¶The Taill of the Cok, and the Iasp.
THocht fenȝeit Fabillis of auld Poetrie,
Be nocht all groundit vpon treuth: ȝit than,
Thair polite termis of sweit Rhetorie,
Richt plesand ar vnto the eir of man.
And als the caus, that thay first began,
Wes to repreif the haill misleuing
Of man, be figure of ane vther thing.
¶In lyke maner, as throw the busteous eird,
(Swa it be laubourit with greit diligence)
Springis the flouris, and the corne abreird,
Hailsum and gude to mannis sustenance.
Sa dois spring ane Morall sweit sentence
Out of the subtell dyte of Poetrie:
To gude purpois quha culd it weill applie.
The Nuttis schell thocht it be hard, and teuch,
Haldis the Kirnell, and is delectabill.
Sa lyis thair ane doctrine wyse aneuch,
And full of frute, vnder ane fenȝeit Fabill.
And Clerkis sayis, it is richt profitabill,
Amangis ernist to ming ane merie sport,
To licht the spreit, and gar the tyme be schort.
Forther mair, ane Bow that is ay bent,
Worthis vnsmart, and dullis on the string.
Sa gais the man, that is ay diligent
[Page]In ernistfull thochtis, and in studying,
With sad materis sum merines to ming.
Accordis weill thus Esope said I wis,
‘Dulcius arrident seria picta Iocis.’
¶Of this Author my Maisteris with ȝour leif,
Submitting me in ȝour correctioun:
In Mother toung of Latyne I wald preif,
To mak ane mater of Translatioun.
Nocht of my self, for vane presumptioun,
Bot be requeist, and Precept of ane Lord,
Of quhome the Name it neidis not record.
In hamelie language and in termis rude,
Me neidis wryte: for quhy of Eloquence.
Nor Rethorike, I neuer vnderstude.
Thairfoir meiklie I pray ȝour reuerence,
Gif that ȝe find it throw my negligence,
Be deminute, or ȝit superfluous,
Correct it at ȝour willis gratious.
My Author in his Fabillis tellis ȝow,
That brutall beistis spak, and vnd
In to gude purpois dispute, and maid argow.
In Philosophie propone, and ei
[...] conclude.
Put in exempill, and in similitude,
How mony men in operatioun,
Ar lyke to beistis in conditioun.
Na meruell is, ane man be lyke ane Beist,
Quhilk lufis ay carnall and foull delyte:
That schame can not him renȝe, nor arreist,
Bot takis all the lust and appetyte,
And that throw custum, and daylie ryte.
[Page]Syne in thair myndis sa fast is Radicate,
That thay in brutall beistis ar transformate.
¶ This Nobill Clerk, Esope, as I haif tauld,
In gray vestiment, and in facound purpurate,
Be figure wrait his buke: for he nocht wald
Lak the wisedome of hie, nor law estait.
And to begyn, first of ane Cok he wrait,
Seikand his meit, quhilk fand ane Iolie stone,
Of quhome the Fabill ȝe sall heir anone.
Ane Cok sumtyme with feddrame fresche and gay
Richt cant, and Crous, albeit he wes bot pure:
Flew furth vpon ane dounghill sone be day,
To get his dennar set wes all his cure.
Scraipand amang the as, be auenture,
He fand ane Iolie Iasp, richt precious,
Wes cast in furth in sweping of the hous.
As Damysellis wantoun, and Insolent,
That fane wald play, and on the streit be sene.
To swoping of the hous thay tak na tent.
Thay cair na thing, swa that the flure be clene.
Iowellis ar tint, as oftymis hes bene sene,
Upon the flure, and swopit furth anone.
Peraduenture, sa wes the samin stone.
Sa meruelland vpon the stane (quod he)
O gentill Iasp: O riche and Nobill thing:
Thocht I the find, thow ganis not for me.
Thow art ane Iowell for ane Lord, or King.
Pietie it wer, thow suld ly in this midding,
And buryit be thus on this muke on mold,
And thow so fair, and worth is mekill gold.
¶It is pietie I suld the find, for quhy,
Thy greit vertew, nor ȝit thy cullour cleir,
It may me nouther extoll, nor magnifie:
And thow to me may mak bot lytill cheir.
To greit Lordis thocht thow be leif, and deir,
I lufe fer better thing of les auaill,
As draf, or corne, to fill my tinne Intraill.
I had leuer haif scraipit heir with my naillis,
Amangis this mow, and luke my lyfis fude,
As draf, or corne, small wormis, or snaillis,
Or ony meit wald do my stomok gude:
Than of Iaspis ane mekill multitude.
And thow agane, vpon the samin wyis,
For thyne auaill may me as now despyis.
Thow is na corne: and thairof haif I neid.
Thy cullour dois bot confort to the sicht.
And that is not aneuch my wame to feid.
For wyfis sayis, luk and werkis ar licht.
I wald haif sum meit, get it gif I micht.
For houngrie men may not leif on lukis:
Had I dry breid, I compt not for na cukis.
Quhar suld thow mak thy habitatioun?
Quhar suld thow dwell, bot in ane Royall Tour?
Quhar suld thow sit, bot on ane Kingis Croun,
Exaltit in worschip and in greit honour?
Ryse gentill Iasp, of all stanis the flour,
Out of this midding, and pas quhar thow suld be,
Thow ganis not for me, nor I for the.
Leuand this Iowell law vpon the ground,
To seik his meit this Cok his wayis went.
[Page]Bot quhen, or how, or quhome be it wes found,
As now I set to hald na Argument.
Bot of the Inward sentence, and Intent
Of this (as myne Author dois write)
I sall reheirs in rude and hamelie dite.
¶This Iolie Iasp had properteis seuin:
The first, of cullour it wes meruelous:
Part lyke the fyre, and part lyke to the heuin.
It makis ane man stark and victorious.
Preseruis als fra cacis perrillous.
Quha hes this stane, sall haif gude hoip to speid,
Or fyre, nor watter him neidis not to dreid.
THis gentill Iasp, richt different of hew,
Betakinnis perfite prudence and cunning.
Ornate with mony deidis of vertew,
Mair excellent, than ony tirthlie thing.
Quhilk makis men in honour for to Ring.
Happie, and stark to wyn the victorie
Of all vycis, and Spirituall enemie.
Quha may be hardie, riche, and gratious?
Quha can eschew perrell and auenture?
Quha can Gouerne in ane Realme or hous
Without science, ouer all thing I ȝow assure?
It is riches that euer sall Indure,
Quhilk Maith, nor moyst, nor vthes rust can froit,
To mannis Saull it is Eternall m
This Cok desyrand mair the sempill co
Than ony Iasp, may till ane fule be peir.
[Page]Quhilk at science makis bot ane mock and scorne,
And na gude ca
[...] als lytill will
[...]e leir.
His hart wammillis wyse argument to beir,
As dois ane Sow to
[...]uhome men for the nanis
In hir draf tro
[...]ch wald saw precious stanis.
¶Quha is enemie to science and cunning,
Bot Ignorance, that vnderstandis nocht?
[...] is s
[...] Nob
[...] s
[...] pre
[...]ious, and sa ding,
That it may not with eirdlie thing be
Weill war that man ouer all vther that moch
All his lyfe dayis in perfite studie wair,
To get s
[...]: for him neidis na mair.
Bot now (allace) science is tint and hid:
We se
[...]k it nocht, nor preis it for to find.
[...]f we riches, na better lyfe we bid,
Of science thocht the Saull be bair and blind.
Of this mater to
[...]peik, it wer bot wind.
Thairfoir I ceis, and will na forther say.
Ga seik the Iasp, qu
[...]a will, for thair it lay.
¶The Taill of the Uponlandis Mous, and the Burges Mous.
ESope myne Author makis mentioun,
Of twa Myis, and thay wer Sisteris deir.
[...] ye eldest dwelt in ane Borrous to
The vther w
[...]nit Uponland we
Soliter, quhyle vnder busk, quhyle vnder breir:
[...] in the corne, and vther mennis skaith,
Is o
[...] dois and l
[...]is on thair waith.
This rurall Mous in to the wynter tyde,
Had hunger, cauld, and tholit greit distres,
The vther Mous that in the Burgh can byde,
Wes Gild brother and maid ane fre Burges.
Toll fre als but custum mair or les,
And fredome had to ga quhair euer scho list,
Amang the cheis in Ark, and meill in kist.
Ane tyme quhen sho wes full aud vnfute sair,
Scho tuke in mynde hir sister vponland,
And langit for to heir of hir we
To se quhat lyfe scho had vnder the wand.
Bairfute allone with pykestaf in hir hand
As pure Pilgryme scho passit out of toun
To seik hir sister baith ouer daill and doun.
¶Furth mony wilsum wayis can scho walk,
Throw mosse & muir throw bākis blak and breir,
Scho ranne with mony ane hiddeous quaik,
Cum furth to me my awin Sister deir,
Cry peip anis, with that the Mous cryit heir,
And knew hir voce as Kinnisman will do
Be verray kynd, and furth scho come hir to.
The hartlie ioy God gif ȝe had sene,
Beis kith quhen that thir Sisteris met,
And greit kyndenes wes schawinthame betuene,
For quhylis thay leuch, and quhylis for ioy thay gret
Quhyle kissit sweit, quhylis in armis plet,
And thus thay fure quhill soberit wes thair mind,
Syne fute for fute vnto the chalmer wend.
As I hard say it was ane sober wane
Of fog and fai
[...]n full f
[...]billie wes maid,
[Page]Ane s
[...]lie scheill vnder ane steidfast stane,
Of quhilk the entres wes not hie nor braid.
And in the samin thay went but mair abaid,
Without fyre or candill birnand bricht,
For commounlie sie pykeris lufis not licht.
Quhen thay wer lugit thus thir selie Myse,
The ȝoungest sister into hir butterie ȝeid,
And brocht furth nuttis, and candil in steid of spyce.
Gif this wes gude
[...]air I do it on thame besyde.
The Burges Mous prompit f
[...]rth in pryde.
And said sister is this ȝour daylie fude?
Qyhy not (quod scho) is not this meit rycht gude?
¶Na be my faull I think it bot ane scorne.
Madame (q
[...]od scho) ȝe be the mair to blame,
My mother said sister quhen we wer borne,
That I and ȝe lay baith within ane wame.
I keip the rate and custume of my dame,
And of my leuing into pouertie,
For landis haif we nane in propertie.
[...]air sister (quod scho) haif me excusi
This rude dyet and I can not accord.
To tender meit my stomok is ay vsit,
For quhylis I fair alsweill as ony Lord.
Thir widderit peis, and nuttis or thay be bord
Wil back my teith, & mak my wame ful sklender,
Quhilk wes befoir vsit to meittis tender.
Weill, weill, sister (quod the rurall M
Gif it pleis ȝow sie thingis as ȝe se heir,
[...]h meit and drink, ha
[...]berie and hous,
[...]lbe ȝour a win will ȝe remane all ȝe
[Page]Ȝe sall it haif with blyith and merie cheir,
And that suld mak the maissis that ar rude,
Amang freindis richt tender and wonder gude.
Quhat plesure is in the Feistis delicate
The quhilkis ar geuin with ane glowmād brow?
Ane gentillhart is better recreat
With blyith curage than seik to him ane Kow.
Ane Modicum is mair for till allow,
Swa that gude will be keruer at the dais
Than thrawin will and mony spycit mais.
¶For all hir merie exhortatioun,
This Burges Mous had lytill will to sing.
Bot heuilie scho kest hir browis doun
For all the daynteis that scho culd hir bring.
Ȝit at the last scho said half in hething,
Sister, this victuall and ȝour royall feist
May weill su
[...]fice vnto ane rurall beist.
Lat be this hole and cum into my place
I sall to ȝow schaw be experience,
My gude fryday is better nor ȝour Pace,
My dische weschingis is worth ȝour hai
[...] expēce,
I haif housis anew of greit defence,
Of Cat, nor fall trap, I haif na dreid.
I grant (quod scho, and on togidder thay ȝeid.
In st
[...]bbill array throw gers and corne,
And vnder buskis pre
[...]elie couth thay creip,
The eldest wes the gyde and vent beforne,
The ȝounger to hir wayis tuke gude keip.
On nicht thay ran, and on the day can sleip,
Quhill in the morning or the Lauerok sang,
[...]and the toun, and in blythlie couth gang.
Not fer fra thyne vnto ane worthie vane,
This burges brocht thame sone quhar thai suld be.
Without God speid thair herberie wes tane
In to ane spence with vittell greit plentie,
Baith Cheis and Butter vpone thair skelfis hie,
[...]eshe and fishe aneuch of freshe and salt,
And sekkis full of meill and eik of malt.
¶Efter quhen thay disposit wer to dyne,
Withouttin grace thay weshe and went to meit.
With all coursis that Cukis culd deuyne,
Muttoun and beif strikin in tailȝeis greit.
Ane Lordis fair thus couth thay counterfeit,
Except ane thing thay drank the watter cleir,
In steid of wyne bot ȝit thay maid gude cheir.
With blyith vpcast and merie countenance,
The eldest Sister sperit at hir gaist.
Gif that scho be ressone fand difference,
Betuix that chalmer and hir sarie nest.
Ȝe dame (quod scho) how lang will this lest?
For euermair I wait and langer to.
Gif it be swa ȝe ar at eis (quod scho).
Til eik thair cheir ane subcharge furth scho brocht,
Ane plait of grotis, and ane dische full of meill
Thraf caikkis als I trow scho spairit nocht,
Aboundautlie about hir for to to deill.
And mane full
[...]yne scho brocht in steid of geill,
And ane quhyte candill out of ane coffer stall,
In steid of spyce to gust thair mouth withall.
This maid thay merie quhil thay micht na mair,
[Page]And haill Ȝule haill cryit vpon hie
Ȝit efter ioy oftymes cummis cair,
And troubill efter greit prosperitie,
Thus as thay sat in all thair iolitie,
The spenser come with keyis in his hand,
Oppinnit the dure and thame at denner fand.
¶ Thay taryit not to wesche as I suppose,
Bot on to ga quha that micht formest win.
The Burges had ane hole, and in scho gois,
Hir sister had na hole to hyde hir in,
To se that selie Mous it wes greit sin
So desolate and will of ane gude reid,
For verray dreid scho fell in swoun neir deid.
Bot as God wald it fell ane happy cace,
The Spenser had na laser for to byde.
Nouther to seik nor serche, to sker nor chace,
Bot in he went, and left the dure vp wyde.
The bald Burges his passing weill hes spyde,
Out of hir hole scho come, and cryit on hie.
How fair ȝe sister cry peip quhair euer ȝe be.
This rurall Mous lay flatling on the ground
And for the deith scho wes full sair dredand.
For till hir hart straik mony wofuls stound,
As in ane feuer scho trimbillit fute and hand.
And quhan hir sister in sic ply hir fand,
For verray pietie scho began to greit,
Syne confort hir with wordis hnmbill & sweit.
Quhy ly ȝe thus ryse vp my sister deir?
Cum to ȝour meit, this perrell is ouerpast.
The vther answerit hir with heuie cheir,
[Page]I may not eit sa sair I am agast.
I had
[...] fourtie day is fast,
With watter caill
[...] and to gnaw benis or peis,
Than all ȝour feist in this dreid and diseis.
¶ With fair tretie ȝit scho gart hir vpryse,
[...]o the burde thay went and togidder sat,
And scantlie had thay drunkin anis or twy
Quhen in come G
[...] hunter our Iolie Cat,
And bad God speid, the Burges vp with that,
And till the hole scho went as fyre on flint,
Bawdronis the vther be the bak hes hint.
Fra fute to fute he kest hir to and fra,
Quhylis vp, quhylis doun, als cant as ony Kid.
Quhylis wald
[...]e lat hir
[...]in vnder the stra,
Quhylis wald he wink, and play with hir buk heid.
Thus to the selie Mous greit pane he did.
[...]hill at the last throw fortune and gude hap,
Betuix ane burde and the wall scho crap.
And vp in haist behind ane partalling,
Scho clam so hie that Gilbert micht not get hir.
Syne be the cluke thair craftelie can hing,
Till he wes gane hir cheir wes all the better.
Syne doun scho lap quhen thair wes nane to let hir.
And to the Burges Mous loud can scho cry,
Fairweill sister thy Feist heir I de
Thy mangerie is mingit all with cair,
Thy guse is gude thy gansell four as gall.
The subcharge of thy seruice is bot sa
Sa sall thow find heir e
[...]terwart na faill.
I thank ȝone courtyne and ȝone perpall wall
[Page]Of my defence now fra ane crewell beist.
Almychtie God keip me fra sic ane Feist.
¶Wer I into the kith that I come fra,
For weill nor wo, suld neuer cum agane.
With that scho tuke hir leif and furth can ga,
Quhylis throw the corne, & quhylis throw the plant
Quhen scho wes furth and fre scho wes ful fane.
And merili
[...] markit vnto the mure.
I can not tell how weill thairefter scho fure.
¶Bot I hard say scho passit to hir den,
Als warme als weill suppose it wes not greit,
Full beinly stuffit, baith but and ben
Of Beinis, and Nuttis, Peis, Ry, and Quheit.
Quhen euer scho list scho had aneuch to eit,
In quyet and eis withoutin ony dreid,
Bot to hir sisteris feist na mair scho ȝeid.
FReindis ȝe may find and ȝe will tak heid,
Into this fabill ane gude moralitie.
As fitchis myngit at with nobill seid,
Swa intermynglit is aduersitie,
And als troubill, and sum vexatioun,
With eirthlie ioy, swa that na estait is fre,
That ar not content of small possessioun,
And namelie thay quhilk climinis vp maist hie
Blissit be
[...]empill lyfe withoutin dreid.
Blissit be sober feist in quietie.
Quha hes aneuch of na mair hes he neid,
Thocht it be lytill into quantitie.
Greit aboundance and blind prosperitie,
[...]ymes ma
[...]is ane euill conclusioun.
[Page]The sweitest lyfe thairfoir in this cuntrie,
Is sickernes with small possessioun.
¶Thy awin fyre my freind, sa it be bot ane gleid,
It warmis weill, and is worth Gold to the.
And Solomon sayis gif that thow will reid,
Under the henin it can not better be,
Than ay be blyith and leif in honestie.
Quhairfoir I may conclude be this ressoun,
Of eirthly ioy it beiris maist degre.
Blyithnes in hart with small possessi
¶The Taill of Schir Chantecleir and the Foxe.
THocht brutall beistis be Irrationabill,
That is to say want and
Ȝit ilk ane in thair kynde naturall
Hes mony diuers inclinatioun.
The Bair busteous, the Uolf: the
[...]ylde Lyoun:
The Foxe sem is craftie and cautelous:
The Dog to bark on nicht and keip the hous.
Sa different thay ar in properteis,
Unknawin to man, and sa infinite,
In kynd h
[...]uand sa fell diuersiteis.
My cunning is excludit for to dyte.
For thy as now I purpose for to wryte.
Ane cais I fand quhilk fell this ather ȝeir,
Betuix ane
[...]oxe, and ane gentill Chantecleir.
[...] Wedow dwelt, in till ane drop thay dayis,
[...]ilk wan hir fude of spinning on hi
[...] na mai
[...] had
[...] as the Fabill sayis,
[Page]Except of hennis scho had ane lytill flok,
And thame to keip scho had ane iolie Cok:
Richt curageous, that to this wedow ay
Deuydit nicht, and crew befoir the day.
¶Ane lytill fra this foirsaid Wedowis hous,
Ane thornie schaw thair wes of greit defence.
Quhairin ane Foxe craftie, and cautelous,
Maid his repair, and daylie residence.
Quhilk to this Wedow did greit violence,
In pyking of pultrie baith day and nicht,
And na way be reuengit on him scho micht.
This wylie Tod quhen that the Lark cou
[...]h sing,
Full sair hungrie vnto the Toun him drest,
Quhair Chantecleir in to the gray dawing,
Werie for nicht wes flowin fra his nest.
Lowrence this saw, and in his mynd he kest,
The Ieperdie, the wayis, and the wyle,
Be quhat menis he micht this Cok begyle.
[...]imuland in to countenance and cheir,
On kneis fell, and simuland this he said.
Gude morne my maister gentill Chantecleir.
With that the Cok start bakwart in ane braid.
Schir be my Saull, ȝe neid not be effrayit,
Nor ȝit for me to start nor fle abak,
I come bot heir seruice to ȝow to mak.
Wald I not serue to ȝow it wer bot blame,
As I ha
[...]f done to ȝour progenito
Ȝour Father full oft fillit hes my wame,
And send me meit fra midding to the muris.
And at his end I did my besie curis,
[Page]To hald his heid, and
[...]kis warme.
Syne at the last the Sweit swell in my arme.
¶ Knew ȝe my Father
[...]od the Cok) and leuch.
Ȝea my fair Sone, I held vp his heid,
Quhen that he d
[...]it vnder ane birkin beuch.
Syne said the Dirige quhen that he wes deid,
Betuix vs twa how suld thair be ane feid?
Quhame suld ȝe traist bot me ȝour Seruitour,
That[?] to ȝour Father did sa greit honour.
Quhen I behald ȝour fedderis fair and gent,
Ȝour beik, ȝour breist, ȝour hekill, and ȝour came.
Schir be my Saull, and the blissit Sacrament,
My hart is warme me think I am at hame,
To mak ȝow blyith, I wald creip on my wame
In froist and snaw in wedder wan and weit
And lay my lyart loikkis vnder ȝour feit.
This fenȝeit Foxe fals and dissimulate,
Maid to this Cok ane cauillatioun.
Ȝe ar me think changit and degenerate
Fra ȝour Father of his conditioun,
Of craftie crawing he micht beir the Croun,
For he wald on his tais stand and craw.
This wes na le, I stude besyde and saw.
With that the Cok vpon his tais hie,
Kest vp his beik, and sang with all his micht.
(Quod Schir Lowrence) weill said sa mot I the.
Ȝe ar ȝour Fatheris Sone and air vpricht.
Bot of his cunning ȝit ȝe want ane slicht.
For[?] (quod the Tod) he wald and haif na dout,
Baith wink, and craw, and turne him thryis about.
The Cok infect with wind and fals vaneglo
That mony puttis vnto confus
Traisting to win ane greit worschip thairfoir,
Unwarlie winkand wawla
[...]d vp and doun,
And syne to chant and craw he maid him boun.
And suddandlie be he had crawin ane note,
The Foxe wes war, and hint him be the throte.
¶Syne to the woid but tarie with him hyit,
Of that cryme haifand bot lytill dout.
With that Pertok, Sprutok, and Toppok cryit.
The Wedow cryit, and with ane cry come out.
Seand the cace scho sichit and gaif ane schout.
How murther hay with ane hiddeous beir,
Allace now lost is gentill Chantecleir.
As scho wer woid, with mony ȝell and cry,
Ryuand hir hair vpon hir breist can beit,
Syne paill of hew half in ane extasie,
Fell doun for cair in swoning, and in sweit.
With that the selie hennis left thair meit.
And quhill this wyfe wes lyand thus in swoun,
Fell in that cace in disputatioun.
Allace (quod Pertok) makand sair murning,
With teiris greit attour hir cheikis fell.
Ȝone wes our drowrie, and our dayis darling,
Our Nich
[...]ingaill, and als our O
[...]lege bell.
Our walkryfe watche vs for to warne and tell,
Quhen that Aurora with hir curcheis gray,
Put vp hir heid betuix the nicht and day.
Quha sall our Lemman be? quha sall vs leid?
Quhen we ar sad quha sall vnto vs sing?
[Page]With his sweit Bill he wald brek vs the bre
In all this warld wes thair ane kynder thing.
In paramouris he wald do vs plesing
At his power as nature did him geif.
[...]fter him allace how sall we leif?
¶Quod Sprutok than, Ceis sister of ȝour sorrow
Ȝe be to mad for him sic murning mais.
We sall fair weill, I find Sanct Iohne to borrow,
The Prouerb sayis, als gude lufe cummis as gais.
I will put on my haly dayis claithis,
And mak me fresche agane this Iolie May,
Syne chant this sang wes neuer Wedow sa gay.
He wes angrie and held vs ay in aw,
And woundit with the sp
[...]ir of Ielowsie.
Of chalmerglew Pertok, full weill ȝe knaw
Waistit he wes, of Nature cauld and dry.
Sen he is gone thairfoir Sister say I,
Be blyith in baill, for that is best remeid.
Let quik to quik, and deid ga to the deid.
Than Pertok spak, with fenȝeit faith befoir
In lust but lufe he set all his delyte.
Sister ȝe wait of sic as him ane scoir
Wald not suffice to flaik our appetyte.
I hecht be my hand sen he is quyte,
Within ane oulk for schame, and I durst speik,
To get ane berne suld better claw my breik.
Than Toppok lyke ane Curate spak full crous,
Ȝone wes ane verray vengeance from the heuin.
He wes sa lous, and sa lecherous.
He had (quod scho) Kittokis ma than seuin.
[Page]Bot rychteous God haldand the balandis euin,
Smytis richt sair thocht he be patient
For Adulterie, that will thame not repent.
¶Prydefull he wes, and ioyit of his sin,
And comptit not for Goddis fauour nor feid.
Bot traistit ay to rax, and sa to rin,
Quhill at the last his sinnis can him leid
To schamefull end, and to ȝone suddand deid.
Thairfoir it is the verray hand of God,
That causit him be werryit with the Tod.
Quhen this wes said, this Wedow fra hir swoun
Start vp on fute, and on hir kennettis cryit.
How berk Berrie, Bausie, Broun,
Rype schaw, Rin weill, Curtes, Nuttieclyde,
Togidder all but grunching furth ȝe glyde,
Reskew my Nobill Cok or he be slane,
Or ellis to me se ȝe cum neuer agane.
With that but baid thay braidit ouer the bent,
As fyre of flint thay ouer the feildis
Full wichtlie thay throw woid and watteris went,
And ceissit not schir Lowrence quhill thay saw.
Bot quhen he saw the Kennettis cum on raw,
Unto the Cok in mynd he said, God sen
That I and thow wer fairlie in my den.
Than said the Cok with sum gude Spirit inspyri
Do my counsall and I sall warrand the.
Hungrie thow art, and for greit trauell tyrit,
Richt faint of force, and may not ferther
Swyith turne agane, and say, that I and ȝe
Freindis ar maid, and fellowis for ane ȝeir.
[Page]Than will thay stint, I stand for it and not steir.
¶This Tod thocht
[...]e wes fals and friuolous,
And had freindis his querrell to defend,
Desauit wes be menis richt meruelous.
For falset failȝeis ay at the latter end.
He start about, and cryit as he wes kend.
With that the Cok he braid out of the beuch.
Now Iuge ȝe all quhairat Schir Lowrence leuch.
Begylit thus the Tod vnder the tre
On kneis fell, and said gude Chantecleir.
Cum doun agane, and I but meit or fey
Salbe ȝour man and seruand for ane ȝeir.
Na fals theif, and reuar, stand not me neir.
My bludie hekill, and my nek sa bla
Hes partit freindschip for euer betwene vs twa.
I wes vnwyse that winkit at thy will,
Quhairthrow almaist I loissit had my heid.
I wes mair fule (quod he) to be sa still,
Quhairthrow to put my play in to pleid.
Fair on fals theif, God keip me fra thy feid.
With that the Cok ouer the feildis tuke his flicht,
And in at the Wedowis Luwer couth he licht.
NOw worthie folk suppose this be ane Fabill,
And ouerheil
[...]t with typis
Ȝit may ȝe find ane sentence richt agreabill,
Under thir fenȝeit termis textuall.
To our purpose this Cok weill may we call,
Nyse proud men, woid, and vane glorious,
Of kin and blude quhilk is presumpteous.
¶Fy puft vp p
[...]yde, thow is full poysonabill
Quha fauoris the on force man half an
[...] fall.
Thy strenth is nocht, thy stule standis vnstabill,
Tak witnes of the Feyndis Infernall,
Quhilk houndit doun wes fra that heuinli
[...] hall
To Hellis hole, and to that hiddeous hous.
Because in pryde thay wer presumpteons.
This fenȝeit Foxe may weill be figurate,
To flatteraris richt plesand wordis quhyte.
With fals mening and mynd maist toxicate.
To leif and le, that settis thair haill delyte.
All worthie folk at sic suld haif despyte.
For quhair is thair mair perrillous pestilence,
Nor gif to learis haistelie credence.
Hie wickit mynd and Adulatioun
Of sucker sweit haifand the similitude,
Bitter as gall, and full of poysoun,
To traist it is quha cleirlie vnderstude.
For thy as now schortlie to conclude,
Thir twa sinnis, flatterie, and vaneglore,
Ar mannis enemeis: gude folk fle tha me thair foir.
¶The Taill how this foirsaid Tod, maid his Confessioun to Freir Uolf Uaitskaith.
LEif we this Wedow glaid I ȝow assure
Of Chantecleir, mair blyith than I can tell.
And speik we of the subtell auenture.
And destenie that to this Foxe befell,
Quhilk durst na mair with waiting Intermell
[Page]Als lang as leme or licht wes of the day,
Bot byd and nicht full still lurkand he lay.
¶Quhill that the Goddes of the flude
Phebus had callit to the harberie.
And Hesperus put vp his cluddie heid,
Schawand his lustie wisage in the sky.
Than Lowrence luikit vp, quhair he couth ly,
And kest his hand vpon his Ee on hicht,
Merie and glaid that cummit wes the nicht.
Out of the wod vnto ane hill he went,
Quhair he micht se the tuinkling sternis cleir.
And all the Planetis of the firmament,
Thair cours, and eik thair mouing in the Spheir.
Sum Retrograde, and sum Stationer.
And of the Zodiak in quhat degre
Thay wer ilk ane, as Lowrence leirnit me.
Than Saturne auld wes enterit in Capricorne,
And Iuppiter mouit in Sagittarie.
And Mars vp in the Rammis heid wes borne.
And Phebus in the Lyoun furth can carie.
Uenus the Crab, the Mone wes in Aquarie,
Mercurius the God of Eloquence
Into the Uirgyn maid his residence.
But Astrolab, Quadrant, or Almanak,
Teichit of nature be Instructioun,
The mouing of the heuin this Tod can tak,
Quhat influence and Constellatioun
Wes lyke to fall vpon the eirth adoun.
And to him self he said withouttin mair,
Weill worth my Father, that send me to the lai
¶My destenie, and eik my weird I ken,
My auentour is cleirlie to me kend.
With mischeif myngit is my mortall Ene,
My misleuing the soner bot gif I mend.
It is rewiard o
[...] sin ane schamefull end.
Thairfoir I will ga seik sum Confessour,
And schryit me clene of my sinnis to this hour.
Allace (quod he) richt waryit ar we theifis.
Our lyifis set ilk nicht in auenture.
Our cursit craft full mony man mischeuis,
For euer we steill, and euer ar lyke pure.
In dreid and
schame[?] our dayis we Indure.
Syne widdinek, and Crakraip callit als,
And till our hyre hangit vp be the hals.
Accusand thus his cankerit conscience,
In to ane Craig he kest about his Ee.
So saw he cummand ane lytill than from hence,
Ane worthie Doctour in diuinitie
Freir Uolf Uaitskaith in science wonder sle.
To preiche and pray wes new cūmit fra the Cloister,
With Beidis in hand sayand his Pater noster.
Seand this Uolf this wylie tratour Tod
On kneis fell, with hude in to his nek.
Welcome my Goistlie Father vnder God,
(Quod he) with mony binge and mony bek.
Ha (quod the Uolf) Schir Tod for quha
[...] effek
Mak ȝe sic feir, ryse vp put on ȝour hude?
Father (quod he) I haif greit cause
[...]o dude.
Ȝe ar Mirrour, Lanterne, and sicker way,
Suld gyde sic sempill folk as me to grace.
[Page]Ȝour bair feit, and ȝour Russet Cowll of gray,
Ȝour lene cheik, ȝour paill pieteous face,
Schawis to me ȝour perfite halines.
For weill wer him that anis in his lyue
Had hap to ȝow his sinnis for to schryue.
¶Na selie Lowrence (quod the Uolf) and leuch,
It plesis me that ȝe ar penitent.
Of reif and stouth, Schir, I can tell aneuch,
That causis me full sair for to repent.
Bot Father byde still heir vpon the bent,
I ȝow beseik, and heir me to declair
My conscience, that prikkis me sa sair.
Weill (quod the Uolf) sit doun vpon thy kne.
And he doun bair heid sat full humillie.
And syne began with Benedicite.
Quhen I this saw, I drew ane lytill by.
For it effeiris nouther to heir, nor spy,
Nor to reueill thing said vnder that seill,
Unto the Tod this Gait the Uolf couth tell.
Art thow contrite, and sorie in thy Spreit
For thy Trespas? Na Schir, I can not doid,
Me think that hennis ar sa honie sweit,
And Lambis flesche that new ar lettin bluid,
For to repent my mynd can not concluid,
Bot of this thing, that I haif slane sa few.
Weill (quod the Uolf) in faith thow art ane schrew
Sen thow can not forthink thy wickitnes,
Will thow forbeir in tyme to cum, and mend.
And I forbeir, how sall I leif allace?
Haifand nane vther craft me to defend.
[Page]Neid causis me to steill quhair euer I wend.
I eschame to thig, I can not wirk ȝe wait.
Ȝit wald I fane pretend to gentill stait.
¶Weill (quod the Uolf) thow wātis pointis tw
Belangand to perfyte Confessioun.
To the thrid part of penitence let vs ga,
Will thow tak pane for thy transgressioun?
Na Schir considder my Complexioun,
Selie and waik, and of my Nature tender,
Lo, will ȝe se, I am baith lene and sklender.
Ȝit neuertheles I wald swa it wer licht,
Schort and not greuand to my tendernes,
Tak part of pane, fulfill it gif I micht,
To set my selie Saull in way of grace.
Thow sall (quod he) forbeir flesche vntill Pasche,
To tame this Corps that cursit Carioun.
And heir I reik the full Remissioun.
I grant thairto, swa ȝe will gif me leif,
To eit puddingis, or laip ane lytill blude,
Or heid, or
[...]eit, or paynchis let me preif.
In cace I falt of flesche in to my fude.
For greit mister I gif the leif to dude,
Twyse in the
[...]ulk, for neid may haif na Law.
God ȝeild ȝow Schir, for that Text weill I knaw
Quhen this wes said, the Uolf his wayis went.
The Foxe on sute he fure vnto the flude,
To fang him fische hailleli
[...] wes his intent.
Bot quhen he saw the watter, and wallis wod,
Astonist all still in to ane stair he stude.
[...]d said, better that I had biddin at hame,
[Page]Nor bene ane Fischar in the Deuillis Name.
¶ Now man I scraip my meit out of the sand,
And I haif nouth
[...]r boittis, nor ȝit Net.
As he w
[...]s thus for falt of meit mu
Luk and about his leuing f
[...]r to get.
Under ane tre he saw ane trip of Gait.
Than wes he blyith, aud in ane heuch him hid,
And fra the Gait he stall ane ly
[...]ill Kid.
¶Syne ouer the heuch vnto the see he hyis,
And tuke the Kid be the hornis twane,
And in the watter outher twyis or thryis
He dowkit him, and till him can he sayne.
Ga doun Schir Kid, cū vp Schir Salmond agane.
Quhill he wes deid syne to the land him dreuch,
And of that new maid Salmond eit aneuch.
Thus fynelie fillit with ȝoung tender meit,
Unto ane derne for dreid he him addrest,
Under ane busk, quhair that the sone can beit.
To beik his breist and vellie he thocht best.
And rekleslie he said quhair he did rest,
Straikand his wame aganis the sonis heit,
Upon this wame set wer ane bolt full meit.
Quhen this wes said the keipar of the Gait,
Cairfull in hart his Kid wes st
[...]llin away,
On euerilk sydefull warlie couth he wait,
Quhill at the last, he saw quhair Lowrence lay.
Ane Bow he be
[...]t, ane flane with f
[...]ris gray,
He haillit to the he
[...]d and or he steird,
The Foxe he prikkit fast vnto the eird.
¶Now (quod the Foxe) allace, and wellaway.
Gorrit I am, and may na forther gang.
Me think na man may sp
[...]ik ane word in play,
Bot now on dayis, in ernist it is
He harlit him, and out he drew his flane.
And for his Kid, and vther viol
He tuke his s
[...]yn, and maid ane r
THis suddand deith, and vnprouysit end
Of this fals Tod, without prouisioun,
Exempill is exhortand folk to amend,
For dreid of sic ane lyke confusi
For mony now hes gude prof
Ȝit not repentis, nor for thair sinnis greit,
[...]hay think thair lustie lyfe sa
Sum bene also throw consuetude and ryte,
Uincust with carnall sensualitie.
Suppose thay be as for the tyme contryte,
Can not forb
[...]ir, nor fra thair sinnis fle.
Use drawis Nature swa in propertie
Of beist and man, tha
[...] n
[...]idlingis thay man do,
As thay o
[...] lang tyme
[...]es bene hantit to.
Be war gude folk
[...] and feir this suddane schoit,
Quhilk smy
[...]is sair withouttin resistence.
[...]tend wy
[...]e, and in ȝou
[...] hartis non,
Aganis d
[...]ith may na man mak defence.
Ceis of ȝour sin, Remord ȝou
[...] conscie
[...]ey vnto ȝour God and ȝe
[...]all wend
[...]r ȝou
[...] dei
[...]h, to blis withouttin
¶The Taill of the Sone and Air of the foirsa
[...] Foxe, callit Fatherwer: Alswa the Parliament of fourfuttit Beistis, haldin be the Lyoun.
THis foirsaid Foxe, that deit for his misdeid,
Had not ane barne wes gottin richteouslie,
Till airschip be Law that micht succeid,
Except ane Sone, quhilk in Adulterie
He gottin had in purches priuelie.
And till his Name wes callit Fatherwar,
That lufit weill with pultrie to tig and tar.
It followis weill be resoun naturall,
And gre be gre, of richt comparisoun:
Of euill cummis war: of war cummis werst of all
Of wrangous geir cummis fals possessioun.
This Foxe Bastard of generatioun,
Of verray kynde behufit to be fals.
Swa wes his Father, and his Grandschir
As Nature will seikand his m
[...]it be sent,
Of ca
[...]e he fand his Father is Carioun,
Nakit, new slane, and till him hes he went,
Tuke vp his heid, and on his kne fell doun,
Thankand greit God of that conclusioun.
And said, now sall I bruke sen I am air,
The boundis quhair thow wes wont
[...]or to repair.
Fy Co
[...]etice vnkynd, and venemous.
The Sone wes fane he fand his Father deid,
Be suddand sch
[...]t, for deidis odious,
That he micht regne, and raxe in till his steid.
Dreid and na thin
[...] the
[...] lyfe to leid,
[Page]In thift, and reif, as did his Father befoir
Bot to the end attent he tuke no moir.
¶ Ȝit neuertheles throw Naturall pietie,
The Carioun vpon his bak he
Now find I weill this Prouerb trew (quod he)
Ay rinnis the Foxe, als lang as he fute has.
Syne with the Corps vnto ane peitpoit gais,
Of watter full, and kest him in the deip.
And to the Deuill he gai
[...] his banis to keip.
O fulische man plungit in warldlines,
To conqueis warldlie gude, gold, and rent.
To put thy Saull in pane, or h
To riche thy a
[...]r, quhilk efter thow art went,
Haif he thy gude, he takis bot small tent.
To execute, to do, to satisfie,
Thy letter will, thy det, and legacie.
¶This Tod to rest him, he pass
[...]t to ane Craig,
And thair he hard ane buisteous Bugill blaw.
Quhilk as he thocht, maid all the warld to wag.
Ane Unicorne come lansand ouer
[...]ne Law.
Than start he vp, quhe
[...] he this hard and law,
With horne in hand, ane bill in br
[...]ist he bure.
Ane Pursephant semelie I ȝow assure.
Unto ane bank quhair he micht se about,
On euerilk syde in haist he culd him hy.
Schot out his voce, full schill, and gaif ane schout.
And on this wyis twyse, or thryse did cry.
With that the beistis in the feild thairby,
All merueland, quha
[...] sic ane thing f
[...]ld mene.
Greitlie agast thay gadderit on ane greue.
¶Out of his buist ane bill sone can he bra
And red the Text withouttin tarying.
[...]d sil
[...]nce, sadlie thus he said.
The Nobill Lyoun, of all beistis the King,
Greting to G
[...]d h
[...]lth eu
To brutall beistis, and Irrationall,
I send, as to my subiectis greit and small.
My Celsitude, and hie magnificence,
Lattis ȝow to wit, that euin incontinent,
Thinkis the morne with Royall diligence,
[...]on this hill to hald a
[...]e Parliament.
Straitlie thairfoir I g
[...]f commandement,
For to compeir befoir my Tribunall,
[...]der all pane, and perrell that may fall.
[...]e m
[...]row come, and Phebus with his bemis
[...]it had the mistie cluddis gray.
The groun
[...] wes grene, and als as gold it glemis,
[...]th gers grow and gudelie, greit, and gay.
The spyce thay s
[...]red to spring on euerilk spray.
The Lark, the M
[...]eis, and the Merl
[...] full hie.
Sweitlie can sing creip and fra tre to tre.
The Leopardis come with Croun of massie gold,
[...]irand thay brocht vnto that hillis hicht,
With Iaspis Ionit, and Royall Rubeis rold,
And mony diueris Dyamontis dicht,
With powis proud ane Palȝeoun doun thay picht.
And in that Throne, thair sat ane wild Lyoun,
In Rob Royal, with Sceptour, Swerd, & Croun.
Efter the tennour of the cry befoir,
That gais on all fourfuttit beistis in
[Page]As thay commandit wer withouttin moir,
Befoir thair Lord the Lyoun thay appeirit.
And quhat thay wer to me as Lowrence leirit.
I sall reheirs ane part of euerilk kynd,
Als fer as now occurris to my mynd.
The Minotaur, ane Monster meruelous,
Bellerophont that beist of Bastardrie.
The Warwolf, and the Pegase perillous,
Transformit be assent o
[...] sorcerie.
The Linx the Tiger full of Tirannie:
The Elephant: and eik the Dromedarie:
The Cameill with his Cran nek furth can carie.
¶The Leopard, as I haif tauld beforne:
The Anteloip: the Sparth furth couth speid:
The payntit Pantheir: and the Unicorne:
The Rayndeir Ran throw Reueir, Ro
[...]e, and Reid.
The Iolie Gillet, and the gentill Steid:
The Asse: the Mule: the Hors of euerilk kynd,
The Da: the Ra: the hornit Hart: the Hynd.
The Bull: the Beir: the Bugill: and the Bair:
The Tame Cat: Uildcat: & the Uildwod Swyne:
The Hardbakkit Hurcheoun: and the Hirplād Hair:
Baith Otter, and Aip: and Pennit Porcupyne:
The Gukit Gait: the selie Scheip: the Swyne:
The wyld Once: the Buk: the U
[...] Brok:
The Fowmart, with the Fibert furth can flok.
The gray Grewhound, with Sleuthoūd furth can slyde,
With Doggis all diuers and different.
The Rat
[...]oun ran, the Glebard furth can glyde.
The quhrynand Quhitret, with the Quhaisill went,
[Page]The Feitho that hes furrit mony fent.
The Mertrik: with the Cunning: and the Con:
The Bouranbane: and eik the Lerioun.
¶The Marmysset: the Mowdewaxt couth leid,
Because that Nature denyit had hir sicht.
Thus dressit thay all furth, for dreid of deid,
The Mu
[...]k, the lytill Mous with all hir micht,
With haist scho haikit vnto that hill of hicht.
And mony kynd of beistis I couth not knaw,
Besoir thair Lord the Lyoun thay loutit law.
Seing thir beistis all at his bidding boun,
He gaif ane braid, and lukit him about.
Than flatlingis to his feit thay fell all doun,
For dreid of deith, thay droupit all in dout.
He lukit quhen that he saw thame lout,
And bad thame with ane countenance full sweit,
Be not effeirit, bot stand vp on ȝour feit.
I let ȝow wit, my micht is merciabill,
And steiris nane that ar to me prostrait.
Angrie, austerne, and als vnamyabill,
To all that stand
[...]ray ar to myne estait.
I rug, I reif, all beistis that makis debait.
Aganis the micht of my Magnificence,
Se nane pretend to pryde in my presence.
My Celsitude, and my hie Maiestie,
With micht, and mercie myngit
[...]all be ay.
The lawest hart I can full sone vp hie,
And mak him maister ouer ȝow all I may.
The Dromedarie gif he will mak deray,
The greit Cameill, thochthe wer neuer sa
[Page]I can him law als lytill as ane Mous.
¶Se neir be twentie mylis quhair I am,
The Kid ga saiflie be the gaittis syde.
The Tod Lowrie luke not to the lam.
Na reuand beistis nouther Ryn, nor ryde.
Thay couchit all efter that this wes cryde.
The Iustice bad the Court for to gar fence,
The sutis callit, and foirfalt all absence.
The Panther with his payntit Coit Armour
Fensit the Court, as of the Law effeirit.
Than Tod Lowrie lukit quhair he couth lour,
And start on fute, all stonist and all steird,
Ryifand his hair, he cryit with ane reird,
Quaikand for dreid, and sichand couth he say,
Allace this hour, allace this dulefull day.
I wait this suddand Semblie that I se,
Haifand the pointis of ane Parliament,
Is maid to mar sic misdoaris as me.
Thairfoir gif I me schaw I will be schent,
I will be socht, and I be red absent.
To byde, or fle, it makis not remeid,
All is alyke, thair followis not bot deid.
Perplexit thus in his hart can he mene,
Throw falset how he micht him self defend.
His Hude he drew laich attour his Ene,
And winkand with ane Eye furth he wend.
Clinscheand he come, that he micht not be kend,
And for dreddour that he suld bene arreist,
He playit bukhude behind, fra beist to beist.
¶O fylit Spr
[...]it, and cankerit Conscience,
[...]foir ane Roy Renȝeit with r
[...]it cheikis, and schamefull countenance.
[...]ill thy fame defylit for ay is,
The Ph
[...]mie, the
[...]auour of thy face,
For thy defence is foull and disfigurate,
Brecht to the licht blasit, blunt, and blait.
Be thow atteichit with thift, or with tressoun,
For thy misdeid wrangous, and wickit fay.
Thy their changis Lowrence
[...] thou man luke doun,
Thy worschip of this warld is went away.
Luke to
[...]his Toid how he wes in effray
And fle the filth of falset I the reid,
Quhairthrow thair fallowis syn, & schameful deid.
Comperand thus befoir thair Lord and King.
In ordour set as to thair estait effeird.
Of euerilk kynd he gart ane part furthbring,
And awfullie he spak, and at thame speird,
[...] thair wes ony kynd of beistis in erd,
Absent, and tha
[...] to gart thame deiplie sweir,
And thay said nane, except ane Stude gray Meir.
Ga make ane message sone vnto that Stude,
The Court than cryit, now see quha sall it be,
[...]urth Lowrie l
[...]rkand vnder thy hude,
Aa Schir, mercie, lo I haifbot ane Ee,
Hurt in the heid, and cruikit as ȝe may se.
The Uolf is better in Ambassatrie,
And mair cunning in Clergie fer than I.
Rampand he said, gafurth brybouris
And thay to ga withouttin tarying,
[Page]Ouer Ron and Rute thay xan togidder raith,
[...]and the M
[...]ir at hir meit in the morning.
Now (quod th
[...] Tod
[...] Madame cum to the King,
The Court is callit, and ȝe ar
Let be Lowrence (quod scho) ȝour Courtlie Knax.
¶Maistres (quod he) cum to the Court ȝe mon,
The Lyoun hes commandit so in deid.
Schir Tod tak ȝe the Flyrdome, and the Fon,
I haif respite ane ȝeir, and ȝe will reid.
I can not spell (quod he) sa God me speid,
Heir is the Uolf, ane Nobill Clerk at all,
And of this Message is maid principall.
He is Autentik, and ane man of age,
And hes greit practik of the Chancellarie.
Let him ga luke, and reid ȝour Priuilege,
And I sail stand, and beir witnes ȝow by.
Quhair is thy Respite (quod the Uolf) in hy?
Schir it is heir vnd
[...]r my hufe weill hid.
Hald vp thy heill (quod he) and so scho did.
Thocht he w
[...]s blindit with pryde, ȝit he presumis
To luke
[...]oun law, quhair that hir letter lay.
With that the Meir gird him vpou the gumis,
[...]d straik the hattr
[...]ll of his heid away,
Half out of lyif thair lenand doun he lay.
Allace (quod Lowrence)
Lupe, thow art loist.
His cunning (quod the Meir) wes worth sum coist.
Lowrence (quod scho) wil thow luke on my letter,
Sen that the Uolf na thing thair of can wyn?
Na be Sanc
[...] Bryde (quod he) me think it better,
To sleip in haill, nor in an
[...] hurt skyn.
[Page]Ane skrow I fand, and this wes writtin in,
For fiue schillingis I wald no
[...] anis forfault him,
Felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum.
¶With brokin skap, and bludie cheikis reid,
This wretchit Uolf weipand, thus on he went,
Of his menȝe markand to get remeid,
To tell the King the cace wes his Intent.
Schir (quod the Tod) byde still vpon this bent,
And fra ȝour bro wis wesche away the blude.
And tak ane drink, for it will do ȝow gude.
To feche watter this frandfull Foxe furth fure,
Sydelingis abak he socht vnto ane slyke.
On cace he meittis cummand fra the mure,
Ane Trip of Lambis dansand on ane dyke.
This Tratour Tod, this Tirrane, and this Tyke,
The fattest of this flock, he fellit hais.
And eit his fill, syne to the Uolf he gais.
Thay drank togidder, & syne thair Iourney takis,
Befoir the King, syne kneillit on thair kne.
Quhair is ȝone Meir, Schir Tod, wes
Than Lowrence said, my Lord, speir not at me.
Speir at ȝour Doctour of Diuinitie,
With his reid Cap can tell ȝow weill aneuch.
With that the Lyoun, and all the laif thay leuch.
Tell on the cais, now Lowrence let vs heir.
This wittie Uolf (quod he) this Clerk of age,
On ȝour behalf he bad the Meir compeir.
And scho allegit to ane priuilege,
Cum neir, and se, and ȝe sall haif ȝour wage.
Because he red hir respite plane and weill,
[Page]Ȝone reid Bonat scho raucht him with hir he
¶The Lyoun said, be ȝone reid Cap I ken,
This Taill is trew, quha tent vnto it takis.
The greitest Clerkis ar not the wysest men.
The hurt of ane happie the vther makis.
As thay wer carpand in this cais, and Knakis,
And all the Court in merines and in gam.
Swa come the Ȝow the Mother of the Lam.
Befoir the Iustice on hir kneis fell,
Put out hir playnt on this wyis wofullie.
This harlet huresone, and this hound of hell.
Deuorit hes my Lamb full doggitlie,
Within ane myle, in contrair to ȝour cry.
For Goddis lufe, my Lord, gif me the Law
Of this lurker, with that Lowrence let draw.
Byde (quod the Lyoun) Lymmer let vs se,
[...] it be suthe the selie Ȝow hes said.
Aa Souerane Lord, saif ȝour mercie (quod he.)
My purpois wes with him for to haif playid.
Causles he fled as he had bene effrayid,
For dreid of deith, he duschit ouer ane dyke,
And brak his nek. Thow leis (quod scho) fals tyke.
His deith be practik may be preuit eith,
Thy gorrie gumis, and thy bludie snout.
The woll, the flesche ȝit stikkis on thy teith,
And that is euidence aneuch but dout.
The Iustice bad ga cheis ane Assyis about.
And so thay did, and
[...]and that he wes fals
Of Murther, thilt, pyking, and tressoun als.
¶Thay band him fast, the Iustice bad bel
To git the dome, and tak of all his claithis.
The Uolf that new maid Doctour couth him schryif,
Syne furth him led and to the Gallous gais,
And at the ledder fute his leif he tais.
The Aip wes Boucher, and bad him sone ascend.
And hangit him, and thus he maid his end.
RIcht as the Mynour in his Minorall,
Fair gold with fyre may fra the L
[...]d weil wyn
Richt so vnder ane Fabill figurall,
Sad sentence men may seik: and e
[...]ter syne
As daylie dois the Doctouris of Deuyne,
That to our leuing full weill can apply
And paynt thair mater furth be Poetry.
The Lyoun is the warld be liknes,
To quhome loutis baith Empriour, and King,
And thinkis of this warld to get Incres,
Thinkand daylie to get mair leuing.
Sum for to reull: and sum to raxe and Ring.
Sum gadderis geir: sum gold: sum vther gude
To wyn this warld, sum wirkis as thay wer wod.
The Meir is Men of gude conditioun
As Pilgrymes walkand in this wildernes
Approuand that for richt Religioun
Thair God onlie to pleis in euerilk place,
Abstractit from this warldis wre
Fechtand with lust, presumptioun and pryde,
And fra this warld in mynd ar mortyfyde.
This Uolf I likkin to Sensualitie,
[Page]As quhen lyke brutall beistis we accord
Our mynd all to this warldis vanitie,
Lyking to tak, and loif him as our Lord.
Fle fast thairfra, gif thow will richt remord,
[...]all Ressoun ryse, Rax, and Ring,
And for thy Saull thair is na better thing.
¶Hir Hufe I likkin to the thocht of deid.
Will thow remember, Man, that thow man de,
[...]ow may brek Sensualiteis heid,
And fleschire lust away fra the sall fle,
Fra thow begin thy mynd to mortifie.
Salomonis saying thow may persaif heirin,
Think on thy end, thow sall not glaidlie sin.
This Tod I likkin to Temptationis,
Beirand to mynd mony thochtis vane,
Assaultand men with sweit persuasionis,
Ay reddie for to trap thame in ane trayne.
Ȝit gif thay se Sen
[...]ualitie neir slane
And suddand deith draw neir with panis sore,
Thay go abak, and temptis thame no moir.
O Mediatour mercifull, and meik,
Thow Souera
[...]e Lord, and King Celestiall.
Thy Celsi
[...]ude maist humillie we beseik,
Us to defend fra pane and perrellis all.
And help vs vp vnto thy heuinlie hall,
In gloir, quhair we
[...]ay se the face of God.
[...] thus endis the talking of the Tod.
¶ The Taill of the Scheip, and the Doig.
[...]ope ane Taill puttis in memorie,
[...] How that ane Doig, because that he wes pure,
[...]. Callit ane Scheip to the Consistorie,
[...]ne certane breid fra him for to recure.
Ane fraudfull Uolf wes Iuge that tyme, and bure
[...]tie, and Iurisdic
And on the Scheip send furth ane strait summoun.
¶For be the vse, and cours, and commoun style,
On this maner maid his Citatioun.
I Maister Uolf partles of fraud and gyle,
Under the pauis of hie Suspensioun,
Of greit Cursing and Interdictioun,
Schir Scheip, I charge the, for to compeir,
And answer to ane Doig befoir me heir.
Schir Corbie Rauin wes maid Apparitour,
Quha pykit had full mony Scheipis Ee.
The charge hes tane, and on the letteris bure,
Summonit the Scheip befoir the Uolf, that he
[...]remptourlie within twa dayis, or thre,
Compeir vnder the panis in this bill,
[...]eir quhat Perrie Doig will say the till.
This Summondis maid befoir witnes anew,
The Rauin as to his office weill effeird,
Indorsat hes the write, and on he flew.
The selie Scheip durst lay na mouth on cird,
Till he befoir the awfull Iuge appeird.
The hour of cause, quhilk that the Iuge vsi
[...] than,
Quhen Hesperus to schaw his face began.
The Foxe wes Clerk, and Noter in the cause.
The Gled, the Graip at the Bar couth stand,
[Page]As Aduocatis expert in to the Lawis,
The Doggis pley togidder tuke on hand,
Quhilk wer confidderit straitlie in ane band,
Aganis the Scheip to procure the sentence.
Thocht it was fals thay had n
[...] conscience.
¶The Clerk callit the Scheip, and he wes thair.
The Aduocatis on this wyse couth propone.
Ane certane breid, worth fyue schilling or mair,
Thow aw the Doig, of quhilk the ter
[...]ne is gone.
Of his a win held but Aduocate allone,
The Scheip
[...]ysitlie gaif answer in the cace.
Heir I declyne the Iuge, the tyme, the place.
This is my cause, in motiue and effect.
The Law sayis, it is richt perrillous,
Till enter in pl
[...]y befoir ane Iuge suspect.
And ȝe Schir U
[...]lf, hes bene richt odious
To me, for with ȝour Tus
[...]is rauenous.
[...]s slane full mony Kinn
[...]smen of myne.
[...]rfoir Iuge, as suspect, I ȝow declyne.
And schortlie, of this Court ȝe memberis all,
Baith Ass
[...]is, Clerk, and
To me, and myne ar enemeis mortall,
And ay hes bene, thoch
[...] I mycht not it lat.
The place is
[...]er, the tyme is inspera
Quhairfoir na Iuge suld sit in Consistorie,
Sa lait at euin, I ȝow accuse for thy.
Quhen that the Iuge on this wyse wes accusit,
[...]ad the par
[...]heis with ane assent,
Twa Arbiteris, as in the Law is vsit,
For to declair, and gif Arbitrement,
[Page]Qubidder the scheip suld answer in Iugement,
Befoir the Uolf: and so thay did but weir,
Of quhome the Namis efterwart ȝe sall heir.
¶The Beir, the Brok, the mater tuke on hand,
For to d
[...]cyde, gif this exceptioun
Wes of na strenth, nor lauchfullie mycht stand.
And thairupon as Iugis thay sat doun,
And held ane lang quh
[...]le disputatioun,
Seikand full mony Decre
[...]is of the Law,
And Glosis als, the veritie to knaw.
Of Ciuile Law volumis full mony thay reuolue,
The Codies, and Digestes new and ald.
Contrait, Prostrait Argumentis thay resolue.
Sum obiecting, and sum can hald.
For prayer, or price, trow ȝe that thay wald fald?
Bot had the glose, and Text of the Decreis,
As trew Iugis. I beschrew thame ay that leis.
Schortlie to mak ane end of this debait,
The Arbiteris than did sweir full plane.
The sentence gaif, and proces fulminat,
The Scheip suld pas befoir the Uolf agane,
And end his pley. Than wes he nathing fane,
For fra thair sentence couth he not appeill.
On Clerkis I do it, gif this sentence wes leill.
¶The Scheip agane befoir the Uolf d
But Aduocate abasitlie couth stand.
[...]ais the doig, and on the Scheip thus plenȝeit,
Ane soume I payit ha
[...]f b
[...] the hand,
For certane breid thairto a
[...]e Borrow he fand.
That wrango
[...]slie the Scheip did ha
[...]d the breid,
[Page]Quhilk he denyit: and thair began the pleid.
¶And quhen the Scheip this stuf had contestait,
The Iustice in the cause furth can proceid.
Lowrence the actis, and the proces wrait,
And thus the pley vnto the end thay speid.
This Cursit Court corruptit all for meid,
Aganis gude faith, Law, and
[...]ik conscience,
For this fals Doig pronuncit the sentence.
And it till put to executioun,
The Uolf chargit the Scheip without delay,
Under the panis of Interdictioun,
The soume of siluer, or the breid to pay.
Of this sent
[...]nce (allace) quhat sall I say?
Quhilk dampnit hes the selie Innocent,
And Iustifyit the wrangous Iugement.
The Scheip dreidand mair executioun,
Obeyand to the sentence, he couth tak
His way vnto ane Merchand of th
[...] Toun,
And sauld the wo
[...], that he bure on his bak.
Syne bocht the br
[...]id, and to the Doig cou
[...]h mak
Reddie payment
[...] as it commandit wa
Nakit and bair
[...]yne to the feild couth pas.
THis selie Scheip may present the figure,
Of pure commounis that daylie is opprest,
Be Tirrane men, quhilkis settis all thair cure,
Be fals menis, to mak ane wrang conqueist,
In hope, this present lyfe suld euer l
Bot all begylit, thay will in schort tyme
And ef
[...]er deith to lest and panis wend.
¶This Uolf, I likkin to a
[...]e Schiref s
Quhilk byis ane forfalt at the Kingis hand.
And hes with him ane cursi
[...] Assyis about,
And dytis all the pure men vp on land.
Fra the Crownar haif laid on him his wand,
Thocht he wer trew as euer wes Sanct Iohne,
Slane sa
[...]l he be, or with the Iuge compone.
This Ra
[...], I likkin to ane fals Crownar,
Quhilk hes ane portioun of the Inditement,
And pass
[...]urth befoir the Iustice Air,
All misdoaris to bring to Iugement.
Bot luke gif he wes of ane trew Intent,
To Scraip out Iohne, and wryte in Will, or Wat,
And swa ane bud at baith the parteis tak.
Of this fals Tod of quhilk I spak befoir,
And of this Gled, quhat
[...]hay micht signifie.
Of thair na
[...]ure, as now I sp
[...]ik no moir.
Bot o
[...] this Scheip, and o
[...] his cairfull cry,
I sall reh
[...]irs, for as I passi
[...] by,
Quhair t
[...]at he
[...]ay on cais I lukit doun,
And hard him mak sair lamentatioun.
Allace (quod he) this cursit Consistorie,
In middis of the winter now is maid,
Quhen Boreas with blaitis bi
And hard froistis,
[...]ouris doun can faid.
On bankis bair now may I mak na baid.
And with that word in to a
[...]e coif he crap,
Fra sair wedder, and noistis him to hap.
Quaik and for cauld, sair murnand ay amang,
[...]t vp his Ee vnto the
[...] hicht.
[Page]And said, Lord God, quhy sleipis thow sa lang:
Walk, and discerne my cause groundit on richt.
Se how I am be fraud, maistrie, and slicht,
Peillit full bair, and so is mony one,
Now in this warld, richt wonder wobegone.
Se how this cursit sone of couetice,
Loist hes baith lawtie, and eik Law.
Now few, or nane will execute Iustice,
In falt of quhome, the pure man is ouerthraw.
The veritie suppois the Iuge it knaw,
He is so blindit with affec
But dreid for micht he lettis the richt go doun.
Seis thow not (Lord) this warld ouerturnit is,
As quha wald change gude gold in leid or tyn?
The pure is peillit, the Lord may do na mis.
And Simonie is haldin for na syn.
Now is he blyith with okker maist may win.
Gentrice is slane, and pietie is ago.
Allace (gude Lord) quhy tholis thow it so?
Thow tholis this euin for our greit offence,
Thow sendis vs troubill, and plaigis soir.
As hunger derth, greit weir, or Pestilence.
Bot few amendis now thair lyfe thairfoir.
We pure pepill as now may do no moir,
Bot pray to the, sen tha
[...] we ar opprest
In to this eirth, grant vs in heuin gude rest.
¶The Taill of the Lyonn, and the Mous.
IN middis of Iune, that sweit seasoun,
Quhen that
[...]air Phebus with his b
[...]nis bricht,
[Page]Had dryit vp the dew fra daill and doun,
And all the land maid with his bemis lich
In ane morning betuix mid day, and nicht,
I rais, and put all sleuth, and sleip asyde.
And to ane wod I went allone but gyde.
¶ Sweit wes the smel of flouris quhyte and reid.
The noyes of birdis richt delitious.
The b
[...]wis braid blomit abone my heid.
The ground growand with gers gratious.
Of all plesance, that place wes plenteous,
[...]th sweit odouris, and birdis harmonie,
The Murning Myld, my mirth wes mair for thy.
The Rosis reid arrayit on Rone and Ryce.
The Prymeros, and the Purpour Uiola.
To heir it wes ane poynt of Paradic
Sic Mirth the Mauis, and the Merle couth ma.
The blossuminis blyith brak vp on bank and bra,
The smell of H
[...]rbis, and of foullis cry,
Contending quha suld haif the victorie.
Me to conserue than fra the sonis hei
Under the schadow of ane Hawthorne grene,
I lenit
[...]oun amang the flouris sweit,
Syne cled my heid, and closit ba
[...]th my Ene.
On sleip I fell amang thir bewis bene.
And in my dr
[...]me, me thocht come throw the schaw,
The fairest man that euer be
[...]oir I saw.
His gowne wes of ane claith, als quhyte as milk.
His Chemeis wes of Chambelo
[...]e Purpour Broun.
His hude of
[...]rit weill with silk,
[...] wyis vntill his gir
[...] doun.
[Page]His Bonat round, and of the auld fa
His heid wes quhyte, his Ene wes greit and gray,
With loaker hair, quhilk ouer his schulderis lay.
¶Ane Roll of paper in his hand he bair.
Ane Swannis pen stikand
[...]nder his eir.
Ane Inkhorne, with ane prettie gilt Pennair,
Ane bag of silk, all at his belt can beir.
Thus was he gudelie graithit in his geir,
Of stature large, and with ane feirfull face.
Euin quhair I lay he come ane sturdie pace.
And said, God speid my sone: and I wes fan
Of that couth word, and of his cumpanie.
With reuerence I
[...]t him agane,
Welcome Father: and he sat doun me by.
Displeis ȝow not my gude maister, thocht I
Demand ȝour birth, ȝour facultie, and name,
Quhy ȝe come heir, or quhair ȝe dwell at hame?
My sone (said he) I am of gentill blude.
My natiue land is Rome withouttin nay.
And to the Towne first to the Sculis I ȝude,
In Ciuile Law
[...]yit full mony ane day.
And no
[...] my winning is in Heuin for ay.
Is couth and kend to mony cunning Clerk,
Esope I
[...], my wryting and my we
O Maister Esope Poet Laureate,
God wai
[...] del
[...] welcum to m
Ar ȝe not he th
[...] all th
[...] wrai
Quhilk in
[...] s
[...]s thay
[...]enȝeit be,
Ar full of prudenc
[...] and moralitie?
[...] I
[...]in man.
[Page]God wait gif that my hert wes merie than.
¶I said, Esope my Maister Uenerabill
I ȝow beseik hartlie for cheritie,
Ȝe wald not disdayne to tell ane prettie Fabill,
Concludand with ane gude Moralitie.
Schaikand his heid, he said, my sone lat be,
For quhat is it worth to tell ane fenȝeie taill,
Quhen haly preiching may na thing auaill?
Now in this warld me think richt few or nane,
To Goddis word that hes deuotioun.
The eir is deif, the hart is hard as stane.
Now oppin sin without correctioun.
The eir Inclynand to the eirth ay doun.
Sa roustie is the warld with canker blak,
That now my taillis may lytill succour mak.
Ȝis gentill Schir (said I) for my requeist,
Not to displeis ȝon
[...] Fatherheid, I pray,
Under the figure of ane brutall beist
Ane morall Fabill ȝe wald denȝe to say.
Quha wait, nor I may leir and beir away
Sum thing thairby heirefter may auaill?
I grant (quod he) and thus begouth
[...]ne tailk
¶The end of the Prolog, and beginnis the Taill.
ANe Lyoun at his Pray vetray foirrun
To recreat his limmi
[...] and to re
Beikand his breist, and
[...]ellie at the Sone
Under ane tre lay in the fair Forr
Swa come ane trip of Myis
[...]ut of
[Page]Ryche tai
[...] and trig, all dansand in ane gy
And ouer the Lyoun thy da
[...]sit twyis, or thryis.
¶He lay so still, the Myis wes not effeird,
Bot to and fro out ouer him tuke thair trace.
Sum tirllit at the Campis of his b
Sum spairit not to claw him on the face,
Merie and gla
[...]d, thus dansit thay ane space,
Till at the last, the Nobill Lyoun woke,
And with his pow, the maister Mous he tuke.
Scho gaif ane cry, and all the laif agast,
Thair dansing left, and hid thame heir a
[...]d thair.
Scho that wes tane, cryit and weipit fast.
And said allace oftymes that scho come thair.
Now am I tane ane wofull presonair,
And for my gilt traistis Incontinent,
Of lyfe and deith, to thoill the Iugement.
Than spak the Lyoun to that cairfull Mous.
Thow Catiue wreiche, and vile vnworthie thing,
Ouer malapert, and eik presumpteous
Thow wes, to mak out ouer me thy tripping.
Knew thow not weill. I wes baith Lord and King
Of beistis all. Ȝes (quod the Mous) I knaw.
Bot I misane
[...], because ȝe lay so law.
Lord, I b
[...]seik thy Kinglie Royaltie,
Heir quha
[...] I say, and tak in pacience.
[...]idder first my
[...]imple pouertie,
And syne thy mych
[...]e hie Magnifice
Se als how thingis done of Negligence,
Nouther of malice, nor of pr
The rather suld ha
[...]f grace and Remi
¶We wer repleit, and had greit aboundan
Of alkin thingis, sic as to vs effeird.
The sweit seldun prouokit vs to dance,
And mak sic mirth as nature to vs leird.
Ȝe lay so still, and law vpon the eird,
That be my saull, we weind ȝe had bene deid.
Ellis wald we not haif dancit ouer ȝour heid.
Thy fals excuse, the Lyoun said agane,
Sall not auaill ane myte I vnder
I put the cace, I had bene deid, or s
And syne my skyn bene stoppit full of s
Thocht thow had found my figure lya
[...]d swa,
Because it bair the prent of my persoun,
Thow suld for feir on kneis haif fallin doun.
For thy trespas thow sall mak na defence,
My Nobill persoun thus to vilipend.
Of thy feiris, nor thy awin negligence,
For to excuse thow can na cause pretend.
Thairfoir thow suffer sall ane schamefull end,
And deith, sic as to tressoun is decreit,
Upon the Gallous hangit be the feit.
Na mercie Lord, at thy gentrice I ase,
As thow art King of beistis Coronat,
Sober thy wraith, and let it ouerpas
And mak thy mynd to mer
[...]y Inclynat.
I grant offence is done to thyne estait,
Quhairfoir I worthie am to suffer deid,
Bot gif thy cumlie mercie reik remeid.
In euerie Iuge mercy and reuth
[...]uld be,
[...]ssessouris, and Collaterall.
[Page]With out mercie Iustice is crueltie,
As said is in the Lawis speciall.
Quhen Rigour sittis in the Tribunall,
The equitie of Law quha may sustene?
Richt few or nane but mercie gang betwene.
[...]wa ȝe knaw the honour Triumphall,
Of all Uictour, vpon the strenth dependis
Of his compair, quhilk manlie in battell
Throw Ieopardie of weir lang d
Quhat price or louing quhen the battell endis,
Is said of him, that ouercummis ane man,
Him to defend quhilk nouther may, nor can?
Ane thousand Myis to kill, and eik deuoir,
Is lytill manheid to ane strang Lyoun.
Full lytill worschip haif ȝe wyn thairfoir,
To quhais strenth is na comparisoun:
It will degraid sum part of ȝour renoun,
To sla ane Mous, quhilk may mak na defence,
Bot as
[...]and mercie at ȝour excellence.
Also, it semis not ȝour Celsitude,
Quhilk vsis daylie meittis delitious,
To fyle ȝour teith, or lippis with my blude,
Quhilk to ȝour stomok is contagious.
Unhailsum meit is of ane sarte Mous,
And that namelie vntill ane strang Lyoun,
Uont till be fed with gentill Uennisoun.
My lyfe is lytill worth, my deith is les.
Ȝit and I leif, I may peraduenture
Supple ȝour hienes beand in distres.
For oft is sene, ane man of small stature,
[Page]Reskewit hes ane Lord of hie honour,
Keipit that wes in point to be ouerthrawin.
Throw misfortune, sic cace may be ȝour awin.
¶Quhen this wes said, the Lyoun his language
Paissit, and thocht according to ressoun.
And gart mercie his cruell Ire asswage,
And to the Mous grantit Remissioun.
Oppinnit his Poll, and scho on kneis fell doun,
And baith hir handis vnto the heuin vpheld,
Cryand, Almychtie God mot ȝow forȝeild.
Quhen scho wes gone, the Lyoun held to hunt,
For he had nocht, bot leuit on his Pray
And flew baith tayme and wyld, as he wes wont,
And in the cuntrie maid ane greit deray.
Till at the last, the pepill land the way,
This cruell Lyoun how that thay mycht tak.
Or Hempyn cordis strang Nettis couth thay mak.
And in ane Rod, quhair he wes wont to ryn,
With Raipis rude fra tre to tre it band.
Syne kest ane Range on raw the woid within,
With hornis blast, and Kennettis fast calland.
The Lyoun fled, and throw the Ron rynnand,
Fell in the Net, and hankit fute and heid,
For all his strenth he couth mak na remeid.
Uelterand about with hiddeous rummissing,
Quhyle to, quhyle fra, quhil he mycht
succour[?] get.
Bot all in vane, it va
[...] him na thing.
The mair he
[...]g, the faster wes the Net,
The Raipis rude wes sa about him
On euerilk syde, that succour saw h
[...] nane,
[...]t still
[...]yand, and murnand maid his mane.
¶O lamit Lyoun liggand heir
[...]a law,
Quhair is the mycht of thy Magnificence?
Of quh
[...]me all brutall beist in eird stude aw,
And dred to lu
[...]e vpon thy Excellence.
But hoip, or help, but succour or defence,
In bandis strang heir man I ly (allace)
Till I be
[...]lane, I se nane vther grace.
Thair is na wy that will my harmis wreik,
Nor creature do confort to my Croun.
Quha sall me
[...]ute? quha sall my bandis brek?
Quha sall me put fra pane of this Presoun?
Be he had maid this lamentatioun,
Throw auenture, the lytill Mous come neir,
And of the Lyoun hard the pietuous beir.
And suddandlie it come in till hir mynd,
That i
[...] suld be the Lyoun did hir grace,
And said, now wer I fals, and richt vnkynd,
Bot gif I quit sumpart of thy gentrice
Thow did to m
[...]: and on this way scho gais
To hir fellowis, and on thame fast can cry.
Cum help, cum help, and thay come all in
Lo (quod the Mous) this is the
[...]amin Lyoun,
That grantit grace to me, quhen I wes tane.
And now is
[...] and mane.
[...] t
[...]air be nane.
[...] sinne for ane vther.
[...]o lou
[...] him sone, and thay
¶Thay tuke na knyfe, thair teith we
[...] neuch:
To se that sicht, forsuith it wes greit wōder.
How that thay ran am
[...]ng the raipi
[...] te
Befoir, behind, sum ȝeid about, sum vnder.
And schuir the raipis of the Mast in
Syne bad him ryse, and he start vp anone,
And thankit thame, syne on his way is gone
Now is the Lyoun fre of all danger,
Lous and deliuerit to his libertie,
Be lytill beistis of ane small power.
As ȝe ha
[...]f hard, because
[...]e had pietie.
(Quod I), Maister is thair ane moralitie
In this Fabili? ȝea sone (he said) richt gude
I pray ȝow Schi
[...] (quod I) ȝe wald conclude
AS I suppois, this mychtie gay Lyoun,
Ane Potestate, or ȝit ane King with Cr
Quhilk suld be, walkri
[...] gyde, and Gouernour,
May signifie ane Prince, or Empriour
Of his pepill that tak
[...]s na labour
To reule, and steir the land and Iustice keip,
Bot lyis
[...]in su
[...]is, sleuth, and
[...] Forrest with leu
[...]owne and se,
With foullis san
[...], and flouris
Is bot the warld and his prosper
As fals plesance
Rycht as the
Faidts, swa dois the warld, and
Quhilk in thair lustis
[...]antoun, vnwyse, without correctioun.
Thair Lordis, and Princis quhen that thay se,
Of Iustice mak nane executioun,
Thay dreid na thing to mak Rebellioun,
And disobey: for quhy thay stand nane aw,
That gar
[...]is thame thair Soueranis misknaw.
Be this Fabill, ȝe Lordis of Prudenc
May considder the vertew of Pietie.
And to remit sumtyme ane greit offence,
And mitigate with mercy crueltie.
[...]tymis is sene ane man of small degre,
Hes quit ane turne baith for gude and euill,
As Lord hes done Rigour, or grace him till.
Quha wait how sone ane Lord of greit Renoun,
Rolland in warldlie lust, and vane plesance,
May be ouerthrawin, destroyit, and put doun,
Throw fals fortoun? quhilk of all variance
Is haill maistres, and leidar of the dance
Till Iniust men, and blindis thame so soir.
That thay na perrell can prouyde befoir.
Thir cruell men, that stentit hes the Net,
In quhilk the Lyoun suddandlie wes tane:
Uaittit alway amendis for to get.
(For hurt men wrytis in the Marbill stane)
Mair till expound, as now I let allane.
Bot King and Lord may weill wit quhat I mene:
Figure heirof oftymis hes bene lene.
Quhen this wes said (quod Esope) my fair child
I ȝow beseik, and all men for to pray,
[Page]That tressoun of this cuntrie be exyld
And Iustice Regne, and Lordis keip thair
Unto thair Souerane Lord
[...]aith nicht and day.
And with that word he vani
[...], and I woke.
Syne throw the Schaw my Iourney hamewart tuke.
¶The Preiching of the Swallow.
THe hie Prudence, and wirking meruelous,
The pro
[...]ound wit of God omnipotent,
Is sa perfyte, and sa Ingenious,
Excellent far all mannis Iugement.
For quhy to him all thing is ay prese
Richt as it is, or ony tyme sall be,
[...]oir the sicht of his Diuinitie.
Thairfoir our Saull with Sensualitie
So fetterit is in presoun Corporall,
We may not cleirlie vnderstand, nor se
God, as he is, nor thingis Celestiall.
Our mirk and deidlie corps Naturall,
Blindis the Spirituall operatioun,
Lyke as ane man wer bundin in presoun.
¶In Metaphisik Aristotell sayis,
That mannis Saull is lyke ane Bakkis Ee,
Quhilk lurkis still, als lang as licht of day is,
And in the gloming cummis furth to fle.
Hir Ene ar waik; the Sone scho may not se.
Sa is our Saull with f
[...]ntasie opprest,
To knaw the thingis in nature manifest
For God is in his power Infinite:
[Page]And mannis Saull is fe
[...]ill, and ouer small,
Of vnderstanding waik, and vnperfite
To comprehend him that contenis all.
Nor suld presume be ressoun naturall
To seirche the secreittis of the Trinitie,
Bot trow fermelie, and lat all ressoun be.
¶ Ȝit neuertheles we may haif knawlegeing
Of God almychtie, be his Creaturis.
That he is gude, fait, wyis and ben
Exempill ta
[...] be thir Iolie flouris,
Rycht sweit of smell, and plesant of colouris.
Sum grene, sum blew,
[...]um purpour, quhyte, & reid,
Thus distribute be gift of his Godheid.
The firmament payntit with sternis cleir,
From eist to west rolland in cirkill round.
And euerilk Planet in his proper Spheir,
In mouing makand Harmonie and sound.
The Fyre, the Air, the watter, and the ground,
Till vnderstand it is an
[...]uch, I wis,
That God in all his werkis wittie is.
Luke weill the fische that swimmis in the fe.
Luke weill in eirth all kynd of bestiall.
The foullis fair sa force he thay fle,
Scheddand the air with pe
[...]is greit and small.
Syne luke to man, that he maid
[...]t of all
Lyke to his Image, and his
Be thi
[...] we knaw, that God is
[...] and g
Of man,
In to this
[Page]In number, wecht, and dew proportioun,
The difference of tyme, and ilk seasoun,
Concordand till our oportunitie.
As daylie be experience we may se.
¶The Somer with his Iolie mantill of grene,
With flouris fair furrit on euerilk fent.
Quhilk Flora Goddes of the flouris Quene,
Hes to that Lord as for his seasoun lent.
And Phedus with his goldin bemis gent,
Hes purfellit and payntit plesandlie,
With heit and moysture stilland from the sky.
Syne Haruest ha
[...]t, quhen Ceres that Goddes
Hir barnis bewit hes with abundance.
And Bacchus God of wyne renewit hes
The tume Py
[...]pis, in Italie, and France,
With wynis wicht, and liquour of plesance.
Copia temporis to fill hir horne,
That neuer wes full of quheit, nor vther corne.
Syne wynter man, quhen Austerne Eolus,
God of the wynd with blastis
The grene garment of Somer glorious,
Hes all to rent, and re
[...]in in pecis small.
Than flouris fair fa
[...]dit with froist, man fall.
And bird
[...]lyith changit thair noitis sweit,
In still mu
[...] ne
[...] slane with sn
[...]w, and sle
[...] de
[...]p with
[...]ubbis drownit is.
Baith hill and
[...] with frostis
And bewis
Be wickit
All wyld
[...]s for dreid vnto thair dennis deip,
Coucheand for cauld in coifis thame to keip.
¶Syne cummis Uer, quhen winter is away,
The Secretar of Somer with his Seill.
Quhen Columbie vp ke
[...]kis throw the clay,
Quhilk fleit wes befoir with frostis fell.
The Mauis, and the Merle beginnis to mell:
The Lark on loft, with vther birdis small,
Than drawis furth fra derne, ouer doun and daill.
That samin seasoun, in to ane soft morning,
Richt blyith that bitter blastis wer ago,
Unto the wod to se the flouris spring,
And heir the Maueis sing, and birdis mo.
I passit furth, syne lukit to and fro
To se the Soill, that wes richt sessonabill,
Sappie, and to resaif all seidis abill.
Mouing thusgait greit mirth I tuke in mynd
Of lauboraris to se the besines.
Sum makand dyke, and sum the pleuch can wynd,
Sum sawand seidis fast from place to place.
The Harrowis hoppand in the saweris trace.
It wes greit Ioy to him that lufit corne,
To se thame laubour, baith at euin and morne.
And as I baid vnder ane bank full bene,
In hart greitlie reiosit of that sicht.
Unto ane hedge, vnder ane Hawthorne grene
Of small birdis thair come ane ferlie flicht.
And doun belyif can on the leifis licht,
On euerilk syde about me quhair I stude,
Richt meruelous ane mekill multitude.
Amang the quhilkꝭ, ane Swallow loud couth cry,
On that Hawthorne hie in the croip sittand.
O ȝe Birdis, on leiffis, heir me by,
Ȝe sall weill knaw, and wyistie vnderstand,
Quhair danger is, or perrell appeirand,
It is greit wisedome to prouyde befoir,
It to deuoid, for dreid it hurt ȝow moir.
Schir Swallow (quod the Lark) agane & len
Quhat haif ȝe sene, that causis ȝow to dreid
Se ȝe ȝone Churll (quod scho)
[...]eȝond ȝone pleu
Fast sawand hemp, lose, and linget seid.
Ȝone lint will grow in lytill tyme in deid,
And thairof will ȝone Churll his Nettis mak,
Under the quhilk he thin
[...]is vs to tak.
Thairfoir I reid we pas quhen he is gone,
At euin, and with our naillis scharp and small,
Out of the eirth scraip we ȝone seid anone,
[...]it it vp, for gif it growis, we
Haif cause to weip heirefter ane and all.
Se we remeid thairfoir furth with Instante,
Nam leuius ledit quicquid preuiūimus ante.
For Cle
[...]kis sayis, it is nocht sufficient,
To considder that is befoir thyne Ee.
Bot prudence is ane inwart Argument,
That garris ane man prouyde and foirse,
Quhat gude, quhat euill is liklie for to be,
Of euerilk thing euin at the finall end.
And swa fra perrell the better him defend.
The Lark lauchand y
t Swallow thus couth scorne,
And said scho fischit lang befoir the Net.
[Page]The barne is eith to busk that is vnborne.
All growis nocht, that in the ground is set.
The nek to stoup quhen it the straik sall get,
Is sone aneuch: deith on the
[...]ayest fall.
Thus scornit thay the Swallow ane and all.
[...]ing thus hir helthsum document
The foullis ferlie tuke thair flicht anone,
Sum with ane bir thay braidit ouer the bent:
And sum agane ar to the grene woid gone.
Upon the land quhair I wes left allone,
I tuke my club, and hamewart couth I carie
Swa ferliaud, as I had sene ane farie.
Thus passit furth quhill Inne that Iolie tyde,
And seidis that wer sawin of beforne,
Wer growin hie, that Hairis mycht thame hyde:
And als the Quailȝe craikand in the corne.
I mouit furth betuix midday and morne,
Unto the hedge vnder the Hawthorne grene,
Quhair I befoir the said birdis had sene.
And as I stude be auenture and cace,
The samin birdis as I haif said ȝow air,
I hoip, because it wes thair hanting place,
Mair of succour, or ȝit mair solitair,
Thay lychtit doun: and quhen thay lychtit war
The Swallow swyith put furth an
[...] pietuous pyme.
Said, wo is him can not bewar in tyme.
O blind birdis, and full of negligence,
Unmyndfull of ȝour a win prosperitie.
Lift vp ȝour sicht, and tak gude aduertence,
Luke to the Lint, that growis on ȝone le.
[Page]Ȝone is the thing I bad forsuith, that we
Quhill it wes seid
[...]uld rute furth of the eird.
Now is it Lint: now is it hie on breird.
¶Go ȝit, quhi
[...]l it is tender and small,
And pull it vp, let it na mair Incres.
My fl
[...]sche growis, my bodie quaikis all,
Thinkand on it I may not sleip in peis.
Thay cryit all, and bad the Swallow ceis.
And said, ȝone Lint heirefter will do gude,
For linget is to lytill birdis
We think qu
[...]en that ȝone lin
[...] bollis ar ryip,
To mak vs Feist, and
[...]ill vs of the
Magre ȝone Churll, and on it sing and pyip.
Weill (quod the Swallow) freindis hardilie be
Do as ȝe will, bot certane sai
[...] I dreid,
Heirefter ȝe sall find als sour, as sweit,
Qnhen ȝe ar speldi
[...] on ȝone Carlis speit.
The awner of ȝone lint, ane fouler is,
Richt cautelous, and full of subteltie.
His pray full sendill tymis will he mis,
Bot gif we
[...]irdis all the warter be.
Full mony of our Kin he hes gart de
And thocht it bot ane sport to spill thair blude.
God keip me fra him, and the halie Rude.
Thir small birdis haifand bot lytill thoch
Of perrell, that micht fall be auenture,
The counsell of the Swallow s
[...]t at nocht,
[...]uke than flicht, and furth
[...]ogidder fure.
Sum to the wo
[...]d, sum markit to the Mure.
I tuke my stat, quhen this wes said and done,
[Page]And walkit hame, for it drew neir the none.
¶The Lint ryipit, the Carll pullit the Lyne:
Rippillit the bollis, and in beitis set.
It steipit in the but
[...], and dryit syne:
And with ane Betill knokkit it, and b
Syne swingillit it weill, aud hekkillit in the flet.
His wy
[...]e it span, and twynit it in to threid.
Of quh
[...]lk the Fowlar Nettis maid in deid.
The wynter come, the wickit wind can blaw:
The woddis grene wer wallowit with the weit
Baith firth and fell with froistis wer maid faw,
Slonkis and slaik maid s
[...]idderie with the
The foullis fair for falt thay fell of feit.
On vewis bair it wes na bute to byde,
Bot hy
[...]t vnto housis thame to hyde.
Sum in the barn, sum in the stak of corne,
Thair lugeing tuke, and maid thair re
The Fowlar saw, and greit a
[...]this hes sworne
Thay suld be tane trew
[...]e for thair expence.
His Nettis hes he set with diligence,
And in the snaw he sch
[...]t hes ane plane,
And heillit it all ouer with calf agane.
Thir small birdis seand the calf wes gl
Trowand it had bene
[...]orne, thay ly
[...]it doun.
Bot of the Ne
[...]tis na presume thay had,
Nor of the
[...] Fowlaris fals Intentio
To scraip, and seik thair meit th
[...]y maid thame bo
The Swallow on ane lytill branche nei
[...] by
[...]nd for
[...]yle, thus loud on th
[...]me c
¶In to that calf scraip quhill ȝour naillis bleid,
Thair is na corne, ȝe laubour all in vane.
Trow ȝe ȝone Churll for pietie will ȝow
Na, na, he hes it heir layit for ane tra
Remoue I reid, or ellis ȝe will be slane.
His Nettis he hes set full priuely.
Reddie to draw: in tyme be war for thy.
Greit fule is he that puttis in dangeir
His lyfe, his honour, for ane thing of nocht.
Greit fule is he, that will not glaidlie heir
Counsall in tyme, quhill it auaill him mocht.
Greit fule is he, that hes na thing in thocht,
Bot thing pr
[...] and efter quhat may fall,
Nor of the end hes na memoriall.
Thir small birdis for hunger famischit neir,
Full besie scraipand for to seik thair fude.
The counsall of the Swallow wa
[...]d not heir.
[...]is thair la
[...]bour did thame lytill gude.
Quhen scho thair fuluche hartis vnderstude
Sa Indurate, vp in ane tre scho flew.
With that this Churll ouer thame his Nettis drew.
Allace it wes gre
[...]t hart
[...]air for to se
That bludie Boucheour bet thay birdis doun.
And for
[...]ill heir, q
[...]hen thay w
[...] weill to de,
Thair cairfull sang and lamentatioun
Sum with ane stat he straik to eirth on swoun:
Of sum the he
[...]d he straik
[...] of sum he
[...] the crag
Sum half on
[...] he stoppit in his
And quhen the S
[...]allow saw that thay wer deid.
Lo (quod
[...]cho) thus it happinnis mony syis,
[Page]On thame that will not tak counsall, nor reid
Of Prudent men, or Clerkis that ar wyis.
This greit perrell I ta
[...]ld thame mair than thryis.
Now ar thay deid, and wo is me thairfoir.
Scho tuke hir flicht, bot I hir saw no moir.
LO worthie fol
[...] Esope that Nobill Clerk,
Ane Poet worthie to be Lawreat.
Quhen that he waiki
[...] from mair autētik werk,
With vther ma, this
[...]oirsaid Fabill wrait.
Quhilk at this tyme may weill be applicat,
To gude morall edificatioun,
[...]lid ane sentence, according to ressoun.
This Carll, and Bond of gentrice spolia
Sawand this ca
[...]f, thir small birdis to s
It is the Feind, quhilk
[...]ra the Angelike stait
Exylit is, as
[...]s Apostata.
[...] and nicht wery is not for to ga,
[...]d poysoun in mony wicki
[...] thocht,
In ma
[...]nis Sa
[...]ll, quhilk Christ full deir hes
And quhen
[...] the Saull, as s
[...]id in to the el
Geuis consent vnto de
The w
[...]ckit th
[...] b
[...] fo
[...] to
In deidlie sin, quhilk is dampna
Ressoun is blindit with
And carnall lust growis full grene and gay
Throw cons
[...] from day to day
Proceding fur
[...] be vse
The si
[...] r
[...]ipis, and
[...]hame is
[...] on syde.
[...] and
[Page]And vnder plesance preuilie dois hyde.
Syne on the feild he sawis ca
[...]f full wyde,
Quhilk is bot tume and verray vanitie,
Of fleschlie lust, and vaine prosperitie.
¶Thir hungrie birdis, wretchis we may calf,
Ay scraipand in this warldis plesance.
Gredie to gadder gudis temporall,
Quhilk as the calf, ar tume without substance.
Lytill of auaill, and full of variance.
Lyke to the mow, befoir the face of wind
Quhiskis away, and makis wretchis blind.
This Swallow quhilk eschaipit is the snair.
The halie Preicheour weill may signifie.
Exhortand folk to walk, and ay be war
Fra Nettis of our wickit enemie.
Quha fleipis not, bot euer is reddie,
Quhen wretchis in this warld calf dois
To draw his Net, that thay may not eschasp.
Allace quhat cair, quhat weiping is and wo,
Quhen Saull and bodie departit ar in twane
The bodie to the worn
[...] Keiching go:
The Saull to Fyre to euerlestand
Quhat help is
[...] this
[...]lf, thir gu
[...] vane
Quhen thow art put in Luciferis b
And brocht to hel
[...], and hangit be the crag.
This sarle calf
[...] to vnderstand:
For in this
Is na man w
[Page]His lyfe will lest,
[...]or how that he sall end:
Efter his deith nor quhidder he sall wend.
¶Pray we thairfoir quhill we ar in this lyfe,
For four thingis: the first, fra sin remufe.
The secund is, fra all weir and stryfe,
The thrid is, perfite cheritie and lufe.
The feird thing is, and maist for our behufe,
That is in blis with Angellis to be fallow.
And thus endis the preiching of the Swallow.
¶The T
[...]ill of the Uolf, that gat the Nekhering, throw the wrinkis of the Foxe, that begylit the Cadgear.
QUhylum thair wynnit in ane wildernes,
(As myne Authour expressie can declair)
Ane reuand Uolf, that leuit vpon ca
On bestiall, and maid him weill to fair.
Was nane sa big about him he wald spair,
And he war hungrie, outher for fauour, or feid,
Bot in his breith he weryit thame to deid.
Swa happinnit him in watching as he went,
To meit ane Foxe in middis of the way.
He him foirsaw, and fenȝeit to be schent,
And with ane bek, he bad the Uolf gude day.
Welcum to me (quod he) thow Russell gray.
Syne loutit doun, and tuke him be the hand.
Ryse vp Lowrence, I leif the for to stand.
Quhair hes thow bene this sesoun fra my sicht
[...]eir office, and my Stewart be.
[Page]For thow can knap doun Caponis on the nicht,
And lourand law thow can gar hennis de.
Schir (said the Fo
[...]e) that ganis nocht for me.
And I am raid, gif thay me se on far,
That at my figure, beist and bird will s
¶Na (quod the Uolf) thow can in couert creip
Upon thy wame, and hint thame be the heid.
And mak ane suddand schow vpon ane scheip,
Syne with thy wappinnis wirtie him to deid.
Schir (said the Foxe) ȝe knaw my Roib is reid.
And thairfoir thair will na beist abyde me,
Thocht I wald be sa fals as for to hyde me.
Ȝis (quod the Uolf) throw buskis & throw baryꝭ,
Law can thow lour, to cum to thy Intent.
Schir (said the Foxe) ȝe wait weill how it gais,
Ane lang space fra thame thay will feill my sent.
Than will thay eschaip, suppois I suld be schent.
And I am schamefull for to cum behind thame,
In to the feild thocht I suld sleipand find thame.
Na (quod the Uolf) thow can cum on the wind,
For euerie wrin
[...] forsuith thow hes ane wyle.
Schir (said the Foxe) that beist ȝe micht call blind,
That micht not eschaip than fra me ane myle.
How micht I ane of thame that wyis begyl
My ti
[...]pit twa ei
[...]is, and my twa gray Ene
[...]is me be
[...]end, quhair I wes neuer sene.
Than (said the Uolf) Lowrence
[...] I heir the le,
And castis
[...]or petrellis thy ginnis to defend.
Bot all thy sonȝeis sall not auaill the,
About the bulk with wayis thocht tho
[...] wend.
[Page]Falset will failȝe ay at the latter end.
To bow at bidding, and byde not quhill thow brest,
Thairfoir I gif the counsall for the best.
¶Schir (said the Foxe) it is Lentring ȝe se,
And I can nouther fische, with huke, nor Net,
To tak ane Banestikill, thocht we baith suld de.
I had ane vther craft to win my meit.
Bot wer it Pasche, that men suld pultrie eit,
As Kiddis, Lambis, or Caponis in to ply.
To beir ȝour office than wald I not set by.
Than (said the Uolf) in wraith wenis thow with wyl
And with thy mony mowis me to mat.
It is ane auld Dog doutles that thow begylis:
Thow wenis to draw the stra befoir the cat.
Schir (said the Foxe) God wait, I mene not that,
For and I did, it wer weill worth that ȝe
In ane reid Raip had tyit me till ane tre.
Bot now I se, he is ane fule persay,
That with his maister fallis in ressoning.
I did bot till assay quhat ȝe wald say,
God wait my mynd wes on ane vther thing.
I sall fulfill in all thing ȝour bidding,
Quhat euer ȝe charge on nichtis or on dayis.
Weill (quod the Uolf) I heir weill quhat thow sayis.
Bot ȝit I will, thow mak to me ane aith
For to be leill attour all leuand leid.
Schir (said the Foxe) that ane word makꝭ me wraith
For now I se, ȝe haif me at ane dreid.
Ȝit sall I sweir, suppois it be not neid.
Be Iuppiter, and on pane of my heid,
[Page]I sall be trew to ȝow, quhill I be deid.
With that ane Cadgear
[...] with capill, & with cr
Come ca
[...]pand furth: than drew this Bouche our by.
The Foxe the
[...]ewer of the fresche hering feillis,
And to the Uolf he roundis priuelie.
Schir, ȝone ar hering the Cadgear caryis by.
Thairfoir I reid, that we se for sum wayis,
To get sum fische aganis thir fasting dayis.
¶Sen I am Stewart, I wald we had sum stuf,
And ȝe ar siluer seik, I wait richt weill.
Thocht we wald thig, ȝone verray Churlische chuf,
He will not gif vs ane hering of his Creill,
Befoir ȝone Churle on kneis thocht we wald kneill.
Bot ȝit I trow alsone that ȝe sall se,
Gif I can traist, to bleir ȝone Carllis Ee.
Schir, ane thing is, and we get of ȝo
[...]e pelf,
Ȝe man
[...]ak trauell, and mak vs sum supple.
For he
[...]hat will not laubour, and help him self,
In to thir dayis he is not worth ane
I think to wirk als besie as ane Be.
And ȝe sall follow ane lytill e
And gadder h
[...]ring, for that sall be ȝour part.
With that he kest ane cumpas far about,
And straucht him doun in middis of the way,
As he war deid, he
[...]enȝeit him but dout.
And than vpon ane lang vnliklie bray,
The quhyte o
[...] his Ene he
[...]urnit vp in tway.
His toung out hang ane handbreid of his heid.
[...]till he lay, als straucht as he wer deid.
¶The Cadgear fand the Foxe, and he wes sane.
And till him self, thus softlie can he say.
At the nixt bait in Faith ȝe sall be slane,
And of ȝour skyn I sall mak mittennis twa.
He lap full lichtlie abo
[...]t him quhair he lay,
And all the trace he trippit on his ta is,
As he had hacd ane pyper play, he gais.
Heir lyis the Deuill (quod
[...]e) deid in ane dyke.
Sic ane selcouth saw I not this seuin ȝeir.
I trow ȝe haif bene tussillit with suin tyke,
That garris ȝow ly sa still withouttin steir.
Schir F
[...] in Faith ȝe ar deir welcum heir.
[...] is su
[...]n wyfis malisone, I trow,
For pultrie pyking that lychtit hes on ȝow.
Thair sall na Pedder, for purs, nor ȝit for gluifis,
Nor ȝit for poyntis pyke ȝour p
[...]llet fra me.
I sall of it mak mittennis to my luifis,
Till hald my handis hait quhair euer I be.
Till F
[...]anderis sall it neuer saill the se.
With that in hy, he hint h
[...]n be the heillis,
And wich ane swak he swang him on the creillis.
Syne be the heid the hors in hy hes hint.
The fraudfull Foxe thairto g
[...]lde tent hes tane.
And with his teith the stoppell or he stint,
Pullit out, and syne the hering ane, and ane
Out o
[...] the creillis he swakkit doun gude wane
The Uolf wes wa
[...] and gadderit spedilie.
The Cadgear sang, huntis vp, vp vpon hie.
Ȝit at ane burne the Cadgear lukit about.
With that the Foxe
[...]ap q
[...]yte the creillis fra.
[Page]The Cadgear wald haif raucht the Foxe ane rou
Than with ane schou
[...], thus can the Cadgear say.
Bot all for nocht, he wan his hoill that day.
Abyde, and thow ane Nekhering sall haif,
Is wor
[...]h my Capill, Creillis, and all the laif.
Now (quod the Foxe) I schrew me, and we meit.
I hard quhat thow hecht to do with my skyn.
Thy handis sall neuer in thay mittennis tak heit,
And thow wer hangit Carll, and all thy kyn.
Do furth thy mercat, at me thow sall nocht wyn,
And sell thy h
[...]ring thow hes thair, till hie price
Ellis thow sall wyn nocht on thy merchandice.
The Cadgear tr
[...]millit for teyne quhair yat he stude.
[...] is weill worthie (quod he) I want ȝone tyke,
That had nocht in my ha
[...]d sa mekill gude,
As staf, or sting, ȝone truker for to stryke.
With that lychtlie he lap outouer ane dyke.
And snakkit doun ane stat, for he wes tene.
That heuie wes, and of the Holyne grene.
With that the Foxe vnto the Uolf couth wend.
And fand him be the hering, quhair he lyis.
Schir (said he than) maid I not fair defend.
Ane wicht man wantit neuer, and he wer wyis.
Ane hardie hart is hard for to suppryis.
(Than said the Uolf) thow art ane Ber
[...]e full bald.
And wyse at will, in gude tyme be it tald.
Bot quhat wes ȝone the Carll cryit on hie,
And schuke his heid, quhen that he saw thow fell?
Schir (said the Foxe) that I can tell trewlie.
He said, the Nekhering wes in till the creill.
[Page]Kennis thow that hering: ȝe Schir, I ken it weill.
And at the creill mouth I had it thryis but dout.
The wecht of it neir tit my tuskis out.
¶Now suithlie Schir, micht we that hering fāg,
It wa
[...]d befische to vs thir fourtie dayis.
Than (said the Uolf) now God nor that I hang,
Bot to be thair, I wald gif all my clais.
To se gif that my wappinnis mycht it rais.
Schir (said the Fo
[...]e) God wait, I wischit ȝow oft,
Quhen that my pith micht not beir it on loft.
It is ane syde of Salmond, as it wer,
And callour, pyand lyke ane Pertrik Ee.
It is worth all the hering ȝe haif thair.
Ȝe and we had it swa, is it worth sic thre.
Than (
[...]aid the Uolf) quhat counsell geuis thow me?
Schir (said the Foxe) wirk efter my deuyis,
And ȝe sall haif it, and tak ȝow na suppryis.
First, ȝe man cast ane cumpas far about.
Syne straucht ȝow doun in middis of the way.
Baith heid, and fei
[...], and taill ȝe man streik out.
Hing furth ȝour toung, & clois weill ȝour Ene tway.
Syne se ȝour heid on ane hard place ȝe lay.
And dou
[...] not for na perrell may appeir,
Bot hald ȝow clois, quhē yat the Carll cummîs neir.
And thocht ȝe se ane staf, haif ȝe na dout.
Bot hald ȝow wonder still in to that steid.
And luke ȝour Ene be clois, as thay wer out.
And se that ȝe schrink nouther fute, nor heid
Than will the Cadgear Carll trow ȝe be deid,
And in till haist will hint ȝow be the heillis,
[Page]As he did mē, and swak ȝow on his creillis.
¶Now (quod the Uolf) I sweir the be my thrift,
I trow, ȝone Cadgear Carll dow not me beir.
Schir (said the Foxe) on loft he will ȝow lift,
Upon his creillis, and do him lytill deir.
Bot ane thing dar I suithlie to ȝow sweir,
Get ȝe that hering sicker in sum place,
Ȝe sall not fair in f
[...]sching mair quhill Pasche.
I sall say
In principio vpon ȝow,
And croce ȝour corps, from the top, to ta.
Wend quhen ȝe will, I dar be warrand now,
That ȝe sall de na suddand deith this day.
With that the Uolf gird vp sone, and to ga,
And caist ane cumpas about the Cadgear
Syne straucht him in the gait, or he come nair.
He laid his halfheid sicker, hard, and sad.
Syne straucht his four feit fra him, and his heid.
And hang his toung furth as the Foxe him bad.
Als still he lay, as he wer
[...]erray deid.
Rakkand na thing of the Car
[...]auour nor feid.
Bot euer vpon the Nekhering he thinki
[...] quyte forȝettis the Foxe, and all his wrinkis.
With that the Cadgear als wraith as ony wind,
Come ty
[...]and on the
[...]aid, for it wes lic
Thinkand ay on the Foxe that wes be
Upon quhat wy
[...]e, reuenge him best he micht.
And at the last, of the Uolf gat ane sicht,
[...] he in lenth lay streiki
[...] in the gai
Bot gif he
[...] doun, or nocht, God wai
¶Softlie he said. I wes begylit anis,
Be I begylit twyis, I schrew vs baith.
That euill bot it sall licht vpon thy banis,
He suld haif had, that hes done me the s
On hicht he ho
[...]it the staf for he wes wraich,
And hit him with sic will vpon the heid,
Quhill neir he swonit, and swelt in to that steid.
Thre battis he bure, or he his feit mycht find.
Bot ȝit the Uolf wes wicht, and wan away.
He micht not se, he wes sa verray blind.
Nor wit reddilie quhether it wes nicht or day.
The Foxe beheld that seruice quhair he lay,
And leuch on loft, quhen he the Uolf sa seis,
Baith deif, and dosinnit, fall swonand on his knei
He that of ressoun can not be content,
Bot couetis all, is abill all to tyne.
The Foxe, quhen that he saw the Uolf wes schent,
Said to him seif, thir hering sall be myne.
I le, or ellis he wes efterwart syne,
[...]and sic wayis his Maister for to greif,
With all the fische thus Lowrence tuke his leif.
¶The Uolf wes neir weill dungin to the deid,
That vneis with his lyfe away he wan.
For with the Bastoun weill brokin wes his heid.
The Foxe in to his den sone drew him than,
That had betrai it hi
[...] Maister, and the man.
The ane, wantit the hering of his creillis.
The vtheris blude wes rynnand ouer
[...]is heillis
THis Taill is myngit with Moralitie.
As I sall schaw sum
[...]uhat, or that I ceis.
[Page]The Foxe, vnto the warld may likkinnit be.
The reuand Uolf, vnto ane man but leis.
The Cadgear Deith, quhome vnder all man preis,
That euer tuke lyfe, throw cours of kynd man dee.
As man, and beist, and fische in to the see.
¶The warld ȝe wait, is Stewart to the man.
Quhilk may mak man to haif na mynd of Deid.
Bot settis for winning all the craftis thay can.
The Hering, I likkin vnto the gold sa reid,
Quhilk gart the Uolf in perrell put his heid.
Richt swa the gold garris Land c
With weir, be waisti
[...] daylie as men seis.
And as the Foxe with dissimulance and gyle,
Gart the Uolf wene to haif worschip for euer.
Richt swa, this warld with vane glore for ane quhyle
Flatteris with folk, as thay suld failȝe neuer.
Ȝit suddandlie men seis it oft disseuer
With thame, that trowis oft to fill the sek.
Deith cummis behind, and nippis thame be the nek
The mickt of gold makis mony men sa blind,
That settis on Auarice thair felicitie.
That thay forȝet the Cadgear cummis behind,
To strike thame, of quhat stait sa euer thay be.
Quhat is mair dirk, than blind prosperitie?
Quhairfoir, I counsell mychtie men to hai
[...] mynd,
Of the Nekhering Interpreit in this kynd.
¶The Taill of the Foxe, that begylit the Uolf, in the schadow of the Mone.
IN Elderis dayis, as Esope can declair,
Thair wes ane Husband, qubilk had ane pleuch to steir.
His vse wes ay, in morning to ryse air.
Sa happinnit him in streiking tyme of ȝeir,
Airlie in the morning to follow furth his feir,
Unto the pleuch, bot his gadman and he.
His flottis he straucht with Benedicite.
The Caller cryit, how, haik, vpon hicht,
Hald draucht my dowis, syne broddit thame full sair.
The Oxin wes vnwsit ȝoung and licht,
And for fersnes thay couth the fur forfair.
The Husband than woxe angrie as ane hair.
Syne cryit, and caist his Patill, and greit s
The Uolf (quod he) mot haif ȝow all at atanis.
Bot ȝit the Uolf wes neirar nor he wend,
For in ane busk he lay, and Lowrence baith,
In ane Rouch Rone wes at the furris end.
And hard the hecht: than Lowrence le
[...]ch full raith.
To tak ȝone bud (quod he) it wer na skaith.
Weill (quod the Uolf) I hecht the be my ha
Ȝone Carllis word as he wer King
[...]all stand.
The Oxin eirit mair reullie at the last.
Syne efter thay lousit,
[...]ra that it worthit weill lait.
The Husband hamewart with his cattell past.
Than sone the Uolf come hirpilland in his gait,
Befoir the Oxin, and schupe to mak de
The Husband saw him, and worthit sumdeill agast.
And bakwart with his beistis wald haif past.
The Uolf said, quhether dryuis thow this Pray?
I challenge it, for nane of thame ar thyne.
[Page]The man thairof wes in ane felloun fray.
And soberlie to the
[...]olf answerit syne.
Schir, be my Saull, thir oxin ar all myne.
Thairfoir I studie, quhy ȝe suld stop me.
Sen that I faltit neuer to ȝow trewlie.
The Uolf said, Carll, gaif thow not me this drift
Airlie, quhen thow wes eirand on ȝone bank?
And is thair oucht (sayis thow) frear than gift?
This tarying will tyne the all thy thank.
Far better is frelie for to gif ane plank,
Nor be compellit on force, to gif ane mark.
Fy on the fredome, that cummis not with hart.
Schir (quod the husband) ane mā may say in greif,
And syne ganesay fra he auise and se.
I hecht to ste
[...]l, am I thairfoir ane theif?
God fo
[...]bid, Schir, all hechtis suld haldin ve.
Gaif I my hand or oblissing (quod he)
Or haif ȝe witnes, or writ for to schaw.
Schir reif me not, bot go and seik the Law.
Carll (quod the Uolf) ane Lord and he be leill,
That schrinkis for schame, or doutis to be reprufit,
His saw is ay als sickker as his Seill.
Fy on the Leid, that is not leill and lufit.
Thy argument is fals, and eik contrusit.
For it is said in Prouerb: But lawte
All vther vertew is ar nocht worth ane fle.
Schir, said the husband, remember of this thing.
[...]eill man is not tan
[...] at half ane taill.
I may say, and ganesay, I am na King.
[...] is ȝour witnes, yat hard I hecht thame haill
[Page]Than said the Uolf, thairfoir it sall nocht faill.
Lowrence (quod he) cum hidder of that Schaw,
And say na thing, bot as thow hard and saw.
¶Lowrence come lourand, for he lufit neuer licht,
And sone appe
[...]rit be
[...]oir thame in that place.
The man le
[...]ch na thing, quhen he saw that sicht.
Lowrēce (quod the Uolf) thow man declair yis cace,
Quhairof we sall schaw the suith in schort space.
I callit on the leill witnes for to beir.
Quhat hard thow that this man hecht me lang eir?
Schir (said the Tod) I can not hastelie
Swa sone as now gif sentence finall.
Bot wald ȝe baith submit ȝow heir to me,
To stand at my decreit perpetuall.
To pleis baith I suld preif, gif it may fall.
Weill (quod the Uolf) I am content for me.
The man said, swa am I, how euer it be.
Than sch
[...]w thay
[...]urth thair allegeance but fabill,
And baith prop
[...]it thair pley to him compleit.
(Quod Lowrence) now I am ane Iuge amycabill.
Ȝe sall be sworne to stand at my decreit.
[...]her beit efter ȝe think it soure or sweit.
The Uolf braid furth his fute, the man his hand:
And on the Toddis Taill sworne thay ar to stand.
Thair t
[...]ke the Tod the man furth till ane syde.
And said him,
[...] thow art in blunder brocht.
[...] will not forg
[...] the ane O
[...]e hyde.
Ȝit wald my sel
[...]ne hel
[...] the, and I mocht.
Bot I am la
[...]th to hur
[...] my conscience oth
[...] not thy querrell in thy awin defence,
[Page]This will not throw but greit coist and
¶Seis thow not Buddis beiris Bernis throw:
And giftis gar
[...]is crukit ma
[...]eris hald full euin?
Sumtymis ane nedill haldis ane man in ane Kow.
[...]ll ar not halie, that heifis thair handis to heui
Schir (said the man) ȝe sall haif sex, or seuin
Richt of the f
[...]ttest hennis of all the
I compt not all the laif, leif me the Coik.
I am ane Iuge (quod Lowrence than) and leuch.
Thair is na Buddis suld beir me by the rycht.
I may tak hennis
[...] and Caponis weill aneuch,
For God is gane to sleip, as for this nycht.
Sic small thingis a
[...] not sene in to his sycht.
Thir hennis (quod he) sall mak thy qu
[...]rrell sur
With emptie hand na man suld Ha
[...]is lure.
Concord in this than Lowrence tuke his leif,
And to the Uolf he went in to ane ling.
Syne priu
[...]lie, he plukkit him be the s
Is this in ernist (quod he) ȝe ask sic thing?
[...] b
[...] my Saull, I trow it be in he
Than said the Uolf, Lowrence, quhy sayis thow s
Thow h
[...]rd the hech
[...] thy sell, th
[...]e couth m
The hecht (quod he) ȝon
[...] man maid at the pleuch,
Is that the cause quhy ȝe the ca
[...]tell crai
Half in to heithing (said Lowrence th
[...]n) and le
Schir, be the Rude, v
[...]kkit now ȝ
[...] raif
The Deuill ane
Wald I tak it vp
[...]n my conscience,
To do
[...] pure ane man
[...] as
[...]ne o
[...] ha
[...] I comm
[...]nit with the C
[...]ll (quod he
We ar concordit vpon this
Quyte of all clamis
[...] ȝe will mak him fre,
[...] sall ane Ca
[...]ok hai
[...] in to ȝour hand.
That sic ane sall not be in all this land.
For it is Somer Cheis, baith
[...]resche and fair.
He sayis it weyis ane s
[...]ane, and sumdeill mair.
Is that thy counsell (quod the Uolf) I do,
That ȝone Carll for ane Cabok
[...]uld be fre?
Ȝe ve my Saull, and I wer sworne ȝow to,
Ȝe suld nane vther counsell ha
[...]f for me.
For gang ȝe to the maist ex
It will not wyn ȝow worth
[...]ne widderit neip.
Schir trow ȝe nocht, I ha
[...]t ane Saull to keip
Weill (quod the Uolf) it is aganis my will,
That ȝone Carll for ane Cabok suld ga quyte.
Schir (q
[...]od the Tod) ȝ
[...] in nane euill.
For be my Saull ȝou
[...] self had all the wyte.
Than (said the Uolf) I bid na mair to flyte.
[...] I wald se ȝone Cabok of sic pryis.
[...] (said the
[...]d) he tauld me quhar it lyi
Than ha
[...]d in hand, thay held vnto ane hill.
The Husban
[...] hes ta
[...]e the way.
For he we
[...]st from thair euill,
And on his
[...]elt wo
[...]e the
[...]ure quhill day.
[...] turne v
[...]o the vther tway.
Throw woddis waist thir Freikis on
[...]ute can
[...]usk, quhill neir und
[...]ht and mair.
Lowrence wes euer remembring vpon
[...]nd subteltei
[...] the Uolf for to
[Page]That he had hecht ane Caboik, he forthin
Ȝit at the last, he findis furth ane wyle
Than at him self softlie couth he smyle.
The Uolf sayis, Lowrence, thow playis bellie blind
We seik all nycht, bot na thing can we find.
¶ Schir (said the Tod) we ar at it almaist
Soft ȝow ane lytill, and ȝe sall se it sone.
Than to ane Manure place thay hy
[...]t in hai
The nicht wes lycht, and pennyfull the Mone.
Than til ane draw wel thir Senȝeourꝭ past but hone
Quhar that twa
[...] is seuerall suithlie hang.
As ane come vp, ane vther doun wald gang.
The schadow of the Mone schon
[...] in the well.
Schir (said Lowrence) anis ȝe sall
[...]ind me leill.
Now se ȝe not the Caboik weill ȝour sell,
[...]e, as ane Nei
[...], and als round as ane schell.
He hang it ȝo
[...]der, that na man
[...]ind it st
Schir, trai
[...]t ȝ
[...] weill
[...] ȝone Caboik ȝe se
Micht be ane presend to our Lord the King.
Na (quod the Uolf) mycht I ȝone Caboik ha
On the dry land, as I it ȝonder s
I wald quitclame the Ca
[...]f all
[...]e la
His dart O
[...]in I compt tha
[...]e not
Ȝone wer mai
[...] mei
[...] for sic ane man
Lowrence (quod he) leip in the bukketsone,
And I sall
[...]ld the ane, quhill thow haif
Lowrence g
[...]d doun baith sone, and subtelli
The vther baid abufe, and held the f
It is sa mekill (quod Lowrence) it maisteris me.
On all my
[...]ais it
[...]es not le
[...]ne n
[Page]Ȝe man mak help vpwart, aud it haill.
Leip in the vth
[...]ukket haistelie.
[...]nd cum sone doun, and mak me sum supple.
¶ Than lychtlie in the bukket lap the loun,
His wecht but weir the vther end gart ryis.
The Tod come hailland vp, the Uolf ȝeid doun.
Than angerlie the Uolf vpon him cryis.
I cūmand thus dounwart, quhy thow vpwart hyis
Schir (quod the Tod) thus fai
[...]is it of Fortoun,
As ane cummis vp, scho quheillis ane vther doun.
Than to the ground sone ȝeid the Uolf in haist.
The Tod lap on land, als blyith as ony bell.
And left the Uolf in watter to the waist.
Quha haillit him out I wait not of the well.
Heir endis the Text, thair is na mair to tell.
Ȝit men may find agane moralitie,
In this sentence, thocht it ane Fabill be.
THis Uolf, I likkin to ane wickit man,
Quhilk do
[...]s the pure oppres in euerie place:
And pykis at thame all querrellis that he can,
Be Rigour, reif, and vther wickitnes.
The Foxe, the Feynd I call in to this ca
Arctand ilk man to ryn vnrychteous rinkis,
Thinkand thairthrow to lok him in his linkis.
The Husband may be callit ane godlie man,
With quhome the Feynd salt findis (as Clerkis reidꝭ)
Besie to tempt him, with all wayis that he can.
The hennis, ar warkis, yat fra serme faith proceidis.
Quhar sir sproutis spreidis, y
• euill spreit yair not speidꝭ
[Page]Bot wendis vnto the wickit man agane
That he hes tint his trauell is full vnfane.
¶The woddꝭ waist, quhairin wes the Uolf wyld
At wickit riches, quhilk all men ga
[...]s to get:
Quha traistis in sic Trusterie, ar oft begyld.
For Mammon may be callit the Deuillis Net,
Quhilk Sathanas for all sinfull hes set.
With proud plesour quha settis his traist
But speciall grace lychtlie can not outwin.
The Cabok, may b
[...] callit Couetyce,
Quhilk blomis braid in mony mannis E
Ua worth the well of that wickit vyce,
For it is all bot fraud, and fa
Dryuand ilk man to leip in the buttrie,
That dounwart drawis vnto the pane of hell
Christ keip all Christianis from that wickit well.
¶The Taill of the Uolf, and the Uedder.
QUhylum thair wes (as Esope can Report)
Ane sch
[...]iphird dwelland be ane Forrest neir.
Quhilk had ane Hoūd, yat did him greit cō
Full war he w
[...]s to wa
[...]k his Fauld but weir,
That nouther. Uolf, nor Uildcat durst appeir,
Nor Foxe on feild
[...]r ȝit no vther beist,
Bot he thame flew, or chai
[...]sit at the leist.
[...] happinni
[...] i
[...] (as euerilk heist man d
This H
[...]d of suddand seiknes to be deid.
Bot tha
[...] (God wait) the keipar of the fe,
For v
[...]ay wo woxe
[...] nor the we
[Page]Allace (quod he) now se I na reme
To saif the selie beistis that I keip,
For wit the Uolf, werryit beis all my scheip.
¶It wald haif maid ane mannis hart fair to s
The selie
[...]cheiphirdis lamentatioun.
Now is my Darling deid, allace (quod he)
For now to beg my breid I may be boun,
With pyikstaf, and with scrip to fair of toun.
For all the beistis befoir
[...]andonit bene,
Will sch
[...]te vpon my beistis with Ire and tene.
With that ane Uedder wrerhitlie wan on
Maister (quod he) mak merie, and be blyith.
To brek ȝour hart for baill, it is na bute.
For ane deid Doig ȝe na
[...]ait on ȝow kyith.
[...]ethe him hithor, and fla his skyn of swyith.
Syne sew it on me: and luke that it be meit,
Baith heid, and c
[...]ag, bodie, taill, and feit.
Than will the Uol
[...] trow, that I am he.
For I sall follow him fa
[...]t qu
[...]uer he fair.
All haill the cure I tak it vpon me.
Ȝour scheip to keip at midday, lait, and air.
And he persew, he God, I sall not spair
To follow him als fast as did ȝour Doig.
Swa that I warrand, ȝe fall not want ane hoig.
Thā said the scheiphird, this come of ane gude wit.
Thy counsall is baith s
[...]r leill, and trew.
Quha sayis ane scheipis dair, thay heir of it.
With that in hy the Doggis skyn o
[...] he flew,
And on the scheip rycht so
[...]tlie cou
[...]h it sew.
[...]n worth the Uedder wantoun of his weid.
[Page]Now of the Uolf (quod he) I haif na dreid.
¶In all thingis he counterfait the Dog,
For all the nicht he stude, and tuk
[...] na sleip.
Swa that weill lang thair wantit not ane Hog,
Swa war he wes, and walkryfe thame to keip,
That Lowrence durst not luke vpon ane scheip.
For and he did, he followit him sa fast,
That of his lyfe he maid him all agast.
Was nouther Uolf, Uildcat, nor ȝit Tod,
Durst cum within thay boundis all about:
Bot he wald chace thame baith throw
[...]ouch & snod.
Thay h
[...]full beistis had of thair lyuis si
[...] dout.
For he wes mekill, and semit to be stou
That euerilk beist thay dred him as the deid,
Within that woid that nan
[...] durst hald thair he
Ȝit happinnit thair ane hungrie Uolf to slyde
Out throw his scheip, quhair thay lay on ane le
I sall haif
[...]e (quod he) quhat euer betyde,
Thocht I he werryit,
[...] hunger or I de.
With that ane Lamb in till his cluke hint he.
The laif start vp, for thay wer all agast.
Bot (God wait) gi
[...] the Uedder followit
Went neuer Hound mair haistelie fra the hand,
Quhen he wes rynnand maist raklie at the Ra,
Nor went this Uedder baith ouer Mois and strand,
And stoppit no
[...]her at bank, bu
Bot followit ay sa
[...]lie on his
With sic ane drift,
[...]nhill dust and dirt ouerdra
[...] him.
And maid ane wow to God, that he suld haif him.
¶With that the Uol
[...] let out his Taill on lenth,
For he wes hungrie, and it drew neir the euin.
And schupe him for to ryn with all his strenth,
Fra he the Uedder sa neir cummand had sene,
He dred his lyfe, and he ouertane had bene.
Thairfoir he spairit nouther busk, nor boig.
For weill he kennit the cumming of the Doig.
To mak him lycht, he kest the Lamb him fra.
Syne lap ouer leis, and draif throw dub and myr
Na (quod the wedder) in Faith we part not swa.
It is not the Lamb, bot the, that I desyre.
I sall cum neir, for now I se the tyre.
The Uolf ran till ane rekill stude behind him,
Bot ay th
[...] neirar the Uedder to couth wyn him.
Sone efter that, he followit him sa neir,
Quhill that the Uolf for
[...]leidnes fylit the feild.
Syne left the gait, and ran throw busk, and breir,
And schupe him fra the schawis for to scheild.
He ran restles, for he wist of na weild.
The wedder follo
[...]t him, baith out, and in,
Quhill that ane breir busk raif rudelie of the skyn.
The Uolf wes wer, and blenkit him behind,
And saw the Uedder come thra wād throw the breir.
Syne saw the Doggis skyn hinga
[...]d on his lind.
Na (quod he) is this ȝe, that is sa neir?
Richt now ane Hoūd, and now quhyte as ane Freir.
I fled ouer fer, and I had kennit the cais.
To God I wow, that ȝe sall
[...]ew this rais.
Quhat wes the cause ȝe gaif me sic ane chace?
With that in hy he hint him be the horne.
[Page]For all ȝour mowis, ȝe met anis with ȝour mache,
Suppois ȝe leuch me all this ȝeir to scorne.
For quhat enchessoun this Doggis skyn haif ȝe borne?
Maister (quod he) bot to haif playit with ȝow,
I ȝow requyre, that ȝe nane vther trow.
¶Is this ȝour bourding in ernist than (quod he)
For I am verray effeirit, and on flocht.
Cum bak agane, and I sall let ȝow se.
Than quhar the gait wes grimmit he him brocht.
Quhether call ȝe this fair play, or nocht?
To set ȝour Maister in sa fell effray,
Quhill he for feiritnes hes fylit vp the way.
Thryis (be my Saull) ȝe gart me schute behind,
Upon my hoichis the senȝeis may be sene.
For feiritnes full oft I fylit the wind.
Now is this ȝe: na bot ane Hound, I wene.
Me think ȝour teith ouer schort to be sa kene.
Blissit be the bu
[...], that rest ȝow ȝour array.
Ellis fleand, bursin had I bene this day.
Schir (quod the Uedder)
[...]uppois I ran in hy,
My mynd wes neuer to do ȝour persoun euill.
Ane flear gettis ane follower commounlie,
In play or ernist, preif quha sa euer will.
Sen I bot playit, be gracious me till.
And I sall gar my
[...]reindis blis ȝour banis.
Ane full gude seruand will crab his Maister anis.
I haif bene oftymis set in greit effray,
Bot (be the Rude) sa rad ȝit wes I neuer.
As thow hes maid me with thy prettie play.
I schot behind quhen thow ouertuke me euer.
[Page]Bot sickkerlie now sall we not disseuer.
Than be the crag bane smertlie he him tuke,
Or euer he ceissit, and it in schunder schuke.
ESope that Poet first Father of this Fabill,
Wrait this Parabole quhilk is conuenient.
Because the sentence wes fructuous & agreabill,
In Moralitie exemplatiue prudent.
Quhais problemes bene verray excellent,
Throw similitude of figuris to this day,
Geuis doctrine to the Redaris of it ay.
Heir may thow se, that riches of array,
Will cause pure men presumpteous for to be.
Thay think thay hald of nane be thay als gay,
Bot counterfute ane Lord in all degre.
Out of thair cais in pryde thy clym sa hie,
That thay forbeir thair better in na st
Quhill sum man tit thair heillis ouer thair heid.
Richt swa in seruice vther sum exceidis,
And thay haif withgang, welth, and cherissing,
That thay will lychtlie Lordis in thair deidis,
And lukis not to thair blude, nor thair ofspring.
Bot ȝit, na wait, how lang that re
[...]ll will ring.
Bot he was wyse, that bad his Sone considder.
Bewar in welth, for Hall benkis ar rycht flidder.
Thairfoir I counsell men of euerilk stait,
[...]uam tha
[...]e self, and quhome thay
[...]uld forbei
And fall nor with thair better in debai
Suppois thay be al
[...] galland in thair geir.
It setti
[...] na seruand for to vphald weir,
[Page]Nor clym sa hie, quhill he fall of the ledder.
Bot think vpon the Uolf, and on the wedder.
¶The Taill of the Uolf, and the Lamb.
ANe cruell Uolf, richt rauenous, and fell,
Upon ane tyme past to ane Reuer.
Descending from ane Roche, vnto ane well.
To slaik his thrist, drank of the watter cleir.
Swa vpon cace, ane selie Lamb come neir.
Bot of his fa, the Uolf, na thing he wist.
And in the streme laipit, to rule his thrist.
Thus drank thay baith, bot not of ane Intent.
The Uolfis thocht wes all of wickitnes.
The selie Lamb, wes meik, and Innocent,
Upon the Reuer, in ane vther place,
Beneth the Uolf, he drank ane lytill space,
Quhill he thocht gude, beleuand thair nane euill.
The Uolf him saw, and Rampand come him till.
With girnand teith, and awfull angrie luk,
Said to the Lamb, thow Ca
[...]ue wretchir thing.
How durst thow be sa bald, to fyle this Bruk,
Quhar I suld drink, with thy foull flauering?
It wer Almous the for to draw and hing,
That suld presume, with thy foull lippis wyle,
To glar my drink, and this fair wa
[...]ter fyle.
The selie Lamb quaikand for verray dreid,
On kneis fell, and said, Schir, with ȝour leif.
Suppois I
[...]ar not say, thair of ȝe l
[...]e my Sauil, I wa
[...]r ȝe
[...] noche preif,
[Page]That I did
[...]ny thing, that suld ȝow greif.
Ȝe wait alswa that ȝour accusatioun,
Failȝeis fra treuth, and contrair is to ressoun.
¶Thocht I can nocht, Nature will
[...]e defend,
And of the deid perfyte experience.
All heuie thing, man of the self discend.
Bot gif sum thing on force mak resistence.
Than may the streme on na way mak ascence,
Nor ryn bakwart: I drank beneth ȝow far.
Ergo, for me, ȝour Bruke wes neuer the war.
Alswa, my lippis sen that I wes ane Lamb,
Tuichit na thing that wes contagious.
Bot soukkit milk, from Pappis of my dame,
Richt Naturall, sweit, and als delitious.
Weill (quod the Uolf) thy language Rigorous
Cummis the of kynd: swa thy Father before
Held me at bait, baith with boist, and schore.
He wraithit me, and than I culd him warne,
Within ane ȝeir, and I brukit my heid,
I suld be wrokkin on him, or on his barne,
For his exhorbitant and frawart pleid.
[...]all doutles for his deidis be deid.
Schir, it is wrang, that for the Father is gilt,
The s
[...]ikles sone suld punist be, or spilt.
Haif ȝe not hard, quhat halie Scripture sayis,
Endytit with the mouth of God Almycht?
Of his awin d
[...]lk man sall beir the prais,
As pane for sin, reu
[...]ard for werkis rycht.
For my trespas, quhy suld my sone haif plycht?
Quha did the mis, let him sust
[...]ne the pane.
[Page]Ȝaa (quod the Uolf) ȝit pleyis thow agane.
¶I let the wit, quhen that the Father o
I will chereis nane of his Successioun.
And of his barnis, I may weill tak amendis,
Unto the twentie degre descending doun.
Thy Father thocht to mak ane strang preso
And with his mouth in to my watter spew.
Schir (quod the Lamb) thay twa ar nouther trew.
The Law sayis, and ȝe will vnderstand:
Thair suld na man for wrang
[...] nor violence,
His awin sair punis at his awin hand,
Without proces of Law, and euidence.
Quhilk suld haif leif to mak lawfull defence,
And thairupon Summondis Peremptourlie,
For to propo
[...]e, contrairie, or reply.
Set me ane lauchfull Court, I sall compeir,
Befoir the Lyoun, Lord, and leill Iustice.
And be my hand I oblis me rycht heir,
That I sall byde
[...]ne vnsuspect Assyis.
This is the Law: this is the Instant vse:
Ȝe suld pretend thairfoir ane Summondis mak,
Aganis that day, to gif ressoun, and tak.
Na (quod the Uol
[...]) thow wald Intruse ressoun,
Quhar wrang, and reif suld dwell in propertie.
That is ane poynt, and part of fals tressoun,
For to gar reuth rem
[...]e with crueltie
Be his woundis, fals tratour, thow sall de,
For thy trespas, and for thy Fatheris als.
With that anone he hint him be the hals.
¶The selie Lamb culd do na thing bot blai
Sone wes he deid: the Uolf wald do na grace.
Syne drank his blude, and of his
[...]lesche can eit,
Quhill he wes full, and went his way on pace.
Of his murther quhat sall we say, allace?
Wes not this reuth, wes not this greit pietie?
To gar this selie Lamb but gilt thus de.
THe pure pepill, this Lamb may signifie,
As Maill men, Merchandis, & all lauboureris.
Of quhome the lyfe, is half ane Purgatorie,
To wyn with lautie leuing as effe
The Uolf bet
[...]kinnis fals extortioneris,
And oppressouris of pure men, as we se,
Be violence, or craft in facultie.
¶Thre kynd of Uolfis, in this warld now Ringꝭ.
The first, ar fals peruerteris of the Lawis.
Quhilk vnder Poet termis, falset mingis,
Lettand that all
[...]wer Gospell, that he schawis.
Bot for ane bud the pure man he ouerthrawis,
Smoirand the richt, garrand the wrang proceid.
Of sic Uolfis hellis fyre sall be thair meid.
O man of Law, let be that subteltie,
[...] nyce gimpis, and fraudis Intricate:
And think tha
[...] God in his Diuinitie,
The wrang, the rycht, of all thy werkis wait.
For prayer, price, for hie, nor law estait,
Of fals querrellis se thow mak na defence.
Hald with the tycht, hurt not thy conscience.
Ane vther kynd of Uolfis Rauenous,
[Page]Ar mychtie men, haifand aneuch plentie.
Quhilkis ar sa gredie, and sa couetous,
Thay will not thoill the pure in pece to b
Suppois he, and his houshald baith suld de,
For falt of fude, thairof thay gif na rak,
Bot ouer his heid his mailling will thay tak.
¶O man but mercie, quhat is in thy thocht?
War than ane Uolf, and thow culd vnderstand,
Thow hes aneuch, the pure husband richt nocht,
Bot croip, and calf, vpon ane clout of land.
For Goddis aw, how durst thow tak on hand,
And thow in Barn, and B
[...]e sa bene, and big,
To put him fra his tak, and gat him thig?
The thrid Uolf, ar men of heritage:
As Lordis, that hes land be Goddis lane.
And settis to the Mailleris ane Uillage:
And for ane tyme G
[...]ssome payit and tan
Syne vexis him, of
[...] his terme be gane,
With pyk
[...] querrel
[...]is, for to mak him
To flit, or pay his Gressome new agane.
His Hors, his Meir len to the Laird,
To drug, and draw, in Court, or in Cariag
His seruand, or his self may not be s
To swing, and swei
[...], without
Thus how he standis in laubour,
[...] bondage,
That scantlie may he purches by his maill,
To leue vpon d
[...]eid, and watter caill.
Hes thow not reuth, to
[...]ar thy tennentis sweit
In to thy laubour, with
[...]aynt, and hungrie waine?
And syne hes
[...]ytill gude to
[Page]With his m
[...]nȝe, at euin quhen he cummis hame.
Thow suld dreid, for rychteous Goddis blame.
For it cryis ane vengeance vnto the heuinnis hie,
To gar ane pu
[...]e man wirk, but Meit, or fe
¶O thow greit Lord, that riches hes and rent:
Thow art ane Uolf, thus to deuoir the pure.
Think that na thing cruell, nor violent,
May in this warld perpetuallie Indure.
This sall thow trow, and sikkerlie assure,
For till oppres, thow sall haif als greit pane,
As thow the pure had with thy awin hand
God keip the Lamb, quhilk is the Innocent,
From Uolfis byit, and men exortioneris.
God grant, that wrangous men of fals Intent,
Be manifestit, and punischit as effeiris.
And God, as thow all rychteous prayer heiris,
Mot saif our King, and gif him hart and hand,
All sic Uolfis to banis out of the land.
¶The Taill of the Paddok, and the Mous.
UPon ane tyme (as Esope culd Report)
[...] lytill Mous come till ane Reuer syde.
Scho micht not waid, hir schākis wer sa schort
Scho culd not swym, scho had na hors to ryde.
Of verray force behouit hir to
And to, and fra, besyde that Reuer deip,
Scho ran,
[...]yand, with mony pi
[...]tuous p
Help ouer, help ouer, this sillie Mons can cry,
[Page]For Goddis lufe, sum bodie ouer the brym.
With that ane Paddok in the watter by,
Put vp hir heid, and on the bank can clym.
[...]e nature culd dowk, and gaylie swym.
With voce full rauk, scho said on this maneir.
Gude morne (schir Mous) quhat is ȝour erand heir?
¶Seis thow (quod scho) of corne ȝ
[...]ne Iolie flat
Of ryip Aittis, of Barlie, Peis, and Quheit.
I am hungrie, and fane wald be thairat.
Bot I am
[...]oppit be this watter deip.
And on this syde, I get na thing till eit,
Bot hard Nuttis, quhilkis with my teith I bore.
Wer I beȝond, my Feist wer fer the more.
I haif na boit, heir is na Marineris:
How can thow fleit without fedder or syn?
This Reuer is sa deip, and dangerous,
Me think, that thow fuld drownit be thairin.
Tell me thairfoir, quhat facultie or gyn,
Thow hes to bring the ouer this watter? Than
Thus to declair the Paddok sone began.
With my twa feit (quod scho) lukkin and braid,
In steid of Air, I row the streme
[...]ull still.
And thocht the brym be perrillous to waid
Baith to, and fra, I row at my awin will.
I may not droun, for quhy my oppin Gill
[...]y the watter I resaif.
[...]foir to droun for
[...]ith na dreid I haif.
The Mous
[...]eheld vnto hir fro
Hir runk
[...] cheikis, and hir lippis syde:
Hir hingand browis, and
[...]ir logg
[...]and leggis, and hir harsky hyde.
Scho ran abak, and on the Paddok cryde.
Gif I can ony skill of Phisnomie,
Thow hes s
[...] of false
[...], and Inuie.
For Cler
[...]is sayis, the Inclinatioun
Of mannis thocht, proceidis commounlie,
Efter the Corporall complexioun,
To gud
[...], or euill, as Nature will apply.
Ane thrawett vult, ane thrawert Phisnomy.
The auld Prouerb is witnes of this
Distortum vult
[...]m sequitur distortio morum.
Na (quod the Ca
[...]d) that Prouerb is not trew
For fair thingis oftymis ar fundin faikyn.
The Bla verryis thocht thay be sad of hew,
Ar gadderit vp, quhen Primeros is forsakin.
The face may faill, to be the hartis takin.
Thairfoir I find this Scripture in all plac
Thow suld not Iuge ane man efter his fac
Thocht I vnha
[...]um be to luke vpon,
I haif na cause, quhy I suld lakkit be.
Wer I als fai
[...], as Iolie Absolon,
I am n
[...] c
[...] of that greit beutie.
This d
[...]e in forme, and qualitie,
Almychtie God hes causit dame Nature
[...], and se
[...] in
[...]rilk creature.
Of silkin
Full of
[...] (quod the hungr
[...]e Mous)
[Page]And be quha
[...] craft thow gar me vnd
That thow wald gyde me to ȝone ȝonder land
¶Thow wait (quod scho) ane bodie that hes ne
To help thame self, suld mony wayis cast.
Thairfoir ga tak ane dowbill tuynit threid,
And bind thy leg to myne with knottis fast
I sall the leir to swym, be not agast,
Als weill as I. As thow (than quod the Mous)
To prei
[...] that play
[...] it wer rycht perrillous.
Suld I be bund, and fast, quhar I am fre,
In hoip of help, na than I schrew vs baith.
For I mycht lois baith lyfe and libertie
Gif it wer
[...]wa, quha suld amend the skaith?
Bot gif thow sweir to me the murthour
But fra
[...]d, or gyle, to bring me ouer this
But hurt, or harme. In Faith (quod scho) I dude.
Scho go
[...] vp, and to the
[...]enin can cry:
O Iuppi
[...], of Nature God and King.
I mak ane aith tr
[...]wlie to the, th
[...]t I
This lytill Mous sall ouer this watter wing.
This aith wes maid. The Mous but per
The fals Ingyne of this foull trappal
[...] Taid
Tuke threid, and
[...]nd hir leg, as scho
[...] had.
Than fute, for
[...]e, thay lap
Bot in thair
[...] di
The Mous thocht of
[...] thing
The Paddo
[...] for to
Quhen thay
With all
[...]ir force the
And thocht, the
¶Persauand this, the Mous on hir
[...]an cry,
Tratour to God, and manesworne vnto me.
Thow swore the murthour aith richt now, that I
But hurt, or harme, suld ferryit be and fre.
And quhen scho saw thair wes bot do, or de,
With all hir mycht scho forcit hir to swym:
And preissit vpon the Taiddis bak to clym.
The dreid of deith hir strenthis gart Incres,
And forcit hir defend, with mycht, and mane.
The Mous vpwart: the Paddok doun can preis:
Quhyle to, quhyle
[...]ra, quhyle dowkit vp agane.
This silli
[...] Mous plungit in to greit pane,
Gan fecht als lang as breith wes in hir breis
Till at the last, scho cryit for ane Preist.
Fechtand thusgait the Gled sat on ane twist,
And to this wretchi
[...] battell tuke gude heid.
And with ane wisk, or ony of thame wist,
He claucht his cluke betuix thame in the threid.
Syne to the land he
[...]lew with thame gude speid,
Fane of that fang, pyipand with mony pew:
Syne lowsit thame, and baith but pietie flew.
Syne b
[...]wellit yame, yat Boucheour with his
And belliflau
[...]ht full fettillie thame flaid.
Bot all thair flesche wald scant be half ane fill,
And guttis als vnto that gredie glaid
Of thair debait, thus quhen I hard outraid,
He tuke his
[...]icht, and ouer the feildis flaw.
Gif this
[...]rew, s
[...]eir ȝe at thame that saw.
MY Brother, gif thow will tak aduertence,
Be this
[...]abill thow may per
[...]e and se.
[Page]It passis fer all kynd of Pestilence,
Ane wickit mynd, with wordis fair and fle.
Be war thairfoir, with quhome thow fa
[...] the.
To the wer better beir the stane barrow,
For all thy
[...]ayis to delf quhill thow may dre,
Than to be machit with ane wickit marrow.
¶Ane fals Intent vnder ane fair presence,
Hes causit mony Innocent for to de.
Greit fol
[...]e is to gif ouer sone credence,
To all that speikis fairlie vnto the.
Ane sil
[...]in toung, ane hart of
Smytis more sore, than ony schot of arrow.
[...] gif thow be wyse, I reid the fle,
Than mache the with ane thrawart fen
[...]eit marrow.
I w
[...]rne the als, it is greit negligence,
To bind the fast, quhar thow wes frank and fre.
Fra thow be b
[...]nd, thow may mak na defence,
To sai
[...] thy lyfe, nor ȝit thy libertie.
This si
[...]pill counsall, brother, tak of me,
And it to cu
[...] p
[...]queir, se thow not tarrow.
Better but st
[...]e to leif allane in le,
Than to be machit with ane wickit marrow.
This hald in mynd, rycht more I sall the tell,
Quhar by thi
[...] beistis may be figurate.
The Paddok vsand in the flude to dwell,
Is manni
[...] bodie, swymand air and la
In to this warld with cair
[...]s Impl
Now h
[...]e, now law; quhylis plung
[...]t vp
[...] quhy
Ay in perrell, and reddie for to drou
This lytill Mous
[...] heir knit th
[...]e the
[Page]The Saull of man betakin may in de
[...], and fra the bodie may not wyn,
Quhill cruell deith cum brek of lyfe the threid.
The quhilk to droun suld euer stand in dreid,
Of Carnall lust be the Suggestioun:
Quhilk drawis ay the Saull, and druggis doun.
The Gled is Deith, that cummis suddandlie,
As dois ane theif, and cu
[...]tis sone the battall.
Be vigilant thairfoir, and ay reddie,
For mannis lyfe is br
[...]kill, and ay mortall.
My freind thairfoir, mak the ane strang Castell
Of Faith in Christ: for deith will the assay:
Thow wait not quhen, euin, morrow, or midday.
Adew my freind: and gif that ony speiris,
Of this fabill, sa schortlie I conclude.
Say thow, I left the laif vnto the Freiris,
To mak exempill, and ane similitude.
Now Christ for vs that deit on the Rude,
Of Saull, and lyfe, as thow art Saluiour:
Grant vs till pas, in till ane blissit hour.