A PROCLIMATION, BY THE WHICH IS prohibited in the research of the Pas­sengers Ships betweene France and Eng­land, not to vse any disorder in words nor deedes, neither to vse any bad or slaunderous spee­ches of the Kings Maiestie of Great Britaine, &c. nor his Sub­iects in any manner whatsoeuer.

Translated out of Dutch.

AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for William Fearbrand.

THe generall Estates of the vnited Low-countreys. To all those that shall see these presents or heare them to be read, send greeting and let to wete, or make knowne. Whereas we are informed, that in the research of Passengers ships between France & England by the Ships of Warre, which are in seruice of these Countreys, to the end to know whether in the same there be any Souldiors going towardes the Enemie, or other persons actually of the seruice of the Enemie, many abuses & wrongs are offered by the Ships Com­panie, and others which do abord the said Passen­gers Ships, as beating, thrusting, wronging, and ryfling of the Passengers contrarie to our order, good intention, instruction and all reason. Like­wise that the Ships Company through ignorance, and otherwise in the meane time vpon the Ships, but espectally in the sayd research, doe speake hardly of the Kings Maiestie of Great Britaine &c. From whom the vnited Prouinces, and the Inhabitants of the same, many yeeres haue enioyed, and as yet doe enioy many Royall fauors and pleasures; vn­der pretence that his Maiestie hath made Peace with the King of Spaine: notwithstanding his Maiestie by reason thereof, hath not changed, alte­red, nor diminished his affections towards these Countteys in the least point, wherein they doe not onely wronge his Maiestie, but also vs the In­habitants of the vnited Prouinces in generall. For­asmuch as euerie one is holden and bound to ende­uour to requite his Maiesties good affection & great fauors with due thanks, and the same to win and [Page] conserue for these Countreys, and that such misrules and vnlawful research, as also the said bad speeches and abuses might happen to breede a discontent­ment between his Maiestie and his Subiects with the Inhabitants of the vnited Prouinces, to the preiudice of the welfare of these Countreys, wherein it is needfull by times by all meanes to foresee. Therefore haue we expresly forbidden and prohi­bited, doe forbid and prohibite by these presents all and singul [...]e of what condition or qualitie they be, and namely the Commanders shippe, Captaines, shippe Officers, and Mariners of the ships of war of our Fleete, which doe lye in waight in the nar­row Seas and vpon the coasts of Flaunders, and all others which shall be commaunded for the re­search of the sayd Passengers ships between Eng­land and Fraunce, not to vse any disorder or vnlaw­full meanes by words or deeds, but to doe the same with all discretion without beating, thrusting, wronging, or ryfling any one. And further we doe forbid all the Inhabitants of the vnited Prouinces and others frequenting the same: as also al those as are in our seruice by water or by land, not to vse any bad or iniurious speeches of the Kings most excel­lent Maiestie of Great Britaine, &c. nor of his sub­iects in any manner of wise, nor to slaunder nor im­pute them with any calumnious speeches, vnder a­ny pretence whatsoeuer, vpon paine to be punished, (as disturbers of the Common welfare) in bodie and goods, without contradiction or delay. Prouided alwayes, that we doe not herewith exempt those of what Nation or condition soeuer they be, which shalbe found by the sayd research in y e Passengers [Page 3] Ships going to the seruice of the King of Spaine, or of the Arch-Dukes, nor those which shalbe found to be in their seruice, but our expresse intention and commission is, that such shalbe dealt withall and v­sed according to the order to that effect giuen in the Fleete. And to the end no man doe pretend to be ignorant of these presents, we doe ordaine and giue commission to our welbeloued the Estates, Gouer­nors, and committed counsell of the seuerall Pro­uinces of Gelderland, and Countie of Sutfen, Holland and Westfreesland, Sealand and Wretcht, Freesland, Ouerissell, the Towne of Greenighen, and places adioyning, and all others Iustices, Officers, and Ministers being thereunto required, to make knowne, proclayme and publish this our order in all places, where it is vsuall to publish & proclayme, charging also the Gouernors, Presidents, and pro­vinciall Counsell: likewise the Colledges of the Admiraltie, the Fiscalladuocats, and also the gene­rall Atturneys, and all other Officers, Iudges, and Iustices of the sayd Countreys, and likewise the Admiral, Vice-Admirals, Chiefetaines, Collonels, Commaunders, Captaines, and Officers to accom­plish, and cause to be accomplished this our order, and to proceed, & cause to be proceeded against these which shall doe any thing to the contrarie, without any fauour, grace, dissembling, or forbearance, for such is our expresse meaning.

And was subscribed in Eluckema VI.
Vnder is written by order of the sayd Lords the generall Estates subscribed. G. Aerssen.

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