Gathered out of the publik instruments, and informations taken thereof. By autho­ritie of the Lord Archbishop of Maclin.

Translated out of the French copie into English by M. Robert Chambers Priest, and confessor of the English Religious Dames in the Citie of Bruxelles.


PRINTED, At Antwarp, by Arnold Conings.


Cum Priuilegio


I DOVBT not (Dread So [...] ­ueraine) but that by some meanes the reporte of the straunge, and wonderfull things which lately haue happened in these Nether­lands are come to your gra­ce, knowledge, where at all the world bere stādeth so much amazed and astonished: but whether your Maiestie hath bene informed of at the parti [...]ulari­ties, I iustly doubt, because I can not by any waies vnderstand, that your Highnes is any whit moued Meta [...]li. 1. tex. 1. therewith. Aristotle saieth. Omnes hommes naturaliter scire desiderant. All men haue a natural desi [...]e to at­taine to the true, & perfect knowledge of things: but the wiser, and learneder sorte are especialy adicted there-vnto, principaly, when the obiect is admira­ble, of weight and importance: for then as it [Page] yeeldeth vnto their spirits extraordinat [...]e content­ment and perfection, so to be ignorant thereof, putteth them in hazard of error, no [...]ble domage, and confusion. Whence hath proce [...]ded the exquisit diligence and curious inquisition, which we haue seen vsed in this present matter, not onely by our Prelates, Doctors, and Professors of learning, vnto whom the direction of our soules in the way of God doth chiefly appartaine, but also by the tēporal Prin­ces, No [...]li [...]e, and men of ciuil pol [...]cie, whose wis­dome and due regard of their own credites, d [...]sdai­ned, to p [...]rmit them selues to be led by the noses, to the future peril of their soules, together with the present disparagement of their honours, and sepu­tations. The wh [...]ch manner of these mennes proce­ding in this affaire, gaue me occasion to suspect, that your Maiestie was not sufficiently informed hereof: for other wise, it is not to be imagined (consideration beeing had of the common and general opinion which men here conceiue of your Graces singuler prudence, and lite [...]arure) that your Royal wisdom would passe ouer these things as though your grace had no apprehensi [...]n or esteeme thereof, which of very many are held as most per [...]icious, & abomina­ble, in the sight both of God and m [...]n: and of innu merable others are reputed as most venerable, and glori [...]us demonst [...]ations of our Lord his sweet loue care & prouidence [...]owardes his louing Spouse his Church▪ which he vouchsafeth to adorne in this honorable and admirable māner.

Vpon which coniecture my Gracious lord and souueraine I haue aduentured to send vnto your Princely view the authentical [...]elat on of diuers things, which in these last yeares haue happened amongst vs: a subiect vndoubtedly not vnwoorthy [Page] your ma [...]re consideration, and exquisit iudgement. And I haue laboured to translate it out of the Fiēch copie, not that I thinck your Maiestie ignorant of that language, but that by the way I might also sa­tisfy the greedie desire of many your ma [...]esties lo­uing subiects, who haue alredie hard the b [...]uit but yet haue not had the assured & certaine knowledge of the matter. And I am the more bold to write vnto your Maiestie of these things, considering what by others hath bin done vnto great Emperours, and kings in the like case. For I read that Pome [...]s Diuers authors vvho haue vvr [...]tten to Prin­ces of mir [...]cles Pilate wrote vnto Tyberius Caes [...]r touching the miracles of our Lord and Sauiour. I note how the famous. Nicephorus dedicated his Ecclesiastical hi­storie to Andronicus Paleologus the Emperour, in which historie, (amongst other things) sundrie worthie miracles are comprised. I fynd that our renoumed contrieman Venerable B [...]de directed vnto King Coo­lulphe his miraculous histor [...]e of our English Sax­o [...]s con [...]ersion to the saith of Christ. I haue seen (to omitt p [...]oli [...]itie in this matter) the book which the Abbor & cōgregatiō of the mon [...]ks of Mōt Sorr [...] ­to offred vnto the French king now liuing cōtayni [...]g a narration of certaine miracles wrought at the said mont Serr [...]to. Againe I haue bin much hartned to present this relatiō [...]nto your Maiestie, in regard of the great opinion & esteeme the worthie, godly, and Prudent Princes of these Contries haue of this mat­ter, which they haue manifested by theyr often Pil­gnmages to the place of Montaig [...]e, where also by their goodly, rich [...], and stately ornaments and obla­tions they haue giuen a [...]l the world to vn 'erstand the high regard, and account they make hereof. But chiefly I haue ben animated here vnto, for that it is not vnknown, what extraordinarie pleasere [Page] and contentment, your Maiestie taketh to imploy your Roial labors in those things, that appertaine vnto God.

What thing [...] do more apertaine vnto God (Gra­cious Soueraine, then miracles▪ which is as much to say, as those workes which can be wrought onely by God, of which ranck these (where of here relation is mad [...]) are beleeued to bee, as beeing semblable vnto those diuine operations, where by the Sauiour of the world did manifest h [...]s Godhead to the world. For here your Grace may behould, how the blynd see, the deaf heare, the lame walk, the deuils are ex pelled he leaporous are made cleane, and many other painful, deformed and desperate maladies are cured.

I know it would be a great miracle yf these works would be admitted [...]f all men for miracles. Wherefore I am humbly to intreat your gracious patience, to peruse what here I haue set down in an swere of those obiections, whereby I find them or­d narilie to be oppugned I feare that I shal be dee­med of many to be ouer prolix, but I beseech them to consider, that it is Gods cause which I handle, and that I endeuour to informe my gracious Lord and Prince in such sorte of the veritie hereof, that with greater light and assurance he might pro­nounce his expected royal sentence, to the glor [...]e of God, his own honour, & inestimable commoditie of many thousands. And although I haue not here so conuenient place to vtter the hundre [...]h parte of those things which otherwise I wou [...]d therefore I in­tend (by our Lords h [...]lp) here after more to inlarge my self herein as occasion shal b [...] offe [...]ed▪

Who is he (gracious Soueraine) that hath but half an eye and seeth not of what consequence it is for any Societie of people to be assisted with the pre­sence of miracles? For where miracles are seen to fa­uour [Page] the persons, o [...] things that appertain to their Congregation, who can deny but that God is wel plea [...]ed which them, and wel a low [...]th of their [...]ites, Psal. 71. faith and profession? Miracl [...]s a [...]e works that sur­passe the power of an [...] creature Benedictus Dominus vvhat authori­tie mira­cles haue to proue Religiō. Deus Israel, qui facit m [...]r [...]bilia solus. Blessed be the lord God of Israel vvho onely vvorketh maruclous things or miracles as the Prophet sayeth. When therefore he vou [...]hsafeth to work any miracle i [...] the desence or honour of any person o [...] any point belonging to any Re [...]igion, or beleef, such a miracle is as it were his very woord, and souetaine [...]iuine sentence, giuē vpon the same, which n [...]ne may d [...]ny, gainsay, or doubt of, without note of infidel [...]e, & saculegious blasphemie. The ho [...]y Sc [...]iptures by the deuil him­self, and many Heretickes both are, and haue bene fowly and wickedly cited, and interpreted: the tes­timonies of the auncient holy Fathers are by diuers sects diue sly abused: the old [...]amou [...] Marty [...]s Con­fesso [...]s, and Virgins are chalenged of many, and as it were violently hailed into their Congregations, as yf they had bin of their churches, and professious: forme [...] general Councels, Canons of Popes, and decrees of Sinods are of sund [...]e sactions alleaged as fau [...]u [...]ing then sundrie in [...]entions: in fine, the [...]e is no proof vs [...]d by [...]he Catholi [...]ks, which the impug­ners of the Catholick Church d [...]aw not into their books, sermons, and disputations, but at miracles al parties must m [...]k [...] a stand, and be silent; there, God him self alone must speak, and shewe himself, for such woorks are out of all the reach of a [...]y fi [...]te and created power, none beeing able to rule the cha­riot of this Sunne, but onely such losuaes, as vnto whome our Lord wil vouchsafe to graūt so great au­thoritie, and commaund [...]e. Which the wisdome of [Page] God our Sauiour Iesus Christ wel vnderstood, and therfore he vsed this medium, proof and argument for the authoritie, and veri [...]it of his doctrine and in [...]. 15. condemnation of the Iewes ineredu [...]itie saying: Si opera non fecissem in ijs qua nemo [...]l [...]s fecis, peccatum non haberent. Yf I had not done among them wor­kes that no other man hath don, they should not have sinne. In like manner the same Lord beeing to send his Apostles to instruct the world in a Reli­gion 1. Cor. 1. which to the Iewes was [...]eandalous, to the Gentiles meere foll [...]. & to all men passing the com­passe of reason, he furnished them with the same mea­nes, whereby to make their hearers capable of their doctrine, and to induce them to subiect their heads and harts there-vnto. And by what eloquence or forcible persuasion was this to be effectuated? Verily by no other meanes, then that God himself should affirme, and auerre their preaching by his miraculous Mat 11. ma [...]e. 3. Lu [...]. 9. working, as it is said: Conuocatis duod [...]cim distipu­ [...]is suis, dedit [...] potestatem spirituum immundorum, vt [...]cerent [...]os, & [...] omnem languorem & omnem infirmitatem. Hauing called his tvvelue disciples toge­ther, he gaue them povver ouer vncleane sperus, that they should cast them out, and should [...] al diseases, and al infirmiti [...]s. Which vnspeakeable goodnes and prouidence of God, if we wil duely consider, we m [...]y euidently see his incomprehensible wisdome, & loue towards vs his most vnworthie Creatures, in pro­uiding for our instruction in his wayes such affored meanes, whereby, to ieaine the truthe, and to auoid al er [...]our: that if al the world would haue layed their heades together to inuent a way▪ they could not God can not vvor ke mira­cles for the proof of any fals religiō. haue found a more perspicuous▪ more profitable, or more glorious then this, which he of his blessed mer­cie hath vouche safed vnto vs, for God being he [Page] truthe it self, he cā not by his omnipo [...]ēcie giue his [...]estimonie to any error or falshood: & beeing very goodnesse it self, it is impossible that he wil permit vs to be seduced by any his extraordinarie supernatu­ral operations, neither can he or wil he yeeld a [...]y ho­nor to that, which in it self is euil. For as truthe is a thing perfectly good and the chyld of God, so falshood is detestable and naught, and the wicked impe of the deuil. Of which thing that renoumed & famous champion of Gods Church Sainct Augustin Aug. q. 114 de quaestio­nibus no u [...] & ve­ [...]e [...]is te­stamēti. had a true and perfect conceipt, Who savd: Ow [...]nes Philosophi, & sectarum inuentores, [...]sis desputationi­bus mu [...]cem se confuderunt. Nullus [...] alterum transie [...]s, quia vnusquisque in quo imbutus fuer [...]t permanebat. Al the Philosophers, and sectmaisters, cōfounded each other by sundrie disputes. Neuer any one of them yeelding to the other for euery one held to that vvhich once he had [...]a [...]ned. Behold the ordinarie issue of a [...]wranglings and contentions, euen amongst the wittie [...] and lear­neder sorte. But he proceedeth: Hinc sactumest vt Dei prouidenti [...] (cu [...]us sensus inuestigari non potest) pr [...] ­dications suae virtutem adiungeret, vt veritas predicatio­nis virtutis testimonio probaretur: vt qui verbis contra­di [...]erent, virtutibus non auderent. Hence it came to pas that the prouidence of God, (whose sense no man can fyud out) [...]o [...]ed power to his preaching, that the truthe of his preaching might be prooued by the te­stimonie of his power: that if any would ga [...]ne [...]y his woords, they should not date to contradict his powerable woorkes. And that glorious doctor S. Gregorie for his rare learning and wisdome surna­med the great, speaking of the miracles of God and Greg. hom. 1 [...] in Es [...]ch his Saincts confirmeth the same saying. H [...] quam vera de Deo dixerint, testantur miracula, quia tal [...]a p [...] [...]ll [...]m non facerent, nisi vera de illo n [...]rarent. Hovv tru­ly [Page] these people haue spoken of God, their miracles be [...] vv [...]tt [...]es for they could never vvork such things by him, if they had not spoken truly of him. Whereby we see of what force & authoritie miracles are to persuade men to accept of that doctrine, which otherwise by their reason they can not comprehend. And the sayd holy Doctor proceedeth, adding an other point worthie the noting. S [...] [...]gitur de side tentamur, quam ex illorum pr [...]dications concepimus, loqu [...]tium miracu­la conspici [...]. & in side qu [...] ab ers accep [...]mus confir­m [...]ur: quid erg [...] illorum miracula, nisi ipsa sunt nostra prepugnacula [...] If therfore vve be tempted about our faith, vvich [...] by their preach [...]g vve haue learned, vve behold the miracles of our Preachers, and thereby [...] confirmed in the faith, vvich from them vve haue re­cti [...]ed therfore vvhat other things are their miracles but that they are our fortresses! Which conclusion seemeth to be so iust, and sounded in reason, that I thinck there is none that dare so much as doubt of it, much lesse deny it.

Yet I confesse though the deuil cannot make mē to deny this euident principle, notwithstanding he endeuoureth to make voyd the force and authoritie thereof. For when he dare not coap with his armed aduersarie, if he can persuade him to cast away his weapons, he nothing doubteth but that then he shal Pra [...]e [...] ­lus de vi [...]is H [...] [...]e [...]. lib 14 n [...]. 13. easilie subdue him. So I read that he dealt with a certayn kynde of miscreā [...]s called vv [...]denses or Poor men of Lions, who amongst diuers other their [...]wd blasphemies and heresies, were persuaded to auoue he that God neuer wrought any miracles in his Church: whereby the s [...]btil enimie iuducing them, [...]nd others by them to dispoile the Church of her mi­racles, it was ve [...]ie easie for him afterwards to make men dispise, what-soeuer vpon the credit of miracles [Page] the sayd Churche might argue against them. Vnto which poor wittles people certaine others do neer­ly approache, who although they wil perhaps con­fesse al such miracles as are cōtained in the bookes of holy Scripture: Yet because they thinck that not long after the tyme that those bookes were written, either [...]el gates preuailed against the rock of the Cōt [...] to our sauiou­res pro­mis and vvarr [...]t. Math 16 Math. 5. Church, or that the Citie builded vpon an hil, was ouer couered with some Aegyptian duskie darcknes, or els shut vp in some vnknowne caue and valley: consequētly they inferr that there neuer apeared mi­racles since that chāge whereby they wil haue vs be­leeue that either they haue quite perished, or els haue bene wrought in [...]ugger mugger & in great secret. For as they know where smoke is there comonlie is some fier, and where they see a shadow they must confesse the presence of some bodie: so if they should graunt the perpetual course of miracles, they must also graunt the perpetuitie of that Church for which and in which they haue bin wrought.

In the discouerie of which their absurditie I might Fo [...] in his Actes & mo­numētes. first alledge them the testimonie of their own Fox, who telleth vs of diuers miracles appertaining to his martyrs.. But they may answer me, that Fox is fabulous, I yeeld he is so, for that he is easilie prooued so to be, and I know it would be lost and lewd la­bor for any to endeuo [...] to prooue the contrarie In his vvatche­vvord. Yet would I learne what they repute those benedictions to be, which Sir Francis Hastings, and almost euery preacher and gospeller affirme that God hath heaped vpon our Realme, since the alteration of Religion was made therein Yf they be but the ordinarie mercies of God, as he maketh his Sunne Math. [...]. to rise vpon the good and bad, and sendeth downe his rayne vpon the iust and vniust: then they make [Page] no more for their Gospel, then the like do for the Turkes [...]: or els they can p [...]o [...]ue vnto [...]s that God hath supernaturally blessed them onely in re­gard of their Religion, thereby manifesting vnto them and others, that England professeth his true faith, and that his true worship onely flo [...]sheth therein: which when I see them do, then both I and they must graunt them as many miracles, as they can score vp their supernatural blessings, and conse­quently we both must conclude that miracles are not yet decayed. But because I know the things whereof they make this bragge [...]e of the wiser soi [...]e esteemed presumptions, phantasies, inuentions, and meet sopperie therfore I leaue it to each mannes wis­dome to inferr hereof the continuance of miracles [...] be pleaseth. And I wish them rather to peruse the writings and volumes of those that haue set down the infinit miracles which by diuers holy Persons & in diuers holy places amongst Catholicks haue bene wrought. To reci [...]e here the onely bare names of those that haue most laudably emploted their labors [...]etem, would be an [...]dles trauaile: where thē should I begin? how shal I proceed? and when shal I make an end, if I would vndertake to reherse the sundrie particulatities touching this matter which in these Authors I finde registred?

But I know as they blesh not to deny so eui­dent a truthe as is the continuance of miracles so wil they not be ashamed to contem [...]e, disgrace, and scorne al such as haue recorded them, nothing regarding the opinion o [...] esteeme▪ that either the Christian world now hath, or euer had of their wisdome, sanct [...]e, learning, sinceritie, and discretion. Yet if they wil not credit those writers who haue penned the gestes and miracles of particuler persons, & places, at least­wise [Page] let them not disdaine the publick records, and Cronicles of whole Kingdomes and nations: espe­ciallie in such things as by the people of the said king­domes and nations are generally held and confessed to be true; yea, which often tymes the Croniclers of other Realmes and cōmon wekhes do acknowledge & a [...]o [...]che with them, without any differēce, doubt, or contradiction.

In those publick monuments they may read how the said dominions and countries receaued first their Christianitie, & withall they shal finde, that miracles were stil a principal motiue and instigation there [...] ­ [...]o. It is not vnknown how the faith of Christ was preached in Iurie, how it was aftervard spred through Grece, Italie, Spaine and other Cuntries, where the Apostles, a [...]d Disciples of Christ preached. I suppose few wil deny but that they did worke miracles in all places wheresoeuer they came to teach the Gospel for so it is written: Illi autem profecti pr [...]dicauerunt vbi­que: Domino cooperant [...], & sermone confirmd to seq [...]ē ­tib signis. But they going forth preached euery vvhere, our Lord vvorking vvithal, and confirming the vvord vvith signes that follovved. Let them onely peruse the later ages, and let them passe through them succes­siuely, by euery Nation as [...]t was conuerted. And if it please them they may began with that people which now we call French, and they shal see, that the French men hold that they receiued their faith by Hi [...]c [...] ­rus in e­ius vita. Heda [...] Hist See [...]o [...]: de signis Ecclesi [...]. the preaching and miracles of S. Remigius, & others: likewise we [...]g [...]sh say that our conue [...]ion was first wrought by the [...]cuo [...]rs and miracles of. Sanct Augusti [...] the monke, & of his fellowes. The Danes and Suct [...]ns affirm that S. R [...]embertus by preaching, and working of miracles made them Christians. The [Page] People of Bahemia tel that they were conuerted by [...]. [...]. cap. 1. & 2. the miracles first of two Brethren called Cirillus and Methodius, & then of the holy Dutches Ludmilla, and of their king Venc [...]sel [...]us. The Sclauonians haue in their records that they were brought to the faith by the labors & miracles of S. Bonifacius The Polo­nians with their Prince Miesc [...] by meanes of a mi­racle were first baptized. The Hungarians by mi­racles, and the industrie of Adalbertus bishop of Prage and of their Prince G [...]isa became Christians. The Tarta [...]ās with their king Cassanus submitted them selues to the faith of Christ, being moued there unto by a notable miracle Almost in our age the vvest Indies began by the miracles of Martinus Valentinus and Al [...]si [...] Bertrandus to admitt the Christian be­leef. And to conclude the East India by the mira­cles of Consaluus Sil [...]erius. of the blessed Francis Xa­ [...]erius, and of Gasper surnamed Belga al th [...] of the Soci [...]ie of the holy name of Iesus began lykewise to forsake their Paganisme, and to imbrace the doctrin of Christ Iesus.

What may any reasonably answer to this Historical demonstration and Chronical deduction of the perpetuitie and continuance of miracles? Wil this opposit people say for al this, that these heathens were neuer brought to make acceptance of Christ his Gospel by miracles, can they by any sufficient authors or conuenient proofs shew vs the contrarie? wil they [...] vs in the mouthes that al these are fictions, and standing stil vpon their bare & incredulous denial, giue thely to al the monuments, traditions and writers of al these kingdomes and Nations? Be it so if of force without any reason they wil haue it so, yet I wil demonstrate vnto thē (yf they wil not [...]eny theyr own w [...]tes) that they must necessarilie graunt [Page] so manie successi [...]e miracles as there haue bin cuni­tries and People who haue imbraced the faith with­out the motiue of external miracles.

For what can be more miraculous then to see so many great & barbarous nations with their Kings and Nobles, settled in a Religion by themselues and all their aunce [...]ers, ind [...]e [...] whith great Honours, riches pomp and preuileges, taught and magnified by their own Priestes, whose credit and necessarie maintenance de ended thereon: by which their pa­gā religion they were licē ed [...]o cōmitt almost what s [...]euer their proude, vnbri [...]eled licentious sensual appetites could desire? What could be more miracu­lous I say, then to see these people at the bare prea­ching and ass [...]ueration of some Bishops or Priests, (yea imagin & say of some superintendēts & mini­sters) who should teach them, that the God which they ought to beleeue & adore, i [...] three persons and yet but one God: that one of these persons is both man and God, two natures but one person: whose mother both before his birth, in his birth, and after his birth was alwayes a pure virgin, and an immacu­late mayd: and that this God [...]f [...]er he had for the space of some yeares indured many mise [...]es, indig­nitie [...], sclaunde [...]s, and persecutions of certaine men that maligned him, was afterwards bet [...]a [...]ed to them and atached by them, and after sundrie disgrac [...]s and afflictiōs most cruelly and shamefully ha [...]ged▪ & put to death. Yea supo [...]e that these preachers should haue [...]ould then, that this God in his life tyme wrought manie miracles▪ and that [...]f [...]e [...] his death he did [...]se againe to life, and ascended vp o heauen: whether also these Pagans & Silua [...]oe [...] should come, if they would throw down their Goddes, [...]est oy their [...]emples, fortake their Priestes, abnor then sac [...] fices [Page] suffer their [...]eades to be washed in the name of God, for the remission of their sinne [...], and w [...]thal if they, would imbrace chastitie, m [...]k [...]nes, patience, pen­n [...]n [...], humilitie, and beleeue many things surpas­sing their understanding and submit them selues to diue [...]s other things contratie to their sence, yea alto gether opposit to their pride, and [...]ertie which be­fore they enioyed. He that wil say that such people as these were brought to this, without an exceeding great miracle, yf not by many miracles, I wil not say that he is a miracle, but surely I think your Royal wisdome wil deeme and iudge him a wonde [...]ous monster.

Furthermore I beseech your Maiestie to consi­der if a reprobate Iewe were to demande of these negatiue people, whether they thought our Lord God did more honour, or gaue more preuileges to the new law, or to the old, that is, (as true Christians would say) to the woork of Christ, or to that of Moyses: to that which was in [...]e [...]e substāoe Alvvai­es mira­cles in the ty me of the ould l [...]vve. or to the figure thereof: to that which was the per­fection, or to that which was to be perfected? What answer I pray your Grace wil they shape him? A shame on thē if they would giue the sinagoge the vpper hand, and shoulder down the Gospel, for that were avery vnciuil or rather vngodly t [...]ick of a Gos­peller. And yet the Iewe wil demonstrate vnto thé, how out Lord adomed and assisted his people and auncestours with miracles, and powrable workes aboue the force of Nature al the tyme of Moy [...]es, of their Iudges, of their kings, of their Prophets euen in the tyme of their captiuitie, [...]n the tyme of their Machabe [...] yea and of our Sau our Christ him self, as is manifest by the perpetual miracle of the Pr [...]ic [...] Pis [...]ina Yea what if the sayd Iewe stan­ding [Page] vpon the proof and prerogatiue of miracles [...]ould therein preferre the state of those that liued onely vnder the law of Nature before vs that liue in the law of grace: For he wil tel them of the mi­raculous Miracles in the first state of natu­re. sacrifice of Abel, of the translation of E [...]ch of his perpetual miraculous conseruation in Paradise euer since, of the cōming of al kyndes of liuing crea­tures to N [...] his Ar [...]k of their more then admirable manner of nuriture, agreement, and abode in the same, of the waters of the vniuersal de [...]uge, of the confusion of tongues, of the destruction of Sodom and Go [...]norha, of the preseruation of Lot with his daughters, of the metamorphosis of his wyf into a piller of [...]ault, of the vocation of Abraham, of [...]l [...]is visions, of the often apar [...]tions of Angels both to him and others, of the generation of Isaac, of his miraculous deliuerie, of so many miracles wrought in the behalf of Iacob, Ioseph, Moyses, and the people of Israel both in Egipt, & when they were departed thence, [...]ntil the tyme that the law was deliuered them. When the Iewe hath thus out-braued the Church of Christ with their miracles, wil these peo ple that can not disgest the perpetual course therof amongst Christians, brook that the Church which our lord & sauiour chose as his most loo [...]ng spowse, wherein he promised to abyde to the end of the world, which he bought with his most precious blood, and adorned with so great and most worthie Sacramēts, should be destitute of such a grace, should be bereaued of so necessarie a strength, should be de­priued of so conuenient and needeful a glorie?

Yf they wil not be a shamed to play thus the base cra [...]c [...]s, and so much to disgrace the honor of the Christian Religion, and the most honorable worke of Christ Iesus, then I chalendge them to shewe vs [Page] some auncient & authentical Writers. Chronicles, Records. Doctors, or learned writers that euer noted the tyme when God withdrew his powrable hand from these kinde of supernatural wo [...]kes or that euer they should end so long as his Church should last. But they can neuer do it, as we on the other side are able to shewe them the perpetual course [...]nd succes­sion of miracles in the Catholick Church, e [...]en from the Apostles dayes to ours, as that learned and elo­ouent Father I evvis Richeo [...] hath al [...]edy done in Louys Richco me au discours des mi­racles chap 16. num. 2 his discourse of miracles, dedicated to the Frēch king now liuing: and I hope ere long they shal further perceaue by that huge and [...]nfinit masse of hese mat­ters, which th [...] Reuerand▪ learned, and worthie Father Giles Scond [...]nck Rector of [...]ur English Seminarie in Sainct Omers hath gathred together, and that onely of such things, as in this kind haue happened in these two latter ages: which [...]f the world sh [...]l once see him publish in that authentical manner as he intendeth, it w [...]l not be a little astonished to thinck that euer there should haue [...]en amongst men men so bra [...]ē faced, or blockishignorant, that either durst or could make so shameful a doubt, much lesse so desperate a de­nial [...]f this euer flowing current of miracles.

But it maybe these good so le [...]a [...] thus scrupu­lous [...]n acknowledging this cu [...]e [...]t [...]n regard of the word of God: f [...] as t [...]e [...] take themselues to be the onely champions and protectors of the word▪ so haue they solemly and s [...]r [...]ou [...]ly told vs, that they wil neither teache or learne or b [...]ue any thing, which is not exp [...]ess [...]y, or by n [...]essa [...]e [...]n [...]crp [...]ta­tion in the w [...]d. [...]e it so, let vs enter with them into the word. There we read that the power of working miracles was giuen to the first Pastors of the Church. I confesse it. Now let them shew me [Page] by the word, or any good glosse of the word, that this power was recalled, yea or that e [...]e it was to be Math [...] Marc 6. [...] [...]uc. 9. 10. recalled. I fynd in the word and book of God, that when our Sauioure gaue power of working mira­cles vnt his Apostles, he gaue [...]t vnto them toge­ther with their power of preaching, which power to preache he also gaue in them vnto al their succes­sors, who neuer were to haue an end vntill the world did end: Euen so when our Sauiour gaue them authoritie to work miracles, vnder the like Ephes. 4. forme of words, it is not to be doubted but in them he indued their successours with the same miracu­lous power, acording to the exigēce of his Church, which power should neuer expire, or [...]l l [...] them [...]y the text shew vs the contiarie. Again I read tha [...] [...]r Ma [...]h. 2 [...] [...]vv [...] things promi­ [...]e [...] by Christ th [...]t should perpetu­all [...] re­maine in his Church [...] Lord said: Ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus d [...]bus vsque ad consummationem sacul [...] behold I am whith you [...]l da [...]es enen vnto the consummation of [...]he world VVhere our benigne Lord promi [...]e [...]h that his A [...]o­stles and disciples should continue to the end o [...] the world & he with them, not with them in their [...]wn persons for they are dead and departe [...] hence, [...]her­fore with them in their succ [...]ssors with whome a [...]o his perpetual fauourable assistance was to rema [...]n without any diminution or limitation, and that by them he would adorne and fortifie his Church with the self same power of miracles, where with at the beginning in his Apostles he establishe [...] it. By which promise we may conce [...]e inestimable comf [...]rt▪ in beeng stil assured of his diuine [...]ese [...]ce amongst vs in al our losses and crosses, and therfore we can not imagin how it is likely that when the pa [...]an pe [...]se­cutors, and Heretikes▪ should oppo [...]e, cha [...]tie wa [...] cold, faith be scarce found in the world, that then our most louing lord would walk vp & down [...] [...] ­lesly [Page] in heauen, and seeme to haue little regard how his honor should be abused, his Church afflicted, his louing f [...]endes and children trodden vnder foot, and the deuil with his followers to seduce the world at his pleasure.

Yes forsooth say they: Antechrist when he shal come he shall doe strange w [...]nders. And I tel them that the Aegyptian magicians wrought strange Exod. 7. 8. Act [...] wonnders, and Simon Magus wrought strange wonnders, did therfore Moyses and A [...]on work no miracles? Did sainct Peter and the rest of the Apostles and Disciples no miracles? shal En [...]ch and Elias hau [...] Apoc. 11 no hand in miracles? It is impious to say or thinck, that when Antechrist the man of sinne, the chief of al He [...]etikes and falce prophets shal seek to outface the Church of Christ with his diabolical woūders, that then the true miracles of God shal no where apeare to confront his vngodly mallice. Our lord hath alredie reuealed the contrarie, to witt that euen in the ruffe and pride of Antechrist his raigne, two Apoc. 11 witnesses shal be sent, who in miracles shal so put down Antechrist and al his, that in their life tyme they shal plague the world at th [...]ir pleasure, and after their death shal mount vp to heauen as conquerours euen in the eyes of their verie enimies.

Yet perhaps our contradictors wil say, that mi­racles are not now needful. It is quickly sayd. I would to God the contrarie could not be so easilie & perspicuousely prooued, yea demōstrated. Were mi­racles necessarie to conuert Infidels, & to induce thē to enter into the Church, and are they not necessarie to confo [...]nd He [...]etikes, and to reduce them back again to the Chur [...]h which they haue fors [...]ken? Is a kings pow [...]r and assistance onely to be re [...]jo [...]ed in conquering his forrein foes, and is it to be neglec [Page] ted in the repressing of the mutenous rebellion, & intestin sedition of his own subiectes against him? See the opin [...]on of the Apostle Sainct Paul, who persua [...]ng the Corinthians to giue credit vnto him, & his doctrin, & to reiect those whome he termeth Miracles are [...]ul necessa­tie for the Church. 2. Cor. 12. falce Apostles, craftie workers, transfi [...]u [...]ed into the Apostles of Christ; after he had recounted many th [...]ngs that touched himself, after he had declared vnto them his high reuelations, and visions, at last he saieth. Signa Apos [...]olatus met facta sunt super vos in omni pa [...]ntia: in signis & prodigus & virtu [...]ibus. The signes of my Apostleship haue bend [...]n vpon you in al pa [...]nce, in sign [...]s and vvounders and mig [...]tie deedes. By the memorie of which miracles he endeuoured to grace his doctrin and to confirm the faithful therein, and perchaunce to recall those that might haue ben seduced Did not almightie God shew straunge mi­racles Num. 16 and dreadful powrable workes against Core, Dathan, and Ab [...]ron, who preached no new doctrin but onely endeuoured to raise a schisme and faction against those heades and rulers of Ecclesiastical cau­ses, whom God had apointed? And to the end the memorie of tho [...]e miracles might not d [...], he cau [...]ed the incensors of the seditious Sch [...]s [...]at [...]kes to be beaten into plates, and so to be fastn [...]d to the very alter of God, to forewarn thereby [...]heir af [...]er co­mers, and to deter [...]e them from committ [...]ng the [...]ke sinne, least God should work again either corporalie, or spiritually the like exterminat on and reuendge. Diuers [...]n [...]ies infecte [...] vvi [...]h di uers f [...]l­ce sectes & here­sies. O Gracious Souuerai [...]e, who seeth not the Maho­metaines in al the Turkes Empire the Iewes in most Cities and C [...]ntr [...]es▪ the infected Grecians in the call Church? the Pollitick or Parlementarie Prote­stanes in our own Cuntrie? diuers s [...]rtes of Luthe­rans in Denmarck, Sa [...]nie, & other Preuinces in [Page] Germ [...]ie, the Puritane [...] or rigid Caluinists in G [...] ­neua, Scotland and many partes of Fra [...]ce, the Zum­gltans [...]n Zuiszerland? the Anabaptists in Morau [...]a, Holland▪ and diuers other Prouinces of the low Cuntries▪ the [...]uenckfildia [...]s in Su [...]thland▪ the Stan­ [...]a [...]ians [...]n th [...] lesse [...] Poland▪ the Osiandrins in Prus­sia and in both these and diuers other Cuntries innu­merable o [...]her sectes, not onely banded aga [...]nst the Catholicks, but also bitterly bicke [...]ing amongst thē selues? Who read [...]h not their vehement i [...]uectiues and most [...]eu re enact [...]d lawes? who is he that can dissemble so many blou [...]die battailes? such open Re­bellions? su [...]h bur [...]in [...]s? s [...]ch quarterings? such mas­sac [...]ings▪ such [...]ff [...]sion of Christian bloud? [...]ea of most Christian Pr [...]nces bloud? as the doleful and tragical endes of diuers your Maiesties neerest and dee [...]est in bloud do witt [...]es & testifie to al the world. The [...]fore can any iustly say that this world had euer m [...]e need that God should miraculousely shew himself where he resideth, and in what Congrega­tion o [...] Church his one [...]y true sauing faith and wor­ship is to be [...]ound, seing all these opp [...]sitions and h [...]rib [...]e h [...]r [...]b [...]ili [...]s stil a [...]e, and eue [...] [...]it were pre­te [...]d [...]d to haue ben raised for him, and for his onely cause?

But wil a [...]y know why the for wil eate no gra­pes? surely because he can not get them; and wil they vnderstand w [...]y he [...]e [...]ikes th [...]k miracles super­fluous, & wh [...] [...]h [...]y do not care [...]or thē? verely because they see that neuer [...]ny f [...]lc [...] sect or Her [...]fie could euer haue the honor or comfort to haue any one mi­racle for thē Whe [...]e as we Catholicks by the good­ne [...] of God so abo [...]d with thē, that except we wil de­nie our very sences, we can n [...]t so mu [...]h as doubt of them, & therfore (as it becometh reasonable & mo­dest [Page] men) wee necessarilie acknowledge their beeing and continuance, acording to that Philosophical axiome: Ea sunt, que nega [...]ne [...]ultitia & pertinacia non possunt. Th [...]se things are, vvhich vvith [...]ut foll [...] & frovvard obstinacie can not be denied to be▪ For do not we see the deuot [...]on that Christian people generaly haue to Sainct Sebast [...]m and Sainct Roch to be preser­ued from the plague? the vsual flo [...]king [...]f people to the bodie of Sainct Hubert in the Cuntrie [...]f [...]iege & especia [...]ly of th [...]se that are bitten with mad dogs? he Sainctes cal [...]ed v­p [...]n for the cu­ring of di [...]ers dise [...]ses. perpetual concours made to [...]h [...] sh [...]ne of S▪ Marcon in France by those [...]hat are a ta [...]e [...] with th [...] ki [...]gs euil, so cōmonly called for that the kings of England and France you [...] Maiesties most [...] & d [...]uout progenitours haue alwaies miracul [...]usely [...] that disease Do we not also behold how [...]oca [...]e Sainct Blasius for the paine & sw [...]ll [...]ng of the throat? Sainct Erasmus against the griefs o [...] the bowels, and in [...]alls? Sainct Laurence against [...]he dau [...]ge [...] of fie [...]? Sainct Nicholas in the peril of shipw [...]k an [...] drown­ing? Sainct Anthonie against the disease calle [...] the wyl [...]fier? Sainct Apollonia aga [...]t the [...]he? Sainct Antho [...]e of Padua for the recoue [...]e of th [...]ngs lost? and finally d [...]uers other pa [...]t [...]cule [...] Sa [...]ncte▪ for diuers other [...]a [...]ti [...]uler helps and benefits, as ou [...] En­glish in their batta [...]s ca [...]l vpon Sa [...]nct George, [...]he Sco [...]ish nation and Burgund [...]ans vpon S▪ Andrevv, the French vpon Sainct Denis, the Spa [...]a [...]ds vpon Sainct Iame [...] a [...]d I [...]h [...]k there i [...] not [...] k [...]gdome or Comm [...]n we [...]th but they hau [...] o [...] sai [...]ct or other for their Protec [...]ou [...] and defe [...]dour with al [...]ight [...]e God Now wh [...] so wil say that th [...]se p [...]ople King­doms and Nation [...] haue done this withou [...] hauing had or receiued any benefit by these Sainc [...]es, besides that most un [...]odestly they oppose them sel [...]es [Page] against the common voice & asseueration of al these people Kingdoms and Nations, so they most igno­rantly goe about to controule their long [...]sual and assured experience, not aleaging any sollid thing to the contrane, but either A [...]he [...]stical scoffs, or bare doubtes, or wilful denials, or at the most, friuolous and blynd coniectures, which wil neuer [...]ooue, much lesse satisfie any that hath either witt, learning, or care of his soule. And to conclude, do not we be­hold the most frequented pilgrimages from all the coastes of the world for all kyndes of helps, to our ladie of L [...]ette in [...] to our ladie of Mont [...]serrato, and to the body of S. Ia [...]s in Spaine? to our ladie [...]f M [...]ndoui [...] in S [...]ie? to our ladie of L [...]ss [...] in Franc [...]? and to be brief (for it would be an endles matter to Our la­dies vvorking miracles in diuets c [...]ntries. recount al the [...]e fountaines and heades of miracles) I onely desire them to cast their eies vpon these Ne­therlands and amongst other places therein atten­tiuely and seriousely behold H [...]uer, H [...]ll [...], & the place called Montague where they shal see how Almightie God at the intercession of his most worthie and glo­rious Mother doth as it were powre down from heauen whole showres and streames of heauenly miracles, & so if they be not altogether starck stone blynd they shal [...]u [...]dently see that miracles are not yet ceased.

Yet say what we wil, or can say; I fynd by ex­perience that there is nothing so cl [...]e [...]e and manifest, but if men list not to behold i [...] they wil not onely Greate obsti [...] ­cie. stil deny it, but wil frame to them selues (a merue­lous thing) a quite contrarie conceit, and vnderstād it in a quite opposit manner to the nature thereof like to th [...]se absurd people vnto whome the Prophet speaketh in such bitternes saying: Va qus dicitis ma­ [...] bon [...]m, & bonum malum: ponen [...] [...]nebr [...]s luce [...], [...]sai. 5. [Page] & luc [...]m tenebras: ponentes am [...]rum [...]n dulce, & dulce in amarum. Va qui sapientes esiis in oculis vestres & coram v [...]is [...]etipsis [...] prudentes. VVo be to you that say euil is good, and good is euil: setting dar [...]knes to be light, and light to be dar [...]knes: putting that thing vvhich is bitter into that vvhich is svveet, & the svveet into that vvhich [...]s bitter. VVo be to you that are vvise in your ovvn sight, a [...]d are prudent in your ovvn conceites. For these con­ce [...]ed wisards wil haue men persuaded that these workes of God are the operations of the deuil, that these miracles are tricks of sorcerie, that these euident demonstrations of our lord his supernatural power are secret collusions of infernal feyndes, that the be­nefits which haue descended down vpon vs from heauen, are certain pestilent pernicious contagions that are vamped out of the accursed dungeon and pitt of hel; whereby they affirme good to be badde, light to be darcknes, God to be the deu [...]l. And whence cometh all this mistaking but because they account them selues more learned and wise, then all those of the Churche of God: because they preferre their own iudgement before the knowledge of all their learned vertuous & graue auncestours; because they are of opinion that the wisdome of all ages, of al Pastors and Prelates, of al the vniuersities of the Christian world, of al the Prouincial National and general councelles, must stoop & adore their blynd­ouer weening cap [...]i [...]hes.

It is a plag [...]e that God sendeth vnto the prowd, A Punni­shment that God inflic­ [...]e [...]h [...]po tho­se th [...]t are to much cōcei [...]ed of th [...]ir o [...] iud­gement. to depri [...]e them of the little light he hath giuen thē, thereby to punnish their haughtie a [...]o [...]itie, and to e [...]pose them to the [...]corne o [...] rather pitie of al those that be hould thē how they goe peak [...]ng alone with a self imagination and ad [...]i [...]ation of their own [...]ub­ [...]lit [...], or rather stupiditie. For so it fared with ou [...] first [Page] Parents, who cast them se [...]ues and all their mise­rable posteritie into i [...]credible ignorance and dark­nes, onel [...] for presu [...]g [...]r endeuour [...]g to attaine to greater witt and knowled [...]e, then God had be­stowed vpon them o [...] though [...] sit fo [...] them▪ in so much as the Prophet could [...]ay of man Comparatus Psal. 48. [...]st lum [...]ntis insipientibus & si [...]lis factus est illis: He became to be compaired to the foolish beastes and vvas made like vnto them. It is an old prouerb that Here­sie and Fren [...]ie alwaies goe together. For euery He­retike being naturally [...]roud, will [...]e [...]eue none but himself, & therfore Antiquitie, Consent and vniuer­salitie (things of high regard to the anc [...]ent learned holy Fathe [...]s) are by him contemned as strawes, and est [...]emed as redi [...]ulous trifl [...]s, wherein they contra­ [...]ie his phantasie, according to the saying of the wise man▪ Non r [...]cip [...]t [...]iulius v [...]rba prudentia, n [...]si ea dix [...]ris, qua v [...]rsantur in corde eius. A fool rec [...]ueth not the Pro [...]. 18. Math 9 Ma [...]. 3. Hovv di­uers mis­creant [...] attribu­ted Gods mi [...]a [...]les to the deuil. Linda­ [...]u [...] du bi [...] dia­log. 2. [...]. 4. Aug de [...]iui [...] l. 21. c. [...] 4▪ Reg. 20. Iosue 3. vvord [...]s of vvisdome except you tel him those things that are i [...] his ovvn hart. Yea le [...] God speak vnto him by miracles f [...]om heauen, a [...]sha be est [...]emed witch­craft, and damnable deuilish pract [...]es. For [...]o the Ie­wish Scribes inte [...]p [...]eted the workes of our Sauiour, so afterwards Porp [...]irius, E [...]omius, Eu [...]t [...]thius, Vigi­lam [...]s and other old condemned Apost [...]es & He­ [...]e [...]ikes [...]epo [...]ted of the miracles of h [...]s Sainctes, and ma [...]y [...]s. So seemed t [...]e heathen Poet Virgil (as sayeth Sainct Augustin) to haue interpreted the miracles that were wrought amongst the a [...]ncient Israelites, and in particuler the staying o [...] th [...] fl [...]od Iorda whyle Iosue whi [...]h his people passed d [...]t through thesa­me, & the turn [...]ng back of the [...] in his ordinarie, course at the prayer of Isa [...] the pr [...]phet As though these two great Sainctes could not but by the help of so [...]cerie. Si [...]r [...] aqu [...] fl [...]s, & vert [...]r [...] syd [...] a re [...]r [...]. [Page] To stay the r [...]nning streames of riuers and to turn ba [...]kwardes the very starres of heauē. And now there is no sect, [...]ither by vs, o [...] by any our aduersaries estee­med as erro [...]eous, falce a [...]d deu [...]lish, but it hol­de [...]h and beleeueth that the miracles of the Catho­like The mi­r [...]cles of the C [...] ­tholick Church can not be of the deuil. Churche are [...]upe [...]stitious, the works of Satan, and consequently to be a [...]hor [...]ed and detested of euery one: Which is an eu [...]dent proof of their puri­tie and excellencie. For moste or all of these s [...]ctes being of [...]he deuil as both they & we suppose, I can­not imag [...]n howe these people can reasonab [...]y thinck that th [...] d [...]uil wil band [...]o e [...]nestly against him self, & that he [...]il either prouoke or permitt his vas [...]ailes, by impu [...]ning our miracles to seek the overthrow of so principal a pi [...]le [...] and suppotte of his kingdom: su [...]posing I say that our miracles are of him as these ma [...]rers of mi [...]acles together whith other s [...]ctes would haue the world t [...] beleeue. And that this dif­ficult [...]e may be the be [...]t [...] cleered, I bes [...]e [...]h them to peru [...]e the huge list of these sayd different and oppo­sit sectes, which they shal finde in [...]mdanus, Ho [...]iu [...], Staphilus, and Prateolus: where they sha fynd whi [...]h what [...]warn [...]es of▪ he [...]e [...]nf [...]deli [...]ties and He [...]esies the wor [...]d is mightely pesti [...]d at this day The [...]e shal they behold the Mah [...]metanes▪ levves, [...]utherans Cal­ [...]in [...]sis, Zu [...]glians▪ Anabaptists, Tri [...]tarians, Stanca­nans, Manivv [...]uers, Hozzlers, He [...]m [...]i [...]ters, By [...]pers, Signifiers, Figurers, Demon [...]acals, to say [...]oth [...]g of the s [...]nd [...]ie rep [...]g [...]ant profess [...]ons of [...]a [...]th [...]a [...]e [...]y [...]p [...]g vp i [...] our Brytanie, besides innu [...]erable others els where too too [...]edious and loa [...]h [...]m he [...]e to be reci­ [...]ed: all which v [...]doubtedly proceed [...]ng from the deuil, as from the fi [...]st pa [...]ent and autho [...] of al i [...]fi­del [...]itie & d [...]ssen [...]iō ▪ it seemeth a thing most st [...]ange, yea altogether v [...]intelligible, (if the en [...]ie be [Page] able to performe such miracles which we affirm to be wrought in the Catholick Church) that either amongst all, or the most, o [...] at least among some of note this vvell. these, he wil not shew what he is able to do in this kynd, for the establishing and gracing of their errors, or els by prophaning the credit and honour of mi­racles, that he wil not assist euery sect with his secret admirable working, thereby to bring the world in doubt what faith to imbrace, or els therby to dispaire euer to come to the knowledge of the only sauing truthe and religion.

Furthermore yf the deu [...]l be able to work such miracles as these, it is strāge that he would not there in haue concurred with Nero, Simon Magus, Por­ph [...]rius, I [...]lian the Apostata, and Mahomet his most potent instruments, who wanted nether power not mallice to haue e [...]ceedingly aduanced his partie. And surely by nothing more could they haue so born down the Gospel of Christ, then if they had b [...]n able to haue performed those miracles (as vndoubtedly they greatly desired) which our Sauiour, his Apostles, and Marty [...]s wrought in such aboundance.

But because these wretches saw how no power either of th [...]t own or of their seyndish Gods could extend it self to such works, they were forced (there­by to shroud their own nakednes and [...]urpitude) [...]o condemne all these admirable effectes & operatiōs, saying they proceeded from witchcraft, [...]orcene, and the at [...]e Mag [...]ck Wherefore I would intreate the impug [...]ers of our Miracles to teach vs, [...]y what good reason we or they may defend the pu [...]tie of the aun­cient miracles of Christ, of his Apostles and martyrs against theise their calumniato [...]s; amongst whome some were so fatt persuaded that Christ himself was a Magician, that they bl [...]shed not to affirme, that [...]e [Page] had compiled a book of that accursed atte, and had Aug. de cō [...]ensu Euang. cap. 9 & 10. dedicated the same to his two chiefe Apostles Peter and Paul. And this they did to disgrace and deface the miracles that were obiected against them by the Christians, in defence of their faith.

But it is much to be feared that we shal haue little help of our aduersaries in this matter, but that they wil rather beare vp those Pagans, Iewes, and maho­me [...]anes by answering for them, and shewing that the miracles aleaged by our forefathers were tricks of magick, and sorcerie, for whatsoeuer they can in­ [...]ent or imagin against these later miracles that are now wrought in the Catholick Churche, [...]ndoub­tedly a Pagan Turk or Iewe wil in like manner op­pose against those former of the Primit [...]ue Church, so that the argument of the old Doctors, Marty [...]s, Apostles, and of Christ himself, drawn from the authoritie of miracles shal be quite ouerthrown, and shal serue for no proof of the veritie of our Religion. It may be perhaps they wil confound the Turks, Iewes, and Gentiles with scriptures, and out of them they wil conuince that the miracles of the Pri­mitiue Church must be beleeued I know not what these worthie Scripturians may more then miracu­lousely worke with these miscreants when they shal once com ouer them with their Scriptures, especially with the Pagans, who hitherto haue made no more esteeme of the Bible, then of A [...]sops fables, o [...] Ou [...]ds Metamorphosis. But this I da [...]e say, [...]f the Iewes and perhaps the Mahometanes once chāce to buckle with the in [...]hose parts of the holy Scripture which they admitt, these goodly Bible-cla [...]k [...]s shal finde them to haue as hard [...]eades, to be as p [...]eu [...]st stiff­necked, and as w [...]l conceited of that own spirit in interpreting Gods [...]ook as the prowdest Gos­peller [Page] that date once to coap with them. And ther­fore the wisdō of God who knew what would best conuince the pertinacitie of the Iewes, although he had aleaged sundrie Scriptures for his m [...]ssion, yet did herather cōdemne them as reprobate for not be­leeuing 10. 15. him in regard of his miracles, then in regard of the manifest places of scripturs so often b [...] h [...]m 10. 5. produced for himself, & against them. And althogh he willed them to search the Scriptures, and to exa­min them about his mission and authorit [...]; that was because vpon former miracles they were wel persuaded of the veritie of the scriptures; but when the Gentiles were to be conuerted, miracles were there Scriptures, and onely in them did they read that the Christian doctrin came from God. So that mi­racles are more euident proofes of a true religion t [...]ē are the Scriptures, especially considering how Scri­ptures are so subiect to falce misconstruing▪ s [...]de [...]l [...]sh bad interpretation, as experience most manifestly demonstrateth. Whereby al the world may see and laugh at the absurditie of those that say▪ we know your miracles are not of God, and yf we demand, why so? they wil answer because your doctrin which they approo [...]e is not of God; and if we would know of them the reason of so resolute an assertion they w [...]l tel [...]s because our Religion is not acording to the word of God. A reason forsooth that the Iewes, and Mahom [...]tans (as I said, may in like manner frame against [...] Christian faith, & all the Heretikes that either [...]re, or haue bene, or e [...]er hereafter shal be may with as good proof aleage against whatsoeuer they shal not please to admitt, because it is not accor­ding to their glosse and interpretat on of holy Scri­pture.

As the Catholick Church hath certain assured good [Page] meanes to attaine to the true intelligence of holy Scripture thereby to au [...] in all danger of error and Heresi [...], so hath it most cu [...]dent notes whereby to discerne falce de [...]ling from true miracles, that the [...]eby she may no [...]b [...]d cerued with witchcraft and sorce­rie, so that as vpon those groundes she buil [...]eth her assurance of her true [...]nderstanding of the word of God, so by these ma [...]ckes she cometh to the assured knowledge of the powerable workes of God For our Hovv to knovve true mi­racles from the vvorkes of sorce­rie. Math 12 blessed Sauiou [...] himself hath deliuered [...]nto her, one most, clee [...]e si [...]ne hereof, when he was forced to de­fend his miracles from the Iewisn calumniation, by which they were attributed to the deuil For he sayd Omne regnum diuisum [...]otra se, desola [...]tur. Euery king­dom diuided against it self, shal be de [...]iate. As [...]f he sayd the deuil w [...] not wo [...]k any thing against him­self that thereby h [...] kingdom may be destroyed But when we consider who they are, vpon whome these mirac [...]lo [...]s benefits are bestowed, we fynd them to be th [...]se, that first p [...]epare their way hereun­to b [...] t [...]ue and zeal us repentance of their sinnes, by labouring to ex el out of their soules whatsoeuer may be dupleasing to God or any way pleasing to the deuil, who e [...] d [...]n [...]ur to raise in the [...] selues true loue and [...]ffect on towardes their maker, & perfect resig­nation with [...]l patience to his holy wil, desiring nothing more [...] that the wil of God should be fulfilled in the [...], to his greatest honor and glorie. All which things (with many pointes [...] sides that their faith and [...]el g [...]n [...]e ch [...]h be [...] beeing most accep­table vnto Go [...] and highly m [...]king for his honor, & consequently mos [...] [...] [...] [...]he deu [...]l, [...]f he should second with his wo [...]kes, and [...]emune at his en [...]mies with so si [...]gul [...]r fa [...]ours as we see the e [...]de [...] o [...]t peo­ple dayly blessed withal, what oth [...] thing doth [...]e, [Page] but thereby ruyn & subuert his infernal kingdom [...] Likewise the Church disc [...]rneth true miracles from witchcraft by an other sentence of our lord in the same place. For he saith: Qu [...] non est mecum▪ contra [...] est: & qui non congregas mecum, spargit. He that is not vvith me, is against me: and he that gathereth not vvith me, d [...]sperseth. As if he would haue sayd: the deuil who is mine enimie, and consequently is not with me doth nothing but that which he knoweth is most displeasing to me: and al his studie beeing how he may disunite. whome I haue gathered toge­ther in true concord and charitie, the end of his work [...] is to seuer soules from God by sinne, and to break the mutual peace of my flock by sowing his seed of contention and discord amongst them. For The vvor kes of God and of the deuil haue cō ­trarie [...]ades. as the workes of the deuil are to disturb al cōcord in saith and teligion, and by leading men in-to sinne to make them rebells & enimies to God his diuine maiestie, so the miracles of God are wrought for the producing and maintenance of vnitie in faith, & per­fect vnion with almightie God in vnfained charitie, which we see performed by these miracles, which are onely wrought in the Catholick Church, which Church in matter of beleef is and alwayes hath bene perfectly vnited in it self, and whose doctrin alloweth of no vice, but rather teacheth all vertue, and hath the best yea the onely meanes to aduaunce mennes soules to their spiritual and cheifest perfectiō. Again, the Church discouereth the collusion of the deuil from the working of God, by noting the meanes that are vsed in the purchasing of these miracles, which are nothing els, but most serious prayer vnto almightie God▪ [...]oined with fasting al [...]nes deedes, honoring of God his mother, and his holy saincts his decrest and most honorable frendes: Which ho­nor [Page] they doe to them, for the more honor and reue­rence they beare to God himself: Which th [...]n [...]s in holy scripture are singuler [...]y commended whereas the contrarie are the euident workes of the deuil, & whosoeuer is adicted to them▪ o [...]y per­seuereth in them, (be he of what religion so [...]uet) can neuer be made pertaker of God his sweetenes in his necessities by these miracles. Moreouer, the Ca­tholik Church seeth that these miracles are sub­stancial woorkes, notably and perfectly profiting the bodies and soules of those vnto whome they are imparted: Whereas the workes of our hateful enimie are rather hurteful and domageable to the creatures of God, then any wayes confortab [...]e vnto them in their miseres and afflictions. We likewise note that these miracles are in themselues perfect, and intiere; where as the workes of the de [...]l are most commonly defectiue in many things. Also the workes of the deuil are done for vaine or pernicious endes, as that the workers (who are alwaies [...]ad vn­godly people) may be wound [...]red at, or that they may thereby obtain some gayne or filthy pleasure, or wreak their hatred and reuenge against their eni­mies: they are commonly wrought by certain se­cret, absurd, ridicul [...]us, superstitious prayers, char­mes, signes, or circumstances: Which neue [...] do accompaine the Catholik miracles. And finally (for it is not necessarie to recount al the differen­ces) if euer God perm [...]t the deuil to work any h [...] deceitful wounders in the behalf of any sect or he­resie, they are soon bewraied, if they be duely e [...]ami­ned, they vanish away at the presence either of faith­ful people, or of other true miracles, and they are fully discried in that they oppugn the Religiō that hath bene alredy established, and confirmed by infi­nit [Page] most euident and assured miracles, by the confes­sion of al antiquine, by the consent of al nations, by the censure of al General Councels by the assertions of al holy Fathers of all Histories of al Schooles, of al vniuersities, by the triumphant deathes of innu­merable Martyr [...], by the profession of infinit Confes­sors, Virgins, Lay & Religious people, of al estates, degrees, and ages.

As the old saying is true, that cunning hath no VVho they are that most cōdemn the Ca­tholik saith. 2. pet. 2. enimie but the ignorant [...] so we daily euidently expe­rience that the Catholik Church is by none more oppug [...]ed then by those that are most ignorant of her wayes and doctrin. Which thing the Apostle S. Peter did soretel of the here [...]ikes which were to bād against the Church, whome he termeth Irratio­nabel [...]a pecora, naturaliter in captionem & in per [...]ic [...]em, in his qua ignorans blasphemantes. Vnreasonable beastes, naturally tending to the snare, and into destruction, blas­phe [...]ung in those things vvhich they knovve not. For wee see none more forward to condemn the Catho­lik Religion then they, that onely vpon their own conceired surmises, or vpon fraudulent falce reportes of their own doctors & teachers impugne it. Which their blynd f [...]e as they exercise against euery point of our faith, so perticulerly in this, that they are not ashamed to assigne our miracles to sope st [...]tion and Hovv hateful al sorcerie and su­perstitiō is to ca­tholiks. sorcerie. Wherf [...]e I pray them to tel me, who is he that hath but onely read or hard the forme to make his Sacramētal Cofession (a thing dayly yea allmost how [...]ely p [...]actized amongst Catholiks) but he hath also learned amongst other things, that wi [...]chcraft, sorcerie, & al kyndes of superstition are accompted for g [...] us sinnes, as being directly against the commaundement of almightie God? And those that haue made more progresse in learning, if they haue [Page] bene but slenderly acquainted with Catholik wri­ters, can not be ignorant what volumes haue bene writtē and diuulged in particuler against these [...]ice [...], as also to discouer then fraud mallice and imp [...]etie. Ioan­nes [...]or instit. mor [...]l. lib 9 cap 26. q 2. & [...]. And as for the Canon, Imperial▪ & Ciuil lawes, how seuerely they haue bene and are enacted against these enormities, and how rigourousely executed in euery Catholik Cuntrie against the off [...]ndors, I am sure none but the deafe and blynd can be vnwitting thereof. Yea, what a perticuler and zealous hatred Catholiks beare against al superstition, is man [...]est R gul [...] indicis librorū prohibi­t [...]rum concil. Trid Reg [...]. & 9. in that the children of the Catholik Church are by their Pastors and Prelats strictly forbidden, so much as to read, sel, or retaine any books or treateses (though they do not beleeue them) of magick, sor­cerie, chyromancie, iudiciarie astrologie, or of any art what soeuer which include [...]h any expresse or secret pact, couenant, interuention, o [...] familiar [...]e with the deuil. Moreouer, the bookes who [...]e argu­ments are otherw [...]e good and lawf [...]l, yet if they Bulla [...] [...]. [...]b [...]. containe any thing that tendeth to superstition and vaine obseruation are in l [...]ke manner forbidden vnder paine of mortal sinne, and the persons c [...]lpab [...]e are to be otherwise punished▪ as their Bishops snal thin [...]k The [...]ru­d [...] [...]s­cre [...]on o [...] Ca­tholiks expedient. Yet because there a [...]e m [...]ny stra [...]e and secret things that may be effectuated & w [...]ought by natural power, without any co [...] course of the d [...]uil, which to the expert in Physick & natural [...]hylo [...]o­phie are not vnknown: many things also that are meere superstitious and diabol [...]cal, and many th [...]ngs again that are diuine and supernatural fun [...]e of our Catholik writers haue worthely [...]vai [...]ed to dis­couer and cleere ech part, for he bet [...]er direction hoth of the spiritual and tempo [...]al magistrate here­in [...] that these things might not ly so hudd [...]ed vp [...]n [Page] confusion, that by their ignorance any inconueni [...]ce or indignitie might happen: Where in amongst others the learned Martin D [...]lrius hath in three cō ­petent Disqui­sition [...] Magico­rum. Tomi [...]tes Mat tini Del­ [...]i. tomes or volumes shewed his erquisit dili­gence & skill. So that hereby all men may see how litle daunger there is to be fea [...]ed that Catholik mi­racles haue any affinitie with superstition and lorce­rie, both through the vigilant diligence that Ca­tholiks haue to sift euery point and particuler cir­cumstance in them, as also in regard of the ingrafted hat [...]ed and disdaine that the Catholik Church bea­ [...]eth against the deuil, and al his [...]recrable workes, as being contrarie to God, and all goodnes.

If these your pretended miracles (say our aduersaires) [...] calū ­niation vvith the an svver. be not workes of sorcerie, then are they coo [...]ening tricks of your priestes & clerge men, who cunning­ly decerue the world, for their own l [...]cre and gayne. But this calumniation is soon wiped away, if they would consider, that many of these misacles are wrought vpon people that neuer were at the miracu­lous place: diuers vpon strangers who onely vowed or intended to goe thithes, many vpō the poor who were not able to giue contentment to such inordi­nate auarice: many were donne in the ve [...]w of hun­drethes that were present: they haue bene all most diligently and curiously examined by the Princes au­thoritie, and Ciuil Magistrates in many Cities, townes, and other places, who neuer hetherto could fynd the least suspicion in these matters of any such abhom [...]nable euil dealing. And the like may be answered to those, who so confidently [...]lea [...]g [...], that these things were performed by way of Physick, & in particuler by the help of the Phylosophers stone, Follie in incre [...] dulitie. (good lord what doe not men [...]nuent when they would blynd themselues that they might not see the [Page] truthe) whereby they shew their stonie harts and heades.

Vpon the [...]e men I feare that Apostolical sentence wil [...]e verified if they do not repent them, R [...]elatio [...] [...]ra De [...] de caelo, super omnem imp [...]etatem & intustitiam hominum eorum qui veritatē De [...] in iniusticea detinent. The vvrathe of God from heauen is reuealed vpon al impeetie & iniustice of those men that dete [...]ne the veritie of God in iniustice. For how vniustly they haue sought to keep both from their owne and other mennes knowledge the truthe of God, your Royal wisdome may sufficiently perceiue, first in not credi­ting God his miracles, nor God, by his miracles, again, by wholy denying his miracles, afterward, Iuda [...]cally that is impiousely att [...]buting them to the damned deuils of hel, and finally vncharitably and iniu [...]ousely condemning those whose innocencie & sinceritie neither the diligent and war [...]e Catholik, nor the curious prying mallicious Herenke could euer yet iustly touche. Therfore I say vnto thē with th [...] Prophet Hodie si vocem Domini aud [...]ritis, noli [...]e obdurare corda vestra. If you wil heare the voice of our Lord by miracles speaking & prea h [...]ng vnto yo [...] ▪ c [...]ē in ou [...] dayes, & proclaming where he doth reside, denouncing vnto you where you shal fynd him beware that you harden not your ha [...]tes, as those old crasperating people did, vnto whome ou [...] lord did swea [...]e being mo [...]ed with his iust ang [...]t and dis­daine against their stubbernes and [...]du t [...]e, that they should neuer enter into his rest, that they should neuer haue parte of his eternal felicitie.

Which heauy and dreadful [...]oome they may auo [...]d if [...]aying asyde all animositie and p [...]a [...]e affec­tion, they would me [...]kely, that is, with Chri­stian mode [...]tic, patience, and humilitie for Christ [Page] his sake and for their own soules saluation take the paines to vewe either with their corporal e [...]es, or with the attentiue eies of their mynde what is doune in the mountaine of Montaigue Where they may see a most famous and frequent Pilg [...]image to a picture of the Mother of God, or to a place chosen out by [...]e [...], wherein shee sheweth her gracious fauours to humble and distressed suppliants: where they shal behould troupes of penitent sinners prostrate before the feet of their confessors, and declaring vnto them their [...]respasses: where they efrsoones deuoutly adore and receiue the bodie of God in the forme of bread: where they are present at the continual celebration of Masses: where they hear perpetual and reuerent inuo­cation of our Ladie, & of other Sainctes: where they attentiuely ha [...]ke [...] to innumerable sermons and ex­hortations, persuading those things which either the Catholik Church commaundeth, or counseleth to be beleeued and imbraced, or meiting them to auoyd those things which the sayd Church either in faith or manners m [...]sl [...]keth or condemneth. And while The as­su [...]ednes of the Catho­lik do ctrine. these things and many other such like, are in doing, they shal often tymes espie the power and sweet goodnes of God to discend vpon the holy assembly, whereby some that are blynd receiue their sight, some that are deaf recouer their hearing some that are leape [...]ous are clēsed some that are possessed with vncleane spirits are [...]reed from their tyran [...]e, others that are lame walk strong homeward, leauing their crutches and s [...]iltes at the place for a memorie, and many other such supernatural miraculous operations to be their atch [...]eued: where-by they may with vs iustly and with verie good consequence inferr, that holy Pilgrimages, honoring of holy Images, con­fession of our sinnes to the priest, acknowledging of [Page] the real presence of Christ his bodie in the blessed Sacramēt, celebration of Masses, praying to sainctes, yea (in brief) they may insert the whole [...]oct in and p [...]ctis of the Catholik Apostolik and Romaine Church to be grateful and highely pleasing vnto the Maiestie of God: for otherwise if these things were so wicked, blasphemous [...]urious abhominable, and execrable [...]n [...]o him, (as our aduertanes would per­suade men) it is to be thought, that in his iust and zealous indignation he would rather cause the earth to swallow down euen into hel both the place and people, then to permitt them to departe thence fraught with such vnspeakable co [...]forts and [...]laces both of their bodies and soules, as we dayly perceaue they doe.

So that hereby euery one may see, in what price and esteeme the Catholik Church is to our Lord, whose children he thus particulerly & onely blesseth, and as it were vphouldeth in their faith with the hād of his powrable celestial operatiōs, which he vouch­safeth to impart vnto them euē by the meanes of [...]o lesse then of his most louing and glorious Mother, and for her glorie, a circumstance [...]ding al cause of doubt that the deuil should ha [...]e any claw in this matter. For our lord hath said: Inimi [...]itias ponam inter Gen. 3. to & mulierem. I vvil put enm [...]tie betvv [...]xt thee and the vvoman. Whereby we may vnderstand that as the deuil wil neuer to his power permit her to be honored, much lesse wil he worke wou [...]ders to pro­cute or inc [...]a [...] her honor. Neither wil this blessed woman permitt her enimie euer to abuse her due honor, or to circum [...]ēt those that desire for her s [...]n­nes sake, and for her own sake, to serue & honour her; but let him vse al the craft he can in [...]ent, and al the force he hath, yet shal our tr [...]umphant Iudith haue [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] the perfect victorie oue [...] him. For, Ipsa cont [...]ret cap [...] tuum She shal crush thy [...]ad vvicked and [...]eend [...]s [...] serp [...]nt, s [...]th our God Great is the force vndoubtedly of the mother of God; who not onely was and is able to com [...]ate with the deuil, but to crush him. & dominee [...]e ouer him, as o [...]er a poor worme whose hea [...] is b [...]used and squised to du [...]t. Therfore it is no meruail if [...]iracles are a [...]chiued by her meanes, who was able to being vnder her f [...]o [...] that f [...]nd [...]sn Leu [...]a­than, of whom our Lord saith▪ Non est super terr [...]m Iob 41. potestas qu [...] comparetur [...] qui factus est vt nullum [...]im [...] ­re [...]: There is no povver vpon earth that may be compared to him▪ vvho is so made that he might feare none

Come, come and see how this miraculous mother of The po­vver of our bles­ [...]ed La­die vvith almigh­tie God. Ge [...]. 1. our God hath power to procure mirac [...]es to proceed from God at her word, as beeing the mother of the eternal word and the [...]o [...]e was she onely preu [...]edg [...]d to vse the most forceble word▪ that euer God vsed towardes his creatures For o [...]r ord said Fiat: & this his mother repeated the said Fiat. Fiat lu [...], said he, Fiat firmamentum▪ Fian [...] luminar [...]a, &c. let the light be made, let the firmament be made. l [...]t the starres of P [...]l. [...]2. heauen be made. Ipse dixit & facta sunt He said the vvord and they vvere made This holy virgin said to the Angel▪ Fia [...] inti [...] secundum verbum [...]uum. Be it Luc. 1. 10. 1. donne to me acording to thy vvord. Et ve [...]bum caro fa­ctum est. & habita [...]it in nob [...]s. And the vvord vvas made flesh, and dvvels in vs. The word Fiat procee­ding out of the mouth of God. was the cause that the world was created: the word Fiat out of the mouth of this blessed virgin▪ was the cause that God himself was incarnate: By his Fiat, he made the world and man, by her F [...]at, God entred into the world, and became man. Which being so great a miracle, the f [...]utes whereof the faithful still reap [Page] vpō earth, & the continuance whereof the Angels & sainctes perpetuall▪ en [...]oy in hea [...]en, no [...] [...]f these miracles (which in this book are related) be wrought in her fauour, & at her word, [...]eing that [...]n dignitie & perfection they are infinitly inferiour to those, which by her and [...]o [...] her, h [...]ue a [...]re [...]ie b [...]ne performed. And verily i [...] we consider who this Vir­gin is, what is her degree and dignitie, we can not much wounder at this her pre [...]ogat [...]ue. For in one word she is the mother of God, who did beare in her sacred wombe the second person in Trinitie our lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the So [...]u [...]raine King and Iudge of Men & Angels. With whom this blessed Virgin had not onely domestical familia [...]itie for many yeares, but had motherly authoritie ouer him, L [...]c. 2. The most m [...] ­r [...]cu [...]on. se preui­lege of our [...]. Ladie. fo [...] he was obedient vnto her, yea subiect vnto her, yea subiect to Io [...]eph for he [...]ake, which truly was a power aboue all power, a miracle aboue all miracles, to haue in pio [...]s and reuerend subiection the high Maiestie of h [...]a [...]n, the author and [...]pre [...]e worker of a [...]l miracles Who had [...]ch admirable respect to this his most honorable moth [...], [...]a [...] a [...] in his life tyme he alwaies ye [...]de [...] vnto her authoritie, [...]o euen at the instant of his death while he was performing that great and dreadful blood [...]e [...]ac [...]fise on the altar of the Crosse, euen in the ve [...]y act of the reconcilia­tion of mank [...]nd to his heauenly Father, he could not then neglect or be vnmyndeful of his most wor­thie mother, but must needes of his sonnely p [...]e [...]e apoint his best belooued Apostle to be her carefull sonne in his [...]teed▪ wherfore now that this our Lord is settled [...]n his throne of maiestie▪ now that he [...]ai­gneth in his kingdom of glorie, where, (as he pro­mised) he ministreth to his seruants▪ wi [...]h what res­pect doth he behaue himself to his glorious best be­loued [Page] and best deseruing mother? let vs behold king Salomon in this point, who so honored his mother Bersab [...], that he ado [...]ed her▪ that on his right hand he 3. Reg. [...]. placed a throne for her & sp [...]ke these dutiful wordes vnto her Pe [...]e ma [...]er [...]a: ne [...]ue enim fas est vt auer­t [...]m faci [...]m tuam. Mother sh [...]vv your request: for it is not l [...]vvful that I should turne your face from me.

That is: that I should suffer you to depart disconten­ted from me. Which Salomo did & said vndoubtedly in regard of the natural duty which he knew he did owe to his mother. For he had before his e [...]es that Exod. [...]0 commaundement of God. Honora Patrem tuum▪ & matrem tuam. Honor thy Father, and thy mother. This precept our Sauiour Iesus doth incomparably more respect and obserue, then Salomon eithe [...] did or could: for that it was his own law, as also for that it is a law mee [...]ely natural, & consequently indispen­sable, the which God himself the Author of nature can no more violate, thē he can de [...]e or hate himself, or be sub [...]ect to the deuil.

Let therfore no mā wunder (Gracious soueraine) that both your subiects at home, and all Catholik Princes, People, & common w [...]lthes abroad persua­ded themselues, that the sayd Cathol [...]ks in our cun­trie should cease to be [...]osted with the furious waues of pers [...]cution, so soon as they saw your Maiestie to be settled at our sterne For this their persuasiō grew not onely of that they had seen your Graces car [...]age alwa [...]es to haue bene free from al [...]rigor & seuer [...]e; not for that your royal elemencie alwayes hated the odious & infamous name of a persecutor, not for that they knew you needed not to maintaine your iust and vndoubted t [...]le by those meanes, which to your Predecessor seemed necessarie for hers, not for that they thought your Princely wisdom would not [Page] exasperate and dishonor other Christian Princes and People, by perse [...]uting your subiectes, for being of the same fa [...]th and religion with them: not for that diuers your subiectes had reported this your myld disposition and intention in euery fo [...]re [...]ne Princes Court and C [...]trie, and which very many of them affirmed to haue had it from your Graces self, not for that they held your Maiestie for wise and learned, and that therfore the right of the Catholik cause should be seriously and maturely examined, before it should be condemned: not for that they did thinck, that your Royal wisdome would easilie see that by persecution our faith hath been no whit diminished, but rather admirably increaced: not for many other reasons which they deemed would withhould your Grace from so disgracious, daungerous, hateful, and vng [...]dly a course: but they were especially moued vnto this honorable and pious conceite of your Ma­iestie, for that they thought it would neuer enter into your Princely breast, to arme your royal hand against the professors of that faith, which all your Maiesties must honorable Progenitors in England, France, and Scotland euer most zelo [...]sly and religiously im­braced▪ since first those Cuntries receiued their Chri­stianitie▪ but especially in regard of your Graces most famous & ren [...]umed Mother, who (as all the world kn [...]w [...]h and to her honour protesteth) most zelou­sely protested the same in her life, and hero [...]ca [...]ly sea­led this her profession with the eff [...]sion of her royal blood at her sacred death. And their godly persuasion was foūded vpon this, that they hold this pious pre­cept to be deeply g [...]auen in your royal hart: Honora Eccl. 7. patre tuit▪ & ge [...]us matris tu [...]ne obliu [...]s [...]aris Honour your Father and forget not the sobs of your Mother. They thought your Graces deerest mothers manifold sobs [Page] teares, and direful groanes in bringing you foort [...] into this world in her restles cares, cogitations, and prayers to God for your preseruation, in the sundrie vndutiful perilous insu [...]rections of her own sub­iectes against her in her most coacted exile & expul­sion out of her owne kingdom, in her long rest [...]a [...]nt and vn [...]ust captiuitie, and finally on the tragical seaf­fo [...]d where the innocent Queene your graces kyn­dest Parent was bloudely depriued of her life: they thought (I say) these fo [...]c [...]ble groanes and showres of teares of so deere a Mother would not onely haue inclined her most beloued Chyld with all dutiful re­uerence, but would euen naturally that is, most for­cib [...]y haue comp [...]lled him to respect her, and her cause, that is, the Catholik cause, for which she su­stained these calamities and indignities. And vndoub­tedly all the world could not but haue [...]ustly con­demned that person as very iniurious to your Maiestie, who euer should haue da [...]ed to haue had as much as a thought that your Highnes would eues (I do not say) commaund, but so much as permitt that the Catholiks▪ your mothers chiefest if not her onely frendes should be any wayes molested▪ and much lesse indamaged, impouerished, in prisoned, condemned and put to death for the profession of her faith. For the world hath not yet forgouen, neither can the memorie thereof euer decay▪ how that Ca­tholiks haue bene hampered, fortured, spoiled of their goodes, hanged, boweled and mangled, yea, for­ [...]eine nations do stil behould the ex [...]e and pouertie of diuers, who at this present remaine depriued of their lands and liuelihoods, for hauing loued, ho­nored, p [...]ied, or affectionated the afflicted innocent mother of King Iames our redoubted lord Whereby Plu [...]ar­chu [...]. the dutiful behauiour of that heathen Roman Cor [...]o­lan [...]s [Page] cometh into mennes myndes, who was so na­tural as for his mothers s [...]ke to depose the seuere cha­st [...]sment and reuenge which he had prepared against those that were so vnkynd and vngrateful towardes him: by which example they conclude, that your Maiestie being a Christian and the sonne of a most glorious Christian martyr can not but graunt vnto your Catholik subiects, the most [...]lous & sincere frends of you both, their long desi [...]ed comfort, and the iust f [...]eedome from their vniust distresses and op­press [...]or [...]s But let others conceiue what they [...]st of this old Pagan example: we rather think this Phi­lo [...]ophical s [...]ntence shal haue more [...] your gra­ces hart: Sequere Deum▪ Follovv your God sayd the w [...]se man. Which that your maiestie may the better be animated vnto▪ here in this insuing relation is d [...]s­pla [...]d the admirable honour which our God himself doth to his Mother, & to mortal people for her sake. Vnto whome he beareth so great reuerence, that not onely he heareth her for her frend [...]s, but of his [...]esti­mable pietie is most gracious vnto her for his own verye enimies: as our famous learned and de [...]out Archbishop of Cantu [...]burie Sainct Anselin hath no­ted Ansel in Med [...]t. sayng▪ O foelix Marie sicut omnis peccator ate auer­sus & ate despectus necesse est vt intereat, ita omnis pec­cator ad [...]e conuersus & a te respectus impossibile est vt per [...] O Happie Marie as euery sinner auerte [...] from thee and dispised by the must necessarilie dy [...] so euery sin­ner conuerted to the [...] and regarded by thee can not perish possibly. O the rare preuilege wherewith by her Son̄e this Mother is th [...]s honoured, wherein▪ if Christian people abroad may once chance to see your Maiestie to imitate the [...]ou [...]eraigne King of aeternal glorie to your Catholik subiectes at home, who (as all the world knoweth) were neuer enimies but most affe­ction [Page] and loyal vnto your Royal Maiestie, as this your Godly imitation w [...]l [...]e great solace vnto vs, so wil it yeeld an vnspeakable contentment vnto thē, and withal be most honorable to your Highnes, & vnto Gods diuine Maiestie exceedingly grateful. And to the end in honoring your natural Mother, Io. 15. your Grace may not feare to dishonour and displease your aeternal Father, behold his supernatural pow­ [...]able Io. 5. wo [...]ke [...] in approbation of that faith in which she liued, and for which she dyed For not beleeuing the like workes our God held the Iewes inexcus [...]b [...]e, so in crediting these your Maiestie shal not need to feare to displease, but rather to please him highly. Who onely for the temporal and euerlasting benefit of his creatures, and for the amplification of his own Soueraine honour & glorie vouchsafed thē I know that they wil be vehemently cōtradicted & im [...]ug­ned, befo [...]e they shal obtaine their d [...]e esteeme & credit, and therfore I haue endeuoured to clee [...]e the chiefest difficulties which I perceiue to be o diuarilie obiected against them. I graunt my discou [...]s hath bene very prolix, your Maiestie seeth the ma [...]te is important, & I was very desirous your Royal wisdom might be e [...]actly inform [...]d hereof. God graunt that what I haue done may be iudg [...]d sufficient. Yf I shal hereafter vnderstand that ought is wanting or omit­ted herein it shal by the help of God be added & [...]up­plied. Meane while cōmiting the who [...]e to the sweet disposition of Almightie God I do withal commēd your Maiestie to his best guidance and protection.

Your Maiesties most humble Beades-man Robert Chambers.


THERE is a certain foul fault (gentle Reader) for which we Catholikes are very ordinarilie and odiously reproched, which is, that we are passing light and excee­dingly prone to beleeue euery fable: and vpon this blynd simplicitie easilie drawne into any superstition and er­ror touching the worship of God. The rea­son whereof is held to be our ignorance in the word of God, and the litle sight we haue in the holy Bible: rather harkening to the tra­ditions of men (as is the phrase) and to the voice of the Church, then in marcking what the writē woord teacheth vs. It is very cer­taine that Catholikes say with the Royal Ps l. 77. vvh [...] [...]r [...] ditions are hi­ [...] re­g [...]ded by Ca­tholiks Prophet: Q [...]anta mandauit patribus nostris nota facere ea filijs s [...]s? vt cognoscat generatio altera. Filij qui nasc [...]ntur & exurgent & narrabunt filijs suis. Hovv [Page] great things did God commaūd our For [...]fathers to m [...] them knovvn to their children that an other generatiō may knovv them? The sonnes that vvere to be borne & to rise vp after them they shal tel them againe to their children. As our blessed Sauiour did, when Mat. 16. sending his Apostles to instruct the world, he bad them preache, that is, deliuer by word of mouth, or tradition his word, but he commaunded them not to write his word. And so from them (vpon the tradition of our Elders▪ we receiue what the Apostles haue sayd or written to be Gods woord, although we fynd no such declaratiō for neither their Epistles or Gospels, in the book of his woord. Which thing we accomplish according to the commaundement of Moyses saying, Interroga Patrem tuum, & annunci [...]ti [...]: tibi: maiores tuos, & di­cent D [...]t. 32 tibi Ask thy sa [...]er and he vvil declare vnto thee: demaund of thy [...] aunceters and they vvil tel thee: which thing our Aduersairies themselues obse [...]ue, in admitting vpon the credit of the Catholik church the bookes of holy Scrip­ture: vpon which ground followeth how wee ought to submitt our sences and iudge­ments to whatsoeuer the sayd Catholik church shal teach vs: els blott that article out of the creed: Credo Ecclesiam Catholicam I beleeue Math. 1 [...] the Catholik Churche: els let those wordes of our blessed Sauiour be scraped out of the Gospel, St Ecclesiam non aud [...]rit [...]is [...]ibi sicut Ethni­cus & Publicanus yf he vvil not heare the Churche. Aug cō. 11. Epist. funda­menti. let him be to thee as [...] Heathen and Publicane. and cōsequently let Sainct Augustin be hissed out [Page] of his pulpit for saying: Euangelio non trederem. [...] me Ecclesia commoueret auctoritas. I vvould not b [...] the Gospel, except the authoritie of the Church [...]ed me therevnto. Yet for all this: I beseech our Aduersaries, not to be so hastie in spen­ding Hovv diligēt [...]y Catho­likes studie the holy scriptu­res. their sentences vpon vs, as if for these causes we read not, we studie not, we searche not the holy Scriptures. As if we haue not millions of Sermons, treateses, and commen­taries sounding the depth of holy Scriptures. As if we haue not had hundrethes of Pro­uincial, National, & General Coūcells, wher­in Cociliū Ro [...]a num [...]. Tr [...]den­tinum Nicen [...] 1. lardi [...]ēse haue bene the learned Prelates of sun­drie nations, sometimes to the number of two hundreth seuentiefiue, sometimes o [...] two hundreth nyntie fiue, sometimes [...]f three hundreth and eighteene sometimes of three hundreth seuentie six, sometimes of six hun­dreth and thirtie, and sometimes of a thou­sand Calce­don [...]e. who by f [...]ruēt paryer, continual fasting, eager disputing and other learned confe­rences haue searched out the true sence Late [...]a­nenl [...]. 2. id. & meaning of holy Scripture, which if they would wel marke, they should also wel per­ceiue, how without all iudgement they iudge VVv the C [...]tho­lick do­ct [...] seemeth strange to H [...]te ticket. vs, & without vnderstanding our case they blyndely condemne vs, and so they would conclude: that if any point of the Catholik doctrine seeme vnto them difficil & strange: it is for that they estraunge them-selues from vs, and are altogether vnacquainted with our groundes and reasons, and not that [Page] we are so vngrounded and vnreasonable, as they imagyn. I could exemplify this in all the points of our faith, that are in cōtrouer­sie betwixt vs and them, if this present treates and discours would admitt so large a discours. But because I know that kynd of procee­ding wil here be thought altogether super­fluous: therfore in briefe manner and for a taste I wil explicate the state of the Catholik doctrine touching onely such perticulers as concerne the matter & subiect of this insuing relation, which I wil shew how they stand with the verdict of God his holy woord, & first I wil begin with Pilgrimages.

It is a sure and certaine veritie which the Catholik churche alwayes confesseth, that God is in euery place: for so he himself hath Hierem. 23. avouched, that he filleth both heauen and earth, and therefore there is no place where in he may not be honoured and called vpon. Yet, as our lord hath sanctified some particuler Exod. 20 dayes for his seruice, so hath he made choice of some perticuler places where in he would The vse o [...] Pil­grima­ges [...] oo [...]ed by holy scriptu­re. be particulerly honoured For he cōmaunded Abraham to offer his sonne Isaac vpon one certaine determinate hil. Iacob had by vision that the mount Bethel was a place of extraor­dinarie sanctitie, and for that cause he sayd. Quam terribilis est locus iste? non est hic aliud nisi do­mus Gen. 12. dei, & porta cals. How dread ful is this place? this place is nothing els but the hows of God, and the gate of heauen. Which [Page] asseueration of the Patriarch, our Lord did so much approoue, that he took to himself the Gem 31 title of that place saying to the sayd, Iacob Ego sum Deus Bethel▪ I am the God of Bethel. So Hore [...] was called the mountaine of God, which our Lord esteemed so holy, that he caused Moyses Exod. 3. his especial seruant to put of his shooes in Dēt. 12. honour and reuerence thereof. Finally our Lord made choice of one particul [...]r place, in which only, he would haue his people to offer 3 Reg. 1 sacrifise vnto him: where when Salomon had erected his Teple he bese [...]hed God not onely to bestow certaine perticuler preuileges and miraculous fauours vpon such as prayed there in, and vpon such straungers as came from farr Cuntries in pilgrimage thither, but vpon all such as should in their prayers turn their faces towards the holy place, when vpō other iust impediments they could not performe their deuotions in the holy Temple it self. Which māner of worshipping God (by pil­grimages) ended not after wards, for that our Sauiour fore-told the Samaritane that: Ver [...]es hora quando ne (que) in monte hoc, ne (que) in Hiero­s [...]lymus a dorab [...]iss Patrem. The hovver shal come vvhē I [...]. 4. neither in this hyl, nor in Ierusalem You shal adore the Father. Which was sayd because the Hebrues were to be expelled out of these places, where by their sacrifices (meant by the word adora­tion) should cease, and should not be tyed any longer to one place as they were before, but that his soueraine worship and adoration [Page] should be more frequent, so that no place should be depriued of the same.

True, Yea most true was that predictiō, that the Father of heauen should neither be in the former sort adored either in Garizim or in Hie­rusalem, yet were it very fond to inferre there M 4. 2 [...]. vpon: that he should haue no external wor­ship, or churches, or places for the admini­s [...]tratiō Luc. 24. Act. 21. of his diuine Sacramentes in all the world besydes: or that the auncient laudable vse of Pilgrimages should be abrogated for the tyme to come. For we read the cōtrarie: how our Lord would haue his Apostles goe from Hierusalem in Pilgrimage into Galile, there to see him after his Resurrection. We read that Act. 20. he led them out of Hierusalem into Bethania to the mount Oliuet there to be present at his glo­rious Ascension. We read that he commaūded them to Hierusal [...], there to receaue the holy [...]hoste. Moreouer we read that Saict Paul made [...]lōg Pilgrimage vnto Hierusalem to keep there is Pentecos [...] or whitsontyd. And I dare say that [...] Scripturist can shew me by any plaine [...]cripture either of Christ or of his Apostles, [...]at the vse of deuout Pilgrimages were or [...]er should be prohibited to Christians.

Neither doth it any whit alter the case in [...]at these Pilgrimages or iourneys & walkes [...] deuotiō are made to certaine places, where the Saincts of God are honoured. For as they are not Saincts but principally by the mercie Sainctes are to be honou­red. and grace of God: so what honour is exibited vnto them, is in regard that they are the ho­norable [Page] frendes of God, and consequently it I [...]a. 4 [...]. hath his principal reference to God. Who al­though he say that he wil not giue his honour Ioh. 12. to any other; yet hath he promised to honour his Saincts & true seruants. Therfore there is no reason that any man shoūld be scrupu­lous Psal. 13 [...]. to say & auouche with the Prophet Dauid, Mihi autem ni [...]s honorati sunt a [...]ci tui Deus Thy frendes o God are exceedingly honoured of me. Neither Gen. 18. need any feare to adore and worship them, as Abraham and diuers other diuine illuminated Io [...]ue 5. 4 Reg. 1. 4. Reg. 2. Saincts did his holy Angels and frendes. For although Sainct Peter would not permitt Corne­lius the Centutiō to adore him, and although the Angel refused the adoration of Sainct Iohn Yet may we not argue that therfore the fore­sayd Saincts or Angels, or holy deuout people Iudi. 13. did err, sinne and offend, either in admitting, or yeelding the foresayd honors and adora­tions: Act. 10. Apoc. 1 [...] & 2 [...]. nor that they consequently (who shal follow their deuotions to-wards God his Saincts) are in any sorte to be reprehended for the same.

As for the refusal of S. Peter, it is euident, that he would not be adored as a God, and therfore he told his Caiechumenus, that he was a man. And as for Sainct Iohn I dare be so bold as to thinck, that he was not [...]o grosse, as to offer twice to cōmit Idolatrie, or to offer that reuerence which was vnfitting for the Angel, or displeasing to Almightie God: for to impute so heynous an offence vnto him, proceedeth [Page] of too too muddie a conceit, of so high, so wise, so illuminated a Prophet, Apostle, & the [...]e [...] [...]. Aug: [...]. 6 in [...]. 5 Greg Lib [...]7. Mo [...]l. C [...]. 11. & hom [...] in E. [...]s [...] Bed An el Ruper [...]. in 19. A­poc. eagle of all the Euangelists. Vnderstand ther­fore that in that contention in humilitie be­twixt those two holy frendes, is shrined vp a further mysterie: and by the double de­uotion of this belooued of our Lord, cōclude that Angels and Saincts (who as our Sauiour sayeth shal be in heauen li [...]e to Angels) may be worthely honoured, worshiped, and ado­red. Honou [...]ed, worshiped and adored I s [...]y, not with that soueraine honour, worship, and adoration, which is onely due to the su­preme Math 22 Maiestie of God: but in a far [...]e infe­rior manner, according to their excellencie and dignitie wherewith God hath indued them. For the giftes of God as beeing of God, are worthie to be honoured & regarded & the persons also vnto whome he cōte [...]reth them.

I know the modester sorte of our contra­dictors (seeing that we are commaunded to VV [...] honour is due to Saincte. Exod. [...] pron 2 [...]. 1. Pet. 2. Leui. 32. honour our Parents, our Princes, our Elders and betters) wil easily graunt that the Saincts of God should haue their place of honour, as beeing in greater heigth, glorie, and dignitie about the rest: but to pray vnto them, that they thinck very vnmeet and inc [...]nuenient. Which inconuenience I could neuer hetherto see, although I haue read diuers things obie­cted vvhe­ther vve may pra [...]to saincts against suche prayers. What? do they thinck that the Saincts beeing now ioyned with God, wil not pray for vs, who so chari­tably [Page] prayed for their frendes, and enimies whyle they liued in this worldly banishement 2. M [...]ch. 15. Apoc 5. & [...]. 2. P, [...]. See the contrarie practised by Onim & H [...]eremie after their deathes: consider▪ what the Se­niors and the Angel did in the the Apocalips? and note how Sainct Peter promised the same, after his departure out of this lyfe. Is it that the prayers of Saincts are of no valew in hea­uen, which were of that miraculous efficacie whyle they liued here on earth? Is it for that God regardeth not his Saincts when they are once dead? Who told Isa [...]c after his blessed Gen 26. Fathers deceasse that. Benedicentur in s [...]mine tuo omnes Gentes terra, eo quod obedierit Abraham voci [...]a, & custodier [...] precepta & mandata mea, & cere­mon [...]as leges [...] [...] seruauerit. All the nations of the earth shal be blessed in thy seed▪ for so much as Abrahā obeyed my voice and kept my preceptes and comaund [...]mente [...] & obserued▪ my ceremonies and lavves. Is it for that God can not, wil not, or doth not let them vnder­stand our prayers and necessities? O then the ignorance of Iacob, who blessing the sonues of Ioseph prayed vnto his good Angel, who hard Gen. 4 [...]. him not, saying, Angelus qui eruit me [...] cuni [...]is m [...]lis b [...]nedicat pu [...]ris ist [...]s. The Angel that hath deliue­red me from all my daungers blesse these boyes. Ah what ment the Angel Rap [...]ael to tel old To [...]e that Tob. 12. though he stood before the throne of God, yet did he offer the holy mannes prayers tea­res and good workes to his diui [...]e [...]ia [...]llie? Is it for that their prayers should derog [...]te from Christs mediatiō? And why should that happen vnto them more now that they are [Page] with God, then when they liued here amōgst mortal men? Yea, I say whosoeuer thincketh that the mediation of Christ and of his Sain­tes for vs are of one nature, and condition, is extremely ignorant of the Catholik doctrine, Hovv­our sauiour is our media [...]r and here [...]is Sainctes. & of the meaning of holy Scripture touching this point, and consequently very injurious to the honour and dignitie of our blessed Re­deemer: Who is not our mediator by pray­ing for vs, as his Saincts do, but by his ful satisfaction for our sinne, to his fathers Iustice, and by the meanes of his most sacred death & passion. Is it finally for that God loueth vs more then his Saincts▪ knoweth better then they our necessities? or for that he inuiteth vs to come vnto him? and for that it is need­les to take a longer way when the shorter is more speedie & profitable? why thē should we pray for our selues? or one for another, bee­ing so sinful wretches, & clogged with innu­merable imperfections, & not rather vse the assistance of Gods blessed frendes, who might offer vp vnto him the prayers of our vnwor­thines, & with their most honourable & pleas­ing intercession, grace and succour vs before the feareful throne of his dread Maiestie▪

By this euery one may see, how Catholiks in honouring Gods Saincts, thereby more honour God himself: and in praying vnto Ps. l. 101 them practise more their humiltie towardes him: of whome the Psalmist singeth: Res [...]e [...] in oratio [...]em humilium. Our lord hath regarded the prayer of humble men. [Page] And in this forte, I beseech them to vnder­stand, VVv Ca­tholiks honon [...] the Ima­ges of God & his Sain­ctes. (yt so they please) that we Catholikes are very far from either iuiurving or disho­nouring God, or his Saincts, in that we make & honour their pictures and images, thereby the more to expresse, and professe the honour▪ and reuerence we beare vnto our God, & to his happie heauēly frendes. We know that those that sclaūder vs for dooing these things, can kneel before the Councel table, & stand reuerently vncouered before his Maiesties [...]haire of estate, without any fear of treason, or lose Maiestie. We blame them not, we thinck they haue reason for this their dooing, In the name of God, let them haue also a charitable conceipt of Catholikes actions, and learne to vnderstand the motiues & groundes there­of. Then shal they see that we make no more of an image, then of an image: which is, a re­presentation of the thing or person, whose image it is: & whē we honour it, we honour either at the sight thereof the person of ho­nour whome it representeth, or we honour it for that it is an honorable representation of such an honorable personage. And when we reueretly kneeling pray before it, we offer our prayers to that person in heauen, whose presence by the picture is the more setled & imprinted in our myndes. There is scarce any man so barbarous [...]o be found, but taketh pleasure to see the images of his Prince, Parē ­tes, and frendes to be regarded & vsed hono­rably [Page] for their sakes: as on the cōtrarie it much molesteth and griueth them, to see them dis­graced, stabd, or troden vnder foot in de­monstration Stovv in his An [...]les. Anno [...] Arg E­l [...]a. of the hatred that is borne to the persons whose images they are. Yea such actions seeme to offend them asmuch, (if not more) as any iniurious and contumelious wordes v [...]tered against them. Our Contrie afoordeth vs herein a most memorable ex­ample, to witt in the araignemēt of that pha­ [...]atical wretch vvilliam Hacket who although he had most blasphemously termed him-self Iesus Christ: Yet (as Iohn Stovv writeth was he by two indi [...]emētes foūd giltie, & acordingly condemned and executed, for hauing spoken diuers most falce & traiterous wordes against her Maiestie, (he sayeth nothing out of the sayd iditem [...]ts of his most detestable blasphe­mie & treasō against God) & for hauing razed and defaced her Maiesties armes, as also a certain picture of the Queenes Maiestie, and did malicio sly, and traiterousely thrust an iron instrument into that part of the sayd picture, that did represēt the breast & hart of the Queenes Maiestie. Which things seemed so heyuous, that the iudges thought it more meet to condemne and execute him as a trai­tour to the Prince, then as an abhominable accursed violatour of the most soueraine Maiestie of the high king of heauen. And so he was. Whereby it appeareth how they thought her Maiestie iniuried and disgraced, [Page] by the iniurie & disgrace which the said cai­ti offered vnto her armes and image Vpon which consideration I would aske, what pu­nishmēt they haue merited, that haue so dis­pitefuly & barbarously thrown down māg­led and tro [...]den vnder their accursed sinful feet the Pictures of God himself, and of his blessed Mother, & of his holy Saincts? which outrage they committed, to shew them-selues VVhy Catholi­kes let vp the I­mages of God & his [...] ctes. contrarie to the Catholiks: Who, as for the loue, honour, and deuout memorie of God and his holy ones they set vp their Images in their Churches, Oratories, & other honorable places of their Cities and Cuntries: so these people being desirous to manifest the oppo­sition of their myndes, to the intentions of the Catholiks, & to shew how they detested their meaning, they pulled them down, and by diuers infamous base dishonorable wayes consumed them, that thereby the world might see their hatred towards God, their contempt of his di [...]ine Maiestie, and how they desired to raze out of the memories of men whatsoeuer by holy pictures w [...]re represen­ted vnto them: Neither can they excuse this their impietie, by their old spu [...]galled alle­gations of the twentith of Exodus by the fifth of the first of S. Iohn, and such like places, by them-selues falcely and with most vngo [...]ly iniquitie corrupted. Putting into the text Ima­ges for Idols, as though they nothing diffe­red. Which interpretatiō yf we should ad [...]it, [Page] then, who soeuer retaineth the kinges picture or armes, or the crosse of Christ in his coine, whosoeuer hath his parentes or frēdes pour­traitures, whosoeuer hangeth vp in his hows tapistrie wh [...]rein are figured men, beastes, foules, fishes, trees or hearbes, whosoeuer hath his armes of gentrie, or beareth his Mai­sters See Fox his boo­kes of Actes. cognisance, is made culpable of a most h [...]inous [...]inne against God, and is made giltie of eternal damnation. Yet can their Fox set them out the pictures of his Martyrs, and his people may gaze vpon them. The images of vv [...]lef, Luther, Hus, Mela [...]thon, Caluin, & of such Apostata condemned cōpanions may be pain­ted, sold, & hanged vp in euery ones hows to be tooted vpon. Yea in dishonour of the Pope, Cardinalles, Bishops, Priestes, Monkes, and Nunnes many ridiculous shapes may be deuised to recreate and make merry our gos­pelling brethren and sisters, without any pe­ril of Idolatrie, or breache of Gods cōmaun­dements, although their Minister crie to them from the communion table, that thow shalt not make to thy self any grauen image, nor any likenes of that which is in heauen aboue, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the waters vnder the earth. Yet one sorte of images they can allow to be made to them▪selues, which they wil buy, set vp in their roomes and decēt places of their howses, & there grauely glote vpon them, because they thinck the persons there pointed, to be [...]ightes of the gospel, [Page] chosen trumpettes of the truth great frende [...] of the lord, & what not? The other sorte they can diuise, which wil also be sold, & bought, to iybe & scoff at, and that in contempt of the Praelates, and principal members of the Catholik Church, whome they hate and dis­pise with their hartes. In both these kyndes of pictures they can fyn [...] a relation either in good or bad manner to the persons whome they represent, but the pictures of Christ and of his holy Saincts, must needes be Idols: they can represent nothing that is good, or 1. Cor 2. worthie veneration. So it is that Ani malis homo non percipit ea quae sunt spiritus Dei. The sensual man perce [...]ueth not those thing: that are of the Spirit of God. For if those people were in deed so spiritual, as they are often ver [...]e prec [...]e forsooth [...] their wordes, they would easilie [...]iscerue an Idol from an Image. For i [...] they wil daigne to view what is set before the first commaundement, & what insueth, they shal fynd that our Lord beginneth with: I am thy lord thy God &, Af­terwards, Exo. 20. Thou shalt haue no strage God [...] before m [...]. And after that: Thou shalt not make to thy self [...]y car [...]ing & And then addeth: Thou shalt not adore thein or vvorship them: I am the lord t [...]y strong God &c. Where they may see, that he forbid­deth to make vnto them-selues carued Gods, which are Idols. For he is the lord God. And that they should not yeeld diuine adoration and worship vnto them: which is Idolatrie. Exod. 25 For he sayth, I am the lord thy strong God. Els Moys [...]s, and Salomon and God him self should [Page] haue violated this precept, in causing two An­gels to be made ouer the ark, the brasen serpēt in the wildernes, to fore-signifie as by a misti­cal Num. 2 [...] [...]. [...]eg. 6 2. Pa [...]. 3. image, Christ vpō the crosse as our Sauiour himself expounded it: the two great Cherubes of oliue in the Holy of Holyes, with diuers other Cherubene [...]. palme trees, & sundrie other pictures. And it were right impious to say, that t [...]e holy Prophet Ezech [...]l cómitted Idolaerie, [...]zec [...]. 1. 2. for ado [...]ing God in the likenes and similitude of a man: or to blame God him-self for that Gen. 9. he wil haue man to be respected because he is his image. And therfore he threatneth to pū ­nish those persons most seuerely▪ that shal vn­iustly shed the blood of Man, for that he is the image of God: as yf thereby he would forbid men to abuse, break, and consume his image: and here vpon conclude, the image of God is good, therfore it may be had, ther­fore it may be honoured for his sake.

The reason of which doctrin (yf thou marke The ground and rea­son of al these pointes. wel curteoꝰ reader) cōsisteth in these poincts? First, to worship and honour God for him­self, as being the Fountaine of all goodnes: then his saincts, for that he hath imparted and deriued vnto them the abundance of his vnspeakeable graces and glorie: & so the ima­ges of them both are to be worshiped as their representations, and for that they notably apertaine vnto them: and thus consequently Catholiks do very wel if for the honour of God and of his Saincts, they discreetely and [Page] orderly loue, and reuerence any thing that concerneth them. Which honour and reue­rence as they may professe with their mou­thes, or by their wordes, so may they mani­fest the same accordingly and in the same de­gree, by their outward gestures and actions. For which cause they are much to be blamed who blame the deuotions of Catholiks, for honouring the Reliques of Saincts, or such things as belong vnto them, or to their very images. As we see the good deuout Catho­liks here, for the honour they beare to God, to worship his worthie Mother and for her worship, they reuerence her Image: & for the reuerence of her Image, they beare also a re­uerent esteeme of the very wood of the tree wherein the said Image was placed. Acording to that which is recorded in Exodus: where the [...]xod. [...]. Angel that apeared for God to Moyses in the fiery bush, was for that cause honored with the title of God: and for the sayd Angel his more reuerence, Moyses was prohibited to ap­roach neer vnto the bush wherein he appee­red: & in regard of the bush, th [...] very moū ­taine where it grew was accounted so holy, that Moyses must put of his shooes, and walk vpon it bare-foot for the honour there of. And at other tymes, our lord would so honour the cloak of E [...]as, the dead corps of Elize [...]s, the 4 Reg. [...] 4 Reg 1 [...] Act 5. Act. 1 [...]. shadow of the body of Sainct Peter, the nap­kins of Sainct Paul, and the like of other sain­ctes, that at their presence or bare touching he would woork most admirable miracles, & [Page] bestow most gratious benefites vpon his peo­ple, because the▪ sayd things did belong vnto his honorable Saincts,

And this may suffice in brief to declare by holy Scripture, the reason of the Catholike Churches saith and practise, in these matters, where-in the ignorant of the Catholike do­ctrin, or such as by the ignorance or mallice of others are ill persuaded there-of, may be offended, in rea [...]ing this ensuing treates. As for other things (which also vnto them may seeme strange) they shal (if they please to in­quire) fynd them so plaine and euident in the word of God, as none but they that are alto­gether ignorant of the word of God, or be­leeue not the Scriptures can haue any scrupule therein. As, how grateful a thing it is to God discreetely & deuoutly to ma [...]e vowes vnto him, and for his honour to offer vnto him (for the beautifiing of such places where he wil be honoured) parte, of their wordly welth, [...]ew els or such things as by thē are held in price.

For the first, we haue the counsel of the Royal Prophet saying: Ven [...]. & reddite Dommo To ma­ke holy and dis­crete vo [...]re [...]is is very accepta­ble to God. Psal. 7 [...]. Deo vestro: omnes qui in circu [...] e [...]us affertis munera. Make [...] and fulfil them to your Lord God: all you that round about [...] bring him your presents And vpon the assurednes of this doctrine the same Prophet sayd. Vota [...] roddam [...] consp [...]ctu [...]men­ti [...] cum: I v [...]il render my v [...]vves in the sight of such as fear [...] our lord.

And for the second: we read how Moyses by [Page] the commaundement of God persuaded his The o [...] ­ferings of the faithful are much pleasing to God. Exod. 35 36. Math. 26 Israelites, to shew their liberallitie in adorning of the Tabernacle. Wherein they were so zealous and forward, that Moyses was con­strained to restraine them by expresse com­maundement and sound of trumpet. And although some with the sonne of Isc [...]r [...]t crie out. Vt quid perditio haec? vvhat a l [...]sse is this, for it v [...]ere better to giue it to the poor. Yet the deuout Christian shal haue Christ to beare him out, for powring with the deuout Magdolen his precious oyles vpon his sacred head, and for making moderate and discreet largesse of his temporal goodes acording to his abilitie, in honorably setting forth the worship & places of worship of his God.

I do not think (louing Reader) but many oppositions wil be made both against these things which I haue here sayd, as also against sundrie other matters which are contayned in the historie following: for we haue to deal with an incredulous, prowd, contradicting generation. Thow maist wel iudge that al can not here be sayd, that may be sayd. Wherefore I assure thee, that if thow wilt but manifest thy difficulties to those that are learned and instructed in the groundes of the Catholyk Religion, thou shalt fynd ful and perfect satis­facton, and thou shalt euidently see, that what soeuer is obiected against these matters, are but either meer doubtes, or strained: [...]ations, or f [...]lce and friuolous collections, or vachari­table [Page] railing or their own forged inuentions, or lying headles reportes, or vnciuil and vn­godly sco [...]fing and iesting, or such like tru [...] ­perie.

Be thou therfore fully persuaded of this poinct: that as God is the truthe it self, and as the deuil is the father and author of lyes, so God wil not haue his cause defended and maintained, but by the onely truthe, and he detesteth whatsoeuer is taken out of his eni­mies shoppe. As God and the deuil can neuer The cause of God vvil no [...] be suppor ted by lye [...]. agree, so truthe and lyes can neuer conforte together, and it is either great ignorance or impietic to thinck, that Gods cause either is, or euer can be driuen to so hard an ex [...]gent, that it must be supported and held vp by such broken stuffe. True it is, a ly may go masked vnder such a veil that it may be takē for truth, by such as are not curious to note & marck the car [...]age thereof: but the nature of man beeing alwayes amourous of the tru [...]he, and ielous that fal [...]hood should fo [...]ste her-self into the place of truthe, the wiser forte are more dain [...]ie and nice to admitt any thing, vntil vpon serious examination they haue loo­ked more diligently into matters: Where vpō it happeneth, that tyme and diligence trying truthe, falshood is ferrited out to her more detestation, her authours greater shame, and the future safegard of those that were in peril to haue bene gulled by her. So that vpon this consideration thou maist confidently conclude, [Page] that if the Catholyk Religion were backed and bolstred vp by such bad dealing, (as all here­ [...]ikes lowdly but more lewdly au [...]uche) it Note this eui­dent ex­pe [...]ce. had bene ruined long ere this. But we expe­rience the contrarie to our comfort & astonish­ment: that so many heretikes hauing risen in all the quarters and cuntries of the world, who by open lying, cunning conueiance of tongue, & tyrannical force, omitting nothing, that might ouerthrow either all, or the greatest parte of our holy beleef: although they haue wrested many notable partes of Europe out of the armes and bosome, of our deer Mother the Catholyke Churche, yet hath she regained tre­ble (at least) her losse in the Indiaes: and the pointes also which they haue so long battred at, haue bene the more learnedly, perspicuous­ly & heroically defended, more [...]eruently im­braced, and more zelously practised, then per­haps they euer were in former ages. And so it cometh to passe, that we see now Sacramental Confession more vsed, the holy M [...]sse more frequented, the blessed Sacrement more ho­noured, Reliques of Sainctes and their Images more reuerenced, Pilgrimages more haunted, the Popes pardons more desired, Religious Congregations in greater number and better order, the Churches precepts more obeyed, yea and the Pope (against whome al Heretikes chiefely shoot) more respected & reuerenced, and his dignitie power and prerogatiues more cōfessed by Kings, Princes, Praeiates, the lear­ned [Page] and common sorte of all kingdoms, and nations then euer before. Whyle the heretiks who at the beginning were but in fewe sectes, are now almost in euery kingdome and com­mon wealth where they are permitted▪ rent & torne in to so many different synagogues, fa [...]thes, and professions, eche one writing, wra [...]g [...]ing, railing & raging against other, and according to their power, one faction corpo­rally punnishing and plaging the other, that as we perce [...]ue their s [...]ctes dayly to increace, so w [...] see the professors of ech sect to decrease, and either to return again to the Catholike Church, or to s [...]r abroache newe doctrines of their owne, or finally to care for no Faith, no Churche, no Religion, and no God at all.

And thus we see the old saying prooue true that a [...]heisme is the natural impe of heresie. For men hauing entred thereby in [...]o a wran­gling, contradi [...]ious, proud, selflyking, fro­ward, & [...]istrusting humor: they wil yeeld to nothing if they cā any way shift it of: whereby not onely faith in matters that are supernatu­ [...]al and surpassing our vnderstanding, but euen humane or common credence, sence and iud­gement, is as it were wholy extinguished, and amongst men dayly more and more decayeth. W [...]o knoweth no [...] that as too has [...]ie creduli­ [...]e proceedeth o [...] simplicitie and weakenes of w [...], so that it is a signe of a wicked vicious mynd [...]o be too difficile & res [...]ie in beleeuing: for such persons beeing either suspicious of [Page] other mennes honestie and fidelitie, or kno­wi [...]g how proue they themselues are to de­ceiue and circumuent others to their power, they are very hardly induced to trust any. The mean therfore is to be chosen, which is there to submitt our selues where reason and suffi­cient authoritie may seeme iustly to exact it of vs. A [...] (to exemplifie in the present matter of these miracles here related) what greater reasō should moue a reasonable man then to see so many and such wounderful miracles dayly to be wrought in things appe [...]taining to matters of faith and religion? Whereby, not onely the people of the cuntrie, but strangers of forrein nations, not onely persons of the commō sorte but the most praecellent in dignitie and no­bilitie, not onely those of the ordinary and common intendement, but the most lea [...]ned and instructed in all kynd of literature and knowledge, not onely priuate howsholds and families, but the very Magistrates and Commu­nities of Cities and Prouinces are driuen into vnspeakeable admiration and astonishment. Who after all the diligent searche exami [...]ation and inquisition which either by witt, industrie, learning, authoritie, and conscience they were able to vse, they could neuer hitherto fynd the least suspition of any fraud or iniquitie: but rather they are forted to confesse the miracu­lous finger of God in ech thing, whereby it pleaseth him in such admirable sorte to honour his mo [...]e sacred Mother, to cōfort his grieued [Page] & afflicted childré, to animate the more faith­ful, to cōfi [...]m the feeble wauerers, & to reduce those that are in error vnder the gouernment and due obedience of the true pastors of their soules.

When Iesu [...] in the field of Iericho beheld the Iosue 5. Angel of God with his naked sword in his hand, who declared vnto him that he was the Prince of the army of our Lord, vndoubtedly he was exceedingly glad of that vision, to see that he, and his army had such a guyd, and protector from heauen. As it is also reported of the people of God, that they were singu­lerly comforted & encouraged to fight against their enimies, after they had hard their Iudas Ma [...]nab [...]us relate vnto thé his dreame, wherein 2 M [...]ch. 15. he saw O [...]ias the high priest and Hieremie the Prophet [...]arnestly praying for them, and that from Hieremie he had receiued a golden sword A cōsort for di [...] ­tre [...]ed Catholi­ke. with these wordes. Take the holy svvord a gift sent thee from God▪ in vvhich thou shalt abase and bring vnder the aduersaries of my people of Israel. In like manner what Catholikes are their, who amiddest so many aduersaries of their faith and religion, stand enuironed and are on euery side battred with sclaunders and calumnia­tions, both against their faith and persons, im­pouer shed by the losse of their goods, disgra­ced by depriuation of their dignities, restrai­ned by imprisonments, tossed by ielouses, in­quiries and searches, consumed with inward & outward torments & most barbarous cruel [Page] bloudie deathes; what Catholikes are there (I say) who seeing the hand of God stretched out by heauēly fignes to approoue & honour the cause of these their suffrings, but must nee­des feel in them-selues an vnspeakeable ioy and iubilation, and to be thereby exceedingly inflamed to maintaine & confesse a cause, from heauen so mightily and powrably defended, not by the sword and presence onely of an An­gel, not onely by the intercessions of an [...]t or of a Hieremie, but by the fauourable a [...]e of the high Queen of Angels, prophets, and Sainctes the most blessed Mother of our God Christ Iesus? where, we behold not by the re­lation of others, but immediatly by our selues, not in a dreame or obscu [...]e vision, but with our corporal eies, not onely one golde sword, but so many works of heauenly p [...]wer, as so many swords to hewe do vn al such aduersa­ries as band them selues against God and his holy Catholike Church. Which is a matter of that consequence, that i [...] our aduersaries either by any of their Ministerie, or by any rite of their religion could haue cured in this sorte but one lame dog it should haue rung farr & neere, and wounder [...]ul trophese should haue bene raised in memorie thereof.

Marck therfore (Catholik brother) and with due gratitude behold how liberal God hath bene to thee in these things, thereby to solace thee in the throng of so many miseries and contrarieu [...]s. Whilest the vngodly [...]ri [...]d [Page] vpon the Princes & Parlaments against poor Catholiks: Exina [...]ite Exin [...]ite vsque ad fundamen­t [...] Psal. 135 in [...]a. Downe with the Papists, let vs root them out let vs disgrace them, begger them, take their guydes and pastors from the face of the ea [...]th, that so no memorie may remaine of them. Not-withstanding behold (O Ca­tholik) Psal. 44. Pro patribus t [...]is [...]ati sunt [...]ibi fil [...]. When thy old Pastors began to be worne out, and to be weeded away, a new of spring arose, with their learning to instruct thee, with their ver­tuous example to direct thee, with their dayly prayers and sacrifices to assist thee, with their patience and indurance to confirm thee, with heir deathes & blood spilt to incourage thee, and to gaine others. (euen of thyne ad­uersaries) to confesse and imbrace the same faith with thee. Is this to see how natural ef­fects follow their natural causes? how [...]claú­ders defame, authoritie disgraceth, lawes re­straine, welth worketh, force keepeth downe, pouertie deiect [...]th, torments [...]errific, & death consumeth? No, but rather thou maist see the old admirable signes renued again amongst vs. Dan. [...].

The three children to walk singing at their ease in the fierie fornace, Iesus to heale the Ioh. 9. blynd by daubing durt vpon his eies, cōtraries to worke contraries, and that now again that may be sayd of thyne afflicted which the holy Ghost once recorded of the blessed Apostles: Ib [...]t ga [...]den [...]es a consp [...]ct [...] co [...]e [...]ly, quoni [...] digni ha­biti [...]. 5. [Page] sunt pro nomine Iesu contumeliam p [...]ti. They went reioycing from the sight of the councel, because they were accounted worthie to suffer reproache for the name of Iesus. Verilie, these Many mir [...]les h [...]u bin vvrought [...]m [...]ngst C [...]tholi­ke [...] in Engl [...]nd in the ti­me of their persecu­tion as could be particu­lerly let dovvn yf it might be vvith. o [...] the pe [...] of those to whom th [...]y ha­ue hap­pened. [...] are most admirable miracles: although there had bene amongst you no sick cured, no deuils expelled, no apparitions and straunge visions seene, none of your inhumane and bloudie Persecutors most dreadefully by the reuēging hand of God de [...]riued of their vngodly and accursed liues Al which most admirable wor­kes of God because I know our aduersaries wil either contemne, or ascribe to other subtil­ties, or humaine casuallities: therfore behold here before thyne eies, the miracles related in this book, and esteeme of them (as they are) most admirable, most knowne, most ap­prooued.

What can the derider contradictor or perse­cutor of our Catholik faith cau [...]l against these? what more cleer euidence can he require from heauen then these? would he haue the dread Maiestie of God to discend and sit in the clowdes, and thence to commaund him sub­mission and reuerēce vnto these thinges? Veri­ly he shal see our lord descend according as the Prophet Zacharie hath fore told saying: Veniet Zach. 14 Dominus, Deus meus omnes (que) sancti cum eo. The lord my God shal come and all the Sainctes vvith him. There shal [...]e see with our lord his euer blessed Mo­ther, his Apostles and Disciples. Sainct Clement, Sainct Laurenc [...], Sainct Nicholas, Sainct Martin▪ Sàinct [Page] Gregorio, surnamed Th [...]ma [...]urgus, our S. Augustin, S. Benn [...], Sainct B [...]sil, Sainct Francis, Sainct Bernard, S▪ Edvvard, Sainct L [...]vvis, Sainct Catherm▪ Sainct C [...]cil [...] ▪ Sainct Cl [...]r [...], Sainct Br [...]g [...], with millions more all of one and our fayth: against whose mira­cles let him then dispute, and to make his par­tie good against that glorious fellowship, let him range himself with VVicl [...]f, Husse, l [...]u [...]her, C [...]uin, Bez [...]. Knox, Fox, Scr [...]k. Ro [...]man, Ho [...]per, C [...]p [...]r, Knoblouch, Grumpeck, Klup, VVh [...]le, bore▪ Io [...] Lash [...]ord, Alic [...] Driuer, and such companiōs: & let his soule take her luck & lott with these mates. Who as they cast themselues out of the Communion of the former Saincts, aban­doned their faith, and banded against that Church in which they liued, and for which many of them spilt their bloud, and wrought such innumerable miracles. Let him then raile against thē for beeing Massing Popes, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Abbottes, Mounkes, Nunnes. No, no, if he do not befo [...]e that tyme alter his humor he shal vndoubtedly lifting vp his wret ched eies towardes the Sainctes of the Catho­lyke Church, intune with his mi [...]erable con­forte that most heauie and doleful dump s [...]t down by the wise-man in these wordes. [...] quo [...] habuimus aliquando in d [...]sum & in [...] improp [...]ri [...]. Nos [...]nsens [...]i vitam illorum [...]stim [...]bamus [...], & sin [...] mllorum sin [...] henor [...]: E [...]ce qu [...]m▪ do Sap. 5. computati sunt inter filios De [...], & inter sanctos sors illo­rum est, &c. These are they vvhome sometymes vve had in derisi [...], & [...]ld like to infamie: VVe senc [...]le [...] people did [...] their lyfe ma [...]nes, and their [...]nd vvi [...]hout ho­ [...]: [Page] Behold hovv they are reckned amongst the sonnes of God, and theyr lott is amongest his holy ones: Therfore, vve haue erred f [...]om th [...] vvay of truthe, and the light of i [...]s [...]ic [...] hath not shyned vnto vs▪ VVhat hath our prid [...] profited vs? or vvhat hath the glorie of our riches yeelded vs▪ All those things are vanished avv [...]y like a shaddovv. &c. These and the like complaints shal they yell out who for their sinnes and want of true faith are in the day of our Lord to be bānished for euer frō his face, to the mansion of all cala­m [...]ties. For, vvithout faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. 11. Eph 4. And there is but one true sauing faith, as there i [...] but one God by w [...]ome we must be saued as the holy Apostle affirmeth. Therfore (louing reader) if thou thinckest in thy cōscience, & as thou wilt answere it before the dreadful iud­gement seat of God, that thou hast found any where more solid and euident proofes for the true faith then are to be foūd in the Catholi [...], Apostolik, and Romane Churche, (as it is impossible) there hazard thou thy soule. If not: then beware that our iust Lord at the vncertaine hower of thy most certaine death reuenge not himself on thy soule for thy contempt vsed towardes him, in respecting or preferring any worldly, carnal, transito­rie bable of this life, before his souereigne Maiestie. Thou seest what admirable motiues he hath assoorded thee, whereby thou maist also perceiue how deerly he loueth thee & tendreth thy saluatiō, although he hath no need of thee. Shew thy self therfore grate­ful [Page] for this his grace, that after this lyfe he may make thee also pertaker of his eternal glorie: for which first he created thee, and afterwardes most mercifully redeemed thee, and vnto which now by these his di­uine workes he most louingly inuiteth thee.


WEe giue thee here (louing Reader) a brief rebearsal of such thinges as concerne the place of Montaigue nere [...]o the towne of Sichē in the Duchie of Brabāt: VVee haue also set downe the miracles which haue [...]apned there of late, by the merits and inter [...]ession of the glorious virgin Marie, Yet not all, but only those that are prooued and veri [...]ed by pu [...]like wrytings and attestations of Magistrates, and other au­thenticall declarations: aswel to preuent therby the slaunders of h [...]ret [...]kes, as also for the better information & satisfactiō of good Catholikes. As for the he e [...]kes, they haue all [...]ayes had an ancient custome with great vehemenciē to calu [...]ate and blame those things in the Ca­tholike Romaine Church, which they in their synagogs li [...]t not to beleeue. And before thē [Page] the Pharisies vsed the like, who ascribed the miracles of our Sauiour and his disciples to the power of the Diuell. This all sectaries that haue bene since the beginning in the Church haue allwayes imitated, and the beret [...]kes of our dayes do still verie markablie practize, who be­ganne their heresies by vttering blasphemses against the Moother of God and his Satnctes. And pullskly not onlie in their talk, but also in their writings, bragging them-selues to be Image-breakers.

A certaine pamphlet in flemmish came of late to our handes printed and composed (as it see­meth) by seme pernicious Caluinist of Holland against the honour donne to the Moother of God at Mountaigue. In which pamphlet he wri­teth execrable blasphemies, he forgeth fables & lyes against those of the Church, he basely scos­seth at the pi [...]tie of Princes & Lordes of the Countrie, and at all such as loue and serue the glorious virgin And sinallie he endeuereth by lyes to deface and obscure the honour donne to God and his blessed Mother. Howbeit this com­panion and all such like night-o [...]les wil they wil they, must needes endure the most cleare light which e [...]r lord maketh dayly to [...]lase before our eyes, to his owne and his Moothers glorie: and through the euidence of theise miracles, they [Page] must ly trodden vnder the feet of this woman, together with the old serpent their head and captaine.

And in vaine shal their labor bee that en­deuour to hinder the Sunne to giue his light vnto the earth, the will of our Lord beeing such as the truth shall clerelie be seene, and pterce through the most obscure and duskie clowdes of heresies, Farre more proffitable therefore and holesome would it be for them to open the windowes of their hartes and to let these diuine beames enter in. And what beames can be more cleere or of more force, then these so palpable arguments & euident demonstrations of the pure & sincere veritie. Doe not these (I beseeche you) so appa­rent miracles crie out the verie same that our Sauiour speaketh in the ghospel? If you be­leeue not me, beleeue the woorks which I doe. And that which the Parents of the blynd man sayd. Enquire of him, he is of age, he will answere for him-self, he is thirtie yeares old.

These corrupters of the truth think to abuse the simple people, telling them that Catholikes woorship Idols, and that they honour the virgin Marie as if she were a goddesse, and adore Ima­ges: but this is an old song so often by them chaunted, so often disputed, and in such sorte re­futed [Page] as there is no Catholike of so siēder indge­men [...] who knoweth not the blessed virgin to be honored as a Patronesse and Aduocate to her Sonne and not as a Goddesse, and that the honor donne to her Image hath relation to her person and not to ber Image. And m [...]r [...]o [...]er that all manner of adoration whether it be Latria, Dulia, or Hyperdulia must not be taken or vnderstood according to the outward woork & apparence but according to the intention of the partie from whome it proceedeth.

After an other sorte this may in like manner be proffitable to Catholikes. for somuch as there are some amongst them who seeme to doubt of these miracles, for diuersmen by a certaine kynd of incredulitte, and others vpon a spirit of con­tradiction either deny that these are miracles, or they will not beleeue, that they haue vere­ly bene wrought. Vnto these wee must say that which our Sauiour sayd vnto Sainct Thomas. Come and feele &c. Yf they will not yeeld credit to that which wee set downe, let them goe and see, and feele with their fingers, or else enquire the veritie of those who haue bene cured, for I am assured they shall fynd good store of them. And if after this they will not yet beleeue, assure your selues (as Aristotle sayd of those that denyed the principles of sciences) that they [Page] do it for want of witte and iudgement, or els it must be beaten into their braynes with beetles or bastinadoes.

There are also others who take occasion to doubt hereof, because many hauing bene miracu­lously cured, did not for all that obtaine their health at an instant, or at the verie place, but by litle and litle with some alteration of their bodies: vnto whome wee may by good reason answere, that to prooue a miracle it suffiseth that the ope­ration and effect be aboue the course of nature, and not by any naturall meanes or remedies: and such are all those miracles which here in this hi­storie wee haue sette downe.

Moreouer amongst these miracles some are more perfit and notable then some others are: a­mongst the more notable are esteemed those, when the diseases are cured at the verie same instant, whereof wee haue verie many, and yet the others are not without miracle, although they haue hap­ned in successe of tyme, because they were wrought aboue the course of nature.

For who is he that will or can deny that whē our Lord cured the blynd man it was a true and perfit miracle? who at the beginning saw men walke like trees, yet no man doubteth that he afterward receiued his perfit sight.

Neither is it any wayes repugnant to the na­ture [Page] of a miracle that at the tyme of their healing they feel a change or alteration either in their soules or in their bodies: for (not alleaging the other reasons which wee will set downe in the ensuing historie) who is he that knoweth of those whome our Lord & his saints miraculously cured did not feel the like also in them selues? No au­thor nor wryter denieth or affirmeth that they were restored to their health without such altera­tions. And for so much as those miracles were wrought principalli [...] for the confirmation of our faith, it suffi [...]ed only to set downe the bare truth without further expressing the circumstances, or what other thinges els therin occurred. Our Lord recounted his miracles to the disciples of S. Iohn Baptist (who doubted whether he were the true Messias or no) without making any men­tion of the circūstance▪ or other qualities, saying: Go, tell vnto Iohn. The blynde see, the lame vvalk, the deaf heare, the le­prous are made cleane, giuing vs therby to vnderstand that such cures (although he had sayd nothing) yeelded certaine & infallible proof that he was the true Messias. And whē wee heare, see, and feel the like to be donne by the merits & intercession of the glorious mother of God at the Mountaine of Mountaigue, who is hee that is so wilfully blynd as will not acknowlege the holy [Page] Catholike Romaine Church adorned and honored with such signes & miracles, to be the only spouse of Christ, the doue and beloued of our Lord, the fortresse and piller of truthe, in whoms onlie true and perfit miracles are to be found?

Awake therefore (O you misledde [...]ith here­sies) open the eyes of your vnderstanding, and be­hold the light wherwith the God of mercies vou [...]safeth to lighten the darknes of your ini­quities and ignorances. Yf he had not publikly wrought these signes and miracles that none but he is able to woork, perhaps this misguided people might in some sorte be excused: but seeing they haue had so great and manifest signes and testi­monies, they shalbe inexcusable in that they do not woork their owne conuersions.

And you faithful Catholikes who for the pro­speritie of our enemies, or euill successe of the af­faires of our religion, or for the abuses and imper­fectiō in the life & māners of those of the Church or layetie, are wont to stagger or be faint-harted, confirme and settle your selues hereby: you are in S. Peeters ship, wherin (not withstanding all waues & tempests) it pleaseth our lord to woork his miracles.

And all you that by the miracles and inter­ces [...]ion of the glorious virgin Marie most holie Moother of God, haue re [...]eiued health or help, [Page] forbeare not to manifest the same to your supe­riours and others (sith it is much honorable to reueale the woorkes of God) whome wee exhort in our Lord that they giue aduertisement therof to the right Reuerend the lord Archbishop of Maclin, VVherby the name of God may be san­ctified amongst vs, and that his mercie may be exalted and magnified in his Sai [...]cts. For how many so [...]u [...]r his miracles a [...]e, so many exhortatiōs and sermons they be, and which more forciblie mo [...]e the hartes of men then the sermons of any [...]e [...]e neuer so excellent for his knowlege or ele­quence. And for our part let vs endeuor to giue euerlasting praise to the mercie of God, who in this our miserable and afflicted state (as for the present is this of the low Countries) he vouchsa­feth to send vs comfort by woorking so great and goodlie woorkes, yea such as wee think in that countrey neuer hapned the like.

Lt vs also praise the moother of God, and let vs so begge her protection as she rising once like an amiable Aurora, will disperse the darke ob­scuritie of our miseries, and as a most bright & faire Moone, will vouchsafe to yeeld light to those which ly in the dark night of errors and heresies, and as a cleare shyning Sunne would pearce with the beames of grace and vertue the hartes of the faithful people, which haue the [Page] feare of God: and finallie like a well [...]arshalled battaile driue all the heresies out of the woorld: and by her holie protection defend these low Countreis from all corporall and spiritual in­ [...]sions: by the power of him who doeth her such honor both in heauen and in earth▪


THE HISTORIE OF THE MIRACLES WROVGHT BY THE IN­TERCESSION OF OVR blessed Ladie, at a place called Mount­aigue, in the duchie of Brabant.

THE holie scripture ma­keth mention of an Oke behynd the towne of S [...] ­chem in Palestine vnder the which Iacob buried the Idols & the Iewels that hanged at the eares of his people. And at the same Oke the Captaine Iosue renew­ed the couenant betwixt God and the people of Israel. Verie fitlie ought wee to sette furth the renowmed fame of the Oke which standeth nere to our Sic [...]en in the Duchie of Brabant, at the which Oke in a place vulgarly called Scherpen­heuuel [Page 2] and in French Mountaigue before an Image of the Mother of God beeing verie simple and of litle shew (as the place it self is) it pleaseth his diuine ma­iestie to woork daylie many miracles, by the glorie whereof it seemeth that his desire and pleasure is that the heretikes beeing curbed, and the Catholikes made more submissiue the pride of heretikes and the idolles of other vyces might here ly buried: and that in this place he will be appeased by the prayers of good and godly Christiās: and that he will renew his friendship and alliance with the peo­ple of these low Countreis, for wee esteem the glorie of miracles to be ac­counted one of the most assured notes & markes of the true Church, grounded vpon the woords of our Sauiour in the ghospell saying: Such signes shall follow Marc. 16 Heb [...]. 2. those that beleeue in me. They shal lay their han­des vpon the diseased & they shal be healed, &c. And the holie Apostle saith that vnto the preaching and teaching of the way of sal­uation, our Lord added a testimonie of his owne hand by signes, miracles, and other supernaturall works of his power. For euen as the miracles of our Lord ser­ued [Page 3] for proofes to make mē beleeue that he was the true Sauiour of the world according to that which he saith in the ghospell, euen so the true and vndoub­ted miracles which cannot be wrought without the puissance of God, yeeld te­stimonie to his bodie, which is his holie Church. For which cause that most ler­ned De vtili­t [...]te cre­dendi cap. 17. eodem lib. cap. 1 [...] & cō tra op. funda. cap. 4. Doctor S. Austin saith, that the Catho­like Church obteined soueraigne autho­ritie, when heretikes were iudged and condemned by the maiestie of miracles. And in an other place, that the authoritie of the Churche began by miracles, and by the same she mainteyneth her force. And againe, the concord and vnion of all na­tions (saith he) together with the autho­ritie of miracles, holdeth mee in the holie Church. And Richard de S. Victore durst cō ­fidētlie lib. 1. de T [...]init [...]te cap. 2. say, Lord if this be erroneous which wee beleeue, it is by thyself that wee are deceaued, for these thinges were established and confirmed amongst vs with such signes and miracles as none but thou were able to woork.

Amongst these miracles they are not the least which his diuine goodnes vouchsafed to woork euen from the be­ginning of the Christian cōmon wealth, [Page 4] in diuers places at the Images and for the honor and woorship of the Mother of God.

It is an vndoubted ancient tradition that S. Luke painted an Image of our Lady, [...]e which wee haue by the testimony of diuers credible writers and authors, as of Theodorus, Nicephorus, Metaphr [...]sies, But lib. 14. in vita S. Luce. whether he painted more then one wee are not assured, yet this is certaine, that many Images were drawne according to that which he had first painted, and were afterwards sent to diuers places, neither ought it to be deemed impertinent that some haue attributed them to S. Luke, for somuch as they were perfit draughtes & resemblances of the originall first painted by his owne hand. Of which Images that was one, which S. Gregorie the first caried A [...] ▪ S [...]: lib de [...] [...] ­ [...] Eccle Baron in Annal. in solemne procession in Rome, whereby the great infection of the plague ceased, where with the ayre was corrupted, in the yeare of our lord 509. And all the people of Rome are of opinion that it is the same Image which is now kept in the Church of S. Maria Maior. Such also was [...]aspar var [...] [...]ius in cho [...]ogr [...] Hisp. that, which (as they say) the sayd S. Gre­gorie sent to S. Leander Bishop of S [...]l in [Page 5] Spaine, the which the Spaniardes honor and now call by the name of Nu [...]st [...] Sen̄ora de Guadalupe.

The Image that sometime was hono­red in the Citie of Constantinople, (and in regard of the deuotion vsed therunto, the Mother of God now and then deliuered her seruants from the handes of the Sa­rasins) is held by some to be that which the Empresse [...]loxia sent to Pul [...]er [...] frō Iherusalem to Constantinople, the which au­thors Sigo­ [...]ius in Hist. Ital. of good credit write, was after­wards translated to Ven [...]e where at this present it remaineth. Alphonsus de Vilegas in his book intituled [...]los Sanitorum testi­fieth Antonie Ben [...] in [...] ­ [...]ico [...] Francis. A [...]as lib de i [...]. virg cap 20. by the authoritie of very many ler­ned men, that at this present there is in the Citie of Saragosa in Spaine a Chappell built and an Image of our lady there pla­ced by the handes of S. Iames the Apostle, and honored with many miracles, which the Spainardes call Nuesira Sen̄ra del p [...]lar. Nauarrus reherseth by the testimony of Osortus that in the Citie of Calicut in the Indies there is yet to be seene an Image of our Lady with her Chyld in her armes, the which they hold was there left by one of the three kinges, or by some prin­cipall [Page 6] person of their trayne, who was at the adoring of our Lord in Bethleem.

They who haue left vs written the hi­storie & particularities of that puissant kingdome of China lying in the vttermost Ioan Cō [...] de M [...] ­ [...]. boundes of the east, assure vs that they found in the Citie of Ch [...]nce [...] a meruelous sumptuous temple, where the Inhabi­tants of the Countrey being Pagans, had placed in a Chappell a hundreth and ele­uen Idols, and besides them three very rich statues▪ wherof the one had one bo­die and three faces, beholding each the other very attentiuely, the other was of a woman bearing a Chyld in her armes: the third of a man apparailed in such sort as the Christiās paint the holie Apostles, so that it seemeth the Image of the vir­gin Marie was there knowne and had in honor.

The admirable and renowned histo­rie of our Ladie of Laureto is famous [...]o [...]t. Tursel [...] ­ [...]us hist. [...]di [...] Lauret. ouer al the world, wherin wee may see how our Lord hath made choise of foure diuers places wherunto he caused that holie house wherin the diuine incarna­tion was wrought, to be translated by the ministery of Angells, wherof the fourth [Page 7] place is that of Lauretto, where now it continueth in the Marca of Ancona▪ where it is very much frequented through the innumerable visitations of all sortes of Pilgrims, and for the multitude of mira­cles which are seene there to happen daylie. In the Chappelle of that place is an Image of our Ladie with her babe Iesus, deuoutlie carued out of Cedar wood. Also the pilgrimage to the church F [...]eol M [...]ri [...]n p▪ g. 106 at Mont-Serato in the kingdome of Catha­lognia in Spaine is very renowned, where the Image of the Mother of god is great­lie honored, which was there miracu­louslie foūd within a caue, about the yeare of our Lord. 890. where by the interces­sion of our blessed Ladie haue bene wrought many assured miracles amply set downe, in a historie cōpiled therof­and Anno 1601. translated into french, and not long sithence dedicated to the french king now raigning.


AND to the end wee occupie not our selues in forraine matters only. These low Countreis haue in semblable [Page 8] manner (& that in many places) the me­mories of the glorious Vergin Marie hono­red with diuers miracles: And to begin with Henault: Tongre, a village hard by the Towne of Ath hath an Image of our Lady, the which in the yeare 1081. was three tymes placed there, and notwith­standing that it was diuers times caried to other places, yet was it stil mirac [...] ­louslie brought thither back againe.

In the Abbay of Cambron (which is of the Cistertian order) is kept a certaine Image of the Mother of God, painted vpō a wall, the which in the yeare 1 [...]32 being wounded with a bore-speare by a Iew, yeelded great aboundance of blood, the markes wherof are to be seene to this present day. Wee read the like to haue hapned euen in our dayes in the yeare 1595 in the Duchie of Sauoy nere to a towne called Mo [...]ntaruie, where there was an Image of our ladie, which hauing receaued certaine gashes with a swoord of a Caluinist, yeelded incontinentlie blood, wherwith many blynd, deaf, lame, and other diseased were cured.

In like māner our Lord hath wrought many meruelous thinges by the inuoca­tion [Page 9] of his holie Mother in a litle towne of Henault called Chieure, since the yeare of our lord 1326. the which also conti­nueth euen to our daies.

And in speciall sorte in the same pro­uince the said blessed virgin is much ho­nored in the towne of Hall where is an Image of her, placed by S. Elizabeth daugh­ter to the king of Hungarie, singuler deuo­tion being there vsed in regard of the mi­racles which are seē there to happē vnto those who either go thither in pilgrimage or els vow to go. Whereof the great lear ned I. Lipsius hath of late cōposed a book.

In the Countrey of Art [...]o [...]s and in the Citie of A [...]ras is a wax taper brought Ioan Molan. nat. S [...]. [...]elg 6. [...]ebr. thither miraculouslie by the Mother of God in the yeare of our lord 1105 in the tyme of Lambert Bishop of Arras. And this was donne to heale a disease called the fyri-burning. This Candle is kept with great care in the foresaid Citie and is vsed verie souerainlie for the curing of ma­ny maladies: neuer consuming although Ioannes Mo [...] us in pt [...]: spirit. it be often tymes lighted; and that they haue made many little candels of the drops of the wax that haue been powred from the same: not vnlike vnto that [Page 10] candle of Iohn the Heremit dwelling in S [...] ­chus neere to Hierusalē, the which he had in his caue burning before an image of our lady, and which he was wont to reco­mend to the Mother of God, to the end she would stil keep it burning for her ho­nour, so often as at any tyme he went to any place thence in pilgrimage. And al­though he was sometymes from home. for the space of two, three, yea of six moneths together, yet he alwayes found it at his return whole and cleerely bur­ning as before he left it. Lykwise many great workes and liberal gifts of God are seen to proceed from him, in the duchie of Braba [...]t, by the intercession of the glo­rious virgin his mother.

At Laken nere to the citie of Bruxels a faire Church hath bene built, to the ho­nor of our Lady, wherin (as it is well knowne to the world) many haue recei­ued help and remedie from the hand of God. So as the woorthines of this place confirmeth sufficientlie the ancient tra­dition, that the first model or paterne of the said Church was set downe by our Lady herself and honored with her visi­ble presence.

[Page 11]In the Citie of Bruxell [...]s in a Chappel of our Ladie cal ed the Sablon an Image Antiqu. M [...]S ex b [...]b [...] [...]b [...]aeh v [...]lli [...]. of her was there sette in the yeare of our Lord 1348. by a very deuout wo­man called B [...]iue S [...]etkens, the which Image is thought to haue bene pa [...]nted by miracle, and in this place many mira­cles were wrought vntil the yeare 1580.

In certa [...]ne old written book [...]s in the Collegial Church of S. Peters in Louaeine are conta [...]ned [...]undrie miracles which haue in times past hapned before an Image of our Lady which is yet there, and these haue continued since the yeare 1442. euen vnto out time.

In Viluord, in a Cloister called of cōfoit where the Rel g [...]euse women of the Car­m [...]litan order dwel, is an Image of our ladie the which Dame Sophia wife to d [...]ke Henry the second of B [...]aba [...]t receaued from her mother S. Fliza et▪ Cou [...]tesse of He [...]sen, which she lefte there for the comfort of certaine o [...]d Matrons that then ly [...]ed in a congregation in that place, wherupon it hath still retained that name.

It is not needful to recount here the miracles which our Lord woorketh day [Page 12] lie by the inuocation of his blessed mo­ther in the Church of our lady of Hans­wick at Ma [...]klin, Alsembe [...]g and Sc [...]ute nere Bruxelles, at Lede by the towne of Alost, at Hasselare by A [...]denard in Flaundres, at the Chappel of our ladie in the market place of S. Omers in Arthois, at the Chappel of our ladie of grace nere to the Citie of Lile, And it is thought that there is no one prouince in these low Countreis, which hath not, or had not, some place dedica­ted to the Mother of God, wherin his diuine bountie hath not wrought or yet woorketh not sometimes miracles, wher of there are both particuler and publike testifications in great number.


BVT amongst all, that is very woun­derful which wee see and heare to happen daylie at the place of Mountaigue nere to the towne of Sichē, in the Duchie of Brabant, beeing of such importance & admiratiō that through the fame therof within the space of six or seauē mōthes many thousandes of Pilgrims from all partes haue resorted thither. And to the [Page 13] end that in a matter so latelie knowne & in such abundance of miracles amongst the bruite of so-many incertainties, the truth may perfitly be seene, wee haue resolued to make here a particuler and faithful rehersall of such thinges as hi­therto haue come to our knowlege, aswel concerning the p [...]ace & the Image as of the miracles. Which haue hap­ned, according to the informations ga­thered by the authoritie of the right Re­uerend lord the Archbishop of Mecklin, howbeit through the diuersities of times and distance of places wherin the per­sons dwel vnto whome God hath impar­ted his fauours, it hath bene impossible to come to the perfit knowlege of ech thing that hath befa [...]ne them, which notwithstanding wee hope may be dis­couered in time, & come to light, where­of as yet we haue no knowlege, partly through the negligence or simplicitie of such as haue experimented them in them selues, & partly for that many are (per­haps) ashamed to publish their secret ac­cidentes & maladies, although they haue bene miraculously cured therof.


BVT before wee proceed any fur­thes it wil not be impertinent (consi­dering in this affaire the great prouidēce and goodnes of God) to examine a litle the particuler circumstances of the place, of the Image, & of other thinges apper­taning to this matter. It is a thing much to be noted, that seeing in many rich and mightie Cities & other places of strength in these low Countreis, there are many statelie Churches dedicated to the glo­rious Virgin Marie, and that she hath in so many places her Images in gold & siluer, and painted or carued with great art and woorkmanship, yet notwithstanding our Lord God (who is the greatnes of the humble) & our blessed Lady the mother o [...] humilitie, would make choise of this rude and desert hillock, in the territorie of S [...]c [...]en, a very poor towne, amongst a company of poor and ruyned people, at a small Image made of a sillie peece of wood of the height of a foot and a half or litle more, pa [...]nted & set foorth verie fim ply, placed in an old Oake, & that vpon [Page 15] the frontiers of those that are enemyes & rebelles to our Princes.

The which thing [...] seem to mee ful of many masteries, And [...]ist that what soeuer concerneth the place and Image, s very base and a [...]i [...]ct. What other thing doth it signifie, then that which the Pro­phet Dauid saith, That the [...]g [...] lord respecteth the things that are humble? And that which the Apostle saith, Our lord hath chosen the abiect t [...]ings of this world? And that our Lord Iesus Christ did meane that this place which he had appointed for his owne & his mothers honour should be like to the places of their habitation in this world, where he made choise of two ve­ry low places, to wit, the one, that of Nazareth for his incarnation and aboad, and the other that of Bet lem with the poor cribbe, for his natiuine. How poor and miserable that quarter of Sec [...]en hath bene, with how many mishaps and cala­mities it was wholy ruined and brought to desolation, will not be impertinent to declare, for the comfort of those poor af­flicted people the inhabitants therof.

The towne of Sic [...]en before these trou­bles had a faire parish Church dedica­ted [Page 16] to S. Eustace, wel furnished with diuerse altars, ornaments and goodly belles. Moreouer it had a Cloister of Re­ligiouse women of the order of S. A [...]stin, with their Church and fa [...]re buildings accordingly. And now this towne is so ruined, that at this present there is not so much as one bell, The Church & stee­ple are for the most part vnco [...]ered, There are few altars, and verie small store of ornaments that haue bene saued out of the fire, The Cloister is all burnt downe, sauing one Chappell, & one litle hows which before was built for the sick. Moreouer the said towne had about twelue or thirteene hundreth Burgeses, many of them were welthy and all of competent meanes and abilitie, where at this present it is hard to fynd 300. sou­les therin, or in the places which are de­pendant of the same, and all those are so needie and low brought that there is not one of them of that abilitie as to enter­taine his friend with a decent lodging.

This towne here-to-fore had many faire houses built with brick and now they are all made with mudde, & that­ched with straw in forme of a village, [Page 17] which is no wounder yf you consider what the towne hath sustained during these troubles and ciuil garboiles.

After the defait of Ge [...]blours which hapned in the yeare 1578. and the 28. of February the Towne and castle being well manned with a strong garrison was be­sieged by the souldiers of the Catholike king, and after battrie beeing entred by force, the souldiers of the garrison, were either put to the swoord, or drowned, or hanged, many of the Burgeses slaine, & the towne giuen ouer to fire and pillage. Not many yeares after, it was taken againe, sometymes by the rebells, some­tymes by the kinges people. It was six times spoiled, and once consumed euen to ashes. Besides all this it was grieuou­slie afflicted with the plague & wholie deuowred and eaten vp with the great garrisons which lay therin continually. And not onlie the Citie, but the Coun­trey round about was brought to such desolation by the ranging vp and downe of souldiers theeues and murderers, that the Countrey, (for some myles) is so pe­stred with woods, hedges, and bushes, that it is not onlie not habitable, but also [Page 18] trauailers cā scarcelie fynd any way or passage thereunto, in such sort as I am perswaded that there is no one place in all these low Count eis which hath en­dured so many miseries calamities and aduersi [...]ies as this place hath. And not­withstanding that the people are simple and still hold the fashion of the [...] Brabanders, yet haue they alwaies con­tinued in the obseruances of the Catho­like faith, so as euen during the sway of here [...]ik [...], here was not so much as one found amongst them that changed his faith, whereby may be seene the great mercy and loue of God towardes these miserable & afflicted people, the which being brought vnder so many calamities he vouchsafeth to comfort now againe by demonstration of his wounderful woorks amongst them.


WHat should be the cause why our Lord vouchsafeth to woork miracles in such a parte of the Countrey of Braban [...], we may imagine (vpon appa­rent reasons) that he doeth it for two [Page 19] causes, vpon apparent reasons I say wee may imagin ( for who is he that knoweth the mynd of our Lord, or who is he that hath bene his coun [...]al [...]?) first it hath b [...]ne the cus­tome of his diuine prouidence when he chastiseth any people for their correctiō and not for their destruction and vtter ruine, to [...]end them at tymes some com­fort by miraculous woorkes of his power and mercy. The people of Israel was af­flicted by the seruitude of Egypt, by the stinging of serpents, by the inuasion of the Madianits, and by other like adue [...]si­ties, but to the end they might think that God had not altogether forsaken them, he comforted them by transpor­ting them ouer the redde sea, he cured them by the beholding of the brasen ser­pēt, by staying of the Sunne vn [...]er Iosue, by couering the fleece with dew lying on a dry place in the tyme of Ge [...]eon, and by many other miracles. The Countrey of Italie was afflicted by a cruel warre betwixt the Gu [...]lphes and the Gibbelines, but our Lord vouchsafing to shew that he would send them a speedie deliuerāce translated thither miraculouslie the hows of our Ladie of Lau [...]etto.

[Page 20]Euen so wee verilie hope that by these fauours and miracles, the diuine bountie of God hath giuen vs to vnder­stand that he being moued with pitie & compassion vpon these poor low Coun­treis, wil take away very soon the scour­ge of his ire and indignation, to the end that wee should not think our selues wholly by him abandoned through the throng of so many oppressions and mise­ries, and therefore he sendeth vs now these tokens and presages of some deli­uerance neer at hand.

The other reason may be that those holy Saints which haue dwelt and bene borne in this Countrey, and specially in Brabant haue by their merits and prayers obtained this grace of God that this place which they whiles they liued had in their possession as their inheritance and patrimony wherin they were wont to serue his diuine maiestie, or vnto which they vsed to resort, being deliuered from the furie of heretikes should be one day honored with so great miracles.

For this territory was once the patri­mony of the first Saints of Brabant. It is Molan. Nat. SS. [...]lg. wel knowne that S. Bauo had in his pos­session [Page 21] the greatest part of the Hasbaine of Brabant. It is also certaine that S. Pipin Ian. 4. Feb. 21. Mar. 17. Iul▪ 10. & 16. Octo. 1. & 2 [...]. Nouēb. 23. first duke of Bra [...]ant had his aboad in the towne of Landen wherupon it beareth the surname: in the same place and with him liued his wife Iduberga, from whence pro­ceeded that holy ofspring Gertrude and Begga, and of this Begga the great Charle­maine with his issue is descended. In this said quarter also dwelled being of the blood of the foresaid Pipin S. Amil [...]erga Decēb. [...]7. mother of the holie virgins Raynildis, Pha­raild [...]s, and Gudula, and long before all these, S. Ermelinde a virgin right famous for her sanctitie. Likewise S. [...]rudo in his daies possessed many places in the Has­ [...]aine and in the Campignie, where he had preached the holie ghospell, His mother Ad [...]la renowned for miracles resteth in a place called zel [...]m neer to the towne of Diest, which place heretofore appertei­ned to her, and is but two miles distant Molan. lib de sac. milit Duc. Braban. from Montaigue. Add herunto that our Lord hath remēbrāce of the zeal & ma­gnanimītie of the old dukes of Brabant, who a thousand yeares agoe did so vali­antlie maintaine and aduance the Chri­stian Catholike faith against the infidels [Page 22] Pagans, and heretikes. And that it see­meth that the Countrey of B [...]abant shal­ere long be who [...]e restored and setled againe in the Catholike faith, and in that glorious state wherin once it flori­shed.


THat these things are donne vpon a Mountaine is not without reaōs, in regard that man being borne into this world to retire his mynd frō earth [...]e to heauenlie things, our Lord, both in the old and new testament was allwayes woont to doe his most speciall and prin­cipall woorkes vpon Mountaines. Vpon the Mount Moria Isaac was saued, and Abraham receaued the benediction. Vpō the mount Sinay the law was deliuered vnto Moyses. Vpon the mount Horeb Helias saw God almighty somuch as a mortall man was euer able to see him, vpon a Mountaine our Lord was wont to preach, vpō the Moūt Thab [...]r he was trás­figured, vpon the Mount Oliues he prayed and vpon the mount Calua [...] he was cru­cified, and accomplished our saluation. [Page 23] Moreouer the most famous places of the world where the holie Mother of God is honored, are wyld Mountaines and fu of wood, very much resembling this our Mountaine. They which haue writ­ten the hutorie of La [...]e to, affirme that the little hovvs wherin the incarnation of our Lord was first wrought and which was had in honour in the towne of Naza­reth, vntil the yeare of our Lord 1291. (because Siria was conquered by the Sar­racen [...]) was taken from that place and transported into Europe into the Countrey of Dalma [...]ia, and there sette vpon a litle Mountaine or hil nere to the [...]owne of T [...]rsactum. And forsomuch as [...]n that place they did it not that honour which was conuenient, it came so to passe that 4. yeares and 7. monthes after, the said litle hovvs was by Angels transported into the marca of A [...]cona in Italy▪ and set vpon a Mountaine or hil in a wood hard by the Citie of Recana [...]o, and a li [...]le while after that, because the pilgrims were hindred to go freely thither (through the multi­tude of Theeues and Robbers which made the passage dangerous) it was mi­raculous [...]e set vpon an other hil belon­ging [Page 24] to two breethern, who being fallen at variance for the offrings which were there made and our Lord being offended with their controuersies and couetous­nes, made the sayd litle house to be placed vpon an other litle Mountaigne not farre from thence in the yeare of our Lord 1294. where our good God woorketh (euen to this present day) continually many miracles and graces, to the com­fort & strengthning of all good Christi­ans. What place is there in Spaine more honorable and more renowned for mi­racles, then that Mountaine in the king­dome of Cath [...]lonia not farre from Barce­lona called Mount-serrato? because it see­meth to haue bene cut with a saw, and fitted for the seruice of the blessed virgin Marie, The which Moūtaine (according to that which many credible persons haue written) was in time past in acces­sible through the wyndinges and trou­blesome passages which it hath had: and not habitable for the rockes & craggie stones which it contained, but at this present, it is seemlie set foorth with 13. hermitages & a goodly great Monastery of S. Benedicts order, with many faire [Page 25] buildings, and a merueilous multitude of Pilgrims. In which place since the yeare 801. vntil the yeare. 1599. there hath bene wrought 381. miracles, wherof a great part are approoued and confirmed by publique and authentical testifications.


NEither seemeth it to want reason that our Lord would haue his Mo­ther to be honored by her Image placed in an Oke, for the holie scriptures infor­me vs that our Lord God hath wrought many miracles vnder diuers Okes. For vnder the Oke of Mambre according to the Hebrew text he cōcluded his league with Abraham, and there promised him a sonne by his wife Sara. In the same place the Angels appeared in forme of mē, di­uers tymes renewing in the name of God the foresaid promise, and foretelling the destruction of the inhabitants of Sodome. vnder an Oke nere vnto Sic [...]ē Iacob buried the Idols. Vnder the same Oke Ios [...]e re­newed the aliance betwene God & the people of Israel, as before we haue decla­red. Vnder the Oke in Ephra the angel ap [...]ud 16. [Page 26] peared to Ged [...]on whome he appointed Captaine and leader of the people of Is­rael, promising to free thē out of the ser­uitude, of the Madianits. Yea our Lord Iesus Christ wrought our saluation vpon the wood, of the crosse which (as Do­ctors affirme) was framed of Oke. The Pagans were wont to call the Oke, great and holy, and dedicated it vnto [...]upi­ter their chief God, because in the be­ginning of the world men made their food of acotnes, which is the fruit therof and the Romaines had a custome to giue him a crowne of Oken leaues that in warre had saued the lyfe of a Citizen of R [...]me. Of Okes the Poet writeth, prophe­sying of the golden world out of the ver­ses of the Si [...]illes saying.

The t [...]e wil come of peace and plentie so,

That from the Oke the honi [...] sweet shal flow.

When therefore wee cōsider the fore­said examples of the old testament why should we not hope that nere vnto this oke by Sic [...]en through the prayers of holie and deuowt people. God may be inclined to make a nevv alliance and reconciliatiō betvv [...]xt himself and these lovv coun­treis, that he vvil send the Angel of vvis­dome [Page 27] amongst vs, bring the Idols of he­resie and impietie to nothing, raise vs vp some valerous Gedeons, graunt vs victory ouer these Madianites, send comfort to the loyal subiects, strengthen both our soules and bodies, & powre downe vpō vs the dew of his heauenly graces.


THat our Lord hath chosē this place so nere vnto our enemyes which is scarse six or seauen hundreth paces distant from the riuer of Demer, beyond which riuer all the Countrey is subiect to the contributions robberies and exa­ctions of the enemies, so as vpon a clear day one may see six or seauen miles into the countrie held by the heretiks & re­belles, wee may therby thinck that the wisdome of God hath ordained it, that not only the Catholiks might haue oc­casion to exercise their p [...]ety, and seek for mercy at the handes of God but also that he might bring back againe those which are in error into the bosome of the Ca­tholik Church, by the meanes of these miracles: for that so great miracles and [Page 28] such abundance should be wrought in a place so nere the heretiks noses, what other thing may wee iudge it, thē a plaine demonstration that the hon [...]or do [...]ne to images, inuocation of Saints, and pilgri­mages made to holy places, are things very p [...]ous and right acceptable to the maiestie of God: notwithstanding what­soeuer blasphemies and scoffings, of all the rablement of heretiks to the cōt [...]ary.

Blessed be therfore the father of mer­cy and God of comfort, which comfor­teth vs after this manner in all our tribu­latiōs, who in the doleful estate of these Countreis, by the wonderful woorks of his mercy yeeldeth ioy and consolation to the godly, confirmeth those that either stagger or doubt in their faith, and con­foundeth the malice of heretiks (God graunt it may be to their saluation) with a light of such vnspeakable brightnes. Blessed be also the Mother of mercy, which procureth such fauours for vs poor wretches. God graunt that her goodnes will so dispose of vs, that as at the arriuall of her hows from Nazareth to Ital [...] that Countrey (which wa [...] thē op­pressed with a long and cruel warre) [Page 29] gained peace and concord by her prayers to our Lord, so likwise by this new deuo­tion o [...] Catholiks at Mountague, the blessed virgin and mother of God being moued to compassion, by the prayers teares and deuout sighes of good people, may obtein at the handes of God, for these low Countries scourged with so long a ciuil warre, and welnigh brought to vtter ruine, that the Idols of our synnes may be buried vnder this Oake: that the here­tyks may be reduced to the vnion of the holy Catholyke, Apostolyke, & Romaine Church, & our rebelles to their due obe­dience of their natural princes, that wee may all of vs with one mouth, and in the same Catholike faith, vnder one Prince in earth praise and honor our God, three persons in Trinitie and one in vnitie, & the blessed virgin Mary mother of our Lord Iesus Christ.


B [...]t to come to our history. In Brabāt there is a place ful of hil [...]e [...] & woods and altogether vnhabited called in the Duitch tongue Scherp [...]n- [...]e [...]l, in French [Page 30] Mountaigne. in English The sharpe or rough hil, in regard of the roughnes and baren­nes of the place, situated by the towne of S [...]chen, and litle more then a quarter of a dutche mile distant from thence, and a good mile from Diest. Vpon this place (beeing a hil somewhat higher then the rest of the ground lying nere therunto) grew an old Oke, which was somewhat great, wherunto a certaine Image of our lady was fastened, and there is a certaine report and old tradition amongst those people which liue in that quarter, that a hundreth yeares and more sithēce, there was a certaine Shepherd who feeding his flock along that Mountaigne fownd the fore said Image of our Lady lying on the grownd, the which he determined to cary home with him, but the Image mi­raculously became so heauy that he was neither able to cary it, nor to lift it, yea himself became so immoueable that he had no power to stirre out of the place, in such sorte as he could not driue his f [...]ok homeward. The farmer his Maister much woundring at his Shepherds vnac­customed lingring, went himself to seek him, And hauing vnderstood the cause [Page 31] of his stay, perceaued forthwith that the Image which the Shepherd mēt to haue caried home, was the [...]ame Image which men vsed to honor at the Oke of Mount­aigue. Wherefore he took it and without any empeschment or resistance placed it againe in the Oke. And the Shepherd as though he had bene vnloosed and vn [...]et­tered went his way home with his she [...]p without any further difficultie. By the report of this miracle, the people that neighboured thereabout being excited to deuotion, began to yeeld reuerence to the place and Image, & repaired thether very often to craue help of the blessed virgin, especialy against agues. The which things the most ancient inhabi­tants of the place haue auowched vnder their solemne othes, that they haue hard their parents and ance [...]ors report: to witte, Arnould of Ecynde beeing foure­score yeares of age, Iohn S [...]innen beeing of 70. Iohn M [...]mbors of 60. and Allard of B [...]gard also of 60. yeares of age, all beeing inhabitants and Escheuins of Sichen. But forasmuch as wee haue this only by tra­ditiō of certaine old people without any further authentical proof (although wel [Page 32] deseruing credit heerin) wee meane not so to affirme their reports as altogether assured therof. But wil proceed to such other things, wherof wee can aleage so authentical and assured proofs, as none can iustly doubt therof.


IT is certaine and wel knowne that the foresaid Image remayned in the Oke vntil the yeare 1580, but shortlie after and till the yeare 1587. was no Image at all in that place, as wee fynd by [...]osse v [...] Artric vvho yet li­ueth hath af­firmed vnder his o [...]he that he vvas healed of a lōg [...]uar­tain agu in the yeare [...]583. information of sundry persons who in that tyme (to be cured of their agues) although with euidēt danger visited that place, many being restored to health not­withstanding (as is aforesaid) no Image was then there, wherby it may appeare that not only the Image, but also the very place is dedicated to the seruice of God, and to the honor of his blessed Mother. How this first Image was lost wee yet know no certainty, but it is coniectured that it was destroyed by heretikes who from the yeare 1578 vntil the yeare 1586. ranged daylie in those partes pil­ling [Page 33] and spoyling the Countrey.

Afterwards in the yeare 1587. a good old man beeing a Burgesse & Escheum of S [...]chen (of humilitie not willing to be named) considering the great concour [...]e and deuotion which people had to this place, and knowing that the first Image was lost, went vnto a deuout and godly widow dwelling in Diest, called Agnes Fre­dericks hauing the custody of the Church of All [...]all wes in the suburbes of the said towne of Diest who had in her hows an Image of our lady made of wood, placed in a litle frame or tabernacle, which vpō ernest entreaty she giuing vnto him, he caried to Mountague, and caused it to be sette vp in the foresaid Oke, in the place of the other which was lost; where it continued vntill lent in the yeare 1602. at which tyme Sir Godsrey of Thie [...]r [...]ncle Pastor of the Church of S. Eustace in Su [...]ē, took the said Image out of the Oke, and set it in a litle Chappel made of wood of six foot long and fyue broad, hard by the sa [...]d Oke. And the same he did in re­gard of the great deuotion which he saw the people had that came thether to be cured of a vehement head-ache then [Page 34] raigning in those parts wherof very ma­ny found amendment. In which litle Chappel the said Image remayned vntil such tyme as it was placed in the new Chappel which now is built of stone.


LEt vs now therefore speak of the miraculous and liberal cures which our lord hath vouchsafed to woork vpon those that haue honoured his blessed mother in this place.

From tyme out of mynd the people & inhabitants of Sichen & places therabout, were wont to fynd singuler help by our Lady at Mountague so often as they found themselues attainted of any agues.

Of which thing Sir Godsrey of Thien­wincle Curat of S. Eustace in Sichen, doth sufficiently testify: who remēbreth that (fifty yeares past) he being then about six yeares old, was caried by his parents to Moūtague, where he was cured of an ague which he had at that time,

Also at such tyme as the Spanish soul­diers were in mutiny in the towne of Diest and that theyr Captains remayned [Page 35] in the towne of Sichen attending whyles the sayd souldiors were payd, there was a certaine Spanish Captaine lodged in a Burgeise hows who was sick of an ague for the space of a whole yeare, and by reason of his sicknes was so wayward & troublesome as none could cōtent him. It came to passe that the good wife of the hows told him that if he desired to be freed of his ague, it were good he should visit our lady at Mountague, seeing so many were there cu [...]ed: wherupon moued partly by her and partly by persu [...]sion of his owne seruants, he went thither, & accomplishing there his deuotion, was there cured, and wholy deliuered of his ague, behauing himself afterwards so modestly and peaceably as he seemed to haue altered his nature.

Moreouer as the whole towne of Si­chen can testifie, there is scarce therein one houshold wherof some one or other hath not receaued help at Mountague. The Curate and escheuins of Sichen affirme assuredly that in the yere 1598 at what time the Irish of the regimēt of Sir VVil­iam Stanley Coronel, were lodged there, many of thē were wont to vse no other [Page 36] phisik or remedy for their diseases, but to make their prayers at the foresaid place of Mountague, amongst whome very ma­ny were healed, in such forte that Father VValter Talbo [...] an Irish priest, one of the societie of Iesus (who at that tyme was their preachet and ghostlie father) was wont oftentimes to say with great admi­ratiō that this place was in very singuler manner chosen by God to aduance there his Mothers honour, for which cause he was moued to go thither sometymes­denoutly in procession, accōpained with the said Irish and the townesmen of Si­chen. Wherof he wrote to Father Thomas Salius, who was the Superior of the fa­thers of the societie, which attended vpō the Catholik kings army in the low Countries. Many also affirme that the like cures haue hapned to diuers soul­diers of other nations, which came the­ther in pilgrimage both of the garrison of Diest and Sichen. And some are of opi­niō, that the bruite and fame of Moūtague was principally diuulged by the same souldiers, in other Cities and places vnto which they repaired.


THe which bruite by Gods disposi­tion, in short tyme grew to be so great, that it moued an [...]t number of people which haue flocked thither vpon deuotion from all partes, wherof many haue bene holpen and conforted, as may appeare by so many crutches, staues, bands and other things (which the sick persons vsed in their maladies) left and hanged about the Chappel. For in the beginning of the month of October in the yeare 1603. there were reckned vp, to the number of 135. Crutches and legges of wood, of such as were lame, and they were brought thether within the space of 4. or 5. monthes, without n [...]mbring the bands and trusles of such as were broken, and the shooes which vvere vn­derlayd belonging to such as limped, vvherof the number vvould haue bene at this present double, if (through the neg­ligence of those vvho serued the place) they had not bene caryed avvay by other pilgrims & passengers. All vvhich things vvere vndoubtedly left there by them [Page 38] who receaued either cure or notable eas [...] of their maladies. And to the end we may speak a woord touching the number of pilgrims, it is knowne by the relation of diuers credible persons, how that vpō the eight of Septēber in the foresaid yeare 1603. being the feast of the Nat [...]t [...]ie of our Lady, there were about twentie thow­sand pilgrims, and vpon other dayes there haue come thether many thowsands, & daylie yet cometh thether a great nūber from all Countreys and quarters, & they not only of the common forte, but also diuers Princes, Earles, Lordes, Gentle­men and Ladies, the rehersall of whose names would here be too tedious.


THe same is also confirmed by the of­frings, in Siluer, Coyne, Candles, Images of siluer, and of other matter re­presenting the limmes and persons of those who there haue either found cure or ease. The precious beades and other guifts in siluer, and very rich vestures for the Image of our lady, wherof the nūber is very great. And it will not be from the [Page 39] purpose to specifie and name some of thē: First the Magistrates of the Citie of Bru­xelles (wherin at that time the plague was very hotte) sent in the month of Septēber 1603. to the honour of our lady of Mount­ague a faire crowne of siluer guilt, with this inscription in latin: Reginae Calorum SS. Dei Matri B. Virgini Mariae, Bruxella mor­b [...] afflicta supplex [...]btu [...]t. Anno 1603. Which is as much to say. The Citie of Bruxelles being afflicted with the pestilent disease, in hūble māner [...]ffreth this Crowne to the Queen of heauen, to the most holy Mother of God, the blessed virgin Mariae: in the yeare 1603. And very many of good credit did note, that after that tyme the contagious disease that had raig ned all that summer began to decrease & by litle and litle to be aswaged.

The Magistrates and people of A [...]t [...]erp (who haūe of old bene much obliged & affectioned to our ladie their patronesse) made a present vnto her at Mountague the eight of December 1603. being the feast of her conception, of two siluer candlesticks very cunningly wrought with these ver­ses and inscription.

Suscipe Sancta Parēs ex v [...]t [...] Ant [...]erpi [...] manus: Quod dat, ne pe [...]tis crescat ac [...]rb [...] [...]ues.

[Page 40]I must not forget the most honorable & deuout Princesse Dame D [...]r [...]the of L [...] ­raine, widow to the Duke of Brunswick, who vpō the eight of October in the yeare aforesaid 1603. offred at the sayd place vnto our Lady, a faire ornament to hang before the Altar, recommending vnto our blessed Lady her [...]ourney, which she took out of these low Countreis into Lo­raine.

The noble lady Dame Elcon [...]r Henriq ez de G [...]zman, widow to the Earle of Vseda, Chief Chāberlaine of the most gracious Infant of Spayn, the lady Isabella Duchesse of Brabant, presented there a faire gilt cuppe.

Omitting to make mētion of a goodly foundation made to the Chappel of our Lady, by a principal person of the court, who desired his name should be conce­aled: and of many other guifts & offrings made there by diuers others, whose re­ward is like to be great before God.


OVr most gracious and deuout Prin­ces Albertus and Isabella are not to be [Page 41] omitted: for first the Archduke Albertus re­turning frō raising the siege of Botsleduke, which was beleagred by the rebels of Holland, and going to Bruxelles came to Mountague, on the tenth of Nouember 1603, where he gaue thankes to our lord for his victorie, and there did honour to his holy Moother, and some few dayes after, he went thither another time from thesa [...]d Citie of Bruxelles, together with the Du­chesse his wife, and all his Court, & very many lords and gentlemē: where beein [...] arriued vpon the twentith of the-said month of Nouember, the said Archduke & Duchesse, as right deuout Princes, with all the lords and ladies of their trayn, made their prayers vpon their knees for a long space, aswel for their owne as for their countreis welfare: and from thēce they went to lodge in the towne of Dust, which is distant a duitche mile & a half from that place. And after they had made their preparation by fasting and confes­sion, to receaue the sacred communion, returned the next day (which was the feast of the presentation of our Lady) to 4 en­glish myle & a half. Mountague on foot, and all their trayn, an [...] there deuoutly hard three masses, at the [Page 42] first wherof the Princes only did com­municate, at the second all the ladies [...] estate & gentlewomen of honour to the An ex [...] ­ple of a deuo [...]t court. Princesse, and at the third all the rest of the Court. And to the end their prayers might be of more force the Princes added a good almes ther [...]to. The most gra­cious I [...]fanta Isabella three daies imme­diatly one after another, ateuentyde of­fred a most precious roabe, imbrodred with gold and siluer and most precious [...]ones, the which roabes for the most part were wrought with her own hands▪ And besids this, the most gracious Archduk Albertus caused a notable almes to be giuen ouer and besides that which he had offred at his returne from B [...]is [...]eduke. And vpon the fourth day the sayd Princes re­turned to Bruxelles, where they surceased not to haue care of the good ordering & adorning of the foresaid place of Mount­ag [...]. And amōgst other the Archduke of his owne inuentiō ordayned a very faire forme and māner to plant there certaine orders of trees in proportion, amongst which there should be built fourteene [...]le Chappelles or stations, to represent t [...]e ioyes and sorrowes of the holy mo­ther [Page 43] of God: and this to be contriued in s [...]ch order and fashion that all the hil should seeme to appeare in forme of a [...]arre, which signifieth the name of the virgin Mary▪ And moreouer it is to be pro­uided of a hedge and ditch round about that it may be Hortus conclusus, a Garden roūd [...]: a name which the holy scrip­ture affordeth to our Lady. And besids all this our sayd Princes haue made there an oblation of a meruelous sumptuous or­nament, together with a Chesuble and Copes for the Deacon & Subdeacon to celebrate diuine seruice therein.


BVt to come to the miracles: let vs be­gin with the entrance of the yeare 1603. and some moneths before; after which tyme especially about Easter the principal of them hapned. And we wil set them down according to euery mo­neth, so far foorth as they came to our knowlege, adding vnto thē those which afterwards insued, as also those wher­of we haue gotten information [...] the first publishing of this historie: p [...] ­cing [Page 44] euery one in their due order, accor­ding to the tymes in which they came to pas: to the end that our Lord (who vouchsafed to worke these things by the intercessiō of his Mother) might receiue the honor and glory which vnto him is due, and that all Christians as wel those which are misguided and in error, as others might consider and touche with their fingers, where the light of truth hath her abode, and where is the true sheep▪ fold, wherein they may expect and hope to obtaine their euerlasting salua­tion.


HEere, and with these (Christian Reader) I thought good for this present to end, al­though Almightie God through his goodnes of these miraculous wor­kes as yet maketh no end. The addition of those miracles which at our Montaigu this last yeare haue been wrought, after due examination are now vnder the printers hands, whereof in tyme (by Gods help) I wil make thee partaker. Meane whyle with the deuout Euange­lical woman make thy profit of these which here thou fyndest: and with her not onely inclyne thy hart to beleeue, but also lift vp thy voice to professe and confesse the happines of this sacred Mo­ther, [Page 295] at whose intercession they are wrought, and withall the infall [...]ble assu­red authoritie of the Catholik Apostolik and Romane Church, in which onely, and for whose onely comfort, credit, and confirmatiō they are atchiued. Remēber who they were that would haue killed Lazarus, and in deed killed our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ: whome therfore they should haue beleeued and honored, whē they saw by his most doubtles signes the truthe was so manifested and theyr im­pietie detected. Beware thou turn not with them to the reason of state, and earthly pollicie, saying: Neveniant Romani or such like, thereby diuerting thy self from that which principally thou art bound to regard, least through the iust iudgement of God, that which thou now most fearest apprehend thee, and that which should be thy soueraine obiect, hereafter faile thee. Doost thou not see how our Catholik doctrin by the same powerful hand at this present is vpholden and fostered, by which at the beginning it was planted and took root? Read read, and see Yet for thyn own good I am to increat thee, to auoid all curiositie in thy [Page 296] reading, as thou seest how I haue auoided it in my translation: endeuouring rather truly then trimly to expresse my Author, as he hath labored purely & punctually to deliuer vs the truthe. Lykewyse be thou careful, not curious in learning the truthe, and Christiāly coura­gious in confessing the truthe, that in the hower of thy chiefest peril the truthe may de­liuer thee.

Haec translatio mi [...] simae Virginis Miri [...] Gallico in Anglicu [...] rum ac bonorum [...] mihi ipsi fido) iudicio [...] lica inuenta est. Pot [...] ad multorum oppr [...] rum solatium▪ Dedu [...] 1606.

Egbertus Spi [...] [...] & P. [...] libro [...] Cum Gratia & [...]egi [...] ad Sexen [...]iu [...] Buscl [...]

Faultes escaped in the printing.

In the translators preface.
  • For sf. read of.
  • For paryer. prayer.
  • For comfort, consort.
In the preface of the author.
  • For the pietie of princes,
  • Read, the pietie of our princes.
  • Pag. 22. for reaons read reasons.
  • Pag. 26. for acotnes read acornes.
  • Pag. 175. for depar read departed.
  • Pag. 190. for calebrated read cele­brated.
  • Pag. 250. for Carles read Earles

Consider (courteous Reader) our difficulties in vsing printers that are strangers, and at thy discretion vouch­safe to correct these and such lyke faultes.

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