A LOAD-STARRE To Spirituall Life.

OR, A CHRISTIAN FA­miliar motiue to the most sweet and heauenly ex­ercise of Diuine PRAYER.

With Prayers for Morning and Euening.

Written to stir vp all men to watch­fulnesse and reformation of their carnall and corrupt liues.


LVKE. 21. 36.

Watch therefore and pray, that ye may be ac­counted worthy to escape all these things th [...] shall come to passe, and that ye may stand [...] fore the Sonne of Man.

LONDON, Printed by William Stansby. 1614.

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE SIR IVLIVS CAE­SAR Knight, Chancellor of his Maiesties Exchequer, and of his Maiesties most honourable Pri [...]e Coun­saile.

Right Honorable;

I Am bolde to present vnto you, and vnder your Ho­nourable countenance, [Page] these vntimely and green fruits of my idle [...], which I gained in (and without [...] of) his Maiesties seruice, wherein I haue been em­ployed▪ fearing yet lest my forwardnesse in at­tempting, and especially in publishing a matter so farre aboue the course of my ordinarie calling, should deseruedly pur­chase vnto my selfe con­digne reproofe. For that it may be right well obie­cted, That it had better besitted mee to haue re­tained my selfe within the [...] of, and to haue [Page] (with more diligence) imploied myself vnto, the purport of my ordinarie Commission. And so I doe acknowledge, had I beene negligent in per­forming the last. And I acknowledge it commen­dable, and a sufficient discharge for a man of what­soeuer profession, sincere­ly to performe the same, without thrusting his sic­kle into another mans haruest▪ But no man is ignorant that there is a two-fold calling in euerie Christian; a corporal and a spirituall: and they dif­fer in themselues as dark­nesse [Page] & light: the effects of the first are visible, of the second hidden, as touching the internal and mentall working; the outward actions cōmon to both. But our Saui­our faith, Man liueth not by bread, that is, by cor­porall meanes onely, but by a kind of spirituall norishment. For the life that dependeth vpon the creatures, is alike commō to men and beasts: The spirituall life onely pro­per to the children of God; who yet partake of the corporall bread in no other outward manner [Page] then doe they that know not God. Christ had meat to eate that his Disciples knew not of; so haue Gods children a nourish­ment that carnall men know not of, and some o­ther labors and endeuors wherof the world taketh little or no knowledge. The outward mysterie, function, or calling, doth neither discouer, nor can they hinder this heauen­ly food, be their calling neuer so super-eminent: neither pleasure, nor pro­fite, nor wearinesse of bo­die, can hinder or preuent the holy meditations of [Page] well affected spirit. Car­nall men feed onely vpon the seeming good they en­ioy in this life: Pleasure and Profit; al their ende­uours tend to these, or to one of them. They know no better, and therefore seek these as best & prin­cipall [...] [...]. And what euery man affect­eth most is his summum borum. But they onely are happy, of what ranke soeuer, who haue learned to obserue, and do truely follow the counsaile of the Apostle, Not to repose [Page] too much confidence in worldly meanes: for, Bodily exercise (which includeth all carnall appetite) profi­teth little, but Godlinesse is profitable to all things, ha­uing the promise of this life, and of that which is to come. God [...]inesse consist­eth of spirituall exercise, not altogether in out­ward labour: though the second bee sanctified by the first; and without the first there is no blessing promised to the second No vocation, function, office, place, exercise, or endeuour in Church or Common-weale can truely [Page] prosper in the meere car­nall man: [...] may seeme to be [...] with glorie, and continue a while in seeming grace, it neuer endeth but with griefe. The cōsideration whereof moued mee to a more serious meditation, how much it concerned my selfe and other men to intermix with my cor­porall, some spirituall [...] ­ercise. At length ment [...] meditation brake into a­ctual inuocation on God, to sanctifie my labors, to moderate my desires of carnall things, to order my will, to season mine [Page] affections, and to blesse mine endeuors: & to this end I was bolde to bor­row some oportunities of my other employments; which I recompenced with the more serious diligence, when occasion required my retire vnto mine enioyned seruices. And hauing thus rudely heaped together stubble and straw for the building vp of mine owne medita­tiōs, touching the sweet­nesse & necessitie of praier, for mine owne priuat comfort: I imparted the same to some of my lear­ned and religious friends, [Page] by whom I was encoura­ged to recommend it to the publique; which I haue done vnder the title of [...] Load-starre to spiri­tuall life, importing an ef­fectuall motiue to praier, and aduentured it vnder your Honourable fauour to the view of all that loue that spirituall exer­cise, humbly entreating pardon for my boldnes; which if I obtaine, I hold me richly rewarded.

At your Honours command euer, IO. NORDEN.

TO THE CHRI­stian Reader.

IF thou consi­der (good Reader) the worth and in estimable value of the grace to praye truly and faithfully to God: thou [...]st not but embrace the meanest worke of the weakest in Gods Church, tending to moue thee there­unto: for such is the force of [...], that what [...]euer a man loueth, it inclineth the eare to heare, the eye to be­hold. [Page] the hand to handle, the mind to consider, and the will to embrace; yea, euery small appearance & resemblance of the thing it affecteth. When thou therefore look­est vpon the Title of this weake Treatise, and findest it to tend to a Motiue to holy prayer, thou canst not cast it by if thou bee true­ly affected to that most di­uine exercise, but couet to looke farther into the body of the matter for thy better satisfaction and censolation, how weake soeuer thou find it. I haue entitled it A Load-starre to spiritual [...], because no act or exercise of the minde can [...] effectually leade the soule to a spirituall communication with God, the highest grace and glory [Page] that men can enioy in [...] life, then faithfull prayer. Let slip therefore no opportuni­ties wherein thou mayest pray: the occasions are infi­nite, the time euer, the bene­fit great. At thy leasure pe­ruse, endeuour to practise, and neuer omit so heauenly an exercise. Fare thou well in the Lord.

Thine in Christia [...] good will, IO. NORDEN.

THE SVMME OF THIS WHOLE Treatise is contained in the Chapters following.

  • Chap. I. THe neglect of prayer con­dem [...] the sweetnesse of prayer: prayer to an [...] prayer.
  • Chap. II. To [...] prayer [...]. To presse into [...] [Page] presence without premedi­tation, is arrogancie, A de­finition of prayer.
  • Chap. III. How wee ought to approach before God in prayer: to depend on God, not on car­nall meanes, though some depend more on the last then on the first.
  • Chap. IV. The faithfull mans God is the only liuing God, and in him is his chiefe good: the carnall men haue manie gods: the ends of both.
  • Chap. V. The world is inconstant: the difference betweene di­uine and carnall wisdome, betweene the seeming de­uotion of the irreligious rich, and the religious poore man.
  • [Page] Chap. VI. The force of liuely faith: and how hard a thing it is, truly to apprehend the mysterie of Christ: and how easie histo­rically to discourse there­of.
  • Chap. VII. Naturall Fathers, cannot be­get children good or euill of their owne wils. But they that are begotten a new of God, are only good and like vnto God, before whom the vnregenerate, howsoeuer seeming holy, are hipocrites.
  • Chap. VIII. Carnall wisedome hath not cheife place of counsell, in the regenerate man: hee depends on God, and not on the meanes in any enter­prise.
  • [Page] Chap. IX. It is a dangerous thing to pray vnto God vnprepared: but most safe and sweet vpon di­uine premeditation arising of grace, not of nature.
  • Chap. X. Whēce al our transgressions do proceed, and the reason why we cannot pray aright: and the meanes to reforme it.
  • Chap. XI. The neglect of the communica­ting with God in Prayer, is the cause that many runne headlong to their owne ru­ine, seeking what they need in a wrong course, not fee­ling their owne spirituall wants.
  • Chap. XII. Murtherous hearts, hautines and pride, may lurke vn­der [Page] the habit of outward humblenesse.
  • Chap. XIII. Euery faithfull Christian fin­deth comfort in prayer, the neglect whereof admits ma­nie euils.
  • Chap. XIIII. The most happiest men in the World are they that most often communicate with God in Prayer: and not the most glorious worldly man; whose miserie is to come: and what consolation remaineth for the godly.
  • Chap. XV. True contentment not gotten by nature but by grace, which produceth prayer the only meane to obtaine all good.
  • Chap. XVI. God being wisedome it selfe, knoweth how to deale with [Page] vs for our best aduantage and his owne glorie, which ahoue all thinges wee must respect in all our prayers.
  • Chap. XVII. Three principall motiues to stirre vp men to pray: wher­of the chiefest is necessitie.
  • Chap. XVIII. The force of faith what it is, and the effects of it: & how dangerous a thing it is to faint.
  • Chap. XIX. Some among many preuaile by their faithfull prayers for the rest. And how God tur­neth the prayers of his to the best, though hee grant not what they desire: And how foolishly carnall men reason against Gods proui­dence.
  • [Page] Chap. XX. The naturall man misconcei­ueth of true happinesse, whereby hee runneth into manie absurdities by the suggestion of Sathan.
  • Chap. XXI. Englands manie blessings and deliueries, are not so duly considered nor so thankfully imbraced as they ought, be­ing too much ascribed to humane and carnal meanes which breedeth ingratitude and securitie.
  • Chap. XXII. The Church of Christ mili­tant and Sathans Church malignant, seeke the ouer­throw one of the other, but by contrarie meanes. And that all Christians are to pray for the defence of the first: without which it is to [Page] bee feared it may suffer vio­lence.
  • Chap. XXIII. The death of the late Prince is not lightly to be forgotten. Nor our generall praiers for his Maiestie & Royall issue, to be neglected, pub­likely and in priuate. For praier auaileth much being feruent.
  • Chap. XXIV. Deuotion lately [...]ote is now be­come more cold: which may presage some consequent danger. But the practise of the word and prayer, pre­uaileth with God. The neg­lect whereof maketh men senselesse of sinne.
  • Chap. XXV. Beasts foreseeing, flie danger more then some reasonable men, besetted with securit [...]e [Page] and the pleasures of this life.
  • Chap. XXVI. If Gods word cannot awake vs, he will send his rod to correct vs, and nothing can appease him, but our humiliation and prayer, and not the glorie of our vaine glorious pride.
  • Chap. XXVII. The bringing in of true religion was of great difficultie, ef­fected by God, by his instru­ments. Wee must bee warie lest wee neglect it, and so loose it againe.
  • Chap. XXVIII. God loueth vs not more then the Turkes and Pagans, if wee liue like Turkes and Pagans. Our manifold Idoll-Gods. The Carnall mans Sophistrie. The long [Page] vse of the word hath made vs much weary of the word. Nothing can preuent dan­ger but repentāce & praier.
  • Chap. XXIX. We ought to pray aswell for our neighbors as for our selues: the vse of prayer is twofold, publique and priuate. Me­ditation inkindleth prayer.
  • Chap. XXX. How, when, and where priuate prayers are to be made. An erronious conceit of pri­uate prayer. What sweet­nesse priuate prayer brings to the soule.
  • Chap. XXXI. The helpes and hinderances of prayer: how Sathan striueth to hinder prayer. For no­thing woundeth him as faithfull prayer in the name of Christ. Wee must bee [Page] watchfull and strong to re­sist him.
  • Chap. XXXII. The presence of God himselfe is promised in publike prai­er: how he is present, which the carnall man apprehen­deth not: the discontinu­ance of prayer, publique or priuat, dangerous.
  • Chap. XXXIII. Priuat prayer in som respects & at som times more com­fortable to a priuate man then publique. The neglect of publique praier in priuat families condemned: for where God is not, there Sa­than is serued.
  • Chap. XXXIIII. The true vse of the Lords [Page] Prayer, about which friuo­lous questions haue risen. It is the rule of all other pray­ers, and euery petition ful of high matter of instructi­on.
  • Chap. XXXV. The summe of the lords prayer briefly explained.
  • Chap. XXXVI. Praier much increaseth diuine knowledge, whereby men of meane carnall learning exceede many literate Do­ctors.
  • Chap. XXXVII. Although no man by nature [Page] knoweth how to pray, none is to despaire: for the word heard, and prayer vsed, tea­cheth it, and increaseth the knowledge of it.


The neglect of prayer. Prayer in an vnknowen language. Praier without cordial de­uotion condemned with a comparison between spiritu­al, and bare verbal prayer.

OF all the neg­lects of mens spiritual duties vnder the Sun. The neglect of true pray­er, much to be condem­ned. none is more to be con­demmed then the little re­gard [Page 2] of, and the small de­light men haue in, diuine prayer: And yet an excer­cise of that comfort to the conscience, and so profita­ble to soule and body, as it passeth in sweetnesse all o­ther exercises, pleasures and delights of the minde, as farre as Gold excelleth durt, and the most valuable pretious Iewel the dung of the field. The Sunne excel­leth not in brightnesse the blackest and darkest night, as doth true, faithfull, and cordial praier, truly perfor­med, exceed the best con­tentments, that proceede from earthly and carnal de­lights. Faithfull prayer, truly performed, is al things to the faithfully-praying. It is the sweetest and most [Page 3] valuable Iewell that the most godly heart can pos­sesse. It worketh assurance to obtain euery good thing and to preuent euery euill. It giueth peace to the con­science, and vndergoeth all crosses with sweetest ala­crity. It is as a preuayling watch-man, that doth not onely discouer, but preuen­teth, or causeth a man pati­ently to vndergoe all affli­ctions incident to the faith­full man. And yet an exer­cise as farre vnknowen to many, euen to such as pre­tend to be very deuout, as is one mans thought vn­knowen to another. Many boast of their quotidian set deuotions, as the Pharisie did, and yet pray neither in the spirit, nor with vnder­standing: [Page 4] but of a kinde of prepensed custome, 1. Cor. 14. 15. Prayer in an vnknowne tongue, not onely not a­uayl-able but sinfull. Mat. 6. 7. vsing onely the Lords Prayer, the Beliefe, and the Salutation of the blessed Virgin, and o­therset prayers, in an vn­knowen language, with so many superfluous iterati­ons and needlesse repetiti­ons, Needlesse humble­nesse. as the heart (busied with retayning the number of the prayers) seldome or neuer apprehendeth what the mouth vttereth; neither truly vnderstand they what they speake, praying in a language they know not: And so turne their deuoti­ons into sinne, being made without vnderstanding, and consequently, not of faith. Moreouer they vse in their prayers, a kind of humble­nesse, which God requireth [Page 5] not, superstitiosly pretend­ing, the auoyding of pre­sumption, in going imme­diately to God: and there­fore they came to God in the name of strange media­tours; namely to the bles­sed Virgin, to Angels, and to Saints departed, prying them by their merits to in­tercede for them to Christ that he may pray to his fa­ther for them. What a need­lesse circumstance is this? Hath not Christ our Sauior louingly willed vs to come immediatly and freely to him, who is the sole and onely mediatour vnto God our heauenly Father for all, that faithfully and immedi­atly come vnto him? There is none, in and by whom we can be saued, releiued or [Page 6] defended, but in and by the man Christ Iesus. He wil­leth vs not to vse that kind of humblenesse, which should imply pride or any breach of promise in him­selfe: as it followes if wee think it too much presump­tion to come immediatly to him, but first to goe and to pray vnto his blessed Mother Angel or Saints, as if he himself were of the cō ­ceit and humour of earthly Princes. It is far from him: his children may freely come to him: he disdayneth them not for their basenes, and therefore desireth not to bee sued vnto by more glorious persons, whom they pretend he loueth bet­ter. But this doth argue that we thinke, He will not [Page 7] bee as good as his wrod where he saies: Come vnto me all yee that are heauy la­den and I will refresh you? Which is to make God a Iyer, and Christ to haue di­ed in vaine. Hee saith not come to me by the meanes of my blessed Mother, holy Saints or Angels. And ther­fore this is but a forged humblenesse and a falselie coyned meane to come to Christ: but faith onely is the meane to assure vs, that hee is our onely Aduocate to the father, to whom wee come by Christ only and a­lone. That praier, that men make to God, in the name of any besides Christ, is not only no prayer, but a meere derogation of the principal part of his office, of being [Page 8] our only Mediatour. More­ouer to goe to any besides Christ, argueth a doubt that either he cannot, or wil not be as good as his promise, where he saith, Zeale with­out know­ledge. Whatsoeuer ye aske my father in my name shall be giuen you. These kinds of prayers are groun­ded vpon a zeale without knowledge, and conse­quently without faith, and so become sinne vnto them that thus superstitiously pray. And I can not but confesse also, that the most religious praiers that god­liest men haue made; nay, the very praier, that Christ himselfe hath taught vs, al­though most hard in it selfe; may become vnprofitable vnto them by proceeding from an vnbeleeuing, vn­feeling, or vnreformed [Page 9] heart, or proceeding onely from the lippes, passing from the mouth into the Ayre, and vanishing with the soud. Such prayers; as they proceede from vnbe­leeuing hearts, are like vnto Cayns offering; howsoeuer foolishly accounted deuo­tion: these are but the sacri­fices of fooles: who would be seene to offer accepta­ble incensce: and behold hypocrisie! they would seeme to glorifie God; and behold blasphemy!

There is a kinde of pray­er which God requireth and accepteth: The prayer which God accepteth. and is one­ly proper to the truly god­lie. And that is made som­times in words, sometimes by sighes, and groanes; which cannot be expressed [Page 10] and sometimes in silence without vttering any sound yet all very auailable with God, who seeing and serch­ing the heart knoweth what we inwardly desire, and seeth wherof we haue need. And these secret and silent prayers, proceeding from a faithfull heart, are far more effectuall, then the verball praiers which the vnbelee­uer may vse, with the like words, as the godly do▪ and to the same seeming ends. And yet the same prayer is not to them both the selfe same praier: the one hauing but the shadow, the other the substance: the one pray­ing but with the lippes, the heart estranged; the other with the spirit, and vnder­standing. Therefore is the [Page 11] one of no force, and the o­ther truly effectuall. These two kindes of prayers, may be resembled vnto two pie­ces of Ordnance: whereof the one is charged with powder onely; The other with powder and a bullet; Eyther of them takes fire a like: and that which hath no bullet, giues as great an out­ward, and audible report, as the other; But the first batters not, as doth the se­cond, although they seeme to ayme both at one mark. So hee that hath not vnder­standing and faith, may haue the like fire of necessi­ty, to enkindle the powder of desire, but can neuer perse the cloudes, the throne of grace, with the bullet of liuely faith: though the [Page 12] tongue thunder out as loud and clamorous acclamati­ons as the other: yet the o­ther carries with it both powder and bullet, both voice of the tongue, and de­uotion of the heart, power­fully to worke the intended effect with God. And the force of the other perisheth with the sound.

It is vaine to vse many words in Prayer without spiritu­all feeling, and great arro­gancy to presse into the pre­sence of God without pre­meditation, with a defini­tion of prayer.

HE that duly, and with true vnder-standing, considereth the force and [Page 13] effect of faithfull prayer, and how vaine and vnprofi­table it is, to powre forth a multitude of words, with­out spirituall feeling of his owne necessities; As the causes mouing him to pray, the matter wherefore hee praieth, the parties to whom and in whom hee prayeth, and with what zeale and af­fection he praieth without [...] consideration of these hee may feare to presse into Gods presence, presuming without premeditation, de­liberation & holy prepara­tion, to approch the maie­sty of God. Wee shame to approch a King or great personage, without recoun­ting before hand how to behaue our selues, as touch­ing our gestures; and how [Page 14] to place our speech to be seene formall in all the cir­cumstances of our behaui­our, fearing least we should be obserued vnciuill, rash, or defectiue in our cariage. How dare wee then thrust our selues abruptly into the presence of the King of kings without diuine preparati­on [...] Our words and gestures must be agreeable to a holy and sanctified affection; our hearts must be humble, o­therwise wee cannot come as petitioners, but rather as insolent and proud vsurpers although our words seeme neuer so milde. For if the heartfrom whence ought to proceed our requests, be not truely humbled, and rightly qualified; God will neuer haue respect vnto our pray­ers. [Page 15] And therefore if wee duly consider; The deffini­tion of pray­er. That, Prayer is an humble request made vnto God, in Christ, with the liuely and feeling affection of the heart, faithfully beleeuing to receiue what we religiously desire: we cannot but blush to come vnto God as the Pharisie did, arrogating vn­to our selues such perfection as if God were rather be­holden to vs for our fasting, tything, almes, and prayer, then that wee needed to bow our hearts in humble­nesse before his maiesty cra­uing pardō for our sin: when we pray therefore, we must leaue behind vs all presump­tion and conceit of self-me­rit: And in al humility aske, beleeuing to receiue: other­wise our praier wll become [Page 16] vnprofitable in not obtay­ning, and sinfull in not be­leeuing. And therefore the Prophet Esay, forewarneth vs to take heede that wee come not neere vnto God with our lippes, namely to vse many and good words, and yet our hearts, wherein consisteth the force or frail­ty of fai [...]h and prayer, be far from him.

How we ought to approch be­fore God in praier, depen­ding on Gods promises, and not on carnall means: which howsoeuer the vn­faithful respect not, yet are the godly moued thereby.

THat praier is not true prayer, which is not [Page 17] grounded vpon a liuely faith, in the promises of God in Christ. It is promised to all beleeuers, that if they aske, they shall receiue, yet for the merits, & in the me­diation of Christ; in whom if we beleeue not, wee may seeme to send forth as many sighes, and poure forth as many verball prayers, and appeare in our gestures out­wardly as deuout and zea­lous as any man, and yet be as farre from being heard, and come as farre short of obtayning what we desire, as he that praieth not at all: the very Publican will pre­uent vs.

If we had not the promise of obtaining for our faith­fully asking; what would become of Faith & Prayer? [Page 18] If we rested as doubtfull, & vncertain to receiue our re­quests at the hands of God, as many a poore begger is that asketh almes of mortal men, in his Name; should we not passe by more houres in a day, more dayes in a weeke, nay, many weekes in a yeare, & neuer remem­ber our duties of beleeuing and praier? For it seemeth (notwithstanding the pro­mise) by our generall slack­nesse in praier, that we hard­ly beleeue Christ vpon his promise, nor God vpon his oath. For as long as the carnall man hath worldly meanes to supply his wants, How the carnal man commeth vnto God, and how, and when he prayeth. or to free him from danger, he will hardly seeke God by praier for earthly things, be­cause hee feeles no present [Page 19] neede of them; nor for spi­rituall, because he is a stran­ger vnto them. Many seeme as miserable of offring prai­ers to God, as they are of gi­uing him of their goods in his members. But as they keepe their goods to the time of necessitie: so their praiers they wil spend none, but vpon meere extremitie. Pharoh neuerentreated Mo­ses to pray for him, as long as he felt not some plague: but when the extreme hand of the powerfull God was vpon him, then called he for Moses to pray to God for him. And yet that zeale con­tinues but as do his plagues: the one ceasing, the other are staied. Carnall men make their praiers as the water mooues the Mill-wheele; [Page 20] when the water ceaseth, the wheele staieth: so when troubles faile, faith & praier cease. Man by nature trusts rather his owne present worldly meanes, then Gods promises; his owne wealth, then Gods word: as he that obserues the rules of carnall reason, cannot but collect how far the confidence men repose in worldly meanes, The confi­dence of worldly men. ouersway their trust in God, namely, as farre as the earth is distant from the heauens. For according to the portiō of euerie earthly blessing, hath euerie carnall man trust in his means; 1. Sam. 17. 51. Gol [...]ah in his strength, Exod. 14 11. Pharoh in his greatnes, 2. King. 19. 35. Senacherib in his Armie, 2. Sam. 17. 23. Achitophel in his policy, Est 7. 9. Haman in his fauor with the King, Dan. 4. 29. Nebuchad­nezzar [Page 21] in his greatnes, Dan. 5. 6. Bel­teshatzer in his vain-glorie, and infinite others, trusting in their own seuerall means, long since gone to their pla­ces; but haue not carried hence with them this vaine confidence frō mortal men. For euery carnall man in his owne nature, extendeth his confidence onely so farre as he hath visible and carnall meanes. Quantum habet nummi, tantum habet & fidei, We trust so farre as we see probable carnall meanes in naturall reason, fit to be de­pended vpon: which failing, Faith faileth. The couetous man is called an Idolater, because he puts his trust in his riches: so may euery man be truely called, that trusteth in carnall means, whether it [Page 22] be riches, strength, friends, or other the like. And the reuerence that men natural­ly yeelde vnto these meanes, differeth not much from that they doe vnto God: onely what they pretend to­wards God is opē, but what they do towards their earth­ly meanes is secret. They seeme not visibly to kneele, nor verbally to pray to the meanes: but they in their hearts preferre that they see and enioy, aboue that they haue but heard of; the pro­mises of the inuisible God. And therefore rather then they will diminish their wealth, to doe good vnto Gods people, as God hath commanded, as touching their abundance, they will be bolde to straine a point of [Page 23] Christian obedience, and ra­ther giue ouer their follow­ing of Christ, and abandon his presence with the Gerge­sites, then to lend vnto God, though they shall be assured not only ten of the hundred, but one hundred-fold more then they disburse. And therfore no maruell though they neuer or seldome pray vnto the inuisible God. Their soules are not so deare vnto them as their liues, and their liues not so pretious as their wealth: nay, liues and soules are of smal value with them, in comparison of their worldly riches, and carnall pleasures. Tell a rich world­ling, that he ought to make his praiers vnto God: hee will in his heart aske you, for what hee should pray; hee [Page 24] hath wealth at will, as the rich man in the Gospell; he hath health at his hearts de­sire; his cattell prosper; his corne, oile, & wine abound: for what should hee pray? It is a strange exercise you would draw him vnto, that concerneth not his worldly profit, or carnal delight. The like may be also said of euery meere carnall man, bee hee poore or rich, who rather then hee will embrace the promises, and faithfully de­pend vpon the prouidence of God, hee will aduenture the most vnlawful and vniust attempts, against the lawes both of God & men: wher­as, if they could or would in­cline their eares to hear, and their hearts to vnderstand the word of truth, they could [Page 25] not but abandon all vniust deuises: the rich would pray vnto God for direction to dispose of their wealth to Gods glorie and their owne soules health; and the poore for supplie of all their cor­porall necessities, and relie vpon Gods promises and prouidence, bending al their powers to serue the liuing God, in obedience and prai­er. The spiritu­all mā hath but one, the carnall ma­ny Gods. The godly and faithfull poore man, beeing p [...]nched with penurie, visited with sicknesse, in feare of enimies, and in whatsoeuer danger, flieth vnto one onely God for all: but the carnall man hath many Gods, the Monie in his Chest, his Friends that his Mammon hath got him, his Corne in his Barnes, his Cattle in the Fields, his Plate [Page 26] and Iewels, his Wit and Pollicy are the Gods of worldly men: in them they trust, and by som, or one of them, they hope to be relieued, or stee­ded in whatsoeuer desperate occasion; and therfore seeke they not the helpe of the in­uisible God, by fruitlesse Prayer, as they deeme it. But the faithfull man in deede knoweth these to be decei­uing Gods, flattering Gods, like vnto Ionahs Gourd, The carnall mans gods wither like Ionahs Gourd. that seemed faire for a day, and when it should most haue sheltred him, it withered by the worme at the roote. So haue all these vain-glorious Gods their wormes, that worke at their roote, who wither when they that trust in them haue most neede of their helpe: like the Man­na [Page 27] that the Israelites gathe­red ouer night, and kept till morning, which withered & stank when they thought to eat it. Euen so do Friends faile: Riches, Strength, and Pollicie deceiue them that trust to them, or in thē. And it is to bee admired, that so many men, not onely instru­cted by the Word of God, but also by so many experi­ences, which they euery day see, that all the glorie of the world, and vanities thereof are but deceiuing dreames, and yet that they should suf­fer themselues to be bewit­ched with their flatteries & inchantments; like the fol­lowers of Vlysses, transfor­med into beasts by the charmes of Circes, who ho­nour that which is to bee [Page 28] contemned, and contemne God, who aboue all friends, riches & whatsoeuer means, is to bee loued, embraced, beleeued, and praied vnto.

The faithfull mans God is the onely liuing God, and in him is his chiefe good: the carnall men haue manie Gods: the ends of both.

THE friends, the riches and whatsoeuer good the faithfull man hath or ho­peth for, is in heauen. The Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost, one Al-sufficient God, the Angels & heauen­ly societie: these are, & will be for euer his, and will ne­uer faile nor forsake him. [Page 29] He that created him he will keepe him, he that redeemed him he will iustifie him, hee that sanctified him hee will reach him to pray to the Fa­ther in the Sonne: hee will assist our spirits, who know not how, or for what to pray: he will help our infir­mities, & enkindle our godly desires: he will make such a sacred vnion between him­selfe and our spirits, as wee shall become one with him, and God the Father, and the Sonne, being one with the Holy Ghost, shall in the consent of the sacred Trini­tie beget vs anew, giue vs new hearts, new affections, new loue, liuely faith, and furnish vs with all the graces of right regeneration; yea, wee shall become like vnto [Page 30] our elder brother, and euen here in earth partake of hea­uenly consolation. The An­gels shall administer vnto vs all holy aide, and support vs in all our waies & walkings, according to the good plea­sure of GOD, who giueth them charge ouer his chil­dren. These are the goods of the godly. Sweet is the operation of faith in God. Oh the sweet operation of liuely faith, be­gotten by the promise of God in Christ, made in his word! it begetteth Praier, and Praier truely powred forth, by lippes vndefiled, in the affection of a right qualified heart, vnto God the Father in his Son, doth truly assure vs of Gods pre­sence, and present reliefe in all our necessities, more fully and more truely then all the [Page 31] false Gods, and vaine goods of carnall men, and their meanes.

What worldly or carnall aide had the three children in the Furnace? God workes without humane meanes. What arme of flesh deliuered Daniel from the Lions? What earthly helpe had that great God to ouerthrow the Armie of Se­nacherib? Many in like dan­gers haue beene saued, relie­ued, and deliuered without humane aide. The examples are infinite in Scriptures, wherof the miracles done in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt through the Wildernesse, their plantati­on in and vpon the borders of Canaan, and the life of Io­seph, may serue to satisfie any beleeuing man. For neither were friends, nor wealth, nor [Page 32] strength, nor pollicie, aiding this great God in his works of greatest wonder. Who then will preferre these base earthly deceiuing Gods, and flattering goods, before the good God of Israel? Or who will trust any God but the God of Hoasts? Haue any of the Gods of the Nations de­liuered his land out of the hands of the King of Ashur? Where is the God of Hamath, and of Arpad? Where is the God of Sepharnaim, Hena, & Iuah? Which of the Gods of worldly & carnall men haue deliuered their most humble suppliants, out of any their troubles, or rid them or pre­uented any of their dangers? It is a most execrable blas­phemie against the God of heauen, to preferre worldly [Page 33] goods, and carnall meanes before the helpe, loue and fauour of the God of Gods and of goodnesse, as manie do (testified by their works) though they would seeme to shew the contrarie. How did wicked Rabshakeh raile vpon the liuing God from Senacherib his master? And did not the Angell of the Lord that night destroy one hundred fourescore and fiue thousand men of the Hoast of Ashur? Here was the force of flesh confounded, and Senacherib himself was slain by Adramelech and Shara­zer his owne sonnes, as hee was worshipping Nisroche his God in the Temple of the Idoll. Who then, seeing the successe of mans carnal con­fidence, & Idolatrous zeale, [Page 34] will not seeke the God of heauen for succor in danger, for reliefe in want, and for comfort in all distresses? what man of common sense obserueth not manie prece­dent examples, of the weak­nes and vncertaintie of car­nall meanes? And yet how many are there to be found in these times of common carnall securitie, that do seek their helpe at God, by hum­ble and faithfull Praier? doe they not rather depend vpon the broken Reede of their owne felt outward meanes? and therfore despise the ser­uice of God, and contemne his weake children. The Glutton would not pitty La­zarus, the false Iudges did accuse Susanna, the rich will striue to wrong the poore, [Page 35] and wrest Iustice vniustly, by the meanes of their cor­rupting Mamon, seldome or neuer considering, that there is a God that careth for the poore, who is able to raise vp a Daniel to cleere Susan­naes innocencie, a Salomon to decide the doubts, arising by false pretences. There is great difference betweene the pretended happinesse of the rich, and poore. Great dif­ference be­tweene the happines of the godly poore, and w [...]cked rich. And so much differ the felicitie of the one and other; the one is great and fearefull to the poore, and hath his felicitie in this life; the other is de­spised of the rich, and hath his miserie here: but the first passeth from his mirth to mourning, from his wealth to want, from his glorie to griefe, from a glorious life to [Page 36] an eternall death. But the second is taken frō his base­nesse to glorie, from miserie to comfort, from griefe to grace, and from a kinde of worldly death to celestiall and endlesse life. For it is not permitted in diuine iustice, that the children of GOD should line heere in carnall pompe, to withdraw them from diuine obedience; nor the wicked to partake heere of inward & heauenly con­solation, setting their hearts and affections vpon worldly things. Wee cannot enioy light and darknes together; we cannot feede and fill our hearts with the pleasures of this life, and yet thinke wee shall not taste of the bitter­nesse of the second death. To the end therfore that we [Page 37] deceiue not our selues in our iudgments touching the spi­rituall and carnall men, wee must beware that wee ground not our opinions vpon outward appearance of mens estates, Not to iudg of men by their states, rich or poor. high or low; for there are rich religious men, and irreligious poore men: but we must iudge all men, and all things by the word of God, the right rule [...] and infallible, to discern and distinguish the perfect from the counte [...]feit. And therin wee must lay aside naturall reason & carnall vnderstan­ding, which are enmitie to God, and commonly iustifi­eth what he condemneth, & cōdemneth what he appro­ueth. Loue not the world saith Saint Iohn, nor the things that are of the world: for if any [Page 38] man loue the world, the loue of God is not in him. Yet saith carnall reason, Loue the world, and the things of the world; for that thou mayest doe, and loue God too. But how hang these together? For he that loueth God, lo­ueth righteousnes, holinesse, meekenes, patience, obedi­ence and prayer: but he that loueth the world, loueth the contrarie, liuing in vnrigh­teousnesse, disobedient to God, ouercom with the de­sires of the flesh, the desires of the eies, and the pride of life.

The world is inconstant: the difference betweene diuine and carnall wisedome, be­tweene the seeming deuoti­on of the irreligious rich, & the religious poore man.

SAlomon speaking of the World, saith, that when hee had well considered all things that the world affor­ded, hee could not but ob­serue it very inconstant, and mens mindes very variable, and often distracted, stagge­ring whereunto to applie themselues: wherein yet hee found by experience, that al men for the most part, em­braced that which they should shunne, and shunned that which they should em­brace, changing their coun­sels [Page 40] as worldly occasions of­fered mutabilitie in their af­faires, extolling, dispraysing, louing, hating, hoping, fea­ring, beleeuing, distrusting, and finally following and forsaking all things as they were led by carnall vnder­standing, wherein they wor­shipped the creature in steed of the creator; leauing the seruice of God, and praying vnto God; and inclining themselues to those courses wherunto their owne appe­tites sway them, and the Di­uell inforceth them: wherby it commeth to passe, that some couetously pursue to be rich among men, which often with-holdeth them from seruing God; as appea­reth by many of them, that content them rather to vio­late [Page 41] a good conscience, for­getting not only pietie, but meere humanitie, to accom­plish their desires; mingling and confounding good en­tended, with euill acted; e­stranging themselues from all religious affections and inward holy desires; associ­ating themselues with such as will applaude their vani­ties, and reiect the society of the good, of whom they might learne to serue the li­uing God, by obedience & prayer. How can you beleeue (saith S. Iohn) seeing yee re­ceiue glory one of another, and seek not after, nor pray for the glory which commeth from God alone? Almost euerie man seeketh to outstrip an­other in carnall, but not in diuine wisedome. And ther­fore [Page 42] can they not attribute the praise of obtaining what they seeme to enioy, to the right cause: for they begin at their owne apprehension of what is good, and there­vpon build their weake wis­dome; whereas they should beginne in the world to bee fools to the world, that they might be wise to God: as the Apostle counselleth; that, If any man seeme to be wise, let him be a foole, that he may be wise. 1. Cor. 4. 7. 8 For as Christ came not to call the righteous (such as reputed themselues pure) to repentance, True and false wise­dome. but sinners (such as acknowledged their own imperfectiōs): so surely God giueth not wisedome to the wise (namely, to such as thinke the worldly wisdom sufficient) but to such as [Page 43] thinke themselues fooles wanting the true knowledg of diuine things. For, the wis­dom of the world is foolisbnesse with God; and hee catcheth these kinds of wisemen in their owne craftinesse. 1. Cor. 3. 9. Iob 5. 13. Although worldly pollicie may (as it doth) circumuent the inno­cent, yet cannot God be de­ceiued: for such is his deep and iust iudgement, & high wisedome, that he knoweth and iudgeth, he discerneth and condemneth, or appro­ueth, farre aboue the reach of mortall man. Man may de­ceiue man, not onely by vi­sible actions of earthly and worldly deuises, but euen in spirituall exercises; for they may seeme to beleeue, be­cause they so brag of them­selues; and to pray, because [Page 44] they may be seene to kneele at a piller to lift vp the eies, to strike the breste, and to moue the hand and lips, as if they were verie deuout: And yet may their hearts be full of gall and bitternes, and their affections be set (like Demas) vpon the world and worldly things, wherin God is not deceiued. The hypo­crite only deceiueth himselfe. But the hy­pocrite that seemeth to bee, and is not religious, godly, faithfull, and truly zealous, deceiueth himselfe, thinking that God will content him­self with the chaffe, that hath no corne, with the leaues without fruit, and with the show without the substance of faith, obedience, and prai­er. And therefore the rich man, and the worldly wise­man, as cousen germans may [Page 45] not look for any applause at the hands of God, as they v­surpe it from men, but to re­ceiue according to the in­ward disposition of their hearts and soules. God re­specteth not the person of the rich, nor wise according to the world, nor reiecteth he the person of the poore; but according to the mea­sure of grace in eyther hee approueth or reproueth thē; yet in the more dangerous estate is the rich man, as ap­peareth by the wordes of Christ himselfe, who ob­serued how riches wrought with men in the world, how it choaketh the word of God in them; working to the lust of all forbidden things, and against the de­sire of all diuine wisedome, [Page 46] which is the life of faith. And faith being the life of prayer is quenched thereby, and consequently prayer, which is the life of our soules, waxeth cold and wi­thereth. Yet cannot this ex­tend to euety rich man; for the Wiseman saith, What rich man deser­ueth com­mendation and admi­ration. that, That rich man is blessed, which is found without blemish, and hath not gone after gold, nor trusted in money and treasure: adding, Who is he, and we will commend him? for wonderfull things hath he done among the people, hauing beene tried and found perfect: let him bee an example of glorie, who might offend and hath not offended, or doe euill and hath not done it. By which wordes he in­timates vnto vs, that rich men haue many and more [Page 47] motiues by their meanes to offend, then the poorer sort haue: and that it is a strange thing to find a rich man so qualified by diuine grace, as he wil bestow his goods, and performe the duetie that God commands, to make heauenly friends with their earthly Mammon. Wh [...] it is hard for a rich man to be saued. Therfore our Sauiour pronounceth such impossibilitie for a rich man to enter into the King­dome of heauen, euen be­cause of his couetousnesse and oppression, and because of his securitie, and seldome or neuer faithfully seruing the liuing God; and againe denounceth woes against them, for that they haue their consolation in this world: not for that they op­presse the poore, and get [Page 48] their goods by vnlawfull meanes; but because they haue their cōsolation, name­ly their carnall delights and pleasures, and not their spi­rituall ioy, and inward com­fort of the holy Ghost heere in this life. Therefore beho­ueth it rich men to beware, they place not their hearts consolation vpon these worldly & fleeting vanities, but according to diuine counsaile; If riches encrease, not to set their mindes vpon them, but to vse them as they vsed them not. For it is not meerely riches that maketh the vser, but the abuser of them vnhappie. And there­fore, as there may be a poore man proude and couetous, euen in his small portion: so may there be a rich mā poor [Page 49] in his owne conceit, and so bestowe and distribute his goods, as not onely not a woe, but a blessing shall be pronounced vnto him, as to the poor, beleeuing in God: for our Sauiour, to encou­rage all, as well poore as rich rightly affected, and to stirre them vp to obedience and prayer, saith; Reioyce & be glad, for I haue prouided for [...]ou a Kingdome.

The force of liuely faith: and how hard a thing it is tru­ly to apprehend the miste­rie of Christ; and how easie historically to discourse thereof.

THE promises of future happinesse are able to [Page 50] stirre vp the dullest heart, to waite, and worke out his saluatiō with fear & tremb­ling, with loue and obedi­ence, in faith & prayer; and yet it seemeth, Not manie wise, not many mighty, not many rich beleeue this pro­mise. They seem rather to be leue a bond, a statute, a pawn or the promise of a rich mā, then they wil giue credit vn­to God vpon his oath, who yet neuer was found to pro­mise any thing but what he performed, to the good of euery one that (beleeuing) asketh any thing fit for him to receiue: he deceiueth no man that trusteth his bare word. The force of beleeuing God vpon his promise. Abraham might haue cast many doubts, being in a profane and Idolatrous countrey, brought vp with­out [Page 51] the written will of God, being called thence by an inuisible power, to repaire into a remote country, vn­knowne, and the conditions of the people strange vnto him. But he contrarily cast off all difficulties, and confi­dently resolued, against his owne naturall reason, and will of all his friends and fa­miliars, and betooke him to the iourney, and ceased not till he came to Canaan. Who would not haue consulted with his kinsfolks & frends? Who would not haue look­ed for better assurance of good successe, before hee would haue aduentured to forsake his countrey and friends, and betake himselfe to the hazard of such an at­tempt? But he knew that he [Page 52] that called him was iust, and what hee had promised hee was able to performe, and would neither faile him nor forsake him. Hee wauered not as the most of vs do, tou­ching heauen and heauenly things promised; how can we affirm we beleeue it, and yet giue our selues ouer to the world? It is not indeed euery mans case to know the mysterie of Christ; Euery man beleeueth not the my­sterie of Christ. but in a kinde of generall appre­hension, as hee is deliuered in the outward word, accor­ding to the Historie. But to beleeue that he came in the flesh without man, to con­taine two natures vnder one visible forme; that hee was God equall with the father, and man like vnto vs; that he cancelled the hand-wri­ting [Page 53] that was against vs; that in him we are reconciled a­gain to God the father; that he sits at God's right hand a mediator for vs, and that all beleeuers shall ascend and rest with him in glorie; that our bodies that are corrupt, shall either die and putrifie, or be changed, and in fine, be glorified in the heauens. And to apply all this to our owne selues through faith, cannot but goe so farre be­yond the ordinarie capaci­ties of naturall men, as the God of heauen is aboue the God of the ayre. For as Christ said vnto Peter, flesh and bloud reueiled not vnto him what Christ was: nei­ther can the natural man ap­prehend this heauenly my­sterie, and therefore cannot [Page 54] beleeue the promise of sal­uation to the comfort of his own soule, and consequent­ly cannot pray to God in Christ. He can speake of, and dispute, and beleeue the whole Historie of Christ, both how he was promised and prophesied, how he was crucified, and can relate e­uery Article of Christian be­leefe. And so farre the diuels know, beleeue, and tremble. But this is the peculiar por­tion of Gods children, truly to depend vpon Christ, tho­rough faith grounded vpon knowledge; as beleeuing that heauen is his portion, is the gift of God in Christ; who being the liuely image of God the father, teacheth vs to know God in the Tri­nitie, and the Trinitie in vni­tie: [Page 55] whom who so knoweth not, and by knowing him loueth him, and in louing him obeyeth him, and in o [...]beying him beleeueth him, and in beleeuing him dooth not pray vnto him. howsoe­uer they seeme to vpholde their knowledge, defend their obedience, and bragge of their prayers, they are all but counterfeit. For no truly spirituall exercise can bee performed, or diuine grace obtained, but by a man spi­ritually qualified and belo­ued of God, and who loueth God: for vnlesse we feele in our selues the loue of God towards vs, wee can neuer loue God; for he loueth vs first, and by the third person of the Trinitie worketh loue in vs towards him: and loue [Page 56] being the band of obedi­ence, and obedience the marke of our election, and cōsequently the seale, which hath the image of our Re­deemer, Who is truly adopted in Christ to be the childe of God, and [...] not. whereby our adop­tion to bee the sonnes of God is confirmed to euery one that beleeueth. Not to euery one that pretendeth to loue, obey, and serue him; but to him only whose heart is right before the Lord, who heareth the word, be­leeueth the spirit that wrote it, and bringeth forth the fruits of it, namely, to doe what is therin commanded, and to auoyde things for­bidden therein; he, euen he is the vndoubted adopted sonne of God, and whatso­euer he asketh the father by the spirit in the sonne, hee [Page 57] shall receiue it: for he hath the promise of the blessings of this life and the life to come. Contrariwise, such as neither yet haue, nor de­s [...]re to haue thi [...] feeling, this faith, and this dependance on God, howsoeuer they pretend that they are the sonnes of God, for that they can only talke, like, and per­forme some outward duties as the true sonnes of God do, yet let them not deceiue themselues, they are not yet out of the lees of their ori­ginall, neither haue they re­mission of their actuall sins; but the Bond is yet against them depending vncancel­led, though they associate the sonnes of God, and not only in humane affairs con­uerse, but in diuine dueties [Page 58] communicate with them, as in hearing the word preach­ed, in the sacraments, and in publique prayer. They are yet but bastards, & no chil­dren; they neuer truely ta­sted of the milke of Christs spouse, nor euer drew the life of grace out of her breasts: no more then did Cham in the Arke with No­ah, Ismael in the house with Abraham, Esau in the com­pany of Iacob, who inward­ly did not partake of their fathers vertues, of obedi­ence, faith, and continu­al praier vnto God, the God of their fathers.

Naturall fathers cannot be­get children good or euill of their owne wils; but they that are begotten anew of God, are only good and like vnto God, before whom the vnregenerate, howsoeuer seeming holy, are hypocrits.

EArthly fathers cōmon­ly beget childrē of their owne corporall likenes, but the godliest father cannot propagate in his children the graces of the spirit, ney­ther can profane fathers by their sinnes make their chil­dren sinners. For it is found by experience, that good fa­thers haue often wicked, and wicked fathers godly chil­dren. But the children of God, begotten anew by the [Page 60] holy Ghost, can neuer fall from being like vnto him that begat him. And there­fore doe they much disho­nour God, who in wordes professe they are his sonnes, and yet in their actions they resemble the image of Sa­than. It were a great ble­mish vnto a godly man to be wrongfully supposed the father of a wicked sonne; much more is God disho­noured by such as would seeme to be, but are not of his seed. For they that are of God indeed, cannot but in some measure resemble him, in being righteous as he is righteous: that is, By casting off the olde man which is corrupt, Eph. 4. 22. through deceiuea­ble lust, and to put on the new man, which after God is cre­ated [Page 61] in righteousnes and true holines. This casting off and putting on, doeth teach vs that there is in vs somthing that befits vs not to retaine if we will be the true sonnes of God, What we ought to put on, and cast off. not by reputation among men, but by imputa­tion in Christ. What is to be cast off, and what to bee put on, is plainly expressed in the Apostles wordes be­fore mentioned, namely, to cast off all deceiueable lusts, (which includeth all things forbidden) and to put on righteousnesse, which im­plieth a spirituall indow­ment of al heauenly graces; among which, none is of that singular force, vertue, and effect, as is zealous and heartie prayer in faith vnfai­ned, which none can effe­ctually [Page 62] make but such as haue put on this new man: for the olde man knoweth not how to pray, being clo­thed with corruption, and blinded with the mist of ig­norance. The new man on­ly, shaped in holinesse, kno­weth to whom, when, in whom, for what, and how to pray; all which circum­stances are duly to be consi­dered in prayer: and yet neither of these dooth the naturall, that is, the old man truly apprehend; and con­sequently the lip-labor that he pretendeth to bestow in prayer, is not onely not pro­fitable, but sinfull.

Carnall wisedome hath not chiefe place of counsell in the regenerate man: he de­pendeth on God, and not on the meanes in any enter­prise.

FRiends (we obserue) do most vsually communi­cate together, not by way of dissimulation, but by sincere affection: and one is ayded and comforted of another, according to the occasions each propoundeth to other. And shal we think that that man that loueth God, will estrange his occasions from the counsaile of God? Will hee deliberate of any matter of importance, but will first consult with the Oracle of [Page 64] Gods mouth? And will hee not impart his occasions by powring them forth vnto him in praier? assuring him­selfe that God againe will answer him by his holy spirit, and by him certifie his spirit what he shall doe, and what course hee shall take, both for the atchieuing of the good he desireth, & for the auoyding the danger he feareth. No carnall counsel whatsoeuer, not warranted by the word, shall be ad­mitted to that consultation or resolution: he will aban­don all carnall respects, and onely holde himselfe to di­uine direction: hee will not vse humane wisedome, Carnall wisedome a hand-maide to diuine prudence. but as it were a hand-maide to di­uine prudence. It may serch and find out such wants, and [Page 65] corporall necessities, as are fit in spiritual vnderstanding to be supplied, but leaueth the execution to diuine wis­dome, which produceth faith, and faith prayer for the obtayning thereof at the hands of God. And as A­braham left his seruants and Asses behinde him when he went to offer vp his sonne; so doth this heauenly wise­dome leaue all carnall re­spects behinde when it ap­procheth towards God, to offer the sacrifice of prayer or praise. Contrariwise, it is too manifest, that the most carrie their carnall vanities with them euē to the Altar; making their petitions part­ly in the flesh and partly in the spirit, in part beleeuing and in part doubting, halt­ing [Page 66] before God, and yet see­ming to walk vprightly be­fore men, who iustifie or cō ­demne the outward action, not seeing the inward heart.

To pray vnto God with the lippes for any corporall benefit, To pray to God, and to beleeue▪ in meanes is spirituall adulteri [...]. and yet to haue the eye of the hart fixed in con­fidence vpō naturall means, is a kinde of spirituall adul­tery. For, what man is hee that hauing a wife, outward­ly affable, vsing wordes of loue vnto him, and yet her he [...]rt set vpon another man, will not thinke her a faithles and vnchaste wise? And is God lesse iealous think we, who craueth our hearts when we shall worship him in words and outward shew of works, when our consci­ences cannot but tell vs that [Page 67] we aske that of God which we inwardly beleeue more probable and possible to be obtained by meanes with­out him? Is not this a falsi­fying of our faith and dis­sembling of our prayers? Is not this a manifest breach of the law that saies, we shal haue no other Gods but Iehouah; as also not to take his name in vaine, as they do that call vpon him with the lips, their hearts farre from him?

The Iewes thinking to make themselues strong by the Egyptians and other carnall meanes, Esa. 2. 21. A curse on them that leaue God to depend on other meanes. left their de­pendancie on God; & ther­fore did God denounce his iudgements against them: Cursed is the man that trust­eth in man, and maketh flesh [Page 68] (any kind of carnal meanes) his arme, Ier. 17. 5. and withdraweth his heart from the Lord: hee shall not see, when any good commeth. How can he then attribute praise or prayer vnto God for whatsoeuer successe, when he groundeth his hope on earthly meanes, and not on God? Nay, though hee pray vnto God, and yet dependeth more, and puts more hope on se­condarie meanes? if he find that come to passe that hee desired, how can hee but yeeld part of the praise vnto the mediate cause, wherein hee in part trusted? and so derogate the praise due vnto God, who is eyther all or no part of the cause of that wi­shed successe. For although God vse naturall instru­ments [Page 69] to effect his will, not onely in relieuing his chil­dren when they pray vnto him, but also in punishing the wicked when they of­fend; yet are these meanes onely of, and by God, wor­king, not as man willeth, but as God foreseeth fit for the good of the one, & punish­ment of the other. God v­sed clay to cleere the eies of the blinde man: if the blinde man had yeelded the thanks to the clay as the cause of his sight, though hee had like­wise giuen praise vnto God, hee had robbed God of his right. For to allow vnto God a fellow-helper, were to argue him of himselfe in­sufficient; as som most fear­fully belch forth a most su­perstitious praier, saying, [Page 70] God and our Lady do this or that, or preuent this or that; whereby they eyther make God no God, or a God not absolute in power, nor with­out a cooperator complete, which cannot bee but most horrible blasphemie. I here­by yet inferre not that it is vnlawfull to giue reuerence vnto the means which God vseth for our good, as Dauid did to Ionathan; yet no fur­ther but as to the instru­ments, without which God might haue effected his worke, eyther by other meanes, or without any meanes, nay, against means, as not tied to any secondary meanes of necessitie. Heze­kiah being healed with a cluster of figges, did not per­swade himself that nothing [Page 71] else could haue done the cure, but that whatsoeuer God had made the mediate cause, howsoeuer contrarie to the opinion that man might haue of the thing, it would haue wrought the same effect. For he is able by weakest means to performe the greatest worke; as it ap­peared by the ouerthrow of the wals of Iericho with the sound of Rams hornes. God works by meanes, without & against meanes. And as he worketh by meanes, so sometimes without meanes, euen by his word, as in healing the Cananitish woman, and the Centurions seruant: nay, such is his ab­solute power as he worketh as familiarly and easily a­gainst meanes, as in bring­ing water out of the hard & drie Rocke, making the wa­ters [Page 72] to diuide as the red Sea and Iordan, in making the Sunne to stand still in G [...]be­on, and the Moon in the val­ley of Aialon at the prayer of Iosuah: and causing the Sunne to goe backe in his sphere contrarie to, and a­gainst his naturall motion, at the prayer of Hezekiah. The holy Scriptures are full of such sweete examples of the absolute power of God, who to effect them requires necessarily no other human meanes but faithfull praier [...] not the praier which passeth onely the lips, the affections of the heart being extraua­gant, but that prayer which proceedeth from the sancti­fied soule, How the soule must be qualified in time of prayer. well and rightly tuned in all her faculties; the vnderstanding thinking [Page 73] on nothing but on God, the will onely louing him, the memory coueting to retaine nothing but him, the desire aspiring to no other happi­nesse but what he hath pro­mised vs in his word. In this maner were our holy fathers qualified, and in this sweete consent of the affections poured they forth the con­cordant harmonious praiers that wrought these former most admirable supernatu­rall effects, in altering the naturall course of those cre­atures which he himselfe set in the firmament, neuer to be moued to the end of the world.

It is a dangerous thing to pray vnto God vnprepared; but most safe & sweet vp­on diuine premeditation a­rising of grace, not of na­ture.

HOw can this but moue a kind of feare in men who presume to thrust themselues into the pre­sence of God, vttering prai­ers in wordes, their vnder­standings being carried from God through the vanities of this life, their wills beeing besorted with the loue of carnall things, and their de­sires thirsting after worldly aduancements? Are these mens prayers of force to cast downe holdes? to alter [Page 75] the natural course of things? or can they obtaine any thing at the handes of God but reproofe? But men that are wise in Christ, enlight­ned with the diuine spirit, feele motiues in themselues of another kinde; not stay­ing below, their affections set vpon the golden Calfe at the foot of mount Sinai: but they a [...]cend vp in their harts to the holy mount of Grace, and there conuerse they fa­miliarly with the true God, leauing the flesh pots, the O­nyons and Gourds of Egypt, and feede on the heauenly Manna, Angels bread, the bread of life: whereby they becom so rapt vp from earth and earthly things, as they haue their conuersations al­readie in the heauens, by [Page 76] their heauenly communica­tion with God in their spi­rits. Their prayers & sweet conference with God for the time ended; they then returne to the performance of their lawfull affaires, and therein walke (as it were) with God, liuing so sincere­ly with, and among men, in the feare and loue of God, as if they were in the reall presence of God.

Nature teacheth vs not to pray, but the spi­rit of God. To this degree of perfe­ction none can attaine by his naturall vnderstanding or will, but by the admini­stration of the spirit of God only, who teaches vs how to pray. God commaundeth all men to pray, and yet gi­ueth not all men the gift of true praier; and therefore e­uerie man is bound to aske [Page 77] of God power to aske: al­though it may seem strange to a carnall man to aske po­wer to performe the selfe­same thing that hee perfor­meth in asking. But it is to be considered that there is a verball and lip-kind of ask­ing, and there is a cordiall & heartie praying; and he that doeth it not from the heart, may vtter it with the lippes, and in words may seeme to pray, and yet the heart re­maine estranged and full of rancor and euill affections. But such is the force of [...]iue­ly faith, that it cannot con­ceale it selfe: for if it bee in the heart it will shew it selfe in the efficacie of prayer; which praier onely hath the promise to obtaine, beeing made in the name of Christ [Page 78] to God, & hath the promise to be granted for his sake by God. For in Christ are the promises made vnto vs, both of spirituall and corporall blessings, and in him, and by him sealed vnto vs and con­firmed: so as there is no cause of doubting left vnto the faithfully asking; al­wayes prouided, that he ask not the thing, the graunting whereof is not warranted in the word of God, that hath made vs a generall warrant of granting whatsoeuer wee aske; with restriction yet, that it bee agreeable to his wil, which also includeth all things that he seeth best for vs to receiue. For such is the wisedome, prouidence, and loue of God towards vs, that like a father he will not giue [Page 79] vnto his children a Scorpion in stead of Fish: he will not giue them hurtfull things instead of helpfull. And ther­fore it behoueth vs to in­form our selues by his word what is consonant and what dissonant to his will, that we may auoide to aske forbid­den things, & with boldnes aske things lawfull. In the prayer which Christ taught vs, we pray, Thy will be done: wee must not therefore wil­fully attempt to aske, much lesse to do any known thing to the contrarie. But such is our corruption, as howsoe­uer we seem willing that the will of God should be done, we yet retaine a kinde of in­ward desire that God would doe according to our wills: The will peruerts the mind. for naturally the will of man [Page 80] is neither rightly affected towards his owne mind, nor towards the will and word of God. It is the rule of right reason that the wil should be directed by the minde; but contrarily and preposterous­ly the will ouerswayes the minde, and drawes it as by cōstraint to many inordinat desires: and therefore when the minde begins to incline it selfe to the sacred exercise of prayer, the will as an vne­quall yoke-fellow peruerts the minde, & distracts it into many noysom lusts, & wan­dering thoughts. This can­not the most godly and most faithfully zealous man but find in his deuoutest praiers: and therefore wee ought in our prayers to restraine our cogitations from earthly [Page 81] things; and the more wee feele them to range here and there (as sensibly wee may) so much the more earnest & zealous we ought to be, and so much the more watchfull that they steale not away our spiritual affectiōs, which cause the minde to ascend e­uermore vpward to the Throne of his grace, who by his holy spirit is readie to as­sist our spirits, to suppresse our erring thoughts, and to rectifie our mindes ac­cording to his own will.

Whence all our transgressions do proceede, and the reason why we cannot pray aright, & the means to reform it.

OVr transgressions pro­ceede all from this, that against the rule of di­uine reason, we preferre our will and our desires before the most holy will of the Lord our God. How then can we truly seek him whose will our wills (as much as in vs lieth) seeketh to resist? The Apostle sheweth the reason, saying, The naturall man hath such a mind as can­not vnderstand the things of God, and such a will as is not subiect to the law of God, nor indeed can be. How then can [Page 83] the minde conceiue how, or for what to pray? And how can the will frame the facul­ties of vtterance and other diuine affections? How can it frame it selfe to pray vnto God according to the right rule prescribed vnto vs by God? seeing that this exer­cise is sacred, holy & spiritu­al, & the mind & wil altoge­ther carnall & profane. And therfore al the praiers which natural men make in the ha­bite of the olde man, do not onely not profit them, but turn rather vnto a curse then a blessing vnto them. What man is hee then knowing this, will lie stil in his natural corruption and ignorance, hauing the way laide out before him, the meanes of direction offered him, the [Page 84] promise made vnto him, and the reward assured him? the way is Christ, the dire­ctiō in that way is the word, the promise is to receiue what wee aske, and the re­ward is life eternall: the way is straight, the direction plaine, the promise iust, the reward great. In earthly affaires there is a continuall common emulation who may grow greatest, wisest, & most glorious, whose best reward is but a vanishing shadow. How foolish then are wee to see and suffer all men to outstrip vs in spiritu­all things, and our selues to lagger behinde, loth to goe forward in diuine duties; as trewantlike schollars with il wil, and by compulsion pre­pare them to the Schoole? [Page 85] Hee then that may and will not endeuour to attaine vn­to diuine knowledge by the word, and thereupon, name­ly vpon the promises of God made therein, to builde a liuely assurance of Gods ne­uer-fayling goodnesse to­wards him; and in that faith will not seeke God in all his occasions, by continuing prayer; is neyther worthy to haue the promises perfor­med vnto him, of the good things of this life, nor of the life to come. Let vs there­fore learn to deny our selues, and endeuour to subdue our owne wills, and wholly to subiect them to the will of God: so shall wee neuer vn­dertake, consult, determine, or conclude any action, vntil wee haue enquired what the [Page 86] will of God is therein, by faithfull prayer.

The neglect of the cnmmuni­cating with God in prayer, is the cause that many run headlong to their owne ru­ine, seeking what they need in a wrong course, not fee­ling their owne spirituall wants.

THe want of holy search & desire to be enlight­ned in the diuine duetie of praier, and to bee directed therein, is the cause that so many men runne headlong into their owne ruine, in rashly enterprising that, without cōmunicating with God, which they in naturall [Page 87] reason conceiue will prooue to their high contentment; as in making choise of reli­gion, the highest point of di­uine wisedome▪ in choosing a wise, and the like. The She­chemites without consulting with God tooke vpon them the seale of the couenant, which was a true note, truly taken of the true children of God; but because they took it to a carnall end, what re­ward they had, appeareth Gen. 34. So did Simon the Magician couet spirituall gifts, to vse them to carnall ends: and the like doe they that to obtaine corporall maintenance, and to be free from some calamitie, rashly & without consulting with God (by learning his word and by prayer) thrust them­selues [Page 88] into the Romane Ca­tholike, or into any other false Religion. Nay, to in­trude into the profession of the true Religion, for the re­spects abouesaid, and not in a feeling of diuine loue to the spirituall effects it work­eth, to Gods glory and their owne comfort; is not onely not to be truly religious, but vnder the cloake of true reli­gion to be indeed a profane Atheist. God commands vs not to cōtract marriage but vpon due deliberation and consideration, & forbids to contract with any of a false Religion. Isack and Iacob fearing and obeying the li­uing God, sought their wiues, not by worldly ad [...]uice, but therein to be dire­cted by God. And to that [Page 89] end did Abrahams seruant pray vnto the GOD of his Master Abraham, that hee might bee guided by some diuine instinct how to chuse a wife for his Masters sonne, and all things succeeded vn­to him beyond naturall rea­son. But Esau contrari [...]y, without consulting with God, or cōmunicating with his parents▪ tooke him wiues of the Gentiles, a profane & irreligious people, such as (for the Iewes to contract matrimonie withall) was an abhomination. Prayer or consultatiō with God is the best, but the last worke; of chiefest, but of least regard in this age in most capitall causes, and of greatest con­sequence. And therefore the most of them succeed to the [Page 90] perpetual trouble and griefe of the parties. And that which hath been said of the former two, namely of the choise of Religion and a wife, may hold for, and in all other matters belonging to the life and gouernement of man in this life, especially in the election of some functi­on or calling in Church or Common-weale; wherein experience maketh manifest that little or no conscience is made to craue direction from God: but according as the profession or mysterie seemeth likely to proue pro­fitable or discommodious, is the desire made the more hote or cold. But to consi­der how it may stand with Gods greatest glorie, & our most comfort and spirituall [Page 91] contentment, it is the last matter thought vpon: they beginne at the wrong end, they first seek the world and worldly things, and then as leisure will serue, they will seeke heauen & holy things, where we should seeke hea­ue [...] and the kingdom there­of first, and then by diuine promise, all things els shold be administred vnto vs. But the reason why som men are so backward in seeking God, to bee guided by him in these high occasions, may seeme to grow from a con­ceit, that if they should vn­folde their desires to God, who seeth all their hidden and polliticke equiuocati­ons; he would find that their outward prayers to him, and their inward hearts towards [Page 92] him, would appeare so farre vnlike, as he would haue no respect vnto their offerings: and therefore couet rather to conceale their counsailes from God, and climbe vp to the obtaining of their high purposes, by the scale of their owne deuises, saying in their hearts, How doth he know it? Thou foole; if thy heart con­demne thee is not God greater then thy heart, 1. Ioh. 3. 20. and knoweth al things? But if thy heart con [...]demne thee not, thou hast then boldnesse towards God. If then thou haue boldnesse, thou mayest freely repaire to the Throne of his grace; and as he hath communicated vnto vs all his counsaile, shall we bee scrupulous to let him know ours? Act. 20. 27. What is it that the poorest and basest see­ming [Page 93] childe of God, We ought to vnfold our imperfecti­ons to God, yea, and to men vpon occasion. may not freely speake vnto him? Who of the ancient godly fathers did not discouer their own imperfectiō [...]? Pe­ter blushed not to acknow­ledge the deniall of his Ma­ster with bitter teares: Da­uid was not ashamed not onely to confesse, but to in­roll the acknowledging of his sins with his owne hand, to the end that all his godly posteritie might learne, not to hide their faults from God, but to make them knowne to men. S. Paul like­wise thought it not any dis­paragement to his credite being an Apostle, that Hee was a man solde vnder sinne, that hee was buffeted of Sa­than, that hee did what hee would not, and could not doe [Page 94] what he would. None diuine­ly enlightned by ta [...]ing of and beleeuing the good word of God, that euer co­ueted to conceale their im­perfections from God, kno­wing & assuring themselues that he is mercifull, and for­giueth the sinnes of the true­ly penitent. Against thee, a­gainst thee onely (saith Da­uid) I haue sinned, and done e­uill in thy sight. Hee was a great King, chosen after Gods owne heart; yet not ashamed to acknowledge a greater King, whom hee as much feared to offend as the most dutifull child the most stern and seuere father, and therefore was bold, with the confession of his sinnes to ioyne prayer for the remissi­on thereof, and obtained it. [Page 95] I am but dust and ashes, saith Abraham: I am not worthy the least of Gods mercies, saith Iacob: my fathers house (saith Gideon) is the least of all Israel: I am not worthie (saith S. Paul) to bee called an Apostle, yea, he confessed himselfe the chiefest of all sinners. These examples of humilitie may be preuayling motiues to moue vs to imi­tate them, and to beware how wee follow their con­traries, in pride, as Nabu­chadnezzer, The basest may be as proude as the most ar­rogant. Senacherib, Pharaoh, and such like imps of insolencie; who althogh they were Kings of greatest greatnes, & we the meanest of men, yet if wee imbrace not humilitie wee may bee found as hautie as the hauti­est of them. For they had [Page 96] their pride but according to the measure of their great­nesse, and so may the mea­nest exceed in pride beyond the measure of his best means. They thought them­selues not onely not inferi­our, but equall, nay aboue God in power, and therefore had none aboue them to o­bey, and consequently, none to whom they were bound to pray. And whosoeuer ex­alteth himselfe aboue that which he is, be he the high­est or the basest among men, hee equalizeth the proudest of the former in their vnli­mited desires. For, as the former rebellious Poten­tates banded themselues a­gainst God, in their impious blasphemies; and as Nim­rod threatned to scale the [Page 97] heauens by his haughtie Ba­bel: so no doubt but the meanest proud man, that ambitiously aduanceth his heart aboue that which in­deed he is, and to attain vn­to heauen without obedi­ence and prayer vnto God; hee is as high a rebell in his heart as eyther Nabuchad­nezzar, Senacherib, or Pha­raoh, and his reward in the wrath of God shall be as great as was theirs or Nimrods.

Murtherous hearts, hautines, and pride may lurke vnder the habit of outward hum­blenesse.

MAny such rancke and rebellious spirits walk in the habite of outward humblenesse, as that Domi­nus Dominantium, that calls himselfe Seruus seruorum Dei: hee that saith he is the seruant of the seruants of God, and yet Antichristianlike en­deuours to set vp and sup­plant Princes. And his Vo­taries of pouertie and volun­tarie beggerie; are not many of them fit and inclinable to any impious and most trea­sonable actions? how haue their handes (in shew lifted [Page 99] vp towards heauen) bin im­brued in the bloud of Prin­ces in the earth? If their co­uert and concealed workes of darknes were discouered, if their infernall stratagems were reuealed, Murtherers of Kings haue a shew of humble­nesse and deuotion. and their de­sires knowne to mortal men as they are found out, and seene by God; they could not appeare but meere mon­sters, such as was Balthazer, the murtherer of the Prince of Orange, the Frier, & that miscreant Reualiack, that foiled their fists in the bloud of the two last Kings of France: and yet had euery of them his pretence of great deuotion, in attempting and perpetrating these capitall villanies▪ They pray, they receiue their sacrifice, and haue promise of, & they be­leeue [Page 100] to bee registred and canonized among the Saints in heauen, and yet fellow-murtherers with Iudas, with whom they shall partake their euerlasting reward, without more serious sor­row, and truer repentance for their villanies, then any of them seemed at their deaths to professe. Are these the instruments that are vsed by the Pope, the pretended Vicar of Christ, to support his humble ambition, and ambitious humblenes? Must these be the Axes and Ham­mers to cut and break down Princes, and to confound Kings and Kingdomes, not concurring with his vsurped Antichristian insolencie? Where is then the effect of their great penance, much [Page 101] fasting, many praiers, and in­finit sectaries, and their de­uotions? Are these their meritorious workes? Can­not they defend their Anti­christian superstitions with­out the murthering of Gods owne annointed? without treasons, rebellions, massa­cres, & sheddings of bloud? Who doth not then abhorre their impieties? And who obserueth the least of these committed by any true member of that Church, which this malignāt Church holdeth hereticall? And yet all men see how it hath been defended from all their di­uellish complotments, by no other meanes but by faith in God, and prayer to God. Haue not their most hellish attempts many pretences of [Page 102] a holy beginning? A set cō ­uocation of preaching and prayer, imposition of hands, vowing of helpes, conioy­ning of forces, and whatsoe­uer else may serue to the per­petration of any bloudie a­ction. If these most impious consorts enterprise not their wicked acts, but in the shew of calling mutually on God, were it not a shame to pro­fessed Christians to attempt any matter lawfull, of grea­test moment, without touch of any consideration of the necessitie or vtilitie of faith­full prayer? If the children of darkenesse can point out their more then heathenish attempts by the outward tokens and termes of deuo­tion to their assured con­demnation; what will be­come [Page 103] of cold Christians that so little regard the holy duty of prayer in all their actions, to their soules saluation?

Euery faithfull Christian fin­deth comfort in praier: the neglect whereof admits many euils.

WHo is that faithfull Christian that hath practised this holy exercise, and hath not found comfort to his conscience, and helpe in his occasions? Whosoe­uer findeth the continuance of inward vexation of the mind, let the cause arise from spirituall or corporall occa­sions, he may ass [...]re himself it proceedeth, most ordina­rily [Page 104] at least, from his seldom or neuer praying vnto God. Griefe oftentimes procu­reth teares, which seem som­thing to asswage the sor­row: but it is (as it were) the slacking of the band that gripes the wound too hard: but teares passing from the heart through liuely prayer, doe not onely ease the griefe for a while, but heale it alto­gether; and keep the woun­ded parts sound, so long as the plaster of true prayer is applied, with faith there­unto. The teares that wee spend must bee spent before God, who hath promised to receiue them as they fal from a liuely feeling heart, and to put them in the bottle of his remēbrance, reseruing them as witnesses of our true re­pentance; [Page 105] that the sinnes, in sorrow whereof we shedde them, may be washed away by the bloud of Christ, and not to rise vp in iudgement against vs. And these teares are of themselues as so many petitions vnto God, who hath bound himselfe by pro­mise to register them, as so many preuayling requests; wherby he giues oftentimes what inwardly we desire, as soone as the first teare falls from a broken and contrite heart. Psal. 32. Dauid affirmeth that God pardoned his sinne as soone as he had any motion to craue it. God requireth not our prayers because hee hath neede of them, as a ser­uice beneficiall or profitable vnto him; but because wee hauing neede of his graces [Page 106] and blessings, and that hee loueth vs in his beloued son hee willeth vs to pray vnto him for euery spirituall and corporall blessing. And al­though it be true, that hee knoweth wherof we haue need, yet in common reason, hee that wanteth and disdaines to aske, he is not worthy to receiue that whereof he hath neede.

The most happiest men in the world are they that most often communicate with God in prayer; and not the most glorious worldly men, whose miserie is to come; and what consolation re­maineth for the godly.

THe men that haue grea­test shewes of happi­nesse [Page 107] in this life, are not the blessedst men; but the poor in spirit, that haue their con­tinuall recourse vnto God, they that communicate of­ten with, and truly pray vn­to him, althogh their estates bee neuer so vnpleasant to flesh and bloud, yet theirs is the promise of this life and the life to come.

The Church of Corinth in the b [...]ginning consisted, 1. Cor. 1. 26. as appeareth for the most part, The most glorious in the world are not al­wayes the most godly. of the poorest and meanest of the people, and such as appeared to the world fools and Idiots; and they that seemed more wise, more mightie & more noble, were left out of the number of them that were called. Yet God preferred not the base in the world before the no­ble, [Page 108] to make them proud of their calling, but that they might be constrained, as it were, to reioyce in the Lord, by whose mercie they had obtained in Christ wisedom and all things necessarie to saluation, before the more glorious in the world, al­though they were the most base and abiect of all others: and to moue them so much the more readily & willing­ly to serue God in thanke­fulnesse and prayer, to testi­fie their loue to him for his mercies towards them. And heauily it will befall them, who hauing receiued so ma­ny blessings at Gods hands, are no whit the more moued to loue him: and so many threats for their vnbeleefe and ingratitude, and yet not [Page 109] moued to feare him. Will they not bee drawne then from their deceiuing vani­ties? will they rather then for lesse then an apple or a messe of pottage, disclaime their birth-rights, and loose that Kingdome and Crown so dearely p [...]rchased for the faithfull? Nay, were the losse of it all, it were not so horri­ble. If a man missing of the good promised, could a­void the dangers threatned, it would somthing mitigate the despayring conscience, and ease the troubled mind. If after death there were neither life nor death, if a man might haue no b [...]eing, nor feel or endure tormēt, thogh he had no comfort; it were a kinde of ease to the carnall mind, that knoweth no other [Page 110] heauen then the profits and pleasures of this life nor fea­reth other hell then the mi­serie, penurie, and afflictions of the same. But the case is otherwise; they that misse the kingdome of heauen by not beleeuing the promise of God, by not praying vnto God for direction in the course of their liues, may as­sure themselues, thogh they seeme not yet to beleeue it, that there remaines for them and attends them, the God of darkenesse, and the An­gels of horror and torment. And therefore they that are wise in Christ, enlightned with the sanctifying spirit of God, obserue the difference between sinne and sanctity, betweene the carnall and the spirituall, betweene the olde [Page 111] and the new man, and finde that the pleasing vanities of this life, and the reioycing of the worldly minded haue no solid or sound assurance of continuance, no not for a day; and after commeth the seueritie of iudgement. But the spirituall man, vndergo­ing with patience the bitter miseries incident to a religi­ous and godly life; conside­reth that the continuance of it is but a spanne long: and there attendeth him mercie and consolation perpetuall. The true comfort of a Christian. And therfore beareth he the yoake without grudging, spending his time, not in wantonnesse and chambe­ring, not in vanities and car­nal pleasures; but in all tem­perance and humblenesse of minde: neuer so cheered, [Page 112] neuer so full of consolation and alacritie as when hee is hearing God speake vnto him by his word, as by prea­ching or hearing of the same; and finding himselfe truely and aptly prepared, and zealously exercised in the most holy dutie of praier and heauenly meditations, wherein hee speaketh vnto God. This is his comfort, herein are his ioyes, and no­thing is so sweete vnto him as heauenly continuall con­templation; whereby hee passeth by both the pleasures and penurie of this life, as things of that weakenesse to moue loue to the one, or feare of the other; as hee re­spects them not, but placeth all his affections on God, with whom he knoweth that [Page 113] his prayers doe at all times so farre preuaile, as at what time soeuer he asketh, hee re­ceiueth; whensoeuer hee seek­eth he findeth; and when soe­uer he knocketh he is admitted into the presence of God. And whatsoeuer misery befalleth him in this life, hee feeleth it not so vnsauorie to himselfe as other men conceiue it, that beholde and obserue it in him. As our Sauiour told his Disciples that hee had meate to eate which they knew not of; so hath euerie sanctified & regenerate man comfort that carnall men know not of; which giueth him such sweete feeling of present happinesse, through the assurance of his future promised glorie, that he see­meth through the abūdance [Page 114] of his consolations, rapt as it were alreadie out of this earthly Tabernacle, into the heauen of heauens, where he hath his conuersation in the spirit with-God, though hee corporally remaine in this inferiour world.

True contentment, not gotten by nature but by grace, which produceth prayer, the onely meane to obtaine all good.

SPiritual cōtentmēt none can attaine vnto by his owne naturall powers: and therefore there is a spirituall meane to be vsed for the ob­tayning thereof, which the Apostle reaches, Phil. 4. 6. saying; Let [Page 115] your requests be shewed vnto God in prayer. Iam. 1. 5. And, Who so lacketh wisedome, let him ask of God, which giueth to al men liberally, and reprocheth no man, and it shall be giuen him. This wisedome is not the wisedome of the world, but the knowledge how, when, and what to ask, to conform vs to the likenes of him that hath begotten vs anew, who hath left vs an example, that wee should follow as deare children. If then we be the children of God, 1. Pet. 2. 21. Eph. 5. 1. & Co-heirs with him of that heauenly Kingdom; shal we not with him walke as becommeth children of such a father? Shal our head weepe and la­ment for our sinnes? Shall be suffer for our transgressions? and shall wee laugh and re­ioyce [Page 116] in the vanities of this life, and yet think to partake with Christ of his purchased Kingdome? Hath he so farre purchased for vs, as we need neyther suffering nor pati­ence, faith nor prayer? Shall we think our selues like that vnspotted Lambe of God, and yet defile our bodies & soules by committing sinne vpon sin? How can we then come vnto our father which is in heauen, where no pro­fane thing can haue any be­ing? If God heareth not sin­ners, where shall the sinfull mans prayers appeare? And how can he haue his conuer­sation in heauen, as S. Paul had, or walke with God, as Henoch did, whose soule and spirituall part, which ought to ascend by the wings of [Page 117] faith towards heauē, is pres­sed downe by a most vgly and filthy dunghill the bo­die, clogged with the masse of sinne? Cast off therefore all carnall and vncleane affe­ctions, purifie & clense your hearts by liuely repentance, that the sauing bloud of the Lambe being sprinkled vp­on the dore posts of our be­leeuing hearts, the holy spi­rit of God may enter, and teach our spirits rightly to crye Abba father. So shall wee apprehend that sacred renewing grace, that shall breede this most sweet and heauenly change, namely, to make vs of the children of wrath the children of loue, of the children of disgrace the childrē of glorie; which change is not, nor can be [Page 118] where faith faileth: which faith is not obtained in re­spect of our prayers, or any desert of our selues, but only and altogether of the free fauor and good will of God in Christ, in whō, for whom, and by whom we haue pro­mise to obtaine the fulnesse of spirituall contentment.

God being wisedome it selfe, knowes how to deal with vs for our best aduantage and his own glorie, which aboue all things wee must respect in all our prayers.

GOd being wisedome it selfe, knoweth better then we what is fi [...]test for vs to receiue, and for him to [Page 119] giue; in both which his glo­rie must goe with our de­sires, as it will of necessitie in his giuing. And if wee seeke not his glory in all our demands, we breake the or­der prescribed, namely, to doe all to the glorie of God: much more then should our prayers, which are the high­est seruice wee can doe vnto God, tend to the honour of his Maiestie, beyond the de­sire of supply in our owne necessities; and that is in making our prayers vnto him, to be confident that he is iust, and will according to his promise satisfie our iust desires, so farre as may bee most for our benefite. For we cannot truly iudge what is most expedient for vs: we may aske for, and think that [Page 120] best for vs, which God in his wisedom knoweth most in­conuenient; and that to bee hurtfull & euill for vs, which hee seeth to be most for our good. It is therefore agree­able to the right rule of true faith, to subiect our wills to the wil of God, and to frame all our petitions according to the rule of his word, which teacheth vs to aske corporal things, with condition that he be pleased therewith, and spirituall & heauenly things as the graces of the spirit, with a full assurance to re­ceiue. And the more con­stant and earnest we be, and the more we presse God to giue them, God is best pleased with f [...]ithfull & r [...]ligious importuni­tie. so much the more it pleaseth him: as to importune him to giue vs power to mortifie our cor­rupt [Page 121] affections to kill sinne, both in our harts and mem­bers, to begge the increase of faith, obedience, loue to­wards God and our neigh­bours, peace in our selues and with all men, patience in suffering Gods corrections, gentlenesse, meekenesse, temperance. To aske these absolutely and constantly, is pleasing vnto God, is accep­table vnto him: wherein yet we are to beware that wee aske not spirituall gifts to carnal ends, as did Simon the Magician; but to Gods glo­rie, as Salomon asked wise­dome. For the holy Scrip­tures teach vs, that God suf­fereth many profane men to vsurpe spiritual functions, as preaching, prophecying, and casting out Diuels, to whom [Page 122] yet God w [...]l say, Depart from me, I know you not. The like may be said of praying, namely, of meere babling with the tongue without the consent of a feeling & faith full heart. And in all these to shew more outward sin­ceritie then to haue inward sanctity, is meere hypocrisie.

Three principall motiues to stirre vp men to pray, wher­of the chiefest is necessitie.

THere bee three princi­pall motiues to stirre vp Christians to prayer; first, Gods commandement, Pray continually, 1. Thess. 5. 17. se­condly, the promise, And ye shall receiue, Matth. 7. 7. The [Page 123] third and last motiue is our owne necessities; and they are infinite. Daniel prayed [...]o be preserued among the Lyons; the three children frō the fire; Hezekiah from death; Ionah to bee deliue­red from the bowels of the Whale: Susanna to be freed from the vniust accusation of the lasciuious and false Iudges; Dauid to be deliue­red from the malice of Saul.

Necessitie hath so manie branches, Necessitie hath many branches, and man hath no p [...] ­wer to help himselfe in any. as men are subiect to seuerall dangers, which are infinit: and therefore a motiue of great force; and yet without Gods assistance they can obtain no ease. For the more a man strugleth to free himselfe from any dan­ger by his owne power, hee entangleth himselfe so much [Page 124] the more, as the Flie in the Spiders web, and the Bird in the net: for of his owne na­turall inclination he hath no more means to free himself, be hee rich, befriended or strong, then hath the beast that perisheth. And there­fore God, to helpe his infir­mitie, hath louingly willed him to come vnto him, with a promise to helpe him: which if God had not pro­mised, man could neuer haue conceiued by his carnall vn­derstanding, that there had beene any helpe in any inui­sible power. If God, with the precept of praying continu­ally, had not made a coue­nant to heare and graunt our requests, wee should haue held it a needlesse and an vn­profitable worke to pray. [Page 125] And did wee not beleeue Gods promises to be Yea & Amen, what necessitie could moue vs to repair vnto him? for without beleeuing the promises we could haue no hope to obtaine, and conse­quently no desire to pray. He then that obeyes not the precept, to pray, breakes the law of obedience: hee that belieues not the promise can not aske in faith; and con­sequently the vnbelee­uer obtains not, be­cause he asketh amisse.

The force of faith what it is, and the effects of it; and how dangerous a thing it is to faint.

SVch is the force and ef­fect of faith, as without it nothing can be obtained at the handes of God by pray­er. It is therefore necessary for men to know what faith is; which they may learn by S. Pauls exhortation to the Hebrewes, who declareth that Faith is the ground of things which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seen. By which definition it appeareth, that the office of faith (if I may so say) is to represent things vnto our apprehensiō which [Page 127] are not seene; & yet in con­fidence to appeare as if they alreadie were for such: and so piercing are the beleeuers eyes, as they behold the things which they hope for through the clouds & mists of all difficulties. This did most liuely appeare in the faith of the Centurion, who desired Christ to heale his seruant; requiring nothing of Christ towards the cure but to speake the word only and his seruant should bee whole: and it came instant­ly to passe as hee beleeued. Such, and greater was the faith of Abraham in leauing his Countrey of Chaldae, to come to Canaan at the cō ­mandement of God: as also in offering his sonne, in whō the promise was made. Ma­ny [Page 128] examples are in holy Scriptures, writtē by the ho­ly Ghost, and left vnto po­sterities, to encourage Chri­stians so to depend on Gods promises, as not to doubt of good successe in most despe­rat cases; but to rest so fully assured that the euent shall fall out to the best, as if hee alreadie felt and enioyed the same.

Wonderfull things haue beene done by the hands of God, The wōder­full effects of faith, and how it fares with them that faint. through the firm faith and faithfull prayer of his children. As long as Moses held vp his hands & prayed, the Israelites for whom hee prayed, preuailed: but when he fainted, the Philistims, a­gainst whom he prayed, had the better. As long as Peter beleeued stedfastly, he walk­ed [Page 129] steadily vpon the waters: but when through a small gale of winde he beganne to wauer in his faith, to stagger betweene confidence and feare, he sunke. Wherein we may note the force and frail­tie of the faith of the dearest children of God, who beleue constantly as long as all things goe well with them: but when a little tempest of crosses and afflictions arise, they beginne to faint. Iacob although he had the imme­diat promise, as at the mouth of God himselfe after his wrestling, that he shold pre­uaile with men: when hee heard that Esau was com­ming to meete him with a band of men, he was striken with an extraordinary feare, lest he should haue been vt­terly [Page 130] ouerthrown, his wiues and children. They therfore that stand, be they neuer so confident in prosperitie, ought to take heed they bee not foiled in the time of ad­uersitie through feare: for the best are subiect to dis­trust God when a little trou­ble assaileth them. And yet wee find by many examples of godly men, that vpon de­liberat meditatiō they wade through the most hard as­saults of whatsoeuer kinde: for contrarie to their naturall opinions of doubtfull successe, faith workes a most wished issue. The children of Israel were in a most des­perat case, flying before furi­ous Pharoh and his vnresist­able Host, hauing on eyther hand vnaccessible hills, and [Page 131] before the man imp [...]ssable Sea: so as if they looked be­fore them, there was no hope in carnall reason to escape; if behinde them, the sword was at their backes; if on ei­ther hand, they saw no eua­sion. Yet beholde the force and effect of faith, wherein Moses the seruant of the Lord encouraged them, say­ing, Stand still feare not, but behold the saluation of the Lord this day. And so farre preuailed hee with GOD through faith and prayer, as hee foresaw the destruction of Pharoh and all his Host: insomuch as he was bold to affirme before it came to passe, that this mighty Monarch, and the multitude of his armed men, his ho [...]ses & chariots that they then law [Page 132] and feared, they should see all confounded before their eyes; which came to passe. The Lord (saith he) shall fight for you, therefore holde ye your peace, Exod. 14.

Faithfull prayer is the strongest meane by weakest instruments, Prayer per­formeth greater things by weakest meanes, and incredulitie preuenteth most easie things. to performe things of greatest difficulty. The wals of Iherico a strong Citie, were throwne downe by no other sensible instru­ments then the sound of Trumpets made of Rammes hornes, and the Citie and people surprised with a smal number of men. And there is nothing more opposit to the bringing of the greatest and weightiest things to passe then incredulity, which commonly proceedeth from natural reason; which many [Page 133] times argueth impossibili­ty in possible, and possibility in impossible things: As that incredulous Samaritan go­uernor, who did so little be­leeue the Lords Prophet, foretelling plentie vnto di­stressed Samaria, saw with his eyes the same thing com to passe which hee thought impossible; and for his vn­beleefes sake was not onely preuented of tasting of the blessing, but was troden to death by the presse of the people.

Some among many preuaile by their faithfull prayers for the rest: and how God turneth the prayers of his to the best, though he grant not what they desire: and how foolishly carnall men reason against Gods proui­dence.

IN causes publique, as in the time of Warres, of Fa­mine, of Plague, or other common calamitie; shal we thinke that among a multi­tude there are not some, yea many that are faithful? how­soeuer many also bee eyther key-cold or luke-warme, whō God respecteth not; yet the faith & obedience of the lesser number by their pray­ers [Page 135] often appease God, and (if I may so say) constraine him to hold his handes from punishing, and euen enforce him to extend his hand to relieue the whole for a part: which we may obserue, if we conside [...] the conference be­tweene God and Abraham touching Sodom; how God in iustice is readie to shewe mer [...]ie. L [...]an his house-hold and cattle prospered for Iacobs. sake: and Poti­phers for Iosephs. And ther­fore wee cannot say but that the prayers of the faithful, be they of many, few, or one, a­ua [...]le much with God. And impietie it were to think the contrarie. And as God bles­seth, God bles­seth and pu­nisheth ma­ny for one. so hee punisheth manie for one: as the whole Host of Israel for the trespasse of [Page 136] Achan: yet we cannot but confesse, that God in his wis­dom oftentimes concealeth his purposes of shewing mercie, or sending iudge­ments, to make his dearest children the more watchful, and more earnest in prayer; and in more and more har­dening vnbeleeuers hearts to their deeper condemna­tion: God deni­eth what we aske, and giueth vs better in fleed. and often delayeth the granting of the requests of his children, & giueth them in stead some other thing more fit, which they asked not. He retayneth somtimes things necessary in our opi­nions, lest we shold presume too much vpon his bountie in giuing corporall things; crossing our desires lest wee should by the readie successe build too much vpon our [Page 137] vaine vnderstandings, as if we knew rightly what were good and what were ill, and that we needed but to aske and haue at the handes of God, what we would:

It is enough for the most faithfull Christian to lay downe his request before God, It is enough for a Chri­stian to re­ferre the issue of his petitions [...] vnto God. to continue his oblati­on, and to waite and attend the leisure of God, and rest content with his holy dis­pensation, assuring himselfe that not one thing only, but all things whatsoeuer shall worke to the best to them that feare God. Rom. 8.

The faithfull man, The faith­full man exercised in prayer, fin­deth things succeed bet­ter then he expected. often exercised in this diuine duty of prayer, cannot but ac­knowledge that things of­tentimes fall out better, and succeed more to his comfort [Page 138] and true consolatiō then he required: not by chance (as many most foolishly con­ceiue) but by the meer mer­cie and prouidence of God; who as he granted vnto Sa­lomon more then hee asked, so doeth hee euen in these dayes to his obedient chil­dren. And yet they cannot truely obserue by any out­ward or visible working how it should so come to passe: no deuice of their own, nor instrument of their owne procuring, working it to their handes. God raised Ionathan to loue Dauid, and moued the Rauen to feed E­liah. 1. Kin. 17. 4 I do my selfe acknow­ledge Gods vnsearchable goodnesse and prouidence to haue the chiefe place in the working of infinit my [Page 139] deliueries from many dan­gers, and his relieuing me in many and infinit wants. And who so denieth that GOD hath his working now, both in mercie and in iustice, be­yond the naturall course or operation of his creatures, for the good of his children and punishment of the wic­ked; hath neither spirituall vnderstanding nor true faith. Such yet there are, The grosse opinion of some, who acknowledg no differēce between the godly and the wicked. whom I haue heard to maintain that they can obserue no diffe­rence betweene the reputed religious, and the supposed Atheist: for they cannot see but either of these haue their fortunes alike: he that pray­eth hath no better, nor hee that prayeth not the worse share in this life; whereby they raise an argument, that [Page 140] all things succeed to all men at all aduenture. Let a reli­gious man (willing to moue a carnall man to serue God) tell him what happy and wi­shed successe he hath had by his prayers to God, & what continuall comforts he find­eth thereby; how hee hath beene deliuered from appa­rent & iminent perils; how he hath bin prouided for in his greatest wants; how hee hath escaped the things hee feared, and how all things worke to his good content­ment: will not the carnall man say, Tush, this befalls all men without respect of the ones vertues or the others vices? Will he not affirme that the Cattell, Corne, and all earth­ly blessings fall as well vpon the Drunkard, Whoremon­ger, [Page 141] Blasphemer, and what­soeuer irreligious, as vpon the most zealously religious, and deuout person? And do they not hereby shew that in their hearts they say, that either there is no God, or that he is a God that maketh no difference betweene the good and the euill, between the religious & profane, be­tweene the faithfull and the infidell? Yet indeede it can­not bee denied but God in mercie keepeth vnder his children whom he will saue, exercising them with father­ly crosses, and gentle corre­ctions, and in iustice permit­teth the Reprobate to haue their portions in the fulnesse of pleasures and delights of this life. But who so obser­ueth the ends of both, can­not [Page 142] but see the carnall man leaue this life with horror, and his goods with griefe: and the other in peace; who expiring his last breath, re­commends his soule into the hands of God, aspiring in a liuely faith vnto the King­dome promised, with most holy and heauenly alacritie.

The naturall man miscon­ceiueth of true happinesse, whereby hee runneth into many absurdities by the suggestion of Sathan.

THe sottishnes of mans nature, and mans mis­conceiuing of good and euil things, is such, as it thinketh nothing heauenly but plea­sure [Page 143] and profit, nothing to befal by a diuine prouidence but by chance, and therfore they that pray or pray not are equally rich, strong, wit­tie, healthfull, and alike hap­pie. Oh more then blind ig­norance, palpable Atheisme, peruerting the harts of men, supplanting Religion, and quenching faith, condem­ning prayer the prop of all mens happines, which with­out faith is yet of none ef­fect.

Infinit are the absurdities whereinto such as know not God plunge themselues: Men not fearing God run into many absur­dities, by the suggestion of Sathan. for being once ledde out of the way, which is Christ, they cannot but follow Sathan. For there are but two prin­cipall spirituall powers that haue dominion ouer al men, [Page 144] and they haue their seuerall Kingdomes, opposit as light and darkenesse, truth & fals­hood, heauen and hell. And as their Dominions are spiri­tuall, so leade they their sub­iects spiritually; the one by grace, to the performance of all spirituall dueties in hea­uenly obedience; the other by all possible illusions, de­ceits, and spirituall wicked­nesse in this corporall life. This latter gaineth more mē by his plausible suggestions, then Christ by his true and infallible word: the reason is, for that he first preuayled to betray man, euen the fa­ther of men, by whom and in whom all men by nature are subiect to the same fal­ling from God who made him, to the diuell that sedu­ced [Page 145] him. And no maruell thogh he lay baits to betray vs now, hauing so long pra­ctised his treacheries, & pre­uailed so much, leading men into a thousand by-wayes: he careth not how menwalk so they follow not Christ: hee cannot beare with pati­ence, that men should be­leeue the promises of God in Christ, nor his threats for dis­obedience, and for not be­lieuing the Gospel of Christ. And therefore casteth hee a mist before the eies of mens vnderstandings, that they may not apprehend Gods mercies towards them that doe well, nor his iudgments towards them that doe euill. But as GOD cast A­dam in a slumber when hee tooke out his ribbe to make [Page 146] a woman; so doth he couet to lull men asleepe when he purposeth to steale their hearts from GOD to make them reprobates. And as he turneth himselfe into an An­gell of light; so hee turneth all his plausible allurements to the confusiō of them that consent, by suggesting them good: he deludeth men by the counterfeit imitation of Christ himselfe, as by fained fastings, voluntarie penurie, wilfull idlenesse, and causeth men to reclude themselues thereby to merit saluation; leauing the world before the time, and to become vnpro­fitable members of Church or Common-wealth: hee preuenteth true, faithful and cordiall prayer, by prayers in a strange language, & vt­tered [Page 147] without vnderstāding or feeling: he maketh men to misconceiue of all Gods threats, and tokens of his in­dignation; as when God sendeth tokens of his anger for sinne, eyther in or by the ayre by supernaturall exha­lations and extraordinarie apparitiōs, as of late he hath done by fierie inflamations and bloudie euaporations; by the extraordinary rage of the windes, causing the Seas to surmount the bounds, ma­king fearful inundations vp­on the land, to the destructi­on of men and multitudes of beasts, and most lately to the confusion of many ships and men, cast away vpon diuers coasts: when he sends these vnusuall distemperatures of seasons, scarcitie of food, fa­mine, [Page 148] plague, or war; when he fireth the Towns and Ci­ties round about vs: this de­ceiuer saith vnto the hearts of carnall men, and sugge­steth vnto them that all these things are natural, comming of causes ordinarie; and idle it is, and sauoring of a need­lesse feare, to thinke they are forerunners of greater dan­ger: whereby hee holdeth men in continuall security, and a weening that al is wel, and that God is not displea­sed with our coldnesse in re­ligion, with our rebellions, transgressions, and intollera­ble sinnes: which is the cause that men liue so carelesly & so backwardly in seruing of God, holding preaching vn­profitable and prayer fruit­lesse, neuer giuing GOD [Page 149] thankes for his mercies, nor fearing his iudgements.

Englands many blessings and deliueries are not so duely considered, nor so thanke­fully embraced as they ought, being too much a­scribed to humane & car­nall meanes, which breedes ingratitude and securitie.

IT cannot but seem strange (I thinke) to all that haue but common (but especially to such as haue diuine) vn­derstanding, that England hauing receiued at the hands of God so many and most wished blessings, both in giuing vs good things, and [Page 150] preuenting vs of euill; and that farre beyond the appre­hension of the wisest world­ly man, should so generally forget themselues, as if they were so familiar and ordina­rie as were worthy of no ad­miration: the reason is, as before is said, wee cannot perswade our selues they be the wonderfull workes of God.

Queene Elizabeths many and strange deliueries and ours in her; the more then admirable ouerthrow of the Spanish inuincible-reputed Nauie; the discouery of so many plots and complot­ments of treasons and con­spiracies; were they by chance, or was God the Au­thor of them? Indeed some haue endeuoured to ascribe [Page 151] the praise to carnall meanes, and to rob God of the ho­nor thereof, by attributing the discoueries vnto humane wisedome, and the ouer­throw of the Spanish Nauie to our owne arme, neyther of them due to either; for it was God that gaue the means, and blessed them for our safetie: and as working instruments vnder God, they are to be embraced. But to say that if such a man had not taken such a course, such a plot had not beene disco­uered: if such an accidēt had not falne out, or such a stra­tagem beene inuented, and put in practise, the successe had not beene so good; is to attribute the power of do­ing the miracles in Egypt to Moses rod & not to God. Wo [Page 152] to him that excludeth Gods prouidence of the issue of these things, as Esay saith, Esa. 31. Wo vnto them that goe downe into Egypt for helpe, and stay vpon Horses, and trust in Chariots because they are many, and in Horse-men because they are very strong; but they looke not to the holy One of Israel, nor seeke vnto the Lord who is wi­sest. If, is a word of conditi­on, If, a word of conditiō. and only implieth doubt of future euents; but to vse it in matters alreadie com to passe, is most idle and vaine. Stultū est dicere non put [...]ram. A man were better to holde his peace when things are done not to be redeemed, be they done with or against his will, then to applie this doubtful word If. For it hath onely force to condemne his [Page 153] ignorance and to commend Gods prouidence, in whose dispensation are mercie and iudgement; the first obtay­ned, the second auoyded by faithful praier. And the most that can bee spoken of hu­mane wisedome and proui­dence in such cases of emi­nent consequence, is, that God vouchsafed vnto such a man the reason to apprehēd such or such dangers, and to vse such and such meanes to preuent them; as in Ioseph in foreseeing the plentie, and prouiding for the dearth: but to say it came immediat­ly from the naturall appre­hension of any mortall crea­ture, to worke the good or to preuent the euill of a Na­tion, Prouince, Citie, Fami­lie, or priuat man; were to [Page 154] affirme that God is not vni­uersally omnipotent, & ab­solutely prouident, and con­sequently that to pray vnto him were both needlesse & fruitlesse, which were the highest degree of impietie, and is onely found in them that know not God. And therefore it behoueth Chri­stians to be truely watchful, and duly conuersant in prai­er; so shall nothing succeed vnto them, but either to their approued good or to­lerable euill, wherein he shal be thankfull for the first, and patient in the second; kno­wing that nothing cometh to passe by chance, or at ad­uenture, but by God, who worketh all in all. I am the Lord, and there is none other; I forme the light, Esa. 45. and create [Page 155] darkenesse; I make peace and create euill, saith the Lord. Ingratitude will rise in iudgement against vs.

Nothing therefore will rise vp in iudgement against vs in a higher degree then ingratitude, receiuing so ma­ny continuing blessings at Gods handes, & yet to shew not onely no thankfulnesse, but in stead to become the more rebellious, stubborne, and stiffe-necked, adding sin to sin, and heaping vp trans­gression vpon transgression, as it were with greedinesse; neuer regarding the mani­folde dangers that doe pal­pably houer ouer our heads, but as men drunken with new wine, we lie secure eue­rie man in his particular sen­sualitie, seldome or neuer re­payring vnto God in praier. But let vs awake and consi­der [Page 156] in what drowsinesse we pass our peace, making it the feast of our bewitching de­lights, giuing God neither thāks for good receiued, nor stand [...]ng in fear of his iudg­ments threatned. And let vs ruminate a little vpon our duties, and then can wee not but finde that our neglect of hearing God speaking to vs, and our seldome & colde speaking vnto him in thank­fulnesse and prayer, will tell vs that wee are falne into a fearefull and mortall Le­thargie.

Are the mercies of God rightly considered, We forget Gods good­nesse in gi­uing vs worthiest King Iames and duly weighed in giuing vs our good Iosiah, worthiest King Iames, for establishing him in the steed of our deceased Deborah, & with and in him [Page 157] the vse and continuance of true religion, and that with­out bloud? Doe not all the Kingdomes of Europe ad­mire & stand amased at our happinesse in our blessed So­ueraigne? And can his Ma­iesties deliuerie from Gow­ries conspiracie in Scotland be thought ordinarie, cir­cumstances cōsidered? How much lesse the powder Trea­son, The pow­der-treason. that so long lay couerd with so many difficulties, the arrow being drawn as it were to the head before the string was broken, ayming not only to hit the Lords a­nointed, and royall family, the Nobles, Counsellors of state, the Bishops and worthiest of all parts of the land; but at an instant, in a moment, the vtter ruine, subuersion and [Page 158] confusion of all estates, de­grees, qualities, and people of all conditions: howsoe­uer suggested an infranchise­ment to pretended Catho­likes; euen many of them also had tasted the same cup of extirpatiō with the more loyally affected, and more religiously disposed. The plot was laide by the policie of Sathan, practised by his members, discouered by God himselfe, who reueiled the same vnto his annointed without humane intimation of the thing what, the place where, the persons by whom it was to be performed. This for the present was wonder­ful in euery mans eyes: men for a time lifted vp their hands as it were to God, to­kening thankefulnesse: but [Page 159] it seemed to bee but like a splending sunne, that shined for a while with glorious ac­knowledgeing that it was the very hand of God: but now eclipsed with the cloud of forgetfulnesse: somtimes it falls ouer the Pulpit into the eares, but seldome into the hearts, nor considered according to the worth of so worthy a deliuerance. Mo­ses erected stones in memo­riall of the Israelites deliue­rie from Pharoh, to shew to posterities what God had done for them, and to testifie their thankfulnesse to God: but it seemeth that we haue turned our fleshly hearts in­to stones, to testifie our in­gratitude, and to witnesse a­gainst vs how little we feare future dangers. For were [Page 160] these former fauours of God written in our hearts, could our tongues cease so long from praising God? should we not be still mindfull of it, & be stirred vp to mixe with our thankefulnesse prayer; that as hee hath vouchsafed to discouer and preuent so horrible treasons, so it might please him to worke for vs against all Antichristian fu­ture complotments, & Sathanicall stra­tagems?

The Church of Christ militāt, and Sathans Church ma­lignant, seek the ouerthrow one of the other, but by con­trary meanes: and that all Christians are to pray for the defence of the first, without which it is to bee feared it may suffer vio­lence.

AS long as God hath in this kingdom a church militant, it will not be auoy­ded, but here will Satan haue his Church malignant: and these cannot but be so op­posite the one to the other, as the one wisheth not the other to stand. The first see­keth the conuersion of the second by gentle and Chri­stian [Page 162] endeuours, by perswa­ding according to the rule of Christ, praying for them in loue, lifting vp no hand, no sword, no weapon of of­fence; onely the sword of iustice for Treasons, Trea­cheries, and Conspiracies a­gainst the King and King­dom: wherin if there should bee no iustice inflicted, it could not but embolden & propagate more and more insolencie and boldnesse to execrable attempts; so should the sword of the Ma­gistrate be censured a partie of selfe-danger and confusi­on. But the last seeketh the confusion of the first by trea­sons, treacheries, conspira­cies, massacres, bloud, nay by killing of Kings, and by whatsoeuer inhumane, vn­naturall [Page 163] and hellish attempt. Iudge ye therefore, iudge ye that giue aime to either, yee that gaze vpon the contro­uersie, and are indifferent; whether of these is likest Christ and his Church; the first that neuer foiled hand in bloud vnder the pretence of Religion; or that which hath no other meanes to support it, but the bloud of Princes, and confusion of people? Is there any so blear eyed that distinguisheth not the difference? let him pray that God will open his eyes; for flesh and bloud teacheth it not. As the cause of the Church is generall, so should our prayers be generall.

Now therfore as the cause of the Church militant is ge­nerall, and her danger vni­uersall; so are, or ought to be the prayers of euery mē ­ber [Page 164] both in publique and priuate generall, as well for the whole as for part: these prayers haue the promise of defence, of protection, and freedome, that whatsoeuer succeedeth shall bee for the best. By meanes of which prayers, though the successe suddenly at all times appea­reth not, God is moued to haue a watchfull eye, and to extend a protecting hand o­uer his people: and that was it that defended Queene E­lizabeth, and that suffered not King Iames to be surpri­sed by the conspiracie of Gowrie, nor the treasonable plot of powder to take ef­fect: for many saithfull harts among infinite, are doubt­lesse daily lifted vp to God for his protection. And al­though [Page 165] they foresee not the dangers, God preuenteth them through the prayers of his little flocke, made vnto him in generall in the name of his Christ. And impious it were to affirme that these dangers haue beene preuen­ted, and our deliueries wrought by chaunce, with­out Gods prouidence and working.

Where God then is not continually solicited, wher praier is neglected, there can­not but fol­low punish­ment. as well in priuate by his Saints, as in publique by visible assem­blies; there cannot but fol­low some correction, and that vpon Gods owne pecu­liar people, for the neglect of calling vpon God; & his iudgements vpon the con­temners of this holy duetie, Prayer: and it is to be feared [Page 166] that GOD hath beene en­forced to come down to see whether the coldenesse of prayer and the crie of our sinnes bee according to the vnpleasing sauour, which is ascended from vs into his presence, be so or not. Let vs repent, let vs turn vnto God and humble our selues in sack cloth and ashes, in a true and religious conuersi­on, in faith & pray­er vnfained.

The death of the late Prince is not lightly to bee forgot­ten, nor our general praiers for his Maiestie and royall issue to bee neglected pub­liquely and in priuate: for prayer auaileth much being feruent.

DOe wee lightly passe o­uer, or little consider that God hath depriued vs of the Anchor of our hope, a corner stone of his spirituall building in earth? the se­cond piller of his Church? May we not think that God foresaw him likely to proue too good to goe in and out before so vnthankfull a peo­ple? Although hee preserue vnto vs, and for vs, our most [Page 168] worthy of Kings. Let vs not thinke it is for our deserts, but for his loues sake to his Annointed and our Soue­raigne, for his mercies sake vnto his Church. Therefore let vs abandon sinne, let vs retire our selues to him that calleth vs, let vs lift vp our voyces in praises and praier, that The holy one of Israel wil be pleased to blesse the K. & the Kings son of his English Israel, in whose prosperitie he hath (as it were) included our safetie. There are a mul­titude of Sinners, let a multi­tude of sighes bee speedily sent forth before the decree of his iudgements be sealed against vs; let vs send forth the Doue of true contrition out of the Arke of our re­penting hearts: it may bring [Page 169] vs the Oliue branch of re­conciliation and peace with God.

Prayer preuenteth perils: and howsoeuer some mis­conceiue, that there are but few truely religious & faith­fully zealous; yet no doubt God hath his seuen, yea se­uentie thousand that cease not to solicite him, not only in publique, but in their pri­uate clossets; not for them­selues alone, but for the king, kingdome, & people, whose praiers haue promise to pre­uaile. And therefore it can­not be said that the prayers of the faithfull are either none, or few, or little, or not auaileable, as some men thinke, because (as they af­firme) they respectiuely pre­cede not euery vnknown or [Page 170] vndiscouered danger. As if God knew not whereof Na­tions, Kingdomes, and peo­ple haue neede, eyther of things wanting to be suppli­ed, or things dangerous to be preuented. If he be truly called vpon in one danger, he deliuereth from many▪ as if in Famine a people bee re­lieued by their faithfull prai­ers vnto God, hee in regard of their humiliation and re­pentance, doth free them frō the plague, which hee pur­posed should haue followed the Famine; and of Warres that should haue followed the Famine and Plague. As he did with the people of Sa­maria, whom he did not on­ly relieue with plentie after their famine; but from their enemies also. And this hold­eth [Page 171] not in generall multi­tudes only, but with priuate men fearing and faithfully seruing GOD in constant perseuerance.

Deuotion lately hote is now become more colde, which may presage some conse­quent danger: but the pra­ctise of the word and pray­er preuaileth with God; the neglect whereof maketh men senselesse of sinne.

IT is to be lamented to ob­serue how the coldnes of Christian deuotion encrea­seth, especially considering how zeale flourished with­in these few yeares, and how fruitfully it wrought in the [Page 172] hearts of many; insomuch as there seemed a kinde of religious emulation in yong and old, who could be most forward in hearing the word preached in the Churches, in reading the same, and pray­ing together, not only in the Church, but also in their Fa­milies: but now many are slack in that Christian duty, and some hold it a sufficient seruice of God to visite the Church once a weeke on the Sabbath day, to heare the word, to conioyne in con­cluding the ordinary pray­ers, saying Amen; and som­times to receiue the out­ward signes of the Sacra­ments, neglecting in the meane time to meditate vp­pon the word of God which they haue heard, to confirm [Page 173] the beleeuers faith. And faith begetteth all other graces, & especially prayer, which pre­uaileth with God aboue all other duties if it be feruent, and is as it were the life of al other vertues, the life & mouing of the soule. The neg­lect whereof may bee well compared to the foolishnes of a man voluntarily staruing himselfe: for as the neglect of moderate receiuing food doeth by degrees macerate, and in fine consume the bo­die, and it perisheth; so the contempt of prayer workes in the soule a loathing of the word, whereon vnlesse the soule doe feed, it cannot but wax feeble in faith, the want whereof is the absolute con­fusion of the soule: which (as the Fish cannot liue out of [Page 174] the water, the Salamander out of the fire, nor the Came­lion out of the ayre) cannot liue out of it owne element the word of God, by which it was created; & the word profits not without medita­tion and praier, hearing, rea­ding, and often ruminating the same. For as the seede sown, though in a good soil, if it haue not the former and latter raine, it will not grow to perfection: so the word vnlesse it bee watered as it were by continuall practise and prayer, fructifieth not, although the carnall man, growing from ill to worse, feeleth it not, nor findes how he decayeth, but as one in a consumption dieth spiritual­ly. The regenerate man by the Word, the Sacraments, [Page 175] and Prayer, perceiueth in himselfe a daily increase of liuely effects, working in his heart more and more assu­rance that all things shall worke together for the best in this life, and after this life his endlesse glorie. Moreo­uer the spirituall man appre­hendeth in himselfe the lest motion of sinne: hee percei­ueth when the flesh or his corrupt thoughts begin to rebell in the least measure, & then beginneth hee to en­counter them by abstinence and prayer. But the carnall man sold vnder sinne, The carnall man feeleth not sinne to be sinne. is of a­nother more obdurate temper; hee feeleth nothing to be sinne. But as a man may make what corosiue or inci­sion he will in a dead mem­ber without feeling or pain, [Page 176] as in a gangrine, or the like; so when the soule of a man is dead in sinne, and his con­science seared vp, nothing can be felt to be sinne. Con­trarily, as the least pricke of the point of a needle annoi­eth the liuely flesh: so the least prick of Sathans temp­tations is felt and auoyded by the regenerate man.

Beasts foreseeing, flye danger more then reasonable men besorted with securitie and the pleasures of this life.

THere is no creature in the world so dul and in­sensible, but can foresee, and by natures instinct end [...]uor to preuent and flie danger: [Page 177] and yet a carnall man, en­dowed with reason, often­times runneth wilfully into his owne ruine. As while he with the foolish flie soa­reth about the vaine plea­sures of this world, scorch­eth the wing [...] of diuine obe­dience, and falleth into end­lesse destruction: He may be compared to Esops Hart, who while hee beheld his beautifull head in the wa­ter, forgetting the perrils which follow securitie, is suddenly surprised by death, euen while hee is foolishly admiring his owne vaine pride and worldly delights, in the glasse of vulgar admi­ration. Such men therefore that thus loose themselues in the wood of worldly con­tentments, seldome or neuer [Page 178] finde the Temple to pray in with profit, but for fashion, and depart not iustified at all but rather condemned.

When theeues assaile, Man is e­nemie to himselfe, permitting the house of his soule to be robbed. or enemies approch to belea­ger a Citie, euery man be­takes him to his weapons; and he that endeauours not to preuent the danger, can­not but be held an enemie. How stands it then with vs who haue permitted the house of our soules to bee robbed? Are wee not ene­mies to our owne soules? The pleasures of the world & the lusts of the slesh haue stolne away our hearts from the liuing God: the vanities of our minde the riches and pleasures of the world, and the pride of life, haue not on­ly besieged, but entred and [Page 179] surprised our vnderstand­ings & captiuated our wils: they haue depriued vs of our defensiue weapons, stript vs of our spirituall ornaments: they haue disarmed vs of the sword of the Spirit, taken from vs the shield of faith, the buckler of patience, despoy­led vs of the brest-plate of righteousnesse, and the helmet of saluation haue they de­frauded vs of. Thus haue our theeuish delights and our e­nemies (sinnes of all sortes) dealt with vs, and yet such is our sottish & senselesse con­dition, as being left naked of all goodnes wee feele not our owne euils; and there­fore few or none thus falne couet to rise: all, or the most are so ouer-mastered by the old, as they couet not the [Page 180] new man, that is shaped in holinesse and righteousnes. Who laboureth to become wise in the Lord? But con­trarily it is com to passe, that euery sort of sinners presume to defend their vices. Men are become de­fenders of their gros­sest sinnes. A man cannot bee a good fellow (saith the Drunkard) and be merrie (swinish) with his friend, but hee is censured a beast. A man cannot shape his apparell (saith the Pea­cock like proude man) and fashion his garments in cost and colours as other proper men doe, but he is held to be vaine and proud. A man can­not shew his valorous spirit (saith the swaggerer) in the braue termes of a Souldier, but he is termed a Blasphe­mer. A man in the heate of his wantonnesse (saith the [Page 181] Whoremonger) cannot lie with a woman but hee must be branded with the mark of a lasciuious person: a [...]d so lying, stealing, swearing, for­swearing, bribery, extortion, respect of persons, partiall iudgment, haue their colou­rable defences, and impious pretexts with wicked men.

Is there none that will take vp a lamentation ouer so many thus inchanted and metamorphosed, The strange metamor­phosis of some men of this age, to be lamen­ted. some into Swine, some into Goats, som into Lions, some into Beares, Wolues, Foxes, Camelions, Peacockes, Vultures, and the like? who liuing in the shapes of men and women, doe harbour the humours, affections, conditions, and qualities of the most vile and abhorred creatures, and yet [Page 182] will bee readie to raile vpon and reuile him that shall re­proue them, and endeuor to reforme them. They will af­firme that they are as sure of saluation as the best of a thousand; that according to the commaundement of the Apostle [...] they pray continu­ally and liue religiously.

Can the tongues of men and Angels prophesie what will becom of this obdurate age? None can foretell what will become of this obdu­rate age. or can they with all their spirituall eloquence & diuine gifts, by deliuering Gods mercies, or denoun­cing his iudgments, reclaim these bewitched men? Can any crosse, vexation, misery, or calamitie worke in them contrition & returning vn­to God by repentance and prayer? The God of this [Page 183] world hath blinded them; they see not their owne er­rours, nor foresee their dan­gers, nor feele their own mi­series. Neyther can the pro­mises of heauens glorie, nor the threats of hells torments asswage the heat of their re­bellions against God. Peace and plentie, health and secu­ritie, shaddowes of true hap­pinesse, argue against these men, that they say in their hearts by their deedes, that there is no cause of feare. But when danger approch­eth, we will pray (say they) and prouide meanes to pre­uent the perill; why should curious Preachers seeke to torment vs before the time? Who can denie, but all wic­ked men say thus in their hearts by the fruits of their [Page 184] liues? denying God (as it were) to be God, his pro­mises to bee true, or his threats of any force; faith to be but an idle conceit, and prayer a fruitlesse labour.

If Gods word cannot awake vs, he will send his rod to cor­rect vs, and nothing can ap­pease him but our humilia­tion and prayer, and not the glorie of our vaine-glori­ous pride.

IT behooueth vs to bee warie and watchfull in prayer: and sith the Trum­pet of Gods word cannot a­wake these deafe Snakes, the rod of his iudgements can­not bee farre off: for drun­kennes [Page 185] is intollerable, pride abhominable, blasphemie horrible.

And God (it is to be fea­red) hath entred a plaint a­gainst vs, God hath a iudgement against vs for sinnes. and summoned vs by his Ministers to answere; and by default of our appea­ring submissiuely before him, & appealing vnto him, hee hath determined to pu­nish our offences: albeit he hath long forborne vs, ac­cording to his nature of be­ing patient and long suffe­ring. But let vs know that he is iust, and if wee agree not with him quickly, hee being our aduersarie too mightie for vs, wee cannot but looke for the Sergeant, who will deliuer vs to the Iudge, the Iudge to the Gaoler, and he cast vs into prison, there to [Page 186] remaine without baile or maine-prise, neuer to be re­leased.

How shall we then make league with this offended God? God will not be ap­peased by a­ny carnall meanes. Shall wee flatter him as the Pharisie did? Shall we bribe him as Sathan would haue done? Shall we threa­ten him as Senacherib presu­med? The first was repro­ued, the second repulsed, the third confounded. What can then appease his displeasure? Onely repentance. Not as Pharoh seemed; but as the Niniuites did. Dauid and Peter are patternes of true returning to God, and are examples for offēding Chri­stians to follow. God wil not put his cause to be deter­mined by man.

God is not as man: hee putteth not the controuersie which hee hath against man [Page 187] to be tried by man. Althogh hee recommended the quar­rell which he had against the rebellious Israelites to bee considered, but not to be de­termined, by man, he put the case to man by way of agra­uation of their disobediēce, but reserued both the iudge­ment and punishment to himselfe; affirming, that if Moses & Elias, Abraham & Iob should stand vp and pray for such a rebellious people, they should but saue them­selues. His wrath being en­kindled, yea but a litle, none can abide or endure it: but beeing highly incensed a­gainst a people, or peculiar person, it is most hard to ap­pease him. For he will be a­uenged on him on whom he will be auenged. There is no [Page 188] attonement to bee made with him but by serious and true repentance, no pardo­ning without faith & faith­full prayer. People, Nati­ons, Tongues and Men of­fending him, must soone re­pent or perish. The glory of Belteshasher, the fury of Pha­roh, the pride of Nehu [...]had­nezzer, the vaine-glory of Herod, the high mind of Ha­man, the policie of Achito­phel preuailed not against God: but the poore offen­ding Publican falling on his face praying pardon, obtay­tained it. And this, and none other way (submission and prayer) appeaseth our offen­ded God. Kingdoms, Coun­tries, Cities, Parishes, Fami­lies, and priuat men must by true humiliation and faithful [Page 189] prayer obtaine remission. Sackcloth and ashes testified Niniuies repentance: and shall our Silk [...]s and sutes de­ [...]ised by Sathan, the defor­mities of men and women, appease God? The defor­mities of mens and womens at­tires. The pride & insolencie of these times so farre exceede the pride and insolency of old, as the grea­test of the sonnes of Anaek exceeded the meanest Pig­mey in stature and strength. Our men & women are be­com robbers of all Nations: neuer Camelion changed his colour as wee doe our sutes & fashions of changing va­rieties. It is a high dignity to holde one fashion two moneths, or to weare one weede two dayes. Surely howsoeuer they may please the eie of their fauorites, and [Page 190] delight their owne foolish fantasies, God is not pleased with their fashions or fan­sies. They studie not the word, the sauing truth; but the word of euery new and vpstart stuffe: and their prai­er is seldome or not at all to God, but to the monster-maker, to fit their attire nete­ly & of a new or the newest cut, that came last out of the Diuels shop. Husbands must dis-mannor and dis-money themselues to make their wiues to glitter in the world. Esdras declareth what the excesse of these presageth, Many miseries & calamities (saith he) remaine for them that shall liue in the latter time, because they shall walke in great pride. 2. Esd. 8. 50. Doth not God by Esay [Page 191] threaten the people for the arrogancie and pride of the women? Because the daugh­ters of Sion (saith hee) are haughtie and walk with stret­ched out necks, and with wan­dering eyes, walking and min­sing as they goe, and making a tinckling with their feete; therefore shall the Lord make the heads of the daughters of Sion balde. Looke into the third of this prophecie, and behold as in a glasse the end of your pride: change your glasse of wantonnesse, and lay it by a while, and looke into the word of God, which shall better discouer your beautie or deformitie by far then your materiall glasses. And if you finde your sures to sute well with the word, weare them; and where you [Page 192] haue now an inch take an ell of excesse, and still the more happy shall ye be: but if you find them contrary vnto the word of God, cast them off from you, Many execrations hath God denoūced against this sinne of sinnes, Pride more to be abhor­red then the Diuell to be feared. this mo­ther-sinne, the original cause of our fall, and the cause of his fall that caused our fall: and therfore more to be ab­horred (if I may so say) then the Diuel himself; but more to be feared, I dare speak, thē the Diuell himselfe, for that he may be resisted by faith. But Pride entertained, with it is couertly entertained him that seekes to confound as many as entertaine him: Pride once possessing the heart, and the heart embra­cing this vnholy habite, loo­seth [Page 193] all faculties that should expresse loue or obedience to God or men: for it is so fraught with idle and vnho­ly affections, as faith in God, loue towards God, and prai­er to God haue no place in the vnderstanding, neyther agree they with that will that Pride possesseth. Light and darkenesse, sinne and sanctitie, humilitie and pride of life neuer concurre in one mind. Let then the sword of ciuill iustice vnsheath to cut downe this and other grosse sinnes and common enor­mities. What an infinite masse of treasure is spent v­pon silkes, and vanishing or­naments? and the most of it within one yeare cast to the dunghill: euery man excee­deth, and yet the lawes inhi­bit [Page 194] it. If the law of right re­ligion bare rule in our harts, as we would be seen to pro­fesse it with our lips, no law of seueritie needed to curbe our excesse. But it seemeth the law of true loue to God is not written in, or is blot­ted out of our hearts, wee re­gard the law of man so litle. And yet the Iewes in their best loue were not better be­loued of the Lord, then wee haue been; to whom accor­ding to the greatnesse of his loue, he freely gaue his grea­test blessings, opening (as it were) the doore of the Trea­sure-house of his goodnesse to vs, which hee shut against many other Nations, As God hath loued vs, so must we loue him againe. & gaue vs free libertie to take and vse the most pretious Iewels of his loue his Word and Sa­craments. [Page 195] And as hee gaue vnto Salomon with his wise­dome, riches and honor: so hee gaue vnto vs with Reli­gion peace and plentie: and so deare and precious was his word vnto vs for a time [...] as men sought it with grea­ter perill then Dauids men fetcht water for him with the danger of their liues; and many sealed their loue vnto it with their dearest bloud: which wo [...]d we still enioy as touching the freedom of the vse, but the fruits wee pro­duce do rather argue a care­lesse neglect then a constant embracing thereof in verie many. No maruell there­fore if wee disobey man in breach of the ciuill instituti­ons, sith wee so little regard the lawes of God. But shall [Page 196] we recompence God for his blessings so manifold with such a high hand of vnthank­fulnesse?

The bringing in of true Reli­gion was of great difficul­tie, effected by God by his instruments; wee must be­ware lest we neglect it, and so loose it againe.

THe rooting out of Ido­latrie in the time of K. Henry the eight, was an at­tempt of highest difficultie; the state of the time then cō ­sidered, wherin few or none durst open their mouthes a­gainst the grossest errours of the Synagogue of Rome: but God stirred vp the King, [Page 197] and gaue him courage, and withall stroke the strongest aduersaries with such a fear, and enfeebled their powers so, as they durst not lift vp their tongues or handes a­gainst that which God had decreed to bring to paste for our saluation. Hee opened the bookes of his owne will vnto vs, the olde and new Testaments, which were be­fore shut vp vnder the locke of an vnknowne language. The word was freely prea­ched and read, the Sacra­ments truly administred, and the diuine seruice of God truly solemnized, vntill God againe, to trie whether it were truely embraced or fai­nedly professed, shut vp the books again for a time, In the time of Q Ma­rie. that none could partake of the [Page 198] truth, nor publish his allow­ance thereof by word or work but it cost him his life, yet continued the light to shine euen in darkenesse, al­beit it was still sought to be quenched by the death of many most worthy Martyrs, whose deaths gaue life a­gaine to the light, and it re­splended, and faith & praier beganne againe in strength, to giue glorie to God that had so wonderfully brought a mat [...]er of that difficulty to passe, euen by his owne po­wer: the diuell roared, the enemies raged all in vaine; God protected his people, and ledde them by that gra­cious Queene, and by his godly Ministers, Q. Eliz. as by the hands of Moses and Aa­ron, and now by preuayling [Page 199] Ioshuah, vnder whom, & by whose wisedome, pietie, and diuine vertues, if we resume, retaine, and practise our first loue, if we bring forth the ef­fectuall fruits of that true re­ligion we seeme to professe, we shall yet liue and possesse the word, maugre the Diuell and his instruments. But if we waxe cold in our profes­sion, if the Word become loathsome and harsh vnto vs, if we thinke the sacred sa­craments needlesse, and ho­ly prayer fruitlesse; then will God assuredly depriue vs of our glorie, hee will remoue the Arke of the couenant as from a gracelesse and most vnworthy people, and place it with a Nation that neuer heard of it. And we that haue beene so long and wonder­fully [Page 200] admired for our Religi­on, more generally & more freely and truely professed then in any Kingdom of the world, haue been more plen­tifully blessed, and more po­werfully defended by God against so many and strong enemies, shall become a by-word to al nei­bour-Nati­ons.

God loueth vs no more then the Turkes and Pagans, if we liue like Turks and Pa­gans: our manifold Idoll-gods: the carnall mans so­phistrie: the long vse of the word, hath made vs wea­ry of the word: nothing can preuent danger but repen­tance and prayer.

WEe may not thinke that God is more in loue with vs then with the Turk, nor respecteth vs more then the Pagan, if we hauing the Gospell, liue like the Turke, and professing Reli­gion liue like the Pagan. It is a sweete contentment to bee in the protection of the liuing God; but most feare [Page 202] full to fall into his handes. Wee haue beene long in the first, let vs beware lest we fall into the second: these differ as much as doe mercie and iudgement, life and death, heauen and hell, Christ and Mahomet: in the first we o­bey in the second we rebell: in the first we trust, in the se­cond we despaire: in the first wee p [...]ay, in the second wee blaspheme. Let vs consider therefore how farre wee are falne from the first, and how farre we are from falling in­to the second: and nothing more discouereth the same then to behold our conuer­sations in the glasse of the word, wherein euery man in particular may see his owne; and by obseruation the ble­mishes of the general multi­tude; [Page 203] and none that hath re­ligious eyes but may behold a generall deformitie. Wee ought to haue no other Gods but one, but we make vs as many as we haue worldly dependancies, namely, re­posing our confidences on any besides the liuing God (as is said before) We shold not take the holy name of GOD into our polluted mout [...]es in vaine; yet what is more common then the idle speaking of, and the heedles praying vnto God? Wee should loue our neigh­bours as our selues, and per­forme the rest of our dueties required, and auoyde things forbidden by the laws of the two tables; but if we shal be examined by the letter, and iudged by our obedience, [Page 204] we would seeke to hide vs from the iudgement to com. But none can fulfill the law, Carnall so­phistrie. and therfore not I: if any be saued, then so shall I. This is the carnall mans sophistry, whereby he frameth to him­selfe syllogismes against his owne saluation, prouing it needlesse to heare the word preached, nay dangerous. Some will not sticke to say, that they may heare too much, & consequenly know too much: for according to their knowledge is their o­bedience and practise requi­red; and therefore if they know good and doe it not, their condemnation is the more iust: if they know little they may sinne the more, & yet are they the more excu­sable. And though they sel­dome [Page 204] or neuer pray, they offend not so much as if they pray and forgiue not their brother whō they hate; and therefore the lesse they pray the lesse shall their ha­tred of their brother be laid to their charge. Here is the doctrine of the Diuell, pro­fessed by some kinde of peo­ple, and held as sound religi­on as they neede to build their faith vpon; as by such as refuse to partake of the holy communion beecause they are not in charitie. As the diuel said to Heuah, Yea, hath God said ye shall die if ye eate of the tree of the know­ledge of good and euill? No, no; ye shall not only not die, but ye shall be like God himselfe: so he perswadeth these kind of men, Hath God comman­ded [Page 206] you to search the Scrip­tures, to seeke knowledge, to beleeue the word, and to pray & partake of the sacraments No, no; beware: the more ye know the more ye haue to answere; ye need take no such paines. Though some, more curious thē they need, make much ado, and spend their time in hearing the Word preached, in reading the same, beleeuing in God, and praying vnto him; they haue much to answere, for, He to whom much is giuen, of him much shall bee required: and therefore take heede ye couet not to know much; and yet ye shall prosper, fare as well, and haue all things at wil as wel as they that are most religious. This do­ctrine of the Diuell is plea­sing [Page 207] to the carnally minded, and more follow the rules of the power of darkenes, then there follow Christ, the guide vnto grace, and giuer of all goodnes; which cau­seth sinne so infinitely to a­bound, and euery man to run a race according to his own hearts lust, seldome or neuer reprehended or condignly punished. Repentance the [...]eanes to please God being angry for sinne. But howsoeuer man neglecteth the punish­ment, God no doubt wil pu­nish vs, vnlesse we meet him by repentance as Abigaile met Dauid▪ we must fall be [...]fore him on the knees of relenting harts, and appease him with the presents of faith, obedience, and praier; wee may else feare that God will come vpon vs, as Dauid intended vpon Nabal, and [Page 208] take from vs that vnspeake­able pearle, the vse of the Go­spell which hee hath so long lent vs, and continued a­mongst vs, notwithstanding so many millions of impedi­ments. Let not our sinnes increase as they seem to be­ginne. All places are too full of them, who little re­gard the Gospell, such as de­spise gouernement, whose hearts are ouergorged with sinne. We haue been so long fed with this spirituall Man­na, that many seeme to bee glutted therewith, whose soules yet famish, and they feele it not. Other Nations haue beene denied to taste of that whereof many of vs are wearie. Will we needes put out our Lampes now the Bride-groome is so neere? [Page 209] Will we needes cast wilfully off our wedding-garments, the Master of the feast being readie to suruey his guests? Are we willing to bee taken from the blessed banquet of saluation, and to be cast into vtter darkenesse? Shall such as passe by shake their heads at vs, 1. King. 9. 8. 9. seeing vs naked that erst were so decked with the knowledge of Christ, and beautified with the sacred ornaments of obedience and loue? Shall we now beginne to crucifie Christ anew? God forbid. How wee ought to appease God. What remai­neth then? Onely let vs be­come more warie & watch­full: let vs not follow the multitude to doe euill: let e­uery man rather retire him­selfe into the secret closet of his heart, and let him bewray [Page 210] vnto God his owne sinnes, and confesse them to bee part of the cause that God is angrie with his people: let euery man pray as well in priuat as in publike, beating our breasts (wherin do lodg our corrupted hearts) with the fists of true repentance, and new obedience: let vs pray earnestly for pardon & remission of our former transgressions: let vs cast of [...] the ragges of the old man, and seek by humble and vn­fained submission and praier to be clothed with the more glorious garments of pietie, and the rich and right robe of innocencie: let vs redeem our furniture of true Ch [...]isti­anitie that our sinnes haue stolne from vs, and arme vs againe w [...]th the shield of [Page 211] faith, the brest-plate of righ­teousnesse, and the helmet of saluation let vs be feruent in faith, constaint in hope, fre­quent in prayer: let vs not be ashamed to lay open, and vnlap our sores before the Physitian of our soules: let vs take vnto vs the sword of the spirit, and constantly en­counter Sathan and sinne, who haue wounded vs euen to the death: let vs repaire vnto that heauenly Samari­tan; hee will poure the oyle of mercie into our wounds, and heale vs. Our disease of sinning is common; let there be a common consent in see­king remedie, and let vs all with one hart and one mind humble our selues before God, 2. Chro. 20. 3 in fasting and prayer. Thus must we seek the Phy­sitiā, [Page 212] who being thus sought is euer readie at hand, and expecteth no reward but our new obedience: and to ob­serue the diet he prescribeth, namely, to sinne no more, with a caueat, lest a worse thing happen vnto vs. Wee must not onely not doe euill, but we must do good: we must not only flie vice, but follow vertue; which rules implie al the duties that a Christian man ought to performe to­wards God and his neigh­bour, among which prayer being the cheefest, is cheef­ly required; which if it bee enkindled by the fire of Gods spirit, produceth such a spirituall zeale in our affe­ctions as begetteth that loue whence proceedeth our true obedience to God, and the [Page 213] de [...]ire to doe good to our neighbors, which are diuine vertues inseparable. For hee that loueth God, cannot bu [...] loue his neighbour also.

Wee ought to pray as well for our neighbours as for our selues. The vse of prayer is two-fold, publique and priuate. Meditation en­kindleth prayer.

AS prayer to God, and loue to our neighbour go necessarily together, how can a Christian man then pray to God for himselfe, & therein forget h [...]s brother whom God commandeth him to loue as himselfe? wherein is included not on­ly [Page 215] his naturall brother, and priuate friend; but all men in general, but especially the Church of Christ and the members of the same. And therefore it is to be conside­red that the vse and exercise of praier is two-fold, priuate and publique. The priuate prayer Priuate praier. is the exercise of a faithfull man, sequestred frō the societie of men, pouring forth his faithfull [...]upplicati­ons vnto God in secret: and that not of set custome, but in affections sanctified vnto the Lord onely; and that e­specially in such times as when he feeleth the spirit of God, enkindling in him a kind of inward and spirituall desire thereunto, which to a man exercised in this diuine worke, is as sensibly felt and [Page 214] perceiued as the beating of his pulse. When hee feeleth this heauenly fire begin to waxe hote within him, let him not delay to feed it with its proper fuell, Meditation the bellowes to enkindle prayer. Meditation and Prayer: for by experi­ence the godly man cannot but find, that Meditation is as the spiritual bellowes that increaseth the feruencie of prayer. Euen as one sparke of fire beeing connexed to the fuell capable or combu­stible, with gentle blowing makes a flame; so the least portion of spirituall zeale, beginning but to moue in the heart of the beleeuer, be­ing by little & little cherish­ed by silent (but heauenly) e­leuatiō of the mind to God, breedeth in the end such a powerfull operation, as the [Page 216] tongue that was before dumbe, and could not moue zealously to vtter; and the heart that was before dull & could not conceiue what to speake, shall so sweetly concurre, that without all difficultie and harshnes such a sweet sacrifice shall ascend from the hart to the lips, and from the heart and lippes to the heauens, as the tongue it selfe cannot expresse the sweetnesse it bringeth vnto the soule. For that spirit that first kindled the desire admi­nistreth the matter for the heart to conceiue, and fra­meth the wordes that the lips doe vtter, in farre more diuine manner then the wi­sest carnall man could euer deuise or speak: and it brin­geth with it more ioy & true [Page 217] consolation then gold, or the most precious earthly thing: And more solide, and sound peace to the conscience, then the tongue of man is a­ble to vtter. It is the most truely approoued remedy a­gainst all the griefes, and troubles of the minde: It easeth the afflictions, crosses, torments, and persecutions of the bodie. And were it possible, that this sacred gift could be obtained by carnal meanes: and the carnall man knew the vertue & sweet­nesse of it, he would sel all his earthly pos­sessions to buy it.

How, when, and where priuate prayers are to be made. An erronious conceit of pri­uate prayer. What sweet­nesse priuate prayer brings to the soule.

THE priuate prayer be­fore mentioned, is not alwayes made in a Closset, or Chamber: Although, Christ willeth vs, when wee pray, to enter into our cham­ber and there to pray to him in secret. The mening wher­of is, that wee should not bee seene Pharisaically, to make our priuate prayers in a publike manner, as to bee seen of men. The open fields is as a priuate Closset to him [Page 219] that sequestreth himselfe frō the societie of men for that holy purpose: as it is sup­posed Isack did, when hee met Rebecca his wife. Some­times this prayer is made, e­uen in the middest of ill-dis­posed companie, and in the very act of most serious bu­sinesse: though not ceremo­niously; as vpon the knee, bare headed, striking the breast, or lifting vp the eyes or hands, which are ex­ternall gestures, most meete to be vsed in prayer. But pla­ces, times▪ and persons, are to be considered, for the out­ward gesture: but the inward heart and the sanctified affe­ction, without any outward appearance of prayer, may secretly send vp vnto God inward sighes, and desires [Page 220] which may preuaile with God as did Anna, Moses, Nehem. 2. 4. & Nehemiah. Hee that made the heart knoweth it, & how it is prepared within, & loo­keth not to the lippes, how they moue, as Helie did to Annaes; Luc. 19. 2. but to the heart, as Christ did to Zacheus. The place where, and the time when touching our priuate, prayer, are not much materi­all so the occasion be rightly considered. A preposte­rous kind of prayer. For in the time of vnseasonable wet, to pray for raine; in time of suffici­encie to pray for increase were absurde. But as the oc­casion doth offer it selfe, in whatsoeuer place, at what­soeuer time, in whatsoeuer manner, diuine reuerence to God considered, it is accep­ted with God, Daniel praied [Page 221] among the Lions in the den: Ieremie in the dungeon: the three children in the Ouen: Dauid in the Wildernesse: Gedion at his threshing: Eli­sha at the plough. Whereso­euer we are, and whatsoeuer we doe in our vocations, we are in the presence of God & may there & then send forth our silent & preuailing prai­ers: and Christ the media­tor will present them, as sweet odors before our God in Heauen. Ioseph, Paul, Pee­ter, Silas, Iohn Baptist, found the Lord in their prisons. It is a fond conceipt of some men, that thinke there is no place fit, no not for priuate prayer but the Temple, nor God any where else to bee found, or prayed vnto, but in, and towards the East: as [Page 222] if he were not aswell in the west, & vpon al the points & degrees of the Compasse: In the Zenith ouer our heads, and with the Antipodes di­rectly vnder vs: Before vs, behind vs, on our right hand, and on our left: In the Sea with Peter: In the Whales bellie with Ionah: In ship­wrack with Paul. And there­fore wee may conclude, that there is no place, where God is not. So we may pray euery where. And if our prayer be faithfull he heareth vs, wal­king, working riding, sitting yea, and in our familiar tal­king, the minde may haue her affections in Heauen, the soule may cast forth certaine inward holy desires, and yet the bodie may bee occupied in whatsoeuer lawful functi­on. [Page 223] But when wee are for that purpose retired, and are free both from bodily exer­cise, and from the view of men: wee must then con­forme our gestures in a m [...]r [...] reuerend, and more humble outward manner; as knee­ling vpon our knees, and lif­ting vp our handes, and the like, giuing our holy desires best satisfaction in so sacred an exercise. O happie is that soule, that sends forth conti­nuall holy sighes and desires: at all times and in all places: which are as lowd cries vnto the Lord, which God hea­reth, vnderstandeth, and an­swereth; and alloweth this kinde of holy deuotion, as a forsaking of earthly thinges for a moment, to aspire vnto Heauenly contemplation & [Page 224] conuersation for euer. And this cannot proceede, but from a heart full of the loue of heauenly thinges, of God especially: who hath (as wee may thereby truly feele) the superior power in vs, & ouer vs; and in his loue draweth our affections from earthly to heauenly cogitations, al­together & alone, for our saluation. And happy is he that with Da­uid delighteth therein.

The helpes and hinderances of prayer: how Sathan striueth to hinder prayer: for no­thing woundeth him as faithfull prayer in the name of Christ. Wee must bee watchfull and strong to re­sist him.

PRayer, both priuate and publik, haue their helpes and hinderances, their mo­tiues, and mortifications. To stirre vp the heart thereunto nothing more availeth, then the often hearing and rea­ding of the word of God, which begetteth faith, that begetteth prayer; sundrie se­lected Psalmes of Dau [...]d, & diuers of the writings of S. [Page 226] Paul, besides many other Scriptures consideratly read & duly meditated, are force­able motiues to this diuine dutie. The consideration of our sinnes, and of the promi­ses of the forgiuing them in Christ: The feeling of our spirituall wants: The consi­deration of Gods continuall fauour, prouidence, and pro­tection, in releiuing, defen­ding, and helping others, through faithfull prayer. Ex­amples, whereof are infi­nite in the Scriptures, doe much further this diuine and heauenly exercise, by apply­ing our faith, and prayer to God, in our like occasions.

On the contrarie, prayer is much hindred, Hindrances to praier. and our zeale mortified, by the neg­lect of practise: by seldome, [Page 227] or carelesse hearing of the Word of God, or reading the Diuine Scriptures, or some godly workes, of good and religious men: Not to beleeue, that God heareth or respecteth our prayers: That he is not able to giue what we aske, or to doe what we desire, if it bee for his owne glorie and our good: To thinke that which hee doth is not for our best: To wauer in our prayers, or to haue our mindes carried away with by-thoughts, that are not answerable, & con­curring with that wee pray for: To pray for fashion, and without feeling of any ne­cessitie to pray: To presume, that God will heare our pra­yers for our owne sakes▪ without the merits and me­diation [Page 228] of Christ: To faint & giue ouer our prayers, when we cannot receiue, what we would, when we would: To pray openly▪ and to be seene of men: To thinke that wee are not boūd to pray for our brethren: These and manie other like hinderances of prayer, are often thrust into our hearts, by the policie of Sathan, who commeth to hinder all good and godly actions. 1. Thes. 2. 18 & 3. 5. Eph. 4. 27. But wee ought not to giue place to his intice­ments, nor yeild to his temp­tations. The most faithfull men, haue not only conti­nuall warre with flesh, and bloud, namely with their owne corrupt affections to keepe them vnder: Eph. 6. 11. but with Sathan himselfe, with spiritual wickednesse. When [Page 229] Iehoshua was doing the Of­fice of the High Priest, Zech. 3. 1. stan­ding before the Angell ma­king his prayers vnto God, The Deuil stood at his right hand to hinder him. And shall wee thinke that he will be lesse readie to hinder and resist vs in our Diuine excer­cises? Mat. 4. He tempted Christ the Lord, and will hee forbeare his seruants? Hee desired to winnow the verie Apostles of Christ: Luc. 22. 31. how much more will hee seeke to distract vs, in our deuotest prayers which hee thinketh will bee most auailable with God? Nothing more woū ­deth Sathā then faith­full praier and there­fore he co­ueteth to hinder it. There is nothing vnder the Sun, that giues him a more deadly woūd, then our faith­full prayers to God. And therefore in his impious po­licie, he endeuoureth to hin­der [Page 230] this heauenly exercise in the deerest childrē of God lest that the righteous soule should so farre preuaile with God, as to procure his fauor and grace by prayer, and consequently his ayde and holy assistance to encounter this most malicious aduersa­ry. It is written that the Lion is afraid at the crowing of a Cocke; but nothing maketh Sathan so much afraide as faithfull prayer to Christ, whose very name is terrible vnto him, hauing tried his force and skill against him in the Wlldernesse, vpon the pinacle, but especially vpō the Crosse, where Christ so farre triumphed ouer him, as that now, howsoeuer ma­lignant he seemeth to be to­wards Gods children, he da­reth [Page 231] not to encounter them face to face, that vse the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith against him. Although through the abun­dance of his malice to Christ and his elect, he leaueth not to tempt them, yet it is but by starts and snatches, as hee findeth them colde in their spirituall exercises, as hee found Dauid idle: or tho­rough weakenesse, apt to be drawne into some back-sli­ding, as hee did Peter. But what got hee by betraying those innocents? It was not long ere they renewed their spirituall strength, and then they gaue him such an ouer­throw, as afterwards hee could neuer preuaile against the force of their faith. It therefore behoueth euerie [Page 232] Christian to be very watch­full, that he admit none of these suggestions of Sathan, to take away, preuent, or re­sist this sacred and diuine dutie of faithfull prayer, and to stand fast in the faith, to quit them in all his encoun­ters like men. Put on the whole armour of God, 1. Cor. 16. 13. that ye may be able to stand against the as­saults of the diuell: for wee wrestle not against slesh and bloud (against weake men that haue, as we haue, their breath in their nostrils) but against Principalities, against powers, and against the Prin­ces of the darkenesse of this world, against spirituall wic­kednesse, which are in the high places. These are the ene­mies of our peace with God, and therefore endeuor they [Page 233] to steale away our hearts from the liuing God: these are they that seeke to resist our prayers, to peruert our hearts in prayer, to estrange our affections from heauen­ly things; and by no meanes can we repell them, but with spirituall weapons, as they are spirituall enemies. And therefore wee must vse the counsell of the Apostle, that is, to take vnto vs the armor of God; not a part, but the whole furniture: namely, an vpright conscience, a godly and holy life, knowledge of the Gospel, faith vnfained, and continuall prayer: not for our selues onely, but for the Church of Christ, and for euery member of the same. For the particular weapons of this complete munition, [Page 234] wherewith euery Christian ought to be armed against these spirituall enemies, reade Eph. 6. 16. 17, 18.

The presence of God himselfe is promised in publike prai­er: how he is present, which the carnall man apprehen­deth not: the discontinu­ance of prayer, publique or priuat, dangerous.

AS touching publique prayer, our Sauiour gi­ueth vs such an encourage­ment to moue vs thereunto, both of his owne presence, and of the assurance of ob­taining what we ask; as it is more then wonderfull that mē should shew themselues [Page 235] so ba [...]kward, as not to desire to meete Christ in such holy Assemblies, as are graced with his owne presence. Where two or three are gathe­red together in my name (saith Christ) I will bee there in the middest of them. And what­soeuer they shall aske with one accord in my name, it shall be granted vnto them. No man is so impious as to bring in question, whether this can or will prooue true or not, that Christ should come downe and be in the society of men. For we may assure vs, that God the father, God the sonne, and God the holy Ghost being all one, the Fa­ther is where the sonne is, the holy Ghost where the fa­ther and the sonne are. And Christ promising to send the [Page 236] Comforter the holy Ghost after his departure, perform­ed it in clouen tongues: and he is with vs, namely with his Church to the end of the world, and consequently, the father and the sonne, the Trinitie in Vnitie. I will pray the Father (saith Christ) and he shall giue you another com­forter, that he may abide with you for euer, euen the spirit of truth; so called, because hee inspireth the truth into vs, and teacheth vs to crie Ab­ba father, whether in priuate or publike assemblies gath [...] ­red together in the name of Christ. Hee then being the spirit of Christ, and being all one with Christ, being with vs, and dwelling in vs; it can not be denied but Christ is with vs according to his [Page 237] promise, namely with the faithfull assembled in his name, whō the world, name­ly carnall men of the world, know not. But yee (saith Christ to the faithfull) know hum, for he dwelleth in you: & I will not leaue you comfort­lesse, but I will come to you. A­gaine he saith, Ioh. 14. I am in my father, and I in you, and you in me. Seeing then that all holy assemblies gathered to­gether to heare God speake vnto them; and againe that they together may speake vnto God; are not left with­out the glorious presence of God himselfe: how are they to be condemned that frame vnto themselues, or rather [...]orge by the suggestion of Sathan, cases as it were of conscience, to abiure the [Page 238] companie euen of Christ himselfe? Sathan be­leeu [...]th that hee would haue other men to doubt of. Sathan beleeueth the word of God to be true, and yet laboureth the con­trarie in men inclinable to doubt, and causeth many to misconceiue of the sense which he himself knowes to be otherwise then he would haue them to beleeue. And as he can make no vse of any part of the word of God to his owne: neyther would hee that any should eyther heare the word truely expounded, or assemblies to concurre rightly in prayer to their sal­uation. And therefore who­soeuer findeth in himself the lest motion of doubting of Gods performance of his promises made vnto the faithfully praying, or an vn­aptnesse and vnwillingnesse, [Page 239] rather then a zealous incli­nation to pray, either in pri­uat to himselfe, in publique with the Congregation, or with his family priuately as­sembled, may iustly feare that Sathan hath woūd him­selfe into his affections, and if he preuent him not spee­dily, and resist him faithfully by prayer, he will not leaue vntill hee haue gotten com­mand of the whole house of his soule, and will expulse all godly cogitations, holy af­fections, and sanctified de­sires, and will suffer none to be entertained but infideli­ty, sinne, and fearefull apo­stacie. It is a dan­gerous thing to abandon the assem­blies of Gods people

Will not these daungers mooue men to repaire vnto the house of God with dili­gence and zeale, there faith­fully [Page 240] to ioyne in prayer with Gods children, and at­tentiuely to heare the word preached, which begetteth faith, the fountaine whence doe flow all holy and spiri­tuall exercises of the godly soule? There is no other way to seeke saluation but in and by the word of God; nor a­ny other in and by whom we can be saued, but in and by Christ; who hauing so louingly called vs, and by promise of his own presence intreated vs to communicat in holy exercises, with him and his elect, who wil or can rest so carelesse of his owne saluation, as wilfully or neg­ligently to estrange himself, from this holy communica­tion with God himselfe in prayer? publique or priuat.

[Page 241] Publique prayers are so called because they are pro­nounced distinctly with an audible voice, Publique prayer why so called. in the hearing and to the vnderstanding of a whole Congregation as­sembled. And these praiers commonly tend to publique and common ends: as, for the obtaining of some gene­rall good to the whole Church, preuenting of some generall dāger, or remouing of some generall euill. And this, although it be properly meant of parochial Congre­gatiōs, who assemble them­selues by course on the Sab­bath and other set dayes, making their supplications publiquely, for themselues and others, according to ge­nerall occasions after a com­mon manner; yet are hous­hold [Page 242] assemblies said to pray publiquely, wherein the Ma­ster of the Family is to con­uent such as are vnder his charge, and publikely toge­ther with them to pray vnto God, as well for the vniuer­sall good of the Church, whereof they are members, & for the Common-weale, wherin they liue as subiects; as for themselues. And the promise of Christs presence holdeth true, as well in this latter, wherein two or three onely gather together in his name; as where infinit numbers are assem­bled.

Priuat prayer in som respects & at som times more com­fortable to a priuate man then publique. The neglect of publique praier in priuat families condemned: for where God is not, there Sa­than is serued.

THe same that hath been formerly said of priuate prayer, may bee affirmed of publique; although the first bee more ordinary then the second not being limited to times certain, but attendeth all occasions, and yeeldeth more comfort to the trou­bled spirit of some priuate man, that dareth to vnfolde that vnto GOD in secret, which hee would blush to [Page 244] reueale vnto man, were hee neuer so neere and deere vn­to him; much lesse would he publish it in a publique as­sembly willingly. And this kind of prayer also is of that condition, that where it is enkindled, and cannot haue free vtterance by the lips by reason of company, but is pent vp in the breast, it labo­reth with such spirituall vio­lence in the sanctified soule, as it makes the very heart within a man (as it were) to ake and rent in sunder, tho­rough the ardent eleuation of the spirit vnto God. And it is the surest trial of true re­ligion. In publique assem­blies sometimes hypocrisie beareth a farre greater sway then it can doe in the priuat man, who knoweth that the [Page 245] weight of spirituall ioy it bringeth vnto, and leaues in his soule through prayers, inflamed by the holy spirit of Christ, and powerfully vt­tered priuatly vnto God in Christ, whether in silence, in sighes, or words, cannot be expressed to the capacity of a carnall man: and therefore it may seem that priuat prai­ers in priuat cases somtimes work more effectually to the comfort of the soule then the publik. But in cases more generall, when the more faithfull soules conioyne in effectuall prayer, so much the more auaileable is their prayer with God.

Fathers of children and Masters of families, who content themselues onely with a bare seru [...]ng of God [Page 246] in shew once in the week on the Sabbath day, Fathers & Masters of Families reproued for their neglect of prayer with their fami­lies. are to bee reproued, who seem to hold it a needlesse and superflu­ous worke to trouble them­selues & their families mor­ning or euening in prayer, and exhortation to the feare of God, and dehorting them from sin; which times they haue assigned in their opini­ons to more profitable vses, both for themselues & their seruants: forgetting, or not vnderstanding, that in euery Christian family eyther God or Sathan is serued, Christ or Belial obeyed, sanctity or sinne embraced. For there is no priuat person, but is or holdeth of one of these; cō ­sequently no societie but partaketh of the fruits ari­sing of good or euill. If then [Page 247] either priuat man or publike assembly, be it prouinciall, parochiall or domesticall, do forget this most high dutie of seruing the liuing God: it followeth of necessitie that a contrary power hath there the command; and nothing more discouereth to which any of the former lend their obedience, Not to serue God but on the Sabbath day is wil­full igno­rance and negligence. then the fruits that eyther of them produ­ceth: if carnall effects, as lo­uing the world, the pleasures of the flesh, and the vanities of this life, it argueth that priuat man, or that society to be profane. If it were suffi­cient to serue God on the sabbath, what needed the A­postle to aduise vs to pray cō ­tinually and the commande­ment of Christ, 1. Cor. 15. 34 Watch and pray, Mat. 26. 41. that yee enter not into [Page 248] temptation, to loue righteous­nesse and to slie sinne. How doe they awake [...]or watch, that slumber from Saboth to Saboth? Are they not all that time in darknesse, not v­sing the duties of the light? Christ is the light in whome whosoeuer liueth not, hee is in darknesse. And hee that hath but one day of light in seuen, How great is his darknesse? It is true, this day, the Saboth was set apart by God: that in it men should imploy themselues, to serue and to glorifie him. And in that day they shuld not only not doe but also not thinke of anie Worldly affaires. But are not some so far from celebrating the name and seruice of God that day, The Saboth prophaned more then other daies. as they prophane it aboue all [Page 249] other dayes? doe they not turne the glorie of God into wantonnes, to banquetting, dicing, dauncing, drunken­nesse, gluttonie, and to what sinne not? This commonly is the day, that many ap­point for merrie companie, to laugh, and to be jouiall, as they call it, without meane or modestie: And yet, this day is sufficiently kept holy as they thinke, if they spend an houre in the fore part of the day, and halfe an houre in the after-noone, in the Church: though all the rest be consumed in most lasci­uious vanities, and carnall occasions. How can this discharge the duty of a Chri­stian, that hath no care to serue God any other day in the weeke? Doe we not cre­dit [Page 250] the premonition of the Apostle Saint Peter, that the end of all thinges is at hand? 1. Pet. 4. 8. We should especially serue God for that we liue in the last age of the world. And how follow wee his counsell, namely, to bee so­ber, watching in prayer? To whom speaketh the Apostle this? to his Countrimen, the Iewes only? no, euen to vs: that are come, as it were, to the Worlds period. And therefore high time it is for vs to looke vp, to watch, & pray, to liue religiously, and soberly, least that the Master of this great family come suddenly, and find vs buffe­ting one another, blasphe­ming, swaggering drunken, faithlesse, insolent, couetous, and few or none doing the seruice of our Master. It wil bee a dreadfull sight, to see him come with his iron rod [Page 251] in his hand to crush his ene­mies in peeces. The salt of the earth, hauing lost it salt­nesse, shall bee cast to the dung-hill. The Tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewen downe and cast in the fire. The Magistrates saltnesse is profession of the Gospell, and the execution of Iustice. The saltnesse of the Minister is the true prea­ching of the word, and ex­ample of godly life. The salt­nesse of Fathers is their sin­cere conuersation before their children, and the edu­cating them in the feare of God, and holy life. The salt­nesse of Masters of Families, is to liue honestly, religious­ly, aud gouerning their charge in the feare of God. And vnder these four estates [Page 252] of men, are all conditions comprehended: subiects vnder Kings; children vnder fathers; and young men vn­der tutors and gouernours. Euery of these, in their pla­ces of superioritie and infe­rioritie, haue their seuerall duties; and all vnder one God, whome they ought all to obey; Superiours in right­ly commanding; and infe­riors in duly obeying. Ney­ther of these duties can bee rightly performed without knowledg of the wil of God by his word. This know­ledge is not perfect without practise: This practise is im­perfect without faith: And faith is known by the fruits; the chiefe whereof is loue. And this loue most shineth and sheweth it selfe in doing [Page 253] good to all, but especially to them of the family of faith. The greatest good, that can bee done to the Church of God, is Prayer. And there­fore Saint Paul willeth to pray continually: not for our selues onely, but, for Kinges & al the members of Christs mysticall bodie. Kings and Magistrates ought to imi­tate Dauid, to accompanie the people to the house of the Lord: Fathers, and Masters ought to pray with and for their Children and Families; not on the Saboth day only, but with all perseuerance. Some refer the duty of praier only to the Minister, and thinke it a kinde of vsurpati­on of the Ministers office, to pray for or with any, but for himselfe, contrarie to the [Page 254] precept of Saint Paul; Who willeth that all men make prayers, in all places, heauing vp pure handes, without strife or enuying, vnto the Liuing God. Where it appeares, that vnder the word all Men, Kings, Princes, Nobles, and men of all degrees, faculties and functions, are compre­hended: and because they shall not thinke there is no place but the materiall tem­ple, he commands that dutie to bee performed in all pla­ces; euen in euery particular house: with caution, that it bee done without strife and enuying, & free from vaine ostentation and desire of po­pular glorie.

The true vse of the Lords Prayer, about which friuo­lous questions haue risen. It is the rule of all other pray­ers, and euery petition ful of high matter of instruction.

THE most absolute prai­er, and the most ordi­narie, which not only the Primitiue, but the Mo­derne Christian Churches & their members haue in vse, is the Prayer that Christ taught his Disciples. But wee must take heed wee doe not take this Prayer into our mouths vnreuerently, inconsideratly and without faith or feeling, and without due concei­uing, and rightly vnderstan­ding [Page 256] what euery Petition concerneth and importeth, as some doe. But wee must especially in priuate or pub­like Prayer vnto God, and aboue all other, vse this most heauenly Prayer, with a sin­cere and truely sanctified zeale.

About the vse of this prai­er, Opinions a­bout the vse of the Lords Prayer. there hath beene of late a friuolous & needlesse que­stion raised, by men of too precise an opinion: who af­firme it not necessarie, to vse this praier, in the bare words as Christ set it down: A con­ceit, without reason or reli­giō. Others hold it verie suf­ficient of it selfe, without eyther any other Prayer, or enlarging the same, accor­ding to the measure of the spirit that the man that prai­eth [Page 257] hath. Which last opinion although more tollerable then the first, The Lords praier the rule of all o­ther praiers I holde erro­nious. For we know, that the Apostles themselues, & the Disciples of Christ after they had learned this Prayer, prayed often in other words, albeit the Lords Prayer bee the rule and the sum of all o­ther Prayers: And so (no doubt) it is not only, not vn­lawfull, but an especiall fruit and effect of faith, to pray according to our occasions, and to frame words, as the Spirit of God shall giue vt­terance, who (although we know not) teacheth vs how to pray: but this must alwaies be done according to the te­nour of the Lords Prayer. And, therefore howsoeuer weake and imperfect, our [Page 258] Prayers may seem [...]e to bee vnto our carnall part in res­pect of the phrase: yet our spirits being directed by Gods Holy Spirit, powreth forth Prayers, truely vnder­stood of him by whose spirit wee are enabled to pray. And GOD granteth our requests, according as hee seeth fit for vs.

The vse of this Prayer of Prayers, is farre more common, The Lords prayer is to be rightly vnderstood. then commonly right­ly vnderstood. For euery word therein implieth mat­ter of great importance: yet passeth the lips oftentimes, before it come at, much lesse before it bee truely digested in the heart; and therefore wit [...]ereth without fruit; as plants without natural soile, and van sheth in the aire e­uen [Page 259] with the sound. Others in like sort, like Parrots, pat­ter forth Pater noster, &c. & know no more what the words import thē the sense­lesse Parrot. And yet they thinke it a worke of great deuotion to tumble out a set number of such fruitlesse & faithlesse prayers, not vnder­stood; as were the time spent in cordiall and heartie pray­ers indeed, could not be but much profitable. Such are to be pitied, and prayed for, if they would but yeilde their eares to heare, their hearts to vnderstand, and in­deuour to pra­ctise.

The summe of the lords prayer briefly explained.

HOW many doe duly consider, What the Word Our importeth. the efficacie of the word, Our? And yet it carrieth in it, as it were, the seale of our adoption in Christ: for, if God bee our Father, then are we his children (but by adoption) If his children, then are we to lo [...] and obey our fa [...]er. If we obey him, we acknowledge his Commaundements iust: who hauing commanded vs to loue our brethren, how can we come vnto our Hea­uenly father, but bee put in mind by this word Our, that our brethren haue also an interest, [Page 261] in o [...]r Prayers; whom if we forget, we cannot but acknowledge that wee also forget who is our Father. A­gaine, how can children loue their father, and not hate what he loueth not? If wee loue what hee misliketh, as the workes of the flesh, the vanities of the World, and the pleasures which our Fa­ther hath forbidden: how, and with what face can wee come & cal him Our Father Or beg any thing with hope to receiue it at his handes: whom wee cannot but con­fesse wee rather flatter, then feare or loue? The wordes, which art in heauen, Which art in Heauen. intimate vnto vs, that we call not vp­on any earthly Prince, or mortall Monarch, but vpon the inuisible and immortall [Page 262] God whose dwelling is in the Heauens: & at his hands only we seeke whatsoeuer we need, both heauenly and earthly thinges. And as hee our Father is in Heauen whome wee loue: so should [...]ur minds, and cogitations, m [...]unt vp aboue the earth, vnto the heauens, where our beloued sitteth in glorie. And although we bee in bo­die in the earth & our soules in an earthly Tabernacle: yet should that our spiritual part be euermore conuersant (as it were) with him in the hea­uens, as children of our hea­uenly Father. For, hee that findeth not here in himselfe such spirituall motions, as may assure him, that hee in some measure partaketh of a kind of felt heauenly bles­sednesse: [Page 263] shall neuer hereaf­ter partake of our heauenly Fathers glorie. And there­fore as we are bold, in Christ our elder brother, to present our selues before his Maie­stie, rendring vnto him his owne, namely the lesson that he himselfe taught vs: let vs not come to him as Trew­ants, nor able to yeeld a rea­son vnto our selues, of eue­ry branch of the lesson hee gaue vs to learne. But let vs set it before the eyes of our vnderstandings, eyther as a gl [...]sse to see our ignorance, and deformities: or to make it a law vnto our selues, to shape all our prayers to him, and our conuersations there­by, to G [...]ds glorie and our owne internall comfort.

What a lesson doe these [Page 264] words, Hallowed be thy name. Hallowed bee thy name, teach vs? what occasi­on may wee hereby take to reproue our selues? for many with the [...]lipp [...]s pronounce, Hallowed be thy name; that thinke or doe nothing lesse; profaning the name of God by their sinnes, which they should seeke by all meanes to glorifie, as by obedience to his lawes, by louing him for his own sake, by praying vnto him, and beleeuing in him. But contrarily, we dis­obey his will, wee loue not his word, we beleeue not his promises, wee seeme to pray vnto him with the lips, our hearts farre from him. Also wee pray that his Kingdome may come: Thy King­dome come. namely that his Word may worke; and take effect in euery mans heart, [Page 265] to the sauing of their soules. And yet most of vs are as farre from regarding it, as wee rather contemne it and resist it: seeming as it were vnwilling, that the Spirit of God should dwell and rule in our heartes; as may ap­peare by our common diso­bedience vnto the Scepter of his Kingdome, the Gos­pell of Christ. Thy will be done. Wee pray like­wise; Thy will be done. And yet we do nothing lesse then obey it. Giue vs our daily bread. We begge our dai­ly bread at the hands of God And yet wee trust him not, but rather our owne proui­sions, our wit and policies, our friendes and carnall mean [...]s, coueting to lay vp in store, for many yeares, as the rich man did, mentioned in the Gospell: Arguing [Page 266] thereby that wee thinke in our hearts, that if our owne care in getting were no su­rer meane of prouision of our daily necessaries, then the promise and prouidence of God; wee should want manie thinges, and not ob­taine sufficient meanes to maintaine our estate & leaue vnto our children: merely contrarie to the counsell of Christ: who willeth vs: not to be ouer-carefull for tomor­row. Fo [...] it argueth in vs a great defect of faith. And yet these words are not so to be expounded, as if we should bee altogether carelesse of future times, or for our chil­dren: but that wee should not bee too solicitous and carefull, and thereby argue an absolute distrust that [Page 267] God either can, or will, giue vs, with our true obedience, all thinges necessary in this life to enioy [...]; and to our faithfull children. If riches increase, set not your hearts vpon them. If pouertie op­presse thee, cast thy care vp­on God: for hee careth for thee.

Wee pray that God will forgiue vs our sinnes, Forgiue vs our sinnes as we for­giue as wee forgiue. And yet we seeke to take aduantage of euery small iniurie, done vnto vs by our neighbour or bro­ther: and couet to reuenge it, by the extremest violence of force, or Law. Our hatred sometimes growes so dead­ly, as wee cease not to perse­cute and prosecute our ene­mies to death, euen by our own death: and yet we pray [Page 268] for equall measure at Gods hands. And this petition they shall bee sure to haue granted aboue all other. For as they craue to be forgiuen as they forgiue; they shal be sure as they forgiue not, nei­ther shall they bee forgiuen. We desire also not to be ledde into temptation. Leade vs not into temptation. And yet som leaue not to seek all occasiōs to fal therinto: coueting idle, euil, lewd & lasciuious cōpa­nies, hearing & reading pro­fane & wanton bookes, sing­ing and hearing songs of ri­baldrie and filthinesse, de­lighting in drunkennesse, whoredome, pride, coue­tousnesse, enuie, glutto [...]ie, scurrilitie, and all kinde of forbidden wickednesse. Is this the holy vse that they make of this most sacred [Page 269] prayer? And yet doe they thinke that it is deuotion of such acceptation with God as dischargeth Christian du­tie in prayer? Surely God heareth these, but regardeth them not but by way of condemnation. And therfore let all men learne to know God aright in his word, & to be­leeue him faithfully in his promises, and to pray vnto him conti [...]ually according to knowledge: so as this ho­ly praier began with a desire that God might bee glorifi­ed: so shall wee to his glorie and our comfort conclude the same. As many petitions as are in the Lords pray­er, so many instructions w [...] haue by them to liue godly. And let vs know, that as many petitions as are in this most heauenly prayer, so many holy & heauenly aduertisements & instru­ctions they administer vnto [Page 270] vs to liue heauenly: for our Sauiour, by teaching vs how to pray for so many seuerall blessings, doth therein teach vs also how to performe our duties towards God and our neighbours, the summe of both the Tables; so as in praying vnto God with a faithfull and an vnderstand­ing heart, we cannot but in­form our selues in the course of a godly conuersation also thereby.

Praier much increaseth diuine knowledge, whereby men of meane carnall learning ex­ceede many literat Doctors.

WHo then among the company of Chri­stians [Page 271] is there that will not be aduised? or so backward that will not be stirred vp? or so peruerse and peeuish that will not be perswaded to practise this holy duetie? considering that it is found by holy experience that the continuall vse of faithfull prayer much encreaseth the knowledge of all other du­ties, Prayer in­creaseth [...] knowl [...]dge. tending to the obtay­ning of our saluation in Christ: nay, further it is found by experience, that faithfull & often vse of pray­er is a most effectuall meane to increase diuine know­ledge, such knowledge as some learned and great Do­ctors, notwithstanding their deepest Schoole-learning, haue not attained vnto. For there is not a little difference [Page 272] betweene humane learning and spirituall knowledge, & so much difference between carnall deuotion and holy zeale: the first may be in a reprobate, the secōd in none but in the child of God. The Scribes and Rabbies of the Iewes were great Doctors: yet they apprehended not the mysterie of Christ as did the Apostles, who receiued not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God. 1. Cor. 2. 12. The spi­rit which Gods children re­ceiue lifteth vp their spirits vnto God, & teacheth them heauenly things, that we may know the things that are giuen vs of God. So that it is not the deepest carnall learning that can search the secret things of God; but God reuealeth them vnto the poore and [Page 273] humble, by his spirit which searcheth the deepe things of God. The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God; for they are foolishnesse vnto him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. Thē is not the facultie of vnder­standing spirituall things gi­uen but by grace, not by hu­mane vnderstanding, bee it neuer so deepe. Therefore saith the Apostle, Not manie wisemen after the flesh, nor many mightie, nor many no­ble are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, The spirit of God teach­eth al [...]aith­full du [...]es, the [...] whereof is [...] prayer. & the weake things of the world to confound the most mightie. It followeth thē tha [...] he that hath the spirit of God kno­weth how to performe all [Page 274] spirituall dueties, among which none taketh place a­boue faithfull prayer, which is of that force as it obtai­neth all things, especially knowledge of things tend­ing to the saluation of the soule: the sweetnesse of true prayer none knoweth, nor can apprehend but he onely that hath it; the carnall man vnderstandeth it not beeing told it. Some will say they cannot pray, Som affirm they cannot pray with comfort. they finde no aptnesse in themselues ther­unto: onely they can say the Lords praier; but to say they doe it with [...] that feeling of cōfort, that they haue heard some men say they feel, they cannot, and how to amend it they know not▪ yet are they content to be let alone, loth to bee awaked out o [...] their [Page 275] deadly slumber, and to die in that most fearefull traunce. It is a greeuous sickenesse and a dangerous disease that such men are in: it cannot but argue that they haue no true knowledge of God so long as they liue in this ob­scure, yet a kind of voluntary darknesse. For it cannot be that a man can heare the word preached, Gods pro­mises pronounced, and his threats denounced; but if there bee any feeling in him, hee cannot but apprehend mercie, or feare iudgement: if neither of these can pro­uoke him to pray with fee­ling, he is doubtlesse farre gone in a deadly Lethargie, and no carnall medicine can cure him, nor mortall Physi­tian heale him; he only must [Page 276] doe it that cast out the seuen Diuels out of Marie: hee must cast out the diuellish affections out of the man, & make him wise vnto saluati­on. But if he be like vnto the deafe Adder, and stoppe his eares wilfully, refusing the relieuing charme: there is no help or hope for such a man.

Although no man by nature knoweth how to pray, none is to despaire; for the word heard, and prayer vsed tea­cheth it, and increaseth the knowledge of it.

NO man by nature, I cō ­fesse, knoweth how to [...]ray as hee ought: it is the spirit of God that helpeth [Page 277] our infirmities, and maketh request for vs, with sighes which cannot be expressed. And therefore let no man despaire of beeing enabled. There is a seed in all men, a holy and diuine sparke: and if a man wilfully quench it not, this seed being watered by hearing and reading of the word, by faith and pray­er, may take roote, bud, and bear fruit, howsoeuer weak­ly in the beginning. As an infant at the first quickening in the womb of the mother, which time brings to more maturity and perfection, and commeth into the world felt and s [...]en: so this diuine seed by degrees commeth to be liuely in operation: and the small sparke becommeth a flame, and in fine, enkindleth [Page 278] an admirable weight of zeal. For to him that hath, to him shall be more giuen, and by continuance and practise he shall finde himselfe a new man, more and more euerie day furnished with diuine gifts. Nothing is perfected the first day that hath grow­ing and increase. All spiritu­all graces haue their begin­nings weake; and among al the other fruits of the spirit of God none is more excel­lent, more sweet, more auail­able to saluation, then is continuall faithfull prayer, The force of prayer in­creaseth by degrees. which is not the first day in perfection; but by little and little it becomes more and more feruent: and as it in­creaseth so draweth it with it a wonderful increase of the knowledge of all things ne­cessarie [Page 279] to saluation. So that I may conclude to the com­fort of all true Christians [...] That he that can pray faith­fully hath all things both in heauen and earth, lacking nothing necessarie; for hee hath God: and he that can­not, nor will endeauour to learne how to pray, hath no­thing yet that he ought to haue.

1. CHRON. 28. 9.

The Lord searcheth all harts, and vnderstandeth al the ima­ginations of thoughts: If thou seeke him hee will be found of thee, but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for euer.



O Lord who takest euermore charge of thy people, gi­uing them euer in due time what in thy wise­dome thou knowest necessa­ry for them: we acknowledg thy great goodnesse toward vs O Lord, in deliuering vs this night from dangers, and in giuing vs competent re [...]. Thou hast of thine aboun­dant mercie raised vs this morning in safetie. Looke [Page] not wee beseech thee vpon our pollutions, the printes whereof, through our cor­ruptions, we haue left behind vs in our beds. Take from vs, and from euery one of vs, we beseech thee, the filthie gar­mens of sin [...]e, shame and confusion, wherewith wee were conceiued and borne, and cloth vs with thy right­teousnesse and saluation in Iesus Christ. Blesse vs and we shall be blessed, teach vs wisedome to choose what is good, and to auoid euil, and all the occasions of sinning, this day. Thou Lord hast pleasure in righteousnesse. And they are only bless [...]d, in whose hearts are thy wayes; take away from vs stonie hearts, and giue vs heartes of flesh. Let our heartes [Page] cleaue vnto thee, and neuer be estranged from thee: for Sathan malitiously goeth a­bout to draw vs from thee, by his continuall practises suggestions & temptations, and raiseth his instruments to intrap vs and snare vs. But bee vnto vs O Lord a strong defence. And howsoeuer our Aduersarie indeuoureth to blemish vs and to pollute vs with his inchantments, transforme vs wee beseech thee into thy owne Image, from glorie to glorie by thy spirit. And as thou hast ba­nished the night and darke­nesse, and giuen vs corporall light: So Lord giue vs the light of truth. Thou giuest sight to the blind, banish our spirituall darknes; Thou ma­kest the Lame to goe, take [Page] from vs all impediments, which this day may offer themselues to hinder our found and holy walking be­fore thee in sincere conuer­sations. Thou turnest a bar­raine wildernes into a fruit­full Land, and againe thou makest a fruitful Lād barrain for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein. Make fruitful our barraine heartes in al goodnesse and spiritual graces: sow the good seed of liuely faith aud true obe­dience in vs: and water it by thy holy Spirit that wee may bring forth the fruites of a holy and sanct [...]fied life, Turne the Wildernes of our profane conue [...]sations, into a Garden of godly vertues. Thou hast raised vs from the deadnesse of our corporall [Page] sleepe: this morning breath now into our dull & drowsie soules thy sacred spirit, that we may be so reuiued, and spiritually cheered, that wee may with holy and heauenly ioy and comfort betake vs to our corporall businesses: giue vs strength of bodie, & the vse of our limbes, & sen­ses: giue vs vnderstanding hearts to performe our du­ties diligently, faithfully, and truly in our callings, And let all thinges prosper vnto vs this day, that wee shall take in hand: for we acknowledg that it is thy goodnesse, that hath kept vs this night past for which wee yeeld thee all humble thankes, beseeching thee to bee with vs this day: guard & keep vs & whatsoe­uer thou hast giuen vs, for [Page] wee recommend our selues, our sou [...]es, our bodies, and goods, into thy holy protecti­on & keeping this day. And remooue from vs Lord that curse, that in seeing we shuld not see, and in hearing wee should not vnderstand: but quicken vs according to thy louing kindnesse that wee may lōg for thy word: make it sweet vnto vs, by a sancti­fied desire to heare, and a holy zeale to practise this day and euer the testimonies of thy mouth. AMEN. Our Father, &c.

Lord increase our faith.

An Euening Prayer for priuat Families.

MOst gracious, merci­ful, euerliuing, & most louing Lord God; wee are heere gathered together be­fore thee, to yeeld thee thāks for thy goodnesse & mercies this day past vouchsafed vn­to vs, weake and vnworthy of so great a fauour at thy hands, by reason of our ma­nifold sins & offences com­mitted against thee. For by nature Lord we can doe no­thing but displease thee. By the transgression of the first man Adam wee haue all sin­ned: now by the merits of the second man Christ let vs be made righteous: let the perfection of his obedience [Page] satisfie for the imperfection of ours. Our disobedience hath beene intollerable, our rebellions horrible, and our seruing of thee this day past punishable. The thoughts of our hearts haue been sinfull, the wordes of our mouthes deceitfull, the workes of our hands hatefull. Such, and so euill haue we euer been, that what we should haue done, we haue left vndon, what we shold not haue don we haue don it with eagernes & gree­dines: and thus profanely haue we passed this day, now come to an end. O remēber not Lord our offences, re­ward vs not according to our euil imaginations: mark not what we haue spoken a­misse, nor punish vs accor­ding to our workes this day. [Page] Create in vs, wee beseech thee, cleane hearts, renew right spirits within vs; fill our heads with fountains of teares, that we may night & day recount & bewaile our sinnes in the bitternes of our harts. Let this be the last day, the last houre, the last momēt of our wilfull offending thy Maiestie; and let vs not car­rie thine indignation for our sinnes to our beddes [...] but let vs instantly cast off our corrupt affectiōs, and by truly and vnfeinedly repe [...]t­ing obtaine remission in the merits and mediation o [...] Ie­sus Christ the right [...]ous, who is a propitiation for ou [...] sinnes. Giue vs grace Lord to d [...]aw neere vnto thee: for thou hast promised to preserue the state of the righteous; [Page] and all that forsake thee shal be cōfounded. Be thou ther­fore our strong rocke, wher­unto we may alwaies resort. Haue mercie vpon vs, O L. haue mercie vpon vs: giue vs helpe in trouble; for [...]ain is the helpe of man. Giue vs a holy feare of thy great and glorious Name: for great, O Lord is thy goodnes, which thou hast laide vp for them that feare thee. Knit our hearts vnto thee through faith in loue, that we may be of the number of them that shall partake of thy glorie with Christ, that where thou art there we may bee to be­hold thy glorie. Increase our faith: open the eyes of our dimme and dull vnderstand­ing▪ that wee may [...]ee the wonderfull workes of thy [Page] mercies towards vs, euen in the darknesse of our corpo­rall liues: when our naturall eyes shall bee shut vp with the feeblenesse of our bodies by sleepe, thou sleepest not nor slumberest, but wa [...]chest ouer thine, and sufferest no man to doe them violence, thou preseruest them in thy prouidence, thou defendest them vnder the shadow of thy wings, not onely in their corporall employments and bodily labours, but when they are in their deepest for­getfulnesse of their owne dangers, and of weakest abi­litie to helpe themselues, in the deadnesse of sleepe. Pre­serue vs Lord, be watchfull ouer vs, let thy holy Angels attend about our beddes, let them be thy ministers of our [Page] safetie; let not our sleepe be dangerous but comfortable vnto vs; let not our delight be set on that sluggish ease, and slothfull wallowing in our beds as breedeth disea­ses and corrupt humors. But as sleepe is the fruite of our corrupt nature, which with­out rest cannot continue: so let vs vse it as matter of ne­cessitie, not of wantonnesse & carnall contentment. Saue vs from that curse of the wicked, that we should wax worse and worse: and that though wee haue liued long after the vanities of the flesh, let vs not end in the same: & though we haue not, as wee ought, brought forth the fruits of the spirit, let vs now begin to liue in him, and our spirits be ruled, directed, sal­ted [Page] and seasoned by thy holy and sanctifying spirit: so though our mortall bodies sleepe, our sanctified spirits may watch for the comming of the bridegroome, that we be not found like the foolish V [...]rgins, with emptie and blind Lamps, but prepared to meete the Lambe in the cloudes with ioy, among the rest of thy Saints. In the meane time keep vs: we re­commend our selues, and all that we haue into thy graci­ous keeping, in that thy dee­rest Sonne, our Sauior Christ Iesus, to whom with thee & thy holy Spirit, bee praise eternally. Amen. Our Father, &c.

Lord increase our faith.

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