¶ Orders for the redresse of abuse in diet, by her Maiesties expresse pleasure, and absolute commandement, to be obserued in the time of this scarsitie and dearth, both by the Ministers, and others of the Laitic of this Realme, within this dioces of Norwich.
IN primis, euery minister shal reade and say publicke praiers, according to the booke of common praier, in euery seuerall parish church, and chappel, on all Weddensdayes and Fridayes, orderly and deuoutly, at due and conuenient times.
2 Item, all such Ministers as haue any benefices, shall reside on their liuinges, keepe hospitalitie there, relieue their neighbours: and such as haue pluralities, shall doe the like by their Farmers, and such others as rent their liuinges at their handes.
3 Item, all and euery the Ministers within this Dioces, shall recommend the orders by her Maiestie commaunded vnto the people, in their seuerall charges, carefully to be obserued.
4 Item, they shall in their sermons, and exhortations, earnestly and pithily exhort and stirre vp euery of their parishners to feruent praier, both publicke and priuate, to abstinencie, fasting and true humiliation, and to forbeare all excesse in diet.
5 Item, they shall exhorte, and mooue all and euery their parishioners, to releeue the poore and needie, by good housekeeping, by setting them on worke, and by other deedes of almes, and brotherly compassion.
6 Item, they shall exhort and moue all and euery their parishioners, to haue patience in this time of scarsitie, and not to giue eare to mutinies, and discontented persons, or the perswasions of idle braines, who swarue or repine from the humble dueties of good subiectes, to the further oftence of God, and discontenting of her Maiestie, that hath so tender a care of their welfare.
7 Item, the parishioners within this Dioces shall orderly, soberly, deuoutly and diligently, frequent their seuerall parish Church, or chappell on all Weddensdaies, and Fridaies, to heare publike praiers, there read according to the booke of common praier of this realme.
8 Item, all and euery person such as bee of better abilitie, shall vse a greater moderation in their diet then heretofore they haue done.
9 Item, none of what degree soeuer he or she be, shall suffer any fleshe to bee dressed or eaten in their houses, on such dayes as by law stand already prohibited, except that those persons by reason of infirmitie, be lawfully thereunto licensed.
10 Item, on Fridayes, and other dayes nowe already by lawe appointed, for fasting daies, no suppers at all shalbe by them prouided, or taken either for themselues or houshold.
11 Item, all and euerie person beeing not let by greeuous sicknesse, shall abstaine from suppers, altogither on each Weddensdayes at night.
12 Item, the collectors for the poore in euery parish, shalbe diligent to make the collection carefully for their reliese: and the same shalbe increased, in respect of this present want, by those who bee of good abilitie, and reasonably bestowed sor the succour of the most distressed.
13 Item, no persons which haue housholdes shall for sparing, discharge any of their housholds, to shift for themselues: or soiourne from their vsuall habitation themselues.
14 Item, whatsoeuer is sorborne from anie meale, or meales: by abstinencie or sparing of any superfluous diet or fare, shall be especially by the vealthier sort charitably conuerted to the [...] of the poore and needie, so as not [...]e may be taken thereof according to her maiesties expectation.
15 Item, no person shall vnder colour of these orders, forsake their owne parish church in time of praier, and assemble themselues, as some heeretofore of their own heades offensiuely haue attempted, vnder colour of generall fastes, and repaire to other churches.
16 Item, all and euery the said Ministers and Churchwardens, in euerie parish, or other charitable discreet men by them to be appointed and nominated, shal carry a watchfull eye vnto al Innes, Tauernes, and victualling houses, how both the keepers of them, with their houshold, and all their guestes and resorters to their houses, doe obserue these here Maiesties commandementes.
17 Item, the Ministers and Churchwardens shal monthly make a true and iust [...]ertificate to the Lord Bishop of the Dioces, containing aswel the names of disobedient delinquentes in any the premisses, as of those well disposed persons, who haue had a duetifull regard to her Maiesties commaundement, touching a charitable compassion for the reliefe of the poore, as is prescribed.