A Table shewing the distances betweene all the Cities and Shire Townes of ENGLAND, that are comprehended in the same.

  London. Bathe. Bristowe. Bedford. Barwicke. Canterbury. Chichester. Chester. Couentree. Cambridge. Colchester. Carlile. Darby. Durham. Exceter. Elye. Gloucester. Hereford. Huntingdon. Ipswiche. Kendall. Launceston. Leicester. Lichefield. Lincolne. Lancaster. Northampton Nottingham. Newcastle. Norwiche. Oxford. Peterborow. Rochester. Salisburie. Stafford. Taunton. Winchester. Wells. Warwicke. Shrewsburie. Worcester. Hartford. Landaffe. St.. Dauids. St. Asaph. Bangor.
Yorke. 150 150 150 103 110 182 175 85 105 140 80 58 206 100 125 120 93 140 62 240 76 76 48 58 100 58 63 137 126 190 83 165 170 92 90 107 123 155 187 93 110
Bangor. 175 125 116 143 165 200 174 43 102 160 183 103 94 140 210 160 90 85 145 195 100 188 110 86 124 92 130 105 150 190 134 137 200 150 77 140 160 133 105 58 93 165 104 100 23
S t. Asaph. 160 114 107 125 172 200 170 20 82 138 172 140 70 120 160 138 93 74 125 174 89 190 89 64 100 74 109 83 128 165 117 117 183 140 54 145 147 125 87 40 75 147 100 102
S t. Dauids. 195 108 100 173 274 238 278 110 137 190 220 210 244 212 150 195 113 95 180 230 180 80 154 128 184 168 160 156 225 235 147 178 217 138 123 88 155 108 135 100 108 185 75
Landaffe. 125 37 26 107 250 166 105 95 80 126 155 194 100 194 55 134 44 35 117 165 160 70 98 84 135 146 95 110 208 173 75 120 144 64 84 35 80 35 76 70 54 117
Hartford. 20 86 95 23 235 59 40 127 63 23 40 200 82 174 145 35 75 96 30 150 170 175 60 84 80 160 39 77 187 70 40 45 40 77 95 124 63 102 62 110 80
Worcester. 92 46 45 65 210 135 96 63 27 82 114 158 50 148 100 85 20 20 18 123 120 125 45 33 83 110 48 57 160 125 45 70 115 65 38 77 74 58 25 38
Shrewsburie. 123 78 68 87 188 162 137 30 48 110 144 128 47 128 140 110 38 40 94 145 93 164 60 35 86 80 77 60 140 147 83 88 173 100 25 110 112 96 50
Warwicke. 77 64 65 43 167 120 95 74 8 72 98 160 35 142 145 65 34 44 50 100 142 110 25 25 65 112 28 40 150 100 36 47 100 75 36 97 75 77
Wells. 100 16 16 95 265 145 75 125 88 117 142 218 112 217 45 127 50 54 114 143 170 77 103 94 140 170 92 118 230 170 64 116 125 30 100 22 50
Winchester. 55 45 56 70 278 100 27 140 82 83 100 230 110 213 100 97 74 80 85 113 194 120 93 100 130 185 73 112 235 136 42 97 97 22 104 70
Taunton. 120 34 34 120 290 165 94 143 100 138 164 237 130 230 24 147 64 66 132 172 200 190 53 123 115 166 190 134 237 124 85 135 142 53 112
Stafford. 107 83 82 73 170 144 125 35 33 88 123 120 26 110 125 88 57 48 73 125 87 160 37 13 60 75 58 37 125 120 70 67 130 102
Salisburie. 70 28 38 78 270 113 42 128 78 94 112 220 105 210 72 100 50 67 90 125 188 102 94 93 130 175 76 112 224 143 45 100 90
Rochester. 23 110 118 72 273 20 60 160 141 60 35 248 140 215 160 75 103 127 70 47 210 190 100 117 145 194 72 116 220 78 70 78
Peterborow. 60 97 100 25 190 107 100 97 44 26 58 162 47 130 158 20 78 86 15 60 130 190 30 55 38 120 15 38 143 56 56
Oxford. 46 46 52 34 228 94 57 100 40 94 78 185 67 173 106 62 37 55 45 87 155 136 50 60 85 140 29 79 180 100
Norwiche. 80 150 150 70 240 125 125 150 97 50 45 208 100 170 208 40 125 195 57 32 180 237 85 110 90 174 80 100 190
Newcastle. 200 200 200 167 48 232 230 112 140 165 200 47 118 14 270 155 180 170 152 200 57 290 180 128 103 66 155 114
Nottingham. 93 97 98 53 160 138 122 64 34 63 96 124 15 100 164 60 72 75 50 92 92 188 20 28 26 83 44
Northampton. 52 74 78 16 200 94 80 80 26 35 68 168 46 143 130 39 50 67 25 75 134 160 25 46 56 123
Lancaster. 177 150 150 136 104 220 200 53 100 144 180 46 75 57 208 138 125 115 130 180 14 232 98 83 90
Lincolne. 100 124 120 62 160 132 135 82 53 63 94 122 36 90 180 55 95 100 50 90 95 212 37 53
Lichefielde. 97 77 76 58 168 137 114 45 20 74 186 123 18 114 130 74 50 46 60 110 93 155 26
Leicester. 78 84 85 38 173 112 100 68 20 50 80 137 20 118 138 47 57 63 34 85 103 170
Launceston. 178 85 82 167 324 207 134 182 150 184 200 270 173 267 35 190 108 110 178 222 238
Kendall. 184 160 160 142 87 215 200 62 110 150 187 30 84 53 218 142 137 125 136 185
Ipswiche. 55 130 140 57 240 100 100 150 95 40 17 210 100 180 188 38 118 135 50
Huntingdon. 50 90 94 16 204 97 84 100 45 12 47 197 53 140 150 15 70 85
Hereford. 103 40 36 80 210 146 100 64 47 97 130 158 66 154 88 100 20
Gloucester. 85 30 28 63 217 125 78 77 40 82 110 173 65 162 84 88
Elye. 56 104 110 27 208 90 93 115 60 12 38 173 67 140 164
Exceter. 143 60 60 135 310 177 108 155 125 150 177 143 150 250
Durham. 190 188 188 150 60 228 217 100 127 150 185 46 100
Darby. 96 90 88 58 158 180 123 50 28 70 100 120
Carlile. 217 196 192 175 60 250 237 95 140 178 222
Calchester. 44 126 130 50 250 90 90 150 92 35
Cambridge. 40 95 100 20 112 67 80 118 60
Couentree. 76 68 68 40 185 117 94 64
Chester. 144 100 97 100 150 177 150
Chichester. 47 68 77 74 280 77
Canterburie. 43 130 137 87 284
Barwicke. 259 245 240 208
Bedford. 40 80 83
Bristow. 99 10
Bathe. 88

IT is to be vnderstoode, that by reason of the Seuerne, that diuides Wales frō Corne­wall, Somerset, &c. that the distances be­tweene the Townes of either side, cannot be precisely set downe, for that there is great difference, betweene the land trauaile, and passages by water, as men take according to their liking.

I haue not done this altogether by mine owne obseruation, though I haue trauailed most part of the Kingdome▪ And therefore haue taken the benefit of the Mappes of the same. And there may some errours arise, as wayes lye curuing or direct, passable or not, and as Trauailers are disposed to coast the Countries to make choyse of their wayes. Such as it is, I willingly recommend it to all that please to make vse of it, as a labour in­tricate, and neuer before inuented.

The vse of this Table.

WHo so euer shall be disposed to make vse of this Table, as de­sirous to know the distance betweene any two Cities or Townes contayned in the same, let him seeke the places desired in the vpper and side Catalogues of Townes, and di­rect his eye from either place, betweene the lines, both from aboue and from the side, and where the lines meete in square, hee shall find the number of miles: For example, if hee would know how farre Lincolne is from Exceter, finde Lincolne in the side, and carie your eye directly from thence betweene the lines vntill you come vnder Exceter, and where they meete in square he shall finde 180. which is the distance of miles.

If you finde any Towne on the side which will not meete in square from the desired Towne aboue, then looke for the Towne which you finde in the side, aboue: For Example, if you desire to knowe the distance betwene Glocester and Oxford, if you looke Glocester in the side you cannot bring Oxford in a square with Glocester, but if you looke Glo­cester in the side, and Oxford aboue, you shall find the square and the di­stance 37. miles, and so of any other.

Intreating him friendly to censure any error in the calculation or im­pression, which cannot be but easily founde, comming vnder the view of men all parts of the Kingdome, who are better acquainted with distances neere their owne abode, then any one man generally be. But howsoeuer he shall finde the conceit vsefull and necessarie, if he be occasioned to trauell much.

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