AN ADMONITION: To all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of Matrimonie godly, and agreeable to Lawes.
FIrst, that they contract not with such persons as be hereafter expressed, nor with any of like degree, against the law of God, and the lawes of the Realme.
Secondly, that they make no secret contracts without consent and counsaile of their Parents or elders, vnder whose authoritie they be: contrarie to Gods Lawes, and mans ordinances.
Thirdly, that they contract not a new with any other, vpon diuorse and separation made by the Iudge for a time, the lawes yet standing to the contrarie.
MAriage is Honorable among all men, and the bed vndefiled. But Whormongers and Adulterers God will iudge.
Heb. 23.
To auoyde Fornication, let euery Man haue his Wife; and let euery Woman haue her Husband. He that cannot conteine, let him marrie. For it is better to marrie then to burne.
Cor. 7.
Vnto the married I commaund; not I, but the Lord: Let not the Wife depart from her Husband: But if she depart, let her remaine vnmarried, or be reconciled vnto her Husband. And let not the Husband put away his Wife.
Cor. 7.
Leuitici. xviij. and. vi.
‘None shall come neare to any of the kinred of his flesh to vncouer her shame: I am the Lord.’
A man may not marrie his
Secundus dradus in linea recta ascendente
Con. |
Auia. |
1 |
Grandmother. |
af. |
Aui relicta. |
2 |
Grandfathers wife. |
af. |
Prosocrus, vel socrus magna. |
3 |
Wiues Grandmother. | |
Secundus gradus inaequalis, in linea trensuersa ascendente.
Con. |
Amita. |
4 |
Fathers Sister. |
con. |
Martertera. |
5 |
Mothers Sister. |
af. |
Patrui relicta. |
6 |
Fathers Brothers wife. |
af. |
Auunculi relicta. |
7 |
Mothers Brothers wife. |
af. |
Amita vxoris. |
8 |
Wiues Fathers Sister. |
af. |
Martertera vxoris. |
9 |
Wiues Mothers Sister. | |
Primus gradus in linea recta ascendente
Con |
Mater. |
10 |
Mother. |
af. |
Nouerca. |
11 |
Stepmother. |
af. |
Socrus. |
12 |
Wiues Mother. | |
Primus gradus in linea recta descendente
Con. |
Filia |
13 |
Daughter. |
af. |
[...]igna. |
14 |
Wiues Daughter. |
af. |
[...]irus. |
15 |
Sonnes Wife. | |
Primus gradus aequalis in linea trāsuersali
Con. |
Soror. |
16 |
Sister. |
af. |
Soror vxoris. |
17 |
Wiues Sister. |
af. |
Fratris relicta. |
18 |
Brothers Wife. | |
Secundus gradus in linea recta descendēte
Con. |
Neptis ex filio. |
19 |
Sonnes Daughter. |
con. |
Neptis ex filia. |
20 |
Daughters Daughter. |
af. |
Pronurus. i. relicta nepotis ex filio. |
21 |
Sonnes Sonnes wife. |
af. |
Pronurus. i. relicta nepotis ex filia. |
22 |
Daughters Sonnes wife. |
af. |
Priuigni filia. |
23 |
Wiues Sonnes daughter. |
af. |
Priuignae filia. |
24 |
Wiues daughters daughter. | |
Secundus gradus inaequalis, in linea transuersali descendente.
Con. |
Neptis ex fratre. |
25 |
Brothers daughter. |
con. |
Neptis ex sorore. |
26 |
Sisters daughter. |
af. |
Nepotis ex fratre relicta. |
27 |
Brothers Sonnes wife. |
af. |
Nepotis ex sorore relicta. |
28 |
Sisters Sonnes wife. |
af. |
Neptis vxoris ex fratre. |
29 |
Wiues brothers daughter. |
af. |
Neptis vxoris ex sorore. |
30 |
Wiues Sisters daughter. | | |
A woman may not marrie with her
Secundus gradus in recta linea ascendente.
1 |
Grandfather. |
Con. |
Auus. |
2 |
Grandmothers Husband. |
af. |
Auiae relictus. |
3 |
Husbands Grandfather. |
af. |
Prosocer, vel socer magnus. | |
Secundus gradus inaequalis linea transuersali ascendente.
4 |
Fathers Brother. |
Con. |
Patruus. |
5 |
Mothers Brother. |
con. |
Auunculus. |
6 |
Fathers Sisters Husband. |
af. |
Amitae relictus. |
7 |
Mothers Sisters Husband. |
af. |
Materterae relictus. |
8 |
Husbands Fathers Brother. |
af. |
Patruus mariti. |
9 |
Husbands Mothers Brother. |
af. |
Auunculus mariti. | |
Primus gradus in linea recta ascendente
10 |
Father. |
Con. |
Pater |
11 |
Stepfather. |
af. |
Vitricus. |
12 |
Husbands father. |
af. |
Socer. | |
Primus gradus in linea recta descendente.
13 |
Sonne. |
Con. |
Filius. |
14 |
Husbands Sonne. |
af. |
Priuignus. |
15 |
Daughters Husband. |
af. |
Gener. | |
Primus gradus aequalis in linea transuersali.
16 |
Brother. |
Con. |
Frater. |
17 |
Husbands Brother. |
af. |
[...]. |
18 |
Sisters Husband. |
af. |
Sororis relictus. | |
Secundus gradus in linea recta descendente
19 |
Sonnes Sonne. |
Con. |
Nepos ex filio. |
20 |
Daughters Sonne. |
con. |
Nepos ex filia. |
21 |
Sonnes Daughters Husband. |
af. |
Progener. i. relictus neptis ex filio. |
22 |
Daughters daughters husband |
af. |
Progener. i. relictus neptis ex filia. |
23 |
Husbands Sonnes Sonne. |
af. |
Priuigni filius. |
24 |
Husbands Daughters Sonne. |
af. |
Priuignae filius. | |
Secundus gradus inaequalis in linea transuersali descendente
25 |
Brothers Sonne. |
Con. |
Nepos ex fratre. |
26 |
Sisters Sonne. |
con. |
Nepos ex sorore. |
27 |
Brothers Daughters husband. |
af. |
Neptis ex fratre relictus. |
28 |
Sisters Daughters husband. |
af. |
Neptis ex sorore relictus. |
29 |
Husbands Brothers Sonne. |
af. |
Leuiris filius. i. nepos mariti ex fratre. |
30 |
Husbands Sisters Sonne. |
af. |
Gloris filius. i. nepos mariti ex sorore. | | |
1 IT is to be noted, that those persons which be in the direct line ascendent and descendent, cannot marry togeather, although they be neuer so farre a sunder in degree.
2 It is also to be noted, that Consanguinitie and affinitie (letting & dissoluing matrimonie) is contracted as wel in them, & by them which be of kindred by the one side, as in and by them which be of kindred by both sides.
3 Item, that by the lawes, Consanguinitie and affinitie (letting and dissoluing Matrimonie) is contracted as well by vnlawfull companie of man and woman, as by lawfull mariage.
4 Item, in contracting betwixt persons doubtfull, which be not expressed in this Ta
[...], It is most sure, first to consult with men learned in the lawes; to vnderstand what is lawfull, what is honest and expedient, before the finishing of their contracts.
Item, that no Parson, Vicar, or Curat, shall solemnize Matrimonie out of his or their Cure, or parish Church or Chappell: and shall not solemnize the same in priuate Houses, nor lawlesse or exempt Churches, vnder the paines of the Law, forbidding the same. And that the Curate haue their Certificates, when the parties dwell in diuers Parishes.
Item, the
[...]nds of Matrimonie ought to be openly denounced to the Church by
[...] Minister, three seuerall Sundayes or Feastiuall dayes, to the intent, that who will and can alledge any impediment, may be heard, and that stay may be made till further trial, if any exception be made there against it, vpon sufficient caution.
7 Item, who shall malitiously obiect a friuolous impediment against a lawful Matrimonie, to disturbe the same, is subiect to the paines of the Law.
8 Item, who shall presume to contract in the degrees prohibited (though he do it ignorantly) besides that the fruit of such copulation may be iudged vnlawfull, is also punishable at the Ordinaries discretion.
9 Item, if any Minister shall conioyne any such, or shalbe present at such contracts making, ought to be suspended from his Ministerie for three yeeres: and otherwise to be punished according to the Lawes.
10 Item, it is further ordeined, that no Parson, Vicar, or Curat, do preach, treat, or expound, of his owne voluntarie inuention, any matter of controuersie in the Scriptures, if he be vnder the degree of a maister of Art, except he be licensed by his Ordinarie therevnto, but onely for the instruction of the people, read the Homilies already set foorth, and such other forme of doctrine as shall be hereafter by authoritie published. And shall not innouate or alter any thing in the Church, or vse any olde rite or ceremony, which be not set foorth by publicke authoritie.
Set foorth by the most reuerend Father in God,
Mathew Archbishop of Canterburie, Primate of England, and Metropolitane.
Imprinted at London for Edward White.
1 IT is to be noted, that those persons which be in the direct line ascendent and descendent, cannot marry togeather, although they be neuer so farre a sunder in degree.
2 It is also to be noted, that Consanguinitie and affinitie (letting & dissoluing matrimonie) is contracted as wel in them, & by them which be of kindred by the one side, as in and by them which be of kindred by both sides.
3 Item, that by the lawes, Consanguinitie and affinitie (letting and dissoluing Matrimonie) is contracted as well by vnlawfull companie of man and woman, as by lawfull mariage.
4 Item, in contracting betwixt persons doubtfull, which be not expressed in this Ta [...], It is most sure, first to consult with men learned in the lawes; to vnderstand what is lawfull, what is honest and expedient, before the finishing of their contracts.
Item, that no Parson, Vicar, or Curat, shall solemnize Matrimonie out of his or their Cure, or parish Church or Chappell: and shall not solemnize the same in priuate Houses, nor lawlesse or exempt Churches, vnder the paines of the Law, forbidding the same. And that the Curate haue their Certificates, when the parties dwell in diuers Parishes.
Item, the [...]nds of Matrimonie ought to be openly denounced to the Church by [...] Minister, three seuerall Sundayes or Feastiuall dayes, to the intent, that who will and can alledge any impediment, may be heard, and that stay may be made till further trial, if any exception be made there against it, vpon sufficient caution.
7 Item, who shall malitiously obiect a friuolous impediment against a lawful Matrimonie, to disturbe the same, is subiect to the paines of the Law.
8 Item, who shall presume to contract in the degrees prohibited (though he do it ignorantly) besides that the fruit of such copulation may be iudged vnlawfull, is also punishable at the Ordinaries discretion.
9 Item, if any Minister shall conioyne any such, or shalbe present at such contracts making, ought to be suspended from his Ministerie for three yeeres: and otherwise to be punished according to the Lawes.
10 Item, it is further ordeined, that no Parson, Vicar, or Curat, do preach, treat, or expound, of his owne voluntarie inuention, any matter of controuersie in the Scriptures, if he be vnder the degree of a maister of Art, except he be licensed by his Ordinarie therevnto, but onely for the instruction of the people, read the Homilies already set foorth, and such other forme of doctrine as shall be hereafter by authoritie published. And shall not innouate or alter any thing in the Church, or vse any olde rite or ceremony, which be not set foorth by publicke authoritie.