- The 4. Treasuries on the Receipt side at Westminster.
- The two Remembrancers of the Exchequer.
WITH A briefe introductive Index of the RECORDS of the CHANCERY and TOVVER. Whereby to give the better direction to the Records abovesaid.
AS ALSO, A most exact Calender of all those Records of the TOVVER: In which, are contained and comprised whatsoever may give satisfaction to the Searcher, for Tenure or Tytle of any thing.
LONDON. Printed by B. ALSOP and T. FAVVCET, for B. FISHER, dwelling at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate▪ street. 1631.
Ante leves ergo, &c.
Our Author payeth this, In part of a more summe due.
To the Reader.
IT may be objected unto me, that the collation of these things, is not all made up and digested into this fabrique of mine owne materials and structure, and I do ingeniously confesse it: Seeing the foure Treasuries were collected by M. Agard, his private notes, a man very industrious and painefull in that kinde; and one, who had continuall recourse unto the most, and custody of many of the rest of the same: And the latter Callender of the Records of the Tower, came to my hands from an Author unknown, even as the printer was drawing the last sheete of the precedent worke from the presse, I was content to give it wharsage, and to let it be laid on shore with the rest, but very unwillingly; because, I had no convenieut roome left where to dispose it, without blaming of my Methode, in that it was not said in his proper place, with the rest that is under the Title of the Tower, in the first Station: whereof I hope an equall censure, ever resting.
Sub rostro Cyconiè.
THE Chancerie Records are: First, Patents contayning all the KINGS Grants past vnder the Great Seale since Primo of RICHARD the third, of what kind soeuer.
On the back-side hereof are:
1. All Commissions of Goale Deliuerie; And Oyer and Terminer; and of the Peace; and to enquire post Mortem for Iudges, Iustices, and Eschetors respectiuely, with all especiall Commissions past vnder the Great Seale.
2. The second close Rolles, contayning such Indentures, Recognizances and Deeds, as are acknowledged in this Court betweene any parties Subjects, with some treaties of estate. All things past vnder the Great Seale, which are in the Lord Treasurers guift, Confirmations of Graunts from the King, Acts of Parliament, and Creation of Nobilitie, with the judiciall proceedings of this Court.
3. The third Bundles, contayning the [Page 3] proceeding in this Court before Iudgment, Their Writs of Audita querela, Exgraui querelas, Seire facias.
Statutes staple, their Extents and Liberates, Supersedeas for the Peace, and good Behauiour.
Certificates for the Writ De Excommunicato capiendo. Bayles vpon speciall Pardons, Sheriffes Warrants of Attourney, and their Sureties, Patents surrendred, Deeds cancelled, some Acts of Parliament.
Certiorare Bills, Writs to take knowledge of any Deed, Recognizance, warrants of Attourney, vpon any Writs of Entry, Writs to chuse Coroners and Viridiaries: Eschetors, Inquisitions, Priuy Seales, and Bils signed to warrant the Lord Keeper to passe any thing vnder the Great Seale, with diuers Inquisitions taken vpon suruey of diuers Religious houses.
l. | c. | d. | |
For sight of the Kalender.— | 0 | —1 | —0 |
For sight of the Record. | —0 | —0 | —4 |
For euery sheet of the Copy.— | 0 | —0 | — [...] |
For the hand to it.— | 0 | —2 | —0 |
THe Tower followes by due course, being the Repositorie of the Chappell of the Rolls of the Chancerie, to receiue their older Records, which are more ancient then primo of Richard the third. All which, the Master of the Rolles heretofore hath sent ouer to the Tower. And keepes in the Chappell, onely those that are of more Recencie.
So it plainely appeareth; that the Tower hath the like Records, as the [Page 6] Chancerie Chappell.
Here is one Kalender called the Booke of Names, made by way of Alphabet, containing the Names of all men whose Offices or Inquisitions, taken after their deaths, are there to to be found. In which you may see what Lands any such dyed seised of, with the tenure of the same; and in many of them finde, the last Wills and Testaments of such persons, recyted in the same, here, as in the Chappell of the Rolles, which Wils sometimes are not to be found elsewhere.
Item, here are diuers Kalenders of Eschetors bundles (viz.) one of the time of Henry the third.
Another of Edward the first.
Another of Edward the second.
Another of Edward the third.
Another of Richard the second.
Another of Henry the fourth, and Henry the fifth.
[Page 7] And another of Edward the fourth
Item, here is one booke called the booke of Heyres, of Henry the thirds time, containing the names of such persons, as had Offices found at that time, declaring who were their Heyres, and their age; and sometimes mentioning their Wiues, with the Countyes wherein they had any Lands.
Item, the like seuerall bookes are seuerally and respectiuely here made vp, of the times of Edward the first, Edward the second, Edward the third, Richard the second, Henry the fourth, and Henry the fifth.
Item, heere is one little Kalender by way of Alphabet, containing such Mannors and Lands, as are found in any the aforesaid Offices or Inquisitions, in the County of Essex, but not perfect.
Item, the like booke of the County of Lincolne. And the like of the County [Page 8] of Bedford. The like of Berkes. The like of Buckingham. And one great booke, the like, for the Counties of Sommerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornewall. But not by way of Alphabet.
Item, heere is a Kalender and Collection out of the old Rolles, called Charta antiquam, without date.
Item, a like Kalender of the Rolles of King Iohn: a like of Henry the third, from the first till the eleuenth of his Raigne: a Kalender and Collection of all Graunts of Inheritance, granted by any of our Kings before Richard the third, and so ancient as there are any Records here; and this with the like, was transmitted hither out of the Chancerie.
Item, here be certaine Rolles of Edward the first, for his whole raigne.
Item, two bookes or Kalenders of Free Warrens, Markets, Fayres, Leets, and other Liberties; gathered out of [Page 9] the Charter Roll, of the time of Edward the first, and during his whole Raigne.
Item, an old Kalender of Charters of Corporations, and other Liberties granted of Cities, Boroughes, Abbyes, Colledges, and Cathedrall Churches, during the whole Raigne of Edward the first.
Item, a Kalender or Collection of the Parliament Rolles of Attayndors, Restitutions, Resumptions: from the twenty ninth of Henry the third, till the end of his raigne.
Ietm, certaine paper Rolles for confirmations of Charters, and Liberties of Colledges, Corporations, and religious Houses. And for Licences of Lands to be giuen in Mortmaine, from the first of Edward the first, till the last of Edward the fourth, done by way of Alphabet.
Item, one booke of Confirmations of Charters, of Liberties of Colledges, [Page 10] Corporation, and religious Houses; and for Licenses of Lands to bee giuen in Mortmaine (as aforesaid;) collected out of the Patent and close Rolles of all the time of Edward the second: except two or three of the last yeares.
Item, certaine small bundles of loose Papers of like nature, by way of Alphabet, of sundry Kings times, confusedly layd together
Item, a collection of the Patent Rolles, gathered of all Presentations, made by the King to any Church Prebendarie, or Chappell; as well, in the right of the Crowne, as in the right of any other, (the same beeing for that time in the hands of the King) from primo of Edward the first, till the midst of the raigne of Edward the third.
Here be two bookes, the one, of the Taxation of all the Spirituall Liuings in England: The other of the Temporalties.
[Page 11] Item, the ancient Perambulations of the Forrests.
Some Parliament businesses &c.
Some Forreigne businesses (as Treaties) &c.
The Fees heere.
The Fees heere are the like in all things as in Chancerie: Saue onely that the Search of any thing heere is tenne Shillings.
THe chiefe Records of the Exchequer, are in the custody of the Lord Treasurer; and the two Chamberlaines there. And of the two Remembrancers, viz. The Kings Remembrancer, and the Lord Treasurers Remembrancer.
The Records in the Kings Treasuries at Westminster, being foure, of which the Lord Treasurer and the Chamberlaines [Page 13] haue the custody, may be deuided thus,
- 1. Forreigne, as Leagues, or Treaties, betweene Prince and Prince, or States of sundry Nations.
- 2.
Domesticall, and they are of foure sorts. Viz.
- 1. Such as concerne matters of Estate, and the Crowne onely.
- 2. Pleading betwixt the King and Subiect for preseruing of the Kings Prerogatiue.
- 3. Pleadings betweene Subject and Subject.
- 4. Accompts of the King; and concerning some of his Lands, and some of the Subiects also.
[Page 14] All which Records and Monuments, are layd vp for their better preseruation, in foure seuerall Treasuries: except some few, kept in priuate Officers hands, whereof mention shall bee hereafter made; vnder three seuerall Keyes, kept by three sundty Officers, distinct the one key from the other. And vpon each doore three lockes, all which foure Treasuries, and their places, with their Records in them contained, I shall hereafter set forth and declare.
- 1. The first, in the Court of Receipt.
- 2. The second, in the New Pallace of Westminster.
- 3. The third, in the late dissolued Abbey of Westminster, in the old Chapiter House.
- 4. The fourth, in the Cloyster of the sayd Abbey:
And so much for their places.
For your better direction, I shall deliuer, what Records are to bee found in euery of these Treasuries, respectiuely.
But by the way, and before I begin [Page 16] to shew what Records are in euery Treasury, it is fit I should shew you, what particular Records, vse to remaine in the hands of priuate Officers, on the Receipt side.
The first, with the Remembrancer of the Receipt; which is now the Office of Sir ROBERT PYE, who hath the keeping of all Privy Seales. And Inrollment of Patents, and Warrants, for the Issuing of Treasure. And the accompts thereof from the Tellers, whereof, hee hath a great number in Bags and Presses, in an Office close by the Court of Receipt. And in another Office which he hath below, neare his house.
The next, is the Clarke of the Pelles; now, Sir EDVVARD WARDORS Office, who keepeth the two Pelles, called Redditus, and Intreitus, of both sorts; whereof hee hath a particular Office, in a roome neare to the Court [Page 17] of Receipt, which records are from EDVVARD the first, till this present.
And now to the foure Treasuries.
The first is; the Treasurie of the Court of Receipt. In which are,
Two of the ancientest Bookes of Records in this Kingdome: made in WILLIAM the Conquerours time, called Doomes-day.
The one Booke in Quarto, containing the Description or Suruey of Essex, Norfolke, and Suffolke.
The other in Folio, being the like, for all the Shires in England, from Cornwall, to the Riuer of Tyne.
Here is a Booke, called the blacke Booke, made in HENRY the seconds time, De necessarijs Scarij observandis: And in the same, are the Oathes and Admittances of Officers inrolled, and [Page 18] other Notes of some consequence.
Item, heere is a Patent Roll of EDVVARD the seconds time.
Item, a booke in Parchment of the Perambulation of all the Kings Forrests beyond Trent. And the Iustice-Seate held in them, by the Deputyes of the Lord Cromweil: Iustice there made in the time of HENRY the eight.
Item, a Bag of canvasse of speciall Records, abbreuiated into a sheet of Paper being in the Bag:
Item, the ancient Keyes of the Treasurie of the Leagues, in the Cloyster of Westminster Abbey in a Chest.
Item, sundry Bags of Foyles of Sheriffes, and Bayliffes tallyes, which by default of Order in the Pype Office, were neuer joyned
Item, sundry Books of Remembrances, and Abbreuiations of Records.
Item, the Seale of the Court of Receipt in siluer, very ancient, with the [Page 19] Kings face in it, and these words following about it, Sigillum Officij Receipt. Success. Regis Anglia.
There is a little Roome adjoyning to the same Courts, wherein are three Chests, In which are Records placed, viz.
THe first Chest next to the Doore, containeth Pleadings of Quo Warranto coram Iusticiarijs itinerantibus, and Placita Corona, and Placita de Iur. & Ass. in and through the most part of the Shires of England, in King EDVVARD the firsts time. Onely some two shires put into a Bag, and some one shire, for the more easie finding and Preseruation thereof.
The next Chest beyond that, hath three Divisions in it.
THe first diuision being on the right hand, hath in it a very faire Booke in Parchment in Folio, containing an abbreuiation of the two former spoken Bookes of Doomes day verbatim, with that Booke in the Exchequer, called Doomes-day, in the custody of the Kings Remembrancer there.
Item, another large booke in Parchment, contayning the Inrollment of Popes Bulles, Deeds of Lands, conueyed to the Prince by sundry Persons; Some Leagues with Princes, especially of Wales, &c. The Inrollment of the Statutes of Winchester, and Glocester, &c.
Two great Bags of Suruey of sundry discouered Abbeyes by Cardinall Woolsey, and such like.
[Page 21] Item, a Bag of sundry Charters, granted to diuers for Lands and Liberties in England; the contents thereof may be found in a blacke booke in Parchment abbreuiated and intituled, Chart. tangen. diuersas Libertat. de diversis Monasterijs, & alijs.
Item, a great bag of Rolles of Assizes, in Henry the third, Edward the first, Edward the third, and Henry the fourth times, all abbreuiated into Bookes, very ready to bee found by the number Roll.
Item, a booke of the Treasurer and Chamberlaines Deputies, deliuerances of Records, and Iewels, and Receipt of Leagues, and deliuery of them out, from Edward the thirds time, vntill Henry the eighths time; In which, are many good Notes worthy of obseruation.
Item, an old Catalogue of Leagues, betwixt Prince and Prince, and Popes, [Page 22] intituled, Kalendarium seu Repertorium.
Item, a Basket wherein are contained 8. Bulles of Popes of Ratification, of the liberties of England, granted to the Kings, Clergie, and Nobility of England.
Item, a Roll of Lands giuen in Mortmaine, in London, ab Anno 5. EDVVARD 1. vs (que) annum 30. of the same King: Pro Camerar. & al. Elemosinam sustentand.
Item, some Chamberlaines counterpels of the times of Philip and Mary, and of Queene ELIZABETHS raigne.
Item, a bag of bookes intituled, bookes of Suruey and other, de quibus quaere. In which bag especially, is a large booke intituled, Extent. Manerij de Bradford.
The middle division, hath onely Placita Forrest, which are diuided into three bags, one bag containeth small bags, wherein are mentioned the particular [Page 23] Shires or Forrests: and on the outside are mentioned the shires.
The like is in another bag.
The third bag, contayneth Records of Forrests in diuers shires.
There is also a fourth bag, wherein are contained. Inquisitions in sundry Forrests, but in them you shall find nothing in effect for Euidence; because they mention specially, De malefactoribus de venac. & de virid.
In the bag of diuers Countyes, is a bag of such Parliament Rolles, as were found in the foure Treasuries, and gathered and collected together, which are abbreuiated into a booke, and they bee very worthy Records, and some of them touch matter of Forrests.
Item, the innovate Roll is there.
The third Division containeth,
- Placita de quo Warranto Edward. 2.—
- London, in a Bag.
- Iersey & Garn sey, in a bag.
- Kent, in a gr [...]at Roll.
- Placita de quo Warranto, in EDVVARD the thirds time,
- in Northampton, & Bedford in one bag, and therein are Inquisitions about the Fennes. Nottingham and Darby in another bag.
The third Chest containeth,
Accompts and Court Rolls
- Southwales
- Northwales
- Chester.
In seueral bags, in Edward (the 1. Edw. 2. and Edw. 3.
[Page 25] In two other great bags of Accounts, Court Rolles, and such like of the Kings, and sundry other mens Lands in England, abbreuiated into a booke, &c.
Item, a bag of very ancient Records of accompts of sundry Mannors, intituled Par. eos.
In a bag of Accompts of the Lands called Warwicke-Lands, and of the Earle and Countesse of Devonshires Lands, wherein is an Accompt of EDVVARD Duke of Buckinghams Lands, and a booke of Suruey of the sayd Dukes Lands, made in Anno 13. of Henry the eight.
In a bag contayning Auditors Accompts, in Henry the seuenths, and Henry the eights times, De terris perquisitis.
Item, Accompts of the Staple of Callice.
Item, Windsor, Berkhamsteed, and [Page 26] Hampton-Court Accompts.
- Hanaperij facult. Iocalium.
- Weston juxta Baldock.
Bags hanging on the Walles in the same Treasurie.
NExt the doore on the left hand, is a bag intituled, Bagamanorum. In which are Inquisitions made in diuers Shires through the hundreds, touching Liberties, &c. Withdrawne and withholden from the King, in EDVVARD the firsts time, &c. Quere quid plus.
Item, a bag of like Inquisitions, in Com. Salop. in Edward the firsts time.
Item, the like in Com. Wiltes. & Com. Devon.
Item, a bag of Tenures which are but few, Quere quid plus. And therein a Roll of Com. Lincoln. Anno 3, of Edward the third, of Scutage. Also a Copie of [Page 27] the booke called Kirbyes Questions, in Yorkeshire, in EDVVARD the firsts time. And Nomina villarum, in EDVVARD the seconds time.
Item, ouer the third Chest, hang these bags following, viz. A bag of old Euidence and Court Rolles of Wykes Abbey, dissolued by Cardinall Woolsey, and a Priory called Montioy.
Item, a bag of Indentures, made betweene the Iudges, and the Officers of the Treasurie, for the receiuing of Records out of their Courts into the Treasurie, of sundry natures.
Item, a bag of matters concerning the Mint, and aduancing or abasing of the Coynes.
Item, a bag of Records which are abbreuiated, remayning in a Chest of the same Court.
In the second Treasurie, which is in the Pallace of Westminster locked with three lockes, and contayning one Roome or Chamber, there are these Records placed in Presses of Wainscot, viz. In a Presse on the right hand, in the middle.
A Blacke bag intituled, Concerning the Insurrection of Yorkeshire, being within a bag intituled Treasons.
Another blacke bag, wherein is the Insurrection of Lincolneshire, within the said bag intituled, Treasons.
A bag of the Duke of Richmonds matters in the North.
Receiuors Estates, and accounts of theyr Offices.
[Page 29] Diuers bookes and workes of Byshop FISHERS, and others; which are specifyed in a booke made and collected in Anno 1610. This Presse is noted on the outside, with this marke, A.
On the left hand, two Presses of Counterpells of sundry Kings times.
In the second third and fifth Presses, on the right hand, are Deliberationes Gaoles, in sundry Countyes.
Item, the vpper part of one of the Presses, contayneth diuers Popes Bulls, &c.
In the third Presse on the left hand, are contained sundry Deeds of Sale, Guift, Purchase, and Exchange of Land, made to sundry Princes in former times, beginning at EDVVARD the firsts time, put into seuerall boxes.
In the foremost Presse on the right hand, are some accompts of the French Territoryes, and Accompts of the chiefe Butlers Office of England. Books [Page 30] of Accompts of Fortification, and the Staple of Callice, and Suruayors of works, &c
On the left hand, in the Corner of the same Presse, are stampes of Coynes of Edward the thirds time.
In the foremost Presse on the left hand, are bookes of Musters, made in HENRY the eights time.
In the foremost Presse on the furtherside, is a presse full of Letters and Cyphers of Embassadours, written at the time of theyr Negotiation, tempore of Henry the eyght, &c.
Item, two small Cupboords or Coffers in the Wall, contayning some few Rentalls bookes, and matters touching mens Lands & Lordships, the Contents whereof, are abbreuiated into a booke, &c.
A boxe intituled, Instruments touching King Henry the eights marriage, & aliquid tangens divortium.
[Page 31] Bookes of the Order of Saint George and Saint Michael.
A box contayning Cardinall Woolseyes pensions giuen him by the Pope; the French King, and others.
The Deeds of Surrendor, of sundry small Abbeyes and Pryories, dissolued at the Suite of Cardinall Woolsey.
Item, in a box contayning a booke of the enormities of Cardinall Woolsey, and his surrendor of Yorke-house, and Saint Albans, with other Lands.
Bookes and matters touching the suppressing of the Popes Supremacy, contayned in a box intituled, Iurament. praestita quod Roma: Episcopus non habet majorem authoritatem, in Regno Angliae quam alius externus Episcopus.
A Deed or Letter to the Pope in Henry the eights time, with the hands and Seales of all the Byshops, Noblemen, Abbots, and Pryors of Parliament, to the same Pope, shewing that they [Page 32] ought to prouide for the Succession of the Crowne, &c.
Item, a box of Indentures of the Lord Treasurers of England, and elsewhere, &c.
Item, the Couenants made with the Commoners, for the Tinne workes of Devon and Cornewall, Anno 14. of Henry the eight.
Item, two presses in the middle, contayning Placita de Iure & Ass. &c. in the most Shires of England, in the time of Edward the first.
Item, in two presses in the middle, are Placita de jur. & Ass. in the most Shires, of the Raigne of Edward the second, and Edward the third, and Richard the second.
Item, the measures of Elne and Yard, in brasse.
There lacke the waights of Troy; which in former times were accustomed to be kept in the Treasurie.
[Page 33] Item, certaine Cofers, wherein are old Euidence, touching HVGH De SPENCERS Lands, and also of the Abbey of Lewis in Sussex, and of other Lands, &c.
3. In the third Treasurie, being in the old Chapiter house of the Abbey of Westminster, vnder a doore with three lockes are contayned these Records, put very faire into Chests with lockes, and written vpon with Parchments, as followeth.
FIrst, turning vpon the left hand in the vpper ranke of Chests, are contayned in Chests, noted with Letters, in manner following.
Item, in the first Chest are contayned, [Page 34] Pedes Finium, & placita temporibus of Richard the first, and King IOHN.
In the second Chest are contayned, Pedes finium placita de ban [...], placita coram Domino Rege Henrici 3. & coram Iusticiarijs itiiner antibus: in order as followeth.
A note of the Pedes Finium, &c. as aboue of Henry the thirds time, put in order in the Vacation after Midsommer Terme, Anno, 1602. and for theyr better preseruation, placed into sundry little bags; And those put into three great bags, noted with A, B, C. Euery of those great new bags, contayning the Counties according as hereunder is mentioned, and also vpon a Labell fastoned is expressed, &c.
BERKES, Containeth these particulars following.
- ALdermerston, 6.
- Abendon Abbas 31.
- Barcot, 18.
- Bergham, 32.
- Blebury, 32.
- Bradfield, 14.
- Busclesham, 39.
- Cokeham, 29.
- Hackburne, 6.
- Hackthorne, 27.
- Newbery, 36.
- Shemingfield, 17.
- Soningzull, 22. & 34.
- Spenhanilond, 36.
- Swalwefield, 17.
- [Page 36]Tiglehurst, 22.
- Thole, 6.
- West-hackborne, 32.
- Windsor vetus & nova, 22. & 34.
- BEdford pons ibid. 2
- Berkford, 15.
- Chelmington, 12.
- Dunton, 16.
- Dunstaple, 36.
- Eddeworth, 29.
- Eaton, 13. & 41.
- Farley, 15.
- Hostona, 38.
- Potton, 32. Stanewig Libertas.
- Peterborough, 1.
- Stretton, 22.
- BErnewood, 35.
- Brehall, 35.
- Bolstred, 38.
- Buckingham, 36.
- Crauley, 33.
- Chesham & Bois, 14.
- Chilton, 20.
- Chaf-hunt, 38.
- Dachet, 6.
- Dodereshull, 16.
- Dorton, 20.
- Ditton iuxta Langley 31.
- [Page 37]Edlesburgh, 29.
- Fulmer, 6.
- Flitemershton, 28.
- Foresta Reg. ibid. 30.
- Haeredes Giffard de Bromesfield, 32.
- Hildeston, 36.
- Masseworth, 4.
- Merston, 34.
- Stokepogeis, 27.
- Swaneburne, 19.
- Vpton iuxta Dunnington, 33.
- Wendon, 18.
- ABingdon, 25. & 16.
- Balsam, 7.
- Barington, 16.
- Bernewell, 9.
- Cantabrig. Vill. 1. 19. 38. 7. 37. 2. 36. & 37.
- Vniversitas, 23. 30. 7.
- Chateris, 34.
- Cesterton, 13.
- Crowedon, 16.
- Cotenham, 34.
- Childring in Wimpole, 16.
- Deitford, 8.
- Dirington, 16.
- Dukesworth, 16.
- Dodington, 12.
- Eversdon, 16.
- Ely Libertas. 12.
- Geldon, 16.
- Hokinton, 37.
- [Page 38]Lynton parua, 26.
- Malketon, 16.
- Moredon in Abindon, 16.
- Mershland, 6.
- Oxcroft, 7.
- Orwell. 16.
- Pampesworth, 16.
- Yxning, 29.
- BVr [...]on iuxta Aldelym, 30.
- Berterton, 20.
- Goseworth, 29.
- Littleborough, 11.
- Somerford iuxta Merton, 26.
- Stubbs, 29.
- Werburga Sancta, 25.
- Wistanton. 30.
- CAlcarum, 34.
- Calstock cum pluribus alijs villis. 14.
- Diversa alijs maneria, 42.
- Kilkehampton. 32.
- Launceston & Monast. Sancti Michalis, 13.
- Tuardrayth.
- BRigham,
- Bolton cum diversis alijs Villis. 36.
- Culgayth, 27.
- Ingelwood Forresta cum alijs. 32.
- Ionby, 16.
- Pro putura in Ingelwood, 38.
- Dalston rector, cum alijs Villis eidem pertinen. 34.
- Kirkeleuington. 2.
- Torpennor cum 6. alijs,
- Torpenhow cum alijs Villis, 2.
- Vllesby, 15.
- DArby Villa, 19, & 42.
- Eginton, 31.
- Manstane Field in Pec [...]. 30.
- Northbury, 6, & 20.
- Rosenton, 6, & 20.
- Snelston, 6, & 20.
- Steynesby, 38.
- AXminstre. 9.
- Exon. Ciuit. 2.
- Bickebury, 4.
- Byshopsmorchard cū Hamlet. 26.
- Blachesworth, 12.
- Cherystaunton.
- Crydy.
- Donshedyocks, 16.
- Donlychford, 16.
- Fenne, 26.
- Halberton. 13.
- Hassoks.
- Honesham iuxta Baunton, 11.
- Knighton, 26.
- Kymeworthy, 36.
- Lodderton iuxta Plumpton, 12.
- Poytovin. 19.
- Sutton Vantort. 4.
- West-Hereford, 12.
- Westho. 15.
- Totnesse, 34.
- BOnnileston, 13.
- Bromley. 41.
- [Page 41] Boncareweston, 27.
- Brideport, 3.
- Drayton, 41.
- Esh, 41.
- Farneham, 36, & 15.
- Fremmouth, 15.
- Frome, 13.
- Gotemerston, 33. & 15.
- Gonkeresweston, 7.
- Holnest, 34.
- Kington magna 12.
- Kingeston Mawreward, 29.
- Kentlesworth, 17.
- Melecumbe, 3.
- Malburnum 13, &
- Micheleston 20.
- Pole, 18.
- Stintesford, 13.
- Thorneford, 12.
- Winterburnum Sancti Martini.
- Wolneton iuxta Dorcester, 14.
- Wotton Episcopi, 34.
- Warham, 15.
- AMpleford, 12.
- Arnal, 12.
- Arkesey, 14.
- Athewick, 14.
- Arneclif, 16.
- Askwith, 14.
- Atteleconton, 16.
- [Page 42]Bakenham, 9.
- Bayldon, 16.
- Barneby iuxta Lyth, iuxta Mykelby, 21
- Baynbrigg, 35.
- Beseford, 13.
- Bentlay, 14.
- Beuerlay, 20. 24. 9.
- Bentley in Alerton, 24.
- Bernodeswyck 7.
- Blackburneshire 7.
- Birland, 19.
- Birchworth, 42.
- Birstall, 15.
- Bradeford, 29.
- Brakenham, 1.
- Brakenhill in Altosts, 24.
- Brakenholme, 12.
- Brandesburton, 20.
- Brondbrustwyk, 20
- Brompton, 27, 7.
- Bonewyks, 15.
- Brompton, 7.
- Burgh & subtus Staynsmore, 10. 10.
- Burlaghe, 24.
- Bugthorpe, 14,
- Bulmershire, 32,
- Buskeby, 42.
- Bishops Thornton, 14. 20. 17.
- Burton in Lonesdale, 42.
- Catfosse, 43.
- Carlton in Bolum, 33.
- Carleton, 8.
- Camesmore, 7.
- Cateby, 1.
- Calneton in Rydall, 21.
- Clayton, 42.
- Colthrop, 3. 15.
- Cokswaynthorp, 19.
- Colynton, 31.
- Crigeston, 42.
- Cumberworth 42.
- Cundale, 13.
- Drax, 42.
- Denton, 1.
- Deneby, 42.
- [Page 43] Derton, 42.
- Donecastre, 1.
- Drifield, 15.
- Dwelda pilton, 21. 15.
- Ecton, 13. 11.
- Ebor. 3. 10. 11. 15. 28. 7. 10. 3. 11. 12. 13. 18.
- Ellarkar, 18.
- Egton, 21.
- Escrik, 22.
- Eskelby, 11. 21. 21. 42. 10.
- Estrotingwith, 9.
- Ecclesfield, 12.
- Erges, 19.
- Eston iuxta Stanford, 4.
- Eston iuxta Bridlington, 18.
- Estharlesey, 19.
- Estronton, 21.
- Estoft,
- Esby, 10.
- Eschelby, 8.
- Eueringham, 10.
- Eyryum, 7.
- Farneham, 12.
- Fishlake, 26.
- Flacheworth, 34.
- Fymmer, 21.
- Faxflet, 13.
- Folthrop, 22.
- Foulsutton, 18.
- Galtres pro Forest, ibidem Bulmershire & Ridale, 27. 32. 3.
- Gisbournum iuxta Hoton. 21.
- Goodalehouses, 23.
- Grinlinton, 29.
- Grunston Atkin, 2.
- Gristhorp, 42.
- Grendale, 19.
- Guthurundham, 9.
- Grenehowe, 36.
- Growelthorp, 7.
- Gipton iuxta Ledes, 43.
- Halby, 1.
- Harpham, 8.
- Hachelsey, 16.
- [Page 44] Hayton iuxta Pokelinton, 10.
- Hawkeswyk, 16.
- Hedon, 9.
- Hegh Holland, 42.
- Helmesley, 8.
- Helperby, 3, 9, 11.
- Heddingley, 24.
- Hyth, 14.
- Hyprum, 10.
- Holme-Spalding, 30.
- Honden, 19.
- Honeden, 8, 20.
- Hoton, 10, 11.
- Holghgate, 8.
- Holthrop, 11.
- Holmehurst.
- Hoton iuxta Mulgrene, 21.
- Hurchworth, 7.
- Humarby, 24.
- Iselbeck, 35, 8.
- Ingelby, 8.
- Ketelesmore, 7.
- Kelum, 33.
- Kingeston super Hull, 29. 27. 2. 10.
- Kelburnum, 8, 9, 12.
- Knaresburgh, 8, 9, 12.
- Knaresburgh bis, & pro Foresta, 1. 4.
- Killingwyke, 21.
- Kelkefeld, 21.
- Kirkby super Querf, 1.
- Kirkby Malsart, 7.
- Kirkesandall, 1.
- Langeside, 42.
- Lasenby, 15.
- Langetoft, 19.
- Leset, 36.
- Leuen infra Beuerlak, 24.
- Leonardus Sanctus, 18 34.
- Lesthous in Harewood, 8.
- Lenings, 10.
- Leuening, 10.
- Leuesingham, 18.
- Lindeclay, 42.
- [Page 45] Lyth, 21.
- Lunersall, 1.
- Malteby, 11.
- Marr, 14.
- Masham & Mashamshire, 24.
- Marketon, 14. 17. 20.
- Markleton in Tesdale, 10. 20.
- Munkbretton, 3. 11. 4.
- Midelby, 8.
- Multhorp, 14.
- Mulgrene, 21.
- Natherdale Chacea, 7.
- Newton, 4.
- Newton subtus Osenbergh, 18.
- Nethershittlington, 1.
- Nessingwyk, 21.
- Notholif, 27, 15.
- Northdalton, 7.
- Northcaue, 1.
- Newson, 8. 35.
- Newton, 29.
- Northconton, 15.
- Northoterington, 22.
- Newbald, 27.
- Ottenholme, 23.
- Otrington, 31.
- Oschilby, 8.
- Osgodby, 34.
- Patrington, 19.
- Panuls. iuxta Gisbournum, 14.
- Peniston, 42.
- Preston, 12. 13.
- Pykale, 10.
- Pykeringlith, 7. & Forresta 6. 27.
- Perlington, 23.
- Plumpton, 30.
- Poternewton, 12.
- Quenby, 22.
- [Page 46] Qinke, 2.
- Rauenthorp, 11.
- Rastrik, 34.
- Ripon libertas, 1. 9. 11. 20.
- Richmund, 9. 10. 15. 42.
- Retheresford, 15.
- Rikevild, 35.
- Roderham, 11.
- Roughfarlington, 30.
- Rotsey, 23.
- Sandale, 14.
- Salden, 7. 27.
- Sancta Maria Ebor. 7. 18. 22.
- Sandefend, 21.
- Scatheby, 10.
- Sadlesworth Frythes 42.
- Semer, 9. & infra Forestam de Pickerings.
- Scardeburgh, 10.
- Seterington, 1. 18.
- Sigelthorne, 2.
- Scorby, 11.
- Shepen, 15.
- Shefeld, 12.
- Snaynton, 7. 27.
- Sneth, 21.
- Selton, 21.
- Skelmersthorp, 42.
- Slitebourum. 29.
- Staynton, 9.
- Staynwegs, 9.
- Stayfordbrigg, 11.
- Smethton, 29.
- Smethbu parua, 19.
- Stanerbot, 19.
- Staynbourum, 42.
- Spaldington, 1.
- Stodeley, 4.
- Stokesley, 1.
- Stepelbumsted, 21.
- Stretton, 15.
- Stane, 2.
- Suthcaue, 13.
- Stubbs Walding, 9.
- Suthmundham, 7. 9,
- Suthclif, 2.
- Suthdighton iuxta Wetherby, 11.
- [Page 47] Suthcotes, 12.
- Swindon, 14.
- Suthcotes iuxta Masham, 26.
- Sutton, 12.
- Sutron super Derwent, 22. 23.
- Sutton subtus Whitstonclif, 2.
- Thoruldthorp, 34.
- Thorneston. 35.
- Threske, 35.
- Thorpe, 35.
- Thekston, 43.
- Thurleston, 42. 19.
- Thurkelby iuxta.
- Threske, 2.
- Thorum, 21.
- Tunstall, 12.
- Tybthorp, 8. 42.
- Vf. 1. 4. bis.
- Vpsale, 8.
- Vckerby, [...]0.
- Walgham, 16.
- Waddeworth, 8.
- Warnebey,
- Warlaghby, 2.
- Wameley, 17.
- Wapham in Holdernes, 12, 31.
- Wilby, 9.
- Wintworth, 14.
- Whitley, 4. 3.
- Westaskham, Achard, 7.
- Wystowe 10.
- Westhaclesey, 16.
- Whermedale, 1.
- Whitley magna, 21.
- Wirkesburgh, 22.
- Wramely.
- Yor. 1. 4. bis 35. 38.
- Prisa vinor. 21. 2.
- [Page 48]Aque de Derwent cum gurgitibus.
- Teys, 7.
- BAdew, 4.
- Barking cum Hamlettis de Ilford, & Chaldewell, 19.
- Barlinks, [...]0.
- Berdefeld, 1, & 21. Parua, 34. 35.
- Bodenested, 17.
- Borham vel Gerham, 33.
- Brandon, 21.
- Chisshull magna & parua, 34, 35.
- Clakton magna, 19. 31, 32.
- Colcester, 30. & 34.
- Colne, 36. & 4. &
- Quincy, 28. 39.
- Dunmow, 13.
- Depeden, 36.
- East Ham, & Westham, 33.
- Fordham, 34.
- Grynsted, 35.
- Heyden, 21. 34. 35. q. & 11.
- Hauering at Boure, 6.
- Herlaw, 34.
- Holland, 33.
- Lachindon magna, 33.
- Lenfare parua, 31.
- Latton, 28.
- [Page 49] Ley magna, 4.
- Maldon, 3.
- [...] [...] atte. Walle. 23.
- Mashebury 35.
- Mulsham, 21.
- Nafing, 26.
- Saunford magna parte, 34, & 35.
- Sturmere, 34, 4.
- Stebbing, 1.
- Steplebumsted, 41.
- Stamweyne magna & parua. 35.
- Stutyshobery, 14.
- Takele, 34. 16.
- Toppesfeld, 35. & 4.
- Trayarf. in Villa de Burnham, 14.
- Walkefare, 33.
- Waltham parua, 33.
- Wokyndon, 34.
- Westhanningfeld 17.
- ALdebury, 22.
- Bournehale, 14.
- Cadinton, 32.
- Dinesley Furniuall, 27.
- Essewell, 28. 1 [...]. 27.
- Godmenstre, 6.
- Heuxteworth, 19.
- Hiche, 27.
- [Page 50] Hertford, 26.
- Kniueton, 3. 32.
- Lackole, 37.
- Madecroft, 43.
- Munden magna, 13.
- Munketon, 27. 28.
- Ofley, 27.
- Parks, 27.
- Sandon, 16.
- Stansted, 6.
- Theale, 4.
- Wanlington 19.
- Wadlington, 27. 28.
- Whethamsted, 4.
- BAggings iuxta Ramesey, 15.
- Berkford, 15.
- Foresta ibidem, 30.
- Ramesey, 33.
- Spaldewyk, 35.
- Stiuecle.
- AVenebry, 19.
- Bolinghull, 20.
- Dorsinton, 1.
- Durraunt Castle, 2.
- Erdeslay, 20.
- Harscombe, 19.
- Generewe, 36.
Langharum Gower in Wallia, 39. Peneden Logh harum Swenesey, Oystermuth - Lenhales, 12.
- ARtache, 19. 37. provtlagar. ren [...]c. 11.
- Esker, 17.
- Baronesbach, 32.
- Killen, 33.
- Galafreston, 24.
- Killussy, 33.
- Kilboys & Legh Insuyk, 15.
- Naas in Kildare, 32.
- Oggary, 19.
- Tylagh, 10.
- Trym, 23.
- [Page 52]Wodestock, 6.
- Cnokgraffam.
- Iersey & 22. 34.
- Gernesey, 35. 18.
- ALre iuxta Somerton, 17.
- Asshelworth, 26.
- Auenebery, 19.
- Bedeminster. 27.
- Bristoll, 27. 37. 41. 39.
- Bromesfeld terr. & [...]. Iohannis Giffard, 19.
- Dymok, 2.
- Dodinton, 9.
- Fidington iuxta Tewsbur.
- Harescumbe, 15.
- Kingston in Slymbrigge. 17.
- Langebergh, 20.
- Oxenden, 22. 12.
- Sifton, 6.
- Stockerswell, 28.
- Shemindon, 28.
- Tetbury, 21.
- Tewkesbury, 22.
- Yron Acton, 17.
- AYlinton, 27.
- Aylesford, 27.
- Ashtisford, 32.
- Barmeling, 27.
- Beninden, 1. pro Ganelkind.
- Blakebrok, 42.
- Bocton 40.
- Malerbe 40.
Boxley Bordeni 38. Bradgare 27. - Brabournum, 1.
- Brenchesle, 21.
- Bregg, 1.
- Bromley, 42.
- Burgham, 8.
- Cantuaria, 8, 33.
- Chaffordbrigg, 33.
- Clyue iuxta Roff, 33.
- Chertham, 32.
- Chedingston, 8.
- Coleswood in Thanet, 38.
- Danington, 37.
- Ditton, 27.
- Dengemersh, 15.
- Donam Prior. 36.
- Dertford, 29. 38.
- Dodington, 1.
- Eshe bis, 1. 33.
- Estrey bis. 1.
- East Peckham, 1.
- Elmelow, 27.
- Estchurch in Insula de Shepey, 27.
- Estmalting, 27.
- Elmested, 32.
- Farestrey, 38.
- [Page 54] Flete iuxta Sandwich, 24.
- Falkestan, 33. pro Gauelkind.
- Gillingham, 32.
- Gomersh, 8.
- Godewyneston, 1.
- Halsted, 32.
- Heahesden, 17.
- Hethfeld, 8.
- Henere, 8.
- Hedetroum pons. 6.
- Hothfield, 25.
- Horton, 22.
- Iwade, 27.
- Keninton, 32.
- Kersoum. 17.
- Kingston iuxta Bergh 8.
- Kingston iuxta Donington, 37.
- Leysden, 27.
- Leasnes, 27.
Ibidem, 36. Neythwood, - Lyndested, 1.
- Lynerton, 42.
- Maydston, 6. 27.
- Minster. in Thanet, 38.
- Monketon, 8.
- Milsted, 27.
- Northerey, 38.
- Ofham, 32. 27.
- Ospring, 8. 19.
- Preston iuxta Wengham, 32.
- Plumsted, 8.
- Roff. 22.
- Sandhurst, 31.
- Sandwich, 34.
- Scallesfeld, 1.
- Sentliger, 19.
- Shoreham, 32.
- Stortmouth, 1.
- [Page 55] Sutton atte. Hone, 22.
- Sutton, 29.
- Suthflete, 37.
- Sydingborum, 27.
- Stone, 29.
- Taunton. 32.
- Tenham, 1.
- Tunstall,
- Tong,
- Vpcherch, 27.
- Wednesbergh, 1. 33.
- Westwell, 8.
- Wilmington, 29.
- Har. Aegidij de 6.
- Badlesmer, 6.
- Barth. 18.
- Libertas Episcopi Ecclesia. 8.
- Monetarij infra Turrim Lond. 32.
- AAdmungill, 20.
- Aghton in Blackburnshire, 8.
- Aulasargh, 7.
- Aumondernesse, 5.
- Aumondners Ballia, 8.
- Barton iuxta Flixston, 8.
- Burnoldeswyk, 4.
- Bedeford, 8.
- Blackburnshire, 4. 8.
- Bold, 7. 7.
- Botill, 8.
- Bowland pre chaceâ ibidem, 29.
- Caterall.
- [Page 56]Cliderhon 12.
- Capella, 12.
- Cheltham, 17.
- Croft. 6.
- Crosby, 6.
- Culcheth, 8.
- Dicton, 7.
- Didesbury, 7.
- Donkesbury, 7.
- Ecleston, 6. 3.
- Ellall, 3.
- Farinton, 7.
- Farlesthorpe, 17.
- Forton, 3.
- Frekilton, 4. 20.
- Furneys, 21.
- Gayrstrang, 3.
- Hapton, 6.
- Hindlebegh, 6.
- Holbech, 13.
- Houghton, 7.
- Holme, 8.
- Heskyn, 6.
- Iues iuxta Wigan, 8.
- Kelgrimesargh, 6.
- Knoleslegh, 7.
- Kirkestale, 20.
- Lancaster, 3.
- Layland, 6.
- Legh, 18.
- Lonnesdale, 21. 5.
- Maghale, [...].
- Et in Mer [...]enfield, 6.
- Ormestir [...], 7.
- Plissington, 6.
- Pilkington, 7.
- Raynehill, 6. 7. 7.
- Rishton iuxta Harewood, 6.
- Saltfletby, 13.
- Samlesbury, 7.
- Scotfold, 3.
- [Page 57] Shenington, 7.
- Shuttlesworth, 6.
- Somercots, 13.
- Sucheworth, 6.
- Sutton, 6.
- Tranacre, 3.
- Vprontheclif, 3.
- Waleton, 6.
- Walton, 7.
- Westhalghton, 6. 8.
- Wychington, 3.
- Wygan, 6. 6.
- Wynewicke, 6. 8.
- Wyresdale, 3.
- Windekelegh, 6.
- Worthington, 7.
- BLaston, 9. 30.
- Framland 40. & Hund. 3 [...].
- Gadesbey & Rothele, cum appendicijs. 28.
- Hamelton, 32.
- Kynemountcote, 21.
- Lobenham, 26. 14.
- Mountsorell, 9. 11.
- Nethersheale, 34.
- Owcheby, 3.
- [Page 58]Rothele, 28.
- Querndon, 4.
- Stapleford, 27.
- Sproxton.
- Swanington, 1. 18.
- Wykingson, 3.
- ALkeborowe, 6. 16.
- Ancastre, 17.
- Askeby iuxta 16.
- Horncastre. 24
- Aslochisbrigg, 32.
- Balderton, 24.
- Barton, 18.
- Basingham, 18.
- Bekingham, 22.
- Beltesford, 32.
- Belton, 21.
- Belwood, 27.
- Beseby, 4.
- Billesfeld iuxta Bothby, 30.
- Birton iuxta Colby, 17.
- Bothby, 32, 34.
- Bothelphus Sanctus, 38.
- Caldwardthorp, 16. 18.
- Casthorp, 23. 24.
- Canwyks 21,
- Clay pole, 23. 3. 24.
- Clee, 20.
- Cranewell, 17.
- Cotes magna, 37.
- Croyland, 28. 36.
- Corby, 16.
- Deping, 28. 36.
- Donington, 21.
- Dunesby, 22.
- & iuxta 25. 33.
- Repinghale, 40. 4.
- [Page 59]Epworth, 21.
- Flisbrok, Calcenum, 43.
- Fowlestowe, 23.
- Franketon, 40.
- Gaynsburgh, 23.
- Grantham, 24.
- Gosberkirk, 6. 35. 21. 18.
- Grimesby, 28.
- Gedney, 26. 30. 5.
- Hatton, 41. (21.
- Hagworthingham, 20
- Haxay, 20. 22.
- Haydor, 16. 18.
- Harnesthorp, 3. 21. 40.
- Haughton, 16.
- Heynton, 4.
- Hibaldeston, 16.
- Hogesthorp, 23.
- Holbech, 14. 3.
- Holmedyk, 12.
- Honton iuxta
- Wraggeby, 16.
- Horkeston iuxta Saxeby, 16.
- Horncastr. 20.
- Hornesthorp, 3.
Innerholmebrig 23. Vtterholmebrig Rencebrig.
- Kelleby, 16. 18. 20.
- Keteby, 20.
- Ketelesthorp, 4.
- Kynardby, 11.
- Kyrkeby, 18.
- Kisby, 30. nota pre diff. 41.
- Laiceby, 22. 1.
- Leythorp, 18.
- Leuesingham, 18.
- Lincolne Civitas 3. 17. 31. 3. 8.
- Et Prior. 12. 22. 23. 1
- Lincoln. Episcopus recup. 2500 l. pro dampuum pro transgr. &c. & in Bedford, 26. 26.
- [Page 60]Meere, 20.
- Messingham, 29.
- Munby, 23.
- Nauenby, 41.
- Old briggs in Claypole. 24.
- Ouresby, 11.
Parco lude. 43. Calcetū. ibidem, - Paunton parua, 26.
- Ronston, 24.
- Scampwyk, 21.
- Skeldenby, 14. 31.
- Semplingham, 30.
- Swarby, 16. 18.
- Spalding, 13. 2. 29.
- Scotwillingby, 20. 21.
- Tenentes Abbis de Selby, 22.
- Skirbek, 33. 23.
- Somercotes, 24.
- Sutton in Holland, 26. 29.
- Sydenham cum alijs Villis, 23.
- Surflet, 18. 35.
- Sutton 22.
- Subton, 3.
- Sudbrok, 3.
- Swineshened, 24.
- Torkesey, 23.
- Thedelthorp, 5.
- Vlseby Watles, 31.
- Vpton, 29.
- Wadinton, 20.
- Weland fluvius, 36.
- Whetney Fl. 41.
- Wytherum, 38.
- Winelesford, 23.
- Westby, 30.
- Westtirington, 16.
- Yerdeburgh, 30.
- Garlikhith 5.
- Sanctus Iohannes Ierusalem, 5.
- Pro attinct. 13. 25.
- Contro zonaries Lond. pro zon. Bristoll. 37.
- Seacoale-Lane, 26.
- London, 33. 37.
- AQua de ley, 41.
- Estbedfont, 1.
- Eldfordmilne, 10.
- Grensted & pro ponte ibidem. 30.
- Hanwell.
- Hanworth, 10.
- Herfeld, 35.
- Kentish-Towne, 36.
- Lalham, 30.
- Sancta Maria atte. Strond, 31.
- Sanctus Iacobus, 28.
- [Page 62] Sancta Katerina.
- Sanctus Clemens Dacorum, 25.
- Sticklington, 30.
- Stanwell, 6.
- Suthmims, 27.
- Weng 24.
- Ter. in Westm. ten. de Abbate, & non de Rege. 26.
- Westm. pro Sewer, 44.
- Ystleworth, 1.
- Yelling, 1.
- BErwyk, 14.
- Dunham, 38.
- Hurcheworth, 7.
- Langley, 30.
- Mindrum, 38.
- Oselington, 34.
- Westmerington, 25. Quaere pro lege pro praebend. ibidem. 25.
- Whittingham, 34. Libertatis Episcopi Dunelm. placitat. 19.
- [Page 63] Castrum noui castri reparatur, 38.
- ALdby, 21.
- Aspale cum diuersis alijs Villis potius Suff. 33.
- Askeby, 39.
- Banham, 1.
- Bansey, 9.
Barton, 20. Bynedich, Bucton cum alijs. - Baynseyhe vel Dansey. 14.
- Brakenhethul, 21.
- Benested, 1.
- Biskele, 34.
- Bodency, 3.
- Brecles, 5.
- Billockby, 39.
- Brisingham, 3. 38.
- Brokedish, 31.
- Burgus sancte Marie cum 11. alijs Villis. 26.
- Calthorp cum 19. alijs Villis. 23.
- Castre, 1. & iuxta Yernemoth, 26.
- Clapthorp in villa de Hardington, 28.
- Clipesby, 39.
- Colkirk, 26.
- Congham, 24.
- Creke, 11.
- Devenere cum alijs, 2.
- Edienethorpe, 2.
- Estcarleton, 21.
- Ely, 24.
- [Page 64] Elme & Ermede pro decimis. 4.
- Eggefeld, 26.
- Estmore, 20.
- Feltham, 23.
- Fincham, 20.
- Flordon, 21.
- Ferfeld, 12.
- Foulton, 15.
- Folsham, 21.
- Gaywood,
- Gernemuth vel Yarmouth, 1. 21. 36. 25.
- Gorleston, 24.
- Glosthorp, 9.
- Grimeston, 24.
- Harpesburgh, 34.
- Hampsted. 21. 23.
- Et iuxta Ingham. 7.
- Heigham, 23.
- Hillington, 24.
- Holt, 28.
- Hinboys, 34.
- Hokewold, 43.
- Itringham cum 11.
- alijs Villis. 1.
- Kyneburle, 25. 26.
- Langford, 1.
- Lenne, 23. 2. 2. 21. 23.
- Letheringset, 26.
- Lesyate, 24.
- Mendham, 31.
- Mineton 1.
- Salthous, 1.
- Marchland 6.
- Sewera, 6.
- Methelwood, 3.
- Newton, 22.
- Norwich, 25. 42. 27.
- Northlenne, 25.
- Northwalsham, 22.
- Onby, 39.
- Oyfeland cum 9. alijs Villis. 42.
- [Page 65]Redenhall, 31.
- Reps in Flegge, 39.
- Raesby, 39.
- Redelesworth, 33.
- Ringeshall. 17.
- Rokelond
- Tofts, 1.
- Sale, 34.
- Sekeford, 24.
- Shelfehanger, 3.
- Sterston, 31.
- Snaythfeld, 2.
- Southwocton, 21.
- Et Northwocton, 34.
- Scothon & Stonriston, 24.
- Somerton, 10.
- Swaf-ham Market, 18.
- Tofte Monachor. 2.
- Tirringham & Tilney, 23.
- Thirn, 39.
- Topesfeld, 2.
- Therston cum 5. alijs Villis. 17.
- Walcote, 26.
- Walpole, 27. 27.
- Watlington, 24.
- Westlenne, 23.
- Westhangfeld, 1.
- Weston, 34.
- Westwalton, 17.
- Wiclewood, 25.
- Wilton, 23.
- Witton, 2.
- Winterton, 23.
- Wineton cum alijs, 1.
- Wynefarthing, 34.
- Wychingham, 1.
- Woddalling, 17.
- Wodnorton, 1.
- Haer. Roberti de Todeham, 21.
- Heruici de Saham, 38.
- ABinton, 24.
- Aston iuxta
- Wardon, 22.
- Bermingfeld, 32.
- Brigstock, 32. proximis ibidem & alijs locis in Foresta, 7.
- Brinton, 12.
- Blaconesle, 23.
- Buckbrok, 39. 3.
- Burgh Sancti Petri, 25
- Bosenho, 3.
- Clopton & Hundr. de Pokebrok. 23.
- Colinsweston, 28.
- Clele hundr. 33.
- Clynton vel Olinton vel Glynton, 32.
- Collingtrogh, 4.
- Couesgraue, 3.
- Gotherestook, 1.
- Crowland 42.
- Daylington, 24.
- Dodeford, 4. 2.
- Dodington, 23.
- Draghton, 3.
- Esthaddon, 2.
- Estmeston, 28.
- Estpye, 3.
- Falewisle, 11.
- Fodringhay, 23.
- Fortho, 3.
- Gayton, 24.
- Gilling parua, 21.
- Grafton, 13.
- Galdenmoreton, 28. 14.
- Hamelden, 2.
- Haldenby, 5. 37.
- [Page 67] Harleston, 4.
- Higham Ferrers, 2.
- Heyford, 4.
- Helmelden, 31.
- Irencester, 21. 32.
- Kildesby, 23.
- Kistingbery, 24.
- Lillebourne, 2.
- Marston Sancta Laurentij, 24.
- Maydewell, 19.
- Milton, 42.
- More-end, 3.
- Northampt. Villa 2. 3. 36. 40. 3. 32. 23. 24.
- Newbottle, 12.
- Ogcote, 14.
- Oneston, 9. 10. 32.
- Oketon, 24.
- Pateshull, 24.
- Pydington, 24.
- Pightesle, 22.
- Petreburgh, 42.
- Plumpton, 28.
- Rauensthorp, 5.
- Raunds, 13.
- Rode, 14.
- Retheresthorp, 15. 17.
- Scaldewell, 19.
- Stanmer, 4.
- Stouernum, 23.
- Stokedoyley, 32.
- Stokebruere, 24.
- Sutton, 22.
- Teking, 4.
- Thinden, 43. 31.
- Tychemershe, 19. 26.
- Vtwell, 24.
- Vpton more, 14.
- Wadenho, 22.
- [Page 68] Weldon, 22.
- Weston, 22.
- Weoden, 2. & Beck 38.
- Wyleby, 21.
- Yerdely, 3.
- Ballia Feresta ibidem, 26.
- Et alibi, 30.
- Libertates Petreburgh 25.
- ARnehall, 26.
- Alkeley, 28.
- Balderton, 24.
- Bonnington, 21.
- Egmundon, 26.
- Eyleston, 16.
- Fradeston, 25.
- Full wod, 5. 13.
- Grimeston, 25.
- Idell, 25.
- Kelam pons, 35.
- Knesall, 25.
- Morton parua, 23.
- Normanton, 15▪
- Northcollingham. Et Suth in wapp. de Newarke, 17.
- Nott. Vill. 19. 21.
- Ordesale, 25.
- Penkeston, 5. 13.
- Radford, 25.
- Retford, 15.
- [Page 69]Scasteworth, 20.
- Shirwood, 5. 13.
- Sutton, 31.
- Suthwell cum omnibus manerijs suis, 27.
Thornewaythe 25 Twyford bridge pro thorough tole ibid. Weststratford.
- Wysehowe, 17.
- BEreford, 21.
- Broughton, 21.
- Cornebury percell de
- Wychewood, 10. 31.
- Gersingdon, 32. 1. 4 19.
- Huntercombe, 31.
- Minster, 19.
- Oxon Vill. 16. 20. 29. 29. 18. & Vniuersitas 23. 1. 7.
- Shipton, 21.
- Swalclyff, 4.
- Wycumbe, 41.
- ASton magna, 11.
- Ardescote, 40.
- Biserdeshall, 9.
- Birches, 28.
- Burton, 9.
- Cantelhope, 9.
- Charlecote, 33.
- Chelmandwyk, 26.
- Crocton 40.
- Crockmele, 40.
- Hardeley, 10.
- Kaynham, 9.
- Lee, 40.
- Mountgomery, 29.
- Newenham, 40.
- Pontesby, 40.
- Salopp. capella ibidem. 40.
- Saxcote, 40.
- Sibaldescote, 40.
- Waleford, 26. 26.
- [Page 71] Whiare, 39.
- Whitton, 9.
- Wrokewarthin. 10.
- Whuat, 24.
- ALre iuxta Somerton, 17.
- Bandap, 34.
Babinton, 31. Brech ibidem, - Bodecley, 32.
- Brigwalt, 23. 34.
- Bromfeld, 33. 4. 21.
- Bromley, 3. 41.
- Bradford iuxta Taunton, 37. 40.
- Brompton, 32.
- Bramston pro annam roba, 12.
- Corlton, 14.
- Cranedone, 23.
- Dandrip, 23.
- Drayton, 41.
- Estmarshe & Westmarshe, 12.
- Esse, 3.
- Eshe, 41.
- Estchynnok, 35.
- Estperr & Balliam, 20.
- Frome, 28.
- Greynton, 32.
- Hornblanston, 32.
- Hardington, Mandeull, 13.
- Hundestert, 20.
Kingeston iuxta 16 Modeford Terry - Kynemerston, 27.
- Knoleton, 9.
- [Page 72]Lottesham. 32.
- Merkes by, 20.
- Miluerton, 39.
- Norton, 23. 25.
- Missegros, 23. 25.
- Norton 37.
- Hateuill, 37.
- Oldcliue, 13.
- Pluckenet, 13.
- Preston, 39.
- Putney, 9.
- Radestoke, 7.
- Rymington, 22.
- Sidenham, 23. 34.
- Slepe, 23. 34.
- Sparkesford, 9. 34.
- Sokedeneys, 12.
- Wells, 31.
- Wondestre, 17.
- Terr. Magistri Templi suppress. dat pro bre. Vic. 27.
- Quere, 21.
- A Lrewas, 15.
- Blora, 24.
- Brewod, 29.
- Brumesfeld, 33.
- Cannok, 41.
- Couen, 29. 33.
- Deulencres, 42.
- Eaton, 4.
- Rowle, 29.
- Tybinton, 33.
- [Page 73]Walfall, 8.
- Woluerhampton, 33.
- A Keton, 39.
- Aspall, 2.
- Blyburgh, 10, 38. 1.
- Boyton, 1.
- Bradley, 27.
- Brampton, 1.
- Bungey, 34.
- Boxsted, 8, 9.
- Bury SaintEdmunds, 33. Spoliatur, 27. 31. pro libertatibus, 27.
- Contra homines ibidem longum placitum, cont. 26. Roll. di. 40 42. 22. 32. 7. 23.
- Combe, 38.
- Depeden, 32.
- Dychenham, 34.
- Dunwich, 38.
- Debenham, 2.
- Elmeswell, 4.
- Framlingham Castr. 3. 39.
- Gipwich, 27.
- Gorleston, 21. 36.
- Hauerhill, 40.
- Holleton, 34.
- Kessinglond, 10.
- Newmarket, 30.
- Newton vet. 1.
- [Page 74]Rondon, 34.
- Stowe market, 38.
- Stocton, 34.
- Stoke iuxta Eye, 23.
- Thorneham, 23.
- Trillawe, 27.
- Westhorp, 39.
- Whitkisho, 21.
- Wortham, 41.
- Yxning, 38.
- Passagium Sancti Olavi, 35.
- Terr. Roberti de Todeham, 21.
- BAggeshot, 33.
- Bedenescombe, 26.
- Bedington, 6. 24.
- Brenchesley, 1.
- Camerwell, 31.
- Chelesham, 13.
- Chronhurst, 13. 18.
- Dertfort, 17.
- Egham, 28.
- Farneham, 28.
- Francomb, 26.
- Gomeshulme iuxta Guldeford, 38. 39.
- [Page 75]Karsalton, 6.
- Lynnefeld, 13. 18.
- Mykelham, 23.
- Merton, 36. &.
- Prioratus, 41.
- Sellesdon, 25.
- Stone & Sutton, 17.
- Tychesey, 13. 18.
- Wauerley, 15.
- Walleworth, 16.
- Wendlesworth, 2.
- Westbegworth, 23.
- Windlesham, 33.
- Wilmington, 17.
- Wissele potius Sussex, 22.
- Rederheth cum diuerfis alijs Villis in fine nominatis. 33.
- A Mingdon, 24.
- Alkesburum, 29
- Amberesley, 35.
- Bargham, 26.
- Bebington, 26.
- Bercanup, 29.
- Bydelington, 21. 39.
- Bridelington, 22.
- Boningdon, 29.
- Bradwater, 29. 23. existens hamlet. de worthings.
- De bella Abbas. 26.
- Changeton, 38.
- Chesworth, 21. 39.
- Cockings, 26.
- Cokham, 32. 7.
- [Page 76] Coumbes, 23.
Didling, 20. Durington, Drayton iuxta 29. Middleton,
- Elnested, 29.
- Estgrenested, 41.
- Estbourum, 18.
- Fyndon.
- Gorings, 35. 27.
- Grensted, 21. 39. 33.
- Hellingleigh, 25. 28.
- Passele, 18.
- Resp. 29.
- Segewyk, 21.
- Selesey, 6.
- Sele, 31.
- Sountings, 35.
- Suth stoke, 29.
- Suthwyks, 31.
- Twynem, 19.
- Troford, 28.
- Trene, 3. 24.
- Washington, 21.
- Welbedings, 43.
- Westham on, 43.
- &
- Westfarles. 1.
- A Bbodeston, 41.
- Alreton, 17.
- Ashe, 27.
- Basingstok, 12.
- Berkely, 5.
- Bokeland, 37.
- [Page 77] Byneworth, 31.
- Copenore, 37.
- Crundale, 10.
- Drayton. 3.
- Estdene, 2.
- Gemeticenfis, Abbatie Terre. 42.
- Fontley parua, 1.
- Frodington, 37.
- Hatherden, 33.
- Hayling, 22.
- Ithonestoke, 41.
- Lahale, 32.
- Lementon, 21.
- Mannesbrigg pons, 30.
- Newenham, 5.
- Portesey, 37.
- Portsmuth, 37.
- Ratherwyke, 12.
- Sonworth, 34. 4. 15.
- Seuenhampton, 27.
- Shirle, 34.
- Shireburn, 29.
- Staneswood, 27.
- Suth. 29. 18.
- Tuddeworth, 32.
- Westbury, 19.
- Whitfeild, 34.
- Wild, 5.
- Wroxall, 35.
- ALincestre, 18.
- Asshorne, 11.
- Beckly, 12.
- Bubrok, 11. 14.
- Burleigh, 11.
- Bradwell, 11.
- Castlebromwich, 18
- Chasterton, 34.
- Cockton, 5. 10.
- Colton, 9.
- Churchbikenhull & Chryte, 10.
- Churchwaure, 11.
- Couentre, 13. 17. 34. pro libertatibus Abbatie ibidem. 3.
- Duncherch, 10.
- Ebrok Aqua. 11.
- Farneburgh, 12.
- Hampton in Arderne, 17.
- Happesford, 11.
- Hardeburgh, 26.
- Ilmington, 14.
- Kingeley, 37.
- Kingesbrome, 10.
- Kingeston, 34.
- Kyntherwyk, 11.
- Kirkeby Monach. 39.
- Knightcote, 10.
- Knighthardwyk, 11.
- Scheldon, 6.
- Morton Daubeney 9. 7. 27.
- [Page 71] Middleton iuxta Drayton, 10.
- Miluerton, 2.
- Napton, 10.
- Newbod Paunton, 11.
- Packwood, 10.
- Radford, 28.
- Ruyn Clifford, 9.
- Sowe, 10.
- Thurleston, 11.
- Walton in aqua de Ebrok. 11.
- Wycheley, 37.
- Wy [...]broks, 18.
- BVrgh subtus Staynsmore, 10
- Helsington, 18.
- Kirkeby in Kendall, 10.
- Mickleton in Tesdale.
- Wytherslak, 18.
- HAmbury, 33. 4.
- Kydeminster, 33.
- Kingesnorton, 6. 41.
- Orleton, 1.
- Parshore, 34.
- Solyhull, 6. 41.
- Tonworth, 6.
- Yardeley.
- BErewyk Basset, 31.
- Box, 37.
- Braden Forrest, 28. 35.
- Brightmerston, 37.
- Chelworth, 35. 28.
- Cheldrington, 16.
- Clyuerell, 28. 29.
- Colecote, 2 [...] ▪ 35.
- Cumpton, 16.
- Corsham, 17.
- Deuerell Deueret, 15.
- De la Hale, 32.
- Dichering, 37.
- [Page 81]Elcombe, 19.
- Estbury, 18.
- Estokenham, 28.
- Fighelden, 20.
- Fisherton, 33.
- Froxfeld, 28.
- Hakeneston, 37.
- Haselbury, 37.
- Hatherden, 33.
- Kinele, 24.
- Langebrigg. 15.
- Melkesham, 25.
- Mildeston alijs. 35.
- Mileston, 23. 3.
- Norrigg, 30.
- Odestoke, 29.
- Okeburn, 39.
- Crispin, 7.
- Rugge, 28.
- Somerford Kaynes, 35.
- Stapelford, 20.
- Winterflaw, 37.
Haer. Gifford de
- Bromesfeld, 32.
- COrnkenny Iskennen, 35.
- Dendor, 35.
- Flynt, 2.
- Gower, 39.
- [Page 82]Kermerden, 26.
- Meghen Iscoet in Powes, 35.
- Northwal. 14. per verbis scandalosis & seditiosis.
- Rotelaum, 2.
- Wallenses sunt alien. 24.
Com Ignoratur.
- Ebor.
- ARksey, 27.
- Bankwell, 41.
- Ebor.
- Barneby, 27.
- Bereford, 33.
- Blassonvill, 8.
- Birton, 15.
- Brantingby, 15.
- Burgh, 16.
- Chesham, 18.
- [Page 83] Colling, 2.
- Corby, 15.
- Cringleford, 12.
- Denham, 39.
- Eston Gosbeks, 15.
- Fincham, 39.
- Farneton, 10.
- Gorings, 16.
- Hallingbury, 13.
- Heydon, 9.
- Hoke iuxta Fasterne, 32.
- Horsmunden, 31.
- Honwe, 2.
- Lincolne.
- Humbye, 16.
- Ingescombe, 10.
- Imyngham, 21.
- Intwod, 12.
- Kessewyke, 12.
- Ebor.
- Kirkesandale, 27.
- Lamborum, 12.
- Merkeshale, 12.
- Ibor.
- Multhorp, 1.
- Mysterton, 11.
- Newenton, 8.
- Nottingham.
- Northumscamp, 36.
- [Page 84] Buckingham.
- Penne, 16.
- Raderfeld, 39.
- Lincolne.
- Repesle, 16.
- Ebor.
- Seton iuxta Eueringham, 9.
- Stanlake, 3.
- Dunelm.
- Sheldon, 24.
- Somworth, 15.
- Dunelm.
- Stocton, 9.
- Stocum, 43.
- Stractons duo, 36.
- Suthorpe, 13.
- Swerdeston, 12.
- Taynton, 35.
- Tynerington, 1.
- Essex.
- Topesfeld, 2.
- Thorneton, 2.
- Buckingham.
- Wendouer, 18.
- Westleton, 2.
- Wacingewell, 26.
- Wesharpeley, 10.
- Westwyckham, 15.
- Wodmancote, 40.
- Wytherum, 37.
IN the third Chest, are contayned, Placitam coram Domino Rege tempore Regis Edward. 1. which are abbreuiated into a booke couered with red Leather, written in Parchment, Intituled (Omissa.)
D. E.
In the fourth and fifth Chest, are contained, Placita de Banco, and in the said fifth Chest, Pedes Finium tempore Regis EDVVARD the first.
In the sixth Chest, are contained, Placitam coram Domino Rege tempore Regis Edward. 2. abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
G. H.
In the seuenth and eight Chests, are contained, Placita de Banco tempore Regis, Edward the second.
I. K.
In the ninth and tenth chests, are contayned, Placita coram Domino Rege, Edward the third, abbreuiated into three bookes couered with Velam.
L. m. n. O. P. Q.
In the 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, & 16. chests, are contayned, Placita de Banco tempore Regis, Edward the third, abbreuiated into a booke couered with Velam.
In the seuenteenth chest, are contayned, [Page 87] Placita Coram Domino Rege, Richardo 2. and diuided into a Chest in the lower ranke, for the more ready finding, and abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
S. T. V. VV.
In the eighteene, nineteene, twenty, and twenty one Chests, are contayned, Placita de Banco tempore Richard. 2. abbreuiated into a booke couered with Velam.
In the twenty two chest, are contayned, Placita coram Domino Rege tempore Henr. 4. abbreuiated into abooke couered with Velam.
In the twenty three chest, are contained, [Page 88] Placitam coram Domino Rege tempore Regis, Hen. 5. abbreuiated into a booke couered with Velam.
In the twenty fourth Chest, are contained, Pedes Finium tempore Regis Hen. 6. abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
In the twenty fifth Chest, are contayned Pedes Finium tempore Regis Hen. 7. abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
In the twenty sixth Chest, are contayned, Pedes Finium tempore Regis, Edw. 2. abbreuiated into a booke couered with Velam.
In the twenty seuenth chest, are contained, Pedes Finium tempore Regis Edward. 3. abbreuiated into a booke couered with velam.
In the 28. Chest, are contayned Pedes Finium de temporibus Regum Richard. 2. Henry the fourth, and Henry the fifth, abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
In the lower ranke of Chests in the third Treasurie aforesaid, are.
IN one Chest vnder the Chest of Fines before mentioned, are contayned Pedes [Page 90] Finium, in diuers Kings times, de quibus quaere, Scil: de temporibus Edward the third, Henry the third, Richard the first, Richard the second, Edward the first, Edward the fourth, and part of Richard the third, abbreuiated into a Booke couered with Velam.
Item, there are Chests in the same Treasury, wherein are contayned certaine Writs of Henry the fourth, Henry the fifth, and Henry the sixth: both in the Kings Bench, and Common-Pleas.
Item, at the comming in of the same Treasury, are sundry Chests, with Writs of EDVVARD the seconds, and EDVVARD the thirds time.
In summe, the Records there may be mentioned more short, in this manner: viz. Fines de temporibus Richard the first, Regis Iohannes, Henry the third, Edward [Page 91] the first, Edward the second, Edward the third, Richard the second, Henry the fourth, Henry the fifth, Henry the sixth, Edward the fourth, Edward the fifth, Richard the third, and Henry the seauenth.
Placita coram Domino Rege temporibus Richard the first, King Iohn, Henry the third, Edward the first, Edward the second, Edward the third, Richard the second, Henry the fourth, and Henry the fifth.
Placita coram Domino Rege de banco, temporibus Richard the first, King Iohn, Henry the third, Edward the first, Edward the third, and Richard the second.
Placita coram Iusticiar. itinerantibus temporibus Richard the first, Iohn, and Henry the third.
In the fourth Treasurie, being in the Cloyster of the said Abbey of Westminster, locked with fiue Lockes and Keyes, beeing within two strong double Doores, are kept these Records with others.
IN the Chest next the doore on the right hand, are contayned: First, a League betweene Henry the eight, and Francis King of France, the Seale being in Gold worth a hundred pound at least.
Item, an other betweene the King of England, and the King of Castile, sealed with a golden Seale.
Item, Pope Clements Bull for the title [Page 93] of Defensor Fidei, giuen to HENRY the eighth, sealed with a golden Seale.
Item, Henry the seuenths Will.
Item, Henry the eights Will, with the exemplification of that, in a box sealed.
Item, a bag of Cordouer, sealed with a seale of Priuy Councellers, and it is not to be opened, but by the Prince and those of the priuie Councell, wherein are secret matters.
Item, Assayes of Gold and Siluer, and Indentures of Mynt matters, of King Henry the eights time, Queene ELIZABETHS, and King IAMES.
Item, a very faire booke couered with Veluet, imbossed with siluer gilt, touching the Foundation of Westminster Chapple by HENRY the Seauenth, put into a boxe lined with crimson silke quilted. [Page 94] Item, sundry old Seales of Customes, &c.
In the next Chest to that on the left hand, are contained sundry Bookes couered with blew veluet, very faire imbossed, and sundry of them indented, touching an agreement made betwixt Henry the seauenth, and Islep then Abbot of Westminster, concerning Masses, Obsequies. Dirgies and such like, for Priests, Monkes, Fryars, both the Vniuersities, for the Soule of Henry the seauenth, and annuall pensions giuen to them for euer for doing thereof.
Item, a box, wherein are instruments of diuers Byshops, and the Vniuersity of Cambridge, acknowledging King Henry the eights Supremacie.
In two great wooden chests on the left hand, are contayned Leagues and [Page 95] Treaties betwixt England and Scotland, put into boxes, and Kalendred into a booke.
In a ranke of Presses next the South-Eastside, are contayned the bagge of matters, touching the diuorce of Henry the eighth from Queene Katherine.
Item, a booke beeing a Letter from Cardinall Poole to King HENRY the eight, and another to the Councell.
Item, some matters touching Ireland.
Item, sundry broad Seales, and priuie Seales, cancelled for the Loane of money.
In a Chest there, And in sundry Presses and Drawers, are contayned sundry priuy Seales, cancelled for the Loane of money, in a great Canuasse bagge.
[Page 96] In two Chests vnder the Window, there are contained fifteene Buckram bags, and two great Boxes, wherein are the Leagues betwixt the Kings of England, and sundry other Nations, which are abbreuiated and Kalendred in this booke, as followeth.
A CALENDER of all the Leagues and Treaties betweene the Kings of England and other States, as they are placed in the 4th Treasury at Westminster, as followeth.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Edward, 1. | 1278 | 6 | 2 |
Richard, 2. | 1381 | 5 | 5 |
Henry, 5. | 1416 | 4 | 2 |
Henry, 7. | 1502 | 18 | 3 |
Henry, 8. | 1526 | 18 | 1 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Edward, 1. | 1289 | 18 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1468 | 9 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1481 | 22 | 1 |
Henry, 7. | 1495 | 9 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1510 | 2 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1511 | 3 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1512 | 4 | 2 |
Henry, 8. | 1513 | 4 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1515 | 8 | 4 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Edward, 3. | 1372 | 47 | 2. |
Richard, 2. | 1385 | 9 | 1 |
Richard, 2. | 1386 | 10 | 3 |
Richard, 2. | 1387 | 11 | 1 |
Henry, 5. | 1413 | 2 | 1 |
Henry, 5. | 1418 | 6 | 3 |
Henry, 6. | 1435 | 14 | 1 |
Henry, 6. | 1436 | 15 | 1 |
Henry, 6. | 1439 | 18 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1472 | 13 | 3 |
Edward, 4. | 1482 | 23 | 1 |
Henry, 7. | 1489 | 5 | 1 |
Imperium, Aragonia & Portugalia Are together put into a Bag, and layd in a Chest vnder the window.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Henry, 1. | Antedat. | 1 | 2 |
Henry, 2. | Antedat. | 2 | 2 |
Richard, 1. | Antedat. | 1 | 1 |
Edward, 1. | 1278 | 6 | 2 |
Edward, 1. | 1292 | 21 | 1 |
Edward, 1. | 1296 | 26 | 18 |
Edward, 1. | 1297 | 27 | 3 |
Edward, 2. | 1325 | 18 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1340 | 14 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1364 | 39 | 4 |
Edward, 3. | 1367 | 42 | 2 |
Edward, 3. | 1371 | 46 | 3 |
Edward, 3. | 1372 | 47 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1374 | 49 | 1 |
Richard, 2. | 1378 | 2 | 1 |
Henry, 4. | 1403 | 4 | 2 |
Henry, 4. | 1408 | 10 | 1 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Iohn, | Antedat. | 4 | |
Henry, 6. | 1440 | 19 | 1 |
Henry, 6. | 1442 | 21 | 1 |
Henry, 6. | 1445 | 25 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1483 | 23 | 1 |
Flanders and Holland are put together, and layd in the Chest vnder the window.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Elizabeth, | 1576 | 19 | 3 |
Elizabeth, | 1578 | 21 | 3 |
Elizabeth, | 1579 | 21 | 1 |
Elizabeth, | 1585 | 28 | 8 |
Elizabeth, | 1586 | 28 | 1 |
Elizabeth, | 1596 | 39 | 1 |
Elizabeth, | 1598 | 41 | 2 |
Belgia are put vp together in a Bag, and layd in the Chest vnder the window.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Richard, 2. | abs (que) dat. | abs (que) dat. | 4 |
Henry, 7. | 1505 | 21 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1510 | 2 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1519 | 11 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1525 | 17 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1526 | 18 | 1 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Edward, 3. | 1370 | 45 | 2 |
Edward, 3. | 1371 | 46 | 4 |
Edward, 3. | 1372 | 47 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1374 | 49 | 1 |
Henry, 5. | 1421 | 10 | 1 |
Henry, 6. | 1460 | 29 | 2 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Henry, 7. | 1490 | 5 | 1 |
Mediolanum. | |||
Edward, 3. | 1367 | 42 | 2 |
Henry, 7. | 1490 | 6 | 1 |
Henry, 8. | 1527 | 19 | 3 |
Luke. | |||
Edward, 3. | 1351 | 26 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1354 | 29 | 1 |
Sicilia. | |||
Henry, 7. | 1498 | 15 | 1 |
All these are in bag a sunder distinguished, put into a Chest in the vaulted Treasurie vnder the window.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
H. 3. & Edw. 1. | 1277 | 41. H. 3. 6. Ed. 1. | 1 |
Edward, 1. | 1280 | 9 | 3 |
Henry, 3. | 1254 | 38 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1362 | 37 | 3 |
Edward, 3. | 1363 | 38 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1364 | 39 | 1 |
Edward, 3. | 1366 | 41 | 13 |
Edward, 3. | 1367 | 42 | 5 |
Richard, 2. | 1386 | 10 | 3 |
Henry, 4. | 1411 | 12 | 1 |
Henry, 5. | 1413 | 2 | 4 |
Henry, 5. | 1414 | 3 | 4 |
Henry, 6. | 1430 | 9 | 4 |
Edward, 4. | 1467 | 8 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1474 | 14 | 3 |
Edward, 4. | 1477 | 18 | 1 |
Anno Dom. | Quot Instrumenta. | ||
1476 | 2 | ||
1477 | 2 | ||
1480 | 2 | ||
1481 | 5 | ||
1478 | 2 |
Annis. | |
16 | Edward, 4. vt ante. |
17 | |
18 | |
20 | |
21 |
All these of Castile are put into one bag, and layd in the Chest vnder the window.
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Henry, 5. | 1419 | 8 | 3 |
Henry, 6. | 1438 | 17 | 2 |
Henry, 6. | 1445 | 24 | 2 |
Henry, 6. | 1446 | 25 | 3 |
Henry, 6. | 1447 | 26 | 3 |
Edward, 4. | 1463 | 4 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1467 | 8 | 4 |
Edward, 4. | 1469 | 10 | 1 |
Edward, 4. | 1474 | 15 | 4 |
Edward, 4. | 1478 | 19 | 3 |
Edward, 4. | 1480 | 21 | 6 |
Richard, 3. | 1484 | 1 | 1 |
Nomina Regum. | Anno Domini. | Anno Regis. | Quot Instrumenta. |
Richard, 2. | 1378 | 1 & 2 | 6 |
Richard, 2. | 1392 | 2 | 1 |
Richard, 2. | 1393 | 16 | 1 |
Nomina Regum, & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. |
15. Iohn, | 1213 | 1 |
13. Edward, 2. | 1319 | 1 |
9. Edward, 3. | 1334 | 1 |
31. Edward, 3. | 1356 | 1 |
37. Edward, 3. | 1362 | 5 |
40. Edward, 3. | 1365 | 1 |
46. Edward, 3. | 1371 | 2 |
1. & 2. Rich. 2. | 1377 | 2 |
2. Richard, 2. | 1378 | 1 |
3. Richard, 2. | 1379 | 2 |
9. Henry, 4. | 1407 | 1 |
15. Henry, 5. | 1413 | 2 |
6. Henry, 6. | 1426 | 1 |
5. Edward, 4. | 1464 | 1 |
8. Edward, 4. | 1467 | 2 |
8. Edward, 4. | 1468 | 2 |
12. Edward, 4. | 1471 | 1 |
13. Edward, 4. | 1472 | 3 |
16. Edward, 4. | 1475 | 1 |
21. Edward, 4. | 1481 | 1 |
1. Edward, 5. | 1483 | 1 |
2. Richard, 3. | 1484 | 2 |
1. Henry, 7. | 1485 | 2 |
1. Henry, 7. | 1491 | 2 |
Burgundy before the Vnion, Navarre before the vnion, and Britaine before the vnion, all these are put into seuerall boxes and so into a Buckram bag, and placed in the Chest diuided next to France.
Nomina Regum, & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. | |
2. Richard, 1. | 1190 | 2 Hac continentur in rotulo & non in Chartis sigillam seu Signat. | |
7. Richard, 1. | 1195 | ||
2. Iohn, | 1200 | ||
8. Henry, 3. | 1223 | 2 | |
39. Henry, 3. | 1254 | Haec tria cum | 1 |
42. Henry, 3. | 1258 | Superioribus | 1 |
43. Henry, 3. | 1259 | Simul ligantur | 1 |
8. Edward, 1. | 1279 | 1 | |
15. Edward, 1. | 1286 | 2 | |
18. Edward, 1. | 1289 | 1 | |
20. Edward, 1. | 1291 | 1 | |
24. Edward, 1. | 1295 | 2 | |
26. Edward, 1. | 1297 | 1 | |
28. Edward, 1. | 1299 | 2 |
All these and they aboue, are put into seuerall boxes and into a Buckram bag.
Nomina Regum & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. |
7. Edward, 2. | 1303 | 1 |
12. Edward, 2. | 1318 | 1 |
19. Edward, 2. | 1325 | 1 |
20. Edward, 3. | 1345 | 1 |
33. Edward, 3. | 1358 | 1 |
35. Edward, 3. | 1360 | 6 |
40. Edward, 3. | 1365 | 1 |
41. Edward, 3. | 1366 | 7 |
42. Edward, 3. | 1367 | 1 |
43. Edward, 3. | 1369 | 1 |
All these of EDVVARD, 3. are put into a little box, and so placed in a Buckram bag with others.
Nomina Regum, & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. |
6. Edward, 3. | 1331 | 2 |
20. Edward, 3. | 1346 | 3 |
22. Edward, 3. | 1347 | 1 |
28. Edward, 3. | 1353 | 1 |
35. Edward, 3. | 1360 | 51 |
36. Edward, 3. | 1361 | 2 |
36. Edward, 3. | 1362 | 2 |
39. Edward, 3. | 1364 | 3 |
40. Edward, 3. | 1365 | 1 |
45. Edward, 3. | 1370 | 2 |
47. Edward, 3. | 1373 | 2 |
48. Edward, 3. | 1374 | 11 |
49. Edward, 3. | 1375 | 1 |
All these of EDVVARD the 3. are put into a painted Coffer with Armes, and bound with cord, the Instruments being bound with Packthred, some 6. or 8. yeares, some more some lesse, and noted with paper euery bundle the yeare of our Lord the easier to be found, and placed in a Chest next to the chest vnder the window.
Nomina Regum & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. |
1. Richard, 2. | 1377 | 1 |
3. Richard, 2. | 1379 | 1 |
5. Richard, 2. | 1381 | 1 |
13. Richard, 2. | 1389 | 2 |
19. Richard, 2. | 1395 | 5 |
2. Henry, 4. | 1401 | 4 |
10. Henry, 4. | 1408 | 2 |
11. Henry, 4. | 1409 | 2 |
12. Henry, 4. | 1410 | 1 |
3. Henry, 5. | 1414 | 2 |
5. Henry, 5. | 1416 | 2 |
6. Henry, 5. | 1417 | 1 |
7. Henry, 5. | 1418 | 1 |
8. Henry, 5. | 1419 | 1 |
9. Henry, 5. | 1420 | 4 |
1. Henry, 6. | 1422 | 1 |
17. Henry, 6. | 1438 | 1 |
18, 19. Hen. 6. | 1440 | 2 |
24. Henry, 6. | 1445 | 3 |
16. Henry, 6. | 1447 | 1 |
15. Edward, 4. | 1474 | 2 |
16. Edward, 4. | 1475 | 1 |
19. Edward, 4. | 1478 | 1 |
19. Edward, 4. | 1479 | 1 |
13. Henry, 7. | 1497 | 2 |
15. Henry, 7. | 1499 | 3 |
3. Henry, 8. | 1511 | 1 |
6. Henry, 8. | 1514 | 4 |
9. Henry, 8. | 1517 | 1 |
10. Henry, 8. | 1518 | 4 |
11. Henry, 8. | 1519 | 2 |
12. Henry, 8. | 1520 | 2 |
13. Henry, 8. | 1521 | 3 |
15. Henry, 8. | 1523 | |
19. Henry, 8. | 1527 | 2 |
38. Henry, 8. | 1546 | 2 |
4. Edward, 6. | 1549 | 1 |
5. Philip. | 1558 | 1 |
6. Mary. | 1558 | Nullum. |
1. Elizabeth. | 1559 | 5 |
7. Elizabeth. | 1564 | 7 |
14. Elizabeth. | 1572 | 6 |
Elizabeth. | 158 [...] | |
1597 | &c. King Henry the French Kings bonds, &c are contained in 16. boxes | |
36. Elizabeth. | 1598 | 1 |
All these are in a book and put into a Bag, and layd in a Chest with the [...]ag [...]es of Scotland
Nomina Regum & annus Reg. | Anno Domini. | Quot Instrumenta. |
6. Edward, 1. | 1278 | 1 |
19. Edward, 1. | 1290 | 1 |
21. Edward, 1. | 1291 | 4 |
21. Edward, 1. | 1292 | 1 |
25. Edward, 1. | 1296 | 1 |
27. | 1298 | 1 |
29. | 1300 | 1 |
31. | 1302 | 1 |
6. Edward, 2. | 1307 | 2 |
20. Edward, 3. | 1350 | 1 |
7. Richard, 2. | 1383 | 1 |
21. Richard, 2. | 1397 | 2 |
22. Richard, 2. | 1398 | 2 |
23. Richard, 2. | 1399 | 2 |
Henry, 4. | Nescitur dat. | |
2. Henry, 6. | 1423 | 1 |
3. Henry, 6. | 1424 | 3 |
7. Henry, 6. | 1428 | 1 |
13. Henry, 6. | 1434 | 1 |
21. Henry, 6. | 1443 | 1 |
28. Henry, 6. | 1449 | 2 |
31. Henry, 6. | 1457 | 2 |
5. Edward, 4. | 1464 | |
10. Edward, 4. | 1470 | |
15. Edward, 4. | 1474 | |
23. Edward, 4. | 1482 | |
7. Henry, 7. | 1491 | 1 |
17. Henry, 7. | 1501 | 1 |
19. Henry, 7. | 1503 | 1 |
8. Henry, 8. | 1516 | 1 |
25. Henry, 8. | 1533 | 2 |
26. Henry, 8. | 1534 | 2 |
5. Edward, 6. | 1551 | 1 |
1. Elizabeth, | 1558 | 1 |
1. Elizabeth, | 1559 | 10 |
2. Elizabeth, | 1560 | 1 |
5. Elizabeth, | 1563 | 1 |
12. Elizabeth, | 1570 | 1 |
21. Elizabeth, | 1578 | 1 |
29. Elizabeth, | 1586 | 1 |
All these are in a box and put into a Bagge, and layd in a Chest with the Leagues of France, as aforesaid.
And so much shall suffice for the foure Treasuries.
The Remembrancers are two: Viz. The Kings, and The Lord Treasurers.
NOw what Records are appropriated to either Remembrancer, concerning the businesses [Page 123] of their Offices respectiuely, appeares by an especiall order made for the purpose, by Sir Richard Lyster Knight, Lord Chiefe Baron of the Exchequer: Dated in Iuly, in the fiue and twentyeth yeare of the raigne of King HENRY the eighth, which remaines with the Kings Remembrancer.
And most of the businesses of the Remembrancers, are taken out of an Originall or Extract, which the Chancerie transmitteth yearely into the Exchequer, to collect and recouer thereout, and thereby, any thing that is reserued or due to the Crowne, whether it be Rent Seruice, Accompt, or whatsoeuer else; whereby any profit may arise to the Crowne, either casually, or certainely. By which originall, growes that great correspondency, which is betweene the Exchequer, and the Chancerie.
Now besides the businesses and Records [Page 123] which Sir Richard Lyster assigned and set forth out of the said Originall, as proper to the Kings Remembrancer:
Heere is,
In the Chest at Westminster, in the Office of this Remembrancer, as appeares by the Catalogue thereof, in November 1616.
First, the red Booke.
Item, the booke of Ayde, Anno 20. of EDVVARD the third.
Item, the booke of Fifteenes, and Tenthes.
Item, a little booke with a Crucifixe.
Item, a little booke concerning the Monastery of Saint Augustine in Kent, the Lands and Charters thereof, in Chronology.
Item, a booke of the Abbey of Ramsey.
[Page 124] Item, a Booke of the Abbey of Langdon.
Item, a Booke of the Taxation of the Spiritualties, in the Prouince of Yorke.
Item, a little Booke intituled, Liber de Ball. pro Angl. of all the Balliwicks throughout England.
And this is an ancient booke, made Anno 1180.
Also, a Booke of the Statutes of Edward the third, and other things with the Prerogatiue.
Also, a booke of the Knights Fees, of the time of King Edward, Sonne of King Henry.
Also, another booke of the like.
Also, a booke of the Subsedies, and Knights Fees, of the time of King Henry the sixth.
Also, a booke of the Statutes from the first yeare of Edward the third, till the thirtieth of Henry the sixth: with an abridgment of the same, in the beginning [Page 125] of the said booke.
Also, a Booke concerning the Lands of the Priory of Coventry.
Also, a booke of the Priory of Osney.
Also, a booke of diuers ancient Charters and Fees.
Also, a booke concerning Godsione.
Also, a booke of Statutes, of the time of Henry the sixt, and from thence, for part of the time of Henry the eight.
Also, a booke concerning the Monastery of Malmsbury, styled vpon Record, Mediofluensis.
Also, a booke of the Kings Lands, called Doomesday.
Also, a booke concerning the Abbey of Middleton.
Also, an ancient little booke of Tenures, in the Countyes of Warwicke and Coventry.
Also, a booke of the Rolles of the Tower, concerning the Monasteryes of Wynchcombe, and Hales, and diuers [Page 126] Mannors to the same belonging.
Item, a little booke of Fees, payd at Berwicke and Edenborough, in the thirty two of EDVVARD the third.
Also, a booke of the Monastery of Newplace in Shirwood, their Charters, Monuments, Pleas, and Lands purchased.
Also there is with this Remembrancer, besides the Records appropriated by Sir Richard Lyster, and all the sayd Bookes in the foresayd Chests.
A Presse concerning the affayres of Ireland.
Here is also, a booke of the Decrees and Ordinances of the Court of Augmentation of the Crowne. Also, some Leidger books of some other Religious Houses, then before mentioned.
The Lord Treasurers Remembrancer.
THe Lord Treasurers Remembrancer, hath the keeping of the Extract or Originall of Chancery, before mentioned: together, with the propriety of keeping and entring such things, as Sir Richard Lyster hath set forth for him. For which, I referre you to the Order it selfe, being with the Kings Remembrancer: as I referre you to the Originall it selfe here, to find the whole content thereof.
Here are all Accompts of Accomptants to the Crowne, whatsoeuer; for what matter or cause soeuer, eyther of Seruices or Profits due, or which may be due, to the Crowne.
[Page 128] For:
Respite of Homage: Releifes, &c.
Post Fines.
Any thing leuied for the King.
Fermes of all sorts.
Rent arising by any Patents.
Issues, Fines, Amerciaments, Extreats.
Profits arising by malefaction, or breach of the Lawes.
Subsidies, Fifteens, and Dismes.
Taxes of all sorts.
Profits arising out of any Teand their proper and respectiue services.
[Page 129] For Recusancie, and whatsoeuer the Sheriffe doth account for.
For profit arising by all these, with other things.
FOr which Search, the Originall more at large, and the Sheriffes accounts.
Here, you shall find a Booke of euery Terme, of all Debts discharged, which were due to the King.
Heere is the Booke called, Nomina Villarum; formerly mentioned to bee else where also.
Also, the booke of all Knights Fees.
Also, the Booke of the Ayde of the Prince.
Many Surueyes of the Kings Lands, with other things; For which Search, the Order before mentioned, the Originall accompts of Sheriffes, [Page 130] Esthetors, Commissioners, Searchers, Stewards, Bayliffes, Farmers, Gaugers, Vlnagers, &c.
And so much shall suffice for the two Remembrancers, &c.
It shall not be amisse, that mention be made of the manner how the Deputy Chamberlaines haue demeaned themselues in the exercises of their Offices, being in the Court, and what qualities were needfull for them, in their places.
FIrst, it is needfull for them to haue a reasonable good knowledge, in the Latine and French tongues, for Latine, to vnderstand, reade, and examine the Tailles, which they must doe publikely; Also, to vnderstand the Records, and to know the diuersitie of their natures: For the French, to tell the numbers in examining the Tailles, and especially, to vnderstand the Records, whereof sundry both of State [Page 132] and otherwise, are in French, and especially, in Monstre le Droits, and Treatyes betweene Prince and Prince.
After the Tailles be examined, the charge of the Foyles is onely in the Chamberlaynes, to deliuer them safe ouer to the other two Deputyes on the Chequer side, to joyne the same.
In searching the Booke of Domesdei, is to bee avoyded, laying bare hands or moysture, vpon the writing thereof, and blotting.
In copying of Notes, out of the same Booke of Domesdei, you must write it as neare as you can, to the Letter thereof, obseruing both the great Letters, and the poynts therein, which are prickes with a Pen: thus,
[Page 133] For Yorkeshire, you haue a Kalender onely, which, if you obserue the manner of it, will maruailously ready the Searcher, for thereby you shall find a Towne sooner, and the places wherein the booke doth mention the same.
There is a booke of Domesdei, made by Master Arthur Agard, the late Officer there, remaining in the Treasury, which if you peruse, it will ready the Searcher much, both for the reading, and for the somewhat better vnderstanding thereof.
There is a booke, abbreuiated of the bag of Parliament Rolles, of EDVVARD the firsts time, which is yet amongst Placita Foreste, in the bag intituled; De diversis Forestis, they are very stately Records, Ideo quere.
There is an abridgement in a Parchment booke, of all the Pleadings of EDVVARD the firsts time: intituled, [Page 134] Placita Coram Domino Rege, with a Kalender thereunto, of EDVVARD the second, EDVVARD the third, and RICHARD the seconds time, and HENRY the fourth, and HENRY the fifth.
Also, an abridgement in a booke of a great number of Records of Assizes, in sundry Kings times; whereof, the most are put in a Bag of Canuasse, and layd in a Chest next to the Court of Receipt, in the little roome there, which you may find readily by the number Roll, and the Kings time, indorsed with this note:
Strut. & Abbreu.
There is also abridged some other Records, of Placitam ooram Domino Rege & de banco, for Richard the first, King Iohn, Henry the third, Edward the [Page 135] first, Edward the second, Edward the third, Richard the second, Henry the fourth, & also all Henry the fifths time: Which Bookes and Records, ought neyther to bee giuen or lent away to any, least they returne not againe, whereby they may turne to the Glory of GOD, the seruice of our Soueraigne Prince, and the good of the Subiect, and the better readinesse of them that shall succeed in the place, to whom is wished increase of knowledge.
A Catologue of the names of such Bookes and Kalenders, as are made of the Records remaining in the Office of the Tower of
In Anno Domini, 1592.
FIrst, one Kalender called the Booke of Names, contayning by way of Alphabet, the Names of all men, whose Offices or Inquisitions after theyr deaths, &c. Doth remaine there of Record.
Item, one Kalender of the Echeators bundels, tempore Henry the third, contayning the Names of the Persons & Possessioni that dyed, and had their Offices found in that time, and other Inquisitions of the like Nature.
[Page 137] Item, another like Kalender, tempore Edward the third, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one other like Kalender, tempore EDVVARD the second, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one other like Kalender, tempore Richard the second, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one other like Kalender, tempore Edward the third, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one other like Kalender, tempore Henry the fourth, & Henry the fifth, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one other like Kalender, tempore Henry the sixth, of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
[Page 138] Item, one other like Kalender, tempore Edward the 4. of the Offices and Inquisitions of that time.
Item, one Booke, called the Booke of Heyres, Tempore Henry the third, contayning the Names of such persons, as haue Offices of that time, declaring who were, their Heyres, and their ages, and sometimes their Wiues, with the Countyes wherein they had Lands.
The like booke, tempore Edward the first, & Edward the second, &c.
Item, the like booke, tempore Edward the third, &c.
Item, the little booke, tempore Richard the second, Henry the fourth, & Henry the fifth.
Item, one little Kalender, contayning [Page 139] the Names by way of Alphabet, of such Mannors and Lands, as are found in any of the foresaid Offices, or Inquisitions, in the County of Essex, not perfect.
Item, the like booke of the County of Lineolne.
Item, the like booke of the Countie of Bedford.
Item, the like booke of the County of Berks.
Item, the like Booke of the County of Buckingham.
Item, one other like great booke for the Countyes of Sommerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornewall, but not by way of Alphabet.
A Kalender and Collection out of the old Rolles, without date: called, Charta Antiqua.
[Page 140] Item, a like Kalender, of the Rolles of King IOHN.
Item, a like Kalender, of the Rolles of HENRY the third, ab Anno primo, vs (que) Annum 11.
A Kalender and Collection, of all Grants of Inheritance, granted by the Kings, of any Mannors, Lands, &c. out of the Charters and Patent Rolls, ab Anno primo Edward. 1. vsque Annum vltimum Edward. 4.
Item, two Bookes or Kalenders, of free Warrens, Markets, Fayres, and Leets and other Liberties, gathered out of the Charter Rolles, tempore Edward. 1. ab Anno primo, vsque Annum vltimum Edward 4.
Item, an old worne Kalender of Charters of Corporations, and other Liberties; granted to Cities, Boroughs, Abbeyes, Colledges, and Cathedrall Churches, ab Anno primo Edward. 1. vsque Annum vlcimum Edward. 4.
[Page 141] Item, a like Kalender of Collection out of all the Parliament Rolls of Attayndors, Restitutions, & Resumptioni, from the twenty nine of Henry the third, vsque An. vlt. Edward 4.
Item, certaine Paper Rolles, for confimation of Charters, and Liberties of Colledges, Corporations, and Religious Houses, and for Licenses of Lands to be giuen in Mortmaine, ab Anno primo Edw. 1. vs (que) An. vlt. Ed. 4. by way of Alphabet.
Item, one Booke of confirmations of Charters and Liberties of Colledges, Corporations, and Religious houses, and for licences of Lands to be giuen in Mortmaine, as aforesaid; collected out of the Patent and close Rolls, &c. of all times, and of all EDVVARD the seconds time, except two or three of the last yeares of his Raigne.
Item, certaine small bundles of loose Papers, of like nature as aforesayd: [Page 144] collected by way of Alphabet, of sundry Kings times confused.
Item, a Collection out of the Patent Rolles, gathered of all Presentations, made by the King to any Church Prebend, or Chappell, as well in the right of the Crowne, as in the right of any other, beeing for that time, in the King, from Anno primo Edward. 1. vsque, the middest of the Raigne of king EDVVARD the third.
A PERFECT CALENDER of all the Records, remaining in the Office of Records at the Tower of London, in the yeares of King IOHN, HENRY, III. EDVVARD, I. EDVVARD, II. EDVV: III. RICH: II. HEN: IIII. HEN: V. and EDVVARD, IIII.
CArta, | 2 | 4 |
Oblata, | 1 | |
Pars Laterata, | 1 |
Carta, | 2 | 6 |
Oblata, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Normandia, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 3 |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Oblat. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 2 |
Liberat. & Normand. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 3 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Liberat. terris & Denar. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Normand. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 1 | 2 |
Clausa, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 4 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 2 |
Patent. | 1 |
Nihil, |
Prestita, | 2 |
Nihil, |
Carta, | 1 | 3 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 3 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Carta, | 2 | 7 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 3 |
Carta, | 2 | 7 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 2 |
Summa totalis Rotul. tempore Regis Iohannis, | 66 |
PAtent. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 2 | 5 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 3 | 8 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 3 |
Patent. | 2 | 6 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 |
Patent. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 9 |
Clausa, | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 2 | |
Carta, | 2 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 2 | 6 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 2 | 8 |
Patent | 1 | |
Paten. in Britan. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Fines, & Claus. in Britan. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 4 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Librrata, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 3 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. forinsica, | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 4 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 4 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Cart. Lacerat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 3 |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 3 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 12 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 3 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberata, | 3 | |
Vaseon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 5 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Cart. Lacerat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 |
Cart. | 1 | 9 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 3 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 8 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 7 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4 |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Ret. Receipt. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Patent. | 1. |
Claus. | |
Fines, | |
Liberat. |
Cartae Petri de Sabaudiae, | 1. |
De terris per Duel. concess. | 1. |
Rotul. Constabularij, | 1. |
Carta Robert. Walleran. | 1. |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis HEN: 3. 300.
PAtent. | 1 | 4. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 | |
Scutag. | 1 | |
Pro Marcator de [...]avis | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Perambul. Forest. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Glaus. | 3 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberata, | 3 | |
Vascon. de An. 8. 9. 10 | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scutag. vsq. 18. | 1 | |
Rotul. Marescalc. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia vs (que) 22. | 1 | |
De Trengis, | 1 | |
Carta, & Patent. fact. in transmar. partibus, | 1 | |
Reddiseson vsque, 22. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Patent. de Dominibus Iudeorum, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 | |
Aleman. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Wallia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Cart. pardon. | 1 | |
Protect. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Protect. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 9 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Protect. vs (que) 29. | 1 | |
Carta de pardon. | 1 | |
Pat. de Obligat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Reddis. vs (que) 35. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5 |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Perambul. Forest. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Protect. vs (que) 32. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Scutag. | 1 | |
Respect. Auxilij, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 35. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Protect. | 1 | |
General. Attorn. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Rotul. de Homage: in the Study.
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis EDVV. 1. 234.
CArta, | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 4. | 1 | |
Scotia vs (que) 4. | 1 | |
Roma vs (que) 4. | 1 | |
Reddiss. vs (que) 8. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roman. & Francia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 8. |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Scotia vs (que) 7. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 |
Cart. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 10 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. vsque 20. | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 11 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Nem. Parliament. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotta vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Roma vs (que) 15. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 11 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Claus. de terr. forisfact. vs (que) An. 17 | 2 | |
Roma vs (que) 18. | 1 | |
Donat. terr. forisfact. | 1 | |
Carta Foresta tempore Edwar. 2. An. 14. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Ordinac. ac pro Custod. Garderob. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 8. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 | |
Aleman. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Parliament in dorso Clausa memb. 15 | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis EDVV. 2. 157.
CArta, | 1 | 14 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Hibernia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliment. | 1 | 11 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Reddiss. sen. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 11. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 11 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 11 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon: | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 13 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Aleman. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 17 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 3 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Aleman. | 2 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Patent. apud Antwerp. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 16 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 3 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Aleman. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Patent. pro Mercator. | 1 | |
Pat. conc. hominibus Anglam, & Vascon. | 1 | |
Pat. inter Re gis & diuersis magnat. Germ. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 18 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Clausa, | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Aleman. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Patent. Cart. fact. | 1 | |
Vltra mare, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 16 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 3 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Aleman. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Patent. pro Marcator. | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 13. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 13 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 13 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 16 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Clausa, | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 2 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Patent. pro Marcator. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 18 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Carta, | 1 | |
Clausa, | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Fines pro Exon. rac. Milicia, | 1 | |
Cart. & Patent. fact. in Francia | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 17 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 2 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Cart. & Pat. fact. apud Cales, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 14 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 14 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Reddis. vs (que) ad 33. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 12 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 13 |
Cart. vs (que) 28. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Extract. Donac. | 1 |
Patent. | 3 | 10 |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Roma vs (que) 31. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 11 |
Stopul. vs (que) 50. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 11 |
Cart. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 11 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 |
Carta, | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 2 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 12 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 3 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 11 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Cales & negotijs, | 2 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Patent. | 3 | 9. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 9. |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 11 |
Parliament | 2 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 10 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Carta. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
De tractat. pacis Frane. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 10 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberat. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Carta, vs (que) 46. | 1 |
Patent. | 3 | 8. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Cart. vs (que) 51. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Liberata, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardon. general. | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis EDVV. 3. 494.
PArliament. | 1 | 17 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 6 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberat. vs (que) 21. | 1 | |
Francia, | 2 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia. | 1 | |
Stapul. vs (que) 23. | 1 |
Parliament, | 2 | 10 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 10 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 10 |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 11 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Roma, | 1 | |
Pat. general. vs (que) 21. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 12 |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Cambij, | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 10 |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 8. |
Carta, & 10. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament | 1 | 11 |
Cart. vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Placita Parliam. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 15. | 1 | |
Franc. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 9. |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 9. |
Carta, vs (que) 18. | 1 | |
Patent | 2 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parliament | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 21. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, & 18. | 2 |
Parliam.— | 1 | 7. |
Cart. &—19. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Carta. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines. | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 |
Statut. | 1 | 17 |
Parliament. | 3 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Cart. | 1 | |
Placita in Parliam. | 2 | |
Pardon ac. generrall. | 1 |
Patent. | 3 | 10 |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Reddiss. | 1 | |
Pardon. general. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 3. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis RICH. 2. 211.
PArliament. | 1 | 25 |
Carta. | 3 | |
Patent. | 8 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Liberat. vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, & 2. | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 4. | 1 | |
Pardon. general. vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Viagi vs (que) 11. | 1 | |
Reddiss. vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Placita Parliam. | 1 | |
Ser. vic. ad Coronac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 13 |
Carta. | 2 | |
Patent. | 4 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Cambij. | 1 |
Cart. & 4. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon vs (que) 6 | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia & 5. | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 9. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 2 | |
Subsidij, | 1 | |
Fines | 1 | |
Carta. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 9. |
Parliament. | 1 | |
Carta, & 7. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Pardon. vs (que) 10. | 1 |
Parliament, & 8. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Placita in Parliament. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia | 1 | |
Scotia, & 9. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Cart. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. & 10. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Cart. vs (que) 13. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia vs (que) finem, | 1 | |
Pardon. ac. general. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent, | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 14. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Cart. vs (que) 14. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, & 14. | 1 | |
Pardon. ac. general. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 3. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis HEN. 4. 120.
PArliament, | 1 | 19 |
Cart. | 3 | |
Patent. | 5 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 2 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Liberat. vs (que) 8. | 1 | |
Reddiss. vs (que) 10. | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 | |
Clamie Coron. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 13 |
Cart. | 2 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 18. | 1 | |
Pardonac. vs (que) 5. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 9. |
Carta, et 4. | 1 | |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 6. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Carta, | 1 | |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Norman Patent. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Patent. Norman. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Patent. Norman. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 8. | 1 |
Parliament. | 2 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Patent Norman. | 1 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Patent. Norman. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 5. |
Patent. Norman. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis HEN. 5. 92.
PArliament. | 1 | 15 |
Cart. vs (que) 20. | 1 | |
Patent. | 5 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, & 2. | 1 | |
Scotia, & 2. | 1 | |
Stapul. vs (que) 39. | 1 | |
Cambij, & 2. | 1 | |
Reddiss. vs (que) 39. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Patent. | 4 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 7. | 1 | |
Cambij vs (que) 12. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 11. | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Vascon & 12. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. & 14 | 1 | |
Scotia, & 14. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines. | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Vascon | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Franc. | 1 | |
Vascon, & 18. | 1 | |
Scotia vs (que) 22. | 1 |
Parliament | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parliam. | 1 | 9. |
Patent | 4 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Cart. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Vascon. & 22. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 25. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Carta, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. & 2. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 9. |
Carta. vs (que) 39. | 1 | |
Patent. | 3 | |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Parlaament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardon. ac. & 31 | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Clausa. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 | |
Scotia, vs (que) 34. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. & 34. | 1 | |
Pardonac. & 94. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 5. |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 7. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Vascon. vs (que) 39. | 1 | |
Scotia, & 36. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 5. |
Patent. | 1 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis HEN. 6. 284.
PArliament. | 1 | 15 |
Cart. | 2 | |
Patent. | 7 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardonas. vs (que) 5. | 1 |
Cart. 3. & 4. | 1 | 10 |
Patent. | 6 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 4 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Francia | 1 |
Cart. vs (que) 8. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 3 | 6. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia | 1 |
Parliament, | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 |
Carta, vs (que) 11. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 6. |
Clausa, | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Cart. vs (que) 15. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 | |
cotia, vs (que) 17. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. vsque 15. | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia. | 1 |
Carta, vs (que) 22. | 1 | 7. |
Patent. | 3 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 6. |
Patent. | 2 | |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 1 | 4. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Patent. | 2 | 5. |
Claus. | 1 | |
Fines, | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 |
Parliament. | 1 | 8. |
Patent. & 23. | 2 | |
Claus. & 23. | 1 | |
Fines, & 23. | 1 | |
Francia, | 1 | |
Scotia, | 1 | |
Pardonac. | 1 |
Summa total. Rotulus tempore Regis EDVV. 4. 148.
A note of the seuerall Records in the Office of the Tower, placed in vncertaine places, but most commonly in the Study.
LIber. Parliament. tempor. Edw. 1. & Edw. 2. continen.—156. Folio.
Magna Charta alijs Rotulus Statut. temporibus Edw. 1. Edw. 2. & Edw. 3. Regum Angl.
Rotulus Statutor. tempore Regis Rich. 2.
Rotulus Statut. temporibus Reg. Hen. 4. & Hen. 5.
Rotulus Statutor. Reg. Hen: 6. viz. ab anno decemo, vs (que) ad annum nonem.
Rotulus Statut. Hen: 6. viz. all anno 25. vsque ad annum 39.
Rotulus 5. de Homag: Scotiae temp. Edw: 1.
Rotulus Statutor. Regis Edw: 4. viz. ab anno primo, ad annum nonum.
Cart. Antiqui, from the first Letter of the Alphabet to Z: and to double R.
[Page 212] Rotulus processus in Curia Marescall. in causa Armor. inter Grosuenor & Scroope, vpon the shelfe in the Studie, containing 6. membr. with a great part of that Roll. entered in the backeside.
Bundellum Petitionum Parliament. tempore Edwardi, 3.
- ANno 2. one bundle.
- Anno 4. two bundles apud Winton.
- Anno 7. one bundle.
- Anno 8. one bundle.
- Anno 11. two bundles.
- Anno 12. one bundle.
- Anno 21. one bundle.
- Annis 21. & 22. one bundle.
- Anno 28. one bundle.
- Anno 36. one bundle.
- Anno 30. one bundle.
- Anno incerto two bundles.
Bundellum Petitionum in Parliament. Rich: 2.
- ANno 1. one bundle.
- Anno 2. one bundle.
- Anno 3. one bundle.
- Anno 5. one bundle.
- Anno 11. one bundle.
- Anno 15. one bundle.
- Anno 17. two bundles.
Bundellum Petitionum Parliament. tempore Hen: 4.
- ANno 1. one bundle.
- Anno 2. one bundle.
- Anno 4. one bundle.
- Anno 7. & 8. breuia Parliament.
Bundellum Petitionum Parliament. tempore Hen: 5.
- ANno 2. two bundles.
- Anno 9. one bundle.
Bundellum Petitionum Parliament. tempore Hen: 6.
- ANno 2. one bundle.
- Anno 3. parcell of a bundle.
- Anno 4. one bundle.
- Anno 6. two bundles.
- Anno 8. one bundle, Q. re.
- Anno 9. one bundle.
- Anno 10. one bundle.
- Anno 11. one bundle.
- Anno 15. one bundle.
- Anno 18. two bundles.
- Anno 23. two bundles.
- Anno 27. one bundle.
- Anno 28. two bundles.
- Anno 31. two bundles.
- [Page 215] Anno 31. three bundles.
- Anno 38. one bundle.
- Anno 39. one bundle.
Bundellum Petitionum Parliament. tempore Edw. 4.
- ANno 1. two bundles.
- Anno 3. & 4. one bundle.
- Anno 7. two bundles.
- Anno 12. one bundle Summonicionibus Parliament.
- Anno 14. Prodiuersis Prerogationibus vsque Annum 14.
- Anno decimo Septimo, Two bundles.
Bundellum Eschaetorum post Mortem. Kalendred.
HEn: 3 from Anno primo to the twenty seuen, in one bundle, All the rest of his Raigne, there is for euery yeare one bundle, except for the 32. which is wanting, and besides these, there is one bundle for Annis Incertis.
Edw: the first, his Raigne is Kalendred in thirty fiue seuerall bundles, being for euery yeare one.
Edw: the second, his Raigne is Kalendred in two seuerall bundles, being for euery yeare one.
Edw: the third, his raigne is Kalendred in seuerall bundles for euery yeare one. And there is for the yeares 23. 35. 36. 43. 49. two bundles a peece.
Rich: the second, his Raigne is Kalendred for all his time, for each yeare one bundle, and there is for the 13. 16. and 21. yeares, two bundles a peece.
Hen: the fourth, hath for euery yeare of his Raigne, a seuerall bundle.
[Page 217] Hen: the fifth, hath for euery yeare of his Raigne, a seuerall bundle.
Hen: the sixt, hath for 39. yeares seuerall bundles for each yeare, and but one bundle for 38. and 39. yeares.
Edw: the fourth, hath for euery yeare a seuerall bundle, except for the 9. and 10. there is but one bundle for both.
There is in anno 5. Edw: 1. Rotul. Scutag.
And in 31. Edw: 1. Rotul. Respect. Auxilij: Vide indor. prima pars Rot. Clausis. anno primo Edw: 3. pro parcell. Parliament. anno primo Edw. 3.