A CONTINVATION OF ALL THE PRINCIPALL OC­currences which hath happened to the Leaguers lying before Breda, shewing into what great extrea­mity and necessity the Armie of the Marquesse Spinola is likely to fall into for want of prouision and pay: for which causes he hath already lost aboue 12000 Men. With a relation of the Forces that are now a leauy­ing vnder, and for the command of Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunswicke, by Collonell Smith, and Captaine Daniel de la Riue, with expectation to receiue the Forces now dismist by the Kings of Denmarke and Sweden, in­tending to aduenture their fortunes once more together. The resolutions both of the King of Spaine, and the States of the vnited Prouinces, for the sudden leuying of two great Armies more, to bring into the Field against each other, with the great straite the King of Spaine is lately put to for want of Shipping and Mari­ners, and what hinderance it is to his present affaires. Likewise herein is related the last proceedings of all Christendome.

Printed at London by B. A. for THOMAS ARCHER, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley, ouer against the signe of the Horse-shooe, 1625.

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