A PROCLAMA­TION OF THE LORDS THE GENE­rall States, of the vnited Prouinces, whereby the Spaniards and all their goods are declared to be lawfull prize: As also containing a strickt defence or restraint of sending any goods, wares, or Merchandizes to the Spaniards or their adherents, enemies to the Netherlandes.

Faithfully translated out of the Dutch coppy Printed at S. Grauen Haghe by Aelbercht Heyn­drickson, Printer to the Generall States.

[printer's device bearing the initials "I. W.".]

Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes-head Alley, neere Exchange. 1599.

A Proclamation, of the Lordes the generall States of the vnited Prouinces, vvhereby the Spaniards and all their goods are declared to be lawfull Prize. As also containing a strict defence or restraint of sending any goods wares, or Merchandizes to the Spaniards or their adhe­rents, enemies to the Netherlands.

THe Generall States of the vnited pro­uinces. To all such as shall sée or heare these presents, make knowne: that whereas it is euery day more then o­ther most apparant and manifest, that the enterprises of the Spanish nation, with their conioyned adherents, hath not béen only pretended to reduce these Netherlands by their deceitfull practi­ses, and the vttermost violence and force, vnder their wilfull and superbious dominion and tyrannicall gouernment, both ouer consciences, bodies, & goods: But also that in the years past, they haue attempted, with their vsual violent complots, to reduce the realmes of England and Fraunce, vnder their power. Which they not being able (according to their desires to performe) now openly & by maine force, assault the neigh­bour countries of the Electors and Princes, and other Neu­trall places of the Empire, not refusing to ouer-run the Cit­ties and Fortresses, with all manner of violence, batter them with péeces, ransomming them, and filling them with their souldiors, destroying the flat land, rauishing and deflowring of women and maides, pilling, robbing, murdering and bur­ning, not fauouring the house or Castels of Princes, Earles or Gentlemen, nor yet their persons, as sufficiently appea­reth by their barbarous dealings in the bishoprick of Collen. the Dukedomes of Cleue and Bergh, and the Bishopricke of [Page 3] Munster, and other bordering countries. The ministers of this spanish tyrannie boasting, that according to their own pleasures they will proccede in their begunne actions, espe­cially in these places, vntill such time as they shall haue re­duced the whole (besides these Netherlandes) vnder their Spanish yoake, & wholly rooted out the exercise of the true Christian religion. To which end they haue publikely in diuers places of the Empire, altered the religion and pollicie of the same, by force, threats, and other vndecent dealings. Moreouer, vaunting to bee glad, that in the behalfe of the Princes Electors and others, the armes be taken vp, for that they shall (as they say) the better attaine the purpose. More­ouer, that the new king of Spaine, the Infanta, and the Spa­nish Counsell, as well in Spaine as in the Low countries, deceitfully and forcibly, hinder and disturbe al nauigations, dealings, traffique, & trade, so with inhabitants of the Ne­therlands, as with those of other kingdomes, countries, and citties, in most barbarous and tyrannicall sort, misvsing the persons, attaching their shippes, & violating their graunted promises by water and land, all vnder the pretence and co­lour, because that we haue hitherto ioyntly resisted their false & deceitfull dealings and haue not beene mooued to yeeld and subuert the vnited Netherlands, and the good inhabitantes thereof, vnder these barbarous tyrannie, and imperious do­minion. And since that by gods mightie power, the assistāce of her most excellent M. of England, & other kings, Prin­ces, & Common-weales, togither with our patience and good endeuors, we haue for these many yeres withstood these ty­rannicall enterprises, (which they haue bent against al Chri­stendome) & hope further, with Gods helpe and assistance (as aforesaid) to withstand, & there in are resolued. Also to visit the Spaniards in the kingdoms & lands by them occupied, not onely to hinder their aforesaid tyranous pretence, but also to recouer our losses & damages sustained by them, aswel with our ships of war, as by such as are allowed by our order, ho­ping assuredly y t his diuine Maiestie wil blesse our rightful & [Page 4] néedfull enterprises, and once wholy frée and deliuer the Ne­therlands from the aforesaid tyrannie of the Spaniards and their adherents. And also will mooue and incite the neighbour Kings, Princes, Electors, Earles Barrons, and Common-wealthes, that vppon good consideration, they may take and vse Armes, to assure their perrillous estate, and to that ende, to driue out the Spaniards and their complices, from the Emperours territories, and so out of the Netherlands: as also wee finde to bee most expedient and necessary for the accomplishment of so Christian lyke, rightfull, and néedfull common cause, against the said Spa­niards and their conioyned adherents, to be with all déepe insight looked into, that there be not any Shippes, goods or Marchandizes, sent them by water, land, or otherwise, the same beeing not onely permitted by the common people, but also the emperiall rights and custome of all Kings, Princes, and Common-weales, beeing in warre or controuersie, besides that the same hath beene made knowne by many firme orders and Proclaimations. As well by the aboue named the Queenes Maiestie of England, (with whome we are in sure alliance) as also of these countries. And we therefore intend not to permit that any person of the vni­ted lands, vsing trafficke or fishing at sea, or on the waters within the land, shall suffer himselfe to be deceiued, seduced, and endamaged, by any deceitfull pasports, safegardes, or safe conducts of the said common enemie, as wee vnderstand héeretofore (against our good meanings) by some hath been done. So it is, that we vppon ripe and profound deliberati­on, and by the aduise of the illustrious Prince and Lord Mau­r [...]ce, borne Prince of Orange, Counte of Nassou, Marquess [...] of de Vere, Flushing, &c. Gouernour and Captaine generall of Gelderland, Holland, Zealand, Vtrecht, Ouerysel, &c. as Admirall generall, haue declared, and declare by these pre­sents, for good and lawfull prize, all persons and goods, vn­der the dominion of the Spanish king, in all places where they shall or may be got, haue furthermore againe of new, [Page 5] stricktly defended, forbidden, and respectiuely notified: de­fend, forbid, and notifie by these presents, all and euerie one, of what condition, realme, or land soeuer, none excepted, not to lade, ship, bring, or transport by water or land, directly or indirectly, vnder what colour or pretence soeuer, any ships, goods, wares, or merchandizes, for, or to any hauen, cittie, or place of the enemie, in the kingdomes of Spaine, Por­tugall, or other places of Europe, vnder the dominion, subiec­tion, or commaund of the new king of Spaine, the Archduke Albertus of Austria, or the Infanta of Spaine, vppon paine of confiscation of the same goods, wares, or merchandizes, to­gether with the shippes, waggons, carts, and horses, wher­in, or whereon thy same shall bee laden, and all such further punishment as hereafter shall be declared.

And to preuent all fraudes, subtile practises, and deceits, which might in these vnited Netherlands be pretended by a­ny, of what countrie, condition, or quallitie so euer, against these our orders and defences. Wee ordaine and command stricktly by these presents, all Conuoy-maisters, Controu­lers, Searchers, and all other our Deputies in all Hauens, Citties, and places of the same landes, vppon the oathe whereby they are bound to their countrie vppon priuati­on of their offices and arbitrall correction: We authorise likewise all others, dwelling in the aforesaide vnited Ne­therlands, or frequenting the same: dilligentlye to enquire, and to take sharpe regarde, if this our order bee by any one, of what countrie, condition or qualitie soeuer, viola­ted or broken.

And if in the aforesaid Hauens, Cities, or places, any goods be laden, shipped, or carred, which being found, we will and ordaine them to be ceazed & [...] without common course or [...] which shall bee found to haue bene to laden togither with the shippes, waggons, Carts, and horses, to be confiscated, the one third part to the vse of the accuser, be he an officer, or o­therwise in seruice of the land or no, and the other two third [Page 6] parts, to the vse of the common causes, wherout the officer who shall follow the matter in law shall be contented. Ordai­ning moreouer, that the proprietaries, or owners of the said goods, as also maisters of the said ships, waine men, or carmen, in whose ships, or vpon whose waines or carts they shall be found to be laden in the forbidden Hauens, Citties, and places, to be apprehended, and stayed vntill such time as they shall haue paide and accomplished al such further pen­nalties and corrections, wherein according to the nature of their trespasse (by the arbitrements of the iudge) they shall be condemned, which may not be lesse (for so much as tou­cheth the Merchants) then a thousand pounds. And for each of the Shippers or maisters of Ships, fiue hundreth pounds of fortie pence in the pound. And to the end that the foresaid orders may the better be followed, and all fraudes punished: We meane that within a yeare after the aforesaide trespasse, all such which shall bee found to haue violated or broken the same, it shall and may be lawfull, by all officers of the saide lands, and before competent Iudges, to arrest and condemne them for the valew of the said goods and shippes, waggons, carts, and horses, togither with the aboue named penalties and corrections. The sentence whereof by prouision shall be executed, all appellations & prouocations notwithstanding. And if any in the aforesaid vnited Prouinces desired to ship or lade any goods, to transport the same to the neighbour countries or friends: the same shall not bee permitted vnto him, vnlesse he haue leaue and license thereto from vs, the said Lord Admirall generall, or from those which therevnto by vs shall be appointed, and that by the shippes which shall lade the same, sufficient sureties shall be set for the valew of their shippes, that the saide laden goods shall not be carried to any other place but to the hauens, citties, and places of our said friends and allies, and that within a certaine pre­fixed reasonable time named in their pasports, according to the distance of the hauen, to yeeld sufficient certification and proofe thereof; or else their bond shall be executed vppon the [Page 7] sureties, for the aforesaid valew, to the vse of the common causes. And further, we charge all Admirals, Vice Admirals Captaines, and Commissioners for sea. All Chieftaines, Generals of horses, Captaines, and officers of men of war by land, to take sharpe regarde, that all such of what lande or condition soeuer, as shall haue any goods, wares, or mer­chandizes in their shippes, vpon their waines, Cartes, Hor­ses, or otherwise laden, being bound for the saide realmes, countries and citties, held and occupied by the enemies, may be pursued, ouertaken, and brought backe to the colleges of the Admiraltie, and other iustices aforesaide, to be punished according to the tenor of these presents. And we being resol­ued to kéepe a good and sure order for the defence of the ships of trade and fishing, vsing at sea, against all forraine inuasi­ons & robbings of the enemie, as also against the exorbitant ransomes which the common enemies vse in the pilling and ransoming of the same. We haue therefore forbidden and interdicted, forbid and interdicte by these presents, all inha­bitants of the vnited lands, aswel Merchants Ships, Pilots, as other, vsing trafficke or fishing, at Sea or on the Riuers within the land, or transporting any goods beyond the seas, to take or procure any pasports or safegards of the enemies, in no maner of sort, vpon confiscation of the ships and goods of such as shall be found to haue taken any, with further ar­bitrall correction. Ordaining that the giuers of the said pas­ports, safegardes, or safe conductes of the common enemie, shall bee for example of other, punished by losse of life, and confiscation of theyr goods, as ayders of the enemy. And if in case any of the ships or Pilots be by the enemie taken, and ouer and aboue the order by vs therto established, be ran­somed and endamaged, we will and ordaine that the same vn­reasonable ransomes and damages shall be recouered vp [...]on the Officers, Iustices, and subiects of the vilages of Bra [...]ant, Flaunders, and others, remaining vnder the enem [...] do­minion, besides what they shall pay to the comm [...] or for ransome, charging and authorizing the deputed counse [...] [Page 8] of the States of the respectiue Prouinces, whose subiects a­gainst these our orders shall be by the common enemie by ex­orbitant and vnreasonable ransomes or otherwaies endam­maged, to take notice thereof, and to recouer and remburst them as before, by such proceedings and meanes of executi­on, as in like matter is commonly vsed. And to the ende no man pretend ignorance hereof, we signifie and commaund our beloued, the States, Lieutenants, and appointed Counsailors of the States, and deputed States of the re­spectiue Prouinces of Gelderland, Holland, Zealand, Verecht, Vriesland, Oueryssel, Grooning, and Omlanden, and all other Iustices, and Officers vnto whom it dooth belong: to cause this our will and ordinance to be euery where published and proclaimed, in the places where the publique Proclimations are vsually proclaimed, we charge likewise the Chauncelor, Presidents, and prouinciall Counsailours, Aduocates, Fis­cals, and generall Atturneys: and all other Officers, Iudges and Iustices of the aforesaide Countries, together with all Chéefetaines, Coronels, Admirals, Vice-admirals, Gene­rals of Horses, Captaines, Officers and Commaunders, to follow and ensue these our ordinances, and to cause them to be followed and ensued, procéeding and causing to be procée­ded against the transgressors thereof, without grace, fauour, dissimulation or delaye, as we haue found the same for the Lands welfare to bee most néedfull. Giuen in S. Grauen Haghe, the second of Aprill. 1599.

I. van oldenbarnevelt v. By the order of the aforesaid Lordes the Generall States.
C. Aerssen,

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