion, wherby he would inferre, that whosoeuer did not belieue and acknowledge the said late Queenes Ecclesiasticall feminine authority, power, and iurisdiction in spirituall matters, was and is a traitor by the iudgment of the ancient common lawes of England, receaued, helde, and practised euen vnder Catholicke Kinges and Princes of former times.
11. Vnto which vntrue and improbable paradox, he addeth another no lesse stinging, [Page 11] nor better founded then the former, which is that for the foremost eleuen yeares of Queene Elizabeths raigne, vntill she was excommunicated by Pius Quintus: No sorte of people of vvhat persvvasion soeuer in Religion, False & odious [...] of M. Attorney. refused to goe to the Protestantes Church (which is euidently false, both in many Puritanes and more Catholicks that refused openly in that time) and then: That vpon that occasion Catholicks first began to refuse (which in like manner is false, both for that they refused before, and this occasion was altogeather impertinent to their refusall) and thirdly most iniuriously of all, he would further seeme to inferre, that such as refuse now, may in like manner be presumed to doe it vpon the same vndutifull minde towardes his Maiesty. All which points doe tend to the exasperation and exulceration which euery one seeth, and comming from a man of his place, roome, and neerenes in office about his Maiesty, could not but make deepe impression, and giue perhaps a great push to the lamentable precipitation of those vnfortunate Gentlemen that soone after ensued.
[Page 12]12. VVhich being hapned, came forth presently this other odious pamphlet of T. M. his deuised discouery (wherunto now I am forced in particuler to answere) it being in it self no lesse slaunderous and iniurious, then the fact of the conspirators was wicked and grieuous to all Catholickes. The booke beareth this title: An The booke of T. M. about Romish doctrine exact discouery of Romish doctrine in case of Conspiracy and Rebellion: But he that shall weigh it well, shall finde it a more exacte discouery of English Ministeriall malice, in case of sycophancy and calumniation; the Authour endeauoring to ascribe that to publicke and generall doctrine, which proceeded from priuate and particuler passion, as also to drawe the temerity of a few, to the hatred and condemnation of the whole. Of which iniquity we shall haue occasion to speake more afterward in due place.
13. Soone after this pamphlet appeared many more, tending all for the most part to the same end of exulceration, or driuing rather to plaine desperation, euery one adding affliction to affliction, and heaping hatred and enuy vpon them that detested & bewailed the transgression [Page 13] happened, no lesse, but much more then these insolent insultors themselues. Of this kinde I might name sundry that my self haue seene (though being out of England I may presume to haue seene the least part of such as haue byn published and set forth [...] this fact fell out) as namely one intituled: A Discourse of the late intended Treason; wherin the discourser beginneth with this foundation: That all English, both at home and abroad, vvere so A discourse vvithout name of Author or truth of argument. fully in possession of contented peace at the time vvhen this treason vvas plotted, as, to vse his owne wordes, no [...] grudge, no invvard vvhispering of discō tentment did any vvay appeare. VVhich assertion if you consider it well, and compare it with our domesticall differences in Religion, and variety of punishments laied vpon diuers sortes of men at that time (euen before this fact fell out) for the same, will seeme a very great hyperbolicall exaggeration, and ouerlashing: for that the penalties of Recusancy and other like molestations were as rife then as at any other time before, & complaintes of Catholickes in diuers countreys no lesse pittifull.
[Page 14]14. Another like Treatise followed this, intituled: A true reporte of the imprisonment, arraignment, and execution of the Another Treatise. late Traitors, imprinted by Geffery Chorlton: VVhich so raileth vpon Catholicks, and Catholicke Religion from the very beginning to the end therof, as if none of them had byn free from the fact attempted, or that their common doctrine had publickly allowed the same; whereunto this seditious libell of the minister T. M. which now I am to confute endeauoreth to beare false witnes. I will pretermit two other most virulent and spitefull Treatises intituled: Pagano-Papismus, and The picture of a Papist; in which the Religion Two other furious bookes. wherin all our auncestors both liued and died from the beginning of their Christianity vnto our daies, and so many worthy nations, great Princes, and famous learned men doe professe round about vs at this day, and doe hope to be saued therby, is made worse then Paganisme, vea the horrible sinke of all damnable heresies, which notwithstanding were condemned by the same Religion and Church in former ages, and consequently [Page 15] this censure sauoureth more of fury then of reason.
15. But to leaue of the recitall of any more bookes or pamphlets to this effect, there hath appeared further a matter of far greater importance, which is a Catalogue of new lawes suggested in this Parlament against the said Catholickes, wherin besides the former heape of penall statutes made to this affliction in precedent times, diuers new are proposed for an addition and aggrauation of their Calamities, far more rigorous (if they Now they are passed. passe) then the former; which being considered by forreine people doe make the state of English Catholickes vnder Protestant gouernement to seeme vnto them much more miserable and intolerable, then that of the Ievves vnder any sorte of Christian Princes, or that of the Grecians, or other Christians vnder the Turke, or Persian; or that of bondsubiectes vnder the Polonians, Svvecians, Moscouians, and other such Nations: so as all this tendeth as yow see (and as before we haue noted) to more desperate disunion of mindes and exasperation of hartes.
[Page 16]16. Only I must confesse, that in two mens writings I finde more moderation, then in any of the rest; who yet being more interessed in the late grieuous designed delict, then any of the other that write therof, had most cause to be prouoked against the delinquents The first is his Maiesties speach both in his Proclamation, and Court of Parlament. In the former he professeth to distinguish betvveene all others, calling themselues Catholicks, & the Authors of detestable treason, and The Princely moderation of his Maiesty in his speach. that by good experience he vvas so vvell persuaded of the loyalty of diuers of that [...], as that he assured himselfe that they did as much abhorre that odious [...], as himselfe. And in the second, his Maiesty speaking in Parlament, distinguished betweene different sortes of Catholicks, allowing to the one sort both the opinion of loyalty and possibility of saluation, detesting in that point (to vse his Highnes wordes) the cruelty of the Puritanes, and thinking it vvorthy of fier, that vvill admit no saluation to any Papist: VVhich is an argument of his Princely moderate meaning, not [Page 17] to condemne the whole for a part: though in our sense the distinction vsed by his Maiesty in that place of some Catholicks that holde some pointes of our Religion, and of others that holde all, cannot stand. For that we accompt them not for Catholicks at all (nor may wee) that holde not all, but a part, for that Catholicum is secundum VVhat is Catholicum according to S. Augustine. totum, and not secundum partem, as well S. Augustine noteth, and consequently he that belieueth a part only or any one iote lesse then the whole, cannot be in our sense, nor in that of S. Augustine, a true Catholicke.
17. And surely though his Maiesty in this place, out of the preiudicate persuasions of others, and [...] suggested informations, seeme to be persuaded that no Catholicks of this condition that belieue and imbrace the whole, can euer proue either good Christians, or faithfull subiects: yet is our hope and constant praier to almighty God, that he will in time so illustrate that excellent vnderstanding of his Highnes, as the same will see and discerne betweene these absolute and perfect [Page 18] Catholicks that yeeld themselues wholy in obsequium VVhich is the best sort of Catholicks & obedientiam fidei, in all that the vniuer sall Church prescribeth vnto them to be belieued, and others that chuse, take, and leaue what they like or list vpon their owne iudgement: which choice or election (called otherwise heresy) if wee belieue the Holy Scriptures and sense of all antiquity in this behalfe, is the most dangerous and pernicious disease (in respect of both those effects heere mentioned by his Maiesty) that is vpon earth. And when his Highnes shall further with deliberation and maturity haue pondered, how many ages his noble Auncestors, Catholicke Kings and Queenes of both Realmes haue raigned in peace, honour and safty ouer subiects of the first sorte, and how infinite troubles, turmoiles, violences, dangers, hurtes, and losses his Maiesties owne person, and all his neerest in bloud and kinred, haue suffered in a few yeares of those other new chusers (to omit their doctrine) I doubt not but that out of his great prudence and equanimity, he will mollify and mitigate the hard opinion conceaued of the former, notwithstanding [Page 19] this late odious accident fallen out by the temerity of a few, as the world knoweth.
18. The second example of some moderation before mentioned, (or at least wise meant) was my L. of Salisburies answere My Lord of Salisbury his booke. to Certeine scandalous papers, as he called them; which though being written in the time and occasion they were, the answerer wanteth not his stinges that pearce euen to the quicke: yet supposing the pretended iniury offered by that fond menacing letter, and the condition of men in his place and dignity, not accustomed to beare or dissemble prouocations of that kind, all may be called moderate that is not extreme: though for the letter it self (if any such were) I presume so much of his Lordships wisedome and prudence, as he could hardly deeme or suspect any Catholicke to be so mad, as to write such a franticke commination, but rather that it came from the forge of some such other, as togeather with the blowe to be giuen therby to all Catholickes, had furthermore a desire to drawe forth from his L. the answere, [Page 20] therby to see and try his style, and to that end gaue him so vrging an occasion, as by his friendes is thought that in the conueniency of reason and honour, he coulde not well omit to accept therof as he did, and performed the enterprise in such manner, as might be expected at his L. handes; to wit, as himself writeth of his Maiesties speach in the Parlament, Euery line declaring the vvorkeman.
19. Only I may not let passe to note by the way, that in two points of [...], touched by him of the Popes authority, concerning Princes and the lawfulnes of Equiuocation in certaine cases, as they are matters not apperteining Against my Lord of Salisburies Deuine. properly to his faculty, and profession: so must I thinke that his Deuine did somewhat mistake, or misinforme him therin. For of the first, thus he writeth: that he hath byn a long time sory, that some cleere explication of the Papall authority hath not byn made by some publicke and definitiue sentence orthodoxall &c. He addeth further this reason of his desire: That not only those Princes vvhich acknovvledge this Superiority might be secured [Page 21] from feares and iealosies of continuall treasons and bloudy Assassinates against their persons, but those Kings also vvhich doe not approue the same, & yet vvould faine reserue a charitable opinion of their subiectes, might knovv hovv farre to repose themselues in their fidelity in ciuill obedience, hovvsoeuer they see them deuided from them in point of conscience &c.
20. To the former clause touching his L. desire to haue the matter defined and declared, his Deuine might easely haue informed him, that among Catholicke people the matter is cleare, and sufficiently defined, and declared in all pointes wherin there may be any doubt concerning this affaire. As for The first question about authority ouer Princes. example in three thinges question may be made: first whether any authority were left by Christ in his Church and Christian commonwealth to restraine or represse, censure or iudge any exorbitant and pernicious excesse of Great men, States or Princes, or that he had left them remediles wholy by any ordinary authority? In which case as in other [Page 22] common-wealthes that are not Christian, all Philosophers, law-makers, Senatours, Counsellours, Historiographers, and other sortes of soundest wisedome, prudence, and experience, either Iew or Gentile, haue from the beginning of the world concurred in this; that God and nature hath left some sufficient authority in euery common wealth, for the lawfull, and orderly redressing of those euilles, euen in the highest persons. Nor did euer Philosopher of name, or law-maker hitherto deny this assertion, as founded in the very law of nature, nations, and reason it selfe.
21. So when Christ our Sauiour came to found his common-wealth of Christians in farre more perfection then other states had byn established before, subiecting temporall thinges to spirituall, according to the degree of their natures, endes, and eminencies, and appointing a supreme vniuersall Gouernour in the one, with a generall charge to looke to all his sheepe, without exception of great or small, people or potentates: vpon these suppositions (I say) all Catholicke learned men do ground, and [...] euer grounded, that in [Page 23] Christian common-wealthes, not only the foresaid ordinary authority is left, which euery other state and Kingdome had by God and nature to preserue and protect themselues in the cases before laid downe; but further also for more sure, and orderly proceeding therin, that the supreme care, iudgment, direction and censure of this matter was left principally by Christ our Sauiour vnto the said supreme Gouernour, and Pastour of his Church and common-wealth. And in this there is no difference in opinion or beliefe betweene any sorte of Catholickes whatsoeuer (so they be Catholickes) though in particular cases, diuersity of persons, time, place, cause, and other circumstances, may moue some diuersity of opinions. And thus much of the first question.
22. The second may be about the manner The second questiō. how this authority, or in what sorte it was giuen by Christ to his said supreme Pastour, whether directly or indirectly, immediatly or by a certaine consequence. As for example, whether Christ, as he gaue the generall charge of his sheepe to S. Peter and his Successours [Page 24] directly and immediatly in spirituall matters, by that commission three times repeated in S. Iohn. Pasce oues meas; which wordes include, according to Catholicke exposition, not only authority to feed, but to gouerne also, direct, restraine, cure, represse, and correct, when need is, as we see it doth appertaine to a temporall sheepheardes office: so whether with this commission in spirituall affaires, our Sauiour gaue also immediatly and directly, the charge and ouersight of temporalities in like manner, or rather indirectly and by a certaine consequence: that is to say, that when the gouernment of spirituall affaires, to wit, of soules to their eternall blisse and saluation is so letted, or impugned by any temporall gouernours, as the said spirituall commission cannot be executed without redresse or remedy; in such cases, and not otherwise, the said supreme pastour to haue authority to proceed also against the said temporall Gouernours, for defence and preseruation of his spirituall charge. Of which question the Canonistes doe commonly defend the first part, but Catholicke Deuines for the most part the [Page 25] second: but both partes fully agree, that there is such an Authority lefte by Christ in his Church, for remedy of vrgent cases, for that otherwise he should not haue sufficiently prouided for the necessity therof. So as this difference of the manner maketh no difference at all in the thing it selfe.
23. The third question may be about the The third questiō. causes, for which this authority may be vsed, as also the forme of proceeding to be obserued therin; wherabout there are so many particularities to be considered, as are ouerlong for this place: only it is sufficient for Catholicke men to know, that this may not be done without iust cause, graue and vrgent motiues, and due forme also of proceeding, by admonition, preuention, intercession, and other like preambles, prescribed by Ecclesiasticall Canons to be obserued, wherby my Lordships doubtes of feares, and ielosies of continuall treasons, and bloudy assassinates may iustly be remoued. For that this authority doth not only not allow any such wicked, or vnlawfull attemptes of priuate men, but doth also expressely and publickly [Page 26] condemne the same and the doctrine therof, as may appeare not only by the condemnation of VVicklifs wicked article, in the Councell of Constance, wherin he affirmed: That Sess. 15. it vvas lavvfull for euery priuate man to kill any Prince vvhome he held to be a Tyrant, but also by like condemnation of Caluin, Beza, Ottoman, Bucchanan, Knox, Goodman, and others of that sect, who hold and practice in effect the same doctrine of VVickliffe, concerning Princes, if not worse, as shall more largely and particularly be declared afterward in the first and fourth Chapters of this Treatise. And this I desire may satisfy his Lordship for the present, vntill we come to the foresaid places where better occasion in this kind will be offered.
24. As for the second point touched by his Lordship about the doctrine of Equiuocation, About the doctrine of Equiuocation. ambiguity of speach, amphibology, or mentall reseruation, in certaine cases lawfull (which doctrine his Lordship termeth strange, and grosse, and that it teareth in sunder all the bandes of humane [Page 27] conuersation) for that I am to handle this matter more largely and particularly in the ensuing Chapters of this booke, especially from the fourth forward (the whole bulke of our aduersaries calumniations consisting in these two pointes of Rebellion and Equiuocation) I will heere make answere to his Lordship, as to a man of science and experience, that I maruaile greatly, how he can thinke that doctrine to be strange, which is so ordinary and vsually to be seene in all the bookes of Catholicke Deuines for the space of these three or foure hundred yeares, by confession of his owne writers: how also he can tearme it grosse, that the greatest wittes of Christendome, for so long at least, haue held for learned, and founded not only vpon euident groundes of reason, nature, equity, and iustice in diuers cases (and for such allowed throughout all tribunales of Christendome, both Ecclesiasticall and Ciuill) but warranted also by authority of many expresse examples of Holy Scriptures and Fathers, and in some cases so necessary for auoiding the sinne of lying, periury, [Page 28] discouering of secrettes, iniuring our neighbours, and other such inconueniences, as if I should heere set downe the said particular cases, both concerning secrecy or safty of him that is forced to equiuocate (as afterward I shall doe in conuenient place) I presume his The law fulnes, necessity, and circumstances of Equiuocatiō. Lordship as so great a common-vvealthesman would allow therof with due circumstances, as iust and necessary, and recall that part of his censure wherin he saith: That it teareth in sunder all the bandes of humane conuersation, especially if he remember, that we doe except from the licence of Equiuocation, the common conuersation of men in contractes, bargaines, and other like affaires, wherby any dammage or preiudice may grow to another man, and much more in matters appertaining to the cleare and manifest profession of our faith. And thus much for this place, the refidue afterward.
25. And now hauing spoken all this by way The argument of the ensuing booke against T. M. of Preface, we shall returne to the particular Treatise of T. M. (for more of his name we cannot yet find out) entituled, An exact discouery of [...] doctrine in case of [Page 29] conspiracy &c. which we haue taken in hand to answere in this place, and to shew that as his meaning is malicious, and meanes foolish: so is his proposition pernicious, and argumentes vaine, to proue the same, wherin I remit me to that, which afterwardes yow shall see set downe.
THAT THE MAYNE PROPOSITION INSINVATED AND VRGED BY T. M. That Catholickes are not tolerable in a Protestant Common-vvealth in respect of Rebellion and Conspiracies,
Is vntrue, indiscreet and pernicious, and falleth rather vpon the Protestant-Subiect, then the Catholicke.
THe whole drift of the Author throughout this malignant inuectiue to be nothing els, but to perswade, that Protestantes and Catholickes cannot liue togeather in The [...] drift and seditious scope of T. M. one common-wealth, nor vnder one Prince or Gouernour, if he be a Protestant, is cleare and manifest by all his whole discourse, proofes and argumentes, which afterwardes we shall more particularly in due place discusse: yea to the end he may make this diuorce and separation betweene [Page 32] the Kinges Maiesty of Great Britany, and his Catholicke subiectes (for thither he bendeth all his battery) the more irreconciliable and remedilesse he placeth the ground of this incompossibility, not in the will, which may be changed, but in the iudgement, and beliefe of Catholickes; to wit, in their publicke and receiued doctrine, which doctrine well he knoweth not to lye in the handes of particular men, nor of particuler Prouinces, to change or alter at their pleasure (as Protestantes may, and doe, heere taking a part, and there leauing as they list,) but they must stand firmely, and vniuersally to the whole, this being truely Catholicum as ancient Fathers define it. And hence it is, that T. M. inferreth thus: It is taken out (saith he) of the expresse dogmaticall principles of their Priests and Doctors, and collected from their owne publicke positions &c. which how true or false it is, shall appeare after. Now let vs examine some other circumstances of this proposition.
2. First then, I say and auerre, that this his maine and fundamentall axiome, of the incompossibility of Catholicke and Protestant people togeather, vnder the Gouernement of his Maiesty of Great Britany, is not only false and erroneous in it selfe (as afterward The maine propositiō of T. M. censured. shalbe declared) but pernicious also to the commonwealth, preiudiciall to his Maiesties both comfort & safety, hurtefull to the state, seditious against peace, scandalous to the hearers, offensiue to forreine nations that liue vnder Princes of different Religion, both Catholicke and Protestant, and hatefull finally to the eares of all moderate, peaceable, and prudent people: and is on the other side no waies profitable, needfull, expedient, or conuenient thus in publique to be proposed. For I would first demaund this famous mak-bate, what gaine or vtility may be expected, either to Prince or people by putting in [Page 33] print this so odious an assertion of extreeme diffidence, and distrust betweene his Maiesty, and so many thousande of his subiects, that admitted him with all ioy & comfort at his first entrance to the Crowne? Is it (perhaps) to preuēt some dāger that may be doubted from such kind of people, and to make his Maiesty more carefull and vigilant for his safty? If that be so, a priuate aduise had beene more important to himselfe, or his Counsell: for that the publishing and proclayming therof procureth not only diffidēce, but also restles solicitude on both sides, the one to preuēt the other.
3. Secondly I would aske, what he will doe, or haue to be done with so great a multitude of people, as in all his Maiesties Kingdomes doe loue and fauour the Religion, which this masked Minister impugneth, and would put them in despaire of any sufferance or tolerable condition vnder his Maiesties gouernment? Will he haue them all made away from the face of the Earth? This were hard, except Noe his floud should: come againe, or some other equiualent inundation,: either of water, fyer, or sword. And for the later, though some thinke he could wish it, yet who knoweth not, but that the bowels of England are so combyned and linked togeather at this day in this point, as hardly can the sword passe the one, but it must: wound also deeply the other. What then? Will he haue them to liue in perpetuall torment, hatred, suspicions, iealosyes, auersions, detestations, & deadly hostilities, the one with the other? This is a state more fit for hell, then for any peaceable and Christian common wealth, nor of it selfe is it durable, if we beleeue either reason, or experience of former times. For we know what Cicero, what other wise-men among the Cicero lib. offic. very Heathens haue obserued, what they haue written, what they haue counselled to be done, or to be preuented in like occasions: to wit, that multitudes [Page 34] are not to be put in despaire, no nor particuler men into extreame exasperation without hope of remedy: Inconueniences of exasperation and despaire. for that despaire is the mother of precipitation, & extreme exasperation is the next dore to fury. No counsaile, no reason, no regard of Religion, nor other respect humaine or deuine holdeth place, when men grow desperate, & all stringes of hope are cut of. We see by experience, that the least and weakest wormes of the earth, which cannot abide the looke of a man, yet when they are extremely pressed, and put in despaire of escape, they turne and leape in mans face it selfe, which otherwise they so [...] feare and dread.
4. Wherfore seing this dangerous stickler would put this extreme despaire into so many thousandes of his Maiesties subiectes, yow [...] imagine what good seruice he meaneth to do him therby, and what pay he deserueth for his labour. Surely if a great rich man, whose wealth lay in his flocke of sheepe, had neuer so faire and fawning a dog, following neuer so diligently his trencher, and playing neuer so many flattering trickes before him; yet if togeather with: this, he had that other currish quality also, as to woory his maisters sheepe, disseuer his fold, disperse his flock, and driue them into flight and precipitation; it is Sheepebiters not to be tolerated in a Common vvealth. like that his Maister out of his wisedome (though otherwise he were delighted with his officious fawning) would rather hange such a dog, then aduenture to suffer so great and important losses by him. And no: Iesse is to be expected of the great equity & prudence of our great Monarch, when he shall well consider of the cause and consequence therof.
5. And thus much of the malice and pernicious sequele of this assertion: let vs see somewhat now also of the folly & falsity therof. To which effect I would first enquire, if it be so that subiectes of different Religions [Page 35] are not comportable togeather, vnder a Prince that is of one of those Religions for so must the question be proposed if we will handle it in generall) then how doe the Iewes & Christians liue togeather vnder many Christian Princes in Germany and Italy? vnder the state of Venice? yea vnder the Pope himselfe? how doe Christians and Turkes liue togeather vnder the Turkish Emperour of Constantinople, as also vnder the Persian without persecution for their Religion? how did Catholickes and Arrians liue so many yeares togeather vnder Arrian Kinges and Emperours in old times, both in Spaine and els [...]? how doe Catholickes and Protestantes liue togeather at this day His vniuersall proposition improued by diuerse particulers. vnder the most Christian King of France? vnder the great King of Polonia? and vnder the German Emperour in diuers partes of his dominions (all Catholicke Princes) and in the free-cityes of the Empyre? And in particuler is to be considered that the Hussites haue liued now some hundreds of yeares in Bohemia vnder the Cathòlicke Princes and Emperours Lordes of that Countrey, with such freedome of conuersation with Catholicke subiectes, and vnion of obedience to the said Princes, as at this day in the great Citty of Praga, where the Emperour commonly resideth, and where Catholicks [...] wholy gouerne, there is not so much as one [...] Church knowne to be in the handes of any Catholicke Pastor of that citty but all are Hussites that haue the ordinary charges of soules; and Catholickes, for seruice, sermons and Sacraments doe repaire only to monasteries, according: to ancient agreementes and conuentions betweene them, though in number the said Catholickes be many times more then the other, and haue all the gouernment and Commaundry in their handes, as hath byn said. These are demonstratiue proofes ad hominem, and cannot be denied, and consequently doe [Page 36] conuince that this make-bate Ministers proposition is false in generall: That subiects of different religion, may not liue togeather in [...] peace, if their gouernours will permit them. Now if he can alleadge any seuerall weighty causes why this generall assertion holdeth not, or may not holde in the particuler case of English Catholiks and Protestants vnder our present King, we shall discusse them also, and see how much they weigh.
6. He pretendeth ten seuerall reasons in his pamphlet, 10. Reasons. for causes of this incompossibility, and therof doth his whole inuectiue consist. Eight of them appertaine to doctrine and practice of rebellion in vs, as he auoucheth; and the other two vnto doubtfull speech or Equiuocation. Of which later point, hauing touched somewhat in the precedent Preface & being to haue occasion to doe the same againe more largely afterward wee shall now consider principally of the former, concerning doctrine and practice of quiet or vnquiet, peaceable or dangerous humours & behauiours of subiects both Catholicke & Protestant.
7. And as for Catholickes, the Minister in all his About doctrine and practice of Rebellion. eight reasons bringeth out nothing of nouelty against vs, but only such pointes of doctrine, as himselfe doth consesse, and expresly proue that they were held and recevued in our publique schooles, aboue foure hundred yeares gone: as namely in his first reason, For that we hold Protestants for hereticks so farre forth as they decline and differ obstinately from the receyued doctrine and sense of the Roman Catholicke Church, and consequently that being Hereticks they are not true Christians, nor can haue true faith in any one article of Christian beliefe, and that the punishment determined by the ancient Canon lawes, which are many and grieuous, both spirituall & temporall, do, or may therby light vpon them. And in 2. 3. 4. his second, third and fourth reasons, that wee teach, [Page 37] That the Bishop of Rome, as spirituall head of the vniuersall Church, hath power aboue temporall Princes, and may procure to let the Election and succession of such as are opposite, or enemies to Catholicke Religion, and that in some cases he may dissolue oathes of obediēce, and the like.
8. And further yet in his fifth, sixt, seauenth, and 5. 6. 7. 8. eight reasons, that in certaine occasions, and vpon certaine necessities, for preuenting of greater euils, imminent to any Countrey, Kingdome, or common wealth, especially if they be spirituall and appertaine to the saluation of soules, the same high Pastour may restraine, resist, or punish the enormous excesses of temporall Princes (if any such fall out) by Censures, excommunication, depriuation or deposition, though this not but vpon true, iust, and vrgent causes, when other means cannot preuaile, for auoiding those euerlasting euils.
9. All which doctrines (for this is the summe of all An impor tant consideratiō, he saith or alleadgeth) do cōteine, as yow see, no new matter of malice against Protestant Princes, inuented by vs, for that the Minister himselfe, as now we haue said, confesseth, that for these three or foure later hundred yeares, these positions haue byn generally receiued by all the vniuersall Church and face of Christendome; so as being established so many hundred yeares before Protestants were borne or named in the world, they could not be made or inuented against them in particuler; but only are drawne vnto them at this time by the malicious application of this Minister, to make the diuorce before mencioned betweene our Prince and vs to seeme remedilesse. For if the doctrine approued and receyued so many ages before this difference of Religion was heard of, shall be laid vnto vs now for matter of vndutifulnes (with which doctrine notwithstanding our Auncestors liued most peaceably and [Page 38] duetifully for many hundred yeares, as good subiectes vnder his Maiesties [...] both in England & Scotland) what fault can this be in vs now, or what [...] is it in the Minister to obiect it against vs; yea to make a criminall accusation therof in this his calumnious libell against all Catholikes of our Countrey whatsoeuer?
10. If we consider their doctrines and positions, togeather with their practice and exercise concerning this point of quiet obedience and subiection, euen from these later times of Luther, Zuinglius and [...] beginninges of innouation, we shall find an Caluinian doctrine about obe [...] to Princes. other manner of nouelty to contemplate, and another sorte of dangers for Princes to tremble at. For if in steed of Rebellious doctrine of the [...] Church (which is the title of this aduersaries pamphlet) wee should set downe the positions and practice of the Geneuian Church and Caluinian sect, planted and directed therby, we should easely see what were the difference, as the whole world both may and doth. For that concerning their positions and doctrine that touch this point, they are extant in their owne bookes, not wronge or drawne by strained inferences, as our Ministers Calumniations are against Catholicks in this place, but plainely, cleerely, and Categorically set downe by their owne pen, testified and put in Archb. of Cant. in the first Booke of dangerous positions. cap. 4. & 5. and [...] in the Suruey of pretended discipline. print by their owne writers, and especially by one in England that is now in highest dignity vnder his Maiesty, and another in place of some dignity also by his office, who out of their owne bookes cited particulerly by them, relate these and other like positions: That Princes may be restrained by force; pursued, iudged, and punished by the people; excommunicated, depriued, deposed, and cast into hell by the Ministers; arraigned, condemned and put to death by the inferiour Magistrates, whensoeuer in their opinion he becommeth a [...], or opposite [Page 39] to the ghospell; which in effect falleth out to be so often as these head-strong new brethren shall mislike of his or her gouernement, & thinke them worthy to be remoued.
11. And if to the testimony of our English Protestant writers in this point any be desirous to haue ad ioined the suffrages in like manner of externe authors of the same Religion, concerning the same article, about the lawfulnes of violent vsage towardes Princes, in cases by them prescribed; let them read Forraine vvriters of Protestantes pernicious doctrine against Princes. Bezae himselfe in his Apology to the Bishop Claudius de Sainctes in defence and praise of Pultrot that murdered traiterously the famous great Duke of Guise his Maiesties great vncle, and supreme Generall of all the French forces; as also the discourse of the French famous Minister Suriau otherwise calling himselfe Rosier in his Booke of Reasons why it was lawfull for any of his [...] brethren to kill (as he saith) Charles the ninth King of France and his mother, if they would not obey the Caluinian Ghospell, as both Launay, Launay in Replique Christienne. lib. 1. c. 9. 6 n. 1566. & Belfor. lib. 6. cap. [...]. fol. 1565. Belsorest & other French writers in their Histories do relate. To which effect also was written that notorious and seditious booke intituled [...] matin and others by the brethren of the ghospell; yea aboue others, that most dangerous firebrand by Orsinus Hoto man and the rest of Geneua, allowed also by [...], intitu led Vindiciaecontra Tyrannos: The reuenge vpō Tyrantes conteyning a most shameles publique approbation of all desperate, of all villanous attemptes whatsoeuer made, or to be made by their brethren, against lawfull Princes, vnder the name of Tyrantes, whensoeuer it might seeme to be done in fauour of their ghospell.
12. So as now after all this manifest assertiue doctrine of theirs, knowne and confessed in the world, and practised by them in so many places, for so many yeares, in so notorious manner, as no man can [Page 40] deny it, for this Minister to come peeping forth with certaine poore illations & strained inferences against Catholiks, for that in certaine cases they acknowledge power to remaine in the head of the Church by way of Canonicall lawes and publique iudgment, to restraine exorbitant outragious excesses of Princes, when they shall fall out, is a ridiculous kind of byting at the heele, while the other do strike at the head: and so will it also appeare, if we obserue the euētes themselues, for that heere in this place our Minister (for example) [...] only foure factes or processes of Popes, to wit, two of Gregories the seauenth and ninth, and other two of Pius and Sixtus the fifth, who in so many ages haue giuen sentence of depriuation against Princes: wheras if we consider but this one A 'markeable point. age only, which hath passed since Luther began (and not yet one whole age) we shall find many more Princes deposed, slaine, molested, or violated by Protestant people, then by all Popes put togeather since the beginning of Pope-dome haue byn troubled or Censured, which is a markeable point, and not lightly to be passed ouer by prudent Princes: for that the reason herof is, that the one side proceedeth by lawe, publique iudgement, and mature deliberation, the other by popular mutiny, rash and temerarious precipitation. And this of doctrine in this place vntill we come to the fourth Chapter, where much more is to be added to this effect.
13. But if we should come now from doctrine to Practice of the Protestant doctrine for tumultes against Princes. action and examples of the exercise therof in this behalfe, there were no end of the narration, and there is no man or woman lightly of any yeares or vnderstanding in publique affaires, whose mind and memory is not full of them. For who remembreth not what passed in Germany presently almost vpon the beginning of Luthers doctrine (at the least not aboue 7. [Page 41] or 8. yeares after) to wit, from the yeare [...]. testified aswell by Sleidan and other Protestant Authors, as by those that were Catholicke, how the new brethrē incited by this new doctrine again [...] their Princes, both temporall and spirituall, tooke armes and entred into tumult and rebellion with such violence and headlong pertinacy, throughout al that countrey, as in one The Rebellions vpon Luthers doctrine. Prouince only, there were aboue two hundred Monasteries and Castels taken, razed, and spoiled, and aboue an hundred and thirty thousand people slaine, & this was for that beginning: which fire once enkindled, and the humour of sedition once setled in the heades o that Hereticall faction, neuer ceased afterward, but continued more or lesse still against [...] Emperour Charles the [...], vnder diuers deuises and pretences of the [...] association, and the like, vntill The Smalcaldian associatiō. more then twenty yeares after, to wit, vntill the yeare 1546. wherin he was forced to take in hand that great and dangerous warre (Luther himselfe [...] yet aliue) against the Duke of Saxonie, Marques of [...] and other Protestant Princes, whome he subdued therin, but not without great effusion of Christian bloud.
14. And the like I might relate of many other particuler States and principalities of Germany, as namely that of the Princes and Archbishops Electors of Collen, Treuers and Mentz with all the State Palatine of Rhene, the Bishoppricke and Dukedome of Liege, and other partes adioining, where togeather with this new Ghospell (especially now deuided into different sectes of Lutheranisme, Zuinglianisme, Caluinisme, Multitudes of insurrectiōs against true Princes by the nevv Ghospel. Anabaptisme new Arrianisme and the like) entred presently new sedition, Rebellion, and warres, and from thence dispersed it selfe longe and wide, both North and South, East and West. In the North, to Saxony, Denmarke, Norway, Sweueland, Polonia, [...], North. [Page 42] and other adioining countries; and on the south to South. Zwitzerland first, Sauoy, Grisons, and other partes next adhering, where diuers battailes were fought, Zuinglius himselfe being present as the chief stirrer in those of the Cantons of Zwitzerland his countrey, and [...] therin, and Caluin Beza, Farellus, and other such Ministers being the principall inciters in the Rebellions of Geneua, and neighbour countries, against the Duke of Sauoy, and other Lordes and Princes therof, as is apparant by their owne, and other mens bookes of the same part and faction.
15. Towardes the East, the same fire of sedition passed with the same new Protestant Ghospell, to Bemeland In the East. Austria, Hungary, Siletia, Moldauia and other bordering Prouinces, where more or lesse it hath continued till our time, wherin we see by lamētable experience, that they haue ioined euen with the Turke himselfe against their Soueraigne Lord and Emperour, and against the Christian name and cause, in despite of Catholicke Religion, as Boscaine, the famous Caluinian Rebell, and others of that Religion, or irreligion rather in these partes, for some yeares now haue done; and finally haue forced the said Emperour for auoiding the fatall ruine of Christendome, to graunt him the Princedome of Transiluania during his life, which God for his so great wickednes hath soone cut of.
16. But to the West partes of the world, to wit, France, and all partes and parcels of that [...] Kingdome, In the VVest. the same fire was transported with greatest fury of all, as doe testify their foure generall most bloudy France. warres, lasting for many yeares togeather, wherof if I should recount but the least particulers set downe by their owne histories, it would rue any Christian hart to heare or read the same.
17. From hence if we draw neere homeward to [Page 43] Flanders, England and Scotland, the effectes of this new Ghospell and Ghospellers are yet more present vnto our eyes. For who can recount the thousandes of people, that vpon this occasion haue lost their liues both temporall and eternall as may be feared, in these long, & bloudy warres of the low countries, begunne first, Flanders. and continued euer since, vpon the entrance of Protestant Religion in those States? Who can number the Citties beseiged, taken, rifled and ransacked? The townes and villages burnt and ouerthrowne? The countries spoiled? The people slaine and murdered about this difference? And if we looke into England, and the state but of one sole Catholicke Princes gouerning, England. there, but for foure or fiue yeares ouer Protestant subiectes misliking her gouernment for Religion, yow shall find more conspiracies, treasons, and Rebellions practised against her in proportion of so: few yeares, by the said sorte of people (if we consider what Northumberland, Suffolke, VViat, Courtney, Stafford, Fetherstone, VVilliam Thomas, and others in different conspiracies practiced against her) then in more then 40. yeares was done against her Protestant sister by her Catholicke subiectes, though neuer so much afflicted, iniured and persecuted by her.
18. But of all other countries, Scotland may be an Scotland. example and president of Protestant spirites, what See the Histories of Scotlād [...] by Bucchanā, and Knox and by Holinshed, and my Lord of [...]. his booke of dangerous Positions, cap. 2. 3. 4. &c. they are vnder a Catholike Prince or Princesse, though otherwise neuer so vertuous, or neuer so mild. For who can deny the exceeding great prudence, moderation, benignity, liberality, and other vertues of the Noble Queene Mary Regent of Scotland, Grandmother to our Soueraigne that now raigneth, when those furious and seditious Ministers Knox, Goodman, Mollocke, Douglasse, Meffan, and others began to raise vp her subiectes against her, from the yeare 1557. (which was the fourth of Queene Maries raigne of England) [Page 44] and continued the same in most spitefull and barbarous manner, with intolerable insolency, both of wordes and actes, for 3. or 4. yeares togeather, assisted principally by the helpes, aide and encouragement of Queene Elizabeth (that had succeded in the Crowne of England) vntill through griefe, sorrow, and affliction, [...] afflictions and death of Q Mary Regent of Scotland. the excellent Princesse gaue vp the Ghost, vpō the yeare 1560. hauing byn [...] deposed, and the lye giuen her publickly, and most [...] by them. And finally seing herselfe so extreemely [...] and inuironed with these rebell forces, and with a puissant army sent from England in their succour, consumed and pyned away with [...] of mind as hath byn said: And no Christian could but haue compassion of her case. The particulers are written by Knox and Buchanan themselues, in their histories of Scotland, who were two chiefe firebrandes in that combustion, and by Holinshed an English Protestant Author in his description of Scotland, allowing well, and liking the same, according to the sense of English Protestantes who concurred with them both in good will and cooperation.
19. And thus much of the Queene Regent: but now of her excellent daughter, the Queene regnant, Mother of our Soueraigne, had they any greater respect vnto her notwithstanding all her benignity and benefites towardes them at her new returne out of France, when she pardoned all that was past, and [...] proceeding against his Maiesties Mother. accepted of new oathes and promises of faithfull obedience at their [...]? did all this I say any thing auaile her or procure her safty or quietnes, in gouerning these new Ghospellers? No truly, so long as she remained Catholicke, that is, to her death, and after her death, they pursued her with the greatest hatred, and most barbarous cruelty, that euer perhaps was read of against Prince or Princesse before, or after [Page 45] her. I shall breifly heere set downe some [...] particularities of many, as I find them [...] both in English and Scottish Histories themselues, and that by Protestant writers, as hath byn said.
20. This Noble Queene after long deliberation in France, what course to take in those troublesome times, when the spirit of the new Caluinian Ghospell had raised tumultes, conspiracies, warres, and Rebellions A brief summe of matters fallen out in Scotland. throughout the most part of all States, Kingdomes, and Prouinces round about her, determined finally to credit the faire promises of her said Protestant subiectes in Scotland, and to goe thither, which she did, and arriued at Lith the 20. of August, vpon the yeare 1561. But before she departed from France, there [...]. being sent to her from the Catholicke party Doctor Iohn Lesley Bishop of Rosse to counsaile her not to trust her bastard-brother Iames Steward Prior of S Andrewes, that had byn the cheife Author of all the former broi Holinsh. les in Scotland, and was now sent vnto her from the [...] supra. Protestant party to flatter and deceiue her with false oathes and [...], she promised that she would not: but he arriuing the next day after the Bishop vnto her at [...] in France, made so great promises, oathes, and protestations vnto her, as by little and little gate credit with her; and so returned into Scotland by England (where he had his full instructions yow must thinke) to dispose the mindes of all sortes, to receiue, and obey the said Queene after his and their fashion and agreement; for which good office Prior [...] made Earle of Murrey. she gaue him soone [...] her returne the Earledome of Murrey, and committed the cheife Gouernement of the Realme vnto him. But what effectes ensued, we shall now in few wordes declare.
21. When vpon the yeare 1563. which was two 1563. yeares after her returne to Scotland, she resolued by consent of her Parlament to marry her knisman the [Page 46] Lord Darley, newly made [...] of Rosse and Duke of Albany, this Earle of Murrey made a leagne of his confederates against the same, pretending that it would be in [...] of their Religion, and brake into open warres against them both, saith Holinshed, and when they were pressed by the Kinges and Queenes forces, they had alwaies their refuge into England, and their counsaile and direction both thence, and from their Ministers that neuer parted from them, how to prosecute their matters against their Princes: wherof the first point was, to abuse the yong Kinges credulity, and to set him against the Queene: and hence ensued that strange and horrible act of entring her priuy chamber, when she was at supper vpon the fourth of march 1566. in the company of the [...] of Murton, 1566. the Lordes Ruthen and Lindsey, all Protestantes, and armed, who saluted her first with this greeting, she being great with child: That they would no longer suffer her to haue the gouerning of the Realme, nor to abuse them, as hitherto she had done: And then pulled violently from her, her Secretary Dauid, which stood there present seruing her at table, and for his refuge tooke hold of her gowne, which they cut of, and slew him with The barbarous murther of the Secretary Dauid. many stabbes, to such fright of the afflicted Queene, as it was no lesse then a miracle, that she had not perished therwith or miscaried of her child (which was his Maiesty that now gouerneth England) hauing six monethes gone with the same. This was done at a Parlament when all the Protestant confederates met togeather, and tooke (as yow must thinke) the ghostly counsaile of their good Ministers for so holy an enterprise. And vpon the 20. of Iune next, was the Prince borne, which thing not pleasing some, that there should remaine any yssue of that family, which they desired to extinguish, the said King his Maiesties The murther of the King. Father was most cruelly murthered in Edenbrough on [Page 47] the tenth of February next ensuing.
22. Nor did the matter cease heere, but rather now ascended to the greatest height of malicious Treason [...] euer perhaps hath byn vsed against any crowned Prince in the world, for that these Lordes of the Congregatiō, as they called themselues, that is to say, Religious Rebels, congregated against their sworne Prince, gathering forces togeather, laid violent handes The barbarous dealing against his [...] Mother. on her Maiesties person first at Carbar-hill by Edenbrough when confidently she presumed, as to her subiectes, to goe vnto them, and treate of peace, and then casting her into prison, depriued her of her Crowne, set vp against her the name of her dearest iewell the yonge Prince, not yet a yeare old, made Regent her greatest enemy the Earle of Murrey her bastard traiterous brother, held Parlamentes, made lawes, debarred her the sight of her sonne for euer: and finally waging open warre against her, and ouerthrowing her forces in the feild, she being present, forced her into England, and there following her also, procured vnto her the greatest disgraces, dishonoured her with the foulest reportes, defamed her with the most spitefull sermons, bookes and printed libelles; and finally oppressed her with the most notorious open iniuries, that euer were cast vpon a person of her Maiesties quality & dignity. And all this without any scruple, or remorse of conscience at all: nay all was auerred to be done according to the very rule of the Ghospell & for the Ghospell, and this by all the Ministers both of Scotland and England.
23. And thus much of the second Queene Mary of Scotland brought to her ruine by the Euangelicall obedience of these new Ghospellers: but as for the yong Prince her Noble sonne, whome she loued most dearely aboue all earthly creatures, and neuer was permitted so much as to embrace, or see him more afterward, [Page 48] what passed in this time by the same sorte of mē, both during his minority and afterward, what cōtentions, [...] warres, [...], what murthers, what conspir cies, Rebellions and violences were vsed, VVhat the King [...] hath suffered at Protestats handes in [...] of disobe dience & Rebelliō. were ouerlong to recount in this place: the Histories are full, and the [...] made, and set forth in print by the foresaid [...] Authour of [...], in his sixt Chapter and [...] booke against the [...] doth touch many [...] pointes of diuers notorious [...], and violences offered by them and their [...], [...] the Kinges person, state, and dignity, as their taking his authority vpon them, his surpriz and restraint at Rutheuen vpon the yeare 1582. the brethrens allowing and authorizing [...]. the same afterward expresly against the Kinges declaration to the contrary.
24. The [...] also against his person at Striueling vpon the yeare 1584. and many railing speaches, [...]. sermons and bookes against him and his gouernment made in England to disgrace him, and namely the seditious preaching of Dauison and other Scottish Ministers against [...] in London, in the Church of the Old-Iury and this being in the moneth of May, it followed in Nouember after that these Ministers with their complices returning into Scotland with aide from England (though this circumstance the Author con ealeth as not making for his purpose) they gat ten thousand Rebelles togeather, and [...] their tentes before the towne of Striueling, whither the King was retired to fortify himselfe in the Castle, making proclamations Intollerable insolencies of Ministers against the King. in their owne names, and there draue at length his Maiesty to yeald his person into their handes, with the liues of his dearest friendes, and was depriued also by them of his old guard, and a [...] put vpon him. All which actes were not only defended afterward by the chiefe Ministers of that Realme, but [Page 49] the King himselfe was called in like manner Ieroboam by them, and threatned to be rooted out, as Ieroboams race was, if he continued in the course he held: and many other like [...] by them committed, which for breuityes sake I forbeare to recount in this place.
25. Now then to returne againe to our former ponderation set downe in the beginning of this Chapter, let euery sage and prudent Prince consider and weigh A vveighty consideratiō [...] Princes. with himselfe, which of these two waies which of these two people, which of these two groundes of doctrine, which of these two methodes of practice, which of these two manners of spirit in Protestant & Catholicke subiectes doe best content him, and which of them he may thinke more sure or dangerous vnto him. For if we looke ouer the ancient recordes of our countries for a thousand yeares before, while English men were Catholicke, we shall not find so much violent and barbarous dealing with their [...], as I haue heere recounted in lesse then thirty, within the compasse of one only Kingdome vnder the Protestantes.
26. And if we compare the obiections made heere against vs by T. M. in this his calumnious pamphlet (as in the sequēt Chapter more particulerly you shall see discussed) with these, and the like actions of their people; they are very trifles and streyninges in respect of these other. As for example Doleman is accused to write, that: The common-wealth hath authority to choose to themselues a King (when they haue none) and to limit him Streyned [...] against Catholickes. lawes wherby they would be gouerned. And that of Doctor Stapleton: That the people (or multitude) was not made for the Princes sake, but the Prince for the people: That Religion is is to be had in consideration, in choice or admittance [...] a King, where choice and admittance is permitted: That the Pope being head of the Catholicke Church may in some cases, and for some [Page 50] causes dispense in oathes: That he may censure Princes vpon iust causes, though not in temporall matters but indirectly only, and vpon such necessity as no other remedy can be found for [...] of the spirituall good of his subiectes: That euill [...] declyning into Tyranny may be repressed, but not by priuate men, or popular mutiny.
27. All these pointes (I say) and diuers others, which this fellow doth so greatly exaggerate and odiously amplify against vs, are so ouerrunne by them both in The comparison betvveene the disobedience of Catholicks and Protestāts. doctrine and practice, if we compare them, as they scarse admit any comparison at all, especially if we cast our eyes vpon their present practice, which representeth the liuely fruite of their doctrine: as namely, the most dangerous Rebellions of Caluinian and Trinitarian Sectaries, euen now standing on foote in Hungary Austria, and Transiluania against the Emperour: and of like men in Polonia against that mild and most iust King: and of Lutherans in Suetia, of Puritanes, Brownists, Protestantes, and the like in the Low-countries, so many yeares now continued against their true and natural Prince as before hath byn declared; which maketh another manner of impression and force of consequence, if it be well pondered, then doth the particuler temerarious fact of halfe a score of yong Centlemen put in despaire by apprehension of publique persecution, without demerit of the persecuted, or hope of remedy for the same, though this also be inexcusable; but the difference of euils, is worthy of consideration, especially with the more graue and prudent sort of people, that are not carried away with passion, or otherwise misled by sinister information.
28. And thus hauing said sufficiently in generall about the first and chiefe ground of our Ministers calumniation, concerning Rebellion and Conspiracies, wherby he would make impossible the [...], and mutuall vnion of Catholicke subiectes [Page 51] with Protestantes, we shall passe on to his second pillar of impugnation, named by him The doctrine of Equiuocation: but yet first we thinke it expedient to examine in a seuerall Chapter the particuler reasons which he hath framed for some shew of proofe to this his seditious assertion.
TEN REASONS OR RATHER CALVMNIATIONS BROVGHT BY T. M. For maintenance of his former Proposition: That Catholicke people are intolerable in a Protestant gouernment in respect of disloyalty, conspiracies and Rebellion,
Confuted and returned vpon himself and his.
ALbeit that which we haue laid forth before in the precedent Chapter, for the ouerthrow of the slanderous & iniurious imputations of our aduersary, about Rebellion and conspiracies, be sufficient (I doubt not) for satisfaction of any indifferent and dispassionate minde, that is not ouerborne with preiudice; yet haue I thought it expedient to passe somewhat [Page 53] further also, and to enter the list with him for improuing his particuler reasons, on which he would seene to found his calumniations, wherin as nothing is so absurd or false (according to the Oratours opinion) but that by speech and smooth discourse it may be made in some eares probable, at leastwise in the conceipt of him that speaketh and indeauoreth to deceaue another: so this Minister T. M. (for of that trade he is held now to be) hauing designed to himself an argumēt wherby to make Catholickes odious, and gathered togeather for that end diuers shewes or shadowes for the furniture of his forsaid found assertion, that Catholickes are not tolerable in a Protestant State, he intituleth them: Pregnant obseruations directly prouing Remish schooles to be Seminaries of Rebellion in all Protestantes gouernment: Wheras indeed they are not so much pregnant obseruations, as malignant collections and inforced inferences vpon false groundes. Neither do they at all either directly or indirectly proue that which he pretendeth, as by examination shall presently appeare, if it may please the Reader to hold an equall and indifferent eare in the meane space to the discussing of the controuersy.
2. And first of all to make vp a competent number in forme of a decalogue, he streineth himself much to bring out ten different reasons, and in deed euery man A decalogue of T. M. his reasons hardly streined may see that it is a streine, for that all might haue byn vttered in two or three at the most, if not in fewer; for that all doe concerne in effect the Catholike doctrine, about the Popes authority either in Princes or priuate mens affaires. And herehence is deduced his 1 first reason concerning the censures and punishments determined by Ecclesiasticall Canons against them that by the Church are denounced for Heretickes. The second reason toucheth the said Popes authority 2 spirituall [...] secular Princes. The third, the hinderance 3 [Page 54] of their succession by the same lawes. The fourth, the oath and obedience of their subiectes. 4 The fifth, their excommunication and deposition. 5 The sixth the practice of their death by the Popes 6 licence. The [...], the allowance and approbation 7 therof. The eight the Rebellion of Priestes 8 whensoeuer they are able. The ninth the dissoluing 9 and euacuation of oathes by the Popes authority. The last that Romish Priestes by the order of the 10 Pope must professe seditious positions ex officio, that is to say, as he is a Romish Priest. By which enumeration yow may see in deed, that the poore man was more barren then pregnant, and after his streine had partum difficilem, a hard child-birth, as may appeare by that which he hath brought forth, to wit a mouse for a mountaine, and therupon we may iustly say: parturiunt montes &c. We shall giue a short view ouer all his reasons.
The first Reason. §. 1.
‘THey who by their slanderous doctrine (saith he) doe make all Protestants by their common censure Heretickes, so odious, as vnworthy of any ciuill or naturall society, must necessarily be iudged seditious & intolerable amongst the Protestants: But the Romish Seminaries and Iesuites doe so, ergo.’ This is his reason and manner of reasoning, and in this sorte goe all the rest, ech thing with his ergo, that yow may know that the learned man hath studied Logicke, or rather sophistry to set downe all in forme of syllogisme. And to proue his propositions or premisses in Hovv T. M. proueth his assertions. this first argument he vseth two meanes, first to cite the hard speeches of certaine Catholicke writers against [Page 55] the Caluinian faith, as though it were none at all, but rather infidelity: (wherin we shall see after what great store of Protestant writers they haue also with them in that point) the other medium is a certeine odious enumeration of the penalties inflicted by Church-lawes, and Canons of old time vpon heresy and Hereticks in generall; all which T. M. will needes apply to himself and to English Protestantes at this day, to breake therby all ciuill association with vs that are Catholickes: but both the one and the other are proofes of no validity. Let vs begin with the first.
4. He citeth the wordes of Andreas Iurgiuicius Canon of Cracouia in Polonia, affirming that Protestantes doe holde no one article of the Apostles Creed to wit rightly Iurginicius. and entierly. Of M. VVright in his articles, teaching Protestantes to haue no faith, no Religion, no Christ. Of M. VVright. M. Reynoldes, entituling his booke Caluino-Turcismus. Of D. Gifford in the preface to the said booke, auouching M Reinoldes. the pretented now Ghospel of Caluin, in many things, D. Gifford to be worse and more wicked then the Turkes Alcaron. And finally of Antonius Posseuinus who wrote a booke De Atheismis [...]. Protestantium: Of the Atheismes, or pointes of doctrine leading to Atheisme, which are taught by diuers Protestants, especially by Caluin, and his followers.
5. Out of all which speeches T. M. inferreth the generall meaning of vs Catholicks to be: That all humane society with Protestantes must be vtterly dissolued, which is vtterly false and a meere mistaking. For these speeches proue only that there cà be no society [...] Catholickes and Protestants in their doctrine & beliefe, but not in life, manners & conuersation, which is the point in question: so as T. M. inferreth here quid pro quo. And if he will heare one of his owne brethren hold this position also; That there can be no vnion, society, [Page 56] or conformity betweene their & our doctrine pretended by some, No sociability in doctrine but in cō uersation there may be. let him read VVilliam Perkins epistle to S. VVilliam Bowes in the preface of his reformed or rather deformed Catholicke, where he reprehendeth the new brethren of France, and some also in England, for giuing hope of Perkins Catholick this vnion. So as in this point we agree, that no agreement can be in Religion, but in conuersatiō there may, as we haue shewed by many examples in the precedent Chapter of people of different Religion that liue togeather at this day in vnion of obedience, and quiet subiection vnder the [...], Turke, and Christian Emperour, as also vnder the great Kings of France, Polonia and other Princes. Fondly then doth T. M. inferre the incompossibility of cohabitation & conuersation out of the insociability of their doctrine and Religion.
6. Now as for the hard and harsh speeches of the Authors alleadged, though vnto many they may seeme somewhat sharpe exaggerations; yet vnto him The harde speeches against Caluinistes ansvvered. that shall consider well the matter in hand, and the accustomed phrases of ancient Fathers in like occasions, it will appeare far otherwise. For first [...] his meaning is nothing else, as appeareth by his booke, but that in all and euery article of the Creed, Caluinistes haue innouated and altered somewhat in the true sense therof, and added particuler errours of their owne, as yow shall heare afterward proued, and declared more largely out of the [...] and assertions of diuers great Lutheran Protestants, that hold Caluinists to haue peruerted all the articles of the said Creed. Of which point our learned countriman M. VVilliam Reinoldes, that had bvn diuers yeares a Protestant and Preacher of that doctrine, after long study to proue the same by many demonstrations, resolued to write a whole booke, That Caluinistes belieue no one article of the Apostles Creed; but afterwardes turned [Page 57] the same into that other worke entituled Caluino-Turcismus, CaluinoTurcismus of M. Reinoldes. which is held by strangers to be one of the most learned, that hath byn written of this kinde of controuersy in our age, and M. Sutcliffe hath made himself ridiculous by attempting to answere the same.
7. Those wordes also of M. VVright (if he vsed them) that Hereticks haue no faith, no Religion, no Christ, but are Maister VVrights speeches. meere infideles, doe conteine an ancient position of Catholicke doctrine, deliuered in schooles and Fathers writings against old Heretickes, many hundred yeares before the name of Protestantes was heard of in the world; so that this cannot be of malice properly against them. The famous doctor S. Thomas aboue three hundred yeares gone, hath this Question in his Treatise of faith: Whether he that [...] obstinatly in one point, D. Thomas 2. 2. quaest. 5. art. 3. or article of his beliefe, doth leese his whole faith in all the rest, and holdeth yea; alleadging for the same inuincible reasons. And the same Doctor in like manner proposeth another question, to wit, which of three sinnes belonging to infidelity is most grieuous, Iudaisme, Paganisme Ibidem quaest. 10. art. 6. or Heresy? & resolueth the question thus: That albeit in some respects the former two may be thought more grieuous in that they deny more points of faith; yet absolutely in regarde of the malice and Hovv heinous a sinne heresy is. obstinacy of an Hereticke, that knew once the Catholicke truth, and now wilfully impugneth the same, against the iudgement of the vniuersall visible Church, his sinne and damnation is much more grieuous; and hereupon the ancient See Tertull. li. de pudicitia. Cypr. li. 4. ep. 2. Athan. ser. 2 contr. Arrian. Aug. li. de gratia. Hier. con. lucifer. &c. Fathers doe euery where aggrauate the heynousnes of this sinne aboue all other sinnes, and in particuler, doe deny them to be Christians, but rather to be Infideles, and worse then Infideles, as now by S. Thomas hath byn said: which is most conforme to the writinges of the Apostles themselues and Apostolicke men, who detested this sinne in the highest degree, as might largely be shewed [Page 58] out of their workes, euen to the horror of the Reader, if this place did beare it. That seuere speach of S. Paul may be sufficient for all the rest, exhorting his disciple Titus to auoide an hereticall man after one or two Tit. 3. reprehensions, knowing that such a one is subuerted, and sinneth as damned by his owne iudgment. Which is neuer found written of other sortes of Infideles.
8. No man then ought to be offended with these earnest and sharpe speeches, where heresy or the presumption therof is in question, for that nothing is more dreadfull to Catholicke people then the very name and apprehension of heresy; howsoeuer in our vnfortunate daies, it be made a matter of dispute only, or table-talke by many now in England, and he that will see store of proofes and reasons laied togeather by the foresaid learned man M. Reynoldes to proue that M. Reinoldes collection about moderne heresies. the heresies of these our times, of such as call themselues Protestants, but especially the followers of Caluin, are farre more perillous and detestable then Paganisme, Iudaisme or Turcisme, let him read not only his foresaid fower bookes De Caluino-Turcismo, but two speciall large Chapters or Treatises of this very matter in his booke De iusta Reipublicae potestate &c. to wit the 4. and 5. and he will rest satisfied.
9. Nor doe Catholicke writers only make these Protestations against Caluin and his doctrine, but many of the most learnedest other Protestants of these daies, as hath byn touched. One most famous preacher and Protestant writer or rather Superintendent in Polonia called Francis Stancarus in an epistle to the King Franciscus Stancarus Minister epad Regem Poloniae. himself saith of him, and to him: Quis Diaboluste, ô Caluine, seduxit, vt contra filium Dei cum Arrio obloquaris? &c. Cauete, o vos Ministri omnes, a libris Caluini, praesertim in articulis de Trinitate, incarnatione, mediatore, Sacramento Baptismi, & praedestinatione: continent enim doctrinam impiam & blasphemias Arrianas: What deuill hath seduced thee, o [Page 59] Caluin, that thou shouldest speake iniuriously against the sonne of God with Arrius the Hereticke? &c. Beware, all yee Ministers, of Caluins bookes, especially in the articles of the Bl. Trinity, Incarnation, of the mediator, of the Sacrament of Baptisme, and of predestination: for they conteine impious doctrine, and blasphemies of Arrius.
10. Another brother and Protestant-Preacher no lesse zealous then he in Germany named Conradus Schlusselburge saith of him & his [...] that himself hath declared & proued in three large books: Hòs de nullo ferè Conradus Schlusselburgius in l. de Theologia Caluinistarū impress. Francof. 1592. Christianae doctrinae articulo rectè sentire: That they scarcely belieue aright any one article of Christian beliefe, which is the self same that the forenamed Catholicke writer Iurgiuicius obiected before, which T. M. tooke so impatiently as yow haue heard. And the same brother in one of his said bookes affirmeth: Quod Caluinistae ipsum filium Dei mendacij arguunt, Deum sua omnipotentia spoliant, sunt abiurati hostes & profligatissimi falsatores Testamenti filij Dei: That Caluinists doe charge the Sonne l. 2. art. 13. of God with a ly, doe spoile God of his omnipotency, and are foresworne enemies, and most wicked falsifiers of the Testament of the Sonne of God.
11. And another famous Doctor of the same new Ghospell and spirit, saith that this sect of Caluinists & their doctrine, Sentina quaedam est &c. is a certeine sinke [...] Schulz. lib. de 50. [...] lit. A. 6. into which all other heresies doe flow: it is the last rage of the diuell, which he in his fury doth exercise against Christ and his Church &c. And then further: Qui partes eorum sequitur &c. he that followeth their sect, is a manifest and sworne lit. Q. [...]. enemy of God, and hath denied his faith which he promised to Christ in his baptisme: So he. And consider now whether this be not as great detestation of Caluins doctrine, by principal learned Protestants, as T. M. hath picked out of Catholicks wrested wordes before recited?
12. But yow must not thinke that heere is an end [Page 60] for there would be no end, if I should prosecute all that might be said in this case: Tilmannus Heshusius a Superintendent of the Protestants in the same countrey Tilmanus Heshusius calleth Caluins doctrine: Blasphemam & Sacrilegam sectam; a blaspemous and Sacrilegious sect: and writeth a speciall booke of this title: A defence of the Holy Testament of Christ against the blasphemous confession of Caluinists. AEgidius Hunnius. fol. 181. And AEgidius Hunnius writing a booke De Caluino Iudaizante, of Caluin playing the Iew, after a long confutation saith thus: ‘ D [...]um satis super (que) iudico &c. we haue detected I suppose sufficiently, and more then sufficiently that Angell of darkenes Iohn Caluin, who comming forth of the pit of hell, hath partly by his detestable wickednes in wresting Scriptures, partly by his impious pen against the Holy Maiesty of Christ, partly Apo. 12. by his horrible and monstrous paradoxes about predestination, drawne both himself into hell, & a great number of starres, as the Apocalips speaketh.’
13. I pretermit many others, as that of Philippus Nicolaus a Protestant-Minister of Tubinga, who in the Many bookes of the learneder Protestantes against Caluinistes. yeare 1586. set forth a booke in 4. with this title: A Discouery (and this I write for our discouerer) of the fundaments of the Caluinian Sect, and how they agree with old Arrians and Nestorians: Wherby also is demonstrated that no Christian man can take part with them, but that he must defend Arrianisme and Nestorianisme: So he. But the next yeare after there came another booke forth printed in the same Vniuersity with this Ioannes Modestus. 1587. title: A demonstration out of the Holy Scriptures, that Caluinists and Sacramentaries are not Christians, but rather baptized Iewes and Mahometanes: and a little after that againe Ioannes Matthias. came forth the booke of Ioannes Matthias the great Preacher in VVittenberge: De cauendo Caluinistarum fermento, how to auoid the leauen of the Caluinists; and then Albertus Grauerus another of Albertus Grauerus of like function vpon the yeare 1598. entituled: Bellū Ioannis Caluini & Iesu Christi: [Page 61] The warre betweene Iohn Caluin and Iesus Christ; and al this written, set forth, and printed by chiefe Protestant brethren: which if the inference of T. M. be true against Catholickes, that in respect of the difference of their doctrine, and for that they holde Caluinists to haue no true faith, they may not liue togeather vnder one Prince: then must it follow also that neither these Lutherans and Caluinian Protestants can liue togeather: and the very same ensueth betweene English Protestants & Puritanes, vpon the difference of their doctrine and belief, which hath no lesse opposition in deed and detestation the one of the other in bitternes of speach, then haue the Lutherane Protestants against them both; as may easily be demonstrated out of their owne bookes, if we would stand vpon it. And this shall be sufficient for the refutation of his first medium, brought forth to proue that Catholicks and Protestants cannot liue togeather in one common wealth, for that the one side accompteth the other for Hereticks.
14. But the second medium is yet more childish, Refutatiō of his second medium. which is, that for so much as we not only doe hold Protestants to be excommunicate Hereticks, but subiect also to all the punishments & penalties set downe in the Popes Ecclesiasticall Canons, Decrees, & Constitutions for the same, which are many and grieuous, (as that Hereticks must leese their goods, cannot gather vp tythes, nor recouer debtes, nor institute heires, and other such like, and more sharpe penalties prescribed in old time by the Canon law against ancient Hereticks) herof he inferreth that we detract all humane society from Protestants, and consequently we are not tolerable in a Protestant common-wealth.
15. But we answere first, that touching the former part to wit the imputation of heresy and excommunication to the Protestant party of England, that followeth [Page 62] the Sacramentary doctrine of Caluin and Zuinglius, yow haue heard now immediately before, how that imputation is laid vpon them, not only by Catholickes, but also by the most renowned Protestant writers that haue byn since that name and profession began. And if we would alleadge much more out of the very Father of Protestancy it self Martin Luther, Luther. contr. art. Louanien. Thes. 27. we might haue store, especially where he pronoūceth this iudiciall sentence of them all: Haereticos seriò censemus & alienos ab Ecclesia Dei Zuinglianos & Sacramentarios omnes, qui negant Christi corpus & sanguinem ore carnali sumi in venerabili Sacramento. We doe vnfeynedly hold for Heretickes, and for aliens from the Church of God all Zuinglians and other Sacramentaries that doe deny Christes body and bloud to be receaued by our bodily mouth in the venerable Sacrament.
16. Behold heere both Heresy and excommunication or separation from the Church of God auerred against both Zuinglians and Caluinists, by him that was their chiefest parent and Patriarch: and in other places of his workes, the same Luther hath many more particulers to this purpose, as namely that men must fly the bookes and doctrine of Zuinglius and his followers, Non secus ac tartarei Daemonis venenum, no otherwise Luther, de Caena Dotomo 2. Ger. f. 182 & 190. then the poison of the diuell of hell. And yet further that: They are not to be held in the number of Christians, for that they teach no one article of Christian doctrine without corruption, and are seauen times worse then Papists &c. Wherby is euident that this charge of Heresy and excommunication proceedeth not against Caluinists from vs only, but much more eagerly frō their owne brethren, & consequently it is with very little discretion brought in by the Minister T. M. against vs as a singuler fault of ours, wherof we are to treat more afterward in some occasions that will be offered.
17. But now as for the penalties conteyned in the [Page 63] Canon law, against excommunicate Heretickes, as depriuation of dignities, losse of goods, infamy, imprisonment, Concerning the penalties incurred by Heresy according to the Canons. debarment from Sacraments, and from conuersation, with the like; the answere is soone made, that those externall punishments are not incurred ordinarily, but after personall denunciation and condemnation by name. For albeit the inward punishmentes that follow Heresy which are sinne and depriuation of grace, excommunication and separation from Gods true Church, and other spirituall losses theron depending, be incurred by the obstinate holding or defending of any cōdemned Heresy whatsoeuer, if the defender know the same to be condemned by the Church, as both Holy Canons doe expressly denounce, and Bulla Caenae Domini euery yeare [...] on Maundy-Thursday doth confirme: yet commonly are they not held for subiect to the other externall punishmentes (and in particuler to be auoided and their company fled) vntill by a lawfull Iudge he or they be denounced, conuicted, and condemned by name, which we ascribe not to the Protestantes of England, and therfore this charge was maliciously deuised by this Minister against vs, to make vs odious.
18. Nay we goe yet further for pacifying & milding matters betweene vs, that we doe not easily cōdemne or hold all and euery sorte of Protestantes, Puritanes, or the like sortes different at this day in our countrey from the Catholicks, for absolute Heretickes, but excusing them rather wherin we may by any charitable interpretation, doe willingly lay hands where probably The moderation of S. Augustine vvillingly admitted. we may on that wise, learned, and discreet moderation of the famous doctor S. Augustine, affirming to his friend Honoratus infected with the Manichean Heresy, that there is a great difference betweene an Hereticke, and one that belieueth Hereticks, and is deceaued by them; yow shall heare his owne wordes to [Page 64] that purpose: Si mihi (Honorate) vnum atque idem videretur Aug. lib. de vtilitate credendi ad Honoratum Manichaeum. esse Haereticus & Haereticis credens homo, tam lingua, quàm stylo in haec causa conquiescendum esse arbitrarer: nunc verò cùm inter duo plurimùm in [...]ersit &c.
19. ‘If it had seemed to me (friend Honoratus) that an Hereticke & a man belieuing Hereticks had byn al one thing, I should haue thought it better to hold my peace in this cause betweene vs, rather then to speake or write any thing therin: but now seeing there is such great difference betweene these two, I thought VVho is an Hereticke. it not good to be silent with yow, for so much as an Hereticke in my opinion is he, that for some temporall respect or commodity, but especially for vaine glory and singularity, doth inuent, or follow false and new opinions: but he which belieueth such people is a man only deluded by a false imagination of truth & piety.’ So S. Augustine. And hereby openeth to vs a dore to thinke charitably of many Protestants, whome though we hold for deceaued; yet not properly in S. Augustines meaning for Hereticks.
20. And this doctrine teacheth the same Doctor in other places against the Donatistes, saying, that if a man should beleeue the heresy of Photinus (for example) lib. 4. de bap. contra Donatistasc. 16. who denied the distinction of three persons in God, and the diuinity of Christ, and should thinke it were the true Catholicke faith: Istum nondum [...] dico (saith S. Augustine) nisi manifestata sibi doctrina Catholicae fidei resistere maluerit, & illud quod tenebat elegerit. I doe not Euery one that belieueth heresy is not properly an Hereticke. thinke this man as yet to be an Hereticke, except when the doctrine of the Catholicke faith (to wit that which is held generally by all or the most Churches ouer Christendome) being made cleere and manifest vnto him, he shall resolue to resist the same, and shall make choice of that which before he Choice or election make Heresy. held: so as now this choice or election with obstinate resolution to hold and defend the same against the publicke [Page 65] authority of the Church, maketh that to be properly heresy, which before was but error; which error though it might be in it self damnable; yet nothing so much as when it passeth into the nature of heresy; both which pointes are seene by that which the said Holy Father hath in another place, to wit in his booke De haeresibus ad Quod-vult-Deum, where hauing recounted eighty and eight Heresies, that had passed before his time vnto the Pelagians, that were the last, he concludeth thus: There may be yet other Heresies besides these that I haue in this our worke recounted, or there may rise vp other herafter, whereof whosoeuer shall holde any one, he shall not be a Christian Catholicke. He doth not say he shall be an Hereticke properly, but no Christian Catholicke, which though it be sufficient to damnation, if ignorance excuse him not; yet nothing so great as if he were an hereticke, for that as before we haue shewed out of S. Thomas, the damnation of Iewes and Gentiles is much more tolerable then that of Heretickes.
21. And all these limitations and charitable moderations we doe willingly vse to calme and mitigate matters, and to temper that intemperate breaking humour of this make-bate Minister T. M. and his companions that would put all in combustion and desperate conuulsion. And so much of this first reason, the rest we shall passe ouer with greater breuity.
To his second and third Reasons. §. 2.
HIs second reason why his Maiesties Catholicke and Protestant subiects may not liue togeather in England is, For that all Popish Priestes (faith he) doe attribute a double prerogatiue ouer Kings, that is to say, a Democraticall [Page 66] and Monarchicall Soueraigne ciuill power, the first to the people, the second to the Pope: And for proofe of the first, concerning the people, he alleadgeth fower seuerall authorities of Catholicke writers, but so corruptly and perfidiously, as if nothing else did shew his talent of cogging and treacherous dealing, this were sufficient to discouer the same, though afterwardes greater store will occurre: we shall runne ouer briefly all these fower.
23. First he saith that Doleman in his Conference about succession hath these wordes: The Common-wealth Dol. par. 1 pag. 13. cyted in Discouery pag. 9. hath authority to chuse a King, and to limit him lawes at their pleasure: Which if it were truly alleadged as it lieth in the Author, yet heere is no mention of the people, or of Democraticall state, but only of the Common-wealth, which includeth both nobility and people, and all other states. Secondly Dolemans wordes are not of chusing a King, but of chusing a forme of gouernement be it Democraticall, Aristocraticall or Monarchicall. Let vs heare the Author himself speake: ‘In like manner (saith he) it is euident, that as the Common-wealth hath this authority to chuse and change her gouernement (as hath byn proued:) so hath it also to limit the same with what lawes and conditions shee pleaseth, wherof ensueth great diuersity of authority and power, which ech one of the former gouernments hath Dolemās text abused in vvordes & sense. in it self.’ So he. Where we see that Doleman speaketh of the power which a Common-wealth hath, that is deuoid of any certeine gouernement, to chuse vnto themselues that forme that best liketh them, with the limitations they thinke most expedient: and so we see in England, France, Polonia, Germany, Venice, Genua, and in the Empire it self different formes and manners of gouernement, with different lawes and limitations, according to the choice and liking of ech nation. This place then of Doleman is corrupted by T. M. both in [Page 67] wordes and sense, for he neither speaketh nor meaneth as the false Minister auoucheth him, of giuing Democraticall power to the people ouer Princes established.
24. There followeth the second place taken out of D. Bouchier p. 36. cyted in Disc. pa. 8. the French Iesuite, as he calleth him: De iusta abdicatione &c. though it be well knowne that D. Bouchier Author of that booke yet liuing in Flanders, and Canon of Tourney was neuer Iesuite in his life; but all must be ascribed to Iesuits, that may seeme odious: This French Iesuite (saith he) sheweth a reason of Dolemans speach, saying: For Maiesty is rather seated in the Kingdome, then in the King. But I would aske the poore man, why he doth alleadge this place? or of what weight it is, or His cauillation against D. Bouchier. may be for his purpose? for so much as D. Bouchier in these wordes denieth not Maiesty to be in the King, but to be more in the Kingdome; for that the Kingdome giueth Maiesty vnto the King when it chuseth him, and not the King properly vnto the Kingdome. And is not this a great obiection? or doth this proue that we ascribe Democraticall soueraignity ouer Kings vnto the people? One of his owne Ghospell-brethren speaketh more roundly and roughly to the matter when he writeth: Populo ius est vt imperium cui velit deferat: Buchan. l. de iure regni. p. 13 The people hath right to bestowe the crowne vpon whome they list: if we had said so, what aduantage would T. M. haue sought thereat?
25. His third place is out of D. Stapleton, in his booke called Dydimus, where he saith: That the people are Stapleton in Dydimo pa. 261 cyted in Disc. pa. 8. not ordeyned for the Prince, but the Prince for the people. His wordes in Latin are: Non populi in Principum gratiam facti, sed Principes in populi commodum creati sunt. Multitudes of people are not made (by God) for Princes sakes, but Princes are created for the commodity Peeuish vvrāgling against D. Stapletō. or good of the people: and what is there in this sentence iustly to be reprehended? Is not this euident [Page 68] by diuine and humane lawe, and by the very light of nature it self, that Princes were first ordeined by God, for the good of multitudes, and not multitudes for the vtility of Princes? Will T. M. deny this? or is not this far more modest and temperate then that of his owne brethren before mentioned, whose wordes are: Populus Rege est praestantior & melior; the people are better Buchanan li. de iure regnip. 61 & more excellēt then the King? what wilfull wrangling is this in a turbulent Minister?
26. His fourth and last place is out of M. VVilliam Reinoldes in his booke De iusta Reip. auctoritate &c. whome Reginaldus de iusta Reip. auctoritate &c. c. 1. cited in Disc. pa. 8. he abuseth egregiously, both in ascribing to him that which is not his, and in deliuering the same corruptedly, and by a little yow may learne much, ex vngue leonem. His wordes he citeth thus: Rex humana creaturae est, quia ab hominibus constituta: and Englisheth in this manner: A King is but a creature of mans creation. where yow see first that in the translation he addeth but, and mans creation of himself, for that the Latin hath no such but, nor creation, but constitution. Secondly these wordes are not the wordes of M. Reinoldes, but only cited by him out of S. Peter; and thirdly they are alleadged here 1. Pet. 2. by T. M. to a quite contrary sense from the whole discourse and meaning of the Author, which was to exalte and magnify the authority of Princes, as descending from God, and not to debase the same, as he is calumniated. For proofe herof whosoeuer will looke vpon the booke and place it self before mentioned, shal find that M. Reinolds purpose therin is to proue, that albeit earthly principality, power and authority M. Reinol des discourse. be called by the Apostle humana creatura: yet that it is originally from God, & by his commandement to be obeyed. His wordes are these: ‘ Hinc enim est &c. hence is it, that albeit the Apostle doe call all earthly principality a humaine creature, for that it is placed in certaine men (from the beginning) by suffrages of the people; [Page 69] yet election of Princes doth flow from the law of nature, which God created; and from the vse of reason which God powred into man, and which is a little beame of diuine light drawne from that infinite brightnes of almighty God; therefore doth the Apostle S. Paul pronounce that There is no power but from God, and that he which resisteth this power, resisteth God himselfe.’ So M. Reinoldes.
27. And now let the indifferent Reader iudge whether M. Reinolds abu sed by T. M. M. Reinoldes hath byn calumniated in this allegation or no, & whether this Minister is led by any rule of conscience, and whether these be such pregnant arguments and proofes against vs as he promised at the first entrance of his booke. And for the matter in hand, he promised to proue, as yow haue heard, that we ascribed popular and Democraticall power to the people ouer Kings, which how well he hath performed by these places alleadged yow haue seene.
28. Finally to stand no longer vpon this, whether we or they, Catholicks or Protestantes doe attribute more to popular licence, against Princes (when they giue not contentment) may aboundantly be seene in that we haue set downe before, and will ensue afterward, both of their doctrine and practises in like occasions. And so much of this first charge: now will we passe to the second.
29. The second is, that we ascribe [...] The secōd charge ansv vered about the Popes authority. power and souer aignty ouer Kings vnto the Pope: wherin first what he saith of ciuill souer aignty is a meere fiction and calumniation of his owne, if it be out of the Popes owne temporall Dominions. For we ascribe no such vnto him ouer other Princes or their subiects, but that authority or soueraignty only which Catholicke doctrine ascribeth to the Bishop of Rome as Successor to S. Peter Prince of the Apostles, & spirituall head of the vniuersall visible Church of Christ, which is [Page 70] only spirituall, & for spirituall ends, to wit, for the direction and saluation of soules. And if at any time he be forced to passe further then this, and by a certeine consequence to deale in some temporall affaires also; it must be only indirectly in defence or conseruation of the said spirituall, that is to say, when the said spirituall power apperteining to soules cannot other wise be defended or conserued, as more largely hath byn treated before.
30. This then is the summe and substance of Catholicke doctrine, about this point of the Popes authority, which from the beginning of Christianity hath byn acknowledged in Gods Church, and in no place more then in England, where it hath byn both held & practised from the very first Christened King of our The ansvver to S. Edvvard Cooke. nation Ethelbert vnto K. Henry the 8. for the space of almost a thousand yeares, without interruption, as largely and aboundantly hath byn shewed and laied forth to the view of all men in a late booke written in answere to S. Edward Cookes fifth part of Reportes; and this with great honor & prosperity of the Princes therof, and vnion of their people vnder their gouernment, and without such odious or turbulent inferences, as now are made therevpon by vnquiet spirittes, that would set at warre euen mens imaginations in the ayer, therby to mainteine disunion, discorde, and diffidence betweene Princes, and namely betweene our present noble Soueraigne and his Catholicke subiects.
31. And first of all let vs heare this turbulent T. M. how vpon the enuy of this authority he frameth and foundeth all his ensuing reasons. VVe demaunde (saith he) how farre these pretended powers (of people & Pope) T. M. putteth his fictions for our positions. may extende, and heervpon we argue. To which I answere, that in imagination they may extend so farre as any fantasticall braine shall list to draw them; but in the [Page 71] true meaning of Catholicke reall doctrine, they can extend no further then hath byn declared. And as for the popular power of people ouer Princes, we haue now refuted the calumniation, & shewed that it is a mere fiction of his owne, and no position of ours; and that his Protestant doctrine doth ascribe much more licence to popular tumult, then the Catholicke without comparison: and for that of the Pope, I haue declared how it is to be vnderstood to be of his owne nature in spirituall affaires only, without preiudice of ciuill Princely gouernement at all, and so the practice of the worlde and experience of so many Princes, great States and Monarches liuing quietly & securely vnder the same authority, both in former times and ours most euidently doth proue and confirme.
32. But yet let vs see and consider how falsely and calumniously this Make-bate doth herevpon argue in his third reason, inferring for his assumption or minor proposition thus: But all Popish Priestes vpon this pretended Supremacy and prerogatiue of Pope and people, doe vtterly abolish the title of succession in all Protestant Princes: Ergo. Wherin to shew him a notable liar, it shall be sufficient to name all the Protestant Princes, that haue had title of successiō in our coūtrey (for therof he speaketh principally) Calumniation [...] cōuinced. since the name of Protestant hath byn heard of in the world, being three in number, to wit K. Edward the sixt, Q. Elizabeth, and K. Iames that now raigneth, all which were admitted peaceably to their Crownes, as well by Priestes as Catholicke people, who notwithstanding in some of their admissions wanted not meanes to haue wrought disturbances as the world knoweth: so as if one instance only doth truly ouerthrow any general proposition; how much more doth this triple instance not able to be denied, ouerthrow and cast to the ground this vniuersal false assertion of T. M. which auerreth: That all Popish Priests [Page 72] [...] vtterly abolish the Succession of all Protestant Princes. Will he not be ashamed to see himself cōuinced ofso great and shameles ouerlashing?
33. And on the other side, one only Catholicke Princesse being to succeed in this time, to wit Q. Mary, we know what resistance the Protestants made both by bookes, sermons, Treatises and open armes; and Catholick Princes successiōs resisted by Protestāts. how many Rebellions, conspiracies, robberies, priuy slaughters, and other impediments were designed and practised afterward, during the few yeares she raigned: we know also what was executed against the gouernment and liues of the two noble Catholicke Queenes her neerest neighbours, & one of them most straitly conioyned in bloud that raigned at that time in Scotland, to omit others before mētioned, that were debarred from their lawfull succession, or excluded from their rightfull possession for their Religion in Sweueland, Flanders, & other places as cannot be denied.
34. Wherfore it is more then extraordinary impudency in T. M. to charge vs with that which is either peculier or more eminent in themselues, and false in vs: and what or how farre this fellow may be trusted in these his assertions, may be gathered by the last sentence Calumn̄ia tiō against Doleman. of all his discourse in this matter, where he hath these wordes: F. Persons (in his Doleman) doth pronounce sentence, that whosoeuer shall consent to the succession of a Protestant Prince is a most grieuous and damnable [...]. And is it so in deed Syr [...]? and will yow stand to it, and leese your credit if this be falsely or calumniously alleadged? then if yow please let vs heare the Authors owne wordes.
35. ‘And now (saith he) to apply all this to our purpose Doleman part 1. pag. 216. for England, and for the matter we haue in hand, I affirme and hold, that for any man to giue his helpe, consent, or assistance towardes the making of a King, whome he iudgeth or belieueth to be faulty in Religion, [Page 73] and consequently would aduance no Religion, or the wrong, if he were in authority, is a most grieuous & damnable sinne to him that doth it, of what side soeuer the truth be, or how good or bad soeuer the party be, that is preferred.’ So he. And his reason is, for that he should sinne against his owne conscience in furthering such aKing. And is there heere any word peculiar of a Protestant Prince, or of his succession? T. M. [...] bad dealing. nay doth not the text speake plainly of making a King where none is? doth it not speake also indifferently of all sortes of Religion, of what side soeuer the truth be? How then can this malicious cauilling Minister expect to be trusted hereafter, or how may any man thinke that he speaketh or writeth out of conscience, seing him to vse such grosse shiftes and falshoodes in so manifest and important a matter? It is no marueyle that he set not his name at large to his booke, as not desirous to haue the dew praise of such desert.
To the rest of his reasons. §. 3.
BVt let vs passe a little further in these his deuises, for much I may not, both in regarde of the breuity which I haue designedvnto my self, & for the loathsomnes I take of such vncharitable railings, as in steed of reasons he casteth forth, with no greater authority, then of his owne assertion, or rather calumniation.
37. As for example in his fourth reason he subsumeth in his minor proposition thus: But all Popish Priests [...] dissolue the oath of obedience to all Protestant Gouernours. And in the fifth: But all Popish Priestes defend violent deposing of Kinges and Emperours. And in the sixt: But all Popish [Page 74] Priestes are guylty of intending, designing, or practising murther A rabblement of false illations. of Princes. And in the seauenth: But all Popish Priestes doe iustify the actes of treason and [...] parricides. And yet further in the eight: But all Popish Priestes professe Rebellion, as soone as they can presume of their strength In the ninth likewise: But all Popish Priestes are guylty of [...], for denying or violating with men of diuerse Religion. And lastly in histenth: But all Romish Priestes ex officio, that is to say, as they are Priestes, must and doe professe such seditious [...], as thereby they are desperate traitors. [...].
38. And is it possible for any tongue (though borrowed from hell it self, and embrewed with neuer so virulent or serpentine prison) to vtter more precipitate malice then this? His propositions yow see are generall in all these assertions, to wit, that al Catholicke Priestes are guilty in all these accusations, and the nature as yow know of a generall proposition is such, as if any one instance may be giuen to the contrary, it ouerthroweth the whole. And is it probable (thinke Iniurious dealing of T. M. yow) that no one Priest may be found in England or elswhere, deuoide of all these heynons accusations, or of any one of them? Surely I am of opinion, that there will hardly be found any man so passionate on his owneside, which in this case will not condemne him of passion, precipitation, and conscienceles calumniation. And we on the other side may well vrge to the contrary that no one Priest hath truely hitherto byn conuinced to haue treated or conspired, or giuen consent to the Princes death in all the long raigne of the Queene past, no not Ballard himself who only can be named to haue byn condemned for this pretence, though in deed his crime was, as of all the 14. Gentlemen that died with him, rather to haue deliuered Queene Mary out of prison, then to depriue Q. Elizabeth of her life: and so they protested at their deathes.
39. But leauing this let vs come to examine some [Page 75] of the pointes themselues, that are obiected: they are all (if yow consider them well) but little buddes and branches deduced from one, and the selfe same roote of the Popes authority, and consequently but minced-meates made out in different seruices, by the cunning cookery of T. M. to feede the phantasies of such as hunger after variety of calumniations against the Catholicke doctrine. For what The [...] authority strained to many brā ches of [...]. great difference is there (for example sake) betweene that which is treated in the fourth reason of sreeing subiectes from their obedience to Princes, & the other of the fifth about Deposing Princes, or that of the sixt and seauenth of designing their deathes, and of iustifying treasons against the same: And so in the ninth of oathes euacuated, which was handled before vnder other tearmes in the fourth reason, wherby appeareth, that this mans purpose was (as before I haue noted) to straine matters to the vttermost, and to set out as many shewes of inconueniences, dangers and damages to ensue by our doctrine of Papall authority, as either his wit could deuise, or his malice vtter.
40. And yet the seely fellow did not consider one instance vnanswerable, that might be giuen to all these his inuentions, which is the experience of so many ages, both in England, & other Kingdoms round about vs, wherin the Kings and Princes haue raigned prosperously (and doe at this day) notwithstanding this doctrine, and vse of the Popes power; & this not only Catholicke Princes, but diuers Protestant Potentates in like manner, for any thing that Popes haue done, or attempted against them. For what hath any Many [...] Princes neuer molested by the Pope. Pope done against the Protestant Kings of Denmarke in this our age? what against those of Sweueland either Father or Sonne, though the later doth offer open iniury to a Catholicke King the true inheritor? what against the Dukes of Saxony, the Count Palatines and [Page 76] Protestant Princes of the Empire, notwithstanding the said Electors whole authority in that action was giuen them by the Sea Apostolicke, and consequently doth depend therof? what against diuers other particular Princes both of the Empire and otherwise, who haue in this our age departed from the obedience of that Sea? how many hath it molested, censured, deposed, or troubled for the same?
41. And that which is most of all to our purpose at this time, what manner of proceeding hath the same Kinde offices of the sea Apostolick tovvardes his Maiesty of great Britanny. Sea Apostolicke vsed towardes the Kingdome of Scotland, and his Maiesty (that now ruleth also the scepter of England) for the space of 36. yeares, wherin he raigned from an infant, after the iniust deposition of his mother by her Protestant subiects? did the Sea of Rome or any Bishop therof euer goe about to hurt or preiudice him? Or is it not well knowne that diuers Popes did endeauour to doe good and friendly actions for the preseruation of his safty, when it was many times put in ieopardy by the Protestant party? And among See Thynnes addition to Holinshed pag. 446. & the booke of dangerous positions p. 26 other I can well remember that about the yeare 1585. when his Maiesty was besieged by them in his towne and castle of Striueling, and driuen to yeeld vnto them both his owne royall person, and amongst other articles this, as the Protestant History it self doth recount it, was one; That his Maiesties olde guarde was to be remoued and another placed by them: the Pope then Pope Gregor. 13. liuing, hearing therof by his Maiesties Embassador in France the Archbishop of Glasco, and others, he was so moued with compassion, as he offered an honorable contribution towards the preseruation of his Maiesties person in that case, and especially for maintenance of a trusty guard about the same: the like good will in other lesse occasions haue other Popes shewed in like manner. So as all is not fire and sworde, excommunication, and anathematization, prodition, [Page 77] deposition, conspiracy, murther, absoluing of subiects, relaxation of oathes, and other such hostile actions, as our seditious aduersary heere laieth togeather to make the Popes office and authority more odious.
42. Only two publicke examples to my remembrance can be alleadged of any Protestant Princes excommunicated, censured, or molested by the Sea Apostolicke since Luther began his breach (which are now almost an hundred yeares) notwithstāding there haue Tvvo Protestant Princes only censured by the Sea Apostolicke in our age. byn so many of them, and so exorbitant things committed by them against Catholicke Religion, and the said Sea Apostolicke as is notorious to all men. And these two vpon speciall causes and inducements, to wit, Q. Elizabeth of England, and King Henry then of Nauarre, and now also of France (for of King Henry of Enggland I make no mention, for that his cause was not Q. Elizabeth. Religion at that time:) the first of the two, in regarde of the publicke violent change of Religion, which shee made in her Realme, with the deposition, depriuation, imprisonment or exile of all Catholicke Bishops, Prelates, Clergy, and others that would not yeeld their consent thereunto, and this (as is alleadged) contrary to her publicke promise and oath at her Coronation.
43. The second for feare least he comming to the Crowne of France in that disposition wherein then he K. of Nauarre. was presumed to be, should attempt the like change in that great Kingdome: And to both these actes were the Popes of those times drawen and incited either secretly or openly by some of the chief Nobility of both Realmes, whome most it concerned. And albeit the former hath not had that successe which was hoped, The happy successe in the K. of France. and perhaps suggested; yet the finall euent of the second hath byn more prosperous, then at that time could be expected, no King lightly in Christendome hauing made more reall demonstratiōs of loue, vnion, [Page 78] and reuerence to the Sea of Rome then his most Christian Maiesty, nor receaued greater enterchange of graces, and fauours from the same Sea, and this in matters of most importance for the setling and establishment of his Imperiall Crowne and royall race.
44. Wherfore al this bitter barking of this Minister T. M. about excommunicating, depriuing, deposing, and murthering Princes, as also about absoluing of subiectes from their oathes and the like, ceaseth (as yow see) by a little good correspondence betweene the said Princes and their generall Pastor. And when matters passe at the worst, and are in most exasperation betweene them: yet is it not the tenth part of perill Protestant people more pe rilous thē Popes. which Protestant doctrine and practice draweth them into, vpon any generall disgust against their gouernments. For if in lue of these two Protestant Princes censured by the Sea Apostolicke, we should recount all the Catholicke Princes that haue byn vexed, molested, iniured, or depriued of their States, or violated in their persons, or brought to confusion in our Northerne parts of the world in this time, to wit, in Sauoy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Bemeland, Austria, Poland, Sweueland, Denmark, Flanders, England and Scotland, and some other places wherof we haue treated more largely in the precedent Chapter; there would be no comparison at all.
Of false dealing and sleights of T. M. §. 4.
ANd yet further yow must vnderstand that this malicious calumniator proposing vnto himself for his end to make vs hatefull, doth not only encrease, multiply, and exaggerate matters against vs by all art [Page 79] of sycophancy, as making some things to seeme odious, that of themselues are true and laudable; and exaggerating others to a farre higher degree, then wherin they were spoken, or are to be vnderstood, inferring also generall propositions vpon some shewes of particuler proofes: but besides all this, he passeth also further, & obiecteth often times against vs the very Examples of bad dealing in T.M. same things that his owne Authours doe hold (wherof before we haue laid downe some examples, and shall doe more hereafter) yea shameth not manifestly to falsify and ly also; as when he auoucheth with great resolution, that the late K. Henry of France Disc. p. 31. was censured by Pope Xixtus. v. for this only crime, for that himselfe being a Papist, yet fauoured the Protestantes, and especially the Prince of Nauarre: Wheras it is knowne that besides this, he had murthered most miserably two principall peeres & Princes of his Crowne, the Duke, and Cardinall of Guise, neerest in bloud to his Maiesty of England, and therby broken his solemne oath made but a little before in presence of many, when he receaued the Bl. Sacrament to the contrary. And how then was his only crime to haue fauoured the Protestants, as this Minister auerreth?
46. And againe in the same place or precedent page he hath these wordes: Pope Adrian being guilty of like seditious Naucl. p. [...] gener. 39. practice against the Emperour Henry the second, was choked with a fly. And in his quotation citeth Nauclerus for it, Generatione 139. which should be 39. for that Nauclerus hath nothing neere so many Generations in that Our English Pope Adrian egregiously abused by T.M. Part, and in steed of Henry the second, he should haue said Frederick the first of that name, for that Henry the second was before the time of our Conquest, and almost two hundred yeares before Adrian the fourth our English Pope, of whome we now speake who liued in the time of King Stephen and King Henry the second of England, and was a Holy man, and accompted the Apostle [Page 80] of Noruegia for conuerting the same to our Christian faith, before he was Pope, and all Authors doe write honorably of him, & so doth Nauclerus affirme: and therefore though he make mention of such a fable related by Vrspergensis that was a Schismatical writer in those dayes (who also doth not absolutely auouch it, but with this temperament vt fertur, as the reporte goeth) yet doth the said Nauclerus reiect the same as false, and confuteth it by the testimonies of al other writers, especially of Italy, that liued with him, and therby knew best both his life and death. And yet all this notwithstanding will this false ladde T. M. needes set downe this History as true, affirming it for such, and neuer so much as giuing his Reader to vnderstand, that any other denied the same, or that the only Author himself of this fiction doubted therof. And is not this perfidious dealing? or can any man excuse him from falshood and malice in this open treachery?
47. Another like tricke he plaieth some few pages before this againe, citing out of Doctor Bouchiers booke, De iusta abdicatione these wordes: [...] occidere honestum Disc. p. 23. est, quod cuiuis impunè facere permittitur, quod ex communi consensu dico: And then he Englisheth the same thus: Any man may lawfully murder a Tyrant, which I defend A notable corruptiō about Doctor [...]. (saith he) by common consent. But he that shall read the place in the Author himself, shall find, that he holdeth the very contrary, to wit, that a priuate man may not kill a Tyrant, that is not first iudged and declared to be a publicke enemy by the common-wealth; and he proueth the same at large, first out of Scriptures, & by the decree of the General Councell of Constance, his wordes be these: Neque verò eo iure quod ad Regnum habet, nisi per publicum iudicium, spoliari potest &c. ‘Neither can a Tyrant be depriued of that right, which he hath to a Kingdome, but only by publicke iudgment; yea [Page 81] further also so long as that right of Kingdome remaineth, his person must be held for sacred, wherof ensueth, that no right remaineth to any priuate man against his life: & albeit any priuate man should bring forth neuer so many priuate iniuries done by the said Tyrāt against him; as that he had whipped him with yron rods, oppressed him, afflicted him, yet in this case must he haue patience, according to the admonition of S. Peter: That we must be obedient not only vnto good and 1. Pet. 2. modest Lordes, but also vnto those that be disorderly, and that this is grace, when a man for Godes cause doth sustaine and beare with patience iniuries vniustly done vnto him &c.’
48. And in this sense (saith he) is the decree of the Consil. Constan. Sess. 15. Councell of Constance to be vnderstood, when they say: Errorem in fide esse &c. It is errour in faith to hold (as Iohn VVickcliffe did) that euery Tyrant may be slaine meritoriously Catholick moderation tovvardes censuring of Princes. by any Vassall or subiect of his, by free or secret treasons &c. Thus writeth that author, holding as yow see, that no Tyrant whatsoeuer, though he be neuer so great a Tyrant, may be touched by any priuate man, for any priuate iniuries, though neuer so great, nor yet for publicke, though neuer so manifest, except he be first publickly cōdemned by the common-wealth; which is another manner of moderation, and security for Princes, then the Protestant doctrine before rehearsed: and namely that of Knox, vttered in the name of Knox [...] hist. p. 372. the whole Protestant Congregation both of Scotland and Geneua: If Princes be Tyrantes against God and his truth, his subiectes are freed from their oathes of obedience. So he. And who shall be Iudge of this? The people, for that the people (saith he) are bound by oath to God to reuenge the iniury Knox appel. fol. 33. done against his Maiesty. Let Princes thinke well of this, and let the Reader consider the malicious falshood of this Minister T. M. who in alleadging that little sentence before mentioned, about killing of a Tyrant, stroke out the wordes of most importance: [Page 82] quem hostem Reipublicae iudicauerit; whome the commonwealth hath iudged for a publicke enemy; and adding that other clause, which I say by common consent, which is not there to be found: And with such people we are forced to deale, that haue no conscience at all in cosenage, and yet they cry out of Equiuocation against vs, where it is lawfull to be vsed; making no scruple at all themselues to ly, which in our doctrine is alwaies vnlawfull for any cause whatsoeuer.
49. But will yow heare a case or two more out of the Canon law, how dexterous Syr Thomas is in corrupting Disc pa. 4. that which he loueth not, nor seemeth well to vnderstand? yow may read in the fourth page of this his pamphlet an ancient decree (for so he calleth Another cosenage about a text of Gratian. it) alledged by him out of Gratian in the glosse, determining that though a man haue sworne to pay money to one that is excommunicated, yet is he not bound to pay the same, and he alledgeth the Latin text thus: Si iuraui me soluturum alicui pecuniam qui excommunicatur, Apud Gra. causa 15. q. 6. cap. 4. gloss. non teneor ei soluere: If I haue sworne to pay money to any man that is excommunicated, I am not bound to pay it, adding this reason: Quia [...] possumus, debemus vexare malos vt cessent a malo; We ought to vex euill men by what meanes foeuer we may, to the end they may cease from doing euill. In the allegation of which little text, a man would hardly belieue how many false trickes there be, to make Catholicke doctrine to seeme odious and absurd. For first these wordes not being found in any text of law or decision of any Pope or Councell, but only in the glosse or commentary, they make not any ancient or moderne decree, as the Minister falsly auoucheth, but rather shew the opinion of him, who writeth the commentary, if his wordes were as heere they are alledged.
50. But the truth is, that the wordes of the glosse [Page 83] conteine only a certain obiection vpon a clause of a Canon, concerning promise to be obserued to one that is excommunicated after the promise was made; A doubt proposed & solued. & the obiection or doubt is made in these wordes by the Authour of the glosse or Commentary: Sed quid dices, si iuraui &c. ‘But what will you say, if I haue sworne to pay money to any person, or haue promised the same vnder some forfeiture, and in the meane space, he to whome I made the promise is excommunicated, am I bound to pay the same or not?’ This is the question, and then he argueth on both sides: and first for the negatiue, videtur quod non, it seemeth I am not, for that the Canon law saith Causa. 23. q. 6. That we ought to afflicct wicked men by all meanes possible, to the end they ceasse from their wickednes. So he, alledging diuers other argumentes for the same opinion; but yet afterwardes comming to giue his owne resolution, he saith thus: Verius credo, quòd licèt ille non habeat ius petendi, tamen debet ei solui. ‘I doe belieue the truer opiniō to be, that albeit he that is so excommunicated doe leese his right to demaund his money, yet is the other bound to pay him.’ And for this he citeth diuers lawes and reasons therin mentioned, as namely, Extrau. de Iu. debitoris, & extr. de sent. excommunicationis, Si verè, & 11. q. 3. Cum excommunicato.
51. So as heere our Minister not of ignorance but See of this History of the Disputation before the King of France annexed to the confut. of the first 6. moneths of Foxes Calendar. of falshood taketh the obiection for the resolution, as Plessy Mornay did in his booke against the masse, where he would proue that Scotus, Durand and other schoole-deuines did doubt of the reall presence and transubstantiation, for that hauing proposed the question, they began to argue for the negatiue part, saying, videtur quod non, though afterwardes they resolued the contrary, & solued the argument. And the very like doth our Minister heere, calling this obiection of videtur quod non, not only a resolution but an ancient Decree. Secondly [Page 84] there is wilfull deceipt in leauing out the first wordes of the Author, Sed quid dices, si iuraui? But what wil yow say, if I haue sworne? which doe plainly shew that it is but an obiection. Thirdly that he alledgeth the reason of the obiection Quia qualitercumque possumus &c. for the reason of the resolutiō, which is false: for that the resolution is made against that reason. Fourthly the true resolution of the Commentor is vtterly concealed, and a contrary determination by him impugned set downe, and this not as a priuate opinion, but as an ancient decree of the law & Canon it self. Consider I pray yow how many fraudes and falshoodes there be in one little quotation, and what a volume I should be inforced to make, if I would examine exactly such a multitude of citations as he quoteth against vs, but yet one or two more shall I produce in the same kinde and matter.
52. In the sixt page of his discouery he hath this grieuous accusation out of the Canon law against vs: Haeretici Another fraudulēt case out of the Canon lavv. filij vel consanguinei non dicuntur, sed [...] legem sit manus tua super eos, vt fundas sanguinem ipsorum, and then he quoteth thus: Apud Grat. gloss. in Decret. li. 5. ex Decret. Gregor. 9. caus. 23. q. 8. cap. Legi. Which distracted kind of quotation, seperating the first and last wordes, that should haue gone togeather, seeme to import that he scarce read the bookes themselues, but cited the same out of some other mans notes; but that fault were easily pardoned if he vsed no greater fraude in the thing it self. For first he Englisheth the wordes thus: Heretickes may not be termed either children or kindred, but according to the old law thy hand must be against them to spil their bloud: And then in the margent he setteth downe this speciall printed note: The professed bloudy massacre against the Protestantes, without distinction of sex or kinred. And what can be more odiously vrged thē this? Now then let vs see how many false trickes and shiftes, fit for a [Page 85] Protestant-Minister, doely lurking in this short citation.
53. First of all is to be considered, that this glosse or Commentary of the Canon law, which heere is both vntruly cited and maliciously applied, is vpon a Canon beginning Si quis, which Canon is taken out of Decret. [...]. [...]. de Haer. tit. 7. c. [...]. the third Councell of Carthage, wherin the famous Doctour and Holy Father S. Augustine was present, as a cheife Bishop, that had voice in that Councell, and the decree of the Canon is; that if any Bishop should institute Heretickes or pagans for his heires, whether they were consanguinei or extranei, kinsmen or externes, ei Anathema dicatur, atque eius nomen inter Dei sacerdotes nullo modo recitetur: Let him be accursed, & let not his name be remembred any way among the Priestes of God.
54. This is the seuerity of that Canon, for ground wherof another precedent Canon setteth downe out of the same S. Augustine: Quod Haereticus perseuer ans aeternaliter Theseuere sentence of S. Augustine against Hereticks. August. l. de [...] Cath. damnatur &c. That an Heretick perseuering in his Heresy is damned eternally, neither can he recieue any profit by baptisme, almes, martyrdome, nor any other good workes. So hath the title of the Canon, but the wordes of S. Augustine are these: Firmissimè tene, & nullatenùs dubites &c. ‘Hold for most certaine and no wayes doubt, but that euery Hereticke or Schismaticke shall be partaker of hel fier euerlastingly, togeather with the diuell and his angelles, except before the end of his life he be restored and incorporated againe into the Catholicke Church; neither shall baptisme or almes neuer so aboundantly bestowed, no nor death it self suffred for the name of Christ, profit him any thing to saluation.’ So S. Augustine.
55. Vpon this ground then that Heretickes out of the Church, & so censured as heere yow haue heard, though they be neuer so neere of kin, may not be made heires, especially by Church-men; the glosse [Page 86] yeelding a reason therof, hath these wordes: Quia isti Haeretici iam non dicuntur filij vel consanguinei, vnde dicitur in lege: si frater tuus, & amicus tuus, & vxor tua aeprauare voluerit veritatem, sit manus tua super illos: For that these Heretickes are not now called childrē or kinsfolke, therfore, as such, they cannot be made Inheritours by Ecclesiasticall men; wherupon it is said in the law (of Deuteronomie) if thy brother and friend or wife will goe about Deut. 13. to depraue the truth, let thy hand be vpon them. And presently he citeth to the same effect, the authority of S Hierome, out of another Canon, in another place of the law, as presently we shall see.
56. So as first heere we may behold that T. M. hath not put downe this his quoted glosse as it is found in the true glosse it self, but left out both the beginning: [...] isti Haeretici &c. which imported somewhat to the vnderstanding of his meaning; as also he left out the reason alledged by the glosse out of Gods owne wordes in Deuteronomy, to wit, the wilfull corrupting of his truth. And thirdly he added these wordes: Vt fundas sanguinem ipsorum, which heere (as yow see) the Hier. contr. vigilant. eit. a [...] caus. 23. q. [...]. c. legi. glosse hath not, but they are cited out of S. Hierome in another Canon and volume of the law, where [...] Holy Father, excusing to his friend Riparius a Priest, his earnest zeale and desire to haue Vigilantius the Hereticke (against whome he had written) punished by his Bishop, alledgeth diuers examples of seuerity in like cases out of the Scripture, as of Phinees, Elias, Symon Cananeus, S. Peter, S. Paul, and lastly citeth also the foresaid wordes of Gods ordinance in Deuteronomy: If thy brother, thy wife, thy friend &c. shall goe about to peruert thee from Gods true worship &c. heare him not, nor conceale him, but bring him forth to iudgment, and let thy hand be vpon him first, and then after the hand of all the people &c. which is to be vnderstood according to the forme of law appointed afterward in the 17. Chapter: That he be orderly [Page 87] brought forth to iudgment, and then when sentence is [...] against him, he which heard or saw him commit the sinne, and is a witnes against him, must cast the first stone at him, and the rest must follow. And this also doth the ordinary Commentary or glosse of Lyranus and others vpon those textes of Scripture declare.
57. And now let the iudicious Reader consider how many corruptions this crasty Minister hath vsed to bring forth to his purpose, this one little distracted text, for proof of professed bloudy massacres intended by vs against Protestantes. For first he corrupteth the wordes of the glosse apparantly, and that in diuers pointes, leauing out that which the glosse saith, and adding that which the glosse hath not: then he corrupteth the meaning both of glosse and Canon, deprauing A Catalogue of cor [...]. that to a wicked sense of bloudy massacring without distinction of sex or kinred; which the Canon and Councell of Carthage with S. Augustine meant only of ciuill punishment against Heretickes, to wit that they could not be made heires to Ecclesiasticall men. Thirdly he peruerteth in like manner S. Hieromes intent, which was that albeit he wished that Heretickes should be punished also bodily, yet by order and forme of law, and not that any one should kill another, & much lesse by bloudy massacres, as this fellow setteth it downe in his marginall note. And lastly he presumeth to peruert the very wordes of God himself in the law, by translating fundas sanguinem ipsorum, spill their bloud, insteed of shed their bloud, as though God were a bloud-spiller, or comaunded the same to be done vniustly by others: but all is strained by the Minister to make vs odious, wheras himself indeed is therby made ridiculous. And for that I haue byn somewhat longer in this example then I had purposed, as also for that by this one (if it were but one) yow may ghesse of al the rest of his proceeding, I wil heere [Page 88] cease, referring the rest of this kinde, to other more fit places and occasions afterwardes.
58. And yet truly I cannot wel pretermit, for ending this Chapter, one little note more of rare singularity in this man aboue others, which I scarce euer haue obserued in any one of his fellowes, and this is, that the very first wordes of Scripture alledged by him in the first page of his booke, for the poesy of his pamphlet are falsly alleadged, corrupted and mangled, though they conteine but one only verse of Isay the Prophet; and then may yow imagine, what liberty he will take to himself afterward throughout his whole discourse. His sentence or poesy is this: Isay. 29. vers. 9. The very first text of Scripture alledged by him most corruptly. But stay your selues and wonder, they are blinde and make yow blinde, which he would haue to be vnderstood of vs Catholickes: but let any man read the place of Isay it self, and he shall finde no such matter either in wordes or sense, but only the word wonder, to wit obstupescite & admiramini, fluctuate & vacillate, inebriamini, & non a vino, mouemini, & non ab ebrietate: And according to this are the Greek and Hebrew textes also. So as what should moue T. M. to set downe so corruptly the very first sentence of his booke, and cite the Chapter and verse wherin his fraude may be descried I know not, except he obserued not the last clause of the Prophetes precept, mouemini, & non ab ebrietate. And so much for this.
HOVV THIS TREATISE VVAS LAIED ASIDE By sicknesse of the Author, and some other causes. And why it was taken in hand againe vpon the sight of a Catholicke Answere, and a new Reply of T. M. dedicated to his Maiesty: with the Authors iudgment of them both.
HAuing written hitherto and passed thus far-forth in examination of the Ministers opprobrious libel of Discouery, I was partly forced by grieuous sicknesse that continued for some moneths, & partly also induced (for that I vnderstood that another Catholicke man had answered the said libell) to lay that which I had written a side, as also for that the occasion [Page 90] of time, wherin this Treatise was begun, soone after the detection of the often forenamed powdertreason, seemed in great part to be past, and hauing once laied it out of my handes, had no great will afterward to goe forward theriwth, as an argument of loathsome contention, against most odious imputations and calumniations: but yet after diuers monethes againe, seing the said Catholicke answere to appeare (which before I had not viewed) togeather with a large Reply to the same by the Minister that first made and deuised the libell; and that the said Minister had now resolued vpon instance of the said Answerer to manifest his name, to wit of Thomas Morton, T. M. his nevv Reply. which before went ciphered with the letters only of T. M. that might aswell haue signified Thomas Malmesbury or Montague or Monte-banke, or any such like sur-name: and further that he presumed to dedicate the same vnto the Kinges Maiesty, by a speciall glosing Epistle, full of fond Ministeriall malice against Catholickes, intituling his said Reply: A full satisfaction concerning a double Romish iniquity, heynous Rebellion, and more then heathenish [...]. And further that he had encreased his said worke with two or three new Treatises, partly for iustifying of Protestantes in the case of Rebellion, and partly for confuting of a Treatise written in defence of Equiuocation, I was moued aswell of my self, as by others exhortation, to resume the thing into my handes againe, & to adioine by the view of the whole that which was wanting to the full confutation of this Ministers iniquity, in laying such heinous Rebellion & heathenish Equiuocation vnto Catholickes charge, who of all men liuing are most free from iust reprehension in them both: and the Caluinian sect and sectaries conuinced to be most guilty in the one, and consciencelesse in the other, as the iudicious Reader (I doubt not) shall see euidently [Page 91] proued and confirmed in that which is to ensue.
2. It moued me also not a little to goe forward somewhat with this confutation (though in as breiffe manner as might be) to see that this deuise (though T. M. lendeth and borrovveth of S. Edvvard Cooke. neuer so fond and false) of charging Catholicke doctrine with Rebellion & Equiuocation, was applauded not a little by some men of marke in our State; as namely by his Maiesties late Attorney Generall, aswel in his writing, as pleadinges against Catholicks, borrowing from this Ministers first Treatise diuers large parcelles, and passages of his calumnious imputations, about the forenamed two heades of Rebelliō and Equiuocation, & lending him againe in lue therof for his second Reply sundry obseruations & collections of his owne, concerning diuers Kings of England, that seemed to him not so much to fauour or acknowledge the Bishop of Rome his authority ouer the English Church, which yet now vpon further search, is found to be contrary, and so set downe and demonstrated at large by a late Answere published to the said Attorney his booke of Reportes, as I thinke in hast will not be answered. Wherupon, forsomuch as this new deuised accusation, of Rebellious doctrine and Equiuocation, is taken vp by so many handes of those that be enemies to Catholicke Religion; I thought it conuenient to cleere somewhat more this [...]; and as I had, before I laid aside this worke, treated sufficiently, as it seemed to me, of the former point, concerning Rebellious doctrine, vpon the sight only of T. M. his first pamphlet (as in the precedent two Chapters yow haue seen) yet now vpon the appearance of this Minister Thomas Morton in his proper name and person, & of his new Reply that promiseth full satisfaction in all; it seemed necessary that I should goe forward to finish my first intent, and to examine the second point or head of his accusation in like manner, apperteining [Page 92] to the doctrine of Equiuocation, made no lesse odious now by continuall clamours of sycophancy, then the other of Rebellion it selfe.
3. One other circumstance also stirred me greatly to proceed in this short worke, which was, that togeather with these bookes sent out of England, aduertisement was giuen, that this Minister Thomas Morton was Chaplain to my Lord of Canterbury, who being head of the spirituall Court of Arches, which is, or ought to be the supreame for matters of cōscience in England, T. M. my Lord of Canterburies Chaplaine I was in hope to haue some remedy against this his Lordships Chaplaine, if I should demonstrate, that he dealeth against all conscience, obseruing no law, either of truth or modesty towardes Catholick men in this his Reply, nor any regard either to his owne or Maisters honour, he behauing himself so fraudulently against his owne knowledge and conscience, as in this writing he doth. And if I proue not this afterward, by multiplicity of manifest & manifold examples, as in part yow haue seene that I haue done before, let me be thought to haue done him iniury (which willingly I would not doe vnto the worst man liuing) in which place I hold not him, though by his pen I must needes iudge him to be bad inough.
4. Now then to the point it self of his Reply, which he calleth, as hath byn said, A full satisfaction; it seemeth to me as full as pipes and hoggesheades are wont to be heere in these countreys at the time of vintage, when they are full only of winde and aire and nothing els; and so yow shall see afterwardes, that this his Reply is The Ministers manner of dealing. full of wordes without substance, of florish without truth, of fraude without reall dealing: for that lightly he scarsely alledgeth any text of his Aduersaries wryting, without some fort of sophistication both of wordes and sense, or other like knackes. And further so distracteth and dismembreth his aduersaries threed [Page 93] of speach, citing one branch of it in one part of his Reply, another in another, one sentence first that should haue byn last, and another last that should haue byn first, therby to confound the Readers memory; one period halfe deuided, the other quartered, the third left out, the fourth disguised: so as it is euident that he sought rather to fly, to couer, shaddow, and hide himself, then really and substantially to come to the combate, as examples ensuing shall make all manifest.
5. But heere perhaps some will say, that this seemeth a meruaile vnto them, for that this man pretendeth to deale more distinctly and exactly then others, for that he setteth downe seuerally, plainly, and cleerly, first the wordes of his former pamphlet of Discouery, Fond florishes of T. M. then the text of his aduersary (the moderate answerer) and thirdly the full satisfaction of his faithfull Reply. And furthermore he draweth euery thing to diuisions and subdiuisions, distinctions & contrapositions, which make a iolly florish in the Readers eye, being set downe in logicall rancke. As for example, in his first reason, for setting Catholickes and Protestantes at debate, he saith he will proue it thus.
- 1. Definition of an Heretick.
- 2. Explication of a person excommunicate.
- 3. Application of Romish Censures to them both.
And then the last member againe is proued:
- 1. Councelles.
- 2. Bulles.
- 3. Doctours.
[Page 94]6. And is not this plaine and cleere saith one? Yes, to entertaine Children by sound of wordes, or pleasing pictures. But when we come to the substance, & find that neither he alledgeth his Aduersaries speech sincerely, nor answeareth truly to the sense, but either dissembleth the same, or runneth a side, or confirmeth his said aduersaries argument, by his feeble answers, what importeth this ostentation of bare and ydle sillables?
7. But you will say that he seemeth to haue seene and read much of our moderne Catholicke Authors, and to alledge them more abundantly in his text and margent then commonly other writers of his coat & calling haue hitherto done, for euery where almost he quoteth Vasquez, Suarez, Tolet, Bellarmine, Cunerus, Azor, [...] T. Alsonsus de Castro, Sayer, Gregorius de Valentia, Bannes, M. [...] our Catholick Authors. and others, which I graunt, that he hath seene and taken a view of them and others, if they be notes of his owne gathering, but he hath considered of them, as Satan had considered of Iob, and his actions, when God said vnto him: Numquid considerasti seruum Iob [...]. meum Iob? and he signified, yea, but it was to bely and calumniate him; and so hath this fellow considered of our Catholicke authors, not only to slaunder them what he may, but manifestly to falsify and corrupt them in many places both in wordes, meaning and whole drift of their discourses, as in part yow haue seene already, and shall more largely and particulerly vpon iust occasions afterwardes.
8. Nor hath this whole Reply of his, though bigge in bulke, any substantial point almost handled therin, either about the one or the other two partes of his subiect proposed, to wit, Rebellion, and equiuocation; wherby he would dissolue all friendly combination, and association betweene Catholick and Protestant people; for as concerning the first, he hath no [Page 95] more in effect, but that which before hath byn touched in his ten deuised and distended Reasons: That we hold Protestantes for Heretiques excommunicate, and subiect to all the penalties of Ecclesiasticall Canons made by the Church against ancient Heretiques: That we ascribe power to the Bishop of Rome in certaine cases, to censure, to excommunicate, to depriue Princes, wherof is inferred, that such and such daungers may ensue, which finally is nothing els, but may, so as the question being De futuris contingentibus, of [...] lib. Prior. thinges contingent to come (wherof the Philosopher saith there is no science) all remaineth in vncertainty, but only the suspition & hatred which he would raise against vs: but what the Protestantes doctrine hath done & doth at this day against lawfull Princes in their Realmes, the armies in the low countreys, Hungary, Poland, Suetia and other places, doe testify not only to our ears, as things absent, but as present also to our eyes, & then must I inferre, that where we haue so many examples of so manifest experience and present action, where we see and behold and feele with our senses what passeth, and what hath passed, and what is like to ensue daily by the notorious vnquiet spirits of new Ghospellers, vnder any Prince whatsoeuer that contenteth not their humours. What shall we stand wrangling with this Minister, or any his like, about possibilities or coniecturall probabilities? What may fall out in time against his Maiesty, for example, [...] Protestant Princes troubled by Popes in our daies. of Great Britany, who hath byn a King, a Protestant King, almost forty yeares, and neuer receaued hurt or disquietnes from any Pope, though diuers haue byn in that Sea within the compasse of this time, and many other Kinges and Princes both in Denmark, Sueueland and Germany for more yeares without molestation receaued or offred frō the said Sea, which I dare auouch no Catholicke Prince, King or Emperour can say that [Page 96] he hath passed halfe so many years in quiet gouernmēt ouer Protestant people, vnto whome their doctrine giueth as great power ouer Princes in that case, as we ascribe to Popes and farre greater; wherin I remit me, to that which hath byn said and demonstrated in the precedent two Chapters.
9. And now to end about this first point of our Ministers Reply, that wheras in his former libell of ten reasons, intituled, A discouery of popish doctrine &c. He set downe in his first reason, for proofe of our insociability with protestantes, that we hold them for excommunicate Hereticks, & subiect to all the penalties belonging to such men, wherof one among the rest is, that we must fly them, and auoid their conuersation; the answerer of the pamphlet, for better milding and pacifying the distempered humour of this enraged Minister, told him that English Protestantes were Hovv Protestantes vvere denied by the Ansvverer to be subiect to the penalties of Heresy. not simply held in that accompt with vs, to wit for excommunicate Heretickes, in such degree as they were either to be auoided, or subiect to the penalties apointed by holy Canons for ancient Heretickes; vnderstanding (as himself doth sufficiently insinuate) this to be in regard that they are not, nor any among them to his knowledge, expressely, and by name denounced and condemned for conuict in that behalf, which circumstance of particuler condemnation and denuntiation, by most lawiers and Deuines opinions is necessary, before the said punishmentes, especially externall, can be inflicted, albeit the internall, to wit, the losse of grace, separatiō from the Church, excommunicatiō, & the like be incurred ipso facto, by the holding and professing of any condemned Heresy whatsoeuer, as before in the precedent Chapter more largely we haue declared.
10. But for the externall punishments, as debarring from conuersation and communication with them, [Page 97] losse of goodes, honours, and dignities, depriuation of offices, inhability to inherit, note of infamy, incapacity of Christian buriall, and the like, there being two opinions betweene Catholicke writers, the one more large and mild, that none of these punishments are to be actually incurred, but after particuler denuntiation and sentence giuen by a Iudge against the party, the other more seuere, that in some cases, the notoriousnes of the thing may be so great, as in some part they may therby be incurred without sentence; the Of [...] the more moderate follovved by the Ansvverer. iust & moderate answerer (for so he intituleth his booke, and in this point sheweth it by effectes) made choice rather of the more temperate, & mild opinion; which in like manner is the more vniuersall among both Canonistes and Catholicke Deuines, he thinking it sufficiēt to cite only to that purpose, as in his answere Moderate Ansvvere cap. 1. he did, the Councell of Lateran, Cunerus, Nauar and others, but he might haue cited many more: for in truth §. [...]. it is the more common opinion by much, as may be seene by the wordes of these learned men ensuing: Antoninus p. 3. tit. 25. cap. 3. Angelus verbo Excomunicat. 8. n. 3. Sotus. 4. dist. 22. q. 1. art. 1. Victor in summa de Sacram. tract. de excom. Armilla verbo Excomunicat. nu. 50. Rosel. excommunicat. 6. nu. 44. Siluest. verb. Excommunicat. 5. q. 3. Caëtan. in summa. Ledes. 4. dist. q. 23. art. 1. and diuers others.
11. But now this Minister finding that some Catholicke Author did hold the other opinion in like manner, that in certaine cases some of the forenamed punishmentes might be incurred before particular denunciation by an Ecclesiasticall Iudge, triumpheth greatly, as though he had taken the said answerer at great aduantage, and found plausible matter to entertaine cauillation against him, and therupon spendeth diuers Chapters of his Reply in citing some of those Authors to his purpose, without telling his Reader, [Page 98] that it is a matter in dispute or question among Catholicke writers; but as though all were cleere and resolued Reply c. 4. 5. 6. &c. on his side, he citeth not only Panormitan, Bannes, and others, but the Iesuite also Gregorie de Valentia, in these wordes: If the guilt of Heresy be so notorious (saith he) as that by no euasion it can be concealed, the party doth incurre the penalty, thus far, that his subiectes may deny such a Lord all fealty, yea before the sentence of iudgment. In alledging of which authority, though but short, as you see, he vseth the same fraud which commonly yow shall find in all the rest, or most part of his allegations, to wit, that somewhat is mangled, added, or left out of purpose to make the thing sound against vs, as heere the Latin text hath, Haeresis siuè Apostasiae à fide, of Heresy or Apostasy from the faith, and then paena praedicta incurritur ex parte, the foresaid punishment is in part incurred: and lastly, Non tamen ita, vt teneantur (subditi) Domino Greg. de val. to. 3. disp. 1. q. 12. de Apostas. [...]. 2. para. 4. Haeretico aut Apostatae obsequium negare; but yet that subiectes are not bound to deny obedience to their Lord that is an Hereticke or Apostata; all with moderations our Minister cutteth of, and leaueth out, to the effect that yow may imagine. But for that of these trickes we shall haue afterward occasiō to treat more particulerly, I will intermit the same now, & returne to speake a word or two more, of the foresaid moderate Answere made to the Ministers slaunderous discouery, soone after the publication therof in England; though not come to my handes in many monethes after.
12. And wheras the Answerer both in regard of the exasperation of times then running, and to performe the title of his booke, which is, A iust and moderate Answer, indeauoreth euery where prudently to fly the occasion of more offence and exulceration, and to worke the moderation that he might, without iniury of the truth (for this seemeth to haue byn his purpose) [Page 99] especially in affirming, that no Protestantes are held by vs T. M. vvill needes proue Protestantes to be held for Heretickes. for excommunicate Heretickes (meaning therby, denounced by name, as before hath byn decsared:) this other stickler and stirrer of coles will needes take vpon him to proue at large, that Protestantes are esteemed to be truly Hereticks, excommunicate, and subiect to all the Censures of the Church, which any ancient Hereticke was in times past: and to this effect he bringeth in the definition of an Hereticke, set downe by Catholicke writers, the explicatiō of persons excommunicate, and the application of Ecclesiasticall Censures against them both, which he proueth by three meanes, to wit, of Generall Councelles, Popes Decrees, and Doctors iudgmentes; by all which he proueth Protestantes to be esteemed Heretickes, & held for guilty of all the paines and penalties therof, both internall and externall, spirituall and temporall, in the sight, sense and opinion of all the vniuersall Catholicke Church, for many ages togeather; And is not he worthy of a good fee thinke yow for pleading for Protestantes in this manner?
13. But whatsoeuer he may deserue in this (which I leaue to other mens iudgmentes) I must needes say, that in two or three other pointes, he hath deserued little of the Protestant cause, and so I thinke will his T. M a bad Proctor for Protestantes. Lord and Maister say, when he shall make true reflexion vpō the case; for first he hath brought in a needlesse cōparison betweene the stirring humours of Protestant & Catholicke people, in matter of obedience to their Princes, which must needs fal out to the great disgrace of the Protestant party, as by the afore alledged examples and other proofes may appeare and be seene by the eye.
14. Secondly he taketh vpon him yet more fondly in the second part of this his Reply, to make a publique iustification of all Protestantes for rebelling against [Page 100] their Princes, in any countrey whatsoeuer, but more particulerly and especially in England, & therin doth so iustify Cranmer, Ridley, Syr Tho. VVyat, & others that conspired against Q. Mary in England, Knox, Buchanan, Goodman, and like Ministers in Scotland, turning vpside downe that State against their Soueraignes, the Rebellions raised in Suetia, Polonia, Germany, Switzerland, France, and other countreys, as his iustification is a more plaine condemnation of them, and their spirits and doctrine in that behalfe, then if he had said nothing at all, as partly shall afterwardes appeare, by some instances that we shall alledge therof.
15. Thirdly he doth with as little discretion bring in that accusation before mentioned of hard wordes vsed by some of our Authors against his party that followeth Caluins doctrine: as namely; That they belieue no one article truly of the Christian Creed; That they are Heretickes, & therin far worse and in more damnable state thē Turkes, Iewes or Infidelles; That their doctrine leadeth by consequence to Turcisme and Infidelity &c. for by this occasion both the Author of the moderate Answere hath alledged many cleere authorities of principall Protestantes themselues, that are of the same opinion, and we haue added many The imputation [...] Heresy vnto Protestantes [...] brought in by T. M more therunto, in the precedēt Chapter of this booke, wherby is made manifest, that the profession of Caluins doctrine is no lesse held for Heresy, Apostasy, and infidelity by all other sortes of Protestantes of our daies, then by Catholicke men themselues; and much more may be added for iustification of that point which needed not to haue byn brought in, but vpon this occasion, to shew that English Protestantes are held for Hereticks, not only by the Catholick Church whose iudgment most importeth, but by the cheiffe pillars also of the Protestantes profession in other countreys. And when I doe name Heresy and Heretickes, [Page 101] the prudent Reader will remember that I doe name the most heinous and damnable thing that any Christian cogitation can comprehend, no matter of iest or dispute, but of terrour and teares.
16. Fourthly I can as little commend the Ministers wit for drawing into the field againe a new disputation, and speciall Treatise of his, adioined in the end of this his Reply, about Equiuocation or doubtfull speeches, sometimes lawfull to be vsed for good and pious endes, and for auoiding sinne and other hurtes both spirituall & temporall, wherin though the lawfulnes and necessity therof both by law of nature, diuine and humane, haue byn made euident, vpon diuers occasions in England these later yeares, since this T. M. an example of Equiuocation. calumniation was raised against vertuous and learned mē about the same; yet one proofe wee shall adde more heere in this place, which before I haue not seen set downe at any length, which is that not only Protestantes themselues doe both vse and abuse the same, as the Answerer declareth; but that this very Author our Minister that inueigheth so sharpely & ignorantly against the manner of speech, which he calleth Equiuocation, is forced in almost infinite places of his Reply, either to graunt that he doth Equiuocate, or els that he lyeth flatly. And for this also I remit my self to the proofes that after shall ensue.
17. And so to conclude this Chapter, concerning my iudgment about the Answere and Reply to the foresaid Discouery of Rebellion and Equiuocation, I must needes say, that the Answerer hath endeauored to effectuate so much as he promised in the title of his booke, which was, of a iust and moderate Answere, and in performance therof, hath not only borne on matters temperately, as before hath byn shewed, but spared also his Aduersary in many pointes, and namely in passing ouer his allegations without note or check, [Page 102] hauing not perhaps either time or commodity of bookes to examine the same, or perswading himself, that in so small a pamphlet, and palpable matter, a The Authors Cē sure both of the Ansvverer & Replyer. Minister would not aduenture to vse so many falsifications; but he was deceaued, not knowing so well this generation of men, who finding their cause deuoid of truth, are forced to hold vp the credit therof by sleightes of falshood. In the rest, the Answerer quitteth himself learnedly, and sheweth much reading in particuler, as by the multiplicity of Authors by him alledged doth well appeare. But the Replier is so far of from performing his promise, of a full satufaction concerning double Romish Iniquity, as he hath scarce satisfied fully or meanly any one argument or authority alledged by his aduersary, who though I may presume he will best declare himself by his Reioinder to this Reply, if he thinke him worthy of so much labour (as in truth I doe not, especially at this time, when so grieuous punishmentes are procured in England by him & his like for such as doe presume to answer their bookes:) yet meane I also briefly in this Treatise, by some examples to make it manifest, leauing the rest to himself to be treated, and refuted by him more largely & abundantly, when he shall thinke it best conuenient; my purpose being only to lay forth in general the iniuries which this Minister doth offer vnto all Catholick people, by slaundering them in the foresaid two odious accusations of Rebelliō & Equiuocation, wherof hauing treated sufficiently about the first in the two foregoing Chapters (and shall doe more in two other that ensue) we meane by Godes help to passe thence to the other generall head of Equiuocation, & to handle the same with no lesse euidency of truth, equity and piety of Catholicke doctrine therin, then hath byn declared in the other before cōcerning our innocency, wherin I remit me willingly to the indifferent Readers iudgmēt & censure.
The former point of charge against Protestantes, for Rebellion, Conspiracies, and Disobedience; the effect wherof is drawne to three principall Questions.
ANd now after iudgment giuen of this Ministers Reply in generall, it shall be needfull that we descend somewhat to particulars for proofe therof. And wheras he, by so many The Ministers Sleightes. sleightes and turninges of diuisions and subdiuisions, numbers & members of thinges to be handled, or rather hudled, as also by transmutation from due places, alteration of order, [Page 104] clipping and culling of wordes and sentences, endeauoreth so to entangle the sight and vnderstanding of his Reader (especially the more vnlearned) as he may not easily finde where he walketh, nor when he answereth to purpose and when not, when he leaueth out and when he putteth in all, when he dealeth plainly and when fraudulently, and by consequence after much reading, can scarce be able to make any firme conclusion at all about the matter in controuersy: Our course shall be quyte contrary, endeauoring to bring all to breuity, perspicuity, and certainty, so much as in vs lyeth, for so we thinke it necessary for the Readers true satisfaction, after the small satisfaction he can receiue by the full satisfaction promised by this Minister.
2. Wherfore to reduce all that before hath byn said by him, or his Answerer, or my self, concerning the charge of sedition and Rebellion, vnto some perspicuous order and method, three pointes seeme vnto me most important to be considered in this matter, as cōprehending the summe & substance of all that hath byn said, answered, or replied vpon. The first concerning Heresy; the second, seditious doctrine tending to Rebellion, and the third, the practice and exercise therof: wherin as in all other pointes of argument, & discourse, when the obiection and solution is once heard, and well considered, no great difficulty remaineth for a discreet man to make the conclusion, and to settle his minde therin.
The first Question about Heretickes and Heresy. §. 1.
FIrst then there hath byn a great contention and is betweene vs, as in the second Chapter of this Treatise you haue heard, about the name, nature, and application of Heresy and Heretickes; this Minister maketh it a principall ground in the very beginning of his first discouery, why Catholickes and English Protestantes may not liue togeather in one Commonwealth, without continuall feares of treason to be practized from the said Catholicks, for that they held Protestantes to be Heretickes: and hereupon doth he bring in that long list and rablement of losses and penalties, both temporall and spirituall adiudged by ancient Councelles, and Canons Ecclesiasticall, to be incident, and due to all sortes of Heretickes, rising vp against the Church from the beginning: whervnto his moderate Answerer giueth that moderate satisfaction, which in the precedent Chapter we haue signified, to wit, that concerning the execution of those penalties (especially the externall) it is not due against any vntill lawfull and iudiciall denuntiation haue passed; and that forsomuch as apperteined to the imputation of Heresy vnto them that are of Caluins Religion professed in England, not only Catholickes, but diuers sortes also of the most renowned Protestantes did stand therin most resolutly holding them to be true and properly Heretickes. And for this he cited many instances, authorities and examples; and we haue added more in the said second Chapter that goeth before.
[Page 106]4. Now then it is to be considered maturely without passion or heat of contention, whether this be so or not, and how T. M. doth answere these instances of his first aduersary (for mine hitherto he hath not seene:) for if this be true, that indeed they are held for Heretickes by learned and graue men of their owne profession, who are no lesse opposite to vs then they; then falleth first the ground of his bitter exclamation against vs for reputing them so, & secondly followeth it also, that as great probabilities of treasons and conspiracies may be suspected from those of the other sectes, that hold them for such, (if that opinion be the cause of treasons) as Lutherans, Zuinglians, Puritans, and Marke these consequences the like. And lastly ensueth a weighty consideration, that if by all sides they be held for Heretickes, how deeply the graue or rather grieuous assertion of S. Augustine before alledged is to be held in memory, & pondered with terrour. Firmissimè tene & nullatenus dubites, Aug. de fide Cathol. citat. apud Grat. tit. 7. de Haereticis c. 2 omnem Haereticum vel Schismaticum cum Diabolo & Angelis [...] aeterni ignis incendio participandum: Hold for most certaine and no way make any doubt, but that euery Heticke or Schismaticke, of what sort soeuer, shall be partaker of the flames of eternall fier, togeather with the diuell and his Angelles; which is a dreadfull sentence, especially if we remember both his and all other Holy Fathers vniforme definition of an Hereticke, to consist principally in this, that he hold with obstinacy any one article contrary to the beliefe of the vniuersall visible and knowne Church, for that out of these two maior and minor propositions, the conclusion is easily made who is an Hereticke, and First charge of Heresy laied vpon Protestantesby men of their ovvne pro fession. therby also in the danger denounced by S. Augustine.
5. The first proofe then which the Answerer alledgeth against the discouery of T. M. in this behalfe, is the authority, censure and iudgment of the Deane & Colledge of the famous Lutheran Vniuersity in Germany, [Page 107] named Tubinga, set downe by the said deane and Comon Reader of that Vniuersity named Philippus Nicolaus in a large booke with this title: Fundamentorum Moderate Ansvver. pag. 14. Caluinianae sectae cum veteribus Arrianis & Nestorianis communium detectio: A discouery of the fundamentes of the Caluinian sect, which are common to them with the ancient Arrians & Nestorians: & he proueth through In praefat. & cap. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. &c. many Chapters togeather, that Caluinists are no lesse Heretickes then the other, and they agree with him at least in seauenteene or eighteene principall articles, alledging also [...] authority to the same effect.
6. This is the charge. What doth the Minister now Reply vpon large and mature deliberation in this his full satisfaction? Yow shall heare it in his owne wordes: Reply pag. 17. That which they did (saith he) in the spirit of opposition and contention is not much to be regarded: His sleight [...] not satisfying the doubt. and this is all he saith to the purpose, for that presently he runneth a side to proue by other meanes, that Caluin did not hold with the Arrians and Nestorians; but this is to take a new contention in hand with the Vniuersity of Tubinga, whether they censured well or no, and not to answere vs, whether Caluinists be truly Heretickes by the iudgment of that Protestant Vniuersity, which in effect he granteth, when he saith: That it is not much to be regarded what they did in the spirit of opposition & contention; so as they censure him, and he censured them: wherby is cleer that in their iudgment, both he and his are condemned, which is the point in question.
7. And by this and many other like authorities alledged by me to this purpose in the precedent second Chapter, is euident, that in the iudgment and conscience of all Lutheran Protestantes whatsoeuer, not only in the spirit of opposition and contention, as this man saith, but in their calmest spirit (if euer they be in calme) all Caluinistes are held by them for damnable [Page 108] Heretickes, yea, deploratissimi Haeretici, most desperate Stanc l. de Trinit. & medi. Lut. li. contr. Sacra. & epist. ad Marchio. Pruss. Heretickes saith Franciscus Stancarus a chief Superintendent in Polonia: Alieni ab Ecclesia Dei, & satanae membra, saith Luther himself: cut of from the Church of God and therby made true members of Satan; which censure being laied vpon them by men of their owne profession is a very considerable point to be marked by him that feareth the eternall fire before mentioned by S. Augustine. For as if so many learned Phisitians should tell vs that we were in a dangerous consumption, or so many skilfull Lawyers should admonish vs that we were by law in a case of extreme temporall danger of death, we would looke about vs: so much more ought we in this case.
8. I passe ouer the testimony of Conradus before mentioned, who affirmeth Caluinistes to belieue and teach rightly no one article of the Creed: that also of Heshusius, that saith, their association is a most blasphemous & sacrilegious sect: that of Hunnius, it is most damnable and the right way to hell: that of Schutzius, calling it the sinke of all wicked Heresies: that of Modestus, that maketh Caluinists as badd as Iewes and Mahometanes: that of Matthias, Grauerus, and others, that affirme all Protestantes that follow Caluins doctrine prosessed enemies of Iesus Christ: al which being Ministers, and zealous professors of Luthers new Ghospell, cannot be imagined by Protestantes to haue byn so much abandoned by the Holy Ghost, as to giue this deliberate Censure of their brethren in profession, if it were false, or else must we thinke, that they had neuer the true spirit of God in them, wherof which soeuer our Minister granteth, he is in the brakes: And thus much of Lutherane Protestantes.
9. Next to this where the danger without cōparison Ansvverer pag 15 The secōd charge of Heresy frō Puritanes. is farre greater, the Answerer obiecteth to our Minister, the opinion of the Puritanes, to wit, the more zealous part of the Caluinian profession it self, who affirme [Page 109] in the name of all their brethren (whome they Admonit. 2. to the Par. pa. 25. & suppl. vers. 36. say to be thousands) that the ordinary Protestantes of England are not only in errour and Heresy, but are plaine Infidelles; and that it is infidelity to goe to their Churches; and that it was a damnable sinne in the Parliament, yea more heinous then that of Sodom and Gomorrha to cōfirme such an erroneous Religion. And the same and other like censures of theirs are related in my Lord of Canterbury his booke of Dangerous positions: and the occasion and foundation of this censure and iudgment is set downe of late very cleerly in the preface to the answere to Syr Edward Cookes Reports, where is shewed why (supposing the groūdes of both Religions and differences, especially in the origen of Ecclesiasticall power which giueth essence to the true Church) they cannot be but as heathens, publicans and Infidelles the one to the other.
9. Now then how doe yow thinke that T. M. shifteth of this charge? No otherwise then the former, by granting the matter; but inueigheth against the men: Hovv T. M. doth shift of the Censure of the Puritanes. This writer and you (saith he) may ioine fellowship: yow dedicate your booke to the King, he to the Parliament; he pretendeth the consent of a thousand; yow of a thousand thousandes; he for all his consent is not many, and yow (for ought you will pretend) but one &c. So he. But what is all this to the purpose? He granteth the point in question, that English Protestantes are held for Heretickes, in the science & conscience of Puritanes: so as, both by enemies and friendes, they are thought to be in an euill case. And truly this is much plainer dealing in cōfessing a truth (that they be in deed at such debate amōg themselues in the very substance and essence of their Religion) The notable shifting of Deane Sutcliffe. then that of Deane Sutcliffe, who hauing taken vpon him these yeares past to returne A full and round answere (for so he intituleth his booke) to the VVarnword of N. D. (euen as now T. M. doth his A full satisfaction) [Page 110] when he came to the purpose, he was so far from being full & round, as to foure whole Chapters which the other had made of this matter, to shew the dissentiō of Protestants among themselues, & the condemnation of Caluinistes by all other Protestant sectes of our time, he answered not twice foure lines to all the said discourses, testimonies, examples, and demonstrations, but dissembling al, as though no such thing had byn written by his aduersary, at last in the Sutcliffe in his full ansvvere, part. 1. C. 1. pag. 14. end of a Chapter, brake forth into the deniall of any such different names or sectes at all, saying: Neither doe we acknowledge the names of Lutheranes, Caluinistes, Zuinglians or Puritanes, but only doe call our selues Christians &c. VVe say further, that the Churches of Germany, France and England agree, albeit priuate men hold priuate opinions.
10. Thus Deane Sutcliffe: and by this audacity yow may know the Deane, for that no man els I thinke could without blushing haue denied the notice of so notorious names and differences, or so boldly haue affirmed that all the Protestant Churches of Geneua, France and England did agree, notwithstanding that priuate men held priuate opinions; so as belike Churches may agree without men, to wit, in their walles and windowes: but these are escapes fit for M. Sutcliffe, and so to him I leaue them.
11. But yet the moderate Answerer goeth one step A third charge of Heresy against Protestantes by one of their ovvne. neerer vnto T. M. and telleth him that a great learned man of his owne side, a rare linguist, a long traueller, trained much in Geneua and other Citties of Germany, highly commended by M. VVillet in his printed workes, and admired by others; to wit, M. Hugh Broughton hauing considered well of our ordinary Protestantes Moderate Religion, condemned the same of infinite errours & Ansvver. pag. 14. Heresies, in a certaine aduertisement published in M. Hugh Broughtō. print, vpon the yeare of Christ 1604. giuing grieuous curses of Anathema Maranatha to the same, & to diuers [Page 111] Bishops in particuler, as namely to M. VVhitgift, late Archbishop of Canterbury, and to M. Bilson yet Bishop of VVinchester, affirming further that their Bible, after their translation, and by their corrupt notes thervnto, is made worse and more dangerous then the Turkes Alcaron, and causeth many millions to run to eternall flames: that he hath found the text of the old Testament only, peruerted in eight hundred and eight and forty seuerall places, and other like pointes; whervnto I finde T. M. to answere nothing in effect touching the matter it self in question, either by deniall of the thing, or otherwise, but only ascribing it to passion and lack of iudgment in him, which the other perhaps will retourne to him againe. But let vs hear our Ministers wordes to his aduersary.
12. VVhat modesty (saith he) can this be in you to obiect vnto vs a man whome you know to be sequestred from vs, rather by Reply c. 7. impotency of passion, then by any difference of Religion: And is not this a very substantiall answere? Is not this a full satisfaction, according to the title of his booke? and was not the censure of the Puritanes cast of a little before in regard of like passion? And all the Lutheran Protestantes of Tubinga before that againe vpon pretence T. M. cannot defend his Religion from Heresy against his ovvne people. of like passion, as writing in the spirit of contradiction and contention? What triall, what witnes can haue place if this kind of answering may be admitted? But it is sufficient to me that by confession of our Minister himselfe their Religion is held for error, Heresy, and infidelity, not only by Catholickes or Papistes, as they call them, but also by Protestantes themselues, both Lutheranes and Puritanes, and some learned also of their owne proper sect, which is a pittifull confession if we consider of it well, and no lesse dishonorable & preiudiciall vnto them, to haue the name of Heretike ascribed & laid vpon them, aswell by friendes as enemies, as it is honourable and comfortable vnto vs to [Page 112] be called Catholickes, according to S. Augustines obseruation, Aug. l. de vera Relig. cap. 7. not only by freindes but also by our enemies. And thus much of the first Question.
The second Question about seditious Doctrine. §. 2.
13. ALl our contention hitherto in this point hauing byn, whether truly & really the doctrine of Catholickes or Protestantes be more peaceable, or seditious in it self, or more dāgerous or secure to Princes, concerning the obedience or Rebellion of their subiectes, whatsoeuer hath byn obiected by the accusation or calumniation of our Minister, in his former discouery against Catholickes, hath not byn any direct The equity of our doctrine tried by the effects doctrine, teaching or insinuating, much lesse inciting subiectes to disobedience or Rebellion, as before hath byn declared, but only by a certaine consequence or inferēce, that for so much as in certaine vrgent and exorbitant cases, we ascribe to the Christian Common-wealth and supreme Pastour therof, authority to restraine & punish supreme Magistrates in such cases; that therfore our doctrine is seditious, and tending, indirectly at least & à longè, to Rebellion; though the visible experience of so many great Kingdomes round about vs, lyuing for so many yeares, and sometimes ages also, in quiet security, notwithstāding this doctrine, doth conuince this to be a calumniation.
14. But our Aduersaries doe not onely teach this, The contrary effects of Protestant doctrine. That euery Christian Common-wealth vpon mature deliberation and with generall consent hath such anthority, but further also, that particular men and Common people haue [Page 113] the same, and are not only taught, but vrged in like manner, & exhorted to vse it, when soeuer they suppose their Prince to offer them iniury or hard measure, especially in matters of Religion; wherof the moderate Answerer obiecteth many examples and proofes against T. M. taken out of their owne bookes, wordes and wrytinges, as also by the testimonies of other principall Protestant-writers, wherevnto though T. M. would make a shew to answere somewhat now in this his Reply, and therupon hath framed a second seuerall part of his booke for iustificatiō of Protestantes in that behalfe: yet is it so far of from A full satisfaction (the title of his whole worke) as in The vanity of this Reply. effect he confesseth all that his Aduersary opposeth, no lesse then yow haue heard in the former question, though somewhat he will seeme sometimes to wrangle, and to wype of the hatred of their assertion by Commentes of his owne deuise.
15. And indeed what other answere can be framed to most plaine assertions out of their owne wordes and writinges, as of Caluin, Beza, Hottoman, and so many other French Caluinistes, as I haue mentioned in the first Chapter of this Treatise? Goodman also, Gilby, VVhittingham, Knox, Buchanan, and others neerer home vnto vs? All the forenamed Collections in like manner of him that is now Archbishop of Canterbury, of Doctour Sutcliffe and others, in the books intituled, Dangerous positions, Suruey of the pretended Disciplinary Doctrine, and the like, wherin their positions are most cleerly set downe, concerning this matter. And albeit this Minister T. M. in his Reply, doth vse all the art possible to dissemble the same, by telling a peece of his Aduersaries allegations in one place, and another peece in another, altering all order both of Chapters matter and method, set downe by the Answerer, so as neuer hare when she would sit, did vse more turninges [Page 114] and windinges for couering her selfe (which the Reader may obserue euen by the places themselues quoted by him out of his aduersaries booke:) yet are his answerers such, where he doth answere (for to sundry chiefe points he saith nothing at all) as doe easely shew that in substance he confesseth all and cannot deny what is obiected. And where he seeketh to deny any thing, there he intangleth himself more then if flatly he confessed the same. Some few examples I shall alledge wherby coniecture may be made of the rest.
16. The Answerer alledgeth, first the wordes of Moder. Ansvverer cap 4. Goodman, in his booke against Queen Mary, wherin he writeth expressely, that it is lawfull by Godes law and mans to kill both Kinges and Queenes, when iust The doctrine of Goodman and other English Protestāts of Geneua cause is offered, and herself in particuler, for that she was an enemy to God, and that all Magistrates and Princes transgressing Gods lawes, might by the people be punished, condemned, depriued & put to death, aswel as priuate transgressours; and much other such doctrine to this effect, cited out of the said Goodman. Goodman pa. 94. 119. 203. &c. All which the Bishop of Canterbury his second booke of Dangerous positions hath much more largely, both of this Goodman and many other English Protestantes, Cap. 1. cheife Doctours of their Primitiue Church, residing at that time in Geneua. And what doth T. M. reply now to this? Yow shall heare it in his owne wordes. If I should iustify this Goodman saith he (though your Full satisfaction, part 2. pa. 103. examples might excuse him) yet my hart shall condemne my self: ‘But what doe yow professe to proue, all Protestantes teach positions Rebellious? Proue it. Heere is one Goodman, who in his publicke book doth maintaine him: I haue no other meanes to auoid these straites which yow obiect, by the example of one, to conclude all Protestants in England Rebellious; then by the example of all the rest to answere, there is but one.’ So he.
[Page 115]17. And this is his full satisfaction and faithfull Reply, as he calleth his booke; but how poore satisfaction this giueth, and how many pointes there be heere of no faith or credit at all, is quickly seene by him that will examine them. For first how doe the [...] alledged agaist this Goodman by the Moderate Answerer excuse him, as heere is said, seeing the wordes he alledgeth against him out of his owne booke are intollerable, and my Lord of Canterbury alledgeth farre worse? As for example, that it is most lawfull to kill wicked Kinges when they fall to Tyranny, but namely Queenes, and thervpon that Queene Mary ought to haue byn put to death as a Tyrant, Monster, and cruèll beast; alledging for confirmation therof diuers examples out of Holy Scripture, as that the Subiectes did lawfully kill the Dang. posit. l. 2. c. 1. Queenes Highnes Athalia, and that the worthy Captaine Iehu killed the Queenes Maiesty Iesabell, and that Elias, though no Magistrate, killed the Queenes Highnes Chaplaines, the Priestes of Baal; and that these examples are left for our instruction &c. And now, tell me, how may these examples excuse M. Goodman, as our Minister Morton auoucheth?
18. Secondly it is both false and fond to affirme that the moderate Answerer tooke vpon him to proue either that all Protestantes in these our dayes, doe teach such Rebellious positions, or that all Protestantes in England are Rebellious, as heere is affirmed; for that this were to deale as iniuriously with them, as they and he doe with vs, by imputing this last Rebellious fact of a few in England, to the whole sort of Catholickes and to their doctrine. It was sufficient for the Answerers purpose to shew that both Goodman and many others, principall pillars of the English new Ghospell in those daies, did hold, belieue, and practice those positions out of the true spirit of the said Ghospell. And herevpon thirdly it followeth, that it is a [Page 116] notorious impudency to auouch with such resolutiō, A shameles assertion of T. M. denying a manifest truth. as this man doth, that there is but this one of that opinion, and that one dram of drosse (as he saith) proueth not the whole masse to be no gold. For who knoweth not first, that VVhittingam, afterward Deane of Durham, approued and made a preface to Goodmans booke, commending highly the said doctrine? Gilby also another of that primitiue Geneuian Church, who is thought by some to haue byn the Author of the famous seditious booke, intituled, Of Obedience (he should haue said Of Rebellion saith my Lord of Canterbury) which booke approueth and commendeth the same doctrine most highly, as the said Lord testifieth at large, by setting downe their positions, and then addeth as followeth about the consent of others.
19. ‘ Goodman (saith he) for his conclusion is most earnest with all English subiectes, that they would The B. of Cant. his testimony of the primitiue English Geneuiās. dan. posit. pag. 218. 219. 220. 221. put his doctrine in practice, assuring them that in so doing, if they be cast into prison with Ioseph, to wilde beastes with Daniel, into the sea with [...], into the dungeon with Ieremy, into the fiery fornace with Sydrach, Mysaach, and Abdenago: yet they shalbe comforted. Wheras if they will not, in seeking to saue their liues, they shall loose them; they shall be cast out of the fauour of God; their consciences shalbe wounded with hell-like tormentes; they shall despaire and seeke to hang themselues with Iudas; to murder themselues with Franciscus Spira; drowne themselues with Iudge Hales; or els fall madde with Iustice Morgan &c. At Geneua &c.’
20. ‘This doctrine, saith VVhittingham, was approued In his preface to Goodmās booke. by the best learned in these partes, meaning Caluin & the rest of the Geneuians. The English men of name there at that time besides Goodman and VVhittingham, were (as I take it) Antony Gilby, Miles Couerdale, Dauid VVhitehead, and sundry others, who liking the said doctrine [Page 117] also exceedingly, were very earnest to haue the same printed for the benefit, as they said, of their Brethren in England. VVhittingham made a preface to Goodmans booke, wherin he greatly commendeth this doctrine, and writeth thus in the name as it seemeth of all his fellowes there: VVe desire that yow (meaning all in England and elswhere) that loue to know the truth and follow it, should be perswaded in this truth (to wit of deposing Princes that follow not their Ghospell.) And yet further: Heere thou dost heare the eternall speaking of his Minister &c. quickly giue eare and obey &c. And againe: If thou wish for Christian liberty come and see how it may easely be had &c. From Geneua &c.’ So he.
21. Wherby may be seene that there was more then one dram of drosse in that golden masse, if euery one of these first Geneuian Ghospellers weighed a dram; and by this may be seene also, what credit may be giuen to these Ministers asseuerations, that so guilefully doe affirme or deny what maketh for their purposes, without scruple of lying, euen then whē they speake against Equiuocation. For it was impossible, but that T. M. knew this to be so, when he auouched the contrary, that Goodman was alone in this case; and how then could he write and print it, except either by secret Equiuocation, or manifest lying?
22. Nor is it much to the purpose, to say, that English An euasiō taken avvay. Protestants doe not now professe those positions of Goodman and the rest of those ancient daies for that the times and state of thinges be changed and bettered with them; for they are not vnder Princes that presse them to matters against their willes. But yet we must imagine, that those who had Primitias Spiritus, the very first fruites and greatest feruour of that new Ghospelling-spirit, did speake and write more properly out of the force and instinct of that spirit, according to the nature and essence therof, then these [Page 118] later, who accommodate themselues to the condition of states and times; and that these now would fall to that also, if they were in their case.
23. For proofe wherof the moderate answerer citeth diuers like Rebellious assertions, set downe by Their sedicious do ctrine against Q. Elizabeth. such as esteeme themselues the purer sort of Protestantes, against Queene Elizabeth also, though a Protestant Princesse, when shee pressed them in matters cō cerning their Religion; in which positions they affirme: That she was worse and lesse tolerable then her sister Dan. posit pag. 18. 133 [...]. suppl. to the gouernour of VVales p. 16. 36. 37. 38. Queene Mary, and not to be obeied in her procedinges against them; yea openly they moued diuers Magistrates to take armes against her, and namely in the marches of VVales, as appeareth yet by their supplications to the Gouernour of that countrey. He obiecteth in like manner the publicke positions, and printed doctrine Mod. ans. cap. 4. of Buchanan, Knox, and other chiefe Ministers and preachers of Scotland, about the very same times, who publickly Positions of Scottish Mininisters. and resolutely giue authority to the people, to pull downe, punish, & depriue Princes, aswell of their Crownes, as also of their liues when they think them worthy; yea, do allow publicke rewardes to be proposed Knox in Hist. p. 372 item to Engl. and Scotland f 78 Buechanan de Iure Reg. p. 13. 25. 40. 58. 61. to such as kill euil Princes, no lesse then to them that destroy noisome beastes, as rauenous wolues, beares, and the like. He addeth moreouer out of the very notes of our moderne Protestantes vpon the Bible, euen by the iudgment and interpretation of his Maiesty himself, in the late conference with the Puritanes, that deposing and killing of Princes is allowed, out of their exposition of Scriptures, for lawfull in such cases, as they goe against Religion; which censure Cap. 2. §. Contrarywise. to be conforme to the iudgment and writinges both of Luther, Zuinglius and Caluin, he sheweth by quoting their wordes and works in sundry places, which for breuity I pretermit.
24. And what doth T.M. answere to all this thinke [Page 119] yow? Yow shall heare part by part according as before Hovv fully T. M. ansvvereth matters & giueth satisfaction. the obiections haue byn set downe. To the first about Puritans, I finde no answere at al, so as in this, I see not how his satisfaction may be called full, for somuch as it is quite nothing: To Knox & Bucchanan their assertions, he answereth thus: You might haue added, that there was in Scotland an act of Parliament to call in that Reply [...]. 107. Cronicle of Buchanan, censuring all such contemptes and innouations, and then citeth in the margent anno 1584. To the obiection about Knox & Buchanans doctrine. which was almost thirty yeares after the said doctrine had byn taught, preached, and practised in that Kingdome, by those first Ghospellers. And is not this A full satisfaction trow yow? What if the Cronicle of Buchanan were called in, that recounted with approbation and insolent triumph the attemptes made vpō their lawfull Princes, by incitation of this doctrine? Doth this take away the doctrine it self? Or doth it proue that those first Ghospellers held it not? What became of the other bookes of Knox, and namely his Cronicle (for he wrote also a Cronicle of the same matters, and of his owne actes therin, as Caesar did his Commentaries) were they abolished hereby? Or doe not the same thinges remaine in Holinshed, Hooker, Harison, Thyn, and other writers aswell English as Scottish? Or doth all this proue that this was not their doctrine? See then how full or rather fond this satisfaction is.
25. As for the iudgment and testimony of his Maiesty, about the notes of English Ministers vpon the Reply pa. 103. Bible, allowing it for lawfull in certaine cases to depose To theobiection of his Maiesties iudgmēt about the English Ministers notes [...] the Bible. and kill Princes, he answereth thus: It will be requisite without preiudice to the most learned and Religious iudgment of his Maiesty to satisfy for two places related from that conference &c. And then he passeth on to discourse at large of the meaning of those places, and vnder the colour of the foresaid honorable preface, he taketh licence [Page 120] to dissent from his Maiesty, signifying in effect that either the conference was not well related, or his Maiesty mistooke their meaning in those notes; and yet is the matter cleere by his owne confession, that their said notes vpon the second booke of Cronicles, and 15. Chapter vers. 16. doe not only allow the depofing of the Queene Maacha by her sonne King Asa, for Idolatry, but further doe reprehēd him also sharply for that he had not put her to death by fier, saying thus in their note: That whether she were Mother or Grandmother, yet herin the King shewed that he lacked zeale; for she ought to haue byn burnt by the couenant, as vers. 13. appeareth, & by the law of God Deuteronomy 13. but he gaue place to foolish pitty, and would also seeme after a sort to satisfy the law. So they in their note.
26. But who will looke vpon the two textes of Scripture by them heere cited, shall finde no mention of burning, but only of putting to death, and in Deut. of stoning only. But how doth he now defend this note of our English Ministers, allowing the deposition and putting to death of Princes? Yow shall heare his shift (for he is much troubled with his Maiesties Marke his poore shift. obseruation:) VVhat shall we say then? (saith he) is the Soueraignty of Kinges disabled? God forbid; but it is rather established therby, for the King is made the deposer, yea euen of whosoeuer. Doe yow see his poore flattering shift? If the Queene Maacha might be deposed according to their note, and that ex Augusto Imperio, from her Imperiall 2. Par. 15. gouernment, as the text of Scripture hath, yea and that she ought according to the law of God to haue byn put to death, as now hath byn said, for her Idolatry, then is it a poore shift to say that Kinges cannot be deposed, for that they must be the deposers, seing that in Deut. where the Commission is giuen, there is no mention of Kinges at all, but Gods speach & commission there is vnto the people: Sitibi voluerit persuadere [Page 121] frater [...] &c. If thy brother, or wife, or friend will perswade thee to leaue God let thy hand be vpon him, and after thee the hand of all the people; which Not only Kings by Gods lavv appointed deposers as the Minister T. M. saith. notwithstanding is to be vnderstood as before in the second Chapter we haue noted, both out of the 13. & 17. Chapters of Deut. and the glosse therevpon, according to the order there set downe, to wit, after the cause examined & sentenced by lawfull Iudges. And at this time when this law was ordained, there were no Kinges in Israel, nor in many yeares after, and consequently this commission could not be giuen to Kinges only.
27. So then for so much as English Protestant-Ministers that made these notes, doe authorize by this place of Deut. the deposing and killing of that Imperiall Queene; his Maiesties censure was iudicious, & true, that therby they allowed that lawfull Princes might be in certaines cases deposed and put to death. And the first shift of T. M. in this place is ridiculous, wherby he would seeme to make secure al Kinges from danger of deposition, for that themselues by Godes word (which yet he proueth not) must be the deposers, and then he presumeth they will not depose themselues; but for Queenes he leaueth them to shift as they may: Which doctrine I suppose he would not haue set forth in print in the late Queenes daies. But their assertions are according to times and places: and so this shall be sufficient for the second Question.
The third Question concerning practice of Rebellion. §. 3.
28. ANd now hauing byn lōger in the former two Questions, then in the beginning was purposed, I shall endeauour to be shorter, if it may be, in this last, though the multitude of examples, partly set downe by vs before in the first Chapter of this Treatise, and partly to be read in Histories and obserued by experience of Protestantes continuall tumultuation against Catholicke Princes, would require a larger discussion, then both the other two Questions put togeather: albeit on the other side againe the matters are so cleere as they need no discussion at all, but only narration. For what can our Minister answere in reason or truth, to all that multitude of instances of Protestantes Rebellions, in the foresaid first Chapter set downe, and for the most part obiected before (as now I perceiue) by his aduersary, the moderate Answerer? We shall briefly runne ouer some few examples.
29. To the instances in England of continuall conspiracies Reply pag. 101. and insurrections against Queene Mary, he setteth downe first this bold and shameles prouocation. After the proclamation of her title (saith he) shew vs what Protestant euer resisted? what Minister of the Ghospell in To the Rebelliōs against Q. Mary vvhat he ansvvereth. all that fiery triall did kindle the least spark of sedition among her people? In which wordes is to be obserued, first that he saith, after the Proclamation of her title, to excuse therby the Dukes of Northumberland and Suffolke, the Marques of Northampton, and others that tooke armes against her, before shee was proclaimed in Londen, [Page 123] though in Norfolke she had proclaimed her self presently vpon the death of her brother King Edward: as also to excuse Cranmer, Ridley, Sandes, Latimer, Rogers, Iewell, and other Ministers that had preached most bitterly against her title. But what, is the residue true, that heere so boldly he auoucheth, that neuer any Protestant resisted, nor Minister kindled the least spark of sedition among her people after her title proclaimed? Is this true I say? Is this iustifiable (for he calleth this Treatise a iustification of Protestantes?) Is this any way to be mainteined by any shew or shift whatsoeuer? What then wil he say to the new conspiracy and iterated Rebellion Stovv, Holinshead, & others in their Cronicles of the Duke of Suffolke, & of his brother the Lord Iohn Grey, not only after the said Queenes title proclaimed, but after she was in possession, and had pardoned them both of their former Rebellion? What will he say to the Rebellion of Syr Peter Carew, Syr Gawyn Carew, Syr Thomas Denny, & other Protestant Gentlemen, that tooke armes in Deuonshire within six daies (saith Stow) after the arraignemēt of the Duke of Northumberland? What wil he say to the conspiracy of Syr Iames a Croftes & others in VVales, discouered (saith the same Many cleere exā ples to cō uince T. M. Authour) about the fiue and twentith day of Ianuary next ensuing? What will he say to the Rebellion of Syr Thomas VVyat and his confederates in Kent ensuing about the same time? Were they not Protestantes that were authors therof? Or was not Queene Maries title yet proclaimed? Will our Minister face out this? What will he say to the cōspiracies ensuing after this againe, from Syr Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire, Stovv. an. 1554. May 18. Syr Nicolas Throckmorton, & others? what to the conspiracy of VVilliam Thomas, who hauing determined and plotted the murder of the said Queene, and conuicted therof, professed (saith Stow) at his death at Tyburne, that he died for his countrey?
30. I passe ouer other conspiracies and Rebellions, [Page 124] as that of Vdall Throckmorton, Iohn Daniel, Stanton, Cleber, the three Lincolnes, and after them Thomas Stafford, and others, that comming out of France with instructions of the brethren of Geneua, surprised Scarborough Castle, [...] other insurrections. made proclamations against the Queene, that she was iustly deposed, and other such like attemptes by that sort of people, who all professed themselues to be Protestantes, and to haue entred into those affaires principally for their Religion: And with what face or forhead then doth T. M. say in this place? Shew vs what Protestant euer resisted? &c.
31. But much more impudent is the second part of his assertion about Ministers, saying: That no Minister of the Ghospell did euer kindle the least spark of sedition against Queene Mary: Wheras his aduersary obiecteth many by name, as Cranmer, Ridley, Rogers, and Iewel before mentioned, [...] & conspiracies by Ministers. who as is euident by Fox his story in his Actes and Monumentes, both dealt, preached & stirred people against her, all that lay in their power. And as for Cranmer, it is euident he was condemned for the same treason in Parlament: Ridley preached openly at Paules Crosse against her title: Rogers at Clocester: and Iewel was appointed to preach in Oxford, had he not byn preuented by the sudden and vnexpected proclayming of the said Queene there by Syr Iohn VVilliams & others.
32. The instances also that we haue alledged of Goodman, VVhittingham, Gilby, Couerdale, VVitehead, & sundry others testified by my Lord of Canterbury, to haue taught and practized sedition against the said Queene in those daies, doe they not conuince this Minister Thomas Morton of rare & singular impudency? will any man euer belieue him hereafter what he saith or affirmeth, denieth or shifteth of, seing him to auouch so manifest vntruthes, as these are, with so shameles asseueration?
33. But yet to conuince him somewhat more, I [Page 125] think good to set downe some of the particuler wordes and phrases of two or three of the principall forenamed pillars of the Protestant primitiue Church in More exā ples of Ministers treasons against [...]. Mary. our Iland (omitted for breuities sake by the moderate Answerer) to the end yow may see their spirit, & iudge of this mans forehead in standing so resolutely in the deniall taken in hand. For first Iohn Knox, in a booke written & printed at Geneua 1558. which was the last of her raigne; wherin after he had said, That is is not birth only or propinquity of bloud that [...] a King lawfull to raigne aboue the people professing Iesus Christ &c. He goeth forward, saying thus: ‘I feare not to affirme Knok in his [...]. to the Nobility fol. 63. & 77. that it had byn the duty of the Nobility, Iudges, Rulers and people of England, not only to haue resisted and withstood Mary that Iezabel, whome they called their Queene; but also to haue punished her to death, with all the sort of her Idolatrous Priestes, togeather with all such as should haue assisted her &c. Doe yow see here his Euangelicall spirit?’ Doe yow see the essence of his doctrine? Doe yow heare this new Prophet declare himself cleerly? But let vs giue audience to another of like vocation and spirit.
34. The second is his deere brother Christophor Goodman, who in a booke of his printed also at Geneua the Goodman in his booke, hovv Superiours ought to be obeied. c. [...]. fol. 54. same yeare 1558. the title wherof was, How Superiours ought to be obeyed, writeth thus: ‘I know yow of England will say that the Crowne is not entailed to heire-males, but appertaineth aswell to the daughters, & therfore by the lawes of the Realme ye could doe no otherwise then admit her, but if this be true, yet miserable is the answere of such as had so long time professed the Ghospell, and the liuely word of God. For Princes to be deposed by the liuely vvord of God. if it had byn done by Pagans and heathens, which knew not God by his word, it might better haue byn borne with all, but among them that beare the name of Godes people, with whome his lawes should haue [Page 126] chief authority, this answere is not tolerable. If she had byn no bastard but the Kinges daughter, as lawfully begotten, as was her sister, that Godly Lady and meeke lambe; yet at the death of our lawfull Prince King Edward, that should not haue byn your first coū saile or question, who should be your Queene, but first and principally who had byn most meet among your Brethren to haue had the gouernment ouer yow. For a woman to raigne Godes law forbiddeth, whose raigne was neuer accompted lawfull by the word of God &c.’ So he. And behold heere now whether these mens worde of God did not serue them to all turnes, euen to barre lawfull succession, to depose the possessor, and whatsoeuer themselues listed.
35. The third Doctor of this learning was M. VVhittingham, Deane afterwardes (for his good merittes) of Durham, who made a preface to the foresaid booke of Goodman, allowing and commending the same highly, as a thing consulted, examined & approued by Caluin, and the rest of the most learned Ghospellers of Geneua, M. VVhittingham in his preface to Goodmās booke. for thus he writeth: ‘ M. Christophor Goodman conferred his articles and cheif propositions of his booke with the best learned in these partes, who approuing the same, he consented to enlarge the said worke, and so to print it as a token of his duety and good affection towardes the Church of God: and then if it were thought good in the iudgment of the Godly to translate the same into other languages, that the profit therof might be more vniuersall.’ So VVhittingham; with whom concurred in iudgment VVhithead, Couerdale, Gilby in Admon. pag. 69. Gilby, and others then liuing in Geneua, which Gilby wrote also of the like argument a speciall admonition to the Realmes of England and Scotland, to call them to repentāce by all likelyhood, for that they had admitted, tolerated, and not put to death Q. Mary of England, and not yet deposed, as after they did, Q. [Page 127] Mary of Scotland both Mother and daughter; and the booke was printed the same yeare by the same Crispin in Geneua: wherin besides that which he vttereth against this Queene Mary as a Catholicke Princesse, or rather no Princesse in his opinion, he hath these wordes also of King Henry her Father, euen after his fall from Catholicke Religion: The boare was busy wrooting & Gilbyes immodest speech against K. Henry and the supremacy. digging in the earth with all his pigges that followed him, but they sought only for the pleasant fruites that they winded with their long snowtes, and for their owne bellies sake &c. This monstrous boare for all this, must needes be called head of the Church vnder paine of treason, displacing Christ our only head, who alone ought to haue this title. So Gilby. And for that all this was spoken, written, and printed diuers yeares after Q. Mary was proclaimed, and installed Queene, and all tending euidently to sedition as yow see; (besides the flat deniall both of King, and Queenes supremacy) it conuinceth plainly that which our Minister T. M. before denied. And so with this conuiction in the sight of all his Brethren we leaue him. But yet let vs heare what he saith to some other particulers before by vs obiected.
36. To that then of Syr Thomas VVyat, the Duke of [...], and others he answereth diuersly. First the History relateth (saith he) the pretence of VVyat thus: A proclamation against the Queenes marriage desiring all Englishmen to ioine for defence of the Realme &c. then that in Queene Maries oration against VVyat, there is not to be fond (saith he,) any scruple concerning the cause of Religion: thirdly that no Minister of the Ghospell was brought in question as a Commotioner in that cause: Lastly, if intent might answere for Protestantes accused in that name; then is it plaine, that it was not Religion: If for VVyat and his fellowes; it is plaine it was not against the Queene or State, but for both. So he. In all which different clauses of his answer, consider if any one be in it self true, for as for the first and second, though [Page 128] VVyat pretendeth in his proclamation the said marriage with Spaine to be the chiefe cause; yet not alone, but that the Queene and Counsell (saith Fox) would Fox in an. 1554. pag. 1289. also by this marriage as he affirmed bring vpon the Realme miserable seruitude, and establishe Popish Religion.
37. And the same Fox relateth Queene Maries wordes in her oration thus: That the matter of the marriage is but a Spanish cloake (saith shee) to couer their protensed purpose against our Religion. So as in these two pointes the Minister lieth openly, but more in the last, that VVyats The [...] of Syr Tho. VVyat. attempt was not against Queene Mary or the state, but for both, for that Queene Mary in the same oration, as both Fox and Holinshead doe iointly relate, affirmed VVyats answere to haue byn to Syr Edward Hastinges, and Syr Thomas Corn-wallis sent from her vnto them, which he also at his arraignment confessed, that he and his would haue the gouernance of her person, the keeping of the Tower, and the placing of her Counsellours. And as for the other point, whether any Ministers were called in question as Commotioners in that attempt, importeth little, for so much as no man can doubt but that the Commotion being so generall and for Religion, as Fox affirmeth, all Ministers hartes and tongues were therin in secret, and their handes in like manner so far forth [...]. l. 2 de Schis. p. 332. as they durst; which being well knowne to Queene Mary & her Counsell, caused them to proceed against the principall soone after in matter of Religion, preferring therin the iniury done to God before the iniuries offered to her self: though Doctor Sanders doe affirme that diuers chiefe of the new Clergy, & amōg them Doctor Cranmer, were conuinced to haue conspired in that Rebellion. And by this we see how well the Minister hath iustified his Protestantes in this point: It is euen as good as their iustification by only faith, which maketh them lesse iustifiable then [Page 129] before. Let vs passe to some other examples and se what he saith to the Rebellion of Protestantes in other countreys.
38. To that which hath byn proposed of Scotland, both by the moderate Answerer and by my self also in my first Chapter of this Treatise, of so great and intolerable insolencies vsed in Scotland by ProtestantMinisters Reply [...]. 107. and their Disciples against Grand-mother, Mother, Father and sonne, all lawfull Princes violated by them, he yeeldeth no other answer or satisfaction, but that which before hath byn recited, that in a Parlament vpon the yeare 1584. the Chronicle of Buchanan was called in by the said Parlament (the Kinges highnes then being about eighteene yeares old.) But what is this to the purpose? Did this alter their doctrine or manner of Rebellious proceeding No substantiall ansvvering to any thing. therevpon, which they had vsed both against his Maiesty in the time of his minority and against his Mother and Grand-mother before him, and against him after this Statute published? No truly, but they were more earnest in their sedition afterward then before, for that the very next yeare after, they caused that notorious surprise to be made vpon his Royall person at Striueling before mentioned in the first Chapter of this Treatise.
39. Iames Gibson also one of the chief Ministers being Dang. posit. l. 1. c. 6. called before his Maiesty and priuy Counsell vpon the one and twentith of December 1585. vsed intollerable speech vnto his highnes, calling him Persecutour, and comparing him to Ieroboam, threating his rooting out and the like, which his Maiesty can best remember: So as such doctrine, and such practice being held by them & their new Ghospelling Brethren of Scotland in those dayes, it is a simple satisfaction for our Minister to come forth now with a reuocation of Buchanans Chronicle, as though that did remedy the [Page 130] matter, or as though that reuocation had byn made by them (I meane the Ministers repentant for their former doctrine) and not rather by the Ciuill Magistrate, impugned and resisted by the other. And this for the present of Scotland.
40. To the examples of France alledged by the Answerer of infinite rebellions made by the Protestants, To the examples of France. for many yeares togeather against sundry Crowned Princes of that Realm, of which attempts many were so barbarous, as without horrour they cannot be vttered: And one French writer affirmeth that within the compasse of one yeare, which was 1562. two and Vide Lodouicum Richome in expost. apolog. ca. 94. fourty thousand Priestes, Religious, and Ecclesiasticall persons were most desperately murdered, aboue twenty thousand Churches cast on the grounde, and within the compasse of ten yeares by the witnes of a Protestant writer Colignius, two millions of men were slaine, two thousand Monasteries ouerthrowne, nine hundred hospitalles destroyed, & aboue two hundred Citties & Castelles ruined vnder one only K. Henry the third. To all this (I say) he answereth that according to the Historicall Collections, which he hath seene of French affaires, the fault of all this, is to be laid vpon the house of Guise, who being strangers, sought to suppresse the natural Princes of the bloud Royal in France, A vaine shift. as also to oppresse the Ghospellers: But suppose this were true, which I hold to be most false & slaūderous yet could not this particuler passion of the house of Guise make lawfull the Protestants Rebellion against their naturall & lawfull Kinges, no more then if now in England the Catholikes or Puritanes should rebell against his Maiesty, for that some noble man or men of the Counsell were knowne to be their enemies.
41. To the examples of Caluin and Beza in Geneua, To the examples of Geneua both for doctrine and practize, he answereth first for doctrine, granting Caluins sentence to be: That when a [Page 131] King vsurpeth Gods throne he looseth hu Royalty. And againe: If the King exalt himself to Godes throne and commaundeth Reply pa. 116. any thing contra Deum against God, then to pull him downe. Moreouer he granteth that Caluin vseth this phrase; That when a King doth so behaue himself, we must spit in his face, which is spoken, saith our Minister, comparatiuely, and not Rebelliously: He expoundeth also those wordes of Caluin; Abdicant se potestate, that such Kinges are bereaued of Ibid. pag. 119. authority; meaning only (saith he) in that case of contradiction against God. But let the Minister tell vs, who shall be Iudge of this, who shall determine the case? To whome shall it belong to giue sentēce, when a King doth contradict God, when he vsurpeth Gods throne, when he commaundeth any thing against God, and consequently, when his face must be spitten on, when he must be pulled downe, & when he must be depriued of all regall authority? Did Thomas Morton euer finde in any Catholicke writer such wordes, or sense in preiudice of Princes? And yet the fond Minister, as though he had plaied worthily his Masterprize vaunteth in these wordes: Thus is Caluin iustified concerning his doctrine, and in him also Beza: bycause Beza (say yow) his Successour in place succeeded him also both in opinion and practice. True Sir: they are both iustified in your manner of iustification, & they are fit iustified Saints for your Calendar.
42. And hauing said thus, he passeth yet further, adding a second prouocation about practice in these wordes: VVe haue heard of their opinion (to wit of Caluin Reply pa. 19. and Beza) haue yow any thing to except against their practice: And this demaund he made, when he knew and had seene his Aduersaries many and most grieuous accusations Mod. Ansvver. c. 9. against them in that kinde, not only for mouing that people of Geneua to open Rebellion against their Lord and Prince the Bishop; but also the people of France, against their King and Soueraigne, citing [Page 132] good authorities for the same, saying: Caluin and Bezae armed the subiectes against their Prince of Geneua, and (as Caluin himself, Doctour Sutcliffe, & the Bishop of Canterbury be witnesses) deposed their Soueraigne from his temporall right, and euer after continued in that state of Rebellion; They celebrated also a Councell, wherin was concluded that King Francis the second, then King of France, his wife the Queene, his Children, Queene Mother &c. should be destroyed: And his quotations for these thinges are: Beza l. de iure Magistrat; Sutcliffe answ. to suppl. and Suruey, Caluin in epist. Pet. Far. orat. cont. Sectar. defens. Reg. & Relig. &c. All which being seene by our Minister, he demandeth Great hypocrisy in the demaund of T. M. notwithstanding as yow haue heard with this hypocrisy, haue yow any thing to except against their practice? As though there were nothing at all, not only not to be accused or reprehended in them, but not so much as to be excepted against: And is not this notable dissimulation in a matter so cleere and euident? Who can belieue this Minister at his word herafter? But let vs now see how he will answere the matter it self obiected, and then will yow admire his impudency much more.
43. For better vnderstanding wherof yow must know, that besides al that which is alledged for proofe of this accusation out of Caluin & Farellus their owne Lordes, and my Lord of Canterbury his booke of Dangerous positions, Doctour Sutcliffe doth of purpose, and at large proue the same in two whole Chapters, to wit the second and third of his Suruey against the pretended discipline; shewing out of diuers authors, and namely Franciscus Boninardus, that wrote the History of Geneua Bishop of Geneua vvas Lord [...] also of the Citty. (as he saith) by Caluins direction, Symlerus and Bodinus; that for aboue fiue hundred yeares gone the Bishop of Geneua was not only spirituall, but temporall Lord also of that Citty, and the same confirmed vnto him by the Emperour Frederick the first, vpon the yeare of [Page 133] Christ 1124. and, as Caluin himself confesseth in his writinges to Cardinall Sadoletus, had Ius gladij & alias ciuilis Caluin to Sadolet. p. 171. iurisdictionis partes, the power of life and death and other partes of ciuill iurisdiction; and that this Prince and Bishop was cast out by the people vpon the preachinges and practises of Farellus, Caluin, and other Protestant Ministers: Quo eiecto (saith Bodinus,) Geneuates Bodinus l. de Repub. pag 353. Monarchiam in popularem statum commutârunt: who being cast out, the Geneuians did change their Monarchy into a popular State.
44. And finally after many proofes Doctour Sutcliffe Sutcliffe in Suric. pag. 14. setteth downe his opinion in these wordes: ‘I doubt not but that I may presume, without any mans iust offence, to speake my opinion as touching the deuinity which was pretended by the said Ministers of Geneua against their Bishop; for indeed I doe dislike it. If such dealinges were simply to be vrged by the word of God, they might reach further then would be conueniēt. I neuer thought it agreable to deuinity, for Ministers to cast of their Rulers at their owne pleasures; one of them writeth thus: That the light of the Ghospell had restored to the Citty that principality which the Bishop had before; But all the learned deuines in Germany at their D Sutclifs testimony of Protestants doctrine for deposing of Princes conferences with the Emperour, were of a contrary opinion &c. I am not the man that will either iustify mine owne discretiō, or impugne any thing which may be brought for the ciuil proceeding of that State, or any other, so as they carry no false groundes of deuinity with them, which may proue dāgerous to our owne, such as haue byn since published for the authorizing of subiectes in many cases to depose their Princes.’ So he.
45. And now by this large discourse, yow see fully his minde, first that the Bishop of Geneua was Lord, and Prince of that Citty for diuers ages, confirmed also by the Emperour: secondly that he was vniustly [Page 134] depriued by the people, vpon the preaching and false groundes of deuinity of Farellus, Caluin, Beza, and other Protestant preachers: thirdly we see the reason why he thinketh thus; least their doctrine might reach further then would be conuenient, and be dangerous in England: So as he also (as yow see) doth accommodate his doctrine and groundes of deuinity, to the commodity of his cause.
46. But now let vs see how this Minister Sutcliffe, and our Minister Morton haue agreed togeather, vpon a farre different manner of answering this matter at this time, and yow will perceiue therby what people they are who change their answeres as time and wether walketh. For after that Morton had read all this in Sutcliffe, & yet made the matter so strāge, as by his former demaund you haue heard, when he said: & haue yow any thing to except against their practice? Now heere he answereth after another fashion thus: The booke (saith he) of Doctour Sutcliffe, I could not finde, and I Full satisfaction pag. 119. needed not seeke it, for I haue conferred with the Master, who answered me, that the booke De iure Magistratus he neuer thought to be Beza his worke, and concerning the State of Geneua, and Bishop therof, he was neuer their Prince, but the State of the towne was a free State of it self: and now to make a question whether I should belieue him, or yow, is to doubt whether he that hath byn at Geneua, or he that neuer saw it can better report the state therof, the conclusion will be that yow may rather proue those Bishops to haue byn iniuriously ambitious, then the Citty Rebellious. So he.
47. This is his faithfull reply and full satisfaction, according to the title of his booke. And now consider good Reader what honest men these two Ministers are, that so contradict the one the other, and that A [...] conferēce be tvveene Sutcliffe & Mortō. vpon conference togeather for thy deceipt and cosenage: for euen now yow heard Doctour Sutcliffe to affirme that the Bishop of Geneua had byn temporall [Page 135] Prince for many hundred yeares, and that vpon the preaching of Farellus, Caluin and others, they chaunged their Monarchy into a popular State, and that himself misliked the same, according to the groundes of deuinity; and how then doth he say heere to his fellow Minister Morton, that the Bishop of Geneua was neuer there Prince, and that the state of the towne was a free State of it self? Can these thinges stād togeather? Morton saith moreouer he could not finde Sutcliffes The absurd false dealing of tvvo Ministers togeather. booke, which truly is a thing very strāge, there being so many thousandes printed of them in England; but more strange it is, that Deane Sutcliffe should so soone forget his owne booke, and what he wrote therin, & so egregiously cosin his Brother-Minister in their priuate conference, as to make him belieue, and vtter now in print quid pro quo, and chalke for cheese as he doth. But it cannot seeme probable that Morton belieued it himself, but rather would make the simple Reader belieue the same, and so dazell his eyes for his deceipt: & this is their manner of dealing in most matters, where fraude may be vsed.
48. It were ouer long to looke into all other examples obiected by the moderate answerer, how they ar replied vnto by T. M. As for example the known reuoltes and Rebellions of Flanders, and of those States Sundry other Rebellions of Protestāts. against their lawfull Princes, and so many outrages committed therin for almost now forty yeares, if not more; the bloudy tumultes in Germany and Switzerland vpon Luther and Zuinglius their doctrine, wherin Zuinglius himself the head stirrer was slaine; the like in Denmark for expelling Catholicke Religion, and bringing in of Lutheranisme; the manifest Rebellion, intrusion, and oppression of Duke Charles in Sweueland against his Nephew the King of Polonia, lawfull Inheritour of those States, enduring vnto these daies; as also the open warres of Boscaine, and his fellowes in [Page 136] Hungary against the Emperour, in fauour of Protestant Religion, and of the Turke himself, whose Confederates they confesse themselues to be.
49. Into these & other examples as I said, time will not permit vs to enter with any length, nor will it be to any purpose; for that we shall finde them as sleightely answered or shifted of, as the rest before. For vnto the first and last, of Flanders and Hungary, the Minister answereth in effect nothing at all; and I meruaile Seely ansvveres or rather shiftings of. not, if he answered this with silence, seing he answered all the tumultes of Scotland for so many yeares continued, by saying only as yow haue heard: That Buchanans Chronicle was recalled by an act of Parlament.
50. To the other of Germany and Luthers seditious proceedinges both in wordes, writinges and deedes, wherin it is obiected among many other thinges that he censured both K. Henry of England, and many other Princes with intolerable, insolent, and vile speaches, affirming them vnworthy of all gouerment; that Protestantes handes must be imbrued with bloud, & that thervpon ensued most bloudy warres throughout Germany and almost all Christendome besides, Munsters Rebellions also in the same countries, who preached, that Rebellion against Catholicke Princes for Religion was to be called The warre of God, and that he had [...] commandement from God to that effect; whervpon ensued the slaughter of a hundred & thirty thousand men in three monethes &c. To the first of Luther, he answereth very sagely in these wordes: Luthers literall censure of wordes will be partly confessed, but Reply pa. 124. the other of swordes, which drew bloud can neuer be proued. Yow see vpon what pointes of desperate deniall he standeth, and yow may remember how cleerly the matter hath byn proued before, and what is extant in most writers of our time about the same.
51. The other of Munster he reiecteth, as not being of [Page 137] his Religion, & yet no man can deny, but that he was of Luthers schoole, and spronge out of the first seed and spirit of that new Ghospell; but hard it is to discerne who be brethren, and who be not, when it standeth for their commodity to acknowledge or deny one the other. Heere yow see he denieth Munster, & acknowledgeth Luther to be of their Ghospell and fraternity; and yet no man doth reiect them more contemptuosly, or condemneth them more seriously for Heretikes then Luther himselfe, as before out of his owne wordes yow haue heard. To the stirres in Switzerland raised by Zuinglius, who was slaine also in the feild, he saith in like manner nothing; and little more to Denmarke, but that now all is quiet there, and Lutherane Religion in full possession, but he telleth vs not by what styrres and tumultes the same was brought in.
52. To that of Sueueland, and the open Rebellion of those Kingdomes, he findeth only this shift to put of the matter. It was (saith he) the demaund of the whole state, for defence of their countrey priuiledges, liberties, and fruition of Religion; can any Papist call this Rebellion? No truely Syr in your sense, who doe call the state whatsoeuer multitude of people doth rebell against their Princes, for the liberty of your Ghospel, for so yow called the party Protestant of Scotland (if yow remember) the Lordes of the Congregation, and the state of the Realme: and the other party that stood with the Queene, was called a faction, and so likewise in France and Flanders, Germany and Sueueland, those that tooke exceptions first, and then armes against their Princes, are called the State, or States, vnited Prouinces, those of the Religion, and by other like titles of honour: and the other part or rather body it selfe, hath the name of Enemies, Persecutors, Tyrantes, Papistes, and other odious appellations. But I would make this demaund, how came [...] particuler men to be States, & to be called the Commonwealth? [Page 138] were they not first subiectes? And did they not first withdraw themselues from the obedience of their lawfull Princes, by sleightes, dissimulations, pretence of greiuances, liberty of Ghospell, and the like deuises, vntill at last they fell to open armes? May not any number of rebells make themselues a state in this sense? But I will vrge yow no further, for that I well see yow cannot answere, & to driue yow beyond the wall is to small purpose, I haue compassion of yow.
A BRIEF CENSVRE IS GIVEN OF A NEVV TREATISE set forth by T.M. INTITVLED, A Confutation of the Popes Supremacy, as supreme head of Rebellion &c. Annexed to his former iustification of Protestant-Princes, for matters of Rebellion.
THis Minister Thomas Morton not content, after the pretended confirmation of his first discouery and reasons therof, to haue added a second Treatise, conteyning (as he saith) A Iustification of Protestantes against imputations of disobedience and Rebellion against temporall Princes, either in doctrine or practice [Page 140] (both which you haue heard now how substātially he hath performed) he thought good also to ad a third Treatise (though nothing needfull to the argument in hand) which he intituleth, A confutation of the principles of Romish doctrine in two pointes, first, concerning The title of T. M. his [...] Treatise. the Pope supreame head of Rebellion, and secondly, the impious conceipt of Equiuocation. And forasmuch as of the second point, which is Equiuocation, we are to treat more largly in the ensuing Chapters, and that the first seemed to me impertinent to be treated againe seuerally in this place, the substance therof hauing byn touched sufficiently, forasmuch as belongeth to this affaire, in the former Chapters, especially the second; I had purposed once to passe it ouer without any answere at all, as indeed not deseruing any, it being only The cause of this seuerall Chapter. a certaine disorderly hudling togeather of peeces and parcelles of other mens collections about that matter, better handled by themselues: But yet considering afterward the speciall manner of this mans treating the same matters, both in regard of fraude and simplicity, though contrary the one to the other; I iudged it not amisse to giue the Reader some tast therof in this one Chapter, wherby he may be able to frame a iudgment of the rest, and of the exorbitant veine of this mans writing.
2. First then he beginneth the very first lines of his Confut. pag. 1. first Chapter with these wordes: This pretended predominance ( saith he) of the Pope in temporall causes, whether directly or indirectly considered ( in which diuision of gouerning the Romish schoole is at this day extreamly deuided) if it be from To his first cauillation. God, it will sure plead Scriptum est &c. By which sole entrance yow may take a scantling of the mās discretion; for it cannot be denied I thinke (except we deny the Ghospell) but that Scriptum est was pleaded also by Math. 4. the diuell, and not only by God, as in like manner it hath byn by all Hereticks, the diuels cheif Chaplains, [Page 141] since that time; and consequently it was no good exordium to build all vpon this foundation.
3. Secondly it is not true, that the Romish schole is so extreamly deuided in this diuision of gouerning directly To his second cauillation. or indirectly, as the Minister would make it: for the question is not at all of gouerning, but how the right to gouerne in temporall causes, was deliuered by Christ to S. Peter and his Successours, whether directly, togeather with the spiritual gouernment ouer soules, or els indirectly and by a certaine consequence, when the said spirituall gouernment is letted and impugned, as before hath byn declared. In which difference of opinions there is no such extremity of diuision among Catholickes, as this man would haue men thinke: for that all doe agree in the substance of the thing it self, that the Pope hath this authority from God Iure diuino, in certaine cases, whether directly or indirectly that little importeth to this our controuersy with the Protestantes, who deny both the one and the other. And so much for that.
4. The next sentence or obiection after the former preface (which is the very first of his discourse) is framed by him, but yet in our name, vnder the title of the Romane pretence in these wordes: The high Priestes in Pag. 2. the old Testament (saith he) were supreame in ciuill causes, ergo they ought to be so also in the new: for which he citeth, one Carerius, a Lawier, that wrote of late in Padua De Carerius li. 2. Rom. Pontif. ca. 18. & Sander. in visib. monarch. potestate Romani Pontificis, defending the former opinion of Canonistes for direct dominion, & citeth his wordes in Latin thus: Dico Pontificem in veteri Testamento fuisse Rege maiorem: And Englisheth the same as before yow haue heard, that the high Priest was supreame, in ciuill causes; which wordes, of ciuill causes, he putteth in of his owne, and if yow marke them, doe marre the whole market: for that Carerius hath them not either in wordes or sense, but teacheth the plaine cōtrary in [Page 142] all his discourse, to wit, that he meaneth in matters appertaining to Religion and Preisthood, and not of temporall principality, which this Author granteth to haue byn greater in the old Testament in dealing with Ecclesiasticall men & matters, then in the new; & to that effect is he cited presently after by the Minister himself, contrary to that which heere he feigneth him to say. But let vs heare the wordes of Carerius. Tertiò dico (saith he) etiam in Testamento veteri fuisse Pontificem Rege maiorem: quod quidem probatur &c. ‘Thirdly I say that the high Priest was greater also in the old Testament then the King, which is proued first out of the 27. Chapter of Numbers, where it is appointed by God, that Iosue and all the people should be directed by the word of the high Priest Eleazar, saying, whē any thing is to be done, let Eleazar the high Priest consult with God, and at his word aswell Iosue, as all the children The dignity of Priesthood proued to be more then Regall. of Israell, and whole multitude shall goe forth and come in &c. And secondly the same is proued out of the fourth of Leuiticus, where foure kind of Sacrifices being ordained, according to the dignity of the persons, the first two are of a calfe for the high Priest & commonwealth, the third and fourth of a hee and shee-goat for the Prince and priuate persons:’ Wherby Carerius inferreth a most certaine dignity and preheminence of the Priestes state, aboue the temporall Prince, though he say not in ciuill causes, as this Minister doth bely him.
5. And wheras Carerius had said in two former Answeres, first that in the old Testament, Ecclesiasticall and secular iurisdiction were not so distinct, but that both might be in some cases in the King, and secondly that in the new law, the spirituall power was more eminent then in the old; he commeth thirdly to say False dealing against [...]. that in the old law the High Priest in some respectes was greater also then the King, which cannot be vnderstood [Page 143] of ciuill power, except the Author will be contrary to himself. And therfore that clause was very falsly and perfidiously thrust in by the Minister, and this with so much the lesse shame, for that in the end of the same Chapter he citeth the same Author to the [...]. p. 2. Carer. l. 2. c. 1. plaine contrary sense, saying: In veteri lege Regnum erat substantiuum & sacerdotium adiectiuum &c. ‘That in the old law the Kingdome was the substantiue, that stood of it self, and Preisthood was the adiectiue, that leaned theron, but contrary-wise in the new law, Preisthood and spirituall iurisdiction is the substantiue or principall in gouernment, and temporall principality is the adiectiue depending therof, for direction, and assistance, the one both by nature and Godes law being subordinate to the other, to wit the temporall to the spirituall.’ And thus much concerning this guile by flat falshood. Now to a tricke or two of other sortes of shifting by him vsed for deluding the Reader.
6. It followeth in the same place, as a second Romish pretence: That the old Testament was a figure of the new in Christ, and therfore that in the new, the spirituall power (as the Popedome, saith he) must be the chiefe or substantiue &c. Which short sentence he patcheth out of two different Authors, Salmeron and Carerius, part of one, & Salmeron Disp. 12. in [...] Paul. Carer. l. 2. [...]. [...] part of another, and then frameth this graue answere thervnto: In this obiection (saith he) there is more childhood then manhood, babish grammer, then sound deuinity. So he. And will you heare his manhood in sound deuinity? It followeth imediatly. The old Testament indeed (saith he) in his earthly elementes was a figure of this spirituall and heauenly; but of the truly heauenly, the day of that eternall sabboth, and the Celestiall Hierusalem, the Mother-Citty of the Hebr. 4. Sainctes of God. Behold his manhood in sound deuinity. Hovv the old Testament vvas a figure of the nevv. Let it be so, that the old Testament was in many thinges a figure of the heauenly sabboth and Celestial Hierusalem, but what (Syr) will yow conclude of [Page 144] this by your sound deuinity? Was it not a figure also of many thinges vpon earth, which should be fulfilled in the new Testament? Were not their Cerimonies and Sacrifices a figure of our Sacramentes & Sacrifice? their Manna of our Eucharist? their circumcisions and washinges, figures of our Baptisme? doth not S. Paul in the ninth and tenth of his first Epistle to 1. Cor. 9. the Corinthians set down many examples to this effect? As that of Deuteronomy: Nō [...] os boui trituranti, thou Deut. 25. shalt not binde vp the month of the oxe that laboureth, vnto our preachers of the new Testament? as also the passing of the Red-sea by the Israelites? their being baptized in the cloude? their food of the Manna? their drinking out of the rock, which [...] Christ? and diuers other thinges, wherof he saith: [...] autem in figura facta sunt nostri; these thinges were done 1. Cor. 10. in figure of our present State. And againe: Haec autem omnia in figura contingebant illis; all these thinges did happen to the Iewes in figure, but were to be fulfilled truly and really according to the spirituall meaning in the new Testament? Is not all this so? were not these thinges to be fulfilled aswell vpon earth as in heauen? how thē doth our Minister put that aduersitiue clause: but of the truly heauenly; as though the old Testament in her earthly Elementes had [...] nothing to be fulfilled but only in heauen. Is this sound deuinity? Is this manhood? Nay is it not rather babish childhood, that seemeth not to know the very first Elementes of true deuinity?
7. I let passe the shamelesse corruption which he vseth in translating the very wordes cited by him out of Salmeron, for proofe of his obiection, made in our behalfe, and I call it shamelesse for that euery child which vnderstandeth Latin, may see the Ministers shift therin. The Authors words are these as this man heere recounteth them: Et hoc Regnum terrenum [...] [...]. p. 3. [Page 145] tamen suit spiritualis regiminis in Ecclesia Christiana: and yet this earthly Kingdome (of the Iewes) was a shaddow of the spirituall gouernment, that was to be in the Christian Church: meaning therby that the most excellent spirituall power and gouernment ouer soules, which Christ was to institute in his Church, at his comming in flesh, to wit, the power of absoluing from sinnes vpon earth, the assistance giuen by the Sacramentes, and the like, were shaddowed in a certaine manner by the earthly Kingdome among the Iewes: And how doth T. M. now translate these wordes, & frame our obiection out of them: The old Testament (saith he) was a figure of the new in Christ, therfore in the new the Popedome is the substātiue &c. Heere are two short propositions you see, the antecedent and consequent, & both framed with falshood; for that the antecedent set downe out of Salmeron, is not that which he affirmeth in his Latin words, as already we haue shewed, though otherwise in it self the propositiō be true; nor (will I thinke) T. M. can deny, but that the old Testament was a figure of the new in Christ. There followeth then the consequent which is no lesse corruptly [...] of T. M. inferred in our name, then was the antecedent affirmed, for that we doe not inferre, nor yet the Author Carerius in the said second proposition or consequence by him [...], that for somuch as the old Testament is a figure of the new, therfore in the new the Popes spirituall authority is the substantiue &c. for that this were a weake inference, as euery man seeth; nay Carerius maketh no inference at all in the place by him alledged, but only vseth that similitude, which before yow haue heard of the substantiue and adiectiue: so as this inference is only a fiction of the Minister to make himself and other men merry, and to giue occasion to play vpon his Aduersary, with the reproach of childhood and babish grammer, as now he hath [Page 146] done. But indeed the true consequence that may be made vpon the Catholicke Authors wordes, which hitherto he hath alledged, is only this; that forasmuch as the Kingdome and gouernment among the Iewes euen in Ecclesiasticall thinges was but earthly, and a figure or shaddow in respect of that which was to be ouer soules in the Christian Church, it followeth that this in respect of spirituality, was to be much more eminent then the other, as the thing figured, then the figure or shaddow it self. And what inconuenience hath this doctrine that it should be called childhood and babish grammer.
8. But now shall yow heare a new strange deuise of his, neuer heard of (I thinke) in the world before, & such a manhood in sound deuinity, that sheweth him scarce to be arriued to childhood in true Theology; for that to exalt temporall principality of a Kingdome and depresse Priesthood, he seeketh to abase the High Priesthood of Christ himself; for so he vaunteth that he will returne the foresaid argument vpon the Romish. ‘Christ (saith he) being King and Priest, was shaddowed Conf. par. 3. pag. 3. by the types of the old Testament; but in Christ his Kingdome had the preheminence of Priesthood, bycause he is a Priest only for vs, but he is King ouer vs. Secondly as Priest he is suppliant to the Father; as King he is predominant ouer all powers and principalities equally with the Father, Ergo, this order inherent in Christ ought to hold as conuenient among Christians.’ An argument demonstratiue. So he.
9. Wherby yow may see, first how good a Logitian he is, who auoucheth this for an argument demonstratiue, which is indeed a very Elench & Sophisme, A Sophisticall fallacy in steed of a demonstratiue argument. and manifest fallacy, for that he changeth his subiect from sense to sense, making one proposition of his argument in the one, and the other in another sense. For when he talketh of Christes Priesthood comparing [Page 147] it with his being a King, he meant (and so he ought to doe) as he was man, and inferiour to his Father; and when he speaketh of the other, of his being a King, he vnderstandeth it, as he was God and equall to his Father; and so taking the one in one meaning, and the other in the other, his principall meaning is to deceaue his Reader with a sophisticall argument instead of a demonstratiue; & yet doth the good man so confide in his logicall science, as in one place he triumpheth ouer his Aduersary, that did but once name Logicke in these wordes: Dare yow (saith he) appeale to Logicke? this is the art of all artes, and the high tribunall Reply par. 3. pag. 54. of reason and truth it self; which no man in any matter, whether it be case of humanity or deuinity, can iustly refuse: which is so ridiculous a simplicity, as no man can read without laughter. For what high tribunall (I pray yow) hath logicke in deuinity? Or who gaue her this tribunall? was there no deuinity before Logicke was inuented by the Philosophers? Logicke is not a science, according to Aristotle, but only modus sciendi, a manner or meane how to come to science, and it ministreth not matter, but forme of argument, as armour to the Logitian, wherby to impugne falshood and ignorance in euery science, euen as the Cutlers shop doth yeeld weapons to souldiers that goe to warre, and yet cannot the Cutlers shop be iustly called the high tribunal of all matters belonging to Chieualry and feates of warfare, and consequently this was a vaine florish & ostentation.
10. But now to returne to the principall point, we haue seene that this argument is so far from being demonstratiue, as it is no argument at all, in regard of the Equiuocation and fallacy therin conteyned. Let vs then consider the same in respect of the matter & substance it self. First I say that it conteyneth a manifest, fond and impious paradox, that Christes Kingdome [Page 148] (as he was both King and Priest) had the preheminence VVhether Christes Priesthood or Kingly povver vvere grea ter vpon earth. of his Priesthood; and I call it a paradox, for that I thinke no Christian man of learning euer held it before, and much lesse any sound deuine. Secondly I call it fond, in respect of his ridiculous reasons alledged for the same, which presently we shall examine: And thirdly I call it impious, for that it is both against the Scriptures, and preiudiciall to Christes highest dignity of Priesthood vpon earth: Wherby also followeth that this Ministers inference or conclusion ( Ergo this order inherent in Christ ought to be held as conuenient among Christians) must be censured by the same censures, for that it concludeth a generall preheminence and excellency of Kingly State, before Priesthood, which is the quite opposite assertion to that which all ancient Fathers, and namely S. Chrysostome out of all their common sense, doth maintaine in his bookes De Sacerdotio, affirming, that the office and dignity of a Priest, doth so far exceed that of a King, as gold doth siluer, heauen earth, and the soule the body: Regno Sacerdotium (saith he) tanto est excellentius, quantum carnis & Spiritus interuallum [...]. l. 3. de Sacerdotio subinitio. esse potest; Priesthood is somuch more excellent then Kingly authority, as there can be difference imagined betweene flesh and spirit. And in another place the same Father: Sacerdotium est principatus ipso Chrys. ho. 5. de verb. Isaiae. etiam Regno venerabilior & maior: Priesthood is a Princedome more venerable & great then is Kingly authority. And then againe: Ne mihi narras purpuram &c. doe not tell me of purple or diademe, of scepter or golden apparell of Kinges, for these are but shaddowes, and more vaine then May-flowers: Si vis videre discrimen Ibid. quantum absit Rex a Sacerdote, expende modum potestatis vtrique traditae &c. If yow will see indeed the true difference betweene them, and how much the King is inferiour to a [...], consider the measure of power geuen to them both, & yow shall see the Priestes tribunall [Page 149] much higher then that of the King. So he. Wherunto agreeth that of S. Gregory Nazienzen spoken to Naz. orat. ad ciues timore [...]. the Emperour himself: The law of Christ (saith he) hath made yow subiect to my power, and to my tribunall, for wee (Bishops) haue an Empire also, and that more excellent and perfect then yours, except yow will say the spirit is inferiour to the flesh, and heauenly thinges to earthly.
11. So he. And much more to this effect, which yow may read cited out of diuers Fathers, in a booke set forth this last yeare, in answere to Syr Edward Cookes Reportes by a Catholicke deuine, who handleth this point more largely and particularly in the second and fourth Chapters of the said answere. And this is sufficient to shew the inference or conclusion of T. M. to be false, touching the power and dignity of Priesthood, and of Kingly principallity among men. Now let vs returne to the consideration therof in Christ himself, which is the principall question, though in effect it be decided by that which now wee haue shewed, for that the dignity and preheminence aboue Kingly dignity, of Priesthood in man, which the foresaid Fathers doe so resolutly affirme, inferreth also the preheminence of Priesthood in Christ, for somuch as from that descendeth this other; but yet I thinke it not amisse to handle the same somewhat more distinctly, the Ministers paradox therin being so prophane and irreligious as hath byn said.
12. First then as Christ is acknowledged both by them and vs to haue byn both Priest and King, according as he was prefigured in Melchisedech, who had both these dignities in himself, so the one and the other excellency of Priestly and Kingly preheminence, were in him according as he was man, and vnder his Father, which for so much as appertained to his Priesthood is graunted heere by T. M. and the matter is euident in itself; for that Christ as God could not offer [Page 150] Sacrifice, nor make intercession to his Father for vs (which are the chief offices of Priesthood) for that this belōgeth to an inferiour, according to that saying of S. Ambrose: Sacerdos idem & hostia Sacerdotium, tamen humanae [...]. l. 3. de fid. c. 5. conditionis officium est: Christ was both Priest and Sacrifice, yet was his Priesthood the office of humane condition. S. Augustine also talking of both dignities Aug. l. 1. de consensu [...]. cap. 3. saith: Secundum hominem Christus, & Rex & Sacerdos effectus est: Christ was made both King and Priest according as he was man. And the same is plaine by Scripture, in which euery where is acknowledged that Christes Kingdome was giuen him by his Father: Ego autem constitutus Rex ab eo super Sion montem Sanctum eius, saith Psal. 2. Christ in the Psalmes: I am apointed King by him vpon his holy hill of Sion, ergo he was King by gift and appointement of his Father. And in the same Psalme God the Father saith vnto him: Postula à me & dabo tibi Ibid. & Hebr. 1. gentes haereditatem tuam & possessionem tuam terminos terrae: Aske of me, and I will giue vnto thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance, and the confines of all the earth for thy possession: so as in this Kingdome, God the Father required an acknowledgment. And yet further the Prophet speaking to the said Father of this Kingdome of Christ in flesh said: Constituisti eum super [...] Psal. 8. manunm tuarum, & omnia subiecisti sub pedibus eius: thou hast appointed him for Lord and King ouer the workes of thy handes, that is to say, ouer all thy creatures, and thou hast subiected all thinges vnder his feet: which point S. Paul doth prosecute most excellently in the first two Chapters of his Epistle to the Hebrewes; and there can be no doubt in this matter, for Christ himself speaketh most plainly: Data est mihi omnis [...]. 28. [...] in caelo & in terra: All power is giuen vnto me both in heauen and earth, so as he acknowledgeth it to be giuen, which cannot stand with his diuinity, in that he is God, and equall with his Father: in which [Page 151] regard all was his owne without gift, according to those wordes of S. Paul to the Philippians: Non rapinam Phil. [...]. arbitratus est esse se aequalem Deo; He did not thinke it Vsurpation to be equall to God his Father according to his diuinity. Wherfore it must needs appeare great ignorance in our Minister, to assigne him this his temporall Kingdome as he was God and equall to his Father.
13. But now to the principall proposition VVhether Christ his Kingdome had the preheminence of his Priesthood, or his Priesthood of his Kingdome; though in part the matter be made cleere by that which is already spokē; yet shal we adde two or three wordes more. And first the matter is manifest by the narration it self in Scripture, when the figure of his Priesthood and Kingdome is declared in Genesis, in the person of Melchisedech: for thus Gen. 14. saith the text: Melchisedech King of Salem bringing forth bread and wine (for he was the Priest of God most high) gaue his benediction to Abraham, and tooke tithes of him for all that he had. In which example is greatly to be noted the reflection it self and emphasis which the Scripture maketh vpon his Priestoood: Erat enim sacerdos Dei altissimi: For he was the Priest of the most high God, as who should say, that otherwise he could neuer haue offred vp in sacrifice that bread and wine (the highest action of all other vpon earth) as King, except he had byn Priest: nor yet haue blessed Abraham, and much lesse haue taken tithes of him: Which point S. Paul doth ponder very deeply and seriously in his Epistle to the Hebrewes, repeating often Hebr. 7. times for the greater glory of Christ and his powerfull Priesthood this example of Melchisedech: Assimilatus [...] Dei (saith he) manet sacerdos in perpetuum; intuemini autem quantus sit hic, cui & decimas dedit de praecipuis Abraham Patriarcha: This Melchisedech bearing a likenes of the Sonne of God, remained a Priest perpetually: Ne (que) [Page 152] initium dierum neque finem vitae habens: hauing neither beginning of his dayes, nor end of his life: consider then how great a man this was, to whome the Patriarch gaue tithes of all the principall thinges he had.
14. This is S. Paules contemplation of the matter, who in his said Epistle to the Hebrewes, laying this foundation of the figure of Melchisedech for the Priesthood and Kingdome of Christ (though more specially as yow see for his Priesthood) doth presently after the consideration of those wordes, Filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui [...]; thou art my Sonne, I haue this day begotten thee (wherby he proueth Christ to haue byn not the adopted but natural Sonne of God) after this, I say, he doth insist, for demonstration of his highest [...] and dignity, vpon those wordes of God the Father for his Priesthood: Tu es facerdos in aeternum secundum [...]. 109. ordinem Melchisedech: Thou art a Priest foreuer according to the order of Melchisedech; out of which wordes of highest dignity and commission, S. Paul doth make many inferences, as that in the second Chapter: Nusquam Hebr. 2. Angelos apprehendit, sed [...] Abrahae &c. vt misericors fieret & fidelis Pontifex ad Deum. God tooke not Angelles but the seed of Abraham to frame Christ, to the [...] he might be both a mercifull and faithfull High Priest for vs with God, for propitiation of our sinnes. And againe in the third Chapter: Behold yow Holy brethren who are partakers of this our heauenly vocation, Consider Hebr. 3. our Apostle and High Priest of this our confession Iesus. And in the fourth Chapter hauing spoken much of the Sabboth day, that he is to giue vs in the next life, he adioineth this exhortation: Habentes ergo Pontificem magnum Hebr. 4. The dignity of Priesthood in Christ aboue his Kingly authority. &c. we hauing therfore a great high Priest that hath pearced the heauens, Iesus the Sonne of God, let vs hold fast our confession, for we haue not a Priest that cannot take compassion of our infirmities &c. And againe in the fifth Chapter hauing said first: [...] Pontifex &c. Euery High Priest [Page 153] chosen out of men, is appointed for men in those thinges that appertaine vnto God, that he offer giftes and Sacrifices for sin &c. after this (I say) S. Paul doth immediatly inferre this conclusion about the supreame honor & dignity of Christ his Priesthood: Nec quisquam sumit sibi honorem &c. Neither may any man take the honour of Priesthood vnto him, but he that is called by God, as Aaron was, and so Christ (though he were the true Sonne of God) did not aduance himself to this honour of being high Priest, but that he who said vnto him filius meus es tu, thou art my Sonne, said vnto him also tu es sacerdos in aeternum, thou art a Priest for euer, appellatus à Deo Pontifex, being called by God to be high Priest, according to the order of Melchisedech, of whome there remaineth to vs a great speech to vtter, and such a one as needeth exposition, wherof yow as yet for your weaknes ar not capable. So S. Paul.
15. And then in the other two sequent Chapters to wit the seauenth and eight, he doth prosecute the same argument of the high dignity of Christes Priesthood Hebr. 7. much more largely. ‘Among the Iewes (saith he) there were many Priestes made, for that they were letted by death to remaine, but this our high Priest remaineth for euer: his Priesthood is eternall, wherof it ensueth that he can for euer saue vs, interposing himself with God for vs by himself, and euer lyuing to make intercession for vs, for such a high Priest was it conuenient that we should haue, holy, innocent, vnspotted, seperated from sinners, and more excellent then the heauens themselues. And againe in the next Chapter: Such a high Priest we haue, as sitteth on the right hand of the seat of maiesty in heauen, and there he is Minister of the Saintes and true Tabernacle.’
16. All this & much more hath S. Paul in that Epistle of the eminency of Christes Priesthood, therby to set forth the most admirable excellency of his power [Page 154] and glory therby giuen him from his Father for our saluation; but of the glory of his temporal Kingdome The auncient Fathers inferēce about Priesthood. in this life, he saith little or nothing. And had not then the foresaid Fathers and holy Bishops S. Chrysostome, S. Gregory Nazienzen, S. Ambrose and others, great cause by contemplation of this supereminent worthines of Christes Priesthood, to inferre the great preheminēce in generall of the Christian Priesthood, before Kingly dignity of earthly principality? But let vs yet consider one reason more.
17. The office of high Priesthood, as partly hath appeared by that we haue said, and is euident by the discourse of S. Paul, appointing him for a meanes or mediator Tvvo prin cipall partes of Priesthood. betweene God and man, consisteth principally in two thinges or partes: first in respect of that which he is to performe towardes God, as to his Superiour: secondly in the functions that he is to vse towardes the people, as inferiours and subiectes. The first consisteth in offering sacrifice, oblations, prayers and intercession for the sinnes of the people, as already touching Christ our Sauiour out of the Apostle we haue declared. The second consisteth in the spirituall power, dignity, authority and functions therof, which our said high Priest Christ Iesus, as head & high Priest of his Church, purchased with the sacrifice of his owne bloud, hath, and may exercise vpon the said Church for euer, for vnto him as our high Priest it appertaineth not only to make intercession for his said Church, but to gouerne the same also, and to direct it by conuenient meanes vnto the end of their saluation, which he hath designed, and for this to make lawes, prescribe orders, appoint Sacramentes, ordaine Christ a spirituall King by his Priesthood but not a temporall. spirituall tribunals of iudgment, giue sentence of separation of the good from the bad, forgiue and retaine sinnes, which spirituall gouernment of soules belonging to the office of high Priesthood, is a different [Page 155] thing from the ciuill gouernment of temporall principality, and yet is a Kingdome also in it self, but a spirituall Kingdome ouer soules and not ouer bodies. And this had Christ our Sauiour togeather with his high Priesthood, according to the prediction and vision of Daniel: Aspiciebam & ecce quasi filius hominis &c. ‘I did Dan. 7. looke and behold there appeared as it were the Sonne of man, and God gaue vnto him power and honour, and a Kingdome, his power is an eternall power, and his Kingdome shall neuer be corrupted.’ And so in the second Psalme, after he had said, I am made King by him vpon his holy Hill of Sion, he addeth presently to shew that it was a spirituall Kingdome: Praedicans praeceptum eius, my office is to preach his commandement, and many other authorities may be alledged to proue that Christ in that he was high Priest had supreame spirituall Kingly authority in like manner for gouerning of soules.
18. But now for the temporall Kingdome of Christ in this life, to wit, whether besides this spirituall and Of Christes temporall Kingdome. Royall gouernment of our soules, he had Kingly Dominion also vpon our bodies and goodes, and vpon all the Kingdomes of the earth, so as he might iustly haue excercised all actions of that temporall iurisdiction, as casting into prison, appointing new officers, Kings and Monarches; yea whether their power, and authority, and interest to their States did cease when he came, as the right of Priestly authority did: in this (I say) and other pointes depending herof, there are two disputable opinions betweene Catholicke Deuines; Almain. l. de potest. Eccl. c. 8. the one holding the affirmatiue, that Christ was Lord & King temporall, as heere is set downe, which Turrecr. l. 2. sum. c. 116. Nau. in c. Nou. de iudic. D. Tho. l. 1. de reg. Prin. c. 11. D. Anton. 3. par. ti. 3. cap. 2. diuers learned men both of old and our time doe de fend; the other affirming that albeit Christ togeather with his high Kingly dignity of spirituall power, was Lord also cōsequently ouer our bodies, & shall raigne [Page 156] ouer the same most gloriously for all eternity in the life to come; yet that he renounced the vse of all that Dominion in this life, and that in this sense, he fled when they would haue made him King, and refused Luc. 12. to deuide the inheritance betweene the two Brethrē when he was demaunded; and finally said to Pilate, My Kingdome is not of this world, confessing himself to be a [...]. 18. true temporal King also, according to Pilates meaning; but yet that the vse and exercise therof was not for this world, but only for the next, wherof also the good thiefe vnderstood when he said on the Crosse: Be mindfull of me when thou shalt come into thy Kingdome. Luc. 25. And finally they alledge for proofe of this the wordes of Zachary the Prophet: Ecce Rex [...] venit tibi iustus & Zach. 9. Saluator & ipse pauper: Behold ( Sion) thy King commeth vnto thee as a iust and sauing King, but he is poore; as though he had said, he is thy true King, but hath renounced the vse and priuiledge of the same, and chosen pouerty in this world. And with this second opinion which is the more Ita tenet Abulensis. q. 30. in Math. 21. generall, doe concurre also the Protestantes of our age, that Christ tooke vpon him no temporall Kingly power in this life, least if VValdens. l. 2. de doctrina. ca. 76. & 77. they held the contrary, it should be inferred therof, that he left the same authority both of temporall and spirituall vnto S. Peter his Successour; which yet the Victoria velect. 1. de potest. Catholickes that hold this opinion, explicate otherwise, saying: that albeit Christ had no direct Dominion Eccl. q. 5. Sotus l. 4. de iustitia q. 4. art. 1. in this life vpon temporall thinges, yet indirectly for preseruation of his spirituall Dominion he had, and might haue vsed the same, and in that sense he left Armacan. l. 4. contr. it to his said Successor.
19. Of all which is inferred first the preheminence [...]. c. 12 Burgensis in Scrutinio [...] P. 1. dist. 7. of high Priesthood in Christ before his temporall Kingly principality, for that as we haue said, the actions and functions of Christes Priesthood, haue not only more high & eminent dignity, both in that they [Page 157] treat with men for gouerning their soules, then Christes temporall Kingdome for gouerning of bodies; but moreouer that the dignity of Priesthood in Christ, conteineth in it self a much more high spirituall Kingly power, then is the temporall.
20. Secondly is inferred, that the reasons heere alledged by T. M. for his paradox, in preferring Christs Inferēces vpon the premises about the preheminence of Priesthood aboue temporall Kingly authority. being a King, before his Priesthood, are vaine & foolish. The first wherof is this. Christes Kingdome (saith he) had the preheminence of Priesthood, because he is Priest only for vs, but he is King ouer vs. But I would aske him, Is not Christ Priest ouer vs aswel as for vs? hath he not a spirituall and Priestly iurisdiction ouer our soules? doth not he binde and loose our sinnes? doth not he prescribe vs Sacramentes? appoint vs lawes of liuing, and the like? or doe not these actions appertaine vnto him as high Priest ouer his Church? And againe I would aske him, about the second member, as Christ in flesh was King, was he not made King aswell for vs, that is for our good, as ouer vs? doth not this man know that the difference betweene a good and bad gouernment, a true King and a Tyrant, consisteth in this, that the one raigneth for his owne good, the other for the good of his subiects? What impiety were it to affirme this defect to be in Christes Kingly gouernment, and consequētly what folly is it to bring in such reasons? But let vs see what he saith further.
21. Christ (saith he) as Priest is suppliant to his Father, & Pag. [...]. as King he is predominant ouer all powers and principalities, equally with his Father: But now wee haue shewed before that there be two partes or functions of Priesthood, the one towardes God, to be suppliant by sacrifice and intercession, the other to be predominant ouer men by spirituall gouernment vpon their soules, The folly of T. M. his discourse. and that both these doe agree to Christ, in respect of his high Priesthood, and as he is man, and much more [Page 158] the other of his temporall Kingdome: so as to make him equall to his Father in this, as T. M. doth, is an impious absurdity; for that vnder his Fathers vniuersall Kingdome Christ himself is also conteined as a subiect, according to those wordes of graduation in S. Paul: Omnia vestra sunt &c. vos autem Christi, Christus autem 1. Cor. 3. Dei. All thinges are yours, life, death, the world, thinges past, thinges to come, and yow are of Christ & Christ of God; that is to say, all thinges for Christ are subiect to yow, so you are and ought to be subiect to Christ, and Christ to God his Father. Now then see how wisely this man frameth his foresaid maine Conclusion, that as in Christ, his Kingdome had the preheminence of his Priesthood (which is false as we haue shewed) so must it hold also among men that Kingly power be preferred before Priestly, temporall before spirituall. Of which opinion S. Chrysostome doth thinke that no man, but mad or furious, can be. Equidem (saith he) neminem existere talem dixerim, nisi si Chrys. l. 3. de [...]. quis furiarum aestu percitus sit: I cannot thinke any man to be of this opinion (to preferre temporall authority before spirituall) except a man should become mad with the rage of furies. And so to S. Chrysostome I leaue our Minister to be charmed from these kinde of Hereticall furies.
THE SECOND PART OF THIS CHAPTER, CONTEYNING Three particular kindes of proofes, alledged by T. M. against the Popes Supremacy, to vvit: Of the new, and old Testament, and from reason it self.
ALl this that hitherto hath byn treated by our Aduersary, hath byn by way, as it were, of preamble or preface, for abasing Priesthood, as you haue seene, euen in Christ himself, therby to subiect the same in Christians to temporall authority; but about this point, I wish the Reader to looke ouer the forenamed two Chapters of the late Answere to Syr Edward Cooke (I meane the second and fourth) and I suppose he will remaine satisfied in the preheminency of the one aboue the other. Now notwithstanding for the second part of this Chapter we shall bring into a short view the principall pointes hādled by T. M. [Page 160] in this his confutation of the Popes Supremacy. And albeit you may easily make a coniecture of what substance it is like to be, by that which already you haue seéne discussed; yet shall we descend to some principall particulars, for that he reduceth in effect all his proofes to three chief heades: the first concerning the state of the Sinagogue vnder the Iewes, the second of the Christian Church vnder the new Testament, the third by reason common to them both.
From the State of the old Testament. §. 1.
23. FOr the first he setteth downe as argumentes of ours, for licencing Popes to kill Princes, a large list of Kinges and Princes deposed, murthered, or molested A list of Kings and Princes deposed or slaine, impertinently brought in by T.M. vnder the old Testament, as though we did found our doctrine theron; for which cause he giueth the title of Romish pretence to the said list, alledging therin fourteene seuerall examples; as Saul deposed by the Prophet Samuel: Roboam by the Prophet Achia; the Queene Athalia by the chief Priest Iehoida; King Antiochus resisted and driuen out of his Dominion ouer Iury by the Priest Mathathias and the Machabees his children: the Priestes of Baal, and other Ministers of the King slaine by the Prophets Elias & Elizeus: the great Captaine Holofernes by Iudith: King Eglon by Ahod: Sisera by Iabel: Queene Iezabel by Iehu at the appointmēt of the Prophet Elizeus, with seauenty children of King Achab: the death of King Achab who was slaine also miserably himself by Godes appointment, & the Prophetes prediction: King Amon slaine by his owne seruantes 4. Reg. 19. [Page 161] for his wickednes; to whome we may ad the death of King Agag by the commaundement of Samuel 1. Reg. 15. 4. Reg. 12. the Prophet; the slaughter of King Ioas by his owne seruantes: And lastly King Ozias for exercising the Priestes office and function, was by the high Priest depriued of his Kingdome.
24. And when he had set downe all this ranke of these vnfortunate Princes their deathes and depositions, as though we had delighted therin or proposed all that heere is said to be imitated, he saith: Heere we heare nothing but fighting, dispossessing, and killing of Kinges, & Conf. P. 4. 5. those cheifly by Priestes and Prophetes of God in the old Testament propounded to the Prelates of the new, to teach them to erect their Miters aboue Crownes. Doe yow see the malice of the man? If himself hath gathered together this Catalogue of Princes that came to ill endes, & were slaine or deposed, is it maruaile though he heare nothing but that himself liketh to lay forth?
25. The difference and comparison of Miters and Crownes is fond and ridiculous, and brought in only Hovv myters are aboue Crovvnes. to make the matter it self odious; for the true comparison is only betweene spirituall and temporal authority, the one apperteyning to soules, the other to bodies, the one called heauenly, the other earthly, the one proper to Priestes, the other to ciuill Princes as before yow haue heard declared out of ancient Fathers, who notwithstanding were neuer reprehended nor called into enuy for erecting Miters aboue Crownes in that sense, as this prophane Calumniator doth heere vrge: and exaggerate.
26. And as for this whole matter of the examples out of the old Testamēt, our principall question being only as before we haue declared: VVhether God hath left any lawfull meanes for restrayning euill Princes, in certaine cases The true State of the Question. of extreame danger, and whether Priestes also and Prelates in Christian Religion, but especially the highest Priest, may deale [Page 162] therin: These examples are fraudulently heaped and hudled togeather by T. M. as though all were equally stood vpon by Catholicke writers, and this to the end that he may giue himself matter to answere afterward, as he doth by distinguishing that all doe not proue the self same thing, nor were equally lawfull, nor done by equall authority or approbation, nor appertaine equally to the matter we haue in hād, which Catholicke writers also doe say, and haue taught him to say, though he dissemble it, wherof we may read both Cunerus, Carerius, Salmeron, Barkleius, Reginaldus and Boucherus, here by him cited out of whome he hath taken the most part of that he writeth in this affaire.
27. Wheras then we must confesse with the Philosopher and with reason it self, that Quidlibet ex quolibet non est consequens, euery thing followeth not of whatsoeuer, it seemeth that two pointes only of any moment, concerning the controuersy in hand, may truly Tvvo prin cipall pointes to be cōsidered in these examples of Kings punished. and sincerly be deduced out of this number of examples now alledged: the first that as temporall authority of Princes is from God, and he will haue it respected and obeyed as from himself; so one way or other he faileth not to punish them grieuously, and to bring them oftentimes to great affliction and desolation, when they gouerne not well, and this either by ordinary or extraordinary meanes, as himself liketh best. To which end is that seuere admonitiō in the second Psalme: Et nūc Reges intelligite, & erudimini qui iudicatis terram: seruite Domino in timore, & exultate ei cum tremore. Apprehendite disciplinam, nequando irascatur Dominus, & pereatis &c. And now yow Kinges vnderstand, and yow that gouerne the earth be instructed: serue almighty God in feare, and reioice vnto him with trembling. Admit discipline, lest he fal into wrath against yow, & yow perish &c. And this is the best & most pious meditatiō which a Christian man can draw or lay before [Page 163] Princes, out of those disasterous euentes as fell to diuers by Godes owne apointment or permission vnder the old Testament, and not the comparison of Myters and Crownes which this Minister ridiculously bringeth in.
28. Secondly may be noted, that in the execution of Godes iustice & designement in this behalfe, he vsed The true controuersy. also oftentimes the help & concurrence of both Priestes and Prophetes, & other holy men, who notwithstanding may be presumed out of their said holy disposition to haue abhorred such effusion of bloud, war, and other calamities, which by fulfilling Godes ordinance made vnto them, either by secret inspiration or open commandment, were to ensue and follow, and consequently that all Priestes were not debarred from dealing in such affairs, when God required their cooperation therin.
29. All the question then is how, and when, and where, and by whome, and for what causes, and in what cases, & with what circumstances, this restraint of Princes may be vsed, wherin I haue shewed aboundantly before, that the moderation prescribed by Catholickes is far greater, without comparison, then is that of the Protestantes, whether we respect either their doctrine or practice, of which both kindes we Supr. c. 1. 4 haue before produced sufficient examples: and in this place the Authors most alledged by T. M. about this controuersy, against violence towardes Princes, are Catholicke, as namely Cunerus, a learned Bishop of the low Countreys, in his booke, De Officio Principis Christiani; Cuner. ep. Leouard. and Barkleius a Reader of Law in Loraine, in six bookes written by him, De Regno & Regali potestate aduersus Monarchomacos, Of Kingdome and Kingly power against impugners of Princes, the first writing against the Rebellions and violent attemptes of the subiectes of Holland and Zeland, and other Prouinces therunto [Page 164] annexed, and by that occasion treating in generall, how vnlawfull a thing it is for subiectes to take that course, vpon any discontentment whatsoeuer, handleth the matter very learnedly though briefly.
30. But the other Doctour Barkley, taking vpon him to treat the same matter much more largely, directeth his pen principally against the bookes of certaine Protestantes of our time, as Hottoman, Brute, Buchanan, and others before mentioned, for so he saith in his preface: D. Barkley Prefac. ad Henr. 4. Non contentus Satanas tis, qui parens ille malorum & mendaciorum Lutherus &c. Satan being not contēted with those Gall. Reg. wicked doctrines which Luther the Father of all wickednes and lies, and other slanderous Railers, that came out of his kytchin, had with infamous mouthes and intolerable audacity vomited out against Princes, he sent forth also into the world, to fly before mens Catholiks principall vvriters for the safty of Princes. eyes other most seditious bookes, Hottomani FrancoGalliam, Bruti vindicias Tyrannorum, Bucchanani Dialogum de iure Regni; the booke of Hottoman (dwelling in Geneua) intituled, Free-France, or the Freedome of France (to wit, of the Protestantes against their Kinges and Princes,) that other also of Brutus (a man of the same place and crew) intituled, The reuenge that subiectes ought to take of their Princes if they become Tyrantes; the third of Buchanan, (schoole-maister in times past to our Kinges Maiesty) intituled, A Dialogue of the right of Kingly power, subiecting the same to the people, yea and to euery priuate person therof, when it shall seeme vnto him necessary for the common-wealth, or expedient for Godes glory, as before yow haue heard. Against all which this Doctour Barkley, a Catholicke man writeth his six bookes; so as in this point for Princes security we are far more forward then Protestantes.
31. And albeit this said Doctour doth include in like manner Doctour Boucher a French Catholicke D. Boucher. writer, reprehending diuers thinges vttered by the [Page 165] said Boucher in his booke De iusta abdicatione, against the late King Henry the third of France; yet in the principall point; whether priuate men, either for priuate or publicke causes, may vse violence against their lawful Prince, not lawfully denounced for a publique enemy by the whole state and common-wealth; in this point (I say) the said Boucher is absolutly against the same, & so protesteth and proueth it by diuers argumentes, See Boucher l. 3. c. 16. shewing himself therin to be quite contrary, and to abhorre not only the doctrine of VVickcliffe and Husse condemned in the Councell of Constance about that Sess. 15. matter, but also of the forsaid Protestant writers Hottoman, Brute, Bucchanan, Knox, Goodman, Gilby, VVhittingham and the like: among whome also I may include Iohn Fox, who in his history of Iohn Husse, alloweth that proposition of his; Prelates and Princes leese their authority VVarnvvord Encounter 2. ca. 3. n. [...] 4. when they fall into mortall sinne; as the Author of the VVarn-word proueth more largely out of Fox himself.
32. And thus much for the first point, about examples drawne from the times of the old Testament, out of which, little cā be vrged to the proofe or disproofe of this question, besides the two generall pointes by The comparison of Priesthood and Kingly authority in the old lavv. vs noted before. For to bring into disputation, whether Priesthood or Kingly principality had the vpper hand in that law, is to small purpose, the matter being cleere, that as the Kinges (and so likewise their Captaines, Iudges, and Gouernours before they had Kinges) had the preheminence in all temporall affaires, so in spirituall: and such as concerned God imediatly, the were referred principally to Priestes, and the temporall Magistrate commaunded to heare them, to take the law of them, & consequently also the interpretation therof, to repaire vnto them in consultation of doubtes, and to stand to their iudgment and definition; that Priestes and Prophetes should consult [Page 166] immediatly with God, and the Prince follow their word and direction.
33. And albeit God did some-times vse for externall guiding and direction of Priestes and Priestly affaires, the authority of good Kinges in those daies, especially when they were Prophetes also, as Dauid & Salomon, in the correcting and remouing of some Priestes; yet this was extraordinary, and proueth not, that simply and absolutly Kingly dignity and authority was aboue Priesthood in that law, albeit also it be most true, which the Authors by this man heere alledged Salmeron, Cunerus, Carerius and the rest doe note, that the Priesthood of the old Testament was nothing comparable to that of the new, this descending directly from the person and office of Christ himself, and indued with farre higher and more powerfull spirituall authority for guiding of soules, then had the Priestes of the old law, which was but a figure of the new; & therfore to argue from that to this, is a plaine fallacy, and abusing of the Reader.
34. Wherfore leauing this of the comparison betweene Kinges and Priestes, of the old and new Testament, I will end this first point, with the very same conclusion (concerning the safty of Princes from violence of their subiectes) which our Aduersary himself alledgeth out of our Catholicke Author Cunerus Conf. p. 13 in these wordes: ‘ VVe are taught (saith he) from the example of the people of God, as your Cunerus teacheth, with great patience to endure the tyranny of mortall Kinges, yea when wee haue power to resist, [...]. de of. Princ. c. 7. and because they be next vnder God in earth, in all their iniuries, to commend their reuenge vnto God; nay he teacheth Kinges another excellent rule of pollicy, fitting for the preseruation of all States, which is; that he who succeedeth a King violently murdered of any, though of Godly zeale; yet ought he to reueng his Predecessours [Page 167] death by the death of the malefactours.’ So T.M. And now followeth that of the Ghospell Ex ore tuo te indico serue [...]. [...]. [...]: for first I would aske him, is not this Catholicke doctrine? Is it not ours? doth he not heere call the Author therof Cunerus, ours? how then doth he affirme euery where, that our doctrine teacheth killing of Princes? Let him shew vs any of his Authors, that euer of this argument hath written so moderatly.
35. And yet further I must aske him whether he will stand to the iudgment of this our Cunerus, when he commeth to the point indeed, How incorrigible Princes in some cases may lawfully be restrained, as also depriued by the Common-wealth, and consent of the supreame Pastour? will he stand to this (I say) or rather fleet back againe to the doctrine of the Scottish, Geneuian, French, & Flemish Ministers, when the King should mislike him, and especially for his Religion? wherof I make little doubt, what euer he saith heere, finding himself and his at good ease. And finally I would aske him seriously, whether he would haue his Maiesty of England to practice that excellent rule of pollicy which he so highly comendeth out of our [...] (who notwithstanding saith not a word therof by way of rule or obseruation, but only affirmeth that Amasias did 4. Reg. 14. iustly put to death those seruantes of King Ioas, that 2. Par. 24. vpon zeale had slaine him in his bed:) I would aske him (I say) whether indeed he would wish his Maiesty of England to put the same rule, and so highly commended pollicy in vse, against such as violently A [...] made [...] T.M. murdered, abetted or procured the same, against not only his Predecessours, but parentes and immediate Progenitours, Father, Mother, and Grand-mother? And then we know how many Ministers, and their friendes would enter into that daunce; but these men frame their tongues according to times & fit occasiōs. And with this he endeth his proofes out of the old Testament.
Out of the new Testament. §. 2.
36. ANd then comming to the second part, he beginneth his discourse with this title: The former Pag. 14. question disputed according to the state of the new Testament, and presently in our manner he giueth the onset with this proposition: The Pope hath all absolute and direct power and dominion temporall ouer all Kinges and Kingdomes of the world &c. And for proofe therof citeth Carerius and Bozius in the margent, and beginneth to lay forth their proofes; and then against these two that hold the opinion of Canonistes (wherof before we haue treated, to wit, that Christ was the immediate Lord of all temporalties, and consequently also is his substitute) he opposeth Franciscus de Victoria, Bellarmine, Sanders, and others that hold the other opinion, to wit that the Pope hath not directly, but indirectly only such authority to deale with Princes in temporall affaires: and so not informing his Reader that these are different opinions of the manner how the Pope hath this authority, but yet that both do agree in the thing it self that he hath it; he playeth pleasantly vpon the matter, and would make men thinke that he taketh vs at great aduantage, as contrary or rather contradictory among our selues: which indeed is no more cō tradiction, then if two Lawiers agreeing that such a noble man, had such an office or authority ouer such An example expressing the state of the question. a Lordship, by succession from the Crowne, should differ only in this, whether the said office were giuen by the Prince, seuerally and expressely by particuler gift and writinges, or were giuen by a certaine consequence included in the gift of the said Lordship: The differēce were nothing in the thing or certainty [Page 169] of authority, but in the manner of hauing it, and so is it heere; and yet out of this difference of these two opiniōs, doth our Minister furnish himself with good probability of argmentes on the one side, as though they were his owne, who otherwise would appeare very poore & pittiful therin. And this tricke he plaied before with the moderate Answerer, when he serued himself of the two differēt opinions of some Deuines and Canonistes about the question: VVhether Hereticks before personall denuntiation, and sentence giuen, be subiect to See before cap. 2. externall penalties appointed by the Canons: And generally he runneth to this shift, more then any other commonly of his fellow-writers which I haue seene in these our dayes, to wit, that whersoeuer he findeth any difference of opinions in disputable matters betweene our Catholicke writers (which S. Augustine Aug. l. 1. contr. [...]. cap. 2. saith may stand with integrity of faith) there he setteth downe any one of these opinions for ours, and argueth against it with the argumentes of the other, or bringeth in the others authority & wordes against the same, which maketh some shew or muster of matter on his side, wheras in deed and substance he hath nothing at all.
37. It were ouer long to examine in this place all the obiections which he putteth downe on our behalfe, vnder the second head of our proofes, concerning the time of the new Testament, calling them Romish pretences, and the fond resolutions he giueth vnto [...]. pag. 15. them; as first that we doe found the Popes temporall sword vpon the keyes giuen by Christ to S. Peter and that it is a strange art to make a sword of a paire of keyes, which seemeth to him a fine iest, & then commeth That keies may [...] authority both spirituall and temporall. he out with this vanut: Neither can any shew me one Doctour, but of reasonable antiquity (peto vel ex millibus vnum) who by keyes vnderstand ciuill power: But Syr what needeth antiquity of Doctors in this behalf? will not [Page 170] your owne moderne Protestant Doctors graunt, that when the keyes of any Citty, Towne, or Fort are giuē to a Prince, ciuill power ouer that Fort is meant therby? who will deny this?
38. And secondly whereas he alleadgeth Franciscus à Victoria to say that the keyes giuen to S Peter imported spiritual authority of remitting and reteyning sinnes, ergo no way temporall, is a fond illation: for that albeit Victoria saith that those keyes did principally importe spirituall authority; yet they include also supreme temporall indirectly, when the defence of the spirituall doth require it. Whereupon he frameth this conclusion in the same place: Our eight proposition is (saith he) that the Pope (by authority of the foresaid keyes) hath most ample temporall power ouer all Princes and Kinges, and the Emperour himself, in order to a spirituall end, which he proueth there by many arguments. And this of the first iest about swordes to be made of keyes.
39. The second iest also is as wise and witty as this former, that when we found the same temporall sword or authority of S. Peter, and his successours vpon the words of Christ: Feed my sheep, he doth inferre that Princes also must be fed, and dietted corporally at the Popes discretion, and other such toyes, he not vnderstanding, as it seemeth, or rather dissembling the force of Catholicke argumentes drawne from those and other like Scriptures, both by later Doctors, and ancient Fathers, which this fellow turneth into scofs and contempt, or wicked railing, for that presently he falleth into these rages: O arrogant Glossers! O impudent Conf. p. 17 Glosers, and peruerters of the sacred Oracles of God! And why is all this heat of exclamations? Forsooth for that in some Popes Bulles (though corruptly & fraudulently alledged) some mention is made of the great authority that was giuen to Elias, Elizeus, Ieremy, and other Prophetes, and especially to Christ himself, vpon [Page 171] earth to plant, destroy, pull vp, or punish where need should be; and that this authority by allusion vnto the same wordes of Scripture, is applied to Christes Successour vpon earth, & affirmed to be left in the Christian Church, to be vsed when need shall require: and is this so great an impiety thinke yow?
40. But he goeth on and saith: That next to this he will examine the antiquity of pretended Papall power from the Apostles time downward, and then produceth this assertion of ours: The Priestes ( saith the Romish pretence) of the new Testament in the Priesthood of Christ haue more authority then that of the old law ouer Kinges to depose them, whervnto he adioyneth presently his owne spruse Ministeriall answere in these wordes: This is not probable except yow can shew some footinges either of Christ or his blessed Apostles, or their Holy Successours in the purer periods of times. And is not this answered as from a man of his coat? Marke the phrase Of footings in purer periods, I will for footinges in this matter referre him to the large demonstrations which out of Scriptures, Doctours, Fathers, Councelles, and Ecclesiasticall Histories, the Authors by him heere often alledged Carerius, Bozius, Bellarmine, Sanders, Salmeron, and others doe aboundantly and substancially alledge; & when he shall haue ouerthrowne or supplanted those footinges of theirs, which they [...] fix throughout all periods of times from the beginning The poore footings of Protestantes in periods of antiquity. of Christian Religion vnto our dayes, and generall practice therof, then may the poore man get to haue some little footing for himself and his cause, which hitherto he hath none at all, as to any man whosoeuer, with any indifferency of iudgment, shall read ouer and examine his booke, will euidently appear; yea though he compare but only that which himself alledgeth heere both in the text and margent, which seldome agree in true sense if you marke it well. But if yow would examine the Latin authorities [Page 172] cited in the said margent, with the originalles of the Authors themselues, you shall scarce euer finde them sincerly to agree, but that one fraud or other is vsed in their allegation, by chopping, changing, infarcing, leauing out, and other such sleightes and deceiptes, which though the breuity of this Treatise permit me not to examin, and lay forth at large in this place; yet some we haue touched before, and some others shall we haue occasion to note afterwardes, and the Reader himself may vpon this warning make some little triall.
41. And as for the succession of times, which this Author T. M. pretendeth to bring downe from the Apostles dayes, (not to ours) but for a thousand yeares only after Christ, wherin he saith; that no Pope can be shewed euer to haue had any temporall iurisdiction ouer any Emperour, King, or temporall Prince; though Catholickes doe hold the later six hundred yeares also, to be of no lesse force for president of examples in the Church of God then the former thousand, yet are the instances so many and euident, which may be alledged against his former prescription of the said thousand yeares, as doe manifestly cōuince him of folly in that assertion, wherin I referre me to the collections and demonstrations therof by the foresaid Authors Carerius, Bozius, Carer [...]. 2. depotestate Pont c. 19. & 20. Bellarmine, Sanders, and others in the places heere quoted in the margent, but especially to the three that are not Iesuites, & to the first for all, to wit Carerius, that Bell. [...]. de Rom. Pon. Sande. l. 7. de Monar. Bozius l. 5 de temporali Eccl. Mon. &c. in diuers thinges wrote against the Iesuits, whoe in his second booke alleadgeth 10. or 12. examples out of antiquity for prouing his purpose. I remit me also to the many learned writinges, set forth of late about the cause of the Venetians, by Penia, Baronius, Bouius, Eugenius, Nardus & others, shewing the most euident right, which the Pope had, and hath to commaund them, as high Pastor of the Church, to recall certaine ciuill [Page 173] lawes made by them in preiudice of the said Church, and Ecclesiasticall State; which Commandement we The cause of the Venetians. doubt not but God will moue that most excellent Cōmon-wealth finally to Now they haue obeyed. obey, they being knowne to be so good and sound Catholickes, as they are, though for some time in regard of some temporall respectes they haue deferred to doe the same.
42. Many more pointes might be examined in this descēt of his throughout periodes of times; but it would be ouerlong, and my intention is to giue a tast only or short view: for to examine the places cited out of Fathers of diuers ages, for proofe of his pretence, were time wholy lost. For that in effect they say nothing else, but that we graunt, which is that temporall Princes are to be respected and obeyed by Ecclesiasticall men also, but in temporall affaires. And as for his examples of some English Kings that seemed not to respect much the Popes authority in some occasions, which he hath borrowed out of Syr Edward Cookes Reportes, he may see the answere to that booke, and so I thinke remaine satisfied. Wherefore this shall suffice for the second head of argumentes throughout the new Testament, though after also in the examination of some falsifications we shall haue occasion to say more.
Argumentes from Reason. §. 3.
43. VVHerfore to passe no further in the second point of argumentes vnder the new Testament, we shall say a word or two only of the third, to wit of proofes affirmed to be deduced by vs from force of reason, for so he intituleth them; to wit, Popish [Page 174] Argumentes from reason. And to the end you may see his talent therin, wee shal examine only the third reason in this place which he declareth in these wordes: Except, saith the Romish pretence, there were a way of deposing Pag. 14. Apostata Princes, God had not prouided sufficiētly for his Church; Extrauag. communium de maiorit. & obed. §. Vnam Sanctam. & for this he citeth the Constitution Extrauagant of Pope Bonifacius, and saith; This obiection is in your Extrauagantes, and so it may be called, because it rangeth extra, that is without the bondes of Godes ordinance &c. But as in all his other citations generally, he is neuer lightly true and sincere in all points, no not thrice (I thinke veryly) throughout all this lying booke of his; so neither heere: and it would require a great volume alone to examine only some part of his leaues about this point of his shiftes and corruptions; they are so many, and thicke and craftily hudled vp togeather. As for example heere, first this sentence is not in the Popes Extrauagant at all, The Extrauagant of Bonifacius [...]. falsely alleadged. but only in a certaine addition to the ordinary glosse or Commentary of Iohn Picard, which addition was made by Petrus Bertrandus a late writer. Secondly this Commentary saith nothing of deposing Apostata Princes, but only affirming the foresaid opinion of Canonistes to be true; that Christ was Lord absolutly in this life ouer all, not only in spirituall authority, but in temporall also; he inferreth therby Christ should not haue sufficiently prouided for the gouernment of his Church, & Kingdome vpon earth, Nisi vnicum post se talem Vicarium reliquisset Addit. ad comen. qui haec omnia posset, except he had left some such one substitute or Vicar after him, as should be able to Extrauag. de maior. in c. 1. ad finem. performe all these thinges, to wit, as belong both to spirituall and temporall power, according as necessity shall require: which later clause yow see, that T. M. cut of, as he added the other about Apostata Princes And thus much for his variety of corruptions in this little sentence, now to the thing it selfe.
44. The reason if we consider it without passion, [Page 175] is strong and weighty, and founded vpon the prouidence, wisedome, and goodnes of almighty God, who hauing prouided diligently, and admirably for the preseruation of all other thinges, and Communities by The great force of the former [...]. him created or ordained, should leaue the Christian Common-wealth vnfurnished of all remedy for the greatest euill of all others, that possibly can fall out, which is the corruption of the head, that may destroy the whole body wherof he is head, if it be not redressed. As if (for examples sake) the Prince would extirpate Christian Religion, bring in Mahometisme, or other such abhomination, ouerthrow all good lawes, plant and establish vice, dissolution, Atheisme, or commit some other such exorbitant wickednes, as were not tolerable, wherunto notwithstanding mans frailty, without the helpe of Godes grace, is, or may be subiect: In this case (saith the obiection) some remedy must haue byn left by Christ, or els his diuine wisdome and prouidence had not prouided sufficiently for the preseruation of his Kingdome, as by light of nature he left remedy to the body of euery Commonwealth Pla. Dial. 1. de repu. Aristot. 2. Polit. vnder the Gentiles before his cōming, which is euident both by Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, & others that wrote of Common-wealthes in those dayes, and did Cicer. 3. de leg. Bart. lib. de Tyrannide. alwayes presume, that the said Common-wealthes had sufficient authority by law of nature to restraine exorbitant Princes, when they were perilous to the publicke: and the same haue held al other learned men that euer wrote of that argument afterward.
45. But as for our Catholicke learned men, both Deuines and Lawiers, though they affirme (as out of T. M. his frequent allegations of them in this his Treatise is euident) that all obedience both externall and internall, in conscience and workes, is by Godes ordinance due vnto them; yet that in such publicke perilles of the Church & Common-wealth as before [Page 176] are mentioned, when they fal out, Christ our Sauiour hath not left his Church wholy remedilesse, but rather, The Catholicke opinion & moderation about restraining euill Princes. that besides the naturall right which ech Kingdome hath to defend themselues, in certaine cases, he left also supreame power in his high Priest and immediate substitute, to direct and moderate that power, and to adde also of his owne, whē extraordinary need requireth, though with great deliberation, consultation, weighty motiues, lawfull meanes, and other like circumstances.
46. This, I say, is Catholicke doctrine, but what Protestants doctrine is, were hard to set downe: for that they speake therin as time and occasion serueth them, hauing no rule or Canon at all wherto they are bound. For what was both their doctrine and practice, [...] vncerteinties. when, and where they were discontented with their Princes, both in England, Scotland, Flanders, Geneua and France, is euident by that which before we haue alledged in the first & fourth Chapters of this booke: now this man telleth vs another tale for the time present, but what he would say or doe, if he were in the discontented occasion of those his fellow-Authors, that wrote so sharpely and violently, no man can tell: but let vs see now at length, how substantially he doth satisfy this obiectiō, for he giueth three or foure seuerall solutions therunto; you shall heare what ones they are.
47. ‘The first is from Godes ordinance (saith he) for by the word of God, as your Cunerus Deuinely reasoneth, [...]. pag. 35. which is not partiall, nor by the self pleasing The first ansvvere. fancy of sensuall affection, must this question be determined; though therfore it may seeme to vs a decree of nature, for euery one to defend himself and the thinges he doth enioy; yet the Law of God doth forbid to doe this by taking armes against the higher powers &c. So T. M. out of our Cunerus.’ And it is [Page 177] well that he alloweth this Catholicke writer to reason deuinely, so far forth as he may seeme to make for him, though in truth in the cōclusion of his discourse, B Cunerus drift [...] T. M. [...] alleadgeth him. he is wholy against him. For as first his whole speech in this seauenth Chapter by him cited, is expresly against the Hollanders, that vnder diuers pretences, both of Religion, and Scriptures for the same liberty of their countrey, and the like, tooke armes against their true naturall King; which he reproueth, and condemneth very piously, and learnedly throughout this whole Chapter, and in the next ensuing, whose title is, Quid in Tyrannide subdit is agendum sit, What subiectes ought to doe in case of tyranny, he sheweth two sortes of Tyranny and Tyrantes, the one that inuadeth vniustly another mans dominions against the will & Tvvo [...] of tyranny and tyrantes. authority of his King and Prince, the other that leauing the office of a King and good Prince in protecting his people, and Religion & iustice among them, turneth himselfe wholy to their affliction and oppression: and that in the former case, the people are taught by many examples of Scriptures, to resist by armes where they can; but in the second much more moderation is to be vsed, all meanes of humble suite, intreaty, intercession, prayer to God, amendment of life and Cuner. l. de officio Principis cap. 8. pacification to be vsed; Quod si haec non iuuent (saith he) & Superiorem in tempor alibus, vti Reges, Princeps non agnoscit, tunc supremus Ecclesiae Pastor interpellandus occurrit, qui bonis & aequis subditorum querelis audit is, plura Deo cooperante ratione & auctoritate praestare poterit quàm vnquam [...] armis impetrabit; but if these meanes doe not help, saith Cunerus, and that the Prince doe acknowledge no Superiour in temporall causes, as Kinges doe not, then is the Supreme Pastor of the Church to be called vpon, who hauing heard the iust & good complaintes of the Subiects, God assisting him, shall be able to effectuate more by reason and authority with their Prince, then [Page 178] euer the people themselues should haue obteyned by force of armes. Thus he.
48. And now, will T. M. allow this also for deuinely spoken? If he doe, then we differ not in opinion: If he doe not, why doth he so often, and continually cull out, and cut of sentences of Authors, that write directly against him, as this Bishop Cunerus, the Lawier Carerius, the Deuine Bozius, the Iesuites Bellarmine, Salmeron, Azor, and others? And yet I must admonish the Reader heere againe, that if he compare the text it selfe of Cunerus with that which heere T. M. setteth downe in Latin, and then the Latin with that he Englisheth, he shall find such mangling vpon mangling, by cutting of, leauing out, & altering whole sentēces, as he will see that this man can scarce deale truly in any thing. And thus much for his first answere out of Cunerus, making much more against him, then for him, as yow haue seene.
49. And I leaue to discusse the Authority of S. Augustine which out of Cunerus he also alleadgeth (for otherwise then out of our Authors bookes he hath little or Great fraude and corruptiō in mangling Authors. nothing in any matter) it being no lesse mangled by this man, then is the text of Cunerus it selfe, as euery one will finde that shall read Cunerus; not so much as one note of [&c.] being left any where lightly, to signify that somewhat is cut of, but all running togeather, as if it were continuall speach in the Author; whereas in deed they be but peeces & scraps ioyned togeather, and those also commonly with much corruption: wherof I dare auouch that the Author shall finde aboue a hundred examples in this fraudulent Reply, which is wholy patched vp out of the distracted sentences of our owne Authors by this art.
50. But now to his second answere to the former The secōd ansvvere. obiection, that Gods prouidence must needes haue lef't some remedy for the danger that may occurre by euill gouernment of [Page 179] Princes &c. ‘The second is (saith he) the consideration of examples of the primitiue Church, when for the space of three hundred yeares it was in grieuous persecution, there was found no power on earth to restraine that earthly power, was therfore God wanting to his Church? God forbid.’ Nay rather he was not wanting, for it is written: Vertue is perfected in infirmity. Rom. 11. And againe: As gold is purged in the fire; so by affliction 1. Cor. 12. &c. Because when the outward man suffereth, the inward 2. Cor. 12. Dan. 3. man is renewed, and when I am weake, then am I strong. So he. And doe yow see how patient and meeke this man is become now, when there is nothing to suffer? did his Protestant-Authors before mencioned write or teach this doctrine whē they were pressed by their Catholicke Princes to be quiet? Or if this should be Great hypocrisy. preached now at this day in Holland, Zeland, Frizeland, Hungary, Polonia, Zweueland & Transiluania, where actually Protestantes are in armes against their naturall and lawfull Princes, would it be receaued as currant and Euangelicall? Would the examples of primitiue martyrs, when there was scarce any temporall commonwealth extant among Christians, be sufficient to prescribe a forme of patience & sufferance to these men? Why doe they not then put it in practice? And why cease they not, according to this mans doctrine from so notorious tumultuations against their lawfull Princes? Why is not this doctrine of the Scripture of perfecting their vertue by bearing and suffering admitted by them? I confesse it ought to be soe with all particuler men in their afflictions, oppressions, and tribulations, and so teach our Doctors, as before yow haue heard; though when the hurt and danger concerneth a common wealth established in Christian Religion, there be other considerations to be had, as before hath byn set downe.
51. But Protestantes obserue neither the one, nor [Page 180] the other, but both in particuler and common, breake forth when they are streyned or discontēted, into the vttermost violence they can: and their Doctores are ready presently to defend them; yea and to goe to the feild with them if need be against their Princes, as experience hath taught vs both in Zwitzerland, Scotland, France, and other places. Wherfore this pretended preaching of patience and sufferance of T. M. in this place both in his outward and inward man, is to small purpose.
52. ‘Wherfore his third answere is to the former obiection The third ansvvere. Confut. p. 35. & 36. The view (as he saith) of our Popish principles, wherby we teach, that the Pope may not be iudged by any person vpon earth, whether secular, or Ecclesiasticall, nor by a General Councel, though he should doe something contrary to the vniuersall State of the Church, neglect the Canons, spare offenderes, oppresse innocentes and the like:’ For which he citeth both Bellarmine, Carerius and Azor: and then addeth, that Bellar. 2. de Rom. the Pope cannot be deposed for any of these, no not Pont. c. 26 Carer. l. 1. de potest. though (saith he to vse the wordes of your Pope himselfe, one placed in the calendes of your martyrs) he should carry many people with himselfe to hell; yet no mortall Pont. c. [...]. Azor Inst. l. 5. c. 14. creature may presume to say, why doe yow so. Thus he.
53. Whervnto I answere first, that all which Bellarmine, Carerius, Azorius, and other Catholicke writers doe affirme of the Popes preheminency of authority immediatly vnder Christ, so as he hath no Superiour Iudge betweene Christ and him, that may sit in iudgment ouer him, or giue sentence vpon him for matters of yll life, tendeth only to shew, that as he receiueth Fraudulent dealing in T. M by concealemēt. his supreame charge immediatly from Christ, so by him must he be iudged, & not by man, though the same Authors in the same places (which this man of purpose omitteth and concealeth) doe expresly affirme, that for the Crimes of Apostacy or heresy he [Page 181] may and must be deposed, or rather is ipso facto depriued of his office and dignity, and so may be declared by the Church in that case, to wit, aswell by Princes and Potentates both Ecclesiasticall and temporall, as by all Christian people, who in that case are bound to The [...] may and must be deposed for heresy. concurre to his expulsion and depriuation. And albeit in the other of lesser vices or infirmities of life, he haue no humaine Superiour to iudge him: yet is that of Christ himselfe so much the more seuere, & dreadfull, and his holy prouidence hath byn euer and wilbe such, as these personall defectes in his supreame Pastor, shall not so much preiudicate his office, but that alwaies he shal teach his flocke that which may helpe them to their saluation, howsoeuer he liue himselfe. Math. 23. And of this he hauing forewarned vs with expresse premonition, the performance lieth vpon his charge whose power is omnipotent, and fidelity such, as in his promises cannot possibly faile. And this to the first point.
54. Now to the second wherin he saith, that one of our Popes, placed also in the Calends of our Martyrs, doth affirme that though a Pope should carry many people with himselfe to hell, no mortall man may presume to say, why doe yow so? I doe greatly maruaile with what conscience, or if not conscience, with what forehead at least these men can write and print, and reiterate so often in their books, thinges that they know, or may know to be meerly false and forged! Is not this a signe of obstinate wilfulnes, and that neither God, nor truth is sought for by them, but only to maintaine a parte or faction, with what sleight or falshood soeuer? I find this very obiection set forth in print not many yeares gone by [...] Francis Hastings in his VVatch-word and Defence therof, and the same auouched stoutly after him for a time by Matthew Sutcliffe the Minister, Aduocate & Proctor of that defence; but afterward I find the same so consuted [Page 182] at large by the VVarn-word, and so many lies, falshoodes, and euident fraudes discouered therin, as Shameles facing of vntruthes. the said M. Sutcliffe in his Reply intituled A full and round answere, thought good roundly to let this passe, without any answere at all, which I can find in his said booke, though I haue vsed some diligence in search therof; which I doe adde, for that he changeth the whole order of answearing from the method of his Aduersary, to the end not to be found, & so answereth nothing in order or place, as it is set downe by him whome he pretendeth to answere, but rather taking a new, vast and wild discourse to himselfe, snatcheth heere a word, and there a word, to carpe at, not as they A note of M. Sutolifs manner of ansvvering. ly in his aduersaries booke, but as it pleaseth him to admit them, now from the end of the booke, then from the beginning, then from the middle: and with this substantiall methode, he taketh vpon him to answere all bookes that come in his way; for so he hath answered of late the booke also of Three Conuersions of England, and may doe easely all that is written by Catholickes, if carping only and scolding be answering.
55. Wherfore to this instance heere resumed by T. M. though I must remit him, or rather the Reader for larger satisfaction to the said Catholike Treatise, intituled VVarnword, Encounter 2. c. 13. num. 18. 19. 20. &c. The VVarn-word; yet heere breifly I am to tell him first, that he erreth grossely in the affirming in this place, the Author of this Canon cited by him Si Papa, to haue byn a Pope, for that the said Canon was gathered by Gratian out of the sayinges of S. Boniface martyr, as in the title of the said Canon is expressed, which Boniface was neuer Pope, but a vertuous learned English man, that liued aboue 850. yeares gone, The error about S. [...] the English martyr. and was the first Archbishop of Mentz or Moguntia in Germany; of which people and countrey he is called by all ancient writers The Apostle, for that he first publickly conuerted that nation, erected that Primate [Page 183] sea, and suffered glorious martyrdome by the Gentils for the faith of Christ. Wherfore the scoffe of T. M. calling him our Pope placed in the Calendes of our martyrs, besides the ignorance, tasteth also of much prophane malice and impiety.
56. Secondly I say that these wordes of his are corruptly set downe, as euer commonly elswhere, and that both in Latin and English. In Latin, for that he leaueth out the beginning of the Canon, which sheweth the [...] therof, whose title is: Damnatur Apostolicus qui suae & fraternae salutis est negligens: The Pope is damned which is negligent in the affaire of his owne saluation and of his brethren; and then beginneth the Canon Si Papa suae & fraternae salutis negligens &c. Shewing that albeit the Pope haue no Superiour Iudge in this world, which may by authority checke him vnlesse he fall into heresy; yet shall his damnation be greater then of other sinners, for that by reason of his high dignity, he draweth more after him to perdition, then any other. Wherby we may perceaue that this Canon was not written to flatter the Pope, as Protestantes would haue it seeme, but to warne him rather of his perill, togeather with his high authority.
57. After this the better to couer this pious meaning of S. Boniface T. M. alleadging two lines of the same in Latin, he cutteth of presently a third line, that immediatly ensueth, to wit: Cum ipso plagis multis in aeternum vapulatur us, that the Pope is to suffer eternall punishmentes, and to be scourged with many stripes, togeather with the diuell himselfe, if by his euill, or A heape of [...]. negligent life, he be the cause of others perdition; which threat this man hauing cut of, he ioineth presently againe with the antecedent wordes, these as following immediatly in the Canon; Huius culpas redarguere praesumet nemo mortalium; this mans faultes (to [Page 184] wit the Pope) no mortall man shall or may presume to reprehend, and there endeth. In which short phrase are many fraudes: for first he leaueth out istic heere in this life, and then for praesumit in the present tense, that no man doth presume to checke him in respect of the greatnes of his dignity, this man saith praesumet, in the future tense, that is no man shall presume, or as him selfe translateth it may presume to controlle him, which is a malitious falshood. And lastly he leaueth out all that immediatly followeth conteyning a reason of all that is said: Quia cunctos ipse iudicaturus, à nemine est iudicandus, nisi deprehendatur à fide deuius &c. For that wheras he is Iudge of all other men, he cannot himselfe be Iudged by any, except he be found to swarue from the true faith. Heere then is nothing but fraudulent citing, and abusing of Authors.
58. But now thirdly remaineth the greatest corruption & abuse of all in his English translation, which is that which most importeth his simple Reader that looketh not into the Latin, and this is, that he translateth the former sentence of the Canon thus as before yow haue heard: Though he should carry many people with him to hell; yet no mortall creature may presume to say why doe yow so? But in the Latin neither heere, nor in the Canon it selfe is there any such interrogation at all, Great impudency. as why doe yow so? And therfore I may aske T. M. why doe yow ly so? Or why doe yow delude your Reader so? Or why do yow corrupt your Author so? Or why doe yow translate in English for the abusing of your Reader, that which neither your selfe doe set downe in your Latin text, nor the Canon it selfe by yow cited hath it at all? Is not this wilfull, and malicious fraude? Wherin when yow shall answere me directly and sincerly, it shall be a great discharge of your credit with those, who in the meane space will iustly hold yow for a deceauer.
[Page 185]59. His fourth answere to the former argument of Gods prouidence, is the difference (he saith) of Kings His fourth ansvvere. and Popes in this point, for that the Papall power (saith he) which will be thought spirituall if it be euill, may be the Confut. p. 3. & 36. bane of soules; the power of Princes is but corporall, therfore feare them not because they can goe no further then the body. Thus he. And did euer man heare so wise a reason? And cannot euill Kinges and Princes be the cause of corrupting soules also if they should liue wickedly, & permit or induce others to doe the same? And what if they should be of an euill Religion as yow will say Q. Mary, and K. Henry were, and all Kinges vpward for many hundred yeares togeather, who by Statutes and Impertinent reasons. lawes forced men to follow the Religiō of that time, did all this touch nothing the soule? who would say it but T.M? But he goeth forward in his application, for that bodily Tyranny (saith he) worketh in the Godly patience, but the spirituall Tyranny doth captiuate the inward soule. This now is as good as the former, and is a difference without diuersity, so farre as concerneth our affaire, that a man may with patience, if he will, resist both the one and the other. And euen now we haue seene that when any Pope shal decline from the common receaued faith of Christendome, he cannot captiuate other men, but is deposed himselfe. Wherfore this mans conclusion is very simple, saying: Therfore heere is need, according to Gods prouidence, of power to depose so Math. 5. desperate a spirituall euill, wherof it is written, if the salte want his saltenesse, it is good for nothing, but to be cast vpon the donghill. Marke then that concerning the spirituall, that God Rom. 13. hath ordeined eiiciatur foras, let it be cast out; but concerning the temporall, resiste not the power.
60. Lo heere, and doe not these men find Scriptures for all purposes? This fellow hath found a text, that all spirituall power, when it misliketh them, must be cast to the donghill, and no temporall must be resisted; [Page 186] and yet he that shall read the first place by him alleadged out of S. Matthew shall find that the lacke of saltenesse is expresly meant of the want of good life and edification, especially in Priestes and Preachers; and yet is it no precept, as this man would haue it, to cast them al to the donghill: but that salte leesing his taste, is fit for nothing but to that vse. S. Paul in like manner to the Romanes doth not more forbid resisting of temporall authority, then of spirituall: but commaundeth to obey both the one and the other; which this man applieth only to temporall, which he would haue exalted, obeyed, and respected, and the other contemned, and cast to the donghill. Oh that he had byn worthy to haue byn the scholler of S. Chrysostome, S. Gregory Nazianzen, or S. Ambrose before cited, who so highly preferred spirituall authority before temporall, how would they haue rated him, if he would not haue byn better instructed, or more piously affected? No doubt eiecissent foras, they would haue cast him forth to the donghill in deed, and there haue left him, and so doe we in this matter, not meaning to follow him any further, except he reasoned more groundedly, or dealt more sincerly.
61. Yet in one word to answere his comparison, we say, that both temporall, & spirituall Magistrates may doe hurte both to body and soule: for as the temporall may preiudice also the soule, as now hath byn said; so may the spirituall afflict in like manner the body, as Much lesse dangerous to haue one Pope vvithout all Superior, then many Princes. when the Pope or Bishoppes doe burne Heretikes: so as in this respect, this distinction of T. M. is to no purpose; yet doe we also say, that when spirituall authority is abused, it is more pernicious, & preiudiciall then the other: Quia corruptio optimi est pessima: The best thinges become worst, when they are peruerted: and spirituall diseases, especially belonging to faith, be more pernicious then corporall: for which cause God [Page 187] had so much care to prouide for the preuention therof in his Christian Church, for the conseruation of true faith, by the authority, vnion, visibility, & succession of the said Church, and diligence of Doctores, Teachers, Synodes, Councels, and other meanes therin vsed, and by his assistance of infallibility to the head therof: which head though in respect of his eminent authority, he haue no Superiours to Iudge or chastise him, except in case of heresy, as hath byn said; yet hath he many and effectuall meanes wherby to be admonished, informed, stirred vp, and moued: so as he being but one in the world, and furnished with these helpes, bringeth farre lesse danger, and inconuenience, then if all temporall Princes (who are many) had the like priuiledge and immunity. And this euery reasonable man out of reason it selfe will easily see & consider.
62. As also this other point of no small or meane importance, to wit, that English Protestantes pretending temporall Princes to be supreame, and without Iudge or Superiour in matters of Religion, as well as ciuill and secular, they incurre a farre greater inconuenience therby, then they would seeme to lay vpon vs. For that if any temporall Prince as Supreame in both causes, would take vpon him the approbation, or admission of any sect or heresy whatsoeuer, they haue no remedy at all according to the principles of their doctrine; wheras we say, the Pope in this case may and must be deposed by force of his subiectes, & all Christian Princes ioined togeather against him: so as in place of one generall Pope, which in this case is vnder authority, they make so many particuler Popes, as are particuler Kings & temporall Princes throughout all Christendome, that are absolute, and consequently without all remedy for offences temporall or spirituall in manners or faith.
63. And now let vs imagine what variety of sectes [Page 188] and schismes would haue byn at this day in Christianity, if for a thousand and six hundred yeares, which Christian Religion hath endured, this doctrine of liberty and immunity of temporall Princes to belieue, hold, and defend what they list, had byn receaued and practised for good and currant vnto this time. From which singuler inconuenience, danger, and desperate desolation, the doctrine & beliefe of the only Bishop of Rome his Supreame authority, and exercise therof, hath chiefly deliuered vs, as to all men is euident. And this only reason were sufficient in all reason to refute this mans ydle confutation of that Supremacy heere pretended; which confutation standing vpon so feeble and ridiculous groundes, as now in part yow haue seene, & supported principally by certaine new shifts, and iugglinges scarcely vsed by any before, by casting out shaddowes of our Catholicke Authors sayinges and sentences, as making for him; though I meane to passe no further in impugning his said grondes, which are of so small weight as yow haue seene: yet doe I not thinke it amisse to adde another seuerall Chapter for better discouering of the said iugglinges vsed by him in this short Treatise, not conteyning much aboue twenty [...] in all. For by this little yow may gather what a volume might be framed of his false dealings, if we would dwell any longer therin.
A BRIEF VIEVV OF CERTAINE NOTORIOVS, FALSE AND FRAVDVLENT DEALINGS, VSED BY T.M. In this his short seuerall Treatise against the Popes Supremacy:
As also sundry examples of the like proceeding in the former Part of his deceiptfull Reply.
IT is the saying both of Philosophers and Deuines, Bonum nisi bene fiat, bonum non esse, A good thing except it be well & rightly done, is not good: As for example if a man would relieue the necessity of poore and distressed people with almes gotten by stealth or robbery; albeit giuing of alms of it selfe be a [Page 190] good thing; yet for that it is not heere lawfully performed, in this case it is not good nor lawfull: So M. Thomas The fraud of T. M. Morton taking vpon him to confute the Popes Supremacy ouer Kinges and Princes, thought no doubt to doe a good worke therin, at least-wise bonum vtile, a profitable good thing for himself, in regard of some fauour or beneuolence which he might hope to gaine with some Prince therby to his preferment; but not performing the same by lawfull meanes of truth, but of sleightes (not withstanding to his Maiesty he tearmeth himself the Minister of simple truth) though it should proue vtile, yet not honestum; that is, for his gaine, but not for his credit or conscience, and consequently deserueth rather disgrace then estimation, euen with those whome most he desired to gratify in that affaire.
2. For demonstration wherof, though I suppose to haue said sufficient before, both in the second, fourth, and fifth Chapters by occasion of matters that occurred in discussion betweene vs; yet now hauing determined with my self, to passe on no further in the particuler refutatiō of this his Treatise, as a thing not worth the time to be lost therin, and handled far better by diuers of his owne side before him, namely by M. Iewell, M. Horne, D. Iohn Reinoldes, M. Bilson and some others The vanity of T. M. his vaunt of truth. in their bookes of this subiect; I thought good notwithstanding for some kinde of recompence of this my breuity in answering so simple and idle a Treatise, to ad some few examples more in this place of other corruptions and falsifications practized by him in this his confutation: not of all, for that alone would require a great booke, but of some competent number, wherby the Reader may ghesse at the rest; & his Maiesty take some proofe of the extraordinary vanity of that vaunt, wherwith he presented himself to his Highnes, in the very first entrance of his Epistle [Page 191] dedicatory, in so constant assurance of an vpright conscience (to vse his owne wordes) as that he would willingly remit that iust aduantage against his aduersary, which the difference betweene a Minister of simple truth, and a professed Equiuocator did offer vnto him. Now then let vs enter to the examination it self.
3. Wherin only the Reader is to be aduertised, that wheras this man by a new deuise of his owne, doth pretend to put downe the sayings of our Catholicke A [...] deuise of T. M. [...] braggeth. writers for his purpose, and that both in Latin and English, the one in the text, and the other in the margent, pretending therby to make them speake cō trary one to the other, A course (saith he to the Kinges Maiesty) which I professe in all disputes; he dealeth so perfidiously therin to bring them to debate, as commonly the simple fellow committeth three seuerall sortes of fraudes and falshood in most of his allegations. First in corrupting the meaning of the Authors, alledging them quite against their owne whole drift, and intended discourse, and conclusion therof. Secondly in setting downe fraudulently the Latin text, by peecing & patching their sentences togeather that stand farre a sunder in the Authors themselues, & by dismembring others that were coherent before, as often now wee haue complained. Thirdly in translating the same by like fraude into English, vsing manifest violence to the wordes and sense it selfe, to get therby some shew of aduantage, or at least- wise to say somewhat. All which sortes and kindes of shifts yow shall see expressed in the examples that are to ensue.
4. In the second page of his pretended confutation; The first example. he hath these wordes; In the old Testament the Iesuites are forced to allow, that the King was supreame ouer Pag. 2. the Priestes in spirituall affaires and ordering Priestes. For proofe wherof he citeth in the margent Salmeron a Iesuit, a very learned man, that hath left written [Page 192] in our dayes many volumes vpon the Ghospells, Epistles of S. Paul, and other partes of Scriptures, and was one of the first ten, that ioined themselues with the famous holy man Ignatius de Loyola, for the beginning of that Religious order; in which citation diuers notable corruptions are to be seene. First, for Salmer. disp. 12. in Epistolas Pauli in gen. §. sed contra. that Salmeron proueth the quite contrary in the place by this man quoted, to wit, that neuer Kinges were head of the Church or aboue Priestes by their ordinary Kingly authority in Ecclesiasticall matters, in the new or old Testament, and hauing proued the same largly, he commeth at length to set downe obiections to the contrary, and to solue & answere them, saying: Sed contra hanc solidam veritatem &c. ‘But now against this sound truth by me hitherto confirmed, I know that many thinges may be obiected, which we are diligently to confute. First then may be obiected that Kinges in the old Testament did sometimes prescribe vnto Priestes what they were to doe in sacred thinges, as also did put some negligent Priestes from the execution of their office. To which is answered: Vbi id euenisset, mirum esse non debere; If it had so fallen out, it had byn no maruaile: for that the Synagogue of the Iewes, albeit it conteined some iust men, yet was it called rather an earthly, then a heauenly Kingdome, August. l. 19. contr. [...]. e. 31. in princ. insomuch as S. Augustine doth doubt, whether in the old Testament, the Kingdome of heauen was euer so much as named, and much lesse promised for reward; and therfore those things that were then done amōg them, foreshewed only or prefigured diuine thinges that were to succeed vnder the new Testament, the other being not diuine but humane and earthly.’ So Salmeron.
5. Heere then are sundry important corruptions, & 2. Corruption about the meaning. fraudes vttered by T.M. the one that the Iesuites, and namely Salmeron, are inforced to allow the temporall [Page 193] King to haue byn Supreme ouer the high Priest in spirituall matters, vnder the old law; wheras he doth expressely affirme and prooue the contrary, both out Disp. 12. pag. 324. & 325. of the Scripture it selfe, by the sacrifice appointed more worthy for the Priest, then the Prince, & many other testimonies, as that he must take the law & interpretation Leuit. 4. therof at the Priestes hands, that he must ingredi & egredi ad verbum Sacerdotis, goe in and out, and [...]. 17. proceed in his affaires by the word and direction of Num. 27. the Priest, and the like; as also by the testimony of Philo and Ioseph, two learned Iewes, and other reasons Philo l. de victimis par. 2. circa mediū Ioseph. 3. Antiquit. cap. [...] c. handled at large in this very disputation, and in the self same place from whence this obiection is taken. And this is the first falsification concerning the Authours meaning and principall drift.
6. The second corruption is in the wordes, as they ly in the Latin copy, & as they are by me before mentioned: Vbi id euenisset mirum esse non debere, If any such thing had fallen out, as was obiected, to wit that Kinges 2. Corruptiō about the vvordes. sometimes had prescribed to the Priests what they should doe in Ecclesiasticall things, deposed some &c. it had byn no maruaile, for somuch as their Ecclesiasticall Kingdome or Synagogue was an earthly and imperfect thing, but yet this proueth not that it was so, but only it is spoken vpon a supposition: which suppositiō this Minister that he might the more cunningly shift of and auoid, left cut of purpose the most essentiall wordes therof Vbi id euenisset if that had happened &c. as also for the same cause to make thinges more obscure, after those words of Salmeron that stand in his text: Synagoga Iudeorum dicebatur terrenum potius quàm caeleste regnum; The Synagogue or Ecclesiasticall gouernment of the Iewes, was called rather an earthly then a heauenly Kingdome (wheras contrary-wise the Ecclesiasticall power in the Christian Church is euery where called Celestiall) after those wordes (I [Page 194] say) this man cutteth of againe many lines that followed, togeather with S. Augustines iudgmēt before touched, which serued to make the Authors meaning more plaine, and yet left no signe of ( &c.) wherby his Reader might vnderstand that somewhat was omitted, but [...] againe presently, as though it had imediatly followed, [...] cùm populus Dei constet corpore Sundry [...]. & animo, carnalis pars in veteri populo primas tenebat: Wheras Godes people doth consist of body and minde, the carnall or bodily part did cheifly preuaile among the Iewes, and heerwith endeth, as though nothing more had ensued of that matter, thrustnig out these wordes that immediatly followed, and made the thing cleere which are, Et ad spiritualia significanda constituebaiur, and that kinde of earthly power was appointed to signify the spirituall that was to be in the new Testament: wherby is euidently seene that Salmeron vnderstood not by carnalis pars and regnum terrenum, the temporall Kingdome of Iury, as this Minister doth insinuate to make the matter odious; but the Ecclesiasticall gouernment of the Synagogue vnder the old law, in respect of the Ecclesiasticall power in the new, wherof the other was but an earthly figure or signification.
7. But now the third corruption, & most egregious of all, is in his English translation out of the Latin wordes of Salmeron: for thus he translateth them in our 3. Corruptiō about the translation. name: In the Synagogue of the Iewes ( saith Salmeron) was a State rather earthly then heauenly; so that in that people (which was as in the body of a man, consisting of body and soule) the carnall Confut. pag. 2. part was more eminent, meaning the temporall to haue byn supreame. In which translation are many seuerall shifts and fraudes. For wheras Salmeron saith Synagoga Iudeorum dicebatur potius terrenum quàm caeleste regnum, the Synagogue or Ecclesiasticall power among the Iewes was called rather an earthly, then a heauenly Kingdome; he translateth it, the Synagogue of the Iewes was a [Page 195] State rather earthly, then heauenly; and this to the end he might apply the word of earth to the temporal Prince, and heauenly to the Iudaicall Priestes, which is quite from Salmerons meaning. Secondly those other wordes of Salmeron being Cùm populus Dei constet ex corpore & Malitious interpretations to make vs odious. animo, wheras the people of God doe consist of body and minde, meaning therby aswell Christians as Iewes, and that the Iewes are as the bodily or carnall part of the man, and the Christians the spirituall, and consequently their Ecclesiasticall authority earthly, and ours heauenly; this fellow to deceaue his Reader, putteth out first the word Dei, the people of God and then translateth it, in that people (to wit the Iewes) the carnall part was the more eminent, meaning (saith he) the tēporall; which is false, for he speaketh expressely of the Ecclesiasticall power among the Iewes, which he calleth carnall and terrene, in respect of the spirituall Ecclesiasticall among the Christians, and not the temporall or Kingly power vnder the old Testament, as this man to make vs odious to temporall Princes, as debasing their authority, would haue it thought. And Salmerons cōtraposition or antithesis is not betweene the temporall and Ecclesiasticall gouernment among the Iewes; but betweene their Ecclesiasticall gouernment and ours, that of the Synagogue, and this of the Christian Church, wherof the one he saith to be terrene & earthly, the other spirituall and heauenly, the one infirme, the other powerfull ouer soules &c. So as all these sortes and kindes of corruptions being seene in this one little authority, yow may imagine what will be found in the whole booke, if a man had so much patience and time to leese, as to discusse the same exactly through.
8. A little after this againe, he bringeth in an example The secōd example pag. 7. of the King of Israell Ozias, who for presuming to exercise the Priests office in offering of incense, being [Page 196] first reprehended, and resistest for the same by Azarias the high Priest, and fourescore other Priestes with 4. Reg. 15. 2. Par. 26. him in the Temple, was for his presumption presently and publickly in all their sightes punished by God, and stroken with a leprosy, and therupon remoued by the authority of the said high Priest, first from the A contention about the expulsion of K. Ozias. Temple, and common conuersation of men, and then also from the gouernment or administration of his Kingdome, the same being committed to his sonne Ioathan all the dayes of his Fathers life: about which example, M. Morton first of all bringeth in Doctor Barkley dissenting from Doctor Boucher in this matter, about the deposition of this King, the one holding that he was deposed, the other not, but only that as a sicke man was debarred of the administration. Doctor Bouchers wordes are these cited by D. Barkley: Sic Oziam Azarias Barkleius l. 5. c. 11. de Templo primùm, mox etiant de Regno eiecit. So Azarias the high Priest did cast out King Ozias, first frō the Temple, and then from his Kingdome. Which the other will not haue to be vnderstood that the title and interest of his Kingdome was taken from him, but only the administration, which in effect is no great difference of opinions; for that Bellarmine also talking of this matter saith: Cùm regni administratione priuatus fuerit, wheras he was depriued of the administration of the Kingdome, which after in other words he expressing, saith, Regnandi authoritate, he was depriued of the authority Bell. l. 5. de summo Ponti. c. 8. of actual raigning, or exercising that authority: wherunto the wordes of the Scripture seene plainly to agree, which are these: Festinatò expulerunt &c. Azarias and the rest of the Priestes did hastily driue him out of the Temple, and he himself being terrified with that which he felt to be the punishment of God, made hast to goe forth. VVherfore 2. Par. 26. this King Ozias remaining a leper vnto the day of his death, did dwell in a separate howse, and he was full of leprosy, for the which he was cast forth of the howse of our Lord: so as his sonne [Page 197] Ioathan did gouerne the howse of the King, & iudge the people of the land.
9. Out of which wordes of Scripture as also out of the Booke of Leuiticus, where the law saith, That whosoeuer Leuit. 13. shalbe spotted with leprosy, and is separated at the apointment of the Priest, shall dwell alone without the tentes, Bellarmine doth gather that this separation of King Ozias was not voluntary but by prescript order of the said high Priest Azarias, and that consequently he was depriued also by the same sentence and authority, of his gouernment and administration of the Kingdome; against which T. M. bringeth in a great tempestuous storme of wordes, and warre of the foresaid Doctor Barkley Scottishman, against Cardinall Bellarmine, as though he had refuted him with some contumely and contempt; wheras Doctor Barkley neither nameth nor meaneth Bellarmine, but only Boucher vpon his wordes before recited, against whome he being, according to his custome, somewhat vehement in speech (the difference in substance being little or nothing as yow haue seene) T. M. endeauoreth by his sleightes to increase or aggrauate the same. For wheras Doctor Barkley presuming Boucher to vnderstand by those his wordes De regno eiecit, that Azarias had taken from K. Ozias the name and right of Kingdome, saith vnto him; Magna sanè imprudentia vel impudentia est, ea scriptis mandare, quae manifestis scripturae testimoniis redarguuntur: It is truly a great imprudence or impudēcy, to cōmit those thinges to writing which are controlled by manifest Dealings of a makebate. testimonies of Scripture; There our Minister blotteth out in his Latin text the word imprudentia, and will haue only to stand impudentia to set them further out then they be, which me thinkes was some impudency also in him; and againe when the said Barkley writeth immediatly after the former wordes; Malo te negligentiae quàm nequitiae reum facere, I had rarher accuse [Page 198] you of negligence then of malice; these wordes also not without some malice T. M. striketh out, and pittifully mangleth the whole discourse, putting in and putting out at his pleasure, and yet all set downe in his booke as the continuall speech of the Author.
10. Heere then yow see how many wilfull corruptions there be, first to bring in Doctor Barkley rating of Cardinall Bellarmine with magna sanè impudentia est &c. Wheras he talketh not against Bellarmine at all, nor indeed is Bellarmines manner of speech contrary to that Enumeration of falsities. which Barkley will haue to be the meaning of the History; for that Barkley doth not so much stand vpon the thing in controuersy for Priestes authority, but vpon the manner of proofe by the examples alledged by D. Boucher of Ieroboam, Ozias, Athalia, and some other Princes, in whose punishment God vsed Priestes for Ibid. c. 11. meanes and instrumentes. Non ignoro (saith he) Ius esse Ecclesiae in Reges & Principes Christianos, nec quale ius sit ignoro, sed id tam alienis argument is ostendi prorsus ignoro; imò non ostendi planè scio: I am not ignorant, saith Doctor Barkley, that the Church hath right ouer Christian Kinges & Princes, nor am I ignorant what manner of right it is; yet doe I not see how the same may be proued by such impertinent argumentes; nay I know rather that it cannot be so proued. Which wordes going but very few lines before those that T. M. alledgeth, he could not but see, and yet left them out, and then beginneth against vs his English text thus: Your owne Doctor calleth this your assertion most false, and contrary to the direct History of the Byble, to wit, that Ozias was deposed of his Kingdome by Azarias the high Priest.
11. But now yow haue seene that howsoeuer it may be called, either deposition, depriuation, restraint, sequestration or inhibition; certaine it is, that he was separated from the administration of the gouernment by [...] the high Priest, and whether his sonne during [Page 199] his life were truly King or only regent or Gouernour vnder his Father, or whether he were bound to consult with his said Father in his greatest affaires, & take his approbation and commission, that point, which is most important, Doctor Barkley proueth not, but only that Ozias notwithstanding his separation was called King during his life, which letted not, but Ozias hovv he vvas separated by the high Priest. that his sonne might be truly King also, during his Fathers dayes: for otherwise D. Barkley might aswell say, that his Maiesty now of England (for example) was not King of Scotland, whiles his Mother the Queene liued in her exile, which yet I thinke he will not say; and therfore to vse the wordes impudentia, nequitia, and falsissimum in a matter so doubtfull, might perhaps haue byn omitted; but much more ought to haue byn the multiplicity of falsities vsed by T. M. in relating the same, & namely in bringing in Cardinall Bellarmine with such ardent desire to haue him contradicted & disgraced, as he not only applieth to him that which was spokē against another, but reciting also two lines of his speech, besides other manglinges, shufleth in falsly two or three words, that ouerthrow the whole controuersy, to wit separatus extra Regnum, that King Ozias was separated by Azarias the Priest forth of the Kingdome: wheras Bellarmine hath not these wordes extra Regnum at al, but only that he was separated from the Citty extra vrbem in domo solitaria forth of the Citty in a solitary house, which thing the Scripture it self before related doth testify; wherby yow see what botching there is to bring matters to his purpose; and yet will he needs stile him self The Minister of simple truth.
12. It followeth in the 16. page thus: Your deuise (saith he) of exemption of Priestes (from the iurisdiction of temporall The third example pag. 16. Princes in certaine cases) is to crude to be disgested by any reasonable Deuine, for (as your Victoria saith) Priestes, besides that they are Ministers of the Church, they are likewise [Page 200] members of the Common-wealth, and a King is aswell a King of the Clergy, as of the laity, therfore the Clergy is subiect vnto the ciuill authority in temporall thinges, for such matter is not ruled by any power spirituall: A plaine demonstration. So he. And I say the same, that indeed it is a plaine demonstration of his egregious falshood, and abusing his Reader. First in making him belieue, that the learned man Franciscus de Victoria doth fauour him or his in this matter of the exemption of Priestes, wheras in this very place heere cited by T. M. his first proposition [...]. de Victoria relect. 1. of all in this matter is this: Ecclesiastici iure sunt exempti &c. I doe affirme that Ecclesiasticall men are by Law exempted, and freed from ciuill power, so as they may not be conuented de potest. Ecclesiae Sect. 4. before a secular Iudge, either in criminall or ciuill causes, & the contrary doctrine to this is condemned for Hereticall, among the articles of Iohn VVickliffe in the Councell of Constance. So he. And now see whether Victoria make for him or no, or whether he disgested well this crude doctrine of Priestes exemption, as this Ministers phrase is.
13. Secondly if we consider, either the English translation heere set downe out of the wordes of Victoria, Variety of corruptiōs or his Latin text, for ostentation sake put in the margent, wee shall find so many and monstrous foule corruptions, intercisions, geldinges and mutilations, as is a shame to behold; and I beseech the learned Reader to haue patience to conferre but this one place only with the Author, and he will rest instructed in the mās spirit for the rest: but he must find them as I hàue cited them heere in the margent, and not as T. M. Victoria his propositions about exēption of Clergy men, and T. M his corruptiōs therin. erroneously quoteth them, if not of purpose to escape the examine. For that Victoria hauing set downe his precedent generall proposition, for the exemption of Clergy men, that they were exempted Iure by Law, he passeth on to examine in his second proposition Quo iure, by what Law, diuine or humane they are exempted; and in his third, he holdeth that Aliqua [Page 201] exemptio Clericorum est de iure Diuino: That some kinde of exemptions of Clergy men from ciuill power, is by diuine Law, and not humane only, and fourthly he commeth to this which heere is set downe by T. M. but not as he setteth it downe. Our fourth proposition (saith Victoria) is, that the persons of Clergy men are not absolutly, and in all thinges exempted from ciuill power either by diuine or humane lawe; which is euident by that Clergy men are bound to obey the temporall lawes of the Citty, or Cōmon-wealth wherin they liue, in those thinges that doe appertaine to the temporall gouernment, and administration therof, and doe not let or hinder Ecclesiasticall gouernment.
14. These are the wordes of Victoria as they ly togeather in him, and then after some argumentes interposed, for his said conclusion, he addeth also this proofe: ‘That for so much as Clergy mē besides this, that they are Ministers of the Church, are Citizens also of the Common-wealth, they are bound to obey the temporall lawes of that Common-wealth or Prince in temporall affaires;’ and then ensueth the last reason (heere set downe in English by T. M.) in these wordes: Moreouer (saith Victoria) for that a King is King not only of laymen, but of Clergy-men also, therfore aliquo modo subiiciuntur ei, in some sort they are subiect vnto him: Which wordes aliquo modo in some sorte, the Minister leaueth out; and then it followeth immediatly in Victoria: And for that Clergy-men are not gouerned in temporall matters by Ecclesiasticall power, therfore they haue their temporall Prince, vnto whome they are bound to yeeld obedience in temporall affaires.
15. And this is all that Victoria hath in this matter, & in these very wordes. And let any man consider the patching, which T. M. vseth both in English and Latin in this place, to make some shew for his fained demonstration out of Victoria, and he will see how poore and miserable a man he is, and how miserable a cause he defendeth. And in particular, let the very last proposition [Page 202] be noted which he citeth, and Englisheth as out of Victoria, to wit, the Clergy is subiect vnto the ciuill authority in temporall thinges, for such matter is not ruled by any power spirituall, wherby he would haue his Reader to imagine, that no spirituall power may haue authority to gouerne temporall matters; wheras the wordes of Changing of nominatiue cases. Victoria are: Clerici quantum ad temporalia non administrantur potestate Ecclesiastica, that Clergy men, for so much as appertaineth to temporall affaires, are not gouerned by Ecclesiasticall power, but by the temporall which there beareth rule: So as this fellow by a subtile sleight changing the nominatiue case from Clerici non administrantur to temporalia non administrantur, frameth his plaine demonstration out of plaine cosenage and forgery. And is this naked innocency?
16. From the page 18. vnto 27. he handleth togeather many sentences and authorities of ancient Fathers, The 4. example pag. 18. 19. 20. alledged by Catholicke Authors Cunerus, Tolosanus, and especially Barkleius, to shew that the Apostles and their successours, and those Fathers amongest the rest, did not take armes against their Princes either Infidels or Christians, but did rather suffer iniuries, then seeke by force to reuenge the same; which being our conclusion in like manner, and held and defended by Fraudes vsed out of the ancient Fathers and Cath. vvriters. our Catholicke writers as yow see, and that for the most part, by name against Protestant writers & practisers, both in Scotland, France, Flanders, & other places, yow may perceaue how corruptly this is brought in against vs, as though our common beliefe and exercise were the contrary, & this may be called falsification and sophistication of our meaning.
17. But yet if we would examine the particular authorities that be alledged about this matter, though nothing making against vs as hath byn said, & consider how many false shiftes are vsed by T. M. therin; yow would say he were a Doctor in deed in that science, for that a seuerall Treatise will scarce conteine [Page 203] them. I will touch only two for examples sake. He citeth Doctor Barkley, bringing in the authority of S. Ambrose, that he resisted not by force his Arrian Emperour, pag. 24. when he would take a Church from him for the Arrians, but he setteth not downe what answere of his Doctor Barkley doth alledge in the very self same Barkleus l. 3. cap. 5. place, which is: Allegatur Imperatori licere omnia &c. ‘It is alledged that it is lawfull for the Emperour to doe all thinges, for that all thinges are his ( and consequently that he may assigne a Church to the Arrians:) Wherto I answere saith S. Ambrose; trouble not your selfe O Emperour, nor thinke that yow haue Imperiall right ouer those thinges that are diuine; doe not exalt your selfe, but if yow wil raigne long, be subiect to God, for it is written Ambros. l. 5. Ep. 33. that those thinges that belong to God must be giuen to God, and to Cesar only those thinges that belōg to Cesar; Pallaces appertaine to the Emperour, A cleere authority of S. Ambrose imbezeled by T. M. but Churches to the Priest, the right of defending publicke walles is committed to yow, but not of sacred thinges.’ Thus Doctor Barkley out of S. Ambrose in the very place cited by T. M. which he thought good wholy to pretermit, and cut of, as not making for his purpose; and so had he done more wisely, if he had left out also the other authority of Pope Leo, which he reciteth in the eight place of authorities, out of ancient Fathers in these wordes.
18. The eighth Father (saith he) is Pope Leo, writing The fifth example. to a true Catholicke Emperour, saying: Yow may not be ignorant that your Princely power is giuen vnto yow, not Pag. 26. only in worldly regiment, but also spirituall, for the preseruation of the Church: as if he said not only in cases temporall but also in spirituall, so far as it belongeth to the outward preseruation, not to the personall administration of them, and this is the substance of our English oath: And surther neither doe our Kinges of England chalenge, nor subiectes condescend vnto. In which wordes yow see two thinges are conteined, first [Page 204] what authority S. Leo the Pope aboue eleuen hundred yeares gone ascribed vnto Leo the Emperour in matters spirituall and Ecclesiasticall. The second, by this mans assertion, that neither our Kinges of England chaleng, nor doe the subiectes condescend vnto any more in the oath of the Supremacy that is proposed vnto them; which if it be so, I see no cause why all English Catholickes may not take the same in like manner, so far forth as S. Leo alloweth spiritual authority to the Emperour of his time. Wherfore it behooueth that the Reader stand attent to the deciding of this question, for if this be true which heere he saith, our controuersy about the Supremacy is at an end.
19. First then about the former point, let vs consider how many waies T. M. hath corrupted the foresaid Many falshoods. authority of S. Leo, partly by fraudulent allegation in Latin, and partly by false translation into English. For that in Latin it goeth thus, as himself putteth it downe in the margent: Debes incunctanter aduertere, Regiam potestatem non solùm ad mundi regimen, sed maximè ad Ecclesiae praesidium esse collatam. Yow ought (ô Emperour) resolutly to consider, that your Kingly power is not only giuen vnto yow for gouernment of the world, or worldly affaires, but especially for defence of the Church: and then doe ensue immediatly these other wordes also in S. Leo, suppressed fraudulently by the Minister, for that they explicate the meaning of the Author: Vt ausus nefarios comprimendo, & quae bene sunt statuta Leo ep. 75. ad Leonē Augustū. defendas, & veram pacem his quae sunt turbata restituas: To the end that yow may by repressing audacious attemptes both defend those thinges that are well ordeined and decreed, ( as namely in the late generall Councell of Calcedon) and restore peace where matters are troubled, as in the Citty and Sea of Alexandria, where the Patriarch Proterius being slaine and murdered by the conspiracy of the Dioscorian Heretickes, lately condemned [Page 205] in the said Councell, all thinges are in most violent garboiles, which require your imperiall power to remedy, compose, and compresse the same.
20. This is the true meaning of S. Leo his speech to the good and Religious Emperour of the same name, as appeareth throughout the whole Epistle heere cited Ibid. c. 5. and diuers others. Nonne perspicuum est (saith he) quibus pietas vestra succurrere, & quibus obuiare, ne Alexandrina Ecclesia &c. ‘Is it not euident whome your Imperiall piety ought to assist and succour, and whome yow ought to resist and represse, to the end the Church of Alexandria, that hitherto hath byn the house of praier, become not a den of theeues? Surely it is most manifest that by this late barbarous and most furious cruelty (in murdering that Patriarch) all the light of heauenly Sacramentes is there extinguished; Intercepta est The Christian sacrifice ceased in Alexā dria. Sacrificij oblatio, defecit chrismatis sanctificatio &c. The oblation of sacrifice is intermitted, the hallowing of Chrisme is ceassed, and all diuine misteries of our Religion haue withdrawne themselues from those parricidiall handes of those Heretickes, that haue murdered their owne Father and Patriarch Proterius, burned his body, and cast the ashes into the ayer.’
21. This then was the cause and occasion wherin the holy Pope Leo did implore the helpe and secular arme of Leo the Emperour, for chastising those turbulent Heretiks, to which effect he saith that his Kingly power was not only giuen him for the gouernmēt of the world, but also for the defence of the Church, which our Minister doth absurdly translate not only in Notable corruptiō of S. Leo his meaning. worldly regiment, but also spirituall for the preseruation of the Church, turning ad into in, and praesidium into preseruation; and then maketh the commentary which before we haue set downe: As if he had said (quoth he) not only in causes temporall, but also in spirituall, so far as it belongeth to outward preseruation, not to the personall administratiō of them.
[Page 206]22. And heere now he sheweth himself intangled, not only about the assertion of Imperiall power in About Ecclesiastical supremacy in temporall Princes. spirituall matters, by that S. Leo saith it is giuen ad praesidium Ecclesiae, to the defence of the Church, which proueth nothing at all for him, but against him rather as yow see, and much more in the explication therof, to wit, what is meant by this authority, & how farre it strecheth it self: wherin truly I neuer found Protestant yet that could cleerly set downe the same, so as he could make it a distinct doctrine from ours, and giue it that limites which his fellowes would agree vnto, or themselues make probable.
23. About which matter M. Morton heere as yow see (who seemeth no small man amongest them, and his booke must be presumed to haue come forth with the approbation and allowance of his Lord and Maister the Archbishop at least) saith as yow haue heard, that it is no more, but such as S. Leo allowed in the Emperour ad Ecclesiae praesidium to the defence of the Church, and Church matters and men, and for punishing Heretickes that troubled the same. And further more T. Pag. 26. M. expoundeth the matter saying: That this Imperiall & Kingly authority in spirituall causes reacheth no further, but as it belongeth to outward preseruation, not to the personall administration of them. And doe not we graunt also the same? Or doe not we teach that temporall Princes power ought principally, as S. Leo saith, to extend it self to the defence ad preseruation of the Church? In this then we agree and haue no difference.
24. There followeth in T. M. his assertion heere: But not in the personall administration of them (to wit of spirituall causes, & this now is a shift dissembling the T. M. his cōceipt of the oath of [...] in England. difficulty, and true State of the question) which is in whome consisteth the supreame power, to treate, iudge, and determine in spirituall causes; which this man flying, as not able to resolue, telleth vs only, that he cannot personally [Page 207] administer the same; which yet I would aske him why? For as a Bishop may personally performe all the actions, that he hath giuen authority to inferiour Priestes to doe in their functions, and a temporall Prince may execute in his owne person, if he list, any inferiour authority that he hath giuen to others in temporall affaires; so, if he haue supreame authority spirituall also, why may he not in like manner execute the same by himself, if he please? But of this is sufficiently writtē of late in the foresaid booke of Answere to Syr Edward Cooke, where also is shewed, Answere to Syr Edward Cooke c. 2. & 3. that a farre greater authority spirituall was giuen to King Henry the eight by Parlament, then this that T. M. alloweth his Maiesty now for outward preseruation of the Church, to wit To be head therof, in as ample manner, as euer the Pope was, or could be held before him, ouer Statut. [...] 26 Hen. 8. cap. 1. ann. [...] 1535. England: and to King Edward, though then but of ten yeares old was granted also by Parlament, That he had originally in himself by his Crowne and Scepter all Episcopall authority; so as the Bishops and Archbishops had no other power, or spirituall authority then was deriued from him: & to Queene Statut. 1. [...] c. 6. [...] 1547. Elizabeth by like graunt of Parlament, was also giuen as great authority spirituall and Ecclesiasticall ouer the Church and Clergy of England, as euer any person had, or could exercise before, which was and is another thing then this Stat. 1. outward preseruation which T. M. now assigneth, Eliza. [...]. 1559. hauing pared the same in minced wordes to his purpose, to make it seeme little or nothing, but dareth not stand to it, if he be called to the triall.
25. Wherfore this matter being of so great importance and consequence as yow see, I doe heere take hold of this his publicke assertion, and require that it may be made good, to wit, that this is the substance & meaning only of the English oath, and that neither our Kinges of England doe chalenge more, nor subiectes required to condescend to more then to grant to their authority for outward [Page 208] preseruation, or ad Ecclesiae praesidium, as S. Leo his wordes Hold takē on the offer of T. M. about the oath of Supremacy. and meaning are, and I dare assure him, that al Catholickes in England will presently take the oath, and so for this point there will be an attonement. Me thinkes that such publicke doctrine should not be so publickly printed, and set forth, without publicke allowance and intention to performe and make it good. Yf this be really meant, we may easely be accorded; if not then will the Reader see, what credit may be giuen to any thing they publish; notwithstanding this booke commeth forth with this speciall commendation of Published by authority &c.
26. And for conclusion of all, it may be noted that there hath byn not only lacke of truth and fidelity in S. Leo [...] ep. 34. 46. 62. 81. 87. Serm. 1. de nata. citing Pope Leo for Ecclesiasticall Supremacy in Emperours aboue Popes, but want of modesty & discretion also; for so much as no one ancient Father doth more often and earnestly inculcate the contrary, for Apostolorum Petri & Pauli. the preheminence of the Sea of Rome, then doth S. Leo; in so much that Iohn Caluin, not being able otherwise to answere him, saith, that he was tooto desirous of glory & [...]. l. 4. instit. c. 7. §. 11. dominion, and so shifteth him of that way; and therfore he was no fit instance for T. M. to bring heere in proofe of spirituall supremacy in temporall Princes.
27. But yet in the very next page after, he vseth a far greater immodesty, or rather perfidy in my opiniō in calumniation of Cardinall Bellarmine, whome he abuseth The sixt example of Cardinall Bellarmine. notably both in allegation, exposition, translation, application, and vaine insultation; for thus he citeth in his text out of him. ‘Ancient generall Councelles (saith the Romish pretence) were not gathered without the cost of good and Christian Emperours, and were made by their consentes, for in those dayes the Popes did make supplication to the Emperour, that by his authority he would gather Synods, but after those times all causes were changed, because the [Page 209] Pope who is head in spirituall matters cannot be subiect in temporall. Bellarm. lib. 1. de Concil. cap. 13. §. Habemus ergo.’
28. And hauing alledged this resolutiō of Bellarmine, the Minister insulteth ouer him in these words: ‘Who would thinke this man could be a Papist, much lesse a Iesuit, how much lesse a Cardinal, who thus disableth the title of the Pope, granting to vs in these wordes: after these times (that is after six hundred yeares) the truth of purer antiquities challenging Popes to be subiect vnto Christian Emperours? And yet who but a Papist would (as it were in despite of antiquity) defend the degenerate state, saying, after those times Popes might not be subiect A childish insultatiō of T. M. ouer Cardinall Bellarmine. in temporall matters? As if he should haue said: Then gratious fauour of ancient Christian Emperours, then sound iudgment of ancient reuerend Fathers, then deuout subiection of ancient holy Popes; in summe then ancient purity and pure antiquity adieu. But we may not so bastardly reiect the depositum and doctrine of humble subiection, which we haue receaued from our Fathers of the first six hundred yeares; and not so only, but which (as your Barkley witnesseth) the vniuersall Christian world imbraced, with common consent for a full thousand yeares.’ So he.
29. And doe yow see how this Minister triumpheth? Who would thinke that men of conscience or credit could make such ostentation vpon meere lies deuised by themselues, as now wee shall shew all this bragge to be? And as for D. Barkley alledged in the last lines, Barkleius l. 6. aduers. Monarch. c. 26 let any man read him in the booke and Chapter cited, and he will wonder at the impudency of this vaunter; for he speaketh no one word of gathering Councells, or comparison of spirituall authority betweene the Pope and Emperour, concerning their gathering of Councelles or Synodes; but of a quite different subiect, of taking armes by subiectes against their lawfull [Page 210] temporall Princes. And what will our Minister then answere to this manifest calumniation so apparently conuinced out of Doctor Barkley? But let vs passe to the view of that which toucheth Cardinall Bellarmine, against whome all this tempest is raised.
30. First then we shall set downe his wordes in Latin according as T. M. citeth him in his margent. Tunc Concilia generalia fiebant (saith he) non sine Imperatorum sumptibus, & eo tempore Pontifex subiiciebat se Imperatoribus Bellar. l. 1. de Conciliis ca. 13. §. habemus ergo. in temporalibus, & ideo non poterant inuito Imperatore aliquid agere: id [...]irco Pontifex supplicabat Imperatori vt iuberet conuocari Synodum. At post illa tempora, omnes causae mutatae sunt, quia Pontifex qui est caput in spiritualibus, non est subiectus in temporalibus. Then in those dayes generall Councelles were made not without the charges of Emperours, & in that time the Pope did subiect himselfe vnto Emperours in temporall affaires, and therfore they could doe nothing against the Emperours will, for which cause the Pope did make supplication to the Emperour, that he would commaund Synodes to be gathered; but after those times all causes were changed, for that the Pope who is head in spirituall matters, is not subiect in temporall affaires. So he.
31. And heere let vs consider the variety of sleightes & shifts of this our Minister, not only in citing Bellarmins wordes falsly, and against his meaning and drift in Latin, wherof we shall speake presently; but in peruerting this Latin that he hath so corruptly set Diuers sortes of corruptiō. downe in his former English translation. For first hauing said according to the Latin, that generall Councelles in those dayes were not gathered without the cost of Emperours, he addeth presently of his owne, and were made by their consentes, which is not in the Latin: and then he cutteth of the other wordes immediatly ensuing, which conteine the cause; to wit ‘for that the Popes subiecting themselues in those dayes [Page 211] touching temporalities vnto the Emperours (as hauing no temporall States or dominion yet of their owne) could doe nothing without them, and therfore did make supplication to the said Emperours that they would commaund Synodes to be gathered:’ which T. M. translateth that they would gather Synodes, as though Bellarmine did affirme, that it lay in the Emperours, by right, to doe it: but after those times omnes causae mutatae sunt, all causes were changed, but he should haue said, are changed, as Bellarmins true wordes are, omnes istae causae, al these causes are chāged, to wit foure sortes of causes, which he setteth downe, why generall Councells could not be well gathered in those dayes without the Emperours help and authority, which wordes are guilefully cut of by this deceauer, as in like manner the last wordes put downe heere by himselfe, Pontifex non est subiectus in temporalibus, are falsly translated, cannot be subiect in temporall, and againe afterward, Popes might not be subiect in temporall matters, which is to make Bellarmine contrary to himselfe, who saith a little before that the Popes did subiect themselues for many years, wherby is proued, that they could doe it; but Bellarmins meaning is that in right by the preheminence of their spirituall dignity, they were exempted, & not bound therunto.
32. And thus much now for the corruptions vsed in the wordes heere set downe both in Latin & English. But if we would goe to Bellarmine himself and see his whole discourse, and how brokenly and persidiously these lines are cut out of him, and heere patched togeather as one entier context contrary to his drift and meaning, we shall meruaile more at the insolency of Thomas Morton, triumphing ouer his owne The sūme of Cardinall Bellarmines discourse [...] by T. M. lye, as before hath byn said; for that Bellarmine hauing proued at larg, and by many sortes of argumentes and demonstrations, throughout diuers Chapters togeather, that the right of gathering generall Councelles [Page 112] belongeth only to the Bishop of Rome, and hauing answered all obiections that could be made against the same in the behalfe of Emperours, or other temporall Princes, grāting only that for certaine causes in those first ages, the same could not be done (in respect of temporall difficulties) without the helpe & assistance of the said Emperours, that were Lords of the world; he commeth to make this conclusion which heere is cited by T. M. but in far other wordes and meaning then heere he is cited. Yow shall heare how he setteth it downe, & therupō consider of the truth of this Minister. Habemus ergo (saith he) prima illa Concilia &c. ‘We Bellar. l. de Concil. cap 13. haue then by all this disputation seene, how those first Christian Councelles were commaunded by Emperours §. Habemus ergo. to be gathered, but by the sentence and consent of Popes, and why the Pope alone in those dayes did not call Councelles, as afterward hath byn accustomed; the reason was, not for that Councelles gathered without the Emperours consent are not lawfull, as our Aduersaries would haue it, for against that is the expresse authority of S. Athanasius saying: Quando Athan. in ep. ad solitar. vitam agentes. vnquam iudicium Ecclesiae ab Imperatore authoritatem habuit? When was it euer seene that the iudgment of the Church did take authority from the Emperour? but for many other most iust causes was the Emperours consent required therin &c.’ So Bellarmine.
33. And heere now yow see, that Bellarmins drift is wholy against M. Mortons assertion: for that he denieth Fovver causes vvhy Emperours consents vvere necessary for gathering of Councells in olde time. that euer the Emperours had any spirituall authority for calling of Councells; but only that they could not well in those dayes be made without them, and that for foure seuerall causes; wherof the first was, for that the old Imperiall lawes made by Gentils were yet in vse, wherby all great meetinges of people were forbidden, for feare of sedition, except by the Emperours 1 knowledge & licence: the second for that Emperours [Page 213] being temporall Lordes of the whole world, the 2 Councells could be made in no Citty of theirs without See ff. de Coll. ill. & l. conuent. de Episc. & Presbyteris. their leaue: the third for that generall Councelles being made in those dayes, by the publicke charges & contributions of Citties, and especially of Christian Emperours themselues, as appeareth by Eusebius, Theodoretus, & other writers, it was necessary to haue their 3 consent and approbation in so publicke an action, as Euseb. l. 3. de vita Constant. Theodor. l. 1. Histor. cap. 16. that was.
34. The fourth and last cause was (saith Bellarmine) for that in those dayes, albeit the Bishop of Rome where head in spirituall matters ouer the Emperours themselues; yet in temporall affaires he did subiect himself vnto them, as hauing no temporal State of his 4 owne, and therfore acknowledging them to be his temporall Lords, he did make supplicatiō vnto them to commaund Synodes to be gathered by their authority and licence: At post illa tempora istae omnes causae mutatae sunt; but since those dayes all these foure causes are changed & ipse in suis Prouinciis est Princeps Supremus temporalis, sicut sunt Reges & Principes alij; and the Pope himself now in his temporall Prouinces is supreme temporall Lord also, as other Kings & Princes are, which was brought to passe by Godes prouidence (saith Bellarmine) to the end that he might with more freedome, liberty, and reputation exercise his office of generall Pastorship.
35. And this is all that Bellarmine hath of this matter. And now may we cōsider the vanity of this Mortons triumph ouer him before, and how falsly he dealeth with him, alledging him against his owne drift and meaning, leauing out also [...] foure causes by me recited, and then cutting of [...] the particle istae, these causes are now changed, which includeth reference to these foure, aid furthermore speaking indefinitely, as though all causes and matters were [Page 214] now changed, seeketh therby to deceaue his Reader, and to extort from Bellarmine, that confession of [...] on his side which he neuer meant, and much lesse vttered in his writings. What dealing, what conscience, what truth is this?
36. In the very next page after he talking of the great and famous contention that passed betweene Pope Gregory the seauenth called Hildebrand, and Henry the The 7. exāple out of Otho Frisingensis. fourth Emperour of that name, about the yeare 1070. he citeth the Historiographer Otto Frisingensis, with this ordinary title of our Otto for that he writeth, that he found not any Emperour actually excommunicated or depriued of his Kingdome by any Pope before that time, except (saith he) that may be esteemed for an excommunication which was done to Philippe the Emperour by the Bishop of Rome, almost 1400. years gone, when for a short time, he was Inter paenitentes collocatus, placed by the said Pope among those that did pennance, as that also of the Emperour Theodosius, who was sequestred from entring into the Church by S. Ambrose, for that he had commanded a certaine cruell slaughter to be committed in the Citty of [...]: both which exceptions this Minister of simple truth leaueth out of purpose, which is no simplicity as yow see, but yet no great matter with him in respect of the other that ensueth, which is, that he alledgeth this Frisin. l. 6. hist. c. 32. Frisingensis quite contrary to his owne meaning, as though he had [...] Pope Gregory the seauenth for it, wheras he condemneth that cause of the Emperour, Otho Frisingensis abused. and commendeth highly the Pope for his constancy in punishing the notorious intolerable faultes of the said Henry. [...] (saith he) semper in Ecclesiastico rigore constantissimus fuit: Hildebrand was euer the most constant in [...] the rigour of Ecclesiasticall [...]. l. 6. c. 36. discipline. And [...] in this very Chapter heere alledged by T. M. Inter onnes Sacerdotes & Romanos [...] [Page 215] [...] zeli & authoritatis fuit: he was among all the Priestes and Pops that had byn of the Roman Sea of most principall zeale and authority. How different is this iudgment of Frisingensis from the censure of T. M. who now after fiue hundred yeares past, compareth the cause of Pope Gregory, to that of Pyrates, theeues, and murtherers, and so citeth our [...] Frisingensis as though he had fauored him in this impious assertion. Can any thing be more fraudently alledged? Is this the assurance [...] his vpright conscience, wherof he braggeth to his Maiesty?
37. But the next fraud or impudency or rather impudent impiety is that which ensueth within foure The 8. example of Lamb. Scafnaburgensis. lines after in these words: Pope Gregory the seauenth (saith your Chronographer) was excommunicate of the Bishops of Italy, for that he had defamed the Apostolicke Sea by Symony, and [...] itall crimes, & then citeth for proofe her of Lambertus Schafnaburg. anno [...]. As if this our Chronographer had related this as a thing of truth, or that it were approued by him, and not rather as a slanderous obiection cast out by his Aduersaries that followed the part of Henry the Emperour. Let any man read the place, and yeare heere cited, and if he be a modest man, he will blush at such shameles dealing. For that no Author of that time doth more earnestly defend the cause & vertuous life of Pope Hildebrand, then this man, whose wordes are: Sed apud omnes sanum aliquid sapientes luce clarius constabat falsa esse quae dicebātur: Nam & Papa tam [...]. [...]. in histor. Germaniae an. 1077. sub finem. eximiè tam (que) [...] vitam instituebat &c. ‘But with all men of sound wisedome it was more cleere then the sunne, that the thinges which were spoken against Pope Hildebrand were false, for that the Pope did lead such an excellent and Apostolicke life, as the sublimity of his conuersation did admit no least spot of wicked rumour against him, he liuing in that great Citty and open concourse of men, it could not haue byn [Page 216] hidden, if he had committed any vnlawfull thing in his life: and moreouer the signes and miracles, which by his prayers were often times done, and his most feruent zeale for God in defence of Ecclesiasticall lawes, did sufficiently defend him against the poisoned tongues of his detractours.’ And againe: Hildebrandi constantia, & inuictus aduersus auaritiam animus omnia excludebat argumenta humanae fallaciae: the constancy of Pope Hildebrand, and his inuincible minde against the corruption of auarice, did exclude all argumentes of humane fallacy and deceipt. So Lambertus.
38. And now let the Reader consider with what conscience and fidelity T. M. hath cited him for condemnation of Pope Hildebrand. He relateth indeed, what certaine Noble men, Captaines and others, that The submission of the Emperour Henry the fourth to Pope Hildebrand at [...]. came with the Emperour to the Castell of Canusium, and would not haue had him made peace with the Pope in that place, said in their rage afterwardes, for that against their Counsell he had submitted himself vnto the said Pope, & when a certaine Bishop named Eppo, was sent to their Campe by the Pope, and Emperour to enforme them of the agreement and submission made: Fremere omnes (saith this Story) & saeuire verbis, & manibus caeperunt, Apostolicae legationi irrisoriis [...] vbi [...]. exclamationibus obstrepere, conuitia & maledicta turpissima quaecunque furor suggessisset irrogare. All of them began to fret and wax fierce, both in wordes and casting their handes, and with scornefull outcries to contradict this Apostolicall legation sent vnto them, and to cast vpon the Pope al the most foule reproaches and maledictions that fury could suggest vnto them. Thus saith Lambertus: and then setteth downe the particuler slanderous reproaches heere cited by T. M. which he approueth not, but condemneth as yow haue heard, & highly commendeth not only the vertue but sanctity also of the Pope. And will euer any man credit [Page 217] T. M. any more in any thing that he alledgeth, when this conscienceles falsification is once discouered in him? yea though it were but once throughout his whole booke, it were sufficient to proue that he dealeth not out of any faith or conscience at all.
39. If an enemy would discredit both Christ and Christian Religion, and say your owne Euangelistes doe recount foule thinges against him (as heere this Minister saith our Historiographer doth of Pope Gregory) A comparison expressing the fraud of T.M. and namely that he was accused by the Scribes and Pharisies for casting out diuells in the power of Belzebub; for deceiuing the people; for denying tribute of the paid to Cesar; for mouing sedition, and other like crimes, which our Euangelistes doe recount indeed, but doe condemne them also as false and calumnious; were not this as good and faithfull a manner of reasoning, as this other of Thomas Morton out of Lambertus and Frisingensis against Pope Hildebrand, who is by them both most highly commēded as yow haue heard, and his Aduersaries condemned? Truly, if any man can shew me out of all the Catholicke writers that be extant, English or other, that euer any one of them vsed this shamefull fraud in writing, where no excuse can free them from malicious and witting falshood, then will I graunt that it is not proper to the Protestant spirit alone. Hitherto I must confesse that I neuer found it in any, and if I should, though it were but once, I should hold it for a sufficient argument not to belieue him euer after. And this shall suffice for a tast only of M. Mortons manner of proceeding. For that to prosecute al particulers would require a whole volume, and by these few yow may ghesse at the mans vaine and spirit in writing.
THE SECOND PART OF THIS CHAPTER, REPRESENTING Some of the falsifications vvhich are vttered in the former Part of M. Mortons Reply, VVhich came to our handes after our Answere made before in our second Chapter against his ten Reasons.
ANd now albeit these false and fraudulent dealings laid open in the precedent Part of this Chapter, be sufficient or rather superaboundant to descry this Minister and his naked innocency, who in his Epistle to his Maiesty, as before hath byn touched calleth himself A Minister of simple truth and vpright conscience; yet for more perfect complement of the same, I haue thought good to adioine also a second Part to this Chapter, and therin to draw to light some number of his notorious vntruthes, corruptions, sleightes, falsifications and calumniations vttered in the former [Page 219] Part of his Reply to the moderate Reader, which Part not comming to my handes vntill I had made the answere which before I haue set downe in the second Chapter of this Treatise against his Discouery, I could not conueniently discusse the same particularly therin: but now by that which heere yow shall see produced, you may easily ghesse how worthy a peece of worke it is, and what credit the man deserueth that made it. And albeit the breuity purposed by me in this place, permitteth not the examine of al, or of the greater part; yet verbum sapienti sat est, the discreet Reader by a few examples which demonstrate that the writer wanteth remorse of conscience in his asseuerations, will easily see how farre he is to be credited in all his writinges. Wherfore to the examine it self.
41. In the third page of his said Reply, he beginning to talke of the nature of heresy, hath these wordes: The first example of corruptions. VVee may not be ignorant, first that seeing the nature of heresy is such, that it is a vice proper to the minde, it may denominate the subiect whatsoeuer an Hereticke, without obstinacy, which is only a peruerse [...] of the will, and therfore a man may be an Hereticke though he be not obstinate: And for proofe of Vasq. disp. 126. c. 3. this false doctrine, he citeth in his margent Vasquez Iesuita, whose wordes are: Malitia huius [...] intellectu, non in voluntate consummatur, the malice of this sinne of In 1 tomo. heresy, is perfected or made consummate in the vnderstanding, and not in the will, which our Minister About the nature of heresy and pertinacy. vnderstanding not, and yet desirous, as in his preface to the Kinges Maiesty he insinuateth, to deuide our tongues, & to make our writers seeme contrary the one to the other, hath fondly slaundered the learned man Vasquez in this place, by making him seeme to be patrone of this his absurd doctrine, that heresy may bewithout obstinacy; wheras Vasquez in the very same disputation heere by him cited, expressely doth impugne this doctrine and establisheth the contrary, defining heresy thus: Haeresis nihil [Page 220] aliud est quàm error in rebus [...] cum pertinacia, Heresy is Ibid. c. 1. nothing els, but an errour in matters of faith with obstinacy.
42. Which another learned mā of the same schoole, by somewhat a more ample definition declareth thus: Heresy (saith he) is an errour contrary to the Catholicke faith, Valentia in 2. 2. qu. [...]. punct. 1 [...]. 4. summa par 2. c. 1. & Doctores omnes 4 d. 13. & D. Tho. 2, 2 art. 2. Vide etiā Clar. 24. q. 3. Can. dixit Apostolus, & Can. Qui in Ecclesia. wherunto a man that hath professed the said faith in his baptisme, doth adhere with an obstinate minde: Which definitiō he proueth ex communi mente Doctorum by the cōmon consent of schoole Doctors. And finally not to stand vpon a thing so cleere among vs S. Thomas for decision heerof hath these wordes: De ratione Haeresis sunt duo, electio priuatae disciplinae, & pertinacia: Two thinges are of the essence and intrinsecall nature of heresy, without which Heresy cannot be, the one the choice or electiō of a particuler doctrine, discipline, or opinion, contrary to the doctrine of the vniuersall Church; the other pertinacy or obstinacy in defending the same, though the party know that it be against the doctrine of the Church, without which knowledge and obstinacy there can be no Heresy.
43. This is our Catholicke doctrine about the nature of Heresy, to wit, that it cannot be without obstinacy, which is so common and triuiall, as it is now come into an ordinary prouerbe, to say: VVell I may be in Obstinacy necessary to heresy. errour, but Hereticke I will neuer be, for that I will hold nothing obstinatly. And as for the wordes of Vasquez: that the malice of Heresy is consummated in the vnderstanding, and not in the will; if our Minister had read the other wordes immediatly going before, he might perhaps haue vnderstood Vasquez meaning, for they are these: ‘ Vt aliquis sit verè reus Haeresis &c. To make a man be truly guilty of Heresy, it is not necessary that he be Vasquez his discourse about pertinacy. carried directly in his affection or will against the authority of the Church, that is to say, it is not needfull that he haue an expresse will and purpose to disobey [Page 221] or contradict the Church, but it is inough that he doe contradict the same re ipsa, indeed, knowing that opinion which he defendeth to be against the authority of the said vniuersall Church, albeit he be not induced to this belief with a direct will to impugne the Church, but either by desire of glory, or other inducement:’ so as indeed the malice of this sinne is consummated in the vnderstanding and not in the will.
44. This is the discourse and doctrine of Vasquez in this place about the nature and essence of Heresy, wherin he doth not exclude either the vnderstāding, or will, but includeth them both expressely: for that as there must be knowledge, which appertaineth to the minde or vnderstanding, so must there be choise with obstinacy, which belongeth to the will and affection; but his scholastical consideration is, in which of these two powers of our soule this sinne of Heresy receaueth her consummation. For better explication therof, let vs vse this example: If a man should hold or belieue an erroneous proposition contrary to the doctrine of the Catholicke Church, as for example, that there were but one nature in Christ, not knowing it to be against the Catholicke Church, it were Hovv [...] is cō summated in the vnderstā ding and not in the vvill. false in it self, and an errour in his vnderstanding, but not Heresy, except also by act of his will he should chuse to hold it with resolution and obstinacy, euen after that he knoweth the same to be against the doctrine of the said Church, for then this knowledge (saith Vasquez) that it is against the Church, maketh it perfect and consummate Heresy, albeit the matter passe not to a further act of will, to wit. that he chooseth expressely to contradict the authority of the Church therin, which should be a greater sinne, but yet is not necessary, for that the perfect nature of Heresy is consummated, by knowing that it is against the Church; and for that this notice or knowledge belongeth to the vnderstanding, [Page 222] therfore Vasquez holdeth, that the last perfection or consummation of this sinne, is in the vnderstanding, and not in the will, not meaning to exclude therby obstinacy of the wil (as ignorantly T.M. doth, when he saith wee may not be ignorant:) but to shew in what power of the minde, the last perfection & consummation of this heinous sinne consisteth, to wit, that a man may be a perfect and consummate Hereticke, by holding obstinatly any opinion against the doctrine of the Church, after wee once know it to be against the said Churches doctrine, though we haue not that further malice also of expresse will, and purpose, to contradict therby the said Church, but only we hold the same, for that the opinion pleaseth vs, or is profitable, or honorable to vs, or therby to contradict another, or some such like inducement, according Aug. l. de vtil. credend. ad Honor. to those wordes of S. Augustine to Honoratus: Haereticus est qui alicuius temporalis commodi, & maximè gloriae principatus (que) sui gratia, falsas ac nouas opiniones, vel gignit vel sequitur: An Hereticke is he, who in respect of some temporall commodity, but especially for his owne glory and preheminence, doth beget or follow false and new opinions.
45. The same S. Augustine also against the Donatistes Aug. l. 4. contr. Donat. c. 16. proposeth this example: Constituamus (saith he) aliquem sentire de Christo quod Photinus &c. Let vs imagine one to thinke of Christ, as Photinus the Hereticke did, perswading himself, that it is the Catholicke faith &c. istum nondū Haereticum dico (saith he) nisi manifestata sibi doctrina Catholicae fidei resistere maluerit & illud quod tenebat elegerit. I doe not yet say that this man is an [...], S. Augustines explicatiō of the vvhole matter. vntill after that the doctrine of the Catholicke faith being opened vnto him, he shall choose notwithstanding to resist, and to hold by choice, that which before he held by errour. In which wordes S. Augustine doth euidently declare, how necessary both knowledge & [Page 223] will are vnto Heresy, and consequently how absurd and ridiculous the assertion of M. Morton is, that Heresy being a vice proper to the vnderstanding, may denominate the subiect whatsoeuer an Hereticke, without obstinacy of will. For [...] we grant with all Deuines, that Heresy is in the vnderstanding as in her subiect (and so is faith also that is her opposite) and further that her last perfection and consummation is from the foresaid knowledge in the vnderstanding, as Vasquez doth explane it: yet doth not Vasquez or any Deuine els exclude the necessity of pertinacity also, and election in the will, & consequently both his wordes and meaning haue byn euidently falsified, and calumniated by T. M. and so much of this first charge, wherby yow may see what bookes might be made against him, if we would follow his steppes in all his fraudulent traces. But yet let vs see somewhat more in this very leaf and page.
46. For within few lines after he beginneth his 2. Example about true Religion. third Chapter with these wordes: ‘That is only true Religion (say your Romish Doctors) which is taught in the Romish Church, & therfore whosoeuer mainteineth any doctrine cōdemned in that Church, must be accompted an obstinate Hereticke.’ And in the Cuner de offic. Princip. cap. 13. margent he citeth Cunerus, alledging his Latin wordes thus: Haec est Religionis sola ratio, vt omnes intelligant, sic simpliciter esse credendum atque loquendum, quemadmodum Romana Ecclesia credendum esse docet ac praedicat: Which wordes if they were truly alledged out of the Author, yet were they not truly translated: for if by only true Religion (a corrupt translation of Religionis solaratio) be applied to particuler positions and articles of Religion; then S. August. in Psa. 54. in verba Psalm. In multis [...] mecum, & Epist. 48. we grant that such true Religion may be also among Hereticks, & not only taught in the Roman Church, for that, as S. Augustine well noteth, Heretickes also hold many articles of true Catholicke Religion: but heere the corruption and falsification goeth yet further, [Page 224] and it is worthy the noting, for that Cunerus hauing [...] largely against the insurrections and Rebellions of those of Holland and Zeland for cause of Religion, and other pretences against their lawfull King, taketh vpon him in his thirteenth Chapter, to lay downe some meanes how in his opinion those dissentions may be compounded, giuing this title to the said Chapter: Quae sit vera componendi dissidij [...], what is the true way of composing this dissention, and then after some discourse setteth downe this conclusion: Haec igitur in Religione concordiae sola est ratio, vt omnes pio ac simplici animo, purè & integrè sic sapiant, viuant, loquantur, ac praedicent, [...]. [...] egregiously peruerted. quemadmodum sancta Catholica Romana Ecclesia, quae Dei prouidentia magistra veritatis Orbi praeposita est, docet, loquitur, & praedicat: This therfore in Religion is the only way of concord, that all men with a pious & simple minde, doe wholy and purely conceaue, liue, speake, & preach as the holy Catholicke Roman Church, which God by his prouidence hath giuen for a teacher of truth vnto the whole world, doth teach, speake, and preach.
47. And now consider yow this dealing, that wheras B. Cunerus saith haec est in Religione cocordiae sola ratio, this is the only way of concord in Religion, this man alledgeth it in his margent, haec est Religionis sola ratio, this is the only way of Religion, as though concord and Religion were al one; & then by another tricke of crafty translation in his English text that is only true Religion, as though true Religion and the way or meanes to come to true Religion were not different; and then for all the rest how it is mangled, and how many wordes and sentences are put in by this Minister, which are none of Cunerus, and how many of his altered, and put out, is easy for the Reader to see by comparing the [...] o Latin textes before alleadged and therby to consider how facile a matter it is for this fellow to deuide In his Epistle to the King. our tongues: A course (saith he) which I professe in all disputes, [Page 225] when he deuideth and separateth the wordes from their Authors, and the sense from the wordes, and the whole drift from them both: a very fine course, and fit for a man of his profession. But let vs proceed.
48. In the very next page, he going about to make 3. example vs odious by our seuere censuring of Heretickes, putteth pag. 4. downe first these wordes of Alphonsus de Castro: He that vnderstanding any opinion to be expressely condemned by the De iusta pun. Haer. l. 1. c. 10. Church, shall hold the same, is to be accompted an obstinate Hereticke: Wherupon M. Morton playeth his pageant thus: VVhat obstinate? It may be, some doe but doubtingly defend it, what will yow iudge of these? wherunto he answereth out of Azor: If he doubt therof willingly he is certainly an Hereticke: But by our Ministers leaue Azor addeth more; Quoties quis voluntariè & pertinaciter de fide dubitat eò ipso est Azor corrupted. haereticus, as often as a man doth doubt willingly and obstinatly of his faith he is therby an Hereticke, for that faith is a sure and certaine assert of minde vnto those thinges that are to be belieued; and he that willingly & obstinatly doubteth of the truth therof, cannot haue this firme and perfect assent, & consequently hath no faith during the time of this wilfull & obstinate doubting. And that yow may vnderstand of what importance this word pertinaciter is, that this man cunningly so cutteth out of Azor his words, yow must know that he in the very same Chapter holdeth, that if a man doubt without pertinacity, being ready to submit his iudgment when he shalbe instructed in the truth, incurreth not Heresy at all. So as heere the most substantiall word is left out, & craftily conueyed away by our deuider of tongues, wherby the Author is made to say the quite opposite to that he saith and protesteth.
49. It followeth presently in the same text of T. M. 4. example continuing his pleasant vaine of playing with vs: But it may be (saith he) that he which doubteth is ignorant; will no [Page 226] ignorance excuse him? wherunto he frameth of himself this answere citing Tolet in the margent, affected ignorance doth argue him an obstinate Hereticke: Which if yow marke, doth not answere the demaund, for he demandeth whether no ignorance at all doth excuse him, & he answereth that affected ignorance doth not excuse him, but doth rather argue him an Heretike. Now those that be learned doe know, that there be diuers sortes of ignorance, Tolet abused. and of diuers degrees, wherof affected is the most culpable, so as this is very impertinēt, for that albeit affected ignorance doe not excuse him; yet some other lesse faulty may doe it. And this for the sense, but if wee looke vpō the words themselues of Tolet, cited by this man in the margent wee shall discouer much more impertinency or impudency rather: for they are these: Ignorantia crassa non excusat aliquē a pertinacia, grosse Lib. 1. Iust. Sacer. c. 19 ignorance doth not excuse a man frō pertinacy. Now grosse ignorance and affected ignorance are two different thinges, which may be vnderstood by this exā ple, that one may be ignorant of Catholicke Religion by grosse ignorance, in that attending to worldly affaires, he doth not care to informe himself, but he is ignorant by affected ignorance, that doth purposely fly to be informed; so as heere still our ignorant Minister either ex ignorantia crassa or affectata, telleth vs quid pro quo, in translating affected ignorance, for grosse ignorance, & then againe in Englishing non excusat aliquem a pertinacia, doth argue him an obstinate Hereticke, for that it is one thing to argue, and an other not to excuse. And wheras before T. M. held that pertinacy apperteined not at all to the nature of Heresy, here contrary-wise he translateth pertinacia, an obstinate Hereticke, making it to signify both substantiue, and adiectiue, substance and quality. But yet further then this yow must note that in citing this sentence out of Tolet he cunningly dissembleth the Authors assertion set downe cleerly [Page 227] not six lines before these wordes: pertinacia necessaria est ad constituendum hominem Haereticum: Pertinacy is necessary to make a man an Hereticke, being the quite contrary propositiō to that of this man before set downe in the first example of his corruptions in this former Part of his Reply.
50. But the greatest corruption in this page (and it is notable indeed) is of the wordes sense and meaning of our learned Countreyman Sayer, of whome T. M. writeth thus: In breif our Countreyman vpon this case of conscience saith; an obstinate Hereticke is aswell he that is presumed so to be, as he that is manifest, and againe in [...]. example the same page: seeing therfore that (as your great Casuist hath said) euery one presumed to be an Hereticke, is taken for an obstinate, who can be free from your censures? &c. And then citeth in the margent these wordes of Sayer: Contumax Sayer. in casib. cons. l. 1. c. 9. §. 30. Haereticus est tam praesumptus quam manifestus: An obstinate Hereticke is aswell he that is presumed to be so, as he that is manifest or knowne for such, which may seeme to be a great iniustice in our doctrine. But if I doe not shew this deuise to be one of the most manifest A notable falsificatio of Sayer. and faithles deceiptes and corruptions that euer any honest man put in paper against his aduersary, then let me be censured for to sharpe a Reprehēder.
51. For first Sayer hath no such matter at all concerning obstinacy in Heresy, his whole purpose being only to declare who may be excommunicated by a Iudge for contumacy in not appearing (which is a different thing from obstinacy or pertinacy) and this whether he be either Hereticke or Catholicke; nay he speaketh either only or principally of Catholickes, who doe shew contumacy in any Court or tribunall, in not appearing or answering, according as they are cited and summoned by a lawfull Iudge, and so he defineth contumacy in these wordes: Contumacia (saith The definition of cōtumacy. he) nihil aliud est quàm inobedientia quaedam, qua ius dicenti [Page 228] non paretur: Contumacy is nothing els but a certaine disobedience, wherby he is not obeied that sitteth in iudgment. So as heere is no mention or meaning of obstinacy in Heresy: and further he putteth downe two sortes of contumacy thus: Contumax duobus modis esse potest, nimirum, manifestus & praesumptus; man may be contumacious in two sortes or manners, either manifest or by presumption, and he giueth diuers examples of both, as namely, if a man cited doe refuse openly to appeare, or obey his Iudge, this mans contumacy or disobedience is publicke, and manifest: but if he doe not refuse, but by idle dilations or shiftes putteth of or deludeth the Court, he is presumed to be contumacious, and so may excommunication (if it be a spirituall Court) proceed against him, as if his contumacy were manifest.
52. Now then what hath all this to doe with Contumax Haereticus tam praesumptus quàm manifestus? Hath Sayer any such word or sentence? No truly, or shall we thinke Thomas Morton to be so simple both in grammer, law, & Deuinity, as that he doth not know what difference The difference betvveene cōtumacy and pertinacy. there is betweene contumax and [...] wherof the one is a fault in obedience towardes our Superiours, as now hath byn shewed; the other in tenacity of opinion as before we haue declared. Or if Thomas Morton will not confesse this ignorance, but that he know the difference of the wordes, and of their significations, sense, and applications heere vsed by the Authors, then must he confesse wilfull deceipt in vsing one for the other, and much more in twice translating the wordes contumax Haereticus in this one page, for an obstinate Hereticke, and much more yet in foisting in the word Haereticus, which Sayer hath not; and most of all in making his Reader belieue that contumax, praesumptus and manifestus doth signify in Sayer one that vpon presumption only is iudged to be as obstinate an Hereticke, [Page 229] as if he were manifest, wherof Sayer neither spake nor meant; but in a quite different sense (not appertaining to Heresy at all) saith, that a man may Manyfalse shiftes. be condemned as contumacious by presumption, if he appeare not, or vseth sleightes, diuerticles, or delayes, as well as if openly he refused to appeare. Now then consider what a Minister of truth this is, and of what naked innocency, thus perfidiously to delude his Reader, & yet to come forth after all with this dissembled Hypocrisy: Now let me be beholding vnto yow (saith he) for an Pag. 4. answere. And so I thinke he is, but if not sharpe inough for so shamefull an abuse, it may be amended and augmented herafter vpon like occasions, which euery where are offered throughout his whole booke; and there were no end if I would answere him to all.
53. And this now is only in one sole leafe, and no lesse may be said about another, that within some pages 6. example after ensueth, if we would stand theron, to wit, where he taketh vpon him to defend Iohn Caluin from the imputation of Arrianisme, obiected by the moderate Answerer, not only out of our Catholike writers, but from cheif Protestant Authors themselues: about which point, for that I shall be inforced to make a particuler Treatise in the third Part of this Chapter, I will heere let the most Part of that matter passe and examine only a peece therof, to wit, how Caluin doth deny the Sonne of God to be Deum [...] Deo, lumen de lumine, God of God, and light of light, as the first generall Councell of Neece did decree against the Arrians, Pag. 20. wherof T. M. writeth thus: Your Iesuit Bellarmine reckoneth vp Caluin and Beza to be of this opinion, and VVhether Caluin denied Christ to be God of God. I thinke he saith truly &c. But now this doctrine being examined with the eye, not ouercast with the webbe of preiudice, doth in the iudgment of your said famous Bellarmine seeme Catholicall, ‘ bycause they deny not the Sonne to be from the Father but they deny the essence [Page 230] of the Godhead to haue any generation, this likewise is not the Part of common modesty, to blind-fold your self, and strike yow know not whome.’
54. And who would not thinke heere vpon this asseueration of T. M. but that Cardinall Bellarmine were cōtrary to himself in accusing Caluin, and yet iustifying his doctrine: yow shall see then how many sleightes heere are vsed for deceiuing the Reader. First Bellarmine Bellar. l. 2 de Christo cap. 19. beginneth his Treatise of this matter thus in the place cited by T. M. Est noua quaedam Haeresis &c. ‘There is a new kinde of Heresy sprung vp in our dayes, which I know not whether it consist in the thing it self, or in wordes only: Genebrard doth of purpose confute the same in his bookes of the blessed Trinity, calling it the Heresy of Autotheans, that is to say, of such as doe hold Christ to be God of himself, and not of his Father, and both he and Bishop Lindan and Petrus Canisius doe ascribe the same vnto Caluin, of which errour doth manifestly follow, that either the Sonne is not distinguished personally from the Father, which is the Heresy of Sabellius, or that he is distinguished in nature, which goeth neere to the heresy of the Manichies.’ So Bellarmine. Who as yow see holdeth the proposition to be Hereticall, that Christ is God of himself, being vnderstood simply as the ancient Church vnderstood it, and namely the Councell of Neece, when they set downe the contrary doctrine as true and necessary to saluation, to belieue that Christ is God of God, and light of light.
55. But now Caluin and Beza, (as also M. VVillet, and Doctor Fulke their schollers) in a particuler sense (saith our Minister) doe deny Christ to be God of God, to wit, that the essence of his Godhead hath no generation, though as he is Sonne, and the second person in Trinity, he is by generation from his Father; which doctrine he saith our Bellarmine doth hold for Catholicall, [Page 231] whose words he alledgeth in the margent thus: Bellarmins vvor des fraudulently alleadged. Dum rem ipsam excutio, non facilè audeo pronunciare illos in errore fuisse, while I doe examine well the thing it self, I dare not presume to pronoūce them to haue byn in errour, to wit Caluin and Beza; wheras Bellarmins wordes are, dum rem ipsam excutio, & Caluini sententias diligenter considero, non facilè audeo pronunciare illum in hoc errore fuisse, while I examine the matter it self, and diligently consider Caluins opinions, I doe not easily presume to pronounce him to haue byn in this errour, to wit in the particuler errour or heresy of Autotheans, set downe and confuted by Genebrard, and in his sense condemned expressely by the ancient Catholicke Church, for denying Christ to be, and to haue his essence from the Father; but yet though in some sense it seemeth to Bellarmine, that Caluin may be excused in this priuate & particuler meaning of his, yet not absolutly, as T. M. would make his Reader to thinke, by striking out cū ningly the particle hoc (this errour) and leauing the word errour in common, as though Bellarmine had excused him from all kinde of errour, which is most false, for that presently after he both impugneth of purpose and confuteth by many argumentes his manner of speach, as Hereticall in this behalf.
56. Restat (saith he) vt modum loquendi Caluini qui dicit [...] à se habere essentiam simpliciter esse repudiandum, & contrario Caluins manner of speech [...] by Bellarmine. modo loquendum esse demonstremus &c. ‘It remaineth that we doe demonstrate Caluins manner of speech, that saith the Sonne to haue his essence of himself, is simply to be reiected, and that we must speake in a quite contrary manner, to wit, that the Sonne hath not only his person, but essence also from the Father, and so is God of God and light of light, as the Councell of Neece declared; and this he proueth by foure wayes:’ first, Quia pugnat cum verbo Dei, for that Caluins manner of speech is opposite to the word of God &c. [Page 232] Pugnat secundò cum Conciliis, and secondly it is repugnant to the manner of speech of ancient Councells, as the Nicene & others: Pugnat tertiò cum doctrina Patrum, thirdly it is contrary to the doctrine of the old Fathers: fourthly it agreeth with the speech of the old Arrians, and other such proofes, which Bellarmine doth prosecute at large, confirming each one of these members by diuers examples and instances, & that Caluin spake Heretically in fauour of the Arrians in this behalfe.
57. So as the cosenage heere of striking out ( hoc) out of Bellarmins wordes, making him to say non audeo pronunciare illos in errore fuisse, insteed of illum in hoc [...] fuisse, though it be small in sound of words: yet in substance is it much: for that therby T. M. would make his Reader belieue, that Bellarmine cleereth Caluin and Beza from all sortes of errour in this point, & for that purpose turneth illum into illos, and hoc errore, into errore that is to say him into them and this errour into any errour at all: wheras Bellarmine though in one sense he excuse him; yet absolutly doth he condemne him, as yow haue heard; and no man can deny but that his Latin wordes were heere fraudulently and perfidiously alledged and mangled by T. M. for that he could not doe it but wittingly, and of purpose; and yet forsooth this man will not Equiuocate, as he saith, for a world, though lye he will manifestly for much lesse as yow see. And so much of this vntill we come to examine the matter more largely afterward in the third Part of this Chapter.
58. And heere I will passe ouer many thinges that 7. example might be noted out of the sequent pages mamely 30. 31. 34. where he doth so peruert, and abuse both the Pag. 30. 31. 34. wordes, discourse, and sense of diuers Authors alledged by him, as is not credible to him, that doth not compare them with the bookes themselues, from whence they are taken. As for example Royardus the [Page 233] Franciscane Friar is brought in with commendation of an honest Friar, for that he saith, that a King when [...]. Serm. 1. in Domin. 1. Aduent. he is made by the people, can not be deposed by them againe at their pleasure, which is the same doctrine that all other Catholickes doe hold, so long as he conteineth himself within the nature of a King, for that Royard. Serm. 2. in Domin. 23 post Pentecost. otherwise (which is the question in cōtrouersy) Royard himself saith parendum [...] non esse, that he is not to be obeyed, but this is not to be iudged by the people, and their mutiny, as Protestant Doctors teach.
59. And to like effect he citeth a discourse, though most brokenly alledged out of Bishop Cunerus, writing against the Rebells of Flanders, and testifying that it lieth not in the peoples hand to reiect their Prince at their pleasure, as those Protestant subiectes did; and Royardus & Cune nerus abused. then M. Morton, as though he had achieued some great victory, triumpheth exceedingly, saying: That forsomuch as Friars in our Councells haue no voice, but only Bishops, he hath brought forth a Bishop against vs, whome for that the moderate Answerer had named a little before, this man scornfully telleth him Caesarem appellasti, ad Caesarem [...]. 25. ibis, yow haue appealed to Cunerus, and now he shalbe your Iudge against yow. And is not this great folly and insolency? for that Cunerus in all that his booke saith nothing against vs, but altogeather for vs, to represse the Rebellion in Flanders, as hath byn signified. And secōdly notwithstanding all this exact obediēce, which both he and we prescribe, and require at subiectes handes towardes their lawfull Princes, he hath a speciall Chapter which is the third after this alledged Cap. [...]. heere by T. M. wherin he doth expressely, & largly proue that in some cases when Princes fall into intollerable disorders, there is authority left in the common-wealth, and Church of Christ to restraine, and remoue them. What falshood is this then to alledge Authors thus directly against their owne sense, meaning, [Page 234] and whole drift? doth this become a Minister of simple truth? Is this for a man that somuch abhorreth Equiuocation?
60. I let passe as trifles in this very place (but yet such as shew a guilty minde and meaning,) that he [...]. example citing the booke of Alexander Carerius, a Doctor of the Canon law in Padua, which he wrote of late de Potestate Romani [...], putteth in of his owne contra huius temporis Haereticos against the Heretickes of this time, which are not in the title of that booke; and then wheras the said Author naming or citing many other writers to be of his opinion, doth say nuperrimè verò Celsus Mancinus in tract. de Iuribus Principatuum &c. and last of all Celsus Mancinus doth hold the same in a certaine Treatise of the rightes of principalities; this man to frame vnto himself some matter of insultation, turneth Pag. 14. verò into verè, and then playeth ridiculously vpon his owne fiction in these wordes: Carerius citeth another called Celsus, by interpretation high or lofty, and therfore insignes him with verè Celsus, as truly so named, and so truly he may be if we iudge him by the loftines of his stile, and conclusion. So he. And doe yow see this folly? Or will yow thinke it rather folly then falshood, that could not discerne betweene verò and verè? Or not be able to iudge by the contexture of Carerius his speech it selfe, that it could not by apt construction be verè if he had lighted vpon Carerius corrupted a corrupt coppy, as he could not; for that there is but one, and that hath very plainly verò, and consequently all this Commentary of Thomas [...] is out of his owne inuention. And where now is the assurance of his vpright conscience protested to his Maiesty in his Epistle dedicatory? where is his simplicity in Christ Iesus? where his naked innocency? Can this be ignorance? can this be done but of purpose, and consequently by a guilty conscience? what may the hearer belieue of all he saith, when euery where he is found intangled with [Page 235] such foolish treachery? But let vs proceed.
61. There followeth within two leaues after a heape not only of falshoodes, but also of impudencies. 9. example For wheras his Aduersary the moderate Answerer had said, that not only Kinges, but Popes also for Heresy, by the Canon lawes were to be deposed, he Answereth Pag. 38. thus: ‘The Authors of the doctrine of deposing Kinges in case of Heresy, doe professe concerning Popes, that they cannot possibly be Heretickes, as Popes; and Bellar l. 4 de Rom. Pont. c. 2. Carer. l. 1. cap [...]. consequently cannot be deposed; Not saith Bellarmine, by any power Ecclesiasticall or tēporall, no not by all Bishops assembled in a Councell: Not, saith Carerius though he should doe any thing preiudiciall to the vniuersall Azor. [...]. 5. cap. 14. State of the Church: Not saith Azorius, though he should neglect the Canons Ecclesiasticall, or peruert the Lawes of Kinges: Not saith Gratians glosse, though Gratian. Canon Si Papa. dist. 40. he should carry infinite multitudes of soules with him to hell: and these forenamed Authors doe auouch for the confirmation of this doctrine, the vniuersall consent of Romish Deuines and Canonistes, for the space of an hundred yeares.’ So he. And in these wordes are as many notorious and shamelesse lies, as there are assertions, and Authors named by him for the same.
62. For first the foure writers which he mentioneth there in the text, to wit, Bellarmine, Carerius Azorius and Gratian, doe expressely, cleerly, and resolutly hold the contrary to that he affirmeth out of them, for that they teach and proue by many argumentes, that Popes that Popes may fall into Heresy & be de posed for the same. both may fall into Heresies, and for the same be deposed by the Church, or rather are ipso facto deposed, and may be so declared by the Church, and their wordes heere guilfully alledged by T. M. as sounding to the contrary, are manifestly spoken, and meant of manners only, and not of faith, that is to say, if they should be of naughty life, yet haue they no Superiours to depose them for that (being immediatly vnder Christ) [Page 236] but for Heresy they may be deposed, which in steed of all the rest, yow may read largly handled in Bellarmine, in his second booke de Pontific. cap. 30. where among other proofes he citeth this very Canon of Gratian heere mentioned by T. M. saying: Haereticum Papam posse iudicari, expressè habetur Canon. Si Papadist. 40. It is expressely determined in the Canon Si Papa, that a Pope falling into Heresy may be iudged, and deposed by the Church; and more, that in the eight generall Councell, and seauenth Session, Pope Honorius was deposed for Heresy. So Bellarmine. And the same doctrine hold the other two cited by our Minister: so as heere be foure notorious lies togeather, that by no shift or tergiuersation can be auoided, for that T. M. could not but manifestly see, that he alledged these foure Authors quite contrary to their expresse wordes, drift and meaning, what then will yow say of this fellow, and his manner of writing? shall he be credited herafter?
63. But yet not contented with this he citeth other foure or fiue Authors besides in the margent, to wit Gregor. de Val. analys. l. 8. c. 3 Salm. com. in Gal. 2. disp 24. Gregorius de Valentia, Salmeron, Canus, Stapleton and Costerus, all which in the very places by him cited, are expressely against him. And is not this strange dealing? Let Canus that goeth in the middest, speake for all, who hauing proued first at large the opposite Canus l. 6 Loc. Theo c. 8. proposition to T. M. to wit, that Popes may fall into Heresy, and be deposed for the same, concludeth thus Stap. doct. Princ. l. 6. initio. his discourse; Non est igitur negandum (saith he) quin Summus Pontifex Haereticus esse possit: It cannot therfore be denied, Coster. de Pontif. in Enchirid cap. 3. but that the Pope may be an Hereticke, adding presently: VVherof one or two examples may be giuen, but none at all, that euer Pope though he fell into Heresy, did decree the same for the whole Church; by which last wordes of Canus is discouered the ridiculous fallacy of T. M. alledging heere out of our foresaid writers, that Popes cannot [Page 237] possibly be Heretickes, as Popes, and consequently cannot be Though Popes may fall into Heresy yet shall they not be per mitted to decree it. deposed: Wherof they say the flat contrary, as you haue heard, that Popes may be Heretickes as Popes, & consequently may be deposed; but yet that God, as Popes, will neuer permit them to decree any Hereticall doctrine to be held by the Church.
64. Consider then I pray yow what a fellow this Minister is in abusing thus so many Authors so manifestly; but especially doe yow note the impudency of his conclusion: And these forenamed Authors (saith he) doe Pag. 38. auouch for confirmation of this doctrine, the vniuersall consent of Romish Deuines and Canonistes for the space of an hundred years. So he. But I would aske him of what doctrine? that Popes cannot be Heretickes, or be deposed for the same? yow haue heard them now protest the contrary, and yow may read it in the places heere cited, out of all the nine seuerall writers before mentioned, who by their expresse contrary doctrine doe proue Thomas Morton to haue made nine seuerall lies against them in this his assertion, and now the tenth & most Ten lies made at one time. notorious of all, is this his conclusion; That they doe auouch for confirmation of that which he obiecteth the vniuersall consent of Romish Deuines and Canonistes for the space of an hundred yeares; which besides the manifest falsity therof, seene in their owne wordes, and workes heere by me cited, it conteineth also great folly, and simplicity to say, that they auouch the consent of Romish Deuines and Canonistes for an hundred yeares; for that their proofes are much elder, and Bellarmine among the rest, for deposition of Pops doth cite the eight generall Councell vnvnder Pope Adrian the second, for aboue six hundred yeares gone, and the Canon Si Papa, out of our Countreyman S. Boniface Archbishop of Mentz & Martyr, aboue seauen hundred yeares gone, and collected by Gratian, and confirmed by Popes, as Part of the Canon law aboue foure hundred yeares gone: So as to say [Page 238] that now they auouch Authors of an hundred yeares old against that which for so many hundred yeares before was held & established, is mere folly or rather foolish malice.
65. And albeit I haue not yet passed ouer the first halfe of the first Part of this first Treatise of his, and in [...]. Example. this also haue pretermitted willingly many other examples that might haue byn alledged, yet finding my self weary, to prosecute any further so large a labyrinth of these intricate iuggling tricks, vsed by this Minister in his whole corpes of citations, with doe consist principally therof; I meane to draw to an end adding only one example more in this place, about a matter more neerly concerning our argument, which is of reconciliation of Protestantes with Catholickes in pointes of Religion, which T. M. willing to accuse Pag. 55. Iesuites, as the only hinderers therof writeth thus: Only by the insolency (saith he) of Iesuites all such hope of recōciliation is debarred, as is plaine by Bellarmine; for wheras Bellar. l. de Laicis cap. 19. that most graue and learned Cassander honoured of two Emperours for his singuler learning and piety, did teach that Emperours should endeauour a reconciliatiō betwixt Cassand. l. de [...] pij viri. Papistes and Protestantes, ‘bycause (saith he) Protestants hold the articles of the Creed, & are true members of the Church, although they dissent from vs in some particuler opinions; the grand Iesuite doth answere, that this iudgment of Cassander is false, for that Catholickes cannot be reconciled with Heretickes, Heretically meaning Protestantes. So he.’
66. But heere I would aske him why he had not vttered also that which immediatly followeth in Bellarmine, that Iohn Caluin had written a booke against this errour of Cassander, and that among Catholicke writers Iohannes à Louanio had done the same, and shewed that it was an old Heresy of Appelles, as Eusebius testifieth, & of other Heretickes afterward vnder Zeno [Page 239] the Emperours, named Pacifiers, as Euagrius testifieth, Euseb. 5. Hist. c. 13. Euagr. l. 3. Hist. c. 14. & 30. who held that Catholickes and Heretickes might be composed togeather: why (I say) did T. M. conceale this? As also the many, great, and strong argumentes, that Bellarmine alledgeth to proue his assertion? And why would he lay all the fault of not agreeing, vpon the insolency of Iesuites, seeing Iohannes à Louanio was no Iesuit, nor Caluin neither.
67. But to leaue this, & to come to the thing it self, and to take some more particuler view of the false behauiour of Thomas [...] in citing this authority: It is strange that in so small a matter, he would shew so great want of truth, or true meaning as heere he doth. For first, to pretermit that he goeth about to deceaue his Reader, by the opinion of grauity and learning in George Cassander of Bruges, who was but a Grammarian in his dayes; & that he was a Catholicke, who is censured for an Hereticke primae classis in the Index of prohibited bookes, and not only for Heresies of this time, but also, quod dicit spiritum sanctum minùs aduocandum, & adorandum esse; for that he saith that the holy Cassander vvhat mā ner of mā he vvas. Ghost is lesse to be called vpon or adored &c. as the Index expurgatorius testifieth; besides all this (I say) he corrupteth manifestly in the sentence before alledged, the wordes, & plaine meaning of his Author, to wit, Index expurg. in [...]. Cassand. Bellarmine, from whome he citeth Cassanders iudgment: for thus they lye in him: Tertius error (saith he) est Georgij De officio pij vi ri. fol. 314. Cassandri in libro De officio pij viri, vbi docet debere Principes inuenire rationem pacis inter Catholicos, Lutheranos &c. Sed interim dum non inueniunt, debere [...] vnicui (que) suam fidem, modò omnes recipiant Scripturam & Symbolum Bellar. l. de laicis cap. 19. Apostolicum: Sic enim omnes sunt vera Ecclesiae membra, licèt in particularibus dogmatibus dissentiant.
68. The third errour is of George Cassander in the booke Of the office of a pious man where he teacheth that Princes ought to seeke out some meanes of peace, betwixt [Page 240] Catholickes, Lutheranes, Caluinistes, and other sectes of our time, but in the meane space, whiles they finde no such meanes, they ought to permit euery one to follow his owne particuler faith, so as all doe receaue the Scripture, and common Creed of the Apostles, for so al are true members of the Church, albeit they disagree among thēselues in particuler doctrines. These are Bellarmins wordes. Now let vs see how they are mangled by M. Morton, both in Latin and English, as by him that hath the notablest talent therin, notwithstanding his solemne protestations to the contrary, that euer I read in my life.
69. He putteth downe first the Latin wordes in his margent thus: Debent Principes inuenire rationem pacis inter Catholicos, Lutheranos, [...]; qui omnes dum Symbolum tenent Apostolicum, vera sunt membra Ecclesiae, licèt à nobis in particularibus dissentiant. Princes ought to seeke a meanes of peace betweene Catholickes, Lutheranes, Caluinistes; all which, for so much as they hold the Apostolicke Creed, are true members of the Church, albeit they dissent from vs in some particuler opiniōs. And heere now yow see first to be omitted cunningly and wilfully by this crafty Minister the wordes of much moment, that whiles Princes doe not finde a fit meane of peace, they ought to permit all to liue according to their particuler faith, which sentence of his graue and learned Cassander, not seeming to himself allowable in our English State, or to his owne Brethren the English Caluinistes, that now hauing gotten the Cassanders iudgment not allovved by English Protestāts. gouernment, will suffer no other Religion but their owne, thought best to suppresse and cut them quite out: Secondly in steed of the condicionall speech vsed by Cassander, modò omnes recipiant Scripturam &c. So all [...] receaue the Scripture and Apostolicall Creed, he putteth it downe with a causatiue clause, Qui omnes dum Symbolum tenent &c. All which sectes because they doe [Page 241] hold the Articles of the Creed, are true members of the Church, leauing out the word Scripture, as yow see and peruerting the other wholly in sense. For who will not hold it absurde, that Catholickes, Lutherans, Caluinistes, and other sectes of our time, though in wordes they doe admit both Scripture & Apostolicall Creed, yet differing in sense, and so many doctrines as they doe, are all to be held notwithstanding for true members of one, and the selfe same Church? Can any thing be more ridiculous then this?
70. Thirdly he doth most notably cogge in thrusting in the wordes à nobis, from vs, which are not in the originall, meaning therby to make Cassander to seeme a Catholicke, & to speake in the behalf of Catholickes, which is plaine cosenage: and to this end also he leaueth out dogmatibus; & finally yow see that he shapeth euery thing to his owne purpose, and by making Cassander, as a Catholicke, seeme to wish and endeauour this vnion, and Bellarmine to reiect it; he would confirme his former calumniation, that only by the insolency of Iesuites all such hope is debarred.
71. And thus much for the corruption of the Latin text: but his English hath other corruptions also, according The [...] tes of his English [...]. to his ordinary custome. For first he translateth Debent Principes, that Emperours should endeauour a reconciliation, to confirme therby his former vanity, 1 that Cassander was so great a man with Emperours, as he talketh not but to Emperours: Secōdly he translateth 2 Catholicos, Lutheranos, Caluinistas &c. which wordes & [...] comprehend all other sects of our time, as Anabaptistes, Arrians, Trinitarians, Hussites, Picardians and the like, he translateth them (I say,) Papistes and Protestantes, as though all those sectes of our time were to be comprehended vnder the name of Protestantes of the English faith, or as though Cassander if he were a Catholicke, as heere he is pretended, would call vs [...] [Page 242] Thirdly wheras in his owne Latin heere set 3 downe he saith; Qui omnes dum Symbolum [...] &c. All which, to wit Catholickes, Lutherans, Caluinistes, & other Sectaries, whiles they hold the Apostolicall Creed, are true members of the Church, he doth English it thus, because Protestantes hold the Articles of the Creed, and are true members of the Church, excluding Catholickes from belieuing the said Articles, or being true members, which in his owne Latin (and that of Bellarmines) also are included: and fourthly is the corruption 4 before mentioned, although they dissent from vs in some particuler opinions; which in Bellarmine is, although they dissent among themselues in particuler doctrines: and finally the wordes by him cited of Bellarmins iudgment, 5 which he controlleth, to wit, falsa est haec sententia Cassandri; non [...] enim Catholici reconciliari cum Haereticis, Bellarmines opinion falsified. are not so in Bellarmine, but these, potest facilè refelli [...] (Cassandri) sententia: primum enim non possunt Catholici, Lutherani, & Caluinistae eo modo conciliari &c. ‘This sentence (of Cassander) may easely be refelled; first for that Catholickes, Lutherans, and Caluinistes (for example) can not so be reconciled as Cassander appointeth, to wit, by admitting only the wordes of the Creed, for that we differ in the sense, and sometimes in the articles themselues, as in that descendit ad inferos, he descended into hell; and in like manner, we agree not about the sense of those other articles, I belieue the Catholicke Church and Communion of Saintes, remission of sinnes &c.’ So Bellarmine. All which this fellow omitteth.
72. And so you see there is no truth or sincerity with him in any thing: neither can these escapes be ascribed The conclusion. any way to ouersight, errour, mistaking, or forgetfulnes, but must needes be attributed to wilfull fraude, & malicious meaning, purposly to deceaue, as the things themselues doe euidently declare, for which cause, I shall leaue him to be censured by his owne Brethren, [Page 243] but especially by his Lord and Maister, for so notable discrediting their cause by so manifest false manner of proceeding; and yet for that there is one example more, that remaineth within the compasse of these few Pages by vs examined, that draweth a longer sequele after it, then is fit to weary the Reader withall, without some breathing, we shall reserue the same to a third Part of this Chapter which now ensueth.
THE THIRD PART OF THIS CHAPTER, CONTEYNING A CONTROVERSY: VVhether Caluin did fauour Arrianisme, or no? VVith diuers sleightes of Tho. Morton about the same.
ANd now albeit these examples before rehearsed, doe sufficiently declare the mans humour against whome we deale, who professing extraordinary sincerity in all pointes, performeth the same scarcely in any ( I professe, saith he, that simplicity in Christ, as neuer either in word, or writing to Equiuocate:) yet for an vpshot of this Chapter, I haue thought good, to lay forth one example more, to proue worse matter then Equiuocation against him, as in the former Partes of this Chapter we haue already done, to wit, plaine falshood, and faithles dealing. But heere now is a particuler controuersy fallen out, by occasion of [Page 245] certaine sleightes, vsed by him in defence of Iohn Caluin, against the imputation of Arrianisme laid vpō him, not only by our doctors, but much more by sundry learned Protestāt-writers of Germany, alledged in part by the moderate Answerer in this place, and shifted of sleightly by T. M. And albeit we haue treated somewhat of this matter before, in the second Chapter of this booke, yet the thing comming againe in question now by reason of certaine corruptions vsed by T. M. therabout, I haue thought it expedient to handle the same more largely as a point of no small importance, which by the sequele yow will see.
74. First then T. M. taking vpon him to answere the obiection of his Aduersary, That Caluin was accused Pag. 17. of Arrianisme, by the writinges of diuers most learned Protestantes of the Lutheran and other sectes in Germany, & hauing giuen this feeble answere only, which before we haue touched in our said second Chapter, and is heere repeated againe, That it is not much to be regarded, what those Protestant-writers in the spirit of opposition and contention did say of Caluin: especially (saith he) seing as it may seeme by their obiections, their iudgment hath beene depraued by your maliguant Doctors.
75. After (I say) this generall, but simple euasion (for if this kinde of answering may be admitted, that thinges are spoken or written out of the spirit of Contradiction, what may not be answered?) he taketh vpon him for some shew of probability in this shift to set downe the iustification following. First (saith he) Tolet. com. in Ioan. 14 & Mald. [...] locum. concerning Arrianisme, Caluin as your Iesuits affirme, doth plainly teach the same, saying; ‘ That the Father is by a kind of excellency God, wheras both the speach & sense is most orthodoxall, and agreing with the tenure of holy writ, as your learned Iesuites confesse: for the wordes of our Sauiour are plaine Ioan. 14. My Father is greater then I, in the true sense, Is (say your Iesuites, and [Page 246] truly) the Father greater, not in substance and being, but by reason of birth and begetting; For their authority they produce an inquest of Fathers to free Caluin in this point, who was so farre from Arrianisme, that your owne Bellarmine doth acknowledge that Caluin did impugne the doctrine of the Arrians.’
76. This is his defence, wherin yow shall see how many subtilties, and shiftes there be vsed to defend Caluin from this impiety, who yet, as will appeare, is not defensible in this respect. For first where he saith, That our Iesuites doe affirme Iohn Caluin to teach Arrianisme, in that he holdeth that the Father is by a kind of excellency God, citing for the same among others in the margent both Bellarmine, and Gregorius de Valentia, his first corruption therin is, that he citeth not the wordes of their accusations, as they ly in the Authors, Bell. praef. [...]. de Christo §. Sed iam. & l. de notis Eccles. c. 9. & de Chri sto media. c. 3. & 8. which in Bellarmine are these: Non veretur Valentino concedere, nomen Dei KATH' HYPEROCHEN, id est, per excellentiam quandam, soli Patri attribui; Caluin seared not to grant to Valentinus Gentilis (the Arrian Hereticke) that the name of God was attributed only to the Father by a certaine excellency. And the same obiecteth Greg. de Valent. l. [...] vnit. & trinit. c. 9. Gregory de Valentia in the same wordes: out of which yow see, that T. M. leaueth out soli, to the Father alone, wherin consisteth the chiefest force of the charge against Caluin: this then is the first tricke. The second is, that he would make his Reader belieue, that for this only speach of Caluin our Doctors, Bellarmine, Valentia, and others, had condemned him of Arrianisme, wheras they not only for this, but for many other wicked speaches, as blasphemous as this, doe ascribe that crime vnto him.
77. As for example, for that he writeth Deum Patrem Diuers At [...] speeches of Caluin. genuisse quia voluit, that God the Father did beget his Sonne for that he would, wherof ensueth euidently that if Christes eternall generation was voluntary in [Page 247] respect of his Father, then was it not necessary, and naturall, and consequently he could not be God at all, nor equall to his Father, of whose will his essence depended: Caluin. l. cōtr. Gentilem in Conf. 10. proth. and againe, That Christ as he is the second person of the Trinity, cannot properly be called Creator of heauen and earth, and consequently not God, nor equall to his Father. And yet further, Filium Dei subiectum esse Patri etiam ratione diuinitatis, that the Sonne of God is subiect to his Father, euen according to his diuine nature. And Calu. l. 2. yet more impiously, That Christ was a mediator betweene Instit. c. 14 God and Angels before the sinne of Adam, and before his incarnation, and that also according to his diuinity: Out of which for that a mediator must needes be inferiour to him, to whome he vseth mediation, all learned men inferre that Caluin in effect taught the doctrine of Arrius, who denied the equality of the Sonne with the Father, & all this is obiected by our Doctors in the places quoted by T. M. himselfe. Wherby it is manifest that he did not of ignorance or forgetfulnes leaue out these other accusations, mentioning only the first, but of plaine deceipt, & wilfull falshood, for that he thought himselfe to haue a shift for answering the first, but not the other.
78. Yet Gregory de Valentia goeth some-what further, the charge of Gregory de Valentia against Caluin. adding moreouer to these assertions of Caluin diuers other; as namely that he did seeke to eneruate, and make voide, togeather with the Arrians, certaine excellent places of Scripture, which the ancient Catholicke Fathers did vrge against them, as that of Ioan. 10. S. Iohn; Ego & Pater vnum sumus, I and my Father are one, which Caluin saith is to be vnderstood, of the vnity of Caluin. l. 2. Institut. cap. 14. consent and agreement, not of substance: wherupō one George Blandrata a Trinitarian, founding himselfe (saith Valentia) did in a certaine publicke disputation against the Disp. Alban. actio. 2. 2. dici. Catholickes, at Alba Iulia in Transiluania, allow and confirme this Arrian interpretation of Caluin, saying:
[Page 248] VVe doe remit our hearers to only Iohn Caluin in this behalfe who doth euery where reprehend the old writers, for that they wrested these wordes, Ego & Pater vnum sumus, to the vnity of essence or substance. He noteth also these wordes in Caluin, Impropriam esse atque duram orationem illam Symboli Niceni, Deus de Deo: that, that speach of the Creed of the Councell of Nice, is an improper and hard speech, God of God: Which speech notwithstanding S. Athanasius did greatly vrge (saith he) in his dayes against the Arrians, wherof we haue treated somewhat before.
79. Now then may we see how fraudulently Thomas Morton hath dealt in this matter, by putting downe slyly one reason only, for which our malignant Doctors (as he calleth them) doe condemne Caluin for Arrianisme, and it is as if a malefactour being condemned for many crimes, his Aduocate would giue out, that he had byn accused only of one, and then by diminishing that also make it none, and so proclaime him quit in all. But for so much as he calleth our said Doctors malignant (from which crime I dare auouch them of all others most free) & doth say, That the iudgment of the Lutheran Doctors, alleadged by his Aduersary the moderate Answerer against him (namely of Doctor Philippus Nicolaus, and of the Deane and vniuersity of Tubinga, who condemned Caluin for the same crime of Arrianisme,) hath byn depraued, (as may seeme, saith he, by their obiections) by our said malignant Doctors; We shall heere with as much breuity as may be, bring forth the iudgment of another renowned Protestant-Doctor, concurring with the foresaid, he being a publike Reader of Deuinity in another famous Vniuersity of Germany, namely VVittenberg, where Martyn Luther himselfe once held the chaire, as Caluin did in Geneua; and this Doctor whose name is AEgidius Hunnius in a D. Aegidius Hunnius his booke of Caluin. seuerall Treatise set forth about a dozen yeares gone, entituled by him Caluinus Iudaizans, & dedicated vnto [Page 249] one Dauid Pareus a principall Caluinian Doctor, setteth downe the argument of his booke thus, in the An. 1593. VVittenberg. apud viduam Mathaei VVelaci. first front therof. ‘This booke is to shew (saith he) that Iohn Caluin hath most detestably presumed to corrupt ( in fauour of Iewes and Arrians) the most cleare places, and testimonies of Scripture concerning the glorious Trinity, deity of Christ, of the Holy Ghost, and aboue all, the predictions of Prophetes for the comming of the Messias, his natiuity, passion, ascension, & sitting at the right hand of God &c. with a cleare cō futation of his false corruptions therin &c.’
80. This is the title and argument of the booke, which he doth prosecute for almost two hundred pages togeather, deuiding the same into two partes, the first wherin he sheweth, how Iohn Caluin most wickedly, and maliciously vnder pretence of interpreting the Scripture in different sense from the ancient Fathers, did goe about couertly to weaken, infringe, or take from the Christians all the strongest argumentes which they had, or haue out of the Scriptures for the Godhead of Christ, and his equality and consubstantiality with the Father. And in the second Part, that he vseth the same fraud, and malice by ouerthrowing all the predictions, & foretellinges of Prophetes about Christ as he was man.
Out of the old Testament. §. 1.
81. ANd for the first Part of peruerting Scriptures, 1. example he giueth these examples out of the old Testament, Gen. 1. first, that wheras Moyses saith in [...], Creauit Deus coelum & terram, God created heauen and earth, the word in the Hebrue is ELOIM, Gods, in the plurall [Page 250] number, out of which D. Hunnius proueth, that the Hunn. in Calu. Iudaiz. pa. 9. ancient Fathers, and most learned also of later times in the Hebrue tongue, doe gather Moyses to haue signified the plurality of persons in the Bl. Trinity, but Caluin to take from Christians this comforte, saith: Colligere solent hic in Deo notari tres personas &c. Heere Christians are wont (by this plurall number ELOIM) to gather, that three persons are signified in God; but for so much as to me it seemeth a weake proofe of so great a matter, the Readers are to be aduertised to beware of such violent glosses. Thus Caluin. And with 2. example like spirite of presumption & arrogancy, if not worse, he goeth forward in all the rest, as namely that of Genesis the 19. about raining of brimstome ouer Sodom Gen. 19. and Gomorrha, where the wordes are Pluit Iehoua a Iehoua (saith Hunnius according to the Hebrue text) and is applied by Christian writers, against the Iewes for Christes diuinity, Caluin most insolently reiecteth the same saying: Quod veteres Christi Diuinitatem &c. ‘wheras ancient writers endeauored by this testimony, to proue the Diuinity of Christ, it is but a weake argument, and in my iudgment they brabble much without cause, that so sharpely vrge the Iewes with this place.’
82. In Genesis also Chap. 35. where Iacob built an Altar 3. example to God, and called the place Bethel, for that ELOIM Gen 35. the Gods had appeared vnto him there, vsing the plural number not only in the substantiue, but also in the verbe it selfe, Caluin without all probability of reason, will needes haue it meant, that not God, but Angels only appeared, which Hunnius refuteth, for that Hun. p. 17. the apparition of Angels was not a sufficient reason to name the place Bethel, as Iacob did, that is to say, the house of God, or to build an Altar to God, for that Angels only, and not God had appeared to him.
83. But that which much more importeth, Caluin [Page 251] taketh from the Christians that other excellent place also of the second Psalme, wherin is proued the Diuinity 4 example of Christ by those wordes, [...] me us es tu, Ego hodie Psal. 2. genui te, Thou art my Sonne, this day haue I begotten thee, wherby S. Paul himselfe Act. 13. and the Author Heb. 1. & 5 (saith Hunnius) of the Epistle to the Hebrues (for that Lutherans doe not admit that Epistle to be S. Paules) and all ancient Fathers after them, doe alleage these wordes for proofe of Christes diuinity; but Caluin doth ouerthrow it by interpreting it to be vnderstood literally of Dauid himselfe, as Hunnius at large proueth, Pag. 21. 22 & exactly refuteth, as also his impiety, in taking away that other place of the 33. Psalme in like manner, 5. example Psalm. 33. Verbo Domini coeli firmati sunt, & spiritu oris eius omnis virtus eorum: The heauens were established by the word of God, and all their power by his holy spirit. Out of which the ancient Fathers proued not only the diuinity of Christ, the second person in trinity, but of the holy Ghost also, and consequently the blessed Trinity, which Caluin endeauoring to ouerthrow writeth Hun. p. 25. in this manner: Subtiliùs veteres hoc elogio vsi sunt &c. ‘The ancient Fathers did more subtily vse this place of Scripture, against the Sabellian Heretickes, to proue the eternall Godhead of the holy Ghost; but I would not dare to vrge Sabellius with this testimony to proue the deity of the said holy Ghost. And againe in another place lib. 1. Institut. cap. 13. sect. 15. it seemed (saith he) a plausible thing vnto them, to cite out of Dauid the wordes now rehearsed, verbo Domini coeli firmati sunt &c. to proue that the Creation of the world was no lesse the worke of the holy Ghost, then of the Sonne the second person in Trinity: Sed infirma illa ratio fuit, Pag. 28. but that proofe was weake.’ So Caluin, very piously as yow see.
84. From this Doctor Hunnius passeth to examine 6. example these wordes of the 45. Psalme as spoken of the Sonne Psalm 45. [Page 252] of God, Thronus tuus ô Deus, in seculum seculi &c. propterea vnxit te Deus, Deus tuus &c. Thy throne ô Lord is to endure Hebr. 1. for euer, and therfore hath God, euen thy God anointed thee with the oile of ioyfulnes aboue thy fellowes: which the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrues (saith Hunnius) doth expresly apply vnto the eternall Diuinity of Christ; but Caluin ouerthroweth the same, by applying the meaning to haue byn of K. Salomon only. The simple and naturall sense of this place (saith Caluin) is that Salomon did not gouerne Tyrannically, as other Kinges, but with right and equall lawes, and therfore his Kingly seate should be stable for euer. See how base a conceipt this man had of diuine thinges: but yet heare him further, for in another place he writeth thus: Faciendum Caluin. in com. in c. 1. ad Hebr. est &c. VVe must confesse that this Psalme was made of Salomon, as a bridesong of his marriage with the King of Egypts daughter. Doe yow see the prophanity of this mans spirit? But yet let vs produce a farre greater audacity of his.
85. The Apostle S. Paul in the 4. to the Ephesians doth 7. example vrge much for proofe of Christes diuinity the wordes Psalm. 67. of the Psalme 67. Ascendens in altum captiuam duxit captiuitatem, dona dedit hominibus &c. He ascending vp to heauen, did carry with him our Captiuity as captiue, & distributed giftes to men vpon earth: which thing S. Paul doth vrge, as a point of singuler moment for proofe of Christes diuinity. But what saith Caluin? yow shall heare what he writeth both of the thing, and of his Censure of S. Paules simplicity, in so applying Pag. 35. the same. Quia locum hunc Paulus (saith he) subtiliùs ad Christum deflexit Ephes. 4. videndum est, quàm bene cum mente Dauidis conuenit: For so much as Paul did more subtily wrest this place to Christ, it is to be considered how well he agreeth therin with the mind or meaning of Dauid, shewing in deed by diuers reasons, that his exposition and application doth not agree with Dauids [Page 253] intention in that Psalme, which is a most impious insolency if it be well considered.
86. After this the said Doctor passeth on to cite that 8. example famous place of Esay the sixt, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Esa. 6. Exercituum, as a testimony for the blessed Trinity, Pag. 42. by the witnes and allegation of al ancient writers, wheras Caluin of purpose calleth the same into doubt, saying in fauour of the Arrians: ‘Wheras ancient writers haue vsed this testimony of Esay, whē they would proue the Trinity of persons in the essence of one God, I doe not reiect their sentēce; but yet if I should haue to doe with Hereticks, I would rather vse more strong testimonies, ne Haereticis ridiculi simus, least we be ridiculous vnto Heretikes, and in truth the Prophet by this triple repetition ( holy, holy, holy) doth rather note a restles assiduity, or continuance of Angelicall melody, in the prayses of God &c. And doe yow not see (saith Hunnius,) how this arrogant fellow, doth Seni'em & venerandā canitiem petulanter vellicat. saucely pull by the locks old venerable antiquity (making the same [...]) and how he instructeth the Arrians to illude, or shifte of this sacred testimony for the blessed Trinity? Could the Arrians doe more for themselues, or their owne cause?’ So he. Shewing also the like boldnes, and impiety in that he goeth about to weaken the Authority of Michaeas the Prophet, vsed by all ancient Fathers for the proofe of Christes Godhead, 9. example Mich. 5. where he saith, Et egressus eius ab initio à diebus aeternitatis, and his going forth is from the beginning from the dayes of eternity; which words Caluin, though he cannot but grant for the euidēcy therof, to appertaine to the diuinity of Christ, yet doth he diuert the Prophetes meaning to a farre different sense, and saith: Hic est simplex sensus, scio quosdam insistere pertinaciùs, quod hic loquatur Propheta de aeterna essentia Christi &c. ‘This is the simple sense and meaning of the Prophet, albeit I know that some doe more obstinatly contend, that [Page 254] the Prophet speaketh heere of the eternall essence of Christ: and for my part, though I doe willingly acknowledge, that the diuinity of Christ is heere proued; yet for that we shall neuer get the Iewes to confesse it, I would rather simply take the wordes of the Prophet as they sound. So he. And note heere his good reason (saith Hunnius) for that because the Iewes will not be brought to confesse the truth of this text, Caluin himself will dissemble it also, and peruert the Scriptures to another meaning to please them. Is not this wickedly to betray the cause of Christians?’ And is not this secretly to collude with the aduersaries? Is not this by dissimulation to weakē our owne forces in fauour of the enemies? But herof yow shall see more in that which ensueth.
Out of the new Testament. §. 2.
87. ANd with these places and some other the said Doctor endeth his discourse for corrupting of the Scriptures of the old Testament, in fauour of Iewes and Arrians, & passeth to the new, shewing [...] no lesse to fauour them both therin, then in the other, but rather much more. And first he alledgeth 10. Example. that most excellent place of S. Iohns Ghospel before mentioned, Ego & Pater vnum sumus, I and my Father [...]. 10. are one, which testimony al ancient Fathers, without exception, did vrge against the Arrians, as an inuincible bulwark to proue the vnity of Godhead in Christ with his Father; But what saith Caluin? Ego (saith he) & Pater vnum sumus, abusi sunt hoc loco veteres, vt probarent Christum esse Patri Homusion neque enim Christus de vnitate substantiae disputat, sed de consensu, quem cum Patre habet [Page 255] &c. The ancient writers did abuse this place, to proue [...] that Christ was of the same nature and substance with his Father, for that Christ did not dispute heere of the vnity of substance, but of the vnity only of consent betweene him, and his Father: which was the very answere and shift of Arrius himselfe and of the old Arrians, and is at this day (saith Hunnius) of the new Arrians in Transiluania and els where, to wit of Franciscus, Dauid, Blandrata, and others.
88. And so in like manner where in the 10. and 14. of S. Iohn, Christ our Sauiour repeateth oftentimes 11. Exāple. Ego [...] in Patre, & Pater in me, I am in my Father, and Ioan. 10. & 14. my Father in me, which was another great bulwarke of ancient Christianity against Arrians, Caluin ouerthroweth it thus: Non hic (saith he) de essentiae vnitate sermo Hun. p. 53. habetur &c. Heere is not any speach of vnity of [...] betweene the Father and the Sonne, but only of the manifestation of Gods power in the person of Christ. And againe in another place: Non ad diuinam Comm. in c. 14. Ioan. Christi essentiam refero, sed ad modum reuelationis: I doe not referre those wordes to the diuine nature of Christ, but to the manner of reuelation, which were also the Answeres of old Arrians, and are at this day of the new.
89. And finally not to be tedious, I passe ouer many other examples, as that Ioan. 17. in Christes speach to 12. Exāple his Father: That my disciples may be one, as we are one. And Ioan. 17. againe: That all may be one as thou Father art in me, and I in thee, which ancient Doctors did interpret to signify the naturall vnity of Christ in Godhead with his Father. But what saith Caluin? Multi ex Patribus (saith Pag. 45. he) interpretati sunt Christum vnum esse cum Patre &c. Many of the Fathers haue so interpreted these wordes, as though they proued that Christ is one with his Father for that he is eternall God, but their contention with the Arrians drew them violently to this, that they [Page 256] should wrest broken sentences to a wronge sense. The like he writeth of that excellent place of S. Iohn in his first Epistle: Tres sunt qui testimonium dant in coelo &c. There 13. Exāple. 1. Ioan. 5. are three in heauen that giue testimony, the Father, the word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one, which Catholike Deuines haue euer vnderstood of the naturall vnity of the three persons in the blessed Trinity, against the Arrians. But what saith [...] on their side? Quod dicit tres esse vnum, ad essentiam non refertur, sed ad consensum potius: In that S. Iohn saith these three to be one, is not referred to their vnity of nature and essence, but rather to the vnity of their will, or consent. And will yow say now that Caluin is not worthy to haue his fee of the Arrians? Or will Thomas Morton say still that our malignant Doctors doe wrongfully accuse him? Quis non videt (saith Hunnius) diabolum per acutum suum instrumētum Pag. 59. &c. ‘Who doth not see that the diuell by this sharpe instrument of his, doth goe about to disarme Christians, and arme the enemies of the blessed Trinity? For if these should aske vs, what testimonies we haue, what proofe of Christes vnity in Godhead with his Father, we haue none left, Vniuersa per aleatoriam istam quiduis eludendi [...] è manibus [...]: All are stroken out of our handes by this dicing-deceipt of deluding any thing that is in Scripture for that purpose. But D. Hunnius goeth forward.’
90. The like Comment maketh Caluin vpon those wordes of S. Paul to the Colossians cap. 1. where the Apostle calleth Christ Imaginem Dei inuisibilis, the image 14 Exāple. of God inuisible, and those other to the Hebrewes c. 1. Colos. 1. Qui est splendor gloriae, & expressa imago substantiae illius: Pag. 61. Who is the splendor of his glory, and the expresse image of his substance, where manifestly the Apostle Hebr. 1. doth affirme the deity of Christ, and the ancient Fathers out of the same wordes after him against the Arrians, and namely S. Chrysostome at large, what euasion [Page 257] thinke yow will Iohn Caluin teach the Arrians heere? Yow shall heare him in his owne wordes: Scio (saith Pag. 62. 63. he) qualiter veteres exponere soleant, quia enim certamen habebant cum Arrianis &c. ‘I know how the ancient Fathers are wont to expound these wordes, for that they hauing combate with the Arrians, doe vrge the equality, and consubstantiality of God the Sonne with his Father, out of these places; but in the meane space they hold their peace in that which is the principall, to wit, how God the Father doth exhibite himselfe to be knowne to vs in Christ. And as for Chrysostome, who placeth all his ground in the word Image, while he striueth to proue therby that a creature can not be the image of God the Creator, it is tooto weak &c.’ So he.
91. And now (saith Doctor Hunnius) what way can be more effectuall then this to ouerthrow Christian Religion, and bring in Arrianisme? Or what place or text of Scripture remaineth now in force against the Iewes, and Arrians for defence of Christes diuinity, if Caluins censure be admitted against all those that haue byn cited? It is euident (saith he) hoc genus eludendi Scripturas Pag. [...] quo Caluinus vtitur, exoptatissimum diabolo adminiculum esse &c. that this kind of eluding Scriptures vsed by Caluin, is the most desired help for the diuell, that can be wished, to shake the credit of one authority after another in mens hartes, vntill, before they be aware, they become Arrians. Thus Hunnius, who both for that he is a learned man, a Reader of Deuinity, a Protestant, & proueth all that he saith out of Caluins owne wordes, ought (me thinks) to be of great force against him, or at leastwise with all others, to looke well about them, how they belieue either him or his.
About corrupting and eluding of Prophesyes. §. 3.
92. ANd this is now for the first Part of his booke Pag. 6. but in this second about the predictions and Prophesies of Christ and Christian Religion, he saith he hath much more to produce against Caluin for his foule corruptions, Quibus illustrissima vaticima Prophetarum de Messia [...] is peruersionibus inuoluit, wherby he hath with his Iudaicall peruersities obscured the most notorious and cleere predictions of Prophets about the Messias, or Sauiour of the world. In which expositions or rather corruptions of his non modò (saith he) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum veterum & recentiorum pias interpretationes altissimè despexit & irrisit; sed in nonnullis ipsorummet Euangelistarum [...] Sacrosanctas explicationes nequiter illudere non est [...], quod nisi ad oculum demonstrauero, praesertim vbi ad illa vaticinia Prophetarum deuenero, nolim ego nuhi vlla vnquam in re postea fidem adhiberi. He doth not only most haughtely despise the Godly interpretations of all ancient and moderne Ecclesiasticall writers, but in diuers thinges also he was not a fraid wickedly to elude the holy explications of the Euangelistes and Apostles themselues, which except I shall demonstrate vnto the eye, especially when I come to examine the predictions of Prophetes, I will neuer haue any man to giue me credit afterward. So confidently speaketh Doctor Hunnius of Caluins wickednes in this behalf, so to weaken and eneruate the testimonies of Scripture that make for Christ, vt omnem ad probandum vim atque valorem amittant penitus, saith he, that therby they wholy loose al their force & value to [Page 259] proue any thing. And what can be more impious & perilous then this?
93. It would be to long to runne ouer the Prophesies by him alledged as peruerted by Caluin, though it were with the same breuity that we haue perused the testimonies of Scripture before mentioned (for I must remēber that all must goe within a part of one Chapter:) yet some few lines I must bestow therin for exā ples sake, therby to leaue a ghesse to the Reader for the rest which I must omit. First then in the very first promise of all made Gen. 3. for comming of the Messias, 15. Exāple. Gen. 3. where God said to the serpēt: I shall put emnity betweene thee and the woman, and betweene thy seed and her seed, shee shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lay wait at her heele, which all Christian writers from the beginning, yea the Apostles and Prophetes before them, did vnderstand of the emnity to be betweene the diuell and Christ the womans seed; but this doth Caluin wholy euacuate, & Caluinus Com. in c. 3. Genesis. turne to a meere mockery, interpreting it to be meant only of the naturall hatred that is betweene men and serpents, and that as serpents seeke to sting men, so men indeauour euery where to kil serpents; by which interpretation, is eluded (saith Doctor Hunnius) the first foundation of all Christian faith, wherby the Fathers of the old Testament did sustaine themselues. And then he turneth himself to S. Paul, shewing how Caluin Pag. 71. doth condemne his exposition of absurdity, about the said seed of the woman mentioned both heere, & in the other promise to Abraham, In thy seed all nations shalbe blessed, in which places Caluin (saith Hunnius) expressely Cal. Com. in 3. ad Galatas. against S. Paul to the Galat. will haue it vnderstood seedes in the plurall number, and not seed: Miror hominis proiectam confidentiam: Vbi frons [...] id quod affirmat Pag. 74. Paulus: &c. I doe wonder at the desperate presumption of this man; where is Caluins forehead, in denying that which S. Paul doth affirme, and affirming that [Page 260] which S Paul doth so earnestly refute?
94. Then passeth he to another prophesy out of Ieremy 16. Exāple concerning Christes natiuity, where is said; God Hier. 31. shall create a new thing vpon the earth, a woman shall inclose a man, which being vnderstood by all ancient writers (saith Hunnius) of the blessed virgin Mary, and her sacred fruit of the wombe, that in respect of the perfection, which he had by his deity, euen in the wombe, was a perfect man: but Caluin scoffeth therat. Christiani (saith he) ferè vno consensu &c. ‘Christians almost with one consent haue interpreted this Prophesy of Mary the virgin, and they were moued therunto by the name of a miracle, and therupon perhaps they snatched too greedily at those thinges that might seeme to make for the mistery of our saluation, saying, that Christ was both an infant and a man, for that he was full of diuine fortitude in his Mothers wombe, albeit according to his flesh he did grow in stature, in wisedome, and vertue; Meritò hoc ridetur a Iudaeis, but Pag. 75. this is worthily laughed at by the Iewes, and further, saith he, the true meaning of the Prophet is only that in the warres betweene the Chaldees and the Iewes, the Iewish women shalbe strōger then the Chaldean men, and bring them into straights, redigent faeminae viros in angustias, saith he, women shall driue men into straightes. And is not this a good Iewish Aduocate? Could any Infidell speake more cōtēptuously of our proofes?’
95. From this he steppeth to the fourth Prophesy of Aggeus about the comming of Christ; Mouebo omnes gentes, 17. Exāple. & veniet desideratus cunctis gentibus, & implebo domum Agg. 2. istam gloria &c. I will moue all nations, and the desired of all nations shall come, and I shall replenish this house with glory; which Prophesy being so cleere, & so generally receaued by all Christians as signifying the glory of Christ, and of the Christian Church that Caluin could not for shame deny it; yet shall yow see Pag. 81. [Page 261] how he doth seeke to eneruate, and make void the same. ‘This Prophesy (saith he) of the desired of all Nations may be vnderstood two wayes: first that all Nations shall come and bring with them whatsoeuer precious thinges they haue: Nam Hebraei desiderium vocant quicquid habetur in precio, vt [...], honores &c. For that the Hebrewes doe call desire or desired, whatsoeuer is much esteemed, as riches, honour and the like; Sed possumus etiam intelligere de Christo &c. But yet we may also vuderstand it of Christ &c. Sed simplicior sensus est ille quem iam retuli, but the more simple, plaine, or naturall sense, is that which I haue now related, that Nations shall come with all their riches &c.’ And heere also doth not Caluin play well his part? By this yow may know him in all the rest, and yet shall wee set downe one example more and so end.
96. And this shall be that famous and most excellent Prophesy of Christes Fore-runner S. Iohn Baptist most 18 Exāple. perspicuously vttered by the Prophet Esay in his fourtith Isa 40. Chapter, and in these wordes: Vox clamantis in deserto parate viam Domini &c. A voice of a Crier in the desert, prepare the way of our Lord, make right the pathes of our God: which wordes both S. Matthew, S. Marke, and S. Luke, at large doe expound to haue byn vnderstood of S. Iohn Baptist preaching in the desert of Iury and warning the Iewes to prepare the way of the Messias: all which this miserable man, in fauour of the Iewes, endeauoreth to elude and euacuate, applying the same wholy to another prophane purpose, affirming, first that by the voice of a Cryer, is not vnderstood any particuler man as S. Iohn Baptist, but all Prophetes in generall: and then by the desert, he vnderstandeth not that desert of Iury wherin S. Iohn did preach, but metaphorically the desert of desolatiō to haue byn meant by Esay, when the people were in the captiuity of Babilon; and thirdly more fully to ouerthrow [Page 262] the whole Prophesy, he asketh this question: Quos compellat ista vox, an fideles? minimè. Sed Cyrum, Persas & Medos. To whome doth this voice of the Cryer in the desert speake, vnto faithfull people? No, not at all. But only vnto King Cyrus, and to the Persians & Medes, that held the people of Israel in captiuity. So he. And how greatly then were deceaued the three Euangelistes before mentioned, that so earnestly set forth vnto vs the comfort of this Prophesy, fulfilled in S. Iohn Baptist, which [...] now hath endeauored to take from vs, Pag. 91. wherupon Doctor Hunnius inferreth these wordes: [...] piae mentis haec legens & audiens temperare sibi potest &c. ‘What man of pious mind that shall read or hear these thinges, can so ouer rule himself, as not to hate with a perfect hatred, as the Prophet speaketh, yea and detest this architect of Iewish deceipts, that is not affraide to hold vp his finger against the interpretations of the Sacred Euangelistes themselues.’ So he.
97. But to come to an end, I will leaue nineteene or twenty more Prophesies vndiscussed, to wit three that remaine of this first point about the comming and natiuity The corruption of [...]. Prophesies more omitted for breuities sake. of Christ, eight that did foretel his sacred passion and particulers therof, foure of his resurrection, and foure or fiue more of his miraculous ascension, & sitting on the right hand of God; all which doth Iohn Caluin with metaphoricall and malicious interpretations weaken, elude ouerthrow, & take from vs; yea though the Euangelistes & Apostles themselues haue expressely expounded them literally to appertaine to Christ; which this Doctor Hunnius doth notably & substantially proue out of Caluins owne wordes throughout this breif, but iudicious booke of his, making many exclamations against Caluins impiety therin, especially in one place, where seeing the mā endeauoreth to take from vs that whole Psalme, Deus Deus meus, Psal. 22. which setteth downe most of the particulers of [Page 263] Christes passion, as the percing of his feet and handes, deuiding of his garments, & other such points, which the Euangelists and [...] themselues doe apply literally to our Sauiour, and this man only in a metaphoricall sense to King Dauid; yea saying further that the Euangelistes did [...] thinges intempestiuè ad praesentem Pag. 135. causam, out of season to the present cause of Christ, Et quòd dum negligunt sensum metaphoricum a natiuo sensu [...], And whiles they did neglect Caluins metaphoricall sense, they departed from the true naturall sense of the Prophet: Doctor Hunnius (I say) vpon Pag. 136. these & other like insolences, breaketh out into these wordes, that he cannot sufficiently detest extremam Caluini impietatem, cum intolerabili fastu coniunctam, quo se super sanctissimos Dei seruos, Euangelistas, & Apostolos, quasi illorum censor effert, that extreame impiety of Caluin, ioyned The extreme impiety and pride of Caluin according to D. Hunn. with intolerable pride, wherby he setteth himself aboue the most holy seruantes of God, the Euangelistes, and Apostles, as their Censurer: and therfore after he had demonstrated this pride and impiety in all the rest of the Prophesies by him peruerted, drawing towardes the end, he concludeth thus: Quapropter vt receptui canam, detectum satis super (que) iudico Angelum illum Pag. 184. tenebrarum Iohannem Caluinum &c.
98. ‘Wherfore that I may now (saith he) retire my self, I doe iudge that Angell of darknes Iohn Caluin to be sufficiently, and more then sufficiently discouered, who being raised from the pit of hell, to the peruerting of mankinde, hath partly by his detestable desire of wresting Scriptures, and ouerthrowing the Bulwarkes of Christian Religion, which it hath against Iewes and Arrians; partly also by his impious pen a gainst the holy and sacred Maiesty of Iesus Nazarenus now exalted in heauen; partly also by his peruerse doctrine of the Sacrament, and horrible monstrous paradoxes of his absolute predestination; By all these [Page 264] meanes (I say) he hath [...] in these our later dayes, no small part of the light and sunne of Godes truth, & drawne with him a great number of starres, as the Apocalips saith, into the bottomeles pit of eternall damnatiō. God euerlasting out of his mercy, signe D. Hunnius protestation and praier against Caluinistes. his seruantes that they be not corrupted with this pestilent plague of Caluinian seducement, and bring back againe vnto Iesus Christ, the true Pastour of their soules, those that are seduced by them, that they perish not in their errour, but be saued eternally with all those that faithfully loue God Amen. And this I had (saith he) to admonish the Church of God, of the most wicked deceiptes of Iohn Caluin. And if Doctor [...] will answere any thing to this, let him not entertaine himselfe in generall speech only, as his people are wont to doe, but come to particulers &c.’ So Hunnius.
99. And now M. Morton, will yow say that all this also, which Doctor Hunnius hath brought against Caluin about furthering of Iudaisme and Arrianisme is out of the spirit only of opposition and contradiction, as yow shifted of the Deane and Colledge of Tubinga, alledged before by your Aduersary? Will yow answere in like manner, it is not much to be regarded what he saith, seeing he bringeth so many great and substantiall proofes for the same out of M. Caluins confessed workes and wrytinges? Or will yow say, as yow said before, The conclusion to M. Mortō. that their iudgment hath byn depraued by our malignant Doctors? seeing that yow haue heard this your owne Doctor Hunnius speake in his owne language and sense so resolutly and earnestly against Caluin and Caluinistes? If you dare not say this again enow, then was it but a shift and dissimulation before: and if yow should say it againe now, yow would be laughed at by all men. And though yow doe not; yet euery wise man will consider, with what truth or ground yow said it before, to wit, for a meere shift, not vnderstanding or [Page 265] thinking, as yow speake. And conforme to that will they esteem of the rest, which yow say or write, without further ground of reall substance, but only that yow must say somewhat, and that it serueth for your purpose to speake it for the present. But now shall we returne to the place & page of your Reply, from whence we went forth in this digressiō about Caluin.
100. Yow complaine in the said place, as before hath byn shewed, of the charge of Arrianisme laid The Returne to the Reply. falsly vpon Caluin, by our Iesuites, as yow say, and this for one only speech of his where he saith; That the Father is by a kinde of excellency God, which yow say both Pag. 17. in speech and sense, is most orthodoxall, and agreeing with the tenour of holy writ, and iudgment of all ancient Fathers, as our owne learned Iesuites confesse, and doe produce (say yow) for their authority an inquest of Fathers to free Caluin in this point, which Fathers vpon those wordes of S. Iohns Ghospell, my Father is greate then I, doe affirme that the Father is greater, not in substance and being, but by reason of birth and begetting, for which yow alledge Cardinall Tolet & Maldonate, both Iesuites, in their commentaries vpon S. Iohns Ghospell.
101. But this Syr by your leaue, supposing al were so, In vvhat sense ancient Fathers doe vnderstād the vvordes My Father is greater then I to be vnderstood also in a certaine sorte as Christ vvas God, and the second person in Trinity. doth not free Caluin in this point of Arrianisme: for that he is otherwise manifoldly conuinced, as now yow haue heard. And secōdly, for this sole point or sentēce heere mentioned, albeit the two forenamed Iesuites doe cite diuers ancient Fathers, that doe hold those wordes of Christ, My Father is greater then I, are true, not only in respect of his humanity, but also in a certaine sort, as he is God, to wit, that betweene those personall relations of Father and Sonne, Begetter and Begotten, in the blessed Trinity, there ariseth a more honourable respect out of the former, then of the later; yet doth not this make that in the Godhead it self, the Father is more excellent then the Sonne, or that by [Page 266] excellency he is God, or that the name of God by a certaine excellency doth only belōg vnto him, as Caluin is accused to say, which in all sensible construction must import, that the Sonne is inferiour vnto him in substance of Godhead, which is a cheif point of Arrianisine wheron the old Arrians did principally stand, in all their disputes against Catholickes.
102. And wheras T. M. for his last defense of Caluin saith, that he was so farre of from Arrianisme, that our owne Bellarmine doth acknowledge that Caluin did impugne the doctrine of the Arrians, in this also, as in all the rest, he vseth great fraud. For first Bellarmine hath not this affirmatiue proposition, as heere is set downe, Hovv and vvhether Caluin did impugne the Arrians. Caluin did impugne the doctrine of the Arrians; but only he confesseth that Caluin and other Sectaries, who out of their wicked doctrine cōsenting with the old Arrians haue giuen occasion to the ofspring of new Arrians in our dayes, doe notwithstanding write bookes against them, as [...] did; which thing may arise vpon diuers occasions, concerning either their persons or sect. Bellarmins wordes are these: Albeit Luther, Melanchthon, [...] de notis Ecclesiae c. 9. Caluin and their [...] doe [...] Arrius for an Heretick; yet can they not deny but that themselues in their writinges did sow the seedes of this errour, from whence afterwardes sprong vp these new Arrians, which they themselues impugne: So as Bellarmine doth not speake in this place particularly of Caluins impugning all the doctrine of Arrians, as heere this man would seeme to impose vpon him, citing falsly this sentence out of him: Arrianos Caluinus impugnauit, and no more; but that he and other Sectaries of our dayes would seeme in some thinges to impugne thē, wheras in other thinges they held with them. For so presently in the very next wordes doth Bellarmine expresly declare himself, where hauing reduced the Heresies of Arrius to two heades, saith, that the former sort are held publickly by the new Arrians of our dayes, [Page 267] wherof the seedes were sowne by Caluin and others: but the second sort are held expressely by Caluin and other moderne Sectaries, Alterum [...] Arrianorum docent omnes huius temporis Haeretici saith he. So as in this also there is notable fraudulent dealing of T. M. as yow see; yea nothing almost commeth from him without fraude.
103. But as for this bragge of his & his fellows that Caluin did write diuers books against the new Arrians, and Trinitarians of our time, as namely against Seruetus, Gentilis, Alciatus, Blandrata and others, Doctor Hunnius that Pag. 187. hath read their workes & his, can best make answere, D. Hunn. opinion about Caluins vvriting against Arrians. & decide the matter, who saith: Pridem & hoc inclaruit in orbe Christiano, quibus ex Scholis & Ecclesiis ipsa illa [...] portenta prodierint. It is now well knowne in the Christian world, out of what schooles and Churches those foule monsters ( the new Arrians & Trinitarians) haue proceeded, that is to say, from the Caluinistes &c. And wheras (saith he) it is vaunted that Caluin did write against these Heretickes, wee deny not but that therin he did well, albeit in truth he gaue occasion to the diuell by his manner of dealing, to raise vp no small Pag. 190. number of enemies against the blessed Trinity, and consequently he did no otherwise, then if one hauing holpen some to set fire on a house, should after the flame therof waxeth boysterous, help other men also for extinguishing or restrayning the same. So Hunnius: who finally concludeth with this prayer: Dominus Iesus Satanam sub pedes nostros conterat citò, & a lue Caluinistica Pag. 193. clementer liberet Ecclesiam suam. Amen. Our Lord Iesus crush Satan quickly vnder our feet, and of his clemency deliuer his Church from the infection of Caluinistes. Thus he, and with this praier he endeth his booke.
104. And now if this man had byn a Papist, great exceptions no doubt would be taken against him; but being a brother of the same Ghospell, & one of those [...] [Page 302] [...] [Page 303] [...] [Page 304] [...] [Page 305] [...] [Page 306] [...] [Page 307] [...] [Page 308] [...] [Page 309] [...] [Page 310] [...] [Page 311] [...] [Page 312] [...] [Page 313] [...] [Page 314] [...] [Page 315] [...] [Page 316] [...] [Page 317] [...] [Page 318] [...] [Page 319] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 321] [...] [Page 322] [...] [Page 323] [...] [Page] [Page 290] oath, promise, or other band of conscience. As if an vniust Iudge or Magistrate should aske vs things that are without his iurisdiction, to the preiudice of our selues, or of others, as by enquiring after secretes that Cases con cerning secrecy. doe not appertaine to him: Or if a iealous husband should aske his wife whether she had euer comitted falshood against him, proposing the present paine of death, except she answered directly therunto, and many other such like cases, which I purposely pretermit. And it seemeth that Thomas Morton hath not studied them, but Catholicke writers, both Deuines, Scholasticall and Positiue, as also Lawyers both Canon and ciuill among vs doe discusse how men may beare themselues therin, without sin or offence to God, when they fall out, and this with more seuerity against lying, then any Protestant Author is seene to doe, as in the sequent Consideration will appeare.
24. And heere I aske Thomas Morton further what he will say to all the stratagems in warre, for so much as there may be aswell lying in factes, as in wordes, according as our S. Thomas and other Deuines doe hold; how will T. M. excuse these stratagems, that is to say pollicies, deceiptes, and dissimulations of enemies in warres, from lies? Will he condemne all such stratagems as sinfull, as heathenish, as hellish, as impious? Why then doe his Protestāt Captaines & Leaders vse them? why doe his Protestāt Ministers that liue with them allow therof? Nay that which is much more, why doth S. Augustine approue the same, whose sentēce is: Cùm iustum bellum quis susceperit, vtrum aperta pugna vel insidiis vincat nihil ad iustitiam interest: When a man taketh Aug. l. qu. 6. qu. 10. vpon him a iust war, it importeth nothing to the iustice of the cause, whether he ouercome by open war Gratian. in causa 23. q. 2. §. Dominus. or sleights: which sentence is so well liked by our Popes, lawyers and Deuines, as it is put into the corps of the Canon law. And what will T. M. then say to [Page 291] all this, yea to many expresse examples in Scripture it self?
25. And namely what will he say to the fact of Iosue Iof. [...]. that going about to take the Citty of Hai, gaue order to his Captaines: Ponite insidias post Ciuitatem, nos terga vertemus &c. Lay an ambush behinde the Citty by night, and we shall follow with an army in the norning, and when those of Hai shal come forth to assaile vs, we will seeme to flee, simulantes metum, feigning to The stratageme of Iosue. be afraid: What will he say to this stratageme? will he deny it to be a dissimulation, and consequently also an Equiuocation in fact? The matter is euident to the contrary by the text it self: will he call it a scarre of infirmity of the old Testament (to vse his owne Ministeriall or rather Manichean phrase) and thinke to escape therby? But against this is the expresse order, and commandment of God himself: Pone insidias vrbi post eam, lay an ambush behinde the Citty, ergo stratagems in warre though they conteine deceiptes, dissimulations, and Equiuocations, may be vsed in some cases, and that lawfully without the sinne of lying.
26. Another example most manifest is in the fourth 4. Reg. 6. booke of the Kinges, where the King of Syria sending certaine Captaines with forces to apprehend the Prophet The stratageme of Elizeus. Elizeus in the Citty of Dothaim, he going forth of the Citty, and meeting with the said Captaines, they not knowing him, said vnto them: Non est haec via, neque ista est Ciuitas; sequimini me, & ostendam virum quem quaeritis: This is not the way (to Dothaim) nor is this that Citty, but doe yow follow me, and I will shew vnto yow the man whome yow seeke for, and so they did, and he lead them into the middest of Samaria where the King of Israel his army might and would haue destroyed them, if the said Prophet had permitted: So as this stratageme also, conteyning the exteriour shew: of a great vntruth, and falshood, cannot be deined to [Page 292] haue byn lawfull in this Prophet, as appeareth by the concurrence of God with diuers miracles in the same.
27. The like may be shewed out of the example of Iudith 11. Iudith, who by the instinct of Almighty God, and his plaine ordinance, as the Scripture saith, was sent to Holofornes, who told him a long narration of many The stratageme of Iudith. thinges that in euent and outward shew were not true, as that he should get not only [...], but Hierusalem also, and conquer the whole nation of the Iewes, adding therunto this asseueration, Et misit me Dominus haec nunciare tibi, and our Lord hath sent me to tell yow these thinges, by which stratageme (as you know) she deliuered her whole countrey from the forces of the said Holofernes, which otherwise had byn like to haue destroyed them
28. And thus much in this place for stratagemes in warre: but for other examples great numbers might be alledged, wherin some Equiuocations must needes be admitted, though no ly; as that of the Angell appearing Tob. [...]. to Toby the elder, who being taken by him to be a man, and demaunded of what family or tribe he Other examples of Scriptures concerning Equiuocations. was, he said, ego sum Azarias Ananiae Magni silius, I am Azarias the Sonne of the Great Ananias, wherunto Toby answered, Ex magno genere tu es, yow are of a great stocke indeed; which yet was not so in the vnderstanding of the speaker, and consequently heere must be confessed an euident Equiuocation, or amphibology of speach, wherby the hearer was deceaued. And not vnlike to this is that speech of our Sauiour, when standing in the temple, he vsed to the Iewes demanding a miracle: Doe yow dissolue this Temple, and I will build Ioan. 2. it vp againe in three dayes, meaning the Temple of his body, but his hearers vnderstood him of the materiall Temple of Hierusalem, and so to their sense it seemed Math. 27. that he speake, for [...] cause they accused him afterward very solemnly therof at this passion, and insulted [Page 293] against him for the same vpon the crosse, ergo Equiuocation may not alwayes be condemned for lying, as our Minister auoucheth.
29. I pretermit diuers other speeches of our Sauiour of like quality, as that when he said to his brethren: Ioan. 7. Ego non ascendam ad diem festum istum. I will not goe vp to Hierusalem to this feast, and yet he meant to goe vp, and so went, but not in publicke, and therin stood the: Equiuocation of his [...]; but his brethren vnderstood not his meaning, for if they had, no doubt they would not haue gone vp without him, ergo one sense was vnderstood by the speaker, and another by the hearer, which wee shall afterward shew to be properly Equiuocation, and yet no ly can be inforced theron, but with singuler impiety.
30. These wordes also of S. Paul to the Hebrewes: Melchisedech Hebr. 7. King of Salem &c. which was without Father, without Mother, without genealogy, neither hauing beginning of his dayes, nor end of his life, must needs be confessed to haue an Equiuocation or amphibology in them, and somewhat to be reserued by the speaker for their vnderstanding: for as they lye, they seeme impossible to be true, that a man could be without Father, Mother, genealogy, beginning or ending, & yet is there no more expressed by the Apostle, but his meaning was that nothing is set downe in Scripture of those particularities.
31. And finally the same Apostle S. Paul, seing himself pressed at a certaine time in iudgment by his enemies, Some Equinocations vsed by S. Paul in his ansvvere to the vniust Ievves. and considering that they were of two factions, Pharisies and Saduces, wherof the one sort confesseth resurrection of the dead, and the other not, he protested openly that the cause wherof he was accused, was about the said resurrection of the dead, which Act. [...] though in his sense was true, for that his chiefe trouble was for defending the resurrection of Christ, and [Page 294] our hope of resurrection by him: yet was it not so then in the vnderstanding of the hearers, who vpon this, deviding themselues, let him goe, yea the Pharisies began to excuse & defend him in that Councell, who otherwise were the greatest enemies of his Religion and profession. By all which is seene that sometimes of necessity wee must admit some vse of Equiuocation without lying, for otherwise many places of the Scriptures themselues and of other holy mens writings & doings cannot be well vnderstood, or defended, as afterwardes more at large shall be shewed.
32. But now to passe no further in the recitall of more argumentes to this purpose, we may conclude with that common doctrine of Schole-men taken August. in Psal. 5. 22. quaest. 2. out of S. Augustine and other Fathers, that albeit a ly is lawfull in no case; yet often may it be lawfull to conceale a truth, for that he handling those wordes of the Psalme, Thou shalt destroy all those which speake lyes. he Psal. 5. saith: Aliud est mentiri, aliud verum occultare; aliud est falsum dicere, aliud verum tacere. It is a different thing to ly & to conceale a truth; one thing to speake that which is false, another thing to hold our peace in that which is true. And then concludeth: Non est ergo culpandum aliquando verum tacere &c. It is not therfore to be reprehended if a man sometimes doe not vtter a truth; which hardly can be performed in sundry cases without some amphibology or Equiuocation of speech, & consequently that this may be without lying. And heerof one example may serue for all, taken out of Hieremy the Prophet, who hauing had a long conference in secret with Sedechias the King in Hierusalem, & told him many thinges of the will of God about his voluntary yeelding to the Chaldeans and army of Nabuchodonosor, King Sedechias in conclusion said thus vnto him: Nullus sciat verba haec &c. ‘Let no man know those [...]. 38. wordes that thou hast spoken vnto me, and thou shalt [Page 295] not dye, & if the Princes or Noble men of my Kingdome shall heare that thou hast spoken with me, and shall come vnto thee and say, tell vs what thou hast talked with the King, and the King with thee, and see thou hide nothing from vs, thou shalt say vnto them &c. And the said Princes came to Hieremy, and examined him, and he spake vnto them according to all the wordes which the King had commanded him, and so they left him.’
33. Thus far the Scripture, and no man can probably imagine but that in this recapitulation made by Hieremy vnto the Princes, of so long a conference had with the King in secret, but that for couering of those thinges which the King would not haue to be vttered, and the Noble men were greedy to know, in such a dangerous and suspicious time of seige as that was, Hieremy himself being held for more then half a traitour to his countrey, for that he perswaded men to yeeld themselues to the common enemy; no doubt (I say) but that in so strait an examinatiō as they would make about that matter, in whose power his life and death (as the Scripture signifieth) did ly, diuers Equiuocations of speeches must necessaryly be vsed by him, though alwaies with a true sense in his meaning, which is the difference betweene Equiuocation and lying, as after more particulerly shall be shewed, if first we set downe one other consideration for better declaring the difference in these two thinges, and how farre those are from approbation of lying who in some cases doe admit Equiuocation in our doctrine.
The fifth Consideration. §. 5.
34. IN the fifth place it may be considered about this matter, how farre the teachers or allowers of 5. Hovv farre the allovvers of Equiuocation are from approuing of lies. Equiuocation are from teaching or allowing of lies, which is the ordinary calumniation of this malicious Minister throughout his whole seditious booke; which if it be proued to be a false charge, then falleth all his accusation to the ground, or rather vpon his owne head. Wherfore we must stād somewhat more long vpon this point, then vpon the former, to the end it may appeare how [...] a Minister of Sathan this is, whose principall exercise hath euer byn to calumniate from the beginning: and we shall talke especially of the Catholicke writers of these last foure hundred years by him mentioned, and of the Popes of the same time, that haue approued the same doctrine; for that of this principall accusation, that they made no difference betweene lying and Equiuocating, but expresly rather patronized the one as much as the other.
35. First then for battery of this wicked slaunder, we will beginne our confutation from the receaued authority of the famous learned doctor S. Thomas of Aquin, D. Tho. 2. 2 quaest. 110 art. 1. 3. 4. that liued and died aboue three hundred yeares gone. He proposeth this question in his most excellent Summe of Deuinity, VVhether all kind of lying be alwayes a sinne, and consequently vnlawfull for any cause? And he holdeth affirmatiuely, that it is so, alleadging many proofes and reasons for the same. And the very same seuerity of doctrine in that point doe hold all other Reply par. 3. Pag. 62. Vasq. disp. 53. [...]. 22. Schoolemen, aswell after him, as before him, and our Minister himselfe citeth Vasquez the Iesuite late Reader of Deuinity in Spaine, in certaine disputations of [Page 297] his vpon S. Thomas, affirming: Mendacium esse malum tam: intrinsecè, vt bonum reddi nulla ratione posset. That a lye is so intrinsecally euill of his owne nature, as that by no meanes it may be made good or lawfull. And the like D. Tho. 2. 2 quaest. 111. art. [...]. & 4. rigour of doctrine teacheth the said S. Thomas in the next question after, against dissimulation and Hypocrisy, which he saith to be a kind of lye in fact, deceauing a man by exteriour signes or actes, as the other sort of lies doth by wordes: against both which kindes or sortes of lies or vntruthes he holdeth this conclusion, The seuerity of S. Thomas against lying and dissimulation. That neither of them in any case is dispensable from sinne, though in some cases one may be a lesse sinne then another; and if this be so, how then can Equiuocation be permitted by him, if he held it to be a lye, as our Minister would haue it. For if, as Vasquez said, no sort of ly can be made lawfull by any circumstāce; then must M. Morton grant, that it followeth by the same reason, that either Equiuocation is no ly, or els that Vasquez the Iesuite, and his fellowes doe not allow Equiuocation in any case whatsoeuer, & consequently that Iesuites are falsely accused by this fellow for admitting Equiuocation. But let vs goe forward, and shew his folly out of other Authors of no lesse antiquity.
36. Before S. Thomas, the Maister of the Sentences Peter Lombard, in his third booke, and 38. and 39. distinctiō, Mag. Sent. [...]. [...]. dist. 38. & 39. holdeth the same seuerity against all sorts of lies, and falsities, deuiding them into three sortes, to wit, perniciosum, officiosum, & iocosum, the first pernicious, or malicious that intendeth hurt without good, the second that intendeth the good of some without hurte to any, the third in iest; all which notwithstanding are condemned for sinfull, and no wayes to be practised or tolerated for any cause whatsoeuer, though the secōd The Maister of the Sentences doctrine [...] lying. two sortes may be oftentimes veniall sinnes only; but: yet of such nature, and so intrinsecally euill of themselues, as neither for sauing our owne liues, or the life [Page 298] of another man they ought wittingly to be committed, as out of S. Augustine also, by him and other Schoolemen alleadged is confirmed: yea they alleadge eight seuerall kinds, sortes, or degrees of lies out of the same S. Augustine, some farre lesse then others, but yet none allowable, and so they conclude with this sentence of the said Doctor: Quisquis verò aliquod genus esse mendacij, quod peccatum non sit, putauerit, decipit seipsum [...], [...] Aug lib. de mend. ad cons. c. 14. [...] se deceptorem aliorum arbitretur. Whosoeuer shall thinke that there is any kind of lye, which is not sinne, he [...] deceaueth himselfe by thinking that he may be an honest deceauer of other men.
37. This is the doctrine of the Maister of Sentences, for foure hundred yeares past, and of other Schoole Doctors ensuing after him, vnto our time, wherin yow see how rigorous they are in condemning lying, wheron this Minister Thomas Morton either by chaūce, or his good happe stumbling, found store of matter to wrangle with vs in this controuersy, and to make a shew of some reading of different Authors, wherin otherwise he must haue byn very briefe and dry. For whatsoeuer he hath of ostentation in this behalfe against Equiuocation, is stolne [...] of the said Maister of Sentences, and Fathers by him alleadged, spoken, and meant by them against lying, and not Equiuocation. And is not this a goodly manhood trow yow? deserueth Thomas Mortons toyes. he not a laurell for this conquest? Our Authors detest lying, and admit in some cases Equiuocation, he applieth their detestation to Equiuocation, or their admittance to lies, and saith, that he deuideth our tongues, & turneth our owne Authors against vs: what a ridiculous toy and foolery is this? But let vs see yet somewhat further.
38. The same Schoole Doctors stay not heere, but doe passe on to many other particularities for shewing their detestation against the foresaid kind of lying, for [Page 299] fauouring wherof they are brought into question by this Minister. As for example, wheras they write that God is omnipotent, and can doe all thinges, and vse his creatures to what end and vse it shall please him; yet cannot he neither by his ordinary, nor absolute power, either by himselfe, or by another concurre to the making of a lye fraudulently to deceaue the vnderstā ding of man or Angell, or induce another so to deceaue the same, with intention indeed of deceipt or fallacy. Of which point of doctrine the said Schoole-Doctors Read in 2. 2 quaest. 1. art. 3. Gregor. de Valent. Duran. in 3. dist. 24. quaest. 2. and others after them doe dispute largely vpon the third article of S. Thomas his second Part, and first question of his Summe of Deuinity, demaunding this doubt: VVhether any kind of deceipt or falsity by any meanes, mediatly, or immediatly, may proceed from God; which they hold negatiuely, that it is impossible, he being truth it selfe, and the fountaine of all truth and sincerity in others. [...]. in 3. q. 14. And albeit there be many and great arguments: Canus l. 2. de locis cap. 3. alleadged out of Scriptures, which in shew doe proue the contrary, to wit, that God not only can by his absolute power, but hath also oftentimes in effect deceaued Greg Arim. in 1. dist. 42. q. 2. & alios. others, by meanes of wicked spirites, as S. Augustine also holdeth, and is euident by many places of Scripture, as 2. Reg. 22. where to deceaue Achab, it is said: Dedit Dominus spiritum mendacem in ore omnium Prophetarum. [...]. 83. q.q. vltima. God gaue a lying spirit in the mouth of all his false Prophettes. And Esay 63. Ezech. 14. Iob 12. Rom. 1. it is said expressely, that God deliuereth men into a reprobate God cannot deceaue or cooperate to an vntruth. sense, which is the worst sort of deceauing a mās vnderstāding that may be: yet to all this they answere out of the ancient Fathers, and Scripture it selfe, that God doth only permit men to be deceaued, and to belieue vntruth, but doth not concurre actually or effectually to the same by any cooperation of his to any falshood or vntruth whatsoeuer, nor can he doe it by any power of his, for that he should impugne himselfe [Page 300] which is truth. And this is the greatest and highest detestation of lying vsed by our Doctors that possibly can be imagined: and yet will the lying Minister say that they are [...], Fathers, and patrons of lying. But let vs see more of our Schoole-Doctors in this behalfe.
39. Our learned countreyman also Alexander of Hales, liuing before S. Thomas, and as some say was his Maister, being held for one of the most learned of all Schoole-men that euer were before or after him, doth handle diuers questions very learnedly and piously about Alex. Halens. 2. p. summe Theolog. q. 122. this point for detestatiō of lying, as namely one, VVhy theft and man-slaughter may be lawfully permitted in some cases and lying neuer. Also how it cōmeth to passe, that the least degree of lying that is to wit an officious, or [...], which in ordinary imperfect men is only a venial sinne, may come to be in men of perfection a mortall and damnable sinne, concluding thus: Quod sicut de Adam dicitur, quòd ratione status sui peccauit mortaliter, ita & iste ratione status in hoc genere peccat mortaliter. As it is said of Adam, that by reason of his high state of innocency he sinned mortally (in eating an apple by disobedience) so this man professing perfection of life in a religious state, by any sort of voluntary lying, sinneth mortally; for which he alleadgeth diuers authorities Aug super illud [...]. 1. Bene ergo fecit &c. of S. Augustine, as namely this; Sanctus vir &c. A holy man that doth perfectly cleaue to God, which is truth it selfe, is forbidden either purposely, or rashly to vtter vntruth, and for that the Scripture saith, He that lieth killeth his owne soule, and againe, Thou shalt destroy all those that speake lies, perfect men doe fly with all care these kindes also of least lies in such sort, as no mans life may be defended therby, least they hurt their owne soules, while they goe about to profit another mans flesh.
40. Againe the said Father in another place: Tam [Page 301] sibi clausum deputat ad subueniendum hominem per mendacium, Aug. lib. contra mend. cap. 20. quàm si per stuprum transire cogatur. A good and perfect man doth thinke the way so shut vnto him from helping another man by any kinde of lye, (though neuer so officious) as if it were required at his hand to helpe him by cōmitting rape or incest: nay yet Halensis goeth further proposing this question; Whether if a man did certainly know, that by any least kinde of lying on his behalfe, he might conuert an Infidell to Christianity, and not otherwise, whether he might doe it, or no, and then concludeth that he may not in any case, alleadging this reason out of S Augustine, that as it The rigorous sentence of Halensis against lying. is not lawfull for me to procure another mans chastity by my owne sinne of carnality; so much lesse is it lawfull to bring another man to the knowledge of truth, by my corrupting of truth. So this holy Religions Countreyman of ours, whose cōscience let the indifferent Reader compare with that of this irreligious Minister, who not only in iest, or officious lying to any mans good, either in body or soule, but in malicious lying, in preiudice of both, is euery where taken most manifestly, as before yow haue seene, and shall againe after vpon sundry occasions.
41. Well then this seuerity of doctrine is taught by our Catholicke Deuines, against the sinne of simple lying. But if we talke of lying in an oath, which is periury, euery man may imagine how much more earnestly the same is detested by them, in so much as the famous Doctor Nauarre before mētioned, who is held Nau. com. 2. in com. in cap. humanae [...] res. 22. q. 5. p. 453. to be one of the most liberall, and largest in admitting Equiuocations both in wordes and oathes, with the due circumstances, and hath written three whole Treatises about the same: yet is he so seuere and rigorous against lying and periury, as he teacheth, that it is a mortall and damnable sinne to sweare falsely, euen in iest. And others yet goe further, auouching that it [Page 302] is damnable to sweare [...] by euill custome, Ludouic. Lopez in Instructorio consc. c. 42. de iu ramento: §. quanquam. Caetan. Comm. in 2. 2. q. 791. art. 3. yea sometimes also though the thing in it selfe be true which he sweareth: the reason wherof they alleadge to be this, for that the act of swearing being actus latriae, as Deuines call it, that is to say, an act of highest honour to God, for that he is cited and alleadged in an oath, as an infallible witnes, the man that accustometh to sweare rashly putteth himselfe in manifest danger to sweare also falsely, & therby sinneth mortally, albeit, for that time he sweareth the thing that is true, but as easily would he haue done it, thogh A man may sinne mortally in [...] truth. it had byn false, in respect of his yll custome of swearing rashly, and consequently, no lesse dishonour and contempt doth he vse towardes the Maiesty of Almighty God therin, then if he had sworne false, which is an important note for rash swearers to consider of and remember.
42. Well now all this being so, will our Minister still stand in his obstinate calumniation, that we are louers of lies, patrons of periury, defenders & allowers of falshood, Doctors of deceauing, and the like? will he still defend, Conf. p. 48 that there is nothing but lying in Rome? and that the Sea Apostolike graunteth out full priuiledge of lying, as before yow haue heard him auouch? how then if I shew that all this, and much more against lying which yow haue heard out of the Schoole-men, and ancient Fathers, is not only allowed & admitted by the Sea of Rome, but translated also by the Popes therof into the corps of All the for mer [...] against lying and periury approued by Popes. their Canon law, and so not only approued, but commended and commaunded also to be obserued? Can any thing conuince more our Ministers Calumniation then this? Let any man looke then vpon the second Part of Gratian his Decretals throughout the two and twentith Cause for fiue whole questiōs togeather, there he shall find not only the substance of all this, that heere I haue said, but much more cited out of all [Page 303] the ancient Fathers, Popes, & Councels to this effect.
43. For there he shall find set downe out of S. Augustine, and Canonized, the foresaid distinction of eight sortes or degrees of lying, with a reprobation of them Cansa 22. q 2. c. 8. §. Primum est. all, where hauing cited those wordes of S. Augustine; Non est igitur mentiendum in doctrina pietatis, quia magnum scelus est, & primum genus detestabilis mendacij; we must not lye concerning doctrine of piety, or marters touching our faith, for that it is a heynous sinne, and the first kind of detestable lying: he passeth downeward by all the rest, excluding them one by one, and concluding: Quòd neque pro [...] temporali commodo ac salute veritas corrumpenda est, neque ad sempiternam salutem vllus ducendus est opitulante mendacio: Neither is truth to be corrupted for any mans temporall commodity, nor is any man to be brought to eternall saluation by the helpe of a lye; So S. Augustine: And so Gratian that alleadgeth him aboue foure hundred yeares gone; and so all the Popes that haue Canonized this saying of his, & determined it for Canonicall law euer since to our dayes. And with what impudency then saith this Minister, from whence shall a man except priuiledge of lying, then from that place, where (as your owne learned Bishop saith) there is nothing but Conf. p. 48 lying; which in deed is lying vpon lying, for that Espencaeus whome he [...] in the margent saith not so, there is nothing but lying, as in another place shall be shewed; and if he did, yet the thing it selfe is euidently proued to be false by this, that we haue alleadged out of the Popes Canons, affirming all sortes of lies whatsoeuer to be indispensable. Let any man then belieue these fellowes that will be deceaued.
44. But the Popes Canons goe yet further, and doe decree, & determine out of the authority of the same Cap 9. Ex Aug. de verbis Apostoli serm. 31. Father S. Augustine and other Fathers, sundry pointes of greater perfection against the sinne of lying, as this for example: Quod non licet alicui humilitatis causa mentiri: [Page 304] It is not lawfull for any man to lye out of humility, saying lesse of a mans selfe then truth permitteth. And Cap. 10. ex Aug. tract. in [...]oa. 43. againe in another Canon: Non licet mentiri, vt arrogan [...]ia vitetur, it is not lawfull to lye, that arrogancy therby may be auoided.
45. And as for periury which is a lye cōfirmed with an oath, the said Canons are so seuere, as they doe not only detest the same, both in him that forsweareth, & in him that induceth another therunto, but doe also appoint greiuous penitentiall punishmentes for the same. As for example: Qui compulsus à Domino sciens peierat (saith one Canon) vtrique sunt periuri, & Dominus & miles: Dominus quia praecepit, miles quia plus Dominum, quàm animam dilexit: si liber est quadragint a dies in pane & aqua Caus. 22. q. 5 cap. 1. paeniteat, & septem sequentes annos. If any man compelled by his Lord, shall w [...]ittingly forsweare himselfe, both of them are periured, as well the Lord as the seruant: the Lord for commanding, and the seruant, for that he hath loued his Lord more then his owne soule: let him doe pennance by fasting in bread and water fourty dayes, and seauen yeares afterward. Et nunquam sit Ibid. c. 4. sine paenitentia, saith another Canon, let him neuer cease to repent, and doe some penance for this greiuous sinne, so long as he liueth. And heere is to be noted, that S. Anselme doth cite this punishment out of the penitentiall decrees of our ancient Theodorus Archbishop of Canterbury, wherby it apperteineth the more to my Lord that now is of that Sea, to looke to this his Chaplaine, or miles Morton, and finding him guilty of lying against his owne often oathes and solemne protestations, as we haue discouered him in this our answere, to cast some little aspersion at least of penitentiall satisfactions vpon him. And if forty dayes in bread & water may seeme to much, let him fast some fower with contrition, and that perhaps may doe him more good then any bookes or writing against him. [Page 305] But to retourne to Gratian. He reciteth diuers other Canons out of sundry ancient Councels, Fathers, and Popes decrees, as out of S. Augustine: Homicidam vincit, qui Causa 22. q. 5. c. 5. Ex Aug. ser. 11. de sanctis. sciens ad periurium hominem prouocat, he passeth a murderer in wickednes, that wittingly doth prouoke another man to periury: and the reason heerof is added in the Canon; for that a murderer killeth but the body, this the soule; nay two soules, both his that forsweareth, & his owne that prouoketh. So that Canon; which me thinketh were seriously to be considered, by them that force others to sweare against their consciences, knowing or presuming probably that the swearers consciences are opposite to that which they are forced to sweare: and consequently, according to this rule of S. Augustine doe murther eternally both their owne soules, and those of them that doe vrge them therunto. Neither shall it be needfull to adde any more in this place seing the said Canons are extant to be read and seene by al, and allowed, authorized, and set forth for sacred and authenticall by all Popes whatsoeuer.
46. My conclusion therfore vpon this fifth consideration is, that for so much as Romish Catholicke doctrine The Conclusion of this consideration. doth teach and prescribe all this rigour, and seuerity against lying and periury, which in Protestants bookes, touching cases of conscience, we haue not hitherto seene expressed; it may well be inferred, that if Equiuocation were held for lying; it would in no case be allowed by the same doctrine, as lying is not. And that if the Sea of Rome did giue out priuiledges for lying and periury she would not authorize such seuere penitentiall Canons against the same, and that if nothing but lying were there, as Morton saith there is not, then were this lying also that she doth acknowledge these Canons, which yet is proued by the printed bookes that are extant therof: and to these inferences I doe not see what can be answeared, or brought to [Page 306] the contrary, except only our Minister would say, that all our Doctors are deceaued, in distinguishing betweene lying and Equiuocation, which [...] he say, he doth first quit vs from lying wittingly, & consequently from lying at all, for that according to S. Augustine & all other Doctors, he that lieth thinking that he doth not lye, lieth not at all, quia non [...] linguam ream, nisi Aug. in Enchirid. cap. 18. & cont mēd, cap. 5. mens rea, nothing maketh the tongue guilty of lying, but a guilty mind, and consequently T. M. hauing accused vs so often and [...] of wilfull lying, hath wilfully slaundered vs, and heere vnwittingly cleareth vs. And as for the second, whether our Doctors doe well and rightly distinguish betweene lying and Equiuocation, shall now presently be [...] in the sequent Chapters of this Treatise.
VVhat Equiuocation, what truth, what falsity, and lying is: And some other points to this effect.
ANd forasmuch as all the Considerations laid forth in the former Chapter, haue byn set downe only by way of preamble, for better vnderstanding the true state of the controuersy; it shall be now expedient, that we draw neere to the substance of the matter and yssue it self, especially being called therunto by the [...] prouocation of our Aduersary, who hauing made that vainglorious entrance to his Treatise of confutation, which before we touched; to wit, I am now to encounter this new-bred-hydra and Conf. p. [...] vgly monster &c. And I shall proue this Equiuocation and approbation [Page 308] therof to be lying, and that no one Iota in all Scripture, no one example in all antiquity, no one shaddow of reason in the naturall wit of man, can be brought for any proofe or colour therof: After these bragges (I say) he passeth to another solemne vaunt saying: Now must we come into the listes of Pag. 50. this conflict, and enter vpon our Equiuocatour to conuince him a grosse lier, wherby yow see his great confidence in the cause, which I cannot ascribe to any thing, more then to ignorance. For if he had vnderstood well, or weighed the points before laid downe, or these other which presently we are to adioine, I doe not see how he could haue spoken so confidently in so bad a cause.
2. For what? will he hold that all kind of Equiuocation is lying? If he doe, he forgetteth himself, for he granted in the very next precedent page, that one sort of Equiuocation (which afterward we shall proue to be the only) is no ly. ‘For that hauing set downe, as it were, for a principle or foundation of all his Treatise, Conf. p. 48 what we doe hold in this behalf, he saith, that we doe teach a double Equiuocation, the one mentall when any thing is reserued in mind, differing from that which outwardly is expressed, as when a Catholicke being demaunded, whether he haue any Priest in his Tvvo sortes of Equiuocation. house, may answere by Equiuocation that he hath none, reseruing in his mind that he hath none whome he is bound to vtter or discouer:’ the other kind is verball, when one word (he should haue said also speach) shall import two or more significations, as if a man should say yow goe to fast, or yow may not ly in my house, the word fast, may signify either fasting or hasty going, and lying may signify either remaining, or telling vntruth. And the like example may be taken out of Aristotle himself, Arist. 1. of the word Dogge; as if one should say, I am afraid of a Ele [...]ch. c. 3 Dogge, the speach is doubtfull and equiuocall, for that the word Dogge hath a triple signification, to wit a domesticall dogge, a dogge fish in the sea, or a signe in [Page 309] the heauenly spheare, wherin when the sunne hath his course we call them dogge dayes, of which some man being afraid for his health, may say, I feare the Dogge &c.
3. Now then these two sortes of Equiuocations being set downe, T. M. is forced presently to grant, that the later sort, whether it be in word or speech, is no ly of it self; for who would say, that a man lyeth in vsing the different significations of any word or speach? Who will affirme that he saith an vntruth, if Verball Equiuocatiō no ly. for example, he being of a hoate & sickly complexion, and fearing the Canicular-dayes, should say, I feare the dogge, meaning the dangerous influence of that celestiall signe, or of those Canicular-dayes: so as now by his owne confession, (for in effect he confesseth it in this place, and can doe no other) this second part or member of Equiuocation, is no ly; notwithstanding perhaps the hearer should be deceaued, & vnderstand the speaker to meane of a domesticall dogge, when he meaneth the celestiall. And of this more examples shalbe giuen afterwardes out of the Scripture it self.
4. But heere is to be noted that [...], whome M. Morton stileth by the title of Oracle of all Logitians, setteh downe three sortes or degrees of Equiuocation: the first in word or speach, when it hath diuers significations: the second in custome of phrase: the third in composition of single partes togeather. Of the first he giueth the example before mentioned of a dogge, that hath different significations, of the secōd, though he name no example, yet this may be one, if I should say: I esteeme him a wise man that can hold his peace, Three sortes of Equiuocation out of Aristotle. it would be vnderstood in English for him that can gouerne his tongue, & this in respect of our English phrase or custome of speach, but in any other language it would rather be vnderstood for him that can liue in peace, or maintaine the peace he hath made [Page 310] with his Aduersary; so as the Equiuocation or multiplicity of sense, riseth heere out of our English custome of phrase as yow see.
5. Of the third sort he alleadgeth many examples, and among other this: Possibile est sedentem ambulare, & non scribentem scribere: That one sitting may walke, and one not writing may write, in which sentences the wordes being taken separatly and a part out of composition, they haue but simple and plaine significations, but being compounded in this manner as they ly, haue manifest Equiuocation and amphibology in them, by reason of composition. For if wee vnderstand that a man sitting, while he sitteth, can walke, or while he writeth not, can write, which is, as Logitians say, in sensu composito, it is not possible: but if we vnderstand it in sensu diuiso that he that sitteth now may walke afterward, or he that writeth not now, hath power to write afterward, no man will deny it; and yet are neither of those thinges falsities or lies but only Equiuocall or amphibologicall propositions, that may be true in diuers senses, and yet deceaue the Reader or hearer if he stand not attent.
6. But now whether T. M. will admit our former reserued proposition, which is partly [...] and partly verball, vnder any of these three sortes of Logicall Equiuocations, I know not: but if he doe, then must T. M. maketh his oracle to erre in Logicke. he confesse the said proposition to be no lye, which is contrary to his asseueration in this place, saing that [...] such Equiuocation is a grosse lye: and if he doe not, then must he acknowledge his Oracle of Logitians to haue erred grossely in making an insufficient diuision, which comprehendeth not all the partes of the thing deuided. For if the said mixt proposition be an Equiuocation, then must it haue place amongest some of these three kindes, or els the diuision should be insufficient: Quia latius pateret diuisum, quàm [...] diuidentes.
[Page 311]7. But howsoeuer this be, yet M. Morton who euery where pretendeth great skill in Logicke, and therin also to be a cunning Aristotelian, calling the first (as yow haue heard) the art of artes, and high tribunall of reason, and the second the Oracle, shewing also some disdaine, when his Aduersary doth but so much as name Logicke Pag. 53. in his behalf; this man (I say) committeth heere one of the most childish absurdities, against both Aristotle and Logicke, that commonly can be committed by one that knoweth the first principles therof: for he maketh Aristotle to define the whole by the definition of a part, as if one should define a man by the definition of the body, or the body by the definition of one legge, or the whole science of Phisicke, by the skill of the herbal, or of the pulse, or in-sight in waters, which are but seuerall partes of Phisicke: euen so doth M. Morton, taking vpon him to set downe the definition of Equiuocatiō, therby to impugne our foresaid mentall proposition, saith thus: Equiuocation in word or speech (saith the Oracle of all Logitians) is whē one word, or one speach doth equally signify diuers thinges, as when one shall say, I am Conf. p. 54 afraid of a dogge &c. which how wisely he applieth to his purpose to ouerthrow our proposition therby, & to proue it no proposition at all, shall afterward appeare; now only is to be noted that these wordes are not the wordes of Aristotle in defining, but in deuiding Equiuocation, and the very first therof to wit, Equiuocation Homonymia 'estìn &c. is &c. are fisted in by Morton himself, as also the Greek therof set downe by him for ostentations sake in his margent, for that Aristotle there making a diuision of three sortes of Equiuocation before mentioned, Arist. l. 1. describeth only the first sort therof in these wordes: Elench. c. 3 There are three sortes or manners of speach according to Equiuocation, and amphibology, the one, when a speach or word 'Eisì dè trêis trópoi tôn [...] tèn homony mian, kaì tèn 'amphibolian. hêis mèn &c. doth principally signify many thinges, as an Eagle, or Dogge &c. so as heere besides the sleight or falshood which is familiar [Page 312] vnto our aduersary, he is conuinced either to haue abused greatly his Oracle, in making him to erre grossely in setting downe a diuision of three partes of Equiuocation, wheras there is but one, or in defining the whole by a part only, as before hath byn declared, wherof would follow that his definition non conuertitur cum definito, the greatest absurdity that in Logicke can be committed. Or lastly (which I easiest belieue) that he vnderstood not Aristotle, though he would make a florish therof, & so following the bat in flying hastily without light, hath broken his head on the walles before he was a ware.
8. But to returne to consider somewhat further of the nature of Equiuocation, yow will aske me (perhaps) what is the proper definition of Equiuocation, and how is the former mixt proposition partly mentall and partly verbal, truly called Equiuocal or Equiuocation, for so much as it seemeth by that which hitherto hath byn said, that of the double kind set downe in the beginning, to wit mentall and verball, the second only may properly be called Equiuocation, that is to say, when a speach or word fignifieth diuers thinges equally, which I grant also to be true, if wee consider the proper nature of Equiuocation treated by Aristotle, and his particuler [...] and reasons which he had in treating therof, which endes by his Expositours are said to be two.
9. The first as it serueth to discerne captious and sophisticall sillogismes, from demonstratiue and dialecticall; to which end he alledgeth six seuerall kindes Arist. l. 1. of the said captious speeches in his first booke of Elenchs; [...]. c. 3 and Equiuocation is the first, amphibology the second: which Equiuocation is deuided (as yow haue heard,) into three degrees before specified, to wit, into Equiuocation of speach or wordes that haue diuers significations; into Equiuocation by custome [Page 315] ction of the dead, wherof we shall haue better occasion to set downe afterward many examples, which no wayes cā be auoided from vntruth, but only by some kind of mentall reseruation in the speaker; though Thomas Morton striue and struggle neuer so much to fly the same: but the more he struggleth, the more he intangleth himself like a fox in a net.
12. His second conclusion also (for two only he maketh conteining the whole subiect of his [...] reatise) T M his 2 conclusion. seemeth to me very fond, simple, and vntrue, where he saith: Our second conclusion is this, that euery Equiuocation, whether it be mentall or verball, if it be vttered in an oath, though it be no ly, yet is it an abhominable prophanation of that sacred institution of God; and I would aske him why? for that whatsoeuer may be truly said may be truly sworne also, and without prophanation, so it be done with Equiuocation both mentall & verball shevved out of Scripture. the due circumstances of truth, iustice, and reuerence; an oath being nothing els, as Deuines doe define it, but the calling of God to witnes in any thing that is affirmed or denied. And as for mentall reseruation, I would aske T. M. whether a man may not aswell sweare, as say the foresaid sentence of the Prophet, wicked men shall not rise in iudgment? And for verball Equiuocation, I would demaund him, whether a man may not sweare that which Christ our Sauiour saith and affirmeth to be true, as for example, Elias iam venit. Math. 17. Marc 11. Elias is come; and againe of S. Iohn Baptist, Ipse est Elias, Math. 11. he is Elias himself, where the word Elias hath plaine Equiuocation in it, for that it signifieth both the person and spirit of Elias, and in S. Iohn was the one and not the other. And againe that saying of our Sauiour, Ioan. 2. Dissolue this Temple, and in three dayes I will raise it vp againe, the word Temple hath an euident verball Equiuocation, for it signifieth both the materiall Temple, and Math. 26. Christes body, and therby deceaued euen the wisest Marc. 14. hearers, who vnderstanding the one sense, which [Page 316] was the more common, obiected the same to our Sauiour both in his iudgment, and vpon the Crosse; and yet was there neither ly, falshood, nor prophanation in this speach, though Equiuocall; no if our Sauiour had sworne it, for his word was of more truth and reuerent respect to God his Father, then our oath can be. And heerby may our Minister see his wit in setting downe so resolute a conclusion.
13. But there be many more examples as euident as this, as, Et ego si exaltatus fuero à terra omnia traham ad meipsum; Ioan. 12. when I shall be exalted from the earth I will draw all thinges vnto my self, where the word Exaltation Ambiguous and Equiuocall speaches of our Sauiour. may haue many senses, as to be exalted to heauen, or to glory, which most men would vnderstand, rather then an exaltation vpō a Crosse, which Christ vnderstood, and consequently his speech was mixt with amphibology and Equiuocation; as were also the wordes omnia traham, which may haue sundry senses, and some in apparence not true. And in like manner when he said of Lazarus sicknes, Infirmitas haec Ioan. 11. non est ad mortem, this sicknes it not to death; and yet he died, and consequently there was a further sense reserued. And in the same place, Lazarus amicus noster dormit, our friend Lazarus sleepeth; the word dormit signifieth Equiuocally either to sleep or be dead, Christ vnderstood of the second, his Disciples of the first: & will yow say that he did abuse or deceaue them, or vse prophane speach in this Equiuocation? And yet further the same Equiuocation our Sauiour vseth in Luc. 12. those wordes, Ignem veni mittere in terram, & quid volo, nisi ut ardeat, I came to cast fier into the earth, and what would I els, but that it burne? The word fier signifieth both naturall fier, and zeale or feruour of spirit, and burning hath the like ambiguity; and is this also prophanation, if it were to be sworne, as Christ did speake it? [Page 313] of phrase; and into Equiuocation by composition of single, and simple partes togeather. His second intentiō was to treat therof in regard of placing each thing in due order, in his ranke of ten Predicaments, or shew their relation therunto; and for this cause in his first Treatise vpon the said Predicaments, he maketh that notorious diuision of wordes, so well knowne vnto Homónyma légetai, hôn 'ónoma mónon koinon, hò dè katà t'óunoma lógos tês 'ousias, héteros &c. Logitians into AEquiuoca, Vniuoca & Denominatiua, saying those thinges are Equiuocall which doe agree only in name, but are different in nature and [...], according to that name, as a liuing and painted man doe agree only in the name of a man, but not in nature, essence, substance or definition; and the like may be said in the word dog ge before mentioned.
10. Now then wheras our proposition before mentioned with mentall reseruation, tendeth not directly to any of these two purposes intended by Aristotle; and further hath no doubtfull sense of speach or wordes by nature of the wordes themselues, or their double or doubtfull significations, but only that it vttereth not all the whole sense of the speaker; it cannot properly Of Equiuocation and amphibology hovv they differ. be called Equiuocall according to Aristotles meaning and definition; but rather in a more large & ample signification, as Equiuocall may signify an amphibologicall, doubtfull, or double-sensed propositiō, in respect of the speaker and hearer, wherof the one sometime vnderstandeth the same in one sense, and the other in another. For which cause the most ancient Schoole-Doctors, Fathers, and other Authors doe vse in deed rather the word Amphibology then Equiuocation in expressing like kind of speaches as our proposition is; which of later yeares only hath byn accustomed to be vsed in this sense, but the other is most ordinary with antiquity, not only among Philosophers, but also (and that especially) among Orators and Rhetoritians, in which science it is held for lawfull [Page 314] & most commendable in diuers occasions, wheror both [...] [...] maketh mention, and [...] [...] lib. in [...]. l. 7. c. 9 [...] a whole Chapter The cause then why the answering by such a reserued proposition, as before hath byn mentioned, is called by some Equiuocation, is [...] by a certain similitude, thē propriety of speach, to wit that euē as Equiuocation properly by community of name in things of different natures by variety of significations in the selfe same wordes or speach, by [...] of phrase, and composition of sundry sortes [...] make different and doubtfull senses, & meanings to the hearer; so in this case by mentall reseruation of some part of the foresaid mixt proposition, the like effect of doubtfulnes is bred in the hearers [...], and therby consequently is named Equiuocation, although improperly as Equiuocation is taken for any doubtfull word or speach that may haue diuersity of senses or vnderstandings.
11. But now to inferre herof as T. M. doth in his first [...] of this his wise dispute, that euery such [...] by mentall reseruation is a grosse ly, Pag. 49. is not only a grosse presumption, but a [...] ignorance also in my opinion, not to call it a grosse impiety; for by T. M. first cōclusion. this meanes he might cōdemne of grosse lying a great number of speaches of the holy Ghost, both in the old and new Testament, where diuers propositions are set [...] and vttered with imperfect sense, somewhat being reserued which necessarily must be supplied, to saue the said speach from vntruth. As for Psal. 1. example, where the Prophet saith Non resurgunt impij in iudicio: Wicked men doe not rise againe in iugdment: if the Prophet reserued not somewhat in his mind vnuttered, for the complement of this speach, as namely that they shall not rise to glory, as S. Paul expoundeth 1. Cor. 15. it to the Corinthians it would seeme an Heresy, & contrary to the article of our creed, I belieue the resurrection [Page 319] spirit or life in ner, [...] the [...] of maruaile of that she saw; And againe the same holy Ghost talking of the immensity of Salomons wealth, said: Tantam (que) copiam praebuit argenti in Hierusalem, quasi lapidum, and Salomon made [...] as stones in Hierusalem, may a man sweare this without vntruth or prophanation? what say yow M. Morton? may a man swear this in your Lordes Court of the Arches? & the same I demaund of those last wordes of S. Iohns Ghospell; There are many other thinges which Iesus did, which if they should be particularly written, I doe not thinke that the world it selfe would hold the bookes that should be written therof.
18. How can this be true M. Morton in plaine and literail sense, and without some amphibology or Equiuocation? and yet I thinke yow will not say it is a lye, being part of the Ghospell, or that it may not be sworne without abhominable prophanation. How then will yow, or can yow defend it? Truly by no other way, but by the licence of a Rhetoricall figure called Quint. l. [...]. inst. orat. cap. 6. HYPERBOLE, which Quintilian defining saith, it is Ementiens superiectio, a lying exaggeration; and yet will no true Deuine call it a lye indeed, & much lesse periury or prophanation, if any man should sweare it: wherby is made manifest, and apparent the childish vanity of our Aduersary in his former conclusion that euery verball Equiuocation is an abominable prophanation. And so much of this second kind of Equiuocation, which yow see how lawfull and vsuall it is, euen in the Scriptures themselues, and in the speaches of our Sauiour which is truth it self; wherby hauing repressed somewhat the insolency and ignorance of this our vaunting Minister, we shall retourne now againe to the first kind of Equiuocation by mentall reseruation, about which is our principall controuersy. And for that our Minister affirmeth two pointes about the same, the first, that it is no proposition at all [Page 320] according to the true nature of a proposition; and [...] second that it is vntrue morally, & a grosse ly: we shall handle and discusse these two pointes seuerally in the two Paragraphes that doe ensue.
[Page 317]14. In these other wordes in like manner, Hoc est corpus meum (about which there is so great a doe now throughout Christendome) the Protestantes for defending their opinion about the Sacrament, must needes grant a verball Equiuocation, trope, figure, & amphibology, wherby they haue a double sense, and one far different from that naturall plaine and common signification, which all Catholicks hold throughout About the vvordes hoc est cor pus [...] vvhether they conteine Equiuocatiō or not. the world, which is the sense or senses which they & theirs doe frame of these wordes, wherby doth follow in their sense and interpretation that they are Equiuocall, according to the definition of Aristotle; and yet did Christ vse them in a more sacred institution of the Sacrament, then was that of an oath; and yet I thinke the impiety of Thomas Morton will not reach so farre, as to condemne Christ of an abhominable prophanation in that his sacred institution; and consequently he may see that his second generall conclusion was but an inconsiderate, bold, vnlearned, and vntrue assertion.
15. And thus much of this second kind of verball Equiuocation, set downe and censured by T. M. which indeed is only true and proper Equiuocation, as before hath byn noted (for that mentall in rigour is none) and agreeth only to the definition of Equiuocation, deliuered not only by Philosophers, but Orators also, Cum pluribus rebus aut etiam hominibus (saith Quint. l. 7. inst. orat. cap. 1. Quintilian) eadem appellatio est HOMONYMIA, vt Gallus &c. When one name agreeth to many thinges or men, it is called Equiuocation, as the word Gallus signifieth both a French man, or a Cocke, & some other thinges; by which definition as also by these other descriptions alledged out of Aristotle before, is euidently seene that the first kind of Equiuocation by mentall reseruation, cannot properly be called Equiuocation but AMPHIBOLOGIA, ambiguity of [Page 318] speach, which stretcheth larger then doth Equiuocation, and is Genus vnto it, as Quintilian in the same place affirmeth; and that the second kind, which consisteth principally in the diuersity of significations in wordes or speach (such as before we haue alledged out of our Sauiours speaches) is properly Equiuocation, & consequently he an Equiuocatour in this kind, which Thomas Morton saith, that his soule doth so much abhorre and detest.
16. I might moreouer to this purpose for further battering of this fond conclusion of Thomas Morton, alledge the vse of all Rhetoricall tropes, and figures, and aske him whether, as they may lawfully be vsed in speach, so likewise in an oath? As for examples when Christ our Sauiour calleth Heretickes & euill Pastors lupos rapaces, rauening wolues, which is a trope called a Metaphor, may a man sweare it is true? for that in nature they are men and no wolues. And so likewise 1. Cor. 4. when S. Paul wrote to the Corinthians vsing a figure called EIRONEIA: Iam saturati estis, iam diuites facti estis, sine nobis regnatis &c. Now yow are full, now yow are rich, now yow raigne without vs, you are wise, we are fooles, yow are strong, wee are infirme, yow Ironicall speach a kind of Equiuocation. are noble, we are base &c. might S. Paul haue sworne this which he writeth without an abhominable prophanation of that sacred institution of an oath? I thinke he might, for that often he was accustomed to sweare, that is to say, to call God to witnes, that he spake the truth, and yet heere he cannot be presumed to thinke as he spake, or as the wordes literally doe import: where then is Thomas Morton in this his conclusion?
17. Againe I would demaund of him whether a man might sweare, without prophanation, that speach of the holy Ghost, concerning the Queene of Saba, when [...]. Paral. 9. she saw the wisedome, riches, & greatnes of Salomon, Non erat vltra in ea spiritus prae stupore, she had no longer
THE SECOND PART OF THIS CHAPTER, VVhether a mixt proposition, partly vttered, and partly reserued in mind, may be a true Logicall Proposition, and Enunciation. §. 1.
HAuing shewed hitherto aswell what Equiuocation and amphibology is; as also that all Equiuocation is not lying, or rather that none is properly or can be lying so long as it remaineth within the nature of Equiuocation (which yet afterward shall better be discussed) and moreouer that simple & verball Equiuocation either in wordes or speach, may be lawfully vsed by any good man, to a good end; yea & sworne also with due circumstances, if need [...] without periury or prophanation; and that our Sauiour Christ vpon sundry occasions did vse the same: Now we must restraine our talke to the former part of ambiguity, or supposed Equiuocation only, which is by mentall reseruation, to wit (not to depart from our aduersaries example) I am no Priest, so as I am bound to tell it to yow; the first part therof being vttered, and [Page 322] the later reserued in mind, which so much displeaseth M. Morton as he would annihilate the same, saying first, that it is not a hidden truth, but a grosse ly, as before yow haue heard in his first proposition, and then, that it is no [...] at all, if we respect the lawes of Logicke, which he vttering in the vehemēt heate of his spirit, hath these wordes: ‘Consult (saith he) with the Ancient logitians, Pag. 54. and proue (marke what scope I yeald vnto yow) that from the beginning of the world, in the whole Current of so many thousand generations of mankind, till within the compasse of these last foure hundred yeares, and lesse; that euer any Logitian, whether Infidell or belieuer, did allow your mixt proposition (which is partly mentall and partly verball) or thinke it a proposition, and I will be (which my soule vtterly detesteth) an Equiuocator.’ So he. And we must consider of this last point first, and afterward of the rest; for they are all pregnant as yow see.
20. And first to beginne with Thomas Mortons soule, I know not what it doth, or may detest in Equiuocation, but only perhaps the bare name, therby to seeme to contradict vs, seing it is so frequent in Scripture, as Thomas Mortons soule detesteth Equiuocation, but not lying. now hath byn said, and after shall be more amply proued: but sure I am that, that soule of his detesteth not lying, as by manifold examples hath appeared, and consequently it were sinne to admit him for an Fquiuocator, for he would infame the lawfull vse therof; for that Equiuocation can not stand with lying, as in the ensuing Paragraph shall manifestly be proued.
21. Secondly is to be considered in these his wordes the large scope which he giueth vs, to proue from the beginning of the world, in the whole Current of so many thousand generations of mankind, that any Logitian held our mixt proposition for a proposition &c. Wherin I would aske him first, what he meaneth by the Cnrrent of so many thousand generations of mankind, or how many thousandes he thinketh [Page 323] them to be since Logicke was first inuented, or brought into arte, which before Aristotles time was either Arist. l. 2. litle, or imperfect, though he confesseth in his Elenches Elench. c. 8 that Tisias after those that went before him, & Thrasimachus after Tisias, and after him againe Theodorus had collected some obseruatiōs; but how many thousand T. M. his erroneous account of generations. generations will Thomas Morton haue past from that time to ours? S. Matthew in the beginning of his Ghospell recounting the whole current of generatiōs that had runne from Abraham vnto Christ, which Math. 1. were more then from Aristotles time to ours, saith they were but forty and two in all, to wit, fourteene from Abraham to Dauid, fourteene from Dauid to the transmigration of Babilon, & fourteene from thence to Christ; and where then are so many thousand generations of Thomas Morton? Is not this a very childish ouerlashing?
22. But there followeth another simplicity much more notorious: Consult (saith he) from the beginning of the world, till within the compasse of these late foure hundred yeares, and lesse, that euer any Logitian, whether Infidell, or belieue did allow your mixt proposition, or thinke it a proposition, and I will be an Equiuocater; By which wordes yow see that he excepteth against the Iudgment of all the Logitians that haue liued within the compasse of these last foure hundred yeares for triall, whether this sort of mixt proposition be a true Iawfull proposition or no, according to the rules of Logicke; which if yow consider it well, is one of the most solemne fooleries that euer man of learning could vtter. For if he had excepted only against them, and their iudgment in genere moris that is to say, for triall, whether the proposition before mentioned be true morally, or in morall truth, as it is opposite to lying; though it had byn presumption to preferre therin his owne weake iudgment before so many great and learned Deuines, and Philosophers as haue liued, and written in the [Page 324] time by him assigned: yet had it byn lesse maruaile, as The foolish insolency of T. Mortō. proceeding from the ordinary pride of an Hereticall humour, exalting it selfe aboue all in such affaires; but to reiect them all in the art of Logicke, as not able to iudge whether a mixt proposition be a true Logicall proposition, according to the rules of that science, wherin they were most exact, and eminent, and are knowne to haue byn the chiefe, & almost only Commentatours and expositours vpon Aristotle in that behalfe; this (I say) is supereminent folly. For what? Did Albertus Magnus, S. Thomas of Aquin, and so many others of that ranke know logicke? Or to omit externe writers, did our famous Countreymen, Alexander of Hales, Scotus, Burley, Middleton, Occham and others know Logicke? If they did, why doth Thomus Morton except against them all in this science? If they did not, how did they write so many large and learned Treatises therof? And for proofe I referre him to the last named VVilliam Occham his famous Logicke intituled: Summa totius Logicae Magistri Gulielmi Occhami Anglici, Logicorum argutissimi &c. And he shall find therin more Logicke then he vnderstandeth, and more iudgment then he can conceaue.
23. But to leaue this, and to examine the matter about this proposition out of his Oracle of Logitians Arist. l. 1. himselfe, the said Oracle in his first booke of Resolutions, Prior resolut. c. 1. intending to set downe the laws of a good sillogisme, wherof propositions are the partes, defineth a proposition Prótasis mèn 'estì lógos kataphatikòs, 'è 'apophatikòs, tinòs katá tinos. thus: Proposit to est Oratio affirmatiua, vel negatiua alicuius de alique: A proposition is a speach which doth affirme, or deny any thing of another. As for example (not to depart from the argumēt of M. Mortons speach) I haue a Priest at home, or I haue no Priest at home, the one is a proposition affirmatiue, the other negatiue, of which sort of propositions Aristotle according to the matter, or subiect he handleth, assigneth diuers diuisions, [Page 325] as heere in this place, he first deuideth it into Vniuersall, Particular, and Indefinite; and then againe into Syllogisticall, Demonstratiue, and Dialecticall, and in his Topickes Lib. 1. Topicor. c. 12. into Morall, Naturall & Rationall; but for so much as appertaineth to our matter in hand, it shall be sufficient to note this diuision following, that some propositions Diuersdiuisions of propositions. be mental only, that is to say, conceyued only in our mind, and affirming, or denying any thing therin, as if they were vttered: and so according to all Deuines there may be mentall Heresy, when a man in his mind doth affirme, or giue consent to any Heresy in his hart, for the which he may be damned euerlastingly, A mentall proposition. if he repent not, though he should neuer vtter the same in word or writing to any. And in like Math. 5. sort Christ our Sauiour saith in the Ghospell, that there may be mentall adultery, when a man giueth consent of mind to his concupiscēce, though he commit not the externall act therof.
24. And now that this mentall proposition, is a true proposition in the nature of a proposition (though not altogeather such as Aristotle treateth of in ordine ad [...], in order to make a sillogisme, as after shall be declared) is euident; for that it affirmeth or denieth, consenteth or dissenteth to somewhat in the mind: Arist. l. de interpretat. cap. 1. nor can any man doubt with reason, but that there is a mentall speach, aswell as verball. And Aristotle himselfe affirmeth it, when he saith: Ea quae sunt in voce, earum quae sunt in anima passionum notae, & ea quae scribuntur, eorum 'Estì mèn tà 'en tê, phoonê. tôn 'en tê, psychê, pathemátoon symbola kaì aà graphómena tôn 'en tê phoonê. quae sunt in voce, those thinges which are vttered in: speach are notes and signes of those thinges which are in the mind, as those things that are written are notes of that which is spoken. So that according to Aristotle, as the externall writing representeth vnto vs a mans speach, so the externall speach representeth vnto vs the internall speach, affection, or asseueration of the mind. Wherfore of this there can be no controuersy, [Page 326] but that there is a true internall speach of the mind, affirming or denying, approuing or reiecting, consenting or repugning aswell as in externall speach, and consequently are there true mentall propositions to be graunted and allowed. And in this I thinke M. Morton will not stand with vs, though we confesse as I haue said, that Aristotles end and purpose being in his Logicke to teach vs to dispute by discourse of Enthimemes and Sillogismes, for attaining of sciences, he had no vse of these mental propositions, as neither of propositions by signes, or mixt of diuers sortes; but only nameth the other two that consist in voice or writing, as only making for his purpose. But yet we must not imagine that he denied the other, which are cleerly proued out of nature, reason, and vse of humaine life and conuersation.
25. Wherfore the second member of this our diuision is, that besides the foresaid inward mentall propositions, there are externall also vttered in diuers Fovver sortes of externall propositions. manners, some by voice, some by writing, some by signes, some mixt or compound of diuers sortes, as to giue example only of this last (for that the former are cleere of themselues:) If a man lying on his death bedde, should say before witnes, I giue and bequeath vnto Thomas Morton &c. And then his voice fayling him [...] call for a pen, and write a thousand &c. and then a palsey taking also his hand he should point towards an Angell of gold, shewing by signes that he meant a thousand such golden angels, I doubt not, but in this case Sir Thomas being a clerke would say in cōscience (and so he might in iustice) that all this were but one Diuers [...]: [...] of mixt propositions. simple affirmatiue proposition, as if the sicke man had said, I giue and bequeath to Thomas Morton a thousand angels of gold, though it were vttered by him in three seuerall sortes of propositions, vocall, literall & by signes, as hath byn shewed.
[Page 327]26. And if [...] be graunted (as needes it must) then why should he cry out, as he doth, against that other mixt proposition, that is partly mentall, and partly vocall? why should he deny it to be a true proposition? If he answere for that Aristotle did not handle any such mixt reserued propositions, he saith nothing. For that Aristotles purpose being (as is said) to treate of propositions in order only to Sillogismes, and argument, it was wholy from his purpose to handle any, but such as serued to that end, and so Aristotle handled no sort of mixt propositions at all, either reserued or not reserued: and yet yow see by the former example of him that bequeathed in his Testament partly in one, and partly in another, that in the common vse, trade, and conuersation of mans life (wherof wee treate) there may bee vse therof, as in like manner, there is of In morall: matters there may be mixt Propositions. talking by signes, as deafe-men doe, who vtter truly their mindes by signes equiualēt to true propositions, affirmatiue or negatiue, and so are vnderstood: and yet Aristotle treateth of no such, not for that they are not, but for that they appertained not to his purpose: of framing sillogismes for attaining of science as hath byn said; for which cause also he professeth to exclude Lib. Periher. c. 4. deprecatoriam orationem, all deprecatory speach, and all Rhetoricall, and Poeticall tropes and figures, which yet, as we see, are fitly sometimes vsed not only in the common conuersation of men, but euen in Scripture it selfe, though they be not to the purpose of syllogisticall propositions which must be simple, clere, & plaine in their naturall signification without translation, figure, ambiguity, or Equiuocation, and consequently it is no good argument to say, that Aristotle handled not such propositions, and therfore they are no propositions at all. For that Aristotle (as hath byn said) respected his particuler end of Sillogismes, we ours of common conuersation. But our aduersary [Page 328] vrgeth yet further, and it is the whole force of all he An obiection ansvvered. saith, that this mixt proposition partly vocall, and partly mentall, to wit, I am no Priest, with reseruation of the other part, so as I am bound to vtter the same to yow, can be no true logical proposition: for that according to Aristotle, Euery proposition is enunciatiue, that is to Conf. p. 56 say, it is ordained for signification to expresse some thing, but no mentall or inward conceipt of the mind is ordained by God (saith he) as a signe to expresse, or signify as wordes, and writinges doe &c.
27. Wherto I answere, graunting that euery proposition must be Enuntiatiue, that is to say (as before hath byn out of Aristotle declared) it must affirme or deny Lib. de interp. c. 4. & prior. lib. [...]. c. 1. somewhat, true or false; but this is not done only by externall voice or writing (though Aristotle for the causes aboue mentioned, doe only name those two wayes) but by signes in like manner as hath byn declared, Lógos 'apophā tikòs 'en hô, tò aleetheúein 'eè pseúdest hai hypárchei. and much more by internall actions and operations of the mind, which according to all Philosophers are three, the first simple apprehension of any thing; the secōd affirmation or negation of the same; the third discourse, when one thing is inferred of an other, as in arguing or disputing, as this is so, ergo the other is, or is not so. And to the first of these three inward operations of the mind and vnderstanding, doe answere outwardly three externall effectes, as to the Three internall operations of the mind. first simple wordes, or speach, without affirming or denying, as in definitions without the verbe for examples sake, animal rationale mortale &c. all which is nothing els but simple apprehension of the thing, without diuision, composition or discourse. To the second operation doe answere composition and diuision, to wit affirmations and negations: and to the third Enthimemes and Sillogismes, that by discourse doe inferre one thing of another; so as in our mind there passeth no lesse then in our outward speach, voice, writing or [Page 329] signes, but rather more, for that as Aristotle before saith, these outward actions, are but signes of that which 1. Perihermen. cap. 1. passeth within. So as albeit the one part of a reserued mixt proposition, doth not [...] aliquid ad extra, expresse any thing outwardly to the hearer; yet it doth inwardly to the speaker. And if it be vrged that it must be vox, according to Aristotle, I answere, that as there is a voice in writing as well as in speaking, according to Aristotle himselfe, so is there an internall voice, as well as an externall, and an internall speach as well as an externall, which speaketh, affirmeth, or denieth to the inward eares as well or better then the voice, or letter to the outward; which is sufficient to correspond to the Logicall definition of a proposition, euen according to Aristotles rule, though (as hath byn said) he defined properly externall voices only, and propositions consisting in speach or writing.
28. But our Minister will insist that it is not enuntiatiue or significant to the hearer: Wherto I answere, That a mixt [...] ued proposition is [...]. that the definition of a proposition or enuntiation nameth not the hearer, but that it be of his owne nature enunciatiue, affirming some thing true or false, whether the hearer vnderstand it or no. For when a man talketh to himselfe, though those that stand by vnderstand him not; yet is his speach enunciatiue, for that it affirmeth or denieth somewhat true or false of his owne nature, though no man heare, as when a man speaketh to God, or with himselfe, or with men also if one should vtter a proposition in Greeke or Hebrew, which the hearer vnderstandeth not, shall not the proposition be enunciatiue, or a true proposition for that the Auditor vnderstandeth it not? When Christ our Sauiour spake many high thinges of his diuinity, humanity, passion, resurrection, and other Mysteries which the Scripture saith that his disciples vnderstood Luc. [...]. not, shal we say that his speach was not enuntiatiue, [Page 330] or his propositions no true propositions in Logicke? What will T. M. say to that prediction against the obstinate Iewes, They [...] heare [...] their [...], and shall not vnderstand &c. Meaning principally of the Math. 13. preachinges of the Apostles, will yow lay the fault that Ibid cap. 16 & 17. the Apostles speach was not [...] or significant, for Marc 4. & 6. that the Iewes did not vnderstand the same. Hence then appeareth, that it dependeth not of the hearer to Luc. 2. & 8. & 18. make the speach [...], or not, but it is [...] that it be so of it selfe, and of his owne nature.
29. And so now to apply all this to our owne purpose in hand, this proposition wherof part is vttered in voice, and part reserued in mind, being but one simple propositiō, denying, that I am a [...], with obligation to vtter the same, is truly enuntiatiue of it selfe, though the hearer vnderstand not all, but one part therof only, and consequently it is truly and properly a proposition, euen according to the rules of Logicke, for that Aristotles definition agreeth therunto which our Minister before so confidently denied.
30. But now heere lastly he may seeme perhaps to make some doubt whether this mixt propositiō partly vttered, and partly reserued be one [...] proposition, or no, wherof yet in reason there cā be no doubt; for that heere is but only one single enunciation in VVhether a mixt proposition be one only proposition. the mind of the speaker, to wit, that he is no Priest with obligation to vtter the same; heere is but one only simple negatiue enuntiation depending of one only verbe and negation that denieth me to be a Priest with that obligation, which is the thing appointed by Aristotle to make a persect enuntiation or proposition, which may be proued also by this example: If I should vtter those wordes of the Scripture; Pater meus [...] me Ioan. 10. est, My Father is greater then I, reseruing in my mind those other that I affirme them according to the sense and meaning that Arrius had, I should incurre, Heresy and be [Page 331] damned for this proposition, but not [...] the former part, for that they are wordes of Scripture, nor for the later alone that are reserued, for that they affirme or deny nothing of themselues, as hauing no verbe; and therfore they [...] cōdemne me as part of the former, and consequently all maketh but one single proposition. For that for the first operation of our mind only, which is simple apprehension without affirmatiō, or negation, God condemneth no man, there being no consent at all therin, and consequently no merit nor demerit, but only in the second and third operations before specified.
31. And to this effect that the two partes of these and like propositions, the one partly vttered and partly reserued doe make but one single and simple proposition, we might alleage many other proofes, both by reasons, and examples. By reasons, for that they answere Proued by logicall reason to be one proposition. but to one only conceipt of the speakers mind that they conteine but one only negatiue [...], to wit, that I am no such Priest, as I meane, and finally that they haue but one subiectum, one copula, and one praedicatum (Logitians know what I meane:) for the subiectum wherof all is affirmed is I, the copula that ioineth togeather is the verbe am, and all the rest is the praedicatum, wherfore it cannot be diuers but one only proposition.
32. By examples the same may be confirmed diuers wayes, I meane both by prophane, and diuine. As first, if one should make an interrogation, & the other answere, all in effect is but one proposition: as if one should say to a seruant, Is your maister at home? And [...] answere, no it were in effect but one only proposition equiualent to this, my maister is not at home; yea though the one part were vttered in signes only and the other in voice, or writing; as if the seruant should answere only by a shrugge of the shoulders, or by [...]: [Page 332] king his head, as in Italy they are wont, to expresse a negatiue.
33. But this is somwhat more perspicuous if the answere be ambiguous, as when Cicero was demanded by his aduersary in the cause of Clodius slaine by Milo, whome he defended, what time of the day Clodius was slaine, to wit before noone or after, thinking therby to intrappe Milo, Tully answered serò, which word signifying both towardes the Euening as also to late, Cicero Tvvo doubtfull ansvvers of Cicero. meant in the second sense, to wit, that he was slaine to late, hauing deserued to haue byn slaine sooner, so as this only word serò conteineth the force of a whole proposition in the sense of the speaker, though not of the hearer.
34. And the like answere was that of the same Orator to a base fellow that hauing byn a cooke came See Quint. l. 6. Instit. Orat. c. 4, & Donat. in comēt. in Adelphos Ter. after by riches to pretend an office in the commonwealth, and asked of Cicero whether he also among others that were to giue their voices would fauour him therin? wherunto he answered, Immò, Ego quoque tibi iure fauebo, which answere hauing two senses by reason of the wordes quoque and iure, the hearer tooke it in the better sense, that he also would of right fauour him; but Ego Coque tibi iure fauebo. the speaker meant, that he would shew him fauour due to ae cooke with a messe of pottage, and yet did not this reserued sense make it two propositions but one.
35. And finally I might alleadge all the examples that Orators doe vse and prescribe vnder the figure called by Cicero, Reticentia, and by the Grecians APOSIÓPESIS, as Quid plura? What shall I say more, or what shall I complaine more? which verbes say, complaine, or the like were reserued in mind by the speaker, and yet is it but one proposition; so that of Virgil, Quos Ego; sed motos praestat &c. Whome I, if I had Virgil [...]. 1 them in my handes, would &c. All which later part is reserued in the mind of the speaker, and yet it maketh [Page 333] but one proposition with the rest that is expressed. And thus much of prophane examples.
36. But if we would alleadge all the diuine that might be cited out of the Scriptures, there would be Diuine examples. no end, as that among other before mentioned out of the Psalme: Impij non resurgent in iudicio, wicked men Psal. 1. shall not rise againe in iudgment, which though it seeme a whole proposition; yet is it in deed but a part, and the other part was reserued in the Prophets mind, and expounded afterward by S. Paul to the Corinthians saying: Omnes resurgemus, sed non omnes immutabimur: We 1. Cor. 15. shall all rise againe, but all shall not be changed into glory, and how doe I know that these later wordes were reserued in the Prophets mind? for that otherwise his other wordes that were vttered should conteine an Heresy against the article of our Creed, I belieue the resurrection of the dead, wherof is inferred that those wordes vttered, with the other reserued, made but one only simple and single proposition.
37. In like manner when our Sauiour said to those negligent virgins that came to late, Non noui vos, I Math. [...]. know yow not, it made but one negatiue proposition, with other wordes reserued in his mind, to wit, vt saluem vos &c. I know yow not amongst mine to saue yow, or the like. And how know wee that these or like wordes were reserued in Christes mind? For that the other alone had byn imperfect and false, for he knew them better, then they knew themselues, but he knew them not as his, and so was all but one proposition, or enunciation negatiue. And to deny that this was a true enunciatiue proposition, for that one part was reserued in the mind, and another vttered, is against all truth and reason, as now we haue declared, and might further by infinite examples, but that a few doe shew the force of the rest, and diuers of these examples out of Scriptures will come more fitly to haue [Page 334] their place in the sequent Paragraphe.
38. Wherfore to end that which now we haue in hand, wee see with what confident ignorance, or ignorant The conclusion of this paragraph. confidence Thomas Morton did so resolutly before tell, and promise vs, that if throughout so many thousand generations of mankind any Logitian whether infidell, or belieuer did allow a mixt proposition partly mentall, and partly verball, he would against the detestation of his owne soule to the contrary, be an Equiuocator: which if it be now proued a simple Hypocrisy, then may that sinfull soule of his begin rather to detest lying then Equiuocating, which may stand with truth, as now more largely we are to [...]
THE THIRD PART OF THIS CHAPTER, VVhether the former mixt proposition partly vttered, and partly reserued be a ly, or no? §. 2.
NOw come we to the chiefe point of this controuersy to discusse whether the foresaid reserued proposition be truly, and properly a lye, or no. Hitherto we haue handled that which lesse imported, whether it be properly Equiuocation, and properly a true and logicall proposition, and therin discouered the small substance and vaine cauillations of our Aduersary: but now we must examine that which is of chiefe importance, whether it be a ly, periury, deceipt, falshood; and finally whether it be sinne or no, to vse the same in any case, or for any cause whatsoeuer, for that our Aduersary Thomas Morton his conclusion is both arrogant, and vniuersall, as before yow haue heard. Our first conclusion (saith he) is, that euery Equiuocation Pag. 49. by mentall reseruation is not a hidden truth, but a grosse ly: Now with what rigour and seuerity our Catholike doctrine doth condemne and detest lying, euen in the [Page 336] least degree therof, we haue declared partly in the former Chapter, and for clearing the matter more in this place, it will be necessary to set downe briefly both the definitions of truth, falsity, lying, periury, deceipt, and the like, & then to consider, whether our former proposition doe incurre any of the foresaid imputations, or no?
40. And first of all this word Truth is defined in different manner by diuers Philosophers, as also ancient The definition of truth. Fathers, and namely by S. Augustine, S. Anselme, S. Hilary and others, who haue written of this matter. And S. Augustine in diuers places of his workes, and namely in Aug. lib. 5. & deinceps c. 36. his bookes De soliloquiis, & de vera religione. S. Anselme also hath written a speciall booke De ueritate, and it is a question, as yow know, that Pilate proposed vnto our Sauiour in his iudgment, but had so little care of the Ioan. 13. resolution therof, as he would not stand to expect the answere; wherfore S. Thomas gathereth out of the said D. Tho. 1. quaest. 16. art. 1. Authors diuers definitions, and before him againe our learned Countreyman Halensis gathereth eight, and holdeth that euery one of them is true in a seuerall Halens. 1. part. [...] q. 15. par. 3. sense, some as they respect God, the first truth & measure of truth; some as they respect mans vnderstanding; some the thinges themselues; of all which number of definitions, two seeme to me most cleare, and effectuall, one of S. Augustine, Veritas est qua ostenditur id quod est; Truth is that, wherby is shewed that which is in deed, to wit in the vnderstanding, as S. Thomas interpreteth, saying, that Veritas principaliter est in intellectu, secundariò verò in rebus: Truth consisteth principally in the mind and vnderstanding, and secondarily in the thinges themselues, for which cause he approueth wel this other definition set downe by a Philosopher, Veritas est adaequatio rei, & intellectus; Truth is an equalling of the thing it selfe with mans vnderstanding, that is to say, when a man vnderstandeth a thing as it [Page 337] is in it selfe, and the thing in it self is in deed as it is vnderstood, then is it truth, and when this is not obserued riseth falsity.
41. For better vnderstanding wherof we must consider [...]. Sortes or degrees of Tiuth. three sortes or degrees, as it were, of truth, and consequently as many of falsity; for that as the Philosopher saith Contrariorum eadem est disciplina, the selfe Arist l. 1. topicor. c. 8 same discipline or methood is to be held in contraries, let vs treate then of truth and falsity, as it is vttered in speach, for this is to our purpose, for examining of truth or falsity in our foresaid mixt proposition.
42. The first sort or kind of truth is when that 1 which is spoken is conforme to the thing it selfe, though not to the mind of the speaker; as if one should say my Father is dead, if he be dead, though the speaker thinke not so, then is this speach conforme to the thing, and it is truth in this first kind.
43. The second sort of truth is, when our speach is 2 conforme to our vnderstanding, though not to the thing it selfe; as If I thinking that my Father is dead, should say so, though he be not dead in deed, yet is it truth in respect of my vnderstanding, though in respect of the thing it selfe it be not so; and in this sort: may a man speake false without a ly.
44. The third sort is when our speach agreeth both 3 with the one, and the other, and is conforme both to our vnderstanding and the thing it selfe; as when I say, that my Father is dead, and do thinke so, and it is so in deed; and this is the most perfect kind of truth in speach, when there is an adequation of the speakers vnderstanding with the thing spoken, as the former definition prescribed.
45. And in contrary manner, there are three sortes 3. Sortes of [...]. of falsity, correspondent to these three sortes of truth, the first called materia, material only, when our speach is not conforme to the thing spoken, though it be agreable [Page 338] to the vnderstanding of the speaker. The second, a formall falsity, when the speach agreeth not with the mind or meaning of the speaker, though it doe with the thing meant or spoken. The third is when the speach agreeth neither with the vnderstanding of the speaker nor with the thing it selfe, & this is a complete falsity, as if my Father not being dead, nor I thinking him to be dead, should say notwithstanding he is dead, and these two last kindes of falsity, or either of them doe make a ly, and not the first: kind alone, for that the essence and formality of a ly requireth that the speach doe disagree from the mind and vnderstanding of the speaker: in which sense S. Augustine saith, Non facit linguam ream nisi mens rea, Nothing Aug. ser. 28. de ver. Apostoli. maketh the tongue guilty of a ly, but a guilty mind, meaning one thing and speaking another.
46. And this same distinction of truth and falsity is ser downe by S. Anselme in other wordes, thus: Sicut est veritas triplex, rei, cognitionis, & signationis, sic etiam est falsitas Ansel. in dialogo de veritate cap. 2. triplex, rei, cognitionis & signationis, seu enunciationis: As there are three kinds of truth, one of the thing it selfe, another of the inward vnderstanding, and a third of outward signification, so is there like wise a triple falsity of the thing it selfe, of the knowledge or vnderstanding, and of signification or enunciation. The first is in the thinges, the second is in our mind, the third in the voice or signe that vttereth: wherof he that will see more, let him read our foresaid learned Countreyman Alexander of Hales in the first Part of his Theologicall Summe in his sixteene question of falsity, and first member.
47. And heerby it appeareth that mendacium, a ly, is a particuler species or kind of falsity, in so much as euery speach that is false, is no ly, but only that which hath the essentiall point before mentioned of dissenting from the mind and vnderstanding of the speaker. For [Page 339] if I thinking, as hath byn said, that my Father is dead, should say so, though he were not dead, yet I make no lye, but only materially, which may be without any sinne at all, and hereupon are there diuers definitions, and descriptions set downe by Doctors, and holy Fathers of lyes, and lying: first S. Augustine defineth thus a lye: Mendacium est falsa vocis significatio, cum intentione Aug. l. de mend. c. 4. & l. cont. mend. c. 12 fallendi: A lye is a false signification of speach, with intention to deceaue. In which definition or description rather Thomas Morton doth interprete, that by the word vox, as the most vsuall and principall signe, 2. 2. q. 110. art. 1. wherby mans mind is vttered, S. Augnstine doth meane all kindes of signes, or signification whatsoeuer, either by word, writing, signes, or actions: for that a man may lye also in factes, as he proueth out of the Philosopher, in his Moralles, and S. Ambrose wordes are Arist. 4. cleere: Non solùm in salsis verbis, sed etiam in simulatis operibus Eth. c. 7. mendacium est: A lye consisteth not only in false Ambr ser. de Abrah. wordes but also in feigned workes; though this in rigour be not so much to be called a lye, as dissimulation. And to the imitation of this definition of S. Augustine, doe Schoole-Doctors frame diuers definitions Lib. 3. dist. 38. to the same effect, as the Maister of the Sentences first out of S. Augustine: Mentiri est contra mentem ire, to lye is to goe against a mans owne mind and vnderstanding: and then againe of himselfe: Mentiri est loqui The essence of a ly. contra hoc quod animo quis sentit, siue illud verum sit, siue non; To lye is to speake against that which a man thinketh in his mind, whether it be true, or false: For albeit he should spake a truth thinking that it is false, he should lye, as on the contrary side, he that should speake that which is false, thinking it to be true, should not lye, saith S. Augustine, nor be a deceauer, but deceaued: so as Aug. li. de mend. c. 5. the very essence of a lye consisteth in this that the speaker doe vtter wittingly that which he knoweth to be vntrue, and not in deed meant by him.
[Page 340]48. And as for the other clause cum [...] fallendi, with intentiō to deceaue, S. Thomas doth note that it is D. Tho. 2. 2 q. 110. ar. 1 an effect of lying which is not necessary absolutly to the nature of a lye, but rather as an effect, to the full complement and perfection therof. For that a lye is essentially made by that as hath byn said, when a man wittingly & willingly vttereth for truth, that which he knoweth to be false, though he should haue no expresse intentiō to deceaue; which deceipt is defined by diuers thus: Decipere est falsam existimationem in alterius VVhat deceipt, guile, fraud, and fallacy is. animum inducere, diuersum ab eo, quem habet is qui loquitur; To deceaue is to ingender in anothers mans mind a false existimation, iudgement, or opinion of a thing differēt from the vnderstanding of the speaker, which deception if it be in wordes or signes only, it is called dolus or fallacia, guyle or fallacy; but if it be in worke, Aug. li. 2. de doctrina Christiana c. 3. D. Tho. 2. 2 q. 55. art. 4 or deedes, as is buying, selling, and the like, it is called fraus, fraudulent dealing, wherof S. Augustine is to be seene in his second booke De doctrina Christiana, and S. Thomas in the second Part of his Summe, where he handleth this matter at large.
49. And now the nature of a lye being thus defined, Aug. li. de mend. c. 14 & in verba Psal. 5. Perdes Omnes qui loquuntur mendacia. it is deuided also according to the said S. Augustine, and Schoolemen after him into three kinds or sortes; The: one made out of maglignity to doe some hurt, and no good, and it is called a pernicious lye; the second to doe: some man good, and no man hurt, and it is called an officious lye; the third that meaneth neither hurt nor good, but is made in iest, and is only a merry lye. And albeit one of these kinds be much more grieuous then the other, as namely the first, which of his owne nature is a mortall sinne, & the other two often veniall; yet are all three euer sinnes, and neuer willingly to be committted, or permitted in speach or oath for any respect whatsoeuer, nor for any mans good temporall or spirituall, according to the receaued sentence of the [Page 341] said Doctors, as in the former Chapter hath byn declared.
50. Wherfore to passe on; An oath is when any thing is affirmed with calling God to witnes therunto, VVhat an oath is. which when it is false, and falsely sworne, is a grieuous sinne, named periury, for the contempt vsed therin towardes the Maiesty of God, whose testimony See Tolet. l. 4. [...]. ca. [...]. 21. is alleadged for the confirmation therof. For auoiding of which heinous sinne, three conditions are required by Schoole-Deuines, as necessary to be obserued according to the admonition of Hieremy the Prophet, Ier. 4. to wit, truth, iustice and necessity, which latter includeth due circumspection and reuerence.
51. Now then to apply all this to our present purpose, about the former proposition, I am no Priest reseruing The appli cation of the former definitions to our proposition. in mind the other clause, So as I am bound to vtter it vnto yow: Schoole-Deuines doe easely shew that such a proposition, according to the definitions before set downe, of truth, falsity, deceipt, lying, and periury may be in certaine cases, and with due circumstances truly auouched, and sworne without incurring any sinne at all; and I say in some cases, and with due circumstances, for that hereupon dependeth much the lawfulnes of the thing. For that if a Priest (for example) should be asked this question by his lawful Superiour or Iudge, to whome the conusans of the thing demaunded, did lawfully appertaine, and that the said Iudge demaunded lawfully, that is say, according to: order of law and iustice; then were he bound vnder paine of mortall sinne to answere truly and directly,: although it were with euident daunger of his owne Of this see S. [...]. 2. 2. q. 69. Siluest. verbo accusatio cap. 13. & verbo cō fessio cri minis q. 1 Sotus l. [...]. de iust. q. 6 art. 1. & 2. Gabr. in 4. dist. 15. q. 6 art. 2. life, or of others. And this is the common sentence, and iudgement of all Catholicke Schoole Doctors without exception, vnles sometimes the smalnesse of the matter it selfe should in some cases make it veniall, but of his owne nature it is damnable, because [Page 342] it is against the Maiesty of almighty God, whose substitute euery lawfull Magistrate and Iudge is, and against publicke iustice and the common good of each State and Kingdome, as also against charity towards our neighbour, and obligation vnto truth it selfe. Wherby it followeth, that albeit a mans present life or death stood vpon it, and that by denying a truth Angelus verbo cō fessio secreti. without swearing he might saue the same; yet is it not lawfull to doe it. And this is our seuerity in that behalfe.
52. But on the other side, if the Iudge be not lawful Nauar. in manuale c. 18. n. 57. &c. 25. n. 36. or competent, or haue not iurisdiction in that matter which he demandeth: as if a lay Magistrate in a Catholicke countrey would enquire of matters not Bannes, Arragon & Salon comentar. in. S. Tho. 2. 2. q. 69. & many others. belonging to his iurisdiction, as for example, sacred or secret; or that he should offer iniury against law to the Respondent, in the manner of his proceedings, wherby he should be disobliged in conscience to answere to his meaning or interrogatories, yea somtims rather obliged not to answer therunto, when it concerneth other mens hurt: then may he This doe hold all the foresaid Authors and others related by Petr Nau. l. 2. de restit. cap. 4. part. 2. answere, as though he were alone, and no man by; for that he hath no necessary reference to him at all, nor to his demaundes, questions, or speach, but that he may frame to him selfe any proposition that is true in it selfe, and in his owne sense & meaning, though the other that heareth vnderstand it in a different sense and meaning, & be therby deceaued.
53. Neither is this to deceaue another, but to permit him that offreth me iniury, and is no Superiour of Mich. Sal. 2. 2. q. 69. art. 2. controu. 11. Petrus de Arragon & Petrus Bannes vpon the same place & others, as the cō mon consent of al. mine in that cause, to be deceaued by my doubtfull speach, and by concealing that which I am not bound to vtter vnto him: which kind of deceipt or dissimulation is lawfull, as in the precedent Chapter hath byn shewed, by the example of stratagemes in warre, wherby though many be slaine, and [...] hurtes [Page 343] done; yet nihil homo iustus (saith S. Augustine) praetereà cogitare debet in his rebus, nisi vt bellum iustum suscipiat, quod cùm susceperit, vtrum aperta pugna vel ex [...] vicerit, nihil ad [...] interest. A [...] man in warre ought to thinke [...] nothing, but that the warre be iust, that he taketh Aug. q. 10. in Iosue. in hand, which being certaine, it importeth nothing in respect of iustice, whether he get the victory by sleightes, or by open warre. And this he speaketh by occasion of the direction of God vnto Iosue, when he Iosue 8. taught him what snares and wiles he should vse to intrappe the inhabitantes of the Citty of Hai, as he did, to their ruine and destruction: and therby See Henriq. quodl. 15. q. 16. Adrian. in 4. de restit. all Deuines doe inferre, that such dissimulations & stratagemes are lawfull in iust warre, which yet S. Thomas doth limite out of S. Ambrose to be true, when the parties haue not giuen their word and promise to the §. Sed nunc. Victor. relect. de iure belli. nu. 37. and others. contrary: but yet both he, and all other Deuines doe hold that these stratagemes are no lies.
54. This same point also, that it is lawfull in this sense to deceaue, that is to say, to permit another man to be deceaued by our speach or doinges, so we vtter D. Tho. 2. 2. q. 4. art. 3. no lye, is made most manifest by the example of God himselfe, who though, as before hath byn said, he cannot Ambros. li. de offic. cap. 29. possibly deceaue, or make a lye, no not by the omnipotency of all his power; yet are there manifold places in Scriptures to shew, that at least he permitteth Though God deceaue not yet permitteth to be deceaued. men to be deceaued by words, & factes of his, & of so many holy Patriarches, Prophets, Apostles, and other Saints gouerned by his spirit; yea of his owne Sonne that is the most exact rule of all truth, for otherwise how could so many Heresies arise, which are all commonly founded vpon the euill vnderstanding of some wordes or sentences of our said Sauiour, and his Apostles, or of the Prophetes and Patriarches before them, which yet Christ & the holy Ghost did forsee, togeather with the infinite errores, and hurtes that [Page 344] would ensue therof; and yet did not they preuent that deceipt, nor cease to vtter those speaches by which they knew that so many would be deceaued: nay as in the former Paragraph hath byn declared, Christ our Sauiour spake [...] thinges doubtfull, ambiguous & Equiuocall in themselues, that had or might haue different meaninges and interpretations; & yet I presume Thomas [...] will not goe about to bring our Sauiours said speaches within the compasse of this clause of the [...] of a lye, cum mentione fallendi &c.
55. Wherfore to returne to the application of both clauses of this definition of lying to our proposition, I say, that neither of them doe agree therunto, and much lesse both. Not the former, for that the speach The first clause of a definition of a ly excluded from our proposition. agreeth to the mind, and meaning of the speaker, for that I doe truly and really meane that I am no Priest, in the sense that I speake it, which may be any that pleaseth me, or that I list to [...] to my selfe, seing I haue no obligation to respect any thing what the demaunder speaketh or asketh, for so much as he demaundeth me against law and equity, so as I may meane that I am no Priest, such as I should be, such as I desire to be, such as is worthy of so great an office, and sacred a [...], such as he ought to be that occupieth the place of God in gouerning of soules, I am no Priest subiect to the demaunder, or obliged to answere his demaundes, or the like: and as if I were alone I might make to my selfe this proposition, I am no such Priest, and it were true, and not false, for that it agreeth as well with my meaning, as with the thing it selfe: so also now is it truly meant and spoken in my sense, though not in the hearers, and consequently the definition of truth before mentioned agreeth therunto, for that there is heere adaequatio rei & intellectus, an agreement betweene the thing, and the speakers vnderstanding, and so much for the first clause of this definition of lying. For as touching examples to [Page 345] proue the verity of like speaches out of holy Scripture they shall be alleadged more aboundantly afterward.
56. The second clause also which is intentio fallendi, intention to deceaue, is easely excluded from this our The exclusion of the second clause in like manner. propositiō, both by that I haue said before of the lawfulnes of stratagemes, when iniuries are offred, and by the forme of Christes owne speaches; as also by that notorious distinction of S. Augustine to this purpose alleadged, and auerred by S. Thomas and other Schoolemen, August. in Psal. 5. v. perdes omnes &c. & li. 22. contra Faust. c. 33. & 36. & quaest. 26. in Genes. Grat. caus. 22. q. 2. and related into the Canon law it selfe by Gratian, to wit: Aliud est celare veritatem, aliud falsum dicere: It is one thing to conceale a truth, another to speake an vntruth. And againe: Manifestum est (saith the same Father) non esse culpandum aliquando verum tacere: It is manifest, that it is not reprehensible sometimes to conceale the truth. And yet further speaking of the fact of Abraham, that desired his wife to say she was his sister, veritatem (saith he) voluit celari, non mendacium dici, his meaning was to haue the truth hidden (to Gen. 12. wit, that she was his wife) but not a lye to be spoken, for that according to the phrase of Scripture she might also be called his sister, for that she was his brothers daughter, wherupon S. Thomas determineth the matter D. Tho. 2. 2. q. 111. art. 1 thus: Verbo mentitur aliquis quando significat quod non est, non autem quando tacet quod est, quod aliquando licet: He lieth in word who signifieth a thing that is not so (to wit in his mind) but he lieth not, that concealeth somewhat that is, which sometimes is lawfull. And againe in another place: It is not lawfull (saith he) to make a ly for D. Tho. 2. 2 q. 110. art. 3. ad 4. Aug. li, de mend. c. 10 deliuering another man from any kind of perill or hurt whatsoeuer, but to conceale prudently a truth by some dissimulation is lawfull, as S. Augustine in his booke against lying doth testify. So S. Thomas.
57. Now then in this our Case we doe affirme, that there is no ly or vntruth auouched at all, but only a [Page 346] concealing of that truth-which I am not bound to vtter vnto him, that demaundeth it vniustly. For as if Avraham had byn demaunded, whether Sarai were his [...], he might for concealing that truth which he would not haue knowne, haue answered yea, & this truly, & without a ly, according to S. Augustine, though in another sense then the demaunder meant: So in our case, for that I deny my selse only to be a Priest in that sense, which in my vnderstanding & meaning is true, and I affirme nothing false, or that is not so, but only doe conceale some certaine truth which, as hath byn said, I am not bound to vtter to him that demandeth, for that I am not his subiect in this cause, nor he my lawfull iudge; nor if he were, yet doth he not lawfully demaund me, for that the matter in right appertaineth not to his iurisdiction, as hath byn said: in this case (I say) my answere is lawfull and allowable by all the Catholike Deuines, Lawiers, and Canonistes that write of like cases, as after in a seuerall Chapter shall more particularly be declared.
58. There remaineth then only in this place to be considered whether I in this case doe deceaue or no, or haue intention to deceaue according to the second VVhether in our pro position there be intention to deceaue clause of the definition of a ly cum intentione sallendi, wherin according to that which before hath byn set downe, it is euident that my intention is not to deceaue in this propositiō, but to defend my selfe against the captious, and iniurious demandes of an vnlawfull Iudge, I speaking a truth in it selfe according to my meaning, though he taking it otherwise is deceaued therby, but without any fault of mine. For as in the examples before mentioned, when our Sauiour said to his Disciples of Lazarus, Lazarus sleepeth, and they Ioan. 11. deceiued therwith, answered, If he sleepe he is safe, Christ deceiued them not, but they themselues vpon his doubtfull wordes. And when the Iewes were deceiued [Page 347] with those other word s of Christ, Dissolue this Temple and I will build it vp againe in three dayes, the Sonne Ioan. 2. of God cannot be truly said to haue deceaued them, for that he spake that which was truth in his owne sense, and permitted only the other to be deceaued: so in the proposed case, the vniust examiners are only permitted to be deceaued, for that the Priest his principall intent is not intentio fallendi, intention of deceiuing, as the definition of lying prescribeth, or as S. Augustine in another place saith fallendi cupiditas, a desire of deceiuing, but rather euadendi desiderium, a desire to escape, and defend himselfe. And therfore, as if he should goe to one of himselfe without necessity, and tell him that he is no Priest, he being a Priest, might be argued of lying, for that his principall intent may be supposed to haue byn cupiditas fallendi, an appetite of deceiuing; so heere the thing being euident that primaria respondent is intentio, the first and principall intention of the answerer is not to hurt or impugne others, but to defend and couer himselfe vnlawfully pressed, as he presumeth, that his defence is by speaking a truth in his owne meaning (which meaning and vnderstanding of the speaker is the chiefe rule and measure of truth, as before yow haue heard:) it followeth euidently, that it can be no ly, nor deception on his part, though by his manner of answering they deceiue themselues, which is not to be imputed to any fault of his. And thus much of this matter in this place; the rest shall be more fully explaned in the Chapter that ensueth.
Schoole-Doctors, Deuines, Lawiers, both Canon and Ciuill, Reasons, Practice of the Aduersaries;
and by the very instinct of nature itself.
THat which briefly hath byn auouched in the later end of the precedent Chapter, about the lawfulnes of the former proposition, might be greatly enlarged many waies, if we would stand theron, or handle the same to the satisfaction of learned men; but for that the compasse of this short Treatise beareth it not, and I must haue a care aswell of the capacity of the vulgar Reader as of the more learned: I shall only [Page 349] adde to that which hath byn said, some few more perticulars, in sundry kindes of proofe, fit for the confirmation of our purpose; and in the ensuing Chapter lay forth some speciall and principall cases, wherin the said ambiguous Proposition or Equiuocation may be vsed, wherby I doubt not but that the whole controuersy will remaine cleere and manifest.
The first Point about Schoole-Deuines, Doctors and Lavviers. §. 1.
2. YOw haue heard in the precedent Chapter, how Thomas Morton challenging vs to proue out of Logitians, that our former reserued proposition, I am no Priest, with obligation to tell it vnto yow, is a true Logicall proposition; he excepted presently against all Logitians for these last foure hundred years, wherin Logicke most florished, and yet he calleth it, a new-bredhydra (to wit of foure hundred yeares old by his owne confession,) and addeth further, Mark what scope I yeeld vnto yow: which if yow marke it well, is a very markable point indeed, for that after Aristotle (by whose rules the said proposition is proued) he can shew I suppose A large folly. very few Authors that haue written of that science, vntill within the said foure hundred yeares: wherfore to except those, and yet to call it so large a scope, is a large folly in my opinion.
3. And the same I say of Deuines, which haue written within the said foure hundred yeares, commonly called Schoole-Deuines and Schoole-Doctors, against whome he excepteth in like manner, notwithstanding they be those to whome it belongeth principally to discusse, examine, and determine this matter, as [Page 350] afterwardes shall be shewed. And yet as though he had made no such exception, but admitted all kind of writers throughout all times in this matter, he maketh this new ridiculous vaunt: Shew vs (saith he) for your mentall reseruation, but one Father, whether Greeke or Pag. 71. Latin, one Pope whether Catholicke or Antichristian, one Author whether learned or vnlearned, who did euer so fancy &c.
4. Wherunto I may answere, that if the maker of this vaunt had had but one dram of discretion, he would neuer haue set downe so many ones, to confound himself: for that presently we shall shew so many Fathers, Greeke and Latin to haue allowed of the foresaid speech, as had occasions to handle such Scriptures, as conteine like propositions; and so many Popes to haue approued the same, as haue allowed the said Fathers sentences, or haue liued since the collecting of the Canon Lawes, wherin the said Fathers An idle Phantasy. sentences are aboundantly cited and set downe: and that so many learned, graue & pious Authors haue byn of this fancy (if it be a fancy) as haue byn consulted in cases of most moment, that comprehend this controuersy. So as for this Minister to except against foure hundred yeares togeather (which in effect conteineth a graunt of all the learned of that time) and yet to challeng one Father, one Pope, one Author learned or vnlearned, sheweth a broken phantasy of an ydle braine indeed.
5. But now to lay before the Readers eyes some brief consideration what is reiected in the exclusiō of these last foure hundred yeares, about our point in controuersy, it is to be noted, that the science of Deuinity, called by the Greeks Theology, for that it is properly & immediatly about God, & matter belonging vnto God, hath growne frō time to time, according to the growth of mankind and to the most ordinate and excellent prouidence of almighty God, as S. Paul diuinely [Page 351] [...] in diuers partes of his Epistles, which we shall heere indeauour to declare by this particuler deduction, that from the beginning of the world vnto the deluge, there passing aboue a thousand and six: hundred yeares, to wit more then from Christ to this time, set downe in Scripture vnder the liues only of ten mē, there was no other Theology in all that time, but only by speech and tradition, of Father to sonne, freind to friend, maister to scholler, & predecessour to successour: and from this againe vnto the time of Abraham, which was vpon the point of three hundred: yeares, the same was obserued: and from him to Moyses, The deduction of Deuinity from age to age. which was aboue other foure hundred yeares, no: booke is extant that was written, though in these last foure hundred yeares from Abraham to Moyses God had his seuerall people, as is knowne, which were gouerned without any written word at all.
6. But Moyses hauing written the fiue first bookes of the Bible, commonly called the Pentateuch so many ages after the beginning of the world, and sundry other holy men diuers bookes and Treatises after him againe, vntill the comming of Christ; albeit the sciēce and study of Deuinity was much enlarged therby; yet was it barren in a certaine sort, in respect of that: which ensued after vnder Christ, in the writinges of the Apostles and Apostolicke men, and large Commentaries and expositions written theron by succeeding Christian ages, which in time growing to be so many and great volumes, partly of the said expositions and explanations of Scriptures, partly of Treatises, bookes, and dogmaticall discourses, partly of Ecclesiasticall Histories, partly of discussions and determinations The encrease of Christian Deuinity. of Councelles, both Generall, Nationall, & Prouinciall, and partly finally of resolutions & decrees of Bishops & chiefe Pastors, for directiō of their flocks, especially of the highest that held the Chaire for gouerning [Page 352] and moderating of all the rest.
7. These thinges (I say) growing at length to so great a bulke, & manifold multitude of bookes, Treatises, tomes, and volumes, as many men had not time to read them ouer, and much lesse leasure and iudgement to digest or conceaue them, with that distinction, order and perspicuity, which was necessary; it pleased almighty God, out of his continuall prouidence, for his said Church, to inspire certaine men [...] foure hundred years past, to reduce the said vast corpes of Deuinity, to a cleare methode, by drawing The beginning of SchooleDeuinity. all to certaine common places and heades, and by handling and discussing the same so punctually, distinctly, and perspicuously, as any good wit in small time may come to comprehend the whole, without reading ouer the other so many huge volumes as before was necessary. And this method was called afterwardes Schoole-Deuinity, for that it did principally consist in disputation and discussion of matters exactly, by discending into particulers, and dissoluing all doubtes; wheras the other manner of [...] of Positiue Deuinity. Scriptures, Fathers, Doctors, Histories, and Councells, seuerally remained with the name of positiue: Deuinity, as contenting it self only with assertiue doctrine, without disputation or further discussion.
8. The first and principall Authors of this method, or methodicall study is accounted to be Petrus Lombardus Bishop of Paris, aboue foure hundred & fifty yeares Maister of the sentences. past, who for that he gathered into the foresaid method of generall heades, all that any way appertained to Deuinity, out of the sayinges and sentences of Scriptures and Fathers, deuiding the same into foure bookes, and euery booke into seuerall distinctions, he was called afterwardes the Maister of the sentences, and many learned men in ensuing times wrote Commentaries theron, enlarging with great variety of matter, [Page 353] the said method which he had inuented. Others also made seuerall Summes of Theology, differēt in name, but in effect to the same imitation, wherof may be accounted one of the first, our often named learned Countreyman Alexander of Hales in Suffolke, and after him S. Thomas of Aquine, vpon whome many other learned men, since that time haue, and doe vnto this day write large Commentaries. Diuers also considering that this methodicall study hath two partes, the one speculatiue, which is handled principally by the exercise Speculatiue and morall Deuinity. of our vnderstanding in dispute, the other moral, that apperteineth to manners and action of life; sundry learned men doe betake themselues principally to this later, as more necessary to practice of Christian life, and cases therin to be resolued in Conscience.
9. And about the very same time, or little before, it came to passe by the like prouidēce of almighty God, that the same method was thought vpon, for reducing the Decrees and Constitutions of Councels, Fathers, Bishops, and Popes, apperteyning to Ecclesiasticall gouernment (which grew now to be many) vnto like general heades, bookes, causes, questions and Chapters, [...] more facility of comprehending and remembring the same, the cheif Author therof being Gratian Collector of the Canon lavv. Gratian, a learned Monke of S. Benedicts Order: which laborious and methodicall compilation approued by Popes at that time, and from time to time afterwards, and expounded by the writinges and Commentaries of many skilfull men in that science, is called the [...] Canō lavv as the other part appertaining to ciuill affaires, deduced from the ancient Imperiall Romane Ciuil lavv. Lawes, is called the Ciuill-law; and both of them concurring togeather, in this our cause, with the foresaid Schoole-Deuinity, and florishing more within thes last foure hundred yeares then euer before, as yow haue heard; the exception made against them all by [Page 354] this our Minister, must needes be iudged for light, vaine and impertinent.
10. For he that will cast his eyes vpon the face of Christendome, for these last foure hundred yeares, & consider with himselfe that in all these ages, the most eminent renowned men for learning, conscience, and vertue in all those three sciences, or faculties now A consideration of moment. mentioned, and vnto whome for all doubtes, and difficulties appertayning vnto iustice, equity and truth, recourse was made, as vnto Oracles of their dayes, for the high esteeme they were held in among all men, he (I say) that shall consider this, and with what integrity they dealt in this affaire, and must be presumed to haue dealt according to their skill, for that they were not interessed therin for any temporall respect whatsoeuer; he that shall but thinke of this, & weigh their vniforme and graue resolutions vpon this point, that a man pressed vnlawfully to answere by vniust manner of proceeding, may delude his demaunder, & not answere to his intention but to his owne, will easely see, what differēce there is to be made betweene these mens iudgmentes, and the clamours of a few vnlearned Ministers in this behalfe, that vnderstand not the grounds wheron the other, or themselues doe speake.
11. And to name some few examples; who were accompted more learned Schoole- Deuines in their daies in France, Germany, and Flanders, then the forenamed Petrus Learned men of France & Flanders that defend Equiuocation. Lombardus Bishop of Paris, Maister of the sentences? Iohn Gerson Chancellour of that Vniuersity? Petrus Paludanus Patriarch afterward of Hierusalem? Henricus de Gandauo Archdeacon of Tornay? Gabriel Biel a very Religious learned man? Adrianus that was Maister to the Emperour Charles the fift, and after that Cardinal and Gouernour of Spaine for Philip the first, & finally Pope by the name of Adrian the sixt? I might name also Iansenius Bishop of Gaunt in these dayes, and others of our [Page 355] times, but of these their learned works are extant, and vpon diuers occasions they fauour & defend the lawfulnes of Equiuocation in sundry cases, as in the next Chapter shall be more particulerly declared.
12. In Italy & Sicily also many might be named both for Schoole- Deuinity, Canon, and Ciuill law, but I In Italy & Sicily. shall be contented with them only, whose workes I haue had time to looke vpon for this point, as Gratian with his Commentaries, Pope Innocentius, S. Thomas of Aquin, Cardinal Caietan, Astonsis in his Summe written almost three hundred yeares since, Angelus de Clauatio, famous Siluester, Cosmus Filiarcus Chanon of Florence, Abbot and Archbishop Panormitan, Bartolus & Baldus most famous Lawiers.
13. But of the Spanish Nation many more, as Didacus Couarruuias President or Chancellour of Spaine, Martinus In Spaine and the Kingdoms therof. Nauarrus his Maister, both excellent Lawiers; Dominicus Sotus Confessour to the Emperour Charles the fifth, Cardinal Tolet, Emanuel Roderiquez, Ludouicus Lopez, Antonius de Corduba, Petrus Nauarra, Dominicus Bannes publicke Reader of Deuinity in Salamanca, Michael Salon Doctor and Professour of the Deuinity-Chaire in Valentia, Petrus de Arragon publicke Professour of the same science in the foresaid Vniuersity of Salamanca, Gregorius de Valentia, and Ioannes Azorius publicke Readers in Rome, all renowned men for learning, science, & conscience, and through whose hands great matters haue passed for direction of iustice and equity both in foro fori, and foro poli, as Schoolemen speake, both for diuine and humane proceedinges; and yet doe none of all these condemne or deny absolutly the vse of Equiuocation in certaine cases, but doe rather approue and confirme the same, I meane both lawiers and deuines, when they treat vpon these heades following, de seruando secreto, of concealing secretes, both knowne in the Sacrament of Confession and otherwise: de mendacio [Page 356] of lying: de iureiurandis, of swearing: de fraterna correptione & restituenda fama, of brotherly admonition and restitution of another mans fame wrongfully The titles vnder vvhich Equiuocation is ordinarily handled. taken away: de Iudice, de Reo, de accusatore, de testibus: of a Iudge and his office, of the defendant, accuser, witnesses and the like, what they may doe or answere lawfully in cases that may occurre.
14. Neither are these Authors to be accompted as single and separate from the rest of the learned men of their ages in this point which we handle, but rather are conioined wholy with them, both in iudgment and practice; so as what these men did define to be lawful, that did others in like manner both mainteine & put in vre in iust occasions, especially if they were of the self same order and ranke: So as when for example wee cite Siluester, Dominicus Sotus Caiëtan, Paludanus, Lopez and Bannes, of the order of S. Dominick to haue taught this doctrine without reprehension of others of the same order, we may inferre probably that all or most learned men of that Order throughout Christendome are of the same opinion. And the like we may inferre of those of S. Francis order in respect of Angelus de Clauatio, Astensis, Antonius de Corduba, here cited. And the same of S. Augustines order, by Petrus de Aragon and Michael Salon. And of the most ancient and venerable Order of S. Benedict conteyning many thousandes of learned men, by that which Abbot Panormitan, and Gregorius Sayer our learned Countreyman Different orders of religious men concurring all in one. haue written vpon this matter, and the later more largely then many others. And the like may be inferred of the order of Iesuits, by that which is extant written by Cardinal Tolet, Gregorius de Valentia, Emanuel Sà, Francisius Suarez, Ioannes Azorius, Ludouicus Molina and others. So as by these few witnesses we may take a notice of the whole body and corpes of learned men throughout Christendome; for that Lawiers also [Page 357] both Ciuill and Canon, that haue written of the foresaid heades haue conformed themselues to the same doctrine, as lawfull in equity and conscience. And if any haue dissented, it hath byn in particuler cases only, as before in the seauenth Chapter and third Consideration hath byn noted.
15. As for example Ioannes Genesius Sepulueda Historiographer of Charles the fifth Emperour, whose authority Thomas Morton doth often times alledge against Ioan Gen. [...] vs, though in the principall he make fully with vs in his booke intituled Theophilus; De ratione dicendi testimonium in causis occultorum criminum; how a man may beare witnes in causes of secret crimes; yet in some cases he dissenteth from the foresaid Authors, holding singuler opinions by himselfe, but yet vpon such groundes as doe indeed confirme the common sentence of the rest, as afterward in due place shalbe declared.
16. Wherfore to end this Paragraph about the Cō sideration of Schoole- Deuines and Lawiers, it shall be sufficient to haue named these few, and though I had purposed once to haue set downe in particuler the seuerall places of their workes, where they handle this matter, and shew their opinions in approbation therof; yet finally not to trouble the Reader with so many quotations, I iudged it best to deferre these vnto the next Chapter, where I meane to lay forth some particuler cases in which their seuerall sentences are to be alledged, and so we shall passe on now to the other pointes of his Chapter that doe remaine: only aduertising by the way, that if our few English Ministers that doe contradict this common receaued doctrine (for I doe not thinke all to be so rash or sensles) should be put in a paire of ballance, for learning, piety, and discretion, with these Authors here named, and that a man were to aduenture his soule with one party, I doe not doubt, but that the discreet Reader [Page 358] will easely see where it were reason to make his chose. And so much of this.
THE SECOND POINT touching Scriptures and Fathers, For mixt and reserued propositions. §. 2.
17. ANd first of all I haue thought best for more breuity, to ioine Scriptures and Fathers togeather, in this Point of mixt and reserued Propositions, for that the exposition of the [...] going with the text of Scripture, doth euidently shew both their senses therin, and conioine both their testimonies. For if we can shew that the holy Ghost in Scriptures doth vse such doubtfull and ambiguous propositions as is that, I am no Priest, with some mentall reseruation, equall vnto this of ours, with obligation to reueale &c.) and that by ordinary sound and signification of the wordes vttered, the hearer may be deceaued, and take it in one sense, and the speaker by the part reserued in his mind may truly vnderstand it in another, and that the ancient Fathers doe by their expositions confirme the same, then doe we proue directly our purpose, both out of Scriptures and out of Fathers in like manner, notwithstanding Thomas Mortons vaine assertion, that not one Iota in all Scriptures, Pag. 48. not one example in all Catholicke antiquity &c. And albeit I haue shewed diuers examples already in the two precedent Chapters, that doe conuince most euidently that which we are to proue; yet for that we haue not vrged before the exposition of Fathers vpō those [Page 359] places, we meane heere out of the aboundance that we haue, to adioine sundry other testimonies, to the end the matter may remaine vndoubted.
18. And we shall begin with an example so cleere, as it shall be like to that of ours in all pointes, if we chang only the names of the persons, and conditions of [...] that spake and heard. As that example of S. A cleere example out of S. Iohn Baptist his ansvvere. Iohn [...], who being examined and demaunded by them that were sent vnto him from the Iewes, whether he were a Prophet or no, he deined it. Propheta es tu? Et respondit non: Are yow a Prophet? and he answered no; and yet he meant not absolutly to deny himself Ioan. 1. to be a Prophet, for that it had byn false both in respect of that his Father Zacharias had prophecied of him in his natiuity, Et tu puer Propheta Altissimi vocaberis Luc. 1. &c. And thou child shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest, for that thou shalt goe before his face to prepare his wayes; as also for that the testimony of Christ himself in S. Mathewes Ghospell is cleare, Quid [...] videre? Prophetam? etiam dico vobis & plus quàm Prophetam: Math. 11. What went yow forth to see in the desert? A Prophet? yea I say vnto yow, and more then a Prophet. Wherunto our said Sauiour in S. Lukes Ghospell addeth, [...] inter natos multerum Propheta Iohanne Baptista [...] 7. nemo est, there is no greater Prophet among the children of women then Iohn Baptist.
19. Heere then yow see a proposition vttered by the holy Ghost, that of it self is ambiguous and of a doubtfull sense, and according to the ordinary sound and sense of the wordes vttered, seemeth false, no lesse then our proposition I am no Priest. For as this may be refuted by them that know me to be a Priest, and as Thomas Morton still vrgeth (though fondly,) is contrary to my knowledge and conscience, that know my self to be a Priest: so heer S. Iohns deniall, that he is a Prophet, may be refuted by Scripture, and must needes be [Page 360] contrary to his owne knowledge & conscience also, S. Iohn had a men tall reseruation. after Mortons manner of vrging, [...] that he could not but know himself to be a Prophet, & is no lesse subiect to the calumniation of lying, then our speech of denying my self to be a Priest, except it be saued by some mentall reseruation, which he vttered not in wordes.
20. But now what this reseruation was, is not so cleere among ancient Fathers, though all doe agree that there was some, & consequently doe stand with vs against Morton, that some such reseruation may be Chrys. ho. 5. yr l. 1. in o. c. 14. Orig. tom. 7. Theoph. Euthim. & [...] in Graeca [...]. vsed. And first S. Chrisostome, S. Cyrill, Origen, Theophilactus, Euthimius, Apollinarius, and other Greek writers doe thinke this [...] to haue byn in S. Iohns speech, that he was not that great Prophet promised in Deutronomy to come at the time of the Messias, of whome Moyses said: Thy Lord shall raise vp vnto thee a Prophet out of thy owne Nation, and among thy owne Brethren, as he hath raised me, and him shalt thou heare, meaning of Christ Deut. [...]. himself. And their proofe for this is, for that in Greek, the article ( ho) is ioined with PROPHETES, which signifieth commonly an excellency, eminency or singularity of the thing when it is added: so as these Fathers will haue S. Iohns meaning to be, I am not that eminent and singuler Prophet mentioned by Moyses, which indeed as hath byn said was Christ himself.
21. But other Fathers, as S. Augustine and S. Gregory doe vnderstand another reseruation to haue byn in S. Iohns Aug. tract. 4. in Ioan. Gregor. homil. 1. mind, to wit that he was not only a Prophet, but more then a Prophet as Christ said of him, & therfore denied himself to be a Prophet: As if a Bishop should deny himself to be a Priest, for that he is more then a Priest. But Rupertus and some others doe interprete Rupertus in hunc locum. this reseruation of S. Iohn to haue byn that he was no Prophet, by ordinary office to foretell Christ as other Prophets did; but only that he was a Prophet in spirit and vertue, to shew Christ present: So as heere are [Page 361] diuers reseruatiōs discouered by these Fathers, which doe make the proposition true, that otherwise would be false, and consequently all these Fathers doe agree, Expositiō of Fathers for mētall. reseruatiō. that there may be a true mixt proposition, partly vttered and partly reserued, and therby true in one sense and false in another, and one way vnderstood by the hearer, and another way meant by the speaker, which is properly the Equiuocation that we spake of in this place, and is foolishly condemned by Thomas Morton for grosse lying.
22. And albeit I meane to make a seuerall Chapter afterward of his wise argumentes that he alledgeth to proue his purpose; yet will I not pretermit in this place, to touch one solemne foolery of his vsed to cō uince (as he saith) the former answere I am no Priest, with the referuation, to tell yow, of a manifest ly. And to performe this, he will needes leaue for a time the Schoole of Aristotle, and his forme of disputing, and fall to Socraticall demaundes and interrogations. ‘Suffer Pag. 52. me (saith he) Socratically to debate this point with yow, and answere me friendly to these demaundes. Quest. when being asked whether yow are a Priest, yow [...] no, what signification hath this word no? Answ. It doth signify directly I am no Priest. Quest. And yet Socraticall demaundes of T. [...]. yow thinke yow are a Priest? Answ. Yea I know it. Quest. Wherwith doe yow know it? Answ. By my inward mind and vnderstanding, my conscience testifying this vnto me. Quest. Can conscience beare witnes, then can it also speake? Answ. It speaketh as verily to my inward soule, as my tongue speaketh sensibly to your eares &c. Quest. Then will this be as true, that when your cōscience affirmeth that which your tongue denieth, that your tongue speaketh against your conscience, and this is that which we haue proued to be flat lying: a Conclusion that no art of Equiuocation can possibly auoid.’ Lo heere the victory of [Page 362] Thomas Morton, which he might take against S. Iohn Baptist, for denying himself to be a Prophet, asmuch as against an English Priest, for answering in such a case, I am no Priest.
23. For let vs suppose it had byn as punishable in Iury to haue byn a Prophet in S. Iohns time, as it is now to be a Priest in England, and that he had byn demaunded, as he was by those Priestes and Scribes, whether he were a Prophet or no, & he answering no, I would argue by interrogations, as Morton doth, what signification hath this word no? And then S. Iohn must answere, as Thomas Morton answereth for him I am no Prophet, which had byn a direct ly in Mortons doctrine, for that his tongue denieth the thing which his cōscience The comparison of S. Iohns ansvvere vvith the ansvvere of a Priest. testifieth, knowing that he is a Prophet: and will Morton stand to this his impious processe against S. Iohn, or wil he haue me to tell him his errour, to deliuer S. Iohn and our Priest also from his calumniation? Let him know then, that this negatiue no, when he saith, I am no Priest, doth not fall only vpon the wordes vttered, according to the sense of the hearer; but vpon the whole proposition, as it is in the speakers mind, and meaning: so as whē being asked whether I be a Priest, I answere no, the word no serueth to my signification, that I am no such Priest, as I am bound to vtter. And so in S. Iohns answere, he being demaunded whether Mortons errour discouered. he were a Prophet, and answering no, his meaning was, that he was no such or such Prophet; so as this negatiue did not signify directly he was no Prophet, as Morton would haue it, wherby is fallen to the ground all his Socratical sciēce in arguing by interrogatories. It may be he desired to giue a tast therby of his fitnes to haue some office of an Examiner against Catholickes, for his sharpe manner of concluding, which now men will see that he little deserueth, but in defect of a better.
[Page 363]24. I might [...] heere to this effect and purpose, that ambiguous and equiuocall answere of the said S. Iohn about Elias, Elias es tu? (said the Pharises) he answered Ioan. 1. Non sum: Are [...] Elias? he answered, I am not, and yet Christ our Sauiour, that is truth it self, saith of the same S. Iohn: Si vultis illum recipere, ipse est Elias qui venturus Math. 11. est: If yow will receaue him, he is Elias that is to come; and the later wordes make the sense more hard, for that it seemeth that he describeth the true Elias in deed that was to come. But all the fore alledged Fathers, and others doe agree, that S. Iohns negation was true in his reserued sense, to wit that he was not Elias in person, as the demaunders tooke him to be, and Christes wordes also were true in his reserued sense, to wit, that he was Elias in spirit, though not in person, without which two reseruations, neither of their speeches can be verified, & with them they are made doubtfull, ambiguous, and equiuocall to the hearer, but not false. So as now in one and the self same thing, we haue both Christ and S. Iohn Baptist, for manifest witnesses of amphibology and Equiuocation; & consequently it is likely that the thing is not so hellish, heathenish, heinous and monstrous, as Morton maketh it; nor is Pag. 48. & 49. it such grosse lying, as his first lying and vnlearned cōclusion auoucheth it to be. But let vs goe forward.
25. The next place shall be out of our Sauiours wordes to the Pharises in S. Iohns Ghospell, where he Ioan. 8. saith, Ego non iudico quemquam, I doe not iudge any man, which proposition without some reseruation cannot stand, for that it should be contrary to many other places of Scripture, as that Pater omne iudicium dedit filio, Ioan. 5. the Father hath giuen all iudgment to his sonne: and againe in the Actes of the Apostles, S. Peter auoucheth Act. 10. in his Oration to Cornelius, and those that were with him, that God had commaunded him and the rest of the Apostles to testify to the whole world, Quia ipse est [Page 364] qui constitutus est à Deo Iudex viuorum & mortuorum, that Christ is appointed by God, Iudge both of the liuing and the dead, which S. Paul confirmeth aswell to Rom. 14. 2 Cor. 5. the Romans, as to the Corinthians, that we must all stand before the tribunall of Christ to be iudged by him.
26. So as if we take this propositiō as it lieth written without any mentall reseruation, it is false. For if any man should aske of me whether Iesus Christ be our iudge or no, if I should answere no, I should speake Hovv Christ is our Iudge and hovv he is not. both falsly and impiously; and how then may this negatiue be made true (which as vttered by Christ cannot be false?) Surely by no way, but by a mentall reseruation of the speaker Christ our Sauiour, which reseruation the ancient Fathers doe seeke after, and lay forth vnto vs in diuers manners. For that S. Augustine, S. Bede, and Rupertus in their explication of this place, doe affirme, that the reseruation was secundum carnem according to the flesh; so as the whole proposition was, I doe iudge no man according to flesh and bloud, as yow Pharises doe, for that the wordes of Christ immediatly going before were these to the Pharises; Yow iudge according to the flesh, but I iudge no man; but other Greeke Fathers S. Chrysostome, Leontius, Theophilact and In bune locum. Euthymius doe thinke that this cannot stand, in respect of the wordes immediatly following: Et si iudico ego, iudicium Ioan. [...]. meum verum est, and if I doe iudge any man, my iudgment is true, which seemeth should not be so, if he should iudge according to flesh and bloud as the Pharises did.
27. Wherfore these Fathers doe propose another mentall reseruation of Christ in this matter to wit in hac vita in this life, meaning that albeit he hath full authority Diuers reseruations sought out by the Fathers. and power of iudging all; yet that he came not into the world to exercise that power in this life, but only to instruct, comfort, and saue men, reseruing [Page 365] his exercise of iudgment vnto the last day, and in the next world, according to his owne speech in another place, God hath not sent his Sonne into the world to iudge the Ioan. 3. world, but that the world should be saued by him. And yet other Greeke writers as S. Gregory Nazienzen and Elias Cretensis say, the reseruation to haue byn, as Christ was; man only, and of himself he had not power to iudge, but from his Father, according to that his saying; All power is giuen me in heauen & in earth where he acknowledgeth Marc. vlt. to haue receaued all in gift from his Father. And others doe propose other interpretations and reseruations, but all doe agree in one conformity as yow see, that this proposition of our Sauiour cannot be verified, but only by some mentall reseruation, conteyning more then is vttered. And therfore these Fathers doe acknowledge the vse of mixt reserued propositions, euen in the Sonne of God himself, and consequently also of amphibology or Equiuocation, when need requireth.
28. But let vs see some more examples: when our Sauiour was called to raise from death the Prince or Archsinagoge his daughter, as in S. Mathew, S. Marke & Math. 9. Marc. 5. S. Lukes Ghospell is recorded, and he comming to the Luc. 8. house, found the people in tumult, weeping, and lamenting for her death, he repressed them saying: Recedite, The exam ple of Christ raising the Archsynagogues daughter. non est enim mortua puella, fed dormit; depart, for that the maid is not dead, but sleepeth; & yet is it certaine that naturally she was dead, by separation of her soule from her body, which is proued both for that the people did know her to be dead, and therfore scoffed at Christ, for saying shee was not dead, but a sleep; as also for that otherwise it had byn no miracle to raise her againe. So as if this proposition be taken [...] as it lieth, without any mentall reseruation by our [...], it cannot be true, neither in it self nor in the sense of the hearers, no more thē in our propositiō, [Page 366] I am no Priest. For if our Sauiour had byn asked, Is this maid dead? and he had answered no: this word no in the force of Thomas Mortons Socraticall argumentation must needes be the negatiue of that which is demaunded, and so, to vse his words, directly to haue signified [...] she was not dead, which had byn directly false, if it had not byn extended to a further reserued meaning of Christ according to our doctrine, and therby the said answere made true.
29. Which mentall reseruation in our Sauiour, according to S. Augustines explication, and of other expositours was, that albeit she was dead in their sight, and vnto humane power: yet vnto him, and vnto his diuine power and will to raise her againe, shee was not dead, but only in a sleep. Verum dixit Dominus, (saith S. Augustine) nō est mortua puella, sed dormit; sed illi, à quo poterat Aug. serm. de verb. Domi. 44. excitari. Christ said truly the maid is not dead, but sleepeth, to wit vnto him, that was able to raise her againe. So as by this reseruation, S. Augustine defendeth Christ his ansvvere conferred vvith ours. Christes proposition from falsity, & consequently acknowledgeth such Equiuocatiō in our Sauiours speech as we treat of. For as Christ being asked whether the maid were dead, and he answering no, saith no vntruth, for that the negatiue no fell not vpon the: wordes vttered only, but vpon his whole meaning, partly vttered, and partly reserued, to wit that she was not dead in respect of his power and will to raise her againe: euen so our no to that demaund, whether I be a Priest or no, falleth not only vpon the wordes vttered or question of the demaunder (for so it should be false) but vpon the whole proposition, as hath byn said, and so it is true.
30. I might alleadge almost innumerable places to this effect, as that of Christ in S. Iohns Ghospell [...] of the eating of his flesh: If any shall at of this [...]. 6. bread, he shall liue foreuer. And againe a [...]: He [Page 367] that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my bloud hath life euerlasting: and yet S. Paul saith to the contrary, whosoeuer shall eat this bread or drinke the cup of our Lord vnworthily, shall be guilty of the body and bloud of our Lord; And further, he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily, doth eat and drinke his owne iudgment, or condemnation, for that he discerneth not the body [...] our Lord By which wordes of S. Paul, it is made manifest, first, that the former wordes of Christ cannot absolutly be true, without some mentall reseruation or restriction in his vnderstanding, for that all eaters of his flesh, & drinkers of his bloud haue not life euerlasting therby, but some rather damnation; & secondly is discouered, what this reseruation was, to wit dignè, worthily: as if he had said he that shall eat: worthily my flesh and drinke worthily my bloud, shall haue life euerlasting therby, which yet Christ vttered not but reserued the same in his mind, as yow see, and therby left the proposition ambiguous and equiuocall.
31. And in very like manner those other speeches of our Sauiour, If yow shall aske any thing of my Father in Iob 16. my name, he will giue it to yow: and yet we see by experience, that many doe aske and receaue not, wherfore somewhat is reserued in Christes mind and meaning; which reseruation S. Iames vttereth in these wordes: Iac. 4. Petitis & non accipitis, eò quòd malè petatis; yow aske & receaue not, for that yow aske not as yow should doe; this mentall reseruation then was in Christs wordes, when he vttered the foresaid generall proposition, to wit, that he which should aske, as he ought to aske, should receaue &c. And so againe those wordes in S. Marc. 16. Marks Ghospell; He that shall belieue and be baptized shalbe saued, the reseruation is, if he belieue according to: Other examples. Christs commaundementes, as after both Christ himself in the end of S. Mathewes Ghospell, and S. Iohn in Math. 28. his Epistles doe expoūd the same: according to which Io. epist. [...]. [Page 368] sense also, those wordes of the Prophet Ioel: VVhosoeuer Iocl. 2. shall call vpon the name of our Lord, shall be saued, are expounded by Christ himself, when he saith: Not euery one Math. 7. that saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter into heauen, but he that doth the will of my Father, that is in heauen; which reseruation was not vttered, but kept in mind by the Prophet. And all these being mixt propositions, partly of wordes vttered, and partly of further hidden sense reserued, making the part that is vttered doubtfull, ambiguous, and equiuocall, as you see; they doe all determine our controuersy most cleerly, and confound Mortons vanity most apparently, that saith, and auoucheth No one Iota to be found in all Scripture, no one example in all antiquity, for the iust proofe or colour of any such Equiuocation or mixt proposition.
32. I should vtterly weary my Reader, if I would follow all, or the greatest Part of that which may be sayed in this behalfe, for that alwaies commonly all Prophecies that are minatory and doe threaten punishment, haue still some secret-reseruation, if they repent not: as that of Isay to King Ezechias: Haec dicit Dominus, Isa. 38. dispone Domui tuae, quia morieris tu & non viues: This [...] our Lord, dispose of thy houshold, for thou shall dy, and shalt not liue, and yet he liued [...] yeares after. If therfore the Prophet had byn demaunded; shall not Ezechias liue any longer? & he had answered no, vpon what had fallen the negatiue no? If only vpō the wordes vttered, it had byn false, for he liued longer, but if vpon that togeather with the reseruation in the meaning of the holy Ghost, it was true. And the like may be said of the Prophecy of Ionas: Adhuc quadraginta dies, & Niniue subuerietur; There remaine but fourty dayes before Niniue shall be destroyed, & so infinite other places. Wherfore in this Th. [...] was greatly ouerseene in making of confident a chaleng, as before yow haue heard.
THE THIRD POINT OF THIS CHAPTER CONCERNING Other Scriptures alleadged, And pretended to be answered by Thomas Morton. §. 3.
33. BVt now we must come to a greater conflict, which is to examine how our aduersary hath answered certaine examples out of Scripture, alleadged as he saith, (for I haue not yet seene the writing it selfe) by a Catholicke Treatise in written-hand intercepted, wherby the lawfulnes of this kind of Equiuocation is auouched, & by his answere to those that are cited by himselfe, we may imagine what he will be able to say to these other which haue byn here produced by vs, and innumerable others that might be alleadged.
Examples out of the old Testament.
First then out of the old Testament, he produceth two examples only, the one of Iacob, that told his Father Tvvo [...] out of she old [...]. that he was his eldest sonne Esau, which in deed he was not, and consequently we must graunt that either 1 he spake false, & lied (which the ancient Fathers, [Page 370] S. Ambrose, S. Augustine and others doe piously deny) or els that he had some reserued further sense in his mind, wherby his said speach might be verified, and consequently his proposition be ambiguous, and Equiuocall.
34. But herunto T.M. answereth first, that Cardinall Caëtan, and diuers other learned men doe hold, that Iacob is inexcusable from some sort of [...] in this his speach; and for this he alleadgeth the testimony of Pererius a Iesuite in his Commentaries vpon Genesis; Perer. in c. 27. Gen. dis. 4. & 5. who disputing this matter at large in fiue seuerall disputations, whether Iacob did ly, or sinne at all in this speach, saith, that the said Caïétan with some other moderne writers doe hold, that it may be graunted that the said VVhether Iacob did ly or no in saying he vvas Esau. Patriarch did commit some veniall sinne, by making an officious ly in that behalfe. But what? doth [...] himselfe agree to that opinion? No truly? But maketh this title of his last disputation therabout. The common sentence of Deuines (saith he) is declared, and defended, which doth excuse and free Iacob from all manner of lying in his foresaid speach, and then beginning with S. Augustine, who Aug. q. 74. in Genes. & l. 16 de Ciuit. Dei. c. 37. & l. contra mend. c. 10 in diuers partes of his workes doth most earnestly defend the Patriarch Iacob in this behalfe, by many and manifold reasons, and authorities both from all ly and sinne, doth shew and declare that his speach was figuratiue, and not deceiptfull, conteyning mysterium, non mendacium, a mystery, and not a ly. To which effect one place out of his booke against lying shall serue for all: Non est mendacium (saith he) quando silendo absconditur verum, sed cùm loquendo promitur falsum: Iacob autem quòd matre fecit auctore, vt patrem fallere videretur, si diligenter, & fideliter attendatur, non est mendacium, sed mysterium &c. It is no ly, when a truth is concealed by silence but when a falsity by speach is vttered: that which Iacob did by the persuasion of his mother, as though he would deceaue his Father, if it be diligently and faithfully considered, [Page 371] was no ly, but a mystery.
35. And then a little after in the same Chapter talking of such misterious speaches, that seeme to say one thing, and yet doe meane another, he saith thus: That mysterious speeches are Equiuocall. Vera non falsa dicuntur, quoniam vera non falsa significantur, seu verbo seu facto, quae significantur enim vtique ipsa dicuntur, putantur autem mendacia, quoniam non ea quae vera significantur, dicta intelliguntur sed ea quae falsa sunt dicta esse creduntur. ‘In a mysterious speach true thinges, and not false are spoken, for that true thinges and not false are signified either by the word, or fact that hath a mystery in it, for that in deed those thinges are spoken which are mysteriously signified by the speach, but they seeme to be lies, for that all men vnderstād not those things that are truly signified by the speach, but rather those thinges that are false are thought to be spoken.’ So S. Augustine. Wherby is euident, what he meaneth by a mysterious speach, to wit, when one sense is gathered by the wordes, & another sense truly signified, which the naturall signification of the wordes doe not beare, and therby a mysterious proposition must be called also Equiuocall in the sense that now wee handle, and consequently also S. Augustine must needes be graunted to admit this kind of Equiuocation without lying, Hier. in c. 2. ad Gal. Chrys. ho. 53. in Gen. Greg. ho. 6. in Ezec. & lib. 17. Mor. wherby he so earnestly defendeth this Patriarch from all kind of ly whatsoeuer.
36. And with S. Augustine doe concurre in this defence of holy Iacob both S. Hierome, S. Chrysostome, S. Gregory, Theodoret, S. Ambrose, S. Isidorus, S. Bede; and of later writers, Rupertus, Gratian, Alexander Halensis, Petrus Lombardus, Theod. q. 80. in Ge. Ambr. lib. de Patria. Iacob. Isid. Beda. & Ruper. in 27. Gen. S. Thomas and almost infinite others; so as for Th. Morton to creepe out now vnder the shaddow of Caïē tan, and two or three other moderne Authors more, against the whole streme, and torrent of so many ancient Fathers, and Catholike Deuines, is a ridiculous euasion, and worthy of Thomas Mortons defence, and full satisfaction.
[Page 372]37. His second example out of the old Testament, is Grat. cau. 22. q. 2. c. that of Hieremy the Prophet, set downe by me before Quaeritur. Hal. 2. parte q. 139. in my seauenth Chapter and fourth Consideration therof, which this Minister the better not to be vnderstood relateth only in these few obscure wordes, Mag. in 3. d. 38. out of his aduersaries answere: Such Equiuocation (saith he) did the Prophet Ieremy vse. Ier. 38. when he tooke aduise of D. Tho. 2. 2 q. 110. ar. 3 the King. This relation is briefe, abrupt, and darke as yow see, but we haue declared the matter with the The secōd example. circumstances in the former place, to wit, how Ieremy being vrged to make a repetition to the Captaines, & Princes of King Sedechias, that were tempted against Num. 32. him, of that conference which had passed in secret betweene Conf. p. 70 him and the said King, of thinges that the King would not haue the said Princes to know, it seemeth The mode rate Ans. cap. 10. by the text of Scripture, that albeit so great and holy a Prophet, sanctified in his mothers wombe, may be presumed not to haue lied; yet that in so large a repetition wherin diuers truthes at the Kinges request were to be concealed, there must in al probality, passe diuers ambiguous, and Equiuocall speaches, for couering those truthes that were not to be vttered, and that so it may be gathered out of Hieremies owne narration in the text; and therfore all Equiuocation is not lying, nor heathenish, or abhominable prophanation, as Thomas Morton would haue it.
38. This is the force of the argument: what answereth he therunto? First, he saith, that our owne ancient expositor Lyranus in his Commentary, holdeth that Ieremy did not ly, but what of this? So we say also, for that otherwise, we should graunt the Prophet to haue sinned, and Equiuocation to be lying, both which we vtterly deny. Secondly then he leauing quickly this first hold, steepeth to another, more liked T. M. his ansvvere refuted. by him and his, who would haue all men liars with themselues, and this is, that Ieremy did ly in deed, in that [Page 373] his relation to the Princes of Sedechias, if we iudge (saith he) Pag. 71. the outward speach of Ieremy, was false; yet is it not written for our imitation &c. And to this he applieth the words 1. Cor. 10. of S. Paul to the Corinthians: Let him that standeth take [...] least he fall, that is to say into lying, as Ieremy did: and herwith also he giueth a generall note out of S. August. Aug. l. cōt. mend. c. 9. who saith, that all examples of the old Testament, wherin there may be any scarres of infirmities, (to vse the wordes of T. M.) are not to be imitated, which is true in S. Augustines meaning, who alleadgeth the example of Lot, in prostitution of his daughters, and of Dauid that swore rashly that he would kill Naball, & the like: but it was farre from S. Augustines meaning hereby to touch any such holy Prophet, Patriarch, or Saint, as Ieremy was, or to condemne them of voluntary lying: therfore here Thomas Morton sheweth lesse piety then folly in shifting of thus this place of Scripture.
39. And if it were a scarre of infirmity in Hieremy, to couer sometimes a truth by Equiuocation, or amphibology of some speach for a good and necessary end; T. M. his scarres of infirmity. yet I hope he will not say so of Christ himselfe, nor lay his scarres also vpon him, though yow haue heard now already by many examples, how frequent that manner of speach was with him, vpon sundry occasions, and yow shall heare more presently, for that now we passe to the examples which he citeth, as alleadged by his aduersary out of the new Testament, and we shall see whether he will answere them better then he hath already done these two of the old. And if yow stand attent, yow shall see him confirme our part as clearly, as if he had written for vs, and against himselfe.
Out of the new Testament.
40. THe first place which he taketh vpon him to The first place of the nevv Testamēt. satisfy out of the new Testament as obiected by his Aduersaries, is that our Sauiours saing in S. Iohns Ghospell: All thinges whatsoeuer I heard of my Father, haue I made knowne vnto yow; & yet in the very next ensuing Ioan. 15. Chapter, Christ saith, that he had many thinges to say vnto Ioan. 16. them, but that they were not able to beare them away then; Wherof is inferred that Christes former speach had some mentall restriction, or reseruation in it, as that he had told them all that he had receaued from his Father, that is to say, all whatsoeuer he thought conuenient for them to heare at that time, or [...] fit to beare away, or to make their profit by, or the like, which yet was not expressed in wordes in the former proposition, but reserued in Christes meaning, & consequently that proposition was mixt, and Equiuocall in sense by this mentall reseruation; what will Thomas Morton say to this? For if a Iesuite should come to him, and relate him some case from another, with this asseueration in the end, that he had told him all whatsoeuer he had heard from the other, and yet the next A comparison expressing the case. day after should say that he had many pointes more to tell him from the same party, but it was not time to tell them now, I doubt not but that he would haue cried out, that the Iesuite had lied the day before, for the euill conceipt he hath of Iesuites in that behalfe: but if, on the contrary side he had held a good opinion of that Iesuite his integrity in his point, and that for no worldly respect he would make a ly, great or smal, (as according to our former doctrine he should not) then must M. Morton imagine at least, that that [...] did Equiuocate without a ly, and so consequently [Page 375] lying & Equiuocation should be two distinct things.
41. Well then now I expect what he will answere to this speach of Christ, whome he will not grant I am sure to haue Equiuocated, least he speake against himselfe and authorize therby Equiuocation, nor dareth he (I presume) [...] say, that he lied, least he cast vpon him so soule a scarre of infirmirty: I expect (I say) to see how he will shift of this matter, for that the case seemeth to be very like, or rather the same in both examples, setting a side the maine difference of the persons. Yow shall heare what full satisfaction he wil Pag. 72. giue in this behalfe. I answere (saith he) with S. Augustine, now mans infirmity playeth her part, but know yow that no Aug. l. cōt. mend. c. 19 man learneth of Chastity to be adulterous, or of godlines to be [...], and shall we learne of truth to be liars, and periurious? God forbid. Thus he out of S. Augustine as he pretendeth, but in deed so brokenly & corruptly alleadged, if yow looke vpon the place it selfe, as it may scarsely be called S. Augustines speach. But as for the sense it appertaineth nothing to our purpose, for S. Augustine saith, we my not learne of the truth to be liars, as the Priscillianistes indeauoured to doe by confirming the vnlawfulnes of lying out of the wordes of Christ, which we doe not, nor doe we affirme that our Sauiour when he said, All thinges whatsoeuer I haue heard of my Father I haue made knowne vnto yow, did ly, or vtter any falsity at all, but reserued somewhat in his mind not vttered, which ioined with his wordes made the proposition most true, and how then is the sentence of S. Augustine brought in against vs for an answere to the difficulty proposed? By this [...] yow may see what full satisfaction he is like [...]o giue to these places of Scripture. But let vs heare the rest.
42. ‘Touching this text (saith he) your owne Bishop Pag. [...]. Iansenius answering this obiection saith, that these kind of speaches, and all such are to be expounded according [Page 376] to the circumstances either of state, place, time or condition of the persons speaking, or to whome they were spoken, as namely, that whatsoeuer yow aske my Father in my name he will giue yow. What any thing absolutly? Nay but vpon condition if it be expedient for yow. So heere Christ saying I haue manifested all thinges, it is expounded by the circumstāces of the present state, signifying all that appertaineth vnto yow to be knowne; so then [...] is no concealed sense to deceaue the hearer &c.’
43. Doe yow see what an inference he maketh, that because Iansenius doth shew the way how to seeke out the reseruation, or concealed sense in such ambiguous propositions, therfore there is no such mentall reseruation, or concealed sense at all? Can the Reader tolerate The confutatiō of his ansvv. such an impertinent writer? Nay doth not all this speach of Iansenius make wholy against Morton? For if he doe set downe these circumstances of place, time, state, and condition, wherby to seeke out the hidden sense of such dubious propositions, may not we well, and iustly inferre quite contrary to Mortons inference, Ergo there is some such hidden sense, more then is expressed in the wordes, which we call reseruation, wherby the hearer may cōceaue a wrōg sense if he hit not vpō the said true reseruation, which being not manifest to euery one, but rather a cōtrary sense appearing in the words vttered, maketh the proposition ambiguous, doubtful and Equiuocall; for that it may haue diuers senses, one Circumstances to find out mentall reseruations. in the vnderstanding of the hearer, & another in the meaning of the speaker. And for that the whole importance dependeth of the later to wit of the speaker, especially in the speaches vttered by the holy Ghost that cannot be false, the ancient Fathers doe labour by examination of the circumstances, set downe here by Iansenius, & [...] such like, to find out what the speakers true meaning was, when the speach of it self is [Page 377] doubtfull according to the wordes vttered.
44. Nor is the matter so easy to euery man to find this out by consideration of circumstances, as Thomas Morton would haue men to thinke, that there is no doubt or difficulty at all: for as in the places before alleadged yow haue heard sundry Fathers of sundry opinions, and iudgmentes about the points that were reserued by our Sauiour: so heere in this place vpon those wordes, Omnia quaecunque &c. all thinges whatsoeuer Leont. Chrysost. Theoph. Euthim. in hunc locum. I haue heard of my Father &c. diuers Authors as Leontius. and others make the reseruation to be this, whatsoeuer I heard of my Father, with order to tell yow, that I haue vtterd vnto yow; but S. Chrysostome, Theophilact, Euthimius, and other Greeke writers expound it thus, that whatsoeuer I heard of my Father conuenient for yow to know, that I haue reuealed vnto yow. S. Augustine, and S. Bede Aug. tract. in c. 15. 10. & Ep. 57. & lib. de Agon. doe thinke Christes meaning to be, that he had reuealed all to his disciples, except such thinges as were reserued for the holy Ghost to reueale, and vtter vnto them, as in the precedent Chapter he promised: so as albeit here diuers Christ. c. 9. learned Fathers by examining the circumstances Beda in hunc locū. before mencioned, doe ghesse at diuers mentall reseruations as yow see; yet all doe agree that there were some not vttered in the wordes, and not so easy to be Ioan. 14. determined, which doth vtterly ouerthrow our Ministers Diuers reseruations in Christ his speech idle imagination to the contrary, that the matter is euident for euery man to vnderstand by circumstance of speech. And yet he concludeth his answere in these confident wordes, VVherby (saith he) yow may Pag. 73. perceaue that not that infallible verity, but your owne infirmity and vanity hath deceaued yow in so peruerting the truth, to patronize a ly. Would yow not thinke that the man had spoken somewhat to the purpose, that thus concludeth? Surely not a iote more then yow haue heard, wherin he hath confirmed euidently our part, and ouerthrowne his owne; and yet he braggeth like a [Page 378] Conquerour, as yow see: but let vs leaue him in his vanity, and passe to a second place, or example alleadged.
45. The second place is taken out of the Ghospell 2 of S. Marke, where our Sauiour speaking of the day of About the day of iudgmēt. Marc. 13. Math. 24. Iudgment, said, that de die autem [...], vel hora nemo scit, neque Angeli in coelo, neque filius, nisi Pater: Of that day, or houre no man knoweth, neither the Angels in heauen, nor the Sonne, but the Father: which is repeated againe in effect by S. Matthew, who hath Nemo scit nisi solus Pater, No man knoweth therof but only the Father: & yet doth the whole course of Scripture runne to the contrary, shewing that Christ must be Iudge in Supra point 2. that day, as before hath byn shewed, and consequently must needes be presumed to know therof, S. Paul saith also expressely to the Colossians, that all the treasures Colos. 2. of wisedome, and knowledge were hidden in Christ, ergo it is euident that the former proposition of Christ had some reseruation of mind in it, for that otherwise it had byn false. And for more perspicuities sake, let vs frame the case more plaine: If those disciples to whome our Sauiour spake those words, had demaunded him, if he knew any thing of the day of Iudgment, and he had answered, no, what would that no haue signified according to Thomas Mortons [...] argumētation? Would it not haue directly signified (as his words be) that he had not knowne therof in deed? and would not his hearers haue taken it so? and yet had it byn false, and they deceaued. Why? For that he had some further reseruation in his mind, wheron that ( no) did reflect, which his wordes did not vtter.
46. Well then compare Thomas Mortons case which he obiecteth against vs and is this: A Catholicke hauing a Priest in his house, and demaunded whether he know where such a Priest is, he answereth no, reseruing in his mind a further true meaning, wheron that [Page 379] no in his intention doth fall, to wit, that he knoweth it not so, as it is conuenient to vtter it vnto them that Pag. 49. aske him, Syr Thomas cryeth out, that this not a hidden truth but a grosse ly. But I would aske him why? And further intreate him, to set downe the difference betweene these two answers of Christ, and a Catholike in the manner of speach, and nature of a reserued proposition.
47. If he would say that there is no reseruation in our Sauiours speach, but that the sense is cleare according to the wordes as they sound, it would be ridiculous, both in regard of the opposite authorities before alleadged out of Scriptures; as also of the great variety of expositions, which the ancient Fathers did leaue vnto vs, for finding out the true reseruation. And first of all condemning for Heretikes, as S. Damascene Dam. l. de Haeresib. haer. Agnoetae. testifieth, vnder the name of [...], or Agnoetae, all those that following the litterall apparent sense of those wordes of our Sauiour, did hold him to be ignorant in deed of the day of Iudgment, which being decreed and established by the Church, ech Father endeauoured to find out the true reserued meaning, of our Sauiour, as hath byn said; which by experience they proued to be so hard, and therwith all to defend the same against the Arrians, who vrged strongly the litterall signification of the wordes, against Christes Diuinity, as some of them held this text to be corrupted, as appeared by the testimony both of S. Hierome vpon this place, and S. Ambrose in his bookes de fide: Amb. l. 5. de fide c. 8. wherupon euen at this day in S. Matthewes Ghospell, where Christ vseth the same speach, the word neque filius, neither the Sonne knoweth, is not read either in Greek or Latin, & yet was it found in diuers Copies of both languages in old time, as may appeare by Origen, and S. Chrysostome in Greeke, and S. Hilary, and S. Augustine in Latin, who did read it in their dayes in their Copies [Page 380] of S. Mathews Ghospell, as we doe now in S. Marke, and therupon, as hath byn said, indeauoured ech one to find out Christes hidden meaning, and mentall reseruation therin.
48. As for example Origen & S. Epiphanius doe thinke Orig. tra. in Mat. 24 Epiph. haeres. 69. Chrys. [...] de trin. Christes reseruation to haue byn, that he knew not the day of Iudgment in this life, but in the next; and others, that he knew it not, quoad experientiam, by experience, for that he had not yet experienced the same; nor doth S. Chrysostome seeme in one place altogeather to mislike this interpretation. Other Fathers in great number doe thinke Christs meaning and reseruation Atha. ser. 4. [...] Aria Am. [...]. 5. de fide 4. 8 Naz. Orat. 4. [...] Theo. Cyr. l. [...]. de thesau cap. 4. Theod. An. cont. Cyr. to haue byn, that he knew not of the certaine day of Iudgment, as he was man, that is to say, by vertue of his humanity alone, without his diuinity, for though as he was man and God he knew it; yet not by force or power of his humanity. And of this opinion are S Athanasius, S. Ambrose, S. Gregory Nazianzen, S. Cyril, Theodoret and others.
49. Many Fathers also, yea the greatest number of all, haue an other exposition expressing the very same reseruatiō in Christes wordes, which we talked of in Aug. l. 8. q. 6. & l. [...]. de trin. c. 1. & l. de Gen. contr. Manicheos c. 23. Chrys. hom 78. S. Greg. li. 8. Regist. cap. 42. our former proposition, affirming that Christes meaning was, whē he said he knew not the day of Iudgment, that he knew it not so, as he might discouer it vnto them, or make them know it. And so doth hold S. Augustine in many places of his workes, S. Chrysostome also in his homilies vpon S. Mathew and S. Marke, S. Gregory in his Register, S. Hierome and S. Bede in their exposition vpon this place, with whome doe concurre Theophilact, and diuers others.
50. Now then we haue heere, that there are three or foure sortes of reseruations at least, sought out by the foresaid circūstances touched in the former example, al which doe proue vnto vs, that in the proposition of Christ, the Sonne of man knoweth not of the day or [Page 381] houre of Iudgment, is an amphibologicall and Equiuocall mixt proposition, conteyning a mentall reseruation of our Sauiour, not expressed in his wordes, which ouerthroweth and vtterly vndoeth Th. Mortons whole Th. Mortō brought to great straites. Treatise: and how doe yow thinke will he play the man heere to auoid all this battery? Yow shall heare it presently, and see him brought to miserable straites: for thus he beginneth to answere the matter, hauing confessed first out of his aduersaries Treatise of Equiuocation, that Augustine, Ambrose, Chrysostome, Basil and Theophilact doe expound it so, as lastly hath byn said, that Christ knew not the day of Iudgment to vtter it to his disciples, wherunto he answereth thus.
51. It will not (saith he) be pertinent to oppose the other exposition of Fathers, who as your Maldonate saith, were many, expounding this text thus, that Christ as he was man knew not the day and houre. This is his first struggle, and if it be impertinent, as himselfe confesseth, why doth he alleadge it, but for lacke of better defence, and that it is impertinent in deed, is euident; for that this exposition of some Fathers alleadged by him, doth rather proue that there were diuers reseruations in Christes wordes, then that there was none at all, which he should proue. Wherfore it falleth out to Thomas Morton in this case, as when playing a bad game at Tables that is past recouery, he should say, this game is lost which way soeuer I play it, and yet will I play it out with what shame soeuer, rather then giue it vp. Let vs see then what play he maketh.
52. ‘He followeth on immediatly after his former S. Augustines authority alleadged by F. Garnet examined. speach thus: But the question is (saith he) whether the former exposition of S. Augustine and others doth imply any mentall Equiuocation, and because Garnet at his arraignment did select only S. Augustine of all the Fathers, we will appeale to S. Augustine for answere to them all, by whose testimony it doth appeare, that [Page 382] when our Sauiour said, I know not the day, signifying vt dicam vobis, to tell vnto yow, this clause wherby he meant to conceale the time, was not concealed from thē, who though they were by the sense of the speach held in ignorance not to know the day; yet were they not ignorant of the sense of the speach, which was, I may not let yow know it.’ So he. And doe yow vnderstand him? or doth he not labour asmuch to hold yow in ignorance of his meaning, as Christ did his Disciples of the day of iudgment; but let vs draw him out of this affected darkenes.
53. First he saith the question is, (and he saith well) whether the former exposition of S. Augustine, & other Fathers doe imply any mentall Equiuocation or rather mentall reseruation, which maketh Equiuocation or doubtfulnes of meaning; and I see not how The definition of Equiuocation as heere it is vnderstood. he can deny it, sor that the proposition, Christ knoweth not of the day of Iudgment is false, without some reseruation, but with the reseruation gathered vpon S. Augustines exposition, to wit, that he knew it not to make them know it, that is to say, to vtter it vnto them, it is true, ergo S. Augustines exposition doth imply and declare vnto vs a manifest mentall reseruation, and cō sequently also an Equiuocation. For that as before we haue defined the matter, Equiuocation or amphibology in this our controuersy, is nothing els, but when a speach is partly vttered in wordes, and partly reserued in mind, by which reseruation the sense of the proposition may be diuers.
54. Secondly wheras Thomas Morton saith, that Father Garnet at his arraignment did select only S. Augustine, of all other Fathers to depend vpon, concerning the former exposition of Christes wordes, and therfore that he also will appeale to S. Augustine for answere to them all, it is a shift, therby to auoid the authority of all the other Fathers, both in this and the other expositions [Page 383] before mentioned, all which doe conclude against him, as hath byn said, that there is a mentall reseruation in Christes wordes, without which vnderstood, F. Garnets alleadging S. August. at his arraignmēt. the proposition is false. Neither did Father Garnet so select S. Augustines authority at his arraignmēt to stand vpon, as that he left any way the other Fathers, but being pressed to be briefe, he named him for all, and no small maruaile it is that at such an arraignment he had leysure, or list to name any Father, or other proofe at all, knowing how vnequally the same would be heard after the hydeous clamours of so many Ministers out of bookes, speeches, & pulpittes against that doctrine: but sure I am, that if Henry Garnet, and Thomas Morton had met togeather at any equall barre out of arraignment, to plead and dispute this matter, there would haue byn as little cause for Thomas to haue triumphed of that disputation, as there is like to be now of this his writing; and therfore he might haue spared him heere if he had pleased.
55. But his third act of manhood in his defence is most notorious, where hauing fled all other Fathers, as yow see, to sticke to S. Augustine, he bringeth in S. Augustine wholy against himselfe, as now yow shall see, though he endeauour by some, obscure words to dazle the sense of his hearer. For in the words of Saint Augustine by him alleadged he saith thus: Nescientem se esse Aug. vbi suprà. dixit, quia illos nescientes occultando faciebat. Christ said he was ignorant of the day of Iudgement, for that he made them ignorant therof, by hyding the same from them. And in another place: Hoc nescit filius quod nescientes facit, hoc est, quod non ita sciebat, vt tunc discipulis indicaret: the Sonne of God is said not to know that, which he maketh other men not to know, that is to say, that he knoweth it not so, as he would vtter it at that time to his Disciples. And for proofe of this exposition S. Augustine alleadgeth that place of S. Paul to the Corinthians: [Page 384] neque enim iudicaui me scire aliquid inter vos, nisi Iesum 1. Cor. 2. Christum, & hunc Crucisixum: Neither did I esteeme my S. August. authority vvholy against T. M. that alleageth the same. selfe to know any thing among yow, but only Iesus Christ, and him crucified, where S. Paul saith he knew no more of that thing, for that he thought it not time to vtter vnto them any more: which is so plaine for our purpose, as Thomas Morton would neuer haue alleadged it, but vpon plaine despaire of the game lost in deed. For what is more conforme then this to our answere obiected by him, I am no Priest to vtter it vnto yow: I know not where such a Priest is, that is, I make yow not to know it by concealing the same, for that I am not bound, nor is it expedient to vtter it.
56. Now then heere yow see Thomas Morton in the dust, as one fighting against himselfe. For to cauill, & quarrell, as he doth afterward, that the Apostles are to be presumed to haue vnderstood this reserued meaning, aswell as S. Augustine, S. Ambrose, and other Fathers Shiftes confuted. did, and that if they did, then it was no Equiuocation: and further that it were blasphemy to say that Christ did Equiuocate with his Apostles; all these shiftes (I say) are but ridiculous. For first it importeth not to our question, whether the Apostles vnderstood the secret meaning of Christ in this deniall, or not, but rather whether there were any reseruation, & whether the speach of it selfe were ambiguous, and Equiuocall to the hearers (who were many besides the Apostles) by reason of this reseruation, and all Christians haue byn and shall be to the worldes end. And then if this so, it is no blasphemy to say, that Christ did Equiuocate, that is to say, speake doubtfully, but rather it is blasphemy by excluding all Equiuocation, to condemne the same for lying, as Morton is forced to doe, or to say nothing.
57. And lastly where he concludeth the whole matter Of Doctor Genesius, Sepulueda by the testimony of our Doctor Genesius as he calleth [Page 385] him, I haue told before how he is ours, and how in some sort he may in this controuersy be called his, though he detested his Religion, as by his workes appeareth. Ours he is, as in all other points of Religion, so in the substantiall and principall point of this question, for that he defendeth the vse of Equiuocation in concealing some secrettes, but denieth it in others, wherin he fauoureth somewhat the aduerse party, with small ground, as in the next Chapter shall be declared. But what saith this Doctor Genesius? He will tell Genes. Sepulu. yow (saith Morton) that this sense (of this text of Scripture) l. de rat. dicend. testim. c. 3. which yow conceale, is not only contrary to the sentence of all Fathers, but also against all common sense. And is this possible? Will Sepulueda deny all those Fathers alleadged by me before for our interpretation to be Fathers? will he say that their exposition is contrary to all common sense? Doth not Genesius himselfe in the very Chapter heere cited alleadge both S. Hierome and S. Augustine for this interpretation, and alloweth the same? What shameles dealing then is this of our Minister to charge Genesius with such folly or impiety which he neuer thought of? For Genesius denieth not either the sense, or interpretation of the place, and much lesse saith, that it is contrary to the sentence of the Fathers, and least of all to common sense, but denieth only the application therof for vse and practice to certaine cases, wherin he admitteth not Equiuocation, and saith, that vpon this interpretatiō, to bring in such a new law were greatly inconuenient (wherin afterward notwithstanding we shall shew him to haue byn greatly deceaued) and his Latin wordes are: Contra non modò veterum & grauissimorum doctorum, sed communem hominem sensum, quasi legem inducere: to bringe in, as it were, a law not only against the iudgment of ancient, and most graue Schoole- Doctors (for of them only he speaketh in that place) but also against the commō sense or opinion of men. This [Page 386] is Genesius his speach, wherin though his iudgment [...] reiected by other Schoolmen as singuler and paradoxicall in this point, as after shall be declared; yet is he egregiously abused by Morton, who first maketh him Genesius much abused by T.M. to say of the interpretation, and sense of this place of Scripture, that which he speaketh only of the application therof, to vse and practice in tribunalles. And secondly he maketh him to discredit the Fathers which himselfe alleadgeth: thē he Englisheth ancient Fathers for ancient Schoole-Doctors: and last of all addeth consensum of his owne, leauing out hominum, to make it sound common sense, and other such abuses, which any man may see by conferring the place. And these are other manner of sinnes, then simple Equiuocation, if the art of falsifying or forgery be any sinne with him at all, and so much for this place of Scripture.
58. The third place alleadged, and pretended to be answered by this man, is that of S. Lukes Ghospell, 3 when our Sauiour drawing towardes the Castell of Hovv Christ did feigne or dissemble. Emaus, with his two disciples, Ipse se finxit longius ire, saith the text; himself feigned that he would goe further: wherupon they forced him to stay with them, Luc. vlt. ver. 28. and heerof is inferred, that Christ vsed at that time some doubtfull action or wordes, importing a different externall signification to his disciples, from his inward meaning, which may truly be called ambiguity, amphibology, or Equiuocation in fact, for that Equiuocation as hath byn said, may be vsed either in factes or speach, and consequently that our Sauiour did heere Equiuocate with his disciples making them belieue a different thing from that he meant, for he meant to goe no further, but to stay there with them, as is gathered out of the text it selfe, for that otherwise the Euangelist would not haue said, and he feigned to goe surther; nor may it without impiety be called [...] [Page 387] ly, of what sort soeuer, as S. Augustine expresly doth Cap. 9. proue in diuers partes of his workes: how then will Thomas [...] deliuer himselfe from this labyrinth? He hathno probable escape at all, as yow shall see in the sequent point about feigning or deceauing, for that this place doth more properly appertaine to that matter and subiect, this being no [...] proposition, but rather a dissimulation, or fiction in act, as is presumed, as that our Sauiour went further then the place, or made shew that he would doe so, or the like, and consequently we shall differre the larger declaration of this place vnto the ensuing point or paragraphe, which is the fourth and last of this Chapter.
59. The fourth and last place then, which our Minister hath alleadged out of the foresaid Catholicke 4 Treatise of Equiuocation, with pretence to answere About our Sauiours deniall to ascend to the festiuall day. the same, is the speach of our Sauiour to his brethren or kinsmen in S. Iohns Ghospell, who exhorting him to goe vp to Ierusalem to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles, and therby to be knowne to the world, he answered with shewing first a great difference betweene his state and theirs, and how the world hated him, but not them, and why, and then said, goe yow vp to this festiuall Ioan. 7. day, I doe not goe vp to this feast, for that my time is not yet accomplished; but yet after they being gone vp, he ascended also. Out of which speach and fact is gathered, that Christ when he said to his brethren, I doe not ascend, or will not ascend to this feast, he had some further mentall reseruation, which his brethren vnderstood not, for that otherwise they would not haue gone vp without him, so as heere is a plaine Equiuocall proposition, that hath one meaning according to the wordes in the hearers vnderstanding, and another in the sense of the speaker, wherby the hearers were deceaued: and yet was this no ly. What then will Thomas Morton say to this? Yow shall see him bestirre [Page 388] himselfe for some euasion, but with as good successe as the good-wife that was early vp, & neuer the neare, which example I vse to temperate somewhat his intemperate Ministeriall speach of louing and imbracing queanes in the very beginning of his answere: for thus he writeth:
60 ‘Yow haue (saith he) bestowed many lines in Pag. 78. commencing vpon this text, to euince from hence your reserued conceipt: let me borrow a little leaue to plead as well for truth, as yow doe for a ly, and shew VVanton and vndecēt speech of T. M. yow, how expounding this place, yow blinded with the loue of your Thais, had rather snatch at any meaning, then take that which is meant: for those words, I will not goe vp, in the Greeke are, I will not goe vp yet: But your Helena the Latin vulgar text must be imbraced &c.’ Doe yow see what manner of accusation he bringeth in against vs, and in what light & lasciuious wordes, in so graue and sacred a subiect as is the text of holy writ? Hath he no honester comparisons to bring in then the blind loue of Thais, and embracing of Helena? yow may iudge of the mans spirit by his wordes.
61. But what doth he accuse vs of in effect? forsooth that we haue left the [...] text, which hath ' [...] nondum, not yet, & doe follow the vulgar Latin, which hath only ' ou, that is non, not, the difference of which word maketh a maine diuersity in the matter if yow marke it well, for if the true text be nondum, I will not yet Ioan. 7. goe vp, then is there no doubt or difficulty at all of the sense, for that Christ had said plainly that he would not goe vp then, and so his going vp afterward had byn no contradiction any way to his former speach of not going vp, as heere our Maldonate cited by Morton doth cōfesse: but on the other side if the matter were so plaine by reading nondum in the Greeke, why doe the ancient Fathers labour so much to find out the [Page 389] secret meaning, and reserued sense of our Sauiour in Cap. 9. Diuers expositions of the Fathers about Christes mentall reseruation. this sentence and seeming contradiction of his? For S. Augustine and S. Bede after much search, doe thinke his meaning to haue byn, that he would not ascend to that feast with a humane spirit, to procure worldly honour, name or fame, as his brethren exhorted him by making himselfe knowne, and admired to the world by working of miracles &c. Strabus 1 & other expositours doe interpret, that he would not ascend to suffer, or exhibite his passion in Ierusalem at 2 this feast of tabernacles, but reserue it for the pasch, or feast of Easter, according to the appointment of his Father, and to this effect said, tempus meum nondum aduenit, my time is not yet come. Eucherius in his questions 3 vpon this [...], thinketh that our Sauiour meant that he would not ascend vp to the first day of the feast, (which was properly called the festiuall day,) but some day after, for it lasted seauen dayes, as appeareth Exod. 25. Leuit. 23. Deut. 16. And this exposition is approued in like manner both by S. Cyril, S. Augustine and Ammonius and others in respect of those wordes of the Euangelist vers. 14. Iam autem die festo mediante ascendit Iesus in templum; Christ ascended to the Temple the feast being halfe ended: albeit this being spoken of his going vp to the Temple, other thinke that he went vp to the citty after his brethren, before the first day, but not into the Temple to celebrate the feast.
62. Wherfore seing these and other Fathers doe labour so much to find out the meaning of Christ in A cleere argument. this sentēce, it is not like, that the matter was so cleare as T. M. would make it, by the clause nondum: for if that word had byn in all Greeke bookes, and so held for the true text, there had byn no question, or controuersy as expositours confesse: yet we grant with Maldonate alleadged by Th. Morton, that very many Greeke copies had it so in former times, & haue it at this day; neither doth our vulgar translation deny or dissemble [Page 390] the same, for albeit it haue non, & not nondum; yet doth it expresly signify in the margent, that diuers manuscriptes haue nondum, and so doth set it downe for varia lectio, yea the Rhemes English Testament it self doth expresse that translation also in the margent, I will not goe vp yet: so as Mortons scoffe of our Thais and Helena is a meere calumniation as yow see, and worthy of a man of his profession.
63. Nor doe we reiect the Greeke text any where, when with more probability of truth it may be admitted, as heere in this place they are our expositours & not his, that haue taught him to talke of ' óupoo, nondum to wit, Iansenius, Tolet and Maldonate. And the two The Catholicks [...] not the Greek text vvhere it [...] more probably be follovved. former for more facility of explication doe follow the same, and the sense therof in their commentaries: we also in our vulgar Latin translation, which Morton calleth our Helena, doe goe neerer many times to the Greeke then Protestants, as heere our said Latin text saith, Ego non ascendo in the present tense according to the Greeke, I doe not ascend, wheras Thomas Morton translateth, I will not ascend in the future, which the Greeke hath not. And againe diuers Greeke textes haue not at all these wordes, I doe not ascend to this feast, according to Maldonate and Tolet, and diuers other Greeke textes haue the word nyn ( nunc) added, that is, I will not ascend now, both which notwithstanding are reiected by the Protestants themselues: all which being so, yow may consider of the wise speach of T. M. in this place: VVe will not (saith he) so strictly chalenge Pag. 79. our right in this equity approued by all antiquity, which is, that as in discerning pure water, rather to examine it by the fountaine [...] vaine vaunt of T. M. then the riuer, so we iudge of the truth of textes by the [...] rather then the translation
64. And doe yow so Sir? And doe we contradict this? Your very next immediate wordes doe cleare vs from this your calumniation, for it followeth in your [Page 391] speach: Your Latin text ( say yow) doth sufficiently betoken the same sense of the Greeke, (not yet) and so doe two of the óuk [...] principall Doctors of your Church, Tolet, and Iansenius paraphrase. And is it so? how then are we so blinded with the loue of our Thais, as rather to snatch at any meaning, then take that which is meant? how say yow that our Helena, the Latin translation, is imbraced by vs before the Greeke, if our Latin doe not only betoken the same sense of the Greeke, as heere yow confesse, but setteth it downe so as varia lectio in the margent, as before hath byn shewed; yea and that two of our principall Doctors doe follow the same in their paraphrases? Is not this to accuse and defend, affirme and deny, and to speake contraries with one and the same breath?
65. But to drawe to an end, and conclude the principall point of this controuersy, yow see how Thomas Morton seeketh to auoid the force of this place, where Christ denied that he would goe vp to the festiuall day, and yet afterward went vp, by this only euasion, that very many Greeke copies haue the word nondum: and for this he alleadgeth the testimony of our Maldonate in his Commentary vpon that place. But what? did Maldonate say, that all Greeke copies had it so? or Diuers [...] to proue that' oupoo [...] vvas not in the more ancient [...] truer Greeke copies. that the most ancient, and purest did so read? or that he himselfe was of that opinion? No truly: but the quite contrary, for he proueth by diuers strong argumentes, that this word ' óupoo, nondum was not in the old copy in S. Hieromes time, and before, when our vulgar Latin translation was set forth. First, for that it is like that the said Latin translation would aswell haue expressed it, as betoken it, to vse Mortons owne phrase, and put it in the margent, especially for so much as the 1 sense, and difficulty of Christes meaning, should haue byn made [...] easy therby. Secondly for that diuers 2 Greeke Fathers as Cyril, Euthymius, and others doe not [Page 392] read ' oupoo but ' ou, non and not nondum, which is a token that those Greeke textes of the Ghospell, which they vsed in their dayes had it as our Latin hath now. Thirdly for that Beda, Strabus, Rupertus and all other Latin 3 Authors whatsoeuer, not any one excepted in Maldonats iudgment doe read non and not nondum, who notwithstanding did conferre with the Greeke Copies of their time, and especially S. Hierome most learned in all languages, who is held for the principall Author of this our Latin vulgar translation.
66. Fourthly all the Ancient Fathers before named 4 both Greeke and Latin, that laboured to find out the true meaning of Christ in this his doubtfull speach, Tvvo strōg argumēts. did not know this euasion in their dayes by the word nondum, for that it had byn folly to take so much paines to discouer a meaning or reseruation that was cleare of it self. Fifthly we doe read in S. Hierome that 5 Porphyrius the Apostata in his most spitefull inuectiues against our Sauiour, did obiect this as a principall [...] 2. cōtra Pel. place to discredit him withal, that he saying he would not goe vp to that feast, did notwithstanding goe vp afterward, which he being a most learned Grecian, and vsing all the Greeke textes of that time, for his The impiety of Porphyr. purpose, as hauing byn a Christian before, it may be presumed, that if any of them had then read ' óupoo, wherby his obiection had byn answered, he would neuer haue vpbrayded the same, especially against such learned Christian Doctors of the Greek Church that liued with him, and wrote against him, as Origen, Ammonius, Dionysius Alexandrinus and others, all within three hundred yeares after Christ, who no doubt would haue answered Porphyrius as Thomas Morton doth now answere vs, with ' óupoo, if there had byn any such thing in the Greeke text in their dayes.
67. And finally if Christ our Sauiour had answered 6 his brethren, I will not yet goe vp, they would haue [Page 393] asked him againe, when he would go, & would haue stayed for him, and of likelyhood would not haue departed without him; All which reasons, and considerations Thomas Morton passeth ouer and dissembleth, & is full glad that he hath a hole to slipp out any way. And yet to shew one point of manhood in this his flight, he taketh vpon him to answere one of these six T. M. his manhood in his flight. arguments alleadged against him, which is the fourth cōcerning the ancient Fathers that laboured to seeke out [...] reserued meaning, and you shall see how full satisfaction he giueth according to the tytle of his booke: VVhat shall we then say (saith he) to the other expositions Pag. 80. (of Fathers) obiected? Only this; that whatsoeuer exposition they vnderstand, they did thinke that the same was as 1 well vnderstood of the Apostles as of themselues. Heere be two pointes insinuated, if you consider them attentyuely, the first, that the ancient Fathers did suppose, that whatsoeuer Christs meaning was in these wordes to his brethren (whom Mortö calleth heere the Apostles) they did (the said kinsmen of our Sauiour) vnderstand the same aswell then, to wit before the ghospell was written, and before the holy ghost was giuen, as the said Christian Fathers and learned Doctors did afterward by the learning, and light they had from the spirit and tradition of the Church: which proposition if he were put to proue in the presence of learned men, I doubt not but that he would quickly be in a poore and pittifull plight.
68. The second thing which by this his answere he 2 would haue vs vnderstand is, that if these brethren or kinsmen of Christ, did any way conceaue our Sauiours meaning, then was there no reseruation at all, for that as he saith, our ioyned reseruation is alwayes supposed to Pag. [...] be a clause concealed, and not vnderstood. But this is a greater foolery then the first, for that there may be a reseruation in the speakers mynd, though vnderstood to [Page 394] some of the heares. As for example in our proposition being demaunded, whether I be a priest, and I say no, reseruing to my selfe, as often before hath byn declared, that I am no such, or such priest, as I ought to vtter A reserued proposition may be vnderstood by the [...] rers and [...]. the same to you, though some of the examiners should ghesse at my reseruation, or know the same certaynly, for that otherwise they know I am a priest, this doth not make that this proposition in it selfe, & in my meaning is not a reserued or equiuocall proposition, for that they vnderstand it. And yet as though the poore man had played his prize well, he concludeth [...]