A description of a strange (and miraculous) Fish, cast upon the sands in the meads, in the Hundred of Worwell, in the County Palatine of Chester, (or Chesshiere. The certainty whereof is here related concerning the said most monstrous Fish.
To the tune of Bragandary.
OF many maruels in my time
I'us heretofore,
But here's a stranger now in prime
that's lately come on shore,
Inuites my pen to specifie
What some (I doubt) will think a lie.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
It is a fish, a monstrous fish,
a fish that many dreads,
But now it is as we would wish,
cast vp o'th sands i'th meads,
Chesshire; and tis certaine true,
Describ'd by those who did it view.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
Full twenty one yards and one foot
this fish extend in length,
With all things correspondent too't,
for amplitude and strength:
Good people what I shall report,
Doe not account a fained sport.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
It is almost fiue yards in height,
which is a wondrous thing,
O mark what maruels to our sight
our Potent Lord can bring.
These secrets
Neptune closely kéeps
Within the bosome of the déeps.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
His lower jaw-bone's fiue yards long,
the vpper thrice so much,
Twelue yoak of oxen stout and strong,
(the weight of it is such)
Could not ones stir it out o'th sands
Thus works the All-creating hands.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
Some haue a project now in hand,
(which is a tedious taske)
When the Sea turnes, to bring to Land
the same with empty cask:
But how I cannot well conceiue,
To each mans judgement that I leaue.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
The lower jaw-bone nam'd of late▪
had téeth in't thirty foure,
Whereof some of them are in weight
two pounds, or rather more:
There, were no teeth i'th vpper jaw,
But holes, which many people saw,
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
The second part,
To the same tune.
HIs Pistle is in length foure yards,
big as a man i'th wast,
This monster he who well regards,
from th'first vnto the last,
By euery part may motiues find,
To wonder at this wondrous kind.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
His Cods are like two hogsheads great,
this séemeth past beléefe,
But men of credit can relate
what I describe in briefe:
Then let's with charity confesse
Gods works are more then man can guesse.
O rare, &c.
The tongue on't is so mighty large,
I will it not expresse,
Lest I your credit ouer-charge,
but you may easlly guesse,
That sith his shape so far excels,
The tongue doth answer all parts else.
O rare, &c.
A man on horseback as tis try'd
may stand within his mouth,
Let none that hears it this deride,
for tis confirm'd for truth:
By those who dare auouch the same,
Then let the Writer beare no blame.
O rare, &c.
His nerues or sinewes like Bulls pissles,
for riding rods some vse:
Of Spermaceti there's some vessels:
if this be the worst newes,
That of this monster we shall heare,
All will be well I doe not feare.
O rare, &c.
Already sixtéene tuns of Oyle
is from this fish extracted
And yet continually they
no season is protracted:
It cannot be imagin'd how much
'Twill yéeld, the vastnesse on't is such.
O rare, &c.
When he vpon the sands was cast
aliue, which was awhile:
He yell'd so loud, that many (agast)
heard him aboue sixe mile:
Tis said the Female fish likewise
Was heard to mourne with horrid cryes:
O rare, &c.
The Mariners of
Chester say
a Herring-hag tis nam'd:
What ere it be, for certaine they
that are for knowledge fam'd,
Affirme, the like in ages past
Vpon our Coast was neuer cast.
O rare beyond compare, in England nere the like.
M. P.
Printed at London for Thomas Lambert, at the sign of the Hors-shoo in Smithfield.
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