❧ An Epitaphe vpon the worthy and Honorable Lady, the Lady knowles.

DEath with his Darte hath vs berefte,
a Gemme of worthy fame,
A Pearle of price, an Ouche of praise,
the Lady Knovvles by name.
A Myrroure pure of womanhoode,
a Bootresse and and a stay,
To all that honest were, she was
I say both locke and kaye.
Among the Troupes of Ladies all,
and Dames of noble race,
She counted was, (and was in deede)
in Ladie Fortunes grace.
In fauoure with our noble Queene,
aboue the common sorte,
With whom she was in credit greate,
and bare a comely porte.
There seemde between our Queene & Death,
Contencion for to be,
Which of them both more entier loue,
to her could testifie.
The one in state did her aduaunce,
and place in dignitie,
That men thereby might knowe, to doe,
what princes able be.
Death made her free from worldly carke,
from sicknes, paine and strife.
And hath ben as a gate, to bringe
her to eternall life.
By Death therfore she hath receiu'de,
a greater boone I knowe:
For she hath made a chaunge, whose blisse,
no mortall wight can showe.
She here hath loste the companie,
of Lords and Ladies braue,
Of husband, Children, frendes and kinne,
and Courtly states full graue.
In Lieu wherof, she gained hath
the blessed companie
Of Sainctes, Archangels, Patriarches,
and Angelles in degree.
With all the Troupes Seraphicall,
which in the heauenly Bower,
Melodiously with one accord,
Ebuccinate Gods power.
Thus are we sure: for in this world
she led a life so right,
That ill report could not distaine,
nor blemish her with spight.
She traced had so cunningly,
the hath of vertues lore,
Prefixing God omnipotent,
her godly eyes before:
And all her dedes preciselie were,
so rulde by reasons Squire,
That all and some might her beholde,
from vice still to retire.
The vertues all, the Muses nine,
and Graces three agreed,
To lodge within her noble breast,
while she in Earth did feede.
A head so fraight and beautified,
with wit and counsaile sounde,
A minde so cleane deuoide of guyle,
is vneth to be founde.
But gone she is, and left the Stage
of this most wretched life,
Wherin she plaid a stately part,
till cruell Fates with knife:
Did cut the line of life in twaine,
who shall not after goe?
When time doth come, we must all hence,
Experience teacheth so.
Examples daily manifolde,
before our eyes we see,
Which put vs in remembraunce,
of our fragilitie.
And bid vs watch at euery tide,
for Death our lurking foe,
Sith dye we must, most certainely,
but when, we do not knowe.
Som which to day are lusty Brutes,
of age and courage ripe,
To morow may be layd full lowe,
by Death his greuous gripe.
Respect and parcialitie
of persons is there none,
For King, or Kaiser, rich or poore,
wise, foolish, all is one.
God graunt that we here left behinde,
this Ladies steppes may treade,
To liue so well, to die no worse,
Amen, as I haue saide.
Then maugre Death, we shall be sure,
when corps in earth is closde,
Amonge the ioyes celestiall,
our Soule shalbe reposde.
Tho. Nevvton.

Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete, by William How, for Ri­charde Iohnes: and are to be solde at his Shop vnder the Lotterie house.


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